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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1885)
CBarcB lr"tory . U. P. CnuacH. Pleaching every Sahbath, at 11 a. St., and 7 r. m. by Ksv. R. G. Ir Tine, D. D. Sabbath Sohool at 2:30 F. M Prayer meeting every Weduesaday evening. K v ano i Lie a l Church. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. i'rayor meeting every Thurs day evening. 0. h. Davis, paator. All are invited. Cox orkoational Church. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 r. at. Sabbath Sohool at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. T W. Harris, pastor. M. K. CiirRi u, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. st. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening st 7:30 o'oiock. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. K. Church SouTn.TaNUENT. Preach, ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock,?, m. Sab bath Sohool at 2:30 o'clock, r. It. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Church. lVoaohing every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 J r. ml Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. H. P. Webb, pastor. Prkmyteriax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Fiasrr Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 6 Brownson, pastor. Urivkrsamst Cuurcu. Preaching ever second and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'oiock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 12 M. California Wire Works, IN IUIET STREET. Sill FKiXCI&CO. MkM r utv kkrs or WIRE AND BVERTTHINB IS WIRE. Dnnliorl Wino w offer or ssJ t lo et nurc JDOi UOll IT 110 2 s point mtulax ami thick Ml. Using- regularly licensed we lusrauus our cusUavcrs SSSiSSl SBTWlTIf T Doilinrr Wino ''IsssBe'braati otvery bt ,tl, fidliilig nUa ill Hut st lowest UM-kvl rstat. Wire Netting All meshes rtdlhs,gslvsnUc4 after wade, tor poaltry )ards,etc. Wire Cloth Of si klads for fruit, dryers, thresh srs, her Testers, riddles, etc, Unn Winn For training hops, made trcm steel la uup n u. u long- lifihs specially tor the ur;iose. Gopher Traps And all other kinds of traps for aiolss, squirrels, rats and mice. Vineyari Lines For laying out vineyards, dl- itled m tllsUnce snd luetic of iteci wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. HOTS. -We meet astern competition by bouie Bienulseture, and sell you setter gnats st a lower priests. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, A& files, steetal I leers, rissares, Prarltas. A el. rtatsdas 1st Aae. Poly pas, Keel I, Elc, Etc., Cured in six rears by the atrlaBerheB" Sjstrss. Dr. J. R PUkiagtoa, Proprietor ef the Portland Bre a ad Bar laSraaary sad Maaltarlass fur Bervea hiseases has been appointed agent sad phyurian for tbissysMsn la Oregon aad W. T. No severe surgical peratlea, aa pain, urn I ansa r blood. In two smooths have cured several eases In whish operations with the knife nave only done injury. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jas. W. Wsath erforJ, druggist, fornrty ol Salem, Mr. Prank Gaid ner, machinest. Mr. K. A. Kampjr, llamsbury, and others. W11 meet patients si the Revere Mourn, Al bany, from Tuesday noon, Oct. 0th to Wednesday noou.Oct. 7th, 1S84. Address tor pamphlet, etc. J. B. PILKINCTON, M. D l'OKTLANi), ORKUOX. THE is Q rrliate Itlspeaaarv, i, 400 Geary bt-, San Praaeawo. Cal. CC Coodacted by Qualified Pbysictans O and Kurgeons regular graduates. U SSTbe Oldest specialists in tho eBsri States, life long experience. i insure speedy and permanent cures oi m u rnTiK, viuvuk biiu pervious ' Inecases. Affections of the Blood. Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Kruptious, Ulcers, Old sores. Swelling of the .Glands, Sore Mouth, Throat Bone rPsissvparawiest'y eared and eradi cated from the system for life. ' SK.m. lOtS Debility, ltu potency, oemtcai ixawes, cexuai uecay, aien- iai ana rnysicsi vreaxness, r suing 1 T Memory. Weak Eyes. Stunted De- W telopment.lmpedimenu to Marriage Q t etc , irom ex cess or y out la ui lollies, wmm or any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured. 25 few. Middle-Aged snd Old men, and all who need medical skill S and experience, consult the old Kuropean Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may save fatoie misery snd shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can bejgeut -everywhere by express free from obaervalioB. It is self-evident that a phyaician whoaves his whole sttentiou to a class outjeheconntrv knowin? this, frequently recommend known good remedy is used, ine iMciors age anu cinorifnr. n,.lr. hi. opinion of supreme imrtsnce. ASThoas who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultation. frM and SS redly confidential. O which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases succeastuJiy treated. The Doctor will arree to sorfeit S1.000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from 9 a. m. tot o. m.. fltoS evenings : Sundays, 10 to 12 only. 8enl for the Siinitarist Otdds to Health, sent free. Address as abov- Dtt. LIEBICft: vTeaderrai iiersaaa leviaerater PersaanentlyiprevenU all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the wsste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get eared of Seminal Weakness. Less of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with li ypsraethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's in- vigorator is tha only positive cure lor V rostatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used t the Liebig Disoeasarv. rrlee or In vlanrator, . Case of six bottles tli. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob serration. M't powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A Mottle .l vps or Meat free. Consultation free and private. Call or address MKBIO DIHPKVStUl. 4W Gear? Htreet. Han Francisco, CaJ Private entrance, 405 Masou Street, four blocks up uesry Hired ir-im Kearney, asm entrance vnrougj Utsienary Drug Store. To the Unfortunate! DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. ViHJ corner of Commer cial, Han r ran. .-, ,, Cal. L established in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual snd Seminal Diseases, such lax vonorraea, aileet. Bfrletare, avpaills in all its forms, Sesnlaal Weakaeas, Inipeteaey, and Loss of Manhood pertinently cured. Toe sick ana amictea snouiu not fail to sail upon him. Tbs Doctor has trsveled xtenjively in Karope, nd uiSeoted thoroughly the vsrtc us hostiitain there, obtaining a great deal of valupble information, which lis is competent to im- part to those in used of his services. The Doctor rures when others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless ) c effect a sure. Persons at a distance I Kt; AT HOME. All communica tions strictly confidential. All letters answered In plain envelopes. Send ten dollars for a pack-ice of medicine. Call or write. Address UK. J. F. (l)BBON, Box 137, Ban Vrsneico, Cal. (Msntioa All any Dbmosbat.) B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, reA always breaking, unless you have the kind sold by Peters fe Stewart, of Al- btnv. '1 boy are made or wroueht Iron, canuot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you bavo seen .nem. AnniTr Send six cents for postage, and I nl4Ci receive free, a costly box of roods which will holpjrou to more money right away than auything else in this world, All of either sex, sue- seed from first hour, The broad road to fortune .jj 1 A rt . . -1 I a'juross j hi r. auu uu aueuhs, auuii, SAX wa wm. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MXhOHANISFNO BUSI NESS. Rice, tea sod Japanese goods. Ladies' underclothes, od at bottom prices, j Contractor for China lab r. BBBW TO HI HM KIIIKRM. Statements of accounts of subscribers with the Drmocaat have boon placed In the bands of agents through the county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they stand, or to settle for the same, can do se by calling on them. This Is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Drmocrat, Those doalrlng to pay a year in advance and get the American parnior" one or the bent agricultural pa pers In tho U, S., can do so with our agents. Call ou the following gentlemen at the places nsmed : O PCoehOW Brownsville. K Shelton Solo V M Miller Lsbsnon. Nsm May Harrlsburg. T. L. Porter Halaey F. A. Waits Shedd TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oasnt iippctltP. ltuwcla costive, fain Is the Bead, with n dull sensation In Ike Imrk p'irt. Vmln auder the shoulder Made, l ull ness after ratios, wltk a tils Inclination to exertion ef body or wind, Irritability ol temper. Low spirits, with a lectins oluaslnc neglected some duty, avium. Dlaalaese, Fluttering- at the Itpnri, Dots before the eyes. Headache over tho right eye. liestleseaese, with fttiul drrntns. Illshlr colored t'rlar, and CONSTIPATION. ;;'TT'N Il IAS are especially adapted to saclt rases, ouo dose effects sttoh a (hange of reeling: as to astonish tho sufferer. Tht . increase the A .t petite, a ml cause the IkmW t Take ou FlcH.thii the systrta U flourished nl by their Tattle Aetioa) OS ,. . i . il.V. I STwrray t..!.H . TUTTS HAIR DYE. (3rat Iltia or WiiiKgus ohsnfed to a t;iAsav Black hy a sluglo application or tbli 1TV. It Imparts n imtural color, acts lndanttneouly. hoM by DrttKKlsts, or sen' lv oxinsion yeeelptof Office, 44 Murray St., New York. i i liueatlveUratta.i(eKMiriouissre COME. Como and drink Schlils Milwaukee beet on draught, at MICHAEL PEYSER'S CIGAR STORE. OPPOSITE THE REVERE HOUSE Free lunch served every dcy from 10:30 A. M,, tO 12 M, Key WB8t and Domestic Cigars. L. CAMPEAU, BARBER I will not bo excelled iu hair-rutting and shaving. VOn TMK LA DISS, I have tiie vry latest st vies of hair dreeing sad cleanitiK for ladies in which the hsir Is cleaned in 12 minutes time leaving it perfectly clean. Will call resldenc3 if desired, or do work at shop LOUIS CAMPEAU, Barber and UalrdresMer. DrSANFO INVIGORATOR -a- jfcwk iTsUAt us came unp.ic: ; a Ti:zf Vegetable pound, that s . cciz direclly uDon v the many diseases i portant organ, and mcrons ailments fj r; cunng o that un- rr;thcna- froza its cerangea or Ifcrpacuon, such as yspepsi jdgjidicc, BiUoasnes CcsalMfiaaria, Sick-headache, .C(Jte ctc It is therefore a tniisdjhir"To have Good Healtli .osti)C kcpHn order." ua. baffoed'b isyiooeatoo. Inviiroratcs the Lircr, Rcrulatcs the Bow el. Strengihcns ihc System. Purifies tho Blood Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. U a Household Need. An Invuluable Family 3Iedicinc for common complaints. IX 8A5P0E3'3 LIVra HT7IG02AT01L An experience (f Forty yean, and Thou sand cf Testimonial prove tie Merit. ron PA LB BT ATX CHAMOIS Qf MEDUTNEs. For f rnii iuronn!ifm k m yrnr acldrrss for KSJ Book on the " sod Ifs Jlsses." to . sAsroso 2 pea sir., oiwasct." ta Tcumi. curs; Final Settlement. the matter of the Ettate of Franc! lierrv dssfruifil "rry, funic ts hereby givtn that the undersigned Ad. w min intra tor of the estate of Francis Berry sd, has filed his final account in said matter in County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and that said court has appointed Monday, October Sin, 18S6, at mo hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day ss the time for hearing objections to such final account and ths settlement thereof. Dated Aug. 25th, 188C. J. L. Mills. U kwitt A Bsvakt, Administrator, Attorney s lor Administrator. The BuYETts Guide Is Issued March and Hept., each vcar: 22 i nairis..8',xll inches, with over 3,390 illustrations a wnole picture pal Iery . (J l ves wholesale prices aireci to congur xrs on all goodfi for personal or sjbb family use. lemuuww isWyvtm order, ani gives exact MM cost of ev erv thing ycu ML JBg ne,, eat, wear, or kT bavo fun with, lit eye sasasM invaluable hooks contain information cleaned from the markets of the world. 'e will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the pottage 8 cents. Let ls deaf from yon. O Respectfully, NTGRY WARD & CO. SOT SS SSV Wabaafa Avcawa. Uw in 0. C OHKRRT. 0. r .IVBXES ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millvvrights, and Iror Founders. WJSUAVKOUR NEW SHOPS ALL com Dieted, and ara now nronarttH in l : j. ( . . ' " . t nanaie an Kinds of Deavv work. We will manufacture Steam Ensrinaa. rist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron uu ii rang uasungs. PATTEM2VB M4IK OJf SHOMT NOTICE. , Br ientlon given to repairing all Kinds of machinery. Will bIho manufao ture the improved Cherry fe White Grain SANTIAM ACADEMY. LEBANON, OREGON. THIRTT-FIBST "3TE1j.R. The winter term will commence Monday, September 14th, 1885. ID'S tae iJU'e rtcidcW, m. u r For prtitu'srs Juqiire of J. L, CILMEMT, Principals gcuwevat FRIDAY OCTOMBEH 2, 1885 MM STOOD TMK TaMT. Four bojt leated on a line fence di viding tswo homes on John 11. itreet attiaoted the attention of a pedeetrlan reoenUjr, and he halted and asked what the were looking at. "New family moving in there to day," replied one. "Well, what of it r "They've got a boy about as big as Ui." "Well, what of that V "Nothing, only we are trying him." At that moment tho new boy appear ed on the grass about twenty feet away. One of the boys on the fenee made up a face at him. He promptly responded. Then another bov threw a stone at him. He hurled it baok. 'Say, I'll liok you !" called the big gest boy. You can't do it I" The four boys wade as if they would jump over the fence, but the new boy stood firm. "I'll dare you up here I" "I'll dare you down here !" "He's all lighthe's game," said the big boy to the pedestrian. "If he waa a coward we was going to liok him, bnt now we'll go over and let him have whiff on our cigar stub." Detroit Frm Prw. tsssssmessssssa Splendid line of ladies tall and winter gar ssMlts st Moatsith 4 Set ten bach 'a MVCMLSrs AMttCA etLVS The beat salve in the world for cute, raises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect sauaiacuoB in every case or money t unded. Price 36c per box. For sale by Foabay A Mason NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION, Lass Omci at I Oragua cits, Oregoa, asps. 1 tie. IsSf . f VOTICB IS IIKHKHY OIVKK, laal lbs fallow! ivg named ssttiers have Sled notice of Ihsir bttettUoa to ssske aaal proof In sunpon of their claisaa, sad that said proof will bo wads before lbs County Jodgs or County Clerk, of Unn county at Albany, Orsgvit, on auurdsy, Oct. 2ilh. 1SK, vis ; J. SV Wlri, Uomestoad entry, No. 4800 for lbs XJ of 8 E 1 sad a 1 of X B 1 of Sec. , Tp. ItS, k 1 1 He names the following witnesses U prove his eon. iliiuots rsssasaes upon, and culUvaUee of, said lasd. sts; J K Cltarlton, of Albany , It R llumfhrry, R L Bases, W Wm Wirt, of Lsbanon, sit of Linn county Oregon. W. Wm. Wlri, Hesasstesd entry. No, 876s for IheKiofS W and 8, of X WJol Bee S,.Tp. It S, bib. assnsissute r!iowmg wtinrssss to ecosa his cantinoous restdsnce upon, and culUvaUun of, sSid land, sis : EL Beans, Martin Khiland sod J O Boyd. d Leseaos. snd J K Charlton, of Albany, all of Unn county, Oregoa. B L. Mraas, Ilossestesd sniry No. 403S for the N of B B I, S W J of 8 B sad IW of N E A of Bee. 2. fp, 188, B 1 W. He names tbs following wis. asssts to prove his con'.lnuoas restdsBBS upon, sad culu vation of, said load, sts: J B Wirt, W Ws Wbrt, Mania Khiland and J O Boyd, all of Ubeaon, Una county, Oregon. Mania sailaad. UotnseUad entry Xo. SDN for tbs X J of N of See. S, Tp, IS 8, K 1 E. He the following witnesses U provs Ids conUn denes a poo, sod cultivation of, said land, vis t W Wm Wirt, E L Bssas, i B Wirt and J O Boyd, ail of Lsbanon, Unn county, Oregon. L.T. BARtX, Register AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will par their t u user ipt ion accounts to tuts paper in foil to date, and one year in ad vance, will be presented with one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A sixtccn-nase Agricultural Macazlne. puuiisneo by K. A. K, J lacked, at Fort wayne, Indiana. and which is rapidly taking rank aa one of the leading; Aarical terai publications of the country. It is devoted exclusively to the Interests of the farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, aad every species of industry connected with that great por tion ol the people of the world, the farm era. The subscription price is one dollar per year. Farmers can not well get along without it,. It puts new ideaa into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home nappy, the young folka cheerful, the growler contented, tho downcast happy, and the demagogue Isovest, 0PM AND MOftPINS HABIT CUBJBD BY W. Fs ALEXANDER, M. D. I guarantee a cure in all cases if d.rections are strictly followed, pain or loss of time from business, dress sbove at Albany. Oregon. Ad H OTEI, FOR SALE. Thfl JksWtl Ifmiaa Prinnvlllo 2 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, large and convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. A. B.COLVBR A SOW. ( PrlnevlJle, Oregon. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Wheat Stored AT THE MAGNOLIA MILLS. I will receive wheat in store at the mill and warehouses, under the usual terms, When parties wish to soil will bn v the wheat or deliver it on order, Hacks furnished to parties wishimr to store. July 16th, 1S85. JOHN A. CRAWFORD, j TEMPERAHOE DEPARTMENT MDITKD MT TBI Women's Christian Temperiiti Units Y HOT, MO BOB SMOKE T The United States navy annually takes into its service a large number of apprentice boys, who are sent all over the world and taught to be thorough Bailors. It baa been the ooliov of the government sinoe the war to educate s or the "blue jacket" upon the principle that the more intelligent a man is, the baiter sailorissie is likely to beoome. There is no lack of candidates for these positions. Hundreds of boys appljr,but many are rejected because they cannot pass the physical evamination. Major Houston, one of the marine corps who is in charge of the Washington navy jard har lacks, is the authority for the statement that one-fifth of all the boys examined are lejected on acoount of heart disease. His first question to a bey who de sires to enlist is : "Do you smoke V ' Tho invariable response is. "No sir." but the tell-tale Jiaooloration of the 9 . a . fingers at once shews the truth. The surgeons say that cigarette smoking by boys produces heart disease, and that in ninety-nine cases in a hundred the rejection of would-be-apprentices on account of thia defect oomes from ex oeaaive uaa of the milder form of this weed. This is a remarkable statement, coming, as it does, from so high an au thority and baaed upon the results of actual examinations going on day after day, month after month. It should be a warning to pareata that the deadly cigarette is sure to bring about incal culable injury to the young. A law passed restricting its use to the dudes would not, perhaps, bring popular dis- favor,because it might reduce the num bar of these objects about our streets, but boys indulgiog in the cigsrette ought to be treated to liberal doaas of "rod In pickle" until the habit is thor oughly eradicated. .Scv.itfife American There is a very pleasant story about the way in which Mrs. O. A. Alien received her worn de plum of "Pansy." In her young girl days the old cloek in her father's bouse stopped a thing so unusual that it made an impression on the whole household, and especially on her. She wrote an "essay" in regard to that faithful household monitor. which pleased her father very much. He said it must be published in the paper con ducted by her brother. "But, "said he, "we don. you wr Pansy, a . i ss - . am pleasant thoughts, and you nave given me some thoughts that are Tender and pleasant." It ia no wonder when she cams to write for the pubae tnat saw should adopt for a nom J plums the name which had for her snob a tender association. Her father died during the writing ef the closing ebaptere of "Ester Raid" a book in which be took tbe greatest interest, and in regard to which be prayed that it might be bleasing to some young life. Christian at Work. comb, lbt ca mbjmmmi tmcmth mm If a nation nay be made to drift in to war by the influence of martial music, why may not tbe spirit of peace be generated and infuaed by influence of sacred senate and aoog ? Tbe poet Lowell says : ('One of His sweetest charities is music." In our Poor Heusee there are old men and women, sad, hopeless, weary long strangers to any gentle ministra tions. Io our Prisons there are dull intellects, and hearts hardened against open religious efforts ; in our Hospitals there are suffering ones, so worn with pain, so weak, so near tbe world foi which, alas I they have received no preparation to all these might be borne on tbe wings of song, tbe words of life from Him who cante "to preach the gospel to tbe poor, to heal the broken hearted, to set at liberty them that are bruised.'' A Christian song baa thia advantage ever a sermonthe truth in it touches tbe heart of tbe bearer unawares, when he is not on the defensive against the gospel. Specially successful may the by ma be, if some helpful thought ia repeated over and over as in the refrains of the choruses. This will 4 fasten on many a hearer and sing itself in hia mind hoars and days after it was heard. Educate the hearts of tbe people by sacred music, and tbe heart will readily educate the head. Elizabeth Thompson. ace-rr'B mmciaios op mjmb Liver ll with HrpeaBespbltes-Math as a Bee aad Medietas. Cad The combined virtues of the Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphites, not only supplies a uutrioua food to the system, but by its remedial power, gives strength and tone to the nerves and builds up the wasted tissues. The other day the Now York Trib une remarKfctt tnat tne possession of patronage is a detriment to any party but not a day has since passed when it didn't complain of the celerity with which the Administration is making? changes. It ia plain from this that the Tribune dosen't want to see the Democratic party injured. Mr. Roach has again begun to talk pathetically of his patriotic motives in building ships for the Government. The only trouble with them, however, were thoirenoxmoue cost and their utter iSS rw . iaUaw thatl. 'RsSifl uselessnesF. VMOMOtrs MATTEMS. The cricket and grasshopper sing n the dew wet "Good frrsclous," said tho hen, when alio discovered the porcelain egg In her nest, "I shall be a brick- ayer next." "Just one," aald tho lover aa be stood upon tio stoop with his sirl. "Just one," aald the mother, potting her head out of the bedroom window above ; "well, I guess It ain't bo late aa that, but it's pretty near twelve, and you'd better be going or her father will bo down." And the lover took his leave with a aad pain at his heart. Tbe opinion now held by phycl ans that "raw cows miiK is hotter for children than boiled" la very grat ifying, as a raw cow givea much more milk than a boiled one. "Don't tell me you won't I" aald an Klin Ira father to bia little daughter of six summers. "Well, but, papa," aald the artleas littlo one, "what ahall I aay when I mean I won't?" Henry George asks ; "Who ever aaw a ahoal of Huh where a few were fat and the rest nothing but akin and bone?" Henry evidently never ate at a boarding-house table where tho waiter girl waa io love with hla neighbor. Mamma Don't you think, Emma, you are getting a little too old to be playing with the boys so much? Emma I know it ; but the older I get the better I like 'em. A wise man may be pinched by poverty, but only a fool wilt let him- aelf be pinched by tight shoos. "What poMeeaed you to turn tramp?" "Oh, times were hard, and I didn't want to be without a loaf." Lord Byron's bark may have been on the aea, but his growl waa certain ly on the shore, judging from (he way he abused bia native land. A grammatical paradox Even tho greatest may come across a grater. Tbe cucumber is not a large vege table, but it contains a gieat deal of condensed cramp within ita green envelope. Many a boy with torn trousers Is looking for a melon patch. Honor and shamo from no condition (rise A very rich girl may make very (poor pies. Large stack of new goods at Moatetta k SetUn bach's. far Mraltfej sad dependent upon hia surround- of life. Air and of life, but impure impure water are moat proline tipure ataeai sources or anesse. rood is also a any os me, out numerous diseases are traceable to uotb a lack of necessary food. and an over indulgence in special klads oi nourishment. Jtesjioes tnaae external BW)tesS of iteae therw are othur more subtle and internal causes. Each individ ual inhettte from his parents a certain physical constitution, Kaeh person there fore derives his chances of health or dis ease fiom a double source, namely hla In bertted oonsUtutiou and his surroundings in life, ISanltary science devotee attention to our surroundings. Medical science seeks to overcome tbe constitutional or lubes ited weakness by medicines that supply what hi wanting in the system. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure supplies that which Is wanting to ensure proper aaatm tlaUoc and digestion of food. Try it. Free ample bottles at Foabay A Mason's Drug Store, Albany, Oregon. aeasetBABc far IBs Bab;. What a tern bie affliction about the house Is a oroee, crying baby I A young man on tbe very edge or matrimony might easily be frightened from his purpose by having too much of that sort of music at the homes of his married friends. Yet babies cry commonly only when they are si?k. One teaspoon r ui ol Parker's Tonic, given tbe little one, will bring rest and sleep to tbe baby and all in the house. Only 50 111, at druggists. Sjrea a Bits. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co.. San Francisco, Cal., is Natures Own True Lax a tire. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foahay A Mason. E W Langdon and Co., at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is tbe most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse tbe system ; to act on tbs Liver, Kidneys aad Bowels gently yet thoroughly ' to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to care Constipation, Indigestion and kindred Bp mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity. Strength sad wholesomeness. More eX)ivoatosi casa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com' petition with the multitude ol low test, short weight, shun or phosphate powders. Sold only im cass. BovAb Baxuo Powraa Co., 100 Wall-st, more money than at any till no aU hv la.klnr aa agency for tbe best sel!isg book out, Beginners to fr eed grandly. Nene fail, Terms free, Hallktt Boos o Portland, Mains, DR. I. N. W00DLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Schmeer's Stables. ALBANY, OREGON. 1 1M W. CAPPS, M. D. Homoeopathic Physician & Surgeon, Has permanently located in ALBANY - - OREGON. Office next door east of S, E. Young's, CtMIOI'S FACTS. In soma parts of China the mission aries travel in wheelbarrows. Out ef 5000 known species of or chids, 2000 ere cultivated by English florists. Oyster shells are being pumped from tbe arteeien well at Americus, Ga., which is down 1000 feet. Nearly a bslf in number and two- thirds in circulation of the newspapers of the world are piloted in English. Divew,by a recent French invention, are aald to be enabled to go down distance of 800 feet below the surface of the water. A Bridgeport man has pet fee ted an invention that be claims will revolu tionize bicycling. He glides swiftly before a bretse by means of a bugs sail attached to tbe wheel. Tobacco used to be regarded as a yaluable medicine, end is prescribed yet by physicians in occasional cases. Before tbe discovery of chloroform it waa used in strangulated betnia to give oomplete relaxation, and in courses where maroury waa tbe chief medicine it was add to avert the after effects. As an ingredient in asthmatics, cigar ettes, with bellsdouus,stramonium,eto., it is entitled to a part of tbe credit of the remedial results When one ear is deaf it ia almost uniformly tbe left. An immense num ber of persons rely upon the right ear to do duty for tbe two. Persons who have been deprived of tbe bearing of tbe left ear for a length of time can usually 1 ear sounds at a distance bet- ter than tboee whose bearing ia divided between two ears, because tbe single ear has been trained to an unosusl sharpness. But this deafneas of tbe left ear, from which so many persons suffer, is very inconvenient when walk ing with a lady or driving with a friend in a buggy. aea It is not generally known that tbe sponge fishers of Florida make consid erable use of oil for tbe purpose of calming tbe surface of tbe water. Dur ing the greater part of the year tbe slight ripple on tbe water is easily over come by that time-honored device, tbe w ter-telescope. By tbe aid of that instrument tbe fishers easily discern tbe sponges and hook them up fro m the bottom. Bot it sometimes bsppens in tbe Spring that the roughness of tbe sea prevents tbe handling of both hooks and telescopes. Then tbe spongei throws a spoonful of oil upon the waves, which produces a calm about bis boat as long as he cates to drift about with it. The oil preferred by the spongers for this purpose ia obtain ed from the liver of the "nurse" ebark. So effective is this oil considered tbst as much sail a gallon ie paid for it. Plaae far Bale aeas A square piano, coat gsso, will be sold at a sacrifice for cash. For particular call at this office. All Sorts of hurts and many tmrts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment PATENTS Obtained, sad sB other tiaslssss In tbe V. S. Palest OflSt site ixtcttnl Ui fur modcMS fSSS. Our office Is opfMsit tbe U.S. Patent Office, aad oaa obtaia Fateale less Usee tissa Usees isssots trees Whintaa. Seed Modi or drawing. We ad r I to patent ability free of caarge ;ss4ws setae e charge unless We rater hare, to the Pcetassetar. the Baas, at Order Dtv. sad to offislaH of theU. R Patent OBka. For circular, advice, Unas, sad etsrsaan o actual elicit is iu year own State or county, address C. A. SNOW &CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D Clears oat rats, auar, roaches, flies, eats, bed-bugs. Heart Palas. Palpitation, Iropaical Swellings, Dttsiness, Indi gestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "Weils Health Rencwer." "Issss ss reras. ' Ask for Wells' "Bough oa Corns. " 15c. Quick complete care, Hani er soft earns, warts, bunions. "Burhu-Palba. Quick, complete care, all Kidney, Bladder and L'ruiary Dissases, Holdings, Irritation, Stone, U ravel, Catsrrh of the Bladder. 1 , Druggists . Brd'Bags, files. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Hough on Bats. 15c Thia People. "W ell's Health Uenewer" restores health and vigor cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, sexual Debility, SI. "Reacts oa rata" Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea.aches.pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. 80 cents. Bough on Pain Plasters, lie Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn eut and nsirous, use "Wells' Health Henewer." 81. Druggists. Life PreserTer. If you sre losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Rencwer." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Rough en Piles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrudlmr, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy in each packs ire. Sure cure, bOc. Druggists Pretty Woasea. Ladies who would retain freshness and vfvacPy. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." "Rough oa Its."' "Rough on Itch" cures humors, cruptions,ring w or in, tetter, sait rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. ' "Rough en Ca tar rah." Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure o worst chronlo cases, also unequaltd as gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Fpul Breath. 50c. Tbe slope ef the Nation. Children, slow in development puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrh ef the Bladder. Stinging, irritation, Inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba." fl, "Water Bags, Roacnes." "Bough oa Rats clears them out, also Beetles Ants JULIUS GRADWOHL . Hmm the OMly obcImmIvc Ntoek of CROCKERY, CLASS.SILVIR AND CHINA WARl A Large Assortment of Bab; Carriages, And a Choice Solecton of Coffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND jIME. THE HIGHEST HABKET Remember! What I Say I lean, Give Ie a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. HOFFMAN -1'IUJPHIBTOK.S OK- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN- Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Candlet; Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - NEARLY OPPOSITE THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates. $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. k C. H.R. TIME TABLE, K. KOEBLEB, Becaiver. Albany Mtaiioa. sWasmsut er tkais. ALBANY EXPRESS Departs st 5:80 A. M :4 A. M 11:45 A M 16 P. at IWL r Kiiiiu i mm at MAIL TRAIN Arrives st -Departs at socss soma. rites st . 11:45 A. M. parts st lf:05 P. H. "... J-JO P. H. rrtves at - 3 P. H. Lsbsaoa DcpirU 8:15 P. M. All Trains dally, except Saaday. Notiob. Mail trains stop 20 minutes for dinner. Pullman Palace Cars on all mall trains. Will. B. Ricb, Freight and Ticket Agent Albany, August 26th, lam LACK8MITH'8 OUTFITS, Anvils, vises,beliowB,bamrners, sledges, SrT? , dim nd Jmost every tool used py blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand. Also a full dock of iron. of all sizes, horse shoes and horse ahoe nails. Special prlcea made on email outfits for farmers Parana A Stewart. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law, LEBANON, OREGON. Wll 1 practice in all tho. Courts in tbs State ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths!and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory, ROBINSON A WEST. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance igent, 0 F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the best Fire In surance Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situated in N, W, part of &cio. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Miller, Scio. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Gon?eyancr. Collections made on reasonable term a MAIN ST., SGtO, Oft CH0NC HUNG. Washes and irons clothes in first class style, at reasonable rates. Successor to Lee. One door south of Revere House,on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY REG0N PKICE PAID FOR ES k JOSEPH. Oregon, JOHN BRlUUS' STORE. My FRED GRAF, Msnufsiturer and Dealer In all kinds cf FURNITURE, AID UIDERTAm 8 First Street Albany, Or Envalf ds'Hot e I s Surgical Institute B UJb'iAX,0, HT- "2T- Ortraaized wlfaTa fall Staff af elglatrea Experienced aad Klclllfal rrayslciasai aad Ssunreeas far tfae treat meat at all C Bronte Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and !'Pi Diseases, Liver and Kidney Dlseasea, Bladder Diseaeea, Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nerv ous Affections, cured here or at honta, n lth or without seeing: the patient. Come and sne us, or send ten cents in stamps for our "Invalids Guide Book, Which gives a 1 particulars. nervons Debility, Impo tcncjrjLNoctnrstal Losses, and all Hlorbld Conditiona caused by Youthful Fol Ilea and Pernicious Bolt tary Practices are speedUr and normnnentlv euriHl Viv riir Sjieciahsts. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. jcupiurc, or urea eh, radi cally cured without the knife, without trusses, without pain, and without danjrer. Cures Guaranteed. Book sent for HUPTUHL I tea cents in stamps. PIL.E TUMORS and STlSICTTJItF.S tr-ated under guarantee to cure. Book se it for ten cents in stamps. Address World's lis spensauy Medical Association, 663 Main Stot, Buffalo, N. Y. ino treatment or many thousands of oases of those diseases peculiar to Diseases of Women i wi3sr ww m mm r SSVW4 Chills Sunrical Institute, has af. fo -ded largo experience, ia adapting remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to i he system, and cures, as if by magic. Leu. eorrhea or "whites,'' excessive flowine, prilrU'ul menstruation, un natural suppressions, prolapsus or falling: of use uterus, weak back! ante version, retroversion, bearing, down, aeuaationa. chronic conges tion, inflammation and ulceration of tho womb, Inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, S2SS Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's jag c Treatise on Diseases of Women, ill us- World's Dispensary Medical Association, 063 Main Street, BUFFALO, H.T. SICK-HEADACHE! Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly cured by Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by Druggist ' 9BBBBBBBBBtss-lfaTk - I '53HBHUKbsb1 rXnllsQslsBBsssi 1 Delicate Oiseases.