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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1886)
lite gcuwcat. FRIDAY JULY 9, 1886 Continned from offomtt f9gt TUB SUA WEBS' MIKOKK TBIAL. UORO llVKfURKY. Testified m follows : The 1 attar eignsd "J Blankbead" 4nd Mother wu offered in evidence before tha Coroner's Jury an snade a Dart of mv reoort. I do not know what m w m w became of thorn. BUD JOHNSON Ki r v I I 1 I told Campbell Mattie AJliaon wm a don goroua girl and ho said ha might got killed Tha contents of tha "J Blaakhead" lattar wm on invitation to Mattie to meat him (Charlie, ) No place for meeting was named. Ho aim pi j aaiJ ha wanted to gat acquainted. Did not notioe particularly what waa in the letter. (Several other letter were offered iu evidence.) Do not know whether Campbell at work at the court houae that day or Til SO DORK AX PERSON. Waa acquainted with Campbell in hia life time about 4 or 5 year. Talked with him on the evenin? of Not. 4th, He wanted to b irrow my hat. Said he wanted to go out aid see somebody. Did not say anything to me about his having slept with Mattie Al lison. He had a falsa mustache at the time I talked with him. matt ik j. auikoN Testified aa follow: Wa acquainted With Charlie Campbell. Got acquainted with him in 1SS3. About tha first of No vember last I received a letter signed "J BlaukheaeV' which I believed wa from Charlie. I answered them. Wo were en Mod to bo married in Deo. 18S3, and the engagement was broken in the spring of 1884. I broke it because he broke bis promise to me that he would quit drinking. The en gagement waa renewed in the latter part of 1884 and broken off again in Juno, 1885. Ho then began talking about me and showing my letters around and then 1 broke the en gagamont again. We did not apeak after that until the time I went to Eugene last July. I went there to get rid of him for he had threatened to kill me. After I had been there about 12 days he came up there. He os me to D R Lakin'a where I wa stopping and told me he had had a row with hi "old man" and that be was going to Ashland. 1 to'.d him I would neyer have anything more to do with him. He annoyed me with hi visits up tnere and watched me on the streets to walk with me. He came into my millin ery store in 1883 determined to make me marry him. He wa drank. I wa at my desk. He could hardly stand np be wa so drank. He drew a pistol and said be had a mind "to paralyze me right there." He had before threatened to aid me. He said I had sent him to hell. I aaw him every day for about ton day after I broke the engagement Ho came to my shop a often a throe time a day when he waa drank, and swore at and wood me all the time. I told him that after ho bad talked so much about me I would never marry him. He said he would talk about me until I had not a friend left iu Al bany. He said he would follow me anywhere and that I should never have another happy moment I told him he moat not come to my shop. Ho said he had given np ever marryiag me. He said w oould not live happy together. I reoeived several anony naona scandalous letters which I believe were fro a him. I burned them up. They were in sulting and abusive. The Last letter I re ceived prior to Nov. 4th was in September about the time of the play of the "Hidden Hand" here in Albany. The letter signed "J filankhoad ' came through the Albany post eta. Is ran something like this i That bo waaa stranger in town and wanted to form my acquaintance, that I could do him a great favor that won id cost me but little, bat would afford Lim much pleasure. I did not know what to do about it. Teld Harry Putnam that I knew it wa from Campbell I enclosed the letter to Capt Saunders, Told him to come down. The same day Capt Saunders came down and asked me if I atUi feared trouble from the aame source. This wa at oar houae. Tne next morniug we talked the matter over and decided the Lest thing to d was to see Campbell. I told Saunders I thought "Ibid" Johnson wrote the letter and that Campbell would meet me. I answered the "J BUnkhead" letter and told him 1 would meet him in front of the Eogine Hons. I received a reply tolling me to meet him at the Court Houae. Oa tho aame afternoon we were aitting at tha table at my mother's when Capt Sauuders told my mother about our pian to meet Campbell. Ma did not want me to go for ahe waa afraid Campbell would kill me. In the evening after supper I went to my store. I left my store at half past 7 o'clock and saw no one as I passed the Kogine Houae. I went on towards tho Court Houae. There waa no arrangement lor Saun der to meat us anywhere. About half way between Mansfield s and the Court House I met Campbell in disguise and passed him without speaking. I went on and passed the Court Heta on the north or front aide until I got to the corner aud then turned back and walked overly to the other corner when I met Campbell and aaid "good eveuing," and he answered in a squeaky, disguised voice We walked along towards Mr Mason's resi dence. He asid "Bud" Johnson wrote the letters. He accused me of writing insulting letteis to him, but I did not. Ho said be would now get even on me. I teld him I tbojght be wa far ahead. I told him ha was doing all lie could against me. I told him if ho had acted right I would have married him. He aaid if he could not marry me, he would rain me and that he would begia that night. We went on to Mason's corner where we met Capt Sauniers. There was no un do -standing about Capt Saunders and Camp twa'l mi.tliin U.n.Ln U . ,1 ..1.1 . . right home . I did not tea Capt Saunders an. til he wa right upon or. He came op in front of u. I wa a little in front. Sounder asked Campbell what he meant by writing those insulting letters to Mattie. Campbell aid, "it u none of voir da business." "You son of a b h, I will kill you. " Saun. der aaid it wa his business and must be stopped. Campbell then stepped back and put his right hand bask and Saunders fired. Campbell asked if this all came of me, and then I suppose I said it did, not that I want ed anything of the kind. Campbell asked if I oould forgive him for all the wrong he had done me. When Saunders fired I put my hand on his arm and I think the pistol fell. Campbell said he would die. Saundera said, "oh my Qod, don't say that." Campbell said ha was ahot in the bowels and in the leg. I started for a doctor and rret Dr Maaton. A wo came up I lie .r I Standee say it wa ac cidental. When they first met at the place of killing Saundera aaked Campbell about the letters and Campbell called him a d n s n of a b h and said he would kill him. I felt satisfied when I went out I would mee Campbell. After the shooting I told them to take Campbell to our house, bnt when we got there mother said, "they mutt not bring that man here, it will Rill me." Cross examination. - IUyo often walked out in town with Campbell. ponded with him under fictitious names. My engagement with Charley was finally broken off in 1893. Ho threatened often to take mv life. Ho drew his pistol on me In my shop. Campbell did not talk very load in my shop. He did not oomo in atter dark. t engagement was not ml. Promised to marry him just to keep him away from our house. Never told Mrs Mansfield the next day after the shooting that bar words had come true, that they had ended in sorrow, or that I would rather have done it with my own hand than to havo called in a third party to do it. Did not raise my yoioe on the walk from court houas to Mason's until Campbell said he would begin to ruin me that night. Did not aay anythiug to Camp bell about hia being in disguise. 1 may havo aaid when I nasaod McAllister's gate : "I have changed my mind." Redirect. Do not think the writer at the inquest could have written all 1 said. 1 wa not uarticular to see that all wa written down, Mr Nutting wa tha writer. My sis ex ter and Saunders wero then promised to be married. I had tha writer to make two cor roctions. Mr Whitney, Hilyeu and Black burn wco my-Attorneys at that time. Mil. LARK I KM, Koside in Eugene. Havo resided there 30 year. I am aunt to Mattie. She (Msttie) came on a viait in June aud stayed 3 weeks. Mattie told me about her trouble with Camp bell. Told her Campbell would not come there. Mattie waa there 10 or 12 days when Campbell came up. He called on Mattie. Mattie said she would not see him and asked ire to go to tha door and tell him that ahe was not there. He wout off some distance and then came bock. Told Mattie he wanted to see her a minute. She aaid the would have nothing more -to do with him. She stayed three weeka at Eugene and at my house two nights. Do not know how long Campbell waa there that time. Never had heard of Saunders at that time. Mattie said she came np there to get rid of Campbell. AL. CWKRT. Reside in Albany. Resided in Juno ia 188ft. Knew CampUll in Jane, 188ft. Loan mA t'unnbell a nistol ia June, l&So. Ha borrowed it to defend himself against a log ger. rut Mi BAKER. Reside 5 miles this tide of Harrisburg. Was somewhat acquainted with CampbeU. Saw him at Harrisbug iu 188ft. I wm keep ing saloon and Campbell waa there. Camp beU aaid he bad been going with MiM Al lison for fonr years. Said he had been prom iaed to be married to her twice in that time bnt he had changed his mind. Said she wa M good a girl m ho ever uv, Said be be lieved that other parties were helping her and were trying to make a fool of kirn, but he would make them bite tho dust. He said he had tried to get away with her and failed and did uot thiuk anyone could get away with her. HENRY SO! Live ia Harrisburg. Lived there 17 year. Knew Campbell in his life time. In October, 188ft I was ia the Palace Saloon at Harris burg. Said be bsd been promised to be mar ried twice. SU hi sitter bad offered him 1800 to marry Mattie and settle down. Said ho had tried her virtue at several different times but had failed. O. C. BAB KB. Life in Harrisburg. Knew Campbell in bis life time. Saw bim a short time before he waa killed. Think it'waa ia October. Ml. -. SllAWBOX. Reside in Albany. In July last had furn- looms at Mm Allisons mother, seemed al ways afraid o! Charley. The door wm kept locked. When she went oat in town she said she might be ahot. She wm afraid of her Ufa. She did not stay away at night while I was there. MIS XI B ALLISON. Reeide in Albany. Am ecqouut-4 with Mr Saunders; met him first last M.y at a re ception given at Mrs Mansfield' by the W. CTU. Am sister to Mattie. I am engaged to Capt Saunders, Do not remember the date of the contract. Knew Campbell and Mattie were engaged. Ma and mc were much op posed to their marriage. He annoyed Mat tie all the time. She wa continually afraid of him. He prowled about the house at all hoars of the night. He meant to make her life miserable and succeeded beautifully. He me to my school and insisted on talking with roe. I told him I bad no tun : to devote to him bar be insisted and I finally had to give him audience. Hs came to our bouse at 9 o'clock drunk and Wanted to see Mattie She wm away, he said be would shoot hi out of her. Ha followed Mattie to Eugene Campbell told her that he and Mattie Were married at Eugene. Met Capt Saunders the first time in April or My, 1885. Was en gaged to him about tha 7tb of Auguvt at the Bay. I knew at the time of tho engage ment that he had a divorced wife. Never heard Capt Sanndera say anything about the ra itter. I knew be had a wife living. Did a i. .i . , . . now u.-w w.iwer mey ware divorced or not, Neyer inquired about it. Wm a teach er in tbe publio school here at the tune Campbell Was killed. Did not say to Mr Monteith that I knew Saunders had a wife hying but that ha would get a divorce. Campbell Worked on the fence of Mr Blain just before he went to Eugene. I know it was not Frank that w ked on the fence. He Wore and used bad keguage when he came to the school houe I blamed Mattie for associating with Hurley. He came three times and acted badly about our house, peeking and prowling Ground. i) j not know exact date w ten the encasement be tween Charley and Mattie was broken. MRS. fAKItlftll. First mw Campbell in December, J883. They had been going together and w re en rf"w aa s gag mi. t;asspossi wan sou ate to consent to their marriage but I would not because he would get drunk. Told hr ahe could marry Mshe Was old enough but I wjuld never consent Hi got diunk and was arrest! He Mid he loved her but I thought be loved whiskey best. Campbell ssid she should never marry anybody else. He wanted me to give my consent andHaid he had slept with her every night for a year. I knew that wm a lie, Asked him what he wanted with a woman who would do that way. He said he had lied in order to sot me to ennunt Ho .Mid h would kill her before she should marry anyone else. Ho then said he would kill any man that would speak dis respectfully of her. Mattie had received insulting letteis from Campbell. Mattie told Capt Saunders about the way Campbell acted, He said he would see that Campbell did not do ao any more. Read the letter from "J Blankhead." (The witness testified substantially as Mattie about the arrange ments for Mattie and Campbell to meet.) I was sorry about the killing. I did request them not to bring the body of Campbell to my house for I had had trouble tuouch nw with Campbell. Cross examintion. Knew Mattie kept a pistol one time when ('barley was drinking. Reside In lower part of Liun county. lower part of Liuti Knew Campbell in hia life time, Saw him on the 4th of November last in Baokenato's ahnp. I asked him if he was going out mashing. Said yes, that it might be worse than mashing. Saw him with a false mus tache. Thought some of the boys were going to put up a job on him but that he was going to fool them. aflNMtC ALLPON RXUAU.Kn. Think it was Saturday night after retarn KM from tho Hay that 1 had a talk with Monteith. He spoke about my being en nailed to Capt Seuudcrs. Tela him I would marry Capt Saundera if he stayed in the penitentiary forty years, W. W. RAPNPKRN. U ten in Oregon 3 years. Most of the time in Corvallis. Haye been teaching and edit ing newapaper. Edited Benton LaUr 16 month, tiot acquainted with the Allison family about a year ago. Oot acquainted with Minnie first and with Mattie about 4 or ft week prior to the killing of Campbell. Oot acquainted with Mioni at the Bay. Became engaged to hor in August. I cams here at the time of the killing of Campbell at tho in stance of Mattie who wrote me that she wa having trouble with Campbell. I got down late in the evening and saw the family. Asked Mattie if her expecting trouble wa the same old matter. The old matter wm the i rouble she wm having with Campbell. Mattie showed me the "J BUnkhead" letter. The letter stated that the writer wm a stransar and bail a favor to ask of Mattie and that it would not cost her muoh and would very much gratify him. We dtscuseed what wm the beet thing to do. Mattie thought Johnson wrote it. Asked her if she would like to meet the writer. Said h would. I helped her write the answer to the letter, and told the stranger ah would meet him. She got an answer in the afternoon, I bought the cartridge at Wilt' simply because I wanted them. Did not have any thought of trouble when I bought them. Wm in the Valaee Saloon in the afternoon. Played card and may have drank once or twice. 11 1 there and went into Archie I'ruaha's. Went to the mill inery shop jest before sapper and then went to Mr Parrisb' for supper. After suppar came down with Mattie to her shop and then went to the Revere House. Saw her about six o'clock and talked with Mattie about a play in town. Bought laudanum be cause I wm suffering from dysentery. Then want np to Mrs Parriah'a. Found Mattie waa not there. I expected Mattie to meet tbe man and I suppose I would meet her and the anonymous letter writer at Matties house. I got uneasy and wont to meat Mat lie. (Here map wm shown Wituees and be pointed out tbe root be took to meat Mat tie.) I Walked on down the street. It WM getting quite dark When I met Mattie and the young man. They were talking in an ex cited tone. The first word I said wm to ask Mattie what kept her so late. The young man said something, bot I did not under stand what I then asked him if ho wm the man who had been writing insulting Utter to Mu Allison. Haid it wa none my d n business. I told him that it was my bosinese when be placed his umbrella under hi left arm from under his right and threw himself back with hi hand in hi hip pocket or on bis hip packet, and said ha would kill me, when I fired becauM I was sure bo wm go ing to kill me. Miss Allison than caught my arm when my pistol dropped on tbe walk and went off again. I caught Campbell and asusted him to Its down. I asked bim where he waa hurt- Um aaid be wm shot e the bowel and iu the leg. J was under tho greatest excitement I ever Was. He said 1 had shot him twice. I told him tbe second shot wa accidental. 1 said this more than once. Campbell said be was going to die but I told him not to My that. Tbe nest talk 1 bad wm with Dr Maaton. I wm holding Campbell s The Dr a ked who did the shooting. 1 told bim I did Dr saked for the pistol. 1 gave it to him. Campbell then broke out and aeked where Mattie was. He wanted her to forgive him. She said she would. W then started to Miss Allison's with the wounded He complained and aikedtbe Dr to give him something. We car r lei htm to Miss AIIUWl corner. Mr rarrtsh earns) out nod said not to bring bim into her house. They then cahied him to Uurkhau'a. 1 l Leu went tuto Mrs Partial aud comforted her as much as 1 could, sho was h valency. 1 picked up a small revolver 10 the bouse when I thought I beard some one at tbe woodshed. When tbe Sheriff came I gave the t Re volver to Mug Allison. Dr Mastoo or some one asked me it 1 had ever had any row with Campbell. 1 said no . i w , . . , um Doi Know mm. j a? Ked 11 airy PuLnsui to point Cimpbeil out to me -T-l?f a i i m. mm as x utu not Know bim uud aLattte thought J ought to go to see bim. While we were Carrying Campbell I told bim he cuuld not re hit twico as I ahot but ouce. rjuiue tiuio utter I was pm i r. . .... ID jail ue MAH'.OU Was Called iu to see me, but I made uo such statement as the Dr testified to about Campbell be ing shot near the heart. I am in my 30th yeRr. Came from Texas here. Left three years ago. Got my title of Uapt" iu State guaid. Tbreo brothers undertook to kill me ia Texas and iu the melee ono cf tliem was killed. Sup pose I killed him. I generally carry a pistol when l go out, bnt not otherwise. no ism not a center shot. Not a good syeragujehot. Practioed shooting- ns much as a dozen limes while I was at Corvallis. Had the revolver with me when I came down from Corvallis rv e . uon c remember how many cartridges 'IT t . m mm www ..a - i uougut oi Mr will. Carried tbe re ui'oi iu mj psina pucKHi or in my overcoat if I had one. Don't know which stopped nrst when 1 met Mattio and Campbell. Don't know whether I would have recognized Mattie without bearing ner voice or not. I did not have my band on my pistol when I first spoke to Campbell. "I'll shoot your d m d head off" were the words spok en by Campbell last before I shot. Just as I shot I pushed Mattie back for fear she would get hurt. There was no great curiosity evinced there after tbe shoot ing as to bow tbe shooting was done. I don't know that the first shot did not strike Campbell in tbe leg. I was very much excited after tbe shootlns. I did not know where bo vas shot. Dr Mas ton told me often iu the iil wht. hm knew about the matter. Maid that he did not think tbe autopsy was necessary, 1 a. I i TT nt ' II I w ' out uv rim am not nave verv mativ opportunities ot sbowluoff an autopsy and he consented to it. Mutti j never told me that Charley was hard to han dle. Not ceitain whether I tnnlt nv laudanum that night or not. I mav baye bought labdanum or opium there before. We did not appoint the meet ing. Campbell did. Is did not occur to tu that ttw boat wav was for Mattit to mike thi moating at hr mother's house. Tho Inou of moling wa at her mother, house. Her mooting with Campbell wai on the street boo a use he selected the pi .toe himself. The uefense rested, when the fallow ing rebutting evidence was Introduced by the prosecution. Mite. MANSriELD. About six weeks before the killing Mattie said the bad been eogsged to Charley for fun and 1 told her her fun would end in sorrow. On the morn ing after the murder Mattie said to me that your (mv) words have come true. She said she would rather have done the deed with ber own hand than to have oalled in a third party. THOS. MoMTKITlI Had a oonvetsation with Minnie Al lison and she told me that Haunders wife was going to gel a divorce. PR, MABTON KKCAbLCD Wm present at the killing. Camp bell was not in disguise that I observ ed. Did not say anything to Haunders bent Dr. Hill wanting to show off autopsy as testified by bim. J. It. CAMPBILL. Heard Mattie Allison's evidence Mattie came by Weatberford's bouse where I was et work in toe forepart ef July and my son went out and talks about su hour. I met Ubsrlev and M tttie one night near tbe lower so boo house between v and 10 o clock. M. COWAN. Am acquainted with Mattie Allison and was acquainted witb Charley Camp bell. Have seen them Milling ou a bridge in tbe tower part of town at night. That wee about two veais ago. Did not say in Young's store that Ssundert ough to be hung and that I would be one of teu that would do it. MR. COW a. Am acquainted witb Mattie Allison, was acquainted with Campbell. 8a w tbera by tbe lower school boose at night. Never saw them aitting on a bridge. r. r. xtrmxo. Am tbe party who took down the note at the Coroner's inquest. They were read over completely to ber and one or two corrections made at ber sug gestion and t bat of ber Attorney. Mr. Bilyeu and then she signed them. O. II. MTRwAHT. Was well acquainted witb Campbell. He was not io disguise that I kocw of. Do not know whether be bad bis own clothes on or not. This cloned tbe testimony. Tbe esse waa ably argued for the State by J. J. Whitney and L Ftion, and for tbe mm . - eesaa a a s prisoner by J. K. n. Discs burn and John Burnett. Judge Boise charged the jury at length, end tbe jury retired at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. ttatlt. Saturday evening tbe jury after be ing oot six boon brought in a verdict of guilty according to tbe indictment, to -wit : murder in tbe first degree. Sauodsrs look it coot?. Jodge Boise set the time for sentencing the piiaonor for Wednesday at 1 p. m. It bu indefinitely postponed. Monday morning, probably about twe o'clock, Saunders accompanied by Jamison, imprisoned for illegal voting, crawled through a bote ia the rear of tbe corridor, which tbey made by pry ing tbe brick out, having previously sawed several iron bars nearly off, and bad a change of enue on their own account. Tbe ceil door was opeaed nt cutting off a wooden and a lead peg, which Saunders bad substituted lor tbe iron ones during tbe recent ghost manifestations Sheriff Cbsrlton bad sat up all night Saturday nigh', and until 11 o'clock Sunday night when he lay down for a few moments and slept til! morning, lie bad tried to obtain a guard, and bad solicited tbe County Court to furnish one, so be cannot be accused of not having done bis duty The desperate character of the prisoner was folly appreciated. Where Saun ders went is not knswn. He was seen to cross the river witb two otler m?r about 2 o'eiock in tbe morning, one of tbe men returning with the boat. H was also seen 8 miles beyond Lebanon witb another man in a doe cart, near Millers by others and at Spring Hill by enother. Whether be wee seen et all is a matter of speculation. A Beware ef sueee was immediately offered by Sheriff Smith for bis srrest. Saunders is 6 feet 1 inch tall, weighs now about 130, to health 170, is 30 rears eld, has smooth face, could not raise a beard of any account, bilious temperament, dark hair, sharp fice, large nose, important air, peculiar twitch to his mouth, one of his fingers injured, opium habit, sickly looking. A smooth talker. Well dressed when be left here. A disgraceful prize tight between two boys aged 19 and 16 took place at Waterloo last Sunday. Ne roles wore observed, the contestants simply fight ing until tired out. Several witnessed tbe sffair. The Albany Y. W. 0. T. U. bare discontinued meetings for tbe summer. ,-.. mmm Neuralgia and kindred disesses, promptly yield to the immediate aotion ot St. Jacobs Oil, tbe pain-conqueror. Lumber an Peata. Tbe undersigned will sell all kinds of umber and cedar fence posts at the follow ing stations on tbe Narrow Gauge Railroad, Lang's, Lawson and Bailville. Persons build ing hoases or barns ean have bills cut and delivered at any of the above stations on short notioe. Lumber is of tbe very best quality, the logs being brought from the fine timber regions on the McKenzie River. Wm. E. Skcrr. o seek. Oa aooouot of the low nriosof wWt flnnr will be sold at the Maarnolia Mills at 21 10 . sack, or 84.40 a barrel, and will h dlivrt tree to an parts of the city. Wool Wanted. Highest market prioe in cash paid for wool at the store of A, B. Mollwain. S) 1 seed to lean. On from one to three years time, on good security, In sums of $500 up. Call on Clixje, Monteith & Co. I Have Come. I am lierc at the front with a colt which was i year old the 14th day of last Febru ary , whirh weighed at that time 877 pounds. lis stock is one-fourth Pcrcheon,onc-fourth Sluggard, one-eighth Bertram!, one-eighth aul Giant and one-eighth Morgan. I will exhibit him against any colt In the county for all purpose horses. J. M. Marks, . 11 .)' tteet and snees. N. 11. Alleu 4 Co., are now reoeivieg line Hue of boots and shoes, they propose ia the future to make a specialty of this branch of their business, ia addition to a full line of HuuhinKhain & llnoht's make ol boots asd shoes which for durability cannot be ex celled, they have a line of Ksstern goods of all grades including a line of S. 1), Hollars k Co., of Philadelphia, ohildron and miaaos shoes, which are as good as any manufactur ed. They guarantee eyery shoe just as rap reseated. Give them a trial. (laibiai al Mrllwete's. By celling at A. B. Mollwain' you can get your olnthiag at price that will astoo lh you. He be a gooo stoex ami is nouiiu to sell it. We are again handling cheese from tbe noted Hoeooer Butter Factory. Km. A. Hrowmrll. PonTLAWD. Or,, March 2ftth, 1880. Having tried the effects of theconeen trated extract of OreiO KlsJ,0J TSMS we cheerfully beer witness) to its benefi cial agency In affections of the digestive ana, ft la simple, safe end sure ; is y taken, and restores healthy vitality to the organs It Is Intended to operate upon witb assurer! success. 8. J. MoOOKMICK, editor "Catholic Hentlnel." The finest lies of ega at Woodioe window cornice mould Crawfeesl. rarbrr, Albany. Or I have all the negat vee taken by A B. Pax ion and any one can have dupli cate from their negatives by eddrewilug us, et tLe following prices : Card le, 12 tr itnzjin. cabinet le. 3 per doxen. ou- doors, Stl per dosen. I Rmtp tbe nonat Una of orcicun views in tne wean, vaie- loKue rurnianed on application. Copying aud enlarging old picture a specially. J. G. CavawroKi'. at ! seasv Viswei e sf e eww . X. H AJ1.B A Co.. keens e full line of groceries, and they will give yon es much fee your money as you cao get in any store in Oregon. Try them rTsT swJfcia'e One ol i lair No. 18 Fire and Burglar proof safes. Good a new. Inquire 01 John Brush, First St., Albany, Or. ttteeeejlee Cseesw. W. W. Head, drugatet. of Woeheste Ind.. wntea: -one. of my cuausure.." r 1 .nu. Mir. H.rt.,niaiLandolnh Co.. Iltd mmrimmmmm SfSsfsj e - v w . wee a longsufforer with Consumption .and was given up to die by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King's New uaoovry tor Ceaeumptton, and began buy ing It of mm, in mi mtoniba' lime ah walked to tbla ta Aimi ! et mix. mile, and la now so much Improved she nee eoit oalnc h. awe lewis ahe owe ber llto to It.? Free Trial Bottles at Foabay a Mason s wrog .store. AXUmmy Warbet, Oate29 .. Wheat- per bo eta pec lb. 12 coats per deer Beof-oti foot, ZH, V Hay-baled, fie to fli per too. IS to 10, Potatoes tft eta per bushel. Bacons -hams, So ahouldera, OS. sides 6c Lard 10c per lb. Flour UW per bbl. ClhlrSflS ToO per dot. Franetao C, sffti Mill Feed-bran, 1140 per ton. shorts, IS. middlings, 18. Chop, IS. JJONT FORGET IT. If you trr to build now while wnee s only wonh 54 cent yon ahould Of an means go to austere ex newan , a for your hardware. You oan get what you went as tnetr store ana at reaaonaui u DAWS, AXES, Ere Wa trill soli eou the famous Dlaston Champion cross-out sow et e low figure. ai,il 00c give you gooo pnoeo on mum sledges and wedges, Farrgas dt Stewart. PROMPT RELIEFFOR ALL aWim s: li 1 litUI ;Ms Immiritiee In the blood should be ox net led. and tbe system given tone end strength, before toe prostrating oftW-t of warm west ner are leu. me wrrgan Blood Purifier Is a purely vegetaai compound, manufactured by e competent Ahanalat. Persons havlnff sunerea rrom Liver and Kidney complaint, debility scrofulous eruptions, or any other disease caused bv lot oure blood, and been on rod hv uainff this wonderful remedy, invarl ably recommend It to their friend. Try it now. Delays are dangerous I Price si a bottle, or 8 for 5, Sold everywhere Home for the Sick. PORTLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cor. Second and Ah Sireek, PORTLAND ... OKKtOS This Institute Is complete In all Its de partment!, and every effort Is made to give It tbe air, diet, nursing and comforts of e home. Special attention to treatment of Chronic and Constitutional Diseases. Private rooms for patients treated by outside physicians, and persons taking course of Turkish or Eleotrlo Baths or Oxygen Ota. The baths are elegantly fitted up. Physicians visiting Portland are invited to Visit this Institution. THOS. WOOD, Manager Portland General Hospital C J. W. BENTLEY, Tbe reliable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Repairing promptly and wull done. Farm ers should leave ordure for boots before bar vest and settle for them after harvest. Satis faction given. W, A. CIIKURY. JOHN HASSHAW ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine and Mill Builders, Having opened up the old foundry and machine shops formerly owned by A. F, Cherry & Son, and added new and late improved machinery, we are prepared to handle a!! kinds of heavy machinery. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mill machinery, also wood work ing machinery of all kinds, all kinds of iron and brass castings made to order. Repairing of farm machinery a specialty, Patterns of all kinds made on short notioe. The best assortment of patterns in the State. Shops oornsr 1st and Montgomery Sts, ALBANY OREGON. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIKTOR OF- STAR J1AKKKY, Gnmer Broadalliin and First 8tf.f -DKAf.KH IN- C7nnel FrnttM, vane Monte, tta erne ware Vegetable, c 'Is; sure, Molt I'M, Test, Etc., stAMweee, Dried Fruits. Tebaveeo NufrTKr, Coffee, Ktet In fact everything tha. la kopt In a gen era! variety and grocery store. II Ig bent market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. c: ONN BROTHERS' ASH CR0CERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PftODUOK, CANNED GOODS' ETC., ETC. BESIDKS TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS. SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE TO., ETC. PRODUCE Um IN EXOHANBE1 Will sell as cheap Oa any store In Albany BOOTS, AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my Spring snd Satnmer stock of boots end shoes, I have ae nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and a complete a stock aa any this aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy my boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter bow eheep. No firm in Oregon beve eny advantage of mi in buying as 1 boy in quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladies', tniae and children's shoes, I keep much the Urge', bt end great eet verietv in the oitv. Mv aim will elweye be to give as god value f ir the mooey as poeai'oly eon be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Scott's New Gun Store, HBADQTTAETSES FOR SPOMSIEI. o THE LEAOING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable prices, always in stock. Repairing done on abort notice. Willamette Valley nlmrods should never buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, MTOpposlte Revere House, Albany, Or. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturer of CHOICE 00NPE0i:iJ2Yf We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland firioes to dealers, We also keep a full lue ef Nuts and Tropical Fruits, I IV GROCERIES, We keep a full line, always fre&h nud at very low prices. OUR - CIGAR AND T03ACCO department is comptete. We keep- tbe vory finest stock of smoking and chewing tobacco, meerschaum aud brior pipos that ia a delight to smokers, (gTUDEBAKER WAGON. This is the only wagon having a slope houlderod spoke and the steel truss on ach axle, and is the best wagon on heels. For sale by Peter it Stewart, A MMUNITION. A lull supply of the usual of car tridges, brss aud paper shells, prime wads and bar lead. Also the boat pow der. USB I3BHTSUOT TOWN 'i f Tsf SHOES Can bo found at our etore. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 73 feet, while the St. Louis shot sold by ua dnvps 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. PSTKfttt & Stswam. They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. MAIN'S. We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for 0 5 S Men and for Spring trade, better than ever. The patterns are neat and attractive. Q We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, and take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia. comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FIRMSHWti GOODS. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cent Udlaundried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles, These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. 0 Ei 0 5 n it a i 1 ijj 0 AgricidturaliDepot ! DEYOE & ROBSOH, PROPS. Successors to W. H. Goltra. ALBANY, ... OREGON. , KJ5EP ON HAND THRESHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES. BU1LD3N3 MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. STEEL AND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, PANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE WIRE And all Agricultural Implements nsed. -Tba largest and best variety of FARM WAGONS, HACK SAND BUCCIES, In tha otatral Willamette Vallev. OrJera from a dUtaooe Jsolksited and promptly filled at lowest rates. Best's Hand QUTLERY OF ALL KINDS, W keep the best stook of ontlery in tbe valley, Pocket knives and razors a sj. cialty. Don't buy anything in liu without oalliug od us first. this Pbtrrs . Stkwakt. P A I NTS AND OILS. Of all descriptions sold by Peters 4c lew Youths q 1 KM S n 5 9 L. E. BLAIN. Separator. My Improvkd Hakd Skfaratak a double combined inavhiue.poescs e twn dhoea, 0ns tea i of one aa t machine, of other mann'scturers, nine riddles and a Urgv independent cren. Each ahoe is qul in pow er and caimbiiltv to the oba in any other milt, and by the operation of tbe two double efficiency ia secured. Ky 28-inch mill will clean from 400 1 600 bushels ot seed frrain per dy, according to the condition of the grain, and wa guarantee that ail barelv, oats r other f oul seeds will be thoroughly removed with com piete satisfaction. I chJleno an mill to a contest. I know that I can beat them, ss my mill has beaten every mill it has come in contest with, both in Cali fornia and Oregon, and is the best made, bolts heinjr used where crews are used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albany, Orrguu. Jg LACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises,bellows,hammers, sledge stocks and died and alrnestevery tool used by blacksmiths we keep constancy on hand. Also a full stock of iron. of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits fc r farn a use, PlSTESB & SrSWAOT.