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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1884)
mo f rat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BpST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE Y'ALLEY, Special bnoiners r.otkcs in Lccal Cot umns 15 cent if.r line. Regular Lore notices 10 cents por line. Kor legal ami transient ad vert raemenfa B 00 per rsqraare for the firat iBertiH,aad Hi cento per square for each subsoqeent insertion. ItaioAfor other advertisements mscO known on application. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & KI TTING. arsisr.srri i:-in oesnocrai Buiidiagoa wrtHM Mrcel. TERkU OF SUBSCRIPTlOir 4nu mm imt ratr. In advance. H N 3 00 .ih.,1 ,f Htt VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1884. single copy. six months. . "Y NO 49 nmwwan- eulBie umber. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Righto PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, 1TTOBXI1VS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. eyy-oAo. in Foster's Brick Block.- vl5nl3tf. R. 8. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. tttt PRifTtrR IN ALL THE V Courts of inn State. Will five special attention to collections and probate mOffloe in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEJAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Rrlfrtrs' store, a. sat essriarifr v 4 -t J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOBNEY AT LAW, AUAK1. 0KiO. liriLL PRACTICE EX ALL THE COURTS 0T THlt W Stela Special attention given to collections aad matter esrOfSos In Odd Fellsws Temple. e MtU. W. R. FtLTBU ' POWELL & BIXYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' CoUectkm. promptly made on ell points. Loans negotiated on reaaortabl. terms, eflrofflce in Foster's Briok. Yl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, 0BEC0N, Will practice in all of the Coune of thisState. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. arOfflce in OToole's Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OIT-3T T3ZRXJC3- STORE, Ijl ILBtW. OEEtON. FOSHAY & MASON, WBOLsXAtS aSTAJir- Druggists and Booksellers, ALBASY, OKEGOW. iinenif LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cot in the very beat style. JOHN SCHMEEK, UTEEY, PIED AID SALE STABLE. Albany.SOregoD. Ho-ses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and bogies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. SAX WA VING. AUKDRT AND CHINA MEBCHAJfHING BC3I 1- vna LI tma. and JunneM (food. Ladies' underelothea, sold at bottom price. Contractor for Chut labor. gn&nX to City Bank. HENG TENG. Best washing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Severe H u9. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Severe House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN- SCI0 BL'SIXESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DULY. DEALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Kep a foil lire of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired iu rat -class order. SCIO - - OREGON. W, M. MORROW, TaEALER IN STOVES. TINWARE, 3 copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc. etc. SCIO OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. fTEEP A PULL LINE OF PURE groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and all kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cgars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. wTh. talcott, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boot, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OP PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO LICITED. Plana and .specifications furnished on short notice. Don't Forget WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER,W00D'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, The words "LaBlle"ln French tnear "the be uty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, .-AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the nndersipeu. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Agent for Frank Bros , Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE MOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufacture and dealers In all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that thev manufacture to order, and will keep conatantly on nana, a complete stock oJ all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock price. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. eejilng. repairing ai.d resetting a apeotaity. Call and examine my price before purebas log elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Chop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. . 1 O. W. HARRIS, Prop. . M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. pgrof&ce and residence in Mcllwain's Block. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. J. JA(KS0N - - Proprietor. )pposile Revere House Shavin z and bair dressing done in first- claxs st;ie. Fim-class nrtn room. Bath for 'adies end gentlemen f all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, tvtraet first uf Ellsworth Albany , O moo . Clias- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Tkt. ..ww nd.1 la fitted no in Bret class stylo. Tables supplied with tb; best tbo market affords. Spring- Beds in every saw gwo owuipe. mercial Travelers. a OTVrrr Cootch to aad the Hotel.'' MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IILLI5ERY AND Daft8-IAim Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. I. W. & MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O REQON. Offer their professional services to the ciUzn. of is i ..It...... ...... r. t ir Office and .reside mt ooar Court H)use. vail U LMlw mmm w m Store. . T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA' AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dkmocra office. RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LANNIXG & CO., PROPR'S KEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AITD BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IFrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, OlEeeat residence on First Street be ween Ellswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon& Co'e. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. fiOTAl vilW-W "Ska POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thta imwder never varioa. A marvo) ol pur gtn Mid wholMrniMiiM. Mot etonrwoleaJ the ordinary kind, and cannot be euld In munpeliUou ith tbe mtUUtnde on law tert, short weight, alum or lhthkU powders. Hn'd only is oana. Kotai. IUkimo Puwpsa Co. 100 Wall h treat, X. V . lira A Positive Core for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. TUOl'gANDH or lKTTKIOJ in our emalun re MM thW it.r ; I hae been a terrible tftW (or ara with W1 and Haiti Humors ; bar "bJigwd to ahun nubttc plaoaa by iroawn o( toy ill. fticurtnc humura ; hwahad Um boat pnyatciana , baa 111 1 liundrr.1. nf dollara and got no raal rvliat until I uaad th OBtk-ura Haaoivont, tho now buond Purl ft or, intcrnallr. and t'uUcura and I'uUcura Soap, I ha tiraat Mkln Curoa and Skin ItawuUAera, astamallt. which hao rurwd aw and Mft my akin and btood a pur aa a child'.. ALMOST INCURABLE. J a sura K- aUrktsralaoe). t'ootom llooao. Saw Orloana, on oath, aayo. In ITo Hcrotuluua I Irwra bruka oat on my tdr until I tin a maao A mmtp Uoo. K ary thing known to tho madlcaJ faculty waa triad In vain. I baenmo a moro wroefc. At UaaM could nit lift my band to my baad, could nt tutn in bed ; wa in cntant pain, and )kad U"n H'e a a curve. V. relief oretireln ten years. In 10 Ml I heard ( tho I'uUcura Remedies, uaad lham and waa perfectly cured. Mwoni M before I . S. t'Om. J. I. I RA m r OKI'. STILL WORf.SO Will Wrnatold. ' ' Ih-arbom Htrct, Chi,j ifrealef ull) aeknowledaa a cure ul Knetna, or fialt Rbaum, on head, neck, face, arm., and lea i tr eventawi years j not able to iMite, etoaot on hand, and koaca, for ana year ; not able to help himself lor eight years ; triad hundred, uf rrmolleO ; doctors pruu'Kiace his caee h'ipelaaa, jmianenil) rtiml by tboCuticura Kemodiea. MORE WONDERFUL YET. M. K. Carawater, Henderson, S. V., cured of i'euriaat or Ui rwr, of twenty years suaditu. b Cutlrura Hemedleo . 1 be moat wonderful cure on record. A dustpanful of era tee Ml frtwn hm dally. Ilusicians and bis friend. tlu'it he must die. tiure awotn to before a juatlca 4 the peace and Hen dorsoo'a moot prominent ctuaena. DOUT WAIT. Write to as lor these toatimnnial in full or send direct to tho parties. All are absolutely true and yi v en without oor knowledge ar antlciiilu. Don't wait. Now la the time tacuro every apeciea of Itcb tny. Scaly. Pimply, Scrofulous, Inherited. ontactou. and Cofiper colore.1 Hiaeaara of the W-m-I, Hkin ami Scalp with loaa of hair. H.4d by all drufrsteta PrUe : Cntlrura. M cent. ; Resolvent. 01 I soan. cente. Potter Ittun and t hemic; Co.. boston, Mane. BCAIITV ,or Kongh. i-hapt e-l and Mly Kkin DCAU I I UtackhrMla, and hkln HKtui.hee, uos Cutteura Soap. .a ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED IMS. By A. P. CHERRY, situated at corner of Pint and Montgonaeiy Street, Alberty, Oregon. Ha via a taken ebarceof the above named Works, we are prepared to man u feature Steam Engines, Saw and unst Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machlnarv of all kinds renaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tea- cninery. Potter Maklac la all Its forms. l&Ilyl A. P. CHERRY A SON. A Marvelous Story TOLD IR TWO LETTERS. . FROM THE SON : "Jk$Z QentUmen: My father resides at Olover, V t. Ho hat boon a groat sufferer from Herol ula, and the inclosed letter will tell yon what a marvelous effect Ayer's Saxsaparilla has bad In his case. I think his blood moat bavo contained tho humor for at least tea years ; but It did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about fire years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that tlmsedt gradually spread to as to cover his entire body. I nemre you be was terribly afniekHl and an objected pity, whoa bo begitn iik: tij.' your niedtClnSL Mow, there are few men of his uf wLo enjoy as good health as he has. 1 couiu easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facta in his case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS. FROM THE FATHER: a duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months ago 1 was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an Incessant and intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to aaose the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, sad my life a burden. I commenced the use of the Sarsaparilla in April last, and have used it regularly since thaV time. My -condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and 1 fuel perfectly well in every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what hat wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I bare here tried to tell you, AVer's Sarsaparilla. Olorer, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hirajc Phillips." Ater's Sarsaparilla cores Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Ettema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all Impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Milt. Sold by all Druggists; 81, tlx bottles for fa. j mm w tntNvre lkttkk (Krom our regular uorrspiiJetit ) Wakhinjto., June 1 4th, 1884. The question of the final time for tho adjournment of Congress Is stll1 untnswered. The limine voted to pack Its trunks' on the 30th, day of this month, but the Senate Is likely to say, No! Impotable!. The appropriation bill Is under dis pute botween the two Houses, Is as far from being settled as ever, and to their number has been added tho Consular and Diplomatic bill, with nearly a million dollars difference of opinion. The llouse, It la thought, will not agree to any increase of bills, and the only change for an early set tlement of tho matter h In the Senate yielding promptly. The Sonate Is now trying to Pen sion and not to Pension the Mexican veterans ; and the great River and Harbor bill Is struggling through the Houe with many mutilations. Of ojurae every Member thinks bis ill.-, trict worthy of Government aid, but the hopes of many, who thought to ride back to Coogress on the tldo of bavlog secured an appropriation have been voted down. Itepreaontatlve Hewitt of New York, and Ochiltree of Texas astonished tho worlJ by de parting from tho courte heretofore followed in a river and harbor bill de bate. Mr. liewitl moved to reduce the appropriation for the Improve ment of Hell Gate from $300,000, to $50-000, and Mr. Ochiltree asked that the entire appropriation of $260,000, for deepening the Galveston harbor be stricken out of the biK. This last instance ef dlsintercstedneea wan af terward hinted to be tho outgrowth of a dffp laid plan, namely ; that Galveston warns Congrees to transfer the work of her barbers channel to Capr. Kids, who uiodhate another Jetty prtjecl. Senator Bee ; asked to have paaaed ageotralblll removing political dla abilities ; but, twenty years after the war, the Republican Senate Is still unwilling to do so. The Senator from Kentucky mentioned that the Vice President of the Southern Confedera cy has aat in the other end of the Capital, and that many other persona distinguished to lheAConfexleracy had bad tbelr dlasabllitlAs removed. Still Congreaa was peddling out the re moval of di usabilities to persona who were boys when t,uy ertered the Confederate Army. Brigadier General Swalm In to be court martial ed for aferlea of tranaae- tlom a brred 1 tabie to an Army officer Thw record of the Ceurt of Inquiry in bis cute has developed still another Republican ecandal, and compelled the order for another court-martial. This last Is In the case of CoL Morrow, who has duplicated, triplicated, and even quadruplicated hi pay accounts. It would have been better for the Re. publican party If it could have man aged to keep these skeletons In the cloaet until alter the November elec tions. Toe Democrat are beginning the campaign In the Houe of Represen tatives oo a civil service haals that will cripple the Republicans by cut ting off their campaign fund. Whon the Deficiency bill comes up they in tend to offer an amendment to the ef feet that no officer, clerk, or employe of the United State shall give money for any political object whatever, un der penalty of Hoe or Imprison ment. When Chairman Randal read this amendment In his commit tee, It provoked a lively discussion, and considerable opposition from tho Republican Members. Senator Laobam yesterday offered in the Senate a resolution which was agreed to, ordering the reprinting ol the testimony and the committee re ports of the Danville investigation. This can befdene for no other possi ble purpose than that of wasting pub lic money. It canhave no other out come. Mr. Tilden'a letter of wlthdrawa from the campaign was the genera topic of conversation at the Oapitol to day. A few Democrats still cling to the idea that be can yet be prevailed upon to accept the nomination, bu the question that almost every Dem ocrat addressed to a political associate was, "Now whom shall we nomi nate?" Mr- Tilden's declination was a sur prise, and a shock to many'Domocrat- ic Congressmen, who had believed there was no impedentin the way o the old triumphant ticket. The National Democratic Conven Hon will make no mistake if it selects either Cleveland, Bayard, McDonald Tburman, Carlisle, or a dozen others of the famous Democrats named. It is amusing to see tbe pigmies ef journalism pitching into George W. Curtis, the New York Times, tbe Springfield Republican and the scores of other journals and journalists who bolt Blaine. TMK OKM.ON rtTATK 1 It The twenijr-foiiith annual fair of the Oregon State Agricultural Society will be held at the Fair giounuXnear Salem, commencing on Monday, September I Tub, and continuing until Saturday following. At tbe annual meeting of tho Board of Managers, held in Decem ber, 1813, several imiortant changes were made in the premium list, the premiums being in several instances in creased over last vesr. la addition to tbe liberal premiums offered for the fair this year by the society, Messrs. Kennedy and Smith, of Garvais, offer special premiums for two best "..olts of all wort," get of "Robin Hood" for 1884, 1st premium $30,wcond premium $120. W. R. Cunuington, Bf of Mao ramento, Cel., offers special premiums as follows : For get of "Tornado and Bonaparte,' foals of spring of 1HH4, ex hibited at she Oregon State Fair of 1884. Fust premium $35 ; second premium $--r ; third premium $17.50 ; fourth premium $l'J.-r'0 ; Sfth orem ium $10. Mr. Ilehm Jefferson, of Salem, was i1. mii-I sup't of special oommittee to ta oft tin- merits of tb oolts oomsting fbf these premiums. The tine exhibits made y several coun ties at the last Stale Fair was one of the best features of the Fair and the Board of Managers offer this year to the counties making the best display of 'Maim produotr," Muile" and ''gar den products," in divisions Iv M. and N. respectively of the premium list 6rst premium, diploma ; second prem ium, silver medsl. This feature of the fair, if taken held of aa it should and t o doubt will be, will bo o( special intereat to tailors fiom abroad who will be attracted to the fair for tbe urioso of gaining in ormation, and seeing for thrtuseles wbsl our Slate is cstble of doing in its agricultural development , V . Jack son, Douglas, and tbe !; counties can easily make exhi-i-a in iltfen de triments that cannot b rc-llrd by any State in the fjnfsw). Many new in-miunn havo ln-en ad. ded to tbeladiMo' dentrl m-tita and llHRrS Ul doubtless li a finer exhibition iu these department this vear than at any previous fair. Siecial premium?, $-' fbt and $10 second, are offered in each c la in di vision B, rattle, for tbe Wat herd of 6ve animals, to consist of one bull and four cows or heifers of any age. Thee, in addition lo liberal premiums offered SS usual in this division, will bring to- gether the finest exhibit of cattle evef seen st the State fair. lo the speed department, this year the society offers the sum nf three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars in prenixma. Already tbe races ad vertised in the speed program are filled by the finest field of trotters and run ning borses ever entered in the trials of speed at tbe annual fairs of the society, the society hsa secured membership in the National Trotting Amociatidn for lb) year 1K84 and 1883, and tbe pub lic is certain to have tbe pleasure of witnessing trials for blood, and exact justice to all contestants. Tbe orices of admission remain the same, or nearly so as last year. Season a tickets for members of tbe society end campers at the fair $2, season tickets for ladies $l ; girls sod boys under 12 years of sge free ; day ticket for men $1 ; ladies and boys 50. In order to ccrrect abuses to license privileges, end the impositions thst have been increasing from year to year in the past, the Bjard of Managets took tbe fidlowing decisive Action rela tive to the forthcoming fair, viz : llesovl, "Thst no license shall be granted by this society at tbe next State fair for tbe sale of spirituous liquors." Re$olvd, "That no licenses shall be granted for the operation of any gamb ling device prohibited by the statutes of Oregon. And resolved, turtlier, tnst all parties attempting to violate ths lawa of this State at tbe annual fairs held by this association, wo will en deavor to hav. prosecute ! by the prop er authorities." The above will b rigidly enforced. No effort will be spared to make the fair of 1884 a cmplote succes. We there fore urire renowed interest by former pstrons of tbe fair in bringing forward exhibits in everv department, and to - all who desire to encourage the society in adrsncing the agricultuial, mechan ical, and other industrial interests of w our Stale to cooperate with the society in making a giand exhibition this year Let every county tske hold of this mat ter and make a showing that shall re float, rrroat r-rodifc on the enlemtiae of B - its citizens. With such united effort, success will be assured. Geo. A. Peebles, Secretary O. S. A. S c. A locomotive engineer, who had just been discharged for some cause gave vent to his spite by saying that it was about timo be left the compa ny anyhow, for the sake of his life, for "there was nothing left of the track but two streaks of rust and the right of way." TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, BtWMaaaSHSVSSJSBSSBBSB KiuTKi nr THK Women's Christian Temperance Union Soio, Juno L'3rd, 1884. Rdilrf IF. C.T.U: I had half forgotten my promise to write and inform you of our prospects as a W. C. T. U., and a sort of d sligh ter of jour Union. Since our organization in April e have had no additions, although sons promises of aid in tho future, and ow ing to illness and absence we msmbtrs have never all been in attendance only at one meeting. Still we are in no sense discouraged, sltheugh wo ore more work to be done than wo oan un dertake all at onoe. W0 re trying now to have the laws enforced in re gard to minors frequenting tho saloons, as now small boys oven ore in sod out without let or hindrance, and hsving the saloon closed on Sunday, as thst Isw evidently is not enforced. Many go d citizens look st the subject as we d , end wo expect our city council to take some action at iu next meeting. Tho Fourth of July is to bo oolebra t -d hero, and we propose to have a stand on the picnic grounds where we will dispense hot coffee, leronoade, sand wiches, cake, etc., far reasonable prices, hoping by this means to l seen tbo de mand for strong beverage, circulate temperance literature, and also make something for our treasury, so that wo can send for tem'wrance lecturers sod literature to aid us in our efforts, for we naturally dislike to beg an 1 means we must have. We have our trials of course, but wo are trying to be patient, and with faith in the ultimate success of our cause, above alt reliance on (i d, we need sot fear, but still pray that we may be t on nicd as "laborers." tuito a number of ui want to come over to besr Mrs. Poster lecture, and w ill if we oan mensge it. It seems to me thst you might posed blj reserve a few seats for us. oo that we might not be crowded into a back corner after tskinj; a lonr ride, but terhar tb'ia is Hking too much. Tbaaka for your in tersat in n, and will write again before long. Mas. E. E. Pkxtlxsd, Oor. Sec W. C T. U. ss. t r i. sosvasriea. sksttlk. w. t About twentr delegate, reported at tbe convention, which oNHted yesterday forenoon. Tbis number waa largely augmented by members of tho local Union. Mrs. Margaret l Sourd of Olympia, President of the Western Wasbi; gtou Division, led tbo devotion al exercises. After prayer aod roll call of officers and delegates, Mrs. A. T. Uuroell, as llecordiog Srcretsry, made tbe annual ieort. Tbe report of too Ocgauiser, Prof. ,Mitti I., llansee, showed that during the vear Unions were eoubhsaed at Seattle, Coupevilie, Simiahmoo, Fern dale, Anacottes, Wbatcom.Oak Hsrbor and White H.ver. Tbe Union at tbe latter place waa effected under tbe auspicei of Mra. L. V. Ward. Many other olaces will reciivet teation iu the near future. Mrs. B inner, Supt. of Press Dept., reorted. Io the list of Western Washington newspaper we find sever- I avowed advocates of temperance. The CUrke County Register of Vancou ver, Statulanl of Olympia, Mirror of Seattle,Skagit News, Washington Farm tr and Lawia County A'ufgef. There are others le tiling very atrongly toward temperance, important among which wn may mentbn tb j Pert Townsead ArgsWt Taooma Veiej and Post I nielli- a a , 1 aStfl a..!- 1 gencer, ana Lnromcis 01 oeaiue. j feel certain there are others 1' ahould place in tbia list, but I have not the data by wbiob to give their names. We would bespeak for each ol your temper ance papers a better patronago, aa they deserve at the hands ef our Chria:ian and Temperance communities. Lit us labor the coming year to secure aa a recognition of merit a large and paying subscription liat for this olass of papers. A report from Supt. Juvenile Work followed. This report was full and com proh naive, showing that a great deal of stress is to be given to the cor rect information imparted to the little ones. It was shown that a vast amount of good would result from a generation of good tempeiance children. Tbe report ef the Superintendent on Temperance Literature was submitted by Miss C. M. White ef Fidalgo. She olaimed her department to be one of the moat important, and said it occupied the broadest field. "This temperance education of the public and tbe young is the foundation, yea, the corner stone upon which we build, if we build sue oeabfully." She spoke of the impor tance of newspapers, and asked for - 4 a w more temperanoe ne'a to make its ap pearance. "Therefore give them some of the startling facts of temperance, if possible, and let every pronounced tern perance paper have the hearty support of all workers." After this excellent report was dis- 1 eussed and adopted, Mrs. E. G. Johnson oS eattle mado her rejrort on the de psrtment 4 Heredity and Hygiene. The paper was well prepared and was supported by facts, figures ami strong assertion". Rssolutio ns was passed plscing the Union upon the plstform of alsolute prohibition. Care waa taker, however, to show that it would be consistent to vote for tbe best measure st hand. The Convention was harmonious and a.l a a a . . wiorougwy enjoyed b all. Adjourned to meet at Olympia, June :K TMK STAC-DaiSCft S STUBS . ow Cesjoral Seoti's Lire sawe a.e tew Bis isrlser Twice Kara pea Beofii. The traveler of the rret,t da aa b is hurried along by tbe lightntneT ex. press, to its buffet ears snd palace ricp era, seldom reverta in thought to the time when stage coach and packet were tbe ouly means cf communication be tween distant points. Jt is rare that one of tbe real old-time stage drivers is mei wun uow-e-deye and vUsj the writer recently ran acroas Pevetta !d,k. aS, of Lockpon, N. Y , he Mi hke a bibliographer over tbn discov-rv of some rare vol-imi of "forgotten lore" II r. Haskell, although ,, of the i ion- sera in atagM driving (he formerly ion from L-winion to Nianra Fila and Buffalo), is bale and hearty and bids fair to liVe for many years. Tbe atrsnge Stories of his eaily adventures would fill a volume. At one time when toini? dowo a mountain near Ixwiaton with no leas a riersonage than General Scott as a peUfoeoger, tbe brakes gave way and tbo coach came on the heels of the wheel borses. Tbo only remedy waa to whip tbe leads: h to a gallon. Gaining additional momentum with each revo lution of tbe wheels tbe cbacb awaved and pitched dowo the mount a in ak'e and into tbe streets of I.-wiatnn. Straight ahead at tbe foot of the steep hill flowed tbe Niagara river, towards bicb the four borses daabed. appar ently to certain death. Yet tbe firm hand never relaxed its hold nor the clear brain its conception of what mnaL be done in ibe emergency. On dashed tbe horeea until the narrow dock was reached on tl e river bank, wbeu by a masterly exhibition f nerve and darinz tbe coach was turned in scarce iu own length and the horses brought to a stand still before the pale looker on could realixe what had ocearred. A purse was raised by General Scott and nted to Mr Haskell with high compliments for bis skill and bravery. VT . . . t m a. .... . oiwiinsiaoatng all Sis strength and bis robust constitution tbe strain of coc- tmuoua work and exposure proved too I muen lor 3lr. tlaakell's constitution. The constant Jolting of tbe c ,cb and tho uoceaaarilv cramped no.ition in which be was obliged to ait, ontribut.l ed to tbis end, ami at times he w.g ob liged to abandon driving hI lose her. SpsLing of tbis iienod he said : "I found it almost impoaaibleto sleep at night ; my spetite 1. ft me entire'y and 1 had a tired feeling which I never a a a a a anew oeiore anu could not account for. 'Did you give uo driving entirely V "No. I tried to keep up hut it was ooly with tbe greatest effort. This state of thing, continued for nearly twenty years until last O;tober when I wont all to piece.." "In what way H MUb, 1 deubled all up ; could not walk without a cane and was incapable of any effjrt or exertior. 1 had a con stant desire to urinate both day and nijjbt and although I felt like passing a gallon every ten minutes only a fet drops could escape and they thick with sediment. Finally it ceased to flow en. tireiy ana i loougnt aeatn was resj near." "What did you do then V "What I should have done lon be fore : listen to my wife. Under her advice I began a new treatment. ' "And with what result ?" "Wonderful. It unstopped the clos oo passarea and what waa stl l more a to - o a onderf ul regulated tbe flow, a be sod. iment vanished ; my appetita returned and I am now well and good for twen ty more years wholly through tha aid ef Warnera' Safe Cure that has done wonders for me aa well as far so many others." Mr. Haskell's experience is repeated ev.rv dav in the lives of thousands of American men and women. An un known evil is undermining the existence of an innumerable number who do not realize tbe danger they are in untd health haa entiiely departed and death perhaps stares them in the faca. To neglect such important matters is like drifting in the current of Niagara above the Fa! la. It has been claimed for Blaine, as heretofore stated, thit he will get some of the Irish votes on the ground of his friendship for Ireland. The Democratic Campaign Committee will meet this by printing the records of the cases of some of the Irish suspects who were, though American eiti- ftCens, Imprisoned by Eugland. A speech delivered by senator voornees on tho subject of the imprisonment and detention of Mr. McSweeny, for many years a resident of San Fran cisco, and who was imprisoned for a long lime, is to be printed. The point to be made is that Blaine was j Secretary of State for six months, jusfc succeeding the arrest of McSweeney, and that he did not even answer ap peals in behalf of the man. Chinese maudarians are so averse to owning the superiority of foreign mili tary organization and arms that officers commanding drilled troops have been known to reserve the use of rifles for the enclosed barrack yards, and to re view their men in public armed with match-locks, spears and bows. The Republic in Independents of Connecticut met on the 23rJ Inst, and organized with Himeon E. Bald win s Chairman. Ilev. Stuart Means, Simeon K. Baldwln,F. Tyler and others made addresses. Reso lutions adopted were that tbe Na tional Republican Convention In Chi cago has, in its platform, departed from the principles on which the pirly was founded, and from the purposes for which the party exists ; that the Convention baa still further disapointed those who desire a pure administration and an advance in the standard of iolitical action by the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan , that it is the true duly of every man who it in sympa thy with the principles of Republi canism to i.tand by those principle, even though the party may desert them ; that those candidates are un worthy of cur -upport ; that a com mittee be appointed by tbe Cnairmao, which committee shall nominate and report a standing committee of tweny. five, including themselvej in l his number, t e rrepond with other b wiles of Rrpublican or independent voters, who may be in sympathy with our views, and to represent the sen timent of that meetin.; at any general conference which may be called. DR. C, W, MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. O flics on Fnt Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dreised and seasoned lumber jaths and pickets kept constantly cn hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Fries end terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. Albany, Or. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and SUTgdCn, TJrOiW-x in Odd Fellow i Building. ALBANY, CRICON Vegetable Sicilian - HAIR BENE WEE w&s the first preporaUoa perfectly adaptce to cure diseases of tbo scalp, and tbe first ac cess ul restorer of faded or fray hair to Its i.atural color, grosrtb, and youUiIul beauty. It has bad many imitators, but aoasaareso fully met all tbe requirements rseedfal for IBM proper treatment of tbe bair and scalp. Hall's Hta Rexewe. has steadily grova in faror, and spread iu fame aad asefalaeo to every quarter of the globe. Its an paral leled success can bo attributed to, bat one cause: the entire fuJUment of its j Tbe proprietors bare often beea st the receipt of orders from remote ecu, tries, where they had never made aa effort for its introdocUon. The use for a short time of Hall's Haib Rcnewer wonderfully Improves Um per sonal appearance. It vlcauses the scalp from all Impurities, cures all humors, ferer, aad dryness, and thus prevent baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, aad eatables them to push forward a new awd vigorous growth. Tho effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara tions, but remain a long time, which makes lis use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE roa tub WHISKERS Will change the beard to a nataral browa. or black, as desired. 1 1 produce a perm sent color that will not wash away. Cowshuiag of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY E. P. HALL & CO, Mia, U Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. FOB ALL THE F0RM8 or Scrofulous, Mercurial, awd Blood Disorders, the best remedy, be canoe the most searrning ana ussswasga blood-puri&er, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles, S5- $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATCNTI0M10KERS! All contestants for tho 25 premiums sgrrerat ing above amount, offered by Blackwelfs Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label. V. 8. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The bags must be done up secure! v in a package with name and address ly marked on the outside. Charges m ust be prepaid. Of ttesf eioaa November XA Allpeck Jurcs should be forwarded December lstand must reach us at Durham not later them MMtem heri'HA. No matter where you reside, send mrVrtae us by mail thai jou have and state the number of bags sent. Names of successful contestants, wtthimmber of bags returned, will be pubUshed. Beaten. Herald; New York, HereUd: PNJ: phia, Times: Durham. N. C, 7re FW: New Orleans, Tima-Democrat ; Cincinnati qvirer; Chicago, Daily Newt; San ran Cisco, Chronicle. Address. Blacewkll's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Baa. 43-See our next announcement,