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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1884)
t ; . , , ; ... . - STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTIK8. gSiaBSrFirB"la Wester-ra l Bulldlagea TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION steel aopT, per year, ttJ adeaneSM us ee 5:. cJj.. W yr. stead ot W 8 atnsjia wf.', ,' ' slatf copy, thraa month Stasia numb.T PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. 5TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, rKu. wtm r, prkcTICB IS ALL THE special aStettUen to collections end probate uWter. .qj Office in Foster's new brie. ur vTT(HNEn.AT I-AW. Notary Public. 1 bany, Oreifoa. Office uputalra, over Joan Brir' rrtors, tat treeL 14a8Stf J K. WEATHEEFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC) iTlfORNEY AT LAW, AisAjnr. auas. - rmi t o a, TICS IN ALL TUB COURTS OF THIS stteeeU Xrttaa gi to MM d probata matter i ia Odd reliswe f. C. POWKLI. VBTT ir. t vvn .TTORMRYS AT LAW, And Sniiritors in Ctaanrerv, Collate promptly Tans negotiated on reasonable terms. eSOffiee in Foster's Brick.- vMnimf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lai AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OBECOH, u - , .n of the Courts of thAU basing Jntrnsted to him will be promptly attended to. arOfBee in OToole'a Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Backs. Stationery and Toilet ArUcIes, A Iarge Stock and Low Prices. onrx- DBtro- store, tri ausurr.earjrsce. POSH AY & MASON, -wsouuu e acrAOr Oraggistsand Booksellers, ALBANY, 0EE60I. v!6n4ltf A. PRUSH&W, DRUGGIST, gtationarj, Met Articles, Etc. mSCRlPTlOSS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, ORECOH. BR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. aSOtTice and residence in Mcllwain'a Bloctc. Albany. Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Bhaving done with neatness and shsrp r-. which are always kept in good coduion, and hair cat in the very best style. san wa im. i AtTDKY AND CHINA BBBCHAOTUSO gg I -p Rir- tea and Japanese gnxi. Ladtca Chin labor. XarNexttc City Bunk. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in the city and w-11 sell .Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stoek of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. -TaTOnCB OF PUBLIC T.E TTINGS SO rkt LICITED. Plans and . specification! rfdraishedon short notice. ALBANY COLtEGIATE institute EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. Thfr First Term will commence on Tursday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course of study aad the price of tuition, apply to BET. ELBEST X. CO KBIT, Frestueat. ALoany Bath House. rfSB UNDBRS1GNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaformihe eitisang of Albany sod vi aiait; that I have taken charge of this Eetabluh Meat, aad, by keeping eleas rooms and payia aAriot attention to basineaq, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressine Saloons asneats to rive entire satisfr etion to all aaCUdien and Ladies' Hair neatly eat State VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON. The word "La Bells" In Ft no "the beauty ." meaa PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, -AN D All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undeniped. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Agmt fr Frank Bros., P.rtUsd THE ALBANY FURNiTURF BRINK & SON. (Successors to) DannalB, Inodin & Fisher, Mtnufactnres and dealers In all kind FURNITURE, constantly o . .. - i nnmnlMA HOCK oi OU UftUU, m all desirat ,ble lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock pneea. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WTO TfoShefb? hT2ofp plred to do all kinds of stone snd marble SoTkon short notic . A 1 work is jnur ranted to sive aatisfaotion. wtu wora anVtnd all kinds of stone, but Ofl pHn dpily in OrWonWty gran Cleanme repairing aad resetting PJJ- S2 and examine my prices before P"0" hSff etaewberessl will not be undersold. .hoJ west ride of Ferry street oppo site post office. Q w HABRI8,Prop. REVERE HOUSE, Com, rtnt Dtow AJm3 Cha Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thi. new Holel la Bttad up In "f.; j!w wlppiied with tha be T.JcaZ. feS Inerery Room. A good Samfde Boom for Com mercial Traveler. arm rear te the ttesel MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ULUBEHY AH DR188-MHIS8. CoUIng .nantllngby th. MW Tylof. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS I. W. & MARY T. COLE. Pliy8icaiis & Siirgeons. ALBANY, OliDI Affr their arofemiomtl emleto the dttn. of r s l (aeeat countira. OBtee aaa m Cailat Langdo. and Ce'a Drug near Court it ase. Store, DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, n j. tAn. nn pi rat Street be WM -r,rt T.V70N Streets. CSllS left st E. W. iJtngdon A Co'a. Drugstore Albany, Oresroi1' . ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or- Insurance. F. P. NuttiDg, at tbe Democrat office, has charge oi the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN fir QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC9TISH UNION AND NATIONAL. Call on him ' Wood on sabs Democrat office. awe, , tt AtA M ' xA mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl. podr nvr teHm. A marvel ot juriety, tr.iijth mtui whW.mcii Mra rr..n.ntit lh tlMrdlnry ktoUa, anU nutnot b. avUl In onpUUMi Ub the multitnJ. uu low UM, horl weight, alum or I'lxaphati jKiwdcm. wljr In . KwtAt. BaatM imwpuCo. lo wui atrt, N. y. Itching Diseases ECZEMA, or Salt Kaautn. with iu runliinf Itch ing atxi baratiix, (nstaaU; rctteved l a warm bath with t'uueura and a alacle PillraUan of CuUcura. Uta rreat Ski. for. TUU rvaaalad dally, arlth twa or Ursa doMa ot CtiUeura tteaulvwat, th. N Wuttl Pttrtftar, to kp tha blood eaat, th piraUuu para aad aairritaUac, tha bowala oan, tha lier atMl kldoaye actirt. will aneadily eura It ns Tattar. Riafwana. FWiaaia, Lichen. iTuriliw. hoall Uead, Dandruff aad mmy fm at ltch.a. Baab. aad Ptmply Ham or ot the Soalp aad Skis, wke Um bMtpaMu. and all kaow raaaadla tali. ECZEMA TWISTY 1EA1S, My rratltoda to God ki uabounHaU for tha ratlaf 1 bara obtaiaad from tb. ttae of tha Cuu ura Hawaadlm 1 bar. baaa trouble atth Kcwcma ou my le lor twenty fssia I aad aet s saaia taabaaakaa and ttrhi.2 I eat happy to my, I bar no t kbl algbt for intamje. Saw. tha hewr. oolofaJ pataba. oa my limb, remain a a taken of my HKSKY U SMITU. lM Wast Arenas, w.T. ECZEHA OS A CHILD. Your moat valuable Canasta ItsaisiUai bar doe. my child a wb vood that I fast like taytnc ttua far Um baaett of taaa. who art troabied with Ee aam,and 1 triad areeral doetore aad medtotaea, ba. did not do her any good uaUl I need tha I 'ulkara apeadily aurcd bar, far whlab 1 owe yea meay tanass and many nlaht of raw. Airroy la.HMliK. L aloa Bakery, E-linbuigb, lad, TETTEB OP THE KCALr, 1 was alsMSt perfectly bald, esassi by Tetter of tbe top of tha ecajp 1 uaed yoar Cntkara lUamdhwj aijottt u week, aad they cured my amla aarfecUy. and new sty heir is sssMSff seek aa tales a It eer . r, iitutia. Walteaboro, Taaa. COVERED WITH BLOTCIIE. I want to tell yoo that yoar Cntteere Reaalewat la magnificent. About three monhu ago my face waa eweerad with biotchee, and after mflag three bottle) at Beneleaat I waa oarfeotlv cured. rXXUKRUK MAITXX. St, Char lea Street, New Orioaoa, La ivy pouoxixc. Per all eaeaa of poiaonlng by ley or dorvood. I saa warraat Calleara to car .verv tune. I have .old It for five year and It never tail. c. it. huhse, urag-gui. UoUUtoa, Mats. Sold everywhere. price : Ctmcou, SO Soar, tft eta. Kssmakst. St, r.tter Bran aad Ctteaatcal re.. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- iivcuim: shop. EATABXIMIIED IS05. By A. r. UnKKK , sioaieo at corner oi B First and Montgomery wtroeu, Albany Oregen. Havinz taken sbaree of the above natjietl Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, -taw and Grist Mill, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, iron and Brass Castings of every description. tfanhlaarv of all kinds renairod. Sue- del attention given to repairing farm n s cblnery. Pattern Making dear la all It ferana. lfcllyl A. F. CHEKP Y A SON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR EENEWER vss tbe first preparation perfectly adapted te cure disease, of the scalp, snd the first suc cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to It natural color, growth, aad youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, bus nose bare so f ally met all the requirements aeedful fee the proper treatment of tbe hair and scalp. Hall's Haw Rexzweb has steadily grown la favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of tbe globe. Its unparal leled success esa be attributed to but one cause: tht entire fulfilment qf iUpromittt. Tbe proprietors bare often been arprised st the receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where tueyhad never made an effort for Its Introduction. Tbe use for s short time of HALL'S Ha ib Rexkwkb wonderfully ImproTes the per sonal appearance. It cleanses tbe scalp from sll Imparities, cures all humors, fever, snd dryness, snd thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigor, as growth. Tbe effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara tions, but remain a long time, which makes Its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DTE YOB TUB WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of s single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY B, P. HALL & CO., Hasina, H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. rOB ALL THE POEMS or Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, S- the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood-pun ner, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; ?l, six bottles, 85. ' "I. . , urn m- ALBANY, OREGON, FBI DAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1884. SKTRN TMIttSTk Vtttt The ttsy after tbu decision of tbe Kleotui iat Com mission deolariog R. B. Hsyas Preaidffit of th United Status was rendered, twenty middle aged men met before the bar of a Madison atfaet saloon to take a drink of whisky. It whh to be tb drink of wbitky tbey were to take until a Dcmooratlo Prati dent should be ie&ugureted. They had made a solemn vow to tbhwflbe and the penalty that waa fixed for breaking it ass a Una of $100. If any fines Khuold be collected the money waa to be plseed in a bank and expended on the inauguration tf a Democratic President iu tittind celebrating the end of their riod of probation. Of the twenty two have died, five have proven backsliders, tour of them paying their fines, and the fifth being too poor to do so. Thia leasee thirteen of the original trenty and, as far aa ia known they U not violated their pledge. One of those who took the pledge ia John Pearaon, waiter at the Suet man Uouae. Pearaon baa lost a couple of fortunes. lie haa been in buaineea off and on since 1894, and ia a particular crony of B. P. Hutcbloeon,tbe million aire grain and commission man. "Yea," be admitted when spoken to, "I am one of tbe twenty. I base never tasted a drop of whisky since 1876. None of ua were very hard drtnkers.hut we ell drank enough to make it e terrible privation to quit so suddenly. If a Democratic President should not be elected for twenty yean we were te keep our pledge. There waa no limit or condition. "When do you expect to take a drink again ?" "March 5th, 1885. I don't intend to get drank, for I never did, but the first glass of whisky wili taste mighty good, I reckon, aftsr eight years of ginger ale." TttC CBV lT.XTtTI? ETt t U . Ia presenting his business Mr. Allan Ptnkertoo made it his inflexible rule never to operate for rewards er en pawX ments contingent urott success, and ese w e would never allow any of bia operatives to receive any reward or gratuity for their servioea, lie paid hie employee liberal 1 j-, and worked for tboae who engaged him at a certain fixed sum per diem, which waa all that waa ever re ceived. Auotbor notable and praise worthy feature of his immense business and one of the strictest rules of bis institution, was that he never, under any circumstances, could be induced to operate in a divorce case, or where family matters were in dispute. In fo lowing out this line of conduct be flatly reftiKcd many thousands of dol lars annually. It waa also a principle with Mr. Piokerton thst tbe old maxim of "setting a thief to catoh a thief 'was morally wrong -and unwise in action, and that taking two men of tbe same montal caliber, tbe one guilty and tbe other innocent, the latter would invar iably prevail over the mental and moral nature of the former. we bus er wisdom Remorse ia the echo of a lost viitue. Pride costs us much more than bun gar, thirst and cold. To bate excellence is to be at ita extreme oppoaite pole. Contact with .bn world either breaka or hardens the heart. Soft words, warm friendi ; bitter wordn, lasting enemies. He hath riches sufficient who hath enough to be charitable. To read without reflecting, ia like eattng wi'hout digesting. A philosopher is one who unflinch ingly "sccepts tbe situation." Those only wbo can command them selves are fit to command others. Everybody sees tbe cloud on t4fe horizon, but who thinks of tbe clear er ar blue sky above it ? He that cxres only for himself, baa but few pleasures, and tbeae are gener- lly of th 3 lowest order. -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure. Dyspepsia, Indication, Weakneee, if ls Impure Blood, Malaria,!, hills ana e ever., una neu raisi . . . . it is an unfailing remedy for Diseases ot tne It U Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. 1 1 does not lnj ure the teeth , cause headache ,or produce constipation ofAer Iron medicine do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the anrwtite, sids tbe assimilation of food, rc I'eves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens tho muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack 0! Knergy. Ac, it has no equal. trs- The genuine has above trade mark end t-roied red lines on wrapper. Take no other a. !T by KROWS I'HSXICAL CO, BAtTIMORK. P aSOlSdCOS, WOODAJEtO k CD., Whilcml Agents, Portlnd ar aA IJvm. 1 AN BL t BOB ITS 11 a0. Ou ) of ill- nioat elsltorste pianos ever made ba j .t hnen oj mule ted at New York for Mr. George- Stephen, president of the Canadian Paoifio Rail way company. It was desigaed toj tbe Canadian architect who planned Mr. titepbert's house at Montreal. The piano Is built of tbe aatinwootl of South A uniica, finished in different atylee, 'o protsee oontraating effuse. The osse proper in made of nlie pieoas of aalin-wooJ- reneering.g! ued together to form one continuous .body, which reaches fromcorner to ooruer. This ia laid off In panda, which ara inlsid with rare and costly woods of South America and bright metal. One panel ciutiua a I) re, the frame of which is of tulip wood and tbt strings of metal. The vine that leads away from it oo either aide baa stems of amarsnth,its leaves of oooobolaaod ita leaf skeletons of glit tering metal, while tbe whole has a snske-wood border. A S) rig of oak baa iu scorn cups of amaranth and its bulbs of metal, producing tbe effect of nature. Tbe lege of tbe instrument are lijce arched doorways of a palace Keen consist of two oolumns of satin wood exquisitely oaived and inlaid, wbiob come together get the top to form an areb. The) lue of the instrument ia 4,000. wastes re rmr "Say, George, I'm going to pop" The young man reached for his bat with a frightened expression of coun tenance, end faltered out somi thing about en engagement with a man down at tbe hotel. "Why, George, yon ain't going o early, are 700 T I wee jnet going to say that if you'd etey a little while longer Id pop''' George disappeared through Abe (tr ior door, and was hastily fumbling for the catch-lock in tbe hall. "Say, George, what' the rustier V1 she cried, rushing out after him. "What are you going away in ranch a hurry fort If you'll slop just a few momenta tong- m y Bet George was tbiaabing around in tbe storm-ho use, and jabbing tbe duur all over to find the latch. He fin illy burst a binge off and waa kitiog down the path like a frightened deer, when hie girl stack her bead out into the forsty air and bawled so that she could be heard a block Away : "Sey, George, if you'll erne back I'll pOaonie oorn I" George came back. area wise axd tbi owlish A Hmsewife wslking ia he barn- yard one day, said : "I wonder which is tbe let teat nicest of tbeae fowls." w . . s a nd Hearing which, several young roos- ters,desiring to "show off" their charms and exeltJtbemaUvea Worekthe pullets, came forwsrd, oaob making valoful boasts to a better? condition tbsn bia Keilows, and ons of tbem, mors foolish than tbe others, crowded tutho front and aaid : "Fortunately 1 am able to Drove a . ww. a W a a what i ear," and he lifted a wing and swelled himself out to bis iritaat ax-1 - tBot. exalsirBiriir : -I am bT far tbe fiaeat fowl of the lot 1" "That's a fact,'1 remarked the house wife, and aha straightway wrong bis neck and made a nice stew of him for dinaer. Moral Pride goeth before a fell. THE HIUSKII ASB THE COMSCfBXCB. The theory that tbe stomach domi- nates tbe conscience through the appe tite waa nnfolded by Oarlyle. He pro pheaied that the kttshen range waa to bs throne and altar of tbe future. He said that the grid iron would be bran dished as a censor in the coming temple of humanity. It is plain that religion ill not thrive with a bad atomacb,and that poor cooking will show itself in wretched feelings. "Take care what you eat," aaid a theological professor to his students ; "for if you have sour bread it will show itself in your aer mons." Tbe science that only toucher) tha head and forgets the stomach ia vitally detective. Ware have some times been traced to dyspepsia on the part of a king or prime minister. The kitchen has had a long probation, and it ia atill on trial. A esas.oee Dress, The uiostjnoticeable feature of a re cent evening at Saratoga waa tbe mag nificenoe of the costumes of the ladies, Perhaps the most costly of these was worn by Mrs. Moore, tbe wife of a Philadelphia millionaire. One who professed to have aooorate information on the subject told me that she wore laoes and silks which cost $80,000 and also diamonds that were valued at $75, 000. Thia maksa $105,000 for one evening outfit. Whatever the cost, the toilet was certainly auperb.and I doubt if anything more expansive or elaborate has ever been seen in this country. Bemocrat a iiit.nn PBixVav BSUC. Mrs. L, k. Minis or Elgin bee a copy of the well-known poena, 0 Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?" In tbe handwriting of Abra ham Lincoln. She wee once a mem ber of a concert company, which ohancetl to pat np at tbe an me hotel with Mr. Lincoln In a western town when he wee n candidate for tbe pree idency. In the evening the singers entertained the eeeefSasiy ta the parlor for n time, end then called upon Mr. Lincoln. My friends," aald be, "I couldn't elng a tunc, not uid Hundred,' ir It were to save my life, but I ceo recite a poem for you." Then stepping to the other aide of the parlor thai, be might fane them alt, he aald: "I will recite to you what I rnldr one of the finest productions in tbe Kngllsh language," and then, in an Impres sive manner, recited tbe poem. Aa Mr. Lincoln wee leaving the room af ter hie recitation Mrs. Hill la asked him wbo the author of tbe poem was sod where It could be found. Lincoln replied that ho did net know. "But," he added, "If you wish it I will write you a copy of It" The next morning while Mrs. Hlllls was eating break fast Lincoln banded br tbe copy be hsd promised. It wa-t written on the old-fashioned legal cap. isvesuBATiea rest Beta. It la a queer boy wbo doee not meet with an accident of some sort every wvsk of bis life. For a sprained ankle rub on whisky or arnica. If cold water w II 1 cot atop noeo-bleed, fold a piece of peper and place It between your teeth and upper lip. A lew drops of cold water on the bank of tbe neck will often prove a remedy. A cut finger will stop bleeding If you bold It in cotd'water. If you get dirt in your eyee rub toward tbe temple Instead of the nose. A tone brulte should be poulticed until sort enough to lance. If you can't awim, remember to struggle as little aa possible If you fail into tbe water, A common chair would float you all day, ao long as you only ree led your bands on It Never carry a coin of any sort In your mouth t Enough grease and dirt can be wash ed off a seemingly dean quarter to discolor a plot of water. ow. rarrrart l wo mas (From tht Chicvgo TrQmm.) The handsomest girl in Sylvan la County Georgia, became engaged nearly forty years ago, to John Gross, the eon of a wealthy planter. Short ly after tbe engagement waa announ ced Gross went to New Orleans on business, forgot bis lady-love, settled In Texas aaJ did not return home until two years Ister. Though tbe lady bed not beard a word from him In all th tt time, she waa still true. They renewed the engagement, then quarreled and Gross went off again. Ha remained away until a few days ago, when be returned to the old homestead to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. He found his fiancee stilt Ud- promptly married her aL.i . -tm t9 . a re.uawusju.euv ure u. - riaf during hlsabeence. Three men horn abe refused became respective ly a Congressman, a Senstor and a Gov. TUB bath aTcaaa-a TBABW. "I've killed mor'n a million rate with ferrets in my day. an if my fer rate don't die I hope to kill a million more. Why I once killed 100 rate on wUh my nak0u b-m of twenty minutes. It's all in k no win' how. Pierre Lorillaru lately offered me $5 a day to go to Jobatown and clear tbe rata out of bia stables, but I couldn't go on account of tbe disease among my ferrets. I oouidu't sfford it at that price, either. I killed 350 rate in the ConUnentel hotel in one night, s . rt r . u uuu x iu sure x viu uu mm uiuu many another big house if I'm allowed. Wnat do I do wttk 'em after I've canght 'em ? Well, what I don't kill I can sell for ratting matches, and you bet there's always a goodjdemand for 'em." I'OOI TEST st. "Teeth," aaid Dr. Rich, "play a part in tbe morals of society of which few persona are aware. Eighty or 90 per cent of crime ia caused by drink. And what causes men to drink ? The chief cause ia doubtleas poor teeth. Ho many men that you know have teeth perfect enough to masticate a piece of common rump steak ? When a man cannot masticate his food, he bolts it er eats little of it. In the former case, he wants liquor to help digest it ; in the latter, he warts liquor to keep up his strength. Few persons, after a good meal, feel like drinking. If you would Cure drunkards, begin with their teeth. Go to your dentist." a e Mind and hare a care for a silent dog and a too still water. NO 16 T1MPIEA10I DEPUTIES?, BOITBB BT TUB werasai laniiiai Tempeuiee fjglsg I . 1 ' IS T "I raople sometirnes wonder, Ajrs Dr. Jennings, why such siul men, poe- ng great intellectual power and Srmneaa of character iu other respects, cannot drink moderate! and not give themselves nsj to drunkenness. They asocsas diuuksrda h. Isw fixed, im mutable la. Let a man vitb a mt i t . - . a . , ae tfliect aa ASMS ui teks to drink eeeebol moderate); snd jterseveringfy, with all the caution sad deitborsts determination that he commend, and it be could lira long enough be would just as certain!! i ... uewouie a arungara got to a point where be could nut rerain from drink ing te exoesa aa he would go over N:- - D.ll- i ... " wc" i-veu in a can WIIDK frTWWJUSWIT aWTa TWTTV Bl the river ahov the falls sn l ft to the natural oiciaii r of tha curtfitta ami proporiiooallv e he risscr-ndud tl a svtrMBI WuuM fiol Li. filmkAlUaUMiwM - I for It increase, so that be would find it! w-f i i s s a. i it a as isa snore and more difficult to get ashore I we-fes us icre'iiieu a poiOa WB'TO eSCSpS waa impossible. aarisa or law si a ar stat! via, w. t. A Large AaSlearc BBS k treat A Septra An unexpectedly large audience as- sembled at Yealer'a Hall last evening,to give exprea-too to tbe popular opinion in regard to tbi closing of sakcoaaad othsr business bouses on thm Habbath. All Um seats in the hall were oorjopsed, and quite a number wars compelled to stand op ia tbe able. Aa might be ex pected, the audience waa ao extremely Intelligent one. A number of tbe mix isters ef tbe city occupied seats on the platform. Oo motioo, Rr. F. O. Strange we, elected Chairman. On taking the chair he made a strong and sensible speech of ten minutes' length. He iraa followed in ten minute speeches by Rev. Messrs. Pierce, Da via, Banks, Wolverton and Daadsjoo. All the sneakers took strong ground ta favor of the enforcement oi all the lava. Tbe whisky traffic was denounced aa lawless snd inimical to oar Government and institutions, snd the workingmwn were urged to stand by their beat interests and srppo-t the officials wbo were endeavoring to en force the Sunday lawa. The aodtence etemed to sympathies with the eenti- nts expressed, and applause was fre euent. At the close of Mr. Deniaon's remarks, be offered tbe folio wing reso lutions, which were unanimously adopt ed: Jiuolved, That the perpetuity of ou r Government and the welfare of our peo pie dejpeud oa the strict enforcement o f law. Resolved, That it ia absolutely uary to bold tbe whole liquor traffic in tbe grasp of the law, as it is a law breaker ia nature, and its record is but a history of violation of law. Resolved, TbfA to the limit of otr ability we will stand by our City Coon oil and the Chief of Police in their present effort to enforce existing lews in oar city ; espscislly the law cloiiag all saloons oa Sunday. Tbe meeting then adjourned, to meet at tbe aame place next Monday even ing. The St. Louis "Cimeter-New Age" aaya that fifty-five kega of beer were consumed st a school picnic near Belie- ville, Ma, recently. The Lord Bishop of Exeter has ac oepted the presidency of the National Temperance League, as tbe successor of the Iste Ssmuol Bowly. Mejor E. T. Scott has, lately address ed a series of large and enthusiaatio meetinga in Chester, West field, and other towns in New Jersey. Tbe "Retailer," liquor organ, aays: "w -u'"'" " abide our time and peacefully organise our forces for the ballot box." Time is so short, eternity ao great. nd the ravages of strong drink ao fear- w ev ew ful, that it behooves us to rise in th e might and the power with which God haa endowed us, and in the name of tbe perishing, and the God who cares for them, demand that the traffic in strong! drink shall cease. a -a a aat 'mw. (esveraeOA TM oo bxibooa 'V sanavno aax ..In. i ii .i iMiiMiin aan l n3 AiU wtfaU uMao W StaKi ia oS T SIT SMITJ tIMOS SSSUO TIT BUT 'sutsaeaei 'sasneSH 'eassassi sSagewi tgoiwos '.iDyijna'uien'tuna -jsareM ycOajSE . ii i. se i s ss IWsaoaffiei STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, TIE BIST IDTBtaiS 111)1111 II THE WILLAMETTE T1LLIT. Special bus! seas notices ia Lteal c4 Beans J cents per line. KgB)srlaea iKKiees so cent, tar Una. For legal ana transient adi 111 OS per square for tbe first insertion, si cents per square for each sot luawraoD. Rates tat' other sdvrtiunut. known on application. IMP POISON IN THE PASTRY ir I FLA TOR THEY STAID ALOIS. I seaeaeae mo rmm I .f ll?. akJn OMfdW OO., swa am a m rrn Wwlal itUwf Dr. Price's Lupulln Ycsuit LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGBIS ia she ratud ay tats tss ts ltgM, wane aad ear grand GROCERS SELL THI Price Baking Powder Co., BlTD H If. men HB3U raitulg BISxv, iUBBjn, uu et. Lesrta, taev Sj:or sala hj CetUaaj, Mori. asaS Co.. renlaaA, Or, SCROFULA to a lit J lusmiliss ATBBS SABSAfaBilXa 1 for ever forty vsars sssa recognised by a lima the seres dtsehsrssil large failed. wetU S seed A Yam's SamearAaitxa, of reieh I Sara eow taker, three botUea, vita the result that the sores ere eooM. aad say gveerel health greetry towaweea. I feel very areteful for the good roar Y9ertreepecUttll y?i a. Aw CTBeiAX." US SalllTea SU, Sew York, Jim St. U8Z. ta ean emigre. O-Bitoa. alee it. r Z. P. Wlldi oa 78 Beet 4 Mew Berk Cttv. whve wtH take i In teeUrytec to tkeai euue lady. aaU la U sua ay outer, witsue sue TMwanBOWBsrrilcreefaaj B. W. Bait, of Becaeefar, KJL, writes, Js 7. srsat Havtog saffered serereiy . f or aossa wtUi B iii .aedkartng fefledto ftaed the pest three aaoethe. of Atbb's Saaaara wilitirt. which has effeeted a eMselefe cere. I elder it a sssgalSneet resaedy for all nii m Ayer'sSarsaparilla stiaialatos and regalates Use aetioa of the digtsUve snd aestatlletivs organs, itasss aad oU.ail.QQS the vital forees, aad apssatly cans Baeasasrisai, yewxalgto. tie Gout. Catarrh. Csaoral DebUlty . ell Usiaswi aristog frosn an uuu sgAed ssBdlrlsa of the Moad,i easd vitality. It U toooeaparahly the cheapest eiae, oa account of its eoacentrated streagta, aad great power over disease. raxraaxo bt Dr. J. C. Ayerrn Co., Lowell, Maes. Soul by sll Druggtets:prce SI. sis Wheat Stored sAT THK MAGNOLIA MILLS. Having purchased said mill I witt so eetve wheat in store at tbe mill and house. Whim parties wish to will will Buy wheat or deliver it on their order. Sacks furnished to patises store. July 15th, 1884, JOHN A, CRAWFORD. AWiistorator'8 Notice of Appuiifc- ment, NotUe is hereby given that tha under- ted haa been, by the County Cavrt ef n ctiuntT, Oregon, duly appointed As- appointed stabalaWlh minlstiator of tbe estate ef Mahsla WUssb, deceased. All persona having elalasa against aaid estate are repaired to present the same, duly verified, to the nndersisns- deceased. All parsons having alaisss ed, the office of Weathsrford A Blsckhurss in Aibsny, Oregon, within six monras from the date hereof. Pbior WnaoB, Wbats ; bkfo ej A Blaobbu w, Ados'r. Atty'e for Adrn f Ssptextber 22nd, 1884. PATENTS MTJKK 4: CO-of the BISJSUJIU ABW-KUlfesev Urcaa to ot aa Soil etora for I'ateetn. CartaOa, Trad. i obtained Uuvesh KLTOf ilamua) Ajtaatcaa. the reseUtaaa. uuS . wtd ay etronlated esieatlSe paper. SjLSCefea. Geaa. WBSJaUaaWCTOaaS!sS mora, Carwestcsee. Basle, and KiBisiews ef Use Skia, are tbe direct i seals of aa toner state of the Wood. aeat sssetssl sataortsies as the sees yew erful Mood fserMer to nwlsasi It tb. system from all foal Bassets, satrishss tarsarTsMsl'" esttsesit, sad proves itself a Aoase''ssoaSsaee Sntrs..t.d wttB serta'eloee eores (aleen) cm say .tesa-. Tee SS e n assa I a sldi at sbbasbjBB s sWk awwrwwsW-B JSeWBSBBBBBBBBBBBBi shampooed. JOS WEBBER.