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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1885)
J fgaY4 Antasrlaea Text iNki. I'.SKsVIaL T THK OC4ASIOK. THE NT4TK FAIR. slsMll A.l ABKOAD, Kntered at the Pout OlHoeat Albany, Or, hh second-class mall matter. FRIDAY OCTOBER 2, 1885. STIT3 & F. Ill r nwil NUTTING. srnprlet.r. HtFlaP. i Ills!.. I ! Killlar. Official Doanty Paper. A .l Mntlo. "Large Mies and email pronta" la a splendid motto. It la A. B, Mollwaln'a, and he follows It oat. He has the gooda to do it with. Hla new atock la Immenae and the public are finding It out, aa la evi denoed by hla large aalea. Have you aeen hla gooda. Never buy without you have. What has he 5 why, practloally everything to be found In the moat complete general merchandise store ; Tho very beet dry goods in the market. A atock of cloaks unequalled for atyle, quality and variety. A large Mock and aplendld designs of carpet. A complete line of the beat boots and shoes. A first class stock of clothing. All lines of exoellent atock, A large atock of ammunition, ahot and powder, at tyttom prices. Buy whore you can get the beat bargains considering bcth prloe and quality, and the place to do an Is at A. B, Mclr. wain's. Kara Baracd. Ou last Friday evening the family of Mr Joa Wiles, living on the west aide of the Willamette between thla city and Corval lls, were, with the exception of a sou, at the State Fair, About duak a tramp la aid to have flora along and wanted to know of the boy if he conld sleep In the barn. Obtaining bis oonnent he went to bed there. In the midd'e of the night young Wiles was awakened by a crack ling sound in the direction of the barn, wbioh he found to be In flames. Rushing out he succeeded in getting a wagon, har ness and horse out ; but the remainder of the pioperty atoreel there and the barn, were entirely burned, A thresher, head er, wagon, other machinery and toola,and line hay were consumed, making the t )lal less a large one for aucb a fire. The building and contents were insured in the lata Insurance) Co., of Salem for 12100 one-third off, The opinion of course, hi that the tramp did it. Nothing was seen of him after the Are. No doubt he took a hasty departure as is a custom of tramps on such occasions. MM New Nsw The following are the text books adopted f r use in tho public schools of this State : Watson's IiidoMntlriit Seller, ChUdi, Youth's and Complate, Souls A Campbell' Pronouncing lUnd B.ok word. swlntou's Model Woid Blanks. Rwlnten's New Word Analysis. Watson's Indeiwndent Series of Header. Btenoerlan System and Copy Book. Brook' series of Arithmetic c.inslsUng ot Normal Primary. New Normal Elementary, Normal Mental and New Normal Written MontellhVi Elementary and Comprehensive Osug rabble, Haotflo Coast KdiUon. e'll's 1'raolloal Uannln Kngllsh. Hamas' Uriel Hieiory of the V. S. and Utrne Universal History. Brook' Algekr and tleometry and Trlyanometry. stoatatth's Popular Svlonoe. Steele1 Fourteen Week' In Physiology and Hy- Ktvue.Chemiatry, Natural Philosophy and Botany. Lytel Book keening, Wettlake Letter Writing. WeeUake'a i'ommon School Literature. Young's Solsncs of Government. Loomls' VooaJ Music. Clark a Normtl Urammtr and lir.toks Normal Higher Arithmetic ' both boon exoluded by the Beard. Districts using any ether than the books above natnod are liable to lose their portion of the publio fund. Teachers and Directors should look after the interests of their dis tricts in this matter. A Scheal Tearttrrs Case. A very interesting case was tried before George Humphrey, J. P., at the Court House last Saturday. Prof. Jewitt was plaintiff and the Shedd School District de fendant. About two years ago Prof Jewitt was hired by the above District,snd taught successfully for a year. Last fall be was again hired and taught the winter term. When the time for the spring term came another teacher was hired. Prof Jewitt claimed that he was hired for a year and hence claimed pry for the three months spring term at $75 per month, during that time be being unable to get another school' On the trial the principal question was that of the length of the contract, the question of the satisfaction given being also introduced, it being claimed by one director that the plaintiff was only hired so long as he gave satisfaction. After bearing the testimony pro and con Juatico Humphrey rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $225. Oaeatag or Albany varra Mease. This great event will occur on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights of next week. Everybody in Albany is expected to be pres ent, and assist in celebrating the event by witnessing the rendition of the drama. "The Hidden Hand" and a grand concert by the Albany Choral Society. The former will oc cur on Wednesday and Friday eyenings and the concert on Thursday evening. The fol lowing popular prices of admission have been arranged, and are so reasonable that tickets for the whole course shonld generally be purchased : For the three nights $1.25 With reserved seats 1.75 Single tickets 50 Reserved seats for one evening .75 Gallery each evening 50 A rrtaelpte Like Misses. Postmaster Irvine last week received a lot of uew 10 cent delivery stamps, which can now lie bought of him. They are as Immense as a 1 7-)xlS-16 Inch stiff piece of well printed paper oan be. They wi 1 go to any place in Oregon and Washington Territory with over 1000 population, to- wlt: Portland. There are other largtr places, on psper, but the government for got them. Tli y wont go to any other of fice, and they are N. G., without the regu lar postage beside them. Here is a par tial description of the little thing. Color, blue. On top words, "Special Postal De livery." On an arched panel la a figure of a messenger ooy going like 'biases," which meana about a mile an hour, as fast as a mud turtle, Then there la a wreath of oak and laurel. Ten Cents, 10, and 'Secures Immediate Delivery at Special Delivery Office," mixed up with artistic taste. Parties wanting letters delivered the same day In Portland will no doubt use thoas little ''hurry upa." as ' 1. - A nidaltht Maa. About 1 1 :20 Tuesday night the tire bell in this city rng the first shram for several month. The cause of it was the burning of ahed on the corner of Ferry and Ninth Streets. How it was set tire would be osslsss to speculate. It was laid promissoously to tramp, boys. etc. the tin-men rniarie the quickest time ever made to a long distance fire in this city, doe to the bright ness of the night and the good condition of the street. In such s short time were No. I'm on hand that, as dry as the building was, the flames were stopped before all the spiders in it wcie completely roasted. That com pany may come oat third at a tournament ; but for a rough and tumble race to a fire they are righiu the front. Damage, about $0. No insurance. One of the moat difficult tasks that falls to the lot of a newspaper man, is that of writ ing up a sumptuous dinner. This is partic ularly so when he attempts it immediately after ho has arisen from well filled tables. He feels at the time that ho woubl like to fill columns in eulogy of the host, his repast and everything about it. He even scratches his head for biological sketches of all oou oernsd. His wholo soul rushes to the task. His good nature expands and his heart Mils with love for the world in general. A full man i a satisfied man. This is introduotoiy to somo remark ws proposs to make on a farewell dinner given by Mr and Mrs Welder, of the Revere House last Wednesday noon, that being their la t day, as proprietors of that very popular hotel. We feel our in ability to do it justice, for Mr and Mrs F. have conducted the llevero House so long and obtained such a wide spread reputation in the cuisine art that we are unable to in vent anything new for the oooaeien, and think thoy deserve something more than the stereotyped paragraphs, lies idea the large number of regular guests of the hotel were several of the editors and their wives of this city, Mr S S Train and wife, of the Hrralti ; Mr O T Porter, wife and daughter, of the Unlit tin and the humble scribe and wife, of the Democrat ; all tit subjects tor a large vliuner. Uungry from continued repasts on broken promises, false hopes and mdigoeti ble "pi" generally they walked up to the heavily laden tables with stout hearts, and when the polite and accomplished wsitera yelled in their ears : soup, roast turkey, fried chicken, roast beef, pork steak, mutton ohop, sweet and Irish potatoes, peas, corn, frizzled cabbage, tea, 00 (Tee ; mince, lemon, black berry, apple or pumpkin pie, rice, custard, grapes, etcetera, etcetera, they unanimously and in chorus cried, "If you please." Tbey got all they could control and more too of as Koely a cooked dinner as it is ever the lot of even an hpicuro to set down to ; so that when they arose it was as the moat satisfied crowd that ever partook of s free dinner. We know we speak the sentiments of all, as will be evidenced by ours and the oolumus of our contemporaries. All regret seeing Mr and Mrs F. retire from the Revere House ; yet there is much satisfaction in knowing that they are socced 1 ed by those so capable of keeping up the spleodtd reputation of the hotel, and that tbey will remain for at least toe present in our city. This is considerable to aay about a dinner, a common affair each day of the year, but it is ne more than this perticulai occasion deserves. Mry leasts ssd MsMssMt lam now receiying my Fall stock of dry goods and notions, and will be better prepar ed to give good value for tho mooey than ever before. My stock of dress goods will be large and will include all the novelties in imported plaids, tncot. etc., etc., as well as domestic dress goods. These domestic dress foods look nearly as well as imported, and cost much less. Goods of all descriptions are cheaper this fall. I have marked my old stock to correspond with the new goods in price, and I am determined to sell my goods as low as any house can sell, either for cash or pro-luce. I keep nothing but stand ard goods, and will guarantee anything I sell Parties who live st so great a distance from Albany as not to trade regularly, I kuo- will Tea Mart Aaperstu: a No one believes in ghosts ; yet there is a good house in this city, in a splendid locality. which remans empty at a time when houses fini ' to the,r advantage to come to bead are scarce and can hardly be found : because quarters for their fall stock. I have the stock two or three years ago a ridiculous ghost ot fds sad will sell them. Samples of d story was started about it. People who talk I goods, flannels, etc.. sent by mail, and aa of renting it are looked at with a scared look much care taken as thoug'i the parties were and an ominous shake of the head, and told, I present to make selections. "Oh. yes, it is a good house, but. then, did Samckx K. Yorso. yon ever hear about that ghost seen in it,'' and all the time the v don't believe it. not a w are frond of It bit of it. We venture to aay that notwith standing Una not one person in ten would 1 central scnool building is .ast ap take and remain in the house a vear free proacblng completion, The interior wood of rent, after having beard the ridiculous work ' flnleAed, arid ready for graining. Financially the State fair has beea a greator etiooets than for several years,ami aa far as somo of the exhibits aro oouoem od the Maine may bs said. So apparent, though, has It become that neatly every thing la managed for Salem's good that poo pi throughout the Slate tun getting pretty thoroughly disgusted, uo matter how many may attend. There woubl be a fair attendance If there wereoniy a grind stone, a imtley cow, a aUlk nf whoal and a mil race an attractions-, an long as it were called Htate Fair. Practically to mil what la really only a Marion county fair estate Fair In a faroo of tho first niagtil tude. Most of the committees aro Marlon county men, moat of the exhibits are Marion county's and vory few aro the priaea awarded to parties outalde of that county, at least, whin of muah iiripor tanoe, A striking case of the one-atdod way matters were run was exhibited In tho contest between lannlng mill cleaners. Thero were two entries, one by Heat A Altbouso of this olty, and the other by a Salem man. Two of tho committee were Malem men, the other an outside man. The Best cleaner, which recently took the first promltim In tho California Stale fair at Sacraiiiotito,overHlx competitors, though a smaller machine, did ita work one- fourth quicker, and so much better tfcat the large number who saw It were nut versatly struok by the superiority. Its work was almost perfect, while the other's was dofeotl ve. Yet the two Marlon count)' members of (he committee put tho blue ribbon on their county 'e cleaner, The large number who saw the contest were so disgusted that many of them, Including the third committee men, expostulsted with the two members of the committee, Ono man, a sensible Marlon couuty gen tleman too, bought the fleet oleaner on tho -1 t , though he had ono of the others, and said he would throw that one away. The Injustice or the award was mo bare Csoed that it was generally commented on by all who saw the contest. It Is such Infamous ono-MidednoAM as this that has emptied Machinery Hall. These blue ribbons on Salem exhibits, almost gener ally where they contest; for them, ban driven away exhibitors from caber parts of the State. It Is a groat wrong that money ahould lx appronr!.;:. 1 I v thn Htate for keeping up a mere county fair, yet that is what has been done, It would favor too much of a desire merely to "pick" at the business wore we to repeat the Mtoriea of extortion reported, tho universal desire seeming to be to"turn a penny," however disreputable the man nor might be. We are not using this lau guago nor stating the above case out of aplte ; but because the fact that the fair la used "all for Salem" has become so noticeable that It la universally remarked at ail over the State. If we aro to have a State fair let us have one that is run for the benefit of all part of Oregon atlko,one that will be a credit to lb State and not a county affair, Thla can never be done until tho public knows it oan stand an even show with county exhibitors. Of tho prize awarded about 335 were given to Marlon county pooplo. This waa considerably more than half. Those from this county who obtained prizes were W T Harrows, Shedd, 2ml premium, brood mare and colt. C E Barrows, Shedd. 1st premium, stal lion, roadster. 8 W Oaiues, Solo, 21 firat and 4 second premiums on poultry. A Wheeler, Albany, 2nd premium. 1 J ear ram, 2 year ram, 1st premium y eari ng ewe. J T Reed, Lebanon, 1st premium, bnsbet of eats and beat display sheaf of oata. C P Burkbartllst premlum.busbel win tor rye. Ileal A Altbouso, 2nd premium, fanning mill. Mrs E Mavis, Sodavttle, 2nd premium, soap. Miss E1R0 Reed, Lebanon ,2nd premium, nlgbt dress, 2nd pr. sofa cushion, silk, chair bolster, silk. ghost story. It is to be hoped some sensible man will rent the house and wear off this old gboat business. ' e Cat His Dae. f M French, jeweler, The best teas at Meyers. County Court next week. The lie', harness at J .1 Dubruillea. The best millinery at M iss M K Poster's. Nature's own rente ty, Oregon Kidney Tea. Hubroription to DsMoimvr, 50 per year. Conrad Meyer grinds your o itbje for you. Down falls the prices of g o is at R. A H a. Neiid yutir book and j ib work lo 0 ii lh,r ris. In Kugene City students get board for MA Tin Line oouuly fair is being held this we'k. The State Fair get any number of tfi( kioks. J, P. Wei) me, Physioisti and Surgeon, Al bany, Or, Miss Humbatijti, sb-oe m:iker, neat to K L Thompson's Large stock of new irooda at Mouteith A Seitenbach'a Rev McAllister will p each In Delist next Ssbbath. Dr. Pahruay'a mainetio bloo 1 vital ix ir at Deyoe ft RobsonT. Attention is called to the adv, of Mis Schubert in another column. Miss Schubert has a splendid line of millinery and it will pay wis women of Albany to call on hsr be- far win lo cornice mould- fall Tho linnat line of ngs at Woodiu's. (Jail on Mies M F. Foster for Hrst ol and wiuter millioery. Miss M K Foster ha a splendid stock of now millinery on hand. W S Powell has boon appointed ludtsn Agent at Neah Bay, W T. If your liver is out of enter try Prushew s Ills -sure cure. Never fails. Wirt Ssundor has retired from the llenten LnuUr, on account of poor health. Quinine can b tasted where one part is dissolved in I."2,00u parts of water. Niitnndid line of ladies fall and winter ur- utoute at Monteith A Soitenbach's, Babbit metal at the Dkmix'Sat office a bit a pound. Old papers 50c. a hundred. The cheapest place to set your printing bine is at the Job office of S O Derris. An apple in the window af Clioe, Mon teith k Vs., office weighs two pounds. A eeuuine Chinese women in blue bbxmers snd small shoes is stopping in Albany. t'iliars, teheccoand gents furnishing goods at Otto Satiuger's opposite klclllwaju a. Kfsmiiie Wood to' Kttension tables. Tiiey a a . m aai are well ami mem lor yourseu. The Board of Kqualuutinn met last M day wlmu aggrieved taxpayers were heard. F M Fmnob. agent Singer Manufacturing Co.,eptositc Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Yaouiua Bay oysters, 5 cents a pint, at Mady s restaurant. Fresh opened everyday. Hon W D Fenten has moved from Lafay ette to Portland to practice his profession. Cranberries sra f I a gallon in Portland. A cranberry marsh would be s boosnxa in Ore-goo. A Isrge and line display of grasses and graiss are on ckhibitiou at Burkhart Bros., oW. Dr. M. If Ellis, physieiaa aad surgeon All any. Oregoa, I 'alls made in city or country. A good sod Urge assortment of lumber at the yard of Kb Carter always on baml. iye htm a call. For iirst-daas dress making and reasonable prices call on Mtas Rumbaugh, aext to K L Thompson's. The fish ladder is completed. Now begin setting your books, nets, wheels or whatever you propose using. Hemember that home mad. , fresh candies, pure snd artistic, can a!.y be had at a at - a - - ' HOsTsss aof'f All amd rrjtsosti, from an 1 iSSSSBBS. . . TsjBiasaanBi. mmmtm sHsWaSBflBsssal ' Win IF V11II sr. u.iifuf 1 f you are going the Oregon Short Lie1 ad in aootner column. . . rt Ira sure ami go vis ! iota. It is the beat. See A few days sgo at Jefferson a depraved Celestial took a daughter of the R R agent there, only fonr or five years of age, and rushed off with her into the brash wood near on ornament to be oity and The blaek boards aro being made, and in a week or two the seats will be placed in position. In all probability school will begin by the first ot November, If note few days previous. Mr. Conn la entitled to much credit for the manner In which he has poshed the work, He has done a thorough job, putting up a building the people of Albany are justly proud of. It Is a monument That is becoming a fixture in the minds of the people is that true economy does not lie in th- purchaso of articles of inferior quality f no matter in what line of gooda, the thriftiest and best to do people in your neighborhood, are they that make quality the principal coos iderat ion, and thai; ia a key to their suc cess. Monteith A Seitenbach knowing th's have liooght the best gooda to be had, snd are offering them at very low prices ; this me thod of doing business is sttracting the best cash trade. People with money or pro duce want to invest it well; the times require it ( ells It s Igbtensre. ' A correspondent wiring from Monroe, in Benton county, talks in the following style, snd seems to be in a great hurry in the mat ter, evidently desiring to get ahesd of Hood : In the Dbmocbat of the 11th inst.. I read a poem by "Canmore.' Would be much ob liged to you for the name of the queer genius who is scaring the people by such writings as tbe "Prophecy." I admit the greatness of the poem ; but it is nightmsre. Answer by return mail. sVwesl fer Sale. Wood delivered ia any part of the city limits at the following prices wr cord : Good fir wood $2.50 O-ik wood (grub) 3.00 Mixed wood 3.00 P W, Smick. Oct. 1st, 1885. Attempted Horse steal. that place, it was thought for a criminal purpose. The father of the girl happening to see them as tbey entered the brash wood, followed them, caught the Chinaman and gave him a most energetic thrashing, break ing three or four ringers and braising him np generally, which though was only a small fraction of what he deserved. Tbe Celestial immediately afterwards left for parts on known, except to bis brethren. If his pur pose was what was thought hanging would have been a mild punishment. Yen Beasesaber Mini He was a little fellow, with an impor tant strut, and wanted you to subscribe for the Oregon "Sifting." W.u name was Blenheim, and he was in tbiaclty about three weeks sgo, When he got as far as Ashland be was arrested by tbe proprie tors of the paper on a charge of lsrceny from bailee, in other words for trying to get out of the State with "SiftlngV money Previous to this, while in will be sure to be caught. was arrested for an assault with a danger ous weapon and let out on bail, and, in fact, has not a very good reputation gen erally. to the enterprise, in this matter at letst. of our citizens. In educational affair Al bany should now be able to stand with any city in tho Northwest, stesse Seaae after all. We intimated Isst week that Ed Uroy- lea, tbe man with the mania for hiring horses and selling them, bad not much sense. We have chaaged our mind in a measure. After being placed in the jail atCorvallh Broylea began planning how to gat out, and this is the way ha succeeded in doing it The bolt which was supposed to secure the heavy pad- look on tbe outside was fastoned on the inside with outs. Breaking a chair te pieces Broylea made a square hole in a pieca of it the right size to lit tbe nuts, and then unscrewed them, pushed the bolt out, very easily making his escape, leaving fer parts unknown. He Large stock of new goods at Monteith Sc Seitenssch's. THE 0. P. Large stock of new goods at Monteith A 1 Seitenbach s. SALMON, Large stock of new gooJs at Mouteith A Seitenbach s. Will come this way, Or we'll not have our say. Csral of Thanks. At eur very door, In a week or two more. Class Kali shoot. On last Sunday Dlght Mr, StanAeld, sewing machine man, Hying in the eastern part of tbe city, hearing a noise in his barn, went to it, whet be found a man in the act of getting away with one of his horses. When the hc rso thief found that the owner was calling on him he made a rapid escape without leaving bis card, and before Mr Stanfield oould identify him. The first of tbe week a glaea ball match occurred near this eily, In somewhat of a promiscuous manner. Its principal ob ject was to excite an interest in such mat tors with a view to organizing a Sporting Club for the winter months. The object hi a good one. Below we give tbe score of this shoot. No, shots. C Mueller 18 W Garrett 7 O Wills U B Taylor ,.12 A Ewerte 5 W Dannele 5 Having sold the furniture and good will of the Revere House to Mr William Garrett, who takes possession October 1st, 18SS, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the citizms of Al 11 iv 04 the traveling publio in g'-n-ral, kits v:ry liberal patronage be stowed upon mo during my stay here and ik that tbey continue the same upon my successor. CiiAS, PmrFKR. riu; 11 . The Nonpsrcit velveteens aro very deair abls for all purposes, as they aro very dor a'le, and not liable to fade with exposure to tlis sua, or to spot easily wish rain. The Nonpareil velveteens tnske elegant costumes complete for ladies, sod are equal ly desirable to use in combinations with stiks or satins. N on pared velveteens wear with more even ness thsn tbe Lyon velvet. It is not so apt to wear in plaoes, and tbe coat is about one-sixth. I have Just received a lino of tbo above Nonpareil Velveteens, direct from the agents In New York. Also a full Hue of ribbon, I think superior to any In this market. Also a cheaper quality of ribbons, in all colore. Also a line of ladies' embroideries, ladles' handkerchief, ilk and linen, snd a full lino of notions. Samubl E, Yodmo. I urammonly Mae Mailings. Mr W R Craham, merchant tailor, ha? just received a stock of domestic and im ported suitings second to none in Oregon outside of Port laud, either in sizo or quality. An examination of them will satisfy any ouo. His prices aro beyond competition. You can get suite made in tbe latest styles all the way from 8'" to $4o. $30 will tft you an uncommonly tine suit made in a first-class manner. For pants, in over fifty patterns, his prices range from M.M to 910. Con template that. His imported goods will be warranted. He also has arrangements with a leading New York establishment by which, from a laro number ot choice samples, you can have your suits made in thatuity. Ga on him for styles and well made suits. Large stock of now goods at Monteith A Seitenbach s. Else there'll bo a spat. For the 8. R. Dkmocuat SUBSCRIBE, Large stock of new ihhhIs at Monteith Seitenboch's. A Barefooted Traveler. School Teachers. As't your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney Tea. I I MM BoM count' ot the Stat ; L I II Is 1 Home of tbe happy and great. Large stock of new jjoods at Monteith & Seiteubach's. A Mad Mar. Geo W Peck, stand up. You are a Bad Boy and no mistake. You want $7 worth of advertising for your 91 psper. That's what we call cheek in Oregon. It may be some thing else in Wisconsin, bub that's its name here. We admire youir wit, and would like your paper. Send us $6 and the Sun and we will call it square. This is buoiness. Broke, 6 6 4 S 1 0 Weather. Summary of Meteorology for Sept. 1885, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co, Oregon, by John Briggs, Esq. Hig'iest Bar.30; lowest,29.56 ;mean,29.78. Highest Temperature, 88 ; lowest, 41 mean, 62.77. Mean at 7 a. m., 55.4 : 2 p. in., 73 6 : 9 p.m., b'l. Prevailing winds, N. A S. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 2.15 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 9. Number of days of cloudiness, average 8 in seals of 10, b. Of 90 observations 31 were cloudy, 7 tair, 42 clear, 2 hazy, 5 foggy and 3 rainy. The public examination of applicant for teachers certificates occurred in this oity Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. Savcn were examined, resultiug in certificates being granted all of thorn, five of the number receiving first grades. Following is a list of those examined : Clara L Anorag3. W A McGee, A D Gray, A D Lcedy, Susie Howard and Mrs Mercy F W Dapew. !Vew Barber. Louis Viereck formerly of Philadel phia has purchased the barber shop heretofore conducted by Louis (Jara peau, where he is ready to accommo date ail old and new customers. Hi, 10 a sack. On account of the low price of wheat flonr will be sold at the Magnolia Mills for fl.10 a sack or 81.40 a barrel, and will be delivered free to all parts of the city. On Thursday of last week a big black gentleman was in Albany. He was bare footed and must have weighed nearly S50 pounds. Hia life, now well advanced.has been aa eventful ene. Before the Rebel lion he was a slave, at the time of the emancipation proclamation being owned by a gentleman in New Orleans. When Lincoln was shot ho walked all the way to bis burial place, and romaleed around his grave two weeks, and then returned to New Orleans. A few years ago bo walked to Alaska and afterwards part of his way back. When in Albany he was again on his way Northward, this time bound for some of the forts beyond Walla Walla An account of what he has seen and ex perienced would fill several volumes. Chinaman Mobbed at Ualsey. 1675 bead of sheep went sold at Prineville 1M wek for f 1.25 per hesd for stock snd 91.374 for mutton. Mr O C Mc Par land begse last week teach in,' tbe Tangent school. That District can depend 00 a good school. Apncote which sold in California for 10 cents brought 2Se. is Chicago. The ladroads got most ot the difference. Louis Vtoreck, Shaving sod Ilsir dressing Sakmn. Successor to louis Canipoaa . Clean tea els to every easterner. la their little squabble with the French at nguia tbe Chinese lost about 100,U03 men at a coat of $314,000,000. Next thing for notoriety, to being a Con gressntan, is being a successful candidate tor a oadstebtp to West Point. rears was aa sou pes ci the raoeaitsi Thursday night of last week. It was not observed hare particularly. Fine bos of Mtleasen's jewelry. ing of monogram cuff buttons, chains, etc , just reostyed at L K Blam . 100 tickets were sold from Albany tothe State Fsu grounds, snd return not a very big showing from this county. Conrad Meyer has a splendid line of crock ery and glass ware, embracing all th e latest designs. Call and examme it. A special race occurred on Saturday at Salem between Kittie Lynch, Jane L and Altamout. The hrst named wea. There is no place like L B Iain's to set hsavy boots for farm work, as well as boots and shoes for all kinds ot wear Monday and Tuesday eleven families iu this city moved into other houses. This is a kind of business the draymen like. At McMinnyille on Thursday of laat week a drayman named David Holmes was drag ged some d is tanoe, receiving fatal injuries. Arrangements have been made for making shipments of wheat along the Willamette over the Oregon PaoiAo to San Francisco, Tho average value of farm animals in Da kota is : Horses, tW.50 ; mules, I5U.47 : cattle, $14.00 ; sheep, fl.lo ; swine, $2 07. When you have any book or job printing done, remember that S G Durris does work in the latest styles and at the lowest prioes. Money to Loan M 8 K Igiugton, at the olfioe of Doyoe A R ibson, Albany, will loau mouey for a term of years on improved farm security. . G. W Maaton, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. (Iraduate of the Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ohio. Jos C W Wyndham, who was assistant foreman on the New York Herald fro n 1840 to 1342 died at McMiunvillc last week, aged 78 years. New wall paper, floor rugs, carpets, oil cloth, and tho prettiest window blinds you ever saw were received this week by Monteith A Seitenbach. Do not buy soda crackers unlass marked extra, as all others are of inferior grade. Read A ilrownell receive u fresh supply every week. A Koseburg man advertises as follows : "I want to be the next Recorder of Hose burg. Will you vote for me." That sounds like business. About 580,000 bushels of canberries are raised in the United States each year, only about 10,000 bushels being raised west of tbe Mississippi. The redeeming feature of the State Fair was the stock exhibit, and the general opin ion is that it was good. Tho exhibit in the pavilion was also good. Mo matter what you want in the grocery lino if you can t find it elsewhere call on K A B., and you will be sure to Hod it as their stock is doubly complete. The Weston Loader, the editor of which is ere purchasing. The K. O. is authority for (he statement that recently a Portland printer, who was working 00 a ranch, when asked te set a hen inquired if he shonld set it solid. He was immediately discharged . Attention is oslled to the ad. of W It Hoott in another column. MrM. l as a lint-class stock of goods, marked at bo Otfl prices, and proposes te make his plane tho headquarters for sportsmen. Call on him. If yon went your property advertised cell on CJine, Mouteith sod Co., immediately. ir yon want your property soM call on them. It costs you nothing to adyerti-e with this Hrm snd very little to sell. On nest Sabbath evening Rev T G Brown son will preach on 'Joseph Hold intoHlawry. " This will tie the Hrst of a series of Sabbath veiling sermons on "ifslf Hours with J "lh." They will be worth hearing. Prof W W Davia will organise this( Friday) svemug, at tbe Kvangeiioal Church, a class in vocal musio. All interested should be ou hsod, aa this will offer a splendid oppor tunity to get flrst-olass instructions in stag ing. $7000 was loft froia the receipt of the State fair, after paying all premiums anil ex penses, to pay off old debts. Tnet was juat about what that $9(100 appropriation amount ed te. It was sort of a boost for Salem ovei iters. The members of the Albany W. 0. T. U. am requested to meet at their hall on Thurs day, Out. $th, st 3 p. 111., for the purpose of observing tbe day of prayer appointed by tbe N. W. C, T. U. Mrs. VI. J, Townaeod. President. The resnleiiue of Mr 0 P Mason is being ;atuted in au original and laity atyle. The ground work is of dark siate, and the trim mings of dark red. MrM. hi. one of the prettiest and most conveniently located Souses in Albany. The Owrlnml Monthly for October is an honor tj the PaciHo Coast, ft is a magazine deserving of general support 011 this Coast. Full of choice matter by our best witters it is s ysry readable production. Send 3a cents for single number, or $4 for one year to San Francisco, Cal, Read & Browne!! are receiving additional supplies of boots and shoes of eastern make which they can warrant lo ba of best stock ami made by Hrst class workmsu. Trtese gooda we are bound to sell ami will give you very lew figures. Tbe United States n l only beif Roglaud en the water ; but has aS jut come out head in the famous long diUnc foot races between Commintis and i.eorge. Three races were wou,Cummiugs winning sll of them. He made teo miles in .'.,. 3 a. After all, there been one excellent has thing about the State Fair, ft drew ail the tramps in the valley to it. One week of bliss for valley towns follow...!. Why should not tbo State Legislature make au appropriation 1 or Beeping 11 up uuriug me year. Ladies, just delight yourself by calling at the store of Monteith A -Sctteubaoh and look ing at the fail stock 111 ueuoral . every line is lull of new and attractive goods. In tho lines of dress eoods, (sll gsnnonu, hosiery, etc., in fact every department ia fell. "My daughter has taken tbe medicine faithfully, according to directions, snd her health and spirits are now perfect. The humor is all gone from her face. I wish every anxious mother might know what s blessing Ayer s SarsapanlU ts in suwh cases. The man who made snob a aensatioa with the I 'nil MaU Uazrtle ia described as being tbe type of a fanatical reformer, with bis hair standing in alt directions, his light bine eyes blood shot, his face red with til suppressed excitement sod his slight frsme swsyiog to and fro. Sufferers from the effects of quinine, need as a remedy Un chills sad fever, should try Ayer s Agns Care, a powerful tonic bitter wholly vegetable, without a particle of any noxious drug. It acts promptly, breaking the ehiM, curing tbe fever, snd eapelling the vet I ear tig no harmful effect anon tee pat' ot. A aaao aa tret street Saturday wanted to bet an old ctttsao $20 that be could prove he stole soeae earsa from a certain widow Kggs arc small things; yet tbs subject matter waa of such an interesting nature that im mediately a circus crowd was on hand to hear tt discussed. Mr Frank Wood has our thanks for a Last Saturday night a Celestial at Hal sey, whose name is immaterial, was rob bed of tbe large sum of $550, bard earned money. Other Chlaatnen were said to be the tbiefs. No clue to the thiefs could be obtained other than that tbey were Celes tials. There was much excitement among tbo Chinamen there. MrRCustar ha retnroed tended trip te California. Mr Frank Campbell returned a few days ago from a trip te PnneviMe. Mrs Ktta Brown is visiting in Hal where she will remdu several weeks. Mr Alvin W Marks, returned la.t Tues day from an ibspi Mnu tour to the Boy. Mr IC I, Bryan h moved with his family to this city, wh -c he will reside this winter. Jtey F M Cuip is now residing at Judepea dwhoe. that being the lieivbitartors I his circuit. Mrs J B N itt r, of Hepin-r, is vif'irg in this oity. Mi Natter was onte a rendent of this city. Miss Maiy Oli-ut 1 1 and iiice are vioiina relative 1 iu Sli.. 1. here thev Will remain about a month. Hon Kuooh Mettle of Harrisburg was in the city Mouduy, while hero favoring this of. lice with a call. Mr M Jackson, barber, h u cloeed his slum in this oity and nsevasj to Brvsrawyiue, where he has property. District Attorney ( hamb. rlain left last Ssturdsyfor Ufsyette. where Circuit Court is being held tins week. Frank Hscklemaii. who has been iivina at Silver Wells, K. O , several yeais, has boon in the city this week. Mr I N Thomas, of Jff iro. w.t i 1 tha city Tuesday. Mr Tho u is has sold hi s' ore there and will go into nme other business. The farewell dance at the Revere House lu.'sday evening waa laruelv sttemUd and we understand was a very pleasant affsi I he famous William Walter P hi 1: 1. wild htained such a notoriety durim a l'ridn. tial election once on a" time, hue kwsas in ortland this week. "Nasby" Beard, of .l.-lf n ,. was in AU Uny Tueedey, making this office a call. He is the tight man in the right place. Mr Bcsrd naa now jieereii through the cubby hole about ten days. Mr (leo Hardy, the dashing and heart- bresking telegraph operator st Use Ostites, wss in the city last Friday. Ceorge sssadpe Isted the keys in Albany three sears and over ago. Mr J W ChsmiH rlaiu and famdv have re- turned from Sal m, where Mr Chamberlain has been working vorl months in the Salem Flouring Mill building, 1 fitiiej in patting in new roller prooa machinery. Mr LioisCimp, an Mt Tu.-sdav noon for up the Columbia Tnc Ut wt.h. ol manv go with htm wherever h may IsSSM Qstt bis touaonal sign. te take plesaute is leesSBJ mending him to tbe shaving peopl 10 h fl new nofne. Tbe lad lee of tbe M K Churci are n. social on laat Wediirad v....m,. . t ah residence of Mr eorge Simosmi. on S e md Street. A lsre aiteudauce. music, a imod lunch, etc., made the evening an ei j -yable one. Han Wa and Tom leave in a fw dvs for China. Han Wa was tha first CMnamau to come te Albany, a-well a th Hrst one to start a laundry. He ts as "white" a a C - lestisl can well be. By attention to besioees he has accumulated qaite a proper .y. I nele Newt White returned recently from s visit te the WilUmette Vallev. He rev ports tnet a lew una county grangers, con trary to a time-hooored ana universal eas tern, have neglected to leave their farm ma chinery by the roadside, snd sugsp-sts that tney ne reminded of their duty. -PrincriU. Mr George Cregg. traveller for the ' JC Ayer A Co. of Lowell, Mass., was in Al bany last Wednesday. MrCresaisone of the best travelling agents we have ever done swjssnoss with and tbe same can be said ot the ompany. It is like an oasis ta a biv desert for the newspaper to have such a firm among patent medicine companies to do business with. '; eo Tetuece. Vcl'.wain ha? h t it this lima si HI on to baoco. In fact he has done s big thing la this line, until everybody go) to him for tobacco. He has just received a very large ate k of tl e celebrated Zoo-zoo tobacco, snd hence can soil it cheap in 1 ny quantities, re. tail or wbelasaia This is s Hrst-dsaa te bacco and will go off fast. Call for a sample at A B Mollwain's. !ew 4 I isks. N. H. AMen A Co., have Just received fr.irn Now York; one of tbe finest line of Kail snd Winter cloaks ever brotitrht Ut Albany, nil of the very latent styles, which vill Im sold muHi cheaper than ever befor- offered In this market. Re member the plnoo at N. H, A Co Lad Irs At tea lion 1 The Fall shades in the dob rated Cen temeri kid gloves have been received by Monteith A Hoitenbach. Tbls glove leads all others with the largest sale of any glove In the market, when you select your else on purchasing tbe fit will m perfect to the last. The wearing qualities can't be equal le J. Try a pair. When Baby was sick, we gave her CAJBTOaXt, Whrm she was a Child, she cried fer CAJITORI A, Wben she become M iss, she elnag to CAATORIA, Whan she had Children, ehe gavaibem CA5T0K1A Scott's New Gun We have some choice New Orleans molasess in bulk which it dec dedly the best tnolasi trade as those who have used it will testify Reap A Browxeix. 4 AMrr TSW. The Man about Town, never knew til a few days ago that George Fraud I rain ever gave tbe impetus to any thing buta big rlow of big words. Now It Is learned that when in 1S69 be de livered a Fourth of July oration in Port- photograph of tbe Oregon stone. It shows it land, be told ths people of tho North otfte spiet.did advantage, and we doubt if anything in the t ashiogpm monument will quel tbe original as a representative stone. Mr Wood has receive! many desetved com pliments on account of it. Tbs !,baeon stage team attempted to ran sway last Monday morning near toe P. O. in this city. It ran like mad tor s block, when tbe driver, getting the full weight of his powerful frame against the linos, brought them te a subdued standstill. One of the new and flashy ten cent delivery stamps is said to have soared them. A stylish gentleman cannot ailord to pass without oalhng on Monteith A gettoabeeh ard Store, 54jiw , awaiW SassW' se2sw yswl HEADQUARTERS FOR o SPORTSMEN. THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT I1C MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the most reasonable prices, slwsvs in stock. Repairing done on short notice. Willamette alley nimrods should never boy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, f Opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. their new goods, large stock of shoes direst from Bostoa,etra quality and new style, large line of sll (Trades of clothing, with an endless vsriety of new style neck ware, also hosiery, hate, etc. Tbe np Columbia river papers have been Dragging aoout lamtues wno can noast 01 gadem. It ia Having mmu u i.susd hi m nuuiiwiu VII cos. $10.50 is now tbo biggest satr. Even if we oould beat this ws have too much re .a aa spect lor tne vtuamette valley to do so through the columns of the Dkmocrat. llemember that r L Kenton maaes a speciality of receiving and fcrwarding sub- scriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines, furnishing most of them st the publishers regular price, saving the subscriber west tbat they ought to begin salmon canning at once, triat they were neg looting a mine or wealth It act soma, to not only thinking, but acting as a result an immense industry has been built up. Columbia river salmon are eaten all over tbe world, and crack brained ilea F. Train started the ball to rolling. O The Man about town has beard onlv one verdict lo reference to the races at the bUte fair. They were "snide." The horse that got the most cools won. That the state Legislature should ap Rrcpnnie money to keep up such bald faded, rickety, slipshod, horse racing rairs in a great injustice to tbe tax payers of Oregnn. We are uot fefekto at a race arranged iu au honorable manner, but at the way they are ran at Millinery. Miss Schubert wishes to announce to the ladies of Albany and vicinity that she has now a most complete and elegant stock of FALL 1HD WINTER MILLIHEEY, Consisting ot tbe latest styles in HATS, BONNETS TIPS, BIRDS, WINGS, VELVETS, ORNAMENTS, ETC., ETC. Call and examine her goods and prices, yon will be sore to be pleased, having our matters. time we put a stop to pockets picked Iu such O The Man about Town haa found that nearly every body in Albany will be at the opening of tho new Optra House. It will be a good opportunity for the citizens ef Ihecitv to do their anare towards building it. II takes a a . : i i ... i i e. . i th trrt.,M-S. .n.A f dm. dirm tn IWTUISU H SUU lltlS IS IU6 ffsMI ""-""--" r 1 It la cminir im ha trntln T In . the nnhliahara All nntnra rtu iv nromM, " e-'" " ""w"i nm an imo- attention. Price list of 1700 furnished free 8,0U wnen lt wil1 Py to be more than a literary man aud quite a poet himself, pub lishes the poem "Prophecy ' io f ill, a de served compliment to it. The following fourth-class P. M's. have been appointed this week in Oregon : J A iStrange at Wilbur : Ezra Dixon at Phil omath, D Striclin at Fletts. A lady who asked tor some aroaene, a new kind of dress goods, in an Albany store, was told by the clerk that they had none, but they had some kerosene, if that would do. Last week the lirst Taquina Bay salmon ever brought to Albany was sold on firat stieet. lt was much darker than the Colum bia river salmon, but withal made excolleot eating. upon application. Last Spring tho Dsmoorit advertised for forty cords of wood ou subscription. We not only did it once but several times. The forty cords came and more too. Our three wood sheds sre full, and we are more satisfied than over with tho power of printers ink. It pays to advertise commonly enterprising. O The Man about Town was considera bly struck the other day in hearing a little testimony in a school teachers case, to bear stated as one of the grnuuds of dlsatitfaotion with the teacher that he saw a pupil whisper once while visit- Frmnk LmWa Wteklu hss tbe following ing ine scnooi. wnew, mere is noi a - m -. W S . a . a. m - a a . . . story. "AtTacoma. WT, Bishop Walden i SOtiool id t his big world of ours, where was trying to raise 81000 te pay off a church mere is not wmapering. mere ought debt. M Why he exclaimed every property to be some. Teachers do not aud ought owner here ought to subscribe. If I owned a uot to even attempt to stop it entirely. corner lot in Tacoma I'd give sou myself.' A. school roam Should not oe made a "All right. Bishop," said a member of the hermitage, nor should it be a Bedlam ; congregation "give yoar soO and call at my there is a golden mean, omce to-morrow morning lor tne oeeo, oi your corner lot." The bargain was carried out." Theatory is prosably a myth. Mr Talbot., tho P. ML at S idavdle, de iies the charges made against him, for whic'i he was arrested, in a letter to the Atandar i, as follows : "I never opened his letter and never "confessed to having committed a big blunder." These obarges are maliciously false. I simply addressed a letter for AT Workman's father and have three witnesses to prove the fact. I want the guilt to rest where it belongs aad am ready for trial. I am willing to drop the matter on one condi tion onlv. and that is, that A T Workman and his father will acknowledge that they have grossly misused and misrepresented me, and that they know positively that I am in nocent of the charges. Peoplejwantlng good value in boots and shoos will go to Monteith A Seitenbach's, No shoddy ; all standard gooda , Through to Brownsville, It is now understood that parties can leave Portland at 4 p. in., or Salem at 7 p. in., aud go through by rail to rtrownsville the same evening. They go by the Lebanon express to the junotion of the Lebanon branch with the Narrow Gauge and take the train on the Narrow Gauge, which has been mafemg con nections with the evening express, for Brownsville. This fact has not been adver tised, nor appeared in print before, and how long the arrangement will last is not known to the writer. btateaman. You are completely mistaken in your last remark, Mr StaUaman, In the Democrat's issue of July 31st, over two months ago, the above information was conveyed to the people of the Willimette Valley, a-'d this program has been iu operation for just about that length of time. Perhaps yoj were asleep. Hut then two m atns uoniua tints u not v y much. Albarn and another out building burned down at the Indian school near Salem Wed nesday afternoon. A barn of a resident near the school was burned the night before. i ' SSI Cloaks ! t'laaks ! desk ! I am opening my Fall stock of cloaks aud jersey jackets this week, amounting to over two thousand dollars. These goods aro muoh cheaper than laat year and the styles better. These cloaks will be sold to cash or prompt paying customers, as cheap as any house in Oregon can sell them. Samuel E, Youxa. Kid Ueves by N- H Allen st I s. Large new stook just received from New York and one of the best in tho market. Call and examine the new line, 4 button at 75 cents a ptir ; they are a pi ondid glove for the money. Al D1NV Queen city of the valley, ALDftll I into which all classes sally. Uregon Kidney lea cures all kidney trou ble. For Fancy Hurl., Embroidery cheneiile in all Monteith Jfc ctoi enbach's. shades at TJrogou Kiduey Tea, gists. Fors-ila by all drug FOR SALE. Owing to a desire to build on my lots nearest the depot, I offer for sale CHEAP, my comfortable residence corner Lyon and Tib xtreet. House contain 6 rooms, light and airy. It has hydrant water at front ami back doors, also a good well of water, hss a good barn, wood shed and outbuildings, etc., all in good repair. Terras private. Also, a very comfortable cottage house with 8 rooms, good barn, chicken yard, etc. Hss hydrant water And aUo good well water inaida thOdlooAe. The ground J attached is 78x100 feet. rrtetVjlOOQ on vwsjj a sj a un, xfl,7 VVf Wiu B. Rica. Agent O, A C. R. R., Albany, Or. KING'S EVIL "Wa? the name formerly given te Scrofula ;ic of a superstition that lt could be cured by a kind's touch. The world Is wl cr now, and knows that SCROFULA can ouly be cured by a thorough purifica tion of the biootl. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among Its earlier symptomatic developments are 1 A .i-n, a, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, aro produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. It Is so effect ual un alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At tho same time lt en riches aad vitalizes tho blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and lvjuveuating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Ts composed of tho genuine Honduras Sarsopcrilla, with lellow Dock, Mil lingia, tho Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po tency, omefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best phystciaa constantly prescribe Ayer's s.ks.u uuixa as an Absolute Cure For all disease? caused by tho vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to tho high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which liko effects arc claimed, and is therefore tho cheapest, as well as tho best blood purifying medi cine, iu the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowe, Matt Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists : price fl ; six bottles for $5, Splendid line of ladies fall aad winter gar ments at Mouteith A Soitenbach's. MAItKtKl. H EN i DfiftjJO'N WOOlT On i'useUay,"tipD. riid, ISO.), in oalom, K-v. Holieiibaugh officiated, Mk. William J. Henderson aud Miss Ellks Z. Woop.both ot Albuiy. The Democrat extendsoongratulations, The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private aud class instruction to the youi g and middle-aged of both sexes who desire lo ot tain a practical education in the short, est time coi isistent with thorough work, and at tbe least expec sc. Day and evening sessions through out the year. Students admitted anytime. Oata jos; pUcaUoa, A f i Ams$9oxvjrsiMi9&