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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY -BY- STITES& NUTTING. Bt!SlKUMrrt'Rlft Dfrnornl llil I it on NMaIMB Slreel. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION slnjle oopT, per year, in a.U ......... . Btafte oopy, per rr. at end of year aingie oopjr, mx mmths Stogie copy, thru months toils somber a oo l so T.N 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will gin special attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstair, over John BriprRa store, let street. vMniStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY POBUC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW. tutw, .. rLL PRACTICR IS ALL TH3 COURTS OF THK SUt. Special attention (fivjn to collections and p rebate matter. SeTOSce la Odd Feltasrs Temple. le: I. O. POWSliL W. R. WILTRU POWELL, & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. 41.11 ANY. - ORKOON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jaOffice in Foster's Brick.-a vMnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, will nrartic In all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT DRUG STORE, yl ILBtsY. OKE.0. FOSHAY & MASON, WHOUKLAIS SJTS UTAUr Urn agists and Booksellers, 4LBAMT, OREGON. vlSnsltf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Eto. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and "harp razor, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very beat atyle. REVERE HOUSE, e, irt anu mwrui j Chan- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hole! is fitted up In first class style. Tables rcppied with the best the market affords. Sprtaf Beds in erery noon, a gooa oamp,e cvuuw mercUl Trarelers. (fTrw oar b to and the Hotel." FURNITURE. f have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence od Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. Tor particulars concerning the course of study and the price of tuition, apply to MEV. ELtteST M. CMIT, Tressae Aioany Bath House. raranc ONDBR8I0NBD WOULD EBSP1CT I fully iaform the oitisenf of Albany and ri iaitjthat IhavtaE.ncnarg.aitnis r.siaDui at, aad, by kaaping olean roomi and payin --tttntion to business, expects to suit al th.i.who may favor US with their patronage w a Innt Having Heretofore earriea on novmug u. First-01ss Hair Drassine Saloons zpeets to give entire satisf -ction to al jaCUdtea and Ladies' Hair neatly en hapon.d. jum wapnexv. chas7metzgeks Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dresaed to ""tor All Goods deliver ed proraptlv, free of charge to any part of J the city. iNexi aoor toiat j ii.rouiv. Tin and Stove Store. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, ra a l wavR hroakir e. unlws voi have the kind sold by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen them. State VOL. XX. SMO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF V.wtn.l"iwon.OrB. etc.. Sneer CwUce, I r.i.,rii.ldluf.,Ar.,t uellrulrty n.d uat urwlly me the frwlt frwen which they art auuls. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. aaceaaae av tms Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago. III. St. Louie, Mo. seta or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder -e Dr. Price's Lnpuliii Yeast (Jems, Beat Wry Hee mil. WK MAltS BIT uKK yUAUTY. alsC in tr M arlr A t. I' UnJ, Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavor. Vanilla, Lemon. Oranjce, Almond. Koae. etc., C x as delicately and naturally as the trull. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOCIS, a I p ... (uticura Infantile SMn BeautiflBrsAupeal to Mothers Try Them. WoR Cleansing fje Skin and Scelp ot Birth Humor., f.r ailattiiK It-hm. Burr f treurinx the Brat symptoms nr ans mnainenat n. Vlilk rniit bbbbII HcaU. scrofula an.l other inhcrtteJ akin and blnou U. rasas. CtTMiaa. the freet Skin I'ure, an-. Ci-ncva Soar, an eiialeite Skin Beaut: Iter, externally, and OilStHS KsaoLviat, the new Bl-id tMnfler, interaailr, are inUllih e. Abeelutrly pure. 'TEBRIBLY IM LK II D." Mr. and Mr. Everett S'.chbtnt Bc rhcrtown, write: "Our Httle boy aa ternbly afflicted arith Ser.rfula. Salt Rheum and KryaiavUe ever atnee he eras burn, and uw'binjr we could give him helped him antil we tried CWIM hajisntea, .bich (frwtueJlr cured him, until he ia now m (air as any child." -M20O FOR OTIII Wm. Gordon. Arlingtrm Ave., Charleston. Mass., wriUa : "Having paid about ." V BrtclaSB dxrurs tr cure asy bai , without BSjaaaSS, I tried the I'm eras Keheme., which comptetcly cured, alter u.r. three paeka. FBOJI 1 1 1-. 1 TO FEET, Charles Havre Hinkle. Jerser City Heights. S. ). writea : "My sen. a lad ot twelve years, waa complete ly cured ol a terrible case at Ecxetra by thet i Ttcxa KiocDia. From the top ot hie bead to the soles "I bis leet waa one taaaa of acaba." Every other remedy aad pbyaician bad been tried in vain. FOR PALE, LAXCillD Etna-ited rhildren, with pimply, sallow ski", the OSISUSSa Rem km na will p-ovc a perfect bleasi-k. sleaiMing the blorjd and akin of inherited impuntiee and expelling the gems of acrofuU, rheumatism, oon- nuinption, aiKl severe akia a BEHT FOR THEffKIX." Tour Cmcrxa Rkmcdibs are the best I r skin die eassa I have ever aoW, and your CvTtcraa Soar the finest medicinal toilet auin tbe market. C. W. STAPLE", iKugaiat, Osceola Mills, Wis. Sold by ail druggista. Price : OMMBXA, f0 ete. ! RaaoLVEsrr. tl ; 8or, 25 eta. Potter lrujr and Chemical Co,, Boston, Mas. Scad rrs1.w t. Care SkJa Diaeaeea.' DADV Use Catleara Soap, an exquisitely DMDI perfumed akia BcatlOrr. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Suasessors to W. H. (Joltrs.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WA&ONS, HICKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. . (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manafactorea and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock pries. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of atone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ai.d resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas inz elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. , x G. W. HARRIS, Prop. EXfrTACTS XL 1 AN At I TO St KM LATK THK TKaNMIMiK TATIssN r IvtasKftUKItN AM IRIIt.HTK HI Mtl.Otl (usriiiiii Be it enacted by the Legislative Aeeein bly ( the State of Oregon : , Sect i. in i. That it nl all be unlaw ful for a ponton or ersoin engaged Alone, or aMooiatfd wi'b others in the transportation of property by railroad in th Statu of Oregon, to charge to or tveeive from any person or persons any grtater or leas rate or amount fr? com riiation, or reward, than in by him or thetu chargcu to or received from any other pfison or peraons for like and contein pOVMMOM service in carrying, receiving, delivering, itpltM or handling tbe same. All oharges for such services shall be,rwaMouabl. Providtii, That the rale .hall not 6X.ceedtbe tates chatgrd on t)u tr.t day of January, 1885, and any jtrrson or persons having purchased a ticket for passage on any railroad or railroads in this State, orpatd tbe required fare shall receive the same tieatmeut and be affotded equal facilities and accom modations as are furnished all other persons holding a ticket of the same olass, without discrimination. Dot nothiog in tbia Act abell be construed to dcuy to railroads tbe right to provide separate accommodations for passengers as they may deem best for the public comfort and safety. I'rovUeii, That no diactiuiioaliou is made on account of race or color and that tbe furntabing of separate accom modations with equal facilities and equal comfort,at tbe same charges ahall not be considered a discrimination, nor shall any railroad company or its of ficer charge or reciv from aQfl per son, wboia to be aojvSjSl o-r ny isilroad or railroads in ihti State, auy sum exceeding four cent, per mil) for the distance to be traveled by sucb per son and alltersons nsagd aa f rr saidtabali furnish without discrimina tion the same'acibii i fir carriage, re enring, deliver, u, etorag and hand ling all proerty of like character carrie l by him or them, and abali eiform with equal expedition the aatue kind of services connected with contemporan eous transHrtation thereof aa afore said. No brk, .lopuage or interrup tion, nor utty con ract, agreement or understanding ahali b made to prevent the carriage ofauy pro, --rty from being treated as one eon. in u i carriage, in tbe meaning ot thia Act, from the place ot shipment to the place ot Jeatinstioo, unleea aucb stoppage, interruption, con tract, agteement or tinderstar diog was made in good fitlth tor some prsctiosl and fifc-ssary purpose, without any in tent to avoid or interrupt sucb contin u ma carriage or to evade any this Act, unleas prevented by unavoidable accident. Sectiow ii. That it rhsll be unlaw ful for any jetfon or persons engaged In the trsnsjrortsticn of roperty, ss, directly or indiiectly, to al low any rebate, drawl ark, or otbr sd vantasre in anv form upon bi it ents ' D s made or er ires tendered ss slorraaid by him or ihem. Provided, That the provisions of tbis Act ahall pot apply to'goods in tended in good faith to be shipped to points beyond the limits of tbis Bute. Provided, That this discrimination shall be considered only as between persoos when relating to similar giades of freight. Section hi. That it ahali be un lawful for any person or persons en gsged in the carriage, receiving, storage or handling of propertyas mentioned in the first section of tbis Act, to enter into any combination, contract or agree ment, changes of schedule, carriage iu different cars, or by any other means with intent to prevent carriage of soch property f-om being continuous from the place of shipment to tbeplsce of destina tion whether carried on one or severs' railroads ia'this State sod it shall be tin. lawful for sny person or persons, carry ing property as aforesaid to enter into sny contract, ag-eement or combination, for pooling freights or to pool freights of diff-rent Md ronpeting railroads or ut dit l'to btHweeti them the aggregate or net proceeds of tbe earnings of sucb railroads or any portion of them. Section iv. That it shall be un lawfulor any person engaged in the transportation ot property as prescrib ed in the first section o" this AcSulumc ocj-eceive any greater cotrpensatitrr a similar amount or kind of property for carry ing, receiving, storing, for warding or hauling the fame for a shorter than for a longer distance in the same direction. Section v. That nil persona engag ed in ihe carrying of property as pro vided in the first Rrcti-n of this Act shall adopt and keep posted up sched ules which nhall plainly state ; 1st, ,the different kind and classes of property to be carried ; 2nd, the different piaces between which such property shall be carried ; 3(d, the rates of freight and prices of carriage between such places and for all service connected with re ceiving, delivering, loading, unloading, storing or hauling the same, whether mm ALBANY, OREGON, htioh property lie osrited wholly on one railroad or partly on petftral iaiboaU sad whether suoh services sie performed or compensation paid or nceived by or to one pet ton alone or in connection with another or other persons. The railroad or lines of a corporation shall ineludnull railroads or line in nan by such corporation whether owned or' operated by it under con ti sot, sgrie tnent or lease by aucb corporation. The schedule rrquired in thia eic'ton of this Act shall U prepared and posted up by such person or pSvW ns on the fitst Monday in January of each year, snd din.ll n t be) changed during the ait m niha to which they apply, so as to chara a gri 'ei rati of freight thsn lhat in such schedule stoOT toif til. That each and every act, matter or thing iu thia Act de clare 1 '.o b unlawful h hereby pro' hi In td in MM any 'Mrson or persons as defined in tho Act as engag d SS afore said shall do, softer or ieriiiit to ' done any act, matter or thing in thia Act prohibited nr forbidden or shall omi' i.i do auy act, matter or thing in tbia Act, required to I mi done or shall be guilty of any violation of the pro visions of this Act, audi person or -r-sons shall forfeit and pay to Ire person or persons who may sustsin datnsge thereby a aum equal to three timns the amount of damage, ao sustained, to be reeovered by the p-r u or persona so damaged, by auil in any proper court of competent jurisdiction. Where the person or persons causing such damage cau be found or tny have an agent, office or place of business sod if tho court before which sny such action is tried shall tie of the opinion that vio'a lion of law was vtiful. it shall mske allowance by way of additional coats to the party injured, a sufficient sam to cover all bis counsel and attorney's fees. BlOTlOl viii. That any director or ollicer of any corporation or company acting or engaged aa aforesaid, or any receiver or trustee, lessee or peison acting or enMml as aforesaid, or any agent for any aucb corporation or com pany, receiver, trustee or person sfoie said, or of one of tbem alone, or witb any other c r juration, company, person or patty, who shall willfully do or cause or willfullv suffer or fiermlt to be done, any act, matter er thing in this set prohibited nr forbidden, or who shall aid or abet therein, or aball will fullv omit or fail to do anv act, ma.ter ST W W or thing in thia Act reqoir-d to ha done, or cause or willfully suffer or permit any set, matter or thinf So dliected or required by this act to be done, not to be done, or sbstl aid or abet any such omission or failure or ahall be guilty of any infraction of tbia act, or aid or abet therein, shall be titty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- iction thereof be fined not lees tbsn one thousand dollars. Section u. That the words "a per son or persons," ss used iu tbis set, ex cept where otherwise provided, shall be construed and field to mean person or : persons, officer or officers, corporation o corporations, company or companies, receiver or receivers,trastso or trustees, leasee or lessees, agent or agents, or other person or persoos acting or engag ed in any matters and things mentioaed in this act. Approved February 20, 18JJ5. Tbe "law of tbe road," as understood in Pennsylvania, was laid down by Judge Biddle of the common fdeas court of Pniladelpbia a few days ago. It is to the etTect that persons meeting on tbe highway must each keep to the right. Tbis rule is modified in the case of a footman or a horseman, who cannot compel a teamster who has a heavy load to turn out of the beaten track, or even a li.jht, wagon with a heavy draught. If a horseman or light vehicle csn pass with ssfety on tbe left of a heavily laden team it is their duty to give way and leave the choice to the more un wieldly vehicle. A Pennsylvania paper says there Is hardly a farm in the county where It Is printed, that would sell for more than the Improvements in building fences would cost, and a local contem porary says that this statement might be applied to many other of the older sections a9 well as to Pennsylvania. To thia the Vermont Watchnvm adds: "But it does not tell its readers how It Is that firming falls so low, in the midst of great industries thut demand high protection in order to livo. These are things that ought to set men to thinking, lot if nelthor ngr!- cuiture nor manufactures arH doing well under the coddling syntein of the last quarter of a century, perhaps it would be tvst to try a more brac ing treatment." It Is time the far mers waked up In a retlizln,? sense of the truth and force ot this criti cism. Two girls in Buffalo have gone crazy over a story told them by a fortune teller. She probably prophe sied that neither of them would marry a coachman. ' LfL 1 1 h. 1 FRIDAY, APRIL Moral DiaTmTijs. Th i mt.-h;.. en I . nacooiio'.bl. per version of jit'lgmsnt produoed by Mor mon fanaticism is exemplified in the (Wolarstion of their leaders In tins ot their oonferei ess. Virtually subver sive of sll tho e rblihol principlos or Isw sud good or ler. Denouncing our honored court t and juiies as being too corrupt to sit in judgment on trial of a self righteous Mormon. This is the Mormon statement of the case: "Jurors are selected of kn iwn enmity to the parties accused or the prinniples invol ved in the trial. " f da proneeiltng ia condemned ss a l i . ui outrage on justice, courts o pat al and ooiropt the a "Mormon U Just , tu BOrU ing justice in the inf. in a I regions." Thus tbe Mormon ariatoc-cy aamtuea tbe light of dc noun rig all houoat courts of justice in discharge of sworn duty to execute law by thia theory, every virtuous udKe who was known to Oppose the bis pHl pies advocated by Mormons, must be d spiatitied and denounced as imrtial, unfit to ait in Judgment- Th a subverts all Uw and protection in our Christian Isnd I'u der our ides of law every honest, judge and jury ia jienly opposed to the shame 'ul t.'o l, d shonoring prc-' -. bene) on that contemptible thet v qua'ifitnl to tiy trangrnnaora on pn f being denounced fir condeun' ihe guilty, that iuie, lesigned t corruption and screen the guilty.e.- out,wou'd remote every protect m t honest enterprise. Supp a tin r . trial and pr ven guilty, and an hoi. eat judge snd jury known t ta opxasl u crime; if this diaqua'ifies, then no thinf could iver be tried excepting by a dis honest court. Aain in our social ie latti ns those who pro 'ease. I abhorre. MM t prafanity are denouneed if they con demn the profane. Again all Christian cburcbet governed by gospel rule abor and condemn these odious pnncio'. - and raclioea. Their expreaa i - sitim would disqualify them ft m -i in jud.mont on guilty pertisaTs ' same relation the"M affirm- lite! we are conscious of mir tnti-i id M VtolatiouS of the lw, Ood or tbe C stitution insisiiiij thai no accusation should l.e heard against Mi- i WnlswS sustained Ij v mih v v, - ...-.- This and Other kindred awb ' nothing but unj-iet i . . if a OJUrt in out ci villi I t Kinir v fi-o, HI ea .a , ,. -av ev wiitiimm of erv rsarstewtsf na crimes of ssculiar Cast Sal be M - raon -aya in tbe same connection tm consciences are clear ot any vi ahsMOfl of tbe lawa of God or th- Mrattt ri u '' Would an honest law eni img pan 4. lake h'a barn aaanrtlon of It) when contradicted by everv circum stance aa well as testimony 1 Pan', whan speaking through divine iuapiia'.i n, boldly condemned tbis e,!iMda and as sumed tbe right in unison attb the laws of Got), tj ait in judgment and pronounce condemnation on sll s ich, see R unans, first chapter. Such sub lerftigea, tolerated saps the foundation of all social aocie'.ios. And tb man boldly profane, recognizing that society openly declared disapprobation, would denounce society partial and disquali fied to judge profanity. H is fr juent tbis sbsmeful, groundless quibble is re sorted to by unworthy member of churches sod tetueranoe societies vis iting saloons, and when on trial attirm their innocence, pleading that no mem ber of the society saw him drinking, although be might have been seen re peatedly enter tho saloon door. Tbe very practice of frequenting such places unless on errands of business or meicy is sufficient proof of improper demeanor, justly deaerviog rebuke. And our laws and judges, temperance societies and chinches wit., as in days of yore, exercise the right to judge transgi e-aora, fvliots of Mormonisrn may command the mountain, but the mountain will stand firm. A Fiu km The Philadelphia Ttsays truly that ''the newspaper that never otTen Is never commands intelligent favor." Those milk-and-water journalists who try to please everybody invaribly end by pleaaing nobody. The statement is .made that Senator Van Wick uses three desks to pound on when he makes an anti-land grant speoch. What of it? (Jive him four desks if he will pound out the rights of the people on tbem. The Nj Yotk World expresses a fear that our Uncle Benjamin may break into the democratic enclosure again, in asmuch a he has saidthat Cleveland's Cabinet meets bis approval. Let us 'atake-and-ride" the fence. Two Dangeroua Seasons. Spring and fall are times when so many people get sick. The oha-go. In the weather are severe oi feeble person, and even those naturally atrong are apt, as they say, "to be feeling miserable." Then they are just in condition to be struok down with some kind of fever, A bottle or two of Parker's Tonic will Invigorate the digestion, put tbe liver, kidneys and blood in perfect order, and prevent more serious attacks, Why suffer, and perhaps die, when so simple a medicine wtll save vou ? Good for both sexes and all ages. tmuxaX 24, 1885. HI. """?"s1vBBiyWSBBBRS BAN K.R UPT STOCK'7 of merchardigeof Oolwell, Becker & Licke, SalerjJii?goD, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRYC00D8,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. much of which has been and our customers shall hare tie benstt of the low prices. Oome aad secure rare bargains FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, sawasi; .n ma j. ..asu a-a.j. . . aniTss av ma Women fhriitiao Trnprnifr I n n - - i - rn W ) Ml rt-c -iv.. t ha uut'el u m'.hly j sl, den i al dTmoper. .-, u Ithd W a T. U. trf S a' tle, W T Ig sets pg" pa ii hlet and dt - i I 4i i . 'iiree gen-rl departments. Tn- initial department will .comprise I 'nru'iuica'ion, easvs and lectures. Ttia o) . ("graphical -lajitn m-r, a esre. f l nd etitieal rvie ( ika. Tl ileeSral sV eCt1al 'V- ig the III fjeut vitfWe -f - I i , Sst.i'ary matters and t-0( snSv. The I baste, is neat in appearanca -d replat with freb, newsv and arjtig, we'l wri'tn articlea. May fli sacarpriaa prove in everv way au3C"ful,and nc Oregon, at an early date, f How in the wake of her flourishing sister. Nev.t week we will iv- the yearly report of the W, C. T. U. work in this place. To get a liquor license in Orlando, Fie., a man roust present a petition signed by two-thirds of the voters of tbe city aad pay ao annual fee of $600 into the treasury. The tastitton, like the fee, is good for one year on'?. It is also provided that the names of all per sons who sign a petition must be print ed in tbe local newspapers three eon recutive times. The I -cense is subject to revocstion whenever the municipal authoiities find that cause for such act ion exists. Orlando has 4000 iohabt tanta and only two saloons, both care fully conducted. Alabama has an iron olad anti-liquor act. For concealing liquor ia a prohi bition county with intent to sell or give a way the same, the fine is $250 or $1000, or imprisonment at hard labor for 12 months. For knowingly per mitting any one to conceal it etc, on one's premises, there is a like penalty. All person? frequenting a plaos where liquor is so concealed are to be fined or imprisoned. Tbe sale of liquor annuls a man's lease and leaves the lessee without a remedy. Constables in ssatch at whiskey are authorised to break open gates and doors. Express messengers may be fined or imprisoned for delivering liquor in prohibition towns. The prosecuting attorney gets double fees for convictions in liquor cases, Health ef Jew s. One noticeable feature about Jewish oemeterles in the south Is the soarcety of newly made graves after an epidemic of cholera or vellow fever. 8 atlstios shew that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred diseases. During the cholera aooure In Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it, while In num bers tbey equalled fnlly 20 par cent of the population. Their Immunity from die ease, and the certainty with which they reoover when attaoted by it, is accounted for by the aimpiiolty of their diet. They are very stnet sbiut following the dietary laws prescribed bv Moses Isn't It a lit tle strange that Moses. If lie waa only a historian, should have povaessed know! edge superior to that or the wisest and best physielsrs of the present dav ? He evidently believed in preventing disease rather than ouring it. This Is what De Haven's Despepsia Cure alms to do ; It acta directly on tbe digestive juices of the stomaoh and both prevents and cures In digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample bottles at Foshay A Mawon's Drug Store. BCCItliKV lit f!C i H1LVK. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores uleers. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chipped bauds, ehtlblains, nnrriH an all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or moaey re funded. Price 35c per box. For sale ty Foahay A Mason ?Ca 'e H.Allen Having purchased the & riiAS, H. DODD & CO. Front, First and Vine 8tsM PORTLAND, OREGON, isteoRTKBa or L AUDVAEE, IRON ADD ST PARI! MACHINERY. sasS lartfcs Issawsj sshssasssl imptcmeota: lirCKCYK OX THK fcOAD. Thee taachiiMM arc to well Looem to Med ooan i lUit. Ttinnaamls of farmers here hate osad thcui. a id ail speak ol I era erlth pralaa. Tbajr a. e In vary w, Uw a plus u tra of llarrcaa elaolilnaa The- teeta of TV -t 1 1 a -r tots hate ma'.c nan feat the nmiarfca&s durability ot US V.l KKVu- rcuU.Jj lr-.ii. the s rn (4 Icily ami Krt..ioti ot IU loeciianiwn, i.i an iuunonea luajurlt ct Lie fanners In t . Padtc state sim! TsrrtlMJ hare .rn Dm aante rcrdirt aa the farmers la etwrjr pan ol the erorld here the Hurfccjrs baa beam uaexl, m"iiticin it to W lbs only HanroctlagX-: h!atl that will -r: Entire Satiafactior 3 k i ne leeuum inw S eurlUsaaratlan. vt erlll paas in a a Stl' smmTT je-t r sisks Ths features that meet Btrikin-tv .i It Is a lower, narr v . , staaaffbt liae throa-S a t. a.i ' aiakcsv It Is feSUe' l-s mZS l J two The "leader" in polities complain tbst they do not know some of Mr. Cievelsnd's sppointees to office. Sup pose they don't ; is there sny Uw com polling tbem to ? There is no nee in fretting, gentlemen, Cleveland is Presi dent, and so far every man to whom be has given an office is worthy of it. It lieeeraes more evident every day that the man in the White Hnse is president. mm m John Bull seldom shows to better advantage thsn when confronted with difficulties thst seem insuperable. Ths British lion is showing sll his teeth sod olsws, snd his mane is rising. A QUESTIONABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. BROWN'S IRON BinERSSTA I IKON BITTERS Mmlarla, Chills aad-Ferera, ,Qsaeial 0auityPsUa ta the or Usaba, Headache and Neural. daflj. If. rwararfiV. th. NO C CO NQTOK, WOODA CO., Portland" Or, M medicine do. BROWN! bene! firmer ia iibsm The aye ec wrapper. TAKE NO I t STATE ftfCHTS CEHOCRAT. II TEE WILLAIETTB TALLH S . in! bm In. is d'iihw ui lwesl VeV umns 15 es-ata r tine. hesalar notice. lOoente tier line. For legal and transient ad II 00 tar so us re for the first i Se (vfit per Mjuitre for each su H -s f.r other art vert) known on applfcaUeeu Is wTHm AND BT1AP Lc-1. for Catalogne, 1885. Send for Social Circulars. Ce Al I T VI AN A Ce.S Hew .Tltxtrl Vibratfng Ttsrealarr. The moat Kffectirc and Sisuaasral CVaaaawasfaai fea Savins and Clean inf Craia aver cawat: acted. The New Model Thtwaber Is the iron ct rears ef 1-at.rmt and careful e.ntuent. eotndttl Wy Ht. Jxcua Miilcr. one of the in tc -jerv-oor i i I rui ! i ..;-) of tnrct.n,- machiacs ia AaacrSra. 7t.t .ii d at is to praduoe a macauae U v . ur. l vi better work than tbe beat m , i i o'ntion mere capable of, and eo il tLiMet, separate oat from the stre .ii ia a m.tre perfect maaner tbaaan i a. .iu wrjuseetrr. : ni ft 1 niaile '. kssi by a -laasa r t . -ir 1'iuder. t: -f - '.r.s it ran he dratm Ihraasyb a i i iat.4, j..... it i.. . 1.1 -uituatel as rue eUKr lis IBS Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & CO.,' PROPE'5. STBW PROCESS FLOUR StTTXRIOR POR PSaWBkfBBS AJCD BAKERS rSS. BEST STORAGE ACUITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash lor Wheat ALBANY OR. -CUTLERY. Tbt ie best line of cutlerv in the vallav te fonnd at our store. It em bra a peek at knives, table knives, forks and spoeaa, butcher knives, bunting knivea, parrag kuivee, shears and snissors ot all Ktsatsa. and the beet lne of rasors ever hrsght into Albany. Come and see for year eel vea. Psr pOR SALE. One hundred and forty aeras, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 seres its sat tivatlon. 10 acres slashed sad sown ia (Trass. Comfortable dwelling, ras1 oothouseg. Cheap. re at 'hie office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, HILLINERY AND SRSSMiHlt. Cutttns: snd flttintr hy the new Tay bar's s Svstsin. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. opium and mem habit euwu W. P. ALEXANDER, M. D., Tp-uarantrea cure in al) aa-ea Vf snv d.reetioua are atrMty followed Na S nor loss of time from iHRsatoieiSL Aal esa above at Albany, Oregon JpOR SALE. One half block in eastern van ire elt-r with fhir houae aad barn will he Jmss?