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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1884)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State tiflttts Tfl E STATE RlflHTS B CM8CIAT, ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY fb Stat s-fastr eaaawta saerefvre ts the the best wnmm mm. Special t STITES & NUTTING. IJSIKEOF'ICRl Democrat ttatldtaa on Broadnlbln Street. umus It cent, rmr it., m. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION tad copy, per yew. In advance.. t i&fi spy, per year, stead of yitf.... lajp oopy, Mx months single oopy, three months .....A. siuei itBMr a oo 1 so 76 Insertion. mW9 sees VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1884. NO 83 w for ether -Tniiassi a. on sspneadoa. 10 Democrat. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U flN. O. K. CHAMBIRtAW. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW Albaai . Oregon. "Office in Foster' Brick Blook.-i vl6ol8tf. R. S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany . Oregon. TTTTt.r. PRACTICE IN ALL THE VV Courts of tins State. Will five .Man'inn to collections and probate matter. V JO, Office in Foster's now brick. 4Str L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, -AND- Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BrifigVstore, Tat street. v l,luxl J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) w TTORNEY AT LAW, A LB IKY. eBF.COM. TI7TLL PRACTICR IN ALL TUB COUBTS OFTHE IT Stat. SpKW MienuoD givtn w probate matter. ISTOCIca In Odd Felisw'i Temple. 14: J. O. POWBM. tWtTLT15U POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aiiu Solicitors in t.SBoi Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on n-a-wimoio wnu.. aSrOfflce in Foster's Briik.-ms vl4n!9tf. E. R SKIPWORTH, ATTORNEY AK tOITKSFLOB AT IAW A YD NOTARY PI BLIC. WILL practice in all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofie in 0' Toole' t Block, Broadalbi Strett, 45yl Albany, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. ar-Office in Toole's Block. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DBFQoMTI. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock ana low rocc. CITT TDIRTXa- STOBB, 2yl 4LBIKY. OREGON. FOSHAY & MASON, VBOLBLALB ASB XWTKOj Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. iinsimr REVERE HOUSE, IT JIBS First and ElUworth Albany, Orra. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r- This uewHol.IU fitted ap hi finrtd stylo. Tables mmiied with the best tk" market arforde. Spring teds ia ermy Room. A good Sample Room for Cotn SMffiil Trarelsra. fTTree Cmme la aad frona the Besel.T T J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV- A2ID Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democra off) ce. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OR - GON. Offer their professional aenrices to the citizens of Linn and adjacent couiiUrf. Office and reaidence near Court Hsoas. Call at Langdon and Co'i Drug Store. Aloany Bath House. THE UNDSK51GSED WOULD RESPECT fally iaform the eitissns of Albany and ri silitj that I have takes charge of this Establish aunt, and, by keeping olsan rooms and psyin itrie t attention to basins, expects to sait si these who may favor us with their patronage Hsring heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expects to giro entire satisfaction to si Jat-ChUdien and Ladies' Hsir nsstly oa Tbsmpooed, JOS WEBBER. RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LANKIKG & CO., PROPR'S; KSW PROCESS FLOUK SCPERIOB TOR FAMILIES AITD BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE iCJLITIES. Highest tFrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. 13,295,328 Premium income 2 607,196 Safe, reliable and quick to pay in case of JOSS. ARCH MONTEITH. Agent. Al b any, Oregon, D. BR0WN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet STJBSOHIPTION San Francisoo, Cal. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rrtUK UNDHRSIQNED WISH Km TO Inform the pnblio that he is new pre pared to do all hinds of stone and marble " ' . . . a at o a ' work oo soon nosioe. aii wors ib war ranted to give satisfaction. Will werk any nd all kind of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning ling, reuairiasaad resetslag a specialty. Call and examine my prices oofs re purcha- ins elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. .hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post omoe. Q. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN 8GHMEER, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Albany, Oregon. Houses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and bungles let to suit the times. Corner Second end El Is wort n streets. ROBT. OROSBY THE DRAYMAN. araACKIKO AND MOVING PI I AMOS, organs and flaraltare a poelalty. All hauling wlttia the city promptly attended to. LOUIS GaMPEAU'S Barber Shop. rasora, wblcb are always kept in good condition, and balr cut in me very bbjbs style. r1lfr r a aTiri BAil ft A fillet LatrnRT AND CHINA JIERt'H ANHIJiO BUSI NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese eoods. Ladiee uoderclothee, sold al bottom pneea. I "on tractor lor Chins labor. JVXsxt to OtT Bank. HEN G TENG. Best washing and ireniog In the city. No. 11. Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Onruuii Ravara TTnnM Sharing and hair dressing done In first-1 class sty liO. FUtb for ladles snd gentlemen t allbOurs. Terms reasonable. 83 1 BRAID COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only S3, SO. Two pswes tor tittle aaers tbaa tke price of onm. D.n.ri,.n.MU)tni will receive for one rear I your hmue paper with the "Oouner Journal, the UI isi?ius wwew ------- - - reoreeentati.a iwwiMperofllM SouUl, Ueatocrmue uU for a larxff for revenue only, and the beet bnxb- at and sblest family weekly in the tmu-J awes. ( ttrier-Journ-U can do so at thJ offlce. Ai. an na a aarnf.ia cmiiV OX uie 1 W. H. GO LTR A DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG ' CIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOOES, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AftD CORDS. WINDOWS. BTCountT dealers are respectfully invit ed to can ana examine our stock. ne onr prices and favorable terms. Send for Price List WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 18, 20, 22. DrammSt., San Francises , Cal SC10 BISimS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. TT SEALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH J ES. Keep a full line ef Jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in firat-clsss order. 8CIO - - - OREGON. We M. MORROW. TaEALER IN STOVES, TINWAHB, f copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc SCIO OREGON. BRIBGEFORB & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE (rnvArim freuh Lfl11M. HUM. and all kinds of eonfeetionarrefl, tobacco, eigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, 0RE60N. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, hata and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. P0RRIS. Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OBEGON. TaTOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINOS 80 iS LICITED. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. POWDER Absolutely Pure. itiif powder ne er varlrs. A marvel ol purtvly, trengaS tnl whlesomensa Mors conmntoiil Winn ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In eotuuetltlnn with the multitude oa lw last, short weight, alum or phoepbete powder Sold only la ni Royal Basis Powps Co. 100 f Street. V Y. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburcr. of this City, havinC taken . .a. a-"- UAao 1A10.UXAAAJU1 y CbgCUlUY OI U j? Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland Will Carry a full line Of FARMING IMPLEMENTS Suited tO the trad e,tO wit WAC0N9, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, GUTTING BOXES. and all FARMING implements of less note They Will keep the I , A K h I . I U UT I V AAJAJAJAJ H XAvJI vAl f also the RUSHF0RD a new wagon with all the late improvem nts and warranted on Of the bOSt WafiTOnS - . 0 )n tne I AAlHiA JLUu. S I S. B llll SBSSk B I VHUW IsII , IsalllaWW nLUntl I f ij II Lf Is I - MACHINE SNF. ESTABLISHED 18S. By A. F. CHERRY, srtusted at corner of I Ffa. .nd Momomxr 8.., Albuiy, Having taken cbarsreof the sbove named Works, we are prepared to rnauntaatars Steam Ensinea. "taw and Grist Mills. Woed-workinx Machinery. Pumps. Iron and Brass Caatings of every description. atioa Pattcra BUtklag tfaae la all lis form. 16:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST 4ND BEST BRAKDSOf TOBACCO, POCKET-KRIYES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morehsudlse household goods, etc., at auction for any ene in tLe ottyor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. Btf SAM COHfUN. A Marvelous Story TOLD II TWO LETTERS. cony tuc cnu. feeder Bt.fw 1 iivm int. ouni uTH,omu-a,i. " UentUmen: My father resides as Olorsr, Vl He has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the Inclosed letter will tall you what a marvelous effect Ayer s Sarsaparilla has had in his ease. I think his blood most hare contained the humor for at least ten years ; but it did not show, except In tbe form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about fire years ago. From a fow spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so ss to cover his entire body. I assure you bs was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began nsing your medicine. Now, there are few men of his acre vUq enjoy ss good health as he has. 1 could eaHy name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Tours truly, W. M. Phillips." FROM THE FATHER: "It Is both a plesaure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit I bare derived from the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so ss to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, sad my life a burden. I eommensed the use of the Sarsaparilla in April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Manyinquiro what has wrought such a cure in my ease, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hiram Phillips." Ayer's Sarsapaiulla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED DY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes. Sold by all Druggists; gl, six bottles for So. PLAIN TALK, on Plata Sabjerfs. BY A 1'I.AIN OHAP. A boy in tbit city was born with a weak mind, and acts in a very peculiar manner while on the street. The other day we saw several boys imitating him, and making Ton of the poor fallow, just ss if he were to blame for the misfor tune. It seemed to provoke him and he mado a rush for one of them, and we regretted very much that he did not catoh the little rasoal and shake him inside out. If there is one thine tint should be inculcated into a child's mind it is thst he should never "make fun" of the misfortune of another. A per son never deserves ridicule for s thing he had nothing to do in bringing about. One might as well Isugh at a gnatdtd tree as a gnarled person, and it would exhibit better sense. The unfortunste should be piiiedrather thsn ridiculed, and everything possible done to make their life pleasant. How many believe this 1 V The other day a youcg man, a com- i'iete htratiji r, came into the office " we were and told us be wished 10 Mn telegram Wsek East, but bad "! T' friend-' ,nd ld T i do it without some ana would no his security for the price of the telegram, and asked oa to da so. The teles rnui as a request for the sanding of several hundred dollsrs to the young man by wire. There was a stroke of pity osme to our heart for an instant, but we hap pened to smell of his breath, and the pity partly vanished, for it ahowed that he had been drinking bard, and when a person m straitened circumstances will spend bis last cent forf liquor in stead of for bread, in a err ism sense be does not deserve the assistance or pity of mankind, except it be for having such a depraved nature. The other day we received a Mexican dollar, asking for no discount, aa they I are generally received at par, so long as (bete is only a small quantity of them i i - w a w but afterwards we offered it to aChiai man, tut be threw it down, squinted at it, and finally said, "Him no good ; allee ssmee ss ninety cents," and insist ed on our giving him an American one hicb we did. They are very sagacious in this respect, and necessarily have to be on their guard, for the white man, while bo may take a Mexican dollar at from ,lotb,1 wbiu m u par be somewhat particular when he comes to have it offered to him by the almond ajrd Celestial. e Abo'it New Years is a groat time for building "air castles," and many indulge in this occupation at this time as naturally as a frog takes to the wat er. Without even s dozen trad? dollsrs in their packet, and, perhaps, owing half of the business men of the place, they eeeia to imagine themselves tbe heirs of a Vanderbilt,snd at tbe Christ mss tree the names of their children, wives or sweet besrts are called tbe moat frequently, and it ia often a query to many where tbe funds come from for so many extravagances. At any time of the year air castle building is poor business, and people who depend on tbem lor a residence never obtain one, any more tbsn tbe cow succeeded in jumping into the moon. e All nationa that have ever amounted to much have been in debt, but this is no excuse why everybody who makes it up should be. A man in businaas gen erally very properly owea on goods, but so long as ha meets his demands on time it is all right, but that class of people who run in debt to alt of their neighbors, without any prospect of paying,and rather than do se spend what little money they do get unnecessarily, are a worse nuisance in society than a fox is around a hen house. We have often seen men who owe half of the merchants in tbe city take every last stripling in their fsmily to the circus at a dollar ahead, or spend their money when they do happen to get some, for the most extravant thing and let their creditors whistle. If a poor man lives economically and temperately, and tries to dp his best, one can have charity for him even if he is slow, but for ths man who seems to live to aviod meeting his obligations never. Such men ought never to be given any position of trust, yet tbey are often the ones who seek it first. For our part we will scratch tbe name of a man at the polls as soon for being a dead beat aa for any other cause, if not quicker. One who Cannot tend to his own business should never be given a chance to attend to the people's. Tbe only female lawyer whom En gland boasts ia said to great pet of the barrister and te occasionally flirt with the Court. The President takes bis polities crooked and his whisky straight. LOOAL EDUCATION, GENERAL LITERATURE, Editor - - J. B. IIOKNEll tsji Max s aeeL riArsra. Everybody knows everything about nim aau bis business. His work and associations are ditlly criticised ; and when any fault Is found, thowholodls trlct knows all about ft and during one or two week 1 be Is made the subject of fireside discussions. Then he msy laa.M al a. f .11 a t s . a a a icrcru vi ma situation in lime to save himself from the contempt of a fow of his patrons. Who are these pet rona ? He Is supposed to be a walking en cyclopedia of information on general snd local topics His high oflnco de- minds that he be Just such a man. Usually be Is the flnul reference In pol. itics, religion, education and family dleputea. If he does not ex proas his opinion freely, he Is considered to be an Idiot ; If bedoea, he Is condemned aa a vlllian. Which would you rath er tie an Idiot, a vlllian, or an Ore gon school teacher ? His position, as master of the sciiool gl vee him a commanding mood. H I yea Is tea, and his- nay Is kat : ami his word ia Indisputable by the rising generations. He becomes crispy tempered, cross, and often bis dis position Is to drive the children to tame. The parents' suggest : ' It is easier to lead a horse to water than to drive him there." He may " fall out" with a few 0ft he patrons, be cause In this respcot he could not sat. Isfaeiorily explain the difference bo. tween the horse and their children. Ilfrfjcomioue tugteach aa a kind-olte Roblson Crusoe "monarch of all ho surveys" lu the school room ah, so domineering None to dispute him, he often falls to invest ignte, become odoleot and behind the times." He ts migratory. That ia, he em. grates from one distri ito another every threefmonth. Ho, of course, tias given eotlre saM-factlon. but changes at the request of tn people nraong whom ho has boon loachluif. Tbey reccom mended traveling" gef bls health, During hla first term of school, h will And a great mny old fogies, but a no orcernee oiaer tie Is likHy to And fewer of them. If be lives In Western Oregon, a. in A sa s no win eat with n's fork only ; but If be Is a resident of Eastern Oregon, h eats with hla knife ; In that windy country it ia oeceassry to hold the vict ual down with a fork. They reaem bleGen. Grant In this respect. Tins la also tbe prinrlpal difference be tween the Eastern Oregon teschers. All Oregon teachers a re by law com manded to demand good order in their rchool. Every he parents will privately say to the teecher : "See that my children behave and learn ; If they do not, whip them." But teschers have long since learned that generally when a parent says to whip hla child he means somebody's else child. If yen doubt this, punish a guilty child and see for yourself. Tbe Oregon lady teacher gen. orally teaches one term and marries the next. The Oregon male teacher loaches one term, and nobody will have him. Who is to blame. No rose without its thorn; no occu pation withaur its hardships. The teacher continues to be what ho makes himself, nothing more or less. The world is advancing, and the teachers are marching on. Qeod teachers are indispensable and the world knows it. They take the world as they find It and spend a lifetime in Improving It. Many have by In. temperance, ill health, indolence, or disgust, because tbey could not run the world alone, faltered by the way, and to-day Oregon is extending her hand welcoming more good teachers and encouraging young men and women to come lute the ranks Ohio will not supply all tbe presi dents. If you cannot ba president of the United States, you may some time find great consolation In having been the teacher of some worthy Oregon boy who may yet occupy the Executive Mansion. Remember. Aristotle was greater than all his stu dents ; strive to be greater than your pupils. To be an accomplished Oregon teacher, is worthy of the aspirations of any young man wbo has enough will and character to make his posi tion an honorable ene. In olden times, before matches were in existence, It was common for neighbors te borrow fire from each other. A learned philosopher was visited by a little girl who asked him for some fire. "But" says the doctor, "you have nothing to take It In." The little girl stooqed down to the fireplace, and taking some cold ashes in one band, she put live embers on them with the other. Tbe astonished doctor threw down his books, saying : "With all my learning, I should nev er have found out that expediant" TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. mniTse by thb Wenee'i Cbriitin Temperance liiei MISS WII LABUS ADD B ass ( OSTISI RD. At Lh Tenth Annual Meeting at Detroit, Si ioh. ,0etober 3 let to November Ath,J8S3. u. . t , ., . -v-u7,Df o map, we una mat we hmU l.t. .11 t.l III. b.w utond lot .11 tbalaod to pomu a B, OMmm .b.ll liZZ outline ofaW.CT.U. in every Bute snd Territory of the republic. W. hav. trsverasd the neld ; w. know th. varied needs ; we can now intelligently seise on the strategio points. Of these the state of Maine is one. Here the eonstilutiooal prohibition amendment is te be voted on next year, and tbe value ef a strong popular affirmation of tbe principle, after thirty years' experience, win os almost decisive with the public, ... iiiuiu ho moueiraba msjonty in Msiae it must be comprehensive, eon- elusive, overwbslmiog. To this end, I 'eseeca our workers to plsn their cam- nsians se ss to laataaa tnr ssss mm nf , ' 11 not morn tm. tb.t in . mnltitud. r - - --w v v - w - r -.'' v i counselors there is ssfety thsn that in a variety of speakers there is strsogth. Each worker has his own natural con.titusocy to whom hi. voice is more persuasive tbsn snotber's. Each . ia . .. wu..a , seas tne same tr.itb, clethes it in garments of various bae and texture, according to personal character and individual acouirement. .f . . New Hsmpshire is slso a strategic point. Comparatively little work has been done there, and we cannot reap where we have not sown Henrv W. Bl.,r mu.t be returned to the United States senste, and, though we cannot act directly, we well know that a State where tfce W. C. T. U. is thoroughly at werk will show the dark stain ef complicity with strong drink rapidly bleaching out of its ballots. New York is a figure of central im- partnce. I u sgncullursl and village papulation ia overwhelmingly with us. The independent prohibition vote haa compelled tbe Republican party at its last convention to put a plank in its platform favenog submission of an amendment. Pennsylvania. Michissn. Wisconsin and Minnesota are hasten ing to the battle. Missouri, ia the West, Georgia, Tennessee and Mary land, in tbe Houtb, are ere long to illustrate the crucial teat. Arkansas ought to have special werk this year, in view of the advanced sentiment that gives to woman tbe vote by signatare upon tbe license question. Indiana, tbe twofold resolutions of whose legislature fer one amendment for prohibition and woman's ballot plseed it in th van last year, both of which were thrown out this year upon "a technicality," nseda immense work done to screw its courage to the sticking point, while Dakota, seething in the trough of the sea, with bitter strife evsn among tbe good, sadly needs help. Tbe magnificent Northwest and Pa get Sound brought to our deors by tbe Northern Pacific road, and California aaddled with tbe wine heresy, occupy a position that can but make ua anx ious ; while to Utah, tbe most difficult field in the land, I have promised a worker already. We must remember, though, that 1884 will be an exceed ingly off-year ia legislation, and we abould, I think, mass our forces in tbe effort to carry such measures aa .re already far advanced. The fint, and I cannot too strongly emphasise its pri mary importance, is constitutional amendment in Maine, the second is the ballot for woman in Iowa and tbe third is tbe ballot for woman in Oregon. Al ready a constitntionsl amendment for this purpose haa passed the legislature of Iowa once. This winter it must pass again, and petitions from the W 0. T. U. must help secure this end Then comes the tug of war. With such a prohibitory statute as will be adopted in Iowa this winter, clinched in its effectiveness by woman's ballot. giving overwhelming majorities for the enforeer,behind the law, Iowa will move to the plaoe for which she has so intelli gently and patiently been striving : "The queen and leader of Christian civilization upon this planet." But we must not forgst the radiant hope of Oregon. The constitutional amend ment for the woman's ballot is to be voted on there in next Fall's election, and to the end that they may win we must-give them all possible aid. But aa the third and chief feature of Nation al Headquarters, we must have a Na. tional Lecture Bureau. This would greatly strengthen us, by enabling us (1) to concentrate our workers on tbe strategic points, instead of having them go forth in the present haphasard man ner. (2) It would unify and national ize our work, and (3) not least,it would protect us from the irresponsible, the incompetent, the mercenary and the fraudulent speakers of whom our locsl Unions are not unfrequently the vie time. Finally, a training school for tem perance workers should be adjacent to beadqu..ter., o th.t our .m,reij,. i . ri oeiore them the otject lessen of I f .. ' to csrry into effect what veteran iead ers should tescb tbem onffbt to ba don m lasTini acfaara. Prof Newton say. that the eartb ivas atjAiit fnn nnn nno -a . -,wVV,vvv,ww ui innvrwrs .very year, but they only I . 3 J j Vu. ' Lh ' i" Tnw, Z..!. o"ncb.n 100.000, A P..- t...:., ' ' he has aw3 Z cal of h vd 7 "Z wound and t i vine th. . a tion of garlic to drink for several days. prof. Newtea. of Yale fJollao that this is sn off year fcr tbe Novem- ber meteors, and thai fa la .-.u while to sit up' to look for tnem. They are some 2,000,000 miles away from oa. In November, 1899 tbev will feJ i again close by. It turns out thai tU . I www atMMVUUVVleiTJUv recently o, hj c,hle Dr Koch's aliened diacorar of the, I a f i - n j .-.... irBif 111 11 iirinsi ri is a .!. . umt I'kian inveetiga ... u, a.A. i. ,.!.. I" w-' autiuilaisj tbe announcements of others like M pMar wbo ftre . the same field. . b DM t diMovwred b . m.mber of the Nations! Institute of A,rir-.,ltr. 1. i0 F.ance. thst the in.ffl. 1- i.. Tated, and thst the finest truffles flonrish in soils that border 00 the A r a m - . . I " "" "Ba. J.U.S glandular vegetable is so atued as a delicate. dition to tbe bill of fsre that the Freneb sail it the cook's jewel R.lph Copehmd aa. proposed tbe establishment of an astronomical ob- aervatory on some loftv . .k. Andes. Ha Uii.v. Ua tory might be readily maintained at a height of 9,000 or 12.000 faet md th-t an exnerimanul tablisbed dnrioa- a fa. b. at atitude of 15,000 er even 18 000 feet. The olaar r .1 .i places offers greatd vantages for astro nomical work. Some very ancient ruins have been discovered near Magdalene, in Sonora, Mexico. There is on pyramid wNich bos a base of 4350 feet aod rises to a height of 75f feet. It has a winding roadw.y from tbe bottom. Hundreds of rooms, from five to tan to sixteen or eighteen fact square, have been cut in tbe aides of this mountain. Tbey are ef so' id stone, with no entrance except at tbe top, and no wmdowa. On the walls sre numerous hieroglyphics. The eolored fieople have bad enough of Congressional bano-nb'. Watt they want is equal righu before the law. These are guaranteed to them by tbe Constitution. It does not re quire a Congressional enactment to 89. ours them osteal Is. J. 11. Daniel new haa a oosnnlata lln of musical instruments of all kinds fer sale, consisting of the Mathoshek piano, tbe Shoulnger organ, fiddles, violins, guitar, eta., as well as the latest sheet music. Hla instruments are all of the best grades, and are not the cheap trash, so that when yon get aa Instrument af any kind yon may know that yon are getting one that will laat and hold iu tune. A Cora. To all who are suffering from the errors and lodiaoretioas of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send a recipe that will care you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was die covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the Bar. Josaru T. brauir. Station D. New York City. itse a of Land for Sale. One farm of 390 acres very desirable. One farm of 135 acres. One tract of 169 sores of wild land. One tract of 80 acres. One tract of 70 acres. One tract of 135 acres, and ether small traota. Will sell in lots to suit purchasers. Will trade tor other property. Call at this office. Farm for Sale. One hundred' and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dwelling, geed outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. Maaey te Loan. We are now prepared to make leans ia any sums desired oh improved farm land in Linn and Benton counties for any length of time not less than ens year. Bukkhabt Bros. A Stare Caaaee. Wringers at reduced rates, both the Nov slty and Eureka, the best made, at Peters A Blairi's. For Stent, First-class house. Chtap. given about 15th to 20th inst. this office. Possession Inquire at " nether Swan's Warm Sprup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic; for feveriahneas, restlessness, worms, eonsti ation. 25c, Quick, complete cure, on annoying kidney bladder and urinary diseases. $1. workers could Nam isnidly bv having A,' B,fteat la made ia pi ( itt or aesAW I aarc . . bow W1U 1U 10 ' triala al taa I ...!.. IL 1 .... - rpMl f wurk"ff the Jay cWw weae the Atiaatie enrance te Oaoso, la Nova 1 .000 cede am. .... . 1 aa saace, and received at Cease TtirSasi, re - (in elgbty-aue mine tee, iaelwdiM I ... a-easassasai repetitions and fmrr-tim repetitions and carreetis The i 1 . , I ,r,ou,lu SSSf, c.o.Wl ,t r,, - ., which a I I AT,H BTwl. r M I... . - -,o wc -, . - -vu. wtewre aaea. the Tberc WM iim bsad was bel J for tbeas whe needed It far horo bot ,at TeT" e a-jHey bee been ehaoft-ed. and new tbe eal- ssss, tion U bow to aP H4 91 U wJett Th,rt,,e w U tbat St Pr m' ihtn hut wh irawon win eiuier oay er take. Three and a half lantfll feneed.h awf rfM e w w. . wni 1 n. - - - Rhetimatlsm, AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of Oas caosa b Si wil of AVKH'S CXTHABTIC PlIXS OSS c-no tL5 ssaat, awlssaas tion, Pypils. and a bos. of ocaar vaicb taey are a eat ptcaKuit remedy. Tba sSssaSve ass off t Fills by essinent pbrsioiaas ia ragmlar 1 UcL Utey are askl by taa teas. These Pills are eosapooad sasstsasss only, and are abaatassty free i ... ..-lot :.y otbat injar.-a I A SoAVrrr from Bs '- V vua'a Pius are tavalaabla ta 1 arc my constant eoeapaaioau I have a erre a offerer from HeadaobaL I'm. t.t are the only thine I eoali for relief. One doss wiU aolakry mere sns tweU and free uiy head from pain. Tbey are tbe mot effective and the isalsss nfcfsts 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure te ate te ek la their praise, sad I always 4s se w.i". 1 -r-aion offers. w. L. Faok. or W. I. Page Bra. naisMfa SU, Ktsansoad.Ta Jan a, MS. I Itare need Ana's Pills In nam her- lees Instances aa reeuwissidsd by ysa, and have rverer known them to fOU So asasssaSSfS t..-irireil reeolt. Wo constantly keen tnesa ah b.ind at our home and ptias tbasa as a pl.-.ivi t, safe, and reliable family ssaSMoa. r .; KV.SI KI'SIA they are lavalaabea. J. T. . .Me x .i, Texas, June IT, ISO. The itr.v. Foaxcxs B. naaiawo, from Atlanta, (ia., says: "Far ssaat t.-vt I have bean snbjact te eoeaaspi ram wnjen, ia spite or taa nsa nines -f various kinds, I suffered aaSnv'iiieuce. until nidi bobi bags 11 taking Area's Pills. Tbsy entirety corrected the costive habit, as bare t aetly improved my general health. Aran's Catstabtic Pills larltiis of tbe hovels, aMmatsfa ta tile and digestion, and by their thorough action give who; iihysieal economy, rasrai Dp. J . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell, Mtsa. Bold by all YOUNG, OLD, AID MIDDLE- a s All e: Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children -with sucu. 1 Ears, or any 1 ilitle utnt, may bo mad healthy by its ua. Sold by all Dragrbjts ; SI, sts bottles THE ALBANY FURNITURE i) sni & mm. suoo D ANNALS & WOODIN. 1 Manufactures and dsMeraglsatl atada ef FURXlTURawn would respectfully iafi ipeet fully iafsani she ass Lkat ufacturo te order, aosfl wil tp r on hand, a complete stSSlr er tnsy man 1 constantly all desirable lines ef FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rook priest. They also aeon eoastaatVe en band complete 11ns of Undertaker's and will gnatantas as may ravor tnem wua a Final Settlement. Notice it hereby givs d has filed their final trators ef tbs estate of ed, ia tbe County Court, Oregon, and by order ef s day tbe 8th day ef Jsauasp. boor of oa o'elosk, a. so., af been set for bearing ef salt Any person inUraStsd la said hereby not Had te foe bis er bar to aatd account aad the setiUayavl oa or before said day. Doled Bs. 7th, 18. CEKM AN PRCMf tSswJCjCr LaTCatalBfijt BsJCsaJ rtZSgrX fSSC' r tw cawixsa. vaasjtaaa aa, I f fnA4lACSMt DrsostSssy. sihsasta, far sO of t sara, as sl arat Gtood n taa tbe as il ntam so o at as AewJia. a0sjsnsv mte- lUi ia