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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1885)
Bmorrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST iDVEBTlfFG riElMf ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTIXG. IS THE WILLAMHE TAIIET. 1 t"(M!Ul t )!. irie in l-ol Uol BVSIESSOHT4't:--ln Rfiii'M Wt UuiMttifc an ltru:ilHlllB street. iUiui.- ii e,i ,,r i,, Lett) (mi 1.1 Jt.r jjut, F-r IfaJ urn tlSti hi tthHUMUMtl 1 0 t (iuih rr i hi Ural isaerteoaased Moon's tr ..itmre for erli kuUvuoea.t iuawrtbj,. . TCRMS OK MMKWrtW single copy, por year, in ad vanw....... . . atn!e copy, per year, stand ot jcar anuria copy, six month ...... 2 M s ov 1 If 75 10 VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ill, 1885. NO tJO lotii' r.,r oihar a.ivriiamuta kiki au on appli cation. iitg-i ctpy, tnre. pi;., sliurle number STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Eights PROFESSIONAL OARD& S. S. STRAHAFL ATTOllXKY AT LAWi Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTirK IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will sive special attention to coIIocUouh atul probate matter. , , QMot in Foster' new brick. 49tf L H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN D-- Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstair, over John Brljrfp store, tst street. MaMtf J. K. WEATHERFOUD, (NOTARY PUM.K'.) iTTORNEY AT I,AW uiaw. orevox. WILL PRACTICE IX ALL TUB COUHT3 or TUE Suto. Special atteuUoo. given to coileeUons mm) .probata matter. UTOm io OUa FelUer'i Tempt. f. O. POWKLL. W. WLTEU POWELL & BILYKir. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors ia Thawrery, 'A I.TI AW. - - - OttKOW. Collections promptly made on all points. T.oans negotiated on reaaonan o t r.s. "Office in Foster's Briok.- Hul9tf. J. J. WHITNEV, attoni8y Aid Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECOH, Will practice in ail of tha Court, of . . , ... i ... i.... , ;.,...-,,. 2 . . i-'-M will be promptly attended to. jarOfBce in OToolo's Work. E. W. LAN GOON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet A rtJeaesa, A Large Stock and Iw Pri CITT DBtTG- STOF.E, Sri :uv.o!;n:o. FOSHAY & MASO?4, -tr.i..:Li.i ass arrn Orngsristsand Booksellers. ALBAXY, ORRCOSf. vlSnsitf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Eto, PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY Rllll, Albany, Or. DR. CaTw, MAST0K Physician and Surgeon. Offlca on Frt Street, jnt jKsJ ofCesuad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. Ha ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. Offi-e and re-;.dence in Mcllwain'a Block. Albanv, Oregon. LOUIS CASPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cat in the very boat style. SAX WA V LACXDRV AXD CHIXA UEBCHAN'HIXO BU3I-NE-iS. Ric', it and Japvicae gnmiM. LafHar aiiercloihe, acPd ai btvm priata. On tractor for China labor. ATXext to aty ftuilc FURNITURE. I have the bes- sto-k of furn-.tura in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap. Cheap, The only stoek of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and tho lowest price in the Valley. Come and ace. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. .4 3,15 IS V. OR. The First Term will ewsmssee on Tuesday, Sep:., 16th, I!S!. For particulars concerning the courawi of Sta4 and the price of tuitkm, apply to ttV. elmfkt v. iviir, Preaaaeat. Aloany Bath Houss. TiU UNDSRSI'JNISD V0ULD RESPECT fally iiforui the citii3aa of Albany and vi evaitythat I havotakon oharo ofthij Establish aasit,and, by kep'rog clean roomf and payin ifcr'nt attention to baincg, ozpects to suit el thois who may favor U3 with thair patroaago ili7iai? Itaratofora iarrie,l on nothing but First-Class Ha:r Ur5slne Saloons expects to gi7 entiro nctisf . it' ri -, cl O'laten aii .jiites Iit.r natij cb ba-apooad. JOS wS? OREGON SHORT LINE, Fast Freight aai Passage Enute, B. CAMPBELL. General Agent. No. 1 Washington St., Porllar.d. Or. jpOB SALE, Good farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon 160 acres. 50 acres timothy and clovei meadow. 50 wheat land in caltivattioo. We. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the p'ace R SALE! A SAW MILL AND WATER POW BR At Waterloo, Linn cotuttv, oa tlie Sun tiittn Itiver. bstvvovtt livontnl nix mUw from lotmnon. This is tho liiicst availatilo aat-r power in Linn oonntv. and tho mill tea been pnt in thorough running onlwr Piica 2.w0. One thousand down, balance aecured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOCS, hi shape to run to the shove mentioned mil 1. cvMitalulntr. about :00 thousand fret at So per thousand, toither with a tract of timber available for present use. ONE FARM in Linn ivmnty of arros within throe utiles of Albany, on tho road to Corv.lll. Of tlUS - : :ior's ani cleared and undor cultivation. It has a tine young on-hard (now bearing, of well known varlatles of fruit.) a commonioua barn and autalt dwelling house. Terms $0000. Si:00 cash down, balance on llmo secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lota, (or six if wanted ) Prk-e $1800. Teriua fOOO cash, balance secured br tuortaaffe. Ad- jaininir this house is a m.;l pasture wpli a larse new and fominodious barn tit for stortr.s wheat, oats, 50 tons or more of bailed hay. Tenr s accorainir. to amount of land wanted. This barn ia j uat outside tiio r 'v JiiMi's ami oonseaueutt v avaiua the city taxes, while it close enough to reideuceto bo under constant Inspaction Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES atJioiutnc Albaar and ara'dable for about 180 tewn lots. The jrt limlusi v aurvey of heOrsron Pact tie crossed tbs Orajcon and ('alifornia KsUnnt I on this tract Which adjoins the depot ttruunda of the latrcr road. Terms U',00. Wee owner, ROBERT l man or cU a: Pbmocrt office. THE ALBANY FURNITURE IIOTISK, BEIKK & SON. (Soeeeaaors to) Bannais, Woodin & Fisher, Mnu Tact are ar.d dealers In all kind FURNITURE, wou'd respectfully Inform the public that thoy manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock ol ali desirable linos of FURNITURE, and arid sell at bed rock pneas. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDKRSIGNKD WISHES TO inform the public that he la now pre pared to do all kinds of atone and marble work on short notice. All work Is war ranted to a:ive satisfaction. Will work any and ail kinds of atone, but deal prin cipaliy in Oregon City f?raaite. Cleaning, repairing aud resetting a specialty. Call and examine my ptieea beforo pureha-s-Ing els6whra as I will not be undersold. f hop on west aide of Ferry street oppo- site priat office. . O. W. HARRIS, Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Corse. Virnt aad EUawsrlh Albaay, Wrecea. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. ThU now H-!.1 la Bttod op In flret rtaaa etyto. Table, npt'tiad with the beat the market aSorda. 8iring Beda in arary Room. A rl Sajnf.le Roota tr Com merciaJ Travelers. trrne Coaeb ta and from the otrJ.'W MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLIBERY ASH DEESS-IA10HB. Cutting and fitUng by the new Taylor'e Syatcni. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS I. W. & MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OH)).. Offer their prvifeaalonal aen'ces to the citUene of Linn and adjacent count a. Office and reaulcn- aear Court M juae. Call at UflfiM and C'a Uruif Store. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber , laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON a WEST. Albany, Or. Insurance. F. P. (fatting, at the Demockat offlce, has charge of tlie following first-class Insurance Companies : NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC3TISH UNION AND NATIONAL. CHAS. METZGER' Fisli, Poultry and Game. Fresh fisb of all kinds constantly ,on hand. Poultry dressed to order, a 11 kinds of game in season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of tbej city. Next door east of Tweedale'8 Tin and Stove Store. Citicura THE ONLY REMEDIES FOR THE SKIN AND BLOOD UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Wat T Tullea, 73 North Tooth Sirert. fhlUUot I'M, rvpurta that one u( his iuatMnra aUte.1 to him in-'t.U'iiialiy that h -aa faallns ao wlt an I twnl fatiimi twenlj seassa i-nu.U In th aat yaar, all f which ha attribute! U a evatamallc i-.-mw u( th ( th i' it ItamiLrsxT, which hat rtvwl Svctutl shoit all othor reiuoUlea (allatl. N4IRCM OS NKt'K. 'l. i ItraJy. Boinarvlll. Maaa,, wtui rvtara U lir i J .kmI. ilrnkrfl,, tttlhat city, cortltlM to a w.m.Urful ur.4 ruauhur aorM on the neck which had been treated by hltal rhalciana without cure, anil which jirlUoil comHvUljr to tho L'l ru i a Kaaamaa. C I ltE BY 11 l it 1 Its. Uy akin diaaan. whluh raatatoil aervral KnUr reiiMHlloa aiH other rwwieataa advised by phyeloian. baa been cure.1 by )our fitiu i Itr.MKfiM. They eurnaaae.1 my nrnri aauguiae eiectoliun and rapidly t fleeted a cuv. J ft a i.i.s r::i r. Ytnaeanea, lad, K9IOW ITU VALUE, AtJ f your Crvtct aA Haaatataa giru very . I eat. i.taii..n The ft mraa I eaecUlhr leaaSMMM tor the dleeaena tor which It la owed. ( know from ea erictwe tta va!ue. ML II. J. rttATr.Mai.Uli ., wu. I Til l It s ABROAD. Tbroti-.'h a home rct tmcd rorweli;an. I have learn ed to known your t i ru ia. which haa In a abort Untc cured dm ot an aV-aeiaa that my phyaictaa e medi' lcnee coiM not heal. t UK. ttELTZKN. llemeti. Norway, Acntuhrrvtniii('. thi: POET IMM1 A leeling o gratitude ImpeU aw to acknowtodice the greet nwriUol yHr fitin ii, and I pordlally rwuninmwl it to the public as a Ver valuable rem edy. ii x menu nrbep..rt. conn. I'jr aale evervwherr. Price CiTtcva. the r at Skin Cuic. ftuv. Cirataa Hoar, an cvouiaite Kiln lijauttflcr, fja, Ct VS I a l(taoi.Kvr. the new bi ud Partner, It. roller lrras au.1 I hem Ira I I a., lo.loi fHTI' ' V K s"f. " eauulalte Toilet llath.and WW a .. urwr SanaUtc. DEYOE & ROBSON, (H tccensora to W. B. C.ollra.) - DKVLERS IN-. Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BU86IE8, Plows, Harrows. HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, Administrator's Notice. "VJoTiCK i horehy glv that the tin A3! driicuod Admin intra tor of the eatato of Ilarhard Nhalton, dWeaNH!, haa filed liia final account in the matter of aid es tate in the County Court of Linn count v. Oregon, and the Judgo tf aail Oottfl haa made an order accord inK to law directing this notic to be pubiiahad, and haa ap pointed Monday the ith day of January, lS6i at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day as the time r r the hearing of otUsctlons to Mid final account and the asttiement thereof. Uauvkt Hhkltox. PviWKM.dc Hit.vKt . Admiutstrator, Attorneys. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CHINE SHOP. CMTABLIMHBD 1SC5. By A. V. CIIKKRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery MtreeU I K.ll J , Oregon. Having taken ehargeof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Orist Mills, Wood -working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinda repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. ratters faking doae la all lis farms. 16:1 lyi A. P. CHERRY A SOW. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Will practice lu all tho Courts in the Slate. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Dr.SANFORD'S BNVIGORATOR Is just what its name implies.'; a Purely Vegetable "Compound, that nets directly upoa theater ; curing the many diseases iciderTQ that im portant organ, and planting the nu merous ailraants tftgarise from its deranged ornSction, such aa Dyspeps d&idice, Biliousness, CosnyenessVftWaria, Sick-headache, Ehetuaaukrietc. It is therefore a trmsmgdr " To have Good Health tha Liver must be kept in order." DR. 8A5F0R1VB LIVER INVIGORATOE Invigorates the Liver, Itogulales the Bow els, Strengtheng tho System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. XR. SAHPORD'S LITER ZIT7ZG0RAT0R. Jin experience of Forty yean, and TIiou sands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOIt SALE BY AIX DEATJCR8 IS MEDICINES. For fnll infonnftllon tend your address for 109 VJ3mFwJ&. i u vtroaiTiox i i:n i it. (Kraut our rayulsr rorreitiJont.) Nkw Ohlkans, La., Jan. 188A. Tlio past month wan not a financial auccras for tho Kx position ; hut with the present favorable weather the sec ond month will provo profitable. "While a little work n atill Roing on in so urn departments, "the Kx position ia now complete and toady for vUitora," is the llllvtrial remark. MA INK. I, II. Il im, coininissi'Mu i, pa W. V Uhtnding, state commissioner, mska it veiy pleasant for vuitors Id Iheir in teresting department, which is near tLe (iorersiuent spsce on tiio northeast. Some fortyflve vsrletfaa of forest Um ber are aeon, from which many useful trtioiea are mtnuraotured. In ship buihliof, Maine is ahead of any other state, models and sptclmens of tbo vari ous kinds of hoits ate exhibited togeth er with their equipments. Shingles of pine and ce lar, measuring twenty in ches wide, stave, boxes for fish and can no J go) . poplar chip, which aro tfJ to pulp and made into paper, aro here seto. Specimens of match wood, for which ono company cut up a million feet of lumber, in this businsis alon?, am here shown. Fruit boxes arc manufacture 1 in IfsJwt and ahipped to al n .at every c iuntry far fruit lacking. Slte, plumbagoreuite and mineral, are exhibited. An at tractive obj-. t i a in !! lime kiln of modern atructurc, vry suterior to the old sty. for but nine limrs'.une. II re ia a very taatr disp'ay of taxidermy, of the aniimls and birds of this country. Probably the finest plushes for uphols tering to be bad anywhere ere manu factured st Sanford by the (ioodail Manufacturing company. Paper and cordage is a specialty in manufacturisg It ia aaid Maine, which now produces threr-fiftha of the asrdinrs consumed in thisountry, by its superior goods, hsa driven sll foreign competition awsy. A ship carpenter sends a medal of a full rigged ahip which occupied 300 daya in making; it is valued alJSl.MK). IUAIIO TKURIToKY. Idaho, since tho early days of mining stamped, has not enjoyed the reputa tion of being in a much belter condition than the state of Nevada, wbieh has gradually dterjesed in population since its sdomhi mi us attic. Hit a small apace was stoned the csmmisstoner, Cil. (). A. Stroup, i i represent the tetritory, but he Ilea, lm the most hap py manner p sttbtrt fijltd it with glit tering apecimeiiK from se hundred rich minee.wtth grain, ct unxcelletl beauty, with curious niarvet. and wealth of fur, paintings cf its grand acenery.and splendid specimens ol fruit. Among bis specimens of mineral, particularly noted lor beauty aodexrel leace, are quartz from the Wood Rivrr a d Salmou iciver district, placer and quattz specimens from the Coeur D' Aleno camp which last year caused the greatest stampede in the Ufce record of mining excitements. The commissioner aye his Territory has been but slightly prospected, and he doubta not if an ex position is held in the next ten yesrs he will be able to represent tho richest mines of America with Idaho quarts. WISCONSIN. It ia well known that this state makes a specialty of cheese and butter, end claima to abow the largeat and finest variety at the Exposition. While only s few samples are witbiu the space in the Maine building, three towers made of cbeesea are prominently exhibited, one composed of or. in go shaped and pine apple is a beauty. Sheboyan county wss io the load. Kgerton is sail to be one of the largest markets for the ssle of leaf tobacco in the United Stales. Wiscon sin took the premium on one hundred varieties of apples against seven oom" pstitor.. Iu hooey no state can excel this in quality, while it ia a general industry by many and engaged in by nearly every farmer. Wbeat,oat,coin, hay, vegetables and garden aeeda, are displayed in glass cases. Thirty new varieiiis cf corn in uars and ahallsd aro displayel. Beaver Dam sends a fine lot of leathers, munufactured cloths and ctfssimets, which compare favors b'y with eastern factories. Printing end stationery am well represented. Woman'a worlr is artiutiu and beautiful, and occuriei a prominent place io the state department. Miss Uodker, of Beioit, basin this display ono of the finest displays of needle work endowed n a giitlVame nvr exhibited, and can only bp seen to be appreciated. Hun dred of people are collected around it daily. Mrs. Ely, the artist, has speci mens of work showing hkvtches of soeuery i ud houses in Florida, notably tho wiutnr residence of Mm. Alexander Mitchell, wife of the gn at railroad millionaire ot the Cuiuago, Milwaukee & St. Paul systems. Milwaukee sends large photographs' of ins twenty-eight public school edifice?, C. D. Hoton is the commissioner in charge. At a meeting held by the American Horticultural society in this city, in 1 regard to tbo financial embarassmen of lbs Exposition management, Mr. Otio. W. (Jiinpb' lMuarsre, O.ormor assistant oomuiiasioner to the Kxiiesition Universslie at Paris, also aeifhtant commissioner from O'tio to th Werld's Exposition at New Or. leans, moved To tha ill. e. that the Exhibition having ussumed proportion beyond all expectation, and having gruWu upon their hands bey end thfir control finan cially, He it thoi afore nssdved. That tho Atnerioan II rii:ul'ur tl Society esrn esily reoomiiiftitd that the government of the United Stales aV .11 f ather aid the management ol the W rld's OjatSH fJantennltl Kposiiion by tbj loan of $500,000, or of suah Mt u ms shall be SC.ssSry to csrry its onljrteking to a I fsessslul conclusion. The reaoluthn wa aoul-l an I unanimously carried. Mr. K.llog, of Wno.tiin, moved that We find the Kcintioii s fai com pleted that we sdtw o ir fre:o h to postono their m litgir, but to come and see the grests4(. Ktpslti)ti ihe world has ever aeon. Also, that we Wlieve a nun Uberal accommodation to sjaitara by railroad, and returning by iiaTaass)t routes with stop-over privilege, will greatly in crease the attendance. WSasjISCTOS LI. f t I B I I uar f." i iff .Sr. .1 ) WabhinoTox, Ja. 17, 185. The revival 1st Moody jthejournallst, iiw. Augustus Sla; tho divine, IUv. Mra. (Xymplit Brown, and Ihe stcr- llngoid ernt mnrew ol woman's rights, fluvm B. Anthony, snd Cady 11. Stan ton, have been In Wssliliirtlon dur ing tho week iU yet peoplo sty there Is nothing going on. At a session of the woman's rights roiiwnilon last evening Kov. Olym- I i t Brown chose for her text the worN, "All are cresll free nnd equal." I hopo HIWo IvsdtN will be abo to find tho text, I will net give the verse or chnp'er, but Ugtt that the reader eWMBtaMMt t iho first chapter of lieeeal mid unt I he find It. Ihe Lev. oiytmda mid: The srlstorroey in fower Is that uff the mustache, whose Insfsjllia h th.. spittoon, whoee homo is Hie smoking ar, whose outward sign i. ihe curt lug' tobacco smoke, and whh h n 6m pendent upon sn accident ,' lbs body." It Is such silly talk as ihit that make the advocates of woman's right' rraduced among thoughtful people, uiid if woman ever attains tho electivo franchise It will be In -pite of the prims facie argument of unfitness that every woman's rights convention pieseuts. Io s letter on tho ssme subject written three yesrs ago I referred In complementary terms to M s An. thony and Mrs. Stanton as the 'old war marcs" of the cause. By an accident my letter was sent to the organ of women's rights In Washing ton Territory. By sn accident it escaped the eagle eye of the Editress, and ber psper wss mailed to several hundred subscribers before the awful Insult which my letter contained was observed. The Editress heart! from her subscribers, snd I heard from the Ed 11 res. As an arumcnium ml muU i rum, translated, clincher" she asked me how I would like to have my mother called an "old war mare." I did not reply. I sometimes know when to stop. But what made them so mad? I bad frequently referred to Thurmao, Edmunds, and other able men as the "old war horses" of their respective parties. The language be longs to the afoia of journalism, and is understood to be complementary If I had called these dhtinguished women "war horses" the metaphor would have been false in raspect of sex. There Is no opprobrium lu sex. In the name of sex, of femioiu- ty In its broadest and widest range, I protost against the invidious protests of the Editress and the enfrachlsed women of Washington Territory, and when to object to tho words "war mare," I arise to defend them against themselves. Mr. Moody had crowded houses to which admission was only by ticket, and thousands were unable to hear him. Mr. Moody is not profound or eloquent. He is not even grammsti cal, and he uses slang. I heard him while preaching and surrounded by Hlfty ministers use the expression "I can't catch on;" but he is ample sympathetic, earneast, and therefore eloquent. No one can hear him without being impressed with his absorption in his cause, tho secret of his success, I think, is io the ftet that he preaches Christianity without dogma, and without Jsm. Purity of life, with beueflcent work seems to be his creed, and no one can tell from his sermons to which sect he belongs. There has been little doing in Con- i gress this weak. An entire day was de voted to eulogistic oratory 'he sub jocts being a deceased St inter, An thony of Uhodo Isiri.d, and u n.eiu ber of tho llous -, Mr. Evans, of South Carolina. Tho approprfoflon bill was p.issett, and the Senate spent some tiiito iu secret session di-utng the NIcarauguan treaty. It is believed that the treaty will U approved by Congress. The work of preparation f.r the two groat pageants of Feb. 22nd, and March tte -ith, goes bravely on. Such a procession, such firework h, such an Inaugural btM as uro project od were never he ore (pea n tbh couotry. Proposal have(been Invited by the Washington Monument eiirnmlsslon f r the ero rtlon of .i staHMl on tho southeast terraco of the monument to secoromodals 1840 persons be ides Iho speakers. A reviewing stand will also lie erected at tne east front of the Capitol. Livery stable-men have been invited to cnd lu proposals to furnish 17'. carriage to convey taemr of Congress and distinguish, ed guests from the cipltol to tho Monument These carrisges are to be uniform la char w ter, (he drivers suitably llvorcd, and upon each carri age it is propood to h.vsa sUfTwith a red white and blue treiraor. The proposition to decorate the carnage, with ll ig or s tree men s made for tho purple of relieving what would otherwise ' the funereal appearance of the procession. Misixci eauatra. raaaase Stara-Tellere Ikal 4afrra Sass. lltsee Mre( Tare Mert l'r...ur. Wmm Waatr4 la start a tJlae-aVal-era la ei.raSe aa4 Ue. raa Orr "Sjme big liara come iut as assay -et'. ollicc on Ii i i .while,' a down town ssssyer nid inci dentally in a talk about mining proper ty, "but I tnink the two biggest Kara I have ever seen came into my office last Summer, not together, th.nk goodness, fur if they hsd I would have kicked them out for eappoaing thst 1 might be an eternal fool. Inatead I listsned ta each, and then gave him a piece of my mind. The first waa about 4.p yeara of age, .bar (featured, luog-h.ired, and With tho sppearanco of a Western miner. He eareleaaly unwrapped a newspaper from a lump cf ailver era, and aaked in a heainesi like way to have it assayed. I j pLkedup the lump and stid off-band! : 'f here's no reed of iuivtsg that ahSav ei. Ifa 7.1 jter cent attter at first gl.ric. And it was. It was about aa rich a slSalaflaai as 1 had ten in aome time it was worth at least $1 000 too. " 'But ! want it aatayed,' be aaid. I've got a draft of ore like that aix set wide, and I w.n't to sell it. I don't want to lie about it, and I wan't to know just what it ia worth." ' That a my business, and of course, I knocked off a ptee e f the loasp charged him more than I would any body else, bees use I knew he intended toaaindle somebody. I ground the piece of ore into dust, aud put in a bottle. Then I took a Utile snd saaay- ed it. It turned ont iuat what I sr thought it would. Aa nSual I made a record of tho aa .y, aed waited tor the man to return." 'About four days after the assay four or five respectable old gentlemen came iuto ike t ffice together, and one of them unwrapped a piece of ore, and aaid : Will rou please asaav tbia Cor r us ? We are thinking of buying a silver mine, and this ir some of the ore. What do you think it ia worth ?" 'I looked st it cloaely and disco varad that it was from the lump my Western man had brought in. " 'Excuse me, but I have assayed this ore within five days, I aaid.' " 'Y-e-e-a,' the spokesman of the party eatd hesitatingly. 'Wn under stand that Ii has been assayed, but we thou Jit it would be safer to hare it assayed for us particularly. How much did yon make it out to be worth V " 'Twelve or fifteen thousand dollars a ton,' I said, not wishing to be too particular at find. 'I'll see.' "White I was looking orer my rec ord1 look I uoticed the gentlemen look ing knowingly at one another. " 'It was $18,000,' I remarked, turn ing towaid there. It didn't startle them a bit. " 'That's pretty rich, isn't it ?" 'Decidedly so. Where, thomioe V I asked. " 'In Colorado. We have a drift there aix feet wide. ' " 'Colorado I' I exclaimed. 'That ore never has seen C dorado. That's from some Mexiean mins.' "I knew what I waa talking about when I said that, because I can pick out Colorado ore from 2,000 specimens. I can pick out ore from the Comstock lode anywhere you put if. After get ting a few more particulars about the man who wasted to sell the mine, I said : 'Gentlemen, I don't want to have you taken in by anybody, and especially by one of those Western min- 4 tf tkii g mj fotal j S a m lor ItiiM k i . , k" 'O MMiMiy ttC Hl.l I've tta d ) lei 1 a u'il fii.d Luiiiiv a lit. win r,e mh l".. A wl.ii veil MM 1 inli-r..l to be, .nd Imsj vutii ,i. satMiyeiL Tnh soma i-f jtds d .at with y.u od m.s if i la- like yoie pf .' 11 m m - Mil" We I uy l1.ljidta f . 50,000.' lie l.irt . ... ,.:i.r aaidi f 'If you asm find a mine are th. ore is all Ukslhul.' I eel-!, lirid m. who will tie :0,M;0,OOU f.,r u. That isn't a int. sfsasjen, sm.'.i.i .i,;. ,, t isn't fr.u-; C..I ,,-d . K Aiuh ,,,; from some idij inNm m IfexJeV "Th?y hoiked ralher e!um, and aeui out. really pitied Hem. Tlie ,.. day tfct) Wcatern nun came in U me. I gHve it io him h " Ls,k here,' I -i j. .We've ho i just about ewrtagh if .iclt f..iJ.iwa m- yssi are around hen-. When jo i c me on here to sell m mioedon'; iy to pm off M siicat. ore for C lorlw ore- Th. my advice and dci.'i abow ihat lorn.. Ui any miu-r, htjm rWVj kcw . . miruiti. N'.,er akin. ' r "I have as iho old gen-leirjen since. I Kiiin4 thw I I . m . ...... ... . w . bo ol 1 then. lh t u i., J .ii i. "The other chap aa : kfc ,f .. .uij.y fellow. !Ie wanted u, hav veiy king very secri-t. Hi bad a rsWe i-f ore t!t I koew was IfexrVsio, audit wu Unv time before I cu!d ai,)tLig ont of him. At lassartii In ii i f ' mercisl traveler, and whle I was i t Mexico thi. Summrr, I atotaek ai old trail over the moeouins tha , f th -night would take me by a shcrt salt to nhere I wanted t . 1 took it. but it aa the roughe.t u'ound I evr atuck. About avon 1 asalm4it overer.meu.iad w I dropped ff aay iiiuIm near a ahay place to e.tch . nap and utt. My mule tkst wandering aoou', awoke me after awhile by nearly stefa ing on me. In pulling my blankittfT the hump that had served as a p How I noticed that the rock rpar Ll.-d. It struck me all at onoe that it wa silver, an I I ookeJ around to are if there were any other rocks like that. I don't know whether you'll believe it, but a short distance t ff the the ground was covered with tbeSS. I nicked uo about . i twenty piunds and packed them on my mule and started for the nearest settle ment. I didn't tay anything to any body in that neigh boibood, and I didn't dare to have tho ore asaaved until I eot av ear - to El Paao. But I it quired the price of land and found I could buy that pirce of ground furj about 15,000. I've come on here to raise thst and t Le st si t s mine. What do you think the ore is wotth ?' "I took the fellow n!i in and said : Did you pick tie. off the ground ?" " 'Certainly,' ho rep'ied. " 'Waa it in ibis condition V " 'Of course,' ho an.wered, although he waa beginning to be frightened. "Thea you are the biggest liar 1 have ever aeen,'' I aaid very decidedly. "The fellow winced, and I continued : ' You don't know anything about ore, and you don't know anything about Mexican land. This ore came from aome mine more than twenty feet un derground, and it isn't necessary to buy Mexican land before starting a mine. You tell your story well, but you'll have hard work to find anybody who will give you $15,000 to pay for Mexi can land, (ret ont.' "There's a great difference,yoo know, in the appearance of ore that has lain on the surface any length ot time and that of ore just dug from underground. The latter ia more crystallized, for one particular. The surface pickings are what wa call the result of a blow-out. Two drifte,comtog together peak-shaped are gradually projected out by the washing away of the earth. Water gets in the crevices, and after awhiio the peak breaks into pieces, which are scattered over the surface. If that chap had had aurfacj ore he might have been believed, except that part about the land, which waa way off." New Whatcomb, W. T. is soon to be af flicted by tho arrival of Ex-Mayor Kalloch and family, who propose to remain there. New Whatosmb has the sympathy of tb. whole coast THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure race table tonics, quickly and completely ( urea HyeSepela, laaie-aatlea, Weakaeaa, lassare Blood, Maiarla.CailU aad Fevers, unit Nramlala. it is an unnJUng remedy far Diseases of the Kitlaera aad Liver. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to vVometi, and all who lead sedentary lives. . 1 1 ilues not injure the teeth, cause produce constipation otkrr Iran mcdicinr do. Henriettas and purifies the blood, rtintulates tif appetite, aids the assimilation of mod, re I es Heartburn and belching, aud strength ! ttte muscles and nerre. for Intcrmlttcat Fevers, Lassitude, Lack: of riiergy, Ac., it has no equal. - The genuine haa above mark cr ' ruisrd red lines on wrapper. Take no oth . aaa aa, ar .sows ruK.icaa, co, saLTrassa REDIKGTON, WOODARD a CO., FoiUan "Or, ing sharp, i . ... law i.;:. - ViJ r 111 Ii II U :B3T Y0OR BA1QNG-P0DEH TO-BA! tn-easa 4eefti.Mi M .hastate aaast THE TXST f taaeeveraad I 1 - TM.'"H,'ae . i' detect Ute iireeeaue '' ni l)0rs .NOT COJTTAI aXXOKIA, ITS H K4LTKr rums SiS NEVER In a mllil.n kMRM ftr m. tfumtfr ef f eieij K Sm -UmC tb- rwnmr reliable teet, THE TEST OF THE OUR. PRICE BAKING P0WDEBCG., Maxim ow Dr. Price's Special FlaTcriBi Eitrafc. 1r-"4 ' - 'rriln ITS- . L ia I Dr. Prieg's Lupulin Ymt 8m 1 -n Ue-ht, JImIUjjt area.. The Seat Drr B-o YreM la tha Wurld. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CIIICACO. - i,T. UOUI5. 'r mXt .f ru-: ,-, JUrJe A.PirUaa4, Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD SELL THEPJL r .-. a. thi Price Bakln.3; Powder Co.f HasTnif x Mn nmanmami C!iicao, in. 3t. uoutav, asn. I'or nile h CaU n - Morie tul C..". rlUkS. ST, Eed CrownMills IS0M, LANNIN0 'A to., PROPR'I. st-w ruocrs. txoca srrsaioa tea r. AS D BaSSSS CSS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIK. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOKTE.) Will keep a full supply of good maaaa st bottom prices. ALBANY, ORECOH. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both aid and out) if, at bottom prices at the factory of L. PUTNAM, Albaay, Oregea CRAF & FR0MM, Manufacturers snd Dealers In all kinds ef FURNITURE, AID UKDERTAK1RS. 81 First Street Albany, Or JJARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush honk a, picks sbovels,spsds, forks, grindstones, waosl barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything von want, can bo had cheap for cash at Peters A Stewart. SiUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley oe found at our store. It embraces knives, table knives, fork, snd butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and aclsaor. of all kinda, and tha best line of razors ever brought Into Albany. Come and see for your selves. P ir t trtw vsr. pOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in aal Uvation. 10 acres slashed and aown to grass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at tbrs office. O PORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! I Voters fc Stewart lEeep a fall line of am- unition, and will sell as lew as tho low E erv BOO 1 1 of piwJsr la warrsntod i!l i'j'liiu -if rperly used. OR SALE. One half block in eastern part of tete city with fair houae and barn will be anNl cheap 0. C CUKRRY. O R.P tC I ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) liacliinists, Millwriglits, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to liandl all kinds of heavy work. We vrtH manufacture Steam Engines, Orlst aad Saw Mill Macbiuery.and all kinds af Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M IDE OS SHORT NOTTCS. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manuiss- tare the improved Cherry dt White drain Separator. thop aa Baker St. OSlee a ftsaaaler V Albany.Gr., Dee. 1, 18 iO p9 SYtJoTalB Th? bf t dry hp yeart la Ute varlSi fcasj '. y this yeast Is light, waits asst SJtsafS. aoia-i Lie wir gren-1motharS aallasasas JriL