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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERT FRIDAY at STITES& NUTTING. l'SlBftFFICK"l De suae rat Building on Uroarislbin Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION stssjt. copv, rr year, In advim... stagis sea, par jw. t etui ot year. single oopy. tlx month stagis oopy, three months ittiW naraber 3 N 8 UO 1 60 78 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lbuy. Ortfon. Tttti.t. PRACTICE IN ALL THE W Kurts of this State. Will give special atten ion to collections and probate matter. . . . . . Office in Foster's new urwn. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORN EYAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Ores-oss. Office upstairs, over John Brig'store let street. vl4n2Stf J K. WEATHEBFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW. ALBUM.. WILL PRACTICK IN ALL THE OrRTS OrTHK Xrta Special aitenUvm given to collection tti ?rebat matter. J0r0fl la Odd rllr'i Temple. iU:t f POWKLti iV IlJUisr..J. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Vw Collections promptly made on all points. , Y . .nnrlA terms. Lioans hbkiuw -T'-" , - - vl4nl9tf. J. Jr WHITNEY, Attorney And ConnsBllor At Laf AND Notary Pablic. ALBANY, ORECOM, Will practice in all of the Court. ef this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jar Office In OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRCGGISTM. Books. Stationary and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT XmTTO- STORE, Sri 4LBIXY. OKEfcOV POSHAY & MASON, wuclcai sat ail ftraggisteand Booksellers, ALBtXV. ORKGOW. vln41tf DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street Just est of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. DR.lTH7irLLT3, Physician and Surgeon. fgromoe and residence in Mcll wain's Block. AUianvregon LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. condition, and hair cut in the very best style. . DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon, Office in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OREGON. SAX WA AUKDBY AND CHIKA MERCHASHIKO WW- nnderelothe., mM at bottom prices. Chins fatbor. tarXext to City Bank. Basra niso. v. - vrtfou dm v-e &nn J zxuvvi icot stwri. Contractor lor SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and -domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the nnest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. tf SAM COHEN. 1 have the best stock of furniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the dtv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A. complete stock and can give SATIS J'A.CTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, J. J. DOBRIS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LET TINGS SO LI CITED. Plans and specifications Tur n isbedon short notice. S260U. 'Good farm, ene mile west of Brownsville 'on the road leading to Halsey, containing 102 'acres, oak ridge land, some fiae oak groves, all enclosed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young 'orchard and shrubbery ; good barn and fair house, two good wells with pumps. Price 2600, one years time on one half amount if i desied, with security on premises. Call at jprsmisesor address D. A. Carter, Egan, wranteounty, Or. State VOL. XX. Iron! Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER.WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, Tlie words 'La Belle" In French "the beauty." mean PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING AND All kMs of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undereiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, - Agent for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, i ill, inform the nubile that .T.r"..T to order, and will keep nnnsUnllV Oil llSnU. a tlM- ' complete stock ot all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UN DKRSIGN KD WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of work on short notice. All wor ? J" ranted to give satisfaction. Will work anylndVll kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City grnte. , eanlnj. renairing aud resetting a specialty, call Ind exSmlnemy prices before P? relies fng S 1 will not be undersold. &opVn west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. Q w. HABWS, Prop. JOSEPH P. WELCH, Physician and Surgeon, LteofNew Mexico, offers his pro(- iooaY servtces to the iKple at So c special attention to.sU forms of fbronic SKises, especially tadtas and cblldren s diseases. Otuce, u'lowo. w.v. ALBANY, OREGON. REVERE HOUSE, r... rirat end EUswarth Alkaar. areaeau t-wi - Clias. Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thl. uew Holet ta fitted up In flrrt dam etyte. Table. Bed. in every w. i" mercial Travelers. tTFnx ( oncb la aad froaa the Hotel. 1 MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ELurai ahd DRismim Cutting snd fitting by the new Tsylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. I.W.&MARYT. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons ALBANY. OREO ON. Offer their proteerional service. U I Linn and Tjacent countit.. OfBce and "?'n n-r Court H 'use. Call at Langdoa snd Co. Drug store. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT t AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dbmocbav otlice. DR. J P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office a- residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. CTralls left at E. W. Langdon & Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dkmocbat office, has charge ol the following first-class Insurance Companies : COMMERCIAL UNION OF LONDON. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN & QUEEN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SCdTiSH UNION AND NATIONAL. Call on him for insurance, POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl. tmwUwr nrvrr varies. A marvel ot purl sly, .trcinfth ami wh'lomonMa. Mora eeutwuilcal than tbo (nllnary klmla, and cannot b gokl In comiwtlUoa with the multttnd on low it, short walgbl, aiant or i ti.lht i-iwtlor. HtKl only In oana Rortt IUmmo ruiMi Co. IM Wall Mrwt, V Y. Qiticura Infantile Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautiflers, A Positive Cnre for Every Fern of Skin and Blood Diseases, From Pimples to Scrotal. XrANTILK and Qtrtb lluntor. Milk t'mat, Kcall ad haad. Ecnm.1 and tvery form of luhlninj. sahr. rimplp, Serofulhuaand lnb.rtuU Utaaaaaa 4 the blood. Skin and Scalp with Um of Hair, from lulamry ot as, curad by theft milt Kaaotvasr.OM naw bood purtSar, tntarnally, and Ct-ncvaa aodCv rn i u Soar. Um rrvat akin etiraa, tmallr. Ab . lnlcl para aadasfa, and may ba aaad fruca the iu .mnt (4 birth. "OUi LITTLE BOY," Mr. and Mra. Kwratt Stobbtna. nclcharumn.Maam.. write ; "Our UtUa buy was urrtblj atflictad with Scrofula, Mall Ktiwunt and Erydpalaa .r aiooa ha born, and nothing mc oukl gr htm nslpad hltn until we tried Cvttcta KxsBOtaa, which rradually curad hin., until ha is now as fair as any child. ' "WORKS TO 1 CHARM," J. K. Weeks. Esq . Town Treasurer. St. Albans, Vt., says in a letter dated May W , "It works te a chat as on my baby s face and head. Cured the bead entirety and has nearly cleaned the face ot eorea I deU it to sevsrsL atuj rr riant nee oroeiea it for bm" "A TERRIBLE CASE. Osartea Eayre lllnkle, Jersey (Ity HslghU. JL writes : "My son a tad of twelve years, wee ooov pletelv cured of a terrible case of Ecietua by Um Ot- IM Has (mm. Krom the tot of his head to the Botes of his feet was one massof cab " Kvery other y and pbyatclati had been tried Ha ein. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Kiss cat tad children, with pimply, sallow skin, the CtTKt-a fUsKtHKe will pro, a perfect hUesinj, cleanainc the blood and skin of Inherited empuriliee nd cxaeilifMr the rerms otacrofula, rbeumaUsea.cwn sumption and severe akin diseases. Sold everywhere. Price : Ct Tin a-, to eenU RaaoLta&r. SI : Soar, 25 eta. p.ttor lru anJ t'bcmical t.'o., lloe.m, Maea. scad far "Mew la fare sk la laeaaea." DaiDV t'user.tlrra oap, an exouisUely DAD I peHumed Hkla Bra.UStT. and Toilet lUth and Nursery Ssnathe. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CHINE SHOP. KSTABLIHIIKU 105. By A. F. fJH kkk i , stuaieo at oorner 01 B F First and Montgomery BtreeU, Albany, Oregon HavinK taken eharceof the sbove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, (saw ana urutt mum, Wood -world rag Machinery, Pumps, iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machine rv of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. altera Making aeae la all ft. forma.. lfkllyl A. F. CHERRY A BON. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Iter. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother of the lata eminent Judge Wilds, of the) Massachusetts supreme Court, write, as follows : "7 E. TAIh fit.. Kern Ynrk, May 1G, 1W2. .Mi J. C. AYKB ft Co., Gentlemen : ljut winter 1 was troubled with a most uncomfortable itching humor affecting more eMecUlly my limbs, which itched so intolerably at night, and burned ao lujfiue )v, that 1 could scarcely bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a serere catarrh ami catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my .ystem a good deal run down. Knowing the value of AVRK's S a it" a pa hi i.i.a, by observation of many other esse., snd from personal use In former years, i began taking it for Iho above-named disorder.. My anpetm Im proved almost from the first dime. After a short Unto tbo fever and Itching were allayed, and all igu of irritation of the fklii di.aiiarcd. My julairlt ami cough were slfto cured bv tlx- ame means, and my general ItesM't Sfr: t'.v improved, until it Is ii -l.cni. 1 IVel a hundred per cent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the use of tbo Bauhapakiixa, which I recommend with all confidence as the best blood medicine ever devised. 1 took It in small dose three times a day, snd used, in all, less than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aveb's Salts, r a it i li. a. to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofur lou$ Diseaiel, Eruptions of the Skin, liken mat ism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. j'iu:i'A nt.D nv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maw. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles for f a. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion , Headache, and ail Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always rellabi i. Insure your grain as soon as stored. Call oow P NuttiDgat the Dimocbat office, Eiahts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1884. in.ri tin i err km Sharl. Crisp. and Is Ike Petal Slalaawaallke. wllkaal Verklaa. flara ataoagt far Kerry hedy . I ndcr-land G$ntimn : I hav received vntir oommuniostioo dated Jilv 23tht informing me of my nominal inn for Prfiidnnt of the Unit! Stages by the Democratic National Convention latal assembled at (Miioano. I accept the nomination with a grateful appreciation of 'be supreme honor conferred, and a solemn sense of the responsibility which in in acceptance I assume. I have riefasaajf carefully considered the ptstfrom adopt ed by the Convention, and oordiailv ap prove tb. ssme. Ho plain a statement of Democratic faith and the principles upon wbieh that party appeals for the suffrages of the people, needs no sup plement or explanation. It should ba remembered that the of. fioe of President is essentially executive in its natura. The laws enacted by the legiltive branch of the Government the Chief Executive is bound faithfully to enforce. When the wisdom of the political party which selects one of its members as a nominee for that office has outlined its policy, and declared its principles, It seems to me that nothing in the character of the effioe or the ne o tesities in the case requires more from the candidate accepting etnh nomina tion than the suggestion of certain well known truths, so absolutely vital to the safety and welfare of the nation that they cannot be too often recalled or too seriously enforced. We proudly call ours a Government by the people. It Is not such when a class is tolerated which arrogates to its elf the management of public affairs, aeekiog to control the people, instead of representing them. Parties are the necessary outgrowth of institution, but the Government cannot be the people when one party fastens ita control upon the country and psrpetuates ita power by cajolixu aSb arraAYiso The people, instead of serving them. A Government is not by the people when a result which should represent the in telligent will of free thinking men is, or can be, determined by lbs perversion ol their shflra-.. When an electtoo tc , office should be the selection by the vo ters of one of their number to assume,for time, a position of trust, instead of bis dedication to the profession of polities ; when the holders of the ballots, quick ened bj a sense of duty, shall avenge truth betrayed, and ptrdee broken ; when the suffrages shall be altogether free and nncorropted, the full realiza tion of a Government by the pecple will he attained ; and of the means of this ssaj not one would, io my judgment, be more ITrctual than an amendment to i hi ennstitution diaqaslifying the Pr si- dent from re election. When we con sider the patronage of the great oftije , the allursstents of power, the temptation to retain public place, ones gained, and more thsn all the availability a party finds in an incumbent, whom a horde of office-seekers, with s zesl horn, of benefits received, and fostered by the hope of favors yet to come, stands ready to aid, with money and trained political service, we recognise in the eligibility of the President for re-elec tion a moat serious danger to that calm, deliberate and intelligent polit ical action which must characterize s Government by the people. TRCS AUBK10A7 SENTIMENT Recognize the dignity of labor, and the fact that honor lies in honest toil. Con tented labor is an element of national prosperity ; ability to work constitutes the capital, and the wages of labor the income of a vast number of our popula tion, and this interest should be jealous ly protected. Our workingmen are not asking unreasonable teems, but as intel ligent citizens they seek the same con sideration which those demand who have other interests at stake. They should reeeive their full sharo of the csre and attention to those who make and execute the laws, to the end that the wants and the needs of the employ ers and employes should alike be sub served, and the prosperity of the ooun- trv. the common heritsne of both, be advanced. While we should not discourage the immigration of those who come to ac knowledge allegiance to our Govern ment, and add to our population, yet aj a means of protection to our working men a different rule should prevail con cet ning those who, if they come, or are brought to our land, do not intend to become citizens, but injuriously com pete with those justly entitled to our labor. Io a letter accepting the nom tuition to the office of Governor, nearly two years ago, I made the following statement, to which I have strictly ad hered : "THE laboring classes constitute the main part of our popula tion ; tbey should be protected in their efforts peaceably to assert their rights, when endangered by capital, snd all statutes on this subject should recognise the care of the State for honest toil, and befriend it with a view of improving the) condition of the workiuguien.a prop er oare for the working-men being in ttparahly oontiected with the integrity of our institutions. None of our sit: zsus are more interested thsn they in gustdiiiit against nh) corrupting ififlu anees whioh sesk to pervert the henu eent piirmses of our Government, si d none should more watchful ot the tuschinttioos of' those who allure them to snlf-liitjicted injury. In s frsc country the outtsiliaent of in absolute rights of the iudividul should only be sn?h ss is essential to lbs peace and good order of the eommutilsy, The limit between the piopur sut-j.-ou of Governmental control and those which can ba more uttiogly left to the moral sense and self imoed restraint of the oitizens, should be carefully kept io view. Thus laws unnecessarily interfer ing with the habits and customs of sny one of our people, which are not offen sive to the morsl sentiments of the civilized world, and wbioh am consis tent with good citizenship snd the pub Uo welfare, are unwise and vexatious." the ttowmmouMt ratios. To a great extent, determines iu supre macy. Cheap and easy transuortstion should therefore be liberally fostered, within the limits of the constitution, and the general Government should so improve and protect its natural water trays as will enable the producers of the country to reach a profitable market. The people pay the wages of the pub lio employes, and they should be enti tled to the fair and honestwork which the money thus paid should command. It is the duty of those entrusted with the management of the affairs to see that snob public service is forthcoming. The selection and retention of subordi nate, io Government employment should depend upon their ascertained alas., and tho value cf their work, and they should be neither expected nor al lowed to do questionable party eeawios. Tb. interests of the people will be bet ter protected, the estimate . I public labor and duly will greatly improv ed, public emphtroieot wilt he openod to all who demonstiat. tin ir fitness to enter it, th unseemly scrambled for office ondet lb. Government, with the anssiiifii int impot tunny who h embitters of&oisl ltf , will cease, and the public departments will not be ft led oy those who conceive it to be Tit BIB HP. hi duty SO aid the party to which lhy owe their place, instead of rendering a pa tient and ho neat return to the people. I believe that the public temper is such that the voters of the lend are prepar ed to support the party which gives the beat promise of administering the Gov ernment in the honest, simple and p'ain manner which is consistent with its ohsracter and purposes. Thev have earned that mystery and concealment in the management of their affaire cover tricks and betrayal. The sutemsnsiiip they require consists of honesty snd frugality, a prompt response to the needs of the eople, ss tbey rise, and the vigilant rotation ef all their varied interests. If I should be called to the Chief Magistracy of the nation by the sutfrsges of my fellow citizens, I will inme the duties of that high office with a solemn determination to dedicate - aaW t. .h. m....r,'a annA .ml with an humoie reliance upon tne tavor .iii- . i c - and support of the Supreme Beiug.who, I believe, wilt always bless nonest hu- man endeavor in ine conscientious uis- charge of public duty. tiaov Ci.xvri.anu. To Colonel William Vilas,Chsirman, and D. P. Bettor and others, members of the Notification Committee of tbe Democratic National Convention. Ths reports which have been spread broadcast to the effect that West Vir ginia would go Republican at tho pre- aidential election are without the slight- . . . est foundation in fact. The fusion be- tweon the Republicans and greenback- ers has List for the former all hopes of carrying the state. A oanvaas of the .i. :u.i. ( wu.i;n :t. zzz ... "z SIIUWB buati Ileal iv .uu ui ius oviuuko. J " " O ,i u.... t.i.i -.i vrerman repuuituaua mm uumn . i- i i .: win vote ior tjieveuou. xui. ouusu- totes about 75 per cent, of the Repub- lican Germans iu these wards. In the other wards the same ratio is found, The only German newspaper in the state, the Wheeling Volksblatt, a Ke- nublioan oaoer, denounoes Blsine and a s will support Cleveland. ... An important utterance by Governor Cleveland, made April 9, 1883, ia as folio "I believe in an open and sturdy partisanship which secures the legitimate advantsges of pafty suprem acy, but parties were made for tbe peo ple, and I am uowillinj?, knowingly, to give my assent to measures puro'y Durtisan whioh will saoriBce or endan- W 7T ger the people's interests." An English naturalist asserts that the flocks of swallow which return tbe British shores in spring are so large that, when they reach the land snd i;ht e .r fbnr envsr tbr, beaeb f.,r BIIBUV arw S VWVf wn-aw w ww -w - - w wwww- a distance of half a mile. m tmu rat vrasniMCTos lkttrk rfot our regular correspond ut ) W AMI 1 kotow, Aug. 8th, 18&4. The Praildet.1, his ObUmI, the supreme court, (ingress, fvvry b ly H out of town. At loast this ! tho ki 'omy view the shopxeeper takts Hut hotel-, restrfurantt, snd UrarUIng hnafJSWstsi s iy nothing of beer, gardens sro moro chnerful. Yesterday thne were 30,000 sundsy scho. excursion lss from York.Ps. They srrivod at 0 a. 11., and left tit 7 r. m. They were cluau heulthy looking people and they win not soon forget what they saw in owdjpy at the capital of their coun try. Y'tung men snd maidens of the party poured Into the disreputable restaurants of the city with the igno rnnce oMnoocence. They were bun gry, "to the pure all things are pure" sod they are none the worie for hav ing eaten a sandwich in a place where I no respectable resident would be seen. To the casual observer there seems to be a great dost of spafhy Io polit ical matter. Tho "hurrah campaign" has not been heard. The mechanic al appurtenances or gearing of a pe ll' leal canvass are not wanting. The KepuolicHiH have established head qusrieri and furnished rooms with pictures of lilalne, and Logan, motto's and cheap paper plumes. Circulars have been sent to all clerks In Gov ernment employ asking them io sn indirect way to contribute to tbe sop port of the party that has furnhned them with food, clothes, beer, and to bacco. But contributions are coming In very slowly I hear. The reasons are evident. The President Is not zealous In his s0pport of lilalne, and his iosIltTerenco is felt throughout the rank and fllo of tbe civil service. The Government clerk refusiug to contin ue Immediately Iosb his official head. And, while he has a wholesome fear of the vengeance of Blaine. ihou Id be becomo President, he doubtless con siders this coniigency to remote to Influence his action. Probably the roost liberal otTer jet made in the way of a campaign con tribution comes from a department clerk, who Is a good stump speaker, and has been active in past campaigns This gentleman desires to state to the C lipp committee thit he will make ten speeches for $2,000 cash sod will hsnd $1,000 to Ileum Trees, urer' The effort of Mr. Blaine to pose as the friend of tbe Irish, and the work lngtuan is looked upon here, where he is well known, as trsnsceod.nt dem sgogueism. He is nothing If not an aristocrat, the friend of monopoly, the ally of crooked capitalists, and stock jobbers. The Republican ptrty has fallen Into the hands of rich specula- tors of whom Blaine Is the natural and chosen lea Jer If the attachment ol the Irish to the Democratic party could be over come by such frantic efforts as the Blaine Republicans sre making now, the result would have been achieved long ago. What Is Blaine to the Irish or the Irish to Blaioe that ho should weep for them. Tbe Republican party has always been in its tone, temper, and afflilia- lious, the party of pntesUriilsai. It 18 swpsraiuu irooi mo insu cawoiic I - . , I . 1 T : i . 1 1 I . - l I L I I L- imnv nv it t-UKui wnir imi nntpr in r " 1 """t " " converter to i . i s.S M m m a - - . . . . lDO re,,l0u 01 ine oiner- r- is Ol f aafrrn nf inrv f ex vttne A a stasasa tn Kaa - r - I M k.I a .III. a a w s BB) fS a all ..-uirtD- hiMtilitv tn tnst ViitriUh hnt ' , " hu 1.1 at nit: nuiuii hsbvvj tryius m un- piooi iiiv uiiiuuiauiiinu' aitu cuiumer. viai viDwon inn ins puiiujr, 11 oiruiou ...... kl It I . I will be one of peace. He would like to get the Irish vote by mildly bnliy log Englsnd Just little enough not to offend those sober minded and intel- ligent republicaoH who have not yet gone over to the Independents, .? . s t , - sra as. neuner democrats nor Kepuoiiruns know how to estimate tbe CAndldsy of Gen. B. F. Butler, which It is ex oocted, will soon be formally annouo ced by his letter accepting the Qreeo- back nomination. Tne irenersi opin- im i9 th., . h.v co i . . I ... ab e effect either wav. The world has I . ' " . I . had nhout onouirh of thi. chron cdem- agogue and political tumbler. He once naa Drams, ne aim nss money, ana there is nothing to prevent him act- tIf,& tne c,wn ,n n' own side show m m m a III I . I . S Is It. 11 11 WU1 ne!P 1,100 10 wni,e ftW"y nw Ot. TUB FORKS ITKHS. Forks Sintiaro, Aug. 22, '84. hkl. Democrat : Harvest progresses finely. Mr. Serfling is clone hauling wheat to the warehouse. F. P. DoVanfiy has delivered between 600 and 700 bushels to the warehouse. Tim Kelly had 600 bushels of fall wheat, Wm. Gnin had 750 bushels.John bushels, John Junes had about 650 Welkins had 1434 bushels. R. B. Carv to 334 bushels. F. J. DeVanev 470 bush I ' els. Wheat yielding as much as expected. P.oiti- r.,.l-r I .a. v s s a w v e vvi Ut SupbA. NO 5 m ttMPBEAHCg DiPARTlEHI. KDITED BT TUB) Woaei'i Ctariitiii Trtnurrnee I Dies Jl SILK WofUi MISS C V.. HI HXKTT. if temperance instruction were pi c perly given io every Otitis' i.n home and by every Chris'iaa church thee would still be s wide field unoccupied, for there arc many eaecially among our foreign imputation who never enter a Cbristain church. The state n-ost reeob out its arms and gather up these little waif, snd SB infuse new life into them tbst tbey rosy Iwcome good citi zens. Ne system of chsrity has ever been devised that was broad enough to cover all classes. Then, tbe state should supplement tbe teachings cf home and Sabbath school by a system of wise instruction through the week. There sre 141,1500 public schools in our land costing us annually $90,000,- 000. To these Schools the mnrnina bells call over 7,000,0)0 children. These schools are ihe bulwark of our nation. Go tbe principles snd morals there inculcated the stability of onr nation depends. Culture cf tbe mind alone will not make a nation great since intellect is a power that may Le applied to good or evil purpose. The culture of the moral nature is as essen tial as that of tbe mind. It i the duty of the state to keep up tbe character c f its citizens ; if we do not do this our experiment of self government will be a failure. As Mis. Hunt says," Whatever Ohio wants to appear in tbe chsracter of her citizen, it aboold weave into tie public schools.'' It is the promise tf tbo public schools to give just such in struction as shall beat fit our youth fcr tbe work of life before them and since temperance as well as intelligence is essential to good citizenship the state haa a right to see that it is taught in all schools supported by public funds. We pay taxes freely to suppott these schools because we believe education increases the value of tbe child to tbe nation. We hare a right to demand an equiva lent and not an army of boys sent out yearly who have not learned tbe first principles of self governmont,not learn ed tbetr duties as cttimns of a free republic whose foundations are intelli gence and virtue, net learned anything of tbe great temptations before them or how to meet them, not learned that duty to God and men requires tbem to mske of themselves all that is osible under tbe conditions in which tbey are placed. After twenty years of close relation to our public schools I declaie they are not half doing their work. In a land like ours where money is poured out freely f yc school puroees ignorance is a crime that ought not to bo tolerated, ani vice need not be half so prevalent if only tbe whole nature, physical, mental and moral, wete symmetrically develop ed. O ir children are forced to obey rules, but no proper incentive for doing ao is placed before them. The introduction of temperance in struction is one step toward a higher culture of the moral nature. It afj set both teacher and student to think ing, and can but result in good, lbe 1 . aw will come srben our shildren will "v I k. l.niihl I kal whl.h mAif . n .-iri a 1 o vn ...v.. " - them. God speed that day ! 8flr. Moody a latest word to the re I - I formers is, "Keep hsmmering away at ... e .u , the 'dwellings of the poor qoestion.snd , , I ' O . HMI I 111(1. 1111 1111 MU.IU1L kUf- Ul 111. The Marquis of Lome was asked on his return to Kogland from Canada how prohibition of the liquor traffic served the general oroaneritv. Sid he. It answers admirably. It makes all the . o I w difference between savager- and civili- cation. At a farewell dinner given to Mr. Weston, the pedestrian, by temperance men and Women, and on diet reform principle?, not a particle of meat was t . f span. , I fruits ami blf Hnn nnaMM nf 11 n- l..'Mtlnn .i.nJ f.,'l i.t,.mnanu rs . . -t-a... containing no alcohol. It mugt gntitf Mr Murphy on one and Mr William Noble on the othw ,ifo of the WftUjr that toototalism and especially its blue ribbon pbase,hss I orivnn rise to a Blue Ribbon Life and Accident Insurance company. The accident feature is a new one in total abstinence insurance societies, and the oomnanv's business will be watchod with interest. a w A piece of prohibition evidence comes from Evansville, Wisconsin, whose po lice justice writes that for the past four years there have been but:ten arrests for violations of any village ordiuance, "hut" he dds' "our Ti,Ue bae nok In S . 1 a SS 06611 cunwa w"a 8 ,Icen8oU 8aioon Ior I a. s ! 1 .1.- - years, aru wun me excep- tion of a 8tetion' our fire lo88ea hve nok needed 100 that period of tin nd 0Ur hVe 0alJ one ana -wntns per cent aonuauy. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE B ST ADVERTISING MED1UI IH THE WILLAMETTE V ALLEY. Special business notices in Local Col urnns 16 cents per line. Regular Leca notices 10 cent, per line. atbaj legal and transient advertisements II 00 psr square for the first lasertion,ar d eents per square for each sulseqfrst Insertion. Rates for other advertisements utmCm known on application. mm Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, rr fslsee. ... u. asssLv miss ss. .rasa. BjH w, Of.saissiMS ssss-i it.i. pass Sssss tosses Ml i i.i si tm II ' r 1 Summons. . the Oitcuil Court of fV SUUr oj Htnjon for Lbs Count j. Nancy A Pngb, Plaintiff, vs. John Pus;b, Defendant. 70 John 'u'jh, tht nlxfrt nnmul tkfetnlmt. NTHKNAMK OF TBE STATE OP J Oresron, you are hereby required to .p pearsnd answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in be above enti tle! Court, now on file with the Clerk of Held Court, on or before tbe first day of tbe next regular term of said Court, to wlt : Monday, tbe Z7tn day of October, ISM, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer staid com plaint as hereby required, tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief de manded therein to-wit, a dissolution of tbe bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff snd defendant, the care, custody and control of tbe minor children, Mel lie Ann Push and Jacob T Pogh and the costs and disbursement, of thl. suit to be taxed. This summons is published by order of Hon It P Iloise, Judge of said Coort.made stt 'hsmbera and dated tbe 2nd day of August, WKATUiaroEDd Ki.Acxsrajr, Attorneys for Plaint .ff. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween W S Pater, and Jay W Wain, un der tbe firm name and style of Peters A Plain and doing business, at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, ia horeoy dissolved by mutual oos stent, tbo said Jay W Blain having sold his interest in said firm to C H Stewart. Said W S Peter, and C H Stew art forming a ro-partnership will carry on the business of tbe old firm ot Peters x Plain and assume all of said firms 1 iabili- Albany, Oregon, July 23rd, 1884. W. 8. Psrrzns, Jat W. Bavaib. Notioe to Debtors, The old firm of Peters A Blsin hsving boon changed by Mr J W Blain selling his interest in the establishment to Mr C II Stewart, we wish to announce to our friends and patrons that it thus becomes necessary to make a complete settlement c four business by Ort, 1st 1K$4. as Mr Plain expect, to leave the State at about that date. All those iudebted to ns eith-r by note or account will pleas, bear I his ia mind and use their utmost endeavors to settle up by the time mentioned. A FEW HINTS rem the dm or DOSE. To store tht Sssp- els oratjr, 2 to A Wit; thorough!!, 4.1 MU. Experience trill decide the proper ttose im each ease. ptM For toasUpalirn, or remedy Is so efiecUve as Arras Pins. Tbey insure regular daily actio., aad re store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, At EX'S Pills are invaluable, and a sure core. Heart-bum, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Din lanes, Heart ache, N umbscss, Msusea, are all rahOvsd and cured by Am. Pills. In Liver Complaint, Billon. Disorders, aad Jaundice. Avxa'S PILLS should bo given in doses large enough to excite tb. liver snd bowels, snd remove consUpstsoa. As a cleansing medicine in tbe Spring, these Pills are unequalled. Worms, caused by s morbid conditio, of the bowels, sre expelled by these Pills. Eruption.. Ski. Dl the result of Indigestion or Co cored by the ass of Ayex's Pills. For Colds, take At En's Pills to the pore., remove Inflammatory and allay tbe fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, teased by sodden colds, indigestible food, sSSb, Arxa'a Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Oout, Neuralgia, agsft Sciatica, often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, snd disappear oa rsaaevtag the esoss by tbe use of Aram's Pills. Tumor, Dropsy, Kidney Com plaints, and other disorders caused bj debUtty or obstruction, are cured by Avxa'S Pills. hap pre a. ion. snd Painful MsnsSi ras tloa, have a ssfe sad ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. Fall directions, in various company each package. FRET AXED BV Dr. J. C.Ayerdt Co., Lowell, Ma is . Sold by all Druggists. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION, S10KERS! All eontestantt for the 25 premiums sgrjegat ing above amount, offered by Black well s Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label, U. 8. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Netloe. The hsgs must be done up securely In a package with nwne and idrees of sender, and number of bags conUUned piata ly marked on the outside. 5barges must tje prepaid. Cbatesf ctosss M?iP?JZ sgesshould be tbrwarded December 1st, and must reach us at Durham not taterthm vecem hrr tsth tin matter where you reside, send yrkai savbi us by mail that you have done so and stste the number of bags sent. Nanof succSl contestsnts, with number ofSS retnmed will be published. Dec. 22. in Boston cW if 'New York. Herald . Philadel rAuTTOaorDurham. N. C. Tobacco PUmt; Kew Orleans. nme-Democrat ; Cincinnati. En & Hem; San Francuco, Chronicle. Address, BuacxwaxL-s Durham Tobacco Co., Dcbham, N. C , Erery genuine package haa picture of Bu as-See out next announcement" 11 EM GERMAN REMEOt