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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & MTTIN. UIBSPrit-Kl cmmthI KtMlBaa JrwaOalbia Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRimOM tale oope, per year, in advance..... .. em; eo, per year, at end year. ...... anuria copy, t m-Ui tagf copy, three nionthe alur nnnilwr a uu 1 W in PKlKKSSlONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT JLAW. Albany , Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will Rive special attention to collections ami probate natter. Office in Poster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -AND-- Notary Public. Albany. ron. Office upstairs, over John BrlftaV store, tat street. vi4nSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) kTTORM RY AT LAW tjiul pracrcs in all the courts of the W State. 1 lllll III Bell 11 j " mmmm probate gutter. In Odd FelUw's Temple. f. C. POWRLL. w- lIr,C POWELL & BILYEU, vTTO RM EYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in rhancfrv, ALBANY. - ORKGOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. ATOffloe in Foster's Briok.-f vHnlSaf. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor It La AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of thisState. All business intrusted to him irill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. oinr DETJG STORE, 2rl IIBISV. OBttON. POSHAY & MASON, WIIOLBLalS wrtArii Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGOS. v!6n41tf A. PRU SHAW, DRUGGIST. 8tationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. rtESCRlPTIOSS CAREFULLY PILLED. Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just vest of Conrad Me j ers. ALBANY, OBESOH. LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. S having done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in pod condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. REVERE HOUSE, Cone, Vint sad Ellsworth Albany. rga. Chan- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Tata nw Hotel ta fitted np in Brat claae style. Tables anpnitad with ta beat the market affords. Spring Bed in eery Boom. A goud Sample Room tor Com aneri 111 Traveler. Coach to mud from the Hotel.-! FURNITURE. have the bes- stock of farniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE tu the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence en Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study and Hi price ot tuition, appiy u KEY". ELBERT . t'dXOIT, Preataen Aloany Bath House. .erstf R TTNDBRSK3NBD WOULD RESPECT I fniw '.Tiform the citisem of Albany and vi daity that I have taken chargs of this Establish meat.ssd, by keeping clean room and psyin .krict attention to baiines, expects to snit si those who may fsror us with their patronage Hating heretofore carried on nothing hat First-Class Hair Drassine Saloons cxpeeUto give entire satisf dion to BtT-OUdien and Ladies' Htvir neatly al en hanpoted- JOS WEBBEB. CHAS. METZGEKS Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to ier. All kinds of game in season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of the city, Next door east of Tweedale's Tin and Stows Store. Q A.RN DOOR HA.NGIN GS, "Are alwavs breaking, unless yon have tbe kind seld by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen Tbena. Mutt VOL. XX. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY if EXTRACTS . . . . , . ASS UHKD Yuntllu.l.riiinn.OruBB. rtr., lavor Cakf l'rua.. I'imMI (..--.. . drltcatfOy and nmt Jinlly m ibr iVwU IVw which th art mm da. POK STKEMiTH ASD TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR TRET STAND ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chiccco, III. St. Louie, Mo. aecee Dr. Prisa's Cream Baking Powder - Dr. Priced Lupulin Yeast Gems Bril Dry Wlom V.a.t. rxrat at.tb stt oseocaotfi. WE MAKJE UC X OXK QCaUTY. t nttr. VtU 6 t'. Portland. Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGD6 The best dry hep yeast in thm world. Bread ratsea by this ycatt is lnjit v - f an-l wbole lomi like our crandmntiter't oellctom brccA GROCERS SELL THF. Price Baking Powder Co., laiTrsof nr. mi : sjkui j wr.vzi nnraca, Chieaoo. III. 0. Loua, MO. c and r P d. (jiticura Infantile Skin Beantifiers Aupeal to Mothers Try Them. FOR t -leaning- I'M 8kto an.l S.:Up of Birth Humor. tor allaj ins Itchiuif. Burning arv InlUmnai on, f..r curiux the Brat jrmjHom. A K-tmi, I'na Mttk tYurt. Srail Head, Scrotal anJ ibr Inbcntfcl kin and blood lineal. ClTtcta. the frni Skin Cure, aau Ci nan Soar, an eaquiUj skin Beauu Ber, stainally, sod Cmci a rUaoLVOT. tb new Pariftcr. intcmallr. ire ii.lallio e. Abwdutel pua. TERRIBLY AFFMCTED." Mr. and Mra. Eerett Slebb:n, kci.eru,mn, .- . wnte: ',or little b..y aa Urrrtbly :V u-.j .th Si-ruluhv, Salt Kheura and EryailwUe erer uuc he vaa burn, and nothing w could girm him balped him jnUl we tried OBtBfl - BBBBBBBBB, bkh rdiiai'y cured him, until he ia now aa fair a any ctoild." 200 FOR SOTHIJIC Wm. iirdon. Arlington Art., Charleetoo. Ha. , tnb, ; 'HaTin )id about r0 U BrUclaa do. tor. to cure my baby, without aucceca, I tried the i ti ct aa Kcxeww, which compleiely cured, after uinf three FROM HEAD lO FEET," Chartee Krn Ilinkle, Jeraer City Heighu. S. ). wriea : "Jly aon. a U4 of tweiire year., wm complete ly cured of a terrible cae (f Ecwrtra by the BM Ran KOI am. From the top of hi. head to the "J "f hi feet wm one ma, of Kbe " Every ether remedy and phyaician had been tried In vain. FOR PALE. LaMGUD Emaciated children, with pimply, eallow aki, the OatMSBJ Renawea will pirn, a perfect bleiedg. cleanaing- the blood and akin of inherifd impurities and expelling the geme of acrofoU, rheumatism, cmn "unijti ,u, and ae.ere akin diaeeeea. BEST FOR THKsKIX." Tour Crncv as BBBBBBBBB re the beet for akin dto eeaes I hae ever aold, and your (ru ra Soar the Bnewt mdicinal toilet aoaii In the market, CL W. HTAPLES lugwt, Oaceola il v H IS. gold by all druBVista. Price: Ci net cta.; R!OLTfcr.T. $1 ; Soar. 2ft cU. Potter Urn Chemical Co,, Boaton, alt. Seed for "How to Tare ftkla Dlacsses' nsnu L'ae Caflreira Sop. an exquisitely DAD I peri lined skla Btrsullflrr. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (Joltrs.) c-DEALERS IN. Farm Machinery ' WABOHS, HACKS, BU8SIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prics. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform tbe public that he to now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to (rive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before pnrchas intr elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. GwHAKBI8Prop. (Par the, Hisix mi i a WKrT OBWBI ht. Ml.liMp. ad I 1 1 rein rc i or Ban! p nrti Tbe pcrfMiiiiitl snows of our loft Bumtuits grandly sparkled in the refill gent rtj-N of the netting sun like htil Hants in the diadem of Nature ? No ; none of that. Three gaily decked equestrians klo ly wended their peaceful wdy 'mid ver dant groves and fragrant flowers in the b.lmy shsdes of dewy eve ? No ; nothing of the tort. C ntrs. There might have tn sem on dark, foggy evenin,Uts in autumn, n M m.toy years ago, three friky ohaps -i.e. friend Gexre S neijh Qui pea' bttf yaller dog" snl slf o.mpering of toward the murky banks f tb ( 'sla- lioota, a few miles south of Albany. I had frequently bratd iuv Mood Osorge extol the singularly refrhin and "gloriotiB sport1' f coon-huntinf,'-I had, also, often heard him, in a moat animated manner dilate on the wonder ful faculty .he aforesaid d g had re tiring coons ; and how for genuine, lively American sport ihti excelled all things else. Having been many tiius esrneetly ira)ortnned by my friend to partake of these debatable sports, to which I was s stranger, and the eveniog in question, sccordiog to my friend's opinion, bring peculiarly adapted thereto, 1 determin ed on a short respite from the plodding diligence of dsily toil, wherein I should enjoy fun alive. When we arrived on the hunting ground darkness reigoexl supreme Tbe fog hsd thickened iato a gin tit? m st ; but it was just the rignt kin 1 of night for coon. " We utarte 1 the dog into lb" limber and leisurely wsndrd slon up Up stream, occasionally heating tb" loK give a few jels ''only thte anaj aa li- ing more." This sprightly amuarinri.t bed l-sen going on for aUut two bofiwa and s half. Tbe Cdlapooia bete is very crooked, aod for moat pert Wdered with a uat. row belt of timber and under br mh, wbilshcro and tbre ihe open ground extends to tbe stream, at which places tbo bank i jerpt ndicular. My friend George being a god wo-slsmsD, snd well acquainte 1 with l.e locality, 1 kept close by bis side with the utmost confidence. Suddenly snl simultaneously we p!un;ed headlong into tbe turbid waters. I think we measure I about seventeen f et of tbe depto of the s'resm. but f jund no bottom. Br-'ng but a poor swimmer, on gain ing the surface, in votive mood aid j ihiUatic tones I shouted, '-Have m Lord, save me f My friend, who had gaim:d a old on some projecting willow, repli-l 'Courage, boy ; we'll have some fun yet r By some fort ailiona turn of re.,- we gsined the shore. Renewing our bunt, we bsd procewi' e I for sometime when tho rein eos mmced falling in torrents. Though w were wet drowned rata we concluded to ttke he Iter under a large fir tree. We bad been here quite a while all the time r opposing the dog wss busy bunting the coon when my friend, for relief, cbsnged his position. Tbe motion brought that very prominent nasal organ of h s in violen'. contact with a drooping limb of the tree. The recoil incident thereto resulted in a boot-heel alighting with a two hundred and twenty pounds svoidapoise force on the caudil extremity of our poer og. Such a Vellowing as was then and there set up was never be fore beard in these weods. We continued to hear it until tbe brute reached tbe dwelling place of neighbor Quipes, several miles sway. Our bunt was now at an end. To seek the comfortable quarters of my friend was th next thing in order. Tbe darkness at this time was in tense. W f raveled slowly snd csnti ustiv rnv ffi-n i direoHy in the lead now. We bad proceeded but a short distance when again I beard a noiee, similar to that I heard before, almost beneath my feet. It recognized it as the sound of troubled water. Friend George bad taken another dive ! I was paralyzed. Visions of the river S'-yx snd tbe regions bevond roe vividly to ray mind, like a panorama of despair. Afrer waiting aome moments, which seemed hours, I heard a noise iu tbe waters below, much like that of a high pressure Mississippi steam boa. I knew it was George. As the sound recedf d, sumraaring all the strength within roe I shouted, "Coursge, fellow ; coon-bunting U glori ous aport." Though tbe rain fell thick and fast, I stirred not a foot till daylight dawned. As to the further adventure of friend Geo-g", I wot not he is aliv and well and can tell it himself. Kid Bohe. Albany, April 5tb, 1885. Right ALBANY, OREGON, 1 1 t iik or or in i itva. The Aria of late, las; aatl lasr rite Tei (r Ihe latwe MeawlallMS MentevNle. The general inteieBt IV It in the Fed eral cftice of tbe counttv, will attract e inuc'.i inteirst to tliestatutia ifgulaling n-movala. In ord.r that niay be gen tally understood, we an j du the tex'a c f ihe lawa on the anbject : By the act of May 10, IMO, "sll DUtiict Attorneys, Collector t'f Cub Ioojs, iHval olliceis and Surveyors of tbe ftllBtOBsS. navy aifut", receivers of public mOtjOyt for laitda, lUfiatera of the I. m l OSeee, paymaster in tbe armv, ilin ApOtbeOary timers', the Aaaiatnn. Apoilceiiis General snd tli ('nniruiseary (inetal of purcbaaes ahall 1m anpointeti for the term of four yitrt,biit ahall be r. isovab'e from Oflice a' pleeaire." Bf the third section n the ct to rtulate ih" tewere Of ceitaitt civil offices, pa-setl March 2, 1 .H67,as ameod cl '.y the tlii-d aectum o" tbe .tipple Bee -iry set of April lt5U,it is pro vided "that the President shall have power to till all vacancieawhich may happen doting tbe recess of tbe Senate, by reason of death, resignation or ex piration of terra of oflice, by granting commiaaions whiub abalt expire at the end of the next session thereafter, snd if no appointment by the advice and consent of the Senate ahall be made to such oiliee so vacant, or temporardy filled aa aforeeaid, during auch next session cf the Senate, auch oflice ahall remain in abeyance without any salary, fees or emoluments attscked thereto until the same ahall be filled by apjHiiut ment tberolO by und with tbe sdviee and consent of the Senate, and during auch time all the owers in 1 'Inline be longing to auch ofJice ahall bi rierrid by euch other clbcer aa msy by law ex. -rri.c Bncb powrra and ilutir in esse of a vscsncv in srh office." Th" first sett ion tiflh- act of April .', lttG9, (after rtealing the first and seeond section of rbe aavi ol l'7,i provides . "Tliat erry rsnn holding any civil Qk to which he baa ln or may lie bfresftet apointed by and with the adice and c meet of lbr Senata and woo slall bave Income du'.y quali fied to aet therein, ahall tie entitled to bold auch ffbee during th term for which be ahall hare been anpoUited, unless sooner reran veri Hyjand with tbo advice and consent of the Senate, or by the appointment wi'h hkoa Ivice and consent of a successor in bi place, ex cept aa herein olhttrwiae provided." Another arc ion of the act provides : "That dutin any recces f the Senate the Presilent ia hereby empoweretl at bis discretion to au.rd any civil nicer sppointed by and with tbe advice md conaent of the S.nate,ic-pt Judges i.f the I'nitetl State oourla, until the end ofthe next arsion of the S-mate and to tleaignate aome auitable person, MMeot to be te n ved at his discretion, to etform the duties of such anpereed aa officer in the meantime ; and auch pe-taon so diinated ahall take the ootha and give the lond required by law to be taken and given by the aue pended otbeer and shall during the time be iM-rforma hi duties be entitled to tbe sslsrv and emolumenta of such of free, no part of which ahall neloog to tbe officer auperseded ; sod it ahall be the duty of the President within thirty days af'er the commOnc -ment of each esai-D of the Senate, except fr any oflice which in hi opinion ought not to be tilled, to nominate persons to fill all vacancies in office which existed at the meeting of tbe Smate,whethr tera lorarily 6Med or not, and also in tbe place of all efbeera suipendfd ; and if tbe Senate, during auch sesaion, shall rt fi'se to sdviau snd consent to an ap pointment in 'he place of any suajtend ed officer, then, aod not otherwise, the President sbsll nominate another er aon as Soott as practicable to said aesflion of the Stnate f r raid office." By tbe sixty-third section of the act to revU and conaolidate the laws re lating to the Pott OU'ue Department, passed dune 8, 1872, it is provided : "That PoatmaaU-ra of the fourth and fifth claasts ahall be appointed and may be removed by the Postmaster General, and all others ahall be appointed and may be removed by the President, by and with the advice and conaent of the Senate, and sbali hold their offices for four yetrs, unless sooner removed or . - . m a. a suspended according to law. li ap point meuta and removal ahall be noti fied to the S'xth Auditor." A 4; (toil IV r rent a sr. The first report of H. Koc hler, Re ceiver of the OsCKR, shows that the gross earnings af the road, from Jaa uary 20th te March 1st, wero $111,568.- 07: expenaer. $83,270.04; leavinK set earnings of $28,200 03, also that the company's assets are $33,870,216 67. and the liabilities $33,919,681 81 ; actual cash on hand.$83.211.83. This indicate? that the road is doing a very good busi ness, the inaorae for the live weeks mentioned being at the rate of $300, 000 a year, a flue, percentage on the amount invested. 5, 10 and 25c counter at N If Allen & Co. FRIDAY, APRIL n Aiiitit, 1 1 Tim. Ufiaaa .... rrBalar.iarrf naasi'ial ) Wahbinoi,,n, MaiCfl, 2tlth, 188e. Wllh Iho i K eptlon of those who huvo faik d to gel pfflr, Detnnerats ratre are well pleerl with the np. polntments of the now adtnlniBtration, and favorable corn men t la heard oi all shlos. Where there Is more than one Hppllcnnt ft'ranofflcg.sllorcouMe, cannot be made haftfif nu, t is nn. ah.'en d wle and pollllfi In tho Brest. detil lo npH.iitt, a lie haa often done, aome one who I not Identiflel with the Contending fact lou (t Is ctirloua to note th eorrioeen! f tbnotd school republican nnliibduna here, whorstitnile every ipp lotment snd very action of the now prwddent by thelo atandanl which experience has taught thorn to apply to deprsv d repibllc in poll lei They sppesr to havo no faith In reform, In the civil service or In tbo iinpr vement of t ho military snd naval htltb mcnt. Tlioj wm4L4t evorythlng thut I d ui" or talkol nb rmt I" fhl oennectlon uyp asfillo il rtr nentl mental. Wmn fs.rrotary Tjorrar orders the aele ol lulf a rlostn h rreei and csrrUg h it have een mainly ftH ptwSMtvl lV hi- pred.'-e. ors, but msintl' d so offMHtee of IU,0U) a yoer fr MB the pu'dh- ptjf, the deepicablw pi aamUts who t int thi Mllllcal etm-Mpliero of the rap its', bak their head and any: the economy d lgo will not piv, the United Ktrta are withv, nndtl i not wish loae lelr Pad'tet Oftl en live in n plain, mot tvb, Ineooeieteftl with the dignity of u RTOel JMtloel." If you fell them that th dlaiKr! t.f ttio ciirriagehJalefer .ifoltl ocsl tha t h' ioete anstier f tut irl an I imotlon, that It h a bifff and an admonlti m N the hundred- of in. plote in t ho Patent Ofleft, ih" In dlan Office, the Land t M . h; -logic il and pullc Lt atj v v Bi reau over which Mf. Ij r p'-ldea, you talk to tb-ro It ki w I m. gusge, snd i . arill rwf4jf fb-r tie city n g -du ; t i r i. III it rh. iif"; spent or w iet. d Mp rl sal 't made the city piwayajrosi. The proapsrity of hfal h ip k. p. r. eod real estate nw ir- i, ( a pi city matter, ten s a pbbto . m. BE. . . a, .S . aT a Bw . I times I may mentlo i t..-it ihe erase, cigar stores, billiard room, I idatww of nmaaefluent have not been f r i ;ira as dull a tby e now. D u- ken, tlpplinj.', gaiuh'lug and stortlmf k-ov. err, men- employes hav, W.ruderful to tell, learned that they are not in favor with what they were wont to call Ibe great unwished dom t t!o party. They have lowed with un. plasint auddenu thitfhh new democratic admlnlatrali on h M i pm chant for sever jI varltles of cleinll nesa. Thl revelation has sibrel them, and they are keepl :g hdtor hour at home and In nfH'e. and their health and breath are a-rulbly Improved. The crowd of profession il offi .'o acker has very sensibly diminished. They havn g no homo very rau h disgruntled, of 00rv, and deep! con vlnced that the experiment of popu lar government Is a failure. The groat tvaly of the democracy, how ever, who do net want the ' flic. nut wish only to ace ihetn welt fllcd, and honestly adralnlso red, do not share the despair of the. professional ottVe aeeker. Tne new administra tion has a great work before it and it has fnur.years for Its accomplishment. It has as yet h?on in oflke rmt four week. A number of Important - rt1. ces have been filled with men eg lust whom their enemies can say nothing. Some superfluities have been remov ed and more extensive removals ar being phoned. The mnr!e of the service in all (iovornrrm it offices Is remarkably improved. For the flrat time In hh long official life the Gov ernment clerk realizes that hi success and his future depend not upon the backing, of a BUloe, a M h n or other p twerful dispenser of patron tge, but upon hh own work and conduct. I do not think there wHi b) any tie tentallon ofslmpllcty and plainness In the social environment of the new administration, but it Is evident that there will be less of mere display, and parade of wealth that has exist ed In Washington s'nee the war. The gossips had talked and written so much about the pew taken in the somewhat aristocratic church on New York Avenue, that a large number of snobs have been betrayed into renting pews at this church. The president not wishing to make a - "how of his religion, has rented a p ?w In a church in a less fashionable part of the city and nearly a mile from the White House. He has not yet attend ed church but his ulsters occupied their pew last Sunday. The truly coosclentlms dentist spares no pains to get three dollars worth of gold into a 25 cent tooth. Dcmdrrat. IT, 1885. N. H. Allen& Co,, Having purch ased th 3 t ANKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Colwell, Becker & Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of 0RYC00DS,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SH0E8,!HATS, CAPS, ETC, anl our customers shall secure rare bargains FOR Remember i t h. er nciuut. Notnal) talks much that bVbJbbVI av MByte) tiling, thin that he did leu on-it, to BMrjp n i person p'aya trioih v.iih .ut inking a f .lee note j met Im, Ttif r -.t of mI tMuevolent action Mil I petv and fraternal love. Thai which causea U 1 1 I oast iDuSt of ur time ia the repugnance which we naturally bave to Ufr. Irresolution on Ihe schemes of life which titTer themselves to our choice, an I m constancy io pursuing them, nr.- the greatest causes of all of oor ,.t, ..ptnfa QfahBl fars sr enlerta'aeil that, in I towq iance of tbe war which ia now being erri on bet veen France and ( Id n a, a great acaroity in ihe tea, supply will koou take place. The island of Formosa tiion which "e largely depend for our tea auppliea haa been blockadsat since laat Septemtr by the French. The tea crop will be harvested about June, but the prosocte now are that the porta on the coast of the Island of Formosa will not only be dosed against us at that lime,but Sbaogabi.Foo Cbow and other ta orta as well. In this caae our tea dealers and ioiioter will be corulled to call upon Japan, but ateiiatioa abow Japan cn turniah only aboii 50,000,000 nmda while our ie -pie con an me 100,060,000 (munda an nully, hence it will t e in that the tpper of tbe pleasant drink will likely b called upon to pay at axorbitant prioe for his luxury. I .agieaanian O'Neill of Mimri 5a the onlv I)f io Consresamau who has been to see C evtland who has not asked for an appointment f u some one. He had a talk with Cleveland a few rJayi ago, "I don't want anything just now," said O'Neill, "except to aak you if you believe in the poKef of turning the raecala out." C'eveland replied that he thought he could au becribe to that doctrine in a general way. "All riirht," aaid O'Neill. O M of my oon atitoenta out in MiKSonri is tbe rattcal I ever knew. He U in tbe pen itentiary serving out a aentence, but aa h is nearly dead his mother want him pardoned so he can die in hsr hoUBO. Now I aaut yon to pais! n him and turn In m out." The President aaid ha would have the case oonat lered, and if iM-M"ible the raacal in thiacaae would be 1 turned out. Mr. B'aiue thinks tJ -inland will make a good prei lenr. Now, our re publican f. lends ail thiuk Blaine i umart and know -'whtt ' what," her e tbey inuat ai(ree with us that Cleveland wit1 taske a gvd president. It will not be forgotten that w r.dd our re publican friend l bef ire the election that he would make a worthy, popular preaidenf, aod now our worda are veil fied by Btain MasaJC Bit we very much fear that friend will not be in so happy a moid io a twelve mouth from now. A native bo k j nt p iblie 1 in Ban gal traces the mantel anl phyaieal de generation of the Hindoos to the fact that lbs) E iglish are allowed to slaught er owa in ludii. Tan author bSubbs the English tor eating beef, and roe to hia own sattafaotton that no beef nter ia a good man. No r much of which has been have the beaelt of the CASH OR PRODUCE. the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. Front, First and Vine 8tr: PORTLAND, OREGON, iroaTxaa of m 2. TT A TiTTT A TD Ob-W VV taUreLV.Ua aV FARM MACHINEE Wa f. i I "SCCKXTK OX TUB ko.vD. Thee mat tune are W well I .aown : . i ri "a.i UMet Thouukj ef tarnat-r. Iwre BRe ar! ' oaaa end all BBBBi of ttere tsSttl Bb! . - eVBTj war the ae ptae uitea of Hir Sai iwaft The teataof Twerrr I: T h w '.cri tbe rentarkab'c duratrtli'.;. ' I' I t from the a otpUc.ty seal ( ... jii". . M ... . i. ai.0 an imaaeeaw tualor 1 1 r . i i .c .-;-. Btalas mm4 Trrrr-i. I. a r-r.m: "ctu; :.- no tK-w i v thr farmer, in eicry - a la r. J lliMkeye haa been VaJ, ! vit.iii - i ha c I IrbaealyHaiTBstiiigi: v:.. totlrs ftatisfacUcr. - The featuraa tliat mo t atrwht Si ewraaaraHen. It ia a 11 wbl peea la a atral t Bf BirwVr eyece. h it rv. An sgricn'tnraliat at Oakland, Cel., ia making an effort to introduce t he cultivation of tea in that State. He has over 2000 toe plants in a very tbriring condition, and when tbey ar rive at. tbe age ot four years be will ob tain Japanese labor and pick and cure. He haa also a number i f camphor trees that are growing well. "Deer me !" said a lady on Fifth avenue the other evening; ''How the china crane is growing ! Here's New York club that is paying $800$ for a pitcher." This medicine, oatabtniaf Iran with pure fSSSL pti&gi vHSE I .Mpara hUeaU HaJarta. Chill aaal Fevere, 1 1 tranSufn remedy Bar Dhwaaea ef tbe ''lanTauaWW'toV Diseases peepuar b rmea, and all who lead sedentary lives. i drwa not injur the teeth, eaasa Iwedaehe.n ..luce constipation efaer fro madidnn ti i ciirirhe and purines tbe blood, stirnnlati appetite, aids tbe eathnilaUon ef food, r m Heartburn and Belching, and strtnt ' Uie muscles and nerves. r Intermittent Fever. Laasttooe, lac' ray, Ac., it has no equal. iy The renuine ha above trvde mail NM il lt d linea on wrapper. Take no aatj br SHOWS taUUUCei. CBw BahTiaes : : ir ;, tooda co , Portland Or. BUOKjIT. " 4aS,a2jKN ir a JaH--ssl fLv AbbBiSsbbbbbbP $ v.. , we-- STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. nz im iwinnn-jdmn IS TEE WILLALL'.'jL YlfUl K pee la I bli-i m timtie li swH tei notioea 10 cents rr Hue. iaffll I eeari M ral mi... MBMeit4 al eit e- fl Ou (-r MpiMie (ill ll. lit I erratMe rmt cm. im( ,. ,Mtt. f,,, av irtaertien. Kates for r-..-. 'ti'inMi known on applkwtlora. low prices v,oa. Come aad ATT A TTTN CFHL'UF tas U V sitN saTaarsfaN U aw a, H HI f hi f WW ing rr' c&tci tiuplaauf usi : X-ISTEL AND BttlAT : a : o: Catalogue, 1885. UczA for Special Circmlars, C. : I.T.TIAf ak C.C cw ..oUrl Vlhratisstf Threwhier. The tuu: Effort :-e ami S-.i-i eaaf nl Co bi its mad Claaaaaa; Oraia ever i T w Sara M'lct Thrasher is tte iwaaM of yeas ..i? : i ;riaeat, rne i-fneted y I Use as -attxpeneaeedaMi - r ... n nnrhlaaa la iaaarira a. to -roJuCTe a macruee the waatM - r .ork than the JaV ..a were finable of. a4 wwa . . ; i .i-MU ae-rate eat frosa the astw t i a ri re i rncti aaaaarrthaa lesy . . ii.-iaoever. ! I vM tn i.m'cr. BSfl .t c-u he B ixi 5 saahsJ aai Red Cro wnMills I80M, LANSING d CO., rR6Prt. a ww raocass rxoca scraaiea vest tassaBBssss AND BAKkJU I SB. BEST STORaGF v4CHiITllS. Highest IPrice in Cxsk fm Wheat ALBANY OR. UTLERY. The best line of cutler in th Taltay be found at our More. It ernhraosi knives, table knives, forka aad botcher knives, hunting knives, knives, shears and scissors of all and the beat lne of ra sera over Into Albany. Come and bob for aai res. Par. Srs-wa SALE. One hundred and forty mites above Lebanon. 40 tare Its i vat ion. 10 acres slaahsd and aowa grass. ComforUble dwlllg. outhauswa. Cbeaix Tasolrs) at office. ilSS EMMA 8CHUBEIT, IILLJHERY AMD DRESMlUli Catting and fitting by the as System. TbvIbj. OPPOSITE REVERE KOHSL OPIUM AND I0HPIH8 HABIT v-BT-i W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D., T guarantee a rare in all bbbbs u arr d.reetions are strietly followw. Wm c ars in all paii) or loss of tiro frosa husrt a a a v 4- dress a Dove at a. i Deny, u SALE, One half blaok In eaatem raxt sal atty with fair house awd barn will la BhTkast by a C