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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1884)
STATE RICHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEIT ADTEETI8H0 KDIW IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLIT, NlKxual iiuslneae not hes In Looal Cat ?m.M J rr line. Regular Leea noihes jq cents per line. as .r J?' trDBiDt advertlaemeete 91 00 per square for the first insertlofl M timSim,9 ",a',e for h Kates for oilier advertisements mace nown on application. tmmt ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. OSISKSSOr'FH "E--la Democrat Kutlitlu&oa Broarinlbln street. TCtUfS OF SUBSCRIPTION ingle copv, ier year. In advance sin-:o copy, par year, at end ol yew si ngis copy, tts aumths . ingle SSSW, throe months ingle number fl 50 S 00 1 60 75 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1884. NO :u STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Eights PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I FLUSH, O. CUAMBKRLALN. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Albany, Orfgon. jsrofuc-e In Foster's Brie Block.- vl5pi8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. nDif-TtPK IK 1 T, THE WlUlJ I n.-iv . v ... ------ , Court of this State. M Bive pedal atteution to ivtiecuous anu Vw matter. . , . AOte Office in Foster's new brick. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, ran. Office upstairs, over John Briar' store, bj street. vl4n23tf J K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY FUBUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AHBAaT. iTni L PRACTICE IS ALL THB COURTS OT THE W 8u Special attention given Vo I ill Uses aad probate matter. Xfoa.-e In Odd FallsVs Temple. P" POWELL & BIIAEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collations promptly made on all poinU. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. rf-Offlce in Foster's Briek.-ms TMnimf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Laf AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of tbisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. .-Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DBrGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY ID PI XT G- STOEB, fe 1 l LB 1X, OREfcOX. FOSHAY & MASON, no'-iun t aaaaav- Drassristsand Booksellers. ALBANY, OBECOS. vlGn41tf REVERE BOUSE, Cerae. rt and EHswortb Albany. Oregesu Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This ne Hol.l is fitted an to nrt d--rtv'e. TsMes '"r,;.,, -..h Vhe bct the market afford. Spnnr mSKmSlSLZ A sood Sample Roo-a far Com- mercial Travtlars. Free Coach to and frees the Hotel."! T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AM)- Notary Public. Office in States Rights Drmocra office. DBS. I W. Si MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON. Offer their professional services to the ciUns of Linn and adjacent cantke. Office end reeWeive ner Court II ae. Call at Landoa ai.d C, Uru Store. RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, mmil & CO., PROPR'S. SEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FUR FAMILIES AXI BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE ?A3LITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec.lS82. 3,295,326 Premium income 2 607,139 Safe, reliable and quick to pay in case of iflHL ARCH'MONTEITtaf Agent. Albany. Oregon, D. BR3WH, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet S UBSCRIPTI03ST San Francisco. Gal. Quimby House. QUIMBI fc HERSEY, Proprietors, Cor. 4th and C. Sts., Fort I and, Or. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plans. All the modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, lijrht, and well ventilated First-class reading room,and barber shop. An elevator and all e latest conveniences. h STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. UNDKRSIONKD WISHES TO inform the public that he is new pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on snort nonce, ah worn is war ranted to Rive satisfaction. Will work any Miid all kinds of atono, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite, Cleaning, repairing Rfcd renettlnpc ft specialty, fall and examine my price before purchas. ing else w here as 1 will not be uuUeraolu. shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN ((Hill LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon, Homes kept on reasonable terms. Horaea and buggies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, widen are always kept in Rood condition, ami hair cut in the very beat style. SAX WA Tim LAUNDRY AND CHIN V MKRl lIANlsiNt. m SI KfdU u ..... taa .ml .UmnHa'.. Ijulic' underclothes, W at bottom plica. Contractor for (.'Hint labvr. XrNoxt to City Bank. HENG TE NG. Best washing and Ironing In the city. So. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door aouth of Revere House. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps' the finest blllard hall In the city. I will also sell real estate, more ha j diss household goods, etc.. at auction for any one in tl.e cltyor county Store opposite Revere Heuse, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN. '83 A BRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOU ISV ILI.E WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One only $3.50. Two papres for litUo tnre ihxa the price uf otic. b paytaj ust3. SO )n will Meat l orte ynr -our home pafwr with the "Courier Jwurnl." the T presentatlve newspaper of the Sott'.h. Pefnocrlic for a tariff for revenue only, and the bwt.hrlfh a snd ablest taadly weekly In the United Stau. eshoiMn to ezmmlne sample cope of U.e urier Journal" can do so at this office. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IS Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS A&D CORDS, WINDOWS. SVConnty dealers are respectfully invit ed to call and examine our stock, note our prices and favorable terms. Send for Price List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturers, WklMMle and Befall Dealers, 18, 20, 22. DrummSt., San Francisco , Cal SCIO Bl'SIXESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. DEALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Kewp a full lire ef Jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in first-claae order. SCIO OREGON. We Me MORROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDGEFORD & BEARD. T7" EEP A FULL LINE OF PURE JV groceries, fresh candies, nuts, ana all kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cgars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, Tli!AT,F.RTNDRY GOODS. CLOTH XJ ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO LICITED. Plans and specifications Itrrnished on short notioe. AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tttla lsiwJcr nvtcr vrlc. A marvnl af ptlrt.ty, trrnifth ami wli.lrinirnpi M i, rotuntcal than Hi- ordinary klml., ami caiinot ho auM in . ,iuh tin ,n with tho in ittttu ! n .w trat, short wrlsht, aluni r thiMihato lewder. MoM only In cant. Kohl IUmv. IVtPUl'u. 104 Wall Mini, N V. BOSTON WEEKLY POST The best and ch4pat family papsr in Now England. All ihn lattat iiuwm and correct market report. Will bo sent to any address In Ibo United States free of postage, ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR. Tn fhriBM ilttjtlrnita n( ntil.lnlnv viln.k'. v w v w v a. m - -- vv n ...... . w a aw J w marl in ' maltar ami f lm iniwn f llm il.v mt remarkably low ra'e.i, we r the follow, ing new club list, l- i only to new sub- H, r 1 1 anil thruui wlio .., I llm ...mIi In advance to our ofllcs and not thiougu agents : The'MWon Weokly Post" and tho C'ottave Udnrtli " SI VI Or the "Wide-Awako" 60 Or the "IUbyUud" fl 00 Also for 4 now subscribsrs lor tbe "Boston Weekly Post" and II we will ond the "CotUKo Hoarth" one year free. For 8 new subscrlbem to"ltoV.on Week ly Post" and tH tho "Wi'J.Awake" one year free. For I new uhrriber to '-ll-tatou W- k ly Post" and 1 tho "Hsbylau I" one ytr ireo. Rrgalar Price . The 'Cottage Hearth" per year BLM The "Wide-Awake Xr vtar....' 2.50 The "lUhvlauil" iKr var li Tbe' Bonou Weekly "i'ul" or year fl .00 Msloand ftMnaleagon!s wanted in every town . . solicit MabaortptlOMb aul a Ills rat cotnuitssion allowed at alxivo rates. Aitdreaa Post Publishing Co., BOSTON, MASS. DRa Ma Hs ELLISj, Physician and Surgeon. S-r"Cfli-o anj residence lu Mcllwatn's Hl.jck. Albany, Oregon. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- H.U'HIXE SHOP. EMTABI.IaHED IMS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of first ana Montgomoty Btreeu, Albany, Oregon. Hsving taken shargeof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Enginea, Kaw and Grist Mill, wood-working Machinery. Pumisi, Iron and lirass Castings of every description. Maohinerv of all kinds repalrod. Sie- cial attention given to rfairiug farm n a- chlnery. Psttcra Making dose la all Its forma. l&l ly 1 A. F. CHERRY A SON. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revcro House Shaving and hsir dressing done in first- class stvle. 1-irMt-class lUi rooms. Hath for ladinsand gentlemen r all hours. Terms reasonable. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tin; Iter. Z. P. Wild, well-known Ity miaaionsry in Xeir York, arid Iroth-r of the late eminent Judge Wild, of tho Maasachuaetts Supreme Court, writes aa follows : TH E. WA St., Xt-w York, Mny 15, lfua. MKNnns. J. 0. Aran & Co.. aeatleawn : Ijiat winter I waa troubled with a innat uncomfortable Itching buuior affecting more especially my liil,, which Itchetl intolerably at niglit, ami burned ao lntenae ly, 1 couM aeareely lear any clothing orer them. 1 waa alao a auffcrer from a, severe cittnrrli and catarrhal cough ; my appetite waa poor, and my ayatam a good deal run down. Knowing tho value of A v !..'-! HAUSAI'AUILI.A, bf obsenratioB of many oth;r caaes, and froai eraoual uao in former year.., I began taking it for tho abore-named diaordera. My appetite im proved aliuoKt from the fir-t loae. After a abort tin:-; the fuvc-r and itching wro alLiycd. and all a!" of Irritation of tho tin AtsapfM )' citiirrh awl cough Wcie nla cured by the same meant, aud my general health greatly Improved, until it ia now excellent. 1 feel a ltuudred per cent stronger, and I attribute those reaulls to the use of tho Sarsapariixa, whlnli 1 recommend wiLh all conndenco as tho best bl'.'i'l mediciuo ever devised. I took it in small doses three times a da, and used, In all, less than two bottles. I place these facta at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above instance is bufoue of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Ayeb's Sabna parilla to tbe cure of all diseases arising from impuro or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables tbe system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofu lout Diseasei, Eruptions of the Skin, Rheitr matim, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. l'BEFABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles for S5. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine core Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere, Always reliable. WAftMINUTON LBTTKK. (From our regular enrraapantlant.) VVAHiiiNtiroN, Miirch. Lfttfc, 1 884. It had been noised abroad, tbnt, nt tho tlmo designated for taking up tho Fit7. John Porier bill, in tho Son ata on Wednesday, Senator Logan would tniiko another nnnual soceeh in opposition. Spectators, largely composod of society lad los, filled every treat in tjio gailorles exoept part of the space upholitcred In blue, which is dedicated to diplomatic dignity. Many friends of Senator Logan and family were present. R ut those who came to bear the swurthy, fat, un griimmuiicw Illinois orator, went away dlasnpolnted. Ho remained silent. Tho Republican Senator from New Jersey, who haa charge of the bill pleaded for Porter's vindication, and waa followed by Senator Wilson, of Iowa, who opposed Clio hill. On Thursday the now Nebraska Senator, Mr. Matidersnn had tho floor for tho Porter bill hour, and made his do but In an argument against (Jon. Por ter's claims. On Thursday the Por ter hill pawed the Senate. Tbe Sen ate I u executive aeaaion ratified the commorcisl treaty with Moxlco, and it was a notable coincidonco that It was dono almost simultaneously with the complellon of the rail road which brings tho Mexican capital Into com munication -villi the great trade con tersofthe Unlied State. Tho tariff lasuo has been formally made up by tho introduction of the Morrison bill, and the presentation of tho majority, and minority reports. The former explains that tho measure U expected to relieve (bo peoptaof unnecessary taxation by decreasing tho revenues $31,090,000. The mi nority dissent from these views tai claim that the tariff legislation of last winter placed the rales as low as Is consistent with a duo regard for the proU-ction of tho manufacturer and the welfare of the laboring clas-es. During the consideration of the Port ofuV.a appropriation bill which h now pending lu the Iff use of Repre sentatives, Congressman Townsend of Illinois gavo tho Republicans aomo effective thrusts lhat they could not return. He was aroused to war by tbe remark of Mr. Skinner that ihe Appropriation committeo was parsi monious and niggardly, and that the provisions of the bill would cripple the efficiency cf the mail service Mr. Townsend bad alluded to Inadequate approprJatiorisJ'nitfo by tho last Re publican Congress ; whereupon Mr. Horr of Michigan admonished the Democrats not to imitate the blunders, but tho virtues and beauties of tho K- publican iarty. Mr. Townshend said tint 5o political organization everexlstod in any civilized coun try lhat had a record reeking with more corruption than tho Republican party has made in tho last fifteen years. No party ever was ao utterly desti tule of political virtues, ao unfaithful to public (rusts, ao prolific In false pre tense and bypocricy. Hero Mr. Bel ford arose lo interrupt the orator, but tho latter requested tbo gentleman from Colorado to coot oin bimaelf.and continuing hia attack, aald no Amer ican citizen could read tho record of the Republican party without crira soalog with shamo and humiliation for his country. Ho recited, Chae, bumner, Seward, Andrew Johnson, Lyman Trumbull, and others as brave leaders, who had led tho party to vic tory, and wh?, when it,was convert ed ioto a spoils hunting elique, aban doned it and affiliated with tbe Dem ocratic parly, the only political or- fcanizttinn that had patriotib alma, aud sought to administer the Govern ment in the interests of the people. lie alluded to the thriving of tho star- route contractors as one of the sad dest episodes oi any trial -administration ; to the Credit Mobiler band, tbe post trader plunderers, tho whisky ring, as well us many other raids on the Treasury ; to tho crimes of that party against the sacred rights of suffrage ; its debauching of the bal lot box, and its never to be pardoned sin of depriving the nation of its right fully elected President, bv fraud, perjury, and forgery. Ho closed by saying '-With such a damnnig record the party prates of its virtues." The Senate haa been talking about establishing a Bureau of Labor Stat istics, and has also given some atten tlon to the pleuro-pneumonia bill, but without result in either case. It must not bo supposed that the foreign griovancea of the American hog have been lost uight of, because he has not been so prominently before the pub lic of late. Hia demands are still a subject for earnest deliberation in the Senate committee on foreign rela tions. Although the friends of tho bonded whisky bill were snubbed early In the week in their attempt to get the measure before the House, and pass ed, they were not effectually discour aged and will make another attempt as soon as the Post office Appropria tion bill goes through. LKKPLKMiKMS. II iiu.r.-.-Krmrdli Saggfslrd". Thing a tm Mr avoided Nothing towel the vital forces mora than bleapleasDOHs, which may general ly be tiaoed to one ef four oausttioo ; I", mooUl worry j 2, a disordeioJ stom ach ; 3, excessive muscular exertion , 4, functional or organic dlaeaiie. Loss ofslospis, when rightly understood, one of nature's premonitory warning that oat of hsr pbyshal lasrg have been violated. When we arts troubled with tleeplusSoo4 it becomes requisite to discover the primary oauvo, and then to adopt suitable means for its removal. Win ii inaeuinia or sleeptesauess arises from mental worry, it is indeed most difficult to remove. The bes', and per haps only effectual plan under such cir ca ra ".teases, sava a writer ia CkvbH Journal, is a spare diet combitied with plenty of outdoor eiarcite, thu to draw the blood from the brain ; for It is as impossible for the brain to continue active without due circulation of blood aa it is f r an engine to move without steam. When aiirTring from mt ntal dittre, a hot sotp bath )' r- retiring to reat is au invaluable agent for obtaining sleep, an by its metnt a mote equable blood pressure heome established, pro moting a decrease of the heart's action and relaxation of tho blood veaaels. Mtuv a sleepless night owes its origin to the body's temperature being , un equal In mental worry, the ho 1 i often hot and tha feet cold, the blood being driven to the biain. The whole body should be well washed over with carbolic soap and sponged with very hot water. Tha blood then btcoasa diverted from tha brain, owing to an adequate diffusion of circulation. Tea and cjffoe shoultl not be taken of an evoning when jieraotis suffer from in somnia, they directly induce sleepless- noa, being nervine s'.iun'ar U. A sharp walk of aVvtt tw -ri'.v minutes ia aVj Terv serviceaMtj before irsir.g to bed. Sleeplessness is so uptimes engender ed by a diaorderod stomsch. Vhn- ever this orgsn is overhead, its pew- ; ere act disordered, and wakefulness or a I restless night is its usual accompani . ; ment. Dr. C. J. B. Willum, F.R.S , remark, that no food should be teUeu at least within one hour ot bad tiino i It can not be too generally realized 'hat the preaonce of undigested food in the stomach one of tbo most vailing causes of sleeplessness. Persons auffuring from either func tions! or organic disease are iecuiiarly liable to sleeplessness. When inability to .; eristenily occurs, an J can not be traced to any other perverted mode of life or uutrition, there is good rea aon for surmising lhat tome latent o:al- ady gives rise to ao truly a distressing condition. Under these circumstances, instesd uf making bad worse, by as-allowing deadly sleeping drug, a scien tific physician ahould be without delay eonsultod. Fuoctuaal disorders of the stomach, liver aud hear, are oftou the primary source of otherwise unaccount able wakefulness. Kttcentlv. the danoro u aud 1 1- J v 9 mentable habit of promiscuously taking sleeping draughts has unfortunately be come very pnvaleut, ouut.iuj misery and iil -health to a terrible degree. Moat persons addicted to this destructive practice eironeously think it ia better to take a sleeping draught than lie awake. A greater mistake could hardly axist. All opiates more or less occasion mis chief, and even tho state of stupefaeuon they induce utterly fails to bring about tbe revitslization resulting from natural sleep. The physiological effect of hyp notics, of sleeping draughts, upon the system, is briefly as followa : (l) They paralyze the nene centers and disorder the stomach, rendeiing it unfit for its duties ; witness the aiuknesi and loss of appetite consequent upon a debauch. Chloral, chloroform, opium, etc., aot upon the system much in the aame way aa inebriation. (2) One and all anaes thetics introduced into tho body have life-detroying properties in a low de gree proved by an overdose being fatal. (3) The condition they produce is not sleep, but counterfeit, state of unconsciousness. (i) They diroctly poison the blood, consequent upon its carbonization, resulting from their ac tion. While speaking of sedatives, we cannot omit drawing special attention to chloral. This powerful drug is pop ularly supposed to give a quiet night's rest without any of the after effjsts (headache, etc.,) produced by various preparations of morphia. Now, chloral is what is termed cumulative in its ac tion, which implies that eveu thj same dosa persisted in for a certain length of time may cauoe death. Of all hypon tics, chloral ia by far the most deadly, and should never, under any circum stances, be taken except under medical supervision. To epitomize what has already been said reffardmcr sleeplessness, its ra- - S3 WJ . tional cure should be arrived at in each individual case by asekingout the cause, and then removing the morbid action, of which it is but a natural pquence. Lastly, sleepessness under no circum stances should be negleeted, as it acts disastrously both on the marital and physical forces. AM LB eeCS AttLVZK. Vou know tho old "Sing a ang of six-pen jo," but have you ever read wha'. it n meant for ? lha f jur -in i -twenty hours. The bottom of tho pie i tbe world, while the top crust i the sky that overarches it. Tho epsniog of the pie is tbe dy slwn, when the birds begin to sing, and sure ¬ ly such a sightM at for a Ki ng. The Kin?, who is represented as sit ting in hi parlor c minting out his mon ey, is the sun, while tbe gold pieces that slip through his lingsrs as he count them are the golden sunshine. The t sen, who sits in tbe drak kitchen, i the m on, and the honey ith which she rejslei herself ia the moonlight. The industrious tnsid, who is in the garden at work before the King the sun has risen. if dy dssrn, and tbe olotbe she han out are the clouds, bile the bird which ao tragically ends the song by "nipping off her nose," i th hour of sunset. Hi wo have the bole day, If not in a onlshell, in a pie. was) is ir t It has been a conjecture f ,r tbe psst few month", who could be the author of the many dtsgrsceful and slanderous flings at many of our reectable young men and women. Tbe pusillanimous attempt to rob young men and young women, married men and msrried wo men, of the jewels most precious to their souls, haa been tbe stock in trade of this miserable viper. The biggest coward and rankest devil, that disgraces Clod's creation, is the anonymous, back -biting, lying correspondent. When bis innocent victim is pursuing the even tenor of his daily toil, trying to make an honest living, thi coward in oubu of vice is closeted with a pal, manufacturing his vile lie. For what purpose, uoee lie so u r lnt ror gam l r wit fa reputalioo t No, ic ia for ItuMo give vent to the out- Parings of bis depraved heart and a heart and mind,that tbe Crea- v ii ta tie wr w"u,,, reoaii,coum lie, anu aisnooor the devil by comHIiog him to assume them. There is no greater scourge to society than the slanderer. You never know where to find him. He is al ways present with a broad smile he pushes himself into society, and from tbe mole-bill of innocence be makes mountains of crime Leader. nsAtix oi aauitaa rsaiBJtT. All oar Ptesidenta have not been rich men by any means. Gen. I rant's $200,000 makes'Jiim the ricbett ex- President since Buchanan. Mr. Hayea has, perhaps, 1 00,000. Neither John son nor Lincoln had over $50,000; Pierce went in tho White Houee poor, b it had about $50,000 going out ; Fill more and Taylor fwere in independent circumstancee, but never rich ; Tyler was a bankrupt when he waa President, married a fortune afterward, and lost all in the war ; Polk was worth $150, 000 ; Andrew Jackson had nothing but hi "Hermitage ;" Adams was rich ; Monroe died in debt ; Jefferson had nothing to leave behind him, and Wash ington was very well off. Van Buret., who died worth $800,000, was the richest President we have had. ri Nlslll l IN ADVASCB. Thomas McTiramona yesterday pleaded guilty in the United States district court to a charge of selling liquor to Indians, and was fined $5 McTimmon.s, it appears, became In volved in a drunken quarrel with an Indian in Polk county some time since, and gave him a terrible boat ing, leaving him for dead. He was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and has boen in jail ever since. Yesterday when mralgued the poor fellow quite broke down,and said ho had a family depending on him for support. As he had been so long In jail, and there seemed to be some mitigating circumstances con nected with hia offense, he was let off with a light fine. He had better eschew whisky and Indians in future and attend to providing for hia fam ily. Oraonian. KILLED A PANTHKB A few days ago E I. Ward aged 15 years, living at Foreat Grove, while out hunting with a single barreled shotgun loaded with duck ahot,cama upon tracks of soma animal of tbe cat familv. and following them up came upon a panther in the graveyard, and laid him out. Several other boys came up very abortly afterward and fired at the animal, and several claimed tbe honor of having killed him, but young Ward, if he did not kill, gave him the fatal wound. The I panther measured nine feet from tip to J tip. Oragonian. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KD1TKU BY Til Women's Chrlitito Temperaore tiiun Mrs. lligg, ot Portland, Organized a Union at Ml. Helens this week. The membership of Han isburg Union is increasing. A constitution has been adopted, BiWs leaflets ordered, and the charge of a column u tbe Dintm mlor undertaken. New members were received at the first meeting of Hslsey Union. Albany constitution and by-laws, with a few changes, adopted. Committee appoint ed to furnish information concerning juvenile work. Tbe Tacorna Daily ftigH and tbe Daily Ntwt, of March 2 1st, contain spirited articles, published at tbe re quest of the W. C. T. U., of that place, urging upon women the duly of regis tering as voters, and casting ballots for temperance city officers. The annual fvs ef Albany W. C. T. U., one dollar p.?r member, are due April 1. W. a T. U. Hall will be opened for reading from 'J to 0 o'clock Sabbath aftei noon. Another new song is oa our lijsi. Its note are all of praise and thanksgiving. On Thursday lost, too late for the issue of last week, came the following tele grsm from Albaoy, New York. "Ood has crowned the mnths of prsyer and almost superhuman lsbor ith victory. The New York legisla ture to-day cast tbe final vote for a strong compulsory temperance education law." Mabt 11. Boas, The great Empire state with its mil lion of children in the public schools evidently means to maintain its impe rial prestige and character. No more royal road to empire has ever been '-cast op" than that which embeds itself on the rock ef intelligent morsU. It is reported by one "on tho spot" that when tbe bill had reached its third reading, all antagonism to it had like Bob Acre' courage "oozt-d out," aud oa the final vote, juat two petaons com mitted themselves against it. Only one man was left to ssy in the blandest and the blindest of o!iiicai moods, "If this measure applied to Sunday schools, nstead of public schools, it would be admissabia." Tbe union of church and slate stems net to f.-igbten this astute men half ao much as the proe(iect of ''tetu- eiance in politics." The New York Aawfaag Post, which ill by no means be accused of being "fanatical" on tbe temperance question, in an editorial review of what it calls "Mr. Blsine's Whisky 8cheme," says : "It ia to be boped.and indeed expected, that with tbe progress of civilization I C7 i and the spread- of education, tbe con sumption of liqsor in ail states will decline. No patriotic mm will recon cile himself to the thought that the United Siatea will continue to receive $86,000,000 from the whisky tax. Unless all that ia best in our institu tions prove a failure, this source of in come will decline. If there is to -any serious improvement in the meMal and mcrat condition of-the great mass of the people, it must decline. Every lover of his race mutt believe that Americana will consume hereafter less and less whisky, and ought to strivo to that end. What are we to think,tben, a . , i or a sage who deliberately proposes a charge in the manner of raising the local taxation of the country which would give every State the strongest possible interest in having the con sumption of liquor all over the country maintained and iucreated, and which would make tho distillery one of the meat valuable instruments of govern ment ? There is evidently much misender standing with regard to the meaning and intent ot the term "prohibition." I am often met with the assertion that we are endeavoring to legislate with regard to what people shall drink, and that tbe people will not thus allow their rights to be legislated away or restrained by law that we cannot en force sumptuary lawc. This ia entirely foreign to the subject, and based upon either a misapprehensinu or willful blindness as to the real issue. Prohibition in its proper sense means only the prevention of a traffic which is working an injury to tbe State and the community, and tbe State does but exert its right and its duty in protect ing itself and its citizens from an enemy which ia warring against its prosperity ay, against its very life. Because prohibition and total absti nence go band-in-hand in this warfare, and are natural allies of eaoh other in the contest, we confuse the two, and fight prohibition with the weapons which are fitted to apply only to the other wing of tbe temperance army. In the one we apply only the force of persuaaion ; for the other we ask the protection of tbe strong arm of the law. Tho New York TrVmrjn, no longer edited by Horace Oreely, takes occasion to belittle and oppoa the bill pending in tbe Legislature at Albany to provide for scientific instruction concerning alcohol in tbe public and normal schools of this Bute. It ssya : Tbe avoidance of narcotics an I stimulants is to be gained through the home circle rather than through the schools. It adds: "Tbe boy who has been told that tobac co and wbiskoy are poisons goes home and sees bis father smoke and drink, and that examnle is of mar --- ith him than all the instruction he receives from bis teacher." It would, of course, be desirable to have tbe home influence with rather than against tbe lessons of the teacher in relation to alcohol, nd tobacco as well, bat it by no means foilocs that because it may not be, therefore no such lessons should be given in the sabools provided for by the State. It often happens that there are illiterate, and especially drunken, fathers who are not at all interested to co-operate with the teachers in tbe pub lic schools in their efforts to teach otb- r important lessons ia these schools. Ought not tbe State, therefore, to pro vide for these other lessons ? If scienti fic lessons concerning alcohol are to be relegated to tbe home circle, why not ail physiological or even mathematical or geographical instruction as well t A young mother, traveling with her infest child, writes the following letter to her husband at home : "We are all doing first rate and enjoying1 ourselves very much. We are in fine health. The boy can crawl about oa all (ears. Hoping that the aame can be amid of yon, I remain, etc., Fanny. aa M. Dsudet takes hia notebook every where. Once it is related he had a sen timental and dramatis scene with hie wife, concerning which he remarked 'This seems, my dear, like a chapter that had slipped out of a novel." "It is more likely, Alpbonbe," was there ply, "to form a chapter that will slip into a novel. " Tbe editor of the Caledonia, Minn., Arrju writes us : "Waa there ever a purer nibernicism than the following card sent to my paper for publication by the bereaved daughter of an Irish subscriber : 'A card- To the kind friends and neighbors who gave us their assistance and sympathy during the death cf our mother. We onlv wish to be able some day to return the compli ment.' " O.-lR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, W hive a printed guarantee cn eresw b ntlo of shiloh'a Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Fosbay A Mason. GERM GREAT arflY AN REMtUI Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, r ii r c S Lomesfs. Baclacfcs. Headache. Rama. r !. Wrm kvt ill oTHsa sosilt run aa U Saldfef Drzrl Iirr.weee. FIBj OaaWasi n.vuiwll l.unM V TBE 1lKt.K A. TOSVEUCSt A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF 5? pii Dose. 7b atoee the sow elt gently , 3 to 4 PilU; thanmgUg, 4 to S Ptfl. F.rpa ienoe will decide the proper dote in each ease. For Constipation, or Ooatii remedy is so effective as Area's Pills. They insure regular daily action, and re itore tbe bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AY La's Pills are invaluable, and a sure core. neart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Momach, Flatulency, Diamines, Head ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by Ayk&'s Pills. In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, a ad Jaundice, Ayer's Pills should be given la doses large enough to excite tbe liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in tbe Spring, these Fills aro unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition ot the bowels, aro expelled by these Fills. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, ore cured by the use of Ayer's Pills. For Colds, take Ayer's Pills to open the pores, remove Inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused bf sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., Arse's Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, and disappear on removing tbe cause by the use of Ateb's Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, aro cured by Aran's Pills. Suppression, and Painful aTsassiiiSi tlon, bars a saio and ready remedy In AYER'S PILLS. "ull directions, in various languages, ac company each package. prepared by Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mitts " Sold by all Druggists. " fiSRWaaflaBBBBn HE