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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santl am River, opposite Water- oo fcoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. PostofBce, Waterloo, Or h arh MRtlrr U P. Church. Proaching every Sabbath, . ii . m . and 7 r. m. by Rev. r G. Ir- ii ckhath school at 2:80 P. M Tine, jla v. ww- - - - p, mtin every Wed nesaday evening. Evakobucal CHUHCH.-Prching on Sab bath at II A. m., ana i, r. sx. School 12:15. Pry meeting every rhura. AmV .vninir. J. A. HoUenuaugn, jwwr. r ana Rrn. Sorriceeevery Sabbath at 11 a. m, and 8 r. u. Sabbath , i o.n IVvr meeting on iri J nf Min VMK. J. i ourwujr win " Vl.n-ia naatar. M. & Church, South. Servioea held u.u..k . aa PauTa M. K. Church, KL Tt U a. m. Sabbath School at 10 A. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Ihurs t. .nmno C. n. Carson. iator. M. E. Church. lVeaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 7 r. M. Song wrviee in u : KfnM urmnn. Sabbath School t 90 P. M. Prayer meeting every l&urs- day evening. Kev. M. Judy, paawr. t..wbav fiit-urni. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 dl m. Prayer mooting every Thiirdiv .vfuinu. Kev. Isaac II. Comlit pastor. rim fSnmiM Preaclmur every Sabbath at Y P C A Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7:30 r. m. Pulpit supplied by Uev H. F. Morrison. The mat slreagta Blag reaiody and nerve .Mic-1. the lwimmate re- mil rJ over taentv years r.-tu-J exiwrieoce. md cures with unhultng certainty Nervous uw .Jnaical debility, senn ets STiose iwrnii-r-n. uroi tato.-vhoea, iwaone. Imp Wtncy , hausUxi vitality, (ire ture MM end ''J8 Si 1 n all ita complications nu inun cause produoad. It enrlche auJ EBew seenwasw strengthens the nerve, brain. ,m,d,if' .T procure organ snd physical ami JW"" It stops any unnatural, debilitating drain npon the synT preventing iaVoluntaO losses, f"? dreams, seminal MM with the urine, -r,dr etruclive to mind and body. It U a sure JLtiLJl? of all kidney and bladder complaints. It UlMlll-M fogredient. To thoae ruflenr.g f ruin , the evil effects of youthful indiscretion , a; speedy, ough and cure is GCAJtAMTBBD, Wj 2S0 per bottle, or Bee bottles In case, with fuU d rectioM aad edvwe. $10. lant secure from obry' Hon to any address upon racaipt ol price, or t. O. U., a bar ad only of DR. C D. 8AUFIELD, ! Kearmey kX. ban t raarUco. t al Consultations strictly aonfldenUal by leUer or at S KKKF. For the convenience ot paiienu and in srdar to insure perfect secrecy I hava addopted a prl vale Ml-treas uejder which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. flafficient to show its merits, will be sent to any owe applyin Coarcat lying by letter, stating nia symptoms lunicattoos smcuy wobosbum, Dr. SPIWKV, NO- 11 KEARNY ST. Treats alt ikroalc and Special Blaeasea. YOUN MEN W HO WAT BE arTFERISC EWOW THE eflcU of youthful follies or huMcreU.m, wUl .VweU toatailtbemselresol this, eraUs t ffTQr llii'r mm IUO Jb( i r ui a.-"" y 8PINKKT will yuaranUe to foHtil aX.r every case fHr""! weakness or private disease of any kind or mTmvr which he undertakes and tail to curs. MIDDLE-At. BEE There are many at the age of thirty -flreitosbrty who troubled with too frequent eracuaii. of the blsd often acoampanied by a alight smsrtin or burning . tie loaTweakenin of the system u a manner e patient cannot account for. On examining the arinsry deposit a ropy sediment will often be founo aod aomxi" small particles of albumen will appear, j tbe ootor will te of a thin mUkish hue, again chang Ims to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many man who die of Uiis difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. V--wiO guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, ana healthy restoration of the gem to-urinary organa. Omci Hocss 10 to 4 sad 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. M. Coosa? tsfion free. Thorough exminatioi Fw S'stf liseases of short standing s full coarse medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, aHU be soot to any address on receipt of flO 00. CaQ aw address. BE BriSSET at ., 71 So. 11 Kearnr St. San Francisco. Cal To the Unfortunate ! DK GIBBON'S Dispensary. 6-23 kFlKM ST.. conic of Commer- I cial Street, San Francisco, l Established n laa-a, w the treatment of Sexual land Seminal Diseases, such fas Gonorrhea, dleet. ; atrt etr,yisiiiis m ai tXBl BBHBBaKlts iorms, saapwacwej m . w nMi IfMHi be dreams. Oim pies ot the face and loss of manhood can positively be eared. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extens.vely in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nospi aals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable iniorma ion, which be is competent to impart to those in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAT E ('I K. ED AT HOME. All ooi-tnunicattons strictly confidential. You see no one bu , the Doctor. Bend ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DK. J. V. GIBBON, Box 1967, San Francisco. vl5n3 RUSSELL & COe'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM m SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHIN 5 MACHINES, ETC. At First Hands. THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front and Tay lor Streets, Portland, Or., where they will carry in stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, PortabU Ti action and Stationary engines snd boilers. "New Massillon" threshers, horse powers, etc., etc.. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (nam ag this paper.) Bl'aaELIfet Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and all other businees?in the U. S Patent Office attended ed to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we ean obtain Patents in less time than those remote tom Washington . Send modle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ;and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the 8upt. of Money Order Di v. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences to actual clients in your own State or county, eddresfc Ca A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . - - ,- OThe BtrvEBS' Guide is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8zll inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or fami'.y use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mas kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear aaa Was a JUL SaWSiSakltVI nir.isTAiiEiiK, IIWUUVEMMI Ullft ' mauBooii SgpMSijSsssssssseggssg M J. kwiwwwaam; M A t Olrla COirecior v, trtKrm. IT 8 SonaUir-Hon J II Slitter. Hon J N I)olph. C onureasman l U tiorg. Siinroine Court Jmlaos J li WaUaO, w P liord, K 11 Wfttnon. Uovernor i Moony. Secretary of SUto-H P Karhnrt. Mt sta 1 v t as si I t Jl I m ' . Hunt of l'uhlin I tiatruouon 1 U oto Elroy. - w a a a. a a 11 t t . I . r r.u iiiiifm ini iimn ii i" nt mo. DUH Atto ney trd dint) VV 11 liolmoa COTJSTT. rMinlv lii,1.-n -1 l'lillll. County Couira.-Johu Isom, 8 R Cly- pool. Uiorit j a. otewari. Sheriff George liuitiphrey. Treasurer J 11 Poery. School Stlpt TA Momo.m. Surveyor D V 8 Hold. AascSMor N V ixwier. Coroner l)r K L. Irvine. CITY. Mayor -J, I Hill. Ktcorder Pi J licniou. Maishal I t' li koy. Treasurer 8 Seitenbaob. M til N THfcV MKKT. latin's i ,uk-,. No. tVl. In l-'oster ISltX'K, SOU OSUltruay Ol PSVU uiuuua. rorintbianlliodga, No. 17, same plains 1st and 3rd Saturdays of eacb mouth. llUvk, lint! Saturday ot wn inoum. Itavley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same place. Albanv Ixxlirn. I. O. O. F.. WadoaBOBSI evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. Orireana Kacaiunmetit meets every 2ud and 4th Friday of each month. Wills msata N 5. A. O. U. W.. Monday evenings at O. F. Hall. Safety Ldge, A. O. U. W., Tuosday enings, m reternoiu it an. Kuitrhta of Pythias, Thursday evenings at O. F. Hall. Chornn Kiintids. at O. F. Hall, lit and 3rd Fridays of each mouth. Anolantnnlnr nriTnilAil Tftrntilant. at O. F. Hall, 1st and 8rd Tuesdays of each month. . OIK Vt.l.MH. Followiog are the Dkmockat' duly au thorised ageuts to reeeive subsoriptiaus or money for the same : Lebanon T L Wallace Harris burg Sam May Brownsville O. P. I'oshaw Halsev T. I- Porter Shedds F. A. Watts 8cio.... W. K. Kelly Jefferson S. A. DeVaucy SUlLOH3 CURK WILL immediately relieve Croup, Wboopiug cough and Bronchitis. Administrators Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned hava boon appointed by kne County Court for Linn county .Oregon. Administrators of the estate of Lewis Cox, deceased. All persons having elaims against said estate are hereby notified to S reseat them properly verihed to the tin e reigned at the homo place of said deceas ed or at the Law Office of Weatbet ford A Blackburn, in Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, within six mouths from the date of this nctioe. Manh 7th, ISM. Edward G, Cox, battTH Cox, Am iniatrator of the estate of lie wis Cox, deceased. Notice of Assignment. Notice is hereby given that Alfred Wheal, don, of Linn county, Oregon, has made a general asaingment el all his property to the undersigned for the benefit of his creditors under an act of tbe Legislature of Oregon entitled "An act to secure creditors a jist divisonof the estates of debtors who convey to assignees tor the beueiit of creditors" ap proved Oct. IStb, 187s. All persons having claims agaiast Ue estate ot said Alfred Whealdon are hereby notitied and required to present the same under oath to the under signed at Albany, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notiee. Dated February 14th, 1S&4. Geo. K. CnAiiBi:;:i.i', Assignee. fur the work.njr claas hcml 1W vciiU lor pustage. and e ttmil free, a ro)ai VSS table box of semple irxidit that will put you in ibv t ss mas- ine' more ti, in a few au than yoa ever thought poniblc at any buatneas. Capital not required. Ws will start vou. Yon can work al! ibe time at ia :re time only. The work Is umveraally ;.ti to both sexes, youn; anl old. l ou can easily caiii from U) cents to as every evening. That all who want work may teat the business, we make this unparapUsl ed o3er ; to all who are not well satiated we will send SI to pay for the irooble of writing oa Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who sive the r whole time to the work. Ureat- success absolutely suie. Don't delay. Start now. Address STissos A Co., Portland, Maine. Aff a week at home, e& vtfit free. I'av abso BOD lutely sure. No rUk, Capital required ade r. you want business si which nervous of her se , young or old, can make great pay all tb. methsy work, with absolute certainty, write fo articular s to H. llaLUtTT and Co.. Portland, Maine TJJ OR, LIEBIC frlvale IMapritsary, 400 Ccary bt., Mail Kiancisco Cal Cotiducted by Qualified Pbystclans and burgtons regular graduates. m 1 be Oldest specialists in tbe I'nitad blatts, life-long experience, I tifect mtthed and pure medicine, ii ture )" nd fieruianent cures l all Filiate, Cfaroiiic and Nervous Dmhbms Affections of the lilood, bkin, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptions, L' leers, Old Korea, Bweiling of the Cilsds, hore Moutb, Throat Bone Psiiupermanent'y cured and eradi cated from the system for life . NEBVIBia Debility, Impotency, Eeminal ljaeea, h ua! Decay, Men tal and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes, blunted De lete mciit, Impediments to Marriage etc., frcm excess or youthful tollies, crscy cause, tpeedily, safely and privately turcd. louug. Tlltltlle-Agul and Old men, and sill v. ho need medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may save futuie misery and shame. When IntiiBVSsjSQI to visit the city for treatment, medicines an be sent everywhere by express free from observation. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, snd physicians through out the country.knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy 1 used. The Doctor's age anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. "Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. The Doctor will aeree to forfeit 11,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., 6 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the banitarist Ouide to Health, sent free. Address as above DR. LIEBIG'b. Woucrrrul German Invl&erator Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the inuwles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health. and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss "Of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostata rrhea with Hypersethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vigorator is the only positive cure for Proctorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at tbe Liebig Dispensary . Price f In vigorator, H't. C'aso of six bottles $10. Sent to any address, covered lecurely from cb scrvation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the In vigorator, A B2 Bottle Given nr cut free. Consultation free and private Call or address LIEBIG DlbPEVSAKY. 400 Geary Street, ban Francisco. Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four blocks up ueary street ircm aesmey, Main entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has lejn duly appointed adminis trator of tho estate of W O Stewart. An. ceased, by the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims aga.nst faid estate are hereby noti fied and required to present the same properly verified to the undersigned at L. : j - . ... .... . nis resiue'jcx) iu Aiosny wit run six moutlis from the date hereof. Dated February 15th,.1884. C. II, SXEWART Infants and Children Without Morphino or Niroottne, Wliat (rlvrn mir CtiiMrm nwr twtaeka, What cure thvlr lvtm, mitVes thviu sUmti 'TIs lastnrla. When nahlrw fivt, awl err by turns, Wltal curva ttu-ir ciilio, kills UiHr worms. Hut Caatorbs. What rnili'kly nina fSmstlpatlon. Muur HumuucIi, t'oUls, ltulit:lion j Itut Civatorln. Khmwrll thon to M. ril.iu ynrp lWr tll ami rstrKrlo, Anil llaltCastorla. Cantaur Llnlment.-An ab- aAltitn nnrs for RhAiimAtllni. I Hnralni. V,. Aavlla. An., and sua instim tanooue lsvin-roitewor . . SB ssssspsj svjjj BJaVajk I m? I I P PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, as a i am s csrru ivi bbs sal From tbi'so sources arlao thre lottrtns of Ui illacaaoa oi tho humun ruco. These ftwptnrim Indicate Uiolrcxnitcnc" : lVosa of Appetite, siowcn eesuvs, mtmm. iih actor, fullneae after eatlatsr. aversion to eaertlon off bodjr ear ml ml, I.ruc4atlon of food, Irrltabltlty of temper, Lose spirits, A reeling of ttavisaaj saeglssesd earns dastr, IMamUaesa, FtatUertnft at Itw Heart. Iots before Hie eyes, highly col- red l!rlie, t OSSTH'ATIOS, aiul Oo- mand tbo uso of a rouiody t hut acta dimetly on too Uvor. AaaLlvorrncMtlclneTtPfT'a imi.i.m havo nooioitl. Tttolr action on th Kliliieys nni skin Is alno prompt ; removlm? all imuuritlns throuah Uicso throe "aeaw- ensrers of the systea,' proituclng appe tite, sound digcatlon, resrular stoolajt clear saw ana a vigorous ooay. ltii -aa. muse no nausea or griping nor interfere w ltli dally work uua aro ae rtect TUTTS HAIR DYE. tiur Uata or "Wnisaras ebanged In- stnntiv ir&i;taar liLarx bvasludn ar- t.Ucntlon of thU DTK. M by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt or as. Offlc n. 44 Murray Street, NewTork. TUTTS MA1UAL OF USEFUL K6IIPTS FREL 1884a pr's Bazar. Harp ILLTJSTBATBD. "Harpsr's Baser ' Is at one the must brilliant and oavful Household Juornal In existence. It is the ae- koowlediced arUiUr of faabiuii tit this country. Its fashion tdates ars the ncaest and must sljllsh : and ita pattern sheet supplements and ecottomk suggea lions alone aro worth many times the cost of sub scri(Aloa. Its ilrastratiuns ut art neodlewera are root the best source. Ita literary and artis ia menu are of tbe highest ordsr. Its stories, pueott. aod as says are by tbe first American and European authurm. Ita choice art pictures would All portfolios, and Ita humorous cats are the tnoat amusing to be foetid In any journal in America. A b-jetuf biilllant ttuteiUea arc promised fur 1 - -1 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. frr rar AsVSBa BAZ.VK...M $4 U0 HAKrare wkkki.t so IIAItl'KKS MAO INK 4 u II AKl'KR'S Yi t N; I'KOI'LK 1 SO HAl'.l'KK M KIlANhIN sot All K LIHKAKV, One year (iJ Numbc.s) lO.OO THIS MAGNETIC BELT 19 WARRANTED TO CURE'..3-H'. ft tvwiaw without medietas Pala In thaaeh. hipa, ttmW. aerveaa ilitiUlTj Jsilags eaae rail rkMaitba, saralrsU. BrarafaUs. aelattea saas aaa kidner a. ssSaal aiissssjg.fsiIIMessaws)S, SSBlSfl easUsloas, Impolmrr, SfcaiS), heart STta ease, 4yerpla, rB.(jpail. ervetaelaa, ta4lcaa Slso. aerala or raetsjtsa sslawii, glles, epllaeey. wLm any dsbUlry of the O rwr K ATIVE OBO k !! - ''. leas ewautr. : or aerre rere aaa ullu 1st i e mmm mil linn mi mm eaal aatare. from whatever mum, the eonttai tream of aarnetlna permeaUag thrangb the asast reeters (hens ta a health sella. Tharslsae MAGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE LADIES: -.41 Msaaaatlen. with Ptsss i s i ml the Li r. Kldarre. Ueadkeba ortolS reel.. laeAa or to IS raeU SesUfea Mwnlles reet, an Abdominal bal Uc Koot Batteries have no supertoi SweUi Weak Ankles, or aad a pair of Magnetic In the relief anil cure suncnor BOWre'lnf and ears or all tbesa eemnisuea. Taeg carry a powerfal magrrtlo forte to 10 Uto seat os sne Pelofel. SopBreee.4 aaa Ir- rewnlar Mee straatlaa. Hnrraaneae. aad ehaaae of Ufa, thU U the Best ApDUaaee aad Carat A seat for'aU forms of fesaal DMBewIUea It la enswr psssiil by an jaiii n c bervro In rented, both as a earafJve agaat aad as a source of power and n taUxatlon. Price of either Halt with MagneUc Poot BsStertes. I O. Bent by express O.O.D .and examlnaUon allowed. or by mall on receipt of nrteo . In rderlue. send aasasure or waist and stss of shoe. Remittance oaa bemadelaear rency, sent In letter at our risk. The Magneton Garment are adapted to all ages, are worn over the underclothing, nei west to the bosy Uka the sasurg Oalvaala aad fclootrts Hnaa-bua-s adverttaed aoextenalrelr) and should be taken ott at night. They hold their pomr fomm; lei ar worn at aU seasons of tho year. Bona stomp ror m "newuenarrnre in mnoirai i isai ,-wnai XitE MAOWKTON APPXXANCKCO- 318 btato HU, ChAoago, IS, DR. ALLEN'S i'rivitk DiapsxaasT, 3i Kearnr Street, Han Franclsce, CaU, Established roa tub 8cir.xTiric axd si'sssr Cvsa or Cuaoxic, Nsavous anu Hvkial Disbak1i. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, Dtt. ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWN, 18 A KM ular graduated Physician, educated st Bowdoin College and University of Miubi(an. He has devoted a lifetime to tbe st inly of the tretment and ours of diseases within his specialty. And middle-aged men. who nre suffering from the ouci-ve 01 yuuwuui inuiscreiioiis or excesses in ina turer years, nervous and nhysical debility, impo tence, lost manhood, confusion of ideas, dull tyes, aversion to society, despondency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat ing, etc. ae7Remember tlie Doctor has a Vezelablo Com pound, the result of many years special practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of success in the cure of Loit matiood.prostator rhea, etc. NY U8PITAL KJERIE!VCU. Having been surgeon in charge of two le idirtg hospitals) enables me to treat all private troubles with excellent results. I wish it rlistinctlv mwi... stood tbst I do not claim to perform impossibiliies, or va uavo unrucuioux or supcniailirai power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my spocialty DISEASES OF MA N. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar antee a positive cure in every esse 1 nudertake or fdrfeit $1,000 Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microaconTS analysis of urine and advise, $5. OEnee hurs 9 to 3 daily, (1 to 8 evening. Sunday & to 12. Call cn or address DK. A LIES, Kern e; i tre Tan I nu ciexe, ( al. liaaipiim " saa raw Laaaa Bask, Waalraeasaf the Bwtoa, Fa. la, of the wees a, tsa isiiheje, Cbrewle laBaaaasa FRIDAY MARCH 28, 1884 HtMOHOrS M tTTKHK. The umbreU la tbo .beat Chrlitlan after all. It alwayn Meopn lant. The woman wba sailed with Noah 10 .t .... nj u ai-.. i.t, 1 uu(iii me uvrwia wcio luu unt aia mo9 Love lHttara ahnuld bo nlaced In ylgton holes, becauae Iheae placoa are auirreatlve of bllUnar and coo- I (nir My falllna to vlrtuo'a." ta w bat I a IBM! said the other day while bal. anclnt? himself agalnat tbo church Wall. Candid Coplda .wore among tbo ornimanta at a recent fnahlonablo . - I dinner, and the gentlomen preaont trlod bard to discover which were tbo moat dressed tho lugar gods or tho lady guests. An experienced married man of Plattsburf aays ; "If there la one time more than antther when a woman should be eoUrelj alone, it Is when a full line of clothea comes down in the mud." A dandy at a hotel table, who wanted tbe milk passed te him, thus asked for It i "Fleas send your cow this way." To whom tbe landlady retorted as follows : Waller, take the cow down te where the calf Is bleating." A good old man. up in ibe North Woods ef Pennsylvania, went to pray er meeting the other night, and un wittingly fell asleep, lie was called up to offer prayer, and being dutiful ly punched by bta oetter half, bellow edout: "Hang It, Betsy, kindle it yourself." A big Hoosier from the West, en paying his bill in a Lendou restau rant, waa told that the aum put down didn't Include the waiter. Wal," he roared, "I didn't eat any waiter, did I?" lie looked as if he could, though, and there waa no further die cuaalon. "How did you come to get msr rledT" asked a man of a very home ly friend. "Well, you see," he re plied, "after I'd vainly tried to win aeverml girls thst I wanted, I finally turned my attention to ooe that wan ted me, and tben it dld't take long to arrange matters.', "Yea," ahe aald, "Jfary eamo near being an old maid. You aee, her fa her waa a governor, tier brother a colonel, and her brother-in-law was a scientist of note. Being of such a distinguished family, the bsd ta be very particular whom she married, and ahe came blllng near not getting anybody." "You forgive your little cousin for whipping you, don't you, Charley? You kno e that the good angels love little boys who forget aod forgive." i si ii i msu with mm any more aunty, but I'm going home to eat iois of oatmeal, aid I'll bet I can lick him when 1 come back." An Iowa boy, aged fifteen, worked a month for the physician ol the neighborhood, and waa given, instead of the $10 which be expected, a re ceipted bill for professions! services which the doctor hsd rendered on tbe occasion of his birth. The boy can now see that it would have boon $10 In his pocket If be had never been born. It is well enough to advise a young man to overcome all obetaclee by "taking the bull by the horns f but when the youth Is in the middle of the field and tbo bull ia coming to ward him with his bold down and his tall 1 Biking In the air, the young man prefers to take the fence. It would be decidedly unwholesome te take the bull by the horns under these circumstances. Qentleman to horse dealer: "You fooled me in that hone." "What, I? Never!" "Yes; you said that be had no do facts, and I find that he Is blind of an eye." "Why, that's not a defect ; that's a misfortune." A New York optician saya that be bas a customer wbo keeps six pairs of pectacles in wear, reading with one, writing with another and walking with another, and having duplicates of all tbiee in One frames for occasions when full drees seems necssarjr. Among the stories of sword fishes to be found in marine jurisprudence is ons of a fish which asnt its sword through tho copper sheathing, an inch board under tbe sheeting, a three inoh plank of hard-wood, the solid white oak tim ber twelve inobes thick, then through another 2i inch hard oak ceiling and fixally into tbe head of a barrel, of oil where it remained. Sir Samuel W. Baker, tba African explorer, states thst tbe camel will cross tbs deserts with a load of 400 pounds at ths rate of thirty miles m dsy in the burning heat of Summer and require watsr onlj svery third eor fourth day. In the cooler months the animal will work for seven or eight days without water, and if grazing en green foliage withoni labor will drink only once a fortnight. Louisiana suffered nearly $18,000,000 damages by flood the past year. '" Tru. joy U a irrene and obf r too- mod ; ana may are minorably out that Uka laughing for rtjoioing, the atat of it ia within, and tharH ia no cbenrfuL naaalika the reaoluiiona of a brave mind, that has fortune under Ita feet. Remdtni.renottwareoftkafot,brit fMt u ta of daily increasing magni- "ujr u wnm.o lU)0rm;. dari' thfct eir first grand neoaa- sitf Id raadlos is to U via-ilantlv. nan-1 w - m j i sctenuoualy select ; and to know every- wu,r tht book, ,,k divided into what wa may call "ueP "O goats, toe latter put inaa I at . . ss . saa" . orauij oa the left band of thu Judge n lnti,rjg every goat ot tbem, at all 1 a I f.l s a OH,wu, Wmnmm w nucn voiuad, and, If possible, ignored . 1 b7 MD0 creatures I Nothing ia suoh an obstacle to tba . I . . . m 11 . . a Prouowon m "noa ss me power f prodool i g wh.t is good with ease and epdity. II you eeek advice aboat your own concerns, ons will say it if white snd another will swear It is black. Ws morlalp. men and women, de vour many a disappointment bstweea breakfast snd dinner-lime ; keep bask the tests and look a little pale about tbe Hps, and ia answer to iwpsiriesrSay: "Ob, nothing 1" Pride helps us, and prida ia not a bad thing whan it only urges us to bide our own hurts not to hurt others. Pstty vexations may at bs petty, but still ikey are vexations. Tbe smallest and neat inconsiderable an noyances srs tke most piercing. As small leltera weary tbe eye most, so also tbe amalleat affaire distutb us moat. Tboogbts abut up want air, and spoil like bales unopened to tbe aun. Tbe fate of war ia to be exalted ia the morning, and low enough at night ! There ia but one step from triumph to ruin. Every duty we omit obscures seme truth we should have known. Lst a man learn to look lor tbs per manent in tbs mutable and fleeting ; let bim learn to bear tbe diaappearance of tbiage be waa wont to reverence, with out losing bis reverence ; let bim learn that, though sbyea open under ahyas( and opinion displace opinion, sil sre at Isst eontained in tbe sternal cauae. I do not see wby a successful book a not as great an event as s aucceaslul eampaign, only different in kind at d not easily compared. Pleasure is very seldom fo::rtd where . i la sought ; out buglil-st Mazes , el..n. ...,.,,!. bU.lUI L. Pynsswa a saw rm , - vvui issviify aiilVIV J j Ul. expected sparks. The flowers which scatter their odors from time to lime in the patb of life grow tin without cul ture, from seeds scattered by chance. Tbe fewer words the better prayer. Joaquin Miller ia of tbe opinion tbst polygamy is on the decrease in Utah. Tbe people there will cease to be "saints' be told the Uouse committee on Tarri tories tbs other day, when they are shown tbeir true condition, whieb bas been csrefully hidden from them by de signing men. An old lady, aaya the New York Morning Joumn, offered District-Attorney Olney six eggs ss sn inducement to show isnlsncy to Ser son who was lately indicted for stealing. Strsnge to aay, Mr. Olney refused the princely present. Evidently he wss not swsre ef the fact that st this season of tie yssr "eggs is eggs." The south believes that education and morale should go hsnd in band. Consequently tbs people ef Mississippi hsvs impeached their state superinten dent of public inatraotion on account of bia habitual intemperance. RE YOU MDR miserable by India geation, Constipation, Diazine. Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin T Hhltoh's Ykallser poelUve H i. mailed CBCC 0 ail applicants ana 10 i of teat rilU vrsr without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for pleating; alt Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Pleats, etc. Invalwajble to nil. D.M. FERRY S CO. li"cn! MS only known specific for Epileptic Tits. VJ0 effJas tor eSBSS sad Falling BlsVasss, Xerreaa esses U Instantly relieves and eures. Cleanses snd quickens sluggish circulation. Ventre erase of disease end saves sUknaaa. Ceres ilFMEPTIfi"SAiia Mj blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminates Bells. Carbuncles and Scalds. tar-Permanently and promptly corns paralysis. Tsa, Ula a charming aad aesethful Aperient. Kills SeroftUa and Kings XvO, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, remor- tog tbs osnse. Bouts bilious tendencies and makes elesr cotaplsxlon. Kijnalled by none in tbe dcllrtom ef rarer. A charming resolvent aad a matcblssa laxative,' It drives Sick Headache Uke the wind. garXXiatalns no drastic catbatUc ot oplatea. BaUsvas (THE GREAT L HERV ETC WfiOUERO WJ I 1 Kl I I I I w tbe brela of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rbca maUsm by routing ti. Besseres Uf e-grtlng propej ties te the Mood. Is guaranteed t cure all nervous disorders. re-Bciiable When a& opiates fan. Be. sad lDVtgorstes tba body. Cans WI 1 W ah- BT V MBi I we NEtlERIFAILS Dlsrasesof tbebtoodownftsconrmeror. Endorsed ta writing by over fifty thousand, leading ctUaens. clergymen sad physMans In TJ. B. sad Europe. te-For sae by all leading dtnicglsts. S1J0. fjR) Tba Dr. S. L BteLmoBd Med Bq.8tJo88Dh.MiL I. Tor teetirnonnUa and etmustw eaiiiaaisiini, . f TtiDisioTOK CO., Afffats, faa Iteeaajg..? Will be eS BBT SBS Bf SWBBeawaw MIS8 EMMA SCHUBERT, 1Tt.I.T1I1.TLY INH nH2RSUATIr.. Cutting and fitting by tbo new Taylor's HyaUm. ftPPnlTF RFVFRF HHIKF ft. OOHN & BItO.. jyg ppQj $t . - PORTLAND. OR J A . rAMMic ZZZ ' mtrtwnrsaiwa. AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGER N. K. Cor. aecooa' and Yamhill Sta., rORTLAXO, OHEOOK. A. f. AuMtnibNu. Prlmloat. j. A. Wasco, P.ranao aad aet-ry d,, fof tho Basioesa Edoeatioa rf Btk Ssrei Adiiiitlt ! on any week day oflhs year, PENvWORKrW- Of all kin , esortiUd to order at reasonable rates. h.iiifa tlun guaranteed. The College "Journal," rontalelrhf Information nf the ronrse vf stud, rules Of tuition, tune ta enter, etc., ana cuts ol ptaia and ornamental pen. Ill llieJlli, Iriu. 500 lnirfcew's Coldra Balaam No. I 'urea chancres, first snd sound stages . Moras oa the lees ami body . HyphillUc Catarrh, dlsssssrl e-alp and ail primary forms erf the disease, known as Hyp hUla Price, W pet bottle. rrHlrhaus iiuMem Balsa aw Mo. S Curse TsrUarr. Men-oriel. HihUlttc Rheotnallem. secondary Stayes. Pains In the Uoooe. Ctosraled Throat. HrphtlTUe Hash, Lumps, etc.. and eradicates all dieoaeas from Ue system whether caused by bad! treatment or abase of mercury, louring the blood pure and healthy. Prlre, a.', per bottle. Hetil everywhere, C. O. 1)., securely ravrksd par ss. press. C r ail II A ROM A .. A grata. 477 k 4 atieome street. Corner Clav, Ban r raiw-lacf, California. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the under- Blameu has bean duly appolntad adminie tratrix of tbe estate of Henry C. Henneaa, ate of Mnn county. Oreuon. deneaaed. All persons having Halms a gainst sold rtilatn are. hereby required to preeasnt tbe earns witb proper voucher, wltbln sis mouths of the date of this notice, to ibf mclr-relgned at Hentioss, I.lnn county, Oregon. November lSth, 183. (R.SKVIKVK if BaXKM, Sbulubkob A HtsMKK, Aduir. Attya. PATENTS arcww a CO., tsa Set saliva) Ajraroavleo. tlaaa to aot a. abettors for Pl-osaCarwata. Trudo jKE'flS PaUote aont fro. Patents to tSe Sdasmsw Asuuci .v. the moat wttstr eSieeteieri aosesnmo WeaSlr. eel en aia fonaatioo. SpeoUsea eopr I rata acnl aaa aesaenav 1884. PRE8IDENTAL, COUNTY AND 8TATE ELECTION. Mibseribe lor the DEMOCRAT the loading local paper of The Willamette Valley. COUNTY AND CITT OFFICIAL PAPER. Complete in its Local and Editor ial Departments. HOW IS THE TIMBJTO SUBSCRIBE. liana Boo aboat arwars' asperVenoe- HUivn a cti areaouoea ea? paper. sa.ajaree Tines ana. laureatina u- rrmm st L nasi V, miume Broadwar. new Tors. . JULIUS GRADWOHL Has Ik only xelaI alack or CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER Large Issortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and 8ng ONE DOZEN OUPS AND SAUCERS 81. OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TBE HIGHEST NABKETPCE PAID FOB Remember I What I 8a j I lean. Dire le a Call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOFFMAN raopRnsTORs of- ALBANY SODA WORKS. AND DKAUHtS IN Imported and Domestic Cigar a, Candle Nuts and Albany, ONE L OB BELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 71 FIROT COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, as ear kenee In tbe aller. He a no Import, end inanul eel ni e TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE or svaar n-scurrtoK "oa-j- pAUK, hk aas os GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ill or which he urruis to ths pcbuc at PKKt., m , K erW Tw ejSTS I . . v - , , . v v - m . . ssea . w-rauuus. tALb Al riWfT STREET, ALBANY. m . Repair work done C C CSIIIT. I'.B.rifEII ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY A PARKES, (Soooesasore to C. C. Cherry.) HacMiiiiti, imwrigiia, and Iron FoundBie. WE HATE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, aad are now prepared to handle all kinds of heave work. We will manufacture Ream Enginea, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and mil kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTSJMS atat aaaaarr xenra Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufiuv ture the improved Cherry A White Oraia Separator. Albany, Or., Dec 1, 1880. IStf FROM THE SOUTH, A rerOeet Ceeaalaatlea with two aatteat SSvaalaeee way It Ceaeerae eev. "There is no mistake about It," remarked Dr M f Flowers, of Oaiastla, M less art, "Be neon's Cpcite Porous Plartcra are one of tbs neatest combinations ersc prod aeod. Tbey have two kinds of aarmntagee over all others, whlr-h we may call the salao aad the major. First, they srs clean and pleasant to uso never soiling tbs bands nor ths linen of the wearer Second, they are quickly and powerfully. 1 have triad the apcios Plaster wa myself for po mmonia, and on my patients lor various diseases, such as neuralgia, muscular, rbeuaiaUan, lumbairo, kidney trouble, etc., and in all cases relief has followed in from three to forty -eight houra " Dr Flower merely voices the written or oral opinion ef thousands la ha profession. Benson s Cencias Porous Plasters are the perfect external application, ha gea vine have tb e word rtW sat In the eutre rioe 25 oenU aburj and Johnson, Chembj if KcaTork. The Great English Reme dy. a never failine cure for ervous Debility, Saaeiaal assnsss, Kxnausted vi- LaaT SAnaees, im. potency, Paralysis, aad all lernoie cnecta ef aaa Abuse, youthful folliea.and as loss ef Memorr. Uawdtude, KsnhsSoe. Aver to bwaietv. Disnnsaaof iVTsion, Messes ia the Used; ths vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to Insanity and death. IK M. I V TIE will agres to forfait Vive alaaeresl liars for a case of this kind ths vital n eeta ra ti ve (under his special advice and trestsaenn wii not euro or for anythiug Impure or lnju ions found a it, vr. Minus treats au Tiraie uterases success. u without mercury. Consultation free. Th mora ex amioation snd advice Including analysis of urine, Bs. Price ot Vital Restorative, $3 a bottle, or four times the quantity $10, ssut to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. D, obscure from obseration and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. K. M IN TIE, II Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Bssnple bottle free. Sent on apliaaelrsa sttvnng symptom, sex nd age. Uosnm Strictly eonf iRdentlai. Dr, Ifintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephreucum, eures all kinds of kidney and bladder complainta,gonorrhraa, K, Isoucworrbcaa. For sale by all dnurgista 81 a e or six bottles for So. Dr. Minus s Dandelion Pills srs the beet snd cheap eat IiyepeiMtia and Bilious cars in the market. For ale br all drumrisU. SODA WATER, MIAEBtL WATERS. SPABSLLISii WIVES A -VI ALL f ARBO.VtTED ROBKI KB t APPAKATIS, MATERIALS AVO Af TESSO MftCB FOR MAVl FACTtRIVCi. DIsPEVS I.VR aad BOTTLISti, WITM PCLL ISSTRtf no. Catalogue tent upon application. The Fires ef JOU MATTHEWS, First A venue ,56th aad 97thSlreeU,New Terk. For Sale. One half block in eastern part of tbe olty with fair house and barn will be sold cheap. -3aevv iasBwavw :i e.VSBBBeaaBa BBBBBBBsUch BBBBBBBfvBBBBBBaBBBBBBJtton AND CHINA WA f eV JOSEPH, Tobaccos, Groceries, Pr ovieicn a Tropical Fruits. Oregon. JOHN BRIOGS' STORE. HAS ON HAND AS FINE AN at reasonable nure Ftwsaatlve aaa This reawedjr beneg of see ae change of or poieeeons Bemctcee When taken aa a it te twpsesilelsteeaa aat ia use ease ot stately aallrted ere ruaraatee S boxes the saoser. Prise by per box. or. t boxes for ttjQa W isaoed by all aptboriaed aeraila. Dr. Felix W OOP ASW. CLamit roiTuF-p, pitiscoN. Oidere by oaajj win reeeiee papsjipt. atteatjoa ESTABLISHED IN 1862. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden & Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Bmslies, Baslets, rails. Take, Chants. t erdagr, Wrapplag Papers, Paper Base. Balldlarg Papers, SfeteasM. eadlee. '.Clathea Wrlagrra. Car pets Sweepers, Feather Best era, alalia aery, eke. 230 and 232 Front Street SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. SmS. HERVOU8 PEBTLa.TY I aZ3 B. C W Maava Atro Ibais 1sxt- a for Hyatt news. Cesrveieioaa, Pita, Motto JUureJgve, Baa da ahe, wervoas Pi ustaatson caaead by the use of aUcthol or tobaece, WaAsfmbaeaa, Meaul Cs saiag or the Drain rasaim. m ia lag sac to rn nr. decay ard death. tare Old Ago, ea. uom of pewar a. involuntary I, oasis, and Bperraat tad bv over-ox ertion of the brain. aeJf. or 0Ter4ndaigeaee. Barb box coe tains tanth's trsawaent. tl.m a box. or ai hens flaTw?MtA to eare aay ease. With eswk reroVr received by eg for six boxsa. eeeosapaaissl with SS.CO, we will send the persaassr oar written goaraatse te re faad ahe owey it She treat meat does not eSeet a ears. Gaaraatees issaid only by WSwPAKP7nUBaw ex CO w n 'I wawala euaA atsyratJ Zafclarba, PORTLAND, OREGON. Orders by mar 11 reoci otocapt at!nuota. ALBANY COLLEGIA IE INSTITUTE ALU A XV, OB. The Second Term ends en Thnrs day, January 31, 1883. Per particulars oooosrning the ceursas of "tody aad the price of tuition, apply to BBT. BLBEBT M. CB.VBIT. Preaaaea I. Aloany Bath House. rpHK UNDKRSIQNBD WOULD RB8PBCT 1 rally laferss the oitiiens of Albany and vi sialty taat I have taken charge oftkis Establish sat, aad, by keeping elean roosia and payin sfc-iot attention to business, expects to suit al these who may favor aa with their patronage Having heretofore carried ea nothing hat Flrst-Olaaa Hair Dreaainff Saloons sxpects to (ire entire satisfaction to si JBBCpUdisn od Ladies' Bair neatly ea shampooed. JOS WBBBXB. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published svery Saturday Harriabnrg. Oregon, TRAI NT Editor ft Proprietor. LE BRUITS tSsre. IVr effsiew SJsrxu esSawawar Sel Preaa,