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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1884)
mticmt STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. TIE BSSf ADVERTIRIHQ MEDIUM II THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special baaincss notices in Loci Col ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITESA NUTTING. 1t'4!VKUFFICr.llt tfremorrat Bnllllgea Kroadatblu street. nitons 15 cents per line. Htroler Lera nolioes 10 cents per line. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ror ieg.1 and transient advertisements I 00 per square for tbe first insertion, and 50 cents per aquare for each subseqoer.t Insertion. Rales for other advertisements bum known on application. i - r in a.lmnro ' 3 Wl mi ! VVt. , J w. , , . 1 OO gtajk oopy. par jw- i ! ' 1 ' 1 fiO VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1884. NO 7 si oft copy luvjuvM- etairie copy, three month. ettt-'' number S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Rights R. S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. OMi. f PRACTICE IN ALL THK W ctail of th Will .We special atten Ion to collocUoiw nd probate Ortioe In Foster's new brick. Rf a L. H. MONTANYB. vTTOHNEAT LAW, Notary PubUo. Ylbtany. Office upstairs, over John BriWatore, mi afTn sit ViWaWI J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) tTTORNEY AT LAW. A LB 451 Y. OBECON. tTriI , PR fTtrR IN ALL THE COURTS OP THK WSuw atuaUoo rfwn to collections aad probate inatter jarOfs.ce la Odd FWIawe Ternpla. P f O. POWKLU W- R. B1LTRO POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in rhanej rv. Collections promptly made on all points. ooans netfouawu on lwt""' " 7,. 100 in romri oiw v!4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney M Counsellor it Lav AND Votary Public. ALBANY, OBECON, Will practice in all of the Court of this State All bosioeea lotruated to htm rill be promptly attended to. ar office in OToole'a Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRVGCSIflTS. Booka, Stationary and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock end Low Prices. crrr drug- stohb, tyl 1 LB INT. FOSHAY & MASON, -VflOUUll AJTD aSTAtli Drafts and Booksellers, A1.B4HT, 0BE601. v!6n41tf DR. C, W, MASTOM Physician and Surgeon. Office off Fret Street, Just went of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Office and residence in Mcllwaln's Blook. Albany, Oregon. LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shavlna done with neatness and sharp V-w. 4ro k" in condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon ,-Office in Odd Fallows Bonding. ALBANY, OBECON. SAX WA Y1m7 AUSDRT AND CHINA MECHANISING BC8 L NESS- Bice, tea and Japanese &j? anderelotbes, fold it bottom pncee. Contractor lor Coin labor. AaTSext to CUT Bank. SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchaadise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in the cityor coonty Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6 s SAM COHEN. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, "Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DORMS, Bridge BoiWer -AND- tvu OXTKAC'TOR, MO. iRECrON NOUCK M IMJBi.iC LRTHNGN () Llt'I I Kb P ;tith -tntl peci'atinns ur ii Isti'-'l' -ti shorl n $2600. M tlx r1 MllV'.g of Rro'ji nvil". , H-iisev cm.' siniii 102 acr.s, us 1 1 uiod, eoiae tiae ou r -vt-s, all eole4. 75 acre in cultivation, a young orchil n hotMery ; cool barn nd fir ao davtwi. . ,'OJt 'it o bait' amoutit if curitv on o-'C'tiises Cull at till rtnucj'- &dreza D. A. Carter, &gan, Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN' OER.WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WACON, The words "I Belle" In Freneh the besuty." PLOWS AND DRILLS,' CUTTING BOXES, AND All tind8 of igricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURMTURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public t bat thev manufacture to order, and will keep eonrtantlv on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable line, of FUK1SITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble woon short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work Uyand all k.nda of stone, but deal prin. dpahy in Oregon City reoaifW aad resetting a specialty. Call InffeMmlnemy prices before P"rcha inV elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold, ihop on west ride of Ferry street oppo site post office. Q w HARRIS. Prop. JOSWlTP. WELCH, Physician and Surgeon, Lte of Sew Mexico, offer, hi. Profess ional services to the peonl. at se.g4ving special auention to all forma of ironic diseases, esrially ladleaandebUdren. disease. Office, OToole's Block- ALBANY, ORECON, REVERE HOUSE, Maaj Sir and Ell. wort. Albany, Orrgoa. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. tolled with the bmt the market sforta. Sprtag asaav. c TV. 1..1 Im AMaW nr Tabtsa Beds in every Boom merciai Travelers. A food Sample ftoosa tor Com- tarvrt Caeb to and free. e Botel. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ULLIHEEY AND DRB88-IAK3Hft. Cutting and fitting by tbe new Taylor'. System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. I. W. & MfvRY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons, ALBANY, O REQ ON. Offer their profe-ional tenicM to tbe cltteen-J Linn and adjacent coantlee. Office and reejdence ?CoHrt H aw. Call at Langdon and Co Drug Store. , T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA . AND Notary Enblic. Office in States Rioht. Democba office. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office a residence on First Staaet be ween Ellswoth and Lyon Streete. aus left at E. W. Langdon A Co's. Drugstore Albany, Oreg-on. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at ih- Dkmocbat office, has charge d th f dlowiog first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICOT. ' IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCdTISH UNION AND NATIONAL. Cal on him forinsuranse, POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never vmriea. A marvel of puri.iy, trenfta and wholeeumenaaa Mora eeonotniceJ Uian the onltuarjr klnde, and cannot be eokt in cowpeUUun ith the maliitnde on low test, abort weight, alum or phuapbale powders, sold only In nana Itovti. Baiiko rua Co. IM Wall Street, N. Y. ALI RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Positive ly Owed. f"CZKMA,or Sait Rneam, wiUi lU afonltlny tub tug kud bunting, iutAj,!v rettered by w.rm baUl un i f i t k a soar, ana Mgi .ppiuuun f ce Uw rreat Sain Cure. Tale repealed daily, wtib two at three doaea ut OMM aa RaaoLVBjrr, the new bkiod purifier, l keep Ute bl.l cnot, the pr pirati-xi pure and uiitrritattujf, the bjel in.n, the titer and aidncy. erUve. win epeeuuv car trinu, T.iier. K'nrworm, rVirleeat.IJr.ien. PrurUu,Hcll-.i asi, and Pimply Muavire of Uie SValp and Hkln, whn the bwM phyaicUna and all know ramedlee fall. WUI SMI Dearborn SI.. Ctuoafii, palerully ackbiwla4gee a cure of Salt Rtxruat on hand, nark, face, anus, aad lege for eeventeew year ; not abte to watt except un band and kneea for one year ; net able to help blawwtf fur ent year , tried bundrdea remedial doctor, proanurtced hia caee bopeieas ; permanently cu red bv Ccitctre tts aotveai (Muod purMar) Internally, and Cvtu t M .rid Ctncraa boar (tbe great akin rune) externally (1aa. tloasheaa, FVaq . Urer. in RtaU St., Biaaon rwoorte a aaaj of Halt Rheum under ble ob earratton for tea yean, which c ovend the paUent'a body end limbo, and to which all known imfcrile uf treatment had bean applied without benefit, wheh wae completely cured eleiy b the Ci rtcre Kane MSa, lea vina a dean and healthy akin. W Drahr. Kaej . Urtroil. M; hA .offered un told torture from Khettm, whlb appeared e hi hande, head atxl fare, and nearly alroyed hi. eye. After tb moat canful doctorinr aad a oon eulUtion U idrveirkana failed to nUeve him, he Uaed the t:i rtct KavuiE!i. and u eured. and baa re- Mr. efeka Ttllel. Wtikaebarn. Ha , wntew . I have 4ffered from Sait Hheum for vr etf bt year, at time bad that t eonhf not attend to my bui aeea far wawka at time. Three botaa of t't tuv, and f ajr boitie RaaoLt turt, have entirely cured me A ihie dreadful diaeaac Sold everywhere. rYie ti Tin , so oanta. RaaotrasT, ft ; Soar, ti eta. Potter Urux and UhemioaiCo , Boatoa, Man. seed for "Saw to Care abla fblacaaea.' fTCrjBA ftOAP. Aad aaWteToilat, tutb WU I I and Nuraery Hanatlire ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CH1NE SHOP. ESTABLISHED lftS. Br A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery .Street, Albany, Oregen. Having taken ebargeof th. above named Work., we are prepared to manufacture Steam Knglnea, Haw and Grlat Mill a, Woed-workinit Machinery, Pump., Iron and Bras. Castings of every dea riptlon. Machinery of all kinds repaired. St- cial attention given to repairing farm u a- cbinery. Patlera Making l.r la alt ru feraaa. 16:1 ly I A. F. CHERRY A BON. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other eomplainta are ao insUlioua la their attack aatboee affecting tbe throat and luaga: none so trifled with by tbe majority of luffer era. Tbe ordinary cough or coUl, reaultiag perbape from a trifling or uueoaaetoua ea poaore, ia often but the beginning of a fatal aickneaa. Aves's Chskst Pectobal Una well proven its efficacy fit a forty years' fight with throat ami lung dlaeaaea, aad aboald be taken In all cases without delay. A Terrible tough Cosed. " In 1SS7 1 Uiok a eerere cold, which affected my lunge. 1 bad a terrible cough, and anased night after night without alaee. 'la. deetora gave me up. 1 tried Atsr' Csaaar Pao tou al, which relieved my laaga, ladaeed a eeo. and afforded me tbe reel u for the recovery of my etrength. Hy continued naa of the Fkctoual a nenae ncnt cure waa effected. I am bow 6K yea. old, hale and hearty, and am aatiatled year Chkuby Pectoral saved me. HO.ACK FAIUBBOTII Efl." Rockingham, Yt., duly 10, lHts2. Croup. A Mother Tribute. " While in tbe country last winter my little boy, three yeara old, waa taken ill with sreue; it eemed aa if ho would lle from strnngn-l.-ition. One of the fattiUy eaastei Hie use of Avi.k'h CtUtitmy loitAL, a bottle of wtitb waa uiway kept in the souse. This waa tried in amall and frequent doaea, and to our delight in leaa than half an hour the little patient waa breathing easily. Tbe doe tor aaid that the Ciikrby I'ritobai. had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely youra, Mks. Km ma Oedkrt." ISO West 128th St., New York, May 10, 1882. "I have used A vek'h Cherbv PKCTOBAr. in my family for several year, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the moat effectffu) remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. d. Ckakb." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1682. " I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no site cess, I was cured by the use of Avail's CbSJS bv Pectobal. Joseph Waldeb." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. I cannot say enough In praise of Aykb's Chkkuy Pectobal, Delievlng u I do that but for its use I should long since 1ihv died from lung troubles. E. Bbaooox.' Palestine, Texas, April 22, 182. f No case of an affection of tbe tbroj. lungs exists wbicb cannot be greatly reli by tbe use of Ayeb's Chkuby Pectou, and it will alwayn cure wben tbe disease u not already beyond the control of medicine. PUEPAHED BY Dp . J . C . Ay e r e Co. , Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists. Farm for Sale. ftnod farm 12 miles southeast of Lebanon.' 160 acres. 50 aares timothy and clover meadow. 50 wheat land in cultivattioo. We, watered. Call on W M Phillips on the place vV ol on suoscriptioa ia Democrat office. wante I at the M' HiHIX. THK ttl t OKU Tbe addresn to tbe public of the Cosa mittee of One H usdred, tepresentiog tbe anti lllainu Republicans of Mssss ohusetts, was issued Mondav. ft tains the following : We sr. told (bat the past of tbat psrty is glorioos,aad that we are thrre fore bound to supjwrt its candidate to day. We yield to nous in our pride at its great eobierementa or in devotion to its principles-, but when tli. lesson of its past is forgotten sud its principles sre abandoned its naroo alone cauoot com maod our allegiance. Tbe question ti uot what tbe Ken ubl loan iMsrtr haej uoiie, ou'. SDK it win ao ; not wrat it waa, but wbat it is ; not whether Lin coln end Seward and Sumner and An drew and Stanton and Pease od.n were greet men sod leaders, but whether Hlsine and Robaaon and Keifer and Klkint and Clayton and Kellogg are men to whom we oan asfely confide the future of our country. For maay years corruption in high office bss been oon picuous. It bits shown itself in every depsrtment of the puolio service. We have seen a Vice President driven into private life by proof of ersonal dis honesty ; a Secretary if War impeach, ed for participation in felony ; a Secre tary of tbe Navy charged with corrupt practice, and leaving office under n cloud of euspichn, only to appear a a Republican lesajer in tbe House of Rep resentatives ; s Secretary of the Interior forced from his office by charges affeot ing bis personal and official character ; so A. Hornet .furrl compromised by J.-V.LI 111. . r - 'Mdenor of uetty frantl. We have nc mitten O'lfaa and Belknap and Rob aaon snd Delsno and Wilhawa In tbe Treasury Department we have seen prominent officers implicated in Sanborn contracts and suspected to complicity in tbe gigantic conspiracy to defraud tbe revenue known as the Whisky Ring,rtand th Private Seere- t.ry of the President indicted as a con spirator, while tbe Minister who sought to punish the criminsls was dismissed rom office. In tbe Poet Office Depart- ment we have seen an Assistant Secre tary conspiring witb Senators of the L nited States in 'atsr rente' frauds and tbeoonspiratcts holdl) defying tbe Qov eminent, which was powerless to secure ustice in us own cai ital diy. We have seen the last Republican speaker d lag rased by proof that he had ahsme- ully abused his sppoiotine power, and in face of this evidence, which has de stioyed tbe confidence of bis constitu ents, sgsin tbe chosen candidate of the Republican party for the seme high of fice. In the Signal Service we have p seen a Superintendent, in the Treasury Department a chief clerk, an4 in other department, trusted officers guilty of stealing tbe public money. We bare seen tbe guilty protected, bnt ere have yet to see tbem punished. We have seen tbe whole patronsge of tbe Federal Uovcroment used openly to aupport a leader of Virginia who, principle la repudiation and whose methods violate very rule of jliticst morality. We bete seen tbe public business neglected, tbe reform of tbe civil service sneered st, snd politic.1 assessments levied in detisnce of party promises and public opinion, until the wive of popular in diguatien forced a reluctant Congress to tosugurste reform. The evils of a debased currency bave been disregard ed ; our navy is a monument of ma lad - mit. it ration ; tbe surplus, with all iu temiutions to extravagance remains suhstsnlislly undiminished. Finally, we have seen the Republican party relying for iu continuance in power, not on its own schievemenu.but on tbe mistakes of iu opponents, snd we bsve seen iu leaders not seeking U prevent, but to eu courage these mis takes, in order tbat thereby, at their country's eapeuse, they mitht be furn ished with arguments for their contin uance in power. We bave seen all. these things, and bsve been told tbst tbe party must be reformed from with in ; tbat our remedy lay in its caucuses and conventions. For years we bsve yielded to tbis advice, and bare strug gled against tbe men who bsve sought to use the party for base, personal ends. At times we bave thought tbem beaten, and bave hoped tbat tbe party, which waa once so great, might emancipate itself from the control of tbe men who had degraded it and rsassert iu origin al character. Instead we now see these men promoted sad their influence in creased, while under their inspiration tbe party turns lU back upon its prin ciples, and, in place of declaring in clear words iu policy on tbe questions of the dsy, by equivocal declarations and womanly appeals to a prejudtoe.eeeks to secure votes only to perpetuate tbs power of iU managers, and not to ad vance tbe prosperity of the country. Iu candidate for President is a man oharged with the baaest of ounlio crimes tho abuse of official power for his own pecuniary advantage who for eight years has never dared to demand tbat full investigation of the obsrges which his political associates would gladiy have accorded, and by wbioh alone those charges oan be met. Upon the evidence slresdy prodnoed we be lieve him guilty, and we know that many of hia prominentsnpporUrs share our belief. Their silenoe or their guatd ed language in public addresses since. rye conclusive evidence ot this. i is convicted bv his owe statements of de liberate falsehood on the most solemn onessjon. Tbe men who in the past have disgraced the Republican party are umu-d in Wh support, and admitted to a controlling influence in tbe oonduct of ciimpaiij. While if the honest men who are joined witb these, the leaders are larft-lv either holders of or oandiiiatea tor public office, who urge their fellow-citizens to follow them A to preserve the party than lie nauee r-hv approve lU chief. 1p tine, the KeDUbucan oartv has to-day n g -r- e ' policy which it daree to avow artd leader whom it cannot defend. A this very moment it forms an alliaiice in West Virginia with the advocates of ttithouest money ; in Wasbinuton po- lukial assoMinents arc attempted under disguise. "It ii idle lo hope tbst, witb such teadersbip, tbe abuses of tbe past est. be corrected or the party reform . Un der tbe influences which now dominate its councils the tendency must be down ward ; sod there is no clearer proof tbat tbis tendency crists than the fast Ust honest men ste found readj to tolerate and excuse offenses which s fee years sgo would bsve made the of fender infamous. We see iu ioereasbg fidelity to party greet dangeri to our Government, and it is sn omen of dis aster when this fidelity lesds m-u of OOSasjDter and iiosltion to throw ihotr mfliainoe km favor at sud to .4 .... m . . mislead their fellow -citizen by misrei relenting tbe facts and olacunng the issue. Tbe fascination of the name 'Republican' baa made men blind of offenses) which otherwise they would condemn. It is our imperative duty, therefore, to disregard tbe appeals to party spirit, which, in the language of Washington, it'is 'the interest snd uuty of a wise people to diacduisge and r strain,' and to consider how best we can stay tbe progress of corrupt too in tbe fiovetomt.nt of our country. Leaving to Congress tbe gtest ques tion of policy, which mutt bo ques tions of legislation, and reserving the right to vote in Congressional tlrctions for auoh men as represent our opinion on these questions , intending in the Sta'e to vote iu the futu as we have in the past, we see in th- Preaideutal contest s simple iaau. Our platform is tbe single principle that none but men of ptoved integrity should ha sup ported for public office, sud that i lo use of offictsl power for fMraotiNl eswji ia s breach of trust which should dta.pial tfy for tbe public aerve thus wli i are guilty of it. A party nomination which violates this principle muat not i nly forfrit cur auopo't, but incur our n weeping opposition. By the noun a tiou of James U. IMaine the Repul' i can psrty haa thrown down the gaunt let for partisan guvernmen. Tb. Dem ocratic party ."awera the cha'lenge. its caudidata i thi acknowiiged champion of reform siui olitical bon eety. The issue is thug jofUaad 1 h iesdera are representative, men, tba foremoat of their kind, and we cannot for ao instant beaitefH hj our eh ties or doebt the true iutreis ,ot our country detnsnd. We do not ally our- a . a a sFa. . e a s aeive. wttn tne fnioi tlic strtv , - till leaa ssnction or spprove its peat bat its pteeent candidate hsj proved his fidelity to tbe principles we astrw, atid in tbe coming election he comm.nds and will receive our aupwrt for ihe M SO urp di our fellow citizens to unit.- with us io our efforts to secure tho election of Govern or Clevelsnd, and to organise in tueir respective neighborhood, that the vote of Msesscbusetts msy be given in No vember for honest government. Probably the most remarkable case on record of a human being existing In a conscious state with out eating ia that of Miss Kate Bmusley, who ia lying at death's door from self atarvation. She la at her father's res idence, at Fort Plaint, N. Y. and all efforts to Induce her to Uke food have signally failed. Her father de clarea, and he is a man whose word la reliable, that tho girl has Hot par Uken of food In 100 days up to noon yesterday. She occasionally takes a Utile water In her month, but does not a wallow II as tbis causes convul sions which seem to wrench her stomach painfully. Bhe is terribly emaciated, and not recognizablo to her friends. Yet she recognizes her callers and carries on converatlou ith them, and is perfectly conscious her body Is in constant motion 11 e a machine, ao much so that tbe bed upon which she lies has to be sup ported for fear It will frill to peaces hy the cons taut vioration. The case attracts much uttt tiM in, and tho house Is constantly besieged with visitor. The girl can live but few days longer at most. No one doubu thut who baa fasted the unpre cedented period herein stated. And now comes tbe St. Louis Post- Dispatch with fact and affidavits to show that Neil B Blaine, a brother o James O., waa indicted for forgery in tbat city, that he gave ball, jumped his bond, and Is now a fugitive from Missouri Justice. What a delightfu campaign the Ulaineites have brought about. Soon somebody will be offer ing affidavits to prove that Blaine's great-grandfather was a dude. a a Mr. Blaine told the Grand Army vet. erans at Old Orchard that he "vivid ly remembered every incident" of the war period, when "patriotism was fervid," Mr. Blaine's fervid patriot ism it will be recalled found vent In seeurlng r!8 eonira 't snd and jobbing in ftnny stipfrii). It must be pleaent for a strsmari o vividly remeinb r such n Inelden In hi etireer. O . culrtn al "Priri .IidU tHe v- Io. t-di'-tr n c oi M."fd ' rhh in h rn- Fnrm ft f Clo OH cen editorial divert is fi. ho iHtHnt. who Kh-t'l la qualified i mmiv whvs, bur the fin..1 so " eifidl'ioti aWtinenee. Hi says : "Fria t.H- V, WH oanrtot eng,i a man wh wa:lows al cohol in any form, even in beer, for alcohol affect the lirsin tlwmie nod un fits tbe man for thinking incurably at aU times." ur.numAt nkws. Tho United States navy cenalata of a total of nlnty-slx vessel of every kind. Of those fifty-two urn In effi cient service. Tne British navy comprlsea 2UH vessel. France ha -', rnaany ha eight ylx ac$ Rnla hss 379. San Pdiiclsjo has regular 1 g com inlsslonerd who "adjudlcatn upon ar' rivals brought to tho pound. Rt. npectable looklnir dog are given one more chance, and of tho 580 captured in July, 20H were rclessed. For the Itself of pasturage, Z'ZZH cattle and 426 horses lately died in a slnglo Mexican provlnc within two weeks. A evero drought is scourg ing that country. A few yoara ago what 1 now the great onion tract of Cheater, In Orange County, N. Y , a n worthies piece of land. T.mI ty It would nrlng read ily 1000 nn hit". List season on those meadow I'JO.OOO bushels of onion were grown, which were sold for more than $124,000. Tbis sea son' crop will be even larger. There are no other eqQally large onion tracts in the country. Tho ostrich farming enthusiasts having tried California and Florida, havo now concluded te hogin all over sgsin In MsMUoo. Tho government ha granted the promoter of the schema 70.000 sere of land nnd $200 apiece for the first 200 birds Import ed. On tbeno condition it looks aa though the promoter would make money, oven If the otrh lies died ss aoon a Imported. No liquor has been sold for the last six year in one of the wealthiest and mot prosperous count lea of Texas, and consequently the jail ia empty. France is fighting China to extort an mdemlty of $15,000,000 for loeeen directly due to Its own wrongful acts. A ney i mrue on sale at Washington marker, .Now York, last a sre . . . . .a . week, wvlghed 450 pounds. s HiXico 1 sufTering from a ehor corn crop. A Csllfornli fsrruer, O. W. Flecker, farming thi aicott ranch, killed a squlr- re! from wnw mouth he took 3U1 kr nojof as floe and large wheat as ever n, their actual weight being two ounces lee-two drams. Eisrbt such mouthful are about equal to a pound. Uere Is a lesson to the far- mer who has a thousand squirrels on hia farm. A Arm Io Cleveland. Ohio. lately sent a deapaich by telegraph to Cbl- csgo ordei ing tbe sale of L'00,000 bush- el of w heat to bo delivered In Feb- ruary and May. The despatch deliv. erud in Chicago ordered the sale Of 20,000 busiiel of wheat and 80,000 bushels of corn. The Ohio parties nave brought suit to recover damages. The defeu'e of the telegraph company is that the plaintiffs are not dealers in grain but gamblers, that tho mea- aaco was for tho purpose of effecting an illegal wager and the entire tran- aaction was for illegal purposes The decision of tbe court wilt be awauod withjnterest. The rate of taxation in some of the principal cities In 1883 was aa follows. Boston, $14.60 on $100; Bsl .l..,..r.. .11171 . IKiUrfuI..Kia Stfll ou ; ew xora, cmcinnsti, . n . , $20.31 ; Chicago, $34.10. lerrlDC Pwuer "Plosion occur- , mil In Ihuoiivornmnni notViUo- faetnrv ' . Z .... . at Kasau, ituasia on me istn isssa.. i . f . M- . .u ' .u My of ral scientific students. Willi II I :l 1 1 1 1 1 llri LtTl V UniUUUBllDU L UC : - . - Duiiuiosr. Kiiunrr ten persons ano battly Injuring forty others- England receives daily an average of fifty to sixty tons of eggs from north ilsly. on pne aay tne present seasnn, me aggregate or 10 ions representing 2,000,000 egg wa land- ed at Harwich from this source, and sent on to London by the Great East ern Railway. Paris annually consumes about 39,- 000,000 pounds of butter. Even oraneea are now subject to adulteration, some ingenious rascal having Invented a way of changing . Ma. I a Im4. t1 t AMnrfAO Kf I oruiuary irui tut uiva j the introduction of coloring mat- The State experimental rarm Ohio will have n exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition, one item of which will be 100 varieties of wheat. SHond-hnrl splint dear llirhters .. . . . . . 1 . nr" vttneroti up. me nurnea enn cu. ff, then put up Io pu'Wagos nnd sold -;do. ..,.w device f r destroy ing weeds has b ti tested on the Chicago, Biriiniro & Quincy In Iowa. The device I lmply haft, the width of n car, to which i attachetl numer ous trip f rawhide. The sh ft In rti-ed v-;d lowerel by the brake and Is turned hy being attach -1 by a pulley to the nxle of the car wheels. Thi motion gives the rawhides a powerful velrvdfy and prepares the tuot hlthy weed for an Immediate funeral. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMEHT, sDiTSjn by run WoBua't (briilion Temperaief loin IOWA. During the past month toe account froms large portion of tie 8ute con cerning the enforcement of the probib- itorv linnnr I r i , ,.w am nop! u i and en couraging. In some localities the law is in.1 !...... I a- . HU monies' s .re in pro- grea. Many nebemes to evade tbe law ere also being resorted to. I o lows City, where t vo brewer were on trial f.r rll 1 .1 . -.srumg tnc law, gD ngry creaieu rnUch eic-'ement for a abort time, but tbs mobocr.t wro dispelleil, sno s strong expression of puJic opto ion followed in favor of Isw and order. Io anetber case an unsuccessful sttempt waa made to blow up the premises of a prohibitiou prosecuting attornev with dynamite. Ut .11 the., .ttempts t lawless intimidation rstber tend to mske tbs feople geoerslly mors resolute snd earnest for the enforcement of tbe law. A test vas recently submittej to Judge Burton, of Oitumws, who tus Uioed the conslitutronsliiy of tbs law. As was to be expected, every (wesibie Itgwl obstraction to tbe enforcement of tbe Isw is being resorted to. Oa tbe 5th alt,, at Davenport, Jjdge Hayes, of tbe District Court, rendered a deoi ion in s test case to the effect thst tbe penalties provided by tbs new Uw .re unconatitutionsl, sod tbst justice have no jurisdiction over liquor csaee.UyonJ commitment for the sction of tbe Orsod Tun . At Berlington J udge S.utsmsn.of tbe District Court, rendered a decision on tbe ssms date in s liauor esse, mg the junsdkctioo of tbe Justice of tbe aasctly the reverse of Judtre J William Daniels, candidate frtr Vi.- President on the Pmhibition ticket. makes the following stateroet t : "No one who hss not traveled south knows the latent seaim,t wnicb there ea- tata in favor of our movement. The aentimeot is greater in North Crolin.. Sooth Carolina, Al.bams and (Jeoreia tbn itu New England, but it baa not ben woked upend directed in the 0 Pror"- cnsnoei. It u doubtful whether "e Pple would acknowledge it by olm tor oor ''ctorel ticket, but the fact tomt favorsble sentiment extsU tt iofficienL In Georgia there are eight unte uoder prohibitory lavs. In i - e 8oalk Carolina there are prohibition ,mw ,mm mmughout tbe state, aad tn,re or fifteen counties under iu rul in Alabama. Portions of Mis M,I)PI m prohibition, and s large or dtetricta iu Kentucky. In Tennessee we have hslf tbe state for prohibition, and in Maryland fourteen counties out of twenty-three are under temperance. Can tbe north make . much better showing than that I I think not." ibe Band of Hope Quarterly for hich the demand hss been so rrreat tbat tbe Woman"s Temperancs Publi cation Association baa undertaken to supply, will be forthcoming in Septem ber. It will contain two sets of lessons or one lesson adnntvi ra nr.,h. f . - 1 Th .. - - I 7 wwo alio wruwu UT Jill Wi,bur F n,.. . ! Lav-. I w. -, buv. win uir luiauv . 3 ineae lessons will have passed the ana we Deueve will meet the wantt 1 l a ... snd we believe which hss been desciibed to us. The first quarter will be devoted to the phyciologioal affects of Alcohol and Tobsoco ; Second quarter, Effects upon Mind and Morals ; Third quarter, Ef- fect upon the Pocket Book : Fourth quarter, Effects upon the Nation. ma. assTit BSXT. IT ThsNsw York Retailer," liquor organ, in a recent article, denouncing prohibitory legislation ss unconstitu tional. says : "It is a direct blow at the 1 M wel, M the inanuf,ctur. inK intents of the laad. and effects the whol- transoortation svatnm of thn i,' An. . ,. I --j a sw J ww a uu ituvi Ulvaa B1IQ I prtnf .in 111a 1 1 o rlsw1a s-ir ft lis. if nrAhikifUr, 01 u a ofailure ., tbftt it intreM08 th6 8llie 0f iiauorg .nd .11 that. It is verv queer. SERmanreMEDi Rheumatism, ClJeura it, Sciatica, Lusjbaao, Backache. Haa ia aba, Tootbaoha, Sara irat, men lata, rroat asitoa. AID ALL SflWn BODILY FAIXS ASS aCSBS. gold by DruffiiU aad Daalaiii ararrahara. Vlfly Casu a tMM.Ua, rraeSa ia II Lufoafee. THE CHA.KLES A. VOOELER tH. in.. TeajH.a ass ) SalCaara. BaV. V S. A. jr ,Jft aBmaBBBBBaaaPBBVaBBBm f!MBBBa! MflLKaW ' . tBBal 1' I 3Efaadl TEST YODH BAK1JB POWDER TO-DAY! SrsiuU advertised as aseoletelr eaaw TM1 TtSTj n iu.rj a r4rt thi i w H it aaaoaI'U M DOES MOT COJITAIX AMMOSI. ira MiaLrsrtussS bus NCVXR sua at In a million botnea for a qearter of a c-titur 1 1 a tS I naeasaer' raiieM teat. THE TEST OF THE OVEI. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., era Dr. Price's Special Fia?oiiiiE Extracts, Dr. Priet't Lupulin Ytast BtNtu r Ugtu. MeaitS brraS. The Seaa Urj Mb Teset la taa Wvrle). FOR SALE BY CROCCttS. chicaco. - ar. louis. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTGEMS Tbs bast dry hop yeast in tea weria. raiaad by thta yaast te light, white soma lias eur yalmotaeri CROCCttS SELL THEM. - ete.eao B Tna Price Baking Powder Co., am if it iWj spoil famditrjiisa, Cti.caao, III. Bt- Lours AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of tbe diseases wsaes cause bumaa aoffcnng mull Iro tarnt of Us slosaarh. SB SPSS, Aves's CavmaUTic fiLUt act directly ttteas organ, and are ote4ally designed to cure tba dleeaeos caused by Uieir deraasjs taetii, i Deluding Constipation. Indigna tion. DjrapopaU. MeadacSte. Pyaaasaary. and a boat of outer ailments, for all of wbicb uey are a aafe, sure, prompt, lajnasag tr;m-h . The SbSSSsSSM use ot Pilui hy eminent ohrsiciana ta regular which tbey are held by Use Piixs are eesnaosjiiiled of ts tuhataucea only, and are ahaolately free fresa caluuicl r any other iujur..ju I A SuBVrer "Avca's i'ills are inralaabie to sac, snd are my constant companion. 1 bate been a aaeere eufferer from Headache, and your l'lixa are tho only thing 1 coaid look to I .r rrlief. Oue th m ill .Ulcklv nnoc n. boar la and free my bead from in. They sre ilea moet enrctiic arxl tnc 1 Usre eTer Iaul. ll is a i.l-aure lu rue to : iu Uaetr jraia, aatl 1 aUarays do so a li ti oceaeiou utfera. W. L. Paia .of W. I. T if ti Bro,-' Fnnkliu St., IticUiuouU.X a., .Itute 3. 1 " I bare oaed ATKB'e Pills In mm f- -Laa iiialauees as reouMiiueu.le.1 by yu. aul Bare uever kuovp Utetu to fail to aectMlua. ti. ilealre-l rruit e cuMaiill) kerj It on batxl at nur brnii. ati-l prize tbew ail ramble rSBSBSl tXMI UAtKrSla lut- are hoaluaWe. J. T. Uavca." Meaia. Texa. .luue 17, ISfi Tlie Itrv. lit. . i n. lUaijoare. wriUitc f:oix Atlamtn, ): " Kor eouea yers raat 1 bare breu ulrrt to cotwHj.lkHi, runt wlilrh, ia aile ot Uie use M cuiei uf various kiutia. I satfrrcl iixreaMnc itiouuf euieuce sutUI eottee aiotiifce ago T began takiua A (.Mat tSajla, i: UaTe eutirtlv corrected tbe cotie haUt. :.uJ bave taetly iutproseal uiy goaetal baaltb." Avaa'a Catmastic Ilt-LS corrret irresu lartUea of Uie bowel, rtiiualate tbe t pe tite an I ilisealion. an.l by Ibolr .ron. t i a Uiorooab action gire l-.i.c alal igir to tbe a bole physical ecuuomy. farVABXB .T Dr. J. C.AyerotCo., Lowell, Itess. Sold by all DrossstU. Y0UM6, OLD, AND MIDDLE- All experience tba wonderfal baoefletal eflecu of Ayer's Sarsaparilta. CbiMren witb Sera Yy: Sora AbCU. ' Ears, or any Bar, or any aerofaloaj sr ayaav lllUc taint, may be mads bealtby a; by its aaa. Hold by ail I)ruiu ; tl. sla bvlUea for SS. Wheat Stored .AT THE MAGNOLIA MILLS. Having purchased said mill I will re ceive wheat in store at the mill and ware house. When parties wish to sell will buy the wheat or deliver it on their order. Sacks furnished to parties wishing to store. Julyl'dh, 1884, JOHN A CRAWFOBD. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned bas this day been appointed Administrator of the estate of Frecl Willnrt late . resident of Albany, Oregon, deceased, by tbe Probate Court fnr Idoti county .Oregon. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same properly veri fied IO the undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from tbis date This the 4th day of August, 1884. W. M. Karcausr. Weathervord ifc Blackburn, Att'vsfor Administrator. PATENTS MUrer a CO-etf tba Srjssrrjw AapucAWetm- tiaue to act as Boll Sto? IS KftI'7tmtPn' Marie. Cbpyrbrbta. for tba United SUteaTCtosSs. Ent-la td. a'mooa, (Mnaany, etc Hand Book about s cent tmi. Thlrty-eeeea years' aapartasMisi PaUn's obtain S tbroaab ML'NN A CO. are notice) to tba t v ii.NTirxJ AMintAcaw, tbo btrajeet, beat, aad most i rid el y ciretSmted aclcatttto paper. $199 a year Weekly. feplendiJ anamrbura and laUreetlna k i Jon. Bpaalmen copy of tne Bciemtlfle A saenra SntlroeTsassi MU!fS A CO SciXKTmO a MTojaa, an Broadwar, nww fsa. ' getable prtn 3ro tfloanty, Or.