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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1884)
f tie tmmt FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 1884 Ohio bus dren. 1,008,000 school chll- Carl Isle's committees Justify 1 bio's election. - All in all, Speaker Carlisle is enti tled to the thanks of patriots. All this Keifer business would be ranny u it were not nunsuiaung. . . . .. t . .. , i - The Hon. John Sherman Is net cropping out as a Republican candl-1 date to any great extent mmm iubogland 8,142 landlords coUect $ 75,000,000 rant nnnuftlly on 7,500, wu ftcrftft Ol l ana, Soma of the Indiana Demoerftts I are now talkinir of Senator Voorhees . for Governor. A ftiece of the late Senator Ben Hill recently, at a fashionable wedding, met for the first time ft voting man, whom W mm she married the same day. Thft difference between the com mittee list of the House in this ses sion and the last ia the difference be tween Carlisle and Keifer. General Grant is reported to be very careless ia his dress and appearance. He is ales noted for being extremely President Arthur's friends are deter- mined te keep their candidate out of the wet, if possible. They presented I him six umbrellas en Christmas. How doth the busy Charles A. D. Improve each shiniag hour. By gathering Presidential sweets, From every opening Flower. The Republicans confess that there I ii but one way of disposing of the sur- plus revenue, end thftt is by te-dis- tributing it. Thenjwhat'ia the use of collecting it, n tt . v it I uu,cluul M- "W " " fred Tennyson en honorftry Aid on the mkohts oan. xoft poet cm now cuooso ooswwu vwa. graaa aisuncuoht- tk. C..i;.V. - ..J .i.. u r . -D kuo - Kentucky Colonel. All legislation designed to benefit th Smith mnfc h intitnd nmUr rh. i ftftspices of Northern Congressmen. If ft Southern member should take the initiative, it woald at once be con- a strued into ft Southern outrage. Senator Sabin, the new chairman of the Republican national committee is an illiterate man ftnd a clumsy speaker. But he possces as vast wealth, amassed mainly by convict labor contracts end political ingenuity. Keifer will not be wholly lost to the country. Hs ornaments the tail end of the committee on Roles. He is under stood to be in favor of a rale that will entitle e retiring Speaker to the abso lute leadership of his party on the floor, provided he has the good lock to te re elected to Congress. The Rcahcay Age in its next issue will publish a summary of the railway building in the United States for the past twelve months. It shows that 6,600 miles of main track have been laid, at an approximate coat ef $165,- 000,000. making the total number of miles of railway in the country to date ftbont 120,000. The construction dur ing 1882 wss the largest in the history of the country, 11,600 miles being laid, against 7,900 miles the year before. The States and Territories which lead In construction tnis year are as follows : Montana, 413 miles ; Dakota, 409 miles ; Michigan, 406 mites ; New York, 375 miles ; Pennsylvania, 339 miles ; Ohio, 326 miles, and Missis sippi, 305 miles. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut; Deleware, Nevada and Wyoming ore the only States and Teritories in which no new road was built. The policy ef compelling companies in tbe possession ef land grants wbich they have not earned, to disgorge is one that should meet the heartiest commen dation. These grant were not made by the Government as sn act of benevo lence toward the railroad, hot to secure a certain definite advantage wbich the railroad in each case guaranteed to furnish. If the "party of the second part" fails, to do what was agreed, within tbe lime specified, tbe "party of the first part" should certainly re sume possession of its rightful property. It ia unquestionably true that there are many such unearned grants still in tbe posession of various railroads, whose future should be carefully examined by the Government. Seventeen United States Senators are worth in the aggregate $55,350, 000. They are Fair, of Nevada, $18, 000,000 ; Miller, $4,000,000 ; Sawyer, of Wisconsin, $7,000,000 ; Brown, of Georgia, $5,000,000 , Palmer, of Mich gan, $7,500,000 ; Sabic, of Minneso ta, $5,000,000 J Bjwer, of Colorado, $2,000 000 ; Hale, of Maine, $1,000, 000 i Miller, of New York, $3,000, 000 ; Don Cameron, $5,000,000 ; Plumb, of Kansas, $500,000 ; Pendle ton, of Ohio, $2,000,000 ; Sherman, of Ohio, $250,000 ; David Davis, of IUi-, nois, $4,000,000 ; Bayard, of Deleware $100,000 ; McPherson, of New Jer sey, $250,000. It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye thsn for a peor man to get into the United States Senate. ti n rmm rascal oit: A Reoublican exchanae ft few date since raised the err of "turn the meals c i out' and thinking that light was kreskine in unon the clouded and r henightod mental vision ot our oon- temporary, we were about to extend the right hand tf fellowship and wel- of Kim fA tKa fi-Atrnitv of those I I i vv oasts Htui w w w-w- - - I s who see, when, by examining farther, ra irurn rrriftv-A.l tit F.ofl that his con- " " iction aud conversion were of the mAaf em i a s - t 1 nrl ! tih character. I . . f s Lh j , . . rnom , ti ev ft . a I .a other set. Thfhpangs of disappointment were nearly more then we could bear, when we found that this was merely ft I factional squeal to turn the laacftls . aiffhtooe" or half breed RepubHcaM of Qregon out in order to ..u wvm f,,rH rmuk tmonir the 1 room istftiwftrt faction. . . . m . ... . i . t I I m stalwart lacuon. ah tnis squeai auu squabble grewa out of the manifest I out of the manifest I purpose of Dolph to build up a person-1 - ... al following in the Republican party ef Oregon, something that he did not, nor I could not have, until his election as I senator gave him spoils of office to I dispense. As was seen in our iseee of la&t week, a pro&ram is on foot te behead all federal officials in Oregon ho stood in for the election of Mitchell and give their places to men who are wearing the Dolph collar. But how much benefit will inure to the people I by turning Ben Simpson oat sad put-1 Ung QdeU n hU , ihU would be adding insult to injury. The battle I ory ia and should bo to turn the party out that has allowed iti organization to . .. ... .... i. pass into such hands as Dorsey.lUbeson I end Keifer. The honest element ef the Republican party is utterly power- I lesa te make itself hoird ia the oonvoa-1 tions ef the party. At its very head stendsSabin who was placed there for no ether reason than that he has plenty I of money. Of Rd, the party, through I te leaders, has become utterly obliv-Jany ious to sJi slements ef strength in party 1 organization except ctpital. Were it not that the great heartless corporation, of the cauntrt . snnnort and maintain " .1 toat oartv. it would be overwhelmned u th next preidentUi conte3t by more l, . r vuiu luiuiuu iuaiviibj w mo ' i , , But when the election shall I m. An iK. h.n.J of crnsrats i wviuw vm vsow w. wf op w L... anI wUh will hm Stratcbed I " - - ... . . forth for the purpose of directing thou- Sands Ot men how tO Vute. 1000 corporations and millionaires require their employes to vote the Republican ticket fur the simple reason that it is part of the contract that Republicans will repay all this with such legislation as will make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Ihui is tne precious franchises of freemen bartered and sold and freemen become slaves. We have boon requested to give thA mainrftlPS of tho asvsrftl rindi. J dates on the Democratic ticket two years ago for county officers are as follows : They Stewart, county cIerk,3C3 majority. Humphrey, sheriff, 259 mj jrity. Peery, treasurer, 183 majority. Dealer, assessor, 294 mnjoilty. Moses, school supr., 248 uj j-?r ity. Reid, surveyor, 230 majority. Davis, coroner, 229 majority. Robiuett, legislator, 2o8 majority. Crawford, legislator, 260 majority. Kizer, legislator, 229 majority. Whitney, legislator, 230 msjority. Cyras, legislator, 241 majority. The majorities on the legislative ticket are obtained by comparing tbe Democrat receiving tbe highest vote with the Republican receiving the highest vote, and the Democrat re ceiving the next highest vote with the Republican receiving the next highest vote and so 00. The average Democratic majority .'or state sena tors was 244. I Tbe supreme court of Pennsyliania recently rendered a decision which will be of interest to the members of the A. O. U. W. of Oregon. Corona lodge,for refusing to pay assessments under tbe supreme lodge relief law, applied to the courts for a writ of mandamus compel ling the grand lodge to reinstate it. The court decides that tbe Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania bad no right to compel tbe subordinate lodge to pay assess ments for tbe payment of losses occur ring in ether states, and awarded the mandamus prayed for, with costs. An appeal was taken to the supreme court, where decision has just been promul gated. The court sys : "Tbisjudg- raent is sffira.ed on the clear and satis factory opinion of the comt below.' This disposes of the question of the en forcement of tbe Supreme Lodge relief law so far as Pennsylvania is con cerned. Three similar cases are now pending ih tbe Polk county (Iowa) dis trict court. At a Bad Time. Commander J. B. Coojhlan, tf. S. N., writes to us from the Navy Yard at Mare Island, Cal. An enforced residence of two years in California made me the subject of most painful attacks of rheumatism. Consultation upon my case by eminent Naval and other surgeons failed to afford me the slightest relief. Dr. Hoyle recom mended to me St. Jacobs Oil. the happy result of the use of which was my com plete and wonderful enre. Washington, (D. C.,) Army fc Naval Register, Everybody does. Everybody comas to Allen Sr. Martin, Al bany, Or,, theycotn fro m every nook, crook and corner in Lino and Benton counties, to buy their fall and winter supplies. People say they can do better at their store than any other store iu the State. kkshitiyr. If there ii one characteristic of the Orogonian which overshadows all others, it is its lack of candor and its peculiar eemitiveness. In our iseue of December autb, we called attention to the hypocntioal pretenses of the leaders . . . u the Republican party in denouncing repudiation and thon. when these lead . .. - mm ers met to manage the committees of the Senate and to nominate senate officers, they, ia each instance, invited Mahone and Riddlebarmr to meet with and ukfJ tin their delib6rt N th orld kn0WB thal . a .a tbese geatiemen are tne open ana can did ftdvooatee ef repudiation. Without any party necessity for it, these geatie- men were invited to take part in Republican deliberatione. Now, the Oragonran with its accustomed way ef slaavatino - the truth, sari that we ate ... I & t T LU m t uunappy eocanse me itepuoucans er- ganised the senate by the aid c fanned the senste by the id of these rapudietora. Of eeuree,tboae who our article know that we said nothing about the aid which these repudtstors lent Republicans in organising the senate. They needed no aid from any lone in arranging the senste committees, and, unless the senate has a rule quiring candidates to reoeive s majority to elect, then Kepubltcsne needed no i - aid from these men to organue the sonata No, we ere not unhappy. On the contrarv. we are rather clad that parties are so evenly beianoed in the ente that Rspublicns were forced to ahow their true colors that of being willing to join in with repudiattoniste m order to matotaia its power in the .... . . senate. It is being told of this huail - Utiag Attitude of the Republicans in the senate that so annoys ths Orcgo- or man. Why should the Republicans invite Mahone and Riddleberger to ftt tend their caucus 1 Are they Republi cans t Are the Republicans nndsr any obligations to thsm t Or sre they under obltgftttons to the Republicans 1 The truth is, a deal had been made by Garfield with these repuiiators to assist them in electing the repudiation ticket in Vireinia. and after the death ef Gar " fisld. Arthur carnal otii tho Iftftftftd of thu contrftct to the beet of bis ability , i .t. .. i .t . .i.i .. r sou loui uj iuq ueiuwnio SOfc OI lUSSO UHr. mnu JUtinn was rn.dn .uM. r f..l I. VrU Tt i. tU 1.111... .f a.jsa m 0ftaaaen aw sw ua ewiisu wi tkM f-rt. th.k mn .mtiK. lh n.ili. ... nature of the Oregoman. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE csias rrana. Union, Or., Jan. 1st, 1884. EJt. Democrat : Last night was ths coldest this win ter, thermoneter down o Mow zero. The snow is ftbout 5 inches deep here Christmas passed off very pleasantly here, at least to all who could atUnd the trees, weather very bad. There ftS ft gOOU nCftl-OI WOlSSy disposed ftf . . i - i . - i u r i i 1. .L. i i i : i i 7 . 7 ; " . 7 1 J, . aooot iv or 10 ociuro nignt ana pui them in the cooler. There was sn alarm given from Bex 500 on Main Street, the lions were out ia full force, but tbe sheep herders and cow bora got away with tbe fire. It was in a small tenement bouse owned by C G Lenington. It begins to look as though we are going to have a bard winter.botd think almost all the farmers and stock men are prepared to meet it. 1 Times are doll in Union at present. Baal eatftte is on a stand, no bnildiag going on to amount to anything. Men that own lots want about three prices for them and it keeps out a good many that would build in Union. J oat think of it in Swackbamers addition in North Union blocks selling for $300, miles from Catherine Creek Bridge, of a mile from tbe bridge in South Union, blocks sell at 200 and 250 dollars, thus making Union a mile long from one end of Main Street north to the end in South Union. A son of J. R. Haines shot himself Fridsy just above the right knee, tbe bftll ranged down through tbe knee cap and logded ftbout 4 inches below the knee. It will likely cripple him for life, end it is a wonder that more boys are not killed by carrying fire arms than there is. What U the use of a boy or man carrying a pistol in a civil ized country ? Wheat is 75 cents per bushel ; oats, per centaL $1.40; barley $1.40 per cental ; chops barley $30 per ton ; mill feed from 12 to 20 dollats per ton ; flour $4.75 to $5 per bbl ; onions 25c ts per lb ; potatoes 1 cent per lb ; eggs 50 to GOcts per dozen. You Know. scie ITEMS. Scio, Ob , Jen. 7 th, 1884. Eds. Democrat : The holidays sre over. Many were the little folks made happy, as indeed were many of those advanced in years. Our Christmas tree was a decided success, many and various the orna ments and gifts. During the week dances and sociaUos were in order, and tbe young men presented ft rather sleepy appearance since, but all stated that fo; tbe same amount of enjoyment they were perfectly williog to pay tbe fiddler. Our City government passed into new bands with the New Year. It is hard to tell whether we are under Democra tic, Republican, Wh inky or Anti-Whisky rule, but be that as it may, tbe new officers are very attentive to business. Tbe City Marshal makes his regular rounds every eveaing, bnt always finds that our people are orderly and qniet. February 22nd is set for a grand time at Sci There will be a Mask Ball on that evening under the management of our best citizens. Everything will be orderly and we have no doubt Bro. Jonathan and Queen Victoria will be arm in arm, and the Duke of Richmond will be in tbe field. Silas Jones. WILL TOU SUFFER with Byspepsi snS Llrer Complaint ? ShUoh's Vitalizer is gssrsotssd U ears you. For sale by Foshay A Mason. ssewmviLM items. Bkownsvilli, Oa., Jan. 7th, '84. Ml, Democrat i !idies,have you forgotten this is leap year 1 Mrs Naomi Templetea has moved on her farm' just west of town. Mrs. Dr. Tuoker is in town visiting her parents. A company from Shedd Station per- r formed "Bread upon the waters," at the Oltv Hall on the second Inst. The Good Tsmplars and Oity Ooun- oilmen spread a sumptious repast in the I . . .1. - (Jitv Ila Naw Year's n tffht. Manv were the rood th nas to be seen and ' ----- 111 Usted nnen that table. a I.L....L i i. AimeuKU um nu iuimvu mow (,u ram oere y,aa atogaiuiifti vuo uro- -! " . . i j t ti i ja jm z l i leu urosses snu u ripping uveroftatg , i we can SU win open uoors an,, gatner . . .1 oZ-ftrden1 Sow do-, thftt en.nftr. open garden. How does that compare I with thoMatfttaa where the mercurv I . , gate on the wrong side or aero every wiater. Conductor Austin has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mrs. rempleton. Mrs. Austin returned Wedeesdsy from a visit to her bonce in Lafayette. 0. P. Coshow jr. after spending Ho! days here, returned to Eugene to at tend school. Mr. Wilkens and wife of Carvsllis are visiting I'rof Brook of this place. Mrs. Tuoker of MoMinnville is visit ing relatives of this place. l P"- HiM Robecot antl Orotbo Ann Suet-1 ry, after spending holidays tn Mcminn-1 . - . ... vine, returned Friday. On last Sftturdfty night occurred the installation ot the officers of Calpooya I - Jm i 1 y V V IS Sjejt mm mmm mi m. I Lodge of I. O. O. V. Tbe suppsr was excellent and tbe dinins room wss elaborately deooratedv Kveryone was bignly pleased with tbo entire occasion Hon. E. B. Mc Kirov State Sunt lectures before the North Brownsville school at the City Hall on Thursday night- Mr. Wm. Cochran and lady will likely start to California this week, en account of the ill health of Mrs. Coon- ran. A boot ebop bea opened up again ia North Brownsville. f ru.m Win-, Umm smiirmct frm Mr. Chfts. Wlllert has retired from blacksmtthtog ftt present, end will pro- bably marry, Mr. J. D. Arthurs has taken charge. These highly respected gentlemen have alwey. dene good work and the shop has a good reputation. rex vaiABT rrmsia W... r.... n 1 'i Editors Democrat : As the Democrat cents ins items from nearly all parts of tbe couaty but this, I eihougbt I would sad a few lines from here. We have bad our share of weatbsr, both good and bad. I suppose a great msnv neon e tut in tbe vallev think that, aitustod ss wo sra in tho noun- Uinawe have a araat deal of saew. but tbe fact is we have but very little more snow then you have in the Willamette valley. This is a much pleaaanter place to live tn, aa tbe mountains shel tar us from tboea driving storms that tbe prairies are subject too. Grain is looking well, and the usual amount waa sown. Health is generally good. i.e neimays paaaau on nera ner o old fashion, that ia, very quiet. m, a tt a ft .-m-t Af a l Hennofts Prairie bade Cbristmss tree and a light, one, l underauoo, one of tbe parties in tbe fight came out with mm m m an eye less, a terrible misfortune. s i s si . 1 noticed ia s late number of the Democrat aa estimate of tbe popula tien of Linn county by precincts. How, I most say if there was aa great a mis- take made in the Donulalion of the other precincts aa there has been in Fox valley, it ts a very poor basis to - t . 1 M i.f. - ! I cinct aa given in the artiele I notiosd, wm iov. now, wr. Auiwrv, mo pupu- isbiou oi roi vaiioy precnic oauwu 200. Ia the precinct there are some Tf i .1 - - . .U i w vutors.pernsps vue wrosnwgs fMm ti a Ymm kun mAAmA tr urn. miM I ..wm vo mmm wvu vuviw w wmsw pm w favored precinct. The item was no estimate ; it was tbe census of 1880, in blsck and white. Eds. J. B. Tbabk. WATKBLOO ITCMM Watebloo, Oa., Jan. ,6th 1884. Ed. Democrat : I will again beg leave for a space in your column. Our little town is quite lively now. All are in oood anirita misiieino over tbe fine weather. We are haviag some of tbe finest weather in the world for work or nlsv holiday hsvs nssssd hv j i j now,and 1 suppose every oae had a fine time end enjoyed themselves in var- ions wave. Some of our citizens csls- orated the days by going to church nd others by going to balls. The mill men of this plaoe seem to be improving their time to the best ad vantage,repair- J Ai-f fit ' - II mg weir mine, etc. uut while we are speaking of saw mills, Mr. Hiram Smith of Harrisburg has one of tbe finest sew mills on this cesl,.nd also makes the fin est lumber and more ef it in a day, than any other mill on tbe coast. The mill is run by F. B. Cams and the Smith brothers. Mr. Jack Gross, lately of Cottage Grove, is again with us. Hia many friends were pleased with his arrival. Mr. Andrew Gross of Center ville is in this City visiting friends sod rela tives. Tbe Santiam has risen considerably within tbe last two weeks and hsa now reached a stage that renders fording it hazardous. Tbe provision store here under the supervision of G. J. Gioss is putting on a decidedly flourishing appearance. Maudt Muller. A tare. ' To all who sre suffering from tbe errors end indiscretions of youth, nervous weak, ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send ft recipe that will core yen, FRKE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was die covered by a missionary io South Amerioa, Send a self -addressed envelope to the Rv. Josara T. lasuir. Station D. New York luuge me numoer or population oi mod He was a member of the Cumber county by. Tbe estimate for this pre- h-nd Prnsbvtirlan church and nlsvava lOity. LKBANOK XQTEA. Lsbawo, Or., Jan. 0, 1884. 13d. Dmmorrat: The flantlam Is on a bender. ltain is good for the beginning of a Ntw Year. City tbero will be Leap Yeur's ball y n'S The protrnuted m letliiar at tho U. oncn is suu in progrew. Thero Is a boy living In Albiny wno visits our it wn frequently lor Pposeof rusticating, us he claims "V . 1U 4wr' uuw" auMlk iMl lima lin mai. I... k. i..L. k"u ,MOV ," "v TTan ' int youug iuuy lll.-l in .. I .. .1 .. without her consent. Of tource she shewed her self frlondlv te the bov. , .. . . L . . ' as HiiuuHLaiiy inuv wouiu bo. wnnn no 1 u '.u "n. tw w ii v w ryi v anni iiu luiia Liin iiunia i , . ' . iv ia kiss inu iair aims ana audditn. i doWB acroM h, sYMklttf th " - -oi.g te re Hnllotftra.'th vnnnJutn Wterarjr millennium, and the man thttlivht thft mtv rf t rlrittlat Ion T T . ". J . "w T I tliAuirht thn lftv nf frlhulntlnn I I Karl aaiha .III ha Mlahxl m. . It... rT ' "IV". ul "1uZ. "r.ZL street net steavina to enen the me but Jumped the tucket fence Hirbtinr on tho sllppsry sidewalk. his heels flew up and be putting his baud to the back of his head exclaim ad In a loud voice "wbst wilt thou have mo to do" Your renorter hearing . v m. m . m m. . . .." 1 tne cry naatenoa 10 me pot ana noon . i 1L.. Zm c iswrnou iuv mo whh a prouu youui oi- . . . i it i... . :i.-n. 7'm'm.' r 'mm .""w" hi 'mi mi Liii. niniMn ni f iushv mi i f.,. hut hs mint mmAmhr (hut hs nt kiss TshtnAii olrl. srv tlras they show th.maelvea Moadly to him, no air I TTm Is llahls tn trnt s atrlno of V mW W mmm WM MSI II S I I J 1 V J MW I w I 1 " T- toother kind. The City election biased of n uletly nondy, electing tho following officer pre8 of A) Andrews; Coun. .... ... viiuivu u, vVKM, JL . m MIIIVI , ntlmmm V If V Kt killing Baoorder, G. W. Smith, Treasurer, B. N. Donaca. 1 i emri tn Another aged Minister gone tolrest Her. J. D. South was bora In Tea. peseta In A. D 1805 raised In Ken- tucky, married to Spicy Skinner In 1825, moved and settled la Boone County Mo. the same year. Eml - ffrated to Davis County Iowa, In 1846, jcrooeeu tne nains in looa, ana eei- U9Q 10 1-,,0B County, Hcfti, where . .. . . . hMdti Hm 'lft(lt hJ joved companion October 2nd 1881. ur beloved brother lived a consis Unt Baptist minister for many years contending earnestly for tbo faith once delivered to the saints. Ho told our beloved Brother Osbom a few days beforo he left us that he hvl ipiswTS uuuursu IIIUSIUO m tmm mm t. I . 1. fellewshin of the church but siid that ho cava limd all ths ninrv Ms I died with dynpepiai Jan. 2nd 1884. He suffered a groat deal, bore ft pa tiently, Ua often said he was ready. Just waiting I he Lords time to iro heme ha leaves children and oy menas to mourn nl abseaco "i we now in aumrao suoroission to the will of our Heavenly Father Who does all things well. U. H ARRinncau Or, Jan. 0th, 1885. '. Democrat. The death of Mr. Isaac Hwarengen occurred In Harriburg on Tuesday morning st half past three O'clock Jaa. 8th 1883. He was past seventy. two years of age and leaves a wife m sn a a m m I ow w vtsnsssvwi sssss WS VI MUIU sasv gatftfi n was nniiiiNm mil nr tsw is p aM n nd m(mrn ll death Uo had about forty, ni no years and had born unto him (we believe) ten children Bve of whom aa above Indistinctly I v I stated are dead. He camelto Oregon about 18851 and first settled at Oregon City and after- ward moved to near Eugene City and afterward became a cltlseo of that nlace. and later Mttlod on a farm Just across tbo Willamette River be twoen here and Junction Cify. a consstont Christian, He passed awsy wm) rulj h0geg Qr a rutUre great re- i ward. He was a charter member of both (ho A.M Vmiinm s- t -j. ALftEY ITEMS. Halset, Oa , Dee. 2G, 1883. Ed. Democrat : Tbe county lodge L O. 0. T., wea held here last week. Quite a number from abroad were present among whom were Mr. Porter and wife of Slfedd and Mr. Loopsr of Tangent Mr. J. H. Crooks has ranted ft house end will remain in town. Tbe Insur- ance Companies bnve ftdj usted bis claim t f 9231.39. Mr. Crooks will rebuild in tbe Spring but has not decided wlther a business or a dwelling house. UftliT hM Newspaper "The Halssy Bugle" blown once a week by A. L. u ji W1,,er- n laat Monday Miss Iladie Black on the ioe end broke ber arm, but 11 u 8et"g 'ng well. 1 At the nome of tbe brides Father Mr. rattersen Dmwiddte, by the Rev. T. J. Wilson : Miss Maggie Dinwiddle to Mr. Oscar Patton all of Halsey. Notice of Dissolution. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 tbe co-partnership heretofore exist lag between L Senders and M Sternburg, under the firm name of Senders A Stern burg, at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, to this day dissolved by mutual consent. L Senders will assume all liabilities of aid firm at said Prineville, and collect nil outstanding debts due that firm and will continue tbe business at aald place,. Ii. Sbndbrs, M. Stbrnburg, All those knowing themselves indebted to our Albany store will please call and settle at once as our business must be closed, Thanking tbe people of Linn and surrounding counties for the very liberal patrouage upon ua for the past twenty -two years, we remain Respectfuly.etc,,' Sendekh & Stkrnbbbo, Final Settlement. Notloeis hereby given that the under sighed has filed In the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, her final account aa administratrix of the estate of Homer Da vi,deoeftsed, and said oourt has appointed Saturday, tbe Sth day ef February, 1884, at the hour of nine o'clock A M of said day at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, for the hearing of objections to said aoceunt end the settlement of the same, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file objections hereto.if any they have. January, 10th, 1884. Many E. Davis, Admr. L001L EDUCATION, GENERAL LITERATURE. Editor - J. B. HORNKR. Four taher from Linn connty tten- ded the Beaton eountr Inetitute. end returned to their respective homes well pleaaed. So long as the public In general tiioiisht thffl Teach nrx' InLlfnt waji a lainriw. nritmii C.r ll.n aula I tione were found. But wince the masses have learned that the Institute is place where teaokor go for the sole purpose of learning, they are pleased. The Fifth Judicial District InnUtuta held at Forest a rove was represented by sixty teselersfrom 01ekftms, Columbia and Multnmti nannll.. Tl., were much laraer than expected. The w. .... .nmrinr hurivf.iu nr 99 " the many county auperlntendente, with - ' j .M .ninv r..n unAt "" of It. We should educate ft boy. not that be j may become skilled saeobftnio, prosper- oue merchant, or learned sebftlftr. but that be may become a true man. with honorable instincts, with sound moral principles, wltb a ready and quick inteill eno to oommand conditions of success, ... .1 . . L. . II . 1. - mn.m mum mM m wmm wmm . mm mm in ni mm mm mm mm mm mm fit mm " ; "w" most aolomn dutlwt of llfs. Ths tssohsr - ; " M " . ""T " " do ninuDiouM mow eun mm imm nil lm i m i Klveu to feed the lUms. Bot lavbhlv. last ? mmw I 11111111 i oi low v nm agngiy, wie nicsenng esFSft sat iff In sieasw oisnsasa s,v uvs ess umnMVSsji A bill has been Introduced In the Kan sas nenaie wmcu proposes to odd tome - A . . S m m m m . a books of public schools, books en Pology and hygiene, with -peels! lee- m on the effecu of alcohol on tbe hn. MS mm Wm m. mt mmt mm CM man vtm, School directors are falling far short of tbeir duty, and so are doing the rising generation of the country en injustice when the employ sny teacher thftt is not fitly prepared morally, physically and mentally. 81 no the school teachers are recognised as tho character builders of the country, only those yon would have your children imitate aheuld be employ ed. Consider tbe man or woman, and thon tbeir salary. Only good teachers should be employed, sod only good sala ries should bo given them. There is no iron rote thftt can cover dis order of every kind, The teacher needs te iudy the character, training, tellings and t height of each pupit before rules can be applied, oven as a physician studlee tbe naturs, temierature, family, etc., of his patient, before he presiri bos. Not whst you say to your sobolsr, but whftt yonr scholar says to you Is the teat of four success In teaching. You cannot tesch a scholar what scholar does not losrs. How, thon. ess you know thst you have taught, except by your scholar toll- log you what be has loomed ? It tskes two persons to make one teacher, You oao only bo one of them; tbe other most be learner. If you would be more than half a teacher, ask a scholar to help you. His answer may be tbo making of you. 8. 8. "Times." I gavwl taaoasMr will hen sn iastasssas over ehildrea for good. Nothing is truor. A teacher cannot be paasivs. lie must sort on Influence for good or evil. A teacher cannot deceive his pupils. If he does not exert tho right kind of an Influ ence tbe spirit will soon manifest itself In the pupils. If tbe tesrher thinks of his pupils as "brats" they instinctively know it end all effort to have ft good school Is met by a aplrit of Insubordination and resentment. If the teacher does not nave a heartfelt desire to bsiter the condition of tbe pupils, he cannot hope for much sue cose. Us will fsll to ftooomplish he de sired result io e fr ss he fails to enlist ths Isterestnd sympathy of all. Alftsojr Slsrkt W best 90c per bube), Oftts-50 " Beef on foot, 3Xc lifty-bsiod, 23$25 per ton. loose, It to 20. Butter 25 to 80 oU per lb. Kgga it cents per doz. Potstoos 75o per bushel. Pork -6 ots per lb. Veftb-7icperlb. Bacooi hams, 15c shoulders, 10c. sides, 1IH o.J Lard I5e per lb. In eq cans, WA Flour7-&50 per bbl. Chickens 3.50 per doe. Sn gar San Franolsc C, 12c. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 r or ton. Dried Fruit sun dried apples, 12c. " " plums, 12c. machine cured apples, 15c. 41 plums, 15. BM TUKI BIBSrr. St. John's Ledge, No. 62, in Foster Block, 2nd Ssturdsy of oaob month. Corinthian Lodge, No. 17. same place, 1st ftnd 8rd Saturdays. of each month. Bayley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays aft same plaoe. Albany Lodge, I. O. O. V.. ed need ay evenings at Odd Follows Hall. Orgeana Encampment meets every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Willamette, No 6. A. O. U. vT.y Monday evenings at O. F. Hall . Safety Lodge, A. O. U W Tuesday v enlngs, in Petersons Hall. Knigbbs of Pythias, Thursday evening at . F. Hall. Chosen Friends, at 0. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Templars, at O, F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays or each month. Farm fsr Sale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. Strayed or Stolen! On or ftbout tbe 1st dav ot December from Thurston Hackleman's pasture near Albany, oae light bay horse, fenr years eld, fifteen and one-half hands high, shod all round, no brands but saddle marks. Any information fnrnished tbo under signed whioh will lead to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. J. H. Damibl., Albany, Oregon. SODA WATER, .1 L YV.ITEBS, HI'ABKLIKI. WINES AMI ALL ( IKBO.VITED BKVEBftGES I APPAEATVS, MATERIALS AND ACCESSQ SUES FOR MANEFACTBKINCi. DISIES IX U and BOTTLING, WITH FTLL ISSTBUTIONS. Catalogue sent upon application. The Firm r JOHN MATTHEW, Flint AveBae,ge4fcssuI V7IB M reels, New Yerfc. fSefal Directory. STATU. . U 8 Senator-Hon J H Slater. Hon J N J)olph. t ongretnan M c ioorso. Supreme Court Judaea J B Waldo, W P Lord. EB Wftteen. Uftvernor z V Moody. Secretary of State-K r Kaibart. State Treasurer VA flinch. Supt of Public Instruct' ctlbn- 1B Ma- M rY. DUt Attorney (8rd dlet)-VH Hoimes. cotraTT. County Judge L Fllnn. County Comrs. John Isom. S R CtftT- pool. Uierk c u Stewart. Sheriff Oeerge Humphrey. Treasurer J if Peary. School Wupt Y A Moses. Surveyor D V H Bold. Assessor N ; Dezler. Coroner Dr E. L. Irvine. Oil. Mayor J, L Hill. Bftcorder N J Benton. Marahal I C Dicker. Treasurer SSoitenhaeb. . m Msalcal lulranenl.. J. If. Daniel now has ft complete line of musical instruments of all kinds for sals, consisting of tbe Mathusbek nlftno. ths Khonlnarsr orflran. fiddles. violins, crultar. sts . as stall as ths latest sheet music. Bis last rumen Is ii nf t.m n.i r. tt re u or l" fTMSS, and are act thocheftD trash, so that when tou sot . . . " mstrumsnt or any kind you rosy know that yon are getting one that will last and hold its tune. At Alien Martin's is the dIsoo U find M .hoM ta -n- ausiitv von wish . Md st any pries. Oeod goods In this Una wlu be sold obosper then st sny store io m, mm. m m mmm 1 the valley and no old stock to work off. BltKLES-S ABSICA SALTS. Tho best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever seres, totter, chapped hands, chilblsinH, corns and all kinds of akin eruptions. This salve la guaranteed to give perfe4 satisfaction in every oase or money re funded, rrtoe sso per box. For sale by Kosbsy ex Msson. ISSS fteree of load fsr Mlc. Oas farm of 300 acres very desirable. One farm of 135 acres. On tract of 189 seres of riU land. Ooe tract of SO acres. Oos tract ef 70 scree. One tract oi 135 acres, sad other small tracts. Will sell in luts to suit purchase ni. Will trade for other property. Call st this ofioe. Msaer is Less. We sre now prepared to make loses is say sums desired sn improved farm land in Lion ss Beaton counties for sny length of time sot less than one year. BcftKUAftT Bros. A Bare C'hssee. Wrisgers si reduced rates, both the Nov elty and Baraks, the best made, st Peters A BUinV Fee Real. First-class hoaso. Cheap. Possession Inquire at given about 15th to 20th uut. this oflice. Per Softs. Throe and a half seres ef good garden land 11 fenced, house and bam is wostsae edge or tbo city. Will bo sold obev. Ooli ftt this office. 'HACKAf ETACK'ft Issting ftnd frag ran perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For rale by Fosbay A Mftson. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, ef Boor bon, Ind:, says : "Both myself ftnd wif owe our lives to SIIILOIi a CONSUMP TION CURE." THAT HACK INU COUOH see be SS Uckly card by Sftilob'sXure. We fuenttee it. LBEPLfSS NIGHTS, suds miserable by lbs ler ribleeestft. Sbllohls Cure ts the remedy for you. CATARRH CUBED, health sad sweet brssth secure! by Saitoh's Catarrh remedy. Pries 60 cents Rssal Injector tree For sale by Feehay sad Mason. For lame back, aide or chert use ShUoh's Puressi Hasten. Price tft cents. SHILOH'8 VITALIZES is what yon seed tor Con etlpetton, Loss ef AopeUSs. DUsinees and nUsymp tome o( Dyspepsia Price 10 and 75 cents per bottl. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, w nave a prtaiea guarantee on everv bottle of Shlkoh's Vitallser. It never fsils to cure, For sale by Fosbay A Mason. 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGES. SUITED TO BOT8 NID GIRLS OSS FROM SIX TO SI3CTEE12Sr TEARS OE AGE. Vol. V. eosBBSOaeee Severn ber ft, 1 "Harper's Yeung People" to tbe best weekly tor eMldreo tn Amerioa, 'Southwestern Christian Ad- Ail that the artist's skill can accomplish is las way ef illustration has been done, aad the best tasted of the country has contributed to its text. "New Bnglasd Jesraal ef Kduestass, Besses. Ia Itaepeeial Oeld there is nothing that ess be com pared wltb Ik "Hartford Bream Post," TERMS. HilPRIi TSIIfi PKOPLB. I.SO year, Psstaae P repaid,. Slnsle Number, Are cent each. Specimen espy sent os reosipt ef three eeuts. Tbe T si am as ef "Harper's Young People'' for 1881, lftU and IMS, haudsomely bound la Illuminat ed clsth, will be seat by mail, postage prepaid, on re. ceini ot $8 each. Cloth oases tor each relume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, en receipt of 60 cents each. Remittances should be made by Poet-Office Uoi.ey Orde r or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers arc not te copy this sdrertieement without the express enter of Harper and Brothers. Address HiRPKHana BROTHERS, New York, STALLION FOR SALE. Look here for yonr interest, nil of you thftt wsnt fine stock, tbe undersigned nsa s fine Clyde stallion, two years old, weight 1171 pounds, at a low figure, He is s tine stallion. He also has a fine turf nag, sup nosed to be the fastest on the Coast, Ceil soon if you wish to purchase, Q. W, Tacohn, Coberg, Or, OWE NO MAN ANYTHIN6. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are respectfully reenest ed te call at ones for settlement, aft I must make collections to meet my owe obligations. A disregard of this notiee wfli entail eoste on debtors. Onas. B. MoKTAosm. U'banon, Nov. 6h, 1888, For Sale. One half b:o 3k in eastern part of the elty with m:r houte and barn will be sold cheap. ALBAHY MARBLE WORKS, 8TAIGEB BB08. - Prepnrtars Al BiKV, ORMOS.' MONUMENTS, TABLET8, tao I1ONE0 Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. other stone work done with neaftneesand Special attention given to orders from all parts of this Stete and Washington Territory. JSWAU work warranted. 1 7:42 W O ft. ' I IV M d Sd - s 4 ft " I m IT IV DEBT Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court oj the State of Oregon, jot the County of Ltnn . John J Davis, Plsiotiff. vs. Jobn H Davidson, Susan Davidson and William J Wolfe, Defendants. 13 Y VIRTUE OF AW EXECUTION sole Issued out of tho 13 and order of above named Court in tbe above entitled suit, I will on Saturday tbo 28th day of Jaa nary, 1884. at tbe Court House doer In tbe city or Aiusny, uod uouniy, vrezou, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. m.. sell oft blic suction tor cash in bond to too if best bidder tbo real property described on sold execution so follows, lo-wu : Be ginning at the northeast corner of bloek 22nd in Hsokleman's second addition to tbe city of Albany, ss the same is designat ed and described on tbe maps and plats of said addition now on file in tbe office of tbo County Clerk of Linn county . Oregon, running thence sooth one hundred and ten feet psrahel with Jefferson street la said addition ; thence west sixty-six feet parallel with Fifth street ; thence north ooe hundred and ten feet parallel with Jefferson street; tbooce east sixty-six fiset parallel w'th 5th street to the p1 see, of be ginning the proceeds arising from tbe sale of said premises ty be applied first to tbo payment of tbe costs ftnd disbursments of suit taxed ot 838.40 and the coats end ex penses ot sale, second to tbe payment of tbe Plaintiff's claim amounting to 8348.50 and interest st tbe rate of eight per cent, Sr annum from tbe 23rd dsy of October S3, end tbe remainder sny te be paid over to the defendants, John H Davidson and Susan Davidson. Dated this 28th day of December, 1883. Obo. Hornrauurr, Sheriff of Lien county. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the ed Administrator of the estate of J F Oeltjt burns, deceased has filed hat nasi scoooot ss each Administrator ia Abe County Court of Linn connty, Oregon, by order of said Court, Saturday ths 12th dsy of January. 1884 st the boor of oos o'clock, p. m. of said dsy has bees set for the hearing ef said account aad objections thereto. Aay person interested ia said account is hereby notified to appear sad file his or hex objec tions thereto on or before said day. Dated Dec ruber 11th, 1883. Ubbz Parrots. Geo. E. CuAKBEBLAnr, Admr. Att'y for Admr. Administratrix Notice. Notice ts hereby given thst the under signed has been duly appointed adminis tratrix of ths estate of Jobn Howes, late of Linn connty. Oregon, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate) are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notice, to the undersign ed ftt Sweet Home, Linn county, Oregon. December 28th, 188$, W. W. McChk, R. S. Btoahax, Admr. Att'y. IVotioe of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe partnership heretofore existing nnder the firm name of Danaals dt Wood in, is thia dsy dissolved by mutual con sent. All debts dus the said firm should be paid to Mr. A. B. Weodin who rill pay all liabilities of tbe said firm. Albany, Dec 19, 1883. Jas. Daxxals, A. B. Woem. A NASAL INJECTOR free with bottle of ShUoh's Catarrh Retried v. Price GO cents. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, From tnsseoostfASes fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate tbeir existence : Appetite. Ms wis eesCwe, fMeat ache, fairness after ee-tlng, exertion of body as mind, of food. Irritability of U enlrite. A feel In ar of havrln rWted same duty, XMxxiness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, highly col ored Urine, rONSTIPATIOIs, and de mand the useof s remedy thst sets directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TUTT'S PITJLS have no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys sad Skin is also prompt ; removing all impurities through these throe "seevr engera of the ey sties producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stoolmscloar skin and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PIX.LS cause no mm- or griping nor lnterfero with dally work and are a perfect rail A Murray St.,K.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. QftAT Hans on "WaisaaBS ehanged tn stanUr to ft Qvoobt BUACS. br a single ap plication of this Dtx. Bold by Prugglsts, or sent by express on receipt of at . Offloe, 44 Murray Street, NewJrk. Tin s MAIBAL OF BSIFwl IBOrTI flEL PATENiTS vrrsrw a OQuef the acnornrie Unue to set as BoUeHors for Patents, CO' rsde Harks, uppynguw, ror sas uunea nnvlmnd. Frufii. OermeBT. eta. B Bead Book Pstentsohbdned throssS IfUWlTkOT ta tae BCTssmrmAainnr stas isjsas ewss. AasftioAS