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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST.TES& NUTTING. BtlSISEaseFMCa-ia. Oemaera Battalias Broatialuia ssreei. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION enls copy, per yew, In drnc...-. WW eiftjlo copr. par year at end ol rear siutt. copy, tlx inonth. 1 Zl simHs copr, throe month & siturl number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R.S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany , Oregon. wrn r PRACTICE IN ALL THE W CourS ofthia State. Will five special Mention to collections and probate "office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AN I- - Notary Public. Albany. regem. Office upstair, over John Bri "tore 1 ce va we J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTABT PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AlBASV. WILL PRACTlCt IK ALL TUB COURTS OF THE State Special attenUon given to collections and pee sat, mat ter. in Odd NBBJW1 Temple. f. 0. FOWBIA. W. R. BILTBU & BILYEU, POWELL ATTORNEYS AT L-A And Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. - ' OKBC Coltftctions promptly made on all p LAW, Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. ogr-Offlco in Foster's Brick.-A v!4n!9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Laf AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of - - - a a, J . 1. 1 ease this State. Alt business lrurusieu w mm Will be promptly attended to. Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRTJQ- STORU, 2vl 4 LB IX V. ORECOS. FOSHAY & MASON, a arrAiL Draggistsand Booksellers, ALB AM Y, OBEGOI. v!6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY f ILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyera. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. pBOSL-e and residence in Mcllwain'a Block. Albany. Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best style. SAX wa vim LACKDHY AND CHINA MERCRAXISINO BU8T SESS. Ric, tea and Japanese (rood. Lad see underclothes, ao'd at bottom prices. Ontractor for China labor. ggH ext to City Bank. FURNITURE. have the bes stock of furniture in the oity and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, . A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course, of study and th price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT S. CO.VUIT, Presiuent. A l o any Bath House. TdZ UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT folly laform the citizani of Albany and Ti taity that I have taken charge ofthja Establish msat.aad, by keeping olean rooms and payin strict attention to basines, expects to suit si shot, who may faror us with their patronage Hariag heretofore jarr ied on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons sxpeet to r) aatire catiaf lion to si VOUdien ml Tjdiei' Hair neatly eo baip'ioad. JOS WKBBKR. OREGON SHORT LINE, Fast Freight anl Passage Rnute, B. CAMPBELL. General Agent. No. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or. F OR SAT.E, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Labanen 160 acres. 50 acres timothy and clover meadow. 60 wheat land in cultivation. We. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place Stat t VOL. XX. FOR SALEI A SAW MILL AND WATER POW ER At Waterloo. Linn county, on the 8n tiam Kiver, between five snd six miles from 1 jehsnon. This is the finest available water power In Linuoounty, and the mill has been put in thorough running order. Price $2500. One thousand cash down, balance secured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOGS, in shape to run to the above mentioned mill, containing about 500 thousand feet at $3 per thousand, together with a tract of timber available for present use. ORE FARM in Linn county of 248 acres within three xn i lee of Albany, on the road to Corvallla. Of tbia 220 acres are cleared and under cuiuimiuUi a. um nun yuuu UU llIU, (uow bearing, of well known varieties of fruit.) a commodious bam and small dwelling house. Terms tOOOO 1500 cash down, balance on time secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE Id Albany with barn and two lota, (or i v t.i aiinn I six if wanted.) Price $1800, Terms toDO cash, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joininsr this house is a small pasture with a large new and com mod tons barn tit for storing wheat, oata, 50 tons or more of bailed bay. Tertrs aooerJtag to amount of land wanted. This barn is just outside the city limits and consequently avoids the city taxes, while it Is close enough to residence to be under constant Inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES ad joining Albany and available for about 180 tawn late The preliminary survey or the Oretron PaciAo erossed the Oregon and California Railroad on -this tract which adjoins the depot grounds of the latter road. Terms $10,000. See owner, ROBERT L. STEVENS, or call at Democrat office. THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Msnufactnrea and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, rould respectfully inform the public that he v manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ot all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock price. "Rpd-Steads a SDeCialtV. JDWU bbtJdrtta a opovuwwj. i STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. m i i c i'vriPnTfilF.n WISHES TO 1 Inform the public that he is now pre- pared to do all kinds of stone and marble . . . . a St t laa ai. I WOrk On SQOn riOUCe. All worn p ranted to give satisfaction. Will work anvanrl all klnda of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning. repairing aud rescuing a specialty. Call nrl arimina mv nricea before purchas- ing el6 where as I will not be undersold, bis final account In the matter of said es Sbopon west side of Ferry street oppo- ute in the County Court of Unn county, site post office. Orecoo, and the Judge ef sald'ourt has O. W. HARRIS, Prop. REVERE HOUSE, (rat. rtrat aad Ella worth Alfeaay, Chai- Pfeiffer, Prop'r This new Hol.l ia fitted op In flrat claaa atria. , Table, appned with the heat the market afford. Bprinf Bed In arary Boom. A gooa sample hood iot ww- merctal Traveler.. - Coach t. aad the Hotel. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AID DRESS-IAMB. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSfTE REVERE HOUSE. DBS I. W. & MARY T. COLE. PhVSlCanS & bUrgeOnS. a? V' ysicans & Surgeon ALBANY, OrlS QON. i i . . , 1 ... .K. Uma of (Inn aarwl iii-ant inn and adjacent countUt. Ofllc and reaideoc. near CX-urt U uae. Call at Lang-doa and Co' Druic Stora. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and trickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisiactory. S0BIN80N & WEST. Albany. Or. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dbmocbat office, has charge of the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL. LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressea to oraar, au kinds of game in season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of the city, ifext door east fcpf Tweedale's Tin and Stove Store. &ticurd THE ONLY REMEDIES FOR ThE SKIN AND BLOOD UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Wm T 1 1 .Um. S7S North Tenth Sirwt, I'hllatial-rt- .rt that ttne of hta ruatomrra u i i.i tu Itlin Idantally that he was fevllnf au well an I lwi mgm twenty eereu uuda In the teat )ser, all of which he attributed to a systematic course t the Ct"TWTA Rrmiasmt, which, has proved eOivtual when all uther renioUlee failed. MOKKsOX NECK. the. Brady, Hom.rvtlle, Mas,, who refers to Or J J WouU. drug-rial, at that city, oertlttee to a wonderful cure of ruaninx eurae on the neck which had been treated by huapltaj th)alclana without cure, and which yielded completely u the fi mi at Rkmsimiu. Ct'REIs It Y O TKIItl kit akin tlteeaac, which reUlo.l several iMitmlar retnediee and oUicr miierfiea aJvianl lit uhnifkm. haa heeu cured by your C' tmm lUinmai. They eurpaal m ml aaugutno twctatioa and rapidly effected a cure. . J C. AHKNTIit r. tincennee, I ml, KNOW ITS VALUE, All n( your Cl'TU-i a Kaeapiaa olvu varv v,kvI anl. iafartion. The I i im ha I nim-ull moiiiiiwrnl JTT r"f h,-n' t- IHjricnee it. a uc. lR. H J. I'BATT. Montelio. Wla. ( tTK I Rl ABROAD. Turuuvh a home retumod Norweivan. 1 hate learn. ad to known your ('itiiim. wMeh haa In a ahort uuio cured um ol an Enema that my h)UUa'a uicdi icnea cuuM not haal. CHR. IIKLTZKN. llcrrn. Norwar. AKeuturforretuina;. Till; I'OKI lOHKItN A feeling of gratitude Irapele me to acknowledge f the groat uirritaof your Ciruva. and I ctanjtallv recommend it to the ublic aa a ery tillable run edy II IMWKRS, nrtdtfp..rt. Conn. For aale r.ery where. Price Ci nu u. the rreat Sktn Oats, 60e. CtTHt aa Ror. an t Skin Boauiittcr. Ct rKi it IU..ttr. the nc Mood PurtOer, 1. rettrr Drag and farmiral 9m., 0011; PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will be Inaugurated March 4ih 1886, THE WORLD, Tun banner Democratic Xewapeper. Daily. ; SenJ.Weeklv. 89 ! Hundav. 1 .jO. Weekl .one dollar ier year. Mouev can be made by any man or woman, girl or boy who will organize club for THE WEEKLY WORLD Tbo great farm and home newspaper. AGENTS PAID IN CASH, For 100 subscribers at 81 each fr. will be paid; forSO aubacribere, 1 18 ; for 25 aub- arriljera, 86: lor 15 suharrlbera, 83: for 10 suhacribera, $2; for 5 subacribera, ft . Agent wanted in every Town and Village. circulars and Hsra pie oples free. Send for thm. THE WORLD, w w 1 5 pant nn ju uruf VQRK HK IHJI? WCIf IUHr. " a JBM.gaaaAaaafli aaaaaaVaa HTA1IA. Administrator 8 IN OtlCe. ""uTICE la hereby alven that the na AJi dninned AdmlniatraUirof the eaiat of Harbard Shelton, deceaaed. has tiled made an order according to law directing tbia notice to be pubiiah.d, and ha ap Kinted Monday the blh dav or Jai.usry, st the hour of one o'clock, p. in., of said day aa the time for the bearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. II AKVKY SHKLTOS, Powell A Bilysv. Administrator. Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. KSTAHL1HHKD 195. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner or First and Montgomery Street, Albany, regen. Havine taken ehareeof the alove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Mr ao m Vrtct nasi Maw anil triML Alius. Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Caattnaa of every deacriptton. Machinery of all kinda repaired. Spe- "v" w a-alaml aHAtiflnti r trnn f A runairf fit farm If'tt" cninery. Pattern Makiag done la all Its forsas. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA1 AND Notary Public. DrSANFO INVIGORATOR Js just what its name implies,; a Purely Vegetable 'Compound, that erts directly upon thelaver ; curing the many diseases iacidermo that im portant organ, and pfcwhting the nu merous ailments tKiQ arise from its deranged or tion, such as Dy eps ice, Biliousness, Cos1 ess aria, Sick-headache, etc. It is therefore a To "have Good Health Liver must be kept in order.' DR. BAXFORD'8 LIVEE INVZOOEATOE Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies Ihc Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Mcdicino for common complaints. 23. IAHFOED'8 LIVEE INTTGOEATOR. Jin experience of Forty yearn, and Thou, sands of Testimonial prove its Merit 9 TOR BAXB BY AIX DEALERS IN MEDICINES. For fuU information aend your address for 10. Baea Boo on tha Liver and it. disease," to isjjrrefin tti bvsks w., giw ivas. cuz. RD'S lifltts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1885. MILLION tllll f, Whs Maid Hrsla ta the Ncnnlr nf lUr I ailed stnlra WaiMIKOTOJf, December J J ml. -The Senate, year by year, seems to grow further and further awar from the peo ple. It apparently haa no ayirpath? with tniblic anntiment. It prides itself upon the fsct that it ia above what it oslls populsr clamor. It continually seeka to encroach upon the rights of the House. It is si wave adding enormous ttpproj riation to the BosM bill. In this fight over the Nsvy bill the S-n-ate hasahown a mot thorough imlitl -i ence to outside sentiment. It ia even tesdy to go to the length of forcing an extra eersion to can y i's point of giving Chsndter millions to disburse this win ter to continue the construction of toy war vessels thst are the Istighiog stock of Kuropean naval circles. There must be a reason for the S M ate's lack of sympsthy with the people they represent. Oneoftbe principal reasons lies in thi fact thst a msjori'y of tin Ssnstois hsve transferred their homes here and aro really atrangerfl in their own Sla'e. They mix so little with their own people that they are unacquainted with their wiba. Kn tnnched behind a six-yeara tetm they appear to care little about whst tbeir ptople may dssire ot them. The cor- poratioQ influence is very strong in the Seaate. Most of trie Srtistors aro rbh men, the owners of stock in great mil. r sd enterprises, and tbeir sympathies naturally run with what tends to keep un the value of their property. TUE RICH HZS Of the Senate am men whose fortunes range from a quarter of a million of dollars to a million or more. Those below a quarter of a miiUon are simply classed as men who are well to do. 1 do not think that there sre a dozen men in the Smato who sre obliged to depend upon tbeir salaries tor a livisg. Ljet us run through the list alphabetic ally. Aldricb, of Rhode Island is worth a iout thrse qusrlera of a mdlion of dillars. lie ha always ke?t house 0 a hue hut hss not yet built a residence 0 his own. Allison, of Iowa, wbo is a widower, lives in a house on Veimont avenue worth with hi ground-, about at least $50,000. He lives there the greater part of tbo year and only gos home to Iowa in t be summer time. Hi. fortune is estimsted from w qusrter to half a million of dollar, iliyard. of Delaware has lived in his own house herd for year.. It is a three. story mansard brick on Highland U rrac-. It ia worth $25,00(1. Bayard's fortune is said to bo from flftO.O 10 to $300,000. Beck, of Kentucky is only iirlrrstly well oft. He lives in a rented bouse on K atree'. !5!air, of New Hamoabire is a cor man, bat ht tiaosg-N to keep bous ? in a very drgsnt bouse on Capitol Hill, liowen, of Colorado in an alleg ed ti!ver millionaire. Ht lives at a hotel. Covernor Joe Brown.of (ieorgis ia msny times s raillionsi-e. M. (,'. buttlrr is poor and bostfj.. Call, of Florida baa bought a house here for which he paid 92.r000 and bss the rep utation of being well to do. CAMDEN OK WEST VIRGINIA I a millionaire. He livea at a hotel. Cameron of Pennsylvania is worth three or four millions. He has built a house here which, with its lot, is worth at least $100,000. Cockrell, of Mis souri is a poor taan. He has geuersily boarded, but this year ho is keeping bouse with bis wife and six children in a piece just back of the Britifh Lega tion. Coke, of Texas is rich, although he lives very simply. Colquitt, of Georgia ia very rich. He lives at a hotel. Conger, of Michigan has a small fortune and his wife has more. They have recently purchased a hand some bouse nesr the Fourteenth Circle. Michigan to them is nothing but a summer resort. Cullom, of Illinois is poor and lives at a hotel. Neither of the Massachusetts Senstors ceuid be called rich men. Both Hoar and Dawes live in boarding houses. Dolph, of Oregon has the reputation of being worth a hundred thousand dollars or more. Edmunds, of Veimont is a mil lionaire. He has an income of from $50,000 to $75,000 a year. He has lived in his own house for years, and is now planning to build a new one more in keeping with his great fortune. Fair, of Nevada has the credit of beiog ten times a millionaire. He lives ac a hotel. Frye, of Maine, and Garland, of Arkansas, are men of moderate means. They board. George, of Mississippi is a wealthy planter. He lives in a Urge bouse in a palatial row on East Capitol street. Gibson, of Louisiana has a very Urge income from hU sugar inter ests. He has a handsome houso here, in which he baa lived for years. GORMAN OF MARYLAND Has large railroad interests. He house. He occupies one of the hand somest residences in Washington. Groome, of Maryland is poor. He lives at a hotel. Hale, of Maine must have control of property worth at. least $1, 000,000. He rants one of the largest fc'es iolhooity. Uatu. toM, of H h Oaiolin. i. , wealthy planter, si.d be. to a family bloh hss been licl. fo muny generations. Hsfri. ,f TW U a man of amsll mestis. Q boards. If orison, of Indiana a go.d income f.m his law pmciicr. tl lives in a ooinf.r table rented bouse Joe Haalry, of tViiineoliciit lives in the most u,..iet way. He Was in debt when he came 0og,mt and is haidly yet intmwith the world. Hill, 0f Colo, rado is a silirer millionaire. f hss al PJ lived in one of the bandso,mt house, in Wsahington, snd hi. wife ha. entertained upon the rnva. liberal scale, rihe it not bare this winter, and the oator lives st a hotei. oaslle of I Ksnsai and Jackson of Tennessee are poor, dense, of L MtkkM has s Urge inoome, and lives srlili bis family in one of the most expensive flat. i town. Jcnes, of Florida is poor, .nd has a family of six motherless children on bis bands. J oner, of Nevsda has his una and down. He is a mil't nsir one weekend the next week be msv hsve difficulty in paying bis wash hill. Ht ts not con.iderod a desirable i.,.sr,f UN bebssa prejuice sgainat psying rent Keans, of West Virginia has Urge coal mining interests. Umsr, of Missis sippi is poor. H i sre Upbam, of New York and Igsn, of Illinois. McMillan of Minnesota is rich. BfimtuH or new JkRaav I. a wealthy man and lives in a vry fine new bouse which he hss jual, Mahone, ef Virgioia has te reputation of being worth at least half a million. Mandersoo, of Nebraska an l Maxey of Texss hsve small fortunts. Miller, f California is a very rich man and lives in one of the finest bouses on Connecti cut aveaue. Miller, of New York has a big income frcm bis jiaper manufactory. He occupies the large snd e'egsnt house in which Justice Sa-avne lived. Mitch ell, of Pennsylvania is poor. Ho is M .rgan, cf AUbsms. Morrill, of Ver mont bas been a rraMent of W.abing tin so long that he won I I nt be at boms anywhere ajar, . j fl V(M V wealthy man. He ha lived in is own house here for at Imar ti Jfgft, ,. always entertains vr b.nlmely. Palmer, i,f Mici.igso haa an IfjaesM of at least $JO,000 a year. He i. hard at work Uioo the Un. of . n w hi use. I Pike. t,f Nw Hamparrre is jaoor. Pen dleton, ot Ohio lives-in (y U,g sad elegaut house bere which b built him self. H- lives at tbo rate . f man wiib at irast $75,000 income. P.stt of Connecticut is a msn of moderale me.nv. Plumb of Ksusas in .at be very t 'u I,. He takes gieat pains to keep up an spisrance of poverty, but no one b lieves him to bo poor. Pugb, of Alabama is well to d j. Ransom, of North Carolina and Riddleberger, of Viryinia are joor. Sabin.of Minnesota and Saulabury, of Deleware are rich meo. Sawyer, of Wisconsin is worth at least $4,000,000. Hi lives to the old Cresswell House. Hewel!, cf Nsw Jersey and BbefHeld, of Rhode Island are moneyed meo. John Hbcrmao, is a millionaire. He live, in Lis own bouse here and has been bere so Ion; thst he haa lost all interest in the p wp'.e of his Htate, if he ever had any. a sEWotnrgB i tan: A $ mark and a were one doy left close together on tbe Imposing otoae, and the 9 mark coughed in a Pompoi'O woy and oboervod : "I am constantly use J to designate the Wealth of tbo World." "And I," replied the ,ao he Bristled up in the Promptest Manner,"am sym bolic of Liberty." "By means of me," continued the $ mark, "tbe Printer can change 1,000, 000 Grains of Band into $1,000,000." "Yes ; but Heaven's vaults are stud ded with Stars, and I am frequently need in Print to represent Unknown Quantities." "They were still bjaatia when the Apprentice same up and Inquired the Cause of the Excitement. Having Re ceived an Explanation, be said : "Both sre of so little use that I'll cbuek you into the pi cue." MORAL. Any mtu may set hU own vlue,but tbe Trouble h to mik-i other nun Bi lievo in his figures. "Itty dear Mis Sally UatuV' alined The grocer on his knee, "I catined-corn-ceive no butter bride Than you would beef for me." "You aro a silly man," replied The maid, "aa one mac see" If verraeclU man," he cried, "I mustard-mire thee." A California paper tells about a hen at San Jose which recently "hatched seven chickens with four legs." Seems as though there Is a shortage of legs here, isn't there. A Chicago girl who expected a sealskin sacque in her Christmas sock and got a sewing machine instead, has secretly married a pawn broker. She's bound to have a seal skin sacque somehow. tmncmt temp mid mmmi .- . RDITKU BY lilt Women'i Chriitiio Teiapeiiiee Inlin tmk hum. tw smi uit Dear Union Hiukai. : - It is a source of grief to me, that, .s orgsniXer of tile juvenile account of impaired health, I shall aot be able to travel much this winter. But my heart Is in the work snd all t hi I can do, 1 will do. First of all, I wish to urge upon sll orgsnissrs of unions, to look kindly Iter the children's werk and see that it is given a plsce in the interest and care ef eaob new union organizad. Just here, a few o.ioi; at ions to local -in ions may not be out f place. Tbe questions are frequently -k:l ma," How can we show tbem the BeOsMtity at. 1 etficacy of teaching tbe children tern (leranoe principles V There is nothing thst will so quickly interest anybody anUeveryHoly .a tbe children themselves. In c immunities where there w. thugrei ew indiffer ence on tbe subjo, a temjiersnce con cert exercise by lb children, h is of '.en resulted in hearty Mthusiaoai iu the work. Truths from the lip 4 of innocent children, fall gently on the hearts of strong m-n and women ; and under their own influence, prejudice and in differeocs melt away. Much msy also be done by invitiog pastois to preach on tbe subject, while every effort possible should be mads to interest Sunday School suerinteodents and prominent citizens in the work It is s groat mistake tu attempt to keep tbe children's work exclusively in tbe hands of womet., although, a rule, women make the best teachers. (jcd men should everywhere be invited to assist in t'.is work. Not only because tbe boys Bases! their example constantly before them, but because it is only by experience in teaching thst we learn tbe true ignorance of a eommuoity and tbe consequent need of text-books and regular modes of teaching the subject. Aud men, you m ;t remember, form most of our school board, and make most of out school sufierintendent, etc. Again, it U only by getting every body interested that tbe juvenile work may be made a national movemect and raised to tbe true dignity of a depatt ment in ot r national work. It is still my ideal bo that e ma some day have, county and district or ganization of our Utuds of H ),.e, bold ing annus! conventions and institute-, attended by as wisu an I influential people as those of our great Hundsy Hcbool gathering. I appeal, then, te our best and wisest helpers, that th-y give tbia work tbeir thought, that we of the field may glean tbem for our use. Eva C. Urikkitii, Organizer Juvenile D-pt. liishoo Foster made one ot tbe most scathing denunciations of he liquor traffi: ever beard, at tbe recent Cen tennial Conference of Methodists at Baltimore, so severe, indeed, thot the Baltimore newspapers omitted it con- i i T . apicuouaiy rroru ineir reporve. juev yjw la J l; at L-aiyea iw, auu I'uiptba iuuuuii a ivi.u. He said : "Tbo cburob of to-day,moch more the church of the future, muot tako to its heart the duty of combining and massing its forces agsinst that gi gantio atrocity, that diabolical conspir acy, that nameless "n.onstrum borren dutn" of Christian civilisation, that mothers nine-tenths of the woes and sorrows winch uitgnt sua curse our t.S SlS. 1 modern age, the traffic in it' toxicants, whiok hides its deformity under forms of law. How long shall the face of our Christian age blister with this worse than pagan ehsmo t Haa the virtue of our tice degenerated ao low that wo do not oven blush of the legislated traffic.iu the souls of our ownfchildren 1 That by tbe very doors of our homes, and our temptes, an at my of miscreants should, by anthorism of laws mado by Christian lawgivers, prosecute a work of murder and death ? Are we reduced to the shame of admitting that a civili sUion that baa crown up about our al- SaV tan. is impotent to cure ths evil 1 How can we go to the hoatbon wiih this can cer of worse than heathen infamy fes teving in our bosom ? Our church from the first has borne testimony against it, but wo muat renew Lour proteat with louder and mote solemn emphasis until our land is rescued. The exorcism of this (lemon, thid vampire that hassoixed and nrev-H on the verv vitals ot the i j ' nation, demands the combined energy of the church and tho government. Signal. Mio Auna Gordon, who returned to Evanston with Miss Willard for the birthday celebration of the dear"mother of us all," is still unable to be at her post of secretary, and is still afflicted with the low malarial fever which has for nearly two months interfered with tbe work dear to her heart. It takes a pretty smart phrenolo gist to tell what is in a barrel by ex amining Its head. NO an THE Y, IlLH gagSr. Ho I a nu we i.,.,. e t .i.... ourc irrency wift bs) nnaeltli d, s d aU oi iM,iiHi clien.e w' m iit .1 II f I . ... outgr.wih of our m.uurlng obligationf. M is also made the pretext for political c mspiraoie'. R er .fac , km W4Tf d( r. iug irioda of (e.'Meai . XC w, nt t e mm atrenuo n erT.ria l.-.a, .., ,a, e by ihe p.r.y in jn.wer t., ,ow encr mous monthly reductions in the public debt and s ns. ,..t .er-aae fa (he annual tnteieV. This M tr, kn ,1D. sUlie s,,d rhif,u ,, ,icVf wjich W(U( perplexing in the Ust decree, tig no ooner hsd ihe ,K.llticsl . xcitement sub idtd tbsndid alsuhe eff,,!. Qf the ItVubfUsna (o mike a popnlir fiaan Ciel shewing. The t.t tso month. have been strikio gfy iliUraiive of this policf. In Novmla-r the nationaj debt, which had been steadily diminbb iag for the six or eight in nths preced ing, wss aomewhat iurieiaed. As coni,are. sari. ti the reconl of previous mooths, when iu llinr.a w re ptid off, these statements are atartling. Un fortnnstely thev are due to lavish snd aa a wasteful expenditure under !. vs parsed by Congres., and are thus proof of a vicious policy. Ref.,re the election we were told tbst If the R-puMicns were not re'aiaed in pewer the national debt would nevftr Issj aid ; thst the national booor would be tsenished, snd sll the evils possible to afflict a nation would be sore to come to us. All this, how erer, wss done for poHuc.l effVc'. The Republicans were defeated, and there are no pre nt indications of the country going to tbe A .js. Th tact is, tbe national debt, f r mny reasons, may safely be left A ,ne. There unocc essin for calling in a S rat-el ass securi ty, snd adding millions earh month to cspitsl aeeking in vestment. The prea- : ent generation has done its duty with me sjawg. Uompare.l euh an bilitv to mrel it, it is br n . sj J4rget tn(j good polit dictatis a r.- i ietiou of UX burden, which are nflWiaWojO the h ple.rsther hn a r- IttetSOW of th debt, which thejr 4 n . fe!. T .IS. at all evfut, ia in Ke t,ft j QjCv of l0e Democratic rjaaHj Hmesesuse the Dem ecrsU have bv-u kdfcesj in every eff ft iher have mado to reluct an one insti tutional and opp easiv. tmX !ei-d on the neeaitiea of t!, ppl. , by ths pretext urgently mala that the nonev as necessary t oiei the natioual ob ligations and preserve the nslional hon or. That pretext no longer exist, and the jaarty whici urged it will eojn sur render control of the tiovernntent to a party whose first principle is "tie great- est individual nd social frilom. with tb leaat possible at." Kximi-ier. roriiast micme Sharks have evelids while snakcs hsve none. Thefgrasuhoppcr devclois from the young irva to the winged adult without changing the m de of life. The favorite attitude of a bat when at reat Is that of suicnir)n bv the clows, with head downword. The tape-worm has no distinctive I antiarlna hut ahin.lw Ika oluaiin -rr" uu muj diffPsitetl f.VMt of iia hnal Tho nhom. i - - ' --v ' lc, preparation of the food has pro ceded Its oboorption. A Scotch person said, somewhat sar castically, of a hard drinker, that "he put an enemy in his mouth to bteal a way bis brains, but that the enemy, after a thorough and protracted eearcb, returned without anything." Some one is reviving the song of "The Watcher," which was popular over thirty years ago. It must be some woman who will not give her husband a latch-key. THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, cowibiniag Iron with pare rentable tonic, quietly ana compiou-iy Cure. Dv.eeneia. Indleration, Wrnki Iaaeere Bleed, Malaria, 1 bills and Fevrra, urea Iiyaeepeia, ieeir.tion. vt ream-. aad NenraJata. It la an unfailing rcsnedy fer Dteeaacs oft no HIJmh J I.Urr. It ts tnraVuabl. for Diseases poonllar to al Women, and all wbo lead sedentary uvea. ltdoes not injure the U'etta, cause headaehe.or produce constipation otAfr Iron medicrtd It enrich., and purlftc. the blood. itiinulatcs the appeUte. aids the siwlniilaUon of food, re 1 rye. Heartburn and Belchlug. aud strength : the muscles aud nerres. . - Kor Intermittent FeTers, Lassitude, Lack ot r . . rcy, Ac.. It has no equal. 09 The genuine has above mark an i rosaed red lines on wrapper. Take no otlu . Tui laTj l saows uibbkai. ox baltibsbk. REOtUr W , WOODARD CO., Portlan Or. CRAF & FR0MM, Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKERS. 81 First Street Albany, Or L'ii 2 m p f - STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVBETim MEDIUM IH THE WILLAMETTE VALLIT. VpeelaJ bsurliieaa not lews in LaaJ Qg4 imns 16 etvta r line. 1 selsr Lawh ioii.s lOcentM -r lioe. Tor logsd MM 1 1 Hiiwient mjl ertUsmewSN I! Oo er square for lle first Issertiawaicl eents mr .quare for each aubaeqaewt inaerti'.n. RsyS fnt otln r a.l vertineinanta w'9 know n on app)r.uion. moi se mnx x: a, - This bill pni in- for tbe rwfgfsl o the law which require Insurance Companies to obtain gtamps from the Secretary of State and affix them to their poiicfee of Insurance. The rev- onue derived from this source alone i for the !ast two yr4 ,rtr $9f$$0. This 14 Mirnpty h fix upon Insurers and un-equal and un-American, aa the companies require insurers to pay t. We hope to see the legislature iaw this bill. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Vo;ila.aaaaa,.OeaMaare. ete.,1 - ' -.-. ,l. llf-auli areiij tlx? Tram 'rum n Slta taejarssae.s. FOR STRENGTH AHD TRUE FRCII FLAVOR THEY STAND A LONE. eacaaso av ths Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicaco. III. 6t. Louis, Mo. eaataa or 9r. Price's Cream Baking Powder aa Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Bea lry Hoa Vaat yea BALz st yfwntM we just tart oxs gtaLmr. F-.r U h- rs,i nz Msrle St Co. Portland, Or. a lAMT tlCilTUV MClssI LIuH I ntALIIIT IsssawU YEASTHH Tbe best dry hep yaast Is tS rt'itrd by this yeast Is light. wt icm like our yandBBsHser's ejail GROCERS SELL THIS. iHMaso mt ts Price Baking Powder B:Tn ci Br. pn's Special rbTtnu tram. Ci'.cago, III. 5t. Leuia, SOB, V sale t. CuU n a Hurt, aai Co.. v-rll.ud. r. Eed CrownMills IS0H, LAXXIXG '& CO., PROPR'S K PKih'EW SLOl'R 8CFERI0R VOX W, A5D BAKERS USB. BEST ST0RAGF aCILITOB. Hiehest .Price in Cash tag Wheat A LB AN YOR. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of gooi mease 1 St boSt'Mll prices. AlPAUV flPCPflal I ALBA Hi. UKttlUII. Chairs ! Chairs ! Kawbide bottom chairs for both aid anal ouog, at bottom prices at the factory of 1. PUTNAM, Albany, Oregts ,. - . .i .II-. - mtm "r. J ARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, nteka shoveIs,8pades, forks, grindstonea, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything von want, cn be bad cheep for cash at Peters & Stewart. afj UTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley caas be found at our store. It embraces poekvat knives, table knives, forks and apoeaa. butcher knives, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all kinds, and the best line of rasora ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves. Paraass 8 r a w a. ?, pOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, akko miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in eatl tivatlon. 10 acres slashed aad sown so grass. Comfortable dwelling, geoi outhouses. Cheap. Insuire at this office. mOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of cltv with fair house and barn will be, ,ae cheap C C CHERRY. C.R.Pr UH ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. fTsyK HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX f V completed, and are now prepared so handle all kinda of heavy work. We vS matiUfactnre Steam Engines, Grist aad Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iroa and Brass Castings. r iTTEKJfS liOl S)M SMOBT IOIMX. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grada Separator. gaap eat Bajier it.Osles a Lassfcer Albany ,Qr Dso. 1, Hi i