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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1885)
3 TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITKS & NUTTING. VIKftOi-t'l K-lu lrmrrl ItalldlMKon ttrourialblu Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single oopr. p.r y, ad ranee., single oup.v, par year, si oiid of ys H M a oo 1 so 78 10 ur Oft copy, six nunnns . . . lagie oopy, three month iajrir number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albiauy , Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of thia 8tate. Will five peoial attention to collections and probate mat tor. Office Id Poster's new brick. 49tf L. BL MONTANYE. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Org;oB. Office upstairs, over John BrisnrV store, let street. vln2Stf J. E. WEATHERFORD, (HOTART PUBLIC.) vTTORNEY AT LAW, A LB AX V. OBKW. TTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COl'RTS OF TUP f gtata. Special attention givon to collections and probata mat tar OrOEtoa la Odd FeltoWe Tetnple. l:t r. O. POWRLJL. W. R. BILTKH FOWEIiti & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancerjr, liy. - - - Colleotions promptly made on ell points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. flff-Offlce In Foster's Rrlok.-Os vlsnlStf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittornej And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Pnbllc. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of tUisState. All buainess Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUQOISTR. Hooks. Stationerv and Toilet Articles, I Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY 3DZRTTO STORE, Syl UBlM.OREtO. FOSHAY & MASON, VaOLSLAlS AXD SSTalt Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. ifSniltf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. P1ESCR1PTI0SS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp nor, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, Crne. Viral and Etlsworlls Albany. Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. tm. u fltuwl dd in lint class style. Table. applied with the beat the market afford. 8prin Beda ;n Tery aootn. a j jou aunpn afi ill Traveler. te and from the H!1.M FURNITURE. C have the best stock of famiture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and tbe lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBIHV, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particular concerning the course of study and th price of tuition, apply to stBV. BLBEBT S. COSDIT, PreMdes A.Loauy Bath House. il:iS UNDBK81QNKD WOULD RESPECT fntle Inform the of Albany and Ti swt'tty that I have taken charge of this Establish avartt.asd, by clean room and payin isrict attention to buiineaa, expects to salt al thoi.who may favor us with their patronag. Savin? H.rotofor. carried on -nothing bnt First-Claas Hair Dressina Saloons aspect' to sir. .ntira atiaf'ftion to al "OUdien anl Ladiea' Hair neatly on bam p. .0.4 JOS WEBBER. CHAS. METZGERS Fisb, Poultry and Game X M Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Pouliry dresed to order. 11 blnrla of nirnA in s-Aon. Goods deliver ed prompUv, free ofcharfje to any part of tut, uivy- l. UVUJ urn. Tin and Rtnvs store. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are alwavs breakliie. unless von have the kind soli by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They ere made ot wrought iron, cannot Jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til yon haT seen them. Stow VOL. XX. TEST I0DR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY.1 Brands advertised as absolutely pur oonTAxar AMMoit ia. THI TtSTl riaee I , ran top down oo a but ,. ntU hsabM.thsa remote the cover anil un.ll a ..i., -m ..... i.- . DOES HOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, na sjui.Tttn.usas axs NjrVIR sua qrcsTiosts. ta a latlUoa horn, for a qaarsar of a eentury it Uma Uiod Uts ronsaaterV reliable test, THE TESTJF THE OVE. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., haku or Dr. Price's Special Flayeriug Extracts, TtaUiaaM.MH StWUe as. ulmlltw Iam,m4 Dr. Price's LupuIIn Yeast Bems Kur Lis hi, r.. ..!. BreeA Tbe Ue.t Dry 11 p Yratt In IIm World. FOR SALE DY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . ST. LOUIS. . nil ty (.coins'. Maria Co, IVrUaiul. t LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD SB YEASTGEMS The best dry hep yeast in tho world. Bread raised by this yeast Is light, while and wbere WiM liae our grsndro ther 's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. .... a la Price Baking Powder Co., BstTiifll Br. PriK's special naicrm litnca, Chicago, III. 3t. Louis, MO. fa sajslp OaHtlg M t. ail C .I'j.tlwl. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Posi tively Cured. ECZEMA, or Skit Rheum, tth lu ayanUiitf tub ing and burning, laataally relieved by a warm hath aitb Cvtil-i ax Sor. and a wnxie apli.-aUu n n-TWfaa. the great Sain i'ut Ttila reeaxed daJit with two or three doaa of Cmcra KaaoLvaxr, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the hlood cnol, the pera piration pure and unirriuung. the boweta "pru, the Hrer aud kldne aetive, will epeedlly rare Eeeasaa. Tetter, Ringwtimi, PaorUaU. KUbeu Pruritue. Srall Head. DaAdrafl, and .eery apeciea of Itching, scaly. and Pimply Hunxn f the Scalp and Shin, when tbe beat phyetciaoa nj an known rctneiltce tall. Will Mrlwal4l. VAt Kearbom St., fhicaen. greaufolly acknowledge, a cure of Eexema or Mall Kheum on band, neck, face, arm, and lege for at en teen yeara , not able to walk eaeept on baade and knees for one tear: not able to help hitneeH tot eight ean ; tried bundreda of remediea . doctors pronounced his case hopeless ; permanently cursd by CmcvaA Kjdmjlvkyt (blood pari fief ) Internally, and Cmci a a. and Ctrun sa SoAr (tbe great skin cures) externally. Uaaa. aaafaua. Starysr, 2H state St., Boatoa, report a case of Eczema under his observa tion for ten years, which entered tbe patient's body and limbs, and to which all known methods of treat ment had been applied without benefit, which was completely curad solely by tit. CincvSA Kasuiast leaving a clean and healthy skin. V H. Drake. Esej . Detroit, Mich,, ufferci un tohi torture, from Eczema, which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. After the most careful doctoring and a consultation of physicians failed to relievs him, he used the On ers, a Kkskmm, and was cured, and lias remained So to date. Mr. Jeha Tfcel, Wilkeebarre. Pa., wriu. ; "I bare s offered from Salt Kheum for over eight Sears, at times so bad that I could not attend to my usiness for weeks at a time. Three boxes of Cs nor a a and four bottle. Rraon znt have entirely cured me of this dreadful disease,' Sold by all druggists. Price : CmcrsA, 50 eta. ; Bescvkst. ft ; Soar. r cU. Potter Irnig and Chemical Co,, Boston, Maa. Poller Drus and fhrmlral 9:, stestesi, fkIITI''rlu SOAP, an exquisite Toilet Bath.aad vv a Nursery Sanative. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BU&QIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) DannalB, Woodln & Piste, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock pnecs. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rriHE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I inform the public tbst he is now pre- . e m 'a, J3 h n pared to 00 an Kinas 01 nwme hdu iuruit, work on ehort notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kind of ston9, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, rep'H.Bgai,d resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Khopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. t G. W. HARRIS, Prop. amtiioiiU. WANT TO K5IOW. A correspondent wants to know what tbe civil service law and rulos are, end to tbe appointment of what officers, and clerks they apply. We will briefly sniwer our friend. These laws apply only to the appointment of clerks in the government service as follows : They regulate the appointment of olerka in' each customs district of tbe Unites) States wheie the olerka and persons employed by the collector, naml officer, surveyor and appraisers, or either of them number fifty or more. The diatoms districts where the em ployed number fifty or more at present are as follows : New York City, Bos ton, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Belli -more, New Orleans, Chicago, Burling ton, Vt,, Portland, Me., Detroit and Port Huron. Theae lawa n'so regulate tbe appoint ment of clerks end persona employed, or :n ;be public service, at any ot ofUce in the United Statea where ths number of such clerks and persons equal fifty or more. The post officca which now employ fifty or more clerks and persons and which fall within the law are, Albany, N. Y., Baltimore, Btstor, Broeklin, Buffalo, Chicago, Cin cinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Indian apolis, Kansas City, Louisville, Mil waukee, Newark, New Orleans, New Yo.k City, Philadelphia, 1'ittsburp, Provideaoe, Kocheeter, He. Louis, San Francisco antl Washington City. These laws Io spply to the ap oint ment of clerks and subcrdinsts in the several departmrnta at Washington, uch as the Department (f State, De paitment of War, Deparimeni of the Treaaiirv, Department of Justice, Post Office lepattmen', Deartment of the Navy, and Department of the Interior. Bat our friend is anxious to knew ptat how or in what manner tbeae appoint ments are controlled and regulated by tbe civil service laws. Under an act of congress, approved Jan. 16th. 1883, a Civil Service Commission wss author ized to be sainted by the President, by and with tho adioe and consent of the Senate, to be orajtoaed of three members, not more than two of whom aHall be adherent, ot the same political party. This commission sppoiota a Chief examiner snJ extmioing boards in various pat Is of tbe eviutry, where those who desire to make application for any of tbe clerkabi, mentioned in this artiole, may go Wfirs said board 1 1 be examined touching their qualifi cations and fitnee f r the particular clerkship for which they make applica tion. These applicants are nxamined In orthography, ienmauship, arithmetic, bock keeping, English grammar, letter writing, geography, history and for emen. nt of the United Statea. It will be seen from tb above that very few, relatively speaking, of those in tbe em ploy of tbe United States, are appoint ei under the civil service laws of the country. The apiwintutena of none of the f.l lowing officers is regulated by theae laws : Clerks and other employes of the Smate aod House of Representa tives, clerks aod employes in the Exe cutive office, assistsot secretaries, chief clerks snl besda of bureas and divi sions in the several departments men tioned above, Cabinet officers, Judges of the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts .of the Courts of Claima,Supreme Cjurt of tbe District of Columbia, mar shals and clerks of these several courts, diplomatic, consular and ether officers of the United States in foreign coun tries, collectors of internal revenue, postmasters of a'l classns, clerk" and employes ot pottmasters, unless the number of such clerks and employes equal or exceed fifty, United States district attorneys and raarshsls in all the judicial districts ef the Union,regis. tars and receivers at all the United States land offices, Indian agents, gov ernors, chief justices, associate justicss and secietaries of tbe several terri tories of the Union, Huperintendent of mints and a ih"t-t d and one other official, tio t.uturtoUH now to mention. Our correspondent will see from the above that the civil service law spplies only to a very small portion cf the government service,and that exclusive ly to subordinate positions, aud that when our Republican frieuds talk about being pleased with President Cleve land's ciil service views we simply hear tbe rejoicing of those whose hearts are made glad st the mere opportunity of holding on to a few clerkships. They are entirely selfish about the matter. They would not enforce the princif le of civil service reform when thy were in power, and would set it aside if they should ever come into power .yain. The Republican party riaa experi enced ton many disgraces and re in. kes on account of its scallawags and its failures, to continue the pre posterous pretension of containing all the goodness and the ability. Ml'hfl Republicans are beginning to find out that CleveUndha9 "views,',- afterall. mm ALBANY, OREGON, W ASUIftflTO LKTTBSY. (rrusa our rstrttlar corrs tn!at ) WarhinuTdn, Maacii, 14th, 1880. Publlo attention is now natural! centered on President Cleveland and his newly chosen advisers, and every thing In regard to thoir movements and Intentions Is eagerly heard. The tcne cf iiapattial comment Is favor able to tbe new regimo, and It ia ooratnanding respect and popularity from the start by the dignity and dis cretion shown In every act. There are greut expectations a to what will be accomplished in the next four years. During this transition period in Ita history upon which the country 2a now entering, Washington will be the cynosure of the nation's eyes. Instead of interest ending with the expiration of the Forty Klght Con gress, it rather begins, for Congress did III tie and tho Cleveland admlnis trail. .11 must do a great deal The change in tho ofllces, which began at noon on the 4th of March by the transfer of executlvo power from Mr Arthur to Mr. Cleveland, goes on from point to point. The changes In men as well as In principles will be very great. Nothing dramatic will occur, but the political situation will be interesting. There will ho a new political atmospbere.and with changes some novelties in habits and princi ples of government may bo expected President Cleveland has already introduced tome Innovations al the White House. The household is re quired for an eight o'clock breakfast, something unheard of before at the Executive Mansion, and the library which has heretofore been controlled by the sweepres and house cleaners until noon, Is now roady for business callers at an early hour. Smoking Is prohibited lit tho offices of the White Houe. and the methods of doing work there havo been sim plified by tho dlschsrge of one half of the clerical f jrce. Fewer employee and plenty of work for those who remain, Is the motto of the President and his prlvato secrets ry. They pro pose to earn their own salaries, and will require their subordina'es to do the same. The work of retrenchment begun at the Whito House, will not end there. It wm a hint to other Depart ments with superfluous force, and ha- sent a chill of ternrr through thou sands of government clerks who have for years beea drawing bounti ful salaries of the tsx payers money and doing no work. If the principle Is applied throughout tho service, uot less lh in twenty thousand men will be stricken trora the Federal pay rolls, without impairing the transic tion of business. Officers of the Trea sury Department, for instance, have tcfttifiel that the clerciol force there could be reduced one third without detriment to the service. Inasmuch as President Cleveland is a worker, it has been rumored that the social interests of the White House will buffer under his adminis tration. He will not give so many grand and expensive ontertainments to the favored few in official life, but be will devote more time to receiving the people. There will not be so much formality and court like etl quette observed at the White House, but guests will enjoy themselves as much if not mere. My prediction It founded partly on a claute In Mr Cleveland's inaugural address. The purport of it was that the social and domestic lives of public officials should l j calculated to Inculcate habits of economy, to avoid restless extravagance and to restore simplic ity more In harmony with the spirit of republican institutions. The sent, iment nad caused a good deal of gos sip in Washington social circles. Society people do not doubt that the President means what he ssys, and that his entertainments will be for the public to a greater extent and for state dinners and exclusive recept ions to a smaller extent than has been the rule for the last twenty years. Lavish expenditure upon enter tainments at the White House and in the Cabinet households compels ex travagance In other official circles where it Is oppressive. Secretary Bayard has neither the means nor the disposition to Imitate the constant festivities, receptions und ceremonies of his predecessor. The brilliant entertainments of tbe Frellnghuy sens will bo m.ssed by a certain ele ment of Washington society, but the extravagent methods inaugurated by the last Secretory f State proved very oppressive tu the foreign diplo mats who come here t represent their government n nudl salaries. The army and navy officers and many others In official nnd social life who felt bound to keep up the standard of extravagant display established, will welcome chungo that will diminish the expense of a Washington winter, FRIDAY, APRIL IT11FIUI0I DEPARTMENT, aotra by Tata itanri ChrlitiBB Tenpemei loioi uirrcaiK NCI Ot LA TITI OS At Clarence, Mo., tbe W. O. T. U. voted at a late meeting, to be non-par Usee. That means tha ladies will continue to do their level beet for tbe sueeeaa ef tha Democratic party first, and for tem iterance second. At a regular meeting of tie Piano, III., Union, reaol ui toss were adopted voting the society non-partisan. That ana for the success of tbe Republican ticket first and for temperance seoord. When about 400 sisters of the North and kuth mt In convention at St. TaMis, they deeided by an immense msjority to be partisans for prohibition, that is, to make the removal of tbe fell scourge of death from tbeir homes, an issue superior to that of the party politics of tbe polici force and of tbe county officers. They decided it was better to try aod secure an honest a triotic government, than to see all t) e best interests of the nation sacrificed in the unending personal and party squabbles of two sets of filibustering political buccaneers, and they determin ed to be prohibitionists in po'itics, tbe only place where prohibition principles are of any practical value whatever. Theae good women met as staters and butted all aectioaal and sectarian jealeuaies and heartburnings for evr. But it would be ssf.i to "gness" that the two Nonpartisan Unions refern d to above, were they to meet together, one from Illinois and the other firm Missouri, a pitched battle would as naturally ensue as wore Kl Mahdi and QSsfc Wolsaley with thsir armies to oome together in a favorable field of setiss, Lot AngiUs Censor. A ilLvBlsUS KSTaSaM An eudienoe of eleven thousand per sons gathred in ths Hall t tbe repo sition B'lilding at New Orleans oo March l3-.h, to Hot to temperance talk from oetabltt orators and workers. The Natinnsl Tmpiance Society gave tbe afternoon session to the W. C. T. U.. in whose exercise Mrs. Judge Msrrick, Mr. Mary T. I athrar, Gov. St. John and Miss WiHard. t ok part. Mrs. M. L. Weils, president of ttte In liana W. C. T. U . , road the gro-ittos PjVsjn by Mrs. Mary A. Leavitt, of Iodisna. Cot. George W. Baio 8oko in the evening to tbe most conservative Presbyterian church of Now Oi leans. Saturlav and 8-inday's, Uth aod loth, sessions, were alas sssignel to ths Un ion, but of these we have as yot no re port- Tbe W. O. T. U. Ubwrnacle has been enl trged to twice the origins! size and is said to be a very attractive feat ure of tbe great o a position. A raii; i ea UfTMt roiaa A kind gentlemau who bslieves tem;fl ranee education offer a aet pretty prize cards to that scholar in ol m every Band of Hops a ho abal! during this first quarter, recite tbe best leason and pas the best examination in tho new Band of Hope Lesson Manual. Tbe newly enfranchised women of Canada hsve aided tho election of tem perance officials in several town iu the pmvincn of Ontarl i. It is said, how ever, that there is still some "back waidness about coming forward' to vote, whioh oughl not to be. Tbe ballot b x is as sacred as tbe cradle. Neither can be safely neglected. Out of ho'h oomes evil unlets carefully watched and tended. Mitbers, rbo rememberjyour mistakes at tbe cradle side, do n )t fait to d i what you iy by sheltering your grown-up boys fi om tbe curse of the dram shop. France is waking up to tbe temper ance reform. Its frugal people are made paupers at altogether too rapid a rate by the oafes and cabarets, which average one to each 105 people through out tbe country. s S UKALTU. WKATXBI AVD AfFIf SS Are more Intimately connected with a sound stomach and good conditio of the blood than most people suppose. Thin blood means weakness, languor and misery. A dyspeptic stomach means all the horrors you can think of. Brown's Iron Bitters means en riched blood, good digestion, healthy appetite, sweet sleep and vigorous treogth. Mr. Henry Hallam, flouth 17th street, St. Louis, aays; "Brown's Iron Bitters relieved me of dyspep sia, purified my blood, and gave me an appltite." Thousands cf others testify in the same way. Therels a good deal of l'npr(ln ment humor and aarksum" fcn the Republican papers no-vadays. But we can pardon it when we consider the occasion which draws it out. They feel like the poet : , "Whan I reflect on what I ia, And what I used to waa, I thinks 1'va threwed myself away. Without sufficient cause," FiOsident Cleveland was 48 years old last Wednesday. Democrat. 8, 1885. I N.U. Allen Co., ea, Zm, Having purchased the BANKRUPT! STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becker & Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRYC00DS,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, ttrTL 8baU FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. (Fur lbs I a t t . A LSI AST ao it 1 1 AXD ireri . This town cf ours iu shady towers. On tbe Willamette river bank, With surveyor, lin. in forty-nin. Twas then it fall iate rank And it queer nam. I know not how it cam, Perhaps t'wae from, From roeding a book I find th.y Uk L'uto th.m name Takaoab. But it appears within a fsw years, This nam. was not liked by maay. TiWenah waa araaed mod hers th.y Iteoi, The beautiful nam. Albany, ' FWAS in fifty-live they made this dive, Aud (mm lbs capital of New York Ta.y cboas this oats, for the town of fame. Which has been floating Uke a cork. Albany fair has noes that will cow pare Wita ita sight cburcbae and preachers. With iu thrae schools, iU College sod rules Managed by first class teachers. Ltwyers to spare Dr. 's a good share Aod others that we might mention ; Hut th.n we see that brief w. most ba Ta prepare for this convention. Many go to chorch th. scriptures to search, While others go there to talk, Aod near tbe door you can hear the raar Of the hoodlums oo the aidewalk. They a tana io rows aod walk oo their toes, Sighing, griooiog, aod ready to daab ; Aod wbso church is out they fly shoot Aod say they are making a mash. Ueodlums arise from boys of .01011 sue, Being allowed to do as they please. To wslk on th. streets smokiog cigarette. Nothing to do bat take tbeir ease ; Aod wbo ia to blame for this bad name Tbi. question does here ariee. It is plain to aee that it must be Thsy hav'nt the proper one to edviae. P.ut there's our girla with their baag aod.iirl They are a credit to our town, a few that find nothing to do Only to be running aronnd. Seme we could mention' will be past redemption Unless thsy change in their ways And learn to know that wherever th.y go. They'll be judged by what the world say. Of oar msrshsnts, millers and distillers We're supplied with s variety, Tii very rare they deal on ths square, Tho' soma of them show piety ; Some that's sublime bay their goods on time As long as thsy can be treated. Ia debt thsy run, assign their food, Theo claim they're financially busted. There's our young folks most all fond of jokes They are the life of our society, And they're experts st getting up concerts Of musical and literary variety. At writing rhymes they're op with the times - Ia tksir poetical combinetioo. Though there's a few that daily pereue After the worst mashers in creation. We've mentioned our tewn as a compound, Have also spoke of the people And of on r society in all ita variety. The churches and the church steeple, Have told of the name from whence it came, And all about tha subject, Aod as we've disclosed we'll be reposed, And tarn to some other object. AGUE ABLE TO BfMYBOBY. Oo!. Robert G. King, for ten years Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, Baltimore, Maryland, writes : I en dorsed the Red Star Cough Cure. I have used it in my family for a vio lent cough and found It excellent. Ita use was entirely free from the depre ssing effects of other cough remedies. It can readily be taken, and agrees with and benefits e very b dy suffering from throat and lung troubles. The relief Is permanent, nnd thero Is no retraction. Tbe prediction is made in Wash ington that Sneaker Carlisle will suc ceed himself and preside over the 40 th Congress. Nobetter choice can I be made. much of which has been haV6 the b9n9at of th9 rusosAt. Fiede-ick Horn, a schoolmate cf Prince Bismarck, peWlistaSi a country newspaper in Wisconsin. Mr. Kiiaon is in sncb danger ofb-- iog taken for a rl,-rymao that be has to cock his bat lik a commercial trav Dsn Mrs. W. B. Manny, tbe wife of a homesteader living twelve miles west of Medford, Wis., gaae birth to four girla rrceotly, each weighing 3f pound. The Duchesn of Norfolk claims jos- sexatOB of one. of tbe finest rubies tr tbe United Kingdom, but her moat precious jewel, hsr only son, ia in men tsl darkness. With Prof. Proctor lecturing on ar tronon v, and Prof. Boynton lecturing on geology, aays tbe New Orleans Pi ca une, heaven and earth is beio;; moved to get Southern iieople out to lecture.. ' Mis. S. J. Ricbsrdaon, daughter of tbe late Joseph snd Dnor h Richard son, St. Tbomse, Canada, expired re eently, after an illness of five days. She accidently pricked her U ft thumb with a needle. She paid no attention to the matter until her thumb began to swell. The doctor was not called till four days after, when it was found that nothing could be done to save her life, as gargreoe had a t in and tbe arm was dead nearly to tbe shoulder. SCSrTTS BMIUMOX Of 11' BB ! Uver SHI, wlUs BTfjophespkllea. rr Broaefcal AsTeetleas aad Lang TreohU-. Dr. A. B. Poore, Cedar Rapids, Mich., says : -I have used your Emulsion for several years in my practice and have alwitys found it thoroughly reli itde, pleasant to take, and most valutble for throat and ung troubles." TH VT HACKISQ COUOU can bo so quiekl? cured ay Shiloh'a Care, Ws guarantee It. WILL YOU SUFFFB with Dyspepsia snd LWer Complaint T Sniloh's YiUlixer is gurauud to cur. yoa. TUBRBV. GEO. H.TUAYKB, ei Bourbon, Ind. aars : "Both injraelf and arits owe our Uvas to 8111 LOU'S tX.HslalPTION Ct'RE." Far lama back, aid. or chest, use Shileb'a Firuua Plaster. Price 5 csnts. When you wiahjto subscribe for newi papars aad magazines don't forget to leaye yoor orders with F. L. Kenton, Tbey a ill reoeiye prompt attention. 81IILOH S VITALIZES is what you neel for Con sUaatioas, Lossol ApipsUte. Pisziness, and ail symp tesss of Deapapaia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bol us. THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combinias; Iron wltfe pnro ItncKiy aim coajjucivij ration, v earner. .CtyilsausslFeTertH inr remeay aor Luaenses on i . Uver. tble for Diseases pecu iar to ti lJaftvs seal Vtnan. and all who lead MUent&rY lives. ; ts taraiuaDi. ror t df es not InJ ure the teeth, cause headache JC i diKW eonaUpation otAar Iron wudictnr Itenriehesand purines the blood, stlniulal 1 h itpnetlte, aids the assimilation of food, rr 1 os Heartburn and Balching, and sticng''. i - th. muscle, and nnrves. or Intermittent FtTera, Laatitude, lack f 1 rsy. Ac., it has no equal. The eenalne has above trade iwa rV r 1 i uaaed rod lines on wrapper. Take nc on ass sasj w saows chibical ea, auLiisesk. - REDINaTONWOODA.rtD CO., ForOandOr.e, is veewtable tonlos, , ,id Nearmla-teu It is an unAul STATE RIGHTS tbe best mebtotb IV. m tQLiMftl TILW, I t.r it i i i a ii 1 rsd J uini.n Is - i - rr ii t slat i Iff a if in- unt. rot legal and transient adterUi.asassta f : oo per square for tbe first iartnraae' frti estUs jr Mjusre for each aubaaajswtrt iiiM-rtJnn. Ka h f -r Mhef v-r -emenl. known on application. HATS, CAPSETC. l0 Oome and Red CrownMills mm, laxxixg & to., propn. ew raocxas rxoca scrxaiea vox ta AD BUXKJCS CSS. BST STOfilGP VACUITIES. Highest Pricb in Cash fee Wheat ALBANY OR. t S. ROBERTS, t ily Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED UOsTTE.) Will keep a full supply of g md messes at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs I Raw bide bottom chairs for beta mi4 asktf oun, at bottom prices at tbe faetory ef Albasv, Orejes CRAF & FROM, Manufacturers snd Dealers la alt klaSs of FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKEN. 81 First Street Albaiy, Or jpj UTLERY. '1'be best lice of cutlery in tbe alley assa oe inunu at our More, it em era, knives, table knives, forks aaj butcher knives, bunting kniraa. knives, hears end soiesora ot all k' and th best lne of razors ever into Aioany. come and see for yesef- selreK. P trsj ts. Sr swaae. JOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, a La miles above Lebanon. 40 acres ib obI tivation. 10 acres slashed aad sown fe grass. Comfortable il wellies;, gwesg outbeuses. Cheap. Inquire at SbIo office. c. c chkkrt. aaurr u ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Suocessors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, ind Irar Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS Alsts oompletod, and are now prepared Ja handle all kinds of heavy work. We Wbb manufacture Steam EngisMa, Ostst aad Saw Mill Machinery, and all kiads f Iress and Brass Castings. P 4TTF.BSS M4DB BS SBOBT SOTTVB. Special attention given to repairiw; ejt kinds of machinery. Will also asavnsaeV ture tbe improved Cherry dt Whiie Ojsssb Separator. BBBS Bafcer M.-ttot last-Saas) MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DRESS-IAIIHS. Cutting snd fitting by the new Tsylr's System. OPPOSITE REVERE MOUSE. OR SA LE. X On, he If Mock in eo-tetn rrt elty wiih fsir houao snd larn will fc aoMl cheer OPIUM 1BD M0BPI1B HABIT CHII8 BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D., Iuuarantee a ure in all rase ff ty ri. rectu na are sirietiy followed a pain or of time from Luaiueaa, Ad dress above at Albany, Oregon