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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVEUY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTIKtt. I?I!K.sOrii'lCK--ln rnl Ballritngea Braadaluin street. TERMS OF 8UB84.-K.IFTION I- ,v.r...r i' :,lIUf ........... VI BV ITl,. CM. . Jr W- - . . mQ ngle copy, t months sler copy, three month ' snir'' nrher ..,.1 ..I VMT w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AlbMtiy . Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court, of tats State. WU1 give special attention to ceileotiona and probate "ortloe in Foster's new briok. tjkf 3lT hTmont ante. vTTORNEAT LAW, Notary Public. Vlbny , wrr""' Office upetalrs, over John BrilffrV "tore, is street. vl4n3Stf J K. WEATHERFORD, pIOTART PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBAMY. OBKtOJI. swrti I PRACTlCR IS AU. THE COURTS OF THE W Kli uienttoa siren to collecUoa. and probate matter. ATOBee m Odd FellsWs Temple. POWELL & BILYEtT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BdYS.riCi.t0r8.iB S. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, Mgroffloe In Pewter's Brick.- vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECOH, Will practice in all of the Court of ihlsSute. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jsjfJrOffloe in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDQN & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT JDTITJG- STORE, tyl aXBiST. ORECO. F OS HAY & MASON, WBOLSLALB AXD aBTAtL Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBECOS. Tl6n41tf A. PRUSMAW, DKUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. FIESCE1PT105S CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, jost west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, ORECOH. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Office and residence in Mcllwain'a Block. Albany, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raiors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cnt in the very neat style. six wa vim ATJXDkY ASD CHINA MKBKXIJISO Lad:' underclothes, vM at bottom yrtce. Chios labor. grNext to City Bank. L VKK8. Bier:, tea wi Contractor tor FURNITURE. i have the beet atock of furniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only tok of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, J. J. D0RRI3, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE O PUBLIC LE TTINOS SO LICITED. Plan, and, specification, am isbedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. A LB A BY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 18&4. For particulars concerning the course oi study and the price of tuition, apply to BET. ELBERT 31. COMMIT, I'renurnt. Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPKC1 fully inform Jhe oitiaeni of Albany and vi einity t hat I have taken charge of thii Eatablitb meet . and. by keeping clean roonsi and payin atrict attention to business, expects to suk el those who may favor us with their patronage Raring heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressine Saloons azpeeU to gire entire satisfaction to all JeJeCUdien and Ladies' Hair neatly oat shampooed. JOS WEBBER, State VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN' DER.WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON. The word "La Belle In Fi 'the beauty. meae PLOWS AND DRILLS. CUTTING BOXES, All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the nndersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL. Agent for Frank Bros., Portlasd THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (SueoeMors to) 'Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactorea and dealer. In all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform P J thev manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hana. a complete etoc oi all desirable line, of FURNITURE, and will aell at bed rock pneee. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rT-HE UNDEBSIONED WISHES TO Inform the public that be ia now pre nared to do all kind, of atone and marble work on abort notice All work i war ranted to Rive aat inaction. Will work any nd all kindu of atone, but deal prin dpally n Oregon City fenil ( .eeninE. repairiaE aad reUing a apecity. Call andexamlne my price, before pnrchaa InKelwrwhereMl will not be undereold. bop on wet aide of Ferry -ireet oppo site post office. Q w HARRIS, Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Came ttat and EUawewfJa Albaay , Orrgoa. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thla new Holel ia flttod up to ftret claaa atyle. JaWea -,rlkrf erilh the best the market atTorda. Bp Bed In every Room. A good Sample Boom tor Com mernal Traveler. gar-Free Caaefc to MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLmE&Y AID DaiSS-IAUIB. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor'. System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS L W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, Oil 3 I. OtUr their profeeeional aericea to the "f Linn and adjacent countlea. Office and reeidence oear Court Hmte. CaJl at Lenfooa ana ve e -" Store. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Affi -. driom on First Street be m.wh and T.voa Street. Call. left at E. W. Langdon A Co'.. Drugstore Albany, Oregron. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and oickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. Insurance. 1? T Knfrlncr. a IViA DEMOCRAT offto has charge ol the following first-cli Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL Call on him 7 Wood on sabs Democrat office. i t Will POWDER Absolutely Pure. This poeMer mw varies. A marvel of purietv, StJSUgth aixl whnteenrnenMa More e oftnnitcal Uiau uie urvlluarr kinds, and cannot Ito eold In competition IU the mulUtnde on low teat, abort weight, alum or ptuwphatfl powders. Hold only In can. Hui Ai. IUaijhi FuwpsaCo. 106 Wall Street, N Y. Itching Diseases ECZEMA, or HaJl Rheum, with iU aaWsinf iu h leg ajxi burotuf , Instantly relieved by a warm bath with CuUcura Soap, and a alnt appIitvUon of t'uilcura, th f mat bkio Cure. TbU rapnaud daily, with two or three doaaa ot Cutlcura Raaolevnt, tbo New Wood furtflar, to kaep the blond caol, the rea piraUon pure and ttnirrttaunc, the bowela open, the fiver and kidney active, will epvedtlv cure Kcjetaa; Tetter, Rinfwnn. Penrieai, Lichen, frurttua, Hcwlt Head. Dandruff and erery apeeiee of Itching, hWaly. and Pimply II u mora of the KcaJp and Mkin. when the beat phvakian. and all known rwmediea fall. BCZBMA TWENTY YE4BI, Mr gtailtude to Ood la unbounded for the relief 1 have obtained from the uee of the CuUcura KotneOiee I have been trouble with Km ma ou my lege lor twenty rear 1 had not a eomfortable night for eart, the burning and lU'blajc were ao Intenae. Sew, I am happy to tar, I have no trouble. miy the Hew colored patchea on my lirube remain aa a token of former m leery. HKNRY L. SMITH IIS Weal Avenue, ilocbcatcr. Y my ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Your nvet valuable Cutieure rtemedles have dune ray child eo -nurb good that 1 feel like Baying thai for the bene l of lh.e who are troubled with Be aema, and I tried eeveraJ doctora and mediclnee, but did not do her any guod until 1 uaed the 'ulicera Itemedlee, which epeedlly eared her, for whieb I owe tou i:tay Uianke and mem ntaata of real. ANTON !HaiMIER, fnioa bakrry. Edinburgh, lad. TETTEK OF TUE ffCALP, I wee alntoet perfectly held, cauaed by Tetter of the top of the aoal p. 1 uaed your C unrti'i Keroediee about els weeka, and I bey cured my acalp perfectly, and now my hair at coming back aa thick aa it ever aa. J. F. CHOICE. Whileaboro.- Tex aa. COVEKED H ITII ItLO E II V.S. I want to tall you tbat your Cut ura ILee-.lrenl U magnlftcent. Aouut three monbte age my face waa cevered with bloCrhea, and after eiaiug three botUte of Keeolveul I waa perfec-ttv cured. rEEUEJt! K M41TBE tt M. Char lee Street, Kiel); .ana. La. IVY POIHO.M.YC.. I'or all caaea t j-.vmtiir.g by tty or lisi-l. can warraaK'ulicora l -ure eer time. 1 le aoJd it (or ie )rara and tl never (aila. 11 MKs:. Urui, Uoiliatoa, Maea. Sold eaf7ben. frloe : ClTlCCar., SO ceaU . Soar, tS eta. KaaoLvcaT, 91. raster trai a aid tae antral re.. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- E SHOP. eMTABLlMBEO IMS. Br A. r . C M kkki, Rrtoadxi at comer oi Punt and Montgomery MtreeU, Albany, H Fi Oregen. Having taken hargeof the above nauied Work., we are use pared to manufacture Steam Enginea, Saw and Orb.t MUU, Woed-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brae Canting, of every deaw-rlption. Machinery of all kind repaired. S fa cial attention given to repairing larm rr a cbinery. Pattern Mafclac done In all tee forma. 1&UJT A. F. CHKKP Y A SON. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. A Marvelous Story TOLD ! TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: " Gentlemen: My father reeides at Olorer, Vt. He has been a great soiferer from Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will tell yon what a marvelous effect Ayer s Sarsaparilia has had in his case. 1 think his blood rrrat uate contained tho humor for at least ten years ; bat it did not show, except In the form of a scrof uloun sore on the wrist, until about are years ago. From a few spots which ap paared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover hlii entire body. I tssure you he was terribly aftticU d. nr1 an 'iiijeetof pity, when ho began Being font nitiHrtnti Now, there are few men of hi age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, W. M. FauxiM." FROM THE FATHER: 'It is both. pleasure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilia. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible b amor and scrof aloes sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My suffering were great, and my life a burden. J commenced tike nee of the Sabs aparima in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well in every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my ease, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Avon's Sabsapabilla. Glover, Vfc, Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, iiiaAM Phillips." Area's Sabsapabilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PBEPABED ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass . Sold by all Druggists; f 1, six bottles for 5. Eights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1884. l ira IN TII. 4 ItHSKvr CtTY. I Now Orleans letter to Kansas City Journal.) Altogether the uteaaantest war to livo in New Orlean. is in farnubed rooms, takinp on.', mail, whan and whore one pleases. Of course, this i. not always praoticable. With a farot'r, or with invalid, on one's hands, one esnnnt do lliK Hut tb. evatege tourist cm live better, more comflirtabljr and more economical in furrvisljr! rooms at any hotel. This is a buainrta roost tboioughly understood in on. ma . poRtan New Orleans. A profession of itself, long years of practice have brought oi about a near perfection as ts given to mortal roan to attain. Contiguous to sad easily reached from the great cen tra1 boulevard. Canal street, are hun druds of houses whero on. may get as absolutely enjoyable a room as is to be found anywhere in the world. You roust not look for costly frescoes, rose wood furniture, or a blinding srrsy of mirrors but you will find the rooms neatly and handsomely papered, taste fully carpeted and abundantly furnished snrj such beds, such linen, such gener al cleanliness, and above all, such liber al views as to water, soap, towels, etc., sod such divtno coffee in the morning, such quiet end effective service well all these things you must come to New Orleans to Gnd. The curse of hotel life is shoUling to and fro, hubbub and can- fusion, nd n theee furnished rooms one is happily rid of all three worri- meat. Light and gayety in abundance maybe found on the streets, in the theaties, st the race course and the lake resorts. Our theory is that oar looms should be the infection. As to piicr.ihfeo rooms rent lor from $i to 5 per day in the winter season. They are better equipped and better attended to than in any other city at higher prices, and possession of one of them is scoom- panted by tho widest latitude of move- ment 00 the part of the occupant, and od olD,r Pioos stones are an ex by a larger choice of restaurants and pe novelty. eatin? houses than ran fn,,rl .n- I e mi I here ouUide of New York. At thee bttter places one rosy live ae beet plemse. him. Breakfast may bo at any price from the 25 cent table d'boto to the JO rea.t a la carte. There are a large number of excellent place, iu New Or- leans keept as Srst-cisM raturaoU,be- i aiJee a score of smaller shop., lunch and coffee bouses. The market is never bare- Gamesnl fi-b are always to be had and cf tbe Uat qualuy ; aa U oys- tera,we yield the palm to none and defv I the wotld ! meat is abundant sod fresh and as to vegetable., why here's where they grow .11 the yea.- round. But away above all the balance, our cooks, re (he ht in th knn.n wnrirl " " we vesssa I As to soldiers perfectly drilled and prepared for the duties of the field.Ger- many has in keeping foi instant use, 3,860,000 men, and Bessie baa 2,50.- 000 eouallr well prepared. Auatria Hungary ran put to the field 1,265,000 Wlitrs, and July's strength is 2,500,- 00U men, racking sbout 10.000,000 of combatants from the four countries Prance is Used to deeth to prepare for the "general war" whioh the old dogs of war eay must sooner or later devss- tate Europe,and she can send 2,000,000 men into tbe field prepsred. Taking into consideration tbe costly navies hicb sll these powers are continually strenotheninc. h is easv to nsreeive the souree of tbe large European budget Billion of monev have been taken from MW w - peaceful enterprises,snd millions of men have been taken from peace-producing industries. It is seldom that e oat ie decently buried. Here in tbe streets they msy be sometimes seen caretull ; laid out to be o&rried awsy by tbe garbage cart. In Japan the rich owners of oaU have apparently a higher respect for defunct pussy. The report of a regal cat's funeral comes to us from Yeddo. The eoffln was covered with a white aiik pall, and a body of chanting priests fol lowed the oortea-e to tbe grave. Later on a handsome monument was erected on which was inscribed the many vir tues of the oat. -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely fares Hyspepalu, I m pare Blood. Ala ana Nruralata. ., jnaiKcaiion, wrwinrn, eUarla. Chills and Fevera. It is an unfailing remedy Cor Diseases or the It ia invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. U ana IJ.. i.i 1 1 iloo not injure the teeth, cause produce constipation other Iron medicines do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate the appetite, aids tbe assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength en the muscles and nerves. m , For Intermittent Fevera, Lassitude, Lack o! Energy, &c., it has no equal. tt The genuine has above trade mark am lhsi yj a t rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no ottiei a.4. oHirbr brows chemical co., baltiboke, mi- WholesiA-San.Pjruld I crnaiv ! ILTINUS Light biue wsll paper is not good in a room, as it sbsorbs the light. Tlis average salary paid a femah school teacher in Vermont is 5 a. week Any small basket msy be gilded sod ribboned and used for decorative pu-- Pratty sideboard covers are made of white mom ie'oloth embroidered in bright colors. Curling iha hair with tongs baa a tendanov to make the hair brittle and imioverish the eoler. its oheino. Loadwa Truth declares tbst Msry Anderson's chief merit is tbst she ia good to her mother. Corduroy velvets in fine lines and uncut velveta are much uaed in eon- j-inction with plain or rough olotb. The Moliere bouse shoe, with a Urge velvet bew on the instep, is very popu lar for house wear this season. A popular shspe for vests ie th. lire tonne, mad. of a single piece with a row of buttons down each side. Bonnets covered with matartal like that of the drew sad lined with velvet are destined to rivet tboea of felt. Artiloial flowers that are slightly defaced may be utilised far shelve, over doors, where they look bright and prat- 7. The beat pianist ia North Carolina is Mu Lo Norwood Jenkins, bhe is present visiting relatives in Wash- -Oft00- Jute ia a much better investment than cretonoe It costs twice as moch but il tw M W ! - not t 90 easily. Tb newest Psrieieo faocy in carriage aresilvtr elepbsnte set with precious Vnm amI orig from one to two iohee. Drw" butt " pwarls, both L,IMjk ni wb' r blood-atone, rubies Woolens Btrlpexl with velvet or vel- among the prettieet norei- tlee of the seseon. Hkirts msd. of them need uu furthe-r trimming. II lbl !thy yjung ladia. omelimes mer jaeled gold band. r"d tbetr auklea. Tb fesbton is on,r jfaafm in the howtts. . e. , a r an sTaa . 16a 0,,r y noeutoat ort ni eW U ltls and f.s 10 WMU PKr ekis, cohered with Bans. as. a . 1-11 or 10 i001 nl- Mi" Ktia Bcmch- tb' ',Ud mo m a esea a a . a e eaa of lb 'dcnt nirt will soon go to In e .1 J ,ar luv mtma' aocompauimi oy h9r mmM n1 ,,t'r- I Beverai young girls have been ep- pointed ststion agents in Minnesota, and engineers are keeping a sbsrp look pat for the miss-placed switches. Leoae fttUng gloves, wrinkled sil over the hsnd in the style ot the portraits painted by B r Joshua Reynolds, are extensively worn this season Uis ooi nted improper for a French iee in her teers to offer so moeb as I m s 1 m e.t &a the tips ol ner nngert, wnemer msy are gloved or not, to a gentleman A long cloak of myrtle-green olotb, rith deep and wide huison sleeves, is lined with red surah and finished with braid embroidery in military designs Mrs. H-jmenway, eo well known for good works in many directions, has de- a A es a sTVASM a a tL A? - W ted f IUU,uuu to tne csuse oi eouca- turn among the ireetiman ana poor the South- i a German female telegraph operatora receive a salary of $240 a year and get no vacation. Tbey learn tbe news however, befors snybody else doee, and that is worth something. English tailors are returning to the Scotch reruns, especially those of blue and green plaids, using them as draper iee of blue serge dresses and as over dresses sbove red skirts. Lotta ssys this ia positively her laat professional sesson, and that At iu cloae she sbsll retire permanently from the stage. Lotta never married, end haa no granddaughter to Uke her place. Sapphires are in favor for bridal jew elry. One of the prettiest design for an engagement ring is a hoop of twist ed gold set with two interlinked hearts of sapphire, surrounded by pearl. Tbe daughter of "Person Brownlow" is married and living in Colorado. She is quite a oultured woman, and her ao- oomplishments ere all increased by the fact that she has an income of $20,000 month. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbsgo, BSOksohS. Hssosoae, loootaene. SoreThrea(,Swrliinft. lrin, ai Barns, Sralda, Froat Mltea, as all or Mae bsdilv PAIRS ARB Ai THE OHARUCS A. VeBl.EK OO. enWA-VOSSasasCO ) BsHkaere, Sa., . a A. 4V KJHemBmemel iL' ? GERrBANMDt lemofrat MIST AM BS. IS rtStTI A1I Mistakes in punctuation, eueb as the omission or misplacing of . comma, may eaoae eeriou. alteration to the sense of a passage. The coo tract made for lighting the town of Liverpool by wicklsmps, during the year ltlt, was rendered t oid by the misplacing of a oemma in the advertisements, thus "The lamps at present sre shout 4060, and have in general two s poo is each, oompoeed of not lea. than twenty thread i of cotton. ' The contractor would hsvo proeeaded u firnish tacb lamp with the said twea'y th reads ; bat this bring only half th. usual e'antlty, the commissioners discovered tbet ths difference sroee from the oomma follow ing, instead of proceeding, the word "each," In the following inetanoe it wsa no doubt a bachelor compositor who, in setting up the toast, "Womse, without her, man would be savege !" got the oomma ia the wrong plane, and msde the sentence read, 'Woman, with out her roan, woald be a savage f Hoxly given the following table of what a full grown man should weigh and how this weight shield be divided Weight 154 pounds. Msde up thus Muscles and their appurtenances, 6$ pounds ; skeleton, 24 pounds , skin,l0y pounds ; fat 28 pounds ; braio,3 pounds thoracic visOers, 3 pounds ; abdominal viscera, 1 1 pound ; blood which would drsiu from body, 7 pounds. This man ought to consume per diem: Lean beef steak, 5 00 grains ; bread, 5000 graiaa; miik,7000 grains; poUt- es,300 grains; butter, 600 grains ; and water 22,900 grains. Jf is heart should beat 75 times minute, end he should breathe 15 times a minute. In 24 hours be would vitiate 1 750 cubic feet of pure sir t the extent of 1 per cent ; a man, there fore, of the weight mentioned ought to have tOO cubic feet of well ventilated tee. He woold throw off by the skin 18 ounces of water, 500 grain, of solid matter, and 400 (pains of carbonic acid every twenty-four hours, end hie total ass during the 24 hours would be 6 pounds of wster, and a little) shove 9 pounds tf other matter. W bile Urd Salisbury wsa at Dumfries, Boot) and, the other night s mob dispersed bis audience end stoned tbe distinguished speaker, who hastily retired and entered his carriage. He was literaHy chased to bis hotel by e howling mob. The hvtal wee surroun ded end the windows smashed. Tbe polios wore unable to preserve order At a late boor Salisbury took the train tor London. E. W. Cole, the Teeneseee railroad king, baa purchased the fine blue grass farm known as Terraas Place, sod pres anted it to build a hoase of refuge for boys end girls. He is regarded as a great benefactor,aa there has never been anything of tbe kind in the Ute, ju venile oulpriU always having been sent to the poniUntisry, where they we bruUly treated and demoralised by the elder citminals. Taro children of Garrett Wiseman, sged 8 and 6 years respectively, living in Mitchell county, N. C. while pal tog through a long strip of wcods re cent Ij were attacked by a large cat mjuot. Tbe ferooioae animal buried iu claw in tbe younger girl's throat, instantly killing her. The elder sister attempted to escape, hot waa pursued and ao terribly lacerated that she died in a few hours after. An English saloonist or "publican'' aa theee people are called across the water, was charged with selling intox ioatiog drink to a drunken person and had defended himself bj ssying that neither he nor hi aervant noticed tbe person wa drunk, aa he wee perfeotly quiet ; but the magistrate, fading that as a fact, the parson was drunk.eonvio ted the publican. The publiean ap pealed, but the court of the Queen'a Bench, London, upheld the magistrate's decision, on the ground that the licen sed person must take theriek of the person baing drunk. A'physioian who ha co n piled hints for travellers- eertoutly advises every one to carry a crochet needle to relieve possible ennui at health resorts, a very distinguished Chioago merehant having been greatly benefited of hia dyspepsia and insomnia by learning to crochet beautifully during a long Winter at a certain New York spring. Hereafter all mothers will teach their sons the del icats use of the oroohet needle, and tidies will not be spurned by mascu line contempt . leap) e There are in the country 11 St. Pauls, 20 Bridgeport, 18 Buffalo and Newark, 17 Brooklyn, Cleveland and Rochester, 16 Hartford, 10 Lou isville, 18 Boston and Pittsburgs, 8 Oiaoinnatia and Philadelphia., 6 Chi cagos, 7 Detroit, 5 MUwankess and St. Louises, 32 Waabiugtens and 4 New York and Baltimore. New Or. lean and San Franoieoo are not duplicated. NO 17 HIPE1A1QK DEPl&miT. soi rati ar ths WsniB'i Christian T.t.t,.... Sdo, Nov. lorn, 18H4. Pbuipknt W. O.T.V : I kaow tbat j bse not lost Inter aet Ie tbe Union which you aelfjcJ to orfsolse, m 1 kaow tbst you will be glad to hear that our frros,, ar brigbuning. We feel as If the sun wee jnst rising after months of effort ia darkness, with only the et.rlfeht of ttod's smile for er.crruragement. Mies Oleweon's lecture helped us into the dswo, for it gave us favor In the eves the people, as wsa made evident by awe SkatM ss sa aoauion r 0v honorary members a a . . i 1 ' snd bar visit bsppenvd et sn insntpi- cloae time too. When we knew thst Miss Moore wss coming, we i bought tbe time unfevr rs We on aooouut of tbe election excite ment and because we were p-enering for a Sunday 8chool ewoert, but it ha proved all right. We ssads saoUosg and decorated the church for ber com- ing, which bellied to circulate the ooti- and bring out a good sodieooe Satnrday night. Tbe brass band also aided by playing for us. All seemed delighted with her lecture and manifes ted U with a good contribution. Sunday afurnooo she talked to tbe Sunday gibool children and won th ir hearts, then later met with our ITn. and gave us good oouneel. Sunday evsnieg the bouse waa vetv full and the closest ettention given her severs! of our ministers being present Shs is a vsry earnest fnmiUU -. i- " , eia r, and withal very womanly, which tends to disarm criticism and .he will be fol- lewed with our gratitude and prayei for her SUOOSSM wherwear aha. wu. 7- had as additions seven bonorsrv mem- and two lady members, which makes our present number fifteen wc men and twelve men, eo yon can ere thst her visit has been to us about what Mies Wilierd 's visit was to your Union, a source of strength and encoi.ragt- 1 We have not been idle IsUly, but through our efforts in interesting onr eiuxeos we hsve organized a Libre re and Reading Room Assoc rat ion, of which J. B. Morris is President ; Mrs. E. E Psntlsnd, Viee President ; F. J, Gill, Secretary ; M. C. Gill, Treasurer, snd A. J. Johnson, Librarian. We expect soon to hsve s pleasant room where our youth can spend the evening without any excuse for visiting tbe saloons. It may not prove a suoeesa, for there sre difficulties in the wsy, but we shall do our bast to make it so. Our Union was to weak to undertake the task alone, bat now we hare all unselfish citizens tnUrwsted. How much there is to do for MGod and borne and native lend." Mas. E. E. Pextlaxd, Cor. Sec W. C. T. U. Dbas Uxiox Siuvax : Many for eigners would be gled of an opportuni ty for instruction ia the English lan guage. Others of us, who work for a living, feel the lack of education. We a . . ao not meet with much success in the work of self instruction end discipline. The ordinary night schools reeuire more time and money than we can spare. Yoold it h worth the while to a temperance organisation, for the sake of teaching us from the temperance text books, to provide evening schools, where once a week, for a small tee, we could receive instruction in such bran ehea ae we might choose, as well as in such principles as we ought to be grounded upon Could not a temperance orgsnization secure the service of compotent teach ers so ss to be eble to offer instruction in any branch of study included in either a high school or a business college oourse, at very reasonable terms. Could not the efficiency of the work i i i .ix i u i. uo aaaurwa uj ou.j -uou pupt.s if to the undersig ns would sign en agreement giving as ad. and that all creditors of said Cass, B, aMStar. cb. K4aw aaat authorities to enforce roles requiring c:.l..i ....j. . i. ... jx w w m " Would not an agreement giving the name authority in regard te the use of alcohol, be a good aubsti'ute for the pledge for such as would sign it f Does the above plea aniwer the question "How shall we reach the for eigners eo Journeyman. From the rnuks of the children there are 60,000 doomed eaoh year to the fate ot the drunkard, if the liquor traffic is continued. What answer do you make to this, ye mothers who have no inter est in the temperance cause t ys fathers who vote "license ?" ye young women who marry modsrnte drinkers ? It is a good wsy to be ready to teach the people what they wish to learn, in order to get them to learn what you wish to teach ? There is nothing that is meritori ous but virttto and friendship ; and, indeedriendshsp itself is only a part of virtue. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE B18T ADVERT MS 111)1111 II TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Hpectal bueine. oie ia Ltesl del umus 14 eenta jr line, ltrgular Ltca notions 10 cents per Hoe. For legal and transient advertisemsals 91 00 per square for the first insertion, and fio cent, per square for each subsequent inawrticn. Rates for other advertise men la seeds known on application. TEST YOUR BAKIHG POWDER TO-DAY! TUB TMMTi Fiaeee ' ! oa a aet steve eertfl autre let reessre DOES MOT eOHTAJI AMX4T9U. tor a enarter ef reuaau tees. it THE TEST OF THE OVER. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Dr. Price1. Special Flaroriii Extra, rm 1 ej m 1 eel hi ixi Dr. Prltt'g Lupulin Ytatf Bemt vr Ufbt, KeaUk SseeS TSe Teaet la tbe WerM. OT Ma FOR SALE BY CROCCR8. CMICACO. mt. LOuta. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGBsS Tbe Seat Sey has) in Use raised by UH yeast ts lisjJst, waits m sjyand Price Baking Powder Co., fciTn tt by. Prtcf ifccui mnnit ima. Chkcafo, III. fA. LOeSSBtsa f F'rr sale ay Cwttlar. Mor a asei Co., Ntthssi, Or, AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with tbe gloss and freshness ot yoetS, faded or gray bate to a natural, neb brown ootor, or deep black, as may be By Its use light or red hair may be thin aalr tnleaewed. aad balJaass oftea, tboagb not always, eared. It checks felling of tbe hair, and sties late a weak and sickly growth to rigor. It prereots and cares scarf and dandruff, aad Marty erery disease peculiar to the As a Ladles' Hair Inc. the Tiooa to unequalled ; It contains aestbar oh nor dye, renders tbe hair soft, glossy, aau Silken la appearance, aad Imparts a delicate, agreeable, aad lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Batmen writes from alrejr, O. Jmtg a, 1SU : " Last fall my hair oommeaaed falflug out, and In a abort ttaae I beeaave nearly bald. I need part of a bottle of A H Aia Viooa. whieb stopped the fall hag of the hair, and started a new growth. I bare bow a fail bead of hair growing rigor ouslv. aad am conrineed that bat for tbe nso of your preparation I should hare been entirely bald." J. W. Bo wax, proprietor of the lie Art mm (Oassl A'aqarrr, aaya : " AVFJtfa Haia Viooa is a aaast eseothjat preparation for tbe hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its wsa promotes tbe growth of new hair, aad makes It gioasy and soft. The Viooa ia also a sore cure for dandruff. Xot within my knowledge has the preparation erer failed to gire entire satisfaction." If a. AMDC. Fa renai an. Under of celebrated " rairbaim FamUy " of Scottish VbealMa. writes froen JasSea, Afnss., Fek. , new - Erer sincemy hairbegaii to sjrcsO- tUae nroeareth. I base need A van's llaia Tioon, aad so have been able to maintain or yowanxatnesa a niua u. lo milliner., one- tors, actors, and in f .vt erery one a no urea In the eyes of the public." Mas. O. A. Pbescott, writing from IS Elm St., CharUtof, Mas. .April ft. IMC. says : - Two years ago abssst tno-thlrds of my hair easne off. IttUiniied very rapi.Uy. aaU I was fast growiae bah. On aatnff Aran's LUin Viooa tbe tailing stopped aad a new growth exaarteneed, and In a boat a Moth my bead was completely covered with short hair. It has eon tinned to grow, and Is now as good as before it fall. I regular) v used bat one bottle of the Viooa, bat now nee tt occasionally as a dressing." We bare hundreds of similar testimonial to the eShsecy of Aran's Haib Viooa. It needs bat a trial to convince the asset skepti cal of its value. rnrr abeo bt Dr. J.C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggists. Notice of Assignment. In Uu Circuit Court o the State of OrtfXM, or the County of Linn . In the Assignment f of Chas 6. Montagnn. ) Notice ia hereby given to all creditors of Chaa. B. Montague, that be has this day made aad filed with the Clerk of the Curwait Court of the State of Oregon for Linn eeaaty I to be recorded, an assignment of all his ; Lttiss eelft tt tttS Cbaa. K Montague, in the City of Lebanon, in said county, within three months frera the date hereof. Dated at Lebanon oa Nov. oln, 184. J. W Crura. Bilvbu for Asaignoe. PATENTS h CO-, of the BtAssfuie Asm ct as son wore ror r-aaenis. mi qpjrtgbte. for the Uatted Stat Prance. Oertnany. eta Band tents sent fro. Thirty seven Tears' Fatentit n tbe Set c TJTLERY. The tioat line of cntlerv in tbe vsllev be found at our store, fi embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks sad spoons, butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and eeJenocn oi nil kinds, and th beat lne of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves. Peters a Stew a at. OR SALE. mOne hundred and forty acres, nine iles nbove Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this . . . wees tbe nsrssinr BBlBaw? 4LB MVNS Unas to i noast'sTwi srs irlsnss. oatainaa tnroasrn musss co. are naoiaa Am-kbica.v, the larcesC beet, ana ess wwsiy ttromiaieo soenuac paasr. e-wareae Weekly. Splendid antra visas and inters sets r. aw forsastloa. Bpeslnisn copy of the SslaaitSs Awsr Lean sent free. Addreea htUlTX h OO BJI Jjm I SMI Anonuauf Ofaon, Sn Broadway, Sow TertfrV 0