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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. Bl SI BSOFFM :la eacral Balldlagea Brvailalbln Mrrfl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION alnsts nun i ner rear. In advance n h S 00 1 60 76 10 sin :o 000. par year. i of year einle copy, U months in(f!e copy, three month in!- number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Orfgon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will give special alien ion to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND- - Notary Public. Albany. rn. Office upstairs, over John Brimrs' store, l st street. vHu2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNRY AT LAW. iiritL rucna is au tub courts orTua y SUM. Special attention riven to eollecUons an o rebate matter. in Odd FsIUw's Ti-mpl- f. C. POWKLL. W. R. BtLYKU POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORMRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Ckaieerji 4LH&NY. - - - OKrfGOW. Collection promptly made na all points. Coans nescotiated on reasonable terms. sMTOfflce in Foster's Brick. -B vHnlJHf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorn8j M Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. Will nrarttr in sll of the Courts of tbisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRrCSGlMT. Books. Stationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT 3DRTJC3- STOBE, Syl SUslXY. OKEtOV. FOSHAY & MASON, Droggistsand Booksellers, OKEGOH. MiPlf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLER, Albany, Or. HurTs, w, wiastok Physician and Surgeon. Officn on Frst Street, Just et of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. L0U3S CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razor, wbi.h are always k-pt in ood eondition, and hair cnt in the vry best style. REVERE HOUSE, Corse. First sad Olswsrtk Albany, Orcgaa. Okas- Ffeififer, Prop'r This new Hol.l i. fitted up In first daw style. Table, tappiied with the best the market affords. Hiring Beds in every Room. A rood Sample Room lor Com uniil Traveler. OTVrr f a'i tw and rrwas fce FURNITURE. 1 have the bss- stock of furniture in the city and w 11 sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the loet price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A cornp'e'e stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. 4 LB NY. OB. The Fiest Term will commenee on Taesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. for particular concerning tbe eearSM of atudy and in, price of tuition, applv to ttEV. ELB;:.1T S. COMDIT. Premea Aloaay Bath House. I ;il UNDStiSiUNED WOULD BK8PKC1 follj inform the oitiien of aioany ana ti jiQtvtaai iaivo' . aant,ad, by keeping clean roome and payin rt-jt attention to bainsfl, expects to suit ?1 those who may faror us with their patronage yxrins hsretofore carried on nothing hat first-Class Hair Lirasnlne Saloons eipsot to giv, entire latUf .non to ai I. r i"' 144 CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish or all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to rf " kinds of KAine in season. G ods deliver ed promptlv, free ofebtrece tf any Prt oi the eity Next door east of edaie Tin and Stove store. B RN DOOR H NGINGS, a .twavK hr(aki!ii; uul4-' wi have tb kind sol by Pier & S'hwsxc of Al bany. They "re 'nnde ot wrought iron, cannot jump tbe irack and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door nn til yon have seen them. afifl Mm VOL. XX. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF rnnlttn. Lemon. Ornnir. etc., laror Cakes, ( V. im..!,iallnK, A., na dellentety and mil u rally a. the ff alt IVom -hie h the ui-r mad. FOR STUEMJTII AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND AL0.XE. MD1N9 v THC Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. touts. Mo. Aataa or Or. Price's Cream Biking Powder -.a Dr. Price's Lupulhi Yeast Gems, rtc.4 Dry SSi Yewe. arcn sat.t; stt arssoexsac;. WE MaaUC BUT O.NE QCAUTY. h utt ir. Merle A Co, Portland. Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGEMS The best dry hep yeast In the world. Brats raised by this yeast Is light, while sod wbote- WB3 Has our grandmother's, Oticiotis bread. CROCERS SELL THFI. rUMteio er TsafJ, Price Baking Powder Co., EafiTrs sf Dr. ftfcfi gsftl ntTcm EKiica, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. r it). Sv ''-rl V a.--. uticura Infantile Skin BeautifiersADpeal to MothersTry tTism. FOR Cleaodof tie Skin and ScUp of lltrUi Humor., fur alUlrr Itehimr. Barumr u4 inSamiiml aa, f. r curing ibe Brat symjiUsns -f Krtamx, IVrAte. Milk Cru.l, Ssail Uead, scrofula and other inherited km and bld diseases, firm sa. the treat kin Cure, an.. OBSMBBA Soar, an exquisite Skin Beaaii Oer, exieinaiiv, ad CvTat aa Tujkl sjit, ibe n.w .1 fandar. iuternalli. aro BSMsVsb AoaiWuUljr pure. TERRIBLY AFFLICTED." Mr. sad Mrs Ererett Sichbtna, Betcbertowrt, Xwf., write : "Oar little boy SS trrlbly alB.cted no cr,fala, bait Kbenm and Kryatnelaa ever atuee be waa boru, Ki,d nhinz we could sie him helpvi him jnUI w- tried Ci tici a RcnHica, abirh Krvluall cured t. in, until he la aa fair aa any child." $200 FOB SOTIIIXC;." Wtn. Uurdon. T Arlington Ave., Cbarleaton. Jim , writi a : "Having- pid abwut - . U flr.UrUvw doctor, to cure my ban) , without eocct-aa, 1 tried the t Tl cfsa Resedim, which completed cured, after ininjc three (kat.-.. "FROM HEAD IO FEET." Chart ea Eayre llinkie, Jersey City Heights, X. J. wri'ea : "My eon, a lad of twrlve yeera, waa compleu ly cured of a terrible case if Kexetra hy the Cron aa Krkmcdirh. From the top -f hie bead to the eolee d hia feet waeooe maaa of acabe " Ettry ether remedy and phyeician bad been tried in vain. FOB PALE. LAXCSl'lD Ema-laied children, with (imply, aailow akl", the Crnct tA Resbdikm will p-ot a perfect bleeai -j, cleanainif the bUjod and akin of :nhitd iropuritiea and expellinir the gtnaa ot acrjf ul. rheumalium, coti (umption, and actrere akls dieeaee. "BEST FOB THE KKIN. Your Cmct'AS lunrwn are the beat for akin dia eaaea I have ever old, mI your Ci net nx Ar the fine-t tntdicinal bnletpin the p-arket. C. W STAPLES D.UKirit. Uceola Miiie, Wia. Sold by all dniKxtata Price : CtnciSA, 60 da. ; Bkholvkst, 91 ; ikjar, 25 cU. PotUr Drug and Chemical Co,, Boston, Ma. Scad far "Hsw to Care Skin Dlaeaaee Qgny l lallrars Saap, an txqu.aitcly DAD I perfumed skla BrautiBer. DEYM1TR0BS0N, (Successors to W. H- Goitre.) -DEs.LERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUSBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Huccrssora to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manafactares and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hsno, a complete stock ot all desirable lines of and arid sell at lied rock pries. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS fgsUK UNDEKSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now ore pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war rented to srive satisfaction Will work any ind all k.ndw of stone, but deal prin cipal in Oregon City granite. C.eanmg, p-pHifing a-l resetting a specialty. C all and Hiamine ray piices bef re purchas- in elsowbere as l win tun unumw nere as i win uhudibv Pbopoo west Biae ox rerry uwi'i' site post office. yyt HARRIS, Prop. EXBRAQTS ABB T7HT-1T). WASHINTON LKmHI. (Prom onr rrgular com Kndeiii ) SSBSSSSBSaSk WABni2foTox, Marco, 20th,88A. The sKuntlon in Washington la full of Inlcrcst. hut not at allstartlir p. All the Government oftlces feci (he thrill f a new life, and the soniut. tlon to cftVe hoklets In non l and alarming1. With h prfbidvnt at the head of affilra who has break fust at tight o'clock, and v ho Iihh finished an or dinary day's work at an hour when his j'feeeoessora were in lied; who listens politely to the twsddle of oftlce sucking delegations, and then sends the otfico to seek the unhcratd ed mm ; who dlmlea half (he cler ic il parasites of his hi unehold, for a "stsrter" who thinks before he acis and acts before he sneaks, there t much to cause surprise to those who are accustomed to old time men and methods. The example at the Whit" House would bo Infectious, no doubt, and would hare its Influence on the depirtmeots in time, hut it begii.s to appear that the administration ha not relied on the slow procee of Infec tion. The Cabinet officer whom he has chosen, some of them st lesst, appear to be men of deed who hnve taken hold with courage tempered by judgement. Useless clerks have b en discharged; expensive perquis ites of horses'and carrlsges have been dispensed with, and the hroad and intricate jungle of the civil service is being surveyed and mapped for im provement. It is carious t observe the Urm and ga'vamc energy that Is actuat ing the large tssly of political hum. mprs ard drones who have cJrsvtn pay for years and years without do ing any legitimate work, without, In feet, having any legitimate work to do. These men attd women would b willing to io anything now that w 'ii!d have the erb!nce of work and are put to e!ttrfe emrlla to pp r to he doirg something. There are eterkr of another etaas who hsH p'enfy t do but whom it hail been heretofore linjKiHsihle to make la do their wrk Tnere are many of this elase in the U. H Patent OtUc" whre the w of na passing upon Plications ..r in. . veniors baa fallen in many cla-a from six to ttvwive months in arretr : compelling the applicants for patent ' t wsit often more than a yesr hfsjsj their pater U are granted. There re nearly a hundred and fifty ex-mloers j in th- P-ent Office sod the force is I ample to keep the work up to d4te. I m. a. . x a .1 nutanaer hh um mm msremem of the last ekht, many of theee examiners htve -p -nt their time not - side of tho Patent Oflh-e, or in read ing, talking a'td flirting with the femsle employea of tho ofB re. Dur ng he last Week a change h s over the soiritof their tireiai I' ley have ordered, In an mtny IvtaTds, to stop their rsaip, r RtHj tis. none-t toiling, and iiring Ihelf v rk up to l tie, even If they have Iti W'rk at nigh. Tne eure thai tni- uHer h;is iutMiuplis'tetl appears rniraculoas to those unacquainte'l wPh the rrl nature of tbe flieeaee. The exainin era are now doing more in week than they hayo done liefore In a month, and at the present rate, their desks wiil io three months tie cleared of a long and shiiiiHfully neglected accumulation. The plaiulivo cry of previous ad ministrations to Congress hf been, "give U3 more clerks ! more clerks t" Mr. Cleveland's ringing command to the clerks, no longer backed by their Republican Influence, are buckling to it in a way that is edifying. There issomedlacontentand grum bling at the policy and the appoint merits of Mr. Cleveland, but it is sporadic and comes mainly from dis appointed Individuals. There is one fact that the greftl h 0. f of the demo erafle pr'y kwrta-'s and rejoices in, and tb mer-ly political and office seeking class will be taught to know it sooner or later. Mr. Cleveland was not sn office seeker himself, and has doubtless no hive for office seekers as a class. The office sought him, not to reward him fbf what he hfd done, but becuuae he was believed to be able to beglu a desperately needed regeneration. Representing ideas and principles that are old sa human ity and as etern 1 as domocracy, he is happily new and unentsngled man, let us have new methods. The great heart of the democracy tiny well be indifferent to private pufP and chagrins In the houndies- j y f a rescued and reunited nation. Bob Ingeisoil fays : "in 1888 tie e will be another Republican Korernme-nt.'' Tbe Louisville C.ur ier-J turnal remsike Ihai -Bb never waa very Bound on the future." Ir i i iioi -rs'l in Fitcab. in; that VIrs ! Gaifi'''! is soon to become tho wife ol a . n i miuiovct Uylrania. mm ALBANY, OREGON, wnaiiK mi i.n,, atissKO na Matte There was no intension of tbe.Cbiaf Justice to open the book at any partic ular place, and no deaire of Piesideat Cleveland that there should ho anything prearranged about ibe ceremony in any "ay. The particular plsce whete be kisseil, iherefurr, wns dm mult f srei dant entirely. Aa (he type imrd io the Bihh is smsll, the lips of the Prthhlent tourlud bJi verast of the 1 1'iih P-uhn, from rerse 5 to veia- 10, inoive. They are sa follonrs : A gOttd tnuu alio t h Isvot ami lead, eth ; hn will guide his , il .j.. itl dis C relief. Sorely he ahall not lie moved forsr er ; (he ritfhtwouN aa t X he in f varlastiog re-njr-m'jeii roe. Hh shall not ha afraid of evil tidings loa keart it fixed trusting in the Laid. Ilia heart is established, he ahall not ha afrai't, until he we his detdre upon hia enemies. He halh rUrjatasdj, he hath given to the nor ; hia i ightousneaa endureth forever ; hishotn shsll lie exslted with honor. The wicked shall aee it, and be griev el ; be ehall gnash hia teeth and melt away ; the deaire of tke wicked shall parish. Ilultimor Sun. If for no other reason the change of administration ia a good thing for the CO'Jiitr) because it haa shown what l.igb tn n.l ground the Hopubl:can rty cipahls of taking when it is out tf power. For instance, our esteemed contemporary of tbe Springfield I'nion, says: "The country ia of vastly mora censequence than Dewocralic oflire seekers, and if the president can only succeed in convincing tbe chsp fellows that want f flice ihet he cannot I bored or balHeafw ino makini; unworthy aj p . ln ritf, b will do n yood iMsaf, If s h' be i- hiini' g st, b n 0 r nn e.vili .l anosihv art-' au ort f m Bepwilieaaa." H f hat l thra he !.! reeolteeri that slim Bttth4icBfi sreWeits 'k-cii led tba white htiustt ihvy c .tm'rd on and receiv-a-i cimIIhI arnahv ajel sup(tort from Rsa uMiraiis ah-n tha "rlfap fslh wa" SL- I f.r si d -it r-O jnt a: uf atisl tin V a r'i d. Wrhin n wfss sfo r Sv4i,'v y,j., jj r, r-; - I 1 1... I A (Jfdicf .... .e r. . LrvH ,, 4i,,,, ,,.,rMI ,:, . r m tU ,: ..... t... . . . , fh.- l&tftL . fl. . . , . Th-r. bfjajr, ... , , ,IMj ,.. 4htnm mm uW ,, , , H . ti ...,.. , , .. ,,M. lUr i a, tl , tlg (.H(M s itk a v.-rv l, m, .Mft, ' D laanorsta t ta no fer. Cleve Isml, string under thn advice of such d.- ! s-d true ' 1 " ' aa HaTstd, td. Limtr. E'ldicotr, Msnninir, iuMief snd Vt'a, will do aim' ia j u H f ,( ths ennntrv and the aVaavrteea ic pstrT. We hei'Nt not to pre lict lhat th'a repaMteaasi who no pretend be plesse.l tvith nil adminisirs'itn a ill hs baapief cu'-es up in him in ls than a vear. Jt ia only a little whilo i: hc a Piasident of the United 8'stes miht call a Chandler antl n TUer i'('.,i his Cshiuet without crastio siiv snch lia turhariCc) as tho spimifitroent of Hij gins te a clerkship under the present administration haa doutt. This in some thing in tba way of progress at leaar. A number cf c'.ervmtn called up m President Cievelutid lat week and pre sented a pntitiou signa l hy 1000 clergy man urging him toeufore the Edmund's set to suppress polvgsmy, Tha presi dent said ha would give the subject careful e maideration at an early day. Mr. B sine csllwd on President Clere land ti e o'lirr dsy. "I ni gld to sne y m, Mr. Blaine. Wlnt.lo von find to do with yourself these dayaf I Hin writing hisUiry." 'Wall you are web'tme at alt Mines, Mr. BUine, to come here and see us make it." It, is stated that' Michigan lumber men contemplate investing three mil li .ns of dnllHta ;.n California and Ore. gon forehts. They have already denud ed the pine districts ot their own State uf tre's, and are imw eonirng ti do the Stxne thing for w. "There are nearly seyeu inilliuu chii .lien In the United Batten wife, do not know their tutteis," -ya an exchange, There is nothing titrat. to thut. We know a vftiy prominent stnttsuian who didn't- remember bis letters lasj Kuoimet until he read them in the ,awapapex A reat "big organ" itnsking in the sunbeama that sparkle frpw tbe lumi nous orb -of t he "cot tedetscv" is soene whose tranquillity can scarcely ''M real ized hy an ordinary mortal. Bat such U the nckltnees and unalahla character o big organs" anyway. -r-wjr FRIDAY, APRIL r uioia fACTS 1 I rhatc f sitlo In Ltiocst Dish ill. Kna land, rpw aid of 4000 heads of iamilira who are threstuned wlih proseoutiun on acedunt T it. ir oonaclsntioni refnaal to si !qw ihi'ir childien 10 he vaccina t ad. O dorado HprlnRS claims tl- N rior tf , .... uraMnjt "ie vu' rr.nniry in iuvati abl neaa of tempeiatnte, (ha therrunmr tar having shown a v nisilon of 72 in twenty-four hours t'urlng a recent cold waye. In BrafM tWrre are 1,200.00 slaves, wb i arrt treated with cruel tv that js almp'f baihar'iue. In rhe ini,iire chih 4f-ri horn to nncbtea ate no givro ibH'riilxrty until thejr serv tbei- outlier mnatara twenty years. H n Nadcan f I Auyelcs couoty, the Urast vine planter in ('alifornia, bat ! on! altiiir. liinOdii viri'S tbia asast n, snd ie aralting for morn ra'n to in:riat tin- nnenrr. Iln an i hii tons htve now hetwKon 8,000.000 s-id 4, 0jO,HK) in,snd sra i In Urat yrspe growers in tbe world. Birds ae wi'1' ' i ,, He ws latna o ivfs I irh hrp, fonnlt g a b"ak. Tiiia vtia gris ly in shape, b'ing extremely wide in il n wdippoor will.remarkahly lung in the felicae,atout in the asgl ami ajet4e in the knmroer. Itia bardeat in ih aj thittt-aror hruiae thair foral, ami alfkeafl in watrr birds. The tongue is also entered with a horny sbeatb, its chief fanerloa tieins to ae. cure tbe food when in ths mon.h. It is proportions! iy largest rd most flesl y ia tba parrvte, AHhi.ugh thre,,fi or six c nta Barm eery little for rhs uaa ." f 1 foe a yfar, it ia ttirrraing what a tat - m it smoanta to when lft fr s i iiiu't f y's's, in thm cs safe Cbineetleat man wl.'i in 18.1M c nm-rc ntakinv deaoa'ts ins saetwf ai k. H "al deposits f "to ,h flats tntil H& amonntr I to ftHlitll and iHSfl h $1270.70; st v i I 38 ' wnk on h v:t ht and ' hatsi C I 273 sa To i atttsi a i h- rai i t it'-.'.-, a t I i,. I. re 611 I wh-t Ii is dis-. : - i. hoy; idani, Ii faeaial ' 1 il of t) eallay ict, ( I - nii-t urn ,) and (- ral rWast ' of tnn-s, v whirli it armtislltr s-lvatteCS Imii an mea iluisi.t fiern the 4aee Iio'i I'lsnt "i s first rstted. Kt f - aiiolhsr krt-.i a dd".srhii-h tr'- i e idao ft'itlo of, iai Ii ' iti ( i v vvars time ih i-lsnt iree.led alMrt.t tsreiity irtt hes frwtn iis onyi, J-IC". uav wosm riAt waii at. Iii'l y.u ever tea a aroaMM pi y whist? N ! Waft, aha d te ii s in wb ll as folh.w : ,Oh, desr, 1 l m't believe llmt I eati ivr get tbe-e e rda arringetl. No-, let MM ee that nti g'Hs there and Oh, dear, I've drooped that tn ih- II r, Won't ynu pick k. up? Thanks n w let me see 0 it ny plv? Mercy! I'm sur- I aonl know which one to ply. There I pl iyed the wrong one, bat never mind. II ive I g it to fallow suit, can' I I i rump? 0 I wish I cruld hvo thrown away on that trick. Could 1? Oh, Puti si aorry. Now, how stupid I was I didn't see it was my partner's ace when I trump ed, hut never mind." And so It goes on, and at the end of the gimt her pirlnT generally hrsto SMDd the rl llculo of the other aide bee "ise be was so badly beaten. Kitur etiur "I was right Marl till rheumatism ot in," atid a suff ting old nun who lived near the awaiup. F el is, wber ver yon live you cn't te."iight peart" If )ou are a victim of tbia troubbsome disease. Captain C. W. Hotsenpiller, Springii. I I, O., says, "I found greu relief froflu inflamtoatiory rhjumati.nn by nnin Brown's Iron Bitters." Tbon ganda of o'her litvn fj in I niiniUr re lief. Tie man who just clears the more emphaiio Wrd ar.d saye dam will bear watching. ass 1 Bernard Mnrphv, Champion Youth Walker of Austral U, says in the Mel bourne Siorlainn : MOa Monday previous to the match wi'h Orraes, of Sidney, I ws attegkal with tha 'stitch ' I cculd not walk another yard, an I gave up all hope of winning. I was adviaed to try St. Jae'.hs Oil. I did so, rubbing a little ou o... s? h. I have not been troubled since, and won r;.v inifuu. ii A U-v forbidding any ens to iv: to Ucco to minora his been paas.d by the Iuw L'ialattire. The handsomest mau in Washington U Benatpr Butler id South Carolina- It ia uuurceaaai r Daoiocrat. to add that be is a tmumt 10, 1885. N.H. Having purchased the BANKRUPT, STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becked & Licke, Salem, Oregoo, at Less Than BLalf Price,. consisting of DRYC00DS,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOE?, HATS, CAPS,fT6. arrl our customers shall have the boa- It of the low nrices. Come sad secure rare bargains FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. I'r f. !i A Ih f,.io. a it-tt . l S iV llllt ther -fi- t ' a I e'l we'SOH of esasf, . si h i in sUKfawtyfag -ii ! . in - tl t- a ! tsUI'ftaajjqaal '4 f Hep . In. rwica h 1 Ii'-, thi'Ugt st fl rl re-,n N d"U' e t A tut mi Hack was nj h f r Iron lu' e "r v n tr .ii b it Ut hy thtir. U 1 it.i-.irp rutin vsTj black with ni'ii a alMllac vsmi h The mla-ur.- ntiuhl ! i I on very thin. I Bat .tlM.arv PtMtter vsridsh will -. v na su:t pursi- in in-w( rimm ' ! . sa well, and it is o ro-arij Mb Sf"liV. J ...... I" M-i ..r Hit i. . lelexr pi are s-id Iti !uve 'sh-h t list Mjffesa fully e it,ttr,d need aa4 po'lshing lar I a r fly for tie. Toe Sn Frnrirco Cttll ays : -ln lueAlag through this leleCope it la ret k -rie-i lhat the n mm will I bMUght wiihiu thirt Mallei of tbe earth, ami discover ies will le mail- on that planet to s Ive prtiblerns here. f r - held to be una IvaMe. The tret less cor.di I hi of parts of the S-.uth American patnpaa, of the LaPlata faglofa, at least js atiributed hy Mr. Arthur N t the work of an omnipresent aM, v. hieh feeds up -o lfvea an I (pi c ! testroys tne aiedMnif and nthel ndet plants aa am as the Io v- sj - ear above the ground. IndUu crn grows freely on the plains, its growth be ing so rapid that the insects do not succeed !n completely devouring the yooeg plants. S nator Conger, on U ng made chairman of ihs cornmitte on ot offices, dismis"! a t ho k f lung experience and appointed hia own son to tbe posi tion. ararra imiukm or n aa CM Liver Oil, With llTpopkosphifsa, Kx- ejKaat fjr Dalleate Waal lag ckildrea. Dr. Charlea C. Garrett, Calvert, Texaa, aaya : I have used your Kn.ulsion for oter a year, and have derived much benefit from it in th marasmus of children being tolerated by the stomach when all other medi caments were rejected." Tbe word fossil, as applied ta human beings, has been used ao many times iu the columns of the Dbmocsat, aa well as other papers of the state, that an explanstioa la perhaps in place. It refersto those man wlio have lived ic a commualty for years il' not ages, reaping the beneflt of tta growth and Insreaslng prosperity, bs giving- te natbiag, advancing not au luoh, board ing everything, opposlug everything, oonsenting to uolhiug, in faot, as far aa the community is concerned being ef no moro use or service to it tbau a genuine thousand yesr old fossil. Now. really is it not too bad that Albany haa halfadozfuor more of them la Its midat. We have no ne.sitt.tlon In say Intf this, aa none of tbm ta'aa t'i Dbmo cat. They are too too, fossilized to spend a few bits to support their city papers, which do so mush towards build ittg up the place, fowls of Wool utile J. The Democrat wants forty cords of wood Ju-it aa soon ai it can be ban t d Immediate payment will be made in subscription to this paper at market price. Last year our subscribers ou'y about lialf came to time. This year we mean business. The wood is just aa good as cash to us and tbe same to our subscribers, henua we are entitled to it early, aod of u good quality and measure. It saves paying cash on botli sides. a as There will bo a iar:a wool o.ip io Oregon this year ; but the prospects for a rise in tba prios ot 16 are very poor. SO 87 Allen Co., much of which haa boon 1-HAS. H. DODD & CO. Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, laroBTEiu or - - IIAEDWAEE, IE01T AUD STEEL, -ASI fae: Wc ftft: r!c Whit for Htf foJkr BtXKEYK OX THE EOAI). machines arc too well known to need enev ThunaamU ot tanner here have am! tbctn, S atsfl aV of thwai wltli prsite. Titer are in every . . uie tic plus ultra of ILaneat Kv-hlfw Tto. Jot l Twsttt lttrwT hsve m.!e natiUest Ihs rv urlaliie duratalhy of the Dt'CKKYK, resulting ISBBJ the uipUdty snd perfeetkia of iu tnectutnuan. at-4 fc kntuienM u-jority of the farmers in the Pacific s"i.u xxhI Territunc hare pen the wnc verdict aa the (inner Is every port of the world when the Buckeye has teen uJ, prooouscins it to be Ihs cnlyHorvoftiflg Xacliino that will i?o Entire Satisfaction to tho Purchaser. The features that most strikinjctv distinjptuit the St ourJllustration. Ion. It a lower, namiwt r, atvt nti It will pass In a straight line through a ten antl a ball a1 aartvwer pass. It la readily mmmm W' tv srood The San FranciKCO Chronicle says Ooi. Vilas will irign as PoslmaMer General next January and that Er Senator McDonald of Indiana will naade Postmaster tr-neral. According to Republicans, civil ser vice refotm means keeping Republiuars in office and excludiig Demcciats (herefrom. This ia tbeir highest and only conception of the law. v,. ,, t,,xiM a no vu.u iu. n , u..w ui.v wuvo re going to le -nutil ,.0.1 this year. fv in a hill THE 3 BEST TONIC. This medicine, comblniag Iron with pu ne .' table tonics, quickly and complete ) l ures Iyapepala, Indievtitlon, Wpnknex-. . ixpare BIsmmI, Malaria, t kills and Fever-. . Nrnralsiu. 1 1 is an unmllins; remedy Sir Dsseaaes of tl ::iilneya and Liver. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar t'i r .men, and all who lead sedentary live. t: does not injure the teeth, cause headache . -luce constipation othT Iron medicine , : t enriches arid purines the blood, rtlnmln: aBBSfiSSj aids the assimilation of food, t Heartburn and Belching, aud ftrei .!- the muscles and nerves. 1 or Intermittent Fevers. lassitude, Lar . rjry, &c, it has no equal. - The genuine haa above mn: I ' :-M"d red lines on wrapper. Take no - est BBOWI CBUUCAL CO, BULTlHOi: I tSJTJy, W v J O., yertUgdOft -SaaawV -jjfc wIvVB 'V m alawWK. Tlio Bucltoyo DliC-Xo w ZX Binder im m m m 8TATE RIGHTS DEMGCtAT, in mi iwmim mm ii m uumHi mm. "inl Lvslfeee i tinea in tsl uriii.s 16 c-ifits fr lin. Kekblsf Kswa u-i ! -, 10 rents per line. I t al and transient at) r sTtasswasatsi t! CO per square for tba first. liaaiataaaarJ 6S eertUi per arjuare for eaeb ewbaHsiail Insertion. Haea for other stivertiaeiaeals known on application. IACHINEEY. - )in VSR AND : ro: Catalogue, 1885 Send for Special Oircaian. O. Al'LTSAJt Sc CO.C Kew nodrl Vlbratins: TtorswhtCV. The most ESectire and 8am fnl Sarins; sad Ctaaaaaw brain ever The New Model Thresher - the reaatt of ya af taticnt and careful cxpciin-ent, uasihiBtaH hy Ur. Jab MUIct. one of the nsustsxpwneaeei aa4 .is ein i tiers of threahins tr.n func- in SJaartta. : i-xl al was to produoe a inackUe that waSiJt . r sad do heu-r work than the bws .. . : nJt in operation wars caaa&e of, aaj se jIX in add.Uon, separate Jut .pobb the strv .. r'.. in am re perTert Evsaertuoj a Sul i vi prvviuas rvaciiUM Huckeye riatlorm l.n:rr mm ne mae ooiocs wj m r BBfaaaaa ine t-"vtor rn:vr. lo-.t jmte; or ?ot:- anjitnt u eaa a h drsx - Uawach a isasea, ana u as fssatr aatasawaBaa atir other VlsleS Red CrownMiUs IS0M, LANNIXG & CO., P&0PM, SEW PROCESS FLOCB SCTEUlftB BOB 9kl UM AJD BAEEXS rSB. BEST STORAGF VACJLITilS. Highest .Price in Caah tot Wheat ALBANY OR. jpUTLERY. The best line oi cutlery in taa vajwy . be fauud Rt our store. It imk ) knives, table knives, forks and bincher Knives, Minting Knivsa. psnsj kqives, shears and scissors of all ktsfy. and tho best Pne of razors Brer kawa, into Albany. Come and bbb for ywax? selves. Psra IrvwaSaf. JJOR SALE. One hundred and forty aerea, ahsa miles above Lebanon. 40 a ares in ea tlvati ti 10 acres slashed a ad ieirS grass. Comfortable dwslllnf, wmt outhodses. Cheap. Inquire ai this office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AHD DR1S8-IUIII, Cutting and fitting by the new Tayiae'e System. 1 OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE UPIUM m MORPIHE HABIT (83B BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D., Itiu ranteea curw T L . Msrinn are strictlv followad. cure in all rasas tf itaiuorloss or time from burtaasa, Ad dress above st Albany. Qngmx. IobTsalb, On- balf block tn eaatarn pari .SwfSf city whh fair house andbarn will He assai cheap . --