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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1884)
IT at .? STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUW VBRV FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. uuai atagiacopv, sin: cupy, lad copy. taste copy, ti stasjl inmr TXRM3 per year tirtx1 YnBssAB OF 8UB8CK1PT10W (iMdnitNw 5J KsaXaar - " n 19 ,.. ..... . . .,... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i ' -. -rz K. cttAMBKRUUK. U wSSk 4 CflAMBBRIiAHl, ATTOBXUVS AT LAW, Albany, regan. kM in Foatex'a Brick Blouk.-M vl5nl8tf. MM ' i T rAM .OSOM JCD OT 14 .in M' VOL. XIX. n n ,1 IhJ Tr ;.pH BB U' . I -S 13 n rrri t "Wfi afratvBBssw aBB"SBBBBssksr f THE BBSI ADVmiilllS MEDiM IH THE Wltliii... 71LLBT, Spooial tu, if-iitM In Loael Vol Ufnus 15 cents tier Una. HMolir Ixm I ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH. 21, 1884. NO & H. 8. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. 1TILL PRACTICE IN ALL THB V '.. Ar th. Stsrta. Will Rive special attention to collections and probate 49tf mmm mmt Atm Office in Foster's new brick. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN EAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, frvegww Offlosopetai.overJoba BrtewV (MOTAKY PW BUC.) .TTORVF.Y AT LAW, wvti f ma xcncK nt Tint courts or the WfkhZ itaSu JUttou riven to auction. asd nrobat Bkatter MTOflka la Odd rlwa TxBBiu. US n - ahf.wr.nT W. R. WWW ' "TOWBLL ft BILYEU vfTORNEYS AT LAW, C "veVionrpromplly made on all olnta. loatke nCofiaM on i m roster's vital- J. J. WM1TWY. Attorney ind Counsellor it Ltf -AND Notary PwbUc AlBAtfY, OiECON, Will .iSalffhlS this State. BJ1 Jl . JTZ vUl be prompUy attade4 u- Office in OToole'a Bloc, I W. UWCDON&CO., rKt Boka, aaUopafy fad Toitet Article 4 lrse Stock and Low Prieea. 111 t T. aWWIi,. " STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the nubile that he la new ore- pared to do all kinds of utone and marble (. ... . .. k . A . & II ft- ft a. WOK On loon nwim. anwwt " ranted to give aattatactlon, Will work any and ail kinda ofatono, but deal prin cipally in Oregon Ctty granite, cv.mnlntr. repairing aud resetting a apeclaUy. Call and examine my priose before pu rebat ing ala where aa 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west aide of Perry street oppo site post office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN 8 f I I 1 1 1 LITEM, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Ho-eee kept on reasonable tar in. Horses and buggies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streeta. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raaora, which are always kept hi good condition, and hair cut In the vary heat style. SAX wa vim AtntDBY AND CUtX A. MKKi'H ANIMNi. BUM TBI pv trsaatakod wb)oMMiMMS. Mora onomlcl ihn o orstasrj feiBda, and cannot bo auM in ooapauuon sua tas atahitesw oa low task shaft wshrai. alosa or phosphate posKlsn, Sold only in sans. IUivaj. bvuiuis fowdss co. lofl wall mm, n. t. . 1 sndsrelslssa. China labor. aaTKaztto Cltr Bank ta and Ji st bottoas BSMSS, Lsdlas' Contractor lor HENQ TENG. eat washing and ironing In the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door senth of Revere Li 014. SAM COHEN Reaps the beat branda of Imperial and iomeatio cigars. Also the FINEST BEST BRANDS Of TOBACCO, POCKET-KWIVIS AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest bUkard hall in the city. I will also aall real estate, merohaa llse 1 rH. t sl aucti on for any row tn ti e oitror county Store opposite Revra Heuae, Albany. Or. Tianilt REVERE HOUSE. .fttaadgltawasUamay Chai- TtoUbr, Frop'r ttyla. TaMas Sfrt W A SM1I1) OOMBniHOI '8i STAT? KICHTapBMOCRAT AMD THE LOTXISVILLB WEEKLY COURIER JOUKNAL Ossrtar awosry jaasrsa n .Hat s sXaslfW Ui twtjt ,our bsBM pspsr with fcs "C ' rsaaatsrr ww o Itba Ca ssalifcsi OBIf. ud sissst nnur s"-7 . ,w qner JouruaT cn do, sa at tfc ofef. oa rsr asa" tea tor W. H. QOLTRA DEALER IN J5!TJta best the msrha aonls. Sprtag c.,., rr.tbr 1 arm jiawimrrj, a Lttt. T. J. STITES. WAC0NSj HACKS. BUC J-ra. V asAVi I - POWDER Absolutely Pure. WAftatTVCTOK ttTfik (rVsm oar r. ) 1 f Oi Disfiguring HUMORS, Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erttp Uonsjcuchat . fakS nksaas st Wi, rsarUaK Baald ad. nwiula or Hirih bus, and cvarjr Ions of ItaMaa awah, Planly. Hcrofaloua, fnberhd. roataffosa, ad 1 t pr Coiord Dlsassss of too Mood. Skin. Scalp, !th Lnm r( lUlr. srsuostbratr cwrd by U Cuucura lUsaadis. Jl (Wtirwrs Besstvsas. aba bow blood partBar, s un tba blood sod baraidisAtos ut l-ajwuiuaa and ssaaattoostlsawalt, and thusramuvts tbs aauaa. tatsra. ih" ran Hbin Csro, InaUntty slUt Itckbigaad lasaatawUos, doara tea Bkss sad Btslg aaab yiasra and SMrss, asd roatoram tbs ttalr. aa aaauuMM Bats Toilet R.iuiiu, iirepsrvl trotn Cutkura. nathf ts tusiisa Hatn Otaroaaa. Baby HUi atiautUbaa. RjttU. Cbappsd, or Oily sais. rag Cat In 11 sbiaisaiissts ab ouistyr pars, aasV It wosld roiuir ihi anUrs sapar u4a lastlri :u a dcacrtoUo 1 at tba cure usrtauod by tba t'utl rsrm Roau'raal luioruajiy. 'd CuUcuraand Cotirttrs Soap staraany. lEeuajM s5 iha aa ' s SAasa aad eUay Sdsrsd InuWaT'atpaaa-af asi sut raaans os tbaaan ssss, aad aidaaol ba U. arte toaa of bslr ritvat ' av bar, bawl, ooarvd afiUi dn Irnd andafU tP.PtlaSaV eHHy ofrtimn lA .nbtats. Vo of wbtcB stAtti Uuxh, W baab roM .4 mht ItsBjtaav fcaaajpi. aoa ayUy WWaa tki, safl fsnar rrooi .riinrr rmna-ura, suossss ssaj b alad as by mf tc. h-oia aV .su! tm VVabhikoton, Msrch. ltr lWir q Th pMggeit f CboiroBB haB doeo much to force tho com luslon thatthi Hotiae of RppreaontaMves hat growni to bo n cumbersome snJ unwleldly . . 2b'" Mat. t . .tiarl Douy, rcnsiauogja grual pan or as piring dunoet and zhgutlgn wiml bags. The young represeataUv eome up from the rural d Utricts big with tho Impression that the eyes of Hurope and lthcde Island 'are upon them, and that they must not fait lo answer tao expecutloiw of tbelr maiden aunts. They make speeches in wesson and oat oV season. The real business; of the country tegs and languishes In order that these IrapQ. Uent statesmen may have an oppor unity lo draw,! apeechea In which neither the country nor humanity have the slightest Inters, aad which from a literary afusant, tea baa) nremplee of a bad aoboo! of brsv wry. The Senate la now deliberating over the preposed naval vesaels, end he House Is taiUng about the cattle 1 nduntry, and pisuro-pneumoaid. There was a lively skirmish oa the question ef having the proposed steel cruisers made In tita Government na vy yards, or put out ea eoatraot to the low oat bidder, which ttuuatnfs Vast. Hale, aad aluUer, and Beck part let pated. The Aenetora tried to be dignified with their severity, how ever, and no harm was done, gena tor Vest opposed the previsions of the bill which, be aeM, permitted the Hecretarj of the Jfavy oMtor to have the work done lb the navy yards, and it far political purposes If he choooa to do so, or to give (tr io the lowest, bluer, which meant John Eoech, the contractor for tho four vea els ordered by the but Congress, as nouodyelao under the 1st ma of the bB) could compete fur theee Thts aspersion 1 roused aWOAtuf Hsie who aroee to defend bis friend Hece lary Chandler. LJcklly, hr- aaid, he had not lived ionaj eaetkga to suspect everyone holding aa Important 1 n the execot I vw hraneh of the O v- ernment of being eorrnpt. He profn- tied If there wet Dananeraf.r ad rnlnlainallan fbs the next four lear &iXi&ir fttlTslsal1 JaTJCf pthat he would continue t dedicate imiM sada. ajMiS sad aU uf bW fcata baos I . vote in each stain and abolishing the eltetorlal collego. Ill bill aleore pfrea Congrela lo meet avery year on the first 'Wednesday In Jseuary, Bind fixes the term of Representatives eA tbreeyeanr. aaw. . s Ttts MstHoduta now number 3,993, m, and will hold a centennial next rail. ' ) fire department was called out in Philadelphia to save a kitten from fal ling ssrenty fact off a church f oof. The eat fell, after alt, and scampered off un hurt. hugs crystal throne has jest been saanufaotursd in England tor aa laat Indian rsjah. Jsy Gould gsva his ton Osorge $3,- orl 000KK) to begin life with. Women do "Bald work" In Bnglsnd, mA uuiiii vntiu li mm. , ., . . TlaareraiaiVdwfceat to Kg iaad and Waios far aha last twenty years waaftO, 6T ; bat fee the lest eight yesrs it was only 40 1 7Jd, sbhut 1.40 per bushel. H is leiwtad that GQOO aheauin tka U.J . ni.M ... hImiJ and LUUe Missouri coanty.LaakoU, beieag- aifry if not worse, iog to Marquis Dcmora-, have been A bog ranch Is to be started thirty poisoned by enemies of the marquis. fire miles sooth of St. Louis. New Jersey has abolished pisoaoon One hundred and fifty thousand riot labor, to taks aaTeet in two jsaea, eeonds of butterine are made io Ohleago Oreaos baa removed th-t proMMtloa dally, against A msrican pork. XfHes expected $14,000,010 A call has been issued from Wsshlag- srorth of diamonds lsst rear. BIPIB1N0E DEPIRTMEIT. Waneai XUITXIt BY TUB Christian Teaperaaee - .I'M m t&icii ton for a national convention of the wool growers of the Uaited States, to meet at bhe Oraad Caaifio Ilatal in Chicago, May 7th, tn the geaOfsl in- tereat of thst Industry. The Manitobaoa are ansious to so la La Plata and Buenoe Arras there are fully 300,000 Italians engaged la oemmercial pursuits. It takes 50,000,000 clothes pins a year to satisfy the American deeasad. Fifty Italian's imprisoned a eon tractor cede from the Dominion ef Canada, I who owed than wages, and the sheriff awing to railway monopoly and very onoresatre taxation. , The -Canadian Pacific Railsray has coat ep to the present time 04,738,- 000. 1 1 will cost fuMy as much more to finish the Una, Florida farmer are imeortiaf tier- man labor, . The fanes out tars in Tttss call them- lve Jsvelenss. Caaea 0 typhoid fever are reported amongst Paaasylvenia eat tie. had to tustsaon aid and nse firearms to secure bis release. There are 113,000 miles of railway In the United States, of which Jay Oootd and Yandarhilt control more shell one-fourth. 0etd nnggeta are being found in the saouaUine near Marshall, Ark. Boaee men will spend $5 of ti nse and labor so get 13 ef gold. Ireland has one head ef cattle to every four sores, aod Island of Jeraey TL- aaaaaaSa kl '- aV . I re an twins aa many sneap in tea one U eery two seres, Ualed Statea aa la Great Britain, Xgg, sbaold be sold by wlght ; such Tbs average weight of oherses sl Lit- Is the eastern in Park. tin Fails, K. V isaiaty pounds. 1 iDrs 1789 the TJnited Sutea has TJ LI 1 I 1 . l I . . . juteita. naniH os aaen proaaoiea ny expended f 106,000,OW tn the taapeove- tba PreaiHent ''tar gallant and ioal conduct.' A rat-catcher of Catndao, N J , has dmtreyed yiO-UGU rate h IBS eofas of his ssreea The nR Tobaeoo fapar sf Bums. tis,ngged U eatttvating fylVtsoo laat bu ilea! ty corad by iTTHRNEY AT - AM- CIE8, QJace oatoe. a.. rtMiionn Aa in States Kiohtb xr. HI I. W. & MARY T. COtE. Physieang & Surgeons. ALBANY. 0 K GO' sal awvisss to the ejUjajMj Plows, Harrows, wxt a "Wj" T1T11? GGVJel iklCss ckamaw tsWIlU, jMrm-Jntiy, and aooAocn! IMCmNSjrs Basaadlaa. Bold aiaay a bar. Prira : OttU.ars, so ftnU ; as Wlvssa, St . Sasp, IS ajttU. I (lar Ortta; sad Cbes idslOo., Bustoo, Baa. Baadl for "B.w t. C ars Sktw aiataaf.- ALBANY FOUNDRY -AK1 achii: shop. a,T BMHUED 19CS. F. CHERRY, situated st corner of and Montgomery Street, Albany, CIbvb aad saw Court H . 1 . ST st Uofdoa aad CV Dm. RED CROWN MILLS. BEST STORAGP nCIUTlES. Bkhett :Prio in CtwB for Wheat ALBANY OR. DOORS, WKIBHK, rphfJS ibD C0I.DE, WINDOWS. asrconoty dealers are P11" ed to call aod examine onr stock, note our prioee ana ntvomuw Hsvlnor taken chaixeof the shove naaied Works, we ate tuepssBtl tf inanuBtctnre Steam imagines. Haw ana urua -, VCn.fjrnrklncr iiachtnerr. ramps, Iron and Brass Castings of every oaaerfeUon If aohinerv of all kinda rspslred. Spe- eteJ attention given to repairing farm tra- Wfellyl A. F.CHERRY at SOU. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKS0 - I'ropnetar, Opposite Ravens House Shaving snd hair dressing dona in first- class str e. Flret-ci bttn rooms. Bath for ladies and gentleman ( all hours. Terms reasonable. PHEN1X INSIffitNCE COMPANY QF 'ttBBOKLYH.H. 1." " - rw. Ui 13.295 J52 Premium iBOonaa "' p aafe, reliable aod qoiaic to pay to gimi for Mce List, WILSON & BROTHER, 9f asmfaetwrere- Wlawlaanle and Retail Denlern, 18, 20, 22. prumnSt San sieioo , tJa m wmm rectory. Albany, Oregon --... mm t .vrrPITU AJtun axirivxax 1 et at nil I V Agent JMUrll UURICIal OL uia-a-i 0, BWN; Judicious ADVERTISING, .T tt-oc Tvr.-TVCKS AND WATCH o"" . fU lire of jewelry. itches and clocks repaired tn firat-laa 300 - w OWatOON SCROFULA fdjaT A rJSny AaH aU scrofulous dliaass. Ba-rcs. try,lw l.x, Kczscas., Blodckas. lUnij-worai. To mors. Csrhsneles. Boll, sud Kruptlon of flu BaJn. are. the dartct rsstdfj at aa unbare (tats of the blood. To ear that Usassos tbs Uood ainat ba . parlAstl, snB restorsd to a ItssHb aa4 i'S- turiyW4ltKin. AaVaABasrAai.hsj fuf (,v? totf saaas'been reooftd by rud usut BieUcal smhorlUe n the mot sow orful blood poxlOsr in exUtrnce. It frs tba atm from sll foul bamor. rnricbe and sirsngtbeus the blood, roruore All trace of mercurial treatment, and proves Itself s eomyleto master ef all scrof ulou diieaiei. A -Secant Care of fterafnlons Sores. no it now, tf a He -araB.AT.1CR TN STOVES. TINWARE, I copper and abeetiron ware, erookery Ubio cutlery, etc., etc. S(Ht Discreet BRIDGEFORD & BEARD rruEP A FULL LINE OF PURE and mm. ruuh r.nniM. uuw, kinds. SCI0, 0BBG0N. San Francisco, Oal. Qmmtj House. Car. 4th and C. Sts., Portland, Or. nNE OF THE FINEST AND MOST J complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plane. All the modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, liftut. and well ventilated. First-class reading room, and faasjrrsr shop. An elevator and all the latest conveniences. W. H. TALCOTT, TEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH- 17 ING. boots, shoes, bats ana csps trrnearies. ciftars. tobacco, etc. Main Street - - vxu, jxv. J, J, QQRBIS, Bridge BuiWer -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETCTNGS SO LI Jl TED. Plana and specifications 1 urnish id on short notice. "Some montln ago I wa trouuiad wltu rcrofnlon ore nl'-'M) it mlan., "ib li, war- bj-)Us.uelw, u'1 W1 Ms oms .lJtH.4 (luauVltlcj of M.n7.Vr - -' r"-tjr 1 tried i r.d. uiiul 1 hi Avs?s Hamai-asiiu, ,.1 u-UinU I imv- lu.w t.iWon three boltlsSr et. ecu It HisA the sure ars IkmNU. au.lsiny feenil I.eaUb ffat,fy lesproved. 1 feel Tenf graU3ful for the good )mr ttorTrotrv?5in An -fmiAH." ' lit Sullivan St., New York, June 24, iilt-2. rf All persons Interested are Inttt d to canon Mrs, O'BrSan; also upon the Iter. Z. f. Wilds of IB JCnaA tn Mreei, tn teatlfyl Ayer'SBa: ef this New York City, wfW will tske pU-asuro I'm rur y 01 a tho tmq a lads; But ta hi awh jfiM B4 nia otnr wun e aowteua, Tlie weil-knotm writer os the Dotttm. Herald, D, XV, jutL, of Jlucheikr, X.H., write, Jine 7, li Iiavlng taffercl lersrelt for om Ts with Kcema, and having flll to Snd relief from other remedies, i base made una, during tba past three mouths, of Ay jut's BausaVa ihlla, whioh ha elfeeted ft conwtrte cur. I consider it it maguiliceut remedy for all . blood diseases." Ayer'sSarsaparilla stimulate and regulates tho nctlgn 0 tho, digestive- any. 8110.0 "'ori.s, renews ftitpjpgtkon the itl forci, ami pediiy osrea phenmatiam, Neuralg-la, llheuina. tie Clout, Catarrh, General Debility, aud all diseases arising from an Impoverished or corrupted condition of the i)oodi aud a weak ened vitality. It I incoaiparabl y tle eheapct Mooa medl- cine, on accouut of its coucuutraled stiv.ngtli, and great power over disease, pnEFAKEO BY . Dr.J.C.AyeretCo.,Lowell,fv1aa8. Bold by all Druggists; price fl. six bottles for 5. f??? ::' .-; , I himself to tending ap tba Atpwriran navy, and would not be nUPd twhnt among the mac hjapt of tho fieat tnslnnattng that eVeiyhody Is cor rttpi who holds a hijrh place. The Missouri era tor was await, an bla feet saying ! think lain sboo.t as ambv bio fta the averafe sVinatoa, nai wn.n a gentleman, by my pwmlawtoe, In terrupts mo and then loterjerta an entire speech into any srguroeot, I think It Is a stretch of courtesy. The Booster from Maine baa paraded epl theta like meteors from northern skies .nuek heaps" and other elegant names. " Later he raid Hie allegatlen of fraud In the navy yards waa iaat made by Senator Butler if whom he sltuded as the assistant adjutant gen eral of 3tjr. Bale. The, Booth Cktta lina Senator replied thai ha was the ally of no one en this question, thai he was loyal to hta oaety. hot would . w I discharge a publb duty whether the justice aocrued to opponents or ad herents. Senator Teat told that a personal ft lend of hie. aa ofneer of the Navy had appealed to him for God's aake to rote for thla bill, ant he had replied you are mistaken It la for John Roeeti'a sake, God haa noth ing to do with It. Senator Butler then said something about i Mla a url Rat or allowing himself to be corruptly approached, which ranasrk the latter said waa not fair, manly, fast or renerous. The former next accuse Senator Vest of undee eensl- 1 1 van OAs. and as It was time for the Senate to adjourn the little tilt waa brought to an and. The report of the Clrtt awrvtoe . a ' Oommlsslon Is on Its way to Congress It la at present detained fit the White House by the President who desires to submit some accompanying re marks. 1 la thought he la in favor of continuing the comml slon, with sack metiiHcHtions ef Its 00 went vAMilts thus far aewm to wsrraot. The Senate demurs to, the aotlon of the Heuaeln its nbaoiute repeal of the iron-clad oath and Insists on encum beriof the m with a provision. There are a few venerable gentlemen living who behmgetl to the TJnited Statea Army and Ksvy before the war and afterwards w3drt Into the confederate service, The Benate h fearful they will ba asking for quar ters on the recited Net after awhile, ms r e w i..iita.'.s and wants to bar them out or the Treasury by statute. The danger is alight, hut great enough for a pre text on which to loin issue with a Democratic House. - Representative Springer has pro posed to repair the Constitution, by making the Presidential term six years,. rendering the President. ineli gible to re-election or the next suc ceed ing term, providing for a direct . . It mm ... a tnent ef rirsrs aad harbors. nsaa la New York was awarded 1000 by a Jury as dsinagas for the anas of his h-ft eve. He was looking; ap an sl-valor, aod the jaattor aesi- Isj oUlly dropped a bettla. The Cheaspsaks 4 Otto lUMway is jear, paid niaai-aigh par oent lii- j patting steessbaat whtettet ea tU fleai (eoaossoiivne which eaa ha aanrd tkirtaea Thave are now Me pnasaaaaas in nm ditUnt. Us Ualtad Stats.. - ,j trannar at CUaaawe Paila. F . jt ww ' ; . 1 1 a 1h bolter ersp Veroiut Is eeii- I v tijAeaptarad M skunks thla sasv mmvmu to rsnso laeut -eeren tVMvVn pounds, half a pojan4 Inf aaek aaaa, xhs shipyarda at PbtladstafcaB, whata oiaq aod ailld In the United States. 2700 hand ars employed, are full The aew nana) coda of Italy abolishes taoatta-and aetivHy. capital pantsbtseot altogether. m The forrhra ifgnteaa tn the Over 40,000 pssaana ia the iUpnWia TJnlted iHaus dartag the laat year of Me xieo era stud ring Eagltah. ssachad 5TO,32t, Sfaiaat 730,349 for It is a jen1 ojaaei fit few ereey prevbae year ; a daorease of 160,- W a aBfafSierf cotporat'mn to refuse aeoonnted for In a measure by the burvtl to auy -raon 00 aooouut of his 1 eieased condition of ctrtata lndus ,Ar tries. BorB Indians believe that floods foNj fb prcnt wheat prod notion of low red sunsets, 1 ina, i. ea ioaated to be 240,000,000 aeniag ataohtna has recently bean husbeia lattasluoed whioh a worked by clock The inenranea huainass ia uaprofitable power ; no neosaaity for the oaa of the . 8t. Leni. aa five oosBpanias have hands or feet. Giaoose sugar Is not injurious to haaith, as deetded bjr natiansj experU ; it ooasesBss but two-thirds of the sweet ening power of cane sagsr. Madame Niteeoj Bays aha had rather gtveosoneyte poor its n to the ohnrah. Among mementoes left by Wendell PhUttps are two Canes, one forsserly oarri' d by Charles 8umnsr, the other by Dsnkl O'Coonell. Ia Geo. la, Holland, doiiag the wet season, caws may be seen grasing tn jsckstsj snd petticoats of striped sack ing, and in Sussex, England, they are oembed aod groomed and their (eat shod with doable shoes. , a . The city of New York has tlva cent men n nuoi w t r. t a.t the meeting of the W. O. T. V., Feb. 22od, it was decided to hold a pobhc meeting, and a commits was Appointed to prepare a program On the evening of March 4th, a large audi ence assembled at the O. P. Cbnrch, aad the exercises were opened tv raumV by the choir, followed b. redinfof the scriptures by the Preside , ami prayer by Dr. PeUigrew. AiW sn other song, the Rev. Henderson gave a zo minute speech, giving en outline of the society, and the need of temperance la onr land. His soMect wss ably bandied aad needed only to he beard to be sppreciated. Rev. Dr. Petiigrew followed, treating on drunk as a disease, end its treatment fro as a medical standtioint, snd bronght strong arguments against the nee of1 taitoxioants, on that ground as well as its ttseeivenen to the country. A ssasfcation, "The Sign Board," was s-efl rwndered by Miss Litzie Ho,,. etass of small beys and girls sane "The Young AbsUiner in good strle, ware warmly applauded. 'The Drinking House Over the Way," a very pathetic reading b Mtsa Ambler. The exercises were inter spersed with fine music by th LeUnnn Orobeetrs, asaisted by W. W. Orawferd. five asiaote apeechea vera rmA m aw, eaneaded to by Rev. Aldersoo. Prof. Gilbert and J. M. Marka mi ... a no articte on membership and pledge then read and the pledge circula ted, obtaining tU signatures, daring .. . , . wnicn time temperance literature was circulated through the audience. The President, Miss Honk, made a few nail timed remarks, dosing with an earnest appeal to all good people to help in this great work. Mtas libbie Am'oler then moved, a vote ef thanks to the speakers ami esaeieoe for their help, which waa given. The terrxperaaee doxology was than snag, aad we adjourned feeling that It was good to he there. The hones was well order prevailed, n...r iq cents per line. for Wgal ami tiarihieut adt pribefnents I oJ per square for the arat iessrweai aat 10 n-iiit. ixtr square for each aubseouen litaatijo 11. 1 . -a . nsita forTallirr advertiacmeaits nown on aj'pli- alion. Stales. What WW tfe heneScfal ibr Alsaka'Wflf he goodlikcwise for Dako ta and t'10 ,f!her territories, sod for the District of Columbis as weft. .'. a r i ; They do say that Mrs. Carlisle is now tho Lucy Ilsyea of Washington, and that laat sesfion sbe disagreed tc- the point o "cooloeea" with a Ken tucky fiind with whom alio was to tfrvj Jifcw VVai'e calls sod who in- rist d ou ' puoch'' as a fraturo of ftia entfitainrndnt. .The Lard bless snd keep her ! r 1 siJ 'I siiiNu LTiALifra arsoAV macaxaab. a The April rn rnUr has audi sn sbnodance of good things thst oar spsce wftl not 1 1 ii.ii ne to particularize. The editor, Rev. T. Ihs WitC Tslmsge, baa sn sdmirabie article, 'Practical Sym- patby, and in the Horn Pulpit ia a fwrmori by him, 'The Royal Ext!." Among the elatoiately illustrated arti cles are : "A Pilgrim id Yellowstone Pstk ;" "J ,Lann Wolfgang von Goetn by I). K. Hervry; "aster Festivities st St. Petersburg," "The TdondHng Ajiu;n of Nc York City," and other articles essays, sketches', etc., by Alfre- NoilHervey, L -i "Nrva Rev. E. Hand, Mrs. A. C AUxnder, Rev. 1 F. Clay .Moras, j. Alfxatder Patten, etc. The serial one shsrA aiegies are by Helen W Pfeeon, L. T. Meade, Josepbir.e R. Williams, efc. The poems sre of jr;at mrit, snd the miseellsny' is moat comprehensive, interesting and enteftain'.n. Price, -5z a nnmber,or $2JjQ a year, itpai?. Mas. PpasbT Lkbi ie, Publisfcrr 53 and 57 Parke Place, New Vcrk. ,w a fwlJasnf ' asakass -abaais While escorting a lady noose the other evening a pop alar uoator attempt ad to relieve her eoogh and sore throat by giving her a lcxsmgn. hie told her to allow n to dissolve gradually ia bar month. Mo relief was experienced, aad ih - doctor ten q ite chagriued the next j, day when the lady sent him a coax button, wish a nate, saying ha must have ;iven her the arong kind af lozeage, aad ha mtght need this ope. t . : sB T mm M "' . SkaSfcaa m n 11 mm 't aew aa bb A Z J 1 a Young mn' fkUiscA an exch - m A "if vou luuAl niAirv. marrv the aired II filled, sad gocd UitJyo0 have got to have her anybow.' I altOgSther Wa Yn.mi, mr. ' dr.'t d .n.ain. frW-' lk.1tl,r IT WM grtnd A hired girl wants six uigbts out sr. vnson ,r. Btnaoifng consider. ol a week aQi . dty on Sunday, af V w able sttention, aa well aa awskeninc sTW. We have t5 names od the io, aad a gentleman members. And theugh not doing much are not di-. oouraged. C'oa, Secbetary. BAVCKB IStlS beaidas insiati upja entertaining her bistera and her cousins by the dozens - - - J . . aaj w. . j ;n the kitchen. A msn wants his wife ' '". "r r. tue nowse once in a wnue, u not j;ener. , dtadeawa their it t taiet s r acts Ukaa lodging houses. MiliUry lands of an area ef 2 ,OT0,- 580 acres are to be aold by the TJnited 8tatea Government. The dairy region of whioh Elgin, III., is the centre, produces tWen,ty million gallons of milk a year. It ie illeaal for Jaws and Christians to marry in Hungary. Australia ooald furnish an armv of half a milthu able-bodied men. Russian governors have appealed for troops, aa peasants sre threatening landlord. A Halekmea ih Go vent Us r dan Msrk -et. lAoftrra. aaeaatv advertised Isra -. r , . fnw pund of ripe strawberries for a special order, for which hs eouU pay $25 per pound FOR TiYSPEIWlAeaid Lavot tXaaopIaiaf, W nevoa prioted guarantee oa every boUlo if bhiloh's Vitalizer. It never fail a too: re. For sale by Poahay A MasorJ. - The value ef the tourmalines from Mt. Mica, Ma, ia betw 000 and $60,000. The aayiog that a bottle of old wine la small Cor its nan is Greek and is to found ie Athenaens. In some South American eartbquak the waves raised by the first shook have been 200 feet high. The land crabs of Jaasaioa he oa the tops of the mountains, bat onoa a year they go down so the eea ia crowds, lay then eggs and return to tbsir ho A Booth Carolinian haa taught four frags to sroak "The 8weet By and By." The alto and soprano quarrel ss if fitting themselves for a church choir. Fleulngan, If nrtenhorg, has s brig- sde of fort?-two femsle water carriers belonging to the. fire department, each of the fo'tr squads being eooimanded by a "female oaperal.', There sre 1400 gummy globules 10 every Inch of the thread epun by the snider, and a web contains about 87,- 000. They act like birdlimS and firm- lv hold the lea or wiue ef any insect -J a whioh touches theoa. In January. 1731, a globular bottle was blown st L-itb capable of holding two hosrahesds. Its dimearion - en f.rty inohes. by fnrty-two Among the journals devoted to the liquor interest, one of the brightest,! perhaps, on the whole, the ablest, is the 8nn Franoiaoa Journal nf fWinm, forsserly the Wine-dmlm' G'atrUe. With others of Its else it frenerallv, bets to care little fur prohibition, declare it a failure, aad seeks to belit tle it In iu more serious and sober inaervara, however, it betrays its real seAfasate of the prog-wm of the prohibi tory movsaaant. in a recent isaae it says : "It ia ne wonder that prohibi tionist sre somewhat elated whan thaa look upon what haa been accomplished BheurnaUsrrij euralgja, SdstWftt, mmmm.Am TL ..i .w. Lsmbsso. Bat-ts. ssaaaa, ISSDSaSas. - ay. a. .vaun aj va wen -must V Ul 1 ;Jvk .mrsssu mmmmmTMmmmmmwmmmmMmr' HEGflEAT AN BE MEflt profess to be oppsead to probibitioBrand whoaa vineyard aod othei interests would be trained by its general adoption and enforcement, should persist ia say ing, 'There is no danger.' " it adda : "Four sovereign States have alteady adopted constitutional prohibition Keneaa, Iowa, Maine and Vermont and prohibition by local option has naen adopteu ta a tkonaand or more cities, villages, aad ootintiea. 'No dan ger !' This is the siren-song thst luree ta destruction through inaction While "Philip drunk" mav ridicule and affect to despise, "Philip sober" e "danger ahead," and thus signifi cantly sounds the alarm ' W BO C BO A D TO TUB W niT 1 HOI M .a .ti It is notewoilby that two distin guished Republicrn leaders, both of wheaa ate popularly accredited with being' oandi dates for the presidency. werfl I hsrs formriated plane for a permanent This im- copartnership between the whisky ring I i .1 m.i i . l a I 4u !,-... -.- n- 1 sou tne national fruvernuieui. oruaiui tnense vssswi wsw u r i - .... I t ... 4i: u.i. . diiead Bt aae tiees works. 4jo8"b PP "uloa- u . a a n a For dan CrvsUl Palaon af 1851, a me ahall be devoted to educational A Minnesota naoar statea that a I M .!, tiv j ... mrk Amr purposes as s special school fund , ex- Tianish wnmsn than luMiama the moth-4. . , i s u a tv.M-a.j I Senator Blaine proposes to use it to -- ,-rr j - - . J to mass a lueusanu guiu mu vuv. uu i . er, at a single birth, of five beBUhH-iiv,, and a thousand iron taoks-the redoes Stole taxation. These plan .... am . , . AtL - I I A l C .L . I . I . a r. r-3 a . xt .1 J . ; V, Srs Will Ol HJOIU unw-wj m.iw wssaie vnree umuaanu uu. t w.i ... the current et tne most lateuigeni, .a .a as an- a. ' this I esnsctentioue tnougot oi tae nauoc Their authors have obviously takon the wrong road to reach the White House mobm airies vest alahka. children. Those are the immigrsnta that we need in the West, Csrp culture has bscome aa eetab- lished feature, and a carp culture asso ciation has been established at Xew York. WSj ea i ta: sn . Ths Freneh Government are laying 4350 miles more of undergronnd tele- graph wires, costing $10,000,000. The governor-general of Canada ia bald headed. . Spirits have frightened a lot of Men trealcra into leaving their residences. Two Texan beauties aold their lands and travelled 2000 miles to become s.tuden.8. at the Qarvard annex :i Ut y -i "i m, ixta ui alliavi than three graiae. The hoopsnake revives again year, and by a neat stroke of genius is oombined with the horned snake. He Urea somewhere in ths Roanoke valley and when be rolls down a hill and atriV a kra with hi horn the tree dlea A new machine recently put in use at the Swediish match factory in Jon- kopiag makes 1,000,000 boxes of match ee a day. The wood brought to Jenkop- ing laat year to he made into matches kxm ki eras swim.T rM axa sran. nil ti, Drujjtl.t. mvl maai isa t aaas-aaaaaajk T1IK 1I Bt-K A. OVKIMM. Vm. mwmtm x ouUJ.a9J BaSlaiBra, a. i w .'aaVtal ui Tedio sa tsaieaa se Vegetable Sicilian HAIE RENEWEB us Uie Brat preparation perteeu adapted tO ur disesses of the aealp, aad tba nrs sao- r esssf si rsstorer 0julxl jr r ' j I'sr u i natural color, growth, ant youuif al eeSBty. It baa h.vl many ituiuUors, tsst soawaasaaa fmUgr stsc all Site reeuireraraui aeedlni tsr Ute praawr treaUnent of tbe Usir and arslSv lfAiLs Um'.tt Btxcvtit bss saeadUy srwars ia iavor, aad pred Us ftune and asetasect to every qssrtsr of tho globe. It unparal leled niece) can e stta4bVd to BsA saw cause : the eMUrt futjilmtaU o if rosMf A. Tbe proprietors bare often been surprised nt tbe receipt of orders from remote emru tries, wbere tbey bast never saade aa efforinw iu inurodectiou. Tbe ne for a short timo of Hall's ITaib ItKNEWEit trouderfully improves tbe psr sousl sppssaaaasa. It sasaasas tbe scalp from all auporiUes, cores ail humors, fever, aad dryness, ami thus prevents bsldaes. IS efhnalates the weaBsnsd glsasls, sai ssnWee. tUem to posh forward a new aud vigorous growth. Tbe effects of tbi article fare neV transient, Hse tboso of siooboUe preparrv tLmicbut romais a loug time, which tuaBea Its uso a matter of ccoi:on;y. BUCKINGHAM'S BIS von TUB B I ... w WHISKER8 "WTii change the beard to a natural brera or thus, desired. It produces a pcnnaaeBt color that will not wash away. Costdstisg of a single preparation, it is applied wlahoat trouble. - - L TREPAEED BY The Senate of the United States hah passed a bill for the government of the territory of Alaska which prohibits the liquor-traffic therein, except for medici nal or scientific purposes. This, if it I shall become a law, will be good not alone for Alaska, but valuable aa a tiled tweaty ateamera and eight Bailing j praeedent for kindred legation for all tne etner territories ot tow R.P. BALL & CO., Ssstoa, H.i Cl W- .It T.n1.-o lata WsaadisadBSaSsft. im iry (Big ldivia aaa -swvwwaaa . II i rOB ALL THE IGEHS t I OV Screfnlons, MercwruU. and Blood JDiserders the best remedy, because the most searching; and thoroegB a1 layer's Sarsapariiia. Bold by all Drtunjists ; six bottles, f& a I., ta seta a Basl 4 ah as jH 'if v