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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1884)
HBBHBBBHHHi STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT - i " 1 " " " ' ! a - - it ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES d NUTTING. BllBSO FI K--la Democrat Building ua Broad l MM Street. TSAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION tog Is copy, par year, in advenes....... f j52 aittgie e-n. par yaar. at end of ar P 3 eiafie eapy, stx moutha Bintfe copy, threa month Sturle aumber 19 lemorrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BeST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Of THE WILLAMETTE PALLET. Special butdneM nr.tkos in Local (oi luima 15 cnle jer line. ltfgoJarLeta notices 10 oents per line. For legal and transient aJvertwetaeoia II 00 it sruare for the firat iaaertioat d Mi t ents per wjuare for each subseqeet t inaertlon. Hates for other advertisements snae'e ktiown on application. f u V OL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 37, 1884. NO 48 IRtabts PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FUNK. . CHAMBKRUIN. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Vlbauy , Oregon. -Office In Porter's Brick Blook." YlSnlStf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany . Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of Una State. Will aive apecial attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new briok. 49tf kIblmontanyb. ATTORNEJAT LAW. Notary Public 4lbstnj, OrE0. Office upetaira, over John Brijrir' store, lstetreet. vlfMtf J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1LS4ST. OatECOX. riLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COCRTS OF THE Stat. Special atteution given to collections asd probate matter. , la Odd Felt Temple. 1 Don't Forget It w I O. POWILL. W. R. BILYBO POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in C naneery. ALBANY. . OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. agrOfflce in Foster's Briok.- v!4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Laf -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conn of tblsSUte All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. ar Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DBTJG STORK, yl 4 LB AX 1'. OB.E4.ON. FOSHAY & MASON, waoLSXais a asranr Draggistsand Booksellers, ALBANY. OREGON. vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best style. WOOD'S IMPROVES BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The word "I Belle" In Freneh mere "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES. -AND- All kinds of Agricnltnral Imple ments kept by the undersigned. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Agent far Frank Bror., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRIfCK & SON. (Successors to) Dannai8, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, AK.H TUofSANDS OK l.KTTEIlMln oor pnaaeaaton it poat thta atorv 1 I bar Imn a terrible .uSrrer for cam with lMontt ami Skin Humor . have Uwu oblifad to ahun public plaraa by itMun at tny ula figuring h union ; h ha4 tb beat phjralriana ; bar pent hundred uf dollars and gat no reU rati an 11 1 I uaed Um t'uticura Koauitrui. the new Hlca-l I'urtB r, internally, ami Cuticuru and I'utlcura Hoap, the Ureal Skin Curea and Bain UeautlSera, Mirnui-T, which hat e cured me and left my akin ami btoud as pure aa a child 'a JOHN SCHMEER, LIYEEY, F1EB AID SALE STABLE. Albany,lOregon. He'ses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and bua?gies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. SAI WA VI!G. . .irmsT in rmvi HERCHAXH1XG BC8I- vwaa dl. u and JimMM roois. Ladie' underclothes, told at bottom price. China labor. awH ext to City Bank. Contractor tor ould respectfully inform the public that mmnfiuiiiri to order, and will keep .Wstantlv on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable Hues of EUBNITUBE, and wul sell at bed rock pnets. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE TJNDEBS1UIKL wisriiws v inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of atone and marble . . . . 1 a II mmvtr la war. wore 00 soon noiiw. - 1 . ,.., . itfertimi. Will work anynd all kinds of stone, but deal prin cirilly in Oregon City granite. V"0;"1?: w - . s tat.a a a ai as rtlas It V I M. 1 1 repairing aa rewuioR r " l: and examine my prices before P "bas ins elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Phop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post ornce. . G. W. HARRIS. Prop. DR. Ma H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. "Office and residence in Mcllwaln'a Block. Albany. Oregon. HENCr TENGr. Beat washing and ironing in te city 11. FJlsworth Street. One door seuth of Revere H-une. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I wifl also sell real estate, morchaadise household goods, tc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. fj SAM COHEN. NEW BARBER SHOP. . JA(KSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shavin r. and hair dressing done in first .!. tit 1 a. First-class brtb rooms. Rath fnr !arlieasndirentlemenf all hours. Terms reasonable. SC16 Bl'SKESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. T BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH- - -. . ..-11 t : f I.BaIv. IF JOB. K6p a iuii ii"'" ' jcnoiij. Watches and clocks repaired in first-class oraer, SCIO - - - OREGON. W. M. MORROW, nEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, oopper and sheet iron ware, crookery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. rnniP A TTT7LL, LINE OF PURE 14 o-rrwvriAa fraxh candies, nuts, and !i tihi. Af mnfwf innp.rias. tobacco. cgars raGh tlA for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. REVERE HOUSE, rrwf. First and EUswerlfc Albaay, Orrgaa. CHas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r. Tvi. nni.i 1. SMd nn In flrat claaa tvle. Tablea Bimliad with tha beat tha market afford. 8rinsr Btdj in every aoom. a merciai Traveler. OTVmt Caaeb te and f ram the toL'V MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MLLIHERY AID DHES8-IAGHG. Cutting and fitting by the new layior a System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Title powder never vartee. A marvel of "utirieiy, trrniftii ami whuleeoineneM. Mure eronomiual than the unllnary km.U, and cannot he wld in cootpeUUun with the multitude on low Uitt, ahurt weibt, alum or ph.hate uwdani. S"M only In oaita, Hot at, Hmiso PowoutU IM Wail blreet, II. T. A Positive Care for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. ALWOSr INCURABLE. J antra K. Ktcbartteaa. I'aiwwi Uaues. New Orleana, on oath, aaj. In IfTO Mcrofaluoa t'Uere broke oat 00 my bodyanUII was a mass of rorrnp Uoa. Cverythtna; known to the medkal faculty waa tried in vain. 1 became a mere wreck. At limae could not lift my hand to my head, 010 Id not torn In bed . wa tit -uitalaiit iain, and lkel uin lite aa inm. No relief or cure in ten tear. In 1S-0 I heard nf the t'ullcura Remedtea, uaed theui and waa perfectly cored. Seont U before I . H. Tom. J. I. DSJLWFvBPa STILL WORF SO Will Wriaeaald. rl larU.rn Street, OiU-aao irreetefuily eeknowledgee a core 4 Kcaetna, or Halt Kheum, on bead. (ace, arm, and leva for Mventean tear not able U ntve, except on band, and koeea, for one year ; nt able U helt blmerlt for eigbt yaare ; tried hundred, nf rr mod lee ; doctor. pronounce hui caae boncleaa, permanently cured by u. wuueura MORE WORDtRFUL YET. L f. f'ararilrr, liemierMi. N. V , cored of rwrlaate or Leproay, of twenty tear, etaodlna. b Coticure Retnediea The ajoet eonderful cute en Adsatnanfal of ecaiee Ml from b'.m daily. Physician, and hie friend, thought he moat die. Qure ewotn to before a Joattce of the peace aad llen- meat prominent citlsena NMWN nan i DOWT WAIT. Write la for iheee testimonial. In full or aetwl direct to the partiee. AD are abaulutely true and given without oor knowledge er eollcitatiun. Don't watt. ow me time ve cure every tecleo or Itch Ina. Stair, Pimply. Jv-rofuloua, lobertted. ('onUurtoo. and Copper colored in.eaet. of the blood, Kktn and Scalp wtU) Iom of hair 8dd by all drurl.U Price : CVtleora, SO cent . iUeolvent. Si ; Soap. i centa fottcr Dru aod Cbemicai t o., IVeU.n. Maaa. DC A M I I filackheed.. and use Cuticura S tap. i and hly Kkln Skin 1U coital tea. ALBANY FOUNDRY The Prlncew of (he Hawaiian Isl ands la so black that charcoal would make a white mark upon her. Her name 'tis Llko-LIko, but thore are few like her. Three Indiana highwaymen, fear ing that the boy whom thpy had rob bed might reach a neighboring vil lage and report the crlmo before they could got to a safe d bianco In the otb. er diroction,deUboratoly shot a bullet through each of hla legs In order to lamo him. Five children went homo from a circus In Dakota deeply Impressed by the feat of descending a decline en globe. Finding a smoth log lying at the top of a steep hill, they took their places on It In a row and set it rolling. They were all thrown off and run over, three being killed. At a sale of m iths and butterflies In London,some specimens were sold at $15and $20 each, and a white but. terfly from the Hebrides brought SC5 A roan at Kast Brook field, Mae? raised thirty steers, averaging 1700 pounds, and sold them for expm. It is reported that the drought in Australia has killed off already roll lions of ahoep ; one person having a flock of 60,000 has loat four-fifths of them. The Russian army costs $150,000, 000 a year to maintain. It Is proposed to hold a national eatUe convention In S Louis lu No vember next. The oldest Amerlcaoittrm manufac turing gunpowder was established 90 years ago. During a trial at Troy, New York one of tho Jury became insane. A railway ticket agent In Georgia shot himself because he was 10,000 short. A railway company In Esgland gives its horses Turkish batha. Ia a Connecticut towfa tho other day, one of the most heart-rending of singular deaths occurred. A Utile schoolgirl forgetting her fan, went to the deserted school house after it. Raising a window to get In, she was caught beneath tho falling aaah and held there uotll dead. In tola posi tion she was found. The clapboards were smeared with blood, and the window glass wss broken, and yet there the obdurate and fatal aashjre mained with the little girl in its vise- Ike grasp. At I'ort Verde, Arizona, receotly, thoroughbred bulldog was matched agnlnst a young mountain lion. The battle wits a very flerre one, lasting about fifteen minutes, and resulting m a temporary victory for the dog ; Ark., has hcen fined $2 for kissing a rlaik rreNKSTe. girt. A Rldgebury iMass.l widow of The newiP-l r opposition to Blaine flfty-fle hssjust married a boy (1 k00"" more portentioua every day. nineteen. W Polished list on Saturday of the Independent and Republican journals whirtti war. !, , I I . PltataoSat,. I "f aaaijr wwuiibtea against. him, but the additions to it sines that Lord Itandolph Churchill never greatly outnumber the originals. reads a book, but studies newspapers ,l Unds now : New York 'tW-.Nsv constantly. Tat ffmmU, Harper V WMj, Puck, Herbert Spencer ossays now ap- &'"ng TnUgram, Brooklyo Union, paar In the Chinese language. They Rochester Post - hlrpreu, Rochester Her- read well perpendicularly. altl Syracuse fferaJ, Flushing Timet, Whistler, the London artist, will !ton AdvertUer, Boston Transcript, XtiNtt nolblog but pictures In flesh Boston IhraU, Springfield Republican, color and gray this season. Philadelphia Rwrf, Philadelphia Iftaaai Abraham Is the name of Robert Chicago Timet, Chicago Newt, New Lincoln's eldest son. It Is to bo hoped Haven Newt and the Niw York Keen that he will be worthy of It. ing Pott. In addition to these the Fred Douglass says that In the fu- C'biosgo Inter-Oceem, the Ht. Leoia luro the black will bo the superior OUobe-Demoetat, the Buffalo Exprett, race. This Is a highly colored statr. the Buffalo Commercial Advettitet, the meat. Philadelphia Telegraph, the Boston Everott Wise, who was named af- Journal, the Worcester Spy, and many ter his grandfather, tho celobrated other Republican party journals consent Massachusetts orator, lives near Chiy- to support the ticket, but sdmit tbst enne on a ranch. they bave small bone of seeing it elect- Louiae Michel, the female Commu- ed. We da not believe any candidate nlst, will probably tie liberated from o' any party ever entered upoo a Pre- prlson on the Hlh of July, tho annl- sideotisl caovsss with auch tremeodoua versary of tho tail f the Bsstile. odds as these agsinst him. In this city Mrs. James K. Polk's pOftfaMl will the Ttibune is ibe only paper which hereafter adorn the White House. It supporta Blaine squarely. Tbe C am is the gift of the ladles of Tennessee merciai Advertiser bas not defined ita and other Southern Statos. course clesrly, but it evidently hss no Lady Otho Fitzgerald's pearls have intention of advocating Blaine, for it been purchased by Queen Victoria for ssjs that his nomination was a"glorieua $200,000 er thereabouts. The Prln victory" won by the ".tar route gang, eeaa Beatrice will receive them as a the cowboys, aad the intriguing pollti- girt. cians." The Jail and ffiiyian is also Miss Emily Faithful begin her lee- doubtful, saying tbst "ibis may be a turea en the Mormons In England bd year for Republicans, oulsss entire tills month. She will make some y united and well guided." New York startling disclosures, according to the Koemng Pott. London Xewt. The Nun of Kenmare is to f uud a new order called the Sisters of Grace Its members will devoto their lives to tbe training of female d nestle servants. mum an aar tboi stu. the takaawa Trtala WkUh a Wewaaa -reel .an aim Vf hy TmWf aal.hrd. Near the elose of ene ol tbe most try TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KOITCD BT TIf K Wsaee'i Chriiliin Trmprraiee t n ion Mas tosrfcK aa a lmtiskk Tbe third lecture was a masterpiece, Constitutional Prohibition tbs them-. Tbere wss in vulnerable logic, scute discrimination, scientific induction, by which her srgumsnt soon began to ap pear aa a kind of solemn presence, rol ling up and np, till it came down with a crash of annihilation on everything in ita wsy. It wss trong,great, states manlike. It was not only telling, it wss killing upon the enmy. ft was vivacious witbsl, omsmented wilh wit and humanised with good nature. She can put an impertinence so tbst one would think it a compliment. And above all, harmonizing her great gifts and enricling them all, kf a awisjt. Christian BjaVfc On the whole it is a rsaaarkable ateasets, doing a naiaita blr, work. The grateful rtcoll-di'na and best wi.h.s of the R.i kvil'o teo ple will go with her, Rnckvilh necticut) Pre t. Co aay that the Cbickering Hall was crowded, ia not enough it was iammed by so assemblage af thinking m-n and women. Tbe audience seemi d inspired with tbe greatness of the occasion. Wbeo Mrs. Poster came ujon the plat form tbe malls fairly shook, so hearty wss tbe applause. She commenced her address in sn almost inaudible tour, but soon warmed up to her subject, until her voice thundered its wsrnings, and the walls re-echoed her words like dis tant booming of cannon. New York City Mail and Express. The State W. C. T. U. tendered Mrs. Lsevitt $50 for ,er service during tbe convention. She declined accept ing the money, and ssked ibal it might be used to eitend our work in this State. city of cosmopolitan vice, Mrs. Stan ford takes thn occasion of son's sixteenth birthday to make lhi birthday gift to a noble cause. Pu lisps in tbe new era close st hand, that is to be tbe fashion of birthday celebrations. Ll AleUfial jit I jMBBaLBaO f 1 1 I - I a ha. I J" Sm - JsWsWsWm T btnef THE GREA ANREI MtM RheumalismffeufalgiJU Sciatica, Lambaae. Baefcacaa. HaaSaoM. II Natrr Tie retatl . n f 1 1 1 a. MaMrarfiaa. B Wtanaa. faewieta. trmmt Itttmm, nt ill miits soettr r.ias aa ma Ifttrwtwa. la II l.i umn t aaltlwi. la,CtS Tr. t Mtai.ea . vi .ita ago BUILDERS AND 00&TRACT0R8. Healmt bropoaats are hreby solicited to July 1st. ISM to erect aod complete a chtircn. the plan an l ;. fK-tiona he teen at I:lanon aftor tltn Z3rd. 1 Tho paWpaaiaw parties rrarve tbe lignt to furnwb material at market rates, also to reject any and all eatimates. Call on J L Cowan or on c I! Montague, at Lebanon. DR. G, W9 MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just west of Conrad Myera. ALBANY, OREGON. Will S.Carlton, th author ..f "Farm iaK uf lb few ot daya of the preaeot I Wsesas aa f aaa law r aa rasa-, sawaaa ra mmimm aaawe,.rUe Ballads,'prlotsl.isf,siu;likiihoob ,J 1 V.k TV I IlfaVVft tkfvn Masai ft n t than WaVI SS.Ioaaw ef kana ------ wr-wwa w wmv wiuww VI MCI AND- huiiim: shop. ESTaBLlHBD 185. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Street, Aaanny Oregon. Having taken shanreof thestove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Woed-worklng Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machine rv of all kinda repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. rsttern atafclag dear la all It. 16:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. DRS. L W. & MARY T, COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. OREGON. AS., their nrnfotMinnil aerricea to tha citlaena ,.f t profeamonai aerricea . . Linu and adjacent ctunUa. otnee au "'"""V near Court Hsuae. Call at Lanjfdoa and Co a Drug-Store. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND- Office office. Notary Public. in States Rights Dmocra W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bat and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. "VTOTICE Of PUBLIC LETTINGS SO Tw LICITED. Plans and .specifications rarnlsbe X on short notice. RED CROWN MILLS. 1S0M, IASNIKG & CO., PEOPB'S. NEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOB FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. rTio-hftst :Frice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. SCROFULA and all aerofoloua diseases. Sores, Erysipe las, Eczema, Blotches. Klngworm, Tu mors, Carbunclea, BolU, aud Eruptions or the Skin, are the direct result of an impure stats of tbs blood. To cure these diseases the blood must be purified, and restored to a healthy aud na tural condition. Avsa's S auk a v a iti ul a hss for over forty Tears been recognised by emi nent medical authorities as the most pow erful blood purifier in exlateuce. It frees the system from all foul ltumora, surlaliee and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, end proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Keeeat Care of Scrofulous gores. "Home mtmtiia ago .- v.aa troubled with .-vofu.ou sores ( ii : !' "it my legs. Tbs liiii'm were badly swollen und iiiflamed, and tht sores tliaciinrctl Urge quantities of oifenstre matter, i.veiy remedy 1 tried l.uled, until I used Aykk's Hakhapasilla, of which I have now taken three bottles, the result that the sores sre healed, and my general health greatly Improved. I feel very grateful for the good your ntedicine has done me. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Axx O'Bbiax," 1 U Suilivau St., Sew York, June 24, 18t2. tJT All persons Interested are Invited to cell on Mrs. O'Brlan; also upon tha Kf v. X. P. Wilds of 78 Eaat 04th Street, New York City, who will take pleasure In testifying- to the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparllla, not only In the cure or this lady, but In his own case and many others within his knowledge. The well-kuown writer on the Boston Herald, D. W. Ball, of Jloohester, X.H., writes, June 7, l2i Having suffered severely for some years with Eczema, ami having fulled to find relief from other remedies. 1 have mode use, during tbe past three mouths, of Avast's Saksapa UiLLA, which has effected a complete cure. I consider It a magnificent remedy for all blood diseases." la our late contention it was decided that tbe Evangelistic work as a very important one, irhsus the most im- boy when he regi-iers g n tenet. He dW4,Un apfxrsjntlj in a condition oi fotltxal branch of our work. That Is iftll and light corop'i xlofMMl, and couipleui exhaustion. Jilar eflorU to Department bas been for tbe past vesr mm ... m a a. A 1 aV ak. mm u..MHLl-J -A m .afS his eyes arc uroun u.v u uuvuss oi ner atJ(4 b u. thm tktt,l-Mn r. Mrs. Chaplin Stubhs of Portland. She cattle kins; of Texas, was formerly a ' . ' T T." V T ; ' TT .u j as wans wouio even iaeo oe nearo, was aa uiud uunsg tiie hanker f)f Colomdo. who, before his djd to her oihtjrwim OTervhelming fishing season to carry on the wo. k faUare,gmvo hie wife thousand head troublea. Natore had' done much for oog tbe seamen and habermen Ste of cattle. TIV lite twshaad to pat her and in her youthful days she had --w. ,k-t m. u m . , ... iL-tenataaata. "AJ S ib. po.. wk d tl'. .ur. .1 '' 2 . . . tli . , , easor of health such ai is seldom seeo. work' od ,ufe lbt much 8001 Gen. Sheridsn will 1 prent si JStsTZ lb. d- can be accomph.hed. We bo, that cointntMu emeiii at West l'-dit this (aramiiai enran which lav uftsj aeoom- svery effort be made to send the v..r tii t f2n Ulmrman f!an. If -n iw.n K.n. I.-. I - .l. - -- , , , r-- V 7 s,r",,,r wmu om retpured aaststence There is certainlv cock and (Jon.CJrant will not be among splendid strength and she felt at tbst the visitors. Little "Pbll'however, nt only that life was a burden ' I .... A. k. 1 .1 1 J ata Is a whole Military u-sm in himself. ZTi. "7u " " Bruo. rc,,' .w iiuiii'iii D.pniivuve. av i.,iu a broad field to labor in. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, di eased and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order en shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. Albany, Ot) DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surg sen. ar-Office in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OREGON , - AYER'S PILLS. Those desiring to subncribe for " noi for! i.i .. .. .. . . . I r 1 . i. 1 ( ,,it o- ,,, , tirascaewsKi, use rtjssssi fioec wt o f4Ct) , ,,,, everyday occur- w u,on '8n y ca has just been sonlencd us an anarch-1 renoe, and a ureal waver ia conauotlv aP Mrs. H. II. Hewitt, who 1st, believes that the truly happy man I ascending from thousands of homes for I attend to tbe matter promptly. hut he did not survive Ion, dying i4 , who has no matitrial d.-lriM b " vsrauce irom the dnadly ijotrer - m . 1- ...a .w- . , .. ... .a. which is enslaving somanv .ivee.moth- ,ut, aiolina, writes Mrs. Ubspin, tuo 1 connects tiimseii wun iiokiinx fmiu- i . 1 .1 . - I era ami oa tig liters. Aud vet these duties 9 now toe seat 01 war, ana a veu ly.and who loves his neighbor better iife mu,t No woin.n can planned camnaiirn won!.' nlsce her than himself. 1 afford to turn aaids from tbe nroner Lu.. -;.i- r r .: .1 l- th . - , V I ,V,S u " iiub iuii rvausa. lue a iai m DR. J- P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon Office a retddenoeon First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. LangdonA; Co's. Drugstore. Albany. Oregon, Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates tlje action of tbs digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from nn impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, aud s weak ened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medi cine, on account of its concentrated strength, sud great power over disease. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C.Ayero-Co., Lowell, Mass. $old by all Druggists; price f 1, six bottles lor So. from wounds received during right In about half an hear. In the high Jumping by hunters horae show In tbe Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago, Frederick Oebhard's horse Leo, ridden by Peter Smith, rleared six feet six Inches, heating the best previous record in this ceuntry and England by four inches. Leo wits bred In Kentucky, Is six years old and Is If. J hands high. It Is said there have been three deaths of young girls from exceed ve rope jumping near Ashland Pennsyl vania. The national library of France con tains 2t60t.000 volumes. While digging far Indian relics In a Connecticut village, the watch of a murdered pedler was found. A Stuttgart doctor aays that corpu lent persons may become thin by wearing and sleeping on animal wool. Three tramps commanded a woman at Creation e, Ohio, to cook a break fast for them. She said coolly that she would do It ; but she brought in a cocked pistol Instead of food, and tbey fled for their lives. She had more bravery than strength however, and has since been a raving maniac. Mention Is made in foreign ex changes of a creamery where each horse gets an allowance of buttermilk daily th rough t the year. This sys tem, according to tbe authorities men tioned, has been continued twelve months, and feund to answer in a most satisfactory manner. " The potato bug has caused great damage in tbe vicinity of Long Branch, N. J. , ever two.thirds of the potato and tomato crops being des troyed. Italy is jealous of any advantages being accorded to France in Egypt Francis Murphy has secured 4000 temperance pledges in Chicago. Five of the six murderers recently hung on a Friday in this country de clared that rum bad led to the crime. Twenty-one new cotton mills have been started in tbe South during the past four months. The estate of the late C. H.McCer mick, tbe inventor of the reaper, is estimated at $30,000,000. The Australia wool clip for last year was valued at $96,400,000. i ,.a. A awl. ai. SSt la tf-a la. laj.. It In 0 10 I oars of her htttna and tha nnu. who .If I . Wrasfnn fmm ftnmnlar S 11 has SCOO emitted U her sure, although in do- lr,lfM8 f lt' and lloaton from Sumpter, B.C., has aeon MCgnnoe ber be rs in the state are being all of the Presidents except Washing- health, and possibly life itself. Tbe ex- entertained in princely style at the ton. If be keops on tramping at his perieoos of one who successfully over- Charleston Bra.arr. I am now trvin advanced age he will see the last- came auch trial, and yet roUined health mj ulmMi our text io mentioned before many years have .U the t-jtafcM troduoed lmU) the Khool,, a aw. MtS-(I OVOr 1111 Iirsu. I. , M . ... i ;.Mn. .Dea. miorinli.nilant af lic .... I ""a mw viDtuuum uuwwuai 1 I 1 - w- B"UH WB"'"WU,W church, residing at Watertown. N. Y. them under consideration. Mrs. Chan- .1.. t T1 I - IL. 9 .l-klft. I TV I eenuy in U a sss- b ne saiu : . . . Kat,ti:n la.aJ f.,P h.r a . I I t.t. 1.1 I llf. U.. . . Ui.l. run I lour, anu wno waa anuwii in 111 1 mxt 1 - as. .,m.7 . -- . j y. wil with God's yesrs as a philanthropist, W Ofae etl -JJr t taaha, ama. bave her for nrohtbition. .... 1 a o iv, art uioiuwf;i ut uur UOUWlwlw. auu a e 1 i - -e I entertained serious apprehensions ss to Her power and magnetism is wonder- Otar Nicholas. He was pardoned by her futr( 8he WM languid, pale, ut- fu, and her inOuenoe in Carolina is Alexander II. I teriv exhausted, without appetite, aad 1:1,. e,rm tn. . m.h Rh. .;i tm. m l-l . ....... r ..U. Jul!.. I 0 ... a vuuiiv. BWM tjaejvasjaaa ... i L.Ma rtrl,l rt t.ll vm. Panraia i. rxiAT. i' And vet she did not. ooukl not neclect " e- er w 1 1 1 a . 1 her duties. I hsve seen her sbout the ostmiog aiong mere osuoerateiy,ca.m,v, The Reiublicaos in their national I house, trying courageously to care for but surely, nevertheless. Ah! what It . .IT It A. II I ..... . . platform sav thsy favor a "refotm" of e ones sne ioea wnen x couiu ten, wondertul things are happsmog, or . "vt .11 1 .1. from the lines uiwn her face how much -..k.- hat wnnrlma Ood is tvintsino tbe taritT. No one can tell what that gfao Bofftjrin At tifnes ibe would tber' Wb'1 TfT mean by this. If the phrase is to be rftjy for a day er two and then fall back io The unbelievers are amated. used in its ordinary sense thst of giv-1 Into the state of nervous exhaustion she a e .1 . I. . - - -a - I fa.t knfnr. Mar htaarl nainttrl hr fr ing a new form, t..e t ru. w... , r " - - - e - - - b .u. (0 of school suo-rinteo not be satisfied with it because they g oef waa oeoaming ouweu . . . . . . . by pain and all hope or enjoyment in denta ot Virginia, might "reform the tariff by raising ,ife geemed departed. What to do we Jtesolvtd, That in the opinion of thie duties generally, which tbey would be not tell. I resolved, however, to conference it would be wise and expe- very likely to do. Kit is to be used bring back her life and vitality if jKissi- for the bo, of 00 t0 in the sense of a rednctionj of Uriff We and" to to ia end began to treat her u.. saaa. pUwj:. -r-taaitar Z: 1?:: : " have no faith in the profession as that hw heajth oompjeUy recovered and beok on "Alcohol : Iu Nature and party in congress has voted almost wholly by the use ef Warner's Tippe- Effeots upon the Human System." unanimously against any reduction, canoe, which I regard aa the greatest . , . The party had the opportunity of tonic, iovigorator and atomch remedy The W. C. T. U. of Asbeville, N. C, 17 a 1 a. 1 l..n J io.A... aa.4 faa . ..... amendintr the Morrison bill if its provi- ' . " 1' t u.7 rrl" on flourishing temperance. leu VJ USC It. vue ilium roauiir a. u , . .... , e .1 . sions did not meet their approval, or .t the healtb-restoriog properties of Bchol Ak the cloae of lhe oolior they oould have introduced bills to re- Warner's Safe Cure iu my own person a short vacation, an ent-taiuo:ent was duce the tariff acoordintr to their own and I therefore knew that any remedy given in Opera Hall, consisting mostly visws, but they refused to do either.but "f J T rT?7. w!-aw Pg y cnuaren. uae piece ... - 1 valuable one. 1 have since recommend- w . UmIh oirl the i.Miicrhter ooatented themselves bv oinina forces , av w nA W-r. WM 8),cen b ' 111110 R,r,tbft S"wr r rjll IfVi'tl UVIS a a. iwwuvnuwv auu se wa I a t, a a , aa a with a few renegade Democrat, to da- nttr'B Safe Cure to manv of my friend. of V"" ae,Ur 6er fther bclnS lres- feat the Morrison bill. There ia no and I know several Dootors ef Divinity disguising the fact that Republicans are " lUport. given Tt the tifch annual opposed to all attempts to reduce taxa- thj over -orked tnd dut- driv. meeting of San Francisco W. C. T. U. tioo, and the sooner the people recog-1 eQ women 0f America could know of abow that the society is prospering nize thir. fact the better it will be for tha experience above described, and act g:noe tne iait annuul meetinc a kinder W I . a a lfaal. a a I the country. upon tne aame, mere can oe nine oouot . , established at 232 Fell , 1 ... A M .. . U f IL. ..nirft an. I vnn.t vf Ih. I lillKb UlllliU VI bill; iiatu, auu uiudv . vuo ... ...... , , , ,WaM; !nfl.L r.r i;f mJohi ha. I street, Miss Willard having donated l'l'iUOillU lUaauvWWUV WS aaaw ft w I avoided. Such truths are teo valuable to remain unknown. In New York a woman is psid six Old Dan had used his neighbor's fence as firewood, and was accordingly brought before tbe court to answer for the same. "Have you any lawyer for defenoe 1" I cents for making a sbirt,and the papera askod the judge, as Dan took his place, speak of it as an outrage. Yet in Ver "No, or, I bab not," replied the raont a woman not only doesn't get a negro. 4,Kaae, yo' know, jedge, 'taint cent for msking a shirt, but thinks hor de fence what needs a lawyer; hit am self mighty happy if ber husband dis po' niggar dat am in fer it. I doesn't swear like a parrot at the way A Western student at Little Rock, I spec' yer better 'pint one for him." 1 it fits. A large proportion of the diseases which human suffering result from deraage- of the stoaaacb, bowels, an4 liver, 'a Catbajetic PiLm act directly npoa organs, and axe especially designed to cure the illsrsstai eaased by their derange ment, including Constipation. Idige- tloa. Dyspepsia. Headache, Dysentery, aad a boat of other ailments, for all ot which they are a safe, sore, prompt, aad i leiuaiit remedy, lite extensive use of I Pills by eminent physicians in regalar lice, shows unaiisiakabiy the eatimatioa la which they are held by the medical profes sion. These Pills are compounded of vegetable sabstauces only, and are absolutely free froas caiouitl or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes : "Aykb's Pills sre Invaluable to me, and sre my constant companion. I Save been a severe sufferer front Headache, and your Pills are the only thing I could loae to for relief. Ono doae will quickly mora my bowels and free my bead from pal a. Tbey are the must effective and the eaaieat physis 1 have ever fouui. It Is a pleasure te ma to sieak in their praise, and 1 always do as vh?u occ.isiou offer. W. la. Pauk, of W. T Pus & Bra." Frankliu SL, lUchmond.Va., June 3, 182. 1 have used Avers Pills la number less instances aa recommended by you, and have never known them to fail to aaoosapltab tho ilsstreJ Ttt-xiM We conatautly keep theas on hand at our home and prire theas as a pleasant. .ile. and reliable family edict aa. Kill DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. Uaybs." Mesi:t, Texas, June 17, 1 -. The star. FntNrra B. HaitLOWK, wriUag from AHiHta tia., aays: "For some years past 1 have fx-eii subject to eoaatapatiaa, from which, iu spite of the use of asedS ciues of various kinds, 1 suffered iucraajtna Incoiiveuieiice, unUI stxue mootka age 1 began taking A vt:R's Pu t... 1 liry have entirely corrected the costive habit, and bave vastly improved my general health." Ayer's Catiiabtic Pills correct Irregu larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe tite and digestion, and by their prompt aad thorough action give tone and rigor to the whole physical economy. rnriARED dt Or. J.C. Ayer ACoa Lowell, Mesa. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All experience the wonderful beneficial effects ef Sarsaparllla. Ayer's Children with Sore Byes. Sere Para or anv scrofulaaa ar sysa- IliUe taint, may be made healthy aa strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists ; f 1, sis bottles far S& the collections at her lectures while in Sin Francisco, to this object. Proceeds of coffee house at 629 Sacramento street are used in defraying expenses of s free reading room next door. east. Mrs. Land Stanford has increased ber gift of 1,000 to the free kinder garten of San Francisco te $5,000, thereby enabling Mrs. Cooper to plant more of these beautiful charities in that $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY Smoker of BtsckweQw Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will receive Premiums aa follows oa terms and conditions here specified: 8t PREMIUM, $5,000 2d n $2,000 3d " $1,000 88 other. Premium ss here shown. The 96 premiums will be awarded December St. 1884. Jut Premium from to the person from whom we re ceive tbe largest numbarof oar empty tobaooo bag prior to Dae. UV 2d will be iriven for the next laiveet number and thus, hi the order of the number of empty bass received from each, to tbe twenty-five successful con testants. Each ba must bear our original Bull Durham label V. a Revenue stamp, sod Caution Notice. Bags must be dene up securely in a package, with name and address of sender, and number of bag contain ed, plainly marked on the outside, and must be sent, charves prepaid, to Black well's Durham Tab aces t o.,DTBHAM,N C- KveryiwuuiM packnga has picture of Bnu. See our next anonmerit la. 4 tail $500 64450 8400 S350 S300 275 $250 $225 $200 8175 150 125 100 890 np ieo fin '84 $30 $20 810