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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1885)
TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITKS NUTTING. Bt!SI!IB!trfr'l4'Kln lmorrn( BI!H tl)-allbl Street. TERMS OK 8U 08C1U PTION tngi! oopr, pef yw, In ah an.'.- Ingle oopy, pr yar. ataU ol year Ingl oopy, U month alnirle com. three- ni.-nthn nl number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. PRACTICE IN ALL, THK R1VP Imto 49tf State fipte H w VT.. XXI. 7ft v 10 mmmmmimmmmmmmmamm ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jtaumaako- iL enurta i or legal and transient ndv rf"jr f i 00 per aquare for the An 1 1885. NO- WTTt T. VV ..-..-a- rtf tl.m State. Will Rive w V rm . apoclal attention to collections and pro matter. . Omee In Foster'a new brick. L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORN EJAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, regew. Ofnen upstairs, over John feW otore, let street Tl4Btf J K. WEATHERFORD, mOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT L,Av, AIB1M. :.. e-rrn f PRACT10K IN ALL THK COURTS or T11K V SUlT sVlSal attention tfr.n to collection, and rohate matter In OJa FeUV Tempi. ! POWELL, & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in CMgggL. ALU AMY. - - "ffSEJL' Collect Ion promptly made on all polnta. Loans negotiated on reoaonablo trnis. osrotnee In Foater'-. Briok.-W v!4nl9tf. TEST TOUR BAMGJW DER TO-DiT! Itranil. aetvertlaed ah.oiut.-iy pur COIfTAXir AMMONIA. Trtl IWf I Piw.Miit.ip down on a hot .tor. until heeteel. then re-more Uie cover anil email. A chemUi will nut w re .imi-vU lo eiutvvt the prveeuco it umitioiika. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, m MiuLTim 'uns mas nevin an gnomon. In a million home, for a quarter of a rent mi y II hat aloud the tun tum.r' rvllalil. te.t, THE TEST OF THE 0VE1. PRICE BAKING POWBERCO., Dr. Price's Special Ylmmi Extracts, lke.lrmer.t.M.1 MMu aad a alar. I lew ta... a4 W AMI I (.TO MSTTRtt (roii our regular corrf ipomlwitl Wasuinutom, Out. 17th, i885. Tho elect Ion In Ohio n routed but little luteroat hero. I was surprised to And less than hair tho usual crowd on the night or the election around the bulletin boards. There was but little excitement, and the anxious face or tho government clerk was not to bo seen. The Republican purty seems to be surprised and glad that it is allv. As for the Democrats, they hold that it was simply natural that Ohio should go Republican ; It was and Is a re publican state, and tho political pre dilections or the peoplo are Pint mount, and cannot be changed per manently by tidal waves or trickery. The President has nothing to say in reference to the result, and those who expected an expression or r pinion were disappointed. Or the prominent domccrats all advanced some reason TIIK HOI Ml It It 1.1 J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. nrm in all of the Court of i hi State. All business tntraated to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DMVGGISTrl. Hnnki. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large- Stock and Low Price. OITT DETJO- STORE, tyl oJUaaST. ECJI. FOSHAY & MASON, -rnoLiuii aire ajrratt Druggists and Booksellers, cents for John B. Alden' pnbllcatlona, which we sell at publiaber'a prices with postage added. ALBANY, OBECOH. Dr- Price's Lupulln Ytast Gems for the defeat, and Senator Eustls Is quoted as naviog warn to a rricnu inat he regarded the result as a rebuko tor Utfht. Healthy Itrra.t. The Ile.t Pit II p Yeat In the Worttl. BY FOR SALE CHICACO. for ! bv CutUn. MarteA Co, Portland, Or GROCERS. ST. LOUIS. SPECIAL VORVrSh EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Phweat and atronrMt Natural Fruit Flavor. V.inTll.v lmon. Onw. Almond, . lUiae, et, fla or as delicately and naturally aa tho Irult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. rr.LOCTA, for ile by CatUaj; VtrU n 1 C PorUwl, Or ti I crraMT for the President. The most excltlog and gossip giv ing event of the week was or a diplo matic and saturnalian character. Emanuel Del Cam no. secretary of the Chilian legatler, was last eight A dispatch from Watnrtown, N, V , ays : "Tba hop market is looking de cidedly brighter. YeatarUay Jtiio J. Beanttt, the largest grower iu tbil part of tho State, sold bis orop of over 500 bales to William Lotus of Nww York at 10 cents per pound, the highest pries yet paid ttiis fall. About four-fifths of tho bops of this neighborhood, "the Kent of America," are in the handa of buy eta and brewera and it ia said thai the buyers will now force the brewera to their trim", and the maiket will atl vanca rapidly. Fourteen cent i said to have been offaied around Cherry Valley.while 1 1 centahas been frequent ly refused abovt Bharon Bpriuge and Coblehkill. Moat of the groweis sold their hoM at frou. 7 ceuta to 8 cents. Some of the holders sicca 1982, who refused $1 for their hope, sold out this weak at 4 cents. One in par ticular waa (jardioer Hammond of Bt&I.Montgom ery county, lie aaid to a newspaper correspondent: "Pm so ashatred of accepting this price that. I wish you wonld not put it in the papei ." The ieoreasiog tendency of the courts to assume each individual's responsi bility for hi actlona until it clearly disproved is a wholesome development in law. This applies not only in crtui inal cases, but also in disputes over wills. The general policy now is to 4wurt: or two ranots painter. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTI8IK& MEDIUM IN TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Kpodal btiaineaa notice In Looei Col li 'una l& cents per line. Regular Leeal notices 10 oenta per line. CAIitM Dor Rdiiarn trtr tuner uon. jg Rate for other adrerweecneHts known on application. enbeeeewnt NEW DEPARTURE BY arrested and taken to the Fifth Pre- require very emphatic proof of a lack clnct Station House for being drunk 0f teetimentary capacity and acoerdiog- and disorderly. In company with y m much more likely to be rc- Mr. Perreard, the proprietor of a apected than fortnally. A case in point French Hotel, he stood on tho steps has just occurred in New York in tie of the National theatre last night about 10:30 o'clock, struggling to en ter while bis companion endeavored to dissuade him from the act. Tno nole of (heir scuffle attracted the at tention or Officer Mahaon, who ap proached and at once proceeded to sr. decision of a dispute over the will or m John Ao4erson,a rich tobacco man.who died aome time ago. It waa abowo be yond question that Anderson was a man of fanciful ideaa and aubject to ridicu les dsloaiona. He waa reckless and extravagant ; his motal aanse was vary N H X nun is, a famous Greek artist of an oienfc times, painted so naturally a aib of grapes held by a boy, that birds Haw down to the canvas and pecked the fruit Bf while his friends regarded the act as the beat compliment ever paid to an artia,Xeuxia sighed exclaim ing, "Had I painted the boy as true to nature as the grapes, the birds would have been afraid to touch them !" It iaof Xeoxis and a rival Greek ttat more familiar anecdote is handed rl JPn ia piviii lvrliaiatt iisj Tn e . . .i aeveea " w a w ii in I . m , . . , the contest between them, Xeuxis in coin aistriDutea tio our customers evory 60 days until further notice paintl bis favoiito subject, grapea. At the exhibition of the pioturrs, down came the birds agala, and flew at the grapea as if to eat them. "Now," said Allen Co.. $100.00 SECOND DISTRIBUTION Jan. 1, 1886, Coin in Burknart Bros., hands and will ho fiisr.rnVmori xenxi., triumphantly, "draw .side that parties, and in amounts from $2.50 to $25.00 BverV cuoAr VrS curtain .nd .bow yor piotut.,' in- ave an equal chftnce in proportion to the amount purchased rival arailed, for tho curtain itself was x'v(OWu, OUR NEW STOCK Por the Fall and Winter cannot be surpassed, either in price or auaMtr All our purchases are made for 4 J' the picture, painted upon a board to represent val dtapawy. The gonerous Xeuxis yielded the palm at oooe,saying, "I deceive birds ; you, an artist." r 5 cure some of the rare bargains offered and look ov er our 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counters, nan any e and me- Senator McPheraon of New Jersey, thinks tbsre will be a red-hot time in tf i : a a f . iL. i :.r point ol latamt Ma. iha'seaai' I. iat?vANJ?1UPT1?AiE,?' aPd We propOBB to SeU chea b from bi. uoiot of tb.t Btor tu w luauioubo v auy i or eipner cas& or produce, there will be as much friction between the Democratic Senators and the Pres ident as between the President and the Reuublicos. Many of the Democratic .t--. iu... : . .au i x oa ... Senators do not agree with the Prest- L,. vUmtM olanir h r a fnr woul nave tO pay double .L.i.i t tnaHAra nf rwillV. If lm at ftitsn. 1 yilis a se Hiaivvwi a we Jw J m t tion which only the future can deter mine bow wide or narrow this disagree mett may become. Senator McPher aon is alao oonfident that a radical re duction in the tariff will be made. The Democratic party la pledged tn it and the public aentitnant of the country da manda it. The ail var coinage quest :o will alao be very prominent. He is in N.H. ALBANY, OREGON, Nov. 2nd, 1885, ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albwj, Or. CeeXljr ralatlac "My 1 but these art wotks do run favor of abeotute suspension, but thinks J into money," remarked a passenger, Congresa will hardly be able to accom I whose breath smel led like the south NOTICE. rest the one who wss the most lotcx- erratic and he believed in spiritual much mo lkftB t,mpor(irT iQi. of lhe 0,b River ; "it beats all a . a a ji j a mwl- ' I ... . i i la A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAIEFULY FILLED, Albany. Or. FURNITURE. t hare the beat stock of nrniture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock or WALNUT FURNITURE SKIN H . . I urn m ! n.Ua In th) 1 - . bv tn the citv ana ine i 1 J j Irt A tn lace cureu. TORTURES ASD BLOOD HUMORS t MIL! ATI HO EnJIi..n. Itchlnc and Uomtng .skin Tortore. Ulbame v're., au c.. -k i .-! I'linolv. Inlwrtlwl. bchmui.-u. tmi i Oi-eaa t the lil-al. SkU ainl Hcalj. Into tiifiicv U td aire. -" I""1' tll cux-u br Cxmraa. th great Kkin Cur, and I t tiCt.a SoAr. an tx'l" " SS -all. aui CtTK-t aa KuvuxiXT. th u BtouJ 1 urt flcr, kntereatly. COVCBED WITH SORBS. I hare been afflicted ainc Urt March wiOj a kln S sj .b. aa-aa.- Raaa. "LlllZr. .red with e,baa.Klaorea ao .. mic acre alueart uni-araoie. oen-g - --a...-p wm p. ...... I. j. a v.-i.wIm1 tn irtve .K"",.,:,, T7-ia iL. aeirsn Bat :.i -, vtN-r Intemaliy. for lour mnaia. I myaeue-ureu, m frauawew ihU public etaleroem. i kKOF.UICK. Droad Brook, Coon. gCAXP.FACE, EARS AMR BIECK, I M .nil nwk at - - .tLa oi i riot aunt under hi ii-ic. tie eu . . icated and disorderly. This person communications and aucb like vagarien w )eQttun what rtois aome folks maae oi .oem- II happeneJtoMr.Dol Campo. Mr. Nevertheless, aa the Judge aaid in his Ue 1. lh Republican Senators aelvee over pictures. When I was in faa CODClllfJod tfl ClOM imtllil hniinati nrmr nf?aw. m t. I I Perreard objected to the officer's act- dicU,on, "not a single occ-aion was gui(J ia lbcir cour,. Ch5cjlg0 Y Jw . liule p.iotiog aW a g M 01088 i)Il8111888 n0W Blltiri gtosk 81 Ion. "You cannot arrest this man" .hewn in which his spiritual belief or tMmmAa lt4 a,!;-;.,.,; ... h. lK-.-a - km .t anno afaoBaaa-m m- "Yoo cannot arrest this roan" Uhbmn in which his spiritual belief or t0Wfirdi lbe Administrati s by the re-1 foot square that waa bald at $500 he said; "no air: yoo him." cannot arrtnt delirium, m whst-vr tiny mfght be called, were mixed with hi business," As he did not state any reason why a ij notwithstanding that be was clearly be could not arrest hlra, the oftker concluded that Mr. Perreard w a trying to resist him and maybe take toe must Bund. This is sound away his prisoner. He accordingly struck him a blow with his (1st and a fool, h kieew what he was doing when he made his will, and therefore aolta of the electtona iu Onio and New York. If both of thru ate dre.tte?y aeainut the AdmiuUua i m it will nit- and riebt. It ia unfortunate that the witl of a fool vu Ht be respected ; but disengaged bis bold upon the drunk u long at ao many fools are allowed to on man be had arreett d. Mr. Per reard, who is a Frenchman and nat- urailv of a hut terrjner became furious .-v- w I . . . . . -a Bu at the Wow and poured out a torrent The Baltimore jramitrrr $ tec 'Bfect aome simpleton will eome alorg and buv it. If I had a million of at money, you'd never catch ma paving needle mikn thm fflnrn ?L'rMaai Tf. He i tMkO f m litllo ..;.: Ulra tbut ' j .w. - ...... r..a.a.Mft taaieiliaM -fill V,i .a has Ulkad with cnooi.h Hjpubiican "That' the way you talk," apoke wuciuoi niu uifi tJUUUU elUUH 01 Senators to become convinced that there up a drummer, 'but I'll bet that you've i a large enough number among tbtm mid four times as much money for who would act with the Dsmoerata to painting net a tenth part aa big." STOVES, RANGES, HE ATI NO AND COOK STOVES liye we must alao let them die in their own wev. pans radical tariff bill. -ru- i-- vrW Frmmo edited bv a colored man, Says : We do not disguise the fact that we What, me V "Yea, yon." TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. of abuse at the officer, him also under arrest. who placed Meanwhile ord haa of the pu bliahed iu quarurly review are considerably surpriaad at the very As tbl8 is a genuina closing oit, now is tile time for housis o repleni8li tMr kitohens and dairies with ware. .11 a i c ...ii.-. .rtrl.tat ne.1 LMowlii. 1 auiJueti a&u ojuvm. i ii . M . - B l . ... h.d beao, Th. 6gu,M .ho. a, ,h. .-ou.iof WL-b' capital, including capital stock ot in- ; ravil. I. Smells most lankly French, J oorporated companies, teptesentad by j in Dff no0tril8 of tba race aa a counter Mahaon. who that bad MM ip and to release himself, swearing at the TSifSSaf&S 3 officer in a curious Jumble of her week U, hae y e. and th uther Spanish. Mdh! The one at the end of your nose." I'mm thA inner circle there are 1 . nf thm I .1 a If.'a maMM eneweu. in..--, v.. ' i ruujora iiiiv vio n."- - m- i ---r r'a-V. -m vv will be a surprise to many Democrats ALIJA , f on the silver questioo. I hear he will not yield one lota from the views The Braatjr mt Vaatb. HERMAN SLA1B. 120 E h atrat,Sw Yori, a r I m t j k I n....e...u1 in Kia latflaar In teAOerai w enaiuiracturtna ana mioioK en- move, ol lite Dart?, ooaea mm uuwi e uicawu . m - i ' . -. i - . . . i I juuuk -j - - . . . . in tnisiouer uv cm mtjt6 Up for a parttauy uaio u ITa powerful man, wss quite capable, Ur,riee. organisod aince Jan. 1. and barefaced by poarUy an the Warner last winter. In this letter be Vallev. Come ana Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS- DISEASES CUBED. at ft time, and it was not long before menfc of old plar.ta and the rebuilding "" deriy perceive what the lho compulsory coinage A. B, WOODIN, " Eevere Ho r.rme. Vlrat aad ElUworth Albany. Oregon. W Garro t, Prop'r. No matter bow handsome or atalwart a jouok man my be otherwloe. sMSni Kblnlnu Ulenta are auracUve, out a Mon ies: DOU la not. The cauo nia; ,v ne 8icK- neaa or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Thl. nw not h Stted up in flnrt claa tyl. Table eiw'ied with th beat the market afford jgOj V. irj.-n. A rood HanjKl hVnn lor Cotn- DCUl a " --- - mer ial Trave-lcra. eSTSree Cnaeh tn aad froaa lb llnlel.'WS COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., lath, 1SS.. For partUuUr concerning th eoura ol tudy and ba nVtflA (if tuition. apil J. C Hltaerri osssasaa l SfS ol u. J ia Hit. tbeemae with lbe iwOBvaa .... ...a l. .i.i. ..immer. owilltf unuauaii, - - ZT2'sLa mmS i aeLla aS country. In hkb tb i ivtaii.iv - ' --J7ABD00i druiat. I in ,nt. ,wn, K v CUT1CUBA BEMEDiES. Ar. .ddbyalldrusrWt. "'"ZM) II I B. Jraend far "Uow to Cur KaL Co., Boton, Benu Skin Uiaeaaa. - ... .,., SaS-alllTlKV th c.lexon ano aa. -r-. UtAU the :wm--aa Soar. aa ia uuh, aaaau " w " - I - - WO UO HOfc IOl I J JJOtVD.'W w w . . - A nan IWllBani W.Ul BVOp .yoiwww.. MaiTSf'an "e party arrived at the station bouse. ofmill4 gfier being destroy ed by fires, lMdr.ra of the party are aiming at. We dollar would in time bring on a nnan- nj new t'uXr? 4,;vhai your Damtjr inquired .Kta. $32,380,000. The amount Me UOable to decl.m that we believe cial crl.lA There is evidence going ZSVmutS aTcrVt m n Lmr addrea,lnir the Li .t.ti. i. a. follow: Alabama, they are actual by a aincere desire to t0 8how lhat he is just as firmly in d t oilv, de,lcftleiy p.rfutr the station keeper, addressing the in state ia as follows: Alabama, drunken man. $5 804,000; Arkansas, snuu.ww; nor- I am Emauuel Del Campo, of ho ida $1,287,000; Georgia, 82,052,000; Chilian Legation,'' waa the reply ex- Kentucky, $14,005,000;, traded ... . e.M I fair play dooe lb race, ine nistory fftvor Qf lhe repoft! of the law now as theo. It Is hinted, loo, that the President of tha oast, wherein the party piayea fast and loose with the race question at th Sav.i'.h. atarea us in the face ana from the prts.otter, amid 955 000. Maryland, $6,107,800; Miaa- makea us scrutiniae the matter with our unequivocally favor a revision or BKV. 4? . lb. 1. the e-oee JTOja T. k Kbl. fcor Ach-nS iai. rain. Hc Oca aa na ag. IjefflB l'taTi. i""'"i .... ai IU T HI B K. "tiO-b in the StSS, (Klia la Tin ,ke malic, ntu- temal pain ano acno mw - eel With w-rniltniliceicraaj , . 1 naln ana innamii"..- Flahlkr. Warranted th iwu.. many oaths and curses. "At.d if I iitiv $571,500; North Carolina, $2, von arrest me," he added, shaking 54 00k South faroliia, $592,000; " - . . . I ' ' m.n. .M his fist in the station keeper's racer Tennessee, $2,300,000; lew, 2,aev,- I'll have your life." The handsome 000. Virginia, $2,725,000; West Vir face of the man was livid with rage $9,044,000. In these new en- ami bloated with dissipation. Ue UrprUea there is a wide diversity of iu- raved and stormed, knocked the ink- auatriee, the Record' liat including stand and books off the desk, and farntCes, foundties aad machine ahops, wftr QQ hQ ttwln flcs," sUv shouted and swore In all the tongues Bteel work,f cottonseed oil mills, ootton compresses, fruit-canning factories, ete. . . ,a . e. AMtf aI Ki.reirv eyes wtoe me pao ...-. J uofolded before ua for gutdanoe. ThU will be the cancluaion which all intelligent,res pec table colored man will arrive at, ere long. When the Republican party was rrmod it avowed its intention to Ummmm w'.tli alAn Lit A lOSH of lUO D.lT aOU nun. restoring me. Jo; a dye, not oily, delicately parfutned , On ly standard toe dressini;. The Naal Agrrrable As well aa the most elToctlve .method of ll.nllinn. ae.e1iarhfM. COKIS aiiu IUV oii v. Thee, who ought to know S2 tt&i? 'Jm Red CrownMills (aSOM, LANKIN6 & CO., PR0Pai$. Ki'.w raocEss flock scposior to. wAutvam AND BAKKR8 USB. BEST STORAGE FACILL7I18. Highest IPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANYBOR. 0 aa Arnn nf FiU8. 500 and $ I r. . nuii miiivu - TT . IT t ...... . ..i i. Viu iav A Mason. uansr- and a faithful revision or me s "J fro raw ma- r . . it n, .rwnalrndla. and vartly mttmmjmm. r p . : j. i-. v.. nve ir perrr. Oai CSaaSMa Co. ..tber laxtr Mal!d free. Aioany Bath Mouse. TUB UNDBRSIONBD WOULD RESPECT f ally inform the silts! of Albaay and t1 ,itetiayt I havetak.u aharS. ef this kaaping clean roomi V-J i.w,tttaatloo to bu.inM, oxpact to uit al ImuTmljUT us with p.tronag. 5aTicg hrtofor. oarrled on nothing bat First-Olasa Hair tfresainir Saloons ,net to 1t entire latiifaction to al haapooad. JUB DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-cor, Ft-st and Ferry Strsete, A JBAN Y - - OREGON. 'TIRED ASB ACrSISai HI M XW. crylnKltbrouKh coontleia ntnrea lor real and reliel. 1 Ike manna to th ohildren ol Urael I vne clnm to tb .oe.neo,k; . ..n tin not deny yoiir- '"U 1 1 t , v thla new. -Vr. war -,., at his command. "The difference between you and me," said be to the etatlon keeper," is that I am a gent leman of birth and education, while a a 1.1,. I.itiitnfl you you t' ana nere uvis,.j- tion choked him. "Miserable" sum mon up his estimation of the station keeper when he could regain his nuu.k A a aonn AS ho hhowed his II" ' ' www the tariff aver that he will favor teriai existing tariff so as to materially re duce duties which; were imposed growing out of the necessities of the ..ii m S - . aeA Ka-Ofi wsr. He is saiu. mso, v studying the statistics of our shipping, with a view to making important rec ommendations looking to a revival of Robust Health ia a 1 . . . Ml' I lilt- DUlaiavif ' ' - ' " r . . ' . .. a a JhimiII at Vhl". . I . . a. fB JTBSaf -tSTmB Bsi pa88port, a proof that he belonged to live asu Ciikmical Co., Boston. First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREUON President... Caahier C.R.P T-.t'l 0. 0 OHBBT. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Buooeasors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMBi8ts, Mmwrights, and Iror Foiuiders. TRANSACTS A OENBBAL banking bualnca. ACCOUNTS KEPT robject to check. nam EXCHANOB and taMSJMBMS ...I PnrtlIid. on New York, Ran KrancUco, t.n." Oregon. . t-vrable tonni. COLbBCriUNB jirti". DIRECTOR. s s. b. Yoiio, lsaiOsassa, L E Blaw, l- u H. F. MBHR1LL the letration, tho sergeant on auty .old hi TO that ho was freo and could go. "No," yelled Del Campo, with excited frenzy, "I won't go. m .ii. f. mebkill haye gPcretary Byard brought here to nrove my identity. Telephone to " m him, you If Mr. Blaine haa really made up his mind to remain in Auguata this winter, Washington will lose one of its mot interesting and pictuiasque figures anrt the republicans who want his advica will be compelled to make longjour neys into a region which has tho most disagreeable winter climate on the American continent. But. that Mr. Blaine can find time to finish his his- the shlp-bulldlng interest Of one , Ww. .w m . lu,.ninnnr1l,,Mn ih asiurcu. u and influence and that one of r?"ra7aJian -hn fa IS tllal lllOy UBVO ea tisoiuvi" honest In his convictions and courage- johnconneb -Hfoiinflrel." ery and polygamy, it did its auty well against slavery. But polygamy irot rich, went to Washington with money the twins was saved. The war i a la mm 1 1 . wral 1 ir fl'tll .ftfld TZ oW cTn o Uat eaough to grew and flourished under Republi- fbe Suprome Court of Indiana hss can rule. Now Democracy is at tne dtci,ied tost when property lias been f . -1 . I I a 1 A helm and polygamy is aooraeu. , dMtroyej by fire from sparita negligent Many too-much-married Mormons . permitted to escape from a iocomo- are already In Jail, and tne unueu tf the owner my reC0Ver ua tun rai mt m m AV - 1 w a a States jury has brought in twenty- . th raiiWs. company, notwith- tory and to write some of those inter- nme other true biU9 agalnst offenders tandintt tne ft that the property waa insured and the insurance company has paid the loss. J. L. COWAN. j. W.CU31CK a I . I Ajara4 r a. A tianaOUl WOlen nu uvvu ncuv arrived at this moment, and Del Cam po was taken out between two police men and sent home. What a terrible little game cock of nnntrv Chill is. Our country need w w - a . . . 1 1 1 a eac -a Q a ' . Ov. Ial ft- I Uel eating letters wnicn aiwaya bu " from unlawful conaouion. uuhbu political canapaiga WDen h is a oandi states Judge Noyes, on discharging date ia certain, and this will be perhaps ftnd thanking the jury, predicted quite as pleasant for him and as engag- thftt the of polygamy wore now ing for the country as if ha should go numberea Washinffton tomake bimseit trie 99 to centre of intrigue. Acccording to the New York Sun, Governor HUl has an erect and well- Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. Bayard is the beat reader in the cab- formed figure, In which grace and al J I .. a - .net. He buya a great many oookb anu 8ubstarjce are combined in most nar- . ahftbA in her boots over the events keeps right along with the best writers. moplou8 nod juetly proportioned sym " . . .. j .. i . Gen. Logan denies the story now current in the papers that at the bat tle of Hartsvllle, Tenn., he pretended to be dead, so that he might be left m a .a on the field. The only time tnat no ever did that, he says, was on the 4th of last November, In not hIwrvh emoved by tUwwviio m m to ihir-'ii. The tuint of corrurntl blHl ntav be seently umlermmiutf im constitutUm. In time, flic iwtaoii will wv- tuinlv show ItMllei-tf , hou wiiu mi n-v vlruknce the longer H ha 1 a .owed to permeate the system. Each pimple, six , boil, skin disoriler mul sense 01 uiuiii.u.... htssltmle, t.r lanjruo.-. Is one of Nat tin waruln's of tlu.' cousvuuences of neglect. Ayer's Sarsapariffa Ik the onlv lvmetlv that cun be reliwl upon, in nil cast, to eradicate the taint of hered ttarv Seaie antt the special oonadons of Ura blood, it is the puly alteram e hat is sufficiently powerful to thoroughly ianse the system of Scrofulous ami Mereurla.1 impmities and the pollution of t'ontitKlous Dlsoaaea. It also neu mi" the puiM.ns left bv Dlphtherln m l Monrlet Fever, and enables rapid m-lir SS , the enfeeblemeut and debility caused by these ihseases. Myriads of Cures a -Aa-ea bwe. ivrvtA m AltSAP.VHILIaAa ill f i' ii it : . i4 DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goitre.) -DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HICKS, BUe6Hr Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSED STEEL GOODf, But it is well under- His reading is of a sober, statesmanlike meryt hIj roomy and intellectual .a.a ue Amrariftan Navy is not character, and he does lots ol it. lie BUWU U v ' .. ., rra. !- 1 . ..a.---. hlnh idvanced stage of recon- buys bis own dooks. xne p.UOu. resolute and geniat woe, uy I TTT 1 . a.'a I a M - autea, aa nMl llfl- shinefl tho glow 01 unoeBtun mistakable health. His manners are of last night. in such an at . . . CHAPS ALL handle "'."r Grist and KMb,.ndiand. Iron and Brass Castings. Hint a, SHOUT NOTICE. srwial attention given to repeJring all kinds of machinery. Will n"'" fure the improved Cherry & White Grain Separator . rjj genJ six cent for postaire.arid PRlZiCa receive f re, a costly box of r,da 1.I1.1. will bX you to more money right away than wbUh wl' ".VVi world. All of either ex, uc anythinglMh thiiono to (tUne Wore the workers, abaolutely rare. At once ffiXta and Co,, Auguata, Main, TRANSACTS a general banking busilneai. flfisirable and It lS Well knOWH nD aw DRAFTS Oil New YOrt, Ban w I lll.l " cisco and Portland, uregon structlon as to render a hostile misun. a good reader. He bought Blaine Htandlni? with any foreign power boot a lew aay w . vivav. ington. A great many books go to the cordifil and easy. LOAN MONEY on approved security. ...... ..i. -I., .i uiu utiiiti... to encca. XVeAJ.l , . COLLECTIONS entrusted to u. will receive prompt ttention. , .a... ,u r-hiiian irovernment has a White House. Colonel Lamonc ouys mat ... . I ... , i ii i,o what contemptuous opinion oi many good boos ana near.y A Hoosler murderer who was ex- . 1 .taJ Inal rrrnolr art f)r fornrot him- tn. - ;.,aiiireonT . euuiuu nvi. w " WllllaUIUIWMiv-! " MaRale1 hilt i MA m ruinr iiii ljs dlouuiui 3c 1 1 AO wa-w ---- T7 did not bring additional disgrace up on his state by falling to make a speech. He delivered an eloquent farewell ora tion. somei MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, APPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. I Polygamy we a fl 1 . the United States, nd mignt jump popular penoaioais a iu:, uhu fimente as a veritable HI iuio ..... caou8 belli- There are but Mormons to do. Circulating libraries for children are to be started in New York. The stock Is to be more wholesome than the vellow covered uieratuio, uu off to found more entertaining than the regulation books. The rising be congratulated. Frank Hatton, who a few weeks a 9 . J Ula AArilnlTi ol fnr the agotnunuereu wr r - , . The Merchant o hloodv shirt in successive Issue of pear m"1" , his Chicago Mail, now wraps tno san guinary garment around him and two things for the Kither thev muh i. ihoir wnnds and 20 another Deseret elsewnere, or uF tQ Sarah AUhea Hill-Sharon Is to ap Venice." Hor manager mauo nor helieTe that the play was written es- IfUUUU vja - - .. iaii fnr hr. and she Is to confine want, to keep oo agnuag . rT tato war for "another decaue. xjlv of his hot-blooded co-warriors, how ever do it. her first efforts to San i to be hoped that she will not be t he is going to stay at home to encouraged to spread over the coun try . ..!,.. ... tl 1 1 a I 1 ; 1 1 ' I t ' i bloml $iae, at all possible of cure, hat will not yteul to it. Whatever the "...u. ... . 'e .i.iL ..i,u..!inil wherever fouiul. TVhOM-unTo,tiH.Arctieoi SSSS ot .South Africa. IhtaWg- wlv has nttorUttt noaiui to tu bv whom was oniployotl. Druggists evervwUcixuun eite numerous oase, witlt 1, their personal knowledge, of remark hie cun! wrought by it, where all lo i treatment had beau unavalUng. People will do well to Trust Nothing Else than Ayhk-s SAKS.vr.tun.ijA. J; Mtatiti mixtures BTO oneretl to ti it, puma ,s -hi "id urlliers Which only allure SS V- 1 Vviih the pretense of manv KKlSi'' is ex eriment while disease ;HV ',c: Mm ii" rioiv diTp-M au daiul dlfflcuh of SS tome Of these mixtures thj mueh Gingham,. Bear in min; Uhat -the only iwdiehw that ean radically P"fj tin vitiated blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rur.iAHKi iY Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold bv all druggists; price $1, "six bottles for $5. W. CAPPSf M. D. HomoeopatMc Physician ft Surgeon, Has permanently located in ALBANY - - OREGON Office next door east of S. E. Young'a. C. K, VOLVERTON, O, H, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW f jrOffieo up stairs in Fro man 'a Brtek ALBANY, OREGON- JOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, m das above Lebanon. 40 acras in tivation. 10 acres slashed and aewn grass. Comfortable dwelling, outhouses. Cheap. Inuisa at ofice. T, J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT UkW -AND Notary FuMio- DR. I. N W0 (OLE, Veterinary S urgeon, Office at Schmee Stables. ALBANY, OR CON.