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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1884)
1 TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITKS& NUTTING. aSIKSOFeM Kla nraoecral RatldlagOB Rrimdalbia street. TKRU3 OF Sl BSCRIPTlON marie copy, pr "r n Jnf a .,. nun. oar veer, at ' 'Mr- S 00 1 M 7 10 ini-ia nmr. six uioulha . . pr, lUX uioulha eiinrle numbr.. .......... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT liAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of Una State. Will five special attention to collecUona aud probate onoe In Foster's new brlek. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. A J" Notary Public. Albany, rl!tli OAoe upstairs, ovar John Bwtora, lt street. J K. WEATHERTOW), (NOTAET FOBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AISAMY, OttKttO. ,rm i PRACTICE IS ALU TUB COURTS OF TH NV'sutI VpicW JunUon -riven U 1 lcctioa aad ro " - In Odd r.uaw mhw. - anwrnr T W. R. BtlTOU POWEI.U & BIIA'EU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A. BA1"111 ?,88!&M. Coitions promptly made on UpoinU. Loans negotiated tnJSt2? jaW-Office la Foster's Briok.-W Tl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Cinmsollor At La AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, ... u i .m ftf tha Courts of hNsll r All bwinW Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jflrOfilce in OToole'a Block, L W. LANGDON & CO., DBVGflUMTH. Books, Stationary and Toilet ArtWa, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OIT-y' DBTJG STORE, Syl LiS,OEEtiOV FOSHAY & MASON, WBOUB-A L AW UTTAIL Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OttEGOI. vl6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. FlRSCtiPflONS CaREFlLLV FILLED, Albany, Or. Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frat Street, jnat west of Conrad Mover. ALBAHY, ORSCOM. BR. H. .2. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Office and residence In Mcll wain's Block. Albanv, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatn i and aharp razor, which are always kept ingood condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. SAN WA V DeTM t botum. pric. CrcWr for Chirm lsbor. Cr&tlX to City Baidc. FURNITURE. t hav.; the bet atock of furnttare in the city and will sell Chi-ap, Cheap, Cheap, The only sleek of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete dock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN. J. J. DORMS, Bridge BniMer -a Nn- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SOIO, OREGON. . -iwrnw nv TTTRT.Tf! LT5 TTINGS SO l i LiICITED. Plans and gpeciflcaUons mm ishedon short notice. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OB. The First Term will' commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For partienUrs cemcerning tbe coursaa of study and th. price of tuition, apply to BET. ELBEttT M. COMDIT. Presmeat. Aloany Bath House. ran HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPEC1 fully inform the citizen of Albany and ri einity that I have taken charge of thia Establiab ..xi tii. bv keenine elaan room and payic atriet attention ta busines?, expect to suit al those who may farer. us with their patronage Having aeretoxore earriea on nouiug v. First-Class Hair Brsssine Saloons ezpeota to give entire aatisfaction to ail aaae&Vildiaa and Ladies' Hair neatly eat VOL. XX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WACOH, The word ' l a Italia" in Ft "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXE8, AND All ainda of AgriCultuPaUmplB menta kept by the Mer&iped. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bros., Portland1 THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINE & SON. to) Dannals, Wooflin & Fisher, Mtnufactnres and dealers In all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the Vib thev manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hana. a complete stock oi all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mHE USDEB8IGSED WISHES TO 1 Inform the public that be now pre pared to do all kinds of stone oiarble work on short notice. All work to war r. .i uttcfactlon. Will work Z;,"", "V-in ?utv trranite. e.eanlnir. repTfiog aad reeUiig" a specialty. CaH an?Samlne my price, parraa log etoewbere ami will Shop on wew hub w ... . . . po.1 omc 0 w habRB. Prop. REVERE HOUSE, t oW. rint aad OUwerth albaaj Chas- Pfeiflfer, Frop'r. n.uii.Ml on ta Sim I iTrla Table. n"T"JT;; r r th. msrkM afcrisT BadTuT erary leoat. A good meixiaJ TrarelerB. for Com- MISS EMMA SCHUBERT TTTntnnv IVTi TiBPQQa TTUR ailflllBBftl OJiil lllWOO-aaiaaaw. ... ejtlAa I mnA fittins DV tne new xmjv -i VUH....B - i OPPOSITE REVERE ROUSE. DBS I.W.&MARYT. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OH I 05r their profeaaonal v ihZnt Lion stalteaaM OOOBUCsV VHM saawa. Callat Laagdoa ami CV brag near Court H mat . , ii w Rara DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, r.m f McManm nn Firat Street be enrl T.VDH Streets. CSllS lea at B. W. Langdon A Co's. Drng Store. Albany, Oregon. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind of .rouflrh, dresied and seasoned lumber Jatns and nieketfl kei)t constantly on hand- BOIb sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best naianftrtifl timber. Price and terms made satisfactory.. ROBINSON A WEST. Alban vt Or. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dbmocbat office, bss charge ot the following first-clsss Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCOTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. Call oa him f id Wood on sabs Democrat office. i i it POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tata powder nor.t varic. A marrl of juril) , .tnytUml .bolMMMI I, Muf IWMWllcmJ than ti. ..rj.i.mrv klada, wl eenno. ba mU In ....,,, ui,..ti with the multitude u low Mai, .i...rt r:.-ht. alust ot phlto powam. Bold only In u. Ko i. lUsUM IVVMKUk. 109 W!t Mf. .1. S Y. Itching Diseases ECXBMA. or Ssli Khr na. Mh It. nilnr Iteb IsnSBS bur o ln. itwunUy r.ll.tM by . warm tlh wtlh t uururm Somn, " lnl ilu-alln I'uUcurv th. (tw Hkia Car.. Thla rja.ud with two of Ibra. cIumw at Cuilrtir. HmmW.oI, the Saw Wood lurttt.r, to kaci to. Wood cmI, Iho prw .irtlim pura wwl unlrrtUtinK, Iba howcta owt. the Uar i.) kklnaya sctlva. will MMdHy vwra Inaau, TalUr. lUara-nma. Paorta. Lich.ii. I'rurHu.. Samll HaaitL rjandruff Mtd a vary ayaelw of lu hmg, .vi mmd rmpir Humor of th. SaUp and Rklo. bm tha baaS pkraicUna bd aJt kn.,art, ratnadle. fail. ECS KM A TWENTY YEARS, Mr frmlHmU in Ood la uaooumlad for Dm ralUf I ha obtalnad (runt th. u . J the I'litkur. tta adla. I ha boan Uotlbl. tth KcX.taj ii UJ Irya tor tantNwa 1 ted no a cotnforubl. Mfbl for jaava. UMbajrninx and tubtw tntaoai. aw, 1 am h i p T to aa , i h . no Uoabta. H. I llio liter colorad it haa uu my limb, rooaaln m a lokrn of my former uueer. 1IKNRY 1.. t aimt. US Waal ArtllM, llochaer. T. EC -IKJI A ON A CHILD. Yonr moat TBtufthi. Cuutura Iictitlx a i,a,c d .n. my child ao -nu.b good that I like aai tbi. for th. tonsil of UtoM .ho are troubled with Kc inna, and I triad aovarai doct.r and medicine, btl did not oo her ai.v riJ until I tiarU th. ' utii which at Iv eurt-.l Iwr, for hicb I oa y thaiika many nihu of real. AJO H ISSM I tn, I m... lUkery, Rdinburyh, od. TBTTKm Or TBB SCALP, I M aJmoat Perfectly 111. raueed br Tetter ot I t he b.p of UM aaadp. I oacd t uikrara ftetncdle. aiot als arerka, aad they ramd my MaJp parfanUy, I d now my hair ta cmio Wck a. tbiek a. it , r I J.I.CIiOtCtl. Whiuaboro, Tnm. CO ' EKED WITH BLOTCH EM. I want to tall you that your CutWra Uewoivaat la maiiiflcent. Abuul tore nionlila ... tt.y hvc waa avad arithhlotclma. ami aJUr u.1iij three UxtUe. at HeaoJtcUt I ara. pajrteitlv rurwt. rKr.PKKK.IV XAllKC tt.Cbartts sweat, jt.fOfiau-.u IVY POIKOXIXCi. r-r aJI rar. of i-laotloir hr ley or doeraroad. I an riiit Cotii un Ui cure .r ttme. 1 he old it fur a re cej-a ami It never faiia. i . ii. JiuHMk., vntstun . lltdlmnm. M Bold ertr where Price : CVTKB-, wtiU . BOAT, IS eta. KanotvaaT. .1 rafter Drai aad i Sruiral re., ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- ntCHIM SHOP. gsSTABLIMHBD IMS. Bv A. P. CHKRRY. situated at corner of I Ffjwt and Montgomery Streets, Al.. ny, Oregen. Haylngtakenabargeoftheslrenamed Works, we are prepared to manufacture j-.. - w c - - M ri I ill. Dieam r.nuinrn, -w inn ni. i Wned.oArkltiir Vl a.h lrirv Piimna. Iran I end Brans Csstings of every deecription. Machioerv of all kinds renalrett. Sr- cial attention given to repairing farm ma- cninory. Palters Making ease la all It. farm.. lfkllyl A. F. CHERRY A BOM. grpjrjigg . rnrTsv-.Y-rV am T A t. X iun.ij a a j. jLjt. v AMD Notary Public. oiquiiaki Xatv 'ajane-XjaAa pi8 sjpjotVT enoniif It rata 'ipvrtH uoiw3ilui 'uojradi: ojno eupipoiM OI1HVHJWO Sid3AV OS 40; tatlioq xff 'if send '.w&lnwi u n PlS 'ijoMOT,oo'ojxv'of ja intae em jo avia ao( ptis poon povlnxioo jo joud uiojj gtrjunaat aoopjoefp fro piiw 'UpvuMt p'JUMf) 'qjjuivj 'uriaa -a-"Y7 'J7.?' W '-:.(-'Z tn9til twt' j.ijs na ;o hohu -xil autoojaAO puv ieJ d iu..(.v dnMt AqajMn pas 'rjeaoq pu i3iiiuo orf o uonee ein aoiniuie 'pooq ut suaqiSaejns puv 'aoqoiiua 'aeffoaeie pa pooq poqtfjeAodtui jo ojuduq uiojj fuiefi tancMqp v jo ojno orn n vi-ir-i v.i -vssvs .SAV 1 XiHWdpa looped eq ejuud qaiqa 'oo)ou mo o Hajuioo Xub)uoo Xavai eqi jo ouo nq oouvm saoqs oqx MaaJlAV.'J Z 'AuwoaAtto mo .pooS op Amu uoitKnwI jjoqt 2iqdoq 'iAi JnoA" wowi Mt awpl r 'nioq o.a uqi te( 'n ii( '-ain pun 'ep uin ewqi eop Uui aj 11 Xoo x 'PoajAop Jo eaioawtu iooiq iiq oqj n oouopuaoo i( qua pueimuoaaj I qajqa 'vtiiu vavirii v oq jo em oq o ininaaj eaaqt oitm4 I pu 'jo8uojis uoo jod pujpunq loaj I 'juenoaxo aou if Utun 'pAOidui Aiiaajg qlq vruail Am puw 'tuBom euiwa oqt Xq pejn nvv ojoa qSnoo puv quv)3 Xjj 'poaBaddKWip tit oqj jo uormH-U JO ui" II Pu 'paXwue ejaua aupiaii pu. n wu -jut(. j a1jy aeop wb oqt uiojj (jaouqs pAojd -in owaddu Xm 'uapioaip paumu-aAoqu eqt joj 51 Stqi uUfq T 'tuaoX jauuoj u on iuojod uiojj pu 3eBt jaqjo twtm jo notmjeaqo Xq 'vmavavunvs K.aaAV jo on(A eqi Suiaouji 'uaop unj ip pooa v uinXs Xtu puv 'jood tea 0)is(id Xiu iq9uo9 laqjjinvo pun qjj)o ejaAMS v uiojj jajajjne a oaia mm. i uteq joao Suiqiop Xu jeaq Xoajas pinoo x l'H 'X ouuaiu) oe paujnq pua 'iqSpi in Xqvj90)n( oc paqtni qojqA 'aqutu Xiu XTioadiO ojoik 8uoojje joutnq 8aiqni oiqwijojiuooun lioux e qt; poinojj vbm. j jeuia iwu'r : uamanuap ''OQ S7 aaAV f) 'I' 'muvuK 'mi 'n am st 'V5 nm 's s: : sj&ouoj a eoijjAv fmoQ ataojdns e?3snqnsw eqi J" 'spiJM. oSpnp aoainia ix oqi jo jijinoaq pun 'qJOA MH U Xjbuosiu 9 uoa) 'apiIAL 'A 'Z allX HON3ia3dX3 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1884. (for I ha niKKias4ftt 4itirK to tome, mbb eaTrtniN- MAMftUfaB. lis (list weuilsd tbioka to , Let him look sbeut sad sea, Tnat be cbooie a proper wife Or hv'wilr) it all hb life If in ohotting one for life V Thou -tuu id at cbMe to yean s wife, Stkob s our bss boilinf bloetl Do not exptefe her to be geod. K in cbooting ooo fr life. Tkou aliosld'st oboese tea eld s wife, In the boas she will creep stoat And frightoa people eat. " it'- If in choosing aao for Ufa, Then hould't choo.o a gV'V e Niw lid IIIIIVM Will gss And slwsys be voting thee. , If in obooeiag ess for life Yon boald'st oheose s snarling wife, ' Then no house-dug yon will need, For ose the will be indeed. If in ehooaiug iu for life, Than shoald'ot choose s tariff or high toned wife, Then notil the io in her grere, Yon will be bsr bauble lis, Ural thy, pretty, smart aad out, I'rudaot, piwa, Dotaooratia oweet, Ho that chooses och a wife uot roo it ell hilifa cm Oacar Wilde says be writes all poems on an empty stomscb. bis should say cn an empty bead. Dm Csrlos recently expressed bis oon&desoe that the crown of Spain would devolve on bin st Alfonso's death, and mean tine he will make bo further effort to eeoore it Mr. George Lund ha found a 6g tree growing in tbu eeeooast town of Scitust, Msse. The tree dies down with every frost, but for five Bum mere bss sitrnog U; sgtit). crowing to the height of nearly sU feet. Dr. O. Johnson lately told the Brit ish Medical Association of a patient of bU, fifty-Gve years otJ, wbo bad lived Ml- JUi f. He took a .UFW ' "wv -.IU f ilk- A l,, i not a particle a" - - of any other food. TLis treatrarnt cared him of Bright s diiasjf Mr. Hlogerley, the mill ions ir propri etor of the Pbtledelpb Atcord, has mania for houses. He hat eVeacy built 250 in the northwestern part of Pbiladelpbis, aod intends to build 750 more. The 1000 will be worth, on aa aversge, about $6000 eecb. Mr. Tboroat li. Savery of Wilming ton, DJ., who recently bought toe Government property at Harper s Ferry and baa put up a wood pulp mill on the site of the Unions areenal, bee beta offered $4000 for ''John Brown's fort" bv parties desiring to exhibit the relio m a "- in oonnsction with a show. Dr. Ma ray of Parte has succeeded in measuring the motive power of tbe bu- 7 M deloH ln eTr7 0,0T- rn,4r. A a one of the rssnlu of his , i l it. : t. Uliiuim. lift iliuwa vu.w auiurvuiuM a. i i .1 -' IL.! v. MP n tn- uuickeniug the uece from forty to -w . m . ri . SSVenit-UVB BH"W -PC UUUilir. out, tuv latter figure ia tbe extreme limit ; with a greater number of atejis ower srould be lost i nates J of gained. Arabi Panlis, the celebrate.1 Kgp- tian exile, is of nobis earriags and lofty stature. Ills intelligent face m aur- rounded by a long, black beard, bis lips sre not thick snd his forehead is not low. lie converaes with the 'esse and plesssntuesi of s cultivated gentle- msn, and praises "ths extraordinary energy" of Gen. Gordon. IU lives in Ceylon, with bis wives and children in luxnrioiia captivity. Eypf, he S4ys, is too near K irop, too directly in con tact with moiern iluMt to permit of ber being subjugated a ntste of vsi- saUge like that of the pi -incipalitiea of the llsjshf). Julia Ward Howe is to bo prom I- Orleans exhibition. This Is u good place for a fair hdy. Iiaraiet was an euuor. no wore ra i t . a If.. . . I editor. Ho wrt: anjinky cloak, k.ood mother. A'.son of4Emersld Isle wag carrying aa.i., ai h atraar thn otbur das by the legs, and qaaer, quack "nat- urally came from tbe mouth of the bU a ped. .'Walk, walk, will yoo?" said nTnrlarla thin vnn'll not. fir I'll Pat. earrv vnu ' a Dlavincy narrla ara mantifilftured in JL. ae J t") waa aaa-' aara v aaaaa.a w -w w sixty factories in Germany. Rheumatism, rJeuf alaja, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toottwehe, Soro Throat. awelllaa-SJ,7JrttU' asarna. nraitw, w " ASB ALL OTUMI UOUlLf rAl!W ASB At'SES. SiilJ Ur Dr.ft.t ot ix!". .vwwa. Vltlj CwU a battt. " 3 Dinitai la 1 1 Uaguaaw. THE CIIAKU A- WBSXtiJ . fl)aaaiainwa.roaauacu Baltkaars at, B. a A. takMaSBwSBIa. SKWS IN SMBV. In tbe window of an upper Brosd- wsy (N. Y.) grocery e few days sgo were a dozen boxee of etrawberries temptingly displayed. The grocer said that not many grocers bsJ them. They I weie from Maryland, when f.uii g-ow . . i. .. jt w . w a rs were ble bv a litila ui ion t grew s eeooud crop. The retail price I ...... i wsi fl s box a . . Sghteen re vena were captured titer Gridley, Cel., a short time ego, in a I eaew bat eorlons way. A floek of 1 ow swooreo down on the hack, a' a I SS AA aa ..alma. aaaa number of sbeeft that were gesiag, and I in the birds' eagerness to get away eighteen of them got their t slnna fas- I tened in the sheep's wool, where they were held cajitive until secured by lookereon. A prominent eaember of tbe Tennee I tee bar, noted for tho extreme careless- new of hie personal apneereaee, was miataken for a tiemp and placed I under arrest in tbst State not long since. Msny Rnasian farmers complain loudly because they have had to sell their wheat thia rear taalew the coat of propuotion. The eXort of wheat from I r i the empire hes been eomparstively trifling so far . Tbe exodus of ship and other laWr ere from Quebec this Fall, to seek em- ploy meet in the Southern porta and in tbe American aod Canadian lumber woods, is altogether unprecedented. It m sate tnat nesriy toe wnoie male pop. . i . as a i olatioo along the coves, and hundreds of others from other parte of the city sod neighborhood, who never before .... . - I went away, are either gone oe are In- J . . . tending to go. ea.....e. - B It is estimated tbst there sre 4000 Chinese in New York sad Brooklyn, seven-eighths of whom sr in the lano- dry business. Among tbe remainder sre found a few law era and doctors. Hotse flesh is now sold sad eaten in I i London aa well as tn Pari.. A high French au'hority etntas tbe aversge price pai bushel fur wbsat for thirteen yeats in France to be $1.43 per buabel : the lowat irice during tbst pel iod $1.03, in 1884, sod toe highest $2.10, in 1176. The mme su- thority given the cost of raising wheat in France et $1.53 per bushel. On this estimate the loss to the farmer of Frances 1884 wee foily -seven cental per buabel, and s. this rata the loss on tbe French wheat of this year, at a probable estimatad yield of 318,000,000 1 buahsls. Is upwards of $150,000,000. In Merideo, Ct., a men named Al- bertG. Pratt has recovered from sn I stuck of hiccoughs which lastod twelve days and nine boors. There was no I respite or intermission, n hiccough so- oompanylag each respiration. Tbia beats tbe best previous hiccough record by three days and nine hours, as the edleai records show tbst death bss followed nine days of hioeonefeiee la every previons ease known. The aged Km press of Germany bss not he-n sble to walk tor nearly two a w years. Tbe cropiMirs of tbs Iale i-f 8k) e snd tbe English utiles are likely to onme to blowa Tbe ioor tenants of this islsnd hare been much oppressed by their UoUor,,,. A Delewsre farmer has sarnmuded his farm with a Wire fence, sud us it as a aeimort for Concord tfrsievins, keaping tha atiaee on eitbar aide tilled sad ciesned. Poultry raters are conaideting s plan for fxpini-ig Ammijaii egge to K.g- ,anJ Ia AMHtraha, farmera are already tslking of growing other crops thsu wbm Kmigrsnt Hsss:.geis sai now secure steerage itaasag-i in attain -in pa sstiing from Boston W Great ISiitain at $14 ach. Tbe Argeutiue Republic promises 6, 000,000 bushels of wheat for export. T. - . . . Tt.i .,i fl..iai aS W tie V IWwUVM a a. wee-r w aa . wva Mwwawwaa maintain ihir high aversge and will foot un nearly $100,000,000 for the yesr, an smount equal to ins surplus a. . a Government re venue, 8 . of the fancy retail vegetsble P ' l 0 ' a f P f"8l 8trio8 beM from 8oUtB I afw II S S Ua --a J a . Ml A- usroiins lor a orair, uu aw w- lesns cucumbers st $6 snd $8 s crate lmldincr about 1 00 each. Boston hot- house oucumbsrs sre also offered at $2, 50 per doxen, It is estimated that the mutton of more than half a million sheep will be sent from Itew Z island to Raglsnd this yesr. Adviraa from Dakota indicate that there will be only about oue-half tbe usual area plowed for wheat in tuany sections of tbst State this Fall, owiag to tbe advent of cold weather, which occurred about two wgeks eailier this year than usual. Ths number of varieties ot wine grapes grown in California is ninety four. An Androaooggin farmer claims .hat be realises $21 cash per ton for hay fed to cows. This is certainly better than saUinff it from the farm at half that The value of thto yen's eiop fj Kansas is put st $150,000,000. Tbe present season's ostiicb orop ut California is said to Dumber forty bead, U growing weP. Starsh factories in Ooo. oouut, . H., are abutliog down K v.use f.rmHr. will not suiinlv them wit h ,1 lUrn al . - fifteen cents per Hnshel. ... a . . . . . a a m llithtne. In'l br"ele! un I I', nm eld in tbe New York mt-keU st $ per doseo An aged citi sen of D.u'mry, Ci., predicts snow in a lew .uri ani aaea that if it comes it will remain until Spring. He has obwwved tbst th eeets of mice and sqnirrsls are very thick also that thn oore huaks art eery thick and unusually tight ; tbe gum on home- obeetnnt buds is in greater quantity than usual, ami nuts haa been buried deeper by aejuitrsl. Now then, let ns bear from the proi I eta of a modern's Winter. Montana papers rep rt that many of the unfortunate mob that rushed into lbs Uoeor d' Alone mines last Winter, having scattered out in that Territory and beooms tramps and atock tbieeee by stress af hunger, have lsen banged by the eow-boy, soma of them on mere auaptcien. TbeC1itcli Com,-ny b sdv.r. 1 tising to eell at retail, in Pbilsdelpbis, porter-hones sleek a sixteen cents sirloins, fifteen cents; rib roast, 12k cents ; soup meets, sis cents ; oofoed i i t I I oeet, sta to eignt ceu . porn coops, ten cento ; pork eausaga, ten cento. Its meats are .hipped direct from Chicago . . . - to Philadelphia. 1 large somber of immigrants from Franco ta southern California, by "sr -aFara of New Orleans, to reported. They are mainly experienced wine growers, The immigration ta southern California from all sources is reported by the im- I migration commissioners of that 8 la' at 700 or 800 a week. Among tbe liters rv curit sities in the Southampton library, Etgland, is aa old ftibte known at. lbs Bug Bible. It was printed by John Days ta 1341. with a prologue by Tyadall. Iu name I lis dorivod from tbe peculiar rendering of the fifth verts of the ninety-firm Peal a, whieb reada : "So that thou shall net need to be afraid af any bugs b? night." 1 w Itwss not until the Middle Ages I that the vocation of court foots was fully developed. He waa diaiinguisbed by a shaven crown, the fool.' cap of gay colors with asses ears sod cock's comb aod bell, the fool's sceptre and a wide col Is r. 8me of tbeas ptofeesien- al fool, obtained an historical repute- tion, as Tribonle?, jeatar to Francis 1. 1 of France, Klsus Narr at ihe Court of B I the Kiector Fiederio the Wae of Prus- ai.. and Seogsn. court fool to Edward I V. of Ksgland. psrfiAi acutsr. Hone. Aodriet oonuuds that hail is produced daring ascending whirl- ... . wlMUB The dwellings of tho phehbtorlc hUl lrlbc f Asslm.Briti.h Indta,were DUUl on H,ltr Tne 1 mc rtqnini to paae from an gf to lniMo;f-rlea greatly. Thus lb consumes leas than twenty I A aaraan aaaaaSallaw. S la am ..iia.l. 1 - - SulU WM'"' ,MD n!en 'Mr- Afler experlt aa a. . . a m aa a aa a a 1 1 lm mi ltw, Mcsjara, a. Auoosra 1 .r t- 1 a. a nu - u"""y "Bve ctmnuueu lb1 lP-"d r rlifleislly-pre- rrBU ,UOMB injun-Hir uu me milk of cows, but, inert. ihe;quau- lW of bolter without HtTting Its I t-A quJ. iJToe interesting uct nss neennem- onatrated by Mr. Arthur 8arie that I 1Kb Mllkv whv la ahoiii two m,nL M -- a a a a a a a a . a . a. . . a a tunes ongnter men me mean orient - noes of tbe bky. and a squire degree of the Milky Way must g Ivo between Ave and six times aa raxinh light aa an - avaatm ennare deirree of tne east of ' a w - . r n A aa l" as . ... am j . Id bees the crop is cation tno noo . ey-bag. TheJgiaxHrd Is fund io in- seels having mandibles, and Is fre quently lined with row of horny teeth, which are specially developed in grasshoppers, crickts aud locusts. Insects have no true liver,but it? func tions are performed by little eel masses on the inside of the vtomach In tbo majority of mammals the teeth are limited in number and defi nite in their forms. The number ranges from one in the narwhal to 220 in tbe dolphin, Tbe average is 32, oc curring in ruminants, apes and man, but 44 as ln the hog and mole,ia call ed tbe typical or normal number, and thla number is exceeded pnly in th lewer groups. weo A Russian eount ia going to marry a Washing treaaury girl. It is to be hoped that she will be able to make a good deal out of that cpunt,itnd that bar d lys or married life will not be numbered. The heroine who had a wild stare on her face must have taken a step la the wrong direction. SO 18 1 1 aie i i a i r On-ihud f nil iftaj leaf i fog dfie In the w rld U d oe i- Kpflsud. A coluiiy uf ;;oou afenre llvts uvr Jvruealein who havv It (hero ewr elm e the year om. Tby epenk Kt brew and Jfrabre. Up the pre." t w r ifiA ("Mi.c troops haVH n v r hail uy unii..iiit othfrthsfi n euiali trade? w.-m un aold'er'e inc.,". An nlligHfor witn yi U-ml- hia! frur eyes w .s f oml r ( ntly iwer PeiMactds, The p. .li er. at- f ached to one i- k, and ere esch a perffH't as n nurecAti nik them. A Itndoti physicldfi his seWrtsli ed that there era efz deslhs mixmg looO merrlfHl men, ten sniong the etm' number of h tchAhrr, ind twenty n.nA In the eatne number of widower. M. N. Fo-j't-r, a fr..:er I'vl ug nr Hsywsnta.i'slifon.U.bsei hog which apend his tinid with fl sk uf gne m. Every flay when tin gnse go inpi the pood for their n.-cuiom-d -trim the hog plungee in st the seme rime and remains as long m tbe gee odo. He eeentt tn enj y ninoaelf in the pond. Centuries sgo osk was fry f ir the most valued fores free In E.igland.on BlVXMint of aWVirna fall nine u r fn fwwB t k a,)Wn b0w many hogs soch ami such wiaads wottlU carry. Psnnsge was the right n, ,una, mnli tn ,,:e w .www pwk v aee v. avaaraai ' J a a - a v dowraoO'ltdloinlnaT Ibe New Forttt ttaV) rigbt 0( mnmets for sir weefcs on paying a small f a tunnel, mensurl ot? about 5000 e- W ft ton. BD(j eooAtructed at I nine centuries beforo the ChrU.lan era, has just been discovered by tbe governor of thelaland of Samoa. Her odotns men i loo a this tunnel, which Served for providing the old seaport with drinking water. It is complete- ly preserved, aod contains water tubes of about twenty five ceniimetree in dlamntar. each one provided with a laterol e pert u re for cleansing purpoe- es. Ths tunnel U not quite straight. Mr. Twy nam, of Winchester, Kn- (Hand, asset tH that n .Ingle grain of wheal baa produced lliirty-oine esri in all 2800 graiu-, and that three of the largest of the ears bad respectively 104, 103 And 101 grain Since 1 X7 1 the coneurapl ion of nr r flesh for fVl has mere than quedm- plod In Paris. Ltstyoar there wre 6.900.000 piunds eaten. Tae moat of mules and dookeyo is north one quarter more than tltat of horse!, which only commands twelve cents Is pound. The director of a Faris prian the other dry apprieed a prisoner that he had inboriied a fortune ot 2,000,000 . ak francs and a magnltlcunt estate in Switzerland. The authorities of the locality where it la situated forwarded with the title deeds to the property a photograph of the mansion, i'tie Joy of tbe prisoner at the intelligence 4 him was sn grett Uba4 he rpl!lt4wl Vt.w, io the pneasti ........ thai o.tvtv.rni.r f the J -.1 ti liv u honwt fr uncef.rwsrd. Ikfore, howeTrrf h,. c t.nJ..y t he wir dfall he hss threo eura of a pr.s regime m urMlfrf0. tt( elephant s uesrly nakKt uiammoth, an call .ct a . M 1 II species, had a covering o awg wooiiy hair. Elephsnts lie in large herds, ... a a an., uuleUt ou follsge and grass. 1 ... ...aa There ar hut iw living sptcies, nv Aaistic, with long head.eoncave fore- head, emu srs ami pnort lusae , uu lhe African, v itls nund head.convex for(.h,n.l. brge oxrs and long tusks. .... a .a a a f I a it .aaa The hagti-n t tn a Mngio loom wm the n- f f ! m utii ? two s-r- raUHj u:t a .. ih.- hgue, while the I .1 11... la ..u dal urilh intouiiiin ia w . i ueih. In th1 slterk th teeth are con- I flntHj to the f. r part of the mouth. In the xivy are nil .situated on B w aa & the bones of the t in tne par- mt-flah they MfUpy Ixith bark and I . a . . . w . ir...ih wi 1 front. DUt 111 il.''iaa usutT 1110 t.. o , 1 .tan aha riml fir nalttle. I UDVCK'IKU nor' - - . and o fact on neariy every point In toe mouth. -THE BEST TONIC. Thla medicine, combining Iron with fuj uu Ely ami i-hiuuhhij 1 fra Blio" Malarii, Mlla aad Fe aaa . FaveriH ia an unfailing raraeoy r ywms of tie Kldaey T. I. ere awS liver. L It la invaluable r uiaeasrs peculiar w .ml .11 who lead sedentary lives. i.a.w....m iniiiratha teeth. cause headaclie.oT produce (xmttipntlon other Jrvn medienu 1 t enriches and purities Uie blood, stimulat. th appetite, awe tne aaatuniauon ui iuu.i. rei Ifeartburn and BelcHiug, aud strcngt-i ei the mtia'le and nerves. Kor Interraltttnt Fevers, Lassitude. Lact i.;tfnty. Ac. it baa no equal. ea-The exnutuc haa above trade mark naood red lines on wrapper. Take no otl . a-, aalf br SBOWB VMSSlCAl CO- BALTlBOKr, ftiOIJUJCOS, WOOD irtO A 00., W lidesaA gent t,Port lud ilhi m in ui IP? ill STATE RIGHTS DM0CAT, THE BIST IDTBIint I1MM IH THE WILLAIETR T1LLET, Bpecial boaiitees j.Hitee n 1 sel I uiune li oanla tt line. KKSleJ lee noi !(.. 10 ceute per line. For legal ami ti an lent sdtetfrenetts f l 00 fsr equare for (be Aral it aertiea.a d An c-enta par .quare fur eavb ultenei t inseftson. Kcfeefor other adeertieeiiit eta aua!a known on application. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF ewUraateMI FOB bTBTJOTH AIP TRUE FKCl'l FLAT0B THET 8TA5D A LOME. Price Baking Powder Co.. Chicago, III. SU Lewie, Bto. auaaaa er Dr. Prion's Crttm Baking; Powder Dr. Price's Lnpulln Yenst Genv. BaaS Wry Saaa Ta. wg aaaa mrr oac Qvalxtt. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGftB The seat 4tj se jraaaf ta tjae wi raiaad by ran yaaaf to light, whit taaai llae eor araaCmetSer'a aLsatv GROCERS fZLL. THfJfi. SHtJABaCO n t m Price Baking Powder Co., Chicaco. III. 9u Louie, Ma far mlm bjr CvUiag. Mm h) aM Ce., ravfJaaaf. Or, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No isset aoaaplal nUaraao toaidioa. ta I auaek aa tkaaa affaetlaa tae throat aaat la ftoaa ao triSwl with by Uaa i.ajnrll of i era. The eeahaary eoagh prrbapa from a triaiag oe P-ure, ia tatua bat tiaa laajlaalag at a fatal alckjaeae. A van" a Caaaar FacroaAL haa eaS proren Hs saaeaey ia a forty yeaia Sght aitb UotaU aod Iujir ukcu .u ail caaea v.tuoat A TwrHbia Camch Cat la las? 1 tookaa?T.rotld..bicb) tuy laoaa. I had a U rrtaaa ni Ait after mailt wltheeS I ere aa. an. 1 tried Avaa'a Caaaar Pac tok al, which rciiered ay laaaa. iasaeeel p. aad afforded n tha reaa aiiiaiary lor th. iwiuwiy of aay atiaagtb. By aha coauaaed aa. of the Farroaat. a peraea- ii.-iit cure waa Decun. i ua wow as ywa old, haJa and hearty, aaS aca iiKuav facToaat. aared aaa Hoaaca ran lUxrUuUam, Vl, duly U, I Crown. A Mother'. While la Uaa seaatry hast wiatar my MatU U.v. throe rears oio. waa taaaa uiwita . it aaam.J aa if ho woalS waa froaa tattoo. One of the family eaaatated ui Avra'a Cbbbbt Pec-roaaL. a u tur-h waa .lain kent In tha waa tried ia email aad freejaeat aVwaa, aaat ta our dallgbt ia leas than half aa hoar She littto latteat vaa breathtef waafly. Tha aoe- lr aaid that tbe CHKBBT PBXTOaaa had aaml mv darliuc't life. Can you our graUtudar SineoroJy oura, Mta. Eaaa Gi 190 Weat lSSUi St., Kew York, May M, tSSt. -1 bar aaed AYEB'a Caaaar PiCTqeai. iu my family lor aereral yoara, ana w lMOltate to jiroiH.unee h ine r.-umh lor aad ealia tried. A. J. OaaSB." Lake Crystal, Xiun., March U, ISaX ' I suffered for eiplit years from BrraarhlUa, ami after trriua aaany reaaseaea wWh aa aaa c-a. 1 waa eared by the ana of Atbb's Caxa bv I'n-n.aiL Joarru Walbu." Byhaiia, Miss., April 5, USX I raunot ear eaoasa ta Brasse of Aral Chkbkv Pet-roBAL, heuaTiaa aa f da i.. r.., ,i. I .l.oul.l naj unrr hara . . . i a.tnHi. Paieatiiie, Texas, April 22, 1SS2. N ease of aa affection of the thjreaw hinjM .xista wbicb caauot be greaUy raSe by the aaa of Arxa'a Chkbbt Facroa-. ami it win oIwomm ewrr wheB tha dlSSMa at not already heyoad the control of i by D.-. J.C.Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mttt. Sold by all PATENTS Kxmy a co.. e Una. to act aa Son atarka. OasS lCnvU-d, rraeoa. 1' JanuVnt free. Thirty -soroajaajra; VBawAea .. i . hul aaKwarh MUlnra CO. araaea to Ue Scttiaruraa AaraaateaK. Uaa Wraat. bast, i aaact widely escalated aabaarSaa paper. . MM a p Weakly apaotaaa , eoar aw. Laaasoajf oessB. aa dpUTLBRY. The best lice of cutler in the valley ba fbnnd at our store, ft embraces pocket I knives, table koivea. forks and apoena. bmcber knives, buoUog kntvea, paring knives, ehears and eelasora of all kinds, snd the best line of razors ever brought Into Albany. Come and eee for your. selves. P ST Kits A VTBW ABT. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine inilss above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres sla.-hed and sown to aaa ai . a i SSf . 1 grass, uomrortaoie nwemaia:, gowt outheueea. Cheap, inquire at mis office. Notice of Assignment. a the Circuit Court of the StaU of Ortyea, or the County of Linn . Iu the matter of the Assignment 1 of Case. B. Montague. ) Notioa ia hereby given to all creditor el Chaa. B. Montague, that be baa thia day made and filwl with the Clerk of the Cire it Court ef the Stats of Oregon for Lina scanty to he recorded, an assignment of all his nr arty. real and personal, to me the undersign ed. and that all creditors of aaid Chaa. B, Moutague art; hereby notified to present tkeir claims under oath to me at ths akore af said Chaa. R Montague, in ths City ef Lebanaa, ia said county, within three men ths frees the date hereof. Dated st Lsbanou on Nov. 5th, 184! J. Yf Ceaiasu Aaaignea. row ell k Bilykc for Aaaigaea. 88 hh ARE TJrtKJ ) r.i a . reai wataaa laar art attasiuui Ajrsaaastaaa. for rnta. C.t a.aa. Tiada foncatloo. haaaaeati at Use Bilawreii aaaae- aaTWVaVJBT aV rwl waaSwaWSSaSawaawBSBaa i Tkasifossi. JOS WEBBER.