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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1885)
I aV at JKl : m, . . m -i . . M I Br ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES I NUTTING. KVIKSr . rat Kalldlaaoa TBBJf S OF SUBSCRIPTION In itiic. lojrlo eooy. ptr year, elenu ol ear .1 I - alB i.tnllii ................... etarle oopy, tare, months ugle number S 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, R. 3. 8TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, rtn. ill. vraCTICK IN ALL THK YY Court of thw State. Will Rive special Attention to oolleoUons and probate matter. . , . .... Offloe In Foster' new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ANI Notary Public. Rio (i t s tmmi a VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1885. NO- 14 TEST YOUR BATO POWDER TO-DAY! Brand, aitrertleed as absolutely par oohtaih ammuj THK TUT I P1m a can tor dawn on rwii'n, iMranruu ulrva to ft Set store until heatert.lhee 'II. A rliomt.t tll nut be r or Offloe upstairs, 1st street. Oregon. over John BriagV store, v!4n2Stf J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, eiKM. ItriLI. HtACTICS IK ALL TUB COURTS OF THK W SUte Speclet HUntlon glren to oolleoUons sad rebate matter i a Odd Nliw'i Temple. r. O. MWiLt. W. R. RILTKC POWELL A BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ii ChiBwry, ALBANY. - OBEGOH. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term, yOmce In Foster's Brick vHnietf. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will nmotirw in all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him srill be promptly attended to. E. W. LAHCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Largv Stock and Low Prices. OIT-ST 33IRT70- 8TOBB, lyl ALB AMY. vslECOY. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, rrs iiKAtTsn uBMi has NEVER sns stnmoiura. In million horn, fur quarter of a century It has etood th. .iimwi' reliable teet, THE TESTOFTHE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., SaSnS Off Dr. Price's Special Fiaroring Extracts, Tsseli.asiil.see.l SSSBSSi aal.rml aw lr. Price's Lupnlln Yeast Gems For l.ighi. Healthy Hrea.i. The Best Dry Hp Yeaet In the World. FOR SALS BY GROCERS. CMIOAOO. - ST. LOUIS. r or salt by Cutting , Marl Co, psHaWl, Or. F08HAY & MASON, vaobSLAis as tunkiu Druggists and Booksellers, AmoU for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postsgeadded. ALBAS Y, OREGON. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, Prescriptions caeefclly filled, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. f have the best stock of nrniture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and itiontest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, U'raon. Orance, Almond, Koae, etc, flavor as deHaateiy and naturally aatbe fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOOm For by Cutting Marl "sad Oo.PorUuS, Or i Qiticura A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DISKKJURIS. HI Mull-.. HamilUUnf Eruption., Itching and Burning Skin Torture-. LueahatrtrHi Um Blood. Skin, and Sealp. wit Law of Hair, from infancy to old ace. are puaiUvelr cured by Cmcva EsaoLvurr. the New Blood Purifier, l.tsrsellj, and Ct.-TH.Taa. the OrentSktt. Care, mad CvTteiae Ho.r, an exquisite Skin beeutifler, exteraaUy. ECZEMA CUBED. I was afflicted with Easema on the Scalp, Face. WABBMUTeN tTTK (From our regular Washington, Oct. Otb, .885. Those unacquainted with the arc ana of Washington social and official life can hardly realise the importance of tho recent order of the Secretary of War. The order Is in substance that all army officers who have been for four years on detatched service must return to their regiment a De tatched service Is nominally some light duty at Washington, In the War Department, at Fortress Mon roe, or as acting aids to a score of generals without commands In time of peace. In other words detached duty Is about the lightest work, and most delightful play that perfumed dogs (pups) of war ever indulged In. For years and years they have re mained here In Washington, the ad mired and petted of the ladles of the West End, the Indulged, to ruin of tellers, reetersuoters, and washer women. The trumpet call of the Secretary of War has fallen on their like the knell of doom. To change their base from Pennsylvania avenue to New Mexico or Idaho is like banishment to 8 i bar la. But toe wailing and consternation occasioned by the Secretary's order is not con fin- ed to the dub rooms. These young gentlemen so long detached from le gitimate military service hare made strong attachments elsewhere, and their departure for the frontier will leave a void In the social world of Washington. The drawing rooms and boudoirs of the West End will A CAN VatS SHOW IS VlMtllJIA. The most picturesque political can vass carried on since that In Indiana during tho Presidential campaign of 1870 Is now in progress in Virginia General Fit a Hugh Lee, the Demo cratic candidate for Governor is go ing about tho old-time knight, and as he always has a new lot In each town it Is not unlikely that he is a more Important personage in his com munity than any of the interesting persons belonging to antiquity about whom clings the indestruclblJ odor of romance and chivalry. General Lee, as he goes from coun ty to county and from town to town, la escorted by the young men of earth locality who belong to bis parly. As nearly all the white people In Virgin la of character and importance are Democrats, the candidate has the support of the persons whose influ ence counts for something. Nut only does this pageantry carry much weight with the whits folk of the humble sort, but it is of the character to wring admiration from a goodly number of the negroes, whcee race Is essily im pressed by this kind of show. Indeed msuy of tho more intelligent of the young colored men have Joined them themselves to General Lee's cavalcade and the prospect Is that many more, who aro mere spectators will vote for him. This is ail very interesting as a show, hut If General Lee and his showy followers neglect to organise their party as the work ought to be done they are in danger of waking up en the morning of the foutth of WMKSik MAN XIVMt PEN Rl BATED. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADYIBTI8IIB IIBIUI H TEE WILLAMETTE YALLIX Sneclai buhiness notices in Loon! Col umn j 9 ceui per line, negaiar MollcpM 10 cnnlm rr line. For legal and transient adv 4 uv per square ror the nret u 50 cents per square for seen Rales for other advertisements known on application. subssqseat NEW DEPARTURE NiH blend in grief with the unpaid wash- November to find thst they had their erwomen over the departure of these P!e4U,ure b"iMm- Mr Mt young officers of the Army. hon6 -nded to business that he hoped that their "51slu m PPa mr enjoyment, u I Asa M .a j mm a at a - win no uouDi assure r resident gieve- For a while It hitherto potent social and political in fluence would avail them, and caure the Secretary of War to relax bis cruel order, at least in special cases. Division and department command- a Ik.i U .f tir .. ra arguou tu mm Dssartn-rjr . w j , . f N Yo-k Saeond had signed the order without giving Comptroller;iblDk. lbe wUi it any personal coosiarrauon, "uc land and his fellow Democrats of the North if they can know that the use ful as well as the showy pert of the canvass hss been duly attended to. carry lbe K tapirs State this fall because Mr. Hill, be says, will get the full Democratic vote. He believes also that a large proportion of Republicans who came over to Cleveland will remain with lbe Democratic part there aro a greai many . Allen Go,. $ 1 00.00 awa unlit JD.mL. ww V4cj o iAui,Ai Auruiior no FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, Ohicaoo. Geo. Nelson A. Miles received a tflsgram ytstsrdsy from Lieut. Henry T. Allen, of the Second Cavalry, stating that be bad arrived safely in gsn Francisco after his Alaaka explorations, havieg completed a jour ney through the regions of tbe fsr North, which, in the opinion of Geo. Miles, steels all explorations on tbs American continent since the time of Lewis and Clarke, and tbe world's re cord since Livingstone. LUu A lln iffc SiLlra last February and journeyed to the mouth of Copper in coin distributed to our customers every 60 days until further no tic a River, wbieb be followed until he leached tbe srest Alaskan range of mounUtsa. These be crossed on snow- shoes to the bead of tbe Tenoab River Ooin in Burkharfc Brns hjtnrla onrl nrill kariu.:v..i.j s . . . - inluelf a tn.rve.lou. accomplish- partieS, and in SSTfSiO tb $25.00 " ISS ment. For 700 or 800 miles be foi-1 LTs on An 11 a 1 nhsnna in wnr.rt e Z JZJ ,Gry CUStOmer ShaU naan ini lannin lr rniiiM.ii inin I tbeTskon, thegreat rier of tbe North, f 1 L? TyrTTl X and followed that to its mouth, a dis- VaX VJ JLV JJ 1"1 V tance of 400 or 500 miles more. Upon tbe completion of bis great For the Pall and Winter cannot be surpassed, either in nriA nr mi-isfvr journey Lieut. AlUn repaired to Fort All OUT pUrChaS68 are made for J' Miobsl, on tbe Bebrings and retnrned on tbe 'aleamerlCorwio. Tbe explora tion ot tbe Tennsb has been tbe ambition long before. Alaska came into the pes- CUTe gOme of the rare bargains offered and look ovat ftiit. session of tbe United States, but tbe Rus-tUn. failed each time it at- ; 10 ftW& tklt COllllterS. Umuted. Sinos than severs! explore- 7 yy7 lions by American officers Bare ended Where (hero is not One article but What you Would have to D3.V douhla in failure, until among tbe army of- the money el8G where f OF. P J STOCK and Taken rivers Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and we propose to sell chean than s.w itioa of explorer, store in the WiUamette Valley for either cash or produce, Come and sX mini Intj-t the ttfit- aiiha aaima thn m V M .Xa? 3 J 1 ' vwvav ficers on tbe Paoiflo Coast the feat cams to be considered well nigh impos sible. Lieut. Allen's companions were a sergeant and an officer of tbe Signal Corps, together with tbe Indians wbom be persuaded to join him. si isc res a attest siam's mossy N. H. -ALBANY, OREGON, Sept. 1st, 1886, ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. &. arawas) smhs rest iascsl Kars sail Keek, which the DrossfSa. where I got rear iwasaSss. ereiiotain il on th In tbe city and tbe lowest price Valley. Come ana In the Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOPIN, Revere House, Caraet Vint a4 BUswertih Albeay . Oreoa W Oarre t, Prop'r. mm.t na.i I. hi tAil m In A rat rlaaa at vl . Tebk " with the beet tbe market effonU. Sprlsf Beds In erery Boom. A good Sample Room lor Oosv awrlr' Trmvelera. ( oarb te aid few tfce Bote-I.Ttt year rwaaeeBee, stwaossMSS oat m we wore cawew taat bed eoaee under hia aottee. He ad bed me to Uy your Ct-TKimA Kikuhm, and after Are days' oee. my scalp ami pari itt my lace www eaiiiiei wnw, I hope In another week to hare my ears, neck, sad I the other peit of vy face cored. HKMaR aUAUR, 120 K 41b St., New York. SCABS AMD SOSES. I have bats eSUcted stass leet March with aSkln Uaaaw the doctors called Kesecae. My mee wee and the Itching end Da tided trial. Deirur tbe CtTKTea end CUB (T-e Hoar extarnally, end RssotTSST, Internally, for lour months. I cell myself eared, la tpetltude lor that therefore a simple request, car rying both official and personal influ ence for Individual exceptions, would havo the desired effect. Laboring under this Impression Qen. Sheridan, Gen. Sc&otUU, Gob.- Pot aad G. Howard all requested tbe Secretary of Wur to make exceptions to tho order in the cases of their personal aides. They were mistaken in tho premises of their argument. Secie tary Endlcott had been personally considering the matter from the time bo became Secretary of War, and when the time for Issuing tbe order arrived ho had mastered all the de tails and was entirely rognlxant of what Its effect would be. Besides, the attention of the Presl j . ta L. ...... .Ill tn tha mailor u tber not op separate tiokels be does and It bad met witn ms onqummw . a iaa approval. The protests and requests Pot several days a suit bas been on Philadelphia, Pa Stephen Blaeacb trial in tbe Circuit Court of Rochester, hu we were jj before N. Y., wbieb has caused much interest Magtetiate Cobb this morning to aud io society circles. The plaintiff U Mrs. ver f4r jog ap cold stewed dog for Nellie B. Wileox, or Blackford, who BDch io tBtir M00Q aDd eating bouse, sues to ohUin bar dower in tbe proper- Na 1309 German town road. Harry ty ofOUs N. Wiloox,a wealthy broker, btr7, it appears, is a boarder with who died some months ago, leaving ibam, and be did some eating yesterday property estimated at over 1500,000. wbicn made bim sick. He Tbe plsintiff, who is a handsome bru- hlj teJri suspicions, snd caused tbe nette of about tbirty -6 reclaims to bars ftrrgt 0f Blaeseh sad wife. In Eberly's been secretly msrried in July, 18S1, to affidavit it set forth that Btaeeoh bad a Wilcox, who at that time waaearly largt black dog ; that Blaeacb killed seventy years old. Ftem affidavits bim 00 Saturday last ; that tbe carcass read In court to-day, U appesrs that Uy exposed for a day or two in the back tbe marriage wesjperformed by a To- .arj that it was subsequently mys- steaaer while .-.rim..! remnvarl that the carcaaS was ii- ntiiiii MILS. 1 "LA HA A. KREDRKIK. Br.d Brook, Conn. who voted for Cleveland who do not appreciate the locic of tbe Mugwump rooto clergy man ona papers in their atguing for tbrdorse- cressing Lake Ontario. Sacral wit- boiled, and, with greens, made its sp msnt of the Administration by the else- nesses tbe frequency of Wii- 000 on tbe table, and that it was tion of De you port- He thinks tbe cox's visits to bsr bouse, a basdsome tbere partaken of by many, of whom Iiemeerata will Mt back all of the residence on East avenue, in one of tbe Eberlr. much to the disorder of his di- workingmen who voted for Blaine. most fashionable parts of the city. A gativo machinery, was one. Having, Ex-Representative Stevens, of New feature in tbe proceedings to-day was a as be alleges, tbess facts snd suspicions, York, who is here, is also confident of letter written by Wilcox to tbe plsintiff mnd, as be firmly believee.a certain por a Democratic victory. He says if tbe addressing bar as his wife, and saying I tion of dog mixed op in his own ana- Democrats out on a union ticket io that be had become tired of life. Tbe tomy, Kberly got angry, hence tbe war- New York, Hill will be elected by a death of Mr. Wtloox was somewhat rant and binding over of lbe alleged msioritv of from 40,000 to 50,000. If sudden. Tbs defendants in the suit I dog butobor for a further hearing are the children of Wilcox by bis brat not expect over 15,000. 1 wife. a NOTICE. haying concludod to close out Ms business, now offers Ms entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATINQ AND COOK STOVES together with hie entire stock of TIN, COPPER AMD SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a genuine cMng oat, now is the time for hoi tie 0 replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB. Otb XlSstS. CmreiA Baeeeiae ere sold eeerywhere. Maw Tin. a aum - -" y . . Ctrici aA, &0a iBasoiTEjtT, Si , aer, W. rreparoo ...rl.v refused tO IBBKe an cxcnpn hi 111 wm fun mi v... v " Mam. Head for "Blew la are Hhla Diaeaees." PUtS. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes and Humors, use Crncrea SoaTj ATiBAN COILEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tassday, 8ept., 15th, 1885. For pertUuUrs concerning the courses of study ead he price ol tuition, eppry to lit, J. C. WXCIiorr, rresident. ..a-seas-K thk mktrtX. ' stitch In cramp, shooting sad saarp peine, rheonaetic, neu raieic, saa statue peine, ternai pain and ache soothed eno ezpeii i witn wnnderfu celerity by u new MBawe crricvsa :ilra nrtaninflr fnr lh FUvTft- 1 . . wwit, y ' . . . . Z we now to enqoire woy we ro- Beck is visttina Wasbiniton, a j j SH.M.S iMaMri tvaov ina nnran i . a a a a i isryasu uuu I publican organs bare so suddenly nosn- . MU)cd for tbe wiotjr. He He has set his root aown, .na j cd up .bout bow rampant Mormooism " hiok tbw wU, mn- trvub- would be in case the democrats succeed- , ... c.,: nf tK Pre.1- in everv one of tbe Indlvldnal cases I . . . wrtwnmimt. ov'r sw f 7- hmnsrh to his attention. 7IZ 7u I - i"- " blundering in Congress snd in party a7 stated, the SecreUry of War ' ZZZ. "conventions. Wh.n Mr. H.yea doubt was fully awsre of lhe effect of the . f . , f M The South was as solid in 1880 as in 1884 : wby did we not bear such . cry thsn as we bear now? Tbe need of tbe negro was every whit as great. The Republican leases have not been in the South, but in the North ; their defeat due not to bull-doung, nut w The Seaaty or oaf B. No matter bow handsome or stalwart you uk man may be otbsrwiae, nothing otn make uo for a Denial! V bald bead. Shining talents are attractive, but a shin ing poll is not. The cause may be sick nesa or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balsam with stop tbe loea of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair an quickly as to surprise you iworii the original color at the same time. a dye, not ally, delicately perfumed , On ly standard 60c dressing. Is sbbLbVj cten .SpEX ei! duty sboso before he took bis seat in b)ind followerg of that party, freT-r crco?: theOsblnet, and afterwards his ex- wh n tbi-iUeoC6, Simpl, . . , I Jt a.i malm ' order, snd knew jost wnere u wou.u thifc MormonB were in strike, but was firm in bis purpose. dernocrat,( ud maor other -.illy stories He evidently knew 01 tna spec... imnlicitlv liclieved by tbe WW Mearee - -w g 0 W snd now lr because perience as a lawyer led him to make how thgt th tibkb asb) a . Biiiscadaa. ihnrnriwh !neat sratlon beiore acung. . ... : cryinrtthrouk-h counts neree. for rest snd "'-'ZnTUKM Of VBN T . " , T. Like manne to the children of Israeli, the X months to eradicate that "twin reiKJ Ol .to7T-1 Ioua divisions and departments, I barWi.mH tbin the republican party er(f tbe comfort eltorded. by tMs new the 0fflcer8 Whom 106 Oroer w-miu , , ... . J I UtU III b.DU -J J ' t the manv false pretenses rf wHh the nfficen who were al-1 . ' T " i unk a Senator, because he was of the . w Mninrv ootnion last snrina. He was w - j -, . one of the most dissatisfied at that tims nf the Democratic Senators. Senator Sabin baa just i en ted a bouse for bim- elf and family. He takes a very obeerful view of the coming contest in the -Senate, but thinks tbe President ed whether be or Tilden would be de creed President he was anxious, not for himself, but for tbe poor negro, and bis first act was to withdraw whatever protection the negro thought he bsd. Last year lbe Republican party was beat en in fact. Straightway Mr Blaine be- Annnarnml fnr thfl DO Of nCSfO. If tillU. vw. I JMr MVK!? fiMaiied t: iWSa' Deuo detach from staff duty, and compared ASDlUEMICAL UO., SOStOll Aioany Bath House. First National Bank THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ESSPECT OF ALBANY, OREGON, fally inform tbe citiseas of Albany aad ri AmX J&SSg$!ft eUe t bat 1 have taken charge of thil B.tablieh CMhler H. r. MEBRIIX .17 ?d br keeping clean room, and payuj en k vttirm A neMRRALbankinirbusinaw. them ways with their regiments and could see at a glance the difference between them. He saw that staff duty too lone continued had a demoralizing the repubiioan party. Shipments of coin from tho over crowded vsolts of the different sub- will have trouble with some of bis ap- tbingt would hlive pointmsnts. As the lUpnblioaos eon- f M tbc 8ljulbn ttates are . t i L - U. Uim nnininn Weill mftke a . . , ... iroivusosu. eiT.u,.- ..e,l anhstantia v as tosv am - I nUVVsHWM sss-wwww ef " good stand off for that of tbe Kentuesy the administrations of Hayes B 9mW senator. mwkA riaefUM .nd Arthur and as they auu m. mw.v . mi - ' it, Qnnl K t. I - 1 a,lmlttll llltl 1 BIO ! o r j" . hi. 7o;T.0h .... u, .. u M, a practical politician, is considerable of were PrMiJsnt -trletatteation to bniiast-, expects to mt si l.!:-hVmavfaYor US with their patronage Having heretofore oarrisd on nothing but First-class Hair Dressing Saloons apeets to give satirs satisfsclion to -liPnMld,.nn4 Ladles' Hair neetly bampoosd. si on TRANSACTS A GENEBAL banking ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. KifiHT KTC'HANOE end telegraphic transfer, sold on New York, Sen Knocisco, I Oregon. . t , C0LL.BCT1OHB BAUt on iarorauie venue. to the treasury at Washing-1 . , 1 . T..e...i f nlbino- in hia Thai ih drift of emigration in 1st effect in unfitting omcers lor neiu . . th a9nmrti tran.fsr began, mmnw ,n nosed he would .y tims. has been in the direction of I - - I tgui.H t""r 1 K 1 JOS WEBBER. E. Yoreo, K. Blaix, H. lOBMStSSV Joits Cowkss, Iu. Fuse, F. MBHBJLIi. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. Jasper Jennings, Plaintiff, re. SaUle T Jenningi, Defendant. To Sallie T. Jemting$ the above named De fendant. ... .... . .mi are hereby IW the name Ol tne BW ' J , , . m'a I uuhdiudi toumiu ..iSTL aooear and an.w.r the complaint Sled Portlld( Oregon a-mrtjouin the ebore entitled Cenrt, witn.n m dfy. from the date of tb. service of thi. Summon, noon yon. If rred within this Connty ; or, if rv JInaynyoth.rCounty of this State then w in twenty day. from the date of tne -mon. upon yon ; or in caee by then yon are hereby required to appear and answer th. complaint Sled with the Cork of .aid Cou.t, aeainat yea by the first day of the next re - ular term of said Court following the expire ti on of tbe time prescribed in the order for Uon,to.wit: Monday, Oct. loth, 1885; and you will Uke notice that U you tall to so au-wer said com plaint for want thereof , the Plaintiff will apply to the Curt for the relief prayed for in hi. complaint, to wH A decree of divorce on behalf of Plaintiff, dl. solving th. bonds of matrimony now .xisuok ue tweenPlainUfl and Defendant, and for .uek other and further relief a. may be jut and equitable, and (or costs and disbursement., W. O.Pirsa, Attorney tor Piaintiff. FabUsbedb y order of Hon B P Boise, Judg. of .aid eiie el Cberabsr. at Dallw, Polk eeunty, Ore gon on th. tStk day of Augnt, INS. . At - I I t L duty and depriving tnera 01 ai imer- 3 mt to ftbout $26,000,- . . Mino th1 noruieiation for Gov- th Southern rather than the Western . a TTT L. I 4 Knt I r I Baa W Mt avwe,,..a, I - vd Portland, pSt In their re gi men is. no uoiu mat . ar. nan 000 in nolil. - -trt. u. k a.-iM i... Kaon often said recently, r" - ' ei UU. Ul A,ww a.w.s, "11 fc-.a Tbe 110,400,000 in silvsr brought from tret arfld about tbe political hsadquar- and there are some grounds for the New Orleans in nayal vessels, is in tbe terg M chipper M a bobolink and assertion. Northern capital and in- boots statement. All tbe gold csme wrettftwi i0 BinUs. Monsy is now dustry have found theii way to Geor- from San Franoisoo, frsm which place coml.a in Terf freely to the Democrats, gia and Alabama In vast strearas,ana J. (a COWAN. J. W.CU31CK Linn Connty Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, Sen Fran LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposit, subject to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tteution. v MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. the staff was meart for the lire, not the line for the stsff, snd if the line was to suffer for the sake of making it pleasant for tho stsff, the abuse ahnnltl he remeded. Hence the or- . ...... . - der and hia firm inienuon to suce. w it. While the Secretary's order is heav w, rai in military and social circles iy IVI wr e . . at sWa em A I Kt i Y S here, it must oe bffiu,cu j country at large, and by every officer who has the instincts of a man ana a a a fi- . - soldier. The lavoruisra mat kept so many social pets In soft places in the East has had a demoralizing influence upon the army, It is said, upon what appears to be a C f TV reliable authority, that since toou Da kota has added to her population 257.- The Neat Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds and fever, or clean ilng the system la by taking a few doses of tbe pleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c and f 1 bottles for sale by Fosbay A Mason, Letng don A Co. WORTHY Of Confidence. at?BC Sarssparilla Is a medicine tbat. AY tn O during nearly 40 yeara. Iu all parts of tho world, has proved its efn tacy as tlio Iwst blood alterative known to medical ecieuce. - u . SARSAPARILLA the root of tbe sreuuinc Houdunts Sarsaparilla) is its base, and ita powers arc enhanced by the extracts of Yellow Dock and Stir lluffla. tbe Iodides of rotassium and Iron, and other latent Ingretlieuts. n vour blood vitiated by derangements IO of the digestive and assimilatory func tions? is it tainted by Scrofula? or does it contain tho poison of Mercury or Contagious Disease? . ,T . , TUC leadlug physicians of the l inted I fit States, who know the composition Of AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, Say that nothiug else ho Rood for the purifica tion of the blood is within the range of fjMCrowiiMills IS0M, LANNING & CO., FlOPl'S. NEW PBOCESS FLOUB SCPBBieB SOB SABBUXS AXD BAKERS OSB. BEST STORAGE FACILiTlH. Highest JPrice in Cash ibx Wheat ALBANY. OR. DEYOE & ROBSOR, (Successors to W. H. Goitre,) DEA.LERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BU86IES, Plows, Harrows. HAY PRESSED STEEL GOODI, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon shout $18,000,000 in gold had previous- d it . id tbftt Fiowerg check foi the late census in Florida shows that TunpnilglJ V pharmacy. , , nail hy the use of this remedy is it UlsLY possible for a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent transmission of tho de ct met ivft taint to oostcritv. 0WK v - - . . . eilcet tve renovauon ly been sent to New York by register ed mail. It is eatimstsd it will Uke about a month and a half to count ooin already received at the treasury. A new and improved weighing machine was received at the department to-day from the Philadelphia mint, and will be used in weighing the ooin. -tea. The bean Is supposed to be a native of Persia. It is one or the most an cient articles of human food, and was cultivated in Egypt from the earliest acres. It formed the common dish known among the Hebrews as pov . at t ... BjU.UUU S tpUe iarge6 snwuu j - i ;A f r,ea man. It is also of PODUlatlOO am 8teaail ui.B me:uu. I , . a. , .H.AAsMAni In I Kid If flats -.LI L-r T?Ur ie willtnir to ffO forth- The WtOSS annouuuc.uouv ... .-w a - if riMMs. la from Texas, whither a colony of er idu uguiriiuiHo "iu"" I . n,,.! r vr nhioana are soon to so. as Vui isvjr VMes w the advantages of the South become . - TM..tanl Tarry HtrMtlL homes of their own LB ANY " " " OR m , I w.. D 580 wuls. The total population 01 me for ft dUh of whIch EftU barter Territory now, according to these ng- birthrirxht. The Lima nrea. is 413,759, as against less than , Df the East Indies ; 135,177 five years ago. The increase th commorJ kidney bean comes in material resources hss been no less ftQm Ifjdia ana the scarlet flowered astonishing, and yet her wide range of varletIe8 a're frem Mexico, South agricultursl area is still open ana in- America anfi the West Indies viting to the millions who wouia nave Clean castor bottles with shot. sary. of tho system must inciudo not only the removal of cor ruption from tuo moon, om. us euwu ment aud tho streugtheuing of tho vital organs. ; ,j.D tm witnesses, all over tho RELlABLb world, testify that this work is better accomplished by Ayek s Saksaparilla than by any other W. CAPPS, M. D. Homoeopathic Physician & Surgeon, Has permanently located In ALBANY - - - OREGON3 Offloe neat door east of S. E. Young's. c. x, wolvbrtox, o, x, xavixst. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW arOfflce up stairs In Froman's Brlok ALBANY, OREGON- nnnihat is Wrnmted throne. dla. V OR SALE. An imDortant principle is involved more generally known there is likely BLOOD ease is laadewre, and blood lnThe Zufaolure of b0tt.r, srt to be e.en greater flow of t STSX have a good article the most scropu- . . ... u lous care Is essential, too mpm churning makes the butter Bolt and frothy, in which condition It Is said to be burtt j while churning too slow ly imparts a bad flavor, a strong taste, and makes it highly tenacious. Churning evolves butter by rupturing the minute fat globules In milk, and the kneading of these globules into larger or smaller masses of butter. Al fever patient is cooled off aad made comfortable by frequent sponging with warm soda water.) . m a . i iLai mM In that direction, ana inus iu en tirely fraternal feeling which all but fools and fanatics hope to see, but which has already begun, will be in directly promoted and more generally spread. to When an unfit man happens squeeze through the bars and gets ap pointed to a Federal office, what thun ders of anathema go up from tbe opposi tion press. It is astonishing how iittle impression it makes upon these same moralists when a rascal is turned out. The profusion of their vinegar is as re- markable as the scarcity oi weir none. red comuseles AYBn'8oARSAPAKU---V .us.,-. e..miriur tho blood and building PURIFYING up tho system require. lm In serious cases, but benefit will lifderivS from the ass of Ayek's Sarsaparilla. moro speedily than from anything else. ..Je.ieii- for which like effects aro MbUIUIrlE. falsely claimed, is anuu- One hundred and forty asres, miles above Lebanon. 40 aeres in ti vration. 10 acres slashed and sown grass. Comfortable dwell! us;, outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at oilice. dentin tho marKei.umwriuai.v ........ but tho only preparation thut has stood if time, ami oroveu vvonuv ui l.n tost l tho world's confidence, is Avers Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists : Price 1 ; six bottles for tfie T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Pubiicw DR. I N.W00DLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Sohmeer's Stables. ALBANY, 1 OREGON.