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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES ANUTTIN& CilNBMmCBl -- rat Blldi Broadalbla Mrrct. 0 BOBSCRimOH mo sea 1 so rs 10 !'. com . mt war. l ' .r single oopy, six laon-hs . . alarta copy, throe month. Mucte aumbor PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. CHAMBKWJint. i?i ivx & CHAMBERLAIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany. rws. Offlo in Foster's Brick Bio..- vl5nl8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Albany . Orf -n.nTTPff TV A L-Ll lriB IL Tl -ejav r- r w a ia ar a a a v aa .- . S- to ooll.Ho- " "oSoi to Po-tof. M brick. of 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. mORNEAT LAW. Notary PubUo 1st street, "TWEATSEBFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT IJVW, iTVJ ktl THIS COURTS OF THE Odd Feilw- Tpla tU " W. R. Blt-TEC ' POWELL BILYE U, .TT(RSKYS AT LAW. And S.lWt ?JSaoM. vl-inlfcf- J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? -A.ND- Notary Pablic. ALBANY, OitCOM, .... ll f th Courts of will be promptly attended to. ss-Offlee In OToole's Block. E. W. IAMC00M & CO., , tf oa- and Toilet Articles, A Boota ilrgtaS snd Low Prices. gLBtXY. WW-- PflftHAY & MASON, w ---' Druggists and Booksellers, VLB AN Y, OBEGOJI. Tl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE First d SUawertb Albany, Chas- Pfeiffcr, Prop'1' .S SanpHa Booc for Cocn- mercial Trave'.ari- raaeh tm T. J STITES. ATTOKNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. . r.fuve i Office in States kiohtb jy. -Tw stnpe, BBS. ..W.fc MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. A LB ANY, O F EOON. Store. RED CROWN MILLS. ISO, LANNISG & CO., PROPR'S. ,rsw process vlocb scfiuob tor rAnitiEfi A-H) BAK TJ8E. BEST ST0RAGF VCJL1TIES. Highest Price in Cash for rvncai ALBANY ORa PHEN1X INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. Pram. ii m income 1 .$3,295,326 . 2 607,189 Ssfe, reliebleand quisle to pay in case of loss. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, D. BR3WN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet S TJBSCBIPTI03ST SanFrancisoOi'Cal. Quimty . House. QUIMlBY & HEESEY, Proprietors. Cer,4tU and C. Sts Portland ,Or. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels lu Oregon. Conduct ed both by American and European plans. AH the modern improvements, 140 bed rooma, well farnished, Hjrht, and welt ventilated First-class reading room, and barber shop. An elevator and all the latest conveniences. Maw VO L. XIX STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. .......,.,., n -p. THR UNDEK8lUIBU ni9w v Inform the publlo thst he is new pre- pared 10 ao su sinus u ai . work on short notice. Ail work is wsr rsnted to give satisfaction. WIU work any nd all k.oils or atone, but deal prin cipally In Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing a.d resetting a specialty. Call ml oxaiiiiiie mv prices before puro-ia Ing elsewhere ss 1 will not be undersold. ,-uop on west aide of Ferry street oppo site post ottos. Q W HARRI9tp JOHN 8 C I I iTl- LITEM, FEED AND SALE 8TABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to lrtttlW Corner Second snd Ellsworth streets. LOUIS CAMPEAUS Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness ana .naru rssore, wnicn are aiwy - r oondiilon, and hair cut In tne very o ill. I 3 - I SAN VIG. I AUNDRY ANPrHlSA MERniAN'HlSU Bt'81 iolhriC -oiu at bottom Ino. a ntrt-Sor for I'hina labor. ar est to City Bank. . BCENGr TENQ. Best washing and Ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. SAM COHEN Keeps the best brsnas oi nnpert-n . i dometoic cigars. AiBU Ul- FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest btllard ball In ths city. I will also sell real eat ate, morchaadlse household goods, stc, at auction for any onein tLe cltyor county fetors opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6J SAM COHEN. 83 A B&AKD 00IBI8AT10H '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE IaOUIJsVlLLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOL'UNAL. On. yar ,. onlyJP. papras tor Mi v.ur r"m , .,. -. ---. . our Bocae p"i- --- - ,h i.m,rtic I pr-entative newnW f 2St sS .nKh- 5 tor a MM for IWMSBSl d fSS. aar ho Jeeira o - - -(jner-Journ-J- can - ao at U oca. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IS Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIBHIS, PULLEIS Ml OOIDS. WINDOWS. srCounty dealers are reepectfolly Inyjt d to call and examine our stock, aote our prices snd fsyorable terms. Send lor Price List WILSON & BROTHER. -flannfat tnrers, Wholeanle nd Retail Dealers, 18, 20, 22. DrnmmSt., San Francisco , Col scio imvm directory. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. TA BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH lira Tr.- a fni line ef jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired In first-class order. SCIO - - - OREGON. Ws H. MORROW, TaEALER IN rruvj, u"""'"3' If copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, ' nTunrinV table cutlery, etc., etc SCIO OREGON. BRIDGEFORD & BEARD, KEEP A FULI- LINE OF PURE irroceries. fresh candies, nuts, snc sll kinds of oonfectionaries, tobacco, cgsrs, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR.' SCIO, OBEGOI.. r araW W " T TH mnTTi1 C3f a.-r r.TTf.K t)f JfUlJlJ.v JjI-i iliixua w Jw LICITED. Plans and specifications farnished on short newce. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. i - a trwvgtl, ,.! ailsssssnssa Mr nassl lass th nary kind . nd MM in ..wjbUU.i. iu iss utuiiitud .m I.. trii, .hori wiBhi, aiam --. - . i...,!.- H..1.I onlv In Hum. lh piiif. . .! Hold only In cn. B.iua Puvoaa ( o. Ichj w.ii btnxit. N Y. Disfiguring HUMORS, Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erup tions, such as Sell tkfaai or Kcwma. Pril. knlH lla, Infanttl or HirUt llum..r, andVry form o( lli hlnj s-iv, I .mi ly. Scrurtitou, Inaartted, ConUatoaa. H1 . optwr i oiurr.l matter ..r me HI" k, Mmn, ! mZZ if.Kf ii. i. . ... I ... ... ' I I -vaa -m k'w ' 1 ai , ait j - . w w v mvd SW I cuueura koiumkm olea.tai tba blood nd parnpirahon of I 'jpuruie t. J pSSBSSSSI Icnent, m.J lha rm..n tbo eu. atlrnra. the k-rat Skin fur. tostaB'.ly allay I l-hlnc and InfUmro-U-vn, cloara tn 8k n at d Uap naai 1 1 oar ana son, aaa raatorna in liar 'Toilet Ka-Uiit. preird from fuu.-ura. ia inlla- I tviicera aese. an a .quutio n.hi Kaautiaar ana i panaab in iraaUng flfcln uiaaaaaa, Bby llmu .r, I Skin Blemtahaa. Roufb. Cbappad. or Oily Skin. I Cat lea ti Srnrdlri uc alin. ule'y para, and im only rcai iu mkI ruriaani and akm Uut.Oar. ir (rotu marcury, arncnlc, lra.1. sine, or any o her tnln- erJ or vecatao'a in hUar. II wtiM ro,u.r t hi anure pajr to do JoaUe I a deaclintion ( thr .-urea bv tka CuU I cura Baaolraot InteruAlly, and Cuii ura and t uticora .Soap nd 5 lha flnjrar, enr d.rfl ult tatratl and naually I niali1iTi1 Incurabic: araal! oalchaa .,f MUr and I Sa . m mm m t1 lh l. ' m if I K k.nJi ti..1 ... t. all rheum oa the ear. ta, and tide of the face I "railed rrr. . ,..... I 1 1 i bar, hevl u8 , r. ofch.wran ana ,nfnu. nixnt of wi..a I mnee birth i laa-i beea a ma of caba. I llrhta nurnaij. at. a e-ir nn .ret '- oaiaaa a from ordinary lamodi. aoMh-d aaS I even ral even raiei heail a by aaffi T eartaal. 1 ir'ar, an4 other frightful fora. of akin dl jIuUi nloere, M eore. an.! die- iSailllM "in li aSSS hi ait of arhlch he l pc-l:i f. p.raai.:ilr. J ojomlcally .urel by the Cutirura KmivaUiaa Hold errherr. prior : CuUura, SO ratit Ha. eolvent, 1 j ban, 26 oeoU. 1' ter and t t.cia leal Co., bVajton, Maa. SeaS for "itw to Cere MJs Ptaeaaes' ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MACHINE SU0P. EJITABLISHED 166S. By A. F. cnERRY, silnated at oorner or First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Hr A. K. I llh.KKl. suuaiea w oornrr 01 Oregon. (.raaan HsvioK taken ebargeof the above named Works, we sre prepared to manuSwtnrs Steam Engines, Haw and ur sains, izi Wood.workintr Machinery. Pumps, iron and Brass Castings of every description Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing form me- ohlnery. Pat Urn Haklng doar la all IU fmrmu. 16:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A RON. NEW BARBER SHOP. M.JACKSON - Proprietor. -Oppoaile Revere Houae- Shaving and hair dressing done In first class style. First -clsss nt tn rooms. Bath for ladlea and Terms reasonable. sll hours. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral, No other complain l are ao Inaldloua In tbHr attack m -bote affecting tlie throat anS luaga: none so trifled with by the ma.lorlry of auffer- er. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perbape from a trifling or uaeoateiotui ex posure, la often bat the beginning of a fatal ttcknes. A vku'h Chkbrv Pkctobal liaa well proven ita afficocy In a forty years' tight with throat and lung diseases, nod should be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. ' Tn l..7 T took a su vere. cold, rliieb alfVstsjd my lungs. I bad a terrible eoagh. and aaased night after night itliout nlep. Ilia dootors gave me up. 1 tried AVKii'a Chkhkv rio TOSAI-, wliicli r:li-re.t my Inns., iadaeed nl. i t.. mi l MiT'-r 1 l tua il.e rl neeesssry for I lie rcvveiy ol mv strength. Ky the coiitniiied use of the Pr.croKAi. a perraa- nei.t euro was etfocted. I USB now m yeais ohi, bale and hearty, and am satisfied yeui (.ni.HKV I'KCToiiAi. f.iveu me. IIokack FAiannoriiKit." Ib.ckingham, Vt.( July W, M2. Cronp. A Mother'a Tribute. While lu the country last winter my lUUe boy, threft yeam old, as taken 111 Willi croup; it seemed its if ho would die from Straus"- lation. One of the family sufeestod the use of Aykb's Chkiibv I'siTonAi., a bottlo of vrhlch was always kept in the house, 'l.ils was tried in small ami frequeut doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour tho liitlf natient was breuLhiiitr casilv. The doc tor SHid tliat the CllicititV Pkitoiiai. bad saved niydarlliig's life. Can you wonder at our gratilude? binccreiy yours, MltK. KMMA f-EDNKV. 150 West 128th St., New York, May 10, 1.R2. h i have used Avr.n's Ciikuhv PSCTOa At tn iny family for scver;il years, and io not hesitate to pronounce it the most eiTc-tuaJ remedy for coughs and cobls we have ever tried. aa A. J. CUAKE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. ' I suffered for eight years from BrouchlUs, and after trying ninny remedies with ho suc cess, I was c'ur.d by the use of AvriH'a CitKit- BV 1'K' Toll A I dOBRl'U WAI-OKJI." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. " I cannot say enough in praise of Avr.a's CHuituv PKCTonAi., believing as I do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. K. llRAonow." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an afTection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayeb's Cherry Fectobai and it will always cure when the disease w not already beyond the control of lUedioiue. rUEEABED BY Dr.J.C.AyerdiCo.,Lowell,MaM. j . Sold by all Druggists. Biatts A. ,a. ... ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, WIWS II BKIgr, The fact that American grain hat been shipped into Bohemia has esoited the surprise sod indignation of Austrian grain producers. They are petitioning the government for protection. The annua) mortality fron.Qten.per nee in Great Britain is 40,500. A successful Illinois dslryman claims that he keeps 100 cows and never raises a pound of hay. He feeds his csttle on corn fodder, cut when in blossom, bound snd set up until ourac", or until Winter, a ben it is removed to the barn. He gets seven toon of this dry fodder to the sere, snd claims it is worth ss much as the beat of bay. Barton Orlndrod, elephant dealer, says that eleven elephsntg shipped tor N'uar V-lr I. IfiTI a .L.f- -ZTrVT" . . mn uiiruni iirua iiinr - r -vwvu uiirureppw a cslf. Baiah and fan.lri. ,,., l t v J" ianurie, mottled r.ll.ii .. kil i i tui o, eaoo. A London "society" paper asserts thst Msry Anderson charges the pho tographer 150 guineas, about $760, for tbs privilege of taking her picture- The use ef the posts! Card is declin ing by tbs reason of ths reduction in letter postage. Foreign brokers srs making heavy purchases of tbs A merics n silvsr trade dollar, at a discount of ten per cent, or more. There are 100,000,000 sheep in Aus tralia. Flecks there are Isrse.numkar. r jf. . mi? from nrtv t 2Sft (uc An Mi s w -rvv WMV UWS eonststing of 1,500,000. A greet financial panic at Pekia, China, many banks and firms having failed. The publio baths of Vienna, the a .... . : - - . i -. lajmai, a IS SaiU ( 00 tOO Una ,1 ,a 109 wOU. Congress has given sway -I60,000,(XK) acres Of lsad since lrtUO. There are 30,000 French in the city of New Yoik. Holland is credited with 12,000 wind mills sversging 8-borss power escb. C'a. breeding is beioff taken nn t .. .. UP W tivalf m Kngland, nni nn 1. w iw ..... - ft r . , v,f..,t.Ki. ,i. i;,- ... . . -j' 1 . ; ZrTT",8riB but s an article of food, the faundit quick growth sai resllv nslstabla - . ernes ot our latoilisr lioartb-rus Iriend pointing out s staple resource. Uns tansment bouse In New York shelters 300 fsasilies. l he annual vslue of ootton rags in the United 8tstss is laid to be $22.- AAA AAA wv- Forty lsdv students are studying in .. T ." l . ... . I uvFitan, tne m.jor.ty of 'bcm are Kussiana I I V ..... 1 .. . I . I 1 " "i uo-' "-ge a Uuliar for a pce of ice worth s oent in tbo Uoi- ted States. The new fast train between Now , . . 1 orK Chicago makes tbs trip lo I 171 . ...... I . . -.2 uuum, iDii carries only the mail. A Cob UeatlCut Wnnan tint ntf ,! . , . . . :. . . . o.u nawsne is Boneless. iy. abe is ninetr-sis v-.r- aid A steel pinion, weighing eight tens, was recently csst in Chicago ; it is saia .1... .. . . ... "SBS-SBB w oe tne largest casting ever success- what ha alleged to be political cowar fully made in this country. dice. His allusion was to tbe non- Sjeculstors in Medrid, Spain, hsve iuUcri $120,000 to raise a revolu- UOliary movement limi ar tn that. M J a u isri n,. h...i, n-.- ' ... . ,T ment "7 appnssd of tbe plot. A gang of Philadelphia "cowboys" in one of tbe public schools, modelled en tbe dime-novel plan, was brsken up by tbe Isdy tescher who disarmed the valiant captain of a seven-chsmbsrsd revolver. He had called her a "white quaw." Out of 89,000,000 mechanics, 8,000,. 000 are paupers in England and on the continent, The aggregate income of the English trsde unions is $1,650,000; their re sources sre $3,450,000. Twenty out of thirty dealers ia New York fold an inapeotor of the Beard of Health oleomargarine in place of but ter. An attempt is to be made with a new telephone to talk on the Atlantic cable. Over 500,000 rose trees srs annually imported into this country from Eng land, France and Holland. Colored men are now employed as reporters by a Philadelphia newspaper. New York speculators in potatoes have lost heavily this winter. Thou sands of boatloads are still unsold. The rainfall in thla country ia lowest in New Mexico, thirteen inchss, and highest in Alabama, fifty-six inches. The Nihilists in Russia are robbing the mails in order to secure funds for thsir slots. The center of population is ono and one-half miles southeast of Tajlorville, Ky., and has been under tan fset e water during the flood. A heifer died in four hours sfter est- ing a leaf of tobacco. Destitute immigrants have been ar riving in Montreal. Thay are pitable sights and are in a state of starvation. Ths city mortality in England for 1883 avsraged 21.6 per 1000,the lowest en record. wassust-Tes umtmm. (lium oar rtgular .rrapaadtat. ) Waihikotom, March. 8th, 1884. Wssblogton Is soMom without s convention of some kind, snd thti week two nrs In session here. One 1 . the Baltimore conference of the Methodist Kblscopal church, snd the other Is the Women's Suffrage con ventlon. The tatter body It holding a enthusiastic meeting end there ere about one hundred officers end delegates present from various Steles. Twice daily sessions are held, which are well attended by the curious snd the interested, snd ringing speeches ere made on pertinent subjects, such as, 'The Proposed 11 sen franc hi te rn en t of the Women of Utah ' "Wom an the Unknown Quantity in Pott ies" j 'Woman before the Law," ani the "Statesmanship of Woman." Fred erlck Douglass and bis new wife have been oonspiclous attendsnts escb day. The delegates occupy the platform, and a lady In the audience, remarked to me that they did not look ilreog minded, at all, but very much like other minded women. Only one of them woars short hair Mrs. Kicker, a lawyer ef this city. Most of them wear dresses of bsnd ome material, fashionably made. Some wear corsage bouquets, su J dlsmonds are occasionally seen spark ling on the hands raised In emphasis of woman's wrongs. Their spirited, veteran lesdsr, ifunn B. Anthony wears black sstln with tiny ruffles up the front. The coauetry of dress, hss not been utterly consumed by the fires of her higher enthusiasm. Mrs. Bisks In her addr- to the conven tion, reviewed the various Preslden tlsl csndldstse 'rom the womso's standpoint. Edmunds she said would not do, he had slwsys used his influ ence In the Henato against women. Blaine was better, but he had never supported tbecsuseof w man with a whole aeuled sidor. Thu Stalwart dictator of New York. Rnaeo OfMk- Itng, esld tbo stH-ukt.r never bad suv inincr ririr a r t r m'nn in tin. 1 t . .. . . . ' i mberWMtod him. Thi? lewll .a r.. ... 1 wi .uu ff HSVl mtf w.rt im-n la eAt.iaa a as e a m4 , . t 1 .A .w.a.-w, a.- wa.v. u. iru.w- ware, she said, wss a brave knijrht, but he might as well be put away I a L a B a .11- a . I a S IkS lib the fcr-silsof thcNstlonalMuHCum alcngwltb Solicitor Raynor, when he est his lance agaioat theurht If Piowar worn to. .She thought If Flower was nominated lha rr.rr.if. !.. 1,1 irall,. ..n 1. 1 ... K.t I WVIMSil TfllSl'S niniiii VSS MllUa SeViS Indiana's favorite son. Joseoh Mo Donald waa the man to whom they o .,..! . . r ... h...i. t . . t 1 W W m ..- . .imuMr, a J IUTIIIU1I the deletate- in a body called on the President. Miss Anthonv asked hi If he did not I hlnk womoo ought to a. m mm - BSe S II i I , a a . hsve full ennslllv In noliiical rirhts f - And the P resident repllsd. "We should probably differ upon the details of that question.,, During tbe discussion of the Na vel appropriation bill the other day a digressing Bspnbllcsn Congressman stteniDtml to twit the Democrsts for I V snoearnnco of the bill torn hint? (he urlffon wool, which It waa predicted I .... A l.rr.M-hl fnriaaril In lh. I c ki ..v t. bar said the apectaclo which tbe par- ty presented whan It became neces- ssry to protect the great wool Inter. eats of tbe country reminded him of a race-horse, who after being enter- ad far the race, throws up his tail, Jumps over the fence, and abondooS the coo teat. Tbe hammer hare fell on thehpeaker, and Mr. Eandail said alter thla flight of fancy from it mo in bar of a decaying party he would call back tbe committee of the Whole to the consideration of the pending bill. Chairman Morrison hss found It Slow work getting his tariff bill through committee. The hearing of trade delegations was 10 have closed some time ago, but the doers ef the committee room have been besieged by visitors wbo ceuld not well be kept out. The bill waa favorably acted upon on Thursday last, and will be reported to the House on Monday next. Several scores of members of tho Houae of Representative!, have orenared elaborate speeches on the Tariff, exhibiting the great question In all Its multifarious phases, and frena every possible point of view. The respective authors of the spsechea think they are to good to be thrown away and are anxiously waiting for an opportunity to deliver them. The Senate has this wee c, voted to extend and improve tho Yellowstone National Park ; to protect the Chil dren of this District from cruelly and neglect ; to make an appropriation for the Military Academy at West Point ; and has had up for consider ation again in executive session the treaty with Mexico. The House has voted to pension the Mexican veter ans ; to increase its ferce sf employes by thirteen, snd Is now ougag ed in discussing tho Naval approprlatlen bill. Bemoan. 1884. tibb trail, a rassies bill. Ths following is the text of the Mei iosn pension bill : Be it enacted, etc. That tbs tteere tary of tbe Interior be direct ad to plaoe on tbe pension roll tbe names of tho surviving officer sod snlisted men, in eluding metinss, militia snd volunteers, of tbe military end naval service of tbe United States, who served aisty dsys in tbs war of 1846, 1847 and 1848 with Msxioo, or who being enlisted, sotuslly served with tbe army or navy of tke United Btetea in Mesioo in said war.or wars actually engaged in a battle in said war, and wers honorably disobsrg ed, and to such other officers and sol diers,and sailors as may have been per sonally named in any resolution of Con gress for any specific service in said war, although tbeir term of service may have been less than sixty days, and the surviving widows of auch officers, or soldisrs, or sailors prior to tbe dtscbsge of such offlosrs snd enlisted men , pro- vidsl, thst such widows have not re marrieJ ; and provided, further, tbst this sol ahall not apply to so y person nst a citixm of ths United Ststes. Ssc. 2. Thst psnsions shall be at tbe ate of 8 per month, and payaSle only from and after the passsge of this act, for and during tbe natural lives of tbe persons entitled tbereto. Pnc. 8. Tbst before tbe name of say i:son shall be plsoed en the pension roll, proof shall be made, under such rules and regulations as tbe Secretary of the Interior shall mesciibe. of the 1 right of tbe applicant to a pension ; and sny pereon wbo shall falsely sod cor- . I -. s.t. .. .1 a a a a a I .u,,.,7 ..a. auy oatn rsqmrea sbsll be Additon. The Alliance cordislly en guilty of perjury, and tbe Secretary of dorsed tbe effor.s of the W. CL T. U tbe Interior aksll sense to be strieken from tbe pees-on roll tbe name of any person whenever it sbsll be msde to -''i""' mmmm w P"- UP 1. 11 . 1 i t a. M . I ... -.. 1L.1 m I audi run inr-.-.ign isise ana irauau ent i , rrpressnUltona, and that sooh person is not entitled to a pension under tbe act. Th loss of the certificate of dis- cbsrge shall not deprive any person of l a a aw . .. . .1 ; tne oene-uaol th-a set, but other eyt- .1- r 1 j 1 w oi an b-nornWe discbarge m.v be dsemed . . 7 -ulliCienr. u s ewsi . S a j,e;.s. mat tee pension Iswi no ; lf, force whish are not inconsiatent cr i ClJI fllct with this act sre hereby msde I . . a pail ef this act so far as they may Le applicable thereto. their duty toward its children." Sec. 5. Tbst it sbsll be unlawful lor Four states lavo now compul any attorney, claim agent or any other gory temperance school Ibwf Michigan, person to demand or recei-es foe great- Vermont, New Hampshire and New er than $10 for services rendered in be- York. bslf of a claimant under this act, to be Most efficient work is being done in e.d when such claim is sllewsd. Stc 6. Thst section 4716 (forbid- ding payment ef peosions to ex-rebela) j 0f the revised statu Us is hereby rspeal- I sd so far as tbe same relates to this act or ths pensionsrs under this set. Sec. 7. Tbst tbs provisions of this act sbsll not apply to sny person while undsr the (loliticsl disabilities imposed by tbe fourteenth saasndment to tbe Constitution of lbs United States. cxaieta r acts. In one species of spider, the fern tie is 300 times ss lsrge ss the msle. In the whsle, the upper lip falls down iks a curtain, overlapping the lower aw sc. vera 1 fset. Ths marigold takes its name from the upposed ressnblancs between its flow- ers and the glory seen in pistursa of ths V irgin iary. Ths inhabitants ot Siberia, when their sleighs srs followed by waives, frighten them by fastening a spare gar ment to a piece of rope or string, and allowing it te trail behind ths chicle. TL, If m . a mmA UXAm amu aim uviue Eltbty-threa par osnt of ths populs- "a,V " v r r tion ef tbe United States ia composed of WnibS USVITSS IUU - ua luiuiwiauM i--u t- - - . . . . 1 . I m mm I mmmm m f m f.rm i j i l i . :..:.. i-I vjrerraany ana vjrreau ixuhu. i-muk ' ' four tier cent for these cf African de- scent. Some idea of the increats of tbs but ton manufacture may be derived from the fact that in a single French village near Paris there are more than 5000 persona sngaged in making agate but- tons, although iu 1851 there were but 6938 button maasrs in an rngiano. seat ! A.1 T1 A .1 aa IBSCierssiu tr...n.-uv uc- partment. at Washington sty that the returns ana B&nars receivea itoru iiio Pacifio States have a resinous er bal samic odor strong enough to bs percept ible even when ths papers are mingled With others from many parts of ths country. Tbe Bnneins believe that ths curi ous large apes of their oountry are prophets, and that certain degraded tribes near akin to them bring their messages to ths people. Accordingly when any stray member of these tribes sppesrs among them he is treated with great respect, until a bad harvest or bad weather comas, and then hs ia driven away aa an evil creature. Tbe Emperor of Prussia will bs eighty-seven years old on the 22nd of March. NO 35 bpbuct mumm m '" ' "" - .J. JJBJ " j KDiTlfb BY TUB Wanes'. Cbrfitian Trn.p.raB.c Loroa StJ-.-.-l J -7 liegulsr meeting of Albany VV C T. U., Bfsrcb 18. Dsvotional txetciw led by Mrs. Canon touched upon ;ctd, goodness and bis willingnraa a,d sjewei to save. HlrLi-ri (it ... - - . . . it "". ui ri;'iiri(', a continuation of 'Moderatn i-rir.v;-,.- For snd Against, " l.y JJr. Richsrdson .' Motion to ofien reading room lout. Offer of Mrs. I E. Gray to open hall for purpose of reading on Habbsib p. from two to five o'clock. Mrs. Overman, Mrs. Jlobertson snd Miss Fortmiller sppointed s committee upon snnivsrsary meeting. Committee on lecture by Miss Phoebe CotJ-sns, Mrs. Peters snd Mrs. Tumil. Mn., of Scio, requested roior. bsrs of our Union to sssiitt in forming sn organization at lb... ... a . :i -..I ... in 15tb. The next regular meetinjr will be the third anniversary of our Union. Tbe W. C. T. U. coorae of lectures in progress at Halem, includes the fol lowing speakers: lUbbi Itosennitz. Miss Helen 8aulding, Mrs. Msry Strong Kinney, Rev. P. S. Knight and frof. Ellis. The Unions at Eugene end Ltbsnon hsve recently held suocessful public msStlOeTS. At the latter .... r- two signed the pledge At the Benton County Temperance Alliance, which met at Philomath Feb. 97tU . -.... -tr.. - t - r-vi -iiTgiene wan presented by Mrs. Wsllis Naah. snd one upon Juvenile work by Mrs. L. H. for eesuring spsce in our countv papers for advocation tcmrieranco and recom- mended tbe circulation of tbe "Union Higual." After the Alliance wad sd- Ijuuiuou m tarjfo . . . 1. U. WSS .i . i w . m t formed. Apropos of the recent victcrr in Haw York cornea this tribute cf s noted Uivine to the t-fforia of our Mre. Hunt : "A lsdv of Boston on whoae remarka- . . on, eloquence and nhi anthrimc aelf Uscri Gee m.v he. ven nd the richest I"1" mT Deycn send the richest l.laui... fr. lf l,.- !- awa'ajaapia a mm. a a a u V U CB B r t V VlWk u ftn .nostls for some . cars on the tonic of temnersnce text Lor-ka i. schools. 8ho has really awakened the I - I attention of the rulers of the land to I several atatos by tbe Citizens Law snd Order Lesguee. Tbeir object is te proescuU persons violsting liquor Isws. Their success in vsrious locslities proves the revolution that would be the result of enforcing even the meager laws al- ready sxisting, and the most stringent Jaws will be unavailing unless, hy such combination., of the people, officials are compelled to execute them. Joseph Cook, by the testimony cf an eminent chemist, proves thst ucfermen- ted wine is s fact. He savs thousands of churches in Eogland, Scotland and the United States are genuine unf i- m en ted juice of grapes. W. CL T. 0. Mrs. M. C. L-avitt, 8upt. of W. C T. U. work on ths Pscific Coast, will onmmence work in Oregon. Anril 1st M u ug haTing Uuril . n eleirant lecturer ... . . . h .Q her homm and aJao in , . , f . ... . , . . f ,ucatioo d ahe b. iutQ th ,ectur0 8cholarlj I i , . ... . I anH in. ol hrviinr ininrl aaaas luiouigou uituva. Miao WilUid cava nf her Fm v wnrlr- a. j . uMV1 hrnneht into our ranks so much ability and culture, qualities that i . . , . i nmmnd thmanIvAH hi Ice to the . , e I nnmarrtl I VM and nnicrfikSI r A Classes Ot . , I society, SO vnat enn cum uiauua .uaw- i u.. ..., qu .,;;. BClof .1 DUO a, v "-! inivn v-'.. .., hoping to strengthen the unions already organized, to enlist all good women in the work of the W. C. T. U. and in every possible way to promote the cause of temnerance araone us. Like WiUard8he come, with a woman.8 nnaol, rrt ,un orftat WorW Rhfi . VIS V .v-a -v a-a-.x - a - " linriKPUkim. We earnestlv debire a thorough,y 8UcceM. fnl campaign which shall bring to us a hundred-fold more streugth. We look to the christian people ; to pastors of churches, and to all earnest temperance workers to give her tbsir fullest aid and sympathy. We feel confident she will receive not only s royal welcome but a hssrty cooperation in all her work. MRS. lkavitt's appointments. Astoria, Tuesday, April 1. St. Helen, Wednesday, April 2. Portland, Friday, Reception, April 4 Salem, Sat., Sun., April 5, G. Lebanon, Tuesday, April 8. Halsey, Wednesday, April 9. Brownsville, Thursday, April 10. Harrisbnrg. Friday, April 11. Eugene City, Sat., Son., April 12,13. Drain, Monday, April 14. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYEETI8IM6 MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, u.mrlHl'"'!ro" Botlcss-n Icoai;(.l 8 Z',? ivji'1 nrffhSHsn. inwjrtlo n. 1 r ( MCtl "n-en JmZZ??. fUSL wade 11011 OB' ntion. Oakland, Tuesday, April 15. ItoSl hlil", ,m1a ., April 10. Jckfonil!r, Friday, April 18 Ahlnr.d, Hit., Hun , April 19, 20. Oregon City, Tnesday, April 22. Kafct Purtlaa l, Thuia.. Fri , April 24, 2. Other arpointmenU iil bs publj.bed n dun time. Mn. ir. k. fa t W Pres. W. C T. U. aa. Hi 11. ftaTwaiuHT, Secretary. ricaotsLs. 1 h.mis Nst once more outs bis pes cil in iJiostratinf,' U&ftfh Weekly. P. T. Barn urn, wbo Las been at Old Point Comfort with a party of' friends, returned to New York lest week. Peter Mitchell, of Charleatown, lad., who tichieved more than a local repute tion by lit ing on fifty cents a d; , left a fortune of $40,000. Matlhrw Arnold think that Bosten is too cold snd artificial. This reminds uscf the old aalg about tho pot calling the kettle Mack. The j re.ider.t cf the Biitisb Br- keijts' A SMxihtion is tbe Bsroncss Burdett Coutts, and be recently pte sided at its annual B-.c'ini. Tbe father of the N rSJf Jersey House of lt preservatives, Mr. Wildrick, is eighty one esrs of se. He never wears sn overcoat, hnt tbey slwsys do juccr things in fore'gn countries. Gfti. Joeph A. 3f iwer, Poet No. 1 of tbe Grand Army of the Republic, st the recent carnival in New Orleans presented the daughter of the isle Gen. Itobert V.. Ijzc wiih s basket of flowerr. The Queen of Saxuny is said to be a model hoeeekieper and will not allow two candles to he burned when one will B'jfficr. She excels in makine iam.but, s'as, abe has no naughty b ys to get into closets. The Grand Duke Alex: . i . going to Englsnd to inspect the dockyards snd factories rf that country next May. As high sdrniisl ef the Ku&aiau Navy he wishes to keep josted on tbs latest navsi improve mentr. The M.trquitt ef Lome took a pleat urs trip to Bntbh Columbia while he was governor-j;et.eral of Canada. The bills amour.-. 1 to $10,671. Tbe Dc minion ought to le happy, fjr Victoria'a a .u-in-ia dir! i ot open bis own p. eket- book. Tbe Florida spongo cto ebont 100,000 a year. a.. I'-.nts to KOR DYSPEPSIA snd Liver Complaint, W have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilolr ViU'.izrr. It never rils to cure. For sale hv Fos hay A Mason. THE GREAT GERMAR REMEDY FOR PAIN. ReUeves sod RHEUMATISM, Neuraltfla, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACK ACDE, HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. SORE THROAT. QCIN8T, SWKXXHtGS. SPHIIS.. Soreness. Cats, BMses. FiiosTBrra.. Brass. sCAi-BS, Aui all Q)r boSr asSrsa and pallia. Fimr CttTS A BOTTLE. Hold by sD Drtprjau and IVaUer. DinC-tona in U The Charles A. Vssjsler Co. or i i - - - - aitllajari. B4. (.ii A Marvelous Story TOLD II TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON : fW-ta,o Gentlemen: My father resides at kver, U Ma has been a great suff .rer from Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will tell vo-a what a marvelous effect Ayer's Saaparilla hzs bod In his case. I think his blood must have contained the humor for at least ten years ; bet it did not 6how, except in the form of a scrof uleus sore on the wrist, until about are years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. 1 assure yon he waa terribly aflUcted, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there ore few man of his go who enjoy as good health as he tea. 1 could easily name fifty persona who would testify to the facta In his case. Yours truly, W. M. Phiujps." FROM THE FATHER: utl a duty for mo to stato to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was complc .ely covered with a terriblo humor and scrofulous sores. Hss humor caused an incessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so oa to cause tho blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of tho Sars -Paiulla In April last, and hare used It regularly since tliat time. My condlUon began to improve at once. The sons bare all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well In every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of ago. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell thorn, as I havo here tried to tell yos, Ayeb's Sabsafa-ULI-A. Glover, Tt Oat. 21, lUi. Yours gratefully, H'"- FlULLm." Aran's Sabsapabiixa cures 8crof-tla and all Scrofulous Complainta, Erysip elas, Eczema. King-worm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, lUds digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PEEP ABED B V Dp. 1. 0. Ayer &CoM Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Druggists; tl, six bottles tor Sgj !! n