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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1886)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOORAl ISSUED KVKKY FRIDAY 8T1TE8 NUTTING. NirIKMrrilRl Btwrl alldlae Ht oMilMlbln street. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION nlo ff par v. r, In ml "!. Si 50 n-so otrv. per year, at end of year 00 I ngle ny, Mi month IN ftm copy, Hurt months Tl nrle number 10 P tt ) F KSHION A L C A HDH. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE ...... . .r it. s!t.rn win V V VUUIU VII . nui IIIVO peolal attention to colleotlnnii and probate Offloe In Pouter's new brlek. 49tf L. H. MONT AN YE. TTOKNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. I ban jr. Oregon. otne upataira, over John Briggs store, ( Hi Hi rfWd VMDZStr J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY rUBUO.) iTTORNKY AT LAW, 4 LB A 51 T, wBsUMeN. 1 1711. t. PRACTU'R IN ALL THK COURTR OPTRI ' V State. Spookl attention rlrvn to oollecUons and in Odd Fellsw's Temple. fl4.f f. o. fowrll. w. a. aii.TBTj VOWEIjIj BIXYRU, kTTORNEYfl AT T.AW. Ann Nolifitors in t hnnrerv, aI,H4WT. - - ORRfiOM. Oollarrflnns promptly made on all point. oan negotiate on raaaonehie term eaaT'Offle in Fosaer' Brick. Sr vHnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, Utorney And Counsellor At La? AND Votary PnbliCe ALBANY, OREGON, Will practl In all of the Conru of .UNSute All buelneaa Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. nm;(;isTi nooks. 8iatinnre and Toilet Articles, A Lerg Stock and Low Prions. OITY TDHTTQ- BTOEa, lyl tUtXT, BG)X. FOSHAY & MASON, vaotauus km Bjrr&iir Druggists and Booksellers, A sent for John . A Men' publication, which we Mil at publisher' price with postage added. ALBANY, OKKGOlf. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( have the beet stock of urmture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv end the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give 8ATLS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, rnf. Vint ! I'il.wwrth Albany, SrrcvB. u eller & Garrett, Prop'rs rhia new Huts' U fitted np in first din style. Tablee .implied with the best the market affords. Spring P I In every Room. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Traveler. eriiw oar It tm and from tfc Hotel." "aIjBANY 0JLLKG1AIE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBtRf, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. y,3T particnlan concerning the ooaraea of study and tie unce of tuition, apply to K. 4 t. WWCIinrf, Presides!. Aioany Bath Mouse. raB U .DIKSIUNED WOULD RESPECT felly i if or in the ; it item of Albany and tI itaitythat I have:akoD".hargoofthis Establish eut,end,by keeping olean rooms and payis trlottttatioo to butinssi, expects to rait al Hole who may favor us with their patronage - heretofore carried on nothing bat -I Hair Dressing Saloons entire satisf ' Hon to al u J Ladies' Hair neatly en TOW WKPTKR. stTj.L. hill7 cian and Surgeon, ce-oor. First snd Ferry Streets, ANY - - O REQON. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Successor to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT.L completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. P&TTKRSft HIDE OSf SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator N. J. HENTON, Notary Public Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Rcpre eents several of the best Fire In sura noeCompaoies on the Coast. Call c u Litn forreliable iamrance. St flit VOL XX ! CT JACOBS 0I For Pain Cores Rheemsthrm, Nssralfle. mmmi uimm. tiik nuBLta a. tooslsb osHBAiTiseas.a AT bttieniNTft AMD OKAt.BM. fh..iif ,', ftm Opforrs, Xtaeffcs ntad JVfeen. SAFE. 25 SURE. PROMPT. At p.i1. .wis im lu.i TS t MA BUM A. VUUKLSK CO., SJlTlXOSB, SD. I'Hira ! Mm i.i. Skin TORTURES AM' BLOOD humors. HondlUUns; Eruption., luhliu; and Hunting- akin Tortures, IdSBMSBM Buree, and erory eneciee of tuhliir. hcalr. PIbiiiIv i..h.r4t.i -,.... ...... 12 Contain. ua Dimuh i.I ik. hi.i tin. . ui.. with Uwe of hair from Infancy to old ago. are uoitt.' j" j . mi.uii, ine pwHin cur, and Cutl 'U?..8V, an."1,ul" skin baautlSer. .steaaUy. an.1 1 uUoura KesoHsiit. the new BUod I'ur.B r In tSSBBsm COVERED WITH NO RES. 1 hare been afflicted since lass Man4 vita . .ki taw is sn i ir. m- covered with scab, and ..m, and the i'lrhins- and bamlns; were I wort unbearable, fllllnj ,,nr full cure ReOMdWe so blhJr 1 Tl ITl tttj -J.J L. irnr men, . trial, utng t),a Soap externally, and tWIrent InUmallr. aionia. i ,-an nirwtr rtucU, In rraUtu. for wbiah I make this public statcmentl Wmm , Clasa A. Faaosaica. Broad Brook, ('van. SCALP. FACE, EAB AND NECK. Ear. and Nk. which th. dru.t .h-Vl l3 your . pronoo?d s. ot tb. worat cm tU ha.1 o.nie .in.l-r hi. notice. He adrtaea dm to try .wt-uticora Keeaedlee. and after Are days' use my calr-and part of my fee. were ewUrely cured, and I ho, in ...othrr week to bare my oars, neck. ad the other part of my hee cured. : E 4th Slretrl, .Hew Turk. IT II I SC. DItlEAIIEII CURED. ( Utii-ura llati.l. .1 . W Iim.1 t. . : ,,. Is thU the case with the Coticura Mp. Hare had an uuosuallv .to. . .i. .rcvalen. of an arrattcd form of tt. h through some u , ln country. In which the t uticura Ketnetllee proved tattsf.rtory . Uolonfowu.Ky, w" I TICCRA REMEDIES re .old by all druggist. Pries : Caticura SO cwnU. TZi . V, L00'. rottet Pruc and ( bemleal Co., Boston. Send for "How to Cure Sal OisMsssMD. HBAITITUm complexion and akin by tV the CtmcfaJt Suar. THE SEWIXG MACHXE la the cause ol Uterine Pain and weakness) Kor acbinr side and back, kktawv Daina. do, cheat paine. wsskneea and in mation. the Cutlcura Anti Pain Plaa. ter is infaJIlahle. SS MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MillinerVs OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of ETE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DISEASE. DRV J. B. PILKINCTOM. Surgeon Oculist, Ainist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On tbe Tuesday after moon and Wedmtxday forenoon. Jotloutmr the 1st Monday oj rack month. Will mk these visits monthly for one yoartocome. Am curing acort or the worHt foim of above diseases. Refers in Albany to .la. 8. Cherry cured of bl in fi ne. K A. Rampy, DruggiMt. and Fred IVffenbscker, farmer at Harrlsburg. con cerninfr Rectal diseases. A sooie ol other nam given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart have neck-yokes and staple trees, Ironed or unlrooed, neok voke Irons, slngletree Irons, n'b Irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sale bea p. I. CASE PLOW 3. This famous plow is well known in Linn Connty. The chilled and steel plows sr well made from the very beat material snd sre warranted to do as good work snd cour full y as well as any other plows Peter A Wtewart are the sole sgents T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT L.AW -and Notary Public- THR CHINESE MUST GO. Three young men will do work of all kinds, sawing wood, gardening, etc. ieavc oraers ai iieaa dt BrownHts. Executor's Notice. 0 Notice is hereby given that th under siifued has been duly appointed execstor of the la:t will and testament of Elisha Harris, decaed, late of Linn county. Oregon, by the County Court of said Connty. All per sons having claims againat the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersign ed within six months from the date hereof at Harrisburg in Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, 1886. J. L. WtGLE. Executor. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notic Use only best Calapooia timber Pnce and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Red Star TRAD K yt? MARK. e1IURE BBSBSWW., hj.of.lf r Vanliin fr ton. (From our regular corrtspundaitl. ) Waskinotok, June 2"th, 1886. Bridal reoeptloua al th Whit Houaa art thing of tht paat,and the Presidential bridegroom la again de fending the public treasury by vetoing pension bills. In the i want -four vete messages Just aeut to Congress ha vigorously rebukes the legislators for extravagant, ill-considered and bungling legislation. In eonae catee tbe President aaya the propoaed ben eficiaries are manifestly unentitled to Government aid ; In others they do not require much aid ; In others the evidence If insufficient, snd the pas sage of tbe Mils careless. Some the Senators looked surprled when the President Informed them that tkey had passed GOO prlvste pension bills since last December, a record which har not been equalled by any Congress In twenty years. Unexpectedly the House found Itself plunged In a tariff debate of the warmest character on Tuesday las'. The galleries filled up rapidly as the discussion proceeded, and many Sen. aters left the dull routine of their Chamber to hear the battle ol words. There was wesplng and walling and gnashing of leeth among the lie pub- Means over the proposition to ralsai tbe amount of money necessary te pay additional pensions to Union soldiers and sailors by imposing s graduated fax on Incomes. This Is denounced as a scheme to check tbe granting of additional pensions. The new administration has had much to do In the way of settirg the governmental bcuaa In order. The Republicans did not, as la th custom of conscientious, depsrtiug tensnts, leave their place of abode In a condi tion fit for the new comers to Inhabit. And perhap the moat atriklng evi dence of the necessity forth straight ening out of things was furnished by the Navy Department. Its mismanagement hid become proverbial, and despite all the mil lions that had been expended on it, the naval armament was ridiculously ineffective. The party In retirement, which is iftspenslble for this, is now asking sarcastically, "Where Is tbe Navy V The debate on the Naval bill furnished the f.-ie- d of tbe Dol phin another opportunity te defend the record of John Roach. Repre sentative Gaff of W. Vs., who. you ley remember, was lor two months Secretary of the Navy under Hayes, m de on attack upon Secretary Whit ney for rejecting the Dolphin. He ssid be would rather spend an etern ity with John Roach under these circumstances amid the wreck of a lifetime and the deatruction of a for tune, than an hour with the young reformer in hie gilded palace at the other end of tbe Avenue. The Re public ns spplauded this nonsense, and Mr. McAdoo, of N. J., arose to say lht Secretary Whitney ne.l-d no defense. He bad an overwhelm ing popular decision In his favor ; that tbe case was closed and no pas alonate appeal to the sensibilities of 'he people for John Roach could make them forget that the f ids hr.d been demonstrated to be egslnst him and in favor of the present Secretary o tbe Navy. Mr. McAdoo then pro ceeded to dwell upon th necessity of boildieg up a Navy,and declared that If this Congrers failed te take steps n this direction, it would be derelict In its duty to the countr;. There has been much criticism of the delay that has oecured in the construction of th four new ships authorized by the Ust Congress. A dear understanding ot the practical ait nation is probtb'y oil the answer needed to that class ot complaint. When Mr. Whitney took charge of the Navy Department, he took it as he found it. There were defects In its organization, and lack of practical experience in modern shipbuilding crippled the tfftciencv of some of th Boreal! in dp-diner wiili the problems prevent $d by u" new work In hand. A Department which has never built a modern -hip eould not jump at one bound into successful competition with the English and French Admir alty, who were tbe authors and ar chitects of the new system. The Secretary, who Is naturally inclined to the extreme of caution, found himself charged with the con struction of fouf new ship, to cost over three million of dollar. And he Incurred this responsibility at a par ticular point in a transition era, when the problems of type, design, arma ment and equipment were at their mnst crucial stage. Realizing that It would take at least two year to build tbe vessels, and unwilling to commit his administration to plans which the development ef the period might moke absolete before his ships were th. ft arraia r w nhius t.ha loHSt of possible evils. He determined to ALBANY, OREGON, ex haust current knowledge and con. temporary experience before he set tled upon plans which, undsr the lt.w. must receive the seal of a contract. I'KttSONAI. Prof. Henry Hltl Goodell, tbe newly appointed president of the State Agricultural Collage at Amherst was born In Constantinople, Turkey, May 20, 1830. The bill for relieving Fits John Porter from disabilities Imposed on him by court martial for disobeying Gen. Pope's orders during the Re. belltou pissed lh Nstlonul S"n'tie June 25. Judge Divis end Chief Justice Chaee ere the only members of the Supreme Ceurt of the United States who were ever tho. ght to cherish preiddftitlat ambitiou,or te have ever come within h tiling distance of that goal. Prof. Bibcock's testimony In favor of oleomargarine at Washington was not relished by the dairy men and dealers in genuine butler. According to Prof. Bahco"k mnst of tho bogus butler men do en honest business, mae palatable goods and brand them just what they nre. The young Kmperor of China has Just been engaged in selecting three ladles aa brides from among thirty two assembled at his palace. These are collected from all orer Manchuria from certain noble Mtnchu families, and some of them have travelled hundreds and even a thousand miles to Pekin to undergo review. The future empress Is first selected, and then two assistants called the eastern and weetern empresses. This is the ancient custom of the empire since the Maochus becamo its rulers. i .'"ii. Sherman's middle name, "Tecuraseh," he owes to hie father, who had removed toOoloJust before tbe wr of 181'J with the Itrltleh and Indians, and. In spite of Indian dep redations, "seems to have caught a fancy for the great chief of the Shaw, neea." In tne new edition of his life Gen. Bhvrmsoaay- that his fath er had tried fir years to get one of bis sens named "Tecumseh," but tbet he did not succeed until his mother had named a son for esch of her brothers. Then she run nut of nsmes and Judge Shormsn has his wey. If the persons best aqu tinted with the late King Lud wig are to be cred ited, the fairies that gathered about his cra ile favored him with every gift except with the power of feeling and experiencing love. He wss Ice to woman's charms, end remained te the end, in the language of M. Tissot, the handsomest and m ehsste mm of hU ratm." He wss tell and admirably built; his romantic air and the mystery surrounding him, added to the fascination of a crown, brcugbt about many a tentatlve.bur, from sll eccountrt, not one successful, bonne ftrtune. "This strange per sonage," moralizes M. Tissot, "this soul of a child In thn tvxly of a man, tf-.i-.kini,' horn to reign over a nation of (Hteitf and musicians, was not creat ed for en age of soldiers and brutal force. L iuis II. would have been a lovable sovereign In an epoch of minnesingers and dreamy dames of the manor; nowadays he is past un derstandiug , he Is of the stuff that legends, not history, are made ef." not KVtvA rr.o m auk Sjme old specimens ot Rival Baking PoUer that bad been kept on tbe shelf ot a grucsrj store for ten years were recently tested by Professor Sobedler, of New York, for tbe purpose of mess uriog the loss of strength they had un dergone. It was found that although tbe pow ier hsd been exposed to at oiosnbeiic chsogns d irtng all this timo for it wss not in uir tight caio. its loss of raising powder or strsngtb wss less than on per cent, the powder be ing practically as goutl as the day it whs put up. This i-4 a most valuable quality in a bskiug owdr, oiiu which few possess. Most powders if riot used when first made are found to be incllective. If kept even a few wctks they lose their leavening power, btcomo lumpy or caked, sod valuelens. This is particu larly the cass with "bread preparations" or baking powders made from phos phates. This supeiior keipn quality in the "Royal" arises from the extraordicaiy care in its manufacture, and .the scien tific principles employed in its combi nation. Th articles used in its composition-sre thorough1 dried by heat befar being compounded, and are so prepared and ooated as to prevent the action of t'le acid upon the alkali pre maturely, or except under the influence of heat or water necessarily used in cooking or baking. Tbe Royal Bkiug Powder is now used extensively in Australia, A fries, and other low latitudes, where it has been found to be tbe only baking pow der that will withstand tha hot, moist I atmosphere without deterioration. FRIDAY, JULY 1G, TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, BsV3 BDITES ST Tata Woiaci'i Christian Temperaoet Uisi Tbs masting of W. 0.T, U. on July 6th was one of peculiar interest. Tbe devotional exereises- were conducted by Mrs. Townteod the President, and the reading lesson chosen from John U chapter. Tbe eentrsl thought of som fert and encouragement appealed to tbe interest of esch ene present. In tbe absence of tbs Secretary, Miss Mb Irvine, Lillls Rebettson wss called to perform tbe duties of her office, The minutes of the last meeting June 22cd"vere read and 'approved, These minutes were of special interest, con taining the resolutions adopted at tbe resignation of the State President, Mrs. H. K. Hines. As this attesting was the flrst in the third quarter, reports wern presented from the seeeral officers and superintendents. Mrs. fewnsend geve a brief survey of tbe lest three months and from tbeou drew encourage ment for more peisistent snd determin ed efTot in the future. Mrs. Town send has not missed a meeting during these months and urged upon the mem bers of the Union regular snd prompt attendanoe. Miss Irvine's repot t ss Secretary shewed tbsttn addition te tbe six reg ular meeting which have beet held two public programs bare been given. The attendanoe has been fair, nine be ing the least number present at any time. Tbe recruiting officers were but poorly represented. From those who were present we learn that continued and prayerful effort is being put forth in this line ef temperanoe work. The report from Mrs. Blain, aupsr inUnJeat of the Band of Hope, reveals her intention to re-orgsntxs tbst society ae soon as possible. She desires tbat thought should be given to the matter io order tbat tbe beet plans may be adopted and prosecuted for tbe further ance of the temperaaet interests of our children. Mr. John Althotis raid a short report of the Kangtii'io work done by tbe Union. It ia gr4uftng to note tbst every meet ii nt h-iit prefaced with Scripture readiwj, oryer and song. Trly tudd ia our founda.ioa strong. Mv the ujerstiuciure be as firm. Tbe Hygienic departmsut receives tbe attention of Mrs. Dr. K in. It is the plsn of tbe Union to have selected readings on tbe subject of bvgieneat stated tntaty il. Mr. Webb, who hs cherg .." th department of Scientific instruction presen.od. an interesting pprr. She has sent f jrand received certain books sdpted to children sod grown people with a view to introducing them into tbe temperance work here. Mrs. Brown acts in tbe double ca pacity of editress and Supt. of yeng womcu'a work. The report concerning the latter shows that the V. W. C. T U., while suffering somewhat io regu lar attendance, yet present an eneour sfiin aspect. Great interest exist smong the sctive memoership and much hope is indulged in as tc tbe coming winter's work. Tbe nex. meeting of the Union is announced as a Tempersnce Conference meeting to be held on July 20th. Tbe at ten tion of all ladies ia earnestly di rects d to this meeting. We hope for s full attendance. Some informal dis cussion as to the distribution of tem peranoe literature ooocluded the meet ing. Mrs. R- W. Robertson was appoint ed to conduct the devotional exercises of the next meeting. A New Hsmpfhtre cories;x i dsnt, seeing it stated in a paper recently that in 1S2G there was not in ail New Kug lasd a nursery for the sale of fruit trees, writes as follows : "Robert Wilson of Londonderry, now Darry, N. H-, had a nursery for the sale of frnit tre8 some years previous to 1826. I am acquainted with an individual who went from Lowell in the Spring of 1824 to the WiUon nursery and purohaseti a variety of fruit trees suf ficient to sfeck shout three-fourths of an acre of land. It wss slso quite common for people in tha vicinity of Boston, eai Her than that period, to visit the Wilson nursery snd to secure fruit trees." Bsojsmin Leasing wss the aethoiity ot tbat paper for the statement made. NOTHING LIKE IT. No medicine haa ever been known so effectual io the oure of all thoss dis eases arising from an impure condition of the blood as Saovill's Sarsaparills, or Blood and Liver Syrup, the universal remedy for the cure of scrofula, white swelling", rheumatism, pimples, blotch es, eruptions, venernal son, sod dis eases, consumption, groitro, Uji!, oau cers, and ail kindfad . disease. There pi no better means of securing a beau tiful complexion than by using Scovill's Sarsaparilla, or Blood and Livor Syrup which cleanses the blood aud gives periaaent beauty to the skin. Beraocr 1886. SPRING STOCK Now being received by N H Great care has been taken in our selections KofVi rto1u . . and,wMle we do not. claim that oGJ?&$& 2? J? oes ana.wmie we ao not. claim that our Goods are mwhai-TC-l " y petitory we know that they are MusT as Xshand L Ur guarantee every article jusas 1, Spot Oash, andwo propose to self as Cheap as any houslin tKtatlnd Put the Knife t o Prices Ffull1 line Deet Wheat at 60 9nts p3r bush81- We hav stock Diy GOODS, Gent's Furmshing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. &C. Orders from a distance will be nromntlw fliiri an? plication Pol 133 taken. prompwy nuea and samples sent uponap- ALBANY, ORBUON, MARCH 6, 1886, crsuwe rs A tout of 19,040,000 gallons of milk was ri 1 ia Catcego Ian rear, for about $2,500,000. 0 iking was a recognised profession in Home 170 B. C, and a few years afterward some Greeks migrated to tbat city, obtained Sicil pitvileges, end subset) tent ly a monojKjly of tbe trade, lu Eoglsnd it is probable tbat tbe ear Heat profession! bakers were tbe monks. A Norwegian writer haa made some remark. hi atateoienu concerning the jumi ing of herring out of the water when frightened. H-s affirms tbat be ba observed whole sboels of this fish, in their anxiety to escape from pursuing wb!, piled up above the surface ef th e to a height of frem three to six feet, an I on one occs-in about fifteen jett. French amentias ere Utecueaing tbe peculiarities of ttaabstta's brain, wbieb weighed only 1161 gramme, while Cromwell's weighed 200 U grammes, tod Cuvier's 1829 grammes. Tbe distin guishing feature of Gambetta' train was tbat it was particularly well devel oped in that portion of its atrueture where most undersized brains are found te be defective, that is, i tbe third frontal circ u involution. The folds io this portion of it exhibited uncommon richness and variety of complication. At ih time when s many lives were lost by tbe 6 re in Park How, New York, Gen. Meigs suggested the use on such oooesiona of an ordinary now and arrow a . a a ft to lb row a line, under sucn circum- atsnce, wUhin reaoh of the imperilled inmates of a building. Tbi ban tesult ed in so inveuiiott by M W. A. Urt ielt of an air gun, wlucli wim inrow a heavy Hoe with grapple I oaks accurals- iy at tbe ot aimed a', and t height of 150feu It weighs tea ihtn 100 pounds, and wiil beoomu a part of the apparatus of every New York book and ladder company. It will also be used smashing heavy plate glass in upper stoiie, dislodging iron sn utters, snd in quickly raising hose snd ldders,regard leas of obstructions, to a grHt height. A curious application of the magnet is described iu a French journal, the subject of it being a clock recently pat ented in Franc. In appearance the dock consists of a tambourine, on the parchment head of which is painted a circle of flowers corresponding t the hour aigns of ordinary dials. On sx ateination, two bees, am Ure and the other small, are discovered crawling among the flowers. The sni ill bee runs rapidly from one to the rt It -r, complet ing the circle ia an hour ; while the large one takes twelve hours to finish the circuit. The parchment membrane ia unbroken, aud the beea are simply laid upon it ; but two magnetssounect ed with the dock work inside the tam bourine. move just ender the memmane, and the inseots.wbioh are of iron,lolIow them. A device has been Invented by which electricity is raadj to record the weights Indicated upon scales or steelyards, the application being es pecially designed for the weighing of freight carj while in motion. It Is ssid that witb this device properly applied to the scales an accurate ac count can be kept of the weight of every car passing ever them, even at full speed. (it SO 51 Allen & N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. having concluded to close out Ms business, now offers his entire stock o STOVES, RANGES, HEATIND AND COOK STOVES together with Ms entire stock of TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a geiiina cioiio? oit, h tin tion for house wif to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, sPISH. Ott WM HIMI Al. Tho largest locomotive In the world Is ssid to be the Decspo, built last yesr by the Bddwin Locomotite Works, ia Phiisdolphia- It weighs 144,000 pounds. Rubber rollers may be turned by an emery wheel. A circular saw also give good results, and printing presa Ink rollers may be nicely trued up with a fine-toothed, well -breasted circular saw. Experiments bave for some yrars j been carried out in Italy to ded some thing that would resist forged steel prijectlles discharged from a hundred-ton gun. At a Um trial a chilled cast-iron piste four feet thick successfully nrcompll-hed tbe pur pose. P.iper roof for buildings erenow made, wnich are said to be superior to anything heretofore used. They are mtde fire proof, nd it is believed they wiil last almost indefinitely. The new plan of importing woollen a 4 . a a . SL yarns ana unnnisneu goouf, to oe manufactured and finished here, has already thrown 1000 OlneyvilleR. I., people out of work, and the number will be swelled to 3000 if something Is not done. Toe labor of England snd Germany and the present tariff rates permit undyed and unieoured goods H be brought to the mill doors from Europe cheaper than the? cm be made here. The absence of blood in the liver ,as the supposed property of a coward, originated, says Dr. Bucknill, in tbs old theorv cf the circu'ation of the blood. A Wte Keferra, The habit of administering quinine In powerful doses, as an antidote to malar Ul maladies, was once dangerously common, Happily this practice has undergone a wide reform. Not only the public, but professional men bavo adoptee, not whol ly, of course, bat largely. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters as a safe botanic substi tute for the perntcions alkaloid, Tbe con sequences of this change are most import ant. Now fever and ague sufferers are cured formerly their complaints were only for the time relieved, er half cured the remedy eventually falling to produce any appreciable effect, except the doe wer increased. A course of tbe Bitters, persistently followed, breaks up tbe worst attacks and prevents their return, Tbe evidence In favor of this sterling specific and household medicine is of no ambig uous character, but positive and stlsfao tory, and the sources whence it proceeds are very numerous, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BIST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE YALLIY Special buslnoss notices In Local col UDI? 10 cents per line. Regular Local notices 19 cent per line, For legal and transient advert!smt si.OO per sqosre for tbe first iuerl1on7and Insertion r ',ar toT h beqnen$ Rate for other advertisements made known on appliostlon. Co.. 57 First Street Albany, tp Syrae ef Pica, M ami factored only by the California Fif Syrup Co., San Francisco, CaL, is Nature Own True Laxative. Taia pleasant Califor nia liquid frnit remedy may be bad of Foe hay at Mason at fifty cents or on dollar. It is tbe most pleasant, prompt, and efiectiye remedy known to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gent ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headaches, coles, and fevers ; io core constiptatien, indigestion and kindred ills. - - - - a si Want. Oa subscription, 20 cords of grab eak wood and 20 cords of big fir, maple or ash wood. Let ns hear frem those who want to sapply us wood, at once. The Bare! r Casablnatt. True delicacy of flavor witb true efficacy of action, has bean attained in the im of California liquid frnit remedy, Syren of Figs, Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have -rendered it immensely popular For salefby Fos hay & Mason, wholesale and retail. " ' a If yon are Being East be an re and ge via Oregon Short Line. It is tbe best. See adv m another column. 0 W Lcmler t- CK. of Portland, are rlulv authorized tdvertUmg agj.i;i f r ti Da0 crat for that city. mm LIGHT iimUHU 2 SEWING MACHINE! HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECTS A TSFACTIOM New Heme Seiiif Machine Co. ORANGE, MASS. 30 Union Square, N, Yt COgOiUi. El. Louis, Mo. Atlanta, Ga. Dallas, Tec S:n frusta, Cal. row sail. " WILL BROS., Allwov and Cervallis, Oreton. A,:0 U, Wa Members wishing emplonsnt or r'esirbjy lp, will pleaseoall at Rd S BnKWtKmn io re and regi ater their names. sto By Ordejio? Ixtoex i