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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1885)
la 4 -Iktek $ SlATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. TERMS Of SUBSCRIFTIOH ingle copr. Pr yew, "jHll copy. per year. t . vrr at T BWBBBS " atari copy, lhr' aBBaSBB. Professional cards. 12 SO 00 1 80 76 10 R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany , Tirr PRACTICE IN ALL, THB YPmtI. Will gye m0m in Foster, new brio. attorneat law. Notary Public. Albany, Orego. Office upstairs, ovr Jobn Brijtore, tstitraet. . - J K. WEATHEBFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) .probat matter. fTOtBce In OvU Tempt. r W. R. BILT-.U ' FOWEIX & BILYBU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in promptfy made , on JoI YjSJiVetiaW on raBSBBMtam erOfnce In Foster a BrtoK.- vl4nltf. lig Ms 1 em 0 cwt . VOL. XX. FOR SALEi&ticura ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY :$0, 1885. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, INTO 27 J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Coesellor It La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECOM, will be promptly attended to. say-Office in OToole's Block. . W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY DE-CTG- STORE, 2vl ALBiXYKECO' POSH AY & MASON, -VSOUOJUI w Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEGOS. vl6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PILLED. Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad ALBANY, ORECOM. Meyers. 03.M.H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. romoe and residence in Mcllwain's Block. Albany. Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sondbalr cut in the very best style. . A SAW MILL AND WATER POW ER At Waterloo, Linn county, on the San tiam River, between Ave and six miles from Lebanon. This is the finest available water power In Linn oonnty, and the mill has been put in thorough running order. Price 12500. One thousand oath down, balance secured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOGS, in shape to run te the above mentioned mill, containing about ftdo thotiMand foot at $3 per thousand, together with a tract of Umber available for present use. ONE FARM la I.lnu county or 248 acres within three miles of Albany, on the road to OorvailU. Of this 220 acres are cleared and under cultivation. It has a fine young orchard. (now bearing, of well known varieties of fruit.) a commodious barn and small dwelling house. Terms $0000. $1500 cash down, balance on time secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lots, (or six if wanted.) Price SlSSO. Terms fiWO cash, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joining this house is a small pasture with a large new and commodious barn nt for storing wheat, oats, 50 tons or more of bailed hay. Tenra aooor Jlng to amount of land wauted. This barn is just outside the citv limits and consequently avoids the city taxes, while it Is oloen enough to reaidence to be under constant iuspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albany and available for about 180 town lota. The preliminary survey of the Oregon Pacific crossed the Oregon and California ilailroad on this tract which adjoins the depot grounds of the latter road. Terras 10,000. See owner, ROBERT L. STEVB&S, or call at Democrat office. THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully Inform the PUDIllltb' they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hand, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will seU at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. Mrs. smith' Cass, aad what the etcv, Mr. Mr k I nli try has te say about It To ths ri sur ; I bsve beta a fearful uffrr for BTiaanyaara, mostnf Ui tlin wUh what has bass oallcl Halt Itheum, Psoriasis and Lepra, and the Ilka, and hsvs always beau told that thars sraa no our fur me, and hare been ao dlseourajrad that I had ae sum dlo aa lie, I hart been so baiil) afflict. ed KimeUme that there was not the amallvat trKit from ths crown of my hsad U the aolt of my lovt that wan net dleeaaotl and aa rati as rrlmeun. It would Cfltuuieiicci in email white axits, which had a all very apearMi)-, hut wore not deep, hut if I si tempted 10 hisd them, or soon after their first ap earanee, they would bum and run tosether unlM there was a complete dry, red ealr, whhn would M tvme o tutt amed aa to orack and look fiery an I an cry, and the burniutf wneatlon would be almost in loferabls . I was at times so lams that t could eeejfe l cri about. aiidiHulil not itroea myelf without talanre. I have tried many retnodtea, and have ial.l !" in s ahiirle Instance te S phyaitUrt, but luirvin ohuiurd only tenuorary relief AIUnauh hnlixsl for a time, I eooti frlsuaed again te br a bejdty iruwbte W UHIM LETTKK (ITrww our regular sorraapoudent.) Washington, Jam. 10, 1884. as ever, and during the wtntei ol ft SftS last t rrcrj riHtttrTH In lhp IrO ufferrdei much as to he entirely dievonr.ure.1 . U.i r J une, however. I was advlasd by KUler and Mrs I. C thfttl Mr. lirgftn. Of TX Mckinatrv. who are well known in these radioes, te STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. mllE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work Is war ranted to (rive satisfaction. Will work anysnd all kinds of stone, but fleal prin cipally In Oregon City granite. repairing aad resetting a specialty, ( all and examine my prices before purchss ins? elsewhere as 1 will not be underaoitl. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. SAX wa vie. . vtRill hl'SI- ht'.M I i' Cv-sataeter awj China labor. tZTSeXt to atv Bank. FURNITURE. t have the bes. stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come anu see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, REVERE HOUSE, l orn e . First sad BUswerth Albaay . era. Cha Pfeiffer, Prop'r. TWs mrw Hotel is fitted op In first class styls. JablaS uppiied with ths bast Ute market affords. Sprint; Beds in erery noon. p omvym sardai Travelers. urtrec Ceach U aa A from the teL.Ttt try your CVncrss RRsatuss ; and I left amhow a little iLumir, rro their favorable opiuion of mem, te try their virtue. About ths second week of July last I commenced Uklag ths remsdlss. and within U weeka I to are a ermanent improvement, until now (Oct. It) Ism about as good as new, MM my flesh la a the flesh ol child. MILS, BE J, SMITH. I certify that the above aiaument of my wife is correct, and I join with her in etprvaatne my grati tude for the irrcal benefit ahe baa received. B. SMITU. I cerUfy that the aliove aUtenient la correct . Mr Smith ta a wremineiit man In ihu cummunlta, wltere be lives, lie is a wei:-kmwii doalvi in alock, and his statement, with that of his wife, ta tolly entitled to credit. Don at hUnatead, frovtace of (Quebec, thUtWviil( rnlh .lav ..f IKtokrr. I.' L. C MihlNKTBY. Hii n! ol the '.,:. Latks. ihateeeeu Mra Smith recwnUr and be lieve her to bo th'iruughly an.1 ivrmanentlv cured. L C M KINSTHY, e.-"v A.lvcnt Ch. Ood, I 1 N., I, and .No, S II. IVwton, Seit, lh, I sl, t'lTiiia Itsaotv rxT, the new bhd purirlor, and ft Tin a and H tui at So.r. the treat efcln cure and beaullrlvra, ai fid r.crv wlwrc. Pn.e. i it n aa, 50e. ;tor, tie, ; Kssolvsst, l I'oiirr Drat aad i fcraslral fa., Bo.loa rTOSiPENTCLEV ELANR Will be I Msr. !i 4th 1889. THE WORLD, Tlte Batiuer Democratic Newspaper. rally, Sen.l-Weekly, H ; Sunday, 91 ML Weekl .one dollar per year. Mutisy can be tnsde by sny man or woman, girl or boy who will organise clubs for THE WEEKLY WORLD Thu great farm and home newaparr. AGENTS PAID IN CASH, For 100 subscriber at $1 eanh fS will be paid; forMouhsrrlben.,912; for 25 au scribe:s, fH ; lor 15 subscribers, for 10 nahncribers, $2; for 5 subscrlbera, fl. Agents u an Ud in e vary Town and Village. t in-ulars and Miopia pis tree. Send for them. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. Administrator's Notice. NuTICK is hereby Riven that the un drsicnd Administrator of the estate) of llarbard Shetton, deceased, has tiled bis final ac-ottnt in the matter of aaki a tate In the County Court of I .Inn county. Oregon, and the jiidfro ( said 'ourt has made an onlvr according to law directing this notice to be published, and has ap pointed Men iay the jth day of J at. nary. !." at the hour of one o'clock, p. in., of taid davas the tirno f r the hearing of obiections to said tenl account aud the settlement thereof. Habvkv Shklto.v, Poweix A Bn.VKt'. Administrator. Attorneys. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IILLMKfU AMD DaE88-MAKIS6. Cutting and nttlnj by the new Tajlor'a Syswm. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRSLW.&MARYT. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OSI QON. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- hm iiim: shop. f.ST KLIif I t:i 189. Br A. F. .rilKRRY, ajtusteil at tonstf i First and Montgoinety Wtreat. Albany, Tlavincr taken ehargeof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and (irist Mill, Woed-working Mardttnery, rumpa, iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Kpe- clal attention given to repairing farm machinery. Patten. .Waking done la all It Terms. 16:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. The lnter-iUte comtnoroo bll! has been passed In the Mouie after a long and ablo debate. Mr. Ueagan, the author and tireless advocate of the bill, may congratulate himself on this achievement. Last ffensen he was nt death's door with an insidious disease, and n one betloved that he would lite to see Ihe triumph of hla bill. He then suid that ho would tie will ing to il to but for the incompletenosa of this work. There are few more poworft.1, morn r.ttly, or belter equip. sent Congress Texas. Tto beginning of the New Year has been characterise il by a roeurnp. tlon for social entertainmenta of the ssssoti, but there la a lack of the splendor. th gsyety, the chic, of former year. The hard times may have something to do with tno social depression, but bard times do not pinch office holders whose salaries are as certain as taxation. The causes of depression are multiplex. It takes money to make the social machine go, aud many of the social engineer lost their money in wagers on Blaine. Then, again they realise It is prudent i to be provident, and sve raoneyHo buy tickets to Ohio after the fourth of Mart'lb Col. Latuotit has been In this city for 1 wo days; looking over the field. Very few knew that be was the pri vate secretary of the president-elect, and be was not annoy nd by office seeker and Interviewers. He went to the Wblto House yesterdy after noon, and met President Arthur, who introduced him to his private secretary i who In turn presented the clerks about the throne" nod ex plained briefly the daily routlnue of official work at the pr esldeoUsl mansion. Last night trie Chairman of the In auguration committee had a long talk with Col. Lamoot, who remark ed that Governor Cleveland was averse to show any ostentation, but that on the other hand he did not ui-h to appear ostentatiously simple or austere. The dctalti of tbo inaug uration will therefore lie left entirely to the committee. 1 .-ft to the committee, the inaug uration prom i s s to tc a grand affair, with a grand march to the Cipltol In the forenoon, a grand pyrolecboical display in the evening, and a grand bail nt night. Think uf a ball room of capacity for twelvo thousand persons, with ffoor suflHcntly spac ious for two hundred and tlfty cotill ions "dancing in tune!" At night Pennsylvania Aveuue will be as light a day with gas, electricity, an I calcium lights. A firm has offered to dk irato the streotw by suspending a MM wire from the Navy Department to the foot of the Capitol, and suspend globes of different colors twenty-four Inches apart : tho same line passing arrxaa ansae NOTna Bill Hughes fed 8000 sheep, losing only 35. Boon 1.1 ul key lost but 26. Out of 2100 held, George Johnson lost 200 by smothering. Bob Johnson, having feed, in I bat 60 out of 1000. A. J. (Hem, on Rook creek, without had little lo-a. W. P. Elmore, on Little Butter creek, lost but three out of 2200. Samoa Fuller had plenty of feed, nnd lost 80 out of A0O0. OutofCOOO, Lumlliut jii lost AO, one hand being fed but once during the storm. William Ayers lost '0 out of 1 200, byNvaotht1tlsr John Ayrealfist io outof IHijo, and 1A of these by coyotes. Lum Rhea lost ouly 7" out of loo, 000. Of all William Penlaad's bands be lost but about 7A. Pat Quald lost 30, mostly by dogs, and Tom Quald but about 15. Ont of 7000, R. Curran lost about 260. Pros Thompson lost only seven out of 4000. Rut 17 of Alex Thompson's died out of 1800, from over-feeding. William Kills had 1800, and lost on Charles Hilton has five bands, and lost 1000. While going to a sheep-camp dur ing the storm Oscar Smith, of Lost Tslley, became belated and had to lay out all night. Both feet were badly frozen, and it was feared they might have to be amputated. The report that Tom Lane lost 1 . o00 head on his sheep In Thirty Mile la contradicted by a young man who came over Saturday. He puts tho number at ouly 250, but says another sheepman located near Tom lost 1000. Over In Spring Hollow Messrs. Hatch x Williams were digging out some of their dead shH?p last Friday to get the peltf. They found and rescued thirteen live sheep which had been hurled undor the snow for aiITKX BY THE Wontcn'i Christian Temperaiee (isiss A correspondent ssys tbst in a con sultation which s ootnrnittee of a local anion had wltb soma leading temper ance man of tke town oonoeruing local tanperanos work,s suggestion was made by s leading lawyer on tbta adea : "One of the greatest obstacles in the war of enforoinK state or local restrictive or prohibitory laws is Uncle H im'a innrt- gago the edera license. Men do not hsaitatA to evadt. defv t r Hlif, stale and muntcial laws, who wimiM on no account incnr the jMnl' v if ihe federal law for violation of ivvfsnws rrgolstums. Now riht here is a w0tk I think your W. C. T. U. miahi accomplish. Pwi tion Cengress to enact a law directing revenue officers to issue licenses only to parties who hare first confiirned to the state sod fuuniotMil law of the place for which the license is Miught to be procured, and to enforce it by the usual penalties far vioUtion of the revenue law." Is it not a singular cmtnen'.ery on the national statue that' 'the moth er of ea all" must be petitioned not to aeeept revenue from the t iolati-m 0f the tat and local Uwa ? Rev. Hugh Ooldie, for nearly forty yeats a devoted Kogljsb missionary in West Africa, baa written an tmpreestre letter to the London 'Tiraea'making a atrong plo that the grea waterway of the Congo, may not be mvde a highway for the transportation of "fire water. ' He says that the legitimate commerce in atrong d'inksia as hni'shing aa the lave trade, and thalil.e i limitation of these liquors into the Mt ne and half civilised communities of the world must become before long a question for the consideration of those claiming the name of Christian, and must lead to its prohibition. Will oot aach prohibition, however.refiect with powerful emphasis upon Christian natbna wkish tolerate and legitimixe the traffic ia their own bouodarteM, and allow it to prey upon and ruin th sons cf Christian homes ! Mm h as we waot the Congo Basin kept sacred to a Christian ji ulixsiion, there a a t-aa six uays ana seven nms, ; WM nVer s mof mniuhl iifnm thM Ooe of William l eoland's hands do?, to preach from tbs Uxt. "Cbsrity wnicn wa out on snares in mum bejgJasi at aoaae. Hollow had but two feeds lo two weeks, durlog which time 50 died. They were moved to Kirk k Sons' ranch, and on the way Hilled up with Mgebrush an J alkali dirt and I 'd) more died. Kan VK Despite all that has been said by republican papers and republican pol iticians us to the danger that the negroes of the south would be reen slaved, the'.r rights disregarded, and all that kind of stuff, In consqueence of Cleveland's election, yet the blacks and the whites of the south go on quietly In the even tenor of their way, with peace and harmony reign ing supreme, each recognising and respecting tho rights of the other It's truly alarming to thus see all the meut of HfT.irs, ihrre should he a nudit made for tarn bing-; first, rraeiiasMi i;... .. t . . t . .vuw irr, ni.o Hr..i,,, I lie riullfc . Cany on lha hiuinena la a lasifut man ner by any one who haw a United States license, sfMaV-fSt "il.!..- snv municipal govern men to iotrfie with t4at right, or to withhold it. Tb peeial tax" as fh national govern mont trms rs 'qoil rl.iss" ,,n the dealer in tntox ei. k ''M ", ' ids fait to lic me the jiHid -l.tch sbll Loiat aa. .t, l.a. a..a. I . ... 1 1 as a ttsf ionsl bne A h:ii. litt'er feiliw ia writing sehmd eaaHjr as, prohidii im, coined ll - U- . r us n "i.-ikh ! "ninratig tmm mm - 'illie," A good Saa-ou is just what th honor new 1 liiti the Jiooor a downing" traffu) niuat hv S4ITSJr.RS ISOISTRJIM. STATE RIGHTS DEMi&AT. THE BIST ADT1&TIIIB IEDIUI II THE WILLAMETTE YALLIY. Special buMuess notices Jo LeeeJ Of) utnns 15 cents per line. H g alar notloea 10 cents is9r line. M For legal and transient adv SI 00 per square for the first il ow cents per square for each uaavruon. Rates for other advertlsetBents aaaCe known on application. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAT! Brana adeertleaa as abeoleSatr THB TSBTi Yi" a aaa top Sewn on a hot atoee aatU I tuired to dcleet IS iime,ui of j DOES NOT COST A f5 AMX05IJL its aaaLtartuiBas sua NKVBS sai Is a million hneae. for a iaartar af a lud t. r,ju-mmmrf r. I la hla U-. THE TEST OF THE tH. PRICE BAKINO POWDER C0.f anas or Dr. Price's Special Tlwm Eitmti, eaiaaaerba Vsast Ta. mi raa4.i..H SaSaSMM asS Dr. Price's Lupuiin tor Ligbt. Iloalthy WmA. Tke Bee Per Ba Vea-t U the Wot 14. FOR SALE BY CROCEff. chicaco. - srr. Levta. tmr tmlr Be OBSJ nt.' Marie M t, f's-Uaaa, Or. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGMS politioal stock lit traie of repubHcani up Louisiana .ivsnti" and arounl the I tniH swept away hy one bre.ith of ihe 'its Hall loth': Tension huildlng. . ur,, ur ..Juj focliux in the aoflih. txw I - Til- mischief of beer Is well reported by "tiith." who says that the chief of police of Baltimore staUs that be re gards lagrr hear as having done more harta to the bays of tbs United States than anything he has ever beard of. Said this gentleman, 'Doya were never seen in drinking places as .'oog as whis ky was the standard. after lager beer was introduced, the boys would go to saloons, where were prepared for them, such as bagatelle and poo!, aod in a little while you found drunken boys. Often aod often, the cheap lunch with the glass of beer at the beer saloon entices bora whose t lender wages cut off the warm dinner which they should haro in visw of bard work, loog hours ami ths demand of growth. Some of our large and wealthy firms will find much written ar-inn? th-m in the long uccvm' 1 1' C: V. leJcsi. These creat The best dry hop resit in tse werfS, railed by this yeatt It t.qht. white sag torn like our grandmother! SaUeAeee The BalUaanrM "Manufacturers'' H-c I l- a orti, in its snn.iai! review of H mf h-rr. Industries, will publish a list of all manufectntinfr -nd asCejltag aaaepeiaaa orKaniz.d in tj.e S.otli-rn Stsr. ir. 1884. The list showa lr,r nPW enterprises, sffKmrat capital reachlnt, the enoraaajfar of $105,2C9,0fJ(vlivided amoog fourteen Southern State, aa fol lows : Alabama 187 new eauUiahments, with a capital of $16,925,000 , Arkan sas 46, with a capital of $2,040,000 ; Florida M, sn 2,323.000 cspiui Georgia 196, with a $5f4.i5.000 capi tal ; Kentucky, 137, with $21,762,000 capital ; Iyuisiana 93, with $5,.ri34,000 capiUl ; .Maryland 10:,with $7,121,50i eapiul ; Mississippi 40,witb $1,295,000 oapiul ; North Carolina 220, with $4, 110,000 eapiul ; 8outh Carolina 53, with $2,154,000 eapiul ; Tennessee 250, with $7,910,000 capital ; Texas 212, with $10,778,000 eapiul ; Virgin ia 18,witb $13,450,000 eapiul ; West Virginia 77, with $4,392,000 e.jiUl. In Kentucky, Alabama and Virgin ia extensive mining aod iron companies with lsrge SSfitaj haesj been orgsnited, which runs up the- total investmenU in those Sutes, though tbey also added many of the smaller industries. The list aliows almost every branch af cen era! manufactures represented. A noticeable festure t the amount of Northern and Weatern espital going into ths South, though ths Southern aatde are t h-ma! vaa .linv., Mmu.k a - - - fc, i.uiai.. able enertry in developing tb-ir rsour. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a fall supply of good mi at bottom prices. , , ALBANY, ORECON. Tl SS S a . ..I i ne remjurrrian itnnn'r ifivet the, following rules : Henck him. Snarl i at bim. Find f mtt wi'h him. Keep! an untidy honse. Humor him half to death. Hums him out of hi, hoots. Al VajPS hare the Ust woid. lie extra cross on wah day. Quarrel vith him ovet trifles. Never have meals ready in time. Run bills without his knowl edge. Vow vengeance ou all his rela tions. Let him sew the buttons on bia shirts. Pay no attention to household expenses. Give m maetl as ! rsn p-rr. iu sstastl far a ne ksBaajet. lVtl lefts S blaiuly as, p-iii thr nn l.ji GROCERS SELL THES&. -i -a. j C T Tattl Price Baking Powder Co., iBTrs el Bi. priR : Sjtnal nnsnif lima, Chicago. Hi. iu louia, aso. Vur eUe t "CaU n M-.rle aad Co., rWtBsi. Or, Red Cro wnMiUs ISOM, LAXXIXtJ J4 CO., PROPE!. 5KW eaocsss ptocr bcpkbjok vest raitBiaaw a : aaitsaa csa. BEST STORAGF FACILITiW. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market new Ta arsaic a uisaasn Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both old and oung, at bottom prices at the factory of L. PUTNAM, Albaay, Oregea JJARDWAREOF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush honks, picks above Is.spadea, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything yon want, can be had ekaaa for ch t Pers eV St-w-arf. Offer their professional unices to the atUBtaS cS fi. ...a Jiannt ouuntas office and rastaaaas f ' 11 -J V. .. i near Court Hvuse. Store. Call at Lsngdou and Ca's lru ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OU. The First Terra will commence on Taesday, Sept., 10th, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the yrice of tuition, appiy w BEV. ELBERT S. COKDIT, Preaiaeat. Aloany Bath House. THS UNDBRS1QNED WOULD RESPECT fallj laform the oitiseni of Albany and vi siaitj that I havotaken charge of thi EstaelUh aisat.aad, by keeping elean rooms and payia -45txttantion to businesa, expocts u sait al thois who may favor us with their patronage ilarin? -isrstofore carried on nothing bat Flrst-CUss Hair t)rsstnt? Saloons expect to ivi satire istisfi-'t'on to al 5-Ch'llien i 1 Ladies' Hair ne&tly 00 v,aT)po,i. Tf3WEBFElt. OREGON SHORT LINE, Past Freight and Passage Rnute, B. CAMPBELL. General Agent. No. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kindi of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,latlis and rickets kept constantly on hand. Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only hest Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany? Or Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dkmocb-vt office, has charge ol the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL. LONDON. NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. nnMMFRCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV AND Notary Public. PORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! Pai.r. Ar Htowart teen a fill I line of am munition, and will soli as low as the low- Krorv noun i oi piwuer ii J i m . mil mm . . I till I I 1 i. - I pfOOI IJT . . Dr.SANFO CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Ponltry and Game RD'S haaBsBaBaBaaf-arTal, X. f.miw F OR SALE, (iood farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon 160 acres. 50 acres timothy and clovai meadow. 60 wheat land in cultivattion. We. watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place Freah fish of all kinds constantly on riiand. Poultry dressea to oraer. . Lkittda of game in season. Goods deliver- as. 1 , mm.w-.--n VMI fT ,ed promptly, tree oicaargw w f-- " the city. Next door east Jof Tweedale'a Tin and 8tove Store. 1NVIG0RAT0R Js jost what its name implies,; Purely Vegetable Compound, lha ects directly npon the X7?r curing the many diseases itcideiwo that im portant organ, and pepnting the nu tnerous ailmants tKwarise from its deranged orrnjA-ction, such as Dyspepsi Jd&tdice, Bilioasness, CoswenesMttlaria, Sick-headache, EhentoaWsncTetc. It is therefore a tTuismythAt " To have liocd tleaua the liver must be kept in crder." 3JB. 8ANI0ED'3 LIVER IHVIGORATOH Invigorates the Liver. Rcculaiesthc Bow els, Strengthens the System. Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers, la a Household Need. An Invaluable IFamily Medicine for common complaints. 2;!L BAirFORD'3 LIVER ISViaOSATGIL. J 7. experience rf Forty ynara, and Thou sands of Testimonials prove its Altnt. TOR SALE BY ALT DEALERS IN MEDICINES. Vor fill informal ion .cni yonr oMress for 109 -naee Boole on tha " Llvor and Its diaaea," ta it is the in ton turn ol tho committee to make on the occasion the grandest display of pyrotechnics and decora tions that has over been aceit In America, and from the estimates re ceived there Is no doubt whatever that It will bo done. The military parade will be the largest that has been seen In Wash inglon s'nee the war. General Ftlz Lee will appear at the head of eight een hundred men from Virginia and North Carolina. All tho Southern States will bo represented In the procession. Two colored military companies, one from Norfolk, and the other from Baltimore will be in line with the colored companies of this cliy. Some of the troops will sleep lu the Pullman caw which bring them here; others will be hi leted in hotel ana balls where they have already engag at ed quarters. A few companies wn h niisrtrred In Alexandria, where i ' they will be within half an nour o Washinrrlor. !v rail or boat. U the 99 wm a proverbial Inauguration whether pre. valla on the fourth of March, 1 the military will have a taale of tho hor rors of war. The last three Inaugurittlon days were extremely disagreeable. Con gress ought to pass an act extending the term of a President to six years and inaugurating hlra on the fourth of July. Then the military compa nies could have a picnic and see Washington arrayed In green sward, foliage, fountains aod fl wera. housavS aaa Llied with Touug men who it. - ...U-t at... wiihi Unn.Kw ilnm. I :IK....1.. l SK. . .... iitiiir win in" in..."., aa,...- wiuiugiT un ior a mere inuance in . i i as ra a.aa tsts mm iiinasaiii iv i i h ri inn i a 1 1 ocratlc Journal in the south says: be hope of promotion, and fer the sake ,:,, p MAm m , nf ... ,. ' meal for him when you do not expect strangers. Get everything the woman next door gets whether you can afford it or not. Tell bim the children inherit all their mean trails of character from his aide of the family. Le', it ont some times when you are vexed that yon wished you had married some other fel low that you used to go with. Give cipllne and neatness of appearance, flr do,,art n1 nt bu road him to underaund as bood as pojaibla after the honeymoon that kissing is A shield of Arkansas aomwood. rich wel1 nou8h for "P000? lovera ; but Mr. Randall most vigorously thrusts , . orntm.nta(i with - of that for married folks it is very silly ( lUTLEBT. . a a a- m - - r 1 w wvw r a - a waaaw S VU a SS I I'a S . . .a a . - a Al. X aiAn1 I 4I wouiu oo a goou uiiok vo -c.. of taroin tbe business in well estab- a.lf I . . I g ropreseniauvo coioreu cornHy i,he I firms. The? never see their em- . . . . - i a AWmm. I Waantogwo, to mao par pJoyera. never hear a word of counsel grand parade at the Inauguration of from th anJ w on, che . a XT I... I.. t ..t o a - . a Uleveianu sw iway ui , of , maeninirT orind- more intereste.. in me euccess oi out woaUh tQ the firm These boys- at. .1 I i.t I I.... iti.n .1... I Ucmocnttic assaw.utsa-awaav t lheir fulur6lheir a I I O i. !.. I OOloreU poopio an-, auu oouvu -.v- m-nner of ,ife ftnd hfth;tJ1 ahftnM w. tu- Una can furnish a colored company q( meQ wfao oo j as ....I.I ..Inn.l Amisjiaiayn In flit, f tOflt WOUIU nlliuu UMU'aiwii, an mm. hm . a -.. m.1 . .- M "ma l . A SS aaaSW it t . gm a ue ajajaia line w unci w aaa vav bim tor a Itsing. Raise a row if be be found at our store. It embraces p ocas at knives, Uble knives, forks and apoeaa, butcher knives, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all Kinds, and the beet Une of razors ever broeght into Albany. Come and aee for your selves. p sr KRSak erBtzwaaav SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in enl ti vation. 10 acres alashed aad sown te crass. Comfortable dwell! aa. ceasi outhouses. Cheap. Tu.juire at this office. with the crack England." his lance into me ueau cesn-ass. o. wbU hoiv,(lto a product of the state.) . . I .ll.,I.IK,,iln I ' ,X ' Biaine'i surplus revenue u.-tov.u .Q cnUr of which . iogoriptioil . . . . i. a I J I SChemO. Uisnot uy anv suu,. mouiuu w c T. U. of Arkansasart in that Mr. Randall would get rid of Hot d:tmond8 or erJttUU win be sent to the W. C T. U. department SCeTT'S CMIiLBIO-V Of ri!MK 'ad Wver oil. wit Bypopl.aapl.lles, Very Palatable avd Effleaeloos la VfaslliiB Diseases. Dr. 0. T. Bromser, Rochester, N. Y., sayp.- "After having used Tcott's Emulsion with decided benefit upon myself, I have taken great pleasure in recommending it since on the var ous conditions of wasting in which it is indicated." a a- a the enormus Treaaury surplus, ne omiii.i rooflftl the voluntary taxes which the poople pay for their Indul gence in drinking and smoking This la what Mr. Randall proclaims to be 'statesmanship." But the sound and sober judgment of the country has declared thai the raw materials of manufacturing Industry shall be put on the free Hat, and that Congress shall reduce tbe taxea on salt, coal, clothing, blankets, earthen ware, glass, aud many other necessa ries of the family. Whilst Mr. Blaine's v.AmA nf maintaining excessive BViivaaav ' taxes and bribing the states by dia trlbutlog among tbera the surplus Treasury was bad enough, Mr. Ran dall's plan to repeal the taxes on drink and smoke while keupln up taxation on the necessaries of living is not much better. The peopia have passed just condemnation on schemes. A judicious reauciion oi forty million dollars in the revenues from customs will give much more relief to the lodustry and labor of the country than the total repeal of one hundred and torty million!? of Inter- nai rAvenue from whiskey and to bacco. at the World's Exposition at New Or. leans, as tbe representative of tha atate W. C. T. U. Iowa Bends a banner of I white satin on which ia printed the W. C T. U. motto, "Thia is ths victory, even our Faith," date of the union'a organization and incorporation, and its aims aa follows : Tke prohibition of tke liquor traffic. The reformation of the intemperate. The salvation of our obildren. The nutity of home, society and state. Its financial pr02res8 ia uniquely chronicled in this fashion : Receipts, 1874, $39.70 j 1883-4, $5,533.31. The results are known and read of all men, vis : A Home for Fallen Women, es tablished on a sound financial basis, and a prohibitory law enacted for the whole state. jrowv5 jy 1 Cj Notice of Assignment. In tke Chmat Court of tke Stmt a Orayea, or tke County of Linm . Id the matter of tha Assignment i of Chaa. B. Montague. ) Notice is hereby given to al cradiioas af Chaa. B. Montague, that ha has this dalr made aod tiled with the Clerk of tha Cureaft Court of the State of Oregon for Line coaafjr to be recorded, an assignment af all his yrap erty. real and personal, to ma tha aaaaiaissj. ed. and that all creditors of said Okas. Montague are hereby notified to praasat Shaw claims under oath to me at the store of asM Chaa. B. Montague, in tbe City of in said county, within three man ths the date hereof. Dated at Lebanon on Nor. 5th, 134. J. W Cfsint. Powell t Bilyku for Awignae, THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining; Iron with pun) rsfstable tonics, quickly and completely t sraa Dvaswaalm. la.a;eetlea, Wknea, 1 ssaara h lead, f tUarta, t hllla and Fevera, aaa Nearalala. ' It Is an unfaiUnf remedy for Waeaaes of the Mil vera aad Liver. H Is Tavalaable for Diseases peculiar to eroniea, and all who lsad sedentary lives. 1 1 -l(et not Injure the teeth, cause headeche.or nluce eonsllpatton othrr Iron medietnc$ sVi lt.nriihessnd purifies tbe blood, stipules - iuetite. aids 1he swlmilation of food, n- Heartburn and Belching;, aud Btrenetli die muscles and nerres. 1 -.r Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack c .. r?v. kc. It bat no equal. The rmuinr has above trtde mark tn i rrd red lines on wrspper. Take no othc Saa .Mirk, KKOW.X ( HSBH'At, CO, BaLTIBOti'- ' REDING TON, WOODARD a CO., Pordau Or. i OR SALE. One half block in eastern part of Baa city with fair house and barn will be aold onear o. o ohkrrt. CBaPracaa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMnitsts. Millwrights, and Iron Founders. The liquor dealers aeem determined to force their traffic and aa a natural outcome the war against it into na tional politicn. The last iasue of the "Champion" claims that while it is not probable that any state government will ever relieve the buainsaaof a heavy tax, still, in order to a rightful adjust-, CRAF & FR0MM, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of FURNITURE, AID UNDERTAKERS. 18 First Street - - Alhany, Or W1 E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL. completed, and are now prepared ae handle all kinds of heavy work. We wl manufacture Steam Engines. Grist aad Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinda f Ires, and Brass Caatings. PATTERNS MADE Oil SHORT XvTfCE. Special attention given to repairing; ail kinda of machinery. Will also manufaa ture the improved Cherry A White Orta Separator. Baker St. Office a LassBer T Albny, Qr., Dai. 1, WD