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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1884)
". STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BIST ADVERTISING MEDIUM B THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 8pecial baaJnee notices in Looal Col urnna 15 centa rer.Hne. htgunu Ltca eotl'-es 10 centa per Hoe. m, sno transient advertisements 00 per sq iare for the first isaertion,at.d lertlonPr mflUMr 1ot flb uhsequett Raies for r.her advertlsemenU ma e known on application. SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT 1 f mo cr at ISSUED RVKRY FRIDAY T STITES& M TTING. mmEorrn e-i Democrat BiiiH Bruatlalbln Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single copr, per rw, tn advance .. JJ sin,tu coot, par jw. st sod of yar f YJj stagi copy, six wonUts. . ingle oopy, three montta i? shun number VOL. X. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1884. SO fi swaa State Eights PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oreoa. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will Rive special attention to collections and probate matter. , , , AQt, Offlce in Foster's new brick. l. hTmontanyb. ATTORN EJAT LAW. Notary PubUc. Albany Oregon. Office npetalrs, over John Brlgsytore. 1st street. J K. WEATHERFORD, (KOTABY PUBLIC,) iTTORNBY AT LAW. ALRASY. BECO. iTH L PRACTICE tN ALL THE COURTS OF THE V MS SpldSl attentf at. Sireo to collection, ami probata matter. UTOflc In Odd Ms Tevnplo. U C. POWKLL. ,WiTLTBP POWELL & BILYEU ATTORNEYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in l fc52J& on II RtY " WwBSaSSS Collections promptly made on all point. (Loans neirotiateo on mww" e . aP-Offlc In Fosters nrois vHnlOtf. J. J. WHITNEY, mmw M Counsellor At La? otary Pnblic. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of I ha Oawta it this State All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. BjrOffice in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DBCGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CXTTT 33RUO- STOEB, Syl 4 LB 1ST. ECO. FOSHAY & MASON, a MM AS. SaTAH Draggisteand Booksellers, ALBAS V. OBEGOS. v!6n41tf DR. C, W, MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just st of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. I. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. TOffice and residence in Mcllwain's Block. Albany. Oregftn. L0UI8 CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors. vrhieh are always kept in (rood condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. . DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon -Office in Odd Fellows Building. M wa m. AUXDRY AND CHINA BBBCBAHWBO TO; L NESS. Rice, tea and Japvtase eoods. LaHe uwierclotbes, sold at bottom prices. Contractor lor China labor. ACTfext to StT Bank. SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the lines blllard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morcha-idise household goods, etc. at auction for any one In the cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 0tf SAM COHEN. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the eitv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete 'stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE Of PUBIdC LETHNGS HO LICITED Plans and specification ur wished on short notice $2600. Good farm, nue mile west of Brownsville on the r tad leading to Halaey, containing 102 acrs, oedl rtdsje 'and, some Hue ak arvea, all orspi int-1 75 cre-i in caltiv&iion, a voau; orch rd and.hru''bery ; g-uni ham and f-n hO''. rt m! -.ells it-i pantpa. Pr-. $2 o it; yers time on o ie hair amount if de iHi, with security on p e-iiises Call at ,prtmiasof addtoas D. A. CarU;r, Egau, liraotftoanty. Or. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, The word. "La Belle" In French mean "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING ,-AlUV- All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, .Went for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALDANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manufacture, and dealers In all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform V&& thev manufacture to order, aod will keep constantly on band, a complete stocs 01 all detirahle lines of FURNITURE, and wit sell at bed rock pries. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. fT-HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I Inform the public tht he l now pre pTred to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work I war ranted to ive aatisfaction Will work any.nd all kind-of atone, but deal prln cipally In Oregon City granite, -moing. repairing a-d resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing eiwliere as 1 will not be nnderso d. hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. O. W. HARRIS. Prop. JOSEPH P. WELCH, Physician and Surgeon, Late of New Mexico, offers hie profess ional servjce. to the people at IQl special attention to all form, of cbmn Ic dUeaaea, especially ladles and children s disease.. Office, OToole's Block. ALBANY, ORECOH. REVERE HOUSE, forme, aad Ellsworth Albany, !. Chas- Pfeifier, Prop'r i tii I. Ntit nn in ftmt clftM tttU. TabtM pp,i?d -th the best Beds In very noom. n iw k " roercial Travelers. tari ree t oaeb to and froea the tel.'Va MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ffiLLIHERY AID DRE8S-MAKHB. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. I. W, Sl MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. O KE . Offer their professional services to the ciUzens of Linn and adjacent cuntUs Office and residence aer Court H 'use. Call at Langdo. and Co Urug Store. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat office. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office a residence on First 8treet be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. left at E. W. Langdon A Co's. Drugstore 4 lb any, Oregon. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at th Democrat offiv, has charge iti the firllowiog first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCJIiH UrilvM Atfi) NATIONAL. Call on him forinsurance, ' POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder neer vsriea. A saarrel of purietT, trvitgtn and wholceomenoM. Mora ennUeal tSai the urdlttary kinds, ami usjuiot b sold In oomiwUUi "1th the multitude on low Wist, sbuft weight, slum M t'h'-baU powder. Sold only In can. KuTSl BAsiaaPowpaaCo. lew Wall strewt, N. Y. SALT BHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Positive ly Oured. ECZEMA, or Rait Rheum, wits It ar'tdalov it. 1. ng and burning, inataitly rvllsved hy a warm bath with Ci ti t a .HoAr. and a single HcaUon CV tm a, the g-rwU Shin Cure. This rpeted daily, wilh two or throe does) of QRM a ttsni srr. thr new blood partner, to keep the blood cool, the per pi rati. pure and unlrriLaliuf. the bowels open, the tter and kidneys artlre, wlllstteedlly cure tVsem Tetur, Hairworm, t'eertaeis. Lichen, PrurtUtaJtcailrd Head, and Pimply Humors o the Hcajp aad Hkln, whea the beet physician and all know remedies tail. Will MesWaalel. tHS twbm hi., rl.i.-;... TraurfuRy acknowledge a cur of Salt flhsnai on bead, neck, face, arm, aud lss fur ernUa years . not able to walk excaejM on hands aod kneew fur oe year ; not ah to help himlf for etcbl years . tried bund ode of nmsdln ; doctor pronouncwd hi cwa hopele ; permansnUy eti red hy CtTKt a Ks otvsvt ( M.ud imriftar) intornally. aad Ct rut as and Cxmci sa Soar (the creat akin cures) nisjastl; ( ks chiwa. Km., lawyer, U gut St", tkton relmrt rase of Nail Khrutu ut.dcr hi d, cr auon for ten tears, which c oe red the miient . body and limb, and to which all known method cm Ucatment bad been applied without bene:, wh'ch aaa com Pieleiy cured eoielr b the Ct tkt 4 Meat Mas, lent ins; a cica and healthy akin. t. - Drake. Km, UctroiL Mich.. suSered uti told toriors trm Salt Rheum, which appeared on hta hand, band ami far, and nearly etruyd lib ey. After th nxit cwreful doctorlnv aad a con Mil t lion uf phymctana failed to relieve him, he u the u nci RKsaDtaa, and was cured, and baa re mslnsil so U dale. Mr. Jwfca Tfclel. Wtlkeabarr. f . hav jflcrtrd from Salt Hhum for ..tier eight year at time so bad that I conJd not attend to my bus! nee for weeks at a time. Three bo, of it no as. sn.1 four bottle Rftaoirssr, hair entirely rurd Bo cf tbudmdful diaea. Sold erywhro. I'rlo Ct tirt a. Ui rent. 1'.ivm, l I Boa. Zi ct. Iu-ur and ( bcmirwlCo., Uoatoo, Maes Send tor In Car. akin DUrasr ' PHTI 1,1 V, r.olc!, llth VII I I and Nursery Sanative. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- huiiim: shop. KMTABI.IftllKD 1163. By A. P. CHERRY, actuated at corner ol First and Monwomei y Street, Albany. Oregen. Havine taken eharreof the a bore named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Haw and Grist Mill, Wood-working Machinery. Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tra chinery. Pattern Waking done la aU It forma. 16:llyi A. F. CHERRY A SON. SCROFULA a.i.J ail serofuloo disear, Korea. Erysljiw la. Kcjema, Blotrhea, Ktnfrworni, Tu mor, Carbuncle. Bolls, una Km pi lone of tit. Hkio, are the direct result of au initmre state of the blood. To core these diseases tue blood must be purified, and restored to a bealluy aud na tural condition. A V Ell's HAttSAPAttiLLA lift for orer forty yean been recognized by emi nent medical ftajhoritUs as the most pow erful blood purifier In axisteuee. It freea the system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens th. blood, retnores all traces of mercurial treatment, and prorea Itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Keeeat Care of Scrofulous Sores. "Soma mouths ago I was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. Tito limbs were badly swollen aud inflamed, and the sore, discharged large quantities of oifensira matter. Every remedy I tried failed, until 1 used Aveu's S a na A p a at ixa , of which I hare now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed, and my general health greatly improved. I feel very grateful for the good your medicine has done me. Yours respectfully, Mm. Axx CHriax." lis Sullivan St., Kew York, June 24, 1862. All persona Interested are Invited to call on Mrs. O'Brlan; also upon the Itev. Z. r. Willis of 7S Kast 64th Street, New York City, who will take pleasure In ttiryln; to in wonderful efficacy of Aver' fcJi'upui Win, not only In th. euro of this lady, hut In hia own ens. and many others within hla knowledge. The well-known writer on the Doilon Herald, B. W. Ball, of lloeketter, N.U., writes, June 7, 1882: " Having suffered severely for some years with Kczema, and having failed to find relief from other remedies. 1 have made use, during the past three mouths, of AYBR'S Saiisai'a which has effected a complete curt. "consider it a magnificent remedy for all blood diseases." Aye r's Sarsapari 1 1 a stimulates and regulates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, aud all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the b!ood, and a weak eued vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest Mood medi sfaw, on account of Itaeonoei traletl -tr i ctb, Kii reat power over ene. ntfiPAKEO UV Dr. J ,C, Aver & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price f 1, six bottle for 5. Farm for Sale. Good farm 12 mile, southeast of Ll annrt, 1G0 acrt-B. 50 9re timothy and clovi r meadow. 50 wheat land in cnltivattion. Wa watered Call on W M Phi'lioa on the pi ce V . 1 1 i i rahoripti-j i i Democrat office. its wante at tie TUm TBI T U T Ll cl.v.laael. Burraie Aug. 12 Th6 following olHcial report to the national commit, tee of the lnflependent ll publics oa, Is publiihed here to-day: To the lode peudeut RepuhllcaDa of the Nation : As HepubllcAna and Independenta re siding In Buffalo, and having pecu liar means ol knowledge, we have been frequently called oh by private letters, and otherwise, for Information In regard to the scandals which have been put in circulation respecting Gov. Cleveland's private life. We have felt it to be a duty Imposed on us by t'ift'umstaneee to examine these stor ies in detail and to make a formal statement of the results. No such ox a initiation would have been necessary to satisfy ourselves, out it was due those who have read the charges against Gov. Cleveland without knowlngpersonslly hta genera) char actor and reputation In this commu nity knowing either the position or the means of lulurmstion of those who made the charges that we abould not put forth a more gcAeral state ment without a previous investiga tion. We, have therefore, through a oommllttee appointed from eur number fur thai purpose, carefully aud deliberately made such Investi gation, and we have taken every available means to ascertain the pro else facta In each case. The general charges of drunken ness and gross Immorality which are m tde against Gov. Cleveland are ab solutely false. His reputation for morality has been good. There It no foundation for any statement to tne contrary, lie was sought out snd nominated for the mayorallty against his will, and waa supported for that position by the Isrger portion of the educated, intelligent nnd moral cltl sens of Buffalo, without regard to pol itics, and on purely personal grounds. After he had gone through this con- est he wss again put forward as oue of the most distinguished citixen of Buffalo aw a candidate for the govern orship, am again received the sup port of the same cU-s of his fellow. citlxeua of this community, where he had lived for 29 years, snd where his Ufe was known and hla character uvl understood. This suptmrt would not have been given him had he been either a drunkard or a llhertlne. We are able to speak from personal kunwl. edge, as his acquaintances of long standing, and to ssy that bis general private life has been that of a qoiet orderly, m I 'respecting, and always highly respected citizen. Hicce he assumed hU present office his visile to Buffalo have been few and of shortduratlon. It is suscep tatle of absolute proof, snd has been proved to us.that upon no one of these visits has any thing occured to Justi fy the statements which have been nude by his detractors. The cbsrge tnat he has recently taken part In a drunken and licentious debauch In Biffalo on the occasion of such a vis it Is entirely false. We have been particularly careful and thorough In our investigations of tie alleged betrayal, abduction and luhuman treatment of a woman ol this city, as detailed in a local news- naner. rne circumstances out 01 which the etory was fabricated occur a red eight years ago. The woman In question was at tnat time a widow. between 30 and 40 years of age, with two children, the younger of whom was ten years old .The facts of the case ehow that ahe waa not seduced and that the allegations respecting her abduction and Ill-treatment are wholly false. We deem these the only features of the charge in connection with this matter which constitute a public question requiring any declaration on our part. Our examination of the other char&res which nave bee made against Gov. Cleveland's private char acter show that they are wholly un true. In every instance In which the reports and insinuations have been tangible enough to furnish a clew to guide us in our Invest igttinn they have been positively Droved to be false. The attack upon Gov. Cleveland's character is thoroughly discredited when w consider the a urce from Which it comes. Ifwas flr-t j.uhl.cly made in Buftdlo hy a newspspr of no standing wha ever. We have twice called upon the editor of tut- pHir and ;Hked him to produce hlspr -of, the mines, dates nd rtftter parllcui r- wi'ich he hud publicly sla'ed hewi at liVriy In fhow. He decline t do so or t faclHate investigation Into the truth of either his own chrg- fir those contained in the auoavrnoua let ter which he published. He admit ted that he h-.d no evidence to "aPpor' any accusation against Gov. Cleveland except in ! . i.e liMi ce to wnich we have partially referred, He r- 1 ted his case on that story, and as to that story he Is contradicted by the witnesses having personal Knowl edge. The two clergymen whose profes sion has been evoked to give weight to thf se charges have no professions! knowledge of (he facts, and, undor the circumstances, could not possibly have such knowledge. They have ventured to state as facts knovn to themselves stories which rest upon the merest hereaay, and which, when traced to their alleged sources, are, In every case, denied by the persons to whom they are ascribed. We have designed to make a candid and Judicial statement of the results of cor investigation nt this matter without partisan coloring. We have not (bought it nsesssary or proper to repeat the charges against Gov. Cleve land In detail, oor to present In full tho evldenco by which they have been disproved. (Signed.) John II. Cowing, Wil liam' F. Kip, Georgo 1. 8awr, John 10 K Moui.joeUh c Munro,G Barrett BloS,John B. Olumsled.ffen ry Altaian, Ansley Wilcox, Thoniaa Gary, Hal ph Blone, Henry W.Hpngu--, Lawrence D. iisunsev, Chrle P. Norton, J. Tsllman Davis, J. H. Itrned. CLBVKLASsVa Hilxrill The following letter above fully rbet manner of nan Cleveland Is : Mayor's Oflic-, Buffalo, N. Y. t Novenher 7, 1881. f Mr Daaa BaoTiixa: I have just votad. I ait here in th. mayor's office alone, with tba exception of an arlis' from Frank LeslWt neeapaper, who is sketching tbe office, if mother was here I should be writing to ber, and 1 feel as if It were time for me to write to some one who will believe what I write. I bave been fur some time in tbe atmosphere of certain suooeta so that I have beeo suie that I should aesom tbe duties of th- high office (or wbieb I have been named I have tried bard, in tbe ligbt of ibta tact to properly appreciate tlir re.oniodili s that will real iifsin BSS, an! th v aie muob, too much, undervettinatcd. But tbe thought that has UouM d in-, if, can I well p f n my duties aod in aocb a manner as to do some gwd to the people of tbe state 1 1 know there ia room for ii, and I know that I am boneat and sincere m my desire to do wll ; but tbe question is whether I know enough to accomplish what I ds- aire. I he social lite that awalta me S r e . a a s a a has also Ireen a subject uf much anxious thought. 1 have a notion that I can regulate tbat very much aa I desire, sod if I can, I shall spend very little time in tbe purely ornamentsl part of tbe office. In ttoiot of fact, I will tell you Srat of all others the polioy I intend to adopt, and thst is to mske tbe matter business engagement between the people of the State snd myself, m wbicb tbe obligation en my side is to perform the duties assigned me with an eye single to the interest of my employers. I shall have no idea of re-election or ol anv hither political pref. rment in mv bead, but be very tbsnkful and happy if I can well serve one term ss tbe per- w know that if l i: i .u ij ri l. O;ovtier wrio ! a numim irri mi mm u - ..fsr ? I have s wavs thoueht that her nraver. bad much to do with mv sue- r cess. I shsit ezeet jou all to help o e ST sr w in tbat waj. Give mv love to and to , sbe is with yon, and believe me, Your sffso'ionate brother, Gkovkr Olcvilavd. if T aaiiTTBs. 'Wa bave not forgotten Oolfax and Belknap and Robeson snd Delano and Williams." IiulsperuUiti Republican Addrets. Tbere it is ! "And Williams." It ia oor own ilaxbreake once more dragged from bis retirement. Will the fates never let him rest 1 or must he march onward always, and in such company t But what will thoae others ssy when tbey 6nd their names tbun linked with bia I These deeds, these wieked deeds obaupate thJ Htr an elegant book, and on it in gilt iet by which tbey cursed the State snd ttostoffices. and ters, 'Prayer Bo ik,' and inside there i. dsmned themselves in the day of their lower are worse than Bsnquo'a gbst. .1 e u. - 1 a L - . S a a .J .a a exS w aai Tlmn eetll n.e.r ilnn. ThV have lonrr ainee naaaed into historv. and will not be obliterated. All the guilty cul- , rita can do whan tbe page of history , , . j j 4 is opened whwrn thev are recorded is to . r lm. ',e ail-n and sneak fmm 'he imWm g Se TOO HTH Pi i in Ptnkonaki "'Stv, Bill, nnw'a ri chsnoe " rWortd Pi- ki.ocke. Wlw .'' "See that rich la v wuh her puinein hamll She's eMin' into s crowd,too." If; . ,,.h snatMii' her purse." Wv a i.'t there f "There ain't n "thing in n." "H w 4o vou know V "I pis' sH.i her it-coutin: outen .il Insure voar grain aa 0'nt as sto ed. Call oa V Nattiugat the OauocaaT otfioe, as KM KVTB4C rASSKSi.SK A passenger on tbe joss srrived si amor from Australia ssys tbat on tbe second day out from Melborne tbe passengers wers amazed to heboid a little, swarthy faced, blsck-eyed man emerge from bis state-room in full jock oy costume boots, whip, sport, silk jacket, aod all. In this attire bs sol emnly paced up and down tbe deck for an botir and then disappeared. Tbe next moroing tbe same party appeared at tired in tbe bslf armor of a knigbt of tbe middle egca,and tbe aame afternoon emerged in a gorgaoua cardi nal's dress, and continued bis dignified I jiromensdu without sneaking a word to anyona. The fact tbat ail these onaiMsses vers s wot Id too large for tbe wearer made this masquerading tbe more grotesque, snd the aasengers watched each tram formation with increased merriment until it waa suddenly whispered around bat tbe fellow waa a madman who im agined himself going to a perpe'ual se siae of masked l.alU and tbat any op position to his delusion would provoke him to fury. The strange pasenger rsttled the nerve, of the compaoy very much the nest morning by appearing as s Bedouin Vreb, armed with a cruel. looking I'd meter, bat when shortly after dinner he showed upaaa Piute Indian, carry ing blood-curdling tomahawk and scalping knife, tbe women and children locked themselves in their state rooms, while s committee of gentlemen bant ed up tbe captain and filed a protest against him allowing the maniac to re main at large. "Maniac, bs bio wed !" growled tbe aailor. "Don't yen know that David son, tbe actor, is on board f ' What of it f Why, that's bis body servant. He is simply airiog bis master's wardrobe to keep it from moulding." And the committee "st em up. SOT raori 1 1 Last spring Mr. Blnger Hermann, liepohllcan candidste for Congress in- forrnefl the ftrmers In his speeches Ihat they hsd no ground of complaint against our present tarirT laws (here Is a tariff duly of twenty centa t ttushel on all wheat Imported into this c untry, tun.e ho said fsrroers .re protected as much as the Inn manufacturer, the woulen manufac- turer aud all other manufacturers who 1 - - are protected and made rich at the I expense of iho farmer, mechanic snd - laborer. Atoy f inner seem to hsve believed this demagogic nonsense In I view of tho vote which Mr. Hermann J received. But q.uite a number o Republicans of Linn county refused to support him on this Very account. Our farmers may now ee bow much I they are protected by this tariff law. I Wheat now is fifty cents per butbe I which is lower than It Was when I there was no duty ut all on It. I The truth is thst the Uu y ou wheat is uf no benefit whatever to the farm er aa ho rauit go Into the world's I market to sell hla wheat whether there Is or Is not any duty on It. We a a nation ere not supplied with uihom fn.m n her rsiuntrieka. henna a . . I - - - w , I.. ... . auty on wneal impoaeu ty our gov- ernment will not protect cur farmers at all. The aame may be said of the .... duty on beef, pork, hams, bacon, but- ter. lard. rve. barley .corn, oats, flour, hay, milk, potatoes, vioejrar, aooros, . .1 etc, We are asked why a duty placed upon these srtlcles If it iff irds no protection to their producers We know of but one answer. It is to de. ceive the farmer and make him be- lieve that he Is protected as well as the monopoly manufacturers of the country. Our wonder la tnat the non-protected claases do not wake up to a sense of the real iodignitlea thus Dlaced unon them. . a . - in aacaa. Toe Blaine men had been laboring with a birr coldted deleeate from one r th- a.,if Sr.- fnr Inn time hut sal hia ,vM rolled at treasurv sffenciee.snd " l: . rn ..... r iv, nr u;u U 19 lUllgUO -Mill iuw UI ui VVt. UCI v uev "pecious mouth and finally at a po-ai- b, -ppointment H the custom hotise, hw y ,Tain,t no use hoBs. De ole oc i-for Arthur, and I o for Arthur, " ' . ooman and ill In- cmiud wenermen is for Attbur I) cullud folks like himnd the offuae- i no 'count. We will vote fust, last .nd nil le time fur Arthur." 8 .ru" hm a t' 'be Blaine workri atiDroacbed the citadel t bis virtue' a s from amitnrtr direct inn. ,4I have beei i old," sai l be, "that there is an envel ope with $500 and a railroad ticket i i f ir M 4' ymir hotel, nnd " , on, h de break done come ? .1 -6H yon atop right ycr and aee me htter. D ' j what de ole ooman to), 'if. 'D wrt' vr took enny fool iiroiui .' z sIih. 'Dv'll cut de me' 1 m i due 'irne.' Whn-- tint hotel i Whar dat envelope, chile f ' TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KDITKO BY TM B Wsraei'i Christian Temseraoce Liisi "To tie true to tbn best Thst is in us, nor fsiter Nor fail in tbe least Let wbstever may couie, Tbjs is measurement just Of tbs son of our life." The very pertinent question put one dsy by a politicsl Prohibitionist to as old party antagonist was thir, "(Jan it over be wrong to do right V -Sasf-StfSBjw - 'I Tawbaio, king oi tbe Maoties, told recently in Knglaod of his three years' work for total abstineuce io New Za land. Many of tbn young chiefs bsv log died from drink, the king, untrsm- meled by politics.came naturally to the conclusion tbat drink should be piohib ited. Wbon tbe Washington maiket ir. Nnw Yoik city was found years sgo to he in an unanitry conditionhe health authorities after exhausliug ;eaceful mesantea and plana, art a cori. of 150 Uoreia, protected by 300 work by nigbt pulling down tbe twe story sheds which constituted the cov ering of tbe msrket ground. The pro prietors sued for $60,000,but tbe coorts sustained tbe destruction a ..,.,....., w I L BBBJ J to tbe public health, and declared that ' if tbe city ball itself were detrimental to public heahh, tbe board of health might aafely tear it down. Tbe courts 'urlber lay down the jaw tbat no msn can have propeity rights io any thing bicb is injurious to tbe health of tbe people. Some day socb declarations will include tbat greatest of injuries to public weal, the licensed liquor traffic, and tbe "compensation" so clamored for by brewers, distillers, and ealoooieU will be denied upon tbe grounds above stated. Stead tbe day. ine eleventh annual report of tbe Indon Tern iterance hospital is just a a UMued, aod shows a large increase of labor 00 lt ben6ceot plsn. Tbe num- bw of iopatienta bas increaaed 25 ter cnt nd out-patienu M per cnt dor- ,0K lne Mt yr The rate of mortal y baa been t -32 jer cent. The eec- I00 nstoce ol tbe ad mioUt ration of a'oohol in any form occurred this year. A young womsn was suffering from an affection of the jaw. The loral d it ease I wS almoat cuted when she 1 came k and complained of sleep!eues I a a ...... As sbe was e-aduallv sinkin?.the hosaa . ' r I surgeon ordered cbsmpsgne, which temofariIy quickened tbe pule. The I lose was repeated in an hour and a I half, but after a brief tally she sudden I ly expired. The hospital management " not bound by any rigid rele to re- )ect alcohol, but in tbe only two ceetS m which it bas been used since tbe J founding of the instiiuti m, the result I of such use baa been unsatisfactory. An anslsis of fever tho opening shows thst no death b.s occurred frem fever among the total abstainers. 1 tbere y tent of preumptio I J t. -e i . .... or ""P111 OI iprauy to wnich iu bettors of the liquor interest will not m meir mi.mou uusi I -C t e i t,m " v e rememoei . I ka.pinA .as wm ...... C .. .. la. 1 I . 1 . - i- "g -iho rxu l'a aaaa.... . m. . . . I : . r ft r - l i .. . rilu ooas taring mat lU,e wero oldi whicb. on being exsm- low, wer to,,na contain nothing oi the devout classic but theouUide name. i ls. . i . i r a. t nr. I w- w0j. , thought of tbe above in reading the lowing, wiitten by a Prebikitioni.. W . . m ln A0W- wuo y we ve ntb'e ot tbe prohibitory law in J tb state, and it ansa era the purpose ful1 we ptd, and un- -r-"'j v1 aictM t bu 11 " svident that ail the power of men and devila is . i .a a L m P-""on w I'06 ine ccrea arms i within leacb ; and to the old tramckers . a w a at aa. a i . . i . , ... . ,tl:. sou viupteni u mtanii ue aaiu . iuis ib our nour "ua lUB Pwer a - a . m i i II ia M that ther ia company In Chicago making boxes, in tbe shape of B s a a. a W. ... n tor a ontie. lt is said tney are I . j . a i T a. a uesigneu ior lowa urinaeis. i truat I w 'the oat is out or tbe bag' in time to prevent this infernal plan from being cartiel out." SERKi MEDt GREAT AN RE Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago. Backache, Headache. Toothache, Sore Throal, SVwell I stara. Sprati ns. Brntaea, Hut-eta. Meat t a a, rrwt at lie. ASD ALL OTBSa SaMMLt PAIRS AXD ACMES. Sol bj DrufgUleaaS Dealer ererTe here. Fifty Ceau a betUa Dlraedeet Is 11 taatuaces. THK CHARLES A. TOOELE It CO. iwAToesuaaco ) sutteurr, a-, v. a. a. SBBBB kvaaensal S3SslRf wjasssssMyBSYHy,3js HE NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF emily mm Use frwlt few srktek tSe an . FOB STRENGTH AUD TRUE FBUII FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. eacsaan ts Price Baking Powder Co.. Chicaso, III. uouis, M svaasisvs QW Or. Price's Cria m Baking Powdar -saw Dr. Price's Lnpnlin Yeast Gems, WK BAJLK WOT OKX QLAUTY. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGEMS Th best dry Sop vasst to th. wortd. SeeaS rsisaa by thts yeast is l-ght. whits awS wsssv tike ass 22 rd matter's delicious GROCERS SELL THF. (.eti r t5 Price Baking Powder Co., laiTTur Dr. Pnci': n.T;:ii Ennca, Chlcaeo. III. at. Lousa Dissolution Notice. Tbe partnership heretofore existing be tween W 8 Peter, acd Jay W ftlain, au d.r tbe lirtn name and style of Peters at oiain and doing bus mews a: Albany, Linn ceunty. Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual content, tbe said .Uv "V Blain having sold bla interest In said "irrn to OH Stewart. Said W 8 Peters and (J H Stew art forming a oo-partnership will esrry on tne nu.ineaw or tne old rtrm ofFeteraas Blain and assume all of said firms liabili- Albany, Oregon, Julv 23rd, 1(84. W. 8. Parens, Jat W. Blais. Notice to Debtors, The old firm of Peters Blain having been changed by Mr J W Blain aeiiina hla interest in tbe stab'.i-hment to Mr C H Stewart, we wiah to announce to our ; friends and patrrns tbat it tbns becomes necessary to mske a complete settlement of our busineaa by Oct, 1st 1884. aa Mr Blain expect, to leave the State at about that date. All those indebted to ns either by note or account will pleas) bear this ia mind and use their utmost endeavor, to settle up by tbe time mentioned. nuaaa a i?i. t :.". Vegetable Sicilian HAIR BENE WEE was tbe first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and Use Sxst soc eeasf tl restorer of faded or (ray Lair to its natural color, growth, and yowthf.l heamtr. It has had many imitators, bat uon. have so fully ntet all the requirciuems aecdf ol for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Hall's lUia Resbwes has steadily croau in favor, and spread its fame aud BBwfiaaBJ to every quarter of the globe, lu Hnpara! leled sucecaw can be attributed to bat on. cause: f cmUrt jm fitment f tttpromu. Tbe proprietors have often been sstrprised at the receipt of orders front remote coun tries, where tbey had never made an effort for its introduction. Tbe use for a short time of Hall's II air UexEwaa wonderfully Improves the per sonal appearance. 1 1 cleanse the scalp bass all Imparities, cures all humor, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to posh forward a new and vigor. growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prevra tious, but remain a long time, w bicb makes Its use a matter of economy . BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black , as desired. 1 1 produces a permanent color that will not wash awn y. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied withosS trouble. PREPARED BY E. P. HALL I CO., Kashna, H.H. Sold by all Dealers iu Medic FOB ALL THE FORMS or Scrofulous, McrmrUl, and Blood IMsordem. the best remedy, because tbe most searching ami thoroup blood-purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Sold by all Druggists ; 91, six bottles, S5 Administrators Notice, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersipnert has this day been appoirted Administrator of the estate of Frtd Willert late a resident or Albany, Oregon, deceased, by the Probate Court for Lion county .Oregon. All persons hay ing claims against said estate are hereby no tified to presant tbe same properly ran J rled to tbe undersigned at Albanv. O t, on within six months from this dat This the 4th day of Aujtut, 1884. W. M. Kbtcbch, Wkathrrford tfe Blackbcrw, Att'ys for Administrator. PATlTrfS MTrww a COef the Scuuiitie America w. coo iuiart. CoDTrta-bXa, for U United 8tate, ts, 'rom ennada. ok about BuKlaad. Franoa, Germany, etc. Hand Cook i SrSTT. aem Taa. ThtrtVe! rn' iiDfri sxperlenos. tn tb Bcninu AaiKBJCA.v, the lourest. best, ana ei leeii iei paper. eo-u it aaarnvlnn and lntereatina In. A ddM TON ASOMriaaSo XI Broadway. Mew Torsu in ... . - T rn.12 TJ"1"!I' SSnVdS formtUioo. Spsw icna sent free.