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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1885)
SrATHRIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITHS NUTTING. IfaiMBtaerFICB-ia Demaeral Bnliaingea romlftlltln MffH. TERM8 Or SUBSCRIPTION single copy. Pr year. In .t im ........ ! aiurflo oop, per year, aland of year w aliurle oopy, six month 1 "J single oHy, thra tuonlha ........ j mrle number Ig PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. PRACTICE C IN ALL TIIK 'ourta of mis " py nan special attention to collections and pro m niter. , , , Office in Foeter'e new brick. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public Office upetaJra, over John Brlfrjr atore, 1st street. vUnf J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ILMOY. . WILL PRAiTH K IN ALL TIIK COl'RTS OF TIIK Sul 8lcil si tent ton fWen l cdlactkme and robate matter MTOSo In Odd F.lHWs Tempi f. 0. FOWBLL. W,,TRiV'Tt7 POWEIiL A BILYKU, vTTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Hi an eery. ALRAIDV, ohkooh. Collection promptly made on ell point.. Loans negotiated on reasonable loN jaarOfflee In Foater' Hri.-k.a vlealttf. tmorr VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 188S. NO- i) V TO AC REAM s J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will nrrlr In ell of the Court of ;hls State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., Articles, A lionerv B Stock and Toilet and Low Prices. trlooks. Stations Largv OITT DBTJQ STORE, folOST PERFECTS MADE Prepared by a physician with apodal rvgard . to health. , Ho AiuuiuuU, LUuu wr Alum. Gathering Grapes for Making Cream of Tartar J or D PRICE S CREAM BAKING POWDIR.' 'or aalt by Catting, Marie Co, I orUand, Or F08HAY & MASON, WHOLBXAIS AKO Rat AIL Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with poet age added. ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, a pii .k A IKaMV ApffAB. ei lrm ana uwnsi w Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. 1. on In first claaa atria. Tables with the baat the market aaTord. 8,ring in every Room. A good Sample KVwm lor coen- Travelers. CeeMfc as maid f ream the Hotel." SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strougeat Natural Fruit Flavor. VanllU. Ieioon. Oranrr, Almond. Knae. etc flavor as delicately and naturally as the Irult, PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. BT. LOOTS. For ails by Cutting Marie Had Co.,Pertlid. Or 1 SHOAL rutvoeiNc tEfcto WARMIMiTS) LKTTRR. (From our regular eurrcspunUsut.) lcura FURNITURE. ( hare the best stock of nrniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DI-i HiVUlNi. IHMORii, UuiniltaUng ! hlnu and ISuruin Skin Tortures. 8. .res, and every species of Itching, tScsJy, Pimply. Inherited, Scrofulous, and Contajrieas lHnaSas 4 the Me!. Hkin. and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, rnwi infancy to old .--. are posiUvelr cured by CtTHraa Kksolvsjit, the Near Blood Purifier, internally, and Ci-ncva. the Ureal 8ku. Cure, and Cvthxr Soar, au esquUate Skin baautifier, externally. ECZEMA CUBED. I was afflicted with Kcxaina on tha Scalp, Face, Ran atiJ Neck, which tha DraggUi, where I r vur remedies, prowMinced on of the worst casea that had come under hU notice He adiaad ma to Uy your Crmt as Kaasbias, and after fle daja' asa, b; scalp and part of my face were entirely cured, and 1 hope in another week to have my cats, neck, and the other pajt of iry face cured. HKRMAN 8LADR, 1. K 4th St., Xear York. NCABN AND NOREM. 1 hare bean afflicted ainoa last March with a Ik In !iea the doctors called Bezema. My lace was covered with scabs and sores, and the itching; and burning were almost unbearable. Beeine; your t'c TtcrtA RsMKbiM so highly recommendcl, concluded to aire them a trial, "sinr the (YTicvaaand Ctn traa Boar eateniallv, and Haaouvaar, IntomaJly, lr four months. I call myself cured, in gratitude fee which I make the public ttateineiit. ! Its, CLAKA A. KRKHRKIK, Brucwl Brok, Conn. Cmcvaa R.mkdies are sold everywhere. Price : Ctnci aa. aOc ,, SI ; Soar, 2Sc Prepared by the Porraa Uaro axp Cuaaicai, Co, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will comBence on Tuesday, Sept., 15tb 1885. For particulars concerning: the oouraea of study and the price of tuition, applr to KEV. 4- ft WWCtiOPF, Preaideaf, Head for "How te Care kln DUraara,'' niNBI'KS. Blackheads, Skin Blemiahta and Baby m I 111 Unaaora, oaa CcTtcraa soar. "I'SK li l TIIK RACK. ' stitch in the side. cramp, ahootine and aharp jadns, rheumatic, neo- raliric, and adaim painn, ami eTerj - terns 1 pain and ache eoothed and eapeii ed with wonderful celerity by tbt new, original, elatrant and apeedy anUdete to pain and innammauon, ine ,vtivi Pl.Al.Ba. Warranted the perfection of elegant externa! remedies, and vastly superior to all ,llit r l iostcm. At drugrglsia, -iic. ; ne ir ei. Mailed free. Porraa Dai o aao Ciiiaicai, Co., Boa-ton. Aioany Bath House. TUB UNDRKSIQNKD WOULD B18PECT fully laform the citiaens of Albany and ri laity that I havetaken charge of this Establiah Btnt,and,by keeping olaan rooma and payin -tnt attention to busineci, expects to suit al thois who may favor us with their patronage a . ? 1. e Having heretofore oarrtea on no'.nug u. Flrst-Class Hair Orssslns Saloons ezneots to sire entire iatiifaHlon to al stey-CbUd'on and Ladies' Hair neatly en hjri JOSWKBHKB. "TIKIU Al ACtilKt. SH'SCIES. cryinKfthrough countless nerves for rest and relief. Like manna to the children of Israel la the CrncfBA Plasts" to the tired, overwork ed, aching muscle. lo not deny your self the comfort affopicd b.V thia new, f7, jW'riL'inai innamniioii. inuiiw., 'WMBaxi. for tl. Mailed free. IVrm Data ai Cukmical Co., Boston. a aeSBBBV Summons, In the Circuit Court of tlx State of Oregon, for Linn county. Jasper Jennings, Plaintiff. v. Sallie T Jennings, Defendant. To Sallie T. Jenningt tJie above named De fendant. IN the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby I required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County ; or, If serv ed In any other County of thia State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this Sum mons upon you ; or in case of service by publication then you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled with the C'erk of said Couit, against yeu by the first day of the next re gular term of a id Court following the expira ti on of the time prescribed in the order for publica tion, to-wlt : Monday, Oct. iMth, 1885; and you will take notice that if you fall to so answer said com plaint for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed foe In his complaint, to wit: A decree of divorce on behalf of Plaintiff, dis solving the bonds of matrimony now exisUng be tween Plaintiff and Defendant, and for such other, and further relief as may be just and equitable, and for costs and disbursements. W. 0. PlMR, Attorney for Plaintiff. Published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers at Dall is, Polk county, Ore gun on the 2dth day ol August, 1885. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. fit. Goltra.) DEALERS IN, Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES y STEEL GOODS, I STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purcnas inir elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold- Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post otnee. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR Washington, Ppt. 4 In, i8?5. Tliue lure about aa dull In Wash ington now in thoy ever get. There Is not a poUUotl mouo fining. Everybody h out of town unci tin government offleefi are confining their attention to routine work rnerelv. In rt visit to the different Dtpftft. raents I gathorcd an Item here and there. In reduction of tho jiubllc debt f ir the month of August wns r,tvrly thrm million dollars, Hut tho etggNpfettt reduction for tho months f July ( d Augut Is ahout $1,000,000 ehort of the Mrr'fxmdlng months f UbM year. Trosaurer Jrdm aiys ItM heavy drafia up n Hit TreiMiry f r f pensions Is what hwons ihn sin1 not that can bo applied to lh redueilon of the public debt. The committee appointed by tail I tsry Manning that Investigated MM pen-ion work (audi ting tension agent's accounts) in the third auditors office, reported the work twelve months be. hind, but that proper diligence and application would enable tho force employed to get up with the current work by November 15th. This was the condition of things when Auditor Williams, the Incumbent, took charge of the office. The accounts for the second quarter, 1884, were being ex amined. A new chief of the pension division was appointed in June, and the work baa been diligently prose cuted under his direction until the office is now up with itscurreot work two months earlier than the time fix ed by the committee. This has been accomplished without Ir creasing the force. During tbe months of Hay, June, July and August, ISSl, 122 ac counts were examined and settled Involving $10,213,580.46. During the tamo months in 1885, the gjrne force being employed, 828 accounts were examined and settled, Involving $75,105,778.45. The disbursements last year for pensioos was about sixty five million dollars. The exports from this country thus far In tbe present year shew uo mark ed changes from the figures of 1884. Only about half as much cotton was sent off in July, IMS, as lo July, 1 84, but the total vulue of this ex port for the eleven months ending with July this year was $195,300,936 against $195,660,307 for the eleven moths ending with July last year. The exports of whest siocc January first exceeded by less than 100,000 bushels those in the first seven months of 1884, but the lower prices this year make the value only $81,034,000 against $3G, 190 ,001, last year. The to tal value of all bread stuffs sent abroad during the first seven months of 1885 was $85,558,932, agamst $80,547,131 in the corresponlng period of 1884 Tne number of cattle exported in the sime months fell off about 7 per cent sa compared with last year, while the number of hogs more than doubled, and the amount of pork products showed a considerable increase. A iritis less fresh besf wu sent across the ccean, but the quantity of beef sslted, pickled r.nd otherwise cured almost doubted, reaching 41,724,892 pounds; oweesu fell off, but butter gained. The total values of all beef pork, and dairy products thus far this year aggregate $56,904,399, against $54,311,760 for the same time last year. As a whole, therefore, the export trade shows hardly any change- The latest advices received by Secretary Lamar at the Interior De- psrtment are to the effect that the lessees of the Cheyenne and Arapa hoe reservation have no idea of re sfsting the Presidents proclamation directing the removal of their cattle. The agent representing the Govern ment reports that tho catle are be ing moved with more celerity than was supposed possible and that in a hort time tho IndUm will have the reserved ! to themselves. A majority of the foerdshave already been removed. It Is thought that General Butler's move for an injunc tion was not at tne instance of the cattle men. Grumblers at what they consider the ddatoriness of the Administration In making changes can not very well complain of the internal revenue ser vice. There are eighty-five internal revenue collectors under the present organization of that service, and of these seventy have been changed Hnce Mr. Cleveland became- Presi dent. This leaves but fifteen of the old collectors in the service. Tiia last oi Mem or ISIV. Yalta fur Mntllson a tut I'lrvrinml Major Aaron the last sur viving officer cf tho war of 1812, died at Ida renidenos In Waterville, Oneida county, N. Y., ywtrrdsy, in the nineiy ninth yenr of his age. Ife retainad bis mental faou'tiea to tho last. He was born in Cheshire, Mens., Match, 18, 17' 7, ku1 was ix yearn of age when hitt father, one of tha pioneer aattiara of Oneida ootinty, settled in viiat is now the town of Augusta. In 1801 tavSf aeit'fd in WntrrviHe, which was ever nfo r Ida residence. Mm was an ensign at HsclcMfta Harlx.r in 1812, an. I was an n after H.iditifMt adjutant of the Sixtfieh flaift I Manned Militia, ami such wn.L i t ! Ntsgara Iron t. r S Mitt atW ho was sent with a oonsptuy ta Hiffl' Uieuavef provis ion to lite army, and t Xrculol his dtf ftMjtt ;ui mission wilh rkill aud dts Moh. I'hi brouubt him to Cbo notice of Un. Issats an I he was gtvau the command it thr detachment left to cro.4 ftr w.r uiaiti body of thjaiiuy bail ..rsed tha rivar to the attack on Q tesnstown Heights. Stafford success fully pet funned lb duties intrusted to hit charge and landed bis man without Iota, but on asoendtng tbe hnighta he was attacked by a autiiot body ef British and Indians and was ovarpow. ered and nearly ail of bis command wets either kt.led or wounded. Btaflord re- STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TEE WILLAMETTE YALL1T, Kpoelai business notices in Local Col utnns 15 eents per line. Regular Local notices to cents per line. For legal and transient advertisements $! 00 jer square for the first lnsertloond 0 i Ants per svpiare for each subseqae&t insertion. 4 Kates for other advertisements am e known on application. NEW DEPARTURE BY N H is ii onomi Hfiursr Is atern, piocbing economy a good thing 7 Is it a helpful thing T Does not i he child become a mors liberal, gnnerous, h tppinr man, healthier in body and min i, who baa not from Ida blrtb been nsnd and raaped by petty economies, by the perpetual gnawing of stomach and brain f r food that was dcuiedtbetu 1 lias nut tha peuny wise syatetn pushed to extremes produced io iti'ltviduala and raoea a otoroae ami Kioomy leajper, . .? r, bittnted habita of tboniht and action T wei4 the Amnicsn have his chsiac- in coin distribute 1 to our customers eery 60 diys until further notice terlattc large, eitrrd.-s good nature, bis sweet, tolerant ohsiiiy fur all men and a f as a si.. . creeiis II tin had been . sternal i.-ally v - awarsjra afis w W r"11" ;1";":1 r'"Mr Ooin in Buckaart Bros , htnds and will be distributed bv diateratad 1 , , - utvo rvu oquai iuuu tu yiupuivioa lo Ttie amount nurchaaen in Ins own lux in ions home after a com- r Mr v w""u JJUitUttBtJU, fittsble meal, plans how the workt'ig man must iirst of all be taught how to live on ao many i-ntiiea p t diem for Allen Go, $100.00 r customera ft5rro- ftf rlitra atii - - j ww miju uuuu iui buor X FIRST DISTEIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, OUR NEW STOCK food, so many r..r ,v ,hi, ... ,u.ny for fj0r the Pail and Winter cannot besur vissel, either in price cr auslltv oiothea, etc., iim wh.i repenting All our purchases are made for H J tht txireruest conunons or iMttriy, forgets that no hutosn tteing ever did or could run tlda hard, round of woik ami bare month after iumh, year after there must te an outlet tne emmm ment, the excitement, tbe extravagance tbe step beyond beaily necesaity, which makes life worth "x' Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and wa propose to sell cheaper than anv rr. store in the Willamette VaUey for either cash or produce W lis S 7 cure some or the rare bargains offered and look ovar our 5, 10 and 25 Cent 4 winters, living. M.n where thero is not one article but what VOU Wnil 1 fl h O rrc f near rlnnUU ' " . . cannot lire bv bretd alone, even when Uk fnr " t"J uvu"n cf ived two secre w.mnda and waa taken "7 ' .T " - ' , ""uoJ v ins oread is 01 nuesi. it is among; prisoner, lie was soon after exchanged and promoted to Msjar, but did not recover sufficiently to take tbe field M til tha war was concluded. Mr. Staf. fotd devote! the remainder of his active Ufa to the cultivation of tbe farm sod died to tbe houte th it be built iu 1H10 He was not ooty the oldest teraon io bia towo at tbe time of his death, but tbe oldest citUen to Central New York. Mr. Stafford was a democrat and took an aotive part io the councils of bis party. He never intseed a Preaideotial vote, baviog voted 2rt for Madison and last for Cleveland. U leaves nu merous deaccn ltt-, many J whom are reaidenta of tbta city and tta immediate victnitj . tee laboriog claas io Kogland and Scot land, wbo are forced down to these barest, hardest, conditions of work and pay that there is tbe moat gin drunk, that iolempctance and uoobastity are most common. Human nature does aud will break out somewhere. Cheap, wholesome amuaemeuta provided for the poor are tbe mos', effective, belpful ALBANY, OREUON, Sept. 1st, 1885, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street. Alhunv n- 7 vuiij VS s f IITS STATKS ieVKKlalBjrr. President Or -ver Cleveland, form of modern benovolenoe. They " York, salsr $50,000 are beginniog to supply in Kogland sod io this country what the Kiench- msn or Italian fiods for bioraelf io his dancea and frequent fetes. Of Vice President Tnomas A. Hen dricks, of Indians, salary, $8,000. Secretary of State Thomas F By ard, of Deleware, salary, $8,000. Secretary of the Treasury Daniel Manning.of New York, salsry,$3,000. Secretary of War William C. En- irnivt. i ii Mir. It the mor tomtn shtvera in winter beneath a thin ah-twl nt t .meaMo man- ofacture coot.icinx an admixture 0f I dleott.of MAawchuseltfl.salary.M.OOO cotton it is l eesuas a Wttsr and cheaper Secretary of the Navy- wuuam ab.a.1 i. .. la.ll fmm the American Wbitney,of New York, salary,$8,000. No better evidence of the insincerity kibimre La Bv a SecreUry of the Ioterlor-L. Q. C. and teartleaaoeaa of tbe orgsna of bale r,i6e, in f,x0g arfic sad Ltmsr.of Mlsslaeippl, saUry, $8,000. and aectional animosity need be aoMuc- shftwa of ,0WMt Attorney General--August us H. ed than tha fact that these earns organs . . m ftf OUr.d, of Arklrtsas, salary, $8,t00. permit tbe subject of the "bloody ahirt" . . , f Poalmasu General-Wlllism F. to .lumber nice months of every year, Vil.s, of Wisconaln, salary, $8,000. end agitate it only doting a Chlef Justice of Supreme Court- camiraign, eapecially when tbey .ij.bu naotitiee. and oa the Waite.of Ohio, aalarj',110,500 coarser sh.wl. are excluded American Associate Justices-Samuel F. Mil working people must use tha domestic , of Iowa; Stephen J. Field, of Cl- anicles end pay the tax to ike bona Hornla; Joseph P. Bradley, of New manufacturer, . Io tbe one case soma Jersey; John M. Hsrlao.of Kentucky; leveaue goes into the Treasury from W. B. Woods, of Georgia; Stanley .i.. .Wt. .v,a.i. ir, the ether th. Mstthews, of Ohio; Samuel Biatch- Tsaaa-tv no rae.nue. but th. con-1 rd, of New York; Horace Gray, of For ytrara tbe Oreyowmi end other sumer of tbe donseatio shawl pays more party orgsna of the Repub'ican party tax. But Judge Poraker coolly tells have been giowliog and grumbling tbe voter of Obto thai they pay bo about tbe people of tbe Sooth paying taxes on woollen fabrics, because they s i much atteotion to polities end ao consume none that are Imported. llast. ..i.niinn t n bnaina md the de-I Hx I i Si J AVft .t.r . i a :-J.. I ar v a r,, ,J iUm omafc rlre aaiarv, t,ww. velepment Ot incur nsiursi stuu lu-tus- u. . s, i i t :Ahn . r...i. i. .r .u- I j u f it n t n Uiramisaioner ut tri-ti reaoureea. wew.vne peupie ui tu govo - - TllinnU aalarv f 500 si u .sine an much atten- : We are doina a laraer sad a 8- Block, of Illinois sUr , $5fooo. t i iU. .t l,.ll. u..-;,B th.n - ha vs. dene for UOSiM8Ssasssis a - rinnle of political excitement in all the two or three years. It U a perfectly Montgomery.of Mlchigan.salary, $5,. ..I ... .i t nnit Southland. So bent are tbe people of legitimate trsdo, too. All over tne . - AiTalra- the South on recuperating their weak- country, merchants have been keeping - ; Tenneeaee. asl- at rfow tbey must And there ry,,uuu. Pntrtmlaslnner of Aerieuiture or- man J. Coleman, of Mlssml point to uo freali grievances and when there are oo voici S cryiogout for jua- tice. Bat when we come to think of the matter we are not disposed to criti cise them ao harshly, for the "bloody r hirt" is all that ia left for theie Bour- bocistic UepubJican leaders. NOTICE. JOHN BRIOOS, hairing concluM to close out his bosiness, now offen hie entire stock of STOVES. RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this i3 a gsnmas closing oat, now is the tima for housewife. to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, IISI. mil MisssrhirrtT- salary $10,000 each. Corara'saloner of Internsl Revenue Joseph a Miller.of West Virglola, salary, $6,000. Commissioner of General Land Of fice William A. Sparke, ot Illinois, Sutr I Xalrs Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & Ci)., PROPER. Fancy rilboos rf great width.covercd with flowers, are used for eavbes. Tnere s some thing aestbstic about this. Sasbes, anyway, this fall are to form a conspicuous part of tbs dress. When tied about the waist they should be knotted at the side. Correctly si!k and satin are no longer worn g gOSt "Pric wool frock ara the tbintrs for walking, Plumb or lead ia a fashionable fall color. Cbartreause trimmed with gold and cryst al beads W said to be a favorite. Kewand fanciful small wraps are being worn. Belts have to b wide to be faahioa-tble. Wonder if this is on account of "hard times." ened energies that at the mere mention 1 stock low do th of politic they will turn away their I boy or go out of buaines aKW PROCESS FLOCK SUPERIOR FOR FAMIUaW ASD RAKERS CSB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBA.NY, OREGON. heads tod talk ousineaa. And yet.after the people of that benighted region have, with much filial regard, cjnsented to follow tbe very disintereateJ advice which tbeae organs have been giving, theae self aame organs, witL a apirit of uugraciouanesa without a prallel,giol because theae people do not pay mora attention to politics and attempt to remedy a long line of imaginary wronga which these organa think exist in tbe South. Surely tbe troublea wbicb fall to the lot of a bloody shirt" organ are too intolerable to be borne. An exchange says that the West ia RufTriring absolutely anfiertng from the want of a sufficiency of circulating medium ; while in the East money goes begging at 3 pet' cent. .V a certainly cannot be benefitted by a further re atriction of currency, but will be simply eursod by any such system, however much it may enrich the Wall street speculators and provide griat for the national banks. The Post would with extreme caution make any criticism on the wisdom of the present exoellent Administration, but only affirms what is known to be a fact when it says that if Mr Cleveland shall seriously attempt to carry out his anti-siivnr policy he will meet with h'u Gibraltar then and there. ORSAXE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty dralt and, saddle hornes. W. T.COCHRAJr, Brownsville, Or.. Sherman, aa the apostle of the bloody shirt, is a good deal like the small boy u auddanlv bnosan to cry without a a-s . w g apparent provocation, and who, in re aponse to maternal inquiries, explained that he had mashed his finger the day t-.r AlAn't rv then because he J wse playing and didn't have time. . are many more mere nan is nere now than I have seen in five years. If aces that we used to greet once or twice a year and which for tbe past few seasons we have missed altogether, are now coming to the front in the old friendly wav. Everywhere there is talk ot re turning prosperity, and while there is nothing io the nature of a spasmodic boom in trade, the demand is large and healthy. The Sooth aad Southwest are eapecially well repreaented. Taken al tmnther there ia a better class of mer- 0 The Krnulj r Wealh. No matter bw hand otne nr stalwart a nssii in i - . . young man nuy be otherwise, notuin , aftlary, oin make up for a partially bald bead. Shin nur talenta are attractive, uui a sum- in a- noli la not. The cause may bo slck- Struuel V. Phil- neas or anything else, yet Parker's Hair I tj .i. ...... ... . l. Linn tlto lnu ef tha hair Rllil Up, of North Carolina, Salary, 7,000 gtarta new growth of glossy and soft hair nnral of the ArmV Phllln H. aoqtilcKiy as to aurpnae y.""-""""" w - $1,500. Solicitor General gherldan, of Illinois, salary, $18,500. Admiral of tha Nivy-David D. Porter, District Clurabla,stlary,$l3, -000. "Saail la Ike Craw Younc men who come to Oregon aud think they can soooeed by hsnging around the don A Oo. chants buying and credos are better cities, and waiting, like Mioawber, for some- than thev have been for veara thiug to turn up, will get most empnattoatiy v-- '-r I . . . i s.i..i:- : fooled, rnere are no rwtuu where ooe can pick gold its m a . 1 fjw bottom. If a young man guts along nere it. the original color at the same time. rot a dye, not oily, dellcatety perfumed. On ly atanilaru MX? greasing. The Meat Agreeable As well as the most effective method of disponing headaches, colds and fevers, or cleansing the system Is by taking a lew- doses ot the pleasant l aittornia itquia fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. r0o and $1 bottles for sale by Foshay A Ma8on,Liang- Officc at residence on Third and Waah ington Streets, RATES OF CHAROE8. (with 25 per cent extra at night.) Viaita in town, 51.50, Visit in tbe country, f 1 per mile for tha first two miles, and 50 cent for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished frbk while visit, in t patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, Parties already subscribers to the TE.VO- (T. vr, who wish to send the mpjrol to a friend or f lands can do so for . i ne oiooiiy-snirt. ubiubo m summarily settled by the Charleaton (S wiJl be because ho has "sand in the craw," Ci A"w, which knows how the South- that is, push, paservarauoe, gHt-up-aud-get em neyroes are treated, but which re- We have heard of sevral school teachers minds Mr Foraker and his Republican from the East who here, want ug to T L . , ,s f teach. Instead of pushing riht nut into the friends that the second emanmpation of diatrtoll for the negroes within a quarter ot a can- fch purpoie 0f getting a aoho d a mo of them tury waa brought about with the cnange hav 8Jkfc arouud and asked a few if they of Administration, March 4, 188g,when knew where a school teacher was wanted. OH! MY BACK ftery strata or cold attacks that weak back and nearly prostrates job. "they were foreyer freed from their aeo ond and moro dangerous bondage,their aoul degrading bondage, to the political party with which Mr. Foraker is identified." Tne forty daya allowed by President Cleveland to the cattlemen who had been illegally occupying land in Indian Territory have expired and it apeaks volumes for the courage of the President that it inspired those cattlemen with so much respect that they have moved right out without calling on the army to expediate their moving. These are the days when tbe young men put on knee-breeches and stock ings and mounting a bicycle start on a long tour, feeling perfectly happy till a 16-year old country girl with blu eyes as big as sauceis, shouts : 'Hey, mister, come here and I'll lend yer money enough to buy legs for tbera pants." Phila News. Readers of Portland papers run across the name of Dr W P Agnew. It sounds big, but it ii only plain Dr Smith after all. Of course they did not. This disoouraged thorn, and they whiued a little and went somewhere else. In a week a time in this, or any other oounty iu Oregon, a young man with good legs and lots of spunk can get a school, and if he caanot get a school he will do anything else he can nod to do. Tho f.llr,winff is running the rounds of the papers : "A New York paper has be ann suit affaiust several delinquent subscri bers under the TJ. S. postal law. which says, f.h takinff of a nowsDaoer aud refusing to pay for the same, renders a pe.son liable to i.riminal tirosecution as a thief, and any per son eultv of the same can be punished aa if he had stolen goons io mo ainouuc ui me .nhsnrinfeion " This law simply refers to subscribers refusing to pay, and has no refer nne.e to those who cannot do so but are will ing. It probably hits the man who will take a paper several years and then when dunned for it has tne poswnsswsr Beau m uuwuw rcu inor : "Your paper is not taken out, etc. Cause not called for." 1111 11 11 1:1 Issaaa- t-t-n ii si bis C. E, WOLVKRTON, , H, 1UVWB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ira5Oflico up stairs in Froman'a Brisk ALBANY, OREGON- tUTLERY. f.;"he best line of cutlery in the valley aau he found at our store. It embraces poeffSt knives, table knives, forka and spoons, butcher knives, hunting knives, par 1m knives, shears and seissors of all abasV, and the best Pne of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for yoetF selves. Pics is rswvw. THE BEST TONIC Btrongtbeus IHe Httaclea, SimilHK llir J.c wmf Enrtcha tSe Blood Mrxni i's Iron DB. J. L MTS. Fairtleld. Iowa, asjrs : xiert. is we i t.v Oi-res New Vigor. medloinel have known ismiN rears' praotloa, I haw wnna gnprate heavily on the aystem.Uae it freely in my own i amUy .' Genuine has tirade mark and crossed redlines on wrapper. Take ao other. Made only br BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MB. LADnts' Hand Book -useful and attractive, pon tainina list of prises for recipes, information about ooinaVeto., Riven away by all deafens in medicine, or BiAiJsd to any addresa on receipt of 3c. stamp. M ELL, HEITSHU A WOODARD. Portland" Or, F OR SALE. One hundred and forty aere. uin miles above Lebanon. 40 a.rea in .nt tivation. 10 acres slashed and aows to grsss. Comfortable dwelling, outhouaea. Cheap. Tnquire at tliia ofllce. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. T. J. STITES. ATTOHNEY AT l.A' -AND- Notary Public.