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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1885)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT I TSSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITKS & MTTIXe. HIXE!orFllK Dearral HutMlngou tsraailaloia atrerl. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION ml eapv, per year. In aUrancc ato-'. cy, par jraar. lead o )"r- aingi copy, Six tuonth inffl civ. thrw month tact number 1 1 M 8 00 i ae Tft 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of thts State. Will eive speoial attention to collections and probate matter, Office In Foster's new brick. -t'.'tf L. H. MONTAJT5TB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Office uptair, o r Jobn BrisrKs store, let street. vl4n3Stf J. X. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALB1NT. OKKUOH. WILL PRACTICE IX ALL TMK COURTS or THE Stale. 8rwcil atUmUcn girta to ollctio aud pro bat matter. jgyOtBc. to OJd FUsw' Temple. (14:1 POWEIiL & BILYEU, vTTORMEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in CkarT ,LiY. . ORRCiOH. Collections prompUy made on ell points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. nsrOfflce in Foster's Brick .-e vMnlOlf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of ibisState All buatneaa Intrusted to him -will be promptly attended to. E. W. LAN CD OX & CO., DRCCtGIST. frwtka. Stationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Price". OITT DTITTG STORE, yl 1LS OstKCS). FOSHAY & MASON, WKOLSLAL AS SSTAlt, Draggistsand Booksellers, .4 LB A XV, OttEOOll. vltofltf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. j PIESCRIPTIMS CAREFULLY FILLED, Alban y Or. OR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, jut of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbavlng done with neatness and sharp which are always kept in irood eondition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, Curnri Flrt uo ElUw.rtb Albany, 0rrg.a. Cha- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Holel U fitted op in flrrt claa. rtyl.. Table. tuppUed with the boat the market affords. Sprinf Beds In every Beam. A trod Smpl. Boom for Com mercial Traveler. tCTree Caseh to aad the HatelWa FURNITURE. have the bee- stock of. furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. Tie First Term will commence on To-day, Sept., 16th, 1884. Tor particular), concerning tbe course of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT X. COXDtr. Pre men Aloany Bath House. '11 IE WOULD RESPECT 1 (ally inform the citizens of Albany and ti avaitythat I have taken charge of this Establish ment, .ad, by keeping clean rooms and psyin jtrictattentioa to busines, expect, vo snit al thoia who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expect' to giee entire satisf lion to a) B-OMdien al Ladies' Hair neatly en TOS WRTtPKH. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Prpsb fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultrv drowsed to nrder. All kinds of game iu wasnn. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of ths city. Next door east of Tweedale's Tin sod Stove Store. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breakiner. xtnlesa vou have tbe kind seld by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Ikm't hang another barn door un til you havo seen Miem. VOL. XX. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF "CTSED. nnttla. season. Oraac. te.. Serer Cakes. CrMM.reei,.,M. aiictiy aa mmu urully m IS fhill fros which ttar y air aaada. FOB STRENGTH AND TRUE FRC1T FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicaso, III. st. Lou. a. Mo. titM or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Mi Iry Hop Vcu.t. WK 1UJUC BUT OKI QUALITY. -r !e l y , -iir, Marl. A Co, Portland, Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTEWS The best dry hop y.-v.? in jh world. Bread r.A hy ihii is lijittl. white and whl- tOin ) like our qranruotngr s drlicoukesad. CROCERU SELL THFMl. Price Baking Powder Co., laiTisof If. MM Sjscial naTcruf Eitnca, Chicago, III. 9t. Louis, MO r r tit by C J--J c M .rie and Co . 1'ortlud, Or, ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Posi tively Cured. ECZEMA, or Salt Rheum, with i a,TmM sV InjC bimI hart. a,.', inaUally rliavrd by rm fath iUt Cvnct ft a nr. utd ins)s ft(4ictin af i Tftt a. lh jfTtsftt Skin I'Uf ThU rvpfttJ dJly wits two or Ihrre doe. of Ct-rwrt ea Knutrt'T, the New Blood PuriScr, U keep the Mri cool, the J ulrfttion pore nd unirriutinr. the bowtrtft open, the Hirer iKt ktdtte). active , will ftpewdily care fcczema. Tetter, KtDrworm, PftorUw. Kicheti Pruritus Scan Head. Duxirull. mnd every apeciea of Ilchltur. SreJy. ftnd Pimply Hiwwn t the hcalpfttid kin. when toe phy.tcift&t and .11 known rrateutce rJi- Will lfeaaM, IKArhon, hi,. Chkavo. irreftlefally ftcknowledee. ft core of Rczenift or Hell KWcum on hand, neck. face. srm. ftnd lex for aev en teen yearn ; not ftblc to walk except on hands and knee, for one year: not able to help binwelf for eight year ; tried hundred of rwmedle. : doctor pronounced hi caa bope4aw ; cmianenUy curi by Crnci a a RiLVftT (blood purine) Internal'., and CHI WIS I. and CtiaSsaa 8or (Uia freat akin core) externally. Cfcaa. Hnaghlvn. q , lawyer, 28 Stae St., tVnm, report a caa of Eczema under hi ohaeria tlon for ten year, which covered the patient', body and limb., and to which all known method of treat ment had been applied without benefit, which wa completely cured olly by th. Cincfaa Bkmepim, leaving a clean and healthy akin. r H. Brake. Kaej , Detroit, Mich., u8eet uti told torture, from Kczema, which appeared on III hand, head and face, and nearly destroyed hi ey e. After the moat careful doctoring and a conmiluilmi of phvicin failed to feiiev him. be ued lb Ortt. ccea Bcaeuiu, and wa cured, end ha remained o to date, Mr. John Thlel. Wilkebarre. Pa., write ; "I have suffered from Bait Bheum for over clsfht yean, at time, so bad that I could not attend to my business for week at a time, three boxe. el Cr-tki-Ka and four bottle. REaoiAkjrr hate entirely cured me of this dreadful disease," Sold by all druftrista. Price: CiTictas, Met.; Riwolvmt. St ; Soap, 25 cU. Potter Urug and Chemical Co,, Boston, Ma. Potter Bras aad rttemleal m.. B tea. AIITaK'l'K SOAP. exquisite Toilet Bath.and UU 1 9 Nuraery Sanative. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) DEALERS IN-n Farm Machinery WAGONS, HA.GKS, BUSBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL. GOODS, THE ALBANY FURMITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Damiaig, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfnlly inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, aud will sell at bed rock prions. Bed-steads a Specialty. stonTand marblTorks THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aiid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. n O, W. HARRIS, Prop. EXIRAGTS AiMiora. The Republican press, with greet unanimity .endorse Mr. Cleveland when he declare that the laws pertaining to civil aervice teform must be eriiotited. Why do they do this ? Simply from a sel 6th motive. Tbe loaders who oon trol tie organizaion of that party care not a fig fur civil aervice reform. We know this ia ., for the reason that they havo had control of the govcrn muut for twonttfuur yeais snd they hive, during that eiioi,i igidly exclud ed every Democrat whioh tbey oasiUy could from ell part or lot in tbe gov. eminent. Yes, even down to tho post office whose salary w $150 per annum, bate tbey excluded Dsmoorata txoept when no Republican competent eould be fonnd to take it. No party has ever existed that so strenuously and univei- aally enforced and carried out tbe"p3iis system Ns the Republican party. And right at the lime when they were en forcing that doctrine with the graateat vigor, they were engaged in denouncing Andrew Jackson for ever having in troduced euch a dangerous yt.tein. We apeak now af the leaders of that arty. There i no difference between the n nk and file among Democrats and Republi cans ; they are equally houeat or dis horn a . lint the Republican party, by it leadeis, has fastened the 'Vpoils system" ujion the c-iuntrj in a grsater and more dMt.geious degree than was ever done before, snd tbe only reason now that they f.vr tho enfoicement of the civil service law, U becautr, under i a enforcement ,thry think Re.ublicana might be kept in and Demociata kt pt out of office Their molivis ate purely aelfi.h. li'i' iu (hi. endoitement of the civil aarvict Uw at this late day, tbey make a gravu mistake. For if that law waa enforced in spirit it would torn nitentbs of the federal ap pointors out of their offices at once, lta design waa to keep "ctTonaive partisan" and ward politician out of office, but this class of men has grown so strong snd numerous ia tbe Republican par y that tbey easily control its organ i ration against the moat earnest protest if tbe batter men of the party, and hence the offices are nearly all fitted bv these 7 offensive partisan" snd ward strikers, avnce they will all be driven out ef place aud j oeer when the civil service law is duly enforced. Wlo would think for a moment that such men as O'Dell, Ben Simpson, Tom Patton snd others of like-ilk could remain in official plsoe u ne'er a reform administis'iou conduct ed ly tJrover Cleve'am'. No,Republt- can officials would better opuose tbe enforcement of the civil service law, as ita enforcement will lt d many of tbem high snd dry in the 3elJ of private life. Of course, some faithful man who have felt that their doty was to tbe government sn 1 not to party will be retained in the service, but unfor tunately there are few such. Yes, let ns have the enforcement of the civil service lav in us purity so as to purify ths civil aervice and ail wilt be a eft, even if it doe disptsce nine-ten f ha of those now in plsoe. MO. BLAISB AD PATHS L IttfcK The dsr the f aneral of Mrs. Wa ker, James O. Blaii e met Father Clarke, S. J., and their meeting, though for the 6rat time, was very cordial. During the war Major Wa'ker'a family, of which Mr. Blaine' mother waa s a member, lived in tbiacity and Father Clarke was their spiritiul adviser, snd he bad spoken with them of the bap tism and confirmation uf Mr. Blaine. Holding Mr. Blaine by tbe hand, after some conversation Father Clarke said : "Your sister had a strong belief that you would one day return to the fold of the Catholic Church the one universal apostolic church. Stradger taingS have happened. A few months agoyou look ed forward, no doubt, to a very dif ferent tcene from that which you have just coire. But, my dear Mr. Blaine, we havM Holy Writ for the asying that 'it is hf-ttr for a nvn to go to tbe h'Mise f in turning 'ban to tbe bouse ' fca ting and Uiro rirueut.' " A II KM KLLOIt OPIMION, Hon. James Harlan, ex-Vice Chan cePor of Louisville. Kv., a brother of Justice Harlan, U. S. Supreme Court, Ha j h of St. Jacobs Oil . "I use it, and I know full well whereof I speak in pronouncing it a most extraordinary cure for all that is claimed for it by its proprietors. Every family nhould have it." It is said that Piesident Arthur spent all ot his salary during bis term. His entertainments were on a grand ncale. Floral decorations for a single entertainment often coat $1500. The hill for beverages were also large. He gop out. as a poor aa be went in. There is a time for everything : a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to room n imd a time to reioice. and . .t . i ,t ;t .1. row is me liuie to suoscrioe lor tue Democrat, the best newspaper valley. in tbe ALBANY, OREGON, Mil vm .. Mr. HiiUora : In the intersat of truth and fairness, and for reply to the rosolutiona adopted by Scio Orange, P. of H. at tbe regular meeting on February 2 1st, lo85, and publiahod iu your issuo of last week, allow me to say that in my opinion tbe Solo Orange it tailoring tinder a mis take, and a mistake that my injurious ly oiTeot Henry Qjrittf, one of tbe members of tbe last Legislature, whose action the Ornge censures very severe- The cen uM! Is dlreotsd against his introduction of H. B. IOC for tho pur pose of amending en act panned in 18&2, which prescribed or fixed the less of Clerk and Sheriff. The amendment of Mr. Cyrus being designated to in crease tbe compensation for services rondered, thirty-three and ne-tLitd per centum. The Bill in tuesti m was pn pared tod aent to Mr. Off with a request that he invoduro It. He returned it to th author. It was again sent to him, with s iftjoeat similar in purpose to the ona accompanying tbe Bill, when first placed in his hand., together with a statement, that a peiitiun.f the citizens of Linn county, expressive of the wishes of the eop!e on the subject matter of the propose.) amendment would be forthcoming, with thin assurance, Mr. CvrtiK, in'tvduced the Bill, II. B. No. 10G. The bill pa 1 to iu aecoad readirg, in its regular order, and when the same waa read a second time, it was on motion of air. Cyrus refer ied to s Committee, comKaed of the L'nn coun ty delegation, of which Committee, Mi. Cyrus, under th usage, end custom of the House, waa Chairman, and when tbe (etition, aforesaid, wa not forth coming, air. KJjrw, not believing he would be justified in urging tbe passage of the Bill, allowed it "to aleep, the sleep tbst know no waking " Can any one claim tbey havo been injured by bis action ? It it elaimei that be has been unfaithful to tiSe trust reKd in him by bis constituency ? I consider him a good, faithful and honest Representa tive, ever alive to the interest f the people. It i an old saving that, "we should net c mdemn the baker until we taste his bread." It i equally true that we abonlJ not com! emu a servant of tbe people unlit we have kerned wbst service lie has rendered what his ains cf omission and commtaaion are. I am prepared testiijr, ibat wi'hout tbo aid of Mr. Cru , some of tbe moat imH)rtnt hi!!, to the ople of thia valley, eould not hava leert posted ; notsbly 8. B. If. 19, introduced by star it . a. a Mr. weatneriuni, to regulate) ware- no'iae men, wuarbugrs, : i.numaionera and other bailers aud to declare tho effect of warehouse receipts. He also introduced a Bill to fix the liability of Fire Insurance Companies in certain cases, which Bill failed to pass through no fault nf his. Tnesc mstters am tneationed merely aa instances of hi fiithfulnesa, snd as au argument, that we should not allow a mistake, considering for tbe purposes of this argument, that he was mistaken in supposing his constituency demanded that tbe emoluments of our Sheriff should be increased, was it not such a mistake as anyone might have com mttted under the circum:anoe I have detailed, snd should the faithful dis charge of every other duty as s Repre sentative of the people be ignored and forgotten 1 I think nut. L. H. MONTAKYK. A mugwump is a man who won't fol low bis party in a wrong course. A "kicker" is a man wbo leaves hi party because it aticks to tbe right course. The loss of the mugwumps weakened tbe Republicans. The loss of the kick ers will strengthen the Democrats. The Massachusetts Legislature baa refused to permit the lady preachers in that Stale to perform tbe marriage cer emony, notwithstanding the fact that women, perhaps, have a deeper inteiese in that rite than tbe men. In hi review of the battle of 8b Hob, General Grant says : "The men wjro fought on both aides at Shiloh were Americana." Certainly no foreigner would be guilty of the impertinence of 6ghtiogn both sides. Sevoral Chicago editors are trying to determine tbe situation of bell. One must indeed go from home to lean tbe news. We h- pe that tbe kind hearted re publicans will read to the treasbKng freed men what the president aaysebont them. The Bibla on which President Cleveland took the oath of r iSce ws a amill pocket eooipaniou, presented tr1 him hy his mother in 1852, h stated o the lly leaf, We expect to hold a good offico dnr- . i p r ts :.l . I IMS l,a vaM nf Pntci in t H1VP- i un ",n j" la aa . Z s . . a v. a land' administration, it win no t printing office. FRIDAY, MARCH WAStmiiTO LKTTB. ,i (from our r.s( tiler corrseiKiivleiit.) 2 WahuiviTox, Mabcb. 7 lb, 1886. Never did the nun thine mire bon ifnljr on hums') pomp and pageantry i'lftti on tho fourth of March 1885 whori 0 rover Ctdvelsnd wit Inaugu rated President of the United Sutes. The tuperh broad nvetuiu which stretchy from tho Capit A to the Trim- tury had been swept as clean ns a floor an I it was kapt clean from rurb to curb. The tl lewalks, windows, an 1 hundrod of temp irary balconies wore filled, It i oftlmntrd, by more than two nil' drod thousand aneotii t ri. Promptly at half past ten the pres'dantial cortege started from the White lloueo 10 the fJsrpTToL The President snd the l'reeldent-eloct rode in a carriage drawn by four bay homos, and were driven st a walk tho entire distance. The Inauguration ceremony prssed off smoothly. Mr. Cleveland deliv ered hit address in a eloar, strong voice, and without other gesilcuU tlon than a alight motion with his right hand. When he had conclud ed ho turned to the Chief Juitici of tne Supr iron Court and swore that he would mainUln tho constitution and the law of the United States. Tho bible used wet one that had l..o presented to Mr Cleveland by hit mother. After President Clcvelind had returned to th While Houo be took hi pottOon on the stand thai had tmn eto'ted for the purpose, snd surround .Mi by ex-Prosidorii Arthur and a number of distinguished per aonagea, reviewed a procesnioit .f j,. oOO uniformed civic and military or ganlsatlooa, Tho parade was the most Imposing ever even In ths oly. Tne crowd was the largos', beat behaved snd moat respect able looking ever seen here. The day waa tbe finest ever vouchsafed to pageantry, and President Cleveland entered upon hi ardu u- work node the most hoerlng aupk- 1 had never seen tts preatd sj un til he sppcared in I he crrige aai hit way to the Oapftnt I w. Intpresai i by his pallor, hit expression of wear iness and harrassmeni. H h-.ks older than bis photographs. I miw him again at the inaugural ball wm-n he was escorted around the densely piuk d halt between Sonutor Pendle ton, of Ohio, and Mr. Merrick of .tils city. The scene, the enthusiasm "f Use crowd, the greeting f ladiea who did not for an introduoti m, was evidently new to tho Pretidstit II was pleased, and did not know how to t onceat if, or rather did not try to conceal It, A a rt nult bo was perfectly natural, and tho very oppo site uf rVaae. lib face wore a large uocultlvafed amlle, such as might be worn by a healthy country lai at her debut In the city, and in the surprise at finding herself an unprofessional attra. tioii. But I do not think Mr. Cleveland will prove himself wanting the jtuxvUct in moJo, that 1 the natu ral outcome of eand r and simplicity of character. At for Ihe fmriiUr in re, everyone knows he hus it. and some good Democrats fear he has too much of It f r practical purpose. Tbe city Is overflowing with visi tors, and so great U their enthusiasm and good will that it is feared that tbey will bore the President to death. Hi time on the day after inaugura tion waa occupied in shaking handfl with delegations, which had no other excuse or object than a desire to meet and greet the President of the United State. It was observed that the President shook hands without gloves. To have ahaken hand with the P a. Ident isdoubtlesr a very pleasant souv enir of tho memory to those who como to Washington, but those who wisely and patriotically wish him well, wilt not take the time and energy that does net belong to Indi viduals, but la consecrated to the Interests of sixty million) of people. President Cleveland has a great and appalling work before him, and if he does not stormy protect himself from the gush, drivel, and importunity or pilgrims who come singly and In hat tallions his four years will go out without their mead of accomplish ment. Ota! east that Shade w rrsaathr straw," You can't do It If you have liver complolut or dyspepsia. The dark ened countenance tell the story of Inward commotion and woe. Clear your stomach, strengthen your disges tlon, regulate your liver, tcne your nerves, and then away goos the sha dow from your brow, nnd you are happy because sou ore wo'.t Mr. M. J. Alston, of Littleton, N. C says, ! reccomraend Brown' Iron j3itters t0 the nerves and debilitated. j rt reatlv benefitted me." i - r, . t ...Li. i i : : It leei Kinu oi coraioriaoie 10 uvb iu democrutio country, dosen't it? n The Sun persistently bhines for Hon. Edward Ooopec fox minister to England, emorrat 7, 1885. N.H. BANKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becker & Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of 0RYC00D8,CL0THIHC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., much of which has been 2LZ?L2&X- 8haU www was j tio uatgaiiib FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. All AbmsI II lien Hltnpeou was a noted rbsracter In Oregon a few rear ago, so Webfest will be Interested In bearing bow be socoaeded In getting a rich wife recently. Here it ta from an exchange. Taks It for what it la worth. "Hr. Nimpson went South, to (isorgia, where he entered upon bis peats! duties n Joined the church. Us beoam a good m.uer and was to b found reg ularly every Sunday In his pew. Ben had nut been long in tbe Bunny South before be waa called upon te Invoatigats the af f sirs of a country poat master who bad committed some Irregularity. Among o'.hers upon tbe bond, uf tbla unworthy ntiu .si was e bsndaomo widow wbo pos aeaaeil m fortune worth several hundred thousand dollars. She wa. a deoendent of the celebrated Morgan., one of tbe oldeat families In tbo South, and to her belonged some of the largest and richest plantation la Georgia and Alabama Mr Slmpaon wa obliged to caU on her "of ficially," and before be left tbe bouse tbe widow had found her kismet. She became smitten with Hen almost loatsntly, and hs ofourse reciproe ded willingly and so tber were mar nr.). Mr Himpaon's good fortune will be pleasant news to his old friends and acquaintances." How ta Sn US as a Clly. Here Is a way to build up a city, ac cording to the Idea of sn sxchasgc ; Talk about it: write about it ; help improve it ; besuMfy the streets ; patronize its merchant ; advertise in it newspa per" ; elect good men to all ita offices ; pay your taxes without grumbling ; be courteous to atrangers tbst come among you ; never let an opportunity to apeak a good word about it to past ; if you think of nothing good to say about it. aay nothing bad ; remember that every dollar you Invest in a perma nent improvement ia that much money at interest ; nsver k Ick st sny proposed uecesssry improvement because it Is not near your own door, or for fear your taxes will be raised U ceeis. The Seagar ths Tleae. The following song IS going the rounds, tbe name of the place being changed to suit ciroumatanoss. It Is supposed to bs tbe utterance of numerous men ti each locality. I want to b a P. M. And with tbe P. Ms, stand, An ink pad on the table, A stain par in my bsnd. And there before the letter., I'll work with glowing faoe. And thank the voter of Albany For giving me tbe plaie, a In 1880 a crank named Prof. Grimm mado the following prophesies, which from atelfch point of view would be of great inter t to Orcgonian. : "From 1880 to 1887 will La ans universal carnival of death. Asia will be depopulated. Europe nearly so, Amer ! 1 Iam 1.1 000.000 of her people. Be sides a plague, we are to have stoma and tidal waves,mountain are to toss their heads through the ehoioest vsltsy.. navigator will be lost by the thoo.ands owing to the a pricions deflsxures of the tnagnstio needle, and island, will appear and disappear in the ocean, All the beasts, birds and haass will be diseased, famine and civil atrifs will be de stroy moat of the human beings left alive by plague, and, finally, "two years of firs" 1885 to 1887 will rage with fury in every part of the glob. Iu 1887 the "Star of Bethlehem" will "reappear ia Caasiopia's chair," the immediate result, being universal war and portentioua flooda and .hip wreck.. North America is to be again involved in oivil war unless a "Nepoleou" arisee to quell it ; hut during these terrible daya the Pacific States will be a vertiable paradise of peace compared to the hellish atrif that will be waged throughout the world. The people that may manage to survive till 1887 witj have reason to be thankful." TH VT H AC KINO COUGH can be ao quickly cured by ShUoh's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YOUSUFfFR with Dyspepsia and Llrer Complaint ? ShUoh's Vltaliser Is guaranteed to cur. you. THE REV. OKO. H. THAYRR, of Bourbon, Ind. aay.: "Both myself nd wife owe our live, to SHI LOH S CONSUMPTION CURE." VO 35 Allen Having purchased the the bsnstt of the For Us 1 -mm . . . ) or ratr n h h t.u. Ota ar as I pray ,ug, y LrT Ma t tail. V. sr4aBua aad asowsaaw that aw to ket auU, Your atun ln I BSJ aaw aadaasar togaia. te suuad at th lumnar that rirlu roar Mol'r fSfMo'e Us. braadUi af Us Is. Barl(s Us Mur.1 brtcht Uj of Us haa. from lbs ataeas bora ta soaasl of Us wbUU. aaasasas Ta laa oafsiitff ttat..i..r Utat sstl your rbaia. Tea wIimI tbu i waftad on wiug uf Ujc brwt. To ricSc aa boaxar an aoavaat t aaac. Bat aa that lair ahora I j -rutins aoarcbas rn WIU Us awrnnd f lb tiuusxr that n. .u your rtkua. Their work thjr will hir bat will pay t cry To Ba tifuxb trrtn It to make a Sit abaw, AaStaasmtUaalawa4arsawlafw rasa By Us loud riajrinr baiamtr UuU Ot iu roar cltaitt.. Taay Uil a that fre l.t thu. by railraad i. bigb Aa asiartkai lain on th; u.inf that yoa bey. rroo a Try !r.- proSt Usy will aot refrain, ThrUs aoja 1 of UF hamniar it niu roar chain. Th lrmr h trie. lir ta jri. Most Bsasta Mtnw't sufflciaat to br, Tby will pay what I hay .laa ttw hi. Hscataad hi grain. Thrr' th muimI uf lb bsu.mrr that ritiU 11 , saassa The rich Arlstati with g-ranufr aad pride Will auoti baar th ml 'r life' nnsttn tide. Hi proud, haitfhty .aay wUI Is r naiatain Throwgh Us. sound uf the bammar that rivtU your chain. sssssatJscasj On the wheat prospects up the Colombia Tbe Dalles Tlmm Mou . .un"i stye "Notwithstanding tbe low price of wheat last season, tbe fanners of our county were not discouraged, and the acreage this seaasat wilt 1 S mere than double that of any former year. Tbe winter baa been unusually favor able for fall-sown grain, th large amount of snow an tbe ground acting aa a protector to th growing cereal against f rost, and com pletely saturating the soil with moi'it-e. VTe learn from ouo section that the psjaoad is moist to the depth of five feet, and that it never was in better condition tar spring sowing. If no more rain should fall between now and harvest, s fair crop may be expect ed, and with the showers usually experienc ed daring this month and April, th result will be aa abundant harvest. In some sec tions th loaa of stock was not more than during ordinary year, and with the extraor dinary crop., of whieh there is every iodic. tiou, the heavy fall of anow last winter will be very beneficial to the c juu try Tor lam. back. aid. or chest, use ShUoh's Pcrotts neater. Frio S cant. Whan you wish to subscribe for news papers aad magazine, don't forget to leaye your orders with F. L. Kenton, They will receive prompt attention. HHII. OH'S VITALIZES is what you aead for Con sUiaUoa, Lues of AptwUte, Olssiaws, an ail symp tom of Deapapata. Price 10 and 7 eaats per bat -Iff, THE m O BEST TONIC. This medicine, comblniag Iron with pure vegetable tonic, quickly and compUtily 4"p isn "untalTing remedy for Disease of tl.e 1 Llucy. aad Liver. K Is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Vomen, and all who lead sedentary uvea. 1 1 ttoca not Injure the teeth, cause headacl.c.or j dnce consUpatlon otSrr roa medirivr ' t enrich, and purifies the blood, stimulate ' ijipctlte. aid. the assimilation of food, r.' Heartburn and Belching, and etreufcll. the muscles aud non e., nr Intermittent Fevers, lassitude, lart ' ray, Ac, it has no equal. .- The jrenulne has above trtde mr.rk r. Nsctl red lines on wrapper. Take no r ' - '.kj HttOMS t llESIt AL IUM UALTUMII JREt'V ,v- OODAKD a CO., PorUsnl Or. Iff n t I I mm i u - aawawwj STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. t . Ju TEE ILliMEg YAL11T. i i .... is I mmt t J . t .i . ) , . ta Basiir 10 i" nt iter ilw. . l'a Kif imso-h u altilsuesnsra II OO jt 0,tlre for (. lir-t iiNrrlMHri -fil .r MtiSS fW eaeb USsaqm-At Insertion. Kaiee for nthe "'Mr'.i'umii asaee known on application. lo PrtC33. Gome ani IHrt rWTn Millc! ISOM, LAXXIXG us (n.. PKUPR'. tew paocaas rxoua kcpebioi. roa rsaiuai axo tUKBKS t-sa. DEST STORAGE v4CIL!TiES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO KREDGOaTTX.) Will keep a fat! aupplr nf g . I matt at bo'.t in prieea. ALBANY, OBtCOM. Chairs ! Chairs ! Raw bide bottom chairs for both ml4 aod oung. at bottom prieea at the faeiery ST L. PUTNAM, Albany, Orefti GRAF & FROMM, ManutVHnrers and Dealers In all kbsss of FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAim 81 First Street Albany, Or QUTLERY. The best lice of cutlery In tbe valley oe round st our store. K embraces knives, table knives, forks and butcher knives, Lunting knivaa. knives, shears and scissors of all and tbe beat Pne of raaora aver braaga Into AH any. Come and see for yoar eelves. Para t Srew,. JjaOR SALE. One hundred and forty acre. miles above Lebanon. 40 acre in sjat tivatlon. 10 acres slashed sad sewa f grass. Comfortable dwelling, gees) outheu.aes. Cheap. Inquire at aasts office. C C CRKKRV. ca.p 1 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, tad Irv Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now prepare fee handle all binds of beavy work. t. WswfJ manufacture Steam Knofnea, Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind r and Brass Castings. r tTTKRxs Bfttss mn swajatv atesraca. Special attention given to isyadifssg aj kinds of machinery. Will suae mat ture the improved Cherry A White Separator. Shop aa Baker f.-T a laasterf MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. MILLIHERY AID DRESS-IAKIKB. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylort System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. poR RA LE, One half Work In eaatern city with fair house snd barn part nf tbe will be sold ebear OPIUM AND MORPIHE HiBIT CUIIB W. F. ALEXANDER, tT. D T ffu-rantre a euro in a) esses if my I d.rectlons sie strictly folrrwrrd. Wa Sain or loss of time from busiueaa, Aa res above at ABntny, Oregon. OOii