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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1886)
M0ttnt Enteral at the Poet Ofuce at Albany, Or, an second-class mall matter. FRIDAY JUNE 25, 1886. NUTTING. rraprletera. .lltan an 4 inns.. tal iblitar. PFIOULl. and MiPBB, 4 MAN MMMt TA1TN. The drowning of a little boy in the ditch last week will be a caution notice to parents against allowing their small children to play near it. The iff. A. T. ha often wondered that no more wore drowned. While there have been many cases of children falling into the canal in thi city in nearly all of them some one has fortunately been near to rescue the little fellow. O While riding through the country the other day the M. A. T. was struck by the following very unique advertisement hung to some bushes : l,lo not sell your wool to S E Young until vou have called on Phil Cohen." The Dkmocrat's "man about town" on Tuesday evening run across what he has been hunting for so long, "the woman about town. He gave the Old Gal a right roval reception. They will meet again. Ahem. -Albanv Ex. O Oregon Prohibitionists with one twenty, fifth of the population cast about one tenth of the vote of New York State. After all, that was not very bad. O For a city of rings Portland will throw down the gauntlet with any place in the world. There arc enough of them there to weld into an exceedingly long chain ; but it would be a chain of straw. O The M. A. T. hears many complain that the Chinese pheasant is a consummated pest. Having seen one, though, strutting through a field he can testify that they are a very handsome bird ; and that is about their size. lire On last Monday evening just before sun down John Koofner, a young man about 3! years of age, who came out to this State about a month ago, went in bathing In Thomas Creek, about three mile above Scio. He was accompanied by a young man by the name of McDonald. Koofner could not swim and was carried out into the channel and drowned. The channel of deep water was only about six feet wide and had the young man been three feet either way he would not have drowned. He came near drowning in the same place only day or so before, but was pulled out and saved. Child DrawaML Thursday evening of last week two child ren of Fred Lumberg were playing near the Santiam ditch in the neighborhood of the Farmers Warehouse, when one of them, a little boy about two years old, fell in. The other child did not seem to realize what had been done, and it was sometime before any one was notified. As the ditch flows off into the river just below the place, the child was probably carried into the Willamette. Its bodv has not been found. The Body Fee. act On Thursday of last week the body of Sherman McClung, who was drowned a few days previous, was found by a Celestial. The body was raised tq the surface by the water being set in motion by the steamer Isabel passing over it. The body was brought to this city and in the evening of the same day placed in its last resting place, Rev. S. G. Irvine conducting the services. s A rtsklag rartjr. Last Saturday Judge Strahan, J W Cus- i ck, W B Scott and C W Watts went to Thomas Creek, which they quite success fully whipped, catching 182 trout. In hon or of the Judge's election to the Supreme bench they ate their trout seasoned with sugar, not a very highly palatable way, but an honorable one all the same This sugar part is intended as a secret and we have agreed to only tell it to our eight thousand readers. New Maaageaseut. The new officer of the board of directors of the Albanv Farmer "Co. are M II Wiles, President, Orri Archibald, Secretary Messrs. Geo F Simpson, Clay Marshall and I) Mansfield disposed of their stock, retiring from the Company completely. Mr Mans field was Secretary for thirteen years. Un der the old management the property was a good one, and no doubt will be under the nw management. The farmer have al ways stood by this warehouse. sa e as uay Owed. Last Saturday a suit was brought in the Circuit Court by St. John and Royal for $385, Hewitt & Bryant, and Wolverton & Irvine being attorneys for the plaintiff. The complaint allege that ths amount stated is due on the contract for building the Sander son bridge. The bill had been presented to the County Court and refused payment UUeredltable. The dilapidated walk which leads out to the city cemetery is a discredit to the city. For a hundred yards east of the cemetery the walk is impassible and the haggard con dition of things call ; 1 mdlv upon the Coun cil to take some action in the premise. To strangers it will be regarded as a dis grace to the city. Vreaeklaig. The Rev. F. II. Post, of Qrego.n City, will hold divine i-ervices in St. Peters Epis copal Church in this cky, on Sunday next. June 27th, morning and evening. All are invited to attend. UeMttstry. Dr. J. T. Tate, D 'ntist, will practice one day in each week at .each of the following named places : Lebanon on Tuesday, Halsey on Thursday, Jefferson on Friday, and will be prepared to perform operations without pain. He will be at his office in Albany on M,ond iy, Wednesday and Sat urday. Weel. Highest cash price paid for wool by Mon teith & Seitenbucb, FOR BARGAINS IN lite trifftut if ilia The Brownsville tfreatrlery is working up a nice business. Spring wheat at a whole will be a failure unless there Is rain. The Magnolia Mills are soon to have some new underpinnings. A splendid line of furniture is observed in Wm Port mil let- & Co's rooms. The two Albany foundries have several contracts ahead and are quite busy this month. Zeyss & Hochstedler have very deserved ly worked up a planing mill business of good proportions. Albany takes the lead among valley towns in'the furniture business. Hve fac tories are being run steadily. The large shipment of soda waters from Hoffman Pfeiffers soda works announces hot weather In unmistakable language In a certain part of this county farm hands have clubbed together and refuse to make contracts for harvest work for less than $1.50 a day. The grading being done on Sixth street in this city is not generally appreciated by Albany people. If the matter were to be voted on there would be few ayes. We are assured now for certain that work will be begun on the O P extension in a few days, and some one else says he does not believe Albany will be reached this season. Robinson & West's saw mill in this city is now closing its season's work, having about exhausted its supply of lumber. A few more days and the mill will be shut down for several months. The last "Yaquina" brought in a large amount of freight for Albany and valley merchants. Mr Rice informs us that an other steamer will be put on, and improve ments made on the river so that boats can be run during the whole year. The work of Albanv carpenters may be seen for miles into the country. A few days ago a Democrat man saw Mr J H Campbell superintending the construction bia new residence for Mr Parsons about five miles from here on the Lebanon road. Probably no flouring mill in Oregon runs so steadily, year in and year out, as the Red Crown Mills. Their sales are large. Capt. Lanning has worked up a big trade. He is everywhere over the Northwest, and often we lose track of him ; but the big ship ments of flour always explain matters. Under the supervision of Mr J J Dorristhe old Simpson VV a rehouse is being placed in a thoroughly reliable condition. A new un derpinning, new roof, new bins, making it a good warehouse. Young Brothers will run it the coming fall. They are reliable men. By the wav we suggest that a permanent name be given it, so that its old name, an unpopular one, may be lost sight of. The Best Separator factory has shipped machines to San Francisco bv everv Ore gon Pacific steamer that has left here since Mr Ilest went to California two or three months ago. Fiftv-four mounted separa tors and a large number of fanning mills and other machinery have been sent. Har vest is now in full blast in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Yalleys. The crop is an uncommonly good one. State TsstefSar Following is the general program of the State Teacher's Association to be held at Yaquina City, July 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1886 : DEPARTMENT OF THEORY AND PRACTICE. i. Organization of Schools. 3. Principles of Instruction. 3. Methods of Teaching. 4. The employments of the School. 5. Government of the School. 6. School Legislation. 7. The authorities of the School. SCIKXCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. 1. Familiar Science In the School room . 2. Industrial and Free-hand Drawing in Public Schools. 3. Scientific Temperance Instruction. 4. Object lessons In Phvriokwv and Hy giene. K I NDERCARTRN DEPARTItENT. I. Methods of Kindergarten Instruction. 2. Occupations for children in Primary acnooia. 3. Means and Expedients found helpful In doily School Life. 4. How should efficient Training Schools J. he ottranired ' I department. Readings in Science ; Readings in Travel ana An ; rveaumgs in mograpnv ; r. catl ings on General Subjects. . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . r. . I Course of Study Aims and methods of ; Spare minute course ; Arrangement of classes, etc. COLLEGE AND I'NIVERSETT DEPARTMENTS. z. Examinations ; methods of. 2. How far should studies be optional ? .3. Class management. 4. Means and expedients found helpful in daily College life. .. The limits of co-education. 6. Rules and regulations ; Inter-State series. 7. Relation of College and Public School. S Rrnuirrmrnti of admission to I rnllecre o. Wliat are the proper sphere of the in-1 ductive and -deductive methods of instruc- tion f DEPARTMENT OP SUPER I NTENDENCE. I. State, county, city, and town super- vision of schools 2. Supervisions in country schools. 3. Superintendents their relation and dutie to their teachers. INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. 1. Manual training in general education. 2. rnop-wora vs. scnooi-wora. 1 TnHiiatria! Hit-afinn an element nt harmonious culture. 4. Hand work in school. GENERAL AXD MISCELLANEOUS DISCVS- SIONS. r 1: . f ff . a 1 ji . the resting of pupTu ; hoW teVduce them to read the best literature. 2. Moral Education in the Public School -"Band of Mercy"-" Vice for the Speech- ess -aroor nay "Memorial i-ay, etc. 3. To what extent can the Kindcrearten School become a part of our Public School s v stern. 4. Sanitary Appliance, of Public choo . 5. Oral Instruction m Primary school. 6. The question of Corporal Punishment. 7. The Recess and Whispering problem recess, or no recess ; whlspertng, or no whispering ? 8 Exhibitions and Literary exercises in Public Schools. 9. The Teacher's Legal Relations. 10. What motives and incentives to study ought to be appealed to ? it. Supplementary reading in rrimary and Grammar Schools Newspapers and magazines, etc. 13. School officers and business men their duties and relations to the Public Schools. The day and evening exercises will be In terspersed with good music, vocal and in strumental. Daily program of the work of the Asso ciation will be printed and furnished to the members at the opening of each morning session The last evening of the Association will be devoted to a Literary and Musical En tertainment, and a social re-union. The Very Best. I haye added to my boot and shoe stock a line of the celebrated Latird. Schoher k Mitchell, Philadelphia Fin Shoe for ladies, misses and children. Acknewledged by dealers generally to be the best value and best fitting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, E, and EE. A child can buy as cheap as a man Samuel E. Young, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregos. FURNITURE GO TO tTttttBftt IVBftTa, Judge David Davis Is slowly tiyirif . Mountain parties are too numerous to keep track of. Tacoma claims a population of 7,000, and is steadily growing. Several Linn county boys will leave in a few weeks for Eastern schools. $30 a head was paid for a band of cattle In Crook county recently. Out of 306 ballots cast In Prinevitie pre cinct only eight were straight tickets. Hon C W Johnston has assumed the duties of Register of the land office at Rose burg. At a $400,000 Are In Boston, Mass., last Monday several person were burned to death. Mr A Burr, the Wtst Short artist was In Albany last week, making sketches for that enterprising journal. , Hermann was the first Congressman elected to the fiftieth Congress. Tie needs something to give him notoriety. Roy Brown, a ten year old boy, was drowned at Lafayette last Monday. Little boys should quit this sort of business. The Saunders case 1 the first on the Circuit Court docket. His trial will prob ably be begun the first of the week . Miss Clara Folts, who lectured in Albany last winter to a house of eight has been in Portland on her way home to San Francis co. The horrible charactures of Cleveland's wife now appearing in our exchanges are fearful apologies for real artistic work. We are a long sintering people. Linn county needs rain for the Spring wheat bad. While- a good sized shower struck Marion county last week only a few I drops touched this county. The reason the Coquille IltraU did not get out an election extra was that some of the men who were to bring In the returns got on sprees and did not bring in the re turns. Dr Barker, formerly of this citv, was beaten by a few votes for Coroner f Uma tilla countv, and Dr Kirkpatrick, once a resident 0 Scio, was elected to the same office in Polk county by one vote. During 1885 the amount received by the insurance companies of the coast in pre miums was $4,54 1,268, and the amour ft paid out for losses $3,033,115. Notwith standing the large difference, after making I allowance lor expenses, the rates have been increased already this year. Let's kick. There is somewhat of a contest going on In New York City to suppress the Immodest cigar cards displayed promiscuously. Some of the same ones'are seen in Albany ; but then we are a frontier people and Comstock does not live here. A Portland paper say's that the reason why Judge Strahan ran behind his ticket in Benton county, is because he has been an active worker ia have the Yaquina road brought to Albany, which destroys the chances of Oorvallis as a terminal city . Mr J P Galbraith, the newly elected County Clerk, has been bookkeeper for the llrownsville Woolen Mills lor eight year past, and has given the best of satisfaction, and It is hoped the company will be as for tunate in their selection of another gentle man to fill his place. Got . Oregomutn. Jos F Cos, a young man of 17, of Co quille City was shot by Fitte Anderson the other dav through the back and instantly killed, lie was mistaken for a bear. By the way some of these men who carelessly mistake their companions for bears should be made an example of. In Portland '.ast Mondav Dick Gerdes was elected Councilman In the First Ward, R H Schwab in the Second Ward and Tyler Woodward in the Third Word. J Mc L Harvey, J W Holman and George Her red were elected Police Commissioner. The Ortgouiau characterizes this as a whis key victory. Morrow and Gilliam Counties, in Eastern Oregon, had red hot contest on the count? seat question in the late election. Hepner IMS, U.a SJUJ. m inc mrmcr coumy or i . f 1 . , .t m . a I tvic, snu Arungwn retains mc ( imn House in Gilliam countv, though Fossil re ceived the most votes. A third place receiv ed enough to prevent a majority being re ceived. 1rls A Democrat man was one of a party of twelve to visit the summer resorts at Ws- . , ci.m i-v. a a ...v. .... ...... . I day of last week. Clouds with silver linings, sa -st ui wjzs wi 1 ass 1 s aw ss wmsysiisj es sv atmosphere, mode the time an auspicious one for such a trin.made durinsrthc summer - by hundreds of Linn county's citizens. Through a fine grain country to at least ae a a . a a . ft 111 some distance beyond Lebanon, it afforded an opportunity to obsers-e the condition of the crops. We are able to report fall wheat as looking very fine, but on spring wheat a tinge of yellow was seen, and sometimes a stunted appearance.that did not augur well. yet considerable spring wheat is bound to spring into twenty dollar pieces, rain or no rain. All through the country it is agreea ble to notice an improvement going on in the appearance of farm buildings,new hous- nd 01 utv -tructnre, going up all falong the line. A drive of three hours and a few minutes brought us to Waterloo.where Mr. J. G. Gross took possession of our ef- m I fects and told us to sail in and make our- elves at home. Mr. Gross keens a arood m ...1... .1,1. i,.i.. .-a I eesw-rt srtvSfee es eesssssss Miwiv essssJl swsswms w we to treat his guest in a Kentlemanlv manner. Without any exception Waterloo b the w w most romantic spot this side of Fish Lake. I The foot bridge across the Santiam, the cuiwui lorinauons, inc soua springs, uic roaring, ringing, frothy falls always singing their mountain song.the dilapidated looking the .pot n enchanting one, magnlneent contemplation or hilari- I ty. the democrat man, who vtsitea it for the first time, fell in love with it. The water th, bubhlini. UD frQm thc coot i ... 7 . L a, rocki l ,ree to all notwithstanding Mr. j Gross has been forbid allowing hi guests I w partake of it. The trespass notice was by , man with little authority a e J t ' th man m the moon.who is making hnmclf J the laughing stock of the country round about on account of his curious conduct No attention is paid to him at all. The properties of the water there are fine and have put vigor into many a sickly form Several are tenting there with much benefit to themselves. Sunday, though, i the day of day, large crowds going on that day. Mr. g. A. DeVaney teaches the country school, and informed us that the number of his scholars was four Gross, one dozen and eleven. Take your choice between 599 and ay. Friday noon we stopped at Soda v ill e on our way home, getting a good drink of the healthy beverage of that city,from it neatly arranged springs. Sodaville has many at tractions and, we understand, is a very pop ular place this summer,the number visiting it on Sundays being uncommonly large. Linn county is very fortunate in the num ber of its resorts. Did the Northwest have a population of the Atlantic coast states Linn county alone would present its Sara toga Springs, Ballston Springs and Deer Lodge. Tbe nicest and cheapest line of ladies fine hoe in town csn be found at Read & Bbownbll's. We are again handling cheese from tbe noted Spencer cutter Factory. Read A Brown ill WM. FORTMILLER CtsUCIf Ct?f. Following a list of cases 0-1 t he docket of the Circuit Court, to meet at the Court House in this city on next Monday : t. State of Oregon agt W W Saunders. Murder In the first degree. a. State of Oregon agt James St Impson. Larceny. 3. American Mortgage Co of Scotland agt T J Hill, et al. Confirmation. a. TJ Hanntth agl Roht Morehead. To quite title. 5. Assignment of Thos Moutelth Son, 6. S A Newhouse agt Wm Ncwhouse. Divorce. 7. I L Cowan aut C H Ralston et al. Foreclosure. 8. Board of Commissioners ugt Alley Ann Farrier. Foreclosure. 9- H A Holtnanet al agt Tempa llunt,et al. Partition. 10. T J Creighton agt J M Wilson et al. Action on note. It, W H Baher agt OP Scott et al. Equity to set aside deed. 13. Martha J Needham ugl Fidelious Needham. Divorce. 13. Ho Chas (Little Jim) agt Lop Chlng (Jim Westfail.) Action on account. 14. Fred Hrannlng agt Wm Brenner. To recover possession of personal property. 1 5. The Dundee M & T Co agt F S Ken dall. Foreclosure. 16. IF Conn agt Ellen McDonald. Ac tion to recover money on contract. If, II D Burkhart agt Robt L Burkhart. Partition. H. Jas A Hearing agt (ieo Slaven. Kqul ty to recover possession of real property. 19. Assignment OI 1 Mcniung. ao, W 11 (ioltra agt J II Foster. Equity to set aside deeds. aa. M Alexander aut Peter Bilveu. Writ of review. 33. I D Miller agt W Johnson et al. Ac tion on note. 34. John McCoy agt J F McCoy et al. Suit tu convey title. 3. D Harrcll agt M Alexander et al. Confirmation. 4 W F Terhunc agt Jos E Archibald Damages. 37. W W Rlcluirdson agt Samuel Doty- Action on note. 38. lohn Conner ant D M Cooper et al. Foreclosure. 30. Prior Wilson agt J K Wilson. Par- tit ion. 3a John Robnett et al, agt .. I ..! Dist- 37. Action to enjoin the payment of mon ey. 31. E G Cox, et al agt Elizabeth Cox. Partition. 3a. John S Morgan agt Francis E Mor- gan. IJivorce. 33. Sarah J Morris agt Jesser Morris, Divorce. 34. A D Leedy agt School Hist. 31. Ac- tion on contract. 35. Assignment A B Morris. 36. Geo D Overton, el ol agt Morel: Keener, Partition. 37. W F Settlemier agt Jusiah Burrell et al. Confirmation. 38. J H Burkhart, adm'r agt Joseph Al lison. Confirmation 39. D M Cooper agt Nathan Whealdon et al. Kquitv. 40. G W Houck agt Enoch Miller. Fore closure. 41. John A Crawford agt John Foster et al. Foreclosure. 43. F A Watts agt Jacob Miller, et al. To set aside deed. 43. Assignment .f K I. Stevens. 44. Ladd & Bush agt J B Henderson. Force knure. af, G F Crawford agt T J Faulkner. Foreclosure. agt Isaac McClung J im Confirmation 47. Richard Villlams agt James Keener. Confirmation. 48. St. John Si Royal agt Linn countv. Balance on contract for repairing Sander son bridge. Esanger. What dereliction of duty Is brought to the door of our city authorities when we look around and sec the dilapidated side walk that sure u in the face on many of our tree's. Why are not these side walks repaired ? Was not a general order made sometime ago by the Council that certain walks should be repaired r Is it not true ouf dlUeBf pj ,t oncc to repair their walk while others are al lowed to go free ? Why this favoritism? There are a great many place in wakl that are dancerou and may be when the city has to pay a large sum by way of dam ages our City Council will wake up. There is very general complant about the matter. Citizen, to Farmers We desire to call the attention of farmers j of Linn county, Brownsville and vicinity to our Ending twines and harvest oils. V,B8 r)OUKni ine. me ,n wn ,ow- "e . f a. t al I are PP ana can itinmn mrmcr mr.r twine and machine oils at much hwr ft'urrx than ever akareaaoaaf hrfor. Don t " " 11 to call ami get our prices oeiore purcnas -la a m . . . a eisewnere-ior we mean jtui wnat we Thompson & Waters. Brownsville, Or., June 23rd, 1886. 1 Have Cease. I am here at the front with a colt wldch rj-.which weighed at that time 877 pound.. HI stock isone-fourth oll(u, t-i8.i. mvu..., ,..8 Paul Jones,one-eighth Giant and one-eighth Morgan, I will exhibit him against any 1 colt in the county for all purpose horses. J. M. Marks. Travel, Travel is said to have opened briskly on tbe W V A C M W U. The road ia ssid to be dry and nice. Blackberries are report ed to be shnndant slotu the Stntism from Lower Sods Spring on up to Seven Mile Hill. Fish in the greatest abundance at Fish, Lava and Clear Likes. All this we ebtsia from a gentleman who arrived from Prineville last week. It niter is eastern: ra. We are now delivering butter of a super lor quality to special customers in Albany Lhe delivery will be made on each Saturday by Master Carey Crawford, who is aatiinnz ed to receive payment for the same. Cus totnr Solicited. Orders can be left at Head k Browneli's or with Carey Crawford J. M. Makks. Tiie Dims Binder. We mean the new steel frame Osborne No. 1 1, to be found at our agriculture house, A neater, nicer and better twine binder can not be found in the U. S. Its work in this county alone speaks for n. All the farmers want it, because nothing else can do the work it does. Other binders are taking a retired seat for it. It is the very best binder and that is the reason for it. Call and see the 18S6 binder with its perfected improve ments. Twine and wire in abundance at our office. Deyoe & Run son , & CO'S. FULL LINE HOMS Affft AB0Att F M Krenoh, jeweler. Central Howard is in Pi tl m l. Tils h'ut luraesj st J J Dmruiile. Albany is illltug up with usw atorss. J. F, Wallace, l'hysioian and Hurgeou, AN bany, Or. Bsdsteds frain two dilUrs up st W Kjrt miller 6 OuV Old silver is worlh 83 j. pur u in tra ! at V W Carter's. llsjt'i A UrownsH's st.iok f fsQs gr.tcorio is utisquslod. A (ins lint) of tub wo. a 1 i ;itrt ntilinl A liruwusli'. Aud now it im :l-,. l that Aibvty h is a genuine wife beater. All of us hsvs ooooludo 1 to oslebrsts ths 4th of July iu Labaoou. All ths grjoariss you can carry fur a do' lar at Head A BrowaeU's, Six shave for a dollar aol a uhau towil l every customer, at I Viwrick's. For the bait ooa'soti'in try, ti ium, 4r -oeriss, etc., uli 011 llulfinsa A Faiifr. V SI French, aj-oot Sinjsr Mauufsoi'triag Co., opposite Odd i'oilowf Tsdipltf, Albauy.Or. Pick up that old g ld jiwslry and bsv it male into a mc gold ring at r W 0 wear's. Dt. M. H. Kills, physician aud surgooo Altuiiy, Oregon. UU mli in city or oouutrv, Mr Hub Urysnt is hud I1114 a ua looking uunriisn rosi'leuo ou hi pUus just east ol ths eity. The Uulveraalisl 8tta C invention con vened at ttia Kfaugelieal charuii 14 ttit city yesterday. Hboes, sandals sud slippers 'or Ud'es, misses, children aud luhtute, at Mooteith A Switeoosens. If you want to mi'm h is m pra tent get woo of those Uststi rosier at rV .-.rt. miller A Co a. L Seadsra i- Co., IVinovilta, are rstir inu from busiue tlisrc. Ton ofLr thstr amirs stock lor sale. Oo to Prushsw's usw Detti .1to" for pure drugs, patent msdioints, elo. Prescriptions csreiully compounded, Fur rant bare in good u mtitioo, nar cornr KiUsrt'rth ud 4 ih Str.ot. Fur par ticulars call at this ollios. Inside blinds liavu been utacsd U the school house-, sad the yard will soon be fenced, needed improvements. Burkhart A Pfeiffsr are doing sum line work io tbetr Job Printing .1 - Nuw is the time to get good work st low Ufurms. Hev J i- Mereaner, of Independence, aud Miss Ksohel hsnghery. were recently nulled io msrrtgo. Btsnop Uttbs otflotatiug. W I Vawter, of llalsey, will teach the Bigeue City schools. Tbs position was of ferssl Prof Lonsway, Albany's new reeebsr. ACimmi nleiyof Ktd fbts Templsr i to be org-uosed iu tins eity tlite( Friday) evening . It wail be called Tvrnple ComoiaiMlery No 3 Dr. J. P. Wallace has Icosted hi utfi to in the OTocle Blocs just north uf thi Daao crat office, where uis frtsuda will tiud nun. Prof Lotuwsy baa porohaaed the residence 00 the corner of Kl is worth mod Fifth street, of Mr Froman sad will move into it neat week. O. W Mas ton, Physician aa-l Surgeon, Aluaoy, Oregon. Graduate of the Ciitcttiuati College of FnystcuMM sad Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. Whdo iKMMtmg of large treat eatchas Mr L W Ltoyoe is eutttlad to uotu-a Toe lirst of the week to one day he captured four all by himself. Ist Fr.ds Mr Maple, rsMtdioa' in the Ft- st Ward, was trying to catch a clf who he fll,slnsiog on bis shouUUr.snd dislocat ing hi arm. m rurtmiuer ci. nave soon vcy ; neuiv luiuuhed loruiture romu. Tnv du- pUy i ip natlVESJRe t.v 11 goo U to uo it with. A WOOl pool Of 13,0 JJ r . Lilly gotin up uy someol swefSS4P ata tai from Albaay resaltod islit 1 m ." ,. td being reetvd far It. Shoo Id yon desire to sell yir projHtf osll ou ttorabsrt A Kseoey as taey slvtr;i praparty placed Im thU hsul, ad i'targo nothing oolesa they effect sale. tmn aunh aa U H Kanator Vmrli HM al fa liana, mtm loud in tbeir prsise of St Jac b Uil a an instantaneous cam .r rn u nitn.n ne trsJgis, sciatica and other b lily uns. Among the grsduste from the A no J tural Omlega Corvallia lt w.-s. Mias Mtnnia McParland. th a- n i. i . ! daughter of Mr L McKarlaod of tti fl . '.v Prof Campbell has resigned om ponton a the Agricoltstral Callage at Corvallia. He will be sucoeeded in toe Msthemittosl de partment by Mr Wimberly, receotly from the East. Seventh Day Adyeottste and Uoivsrsstists i hsvetsseu i I ling meetings in the tout cor- i ... OL ul I ..... 1 liar m Hiu ii'"ii"'m.h im ttmni .00 ha been fair. Sunday mgbt it was un- commonly large, Coder the new echedolo of time on the Orecoa Pact ho s passengar can leave Port- tan.t 10 the morning ami react 1 equina nay in the eseuiug. Tom mskea it very oooven-! lent for the traveling public, Ayer's Sarssparills operates radically upon ' and through the biuod, and 1 a safe and ab j solate core for the various d'eaosee, 00m - phunte, sud duerders, due to inability, or to fljse constitutional taiut or iafectmo. Everybody's ooropaa'ionia nobody's friend, but Red Stsr Cough Care ia everybody's . friend. Prof (irothe, of the Brooklyn Bosrd of Hea'Mi. endorsee it ss prompt, safe, snd sure. Price, twenty five cents a bottle. The friends here nf A W Charlton, of Lake co ii.iy will be tied to hear of bis re-election to the tin e ol Mi -nit of I bat county hy the ba'Klsome BsSMtlty of 200, where the Ueino- cratic msiortty is about 10 1. Mr Charlton ia ason of Shettfl Chailtou of this county. 1 The new foundry firm of Cherry A Han - shew era already working up a fine business. Both geuUetusu understand tbetr machine and foundry business completely and do not propose to be excelled tit then work in Ore gon A new stsge has been put on the line be- tweeo Albany sod Corvallia. It leaves Cor- vaiits. immediately alter the arrival ot the whio, lTW Oorr.lli. (of th. B.y at p. m. Parties wautiog tint-class work 011 i u and shoe done shojld call on Mr J W U-ntt ly, a trutd and reliable workman, ilia family and interests are here and he is en titled to the b-sst nitroatgs ot oar cttu -m Call on him at his' shop next east of Coorsd Meyer. LaatSatufdav tins bodv of an unknown mkn was found ou Howell Prairie, in Mariuo county, iyiug nssr a hay took. It was buried without being idontr.i t. Inc inau had worn blue overalls and bloOM, aud had a slight red beard. The problem ot bettering oor school ys tern can only be properly solved by hiving a better clssa of teachers that is teacher who understand their work from a scientist standpoint. The State Norm! $ohnol is preparing teachers tor tins ltih Olass ot work, sud should recaive ths .u,port and encouragsment of every friend of Tbe meed of merit f-ir pronmtitw personal aothetio is duo to J 0 Ayer A ' , whose Hair Vigor is a universal lieantitisr of the hair, harmless, effective, agreeable, it ranks among indispensable articles of the toilet. To scanty looks it gives luxuriance ; and withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth. Send Burkhart si Ksfuev uamis and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore gon and they will send them oopies of the iiVa Estate Conveyor which contain a com plete discription o' one county iu each issus with ather desirable information as weather, market reports, eta Mr Percival, of Shedd Precinct, was io the city Tuesday with a very peculiar oat ural shaped place of maple timber. The small limbs seemed to have forgotten the regular course and were Inrawd iround so as to form part of a chair, into srhiai Mr P. is haying it transformed. A hoe race between au Albsny and a Benton countv voung man the first of the week, resulted iu victory for the farmer. Victory was snatched from the jaw of de feat by a lucky thrsst of the hose down the Benton county boy's back. The way the rainwater flew was a caution. OF UPHOLSTERED County Clerk elect J.P Oslbralth a few flays age resigned as Secretary of the Browns villa. Woolen Mills, when O F Coshsw, Jr., was appointed to succeed him. A better selection ouold not have been made. The appreciation iu which Mr 0lbraith was huld by the Company was expressed by the presentation to him of a Hoe suit of clothes. A ns Jrspaper in Illinois recently brought suit against forty three men who would sot pay their subscription ssd nhUibsd a judg ment in each esse for the fuli of ths claim. Of these, tweaty-siht rnsds stfiJe vit that they owned no more property than the law allowed them, thus prtventiu at tschtueute. Then under a 4svnsici of the Hupieme Court they were a rested for petty Isrcsny and bound over in the sum g.loO each. All but six gave best while the others treat tb jail. There is a moral io the shove, hut its too obvious to 10 e 1 pointing out. -tUx, , Following sre the new rl rUd olHcers to the Oiand Idge of Oom! Tmpl ire of Ore gon ; Z T Wright, Grand Csiel Templar ; Hsmuel HobsoH, of Ifewberg, Grand 0 tun nilor ; Mr K M Vandervert, of Hdem.Urend Vtoe Templsr ; J K liooston, Orsnd Hecre ary 1 J H Lsinhurt, Tressn r ; J tue K vVmlsn, tjttperiiitendsot nf .1 jvemla Tern plars ; J W Webb, W H Jam-s. Itepras-io- tstivas to Might Worthy Grsn I I. Iks to bo hsld st Haretogt Hprings, N V; J K BoJ ton ssd T Wiiht Trustees of the Orphan' Hnma. Appointed oilirs 1 i.rand Chap lain, J W Webb ; Grand Marsh si, J J Browo ; Gran Ooerd, Ella Fluids ; r nd Sotinel, Charlsa Vauderveit : Grand d-s- ' K'T, R G Junkiu Ths July number of Frank italie's Sunday .Vu nunr op.-ns with 111 eru I by the Rev Frederick f'embr on 'M ho i;harterhouse Lostdsg : Its Hospital aaaj rublicHchool," with a number of quaint sud cirt ms illus trations, including a portrait of Mir rhomae M itiou, ths founder. Five nar haaatlfai II lustrations of Laray Cay, io p,4.. Oo . Va., are given, with desortpti VI- Ptsse l'w H cou trt ho tea a nm-1 . remiotsctio of Carl Maris Von Wei wr i l. iri Ion 5 mol Mrs Augehoe B Alexander o,t,. "A Floa forGirls." Tiie author of ' fYiiitasita Diys" takas her readers thrugh t 'ut.igur, up thm Rhioe, sod lands thm iu Mains. The fl rv Geo W Nichols bagiiis a nw aeries of ies tera from Waldegrsv C.tMge," dwlinc with sme remini- oences of the late Civil War in No. I. Or Talmsgr's sermon ia on " The Nswspsper I'reaa as an Ally of the Folpit lha serial stories" I'he Gios Hbe Wor," bv L T Meade ; Faoiiaa,- by the Rev A C llavsrttok end The Tjitr Room" by Mr Mole worth sre oootlnued ; and there are msny short sketches end poem and a nnmberof faJt-pae besotilel eugravtogs. rtiis aambot is tn flrst of the tweatseth s-wlume, and this u a gol tisjM to subaetiba for the msgsaine. son it a rr.ut t . Hon J J Daly city this week. of Idls, lis. (Man io the Henry asd Miss Batn Conner are ,uu"ui relatives in rortlaml. lr wucr Hthi-nun u in H-attle. th rfoeat of his aged father. Secretary of State Krhsrt is ia th city, alao ex Governor Chadwtck. District Attorney Chsmlr;in t attend ing Court io SsJem this week. Mr I. Sender arrived in Albsny Tucsdsy with altout twenty head of fj um. Will SmiMn, ..f t' natjlls eoonty, is in the eity visit tog relatives aid f leads. Mrs L A MeCmoeti an I Mr and Mrs Mil lar sre visiting f rien Is in MoMinuville. Miss Csrrie Ffeiffer, who has beee attend ing reboot at Salem, is boat on her vacation. Krve Hrodt-rson. f Oakland came down to this eity 00 TueswLy .sod returned on Wednesday. e Joe Webbc. Jr., was ie the city s short time last week. Joe is making a nretlas insurance man. Billy" Msnsfield. 1 the lsvUr of Car- I SSI . . m . w .7 V"'"- ia b CJty -Ssror-lsy. H is gt- nog fjuite priiy ia apjieara os. MrWACs returned s few days ago from V 1:11104 City. bero he has been bull ing nd ptasteriog the near h tl. BJ Purree, National Bi-n Iospeetir was N Albany last Hsturday. fl- fuind the Pirt Nati-.oial II ink of this ettr i-, ., , O K o-Midt- VI r W A Wash. travaJii.i . . . . i 4j .11 . n . . .. ... rsii 1 om iKitujncrr, was tu Ainat We.lnsasiay. .Mr Wm st tie f Molr af the I J mi- '.! tie (J'tztttf. Mr Mullen, of the firm af D B Monteith hi' . left last week for California in the : t iterwet of tbaCurren feuit dryer, and will Of .1.4 My be gone ttntd fall. W K Iteid, Hi Keuteo. Mr Bhwtee and ; Robert Br tu. left Wednesday moeuing f-w j QasjtawtBe mi the Middle Fork of the Saoti aan, where they wilt fl.h. hunt, proapect and recreate generally. IUw the n.h, deer, aa ! taUttt. Iear. elk and grab will suffer. The in. Moo auriferous deposits wit! b br"Usht to light in great abundance. i w ,, ... , f" lh 4th of Jn,y j " July 3 Thatunght. j Casta ty t'ettrs. , Alt aj.unicd meeting of the Countv Court was held last Wednesday. In the matter of the building of bridge across the Calipooia at B.rdon Mills the contr tct was let to St. John & Stone. The bonds of Sheriff elect US Smith and Surveyor E T T Fisher wen? presented and approved. J L Stewart was granted lumber for Dist. 40. A Condra was authorized to make ar- ningement for repairing i.iJc acrosf Calipooia Creek in Dist 29. A Blackburn was appointed Supervisor of Dist. 30. J II Lame was allowed scraper for Dist. 33- The botid of J. P. (Jslhraith, c Ntatf clerk elect Wsa duly approvssl. The following bill were ordered paid : Geo Humphrey, canvassing vote. ... $3.30 W J Stewart . ". 6.40 A H Marshall, hire of team c.00 J M Irving, postage. 2.00 2j &Sinlth,dinaterkr. 'Too 4.U0 The !)' v Sid Telephone is the oa.t.e of MuMiuu villes new pap-jr. It presents an eUctricsl appearance. Uelluheilo. Dismissed. Lsst Tuesday El, Buhnema i complained to Justice Humphrey of en assault by Mr. J. A. Grou, of the Depot Hotel, when Mr. (Irons was arrested, sud Wedoesdsy mrn iuK tried before Mr. Humphrey snd hiuu.ra- biy acquitted. A nearly as Me can :aru, Mr. Grosa was at work 00 his place n -r the city when Buhneman, who had previously bt-en ejected from the Dpot Hotel 00 account of drunkeuneas, put iu sa appistraaco and inaitiug htmoif obnoxious was put out of the garden, 11 us aud Caps N. H. Allen Sc. Co., are now large stock ef hats aud dp recatviug 1 children' straws, iu ssason will be made a specialty, A rent Kxcnrsltin- livery oue on tie go, l&ouu arriving oy try minute st ths store of Monteith A Sei teubaoh. Each and all arc making their opring selections of dress goods, fancy goods, etc., in fact everything new and attractive can bd found there, so if you want a pointer memorize thi and give them a call. Seed Yonr ('berries. We have a little machine that will seed cherries at the rate of from three to four bushel per hour. Just the thiug for persons having a dryer, or who expect to can cherries. It's cheap. Come and see it. Peters k Stewart. e If you want strietly first class goods at rook bottom prices go to Rb.vd A Brownelis. GOODS. UNDER To Tracker. Albany, Or., June and, 1886. In another column of thi paper will t een the program for the State Teacher' Association which is to be held at Yaquina City on July 6th, 7th, 8th and oth. The object of this Association is to pro mote the cause of education generally, ut d plans arc now being perfected which will make this the largest and most important meeting of teacher ever held in the State. It is exceedingly desirable that Linn county be represented at thi convention and all teachers, their friends and friend of educa tion are most cordially and earnestly In vited to attend and aid i developing the public school work of our Htate. In order 1 I may he able to secure as definite ir -formation us possible lelativc to the num ber of teachers and others who will atten l from this county, I shall lie obliged if thore who determine to go will kindly inform me at the earliest ossible day. All persons going from Albany and sicinitv will leave Albany at or before 12 o'clock noon on July 5th or 6th for Corvallis where they will take the excursion train on the O P K R at 2 o'clock, p. m. for Yaquina Bay. All persons arriving in Albany on the noon train and desiring to reach Corvallia in time to take passage on the train for Ya a ulna City and desiring conveyance from Albany to train at CorvallU should imme diately inform m-i in order that the proper arrangements for such transportation ma be made in due time to prevent disappoint tnents. Yours Respectfully, D. V.S. Rain. Chairman of Executive Committee. t wmsnea 'u 11 Tuesday, June and, i8S6. Present sll oUioers aud memoers. $32 wsa the estimated cost of a sewer io black 8 as given by Record or snd Street Commissioner. The Committee on Ordiusnces ami City Attoroey were instructed to draw ordiosoce io reference to grade of streete. Property owo-rs ou First Street were re ordered to make tmirovctornte which they have already p n ordered to make. Licenses to sell lioor were ordered grant ed to Marx Bauniga', Adam Ibrig, Pete Schiceaer, Mueller A Garrett, Wm Faber, Chas Kstfer and M Peyser. Au ordinance in r freoo to ttie office of Street Commissi mer wa crdered draws to 1st presented at a future meetiug. OR N Ulaehkum resiguo I a CMiucilmao from the First Ward, and If fl Hewitt was elected to till bis place, revel vi eg 3 cut 6 votes, W B Btrr 1 and bliak I The Ready license law nrdtni..; was laid ou the table uutd the seoeo I meeting ia Jaly. One of the bridges over the ditcn in the Third Ward was oedtrmd repaired. The follow iog talis were ordered yvl : RcUasoa A West, 940.50 ; Riad A Brown ell. .SO ; N J lien too, 3t 05 ; Costs ia cases of city agt A Henderson, Jas K el ley, Chas Woodson aad Jas Riley. (J21.50 ; J R Stew, srteou. $10.25 ; J C Powell, fees as City Attorney, $30 ; P W Spink, f3 ; I Hayes, 93 65 ; A W McCUin, 9100 R bt Brown, 950 ; John Jooes, $69 ; root R-corder's of ftce, 918.75 ; I flay, collecting tazee. 9100.90; Jbn H iff nan, 9 73 ; Jeb0 Maxwell, grayol. 95.50. fglrkest Sftsaaal. Taylor.t he soap man, who was kicked out of Portland, was in Albany yesterday swind ling simpletons. The number though wo small, and the rascal was "guyed" so mud that he soon closed his valise and lit out. I Re Hasenle rtesite. Yesterday was a sort of an election dai or ath of Julv. As we went to pres the air waa full of music, and a good ctowt was getting together from all parts of the valley. Full particulars will be given in our next issue. The allege Prof. Lockard left for Portland on Tucs day.and Miss Goodwin a few days previous. We understand the latter will not return. Arrangements are being made to open the College at the regular time ; but they are not yet perfected. 11..SRU. .1.1 r 1 "! Hiim-iiei!'. ai tangent irai jiiwu iiwi- uoon. At that time he wi'l be at Camp meetiui; at laiwiston, in Beuton oonnty. . arrets Arrived. Au exceedingly large stock of carpets iu sll qualities bs just been received by Mob teiih k Ssiieabach. Tiie assortment em ! Io sees the uewsst pstterna aud coloring I t . a ' r j . l ii.' giwis are ixiiag ooerets a. very urices. Pnoule wauuna cruets should iul tsil tu eoe them. Wali faper N. H. Allen & C h'l new wall papers are now arriving direct from the factory, all era las now in stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. Clstbtag at Hcllwaln'a. By calling at A. B. Mcllwain you can get your clothing at prices that will aston ish you. Hs has a good stock and is noumt to sell it. Sic 4p94mIhs A. B. Mcllwain has a lame aud wall select ed stock of new goods, sa tine aa ever brought to Albany. Call on htm and make your selec tions from his hrst-olass stock. The tinest lino of window cornice mould ags at Wooiltu s For your sewitw uischioes,sewiug maehio needle and extras go to Will Bros. Examine Wood ins Extension tables. They are -well go and see them for yourself. Jeb Printing. Burkhart & Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kinds of printing on short notice and in firt-clas8 style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. Poitland, Or., March 26th, 1880. navtng tnea me eneois or me concert trtd extract of Oregos Kidney Tea we cheerfully bear witness to Us benefi cial R28H0V in affections ef the dioeative organs, it is simple, safe and sure; easily taken, and restores healthy vitality to tits organs it is .intended to operas upon witn assured success. 8, J. MoCormick, editor "Catholic Sentinel." Buckten's Aralea Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevr Sores, Totter. Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all 3km ruru puous, and pot tlvely oures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gtve peneot ssttsraetioi, or mooey refunded. Price 25 cents, por box. For sale by b osiisy & Mason. LJia. m. 11 j gagiuisit Jiaae BORN. LEEDY. At Sodaville. on June ZQ ..Itiiiti to the wife of schoolmaster A D Loedy-son. TAKING A SPECIALTY. Boots aad Rfcee. K. II. AUea A Co., are now receiving a fino line of boots and shoes, thoy propose ia the fatiire to make a ap-wislty of thi branch of their butiness, in addition to a full line of Bdchiogham A Heoht's make nf boots std hoes whiuh for dnraoility cannot be ex celled, they have a line of gajjini goods of all grades including a lino of S. O. Sollars A Co., of ftuwdeipttia, childfim ay I misses shoes, which are as grxd as any tnsnufactnr ed. They guarantee eyery shoe jnst ss rep reseotod. Oive them a trial. Mala n Cape. Ii i time to get your spring hesd spparal. A. B. Mcllwain has a stock of hats of the latest styles, which very mso s'o.old eg smiue before Imyisg. t.l a sark. On :wu t of t:e tear prl- n.f w,tmt f ,.Jr will be sold at th-j M igaells Mills at 91. 10 a sack, r 41 I ) a t.irr-.l, an t will be delivered fr-m tosW srte of tlv Mty faary .... Ths place to g f vu:y g , is at Moltw uY i4 ,r q and tharo is no oi class . B . 'i uat offre 1 I- I! kinds. ato.;k is here, its bemg first Oiseea sa umu. On from one to three ye irs time, on good security, in sum of $500 up. Call on Cuxn, Moxtrith U Co. When Baby was atek, we gawe Ut CAWttmJL, When aba waa a Chad ilaeUii rriemvTi Wbea he becacae Mim. aba altm u, CAtrrnm a Wban she bad Cbsldna, sae jtawwtbeca C AJBTOHIX. NEW AhVERTISEMENTS. J. W. BEtSTTLEY, The reliable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Reairing promptly sa 1 wvl) done. Farm ers should leave orders for boots before har vest snd settle for them sfter harvest. Satis fsction given. Hotice for Publication. Lar-dOwce at Orkoow City. Or.l Jams 19th, I WO. ) NOTICE is hereby eiven that tbo fol lowing named settlor baa died notice of hl Intention to make flnl proof io sup port of his claim, and tbst said proof whl he made before Register and Receiver U, 8. I and Office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Welneadnv. Aug. 4th, lH6, via; Jamais s Berry, H-.mestead Entrv o. for Ihn K rs W of Sec 26. T 9 S B 1 F, He names the to! lowing witnesses to provo bis continuous residence upon, and f tttivatlon of, said land, via : Hsrleaeter Priehard, James Shelton. Dudley Hodden, and John Priehard, all of Jordan. linn county, Oregon. W. T, BtravEY, ttoRiMcr. Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Court of the Sta'rof Oregon for Polk County. J - Lewis Kelso, Piaintitr. . TO. John H Does, B C Dove, E P Dove and D uovfc, u&ienaaut. ffsTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue 11 of an exceutiou and ao order of aale leaned out of the a bov name Court in the above entitiexi action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on "aturdav the 17th day of July. 1888. at the boor of one o'clock, p. ut. of said day at the Court House door In the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at public auction fur cash in hand to the highest bid ier sell the real estate heretofore attached in said action and described ss follow, to-wit : Tbe northeast quarter of tbe northeast qnsrter of Section eleven (il) Township No. ten (10) South of Rani.0 No. four (4) west of tbe Willamette meridian in Linn County, Oregon, containing forty acres more or leea. The proceeds of sale to be applied : First to lhe pay men 1 of tbe cost of suit taxed at $32.70 and tbe costs nf end open said writ. Secoud to tbe payment of Plaintiffs claim to wit;seven hundred and twenty-live snd 91-100 dollar witn inter- eat at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from tbe 14th day of Mar. A. D. 1336. Dated the 17th day of June, 1886. J K. CSHARLTOK, Sheriff ef Linn county, Oregon. per Jas J. Chskltoh, Deputy. M . A. CHJBRRY, JOXJT HAJXSHAW. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine and Mill Builders, Having opens'! up the old foundry and machine hop formerly owned by A. F, Cherry dt Son, and added new and late improved machinery, wo are prepared to hsndte a'i kinds of heavy machinery. Wo will manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mill niar-bincry.vso wood work- tng machinal v ofaM kiudi, t.11 kinds of I . , . Iron and brass cn-ti-urs made to order. Repairing of f irm msubinery a specialty. Pattern of all kinds made on short uotica. The be: assortment of patterns in the Slate. Shops corner 1st and Montgomery Ste. ALBANY, OREGON. 6 BILL NYE. Will make the so won of I8SH at the fol lowing pieces. .Lebanon on Tuesdays of each waek. Brownsville, Wednesday night nd Thursday. Halsev. Thursday night and Friday. Bill Nye was sired by Edward "Everett and his dam was by a son of Emigrant. Thus is will be seen that be combines tbe blood of Vermont, Comet, Pathfinder and KtnfRTant. This is not only a well bred young horse but be Is good individual ly an. 1 those tbac are breeding for ltgbt harness blood can not do better, xoe lee required for his services is f l.r. The Lai f blood Percheron stallion form erly owned by Ninirod Payn, Usq , will make the abova oircatt who jsttt intc, Price aa usual. Don't forget their ap pointments and don't fail to see Bill Nye, the handsomest horse on th r-ad. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." 17, x, nvaniuHi, rrup, Landretli Winter Wheat, Sowed 4 lb in fall of '82. While other wheat waa frozen out this was not affected. It is not surpassed by aay variety in hardi- is j ness, vigor of growth, stiffness and length ef itraw, freedom from rust, productiveness and milling quality. The uraiu is large, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield ing tbe h nest hour. Kipens two or three weekn earner than other raiu. will have a limited quantity of this famous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a bushel, ot Eastern prioe, 25c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wishing (n see the whras growing can do to by calling at tny place 1 mile S E of Tangent. A. L- BarDUKKARMER, Tangent, Or. X li E BEST THING OUT, s the Acme Hsrrow and 00 farmer can well afford to bo without it. It is the very best clod crusher and pulveriser, leaving the ground as level as a bam floor. Sold only by Paters A Stewart. i 1