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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1886)
IS TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT mux ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITES& NUTTING. Wp e" " BUSI UaaOfrrM K.-lB DfMrrl Balldlafto Braaiialeia Street. TERMS Or BUBSCRIPTIOX agls oop?, par yow, In adanc....... $2 AO irfi epv, par aar. at ad ol y ar 8 00 I iitfla oopy, tlx Months IN Inirl copy, tlre months ft) nl numhtr .. 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. 8TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE OoarU of this Stele. Will give speolsl attention to collections and probate matter. Office In Foater's uew brlok. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public ilbany. Oregaa. Oltloa npatalra, over John Briggs store, M street. VMnZStf J. K. WEATHERFO&J), (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, 0. tsTH.L PRACTU'K IX ALL THE COURTS OF TO t SUU 8,iLlt.nti... given to rollwrtlona anil ronta nastier. in OJ.I Kell.Wg Ttmpla. 14:1 f. o. rowti, w. n. mltbu POWELL & BILYEU, vTTOHVKYS AT LAW. And Solicitors tit Chanrerv. .i-ft4WY. ... oki:i;ok. Collect Ions promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. sfOfflco (n Foster's Hrit-k.-tW vHnlOtf J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Publico ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of i his state. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON A C0M IMl 1JUINT. Aooks, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Iurgi'Stook and Low Prtoea. CITY STORE, tjrl 4 LB 4 NY, BECW. F08HAY & MASON, LB ASS KSTAttr Druggists and Booksellers, A izents for John B. Aldan's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postsgesdded. ALB AM T, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( bare the beat stock of urn it are In the city aod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE n the citv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come end see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS PACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House i nrun sir.1 aad Ul.wurth Albaay, Brca- ueller A Garrett, Prop'rs Thla now HoUlia fitted up In firatclMi etyio. Tables mppiied with the beat the market affords. Spring tkdi In every Room. A good Sample Room for Om en sreiej Traveler.. crvrt f'aach u and frnm th Hotel. "Y4 ALBANY COLLEGIA IE U18TITUTB NINETEENTH YEAR. ALB41Y, OR. The First Term will commence on To-day, Sept., 15th. 1885. Tor particular concerning the course, of study and be price of tuition, apply to BKV. J. V. WKhorr, Pre.i4ea(. Aloany Bath Mouse. rag UNDKttSiyNBD WOULD RESPECT fslly afonn ,be eitfoont of Albany and t! iViitythat I hsyeieksDobargsofthia Eatablish aiat,snil,by kssping olssn rooms and psyia itrlottUotlon to baiisss., expeeta to salt si thois who msy fsTor as with their pstronsgs Hiring heretofore osrried on nothing but Flrst-Olass Hair Dresaine Saloons etpectt to give satire ustief action to al jtBCbldtsa ssd Ladlsi' Hfcir neatly s b.Tipnoe'l lOft WWjTlRER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlfjo-cor. First snd Ferry Streets, ABANY - OREGON. 0. O ORK4RT. c.b.p:t ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Snooeaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS N4DE ON KIIOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufao ture the Improved Cherry A White Grain Borjirator N. J, HENTON. Notary Public anil Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, DR Kepre set ts several of the best Fire In tura nceCoinpanles on the Coast. Call c a 1 im for roll able insurance. VOL. XXI. Cnr Do!n"'1'K, rorraiii.rKiimv Wl tMUlB A. TOimH OSV, KAtTilt S. SD. Red Star TWAPKg MARK. (ouGHfuRE .saasoorn ssss from Opiate, JftMsfiw eats Jtifasia. SAFE. 25& SURE. PROMPT. AT hn'qwin Ann t. thi isASxas a. YutiUxa ta.SALTtsoaB.aa. ai Dulua Skin T0RTURE8 1 1 -AND- 1 1 II BLOOD HUIQM, Humiliating Eruptions, (Utility and Burning skin Tortur,-. l,lh.m.N..rr.. .lPec.a of hchintr. Kcl. HtntD v. Ii.h.mi ...j nyilljsll!! injs,a th. BlooS. Skin tad Scalp, with fisi of hslr from Infancy S old M. po.Ul lv curwd by CulWurs. th. rratt .kin ..i SC. curs 8p. m .siittWl. .kin hMutlCr, iMrnally. smI t utkurs lUsolvsat. tks nee hltu.1 Puriftr In Mrnuuij, COVERED WITH ftOKKM. I hsv saesaflUstssl sine Its tiua oi. . -li- iHmim th. doctors called Keunn Mv tmem m cov.rd with cab Mid man, and th. iwhlnx .txl savsJMwsrssljBssi ueessraeta. Oasts your Cuti rstaasas novates tkTcatienrsssTcattsavs sosi.srMiiT,snd HmoIimi infernally, tor fonr J osll mrsslf cured, In gnultsd. for which I BSSSs thai i-uSli. lU'mwi. Mas. Cla.a a r..n.B, llroad Brock. Toon. SCALP.FACE, E ARM AND NECK. I was BRBaA silk Bcsssts on th. Help. Fie, Kara sod II, which th. dru.i.t. wh.r. I ,t Tour iMMiJiM. pronounced oa. of th. worst (MM that bed ixHu. und.r hk ootios. H. dmu m. to try year Cuttcurs RwsadWs, Md sftw Hvtdsys' UNSt MlpMdpsrtofmyfse. carad. seal T??J?iVT. w oksT. raywirs, sssk. Md pSStefSSJ uri. Hl.Mt St.A, ISO E 4tkf4rwM, .w York. 1T HI NO DIMEAMEB CURED. Catiear.atMdi .t th hmd of Its MM M cm with th. Catlcur. M BMSSBwJi fmil U IKI. t.. th. r. vweses of m Mwrsrtsd form of itch ts womb try. In ssnsisi prwrcd srtlsf.iary. ... yI . L. I nkmtown. Ky. CCTICl RA REMEDIES rawoldbysIl dnunru.. Prlc : Cnticara 50 cmU. .i, ig.WaoB. Mod for How to Cars BEAU"L7cs i.k,Aa. Tilt I. the'.-. Aa A y Mhi sWK gctatica, Sstur Is lei THE SEWING MACHINE the essss of Ulsrfse Fats sad wnksisi BwSBsBB the A nil Pain PUa- SSj MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MiUineiy, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DISEASE. DR. J. B. PILKINCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday J or t noon, following the ist Monday of each month. Will make tbeae visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing scores of the worst foims of above diseases. Refers in Albany to Jas. 8. Cherry cured of blind ness. R A, Rampy, Druggist, and Fred DelYen backer, fsrmer at Harrisburg. con cerning Rectal diseases. A scote ol other names given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart have neck-yokes and single-trees, ironed or nnironed, neck yoke irons, single-tree Irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, sz trees, etc., all for sale heap. J L CASE FLOWS. This famous plow is well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel plows ere well made from the very best materiel and are warranted to do as good work and cour full y as welt as any other plows Peters A St swart are tbe sole sgents T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic- THE CHINESE MUST GO.Three young men -will do xvorh of all hinds, sawing wood, gardening, tie A BrowneWs. Leave orders at Read Executor's Notice. Nutice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed execs tor of the last will snd testament of Elisha Harris, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of said County. All per sons haviosr claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersign' ed within six months from the date hereof at Harrisburg in Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, 1886. J. L. WtOLE, Executor. waSBSBSW tttmolutcly sbssssbs- ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Washington. (rresi our ragular corrsttoftu.ut) Wabhinotok, June 19tb, 1886. Tht convention of Horticulturists, with three hundrorifdalagutes ropro ontlnf very state In the Union, it In session here now ; the long strike ! over end work his been resumed ; a Brazilian Prince has been among us for severs! days ; end Congress, despite the warm weather, is brave ly working and voting and westing time as usual. But these matters sound prosy as compared with the great social event of the week. The official work of the Capital Is charmed with the new mistress of the White House. She wou their hearts et her first reception on Tues day evening, and her reputation as a beautiful, dignified, and chsrmlng hostess is established forever. Ex. presslons of admiration over her beauty were on every lip. The Bus slsn Minister, Baros do Struve, wss beard to declare that he would go back to Europe and tell the people that he had seen tbe handsomest woman in tbe world, the wife of the President of the United States. Mrs. Cleveland was entirely self, possessed, and went through the trying ordeal of being stared at by hundreds of the moet critical people In Washington society without evinc ing nervousness or excitement. Well known society women touched one another and exchanged expressive glances as they recognized the pres ence in the White House of one of the prettiest women ever seen In that poaltion. Tne old msoslon probably never presented a more brilliant spectacle than oo this occsslon. Its Interior wss a bower ot flowers end plants, tropical In their rasgnlflcence. But the Impatient crowd was Indifferent to the decorations, ee well es to tbe fact that a veritable, South American Prince was to be a guest tbst even- log. It wae longing te stare at the white-robed bride, and when she ap peared, leaning on tbe President's erm as they marched to their posi tion in tbe Blue Boom, there wss considerable Ill-concealed curl.-slty, with much impulsive pushing snd craning of necks. The President won his custom ary evening suit of black, and his wife wore her brldel drees of ivory satin, with Its long drswn out trsta of Ave ysrds. She csrrled a fan of white ostrich tips, which she wielJed with energy es the e van log grew warmer, while the President fanned bis drip, ping brow with a largo cambric handkerchief. It wss remarked tbst the President never looked real hep. py at a reception before. The guests Included all who are Identified with the social, political, end omelet life of tbe Capital, but to name them would be an endless task. The prospect of au early "djirn- roent of Congress grows less with eech day, and many member of judgment aesert that the roldd! f August will find them still here. Three wise men of the House of Bepreeentativee exhibit quite a con. trariety of opinions In regard to the receipts and expenditures of the Government for the next fiscal year. Mr. Hisceck, who clsims to have gone over the question with the ut most csre, makes bold to assure the country thsthere'witl be a deficit of over $14,000,000. Mr. Morrison, who has thoroughly familiarized himself with the flnsn. clal situation, state that loatead of there being a deficit, there will be an increased surplus. Mr. Randall, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, who is understood to known everything there Is to know about monetary affairs,steers between the two, snd gives it as his judgment that the revenues and the appropria tions will come out about even. Mr. Randall said, however, that the stsrtling deficiency figures that Mr. Hlc k 1m. I discovered, did not surprise him in tiie least, since the increase this year over last year for pensions was $15,750,000. Still, the new Administration has cut down tbe expanses of tbe Government in ee many different ways that there is hope for an even adjustment. The work ef retrenchment Is pro. grossing rapidly now through the dismissal of Department Clerks. The Treasury hss juct dispensed with forty supernumeraries, and proposes to discharge many more. In con sequence, nil of the Republican re tainers are again panic stricken. The outlook now is Blaineish for the Renublicsn partv in 1 888. He seems a w te be lengthening his cord aod strength ening his a takes as though he expected to live forever and remain among eli gible aod expectant candidates to the last. ALBANY, OREGON, A DOI.RII L BKFI BLH'e" Tht Kvtnin'j PoU Is able to give an interesting glimpse of the true con ditlon of the Republican party of to day la these frank remarks of a He publican politician, now, as for msny years past, an Influential member of tht Republican State Committee in his State, in reply to a question as to the situation and outlook : "Things look pretty discouraging to me. If the election were to take place over again to-morrow lilaiuo would be beaten worse th.n he was before. Many men who voted for him in 1884 because they dreaded the effect of a Democratic victory would vote for Cleveland now, si net they hove found thst the country Isn't ruined and that Cleveland Is making a good President On Lie other hand, we hsven't gained any voer. The trouble Is that the party doesn't seem to represeut anything any more. Take the Republican Sen. ote, and what bao it done beyond passing some absurd Mils, like Mr. Blair's eductions! and pension erhemee, which the country hopes the itouiocretic House will kill I Yes, they did have a "great debate" over tht Issut with tht President, but tney gave away their own case before they got through with It, and every body hss forgotten all about it before this. Take the chief Republican or gan, the New York 7Vi6un,and what Is there In ft except an occasions! bloody-shirt howl which everybody is tired to death of. "How about 1888? Well, every thing teems to he drifting toward Blaine's renomloatlon. The men wbe 'run' caucuses snd elect dele gates ore tst him, and they evidently mean to moke him the candidate again. Beeklee, wo don't seem to have any real leaders in the party fur the men who bellsve in something, and especially for the young men of convictions, to rally around. The Maehine is for Blaine, and unless the other sort of Republicans csn unlit on somebody sImi who represents some positive principle of which, I em sorry to osy, 1 oee no prcrpevt Bl.nloe wilt wlo by sheer force of In. trtia. I set that in New Jereey the Republicans ore trying to make an anti-saloon issue for tht party, and I shad watch tbe experiment with in terest, but I hove not much faith in such o movement, with the Tribune helping through ouch a. rum sellers' job as the 8ho ik-IIsughton deal. As j things took now we aball nominate Blaine again In 1888 and get beaten woree than we were I 1884. It Is not a pleasant prospect for a man like me, who, although be has always admired Blaine personally, dots not wsnt to sat the party ruined i'or any mm." Mrs. Aclieah Whipple of Dunbortoo, K. H., will be a hundred years oU on tbe 24th of this month. Mrs. William H. Vaoderbtlt, with or v "ingest son, tie orgs, will occupy during .Taly snd August tbe college reotfutlv purchased by the latter at Bar Haibor, and kiioar t as the "Devil's Lore villa. Prof. M uton, who testifies that oleomargarine is BOjSttr, rw;'i i ti Senator Plumb in answer to a question that chomio tlly a hog th it died from disease crutd not bo detected from one thst disd a natural death. Then we should say that a ohemical opinion of oleomargatine was of very little value to the general public. Judge Forbes, who has lately died at tbe age of eighty-six, was a highly re apected bachelor. Daniel Webster often consulted with bim on ingal mat ters. His hobby was clocks, of which bo had a larije number When the Northampton Bnk wss robbed he lost more than $300,000 in bonds. Oa be iog told of this faot.lts replied," I don't ears a continental ; they are all regis tered." By his advice tho bank im mediaUl v notified the Treasury Depart ment at Wdnhington, and suffered no loss frotu the theft of its bonds. The inscription oo the hiooss me. morial tsbiet erected mo All-Souls Church, New Vork, to the memory of its former ,entor,tbe Rev. Dr. wallow, reads: 'Honry Whitney Bellows; born in B ston, Jan. 11,1814 ; died in NewYork,Jan. 30, 1882. Forty-three years minister of this church, to which ho gave the name Al!-Souls. A preach er strong, fervent, uplifting ; a coura geous thinker, a persuasive orator. A patriot loving freedom, indignant at wrong, a lifs-long philanthropist; presi dent of the United States Sanitary Commission, 1861-1878. An ardent, generous friend, joyous with the joful, tsndar with the sorrowful. A devout Christian, trusting in G.1, and hoping all things of men." The sculptor is Mr. Augustus Sc. Gaodens, and ibe figure is life-siz and standing. Mr. Farnell is a ptotestsnt nd some ot his strongest eapporters ia Ireland are protostants. FRIDAY, JULY 9, U 0W OLD HM'ftOBY WICST OUT Of rrit K Among many interesting lucldents In the life of "Earthquake Allen," a sobriquet which his powerful voice gained him, was his account of hh visit to Andrew Jackson late on tht night of March 3rd, 1837. Mr.Allen had come to Washington to enter the Senate at noon the next day, when the Presidential term of dsn. Jackson would txplrt. On reaching the White House, Mr. Allen, who was well known to the attendants, was show into the President's bed cham ber. Chelf Justice Taney and Sena tor Foray the, of Georgia, ofier words Minister to Spain and Secretary of State, were already In tht room, and Jackson himstlf, active and to a cor tajt extent restless, so usual,stood In the middle of tht room smoking t short corn cob pipe. He congrotu lated Allen warmly upon his election to tbe Senate, and theo, calling to a young Irishman who acted as bis body servant ond welter, turned to his visitor' and said : "Gentlemen, I think the occasion will wsrrsnt mo in breaking over one of my own rules. Let us drink a little Msdorls." Tht wlnt was brought. Jackson took a small gisss- ful -It was the first liquor he hod been known to touch for severe! months and then, asking his friends to excuse him for a few moments, be finished writing a letter upon which ht wastngaged, sesled, directed it, and, lightiog hie cob pipe agoln.took a whiff or two, aod stood silently watching the fsct of a grest,toll,old fashioned clock which stood in one corner. It woo five minutes before midnight, five minutes before the beginning of the day upon which An. drew Jackson would oeee to be President of the United States. Slow ly the minute hand moved round the dlab The silence In tbe room tie came almoet palnfol. It war broken by the clear, sharp bt!l of the clock striking the last hour of a day which had gone forever. Then Jackson, starting suddenly and I king toward bit frlend,ssld,wltii a qulfk, nervous laugh: "Genttvm !,! am ns longer President of the United Slates, but as good a clt-xeo as any of you.'' Subse. quentty ha expreesed to them a feel ing ef great relief ot the proepeci of escaping from the official cares which hod begun to weigh most heavily upon him, esylng to Allen, among enner tbtatgaof tbt same sort; "1 am very glad to get away from all this excitement aod bother." That day Van Boron wae inaugurated Preaident of tbe United States, end Jackson, ot tbt end of bis second term, left the While House left so poor fiat he was obliged to borrow from bis friends $5,000 with which to rebuild "The Hermitage," his old family mansion, which some time be fore had been burted to the ground. KelLBBAt) eitiSALft One pull of nILcorl atfnt3e "au Ta-u pulla mean "go ahead." Thra puila aigoifjr "back up." One whistle signifies 'down brakes." Two whistles mean "eft" brakeo." Three whistlea signify "back up," Continue! whistles lnlteata''(isnger." era s a a, a sj a . t KsijI'I short v,htMti. "a cattle alarm." A sweeping parting of tbe bands, on a levl with the eyes, sinihts "go snood. " A slowly sweeping meeting of tho hands, over the head, means "back alowly." Downward uiction of tbe hands with extended arm, aignifias "atop." Hckouins motion of one hand in dicates "back " A red fltg waved up the track eitrni lies danger." A red dsg standing by the roadside means "danger abad." A red flag ctrried on a locomotive signifies "an engine following." A red fl'ig raised at a station is the signal to "atop." A lanternjat night raised aod lowered vertically ia the signal to "start." A laotern Bwung at right angles scrofs the track means "stop," A lantern swung in a cirol signiOes "hack the train.-' BEWAKK f violent purgatives. Take Simmona Liver Regulator in small doses until you find just how much will suit your case. It can be taken with perfect safety by the oldest person or the youngest child, ond all those whose systems have becomo debilitated. Mothers may give It to their children with the utmost confidence In its safety and eflQcacy. 'I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satlsrK'.ry and pleasant remedy in ray life as Sim mons Liver Regulator. H. Hoiner, St. Louis, Mo." If there were a way to prohibit pro hibition some politicians wouli bo happier. 1880. SPRING STOCK Now being received by N H Great care has been taken in our selections, both as to quality and nri petitory we know that they are just as fresh and as good, and we will ISotanlth 17wfn11Ua8a Ht rTeaetd- ur toe was purchasedTor Sjjot Cash, and wo propose to sell as Cheap as any house in the State, and Put the Knife to Prices JfoSlSS Sf ne6t Wheat at 60 3nts p3r basbB1, We ha7e ln 8tock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furaishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &C. vStt&SfiSSS Promptly filled and samples sent uponap- N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 6, 1886, r t sieve rat rs Kiosene oil from the KusUu wello at Baku ia now for ole io the cities ef Iodts. KxperifBsnts in tbe watets of Long lalaod Bound bev developed tbe fact that sval vsrieiisa of native spongea of ordioary qoslitv may bo grown there at a pront. The oratig crop of Southern Califor nia ia est iusted at about 500,000 boxes. Tbe crop of Flt ids was estimated, be fore the freese, at 1,800,000 boxes. Tbe ferttgn crop received in tbe Weat rrn His tee is likely to reach 2,000,000 BOSS. Dr. V. Pouistn believes that tbe rea son (feat cow's aoiik an often disagrees wl U cwildreu t to We found in the feet that esns sugar is uevd to is-rttee it. He aaya tbst for thirty -three yesrs he baa ued the sugar of milk with tbe best iiosaibie reeu! te la i he German army, salicylic suet ia now used universally for foot sores, aoree from riding, etc , and ia found much meio satisfactory than the salic ylic powder which was formerly em ployed. The salicylic suit is composed of five parte of pure oat icy lie acid aod ninety-eight parte of th beet mutton suet. A girl from Btfi, M ., had tcsrlet tevar while at boarding schwS. - She recovered and went houx, sod a trunk containing clothing worn while she was ill we put away in tho gairet. Six montha afterwird two little children playing in the garret opened the trunk and took out some of the clothing. In a w-et-k both were taken very aick with scarlet fcver, and on dt-d. N other peraonain the neighborhood were ill. The American Architect gives ths pleasing information that tbe Southern pine seems to be the natural habitation in this country of the cimex isoto Sarins, which is found in immense numbers under the batk of old trees cf that apeoies. If, it adds, the wood contains nstural clefts, the insects and their egga remain in theae after sawing, and are often carried in that way in the seams of large timbers into buildings. Houses standing near living treei of yellow pine are lometimea kept infested with the vermin, which stray in all di. rectiona from their homes. The harmful and fatal re suits attend ing the use of ojugh mixtures contain ing morphia, opium and other poisons, are daily becoming more frequent. It is for this reason that Rel Star Cough Cure haa received the unqualified en dorsement of physicians, nl Boarda of Health everywhere, as a putely vege table compound, entirely frue from all narcotics. Price, twenty-five cents. Please to observe that the President drew hin check for the whole expense of his wedding trip and oj'uro. This President of ours will do io study as an example of tboae upright and homely ways that signify the best type of Amer icau character. Great Britain is already in the full tide of politioal commotion. Tho prog. res, as well aa" the result, of the elec tions will be big with the fate of millions of people, caste domination snd popular libertv. The isseo in the fiht can be briefly summarize into thin proposi t'ton: Shall , the aristocracy rule, cr shall tko people f SO 50 Allen & NOTICE. haTing concludod to close out his business, now offers Ms entire stocfc o STOVES, RANGES, HEATIND AND COOK STOVES together with hie entire stock of TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a gaaaina closing ott. now ij ths tian for hoinwif to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. , FEB. QtH 'Daniel," said the Pieaident sternly, ao he looked up from an unofficial paper be bad found on his d sk. "Yea, aire," responded the Secretary, with toaie trepidation. "What ia this ?" "I, ia a bill, site, for soni art cUa Mrg. C. baa been purchasing." "Um-uui," hesitated the Piasidont, "is it ? WeP, M.0 tbe first thins of the kind i bat Las eyr eome before my notice. " '-, si rr," gall Dtuiel, becausu he had itothit else to say jit tbea. j i. .. uiH nun iook came into ue Presid!!,' ft? ,rtiti,iol his voic was old. "Dothil," ha a ttd, ley inf. the bill down io front of him. "Yes, sire." "Where ia my veto ?" "Youi wife has it, him." "Urn-urn. Daniel, will you be kind enough to fill np a check for the amount ?" And Daniel took the bill. Q iit.ii.-, thnt used to aell for $- and $3 an on -c , ii now offfiwd in a whole sale way at 55 cents per ounce. Fifty million ot p0dt are better off for this reduction ia the pi toe .f a meful drug ; but two or three manufacturing firma, no longer protected, are obliged to do a legitimate huiness a: fair profits. What a howi ilm tariff orgats sent up when qnioine was added to tho free list ! Mis. CteveU.i 1 appeara to have cap tured the social world at Washington completely. The President is certainly a lucky follow nil the time. A Wise Befarss. The habit of administering quinlae in powerful doses, as an antidote to rat latial maladies, was once dangerously oou raon, Happily this practice has undergone a wide reform, Not only the public, but fu-o rofessional men have adoptee", not whol- of course, but largely, uoststters Stomach Bitters as a safe botanic ? ubsti tute for the pernlcions alkaloid, Tl e con sequences of this change are most import ant. Now fever and ague suffere rs are curedformerly their complaints were only for tbe time relieved, er half oared tbe remedy eventually falling to p -educe any appreciable effect, exospt tbe doaes were In crossed . A course of the Hitters, persistent I v followed, breaks up tho worst attacks snd prevents their return, The evidence in favor of thi atsrlinir specific and household medioine ia of no t mbig nous character, but positive and sutisfac- I tory, aud the sources whence it pioeeede are very nuuwruus, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST AUYERTIBIHB MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Special business notices In Local col umns IS cents per line. Regulsr Locsl notices 10 cents pa line, legs! and transient advertisements 01.00 per squsre for tbe first Insert lon.snd ft tOBle per square for each subsequent lnortion, Hates for other advertisements made known on application. Co.. 57 First Street Albaoy, Sjrrws) ef Ft, Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Cg San Francisco, Cel., ia Natures Own True Laxative. This plcssast Cstifaf nia liquid fruit remedy may be bad of Foshsy Mason at fifty cent or one dollar. It is the most pleasant, prompt, and etiectiye remedy known to cleanse the system ; to set on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gent ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headache, colds, and fevers ; to core eonstiptation, indigestion and kindred ills. Waaleel. On subscription, 20 cords of grab oak wood snd 20 cords of big fir, m or ash wood. Lst as hear from thorn who Waal to supply us wood, at once. The Barest or Casshlaaitwsa. True delicacy of flavor with true edieacy of action, has been attained ia ths o California liquid fruit remedy, Synm of Fife. Its pleasant taste a&d beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Fas hay & Mason, wholesale and retail. you are goiag Eist hs sin ealfi Oregon Short Lin . 1 1 m v ttfe. 4 another column. C W Lomler fr t., of Portland, are" duly authorised advertii ng .i : i . ftrtSi Dsvo caax for that city. THE LIGHT CO" a 0 SEWING k .4 S 2 v. awl HAS NO EOUAL. -i PERFECTS Ira Hue Sei IMS C3. ORANGi 30 Union Square, N, Y, Atlanta, 0a. Pan?; "FcwT" WILL BROS., Albany and Cervallia, Oregon. As Oa U. W. Members wishingemp'"vrrent aa"iriue Ip. will pleasecall aV Fead & rowuwlt a re and regi star than names. to By Ok d Eft o? Loo so sail "SBB1 " "HUT V r- t