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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1884)
SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES A NUTTING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION S3 60 S 00 1 60 7a 10 rr.Lr oopy, three monthi aiae number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U Fid. CHAMBKWUAW. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon, .aaromoe In Foster's Brick Blook.-m v!5nl8tf. R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. roa. l 2t"entioritooonecUoaaand probate mOfl!ci in Foster'snew brick. ATTORNEpAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BriRstom, 1st street. (NOTARY PUBUC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALU S.3V. . . pBmCK IS ALL THK COURTS OF THE W slT SJ.utlon ifiven to eolbcUon. aad probate matter, garoffiee In Odd F-Rsw'a Tempi- ri4:S - ttt W- H. WLTIP '&POWEM,&BILYEU. .TTORNEYS AT LAW, grOffloe in Foster's Brick.-a v!4nl9if. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, ! - t .it nf the Coun of thisState. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. sarOffice In OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT T33RTJC3- STORE, tyi ui unr, FOSHAY & MASON, -WMUUll ASD UTAtli Draggistsaod Booksellers, ALBAMT, OBEGOM. ilnillif LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and s .htih am nhvavM kept in f r,rtitin aad hair cut in the very best eWW ' style. JMfl SCHMEES, LITEM, FEED AID SALE STABLE. AlbaBy,IOregoD. tr.. Vant nn reasonable terms. Horses and buffies let to suit the times. Corner Second ana auworm SAX WA Vim ... - avintaf1 TV f 'Of I JS,-Sr"'j: Jaoine SSSS. Ladie-- underclotbes, sold at b-rtUsn pnecs. SW . , Ij - - - China labor. feTSext to City Bank. HBNGr TEN Or. Best wsshing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere HMne. SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchaadise household goods, ate., at auction for any one in tl.e cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN. SCIO BIS1SESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DULY, -era n a T.W.RS TV CJJOCKB AND WATCH II im vn w foil lire of jewelry. Watches' and clocks repaired iu first-class order. SCIO - - - OREGON W. M. MORROW, TfcEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, 1 1 copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO ORECON. RRIDCEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE Kroceries. fresh candies, nuts, and ail kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cprs, etc , etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, sr-oes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. - . . . . . -y w.-. T n kTlQ ) 'm TvrrfH hip k KiJi IjHj ninuu ou ' LICITED. Plans and .specifications famished on short notice. VOL. XIX. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER.WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAC0N, The words 'La lllie" In Frenoh mee the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AND- All kMs of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned. JULIUS CRADW0HL, Agent tVr Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURMITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fiaher, Manufactores and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, ould respectfully inform the public ,ev rosnufscture to order, sod will ublks that .kw manufacture to order, ana win awwi consUntlv on hsna. a complete stock oi all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock pneea. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MAnbLt WIH5e THE USDERSICiNKU vvini i inform the public that heJ now pre- ALBANY FOUNDRY any and all kinds of atone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. C.eajjlng. -AND-repalri-ig aad resetting s specialty. Call gg&y&ttESi MACHINE SHOP. f hop on west siue " mmwj ri Mite post office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. Ms H. ELLIS. Physician and Surgeon. rOffi and residence In Mcllwain'i Block. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARRER SHOP. C JACKS0X - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shavin 2 and hair dressing done In first class st?ie. First-class brth rooms. Bath for ladies and gentlemen! all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, Cornet alrst and uiiwona awhi Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. m .- ni.l la iiil nn in Aral daan atvla. TsMas applied with the beat the market afford. Spring Beds in every hootu. a gouu o"i w mercial Travelers. A-Free Coach ta and from the HaleLTM MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IltLIHm IBB DH1S8-IAII1B, Cutting snd fitting by the new Tsylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. L W. Si MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O RE Q ON. Ofler their profeadonal J10" draaddenc i .nA utiuent couDtus. Office and rawen-e oear Court it jum. Store. ' V. ., . . T Call st Langdos and Co Drag T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights jjkhouka- j dice. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LAKKIHfl & CO., PROPB'8. SaW PROCESS FLOUR SUPSKIOR FOR F A MI t IBS AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF nCILITIES. fTirrViAat-. '.Frin in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J. P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office ak residence on First Street be -ween Ellswoth and Lyon Streets. Cslls left at E. W. Langdon A Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. tatf tifjltte B erooarat mm Ml POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never rati. A marvel efpurWHy, strength and whnlMutiMMiou. Mure couroiloal than the ordinary kinds. nd cannot be told In eeapetltin itii Ilia multltihU on low UL hurt wolf hi, alum or I'huaphats powders. Mold 'only In etna. Hot At ktajxa IVwdu Co. loo Wall Street, N. Y. NOW IS THE THE II TO CURE'n SKIN HUMORS r fatal (oil arm whon the tmraa opcri iraeiy JBb ami the ir-MiirUon 1. abundant that Ulaflffur- taa- HUiaon, llmnillattn ' hruiUn. lUhln- Tor turea, Halt Rhamu or lkni, IWu. feirofuloua SIS, Abmawn. MMl 1I har tw w outul Mid vary spades of Itching. Scaly, and lSmjly IHaaaeas at tin- skin and Scalp are in wi apewtkly at id cuiuxu ically curod by the OVIBXISA Kanamaa. IT IS A FACT. Hundred of ieture In our nneaaaalun (conies of which may be had by return mall) are our authority lor ihe aeeertiun Utat Skin, Scalp, and Uluuti Hum r., whether S. rt.ulou, liibcntwl, H cntagioua, may NOW he jiermanmtl) urel by fitu t'i 1U.l t the new Itlood lurifter. Internally, and 'itv 1 a and tl wn Hoar, tha graal Kkla Cnrea and HenuUltere, exiemaity. la on bajt the Uiue and at one hall the expenae ol any other GREATEST ON EARTH, Ct-nrt a KaniiHaa are the greateet medicinea on earth Uad the wural caae Salt Kheum lu thm cooniry. My mother had It twenty yearn, and In tact died trom Ik I beUere O net a would hare saves bar Ufa. My anna, braata sad head war cuv arad three year, which nothing relieved or cured until I uead the 0MMVSA Hu-unt. Inlemally, and iikvu and Ct'Ttrt aa Soar, eatantaily. J. W. ASaSa, Newark, O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The hall baa not bean I old aa to the great en rati re power the OVUM at Kaaamaa I have paid huu Ured ol dollar lor to cure dtaeaaee of the blood and akin, and never lound anything yet to equal Citk ISA KKSCtHia. CUAa. A. WiUJana. I'rovUeoce, K. I CURE IN EVERY CASE, Tour Ci TWi a Raaataaa ouleetl all other medi cinee I keep tor akin Utaeaeee. My eoaloman nod i eateeU eSeCteJ'a patten ta HaMkej ite any that they hate effected a cure la every i, where other r Wilt Have tailed. II. W. bSoCXWAV. M. D. Franklin Kail.. N . H. fold by all drugviata. I'rkw KraoLvaaT. $1 ; Soar, 2ft eta. CfrarfS. bO ct. I "otter lirug sa Chemical Co., Boetoo. Uaaa Seaal far "Its ta t are sttla Maesaea m. VTannr rr Kunburn, Tan a-vd mm Va A mJ I m ui. r Skin, A1: tiilifillle llumorua. KMT. t KLIN II KD 1A65. Br A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First snd Moutgoooery Htreeu, Albany, Oregon. Ha vine taken ehareeof thealxjve named Works, we are prepared to manufcet.ire Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tea- ohlnery. Palter Uniting dene la all It 16:1 ly 1 A. F. CHERRY A SON. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The lie v. Z. P. Wllda, well-know n city mlasloautry la Mew York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wllda, of the Maesachusetts Supreme Court, writes as follows : "78 E. Mi St., AVf rort. May IS, mt. M r.ssit.t. J. C Avsa A Co.. tiotitletneit : Last winter I was troubled wltb a ranat uiie'tiafortabia itching humor sffeptliig more especially iny ltniba, wblcb ttcbwl ao intolerably at nigbt, aud burned so iiiteuae ly, that 1 eould scarcely bear any clothing over tbein. 1 was also a ufferer front a ever catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my tyttein a good deal run down. Knowing the value of AVER'S S a km a pa bi 1.1. a, by obaervatioa of many other eases, snd from personal tiae In former years, I began taking it for the altove-named disorders. My appetite lm proved almoat from the flrat dose. After a short tinto the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of the kin disappeared. My catarrh snd cough were al cure-1 by the same means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, snd I attribute these result to the use of the 8 a us a pa hi, whioh I reeoHimeii'l with all c"unleo-e -. the Im-i blood meiLeiiie ,vr ilcviaed. 1 took it in Mm ill drsau litres times a da, sod u l, .ii ait, leaa teSl tar. bottles. I place Hisas facts at your rvice, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above instance is bat one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aybb's Sabsa. p a hi 1.1. a v the cure of all diseases arising from impure or Impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach aud bowels, sud thereby enables the system to resist snd overcome the attacks of all i'croa Ioum Ditenui, Eruptions of the Skin, Rheu matism, Catarrh, Oenend Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. FBEPABED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist ;price ft, six bottles AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and all Bilious Disorders, geld every where. Always reliable. Far Sale. Three and a half acres of good garden land, all fenced, heuse and barn .in western edge of the city. Willj be sold oheap at this office. I f 1 ALBANY, OREGON! WASaU.TN tM Trail lre eur rtfttlar eorrsipendMit. ) WAsHfKQToN, June Uth,1884. Juitu HUt, 1884. Much sympathy is waited on mem ben of Congress because of eupJ poesd iiiflet log, while working iu hot westher. Their friend, outside . of Washington do not generally know that the Capitol is much more oomfort abls in summer than in winter, for in warm weather all the outer doors and window, are left open, and there is a I roe circulation of air. Besides theru U a complicated system of machinery in the sub-basement of the building for keeping our lawmakers cool. Of the many thousand of visitors who explore the Capitol from basement te dome, but few are awsre of the fact that one of Iu moat interesting features is underground The apparatus that blow, hot air in winter blows oold air in eummor. Two Urge forcing fans, wbioh make seventy revolution, a minute, drive a current of fresh air through enormous pipes and flues into the upper regions of the building. This air is brought through a tunnol, which passes under the cap. itol terraces and grounds, with the out side opening down near the Peace mon ument. Fifty cubic feet of air per minute is sent into the legislative hells for each (leraon within it, 'and ibis is after it hss parted through a spraying fountain for moisteoing and cooling iu A daily record of the temperature is kept, the state being taken every two hours. Bo, really, the toilers ou Cspt t 1 hill enjoy a temperature nine de- grje. lower than the people of Wash ington genet ally. In view of adjournment Congruas is working baid, and turning off legisla tion in a truly business like wsy. The record ef the session is already mads up, however. The measure defeated on the sixth of May was the teet of Democratic, and Republicsn purposes. If the plan to adjourn early in July succeeds, only the necessary routine appropriation bills esn yet be passed. While the general deficiency bill waa under discussion, Mr. HsadsU moved as an additionsl section, a proposition against political aaseasment, which some Republican members proceeded st once to hsve ruled ont on a poiat of order. They did not want t bsve their cam paign fund cut off st this juncture. M r. Rands!! admitted that the amendment was open to a point of order, but ex pressed his regret that it was nsde, ad ding that the judgement of the people was that political assessment had been carried to an extravagant extent. Hon. Mr. Springer, of III., received msny warm congratulations upon his renominstlon for Congress for the sixih term. The appreciation in whioh he it heid by his constituents seems to be Lured generally by his party. His efforts in behalf of Demicratic princi- Iplee have materially contributed to their advancement and to tbe success of the ptrtr. As Mr. Springer's committee proceeds with its inquiry into the star route (lis-trial, startling disclotuses continue to be rcsde smong tbe thieves, if anything concerning them can any linger be called startling. Mr. Bliss appeared before tbe committee the other day, and raised a sensstion by ehsrging Mr. Kerr, with falsehood, and pointing out a fruitful field of investi gation. The Benste passed the Anti-Polygamy bill this week, snd listened to a hoi quarrel between a Western snd Southern Senator. Senator Ingslls ac cused Senator Brown of inserting words in the Congressional record which be derd nnt. aud had not used iu the Sen- ate chamber, snd further referred to tho a ii-rcia aa a thin that hmnmmOmtm0J IIVSM wwaswj"- w - Q stabbed in the dark. Senator Brown denied and resented the allegation in an able manner. H said in his many encounters with realty brave men he had never been accused of co wardioe. There was nothing in tbe persoo,oharaot9r and antecedent, of the Senator from Kansas to excite aoy man's apprehension and the Utter would not have Ventuied to make bis offensive charge except under the protection of the Senate, which he aaid was the safest nlace in the world for the parade of vituperative rhetoric During this week five new Govern ment frauds came to light. Two of tbe criminals were known ofnoials in the Navy Department. Another was in theoity post office, and the fourth was Col. Burnside, who, only last week was bailed out of jail, and last night was rearrested on a new charge of ap propriating $8,000, worth of waste pa per and rags belonging to the Govern ment. Tbe fifth was tbe disbursing of tbe State Denartment. whosH accounts are $12,000 short. A disesse called Cbill-Blaine bas be eoaae very prevalent throughout the middle and eastern states. It is gen erally conceded that it will very water ially affect the result of the next presi dential election. Ex-Secretary Evarts will spend the summer on his Vermont farm. FRIDAY, JULY II, MDUTRMI. AND l HIM.hh Maryland reports a now Industry la watermelon vlnefar. Whalebone Is now selling at tho rate of $12,200 per too. The mII iwor.11 Industry h being started at.Ottumwa, Iowa. Canada Is now a candid tie lit re ciprocity with the United State. T.10 average cost of producing loerchnntAblo cotton U eight cents per pound. A yoarly averdg of KM hotels have been destroyed by Ore for tho last eight years. Metal sleepers arc extensively used in Germany, whero some thousands of miles of r,tl! way nro hud down on them. There are, 11 is etiiiiutod, 20,000 producing oil wells in Pennsylvania, yielding at present about sixty thous and barrels of oil a day. Thirty thousand two-horse trucks are employed in tho business ef New Yorkfliy. Upwards of $20,000,000 are Invested to this iodustry. Dakota farmers plow their land by moans of a broad traction engine which drives the plow ut a cost of less than a dollar per acre. A substitute for the genuine hu man hair la now made out of the In ner lining of tho bud of the palmotto tree. It can be mado of any length, and dyed any color. There are about 300 men engaged in killing alligators In South Florida. The hide and teeth of the 'gstor are what nro wanted. The year's html I ness will bring to that section nearly $50,000. At an exhibition of works In wood, opened lately in London by the Lord Mayor a msjerlty of tho exhibits are from the hands of working carpenters and include some beautiful specimens of carving. There Is a fortune ij so -mall Ibing as a device f r fiteaing neck-tie. One of tism pdieuit in that line has Just been sold f .r $1 ,0.10,000 n cash nnd nijnltiee that rosy amnwnt to at much more. The number of hands employed In the glass works in the neighborhood of Dresden, Gerrasny, Is between I,- 000 and 1,700. Tho ininufacturo of lamps, etc, Is on tbe Increase, and orders from the Orient and America are said to be plenty. SAVIStiSWr SafaKS. We pardon am ; we do not pardon baseness. )u. Pride li Increased by ignorance Those assume the most who know the (,'a; The suflkiemy of thy merit it to know that thy merit Is not sufficient St. A ugustiui. Modesty is to merit as shades to figures in a it strength and beauty. Ihuuete. A miser grows rich by seeming poor ; ao extravagant man grows poor by seeming rich. Shntone. Politeness h like an air cushion. There may be nothing in It but It esse, our j-slts wonderfully Bultoer. Dofect Iu m tuners Is usually the defect of floe perception. Klegance comes of no breeding but ot birth Knur ton. That state of life U the most happy where superfluities are not required and where necessaries are not want ing. PltUatch. The living chri-ili in pure of hoart and unspotted from the world is tbe best preacher of the gospel in these days T. L. CuyUt. rueaee sironSineus u.u s;r.. eweetens tne temper, suues auger, extlngu Ishes envy, subdues prlde.she I a . a a a S M 1 mm 1L. S S briaies tne tongue, retrjins vno uuuu and tramples upon temptations. Ilex ne. Brooklyn republicans are wondering what Major Low will dowhether he will land on the Blaine or the antl- Blaine side of the fence. Mr. Low is a niembsrof the Influential younc men's republican club of Brooklyn. Mr. Horace E . Dotnlng,who succeed ed Mr. Low as preside: t ofo club, has bolted tho nomination ; Mr. Grlerson, another prominent member, Is secretary of the anti-Blalne repub lican committee ; Mr.HeoryW. Max well, who supervised tbe manning of tbe polls for Garfield in 1880, has Joined the bolters ; Mr. Alexander Forman, recently nominated for city comptroller by Mayor Low, has ac cepted a place on the anti-Blalne com- mtttee ; Mr.Low's appointee for i r- poratlon counsel is an active anti Blalne republican. These nr facts which seem to Indicate that Brook- lvu'a DODular and influential chief sr m w magistrate will not support, the tat tooed ticket. Thus far, however, he has refrained from giving expression to any opinion upon the political sit uation. President Arthur has been made L. L. D. bv Princeton, and yet he does not think he is a burger man than WW Grant. 1884. Ill WOttOI S MATTKatS. When a batter makes a fowl, do the Joiseballers say he has made a goose of himself. When was Mrs. Noah Ilk. a coun ty in New Hampshire? When she was rocking Ham. Hens aro a little backward on egge but they never fail to come to the scratch where fliwer bod are con cerned. 'Are bananas healthyf headlines the New York Sun? Not all of them. The last one we'saw was In consump tion. Where does cotton abound moat plentifully? We will tell the, Faus tina, in all wool clothes! Don't blame the dudes for wear ing tight pants. It prevents rats from running up their legs and conse quently scaring them to death. Why are trees amon the best man nered productions of tbe globe? Be- cause they alirays leave In time, and oover leave without a bough. "No, alr,my daughter can never be - . . . I yours." I tlon't want her to be my daughter'broke In the young ardent. "I want her to be my wife." "What is the worst thing about rlehesr asked a Sunday-school teach. er. Their scarcity." replied a boy ; and ho was Immediately awarded a 01 wateut juxtaposition of succt as chromo. business and earnest piety, iberc A German physician defines the main difference in the effects of whis- ky and beer to be: Viskey makes you klU somebody else. Mlt peajr .... . . you only kills yourself." A child wlin had nnr. aea.n a rrrah- tmtv In rhurrh after . amirlhiillna. box had peseed by one Sunday, whis pered to hor mother: "How much did you get? I grabbed a quarter." Wages are ouly ten cents a day In Chins, and yet the young laundry r'erk squint out of bU ( three-cornered eyes at the club-footed Celestial maid en, and she squints bark, and - and they do manage to pay the parson and have roast rat three times a week somehow. A fulljbeardedjgrandfather recently had bis beard shavedof, ahowlng a clean face for the first time for a nam- be of years. At the dinner table h la Hirer year- old graodaughter noticed If, gaxod long with wonderiog eyes, snd Anally she ejaculated: "Grand father, whose head you got on?" You. aro very late sending your evening mate'out," said the editor to bis daughter when he came home ui two in tbe rooming and met a timid, shrinking young man between the frontdoor and the irate. "Not at all," answered thejt hough tful girl; 'Charles Henry is now a morning edition." Uncle, when eis slugs in the choir I Sunday nights, why does she go be hind the organ and taste the tenor's mustache?" Oh doot bother me sonny. I suppose they have to do It to And out if they are in tune." The crowded condition of tha bus- inesi part of New York, on tbe lower end of the island, is leading to the construction of high buildings there. Down town a plot (of grouod'large enough for a respectable build ing can not be purchased tor less than from $400,000 to $750,000 now. Owners are compelled to economize in land, and galu capacity by going up into the air eight, ton, and occasionally twelve stories high. Toere are now about twntv tall buildintrs in the lower ptrt of the city. Ten years ago neither India, Aus- tralia nor the Argentine Republic had sent a cargojof wheat to Europe. This year the amount of exportable wheat w - from India is estimated at 60,00t,000 bushels.frem Australia 25,000,000,and from the Argentine Republic, 10,000,- 000 bushels, a total of 85,000,000 bushels, In each cf these countries the opening up of the country by railroads Is stimulating wheat prod uc- tion in a surprising manner. Ex-Senator McDaoald of Indiana, was In Springfield yesterday, and had two long conferences with Governor , .. . ... T Pj marnn tho auhlAet nf the Indiana , . , , , tmmmm sMaainnnN Prildfttlf chances. . . . , Palmer was very outspoken, holding that In view of the action at Saratoga iu ennlrl and abould ho no suecass- tUVtW W- a wwww- av- ful opposition to Cleveland, and that every consideration for the best inter ests of the party dictated that Mc Donald should withdrawal! claims te the first pi ice. On the other hand, Palmer assured him that he would do everything in his power to secure him tho nomination for Vice Presi dent. It is believed that McDonald will accept this advice. Palmer be lieves the ticket will be Clevelaud aud McDonald, an J claims that It will be invincible. . a . For growing plants a weekly appli cation of diluted mannre water will an work wonders, but those in a state of rest are better without it ; and,in fact, they need little water of aay kind until growth begins. old NO 60 TEMPERANCE DEPAETME NT. i-Mmm tmtm 1 . KOITKD BT TUB Women'! Cbrlitian Tempfranre Loios a aiiiSiricasT assKsjttLt. LhhI week, in the city of Blooming ton, III., four hundred men snd wometi were gathered together to nominate osndidstes for the vsiieui hfstc officers on a Prohibition ticket, and to elect delegates to the National Convention of tbe Prohibition Home Protection party. These men and women were regularly constituted delegates on the basis of the vote for Prohibition candidates of two years age, aod represented a constitu ency of 13,000 people. They were ministers from nearly all tbe Protestant denominations, they were lawyers, judges, editors, farmers, housekeeper, manufacturers snd commercial uu r. They were n-.t aod never hsve been politicians. Nominations were made Pid,v n'1 in order f cue nTen.ion.. j n name ou . & Hot another "man ol Msine,' w-.- reived WUo rounJ fw,r ""'"d of applause. Vt sw 11 . ... ... receive me nomination by g m.j rit snd makes a strong canaidate. tl-t bas been identified wiib Vo' commercial and religious interests pfCbUsgn ,r mw nsn twenty-five .- quarter century 01 ciose DM never bn hUio nor ',(,t on fcitjcr- Tbb ig trona' praise, but it is truth. UI of the ticket is ss follows : i;. ..... r t '""""ss juvenwr.ur. rcrrroitn, of B,p,l,; ttorney general, Hale Johnson, ef Jas,r county : statu treas- I 1 1 ... urer.urian Oopn : auditor, A. 13. Itvin secret sry of state, C. W. Enos. f'nion Signal. THE LOIIsTltLtTBID say The most pei.tif.roa. small boy in Louisville, who respects i?rsoos snd property least, sod who does sll the wickedest and most sneaking things that can occur 10 s young imagination, b not a rough, tough, squste-jawed, freckled, bullet-headed, dirty little wretch, ss might be supposed, but a sweet, pale boy. with a delicate frame and eye. of "heaven's own blue." Those who look upon him for tbe first time wonder if he is nota stray angel, or at least the best bv in all the Stbbath School. They wonder why so peactful a child has not long since climbed lbs golden stair ar d left his nties here, No, he does not look bad ; bnt all the neighbors are anxious that he shall grow up soon, because they knew '.here is going to tie a hanginr A great nati mal congress of temjtet ance workers was held Uat week in St. George's Hall, Liverpool. Every phase of tbe temperance question was discus sed by the ablest minds. It is pleasant to see in this great councU the recogni tion of tbe British Worn u's Temper ance Association denoted by the ssto cistion of Mrs. Margaret Lucas with thst of the Lird Bishops of the Church of England snd other equslly prominent dignitaries in the general officiary. Nine new unions are announced B the result of the very effective O: k uf Mia E. L. Saxon, state organizer for Tenn Mrs. H. A. Hobart, Minnesota' pir sident, had the pleasure of organizing fire new unions, end speaking about I this time, during her stay in Califwrn is. Wtt,t Virginia reporufteen unions orgauistu since rw. io, giwi'g winu a total of twenty-one unions. Several places are just ready for organization, and will probably be reported at the approach ini state convention. E!even SS " SJ Bands of Hope are reported The Woman'. Christitn Temperance Union, of Denver, has set about finish ing and furnishing the sunny basement of the new tabet nacle, on Blake street, near Nineteeu'h. This u "arorki.ig headquarters," and the first enterprises are a day nursery, a place for tbe news boys' and boot-blacks' school, and pro- bably mothers' meetings Tidionte, (Pa.,) is being greatly stir ' x " a o J I td. The temperance movement ia be- ' coming irresistible. It ia the one thing . . - . " - "S lt w the oae tS,D en8ging 8neral at tention. tor two weeks nearly, have the meetings been held, addressed by Mr. McConnell, with no diminution in the crowds nightly attending at Gir&rd Hall. Signers to the pledge include all denominations aod classns in fact it is tbe popular thing to support a red ribbon. At last accounts 529 adults and 284 children had taken the pledge. ate Thus far, it is affirmed, about seven hundred Iowa saloon keepers have clos ed their saloons preparatory to engaging in legitimate business. A prominent wholesale and retail firm in Davenport I have decided to dose ont their stock, aod have advertised their store for after July 1st. Judge David Davis looks like a well fed farmer. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE ReST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE UUXl, Bpaelal business notices in Local Col UtnM Jft cents per line. Regular Locs noilees 10 cents per line. For legal snd transient sd vert iaeosenls II 00 per square for the first iosertioa,aad f " Pr tusre for each subseq stent insertion. Itsles for oilier advertisements known on sppllcatlon. rerrtAK m ibscb. Paper labels msy'be removed fr botths by aret'.ing the surface n holding for an instant over any craven ient flame The .team penetrate, the label at onr,o and soften, the raste. While in Calcutta, Dr. Koch, of the German cbolers commission, found the cholera baciilu in the wster of a tank from whioh many of the natives who had hesn afilicted wuh the Asiatic scourge had drawn their supplies o water Cur drinking and cooking purpo- There is a kind of monkey io Mada gascar that throws stones so bsrd snd well aimed that tbe natives seldom try to capture a specimen ; hut one has been brought to Now Haven, where its fierceness in flinging whatever missiles it can get bold of causes visitors to keep at a respectful distance. The a K. I. and P. It. II. has an nounced thst to intoxicsting liquors ill be received for transportation points itbin tbe state of Iowa when such transport At ton cannot be completed be-. fore July t, unless tha require 1 certifi cate granting permission to sell is pro duced. DR. C, W, MAST0K Physician and Surgeon. OlTlca on Fret Street, joss west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kincls of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany. Or- DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon r9hlce in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, ORECON. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint are so insidioas la Uaeir attack sa those affecting Ue throat and laags: twee sa trifled with by the majority of saSJB er. The ordinary cough or cold, rcealttag perhaps from a trifling or nncosa sloes ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal icknese. Ayer's Chkbby Pectobal has well proren iu efficacy in a forty rears' agai vilh throat and lung diseases, aa U.keu in all eases without delay. A Terrlblo Cough Cased. " In It.VT I took a severe cold, whlah I my lungs. 1 had a terrible coagh,aad nizhl after msUt without sleep. The a Care me up. 1 tried Ay Kit's CBBBBT Pbt vikal, which relieved say laags, laiasssl sleep, nnJ afforded ma the rest ueaeaaary for the recovery of my strength. By ate continued Use of the Pectobal a persse SSSl cure waa effected. I aaa aow ts yea a old, hale and heart v. and am tabsfied yaat Chekuy Pectobal saved me. lionAcR Faibbbotheb," Rockiusharo, Vt., lu!y 14. lv. Croup. A Mother's Tribate. " While in the country last winter say litUs I - iv. three years old, waa takea 111 with are ay; it seemed as if he would die frees SB sags lallsn One of the family suggested She ate of AVer's Cherrv Pectoral, a bottle ef which waa always kept in the house. Thss was tried in small and f request doses, asat to our delight in leas than half aa bear the little patient was breathing easily. The doe lor ;id that the Chelry Pectobal had anved my darling's life. Can you eowdet at our gratitude? Sineerelv years, Mus. Oetjtwt." 139 West 128th St., New York, May M, ISM. " I bare used Ayer's CnsBBT Pectobal in my family for several rears, and So net hesitate to pronounce it the snost effaatuaj remedy for coughs and colds we hare erea tried. A. 4. Cbasb,' Lake Crystal. Micu., March 13, 1(43. ' I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying manv remedies with ao see cess. 1 was cured by the use of AT aa's Chbbv rv Pectoral. Josei-ii TV aloes." Byhaha, Miss., April 5, 1WC. " I cannot say enough in praise of A van's iiiirry PcrroBAL. oellerins as I do that hut f-r iu use 1 should long since hava died from lun troubles. K. BBAOBOX MtssQtsft, Texas, April 22, lett. N of an affection of the ihiaaV- lungs exists which cannot be greatly reSSS by tho USe Of AVER'S ClTEBBY PBCTOtLa, and it will altrays cure when the disease at not already beyond the control of medicine. rasp ABED BT Dr.J.C. Ay er & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all Druggists. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham . Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit is to J1 payment of the 25 premiums fully descxioea in our former announcementa Tbe premiums will be paid no matterhow mall the number of bags returned maybe. rent ! n,m ftST-i nave to actoowledee l JtPj YtrrnP.ArwiXXT. Koae gtnatos wittwntDtenw of BULL on the trie) our other -