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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1886)
I lmrch Olrrtter U. P. Cur Rrn. Preening every Sabbath, I 11 a. u., and 7 r. m. by Rv. i Q. Ir vine, U. L. Habbath School at 9:30 r. M Prayer meeting every Wodnessday ev ening. KvANOiuiiAL Cuuttou. Preaching on Sab Vath at 10,30 a. ml, and 7 r. m. 8ablath Bohool lid Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. 8. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited. Conq rxo ATIONAL Cit V HcH. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 r. H, Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer mooting on Thursday evening of each week. f. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Church, Sopth. Preaching very Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock . m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'olook. F. Id. Culp, Paator. M. K. CHracu South, Tanobmt. Preach iug every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. h. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. Mb F. M. Culp, Paator. M K. CHt acH. Preaching every Sabbath 11 A. si. and 7 r. m. Song service in e evening betoro sermon. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs ay evening. Kov. 11. P. Webb, paator. Pbjwbttkkian Church. Service vary Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalhiu and Filth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 P. m. rrayer meeting every Wednesday evening, llcv. Isaac 11. Condit pastor. First Bathst Cuurch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services, rrayer meeting ery Thursdsy evening at "7:30 o'clock. T 0 Arownaon, paator. IMPORTED CLENALD. JBOBl Winner at the Centennial in 1876. Itn- BJrted Into the United State by Jatuea urrs. He was aired by th great Scotch prise winner Johnny Capp. His dam waa by the justly reuowned (Jienald. Import ed Olenald stands 17 bauds high and weighs 2100 pounds. For stvle no horse of his size can excel him, ulenald is chief of the Clyde. Bone and feel not excelled by any other draft class. Partners abosld bear In mind that fine large horses are In good demand and are always aaleable. SEASON. Albany, Friday and Saturdays. Maj. BrucVs farm, Mondays and Tues days. Oorvallls, Wednesday and Thursdays. Terms, $10, SIS, tau, Care taken to prevent accidents but no responsibility assumed. Good pasture wil be furnished t Corvalli for mares at a distance. Owued by E. Sehieffelln, Ingles, Oregon. J. W. Dckv, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -nVIA-v Oregon & CHlifbrnta R. R, AND CONNECTIONS Tlaue iwo mti ae-bair !. Vsm from l.rt:snd to a Krar.cis. tSS . to Bisnto, aaa Ch- connect t- ns mads si tagss of Um California, Orr.on sad ih Hiss t OUltlY. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) fcaal side Mvtalaa. BEIUEE.1 re)BTi.A A AsBLlXB. Mall Tram. uutb. xaxiva. Portland 70 A s I Albany 1 11:45 a s Albany ISM r s Ahlml. .......... . Ashlsml 9M TH Albsujr Albuy U:U6 r a PurUsud Albany Exprea Train. LSAva aaana .4:15 a S 11: as ..4:tra Porttr,d. Albany. .AM r a ...epwr s . .:..a a s . 10:05 a U ..4.45 AS .i:m a s Albany.... rurtlaast. Albany Pullman Palass sleeping Cars daily between Port- Un.l iul Aahlaiul. Thm o mud C K U Fonrv makes connections with alt the reirulsr trains on lbs East Side Division from foot ot 1- Sireit. West Stele Mvtolsa. BETWEEX PUB TLA N t AXES CBKYAELIS. Mall Train. LKAVS ASaiTS Portland. .:no as ICorrallis .8:50 a S I Portland Express Trmla- ,if OSTTSiliS. .-J:n UUVB. Asaivs. Portland J:00 5:W r s i McMinnviUe 00 r s McMinnrUls -b s:4A A X I PsrUand. M A s Looal SkfcsU tor aale and bacsmce cbeckni at ra iv'i nn-Uivii fll. for. 1 ti keU (or principal poLu in California can only be procured aixi bagajre checked at Company's tsVs, Comer F and WtSm su.. Portland Or, Kreixht wUl not be receiveii for shipment after fle o'clock p. n. os either ta East or West i4a Divisions. X. KOEHLEK, E. P. ROGERS, aasfSKi G. F. Pass Asset. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OP THE BEST COUGH CURE that the world en ssaaBsaA Dr. axesHer's Cosa I Care has equal on Ithe fans of UM Ktol It hallewre the warm lor 11,000 to produce say Jouirh nrsparsuon, now n th uiarkel SS ' . . a. it Jough or Cold. Mntbers take the ad vice of an old pioneer of t7 veara on Us Ceast Don't run tbe nsk A our own nie or jour !inUlren' on sogsx and tr. it has sent thou sands to tbeir long nomen. Von will find more vir ue in one of these small eottlt than In a pint of oonunon cough mixtures. iTIiert; in one thinK very rue. Ml vou don't kill the :.ii:zli t cUili l ure to kill you.' " Heaare nrihe trade ark The srales s the hotlle. WIIOuESALS AOETTH, MKELL, UKITSHi: A WeODtVtKU. Portland, orikjon. SAM MAY. J. G. Sf.Mil.KS MAY & SENDERS. Dtalers in General Merchandise, HARRiSEURC - - OREGON Will bayCriu, Wool and al!kio( m coantry produce. Dissolution Notice, Notice Is hereby given that tbe copart nership heretofore exiatiag between K, F, sbby and W. E. Price, Jr,. bolb of 8cio, Linn rsountv, State of Oregon ia this day diss lved by mutual consent, R, F. Asbby retiring. All liabilities of tbe firm ot Prioe k Ash by are assumed by W. E. Price, Jr., aud all debts due snd owing to tbe said firm are payable te W, E. Pioe, Jr. R. F. Ashut, W, E. Prick, Jr. c'o May 61 b, 1886. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given thst the under siifoed has been duly appointed execs tor of tbe last will and testament of Elish Harris, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of said County. All per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the eme properly verified to the undersign ed within six months from the date hereof at Harrieburg ii Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, 1886 J. L. Wiole, Executor. FD MIITTIUP rent Scottish a SB If U I 1 ItlUl Union Insurance Co., opUl (40,000,000. Insure in an absolutely safe otnpsny A little salt added to lemonade im- IS WORTH ITS I WEIGHT IN GOLD Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNIN0 & CO., FROPR'8. new rnocKvi runn at Ann BAI nit r Vi 1 1 IKA CttH tSK. BEST STORAGE Highest ;Prioe in Cash fo Win ,i ALBANY OR. AMERICAN FARM Kit To all our Subscribers ! All our subscriber who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to date, and one year in ad vance, wili bo presented with one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A sixteen -page Agricultural Magazine, Bubliahed by E. A. K. ila'kit, at Fort ravne. In. liana, ami which is rspidly taking rsnk as one of the IcadinK AgrliMil taral publications of the country. It is devoted exclusively b the Inlertals of tho farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden- r, and their household, and every specie of industry connected with that ureal por tion ot tho people of the world, tbe farm vt. The suoscription jtic n onnummr per year. Farmers can not well got along without It, It puts uew ideas into tlu ir minds, it teaches them how to farm with . a ta ! si a . Eront to luemsoive. it uinne tas bjuiiisj sppy, tbe young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. s AUSACiE MILUM, Wo have a meat cutler that I as much an Improvement over the old lashiomtl saiiHsge mill aa J. 1. Case Agitator Is over a flail. It don't clog an 1 leaves no strings iu th eat. Come an-l seo it. .MIAUN.TY from ANNOYANCE jCsule enlr of H floost and ajncl Uy otUlsuM for tritlmtanUina HaU Every good thing fa Ooontar feitod, and consumers nro CAU TIONED afcralmis JLMITATIQN8 of these Ohlmneye tnaile of VHBY POORGLASa Bee that the exact Jabel la on each chimney aa above. The Pearl Top la always clear and bright Glass. Manufacture ONLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh ld ils Works. yOB SALE BY PEALEB8. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAM FRAN CISCO VIA.JAQU1NA DAILY TKAIXS. Trains Leave C'orvallis DalJy, except Sunuays, at 2 p. m. Trains Leave Yaqoina, Daily, except Sundsys,at 7:10 a.v. The fine A I Ste-amer "YaquiiiaMsail8 rasa TeixA. Toasdsy, Jum SRmJ Tuesday, Ju!y 6tb. Tues!sy, July 2)th. rstjs ': TucmJsy, J Vesssav, J i i . , Jt fuuftlsy, J The Cainpsiiy rterei tho right to cLsngc tsiKny days. Fares snd freight at rcducelsiid twnknte rates. River boats on the Willamette connect si Corr sills Low fares an J rates. Kr further Inforniatloo a Plto . . IM.II. A. G. P. snd 1'. Ajcent, Cervalils. DRT HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I THE HOSH Of THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nsrvons headache curud in throe minutes arid Txiha lie in three seconds For all pains ami ar ' Hmatl hottle. bOcts. ics it has no equal in the world Largo hottle, 1. . F OR SALE, One half block In eastern part of the city with fair house and ham will besold cba: You arc allowed o f h use of Dr. Dye's ' tectrlc Busfnsory A ' rnllef andoemi::nc!'-t. ... of Vitality a in I . '.. Also for manr ot hc tlon to Hcuiih. VI-;. No rislt In Incurred. Illni,ii tnvclojif, mailed free. .-, VOLl'AiG BELT i of the ' wits (pestfy r?,Ioss juhles. scaled Mat'aliaU, Kicb. FARMERS! ATTENTION Uso nly tho California Hand Forged and Hand Finished- SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in the eye. Each needle guaranteed. Price, 50 cents. Ask your dealer for them, or order from the rtanufactarers, WILL 4c i SMi. 816 Market Sts., K. F, m p llpitootaotfl,iss3. ' . S V4 -it ... . - NEROU8 DSBIL ITATHD R3EN. dyspepsia. fiedenMrv habits, mental worry, nervouu exetti'iiii nt, excess or imprudence tu eat- Inir o lulu. bur or drinking, nnd various other causes, iistlpalloii followed by general ni of the liver, kidneys, and lu which the disorder f each eases tboiiitlrnilty of the others, nedlntc results are Lows of Appe I, Foul Itrcath. Ileatlhtirn, KIM .lliess, JSIek Headache., failure d and iiientid vigor, distressing I'h tit uli of I I'1 -p t v ulit atxl fullness ill llin sluhiiieh, sad Inerettscd Coatlveness, nil of which sre known under one bead as Dyspepsia. In every Instance where t Ins dlm-asc iu nut oil thiute from scrofulous taint In tho til nnl, Ay Kit's IIM.m may ho confidently relied upon to rrtVet a cure. Those esses not nmennble to the curative Influence of i itN l'tl.t.S alone will ccrtalulv vleld If the I'u i, s are ahlcd by the powerful Mood- pnrlf) Ing propertlea of Aykh's sucni' ittt.i, . Dyspeptics Mtoutd know that the Inniter t real in nt of their tualiidv la postpoiml, t!ie mule dlltlcutt of t ui e ii becomes. Ayer's Pills. Never full to relieve the lswes and pro. mote their healthful tmd regular action, mut nuts run I illlatlvi i nil Dyspepsia. '1 cutporiiry do iieriniuii nt bann. The iltful nvtlvtty stomach U "j1 h.'Hc .-llmul!' Info which the ciifechlcd irml by "hitter-." and aleo its. It' luev Itublv followed b. I e:ieMU th'.ll leaVOS t tlutu before. "t v.'tt, tinbirrd I lllt lf III'. , limilll !'llHl ntToot. .1 mo ,vlt o II. f. t raii cak r my srlntsry Avail's i'u i (Mcslnsl um itMAMtt Ullltt'i I i. sloen k. l.i in nil tlulit." I! norr, yncutk, y, J. "I le.he til W ley Arm's Pu.tJt ns S r r lioilt; linn. Mtilpttiloii. sml .!., frost wUek I ttml Ihim Inwnsauf' I t iiiiiil Ittrtr nrlltttt ensy.sml ohlnlnnl i 1 (. 'I I i y li.tvf l in tit. (I inti Ktiiro .11,-hics rver twfun tHsl.M M.V. .. !n'J .S?.t .st . i'i,iui$o, Jtt, ! ft.m-ilv orm-iit the rstlvs ; ;t tii I. m.. I uy tfvttrral lirsltb.w lUMcis U. II AttLowg, Atlanta, G. l i I i r (.r t'l Ml V ii The n 1. 1 ltt al-l iihvl" f hi .. till tjtilrhly ittov I I) UVUii tltMU polu." V. I, lu. "A aaftVrcr from Liver Complaint, Trea. I pil.i. iinl itmla;l for tho last twenty . Aran's 1'u.i.s ivo U-nefitrtl me sm itnu i.ny mnllrtno I s rv.r tiikra.' . R. Ko'issa, .Vr, ifroiea Co.. ?. "I''.r Israpepala tlny sre luvaluaUc.- J. T. DaVBS. MjI. TtJtm. AYER'S PILLS, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. A ver & Co Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dm agists. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only lx8t Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. R OI K AND CHAIN. uf all nixes, as well as baiter chain tfeow ahejna, toK trains, rope halters, ete. for sale .v ivu.i .v N:wart. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nswspspsr Advertising Bureau, JO Spruoa St., New York. Send lOcta. for lOO-Pnge) Pamprlt 1 i.:". Tsr viiAvji ti'ttsitit it fi frit to ' ft a '' i ' 1 34 sPSsrSSSSS itfSs55P'Wf ss4 VLOWKR act. o, Ht I.Ms, tu. Is.slsaMs to sll. t-islif to svfi Um.w. SH fcf H. d. as. runny a co., Detroit, Michisaa. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment, Few do. Not to know is not to have. HUT'S ILLS 25 YEARS IH USE, llie GreaUft Medical yrlnmph of tb Age! SYMPTOMS Of A TORPID LIVER. I.osiof npyt tlio, IIowpU costive. Pals III tho hi r.ii. uitb n dull sensstloa la tktt hntU purl, l'liln under tbo sSoslder Made. FuIIiicsm nftnr (atina. with a Uls- 1: lli'.uion to cxertlenof eodr or anted. lrritublliir of loin per. I.otv spirits, with n frcllnsof linving uoslocted some doty. Weariness, JH7.9r.lnes. I'lulli rlng at tbe Heart. Uots before tho eyes, Ileadaehe over tbe rlabt eye. ltest leasees, with fitful dreuiiis, Illchly colored I rine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S arc especially ft1apte! to hucli eascn, 0110 Uoso efrcets sach a c'.!Hni'"Offellnirnst.oiiHionSslilliesufrersr. Tbsy Increase the A ppettte.sna cause tbs 1 . : v ! 1 n a ou Ktoiii'ishetl. nnd 1 the I Urea tlveOrunus.ll eaular Stools are I'rirn a.ic. -is si array wt..r. funs HAIR Gn.vr If air or Wlltsxam ohangei Orys ir i;i.acic by n bIiikIo anpllostlon of thin DTK. 11 imparts 11 imturiu color, acta lustantancoasiy. Sold ly Druggists, or f-ent by tjxiree on rocelptof $1. OtT0, 44. Murray 8t., New York. TRIAL Fackacz. front rwoi Ithel Itioas I troubles. A Radical Curb for! I Circular! .Act 2XRVOUS I SOS. ImsfirtanS 1 taklss tress. t eltewhere. Tsks a THE RKMETlVthfttUAa LfED thousands, does loot thtenem with altfrw MWBYSIOAJL) I tlon to butlnesf, or cause 1 or wconv ssy. toYejiMSMKMIi Agtea men. Tested ron Seven vruhout Sylwnat! vEAfMBTUSIINMAJ rHOUSAWDQASSa. 1 omnum is restcrao. SIMS h.ata been TSSATMISlirT. i arectven bsck-ind Dipecorasscneec spwiy sains pota HARRIS Rl P DYE. I to a VSBSBSS OSSV w3 ssyv Bv Site tmm&. KltlOAY JUNK 86, 186 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, XDITBB IT TRK Women's Chrlitlia Trmtiennec tniei BJ PROM OUR RNRSlKa. We find tbe most encouraging signs of the lima in the liquor journal. We give our readers tbe benefit of a few ax tracts. These are from The Champion which carries at its mast bead a flag adorned with pictures of barrels iahtUd, 'Whisky," "Sour Mash," "Lager NOT ALL BLOW. A prohibition organ tl ki thus; "Our exchange raaoh almost every state in tho Union, and out of them we gleam items in regard to tho prohibition party bich seem almost inorodible. A revo lution is near at hand. Prohibition ia tho coming question already come." This ia not all blow. There never waa io much activity among the fanatics as now. Tho man that oaneot aee this hat not ordinary intelligence. And the liquor dealer who sees it and doaa not do his part toward resisting the wild tide ia unworthy of oitisaoihip. LIQUOR lK vi. Kits, WHAT ARC YOU DOIifCI ? To give our readers a slight idea ( tbe aotuity of the prohibitionist, wo give below a list uf tbeir stato conven tions this easen s Nsw Jersey, May 27, Trenton ; Indians, May 20, Indian- a j. olis ; Illinois, June 23, 8prieg6eld ; Ksnaa,July 2 3, Bismarck Grove ; Min nesota, July 7,8t. Paul; Michigau.July 28, Lansing; Connecticut, Jul 28,liart- ford; Wisciosin, July 28, Usdiaon ; Pennsylvania, August 25, Harrieburg. Now what wc want to know is, what arc the liquor dealera of the country doing to counteract tbeae movements ? Echo answers what T Tbe liquor trade is already beginrrleg to feel i bo effects ef tbe prohibitory law io Rhode Island. The respectable deal ers are beginning to close op, and tbo trade iadt if ting into low dive where pwr liquor is aold at very bigb pi ices. Club bouses are lleurishiug.and a great kitchen and garrett business ia being d me. The Uading retailers will close th-ir bouses about July 1, when from fire tbouaand to aix thousand persons will be thrown oot ef employment. Unless the party edrocatiog tb li quor cause will tutn tbe tabte,sod turn laxm soon, tbey will be awept out ef eaiatence tu a few yeaia in tbe most of tbe state, if oot in tbe entire Union. Yea, I admire the St. Jobobtea for one great principle, tbey ars faitbful te Ibetr repreaeotative par. wbtl sny ss tbe otbsr tide will talk wiib mon'.b but not breathe tbeir profeeaiooa of f .uh by tbeir actions. Unless s man (a an infrnal dougb-beed be must know that tbo gates siocloaiog againat wbat Waablngton fougbt for,namly,praool lissrty. oss woso or WAix.yo. Est the eeloon keepers, bra were and liqsor dealer of Missouri, Kentucky, Indians and lUinotd tbo four statea 10 mars immiuant danger of similar pro- hibitory legialation awake to a seoae of tbeir danger. Let tb liquor dealera of oscb locality in loose stats profit y - 1 i. r 1 1 Mi I i ... two mii rawSM 01 ic 01 loci asm organisation in Iowa prior to tba paa- ssge of those wore tban Blu Laws, aud white fcrminsT their trade nrotectife aaaociations, endeavor to niit against tbat prohibition movement, tbe people, si. m- m . . j. ,t. s'te majority of which only roaliro tka babip they have brought upon them- . t.--f..r is j. M .t..trs ir .vea after it ia too lata to shake off " the shackles. Tbta resu.t csn only be ..ld b, . viguroo. oamL-aign, by sending all over tbe State prior to tbe next elections, able. en. . 7 " r w 1 thuaiastic, sympathetic speakers who otn preaeot tbe question ef the evil effect of probibitieo in tbir true, "practical light." Jost now Mr. Powderly is receiving much attention at tbe bands of tbe lir quor organs. The highest compliment ditch has been paid to this intrepid leader of men i tbe unspairing abuse heaped upon him by tbe liquor organ. Tbe CtawtnotthSjs : "This mso Pow der I y is one of the most arrant humbugs of the day, and tbe sooner be is snuffed ent tbe better." Tbe Washington Sentinel puts it in this forcible manner: "And ia not Powderfy'a society, or organization, a "temperance" society ? Is not tb obief, Powderly, one of tbe most rabid and outspoken temperance fanatics in the country ? Indeed, brew eries should be free of that sort of bipeds. The fanatics and their tools should be kept eat of them ! i "We fight fanaticism wherever we find it, even io brewtiies, distilleries and restaurant. Gambrinus and Pow derly cannot dwell together under one roof." Art Ibinbfl tltif lt General Grand Master Powderly bad been employed by the temperance peo- pie be could not possibly do more than he is now doing to turn the Knights of Labor into a vast temperance society." Tbe Scientific Temperance Educa tional bill quite naturally comes in for a share of their attention. The Leader says it "was inoeptod in fanaticism ,an a will be carried out in a severe spirit of intolerance." The Sentinel in big headlines char acterizes it as a"Big Prohibition School Book Job," and says ttat its passage shows that tba present House cannot bo trusted ; that "labor and energy ' alone on the part of the friends of pr 'sonal liberty will prevent it from past)- ing prohibitory measures. Even ont Oerman-AmmiCtn member are not reliable, for not one ef thum voted against the school bill." fbc Chumjrion calls if'The Humbug of Temperance Hohool Teaching," and is shocked to think what a reilcotion upon our eoantr? it will seem to for eign nations wbnu they hear of it. Union Signal. not shuts . Mutton tallow is perhaps better for csndlss thsn beef tallow, and Is usually shesper. To restore crashed velvet hold It over tbs spout of s steam kettle and 1st it steam well, then comb up the knsp. To wash doubtful calico, put a teas poonfut of sngsr of lead into a pailful of water and soak for fifteen minutes before washing. When purchasing meat, always bavs tbs trimmings sent home, as tbsy help to make soups and sauces. E very scrap of moat and boos left from rossts sod broifs should be saved for tbe soap pot. Moat should not be plsosd directly on tbo ice, as tbo water draws out tho juices. Always place it in a pan, and this asy be sot on tbe ice. Tbe habit of putting steaks, chops, etc, on ice in wrapping paper ia a bad one. To remove white spots. from varnish ed tables, caused by setting hot dishes on them, M. L. M. says, pour some oil on tbo spot and rub haro with a soft slctb. Pour on a little spirits of wine, and rub dry with aootber cloth. TSo marks wilt disappear, leaving tb table as bright as before. If you are obliged to us a gridiron or frying-pan that baa previouely been j used for fisb, and still has tbe pungent dor of tbe fisb clinging to it, yon can remove it instantly by first beating it aod then rubbing it over with a bit of onion. The onion will absorb tbo flavor of tbe fisb, but wi!l not leev tbs least diasgreeeble taste of ita own. If, from any csuaa butter becomes rancid, to each pint ef it add one table epoon of eelt and one of soda and mix wall, then add one pint ef cold water, and est oo the fire until it comes to the boiling point. Now set away to cool, and when cool eud batd, take off tbo butter in a cak. Wipe dry and pot away ( r cooking purpoeee. It will be perfectly sweet. SARI loin t Tbe r very da v elotbioff of babtea sbeuld be tfaiotil mad and of lb aoft eat material, bat quite ptaia and loos. Ktabroidered and belted waists, puffed sleeves and elaborate skirt are not oosifsrubls to babr, nor yet io good Ut, Qot MQ alwaea judge of tbe rjs finmeot io4lbe mober b one look at -hiidren c,wli mri) m,a o( dnttt M,tbiog snd pretty. E rob raid ered ca,bmere seems to b tbe farorite fabric, t(tbougb floe sissSi jaconet and Mir- MUlUborately trimmed wttb needle- work, are much uaed. Tbs long cloak a nmty tnsde with two cape, sod ia mueb more cooyenieot to pot on s Btnajj bbv tbao one with joke and sice bbus should wear lace cspa,aud ODM ,t tbst, Nothinr atilT loogh for tbeir Utile a .ft bead-, and is tbea, too, tbey must sleep in and out .. . . 1st season, and whatever ISO! liye on wi) b crusbsd. J SSStsaSSrSPiMiiiiiii mbsj iL' Atuntic'citv and N. Y.. had been troubled with a cooko so that he waa unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's NcwcT;iit.ovcrv for cbn,umplkm. 1, ot only gave him instant relief, but altaved the B w m stilt extreme soreness In hi breast. 11m emiuren .... ... . a Me tW had the same happv effect. Dr. Kin,'' J&K2l2?St3S srbooncr. Free trial bottle of this Standard Remedy at Foshay 6c Mason s iMig More POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder net sr varies. A msrvoi of purity, strength and wbolssofaenest. More eoonomlctU than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum orphosphsts powders. Sold ohi.t ih C4s. Roy At. Dakins Powssa Oo. , 109 NVallst., First National Bank SVt? 1I R1IV nRFfifl. PrMtdMtt johnconne CMblor " F' MERRI 1 TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. RfOHT KXCHANOB and telegraphic transfsr, sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portia ) COLLECTIONS MADE on ffYoraWs terms. DIXSCTORS. is, E. YOUSS, JOHK Conner, L. E. Blaik, L. Fumn, II. F. MSKSlLLv J.lTcCWAN; J.W.0U3ICE Linn Connty Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS ou New York. San Fran cisoo aud Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjec to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tentlon. AKlH KING'S EVIL Was tlirj nnmo forraf rly gtroa t Bcroful beroiiT of a superstition that it could be cun.l ! , n king's touch, 'fho world Is wtoor iiuv, nud knows that SCROFULA can only be ciirrd by a thorough purifica tion of tlx- blood. If this Is neglected, tli- disease perpetuate Its taint through generation sfter generation. Among Its earlier symptomatic, development) arc ICc.enm, (futoneous Kruptlons, Tu mors, Holla, l in 'Punch Krvslpeiaa, rut'iiicnt I fleers. Nervous nnd Thy. alcnl Collapse, etc. Jf iii!wil to con tinue, Itheiiinntlsiii, Mci'ofuiou (Jo titrrb, KPImy nnd Lhor Discuses, ruhorculur Consumption, ;nift viul ott "icr ibotgcrou of fatal mulitdli K, nro produced by It. Ayers Sarsaparilla U th r,nhj powerful ntnl olinni l.l .nd.nurlHlinu iiffl tn. It 1. tUabU In! ,il ttllrrulive tllflt it trsdlciihi !ir,it lie w.m Hereditary Heroful.-. i;nd ih Mod end uulsons of eontsgbus i-i aes Slid mereupy. Ai i!,.. wtme lltm; it eu rH li'-i and vitalizes ili PIomI. rcotoHnu beslibful action to the vlml organs end i .iUvciiUiitIeiitlr.) ostein. 'Ihlirreat Befjcnerativo Medicine i .4tfgtlfHlfillll, Willi )''! , lintIll. lit ! Initlili't if 'it., rmi. and o'licr In redfenfit , nut y eoi kn&V) u bo b. i .Yt;u' leiiey. em full : i; xu uHii' poufxied. Its lormuln Ih : re ndlv a to lie lucdlcsl piofv .!oii, end tli phyod'hius c-onHtniitiy n.ii eAitsi'Aiiif.i.A tin en Atoolnto Cwq For all dlacntM tfomnl I --f HteU taw blood. I t Li t - i , est pritetlcab!'! i! . . r ! eosal other pre; aratle t 't , ks t sre elshned, end In - hat n Vfj) r. Iba i ! ' 1 1 tir! cine, la the world. Ayer's Sareaparii. of 3 Or. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Blu. Analytical ht :uK?' . ft!. I by ail DrOgwJstst fyfao i; t bottk'S fur S3. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skill Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. G&AT WESTERN PITTIBURG. A., U.S.A. . smith At Was.n. io n 1. 1 I.I . .. .. -. ' . mMmmM r, WIID, Mil .'wot-r -ini.pi" .n linn." i(it- nn. 1 It. .ilv. rm All H kinl.. .tur.unltirsv llrr1ii..i HrhM. rft. ntvmar. Vtl-Y. Hicliar'l. nl fine" iltius. t rtii STft Io fSHO. Aim a fijm 3 lot A Mu. W r.ii. Itifla .i.-l HI,.. liuus. !r. S-t. nhts TOrkt Sbt tHt mk r' St Ur uiuia4OTsO C3stiuw. Mi auc-n tbt ir WTAKDWAKK OF ALL KIN lift. Axes, msttoeks. brush hooks, picks sbftvta,pedes, forks. griotonea. wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everjtbfng voo want, csn be bad cneap for caab Feters A Stewart. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and OoccsJor It Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Willpractiee In aU tho Cmrts in tbs Stat B AKN IKWIR HANtilM.S, Are alwavs breakiiiOT'. nnlc rou hae tbe kind sold by Peters A Niewsrt. of Al bany. Tbey are mlt of wrouaht iron csnnot Jump the track snd will last a iifs time Don't hang ti her lv,rn door un til yon bsve seen 'hem. O t-kve DUYE1UI' Ct'IDB is U nr,l .Mart Ii and ttpU, year. a ho pages. ' 3 a Sssene,s its a rrr 3.0OO Ulfistratlons - Holc riturt. Gsillery. rfrerl fe rosnwmrr on ! i;mU for persotse.1 or family ns. '. (flHorr to rrUrr, r.ut friees esoct tf cur;- tninK J r, en', C.i wear, or feore f n erltii. Ttt-ut i.;v At.CAi: MtMK rr.ntain in', tm ..on ulcnrml tto'm the martcets r Ose vld. We Will HSA.ll u opx HICK io a&jr od dress .on rwlpt nt to t ... to nit Cray expense of malllna. t us Urar from jrou. BespecUUllr, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 7 k aau W atMtak Avesuc, Cblcaeo. 1!1. C. SU WOLVRRTOM, j O, If, IUVINK, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW tWOfico up stairs lntFromau's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- 0. P. Tompkins COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING A6ENT, Of allkindsof merchandise. All orders from the cnuntry Ailed on short notice for every class or kmd of good from flrst-class stock. Absolutely uo charges or commission will be chargeil or Ailing ordet, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or PATENTS Obtained, snd all other business in the U. 8. Paten Offlto attviuleded to for moderaU- foes. Our office Is opjxisit tbe U. 8. 1 -tont Offlce, and 'Ye can ohuiti PatenU leas time than thoio remoU' trom rVsshington. eenci modle or drawing. We a" to potent ability free of charge ; and we make o charge unless we ooiam patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv. and to otliclal of the I ' . S. iwm OSiic. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences o actual clients in your own State or county, vddress Ce A. SNOW & COe, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . inklr wswssapee devoted t..iH-erinff discoveries. in rpublihhad. livery num ieadid euKiaviaRH. This lost valuable encyclopedia person should be without. SCIBNTfl'IO AilEMCAN Is i nearly thjuals that of all combine L Price. 3)a . Sold by all newsdealers, s. No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. SSBa Munn Oo. havo T. also hsd Thirty Elf5ht years' "otBotBoti practice before toncfenoo, mi Ycnttoua snd bi'i' illustmt publication ' (ifinfnruiatit 'ihe ronulni MLi.VN ho Patent Office and havo prepared suoro ttian One Hundred xnou hoitI npp!ialion lur patents in to ntl applications ir patents in the United 5tlkUs una inreiRii ooumnei. Trade-NBvlrH. Copy-rinhts, its, and all other papers for iventdrs tbeir rights in the amine patents cheur irte. Ilnnd-books of Patents obtained poe of their pateiuf " S.t.lra. MI1NN CO.. t. Ni Office Scrxinxno Amkiiicas, 3S1 Broadway. New York swifcm, ii or r.nvlut rii JULIUS GRADWOHL II tbe on If oxelttalse Sltoek of CROCKERY, CLASS, 8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large isaortment of Baby Damages, infl a Cholo Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Inn ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND Till HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BACKS Eememoer! What I Say I lean. Biro le a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Short Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest : 12 to 48 hours the quickest, route to the East and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good viz Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Oity, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast writec?F rates maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. Another Cut in Rates ! I beg teste to annntioc to tbe farmer of tbia couoty tbat I am still In business at tbe obi stMiani bsve Jost received from tbe Bast a large stock or wagon Urabfr during this lest Dig cut to freight rates, and I em willing the formers and people here general ly csn have tbe benefit of tbe same. Anyone wishing wagon repairing done will pleae notice my trices : Filling all kinds of whs), 914 per tt or f and 4 per wheel. Bolsters, 8ndLrds snd Tongues, 1 eeeb. iifrknrr sxlcn, $4 each. ftefUtt strike and felloe, 20 cents each. And everything el-o in proportion. All door soul h Arthur's hlscksmitb shop. lortu umwnsvtiie, uregun. FRANK BROTHERS POBTT.AND, DEALERS IN FARM AND MILL MACHINERY Walr A. Wood's Mowers, Reaper rs aod Header, uasr scou a cos inn oners, s Thn Wslking Plows, ColUvatora, Gang and Sulky Plows, Mot complete line of Buggies, Carriages and Spring Wagons on the Pacific Coast, slaving received our goods during tbe low rates of freight from tbe East we sre going o (five our customers tbe benefit, so J sell them goods la oar line lower tban ever be fore. VV rite for Catalogue, Address, FRISK BROTHER'S IHPLEHKXT CO,, Portland. Or. t3 or J. GKaOWOllI,, Ageut, Albany, Or. DR. MINTIE, rmm arrriauar. e. II keerac ftlreet, aa FraaeSee. Cel. Tsssts tu Cbsosic. Sr-ciAt. axd Parvsrs InsaAass wmi WoKBsani. Srccsss, THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a ssvsa raiusec-ras Vtfi lor Nro D.-WIHY, Ssm iiutl Weakness, Ehauted itsiiiy, KperoMaiM- rbuex IsMtt Sssaed. liuo nnvj ,1 si si .is Iioststorr bors, snd sll lir terriMe fl,cis .f iuib fa folues and ssosas fas maturw years, such as Less Memory, Uasult tde.Noe nJ Kmissiou. aversion to society, D.mnessof Vision excesses la drlMna lalexl rellsa Hqaers, the viul Said passing unobserved n the urine, anil many other dlscsses tbat lead to in anlty ard death. lir. Htatle. who U a Beaalar lsi)slrlaa. ;rilaer the l alversily erreaB.lala will we to forfeit rise M ma rest Stella rs for a esse of this kind the Vital Steseratlvr (under bis specisl advice and treatment) wilt Sot cure, or tor siiMiiiiiif impure or niiuiious louna in i;. ssr. sna- tie treats i ait private illy without niMvury. S'saaHllstlea tree, moroosn eOT-min-aton and adviee, including analysis ot mine, Sft. Price oi Vital Steslorstlve. Sl.sO a bottle, cr four times the qu i nuty , S ; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from eheervsiion and in private name If desired by ftfr.Wlalle.ll Kearay Street. Ms Frssrlaro, tsl. Send fur list of questions and pamphlet. fBoTTLE IBtKE. Will be sent to any one applying byle tter, statlnp symptoms, sex snd sre. Strict secrecy tn regard to ail business transaction. Dr. SIlBtte'a KMaey Bessedy. Nenhr piles m, cures all kinds of Kidney snd Bladder Complaint, tlonoirheea, Gleet, Leucorrhoes, etc. For late by all druggists ; f I a botte or six bottles tor .'. Dr. Mlalle's Dsadeltns rills are the beet and cheapest Dysetkts onu Kllleas cure in the mark c". Tor sale by all druggists. To Regulate FAVORI'IE HOME REM5DY is warranted not to contain a single pat. tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases cauasd by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. IT your Liver is out of order, then jour whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive j you I ave headache, feci languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a move serious on dition, take at once Simmons LITER REGULATOR. If von lead a sedentary life, or stiff :r With Kidney Affections, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer vith Constipation, Dyspepsia nJ Illllousiiess. seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the mornintr with a i . i . r -. ot inner, uaa iaite in your mouth, m Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor rccw the Bilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, and cleanses tht Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar. tic and Tonic to avert approaching s ckness. Simmons Liver Regulator wilt relieve Colic, Head acheick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. A: any time you feel your system nt eds cleansing, toning, regulating without vit lent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take Sioznoiis Liver Regulator. PREPARED BY J.H.ZEILIN&Cd.,Philad6lphta,Pc. NoIotSs ill tlmhcad Line, work warranted. Remember the hiim nni A. C. HAISHM. IMPLEMENT GO. ORB3C3-03ST. Twine Binders. Hodsn' Double Proper r-ngiues ana Horse fowers, sr. uuiord's A GIFT Send 10 cen ts peases, ace we will mail you free a r-yal. talutio MinpU box of roods that wUl pot you in the way of moot-! si once, tn-n anytMuff eue in th sexes of sll ages can live at Home and work in i spare time, or all the t .ntc. Capital sot re quired. We wiu start you pay 'sure for loose wno start at once. Maine. Co., PorUsne, Summons. Im tkt Circuit CsMrt of the state of Ortgon or Lin County. Thomas J Hannah, PlaiuttfT. va. Robert Morehead and Martha Morebaad his wife, James Logan and Mary L, Logan bis wife, John Curl and Eiizsbeth Curl bis ife, William Msy and JsuieH Lnphum, John P Humphreys and Mary C Humph reys bis wife, J H Irvine and Soion E Irvine his wifo, H T Kay. Sarah A Craig. 1 J Craig and Alice M Craig bis wife, W U Craig and K Craig his wife, Norah J Rubler.U W Howard siM varum v How ard, bis wife, .Ida Craig, Msdge Crsig, Kdwsrd 8 Craig' and Mary Craig his wife, C L Carter, L B Carter snd M A Csrter his wife, W L Craed snd Lenora V Creed bis wife, A A Kees sr.d M E Keeshis wile, J L Walker and Charlotte Walker bis wile, Defendants. To Robert Morehead and Mtrtba More head, James Logan, Mary L Ixjgsn, Wil liam May, James ipham, J it Irvine, Soiona K Irvine, II T Ray, Sarah A Craig, T J Craig, Alice M Craig, V S Craig, K Craig, Norab J Rubier, G W Howard.' Varkan V Howard, Ida Craig, Madge Craig, C L Carter, L B Carter, M A Carter, W L Creed, leuorc V Creed, A A Kees, M E Kees.J L Walket acd Charlotte Wslker, his wile, the above named Peieiulants. r N THE NAME OF THE STATE OP Oregon, you.and each of votuare here by required to appear an I answer tue complaint of the above Planum' in the above entitled Court, new on file with tbe Clerk of said Court, by the first day of the next regular term of ssid Couit. which saiii term of Court begins on tbe 28th day of Juue, in the year 1888, at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and you. and each of you, are heteby no tified that if you fail to appear and answer said tomplaint as hereby required, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wit : For a decree cf Court to quiet the title to th premises described in tbe complaint, as follows, to-wit : The S of Sec li, Tp. luSsf R 1 VV of the Wil lamette Meridian, In Linn oouurv, Oregon, lying between tbe south bank oiThomas Crek and Hamon Snellen's south line and John Curl' east line, containing UK) acres, more or less ; and tbat the aid De fendants and all persons claiming any interest in said premises, or any part there of, by or through said Defendants cr either of them, be forever barred Irom claiming any right or tit e or interest in said prem ise or any part tnereof excepting the Plaintiff and t hut all right title aud in terest in or to said premises and every part thereof be decreed to be in tbe Plain tifjf.his heirs and assigns forever, and for the costs snd disbursments. T. is Sum mons Is pablisbed in pursuance of an order made by Hon, R. p. Boise, Judge of said Court at Chambers on the 12th day of May.1886. J May 12tb, I88. Powell A BjTvrKu, Attorneys for Plaintiff. OCHfcSON'S Otrl I rnCC mer. lfes, i-eady Murch 10th, to any address. IUustrntes and lists every thing for Ladies', Gents', Cluldtens and Infants wear and Houscket pim; Goods, at Drtces luioer- than those of any- house ui the United States. Complete