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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1885)
TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITR8 & NUTTING. ItSISBSSBrrtrB-la DfMorril BMlldlngon rvaOalkla uml. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ngo copr, pw yor, In adrancs - 2 f0 sing-la (Htpr, Pr ysar. at and of year S 00 alng-la oojy , aix tnuntni 1 M atu(fla oopy, thrss mouths "6 a nirla nutuhar 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this stafo. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. Office In Poster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon Office upstairs, over John Rriftfrs store, Ht street. vl4n'23tf J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, firiLL PRACTIOK IS ALL THK COURTS OF THS Kpaclai attention ft ran to robata ca In Odd MUrw'a Temple. n:i r. o. rowsi.L. w. n. rilybd POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNFiYS AT LAW, Inrl Knlieitnra in rhanrerv 4LB4WT. ... ORftaOVf. Collections promptly made on all points. uoans negotiated on reaaonanie wrras. rOffloe in Foster's Brick. Tlialftf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of this State. All bualnes Intrusted to him trill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT X5HXJO- 8TOKB, tyl 4LBIMY. sBBB. P03HAY & MASON, vaobSLaxs am satan Droggistsand Booksellers, i A gents for Joh n B. A 1 den's pnbl leal Ions, which we sell at publisher's prices with postage added. ALBANY, OBEGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. t have the best stock of nrniture in the eity and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and tbe lowest price in tbe Valley. Come and see. Undertaking. A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A, B, WOOD IN, Revere House, Cea-ae Blest sat Ella worth Alftaua 7, Oregon. W Garre t, Prop'r. This new Hot.' is fitted up in first daas stria. Tables applied with the best tbe market affords. Spring Beds in every Boom. A good Sample Boom lor Com men1 la I Travelers. Orrree Coach to sad Irons the Hotel. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept, 15th, 1885. For parUeolsrs concerning the course ol study and he prtoe ol tuiUon, apply to REV. J- C WTCKOFV, President, Aloany Bath Mouse. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully laform tho eitisens of Albany and ri laity that I have taken charge of this Establish most, and, by keeping slean rooms and payin attic t attention to business, expects to suit si those who may faror US with their patronage Hiring heretofore carried on notning oat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons xpeots te give satire sstlafsetion to s) Bst-CbSldien and Ladies' Heir neatly en hampooed. JOS WEBBER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office oor, Firat and Ferry Streets, A J BAN Y - - OREGON. 0. O OHBBBT. C.B.PVftK H ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) lacMnists, Millwrights, ana Iror Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATJj ipleted, and are now prepared to ho.nrlln nil kinds of heavv work. We will manufacture Steam Entdnes. Grist and flaw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of iron emd Brass Castings. PATTERNS MtDE OB SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator at nniVf Send six cants for postage, and Ka rHlail.1 receive free, a costly bos of goods which will help you to mora money rlht away than nvthimrelae In this world, All of either sex, sue- from first hour, The broad road to fortune .Mbi before tbe workers, absolutely sure. At once address Tsus and Co,, Augusta, Mains, Sttttf R 1 0 Ills 1 VOL. XXI. TEST YOUR BARING POWDER TO DAY! Dramla aitrartlaad aa absolutely pur TNI TUT i . -w ajaajni DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS aUULTUn L.1US MAS MBV1R UU ISJTK)!IBJ. tn a million heme, for a quarter of a century It baa THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKiNU POWDER CO., Dr. PrlCR'S taiAl FlmriM V.Yhwk Ta. .m--.., ...i mm 4 ,.Ur. i U....4 Dr. Priot't Lupulin Yeast Sims For Light, Itrtlthy IJrMed, The Em I Dry H p FOR SALE BY a sssai in nw nona. GROCERS. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. for salt by CutUnf , Marts Co, Portland, Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PCRrECT MAUr I vSff rJJX flavor as delicately and naturally as tbo fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Chicago. ar. loots. For sale by Cutting hUrle n 1 Cj Portlud, Or SKIN TORTURES II AND BLOOD HUMORS II I Ml MATING Erurtin.. Itching- and JUuming ts lii Tortures, ami t'.Uciooa btaaaees o die Blood, hkin an.1 bcJi mm ea iieaaaai. aw. ruDMr. inaasilie Bawasuiuua with loss ef Hair. Irem Infancy to .Jd in nd. tlely cureo by CiTKtrs. ths great Shin Cure, and Ctnct sa BOAr, an csquiaUe bktn Ike.uuAer, extr- naJIy. aiui Cctiu it UaauLXBST. the Bluud 1-uil- Ser, internally. COVERED WITH SOBES. I hare been afflicted atoce last March with a Shin diaaaea lew doctor called Ecaatu. My tao was sev ered with scabs and sores, and the luhiu and burn- mif were alui-t unbearable. Seem.- y..ur Mtin h Remsmss so highly rscnmmensVd, eeaeluded to aie thesn a trial, sssew the Cmct ka and Cvthxsa boat externally, and BanoLvnrT internally, lor lour months. I call myself cured. In gratitude lor which I nuke ibis public statement. MBS. CLARA A. FREDERICK. Broad Brook, Conn. M tLP.F U E, EARS ANBNECK, I was afflicted with Kcsrms on thi seal A. Baea ear. and neck, whi.h the dnncgiet, where 1 get your reme dies, pronounced one el the woret esses thst had come He advieed me to try your Ct-nct sa Ksnsniss, and .Iter five days' use my scalp and pan ot my face were entirely cured. al 1 hone la another wash to have my ears. neck, and the other t ol my lace cured. HERMAX BLADE. UO E 4th Street, New YorS. ITCHING DIftEAMES CUBED. C na.BA stands at the head of its aaaaa. aanaakaDv is tbia thecaee with tbe Vtk aa Soar. Have had an unusually good sale tbla aummer, owing to the pre valence el an aggravated lorm ef Itch through aome bbbbbbwss in tne countn, in wnu n me BfjsjsfSBS Rem ao las proved mti factory. w. l. HAKOIUU, druggist. Unionlown, By. CCTICCKA REMEDIES. Are sold by all druggUtt. Price : CmcrsA, SOe. ; Rbsolvkkt. si i Soap, 25c. Porrss Dsi o asp Cmbji- kal Co., Boston, Mass. Send lor "How to Cave Skin bisessea." ghg? Jl. 8BTIKY the complexion and skin by using DCHU the CcTiCiSA SoAr, I a isth SBHr.Asr THE SEWING MACHINE is the cause of Merino Paina and Wa For Achtne Sides and Back. Kid ney Pains. Sciatica, Chest Pains, Weak ness sod InllammaUon, the CiTict'tA Asti Pais Plastss is infallible, 26c. Rirr IB TBS BACK,' stitch in the side, cramps, snooting ana snarp paine, nwnnauc, ralic, and sciatic pains, ana every ex ternal nain and ache soothed and expell ed with wonderful celerity by tht new. orisinaL etoeant and speedy antidote m rain and tnSaaiamlien. the Ccncuas I ' Warranted the perfection ol slsgant external remedies, and vastly superior to all other plasters. At druggists, T... ; nve lor i, Mailed tree. PoTrsaOEia asd Ciikmical Co., Bos ton 'TIBEU ABB At HIN; Ml St LES. crying! through countless nerves lor rest and relief. I.Ike manna to the children of Israel Is ths Ccncuaa Plamtss to the tired, overwork ed, aching muacle. Do not deny your self the comfort afforded by this new, original inSanintion. At dnurgtsls, IOC 1 Ave for 1. Mailed free, l'orrea Dkoo asp CuBmcAL Co., Boeton. First National Bank OF ALB AX Y, OREGON. President JOHN COKNEB Cashier U. F. MEBBILL TBANBACT8 A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. uiort SBCraWAVOfJ mnd teletrranhic tmnfer. aold on New York, San Pranclsco, Chicago and Pertland, Oreiron. COLLECTIONS MADE on lavorable terms. DIRECTORS. S. E. Yorso, Jonn Cosssn, L. B. Blais, L. I'm n.i, H. F. MBRBfLL. 3. L. COWAN. i. W.CU3ICK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York. San Frsn cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. BECEIVE deposits subject, to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt ttention. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. m ihwsmm ui aVimmmiaY. WASHINUT) LtCTTBB (Kr.un our regular oorrcspoitdcut.) Washington, Oct. 2etb, 885. Tho winter le&sou and session suf flclently near to be matters of In test t and subjects of conversation In Wash. Ington- Thero see ins to be a general impresslan In political circles that tho coming session of Congress will be one of unusual Interest and excite ment. Many think It will be the the most sensational winter In Wash ington since the war. If by some mslign aceideut New York and Vir ginia should go republican, the bloody shirt will again come to the front and the stormy scenes of the reconstruct ion era wilt be revived In the House and Senate. I hear from a reliable source that Mr. Vilas, Mr. Whtney and Mr. Lam. aVem"u ar, nro in ie maue sun acts or an whIch Mr- G"land is now enduring. uw "n noacn interest: tno isna TOW est T..L.. YA fi I s a .as at frDt lntereatJ the tmhip mail '"wren are enrageu ana desperate. They have powerful attorneys In Chandler, Robeson, Ben Bailor and others. They will leave no stonn tin turned Io recover their rich bno.v .n.i thv tin n.i u ll ijf. wrma uwu aiSOIUIIlV IICIQ 111 I Washington. There are s larce number cf con tractors, lobbyists,sttoroeysarHl cislm agents here who have grown rich from the fat dripnlnirs In the V ft. Trcassfirv whn m, nttA v Ma., viv'vibuu was i inaugurated, they thought, of course the Mdav nt ihi. hiv j wvuuj waw VfCl. I w T and mrml f Itaaum mam or emigrate. But these aweet stills have seen from afar that ratnv of lheir rmer pal. and sccompllces are retained In places of conftdenco and trust, and tbefaee cotnlne back. I They will be felt and not seeo this winter. They are active even now. The President, I think, is not aware ol the Immense sinews of the forces that ore preparing to attack him through his Cabinet. The Pan Elec tric Telephone Company will be in vestigated. A special committee will bo appointed In the Senate in tbe in terest of John Roach. The Ocean Mail Steamship Company will howl for their subsidy, and Insist upon an investigation of the Pos- Msster Gen- era!. The laud grabbers point of at tack will be the Secretary of the In. terlor. A powerful socio military or- ganizalion will weep and refuse to be comforted because alt tbe leaden of will be a day of annual parade in eele aociety have been sent te their regi- b ration of tbe snniversary of American ments and posts in tho West. When all tbeee forces march agalust the common foe, there will be beautiful fighting all along tbe line. It will be exceedingly Interesting to watcn and note events ae they de velop. When Congress adjourned last March few believed i hat, it would assemble in such unsettled politics weather. Every ona expected to see b peaceful political revolution and that Washington, so long the pollti cal headquarters of the Republican ptriy would be transformed at k?at to the extent of its official jertonel. The transformation has not taken place. The great body of republicans are still In office, and tbey will in a few days greet their friends In Con- gross. Who can doubt that there will be co-operation between republi- can Senators and Congressmen and the host of republican office-holders who have long lived in the bonds of personal and political alliance t That Mr. Cleveland is so slow in cleaning the camp of enemies and traitors is a subject of regret with those who elected him for this pur pose. To have seen the rejoicing last week in the corridors of the different Departments the handshaking, the congratulation over the Republican success In Ohio, one would have thought that the disl had been turn ed back to the days of Grant, or to the time when these same officials re joiced over the rape of the presidency in 1870. These jubilating republican officials, men who have eaten the bread of theft since 187G, are the in struments tint are retained by a Democratic Administration, Mr. Cleveland has accomplished marked reforms, and his message to coneress, accompanied by the reports of the different Cabinet officers will show that much has been done In the direction of a return to honest and economical methods of admiois tratioD. For the first time in the historv of the Post Office Department ay the contiogent fund has boon so care fully managed that Congress will not be called upon to make a deficiency appropriation. The figures in other Departments will be as creditable. But the full measure of roform can not be attained with the clerks ap- pointed by Blaine, Hoar, Sherman, and the two Chandlers. Tbe annual income of Vandsrbiit is about ten tons of solid gold. That in : rounu nu )ofdolUri. round numbers is about four millions ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1885. THK SI PBBMB UBA1 MDCB. Tbe most important business trsnsaot ed by the Supreme Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, recently held io Baltimore, was tbe adoption of a revision of tho usi formed degree. The revision wan baaed upon a report presented by John II Alldn, of New llami.shise, John 0. Underwood and Edward A. Stevens, of Kentucky. In 1883 the Suptems Grand Lodge adopted a degree for ooi formed patriarchs. It was intended to help thst branch and give It an organ ization of Us own, or a distinctive feature. It was found to be beneficial. There has been of late a demand to re vise the degree and place it upon I permanent basis. The friends ef the degree wanted to see it perfected. They clamored for an attractive degree,hence the appointment of the committee. In the prsfsoe to the repot t tbe committee says s "Recognizing the fact of tbe existence io oung men of a desire for display and liking for military pemp and grandeur, and being aware of tbe use made ef such human characteristics by other and rival societies, a military feature has become necessary as an ad- juool to tbe I. 0. O. F., otherwise the natural supply of initate material will W go outwardly more at trsctire and showy orders." The name of the members of tbe revised degree WU b Militant." The rT8 11 upon ihe of un,,r'" J- urIrwo m "M" t0 bfl Part,y itary, and for purposes of display. The unit of lh organixation of tbe degree is the Canton." Tbe canton sbsll consist of . i a av a w. IwSSt 10 msmOers. the CStilona l.( a. . a i i t . . . . """V" inc wonu w,' orgsnued oto Uttalions, regiments, brigades, di od " F,r coUjn" mum" wnsuauwa oatianon ; a tgimmi constat of three battalions ; thrre regiments shall form a brigade ; three brigades shall make a division ; the si my shall embrace tbe entire rank and file of tbe "Patriarchs Militant." Tie "grand sire" of tbe I. 0. O. P. will be es-efBeio tbe theoretical commsnder-in- chief. There will he ten commissioned officers, ranging from a iisotenaot-gen- era! down to an ensign. There will be nine non-commissioned officers. When the membership of a canton sbsll reac h 102, tbe body will be termed a grand canton. A military council consisting of tbe field and general officers of the army, will be held annually prior to tbe meeting of tbe Sovereign Oracd Lodge. Tbe 29th of April of each tear Odd Fellowship. The whole degree is a otvtc-mtlitary idea. It corresponds in its details to tbe United States army. The banner and colors of tbe new degree were on exhibition at B.rnumV Tbe banner is a perfect beauty. It Is 3G inches wide and 54 inches Jcng. It is made of silk. The front is scarlet, with white silk lambre quins, trimmed with gold lace and fringe. Tbe escutcheon shield rests in the centre. It is of void body. The motto, "Justitia Universalis," runs scross the centre. Tbe flsg or "colors" is the same size as tbe binner. It con sists of three equal vertical at noes. purple, white and scarlet, "C and M," in old English sre embroidered in gold upen tbe purple and scarlet stripes. Tbe flag is trimmed with gold fringe. The workmanship is in keeping with the design. Tbey were made by the Petti- bone Manufacturing Company of Cin- oinnati. The revision of the degree a e takes effect at once THAMKmXti PReCL INITIO. e Tbe American people have always abundant cause to he thankful to tbe Almighty Qod, whose watchful care and guiding hand have been manifested in every stage of their national lifs, guiding and protecting them in time of peril, and safely leading tbsm in the hour of danger. It is 6ttiDg and proper that a nation thus favored should on one day of every year, for that purpose especially ap pointed, publicly acknowledge the goed- ness of God and return thanks to him for all his gracious gifts. Therefore, I, Qrover Cleveland, Presi dent of the United States of Amerioa, do hereby deaignate and set apart Thuraday the 26th day of November "-want, as a day of public thanksgiving n prsyer, and do invoke the observ ance of the same by all the people of tbe land. On that day let all secular busi ness be suspendsd and let the people assemble in their usual places of wor ship, snd with prayer and songs of praise devoutly testify their gratitude to the giver of every good and perfect gift, for all that he has done for us in the year that has passed, for our pres ervation as a united nation, and for our deliverance from the shock and danger of political conyulsion j for our safety and quiet while wsrs anal rumors of wars have agitated other nations of the eftrtn . for our security sgsinst the o0ura of Destilence which in ether iftrjaB has claimed its dead by thousands i and filled the streets with mourners : for tbo plenteous crops which reward the labor of the husbandman and in crease our nation's wealth, and for con- teotment throughout our borders which follows in prosperity and abundance. And let there also be on the day thus set apart a reunion of families, sanoti fled and chastened by tender memories and associations ; and 1st the social in m. an an e a e.e a lereourse 01 in end with pleasant re minsoenssf rsns tiss of affection and strengthen bonds of kindly feeling. And let us by no means forget, while we give thanks and enjoy tbe comforts which have crowned our lives, that truly grsteful hearts are inclined to deeds of charity, and that kind and .i i . f . .. tnougouui remain ursnce ot the poor will double the pie aa urea of our condi tio aad render our praise and thanks giving more acceptable in the eight of tke Lord. Done at tbe city of Waahiogton.tbis, tbe second day of November, one thou sand, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and of tbe independence of tbe United States tbe one hundred and tenth. Q ROVER CLEVELAND. By tbe President, T. F. Bayard, Secretary of Suite. ASYTBUSs. T BAVB rSTstCTieB. Sueh is the selfish Interest which proteetionists have io maintaining an unjust tariff that they are ready to adopt most any scheme to secure their object. In order to make it necessary to raise Urge sums of money by impos ing heavy duties on all kinds of import ed articles tbey now propose to repeal tbe internal revenue taxes on whiskey and tobacco. Tbe only argument that is needed sgsinst repealing the internal taxes en whiskey and tobacco consists in tbe fact that the thing cannot be done without bankrupting tKt public Tt$Lury or largely increasing the revenues from same other source. The only feasible source of revenue that would remain is in tbe duties on imports ; but to hat more revenue out of the customs it will be ttecsssrv restore the duties on i and coffee or reduce many of tbe prohibitory rates to a revenue standard. When wi.h economy io administration, another large surplus eriv in tbe Treasury tbe friends of revenue reform ill insist on reducing tbe taxes on accessaries ef the family instead of tak ing them off drink and smoke. There is sufficient surplus in the treasury now t warrant a transfer of taxed raw ma terials to the fre list and a moderate reduction of do ties on articles of necess ity. A reduction of duties te tbe amount of forty million dollars in it is way would relieve tbe industry and abor of the country of a burden of at east two hundreu million dollars. A repeal of one hundred and thirty-fire million dollars of fiscal taxes which men velun tartly pay for their drink and smoke would leave the Treasury without means to carry on the govern- ment, unless tbe defict is supplied by raising more revenue from customs on ower rates of duty. For these reasons there is no party in the country in favor of repealing the internal taxes. The protectionists would oppose such a measure now, and tbe friends of tariff reform will oppose it now and in tbe future. As a matter of fiscal legisla tion there is no better or more satis factory source of reyenue then the vol untary taxes paid on the consumption of whiskey and tobacco. Apart fiom the question of revenue there are mul titudes of votsrs who believe that the cheapening of whiskey for drink is not in scoordance with sound public policy, and these will decide the question against repeal every time. Cheap cloth ing, blankets, Garnets, coal, salt and other necessaries are of far more conse quence to the family than cheap whis key. A DBtrISTS 8TOBT. Mr. Isaao C. Chspman,Duggist,New. burg, N. Y., wiites us : "1 have for the past ten years aold several groaa of ur. William nans uaisam tor - wjssss ,ni vv in wa a t. bungs. i can say of it what l cannot ef any other medicine. I have never hssrd a customer speak of it but to praise its virtuea in tne niguesc msnner. I have rscommsnded it in a great many cases of Whooping Cough, with tbe happiest effects. I have used it in my own family for many years ; in fact, always have a bottle in the medicine closet ready for use.'1 Gail Hamiltsn ia of the opinion that Joke Sherman is a very much over rated man. This is likewise Mr. Blaine'a opinion. Call a woman a duck and she likes it. Call her an old hen and she will aoratob your eyes out. Seme Fashion Xetea. Bead trimming in largo varieties are rsshionanie. Bough textures are popular. Flowers of different kinds should not be mixed. The hair sow Is worn in two coils. Woolen dresses are very much in favor, with hats to match. Veils will be popular tbla winter. Hats of all sites and shapes are fashion able. Bright oolsra are not warn much, H H to ootaJlrtrlbM! to vswhb Ooin In Burkhart Bros., hands and will ha ru..n,. , . 1 partiea, and in amounts 'from 82.50 to $25 on St8JLby diBin'ato have an equal chance In proportion to the Zmour. n-I??Jmtomer aas pj J, OUR For the Pall and Winter All our purchases are made for pao8eu' Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we nmnnoo flfftM hA mnu.A4 TT.u ' t .r. propose to OWW4D "iuaiuouuo vanrjy ior 61 tiler CfLah r cure some of the rare bargains offeredTndJk ov 5, 10 where thero is not one the money elsewhere for. ALBANY, ORBCfON, Nov. 2nd, 1886, rrsisTB LtTiexa. Tbe following resolutions were adopt ed by tbe democrats of Yamhill county at their county convention last Thurs day : 1st That we as a party and as citi zens ard tax payers condemn the re publican party, its representatives and oiTicis!s,for their unwarranted neglect of a plain public duty, in this that their egudature refused to elect, a United States Senator from a list of more than fifty candidates, one of whom must now be chosen if a republican be elected. 2nd. That we condemn and censure the action of Governor Z. F. Moody in failiog to appoint a United 8. ales Sen ator and in convening tbe legislature in special session at a cost of more than $-6000 end confidently assert that he and his party fear to submit this ques tion to the people of tke State next June. 3rd. That tbe people ef tbe State of Oregon without regard to party can not afford to be taxed with two eeesions of the Legislature inside of ten months solely to gratify a few republican poli ticians er to rectify tbe political blund ers of any party. 4th. That we invite the earnest con sideration of all fair minded men to tbe plain and confessed purpose of the re publican managers to thwart tbe people's will by depriving them of an opportun ity to settle this question tbamsebee next June. 5ih. That we wish ss a party to call tbe attention of the country to the fact now patent to all that the republican orgsnizatien exists mainly as a means o get office for its manipulators. 6th. That the Administration of Mr. Cleveland deserves the cordial support of every fsir minded citizen and is in marked contrast with that of his repub lican predecessors, who turned every power and office of the federal Govern ment to partisan uses. 7th. That we cordially invite all per sons whatever may hare been their past political affliHations to unite with ns and all good eitisens in piecing a jast censure upon the Republican party for its reckless diaregard and wanton violation of the rights of tbe whole peo ple. These resolutions express tbe senti- manta ef manv eitisens who are not democrats. She wanted to break her husband of tho habit of drink, and began to cook his food In liquor, having heard that it would nrove effectual. He didn't say anything the first day ; he ihoweil no 8ifn8 0f noticing the changt the second day, but after sup. p9r on the lhlrd day he said to her: nsja-,,, you don't know hoW you thave improved In your cooking in ne a9t three days. " Ex-Presidsnt Arthur says he did not save a cent of the $200,000 he received salary while Preaident. Berry Wall spent $300,090 In the same time, but Wall had several suits more than Arthur. The Beauty ef Youth. No matter how handsome or stalwart a young man may be otherwise, nothln a in make un for a oaruaily bald hea Khininjr talents are auraouve, uut a auiu- Imr noil is not. The cause may be sick- ness or anything else, yet raraer-s xiair Balsam with stop the lose of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair an onicklv aa to surmise VOU restoring ... . . wsw. a V . 1 tne original color at tne same time, iw . . : . . . f . - a dva. not all v. deiicateiv oeriumeu, . "... . . . . a J r" ly standard ooo dressing, The Meat Agreeable Aa well as the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or - . a. 2 1 A. 1 m I w fa war cleansing tne ayatomi is uj u.B rlnamt of the nleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 60o and $1 bottles for sale by Foshay fc Mason, Lang- don A Co. SO. 16 NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen & Co.. $100.00 - orcoOD..r..,OT, eo -5TE1BUTI0N Jan. 1. 188S , - Avufii5rju, NEW STOCK can tint. Via Qllnnn t and 25 Cent Counter article but what vnn , nat you would kaveto pay double N.E NOTICE. harmr conclWod to cloie ontbii businnra, now offon kH enttn ft at STOAVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with Ma entire stock of TIM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is tbi is a genuine closing out, now is the time for houiii o replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB Oth ih-. A SlarUtasj Last Friday a nicely dressed gentle man stepped fate our office. "I have aa Item for yon," he said "Tour paper has a big circulation al through my part of tho county." Yea you are right there, It has all over tbe county." I Intended to get here yesterday," he continued, "so as to get it In this weeks issue, but was delayed.'' Well, what is 1 1 " This in a breath- less anticipation of some startling Intel llgenee. "Why. it is this," he answered, "I am in the city." Fact, and he was dead in earnest. THE BEST H:;tr restorative in the world is Hall's if UK Uknkwkh. It cures ail diseases of Ihe sealp, and stimulates the hair frlands : . .. . i .i - .... ..n;.... t it, ii. annul! aeuuu. v kois iuu ikiuu$ wi lite hair; prevent Ite turnlnp pray; cures l iMnes, and restore youmrui color ana !,. -Inii'-H of uppearsnce lo hcatts airesuy while Willi see. The following arc a few lilustratloos of what is done by HALL'S Vegetable SiciliBH HAIR REWEWER: ear Mrs. Ucxststsriit, S44 Franllin Avt.t nnxktgn,y. 1'., after a severe attack of Kry-slH-lu In the head, found lur hnlr already gray falling off so rnnldiv thnt nc noon beenmo (iitto baUU One botilo of 11 all's Hair Re nkwsr brouvht It bark as soft, browu sod thick as when she waa a girl. ATT Mr. Kkslixo, an old fnrroer, near War est, Jnd., had scarcely any hair k'ft, sud what little there was of It liad becorai? nearly white. Otic bottle of Hall's Hair Kknewkr stopped Its fulling out, and gnvc him a thick, luxuriant head of hair, as browu and fresh as he ever bed. S3- Mrs. A. T. Wall, Grteufeld, ChetMre, Eng., writes : "lhave found the greatest ben efit Iroin tho use of Hall's Hair Kexkwbr. it having restored my balr, which was raplly sail hitf off, and returtud Its original color." ear Dr. Kan. Peip, Dftrolt, Arte., certifies that "Hall's Hair Kenewsr Is excellent for hair growing, and gives buck Uio natural color to faded and gray hair." aw Mrs. 8. K. Elliott, GUnrilU, W. Ta.t says: "One bottlo of Hall's Hair Hkskwkr restored my hair to Its natural, youthful color." No injurious Bubstanccs enter into tho composition of Hall's Ha in Hknkwek, and it ia not a dye. Its vegetable Ingre dients render It In tho highest decree bene lk'htl to tho scalp as a preventive of dis ease. Its effects arc natural and lasting, ami it does not make tho hair dry and brashy, like the so-i-alled restorative! com pounded with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye for Tnn WHISKERS Is, In four respects, superior to all others. 1st It will produce a rich, natural color, brown or black, ss desired. 2d The color so produced is permanent, cannot be washed ofl and will not soil any thing with which it comes in contact, Sdjt is a single preparation, and more convenient of application than any other hair or whisker dye. 4tb It contains no deleterious Ingre dients, as do many preparations offered for like use. PREPARED BY B. P. II ALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all dealers in medicines. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVBETISIHO 1BIDH II THE WILLAMETTE TilLlf, ..nHr'ri itSSi notices JO cents per line. ,r nd trsesientadvi IX "'jusre for the firs I intlonr V5ftftr naiesror other adi known on spplloatien. day, M ... eitmer m price or quality. 5 sell nhoa-n waa uj lr f 0me and rertiseaaesiBS sasWa ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. Bed CrownMilli 180M, LANNIN8 A CO., Fieri. NIW PROCESS VLOCB SCPSBISB SOB ASD BEST STORAGE FACILITO Highest iPrice in Caafc Wheat ALBANYiOR. DEYOE & ROBSOR, (Suocessors to W. H. Goltra.) 'DEALERS IN, Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, WfflWb Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES STEEL GOODf, W. CAPPS, M. D. EomDeopatMc Physician ft Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. Office hours From 8 to 9;S0 a: mr., aad 1 to 4 and 6:30 to 8 p. m. Offloe next door east of 8. H. Yoong'a, O. K, NVOLVKRTOK, O, 11,1 W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT ULW BsTOffloe up stairs In Froman's Brisk ALBANY, OREGON F OH SALE. at un j hundred and forty acres. miles above Lebanon. 40 seres ta tivation. 10 acres slashed aasl grass Comfortable dwelling, outhouses. Cheap. Inquire it office. T. J. STITE& ATTORNEY AT LAW -ant- Notary PiibHq, DR. I. N. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, ! Office at Scismes""" i Btableav ALBANY, OR GON.