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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1884)
S TATE EIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUE EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. arHlBttOrrU'KlB ttenseeral Bat Ullages straattalela Ural. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ttafit copy, per yew, in ad van ca. ...... ataxic e!y. per yew. at end ot yew. RM 100 1 so Btugte copy, cut wbim. slug ear?, thre months siiurla number v PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. U FUKN. CHAMBKRIlK. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, iTTOBIEVS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. ejrOuieo la Foster'. Brick Block.-; Tl5ul8tf. R. S. 8TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. r Tt 4 PTTPR IN ALL THE V OourtV of US State. Will give peoial attention to collections and probate Office in Foster' new brick. 40tf lTmontanyb. ATTORNEXpAT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briartore, IttreeL Tl4aag Fi. WEATHERFOBD, (SOTABY PUBLICO ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, eKiQ. W1UL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OFTHK SutL Special attention given U elections aad probe atattar Ice In tMd renege iwh POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNRYS AT LAW, A.BABMdYSOliC"08.i,l OSKOM. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. eMTOffice in Foster's Brik.-S Tl4nl9tf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, ATTOBJI BY AMD Cel SSBAO AT LAW AS BOTAKY nnuc. WILL practice in all courts of the State 2.11 business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJtre m O Toole' Block, BroadaJbin Street, 45jl Albany, Qrtqtm. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of tbtsState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jar Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANG DON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT 3DHTJC3- STOBB, Syl ALB 1ST. O FOSHAY & MASON, vsouoau asTAttv Draggisteand Booksellers, ALBANY, OltEGOW. vl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, . rint s4 EUswerUi Albaar, Oreea. Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hol.l is fitted up ia first elaaa sty la. Jsbtes oppBed with the best the market afford. Spring Bed in Room. A goi Sample Rooan tor Oosa mareiai Traveler. ree raaeh to aad from the Hetet."! T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT AND LA" Notary PublicB Office In States Rights Desiocra. office. BBS. IW.&lMmWfrmL Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON. Offer their proteeeion! services to the citizene of Linn and adjacent coubtka. Office and residence aer Court Hjuxc Call at Langdou and Co Drug Store, Aloany Bath House. 1S.HB ONDJBHSiaNKD WOULD EKSPEC1 fallj iaform the citizens of Albany and ri jinity that I have taken charge of this Establish meat, and, by keeping elesn rooms and payin ttriet attention to bnine.., expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Raring heretofore serried on nothing bat First-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons expeett to giro entire satisfaction to al tjt'Cbtldlicn and La-lies' neatly ee batnTi"Aed JOS WEBBER. RED CROWN MILLS. 1S0M, LAN'SIXO & CO., PROPK'8. K1W rttOtrtMS PLOCE SUPEKIOE K)U PAHIUU BEST STORAGE iCJLITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. J. Assets. Dec. 1882. 3,295,S2S Premium income 2 607,189 Sale, reliable and quiek to pay in case of loss. ARCH MQNTEITH, Agent. Al b any, Oregon, D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSCEIPTIOIT San PranoiBOo, Gal, Mlf VOL. XIX. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDKRSIGMKD WISH KB TO inform the public that ha is new pre uerf to do all kinds of atone and marble work on abort notice. All work is war rntd to arlve satlafactlon. Will work anr end all kind, of stone, but deal prln dually in Oregon City granite. Cleaulng. repairing ai.d reaetnsg a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purehas- in elsewhere as 1 will not no unuarsoia. ."hop on west aide of Ferry street oppo .Ite post office. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN 8CHMEER, LITEM, FEED AND SALE 8! ABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kepi on reasonable terms. Horses and buslos let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKINO A OVIl PI A SOX, org so. mm ftar.Knr . i .. st a a specialty All haullns wunin the city promptly nttonaoei 10. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Staving i?M -I condition, and hair out in the very nest style. rmmni wmcn are mw, -m- ty SA WA VIM. NESS. Wee, tea asd Japanaea rc. Led uruitmlntliee. eoU al bottom prices. Contractor lor Chins labor. XsTttaxtto CUv Beak. HENGr TENO- rahI waahlns and ireoing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done in fl rat class style. First-class beth roooa. Bath for isdie. and gentlemen ( all hours. Terms reasonable. '83 i BRAHD COMBIHATIOH '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One roar lor only SSJO. Two papree tor titUe more than the price of ooe. Br neytea tJ.joa will receive tor one year yS h2m? with the 'riar Jey,- the IV iriHve newspaper ol the Seat, aadtor a tariff tor reraaae oerfy. aad "2L. .land abieet famUy ta th..1"!"? 5 mw hodeaire to examine a wunple eopy of uw ttriar-Joarnal" eaa o eoat thia office. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Madiiaery, WAGONS, HACKS. BOO GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AD COEDS. WINDOWS. SCounty dealers are res pact fuUy Invit ed to cell snd examine our stock, note our prices and favorable terms. Send for Price List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, 18, 20, 22. DrummSt., San Francises , Caj SC10 BUSME8B IIEECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. Tk BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH- f ES. Keep a foil line er jwe ry Watches and clocks repaired in first-cl order. SCIO - - OREGON. We HI. MORROW, TSEALER IN (STOVES, JlXNWAttn, AJ copper snd sheet iron were, erockery table cutlery, etc., etc. scio - OREGON. BRIDCEFORB & BEARD 1TEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE IV eroceriofl. frenh csndies, nns, ana all kinda of confeetionaries. tobacco, .'gars, to nt fa.h rvaiH far produce of sll kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, XEALERIN DRY GOODS, CLOTH XJ ING, boots, shoes, bats snd esjM Kroceries. cigsrs, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - BCIO, OE. J. J. B0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINOS SO LICITED. Plans and specification! furnished on short notice. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varlea A marvel ef purtety, etreojth and whleainonoa. M ir c. ..n"u.i.i. the ordinary kinda, and cannot be sold in cArnretitlon with the multitude on low teat, abort weight, alum or e nor hats powdare. Sold only la eana Botal Ktm PuanaaOo. IM Wall Street, v Y. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this city, having taken the machinery agency of Gk F. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of . FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad) wit: WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES. and all FABMING implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGON, also the RUSHFORD a new wagon with all the late improvem nts and warranted on of the best wagons in the mar ket. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED INS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated si corner of First and Montgomery Streets. Albany. Oregon. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to maSnfaotare Steam Engines, Saw and Or 1st Mills, Wood-work ing Machinery, Pumps, Iron aad Brass Castings of every deetrripUon. Machinery of sllMkinds renal rod. Str ess attention givenfto rej airing farm ma chinery. ratters Making done ta all It forsaa. l&llyl A. F. CHEKRY A SON. SAM COHEN. Keep the beat brand, of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRAftBS Of TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billsrd hall in ths city. I will also sell reel estate, merobajdise household goods, etc., st auction for any one in tie ctlyor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, or. 6 SAM COHEN. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Ko other complaint are so Inakliosa ta their attack as those affecting the throat snS langs: bom so trifled with by the majority of Batter ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or uacoasetons ea posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. Ayzb's Cssaar Prerenal, bus veil proven its efficacy In a forty years' flght with throat snd lung diseases, and should be taken in sll cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cased. " In 1857 1 took s serere cold, which aJtseted my lungs. I bad a terrible coagb, and musecd night after night without sleep. The doe torn gave me up. I tried Avhk'h Cukmmt Puc tubal, which reliereil my In nan, iadoeed sleep, snd atforUad me the rest necessary for the recovery Of iy t.lrenglh. By the continued iu of the i'i mu w. a perrna neiit cure whs elfectetl. I am now Ot years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Chkuky 1'cctouai. saved me. Horace FAinnnoTmsn." Rockingham, Yt., July 15, 182. Croup. A Mother's Tribute. " While in the country last winter my ILUle hoy, three years old, was tken 111 with oroua; it seeiuel as if he would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the nse of Aykr's Casssr Pectobal, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent dosee, rh4 to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doe tor said that the Chkuky I'm ioiiai. bad saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, MHH. KMMA flKDXBY." 180 West 128th St., New York, May 16, ISM. "I have used Atsr's Cherry Pectoral in my familJor several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. Crass," Lake Crystal, Minn., March IS, 1882. ' I suffered for eight years from Bronehitis, snd after trying many remedies with no suc cess, I was cured by the use of Avku's Chhu ry Pectobal. Joseph Waldes." Byhslia, Miss., April 5, 1882. " I cannot say enough in praise of A yeb's Cherry Pectoral, believing as I do that but for It use I should longsince have died from lung troubles. JE. Bbaodos.' Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists wbJcb cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayeb's Cherby Pectoral, and it will always cure when the disease not already beyond the control of medicine. PBBPABSD BY Dr.J.C.Ayer & Co., Lowell , Maw. Sold by all Druggists. Kittbts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY PLAIN TALK. oa fin In Auhjeria. by a i'i.ain otur. I have just been reading a sketch of the celebrated Sojourner Truth, who lied a year ago at tbe age of nearly ona hundred yean. About five years ago I had the pleasure of seeing and bearing her. She was a tall, bony darkey, posi essing s wonderful pretence sod a "motherly" sppeartnee. Some one hn called her the most remarkable woman ef this age, nnsl in many reipeete ebe was remarkable. Not able to read or write she talked with an eloquence and fluency not often surpassed, and gave anecdotes of a loog life for hourt at a time. Only a darkey yet she was a woman, ami had a big hear, and an intellect far sur passing that of many a oollege grsdu ate. She deserve Weinir remHtuerd s e One can not be too careful about oir outatiug stories that effect the repute iton of a person. Cbsracter is too precious to he trifled with ; yet half one meets, perhaps unintentionally will toes a story te another ones tongue about some neighbor as unconcernedly ee a hoy .hoots psner wada or a girl obews gum. A story was circulated re cently about bow a certain school teach er at aa institute apent his time with bis feet on desks, squirting tobacco juice around, and using tbe worst kind of vulgar expression.. As a natter of fact tbe man does not use tobacco and is quite refinod in bis appenranoe and actions as well as in bis Isngusge. Thry hsd gotten him mixed with snother teacher, and then tbe story, we are in dined to think, was axaggerated. It ia easy to see how much injury sticb an idle, careless story might do if drculat od. as we understand this was. It is a good practice to follow tbe advice given to David Copperfleld : "Be ante that you are right, Da vy,snd then go .head. ' e Never buy a thing bees use it is cheap. Often we bsve been st a public auction and seen seme poverty stricken person buy an srticle that be dM not need at all because be thought tbe price was clear down." Perbspa it was snd perbspe it was not. Such people are worse than a mouse would bo that would want a ribbon around its neck, and are as liable to become wealthy as a cat is to turn into a dog. It makes one shiver to see their p ran tic. a e a Some one has said "Bys will be boys," and if one was to bum a city down there would be some old fogy who would be sure to bsve that excuse for him. Being a boy i all right,bot it is no excuse for ones being a hoodlum. We bad as soon see a boy enjey him self as a lamb in the fisld or a fish in tbe brook, it ia natural for him to ; but there is no excuse for a boys being a public nuisanoe and a di.grace to him self snd fsmily. Ooe can lytve "fun," snd still be respectable about it. What particular fun there is in disturbing meetings, insulting women or men on the stteeta. breaking one window., swearing, etc., we are unable to teli,nd do not believe we could if we bad double geared telescope to view the matter through, if there is such s thing It is aU gammon to say that it is nec essary for a boy to sow his wild oats. The troth is if bo Bow th.m he will be sure to reap them, for "what ye sow that shall ye reap also." a A defeat or failure rightly taken is sometimes better than a victory. What gave William of Orange hU reputation as a General was his power to turn a defeat many times into almost a vic tory. We recent! f beard a birght boy declaim at a puplic ontertaiament. lin forgot himself once or tsrico and had to l)e corrected, in which tbero was noth ing out of the way at all. Instead o taking it all right be showed bis provo. cation so olsinlv that be rained the - - effect of the whole piece aad made it worse than a failure : while if he had done as be should his natural genius would have brought him out with flying colors. Any one is liable to forget and make mistakes and d) things crooked, but tbe philosopher takes such things cooly and learns by experience, taking that fact as a recompense for bis blue ders. We bsve seen several discussions of tbe question aa 'to which will be tbe metropolis of the Northwest, Portland, Seattle or New Tacoma. Our opinion has not been asked, bat were we to say, a a a -w-fc .a ' our answer would be rortund, al though perhaps the proper thing for us to do would be to Use the argument generally used, and say Albany, simply because we reside hero ; but candor compells us to give Portland tbe honor. We believe with Villiard, even though we have to condescend vo do so, that 1890 will see Portland with a popula tion of 100,000. At that time Seattle 1 may hive a population of 25,000, but not tOjexored ir, while Now Tacoma will he much leas. Tbeas are the words of but a single individual, and they may be wrong and they may bo right It might be well to inquire what Al batiy siitl he then. As Albany must depend almost entirely on manufactur ing interests, not claiming to have much insight into tbsee interests we can only say, that if they are developed as tbey should be, it well have to all probabil ity a population of 10,000 ; if they are not oue of 8,000 what it bss uow, for agricultural interests alone oan not in crease it much if any. Let our busi ness men eonaidej Ibis, and then they msy jud e for themselves whether tbey can afford to be idle snd not do any thing to bring tbe wonderful advent ago of the city before manufacturers in the East. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. XDITKO BV TUSl Women', Christian Tfinpennfe Inion siias will antra addbk rrriVKB. dfw? Tenth Annual Meeliinj at Detroit, ifich.,Octolr Sltt to Novtmbtr 4th,1883. muxes. Tbe N.tional W. C. T. U. ia like a piuperized relative, dwelling in the home of fortunate but apathetic kins folk. The total amount paid in salaries to its officers for the first five years was just nothing at all, while for the last four it has bean leas than a thousand d per annum. Thia con.e so slowlv and often in such a dilator? fashion that insofar as anv one baa ' I tbe National W. C. T. U. for a creditor, life is rendered a burden and a anare. I Keuestedlv hsve I urged the appoitt- ment of a financial agent according to I the nlan successfully Duraued in eever.l 9 . I of the Slates : but thia has been sn I namnnl.r ... lint, last toraooLh the i mi I pun i -ma'- g moikar aiatt ha fauad tvschsas on the preserve, of her daughter ! Mean- I while the National has cone strsifbt on ill. its helpful though half starved "official orgsn," ita multiplying de- partmonU,iu sympathetic ..eadquarteie ever readv to "look m and not down, - a forward and not back,sod lend a hand," W 9 l snd its wide-epresd snd varied mission sry work of otrrying ths W. C. T. D. - t . l. - f ,1 f , t m me iipiins. ' men have, in some parte of California, made the annuel fee two dollar., and in every western state where f met them in convention they willingly raised tbe requirement to one dollar, of hi.h .,-. .vd ih. Naiisatl at--- an amount varfiae from ten cents to twenty-five. This seems to me a stej. io lbs right direction, but one to bo taken volsntarily by tbe State ; hence I am glsl ths smendment to our National constitution tequirinc ten Cents SS our iro wruon ui -uuu. , , waa not pressed to a vote at the Lontt- villa ("invention. Perhaps the beet . r t. .1. i . method is tbat suggested by one of our leaders, that each local Union bold one public meeting or give an entertainment in the interest of the National, and forward the proceeds to eur treasurer or else that a moderate amount.accord iag to its membership, be assessed upon each local Union by this convention ; io either esse theae sums to be in addi tinn u the recular annual dues. A dime collection on Thanksgiving Dav, tbe method strongly recommended by aav.a . , itr a II a? mi - our Iiiona tjapt. voou, e-uicr 01 j nc Kctcut, California, if it couldbe gen erally introduced would greatly relieve tbe cramped condition of eur exchequer But what avails tbe devising of a scheme, no matter how practicable, on las. our State officers ssd soldiers of tbe rank and file not only approve but execute the same, and this they hsve ma., m n Arr m T . -tat thia Sn to ... .c, complaining spirit, nut simply ss a tsct ... I a a I i a 1 in which I hsve no personal interest, for nu will tesr me witness that I bsve a a ' a a a S . declined a salary snd have in no year taken out of the treasury so much as I u.o I" U"V,K" mused upon the cause of thia apathy among my sisters so far as the finances of the National W. 0. T. U. are con- cemed. That they love and are proud of the soomty no one can doubt, and I know them to be cenereus-hearted women, loyal and true. I have there fore concluded thst it was the fault of their officers ; that we have not set the matter forth aw plainly as we ought ; that perhaps a little downright grumb- ling would sharpen their perceptions, and from this would come conviotion, and from that financial help. Therefore I have deliberately gtumbiod here thia morning in the hearing ef you all, and I ask for a meeting of the treasurers here present, whether State or district, county or local, that the united wisdom of these women of finance may be brought te bear upon this vital ques tion. Embarrassments rest like an incubus upon our National Union which ought to be removed and that right speedily. First in importance and need is Our National Organ, the literary oat growth (mo f 11, 1884. and exponent of theciussde, but its most neglected obild. You know in verted and difficult history, snd I know by eight years of setusl observation, tbo indifferentism of good women to wards its fortune., in every State and Territory, to tbst eur paper has alwsyr been the Cinderella in that otherwise genial household the W. C. T. U. Une State president said to mo two years ago in decided tones : "Don' bring up the official organ, we hsve not time to hear about it, and besides we've a paper of our own." Another said "We've been getting up a club of one hundred or Tfo Tinkling Cymbal, and our women will do no more at present," white scores of courteous presiding officers in county, district and State have allowed me to wave our paper in the air like a signs! of distres,and then have let the subject drop out of sight perhaps from sheer forgetfulness. Hence tbe paper, excellent as it it' oomes to yoa in debt, once wore, after tbe immemorial fashion. The only reason of this is thst nearly sll of our Stste suxiliarioi have feiled to redeerr their pledges to tske stock in The Union Signal. A detailed account will be given by our publisher showing that, although our suoscriptton list never Ik- fore approached its present value, tbo increased expense of issuing a weekly rather than a monthly paper aa hereto fore, leaves a large deficit, though we have over eleven thousand subscribers now,(ocarly two-thirds of them weekly,) agsinst loss tbsn five thousand, (snd all of them monthly,) at tbe date of tbe Louisville consolidation. Besides this tbero is s younger and still more needy J 1 . m . a aer oi tbe Orusad,, "Der Babn- broecber." This paper, though net foundd b7 the protege of Mrs Skelioo, our indefatigable auperinten ong the Germans, and we pr" to its bsroic editor, Frof. 1J..I.L ILI. -P "cumus, our Cv-operauon in rau,DI money for its maintenance, the to be proportioned in each dut? t0 the number of Gersaans resid a . s a - lo bounding in our sgtoe- ot fc, do tnta, Prof. Schmitx gavs up ciucai.oo.i position anu himself with rare skill and a. st-. . - . ,oe merman enth.usm to tbe work 0J rvoning tbe temperance otuee into s..a coundonoe or bis compatriot.. But ln" '37 be relied u,o has not come mm. m,.A ' I I - 1 t ' wuwmiij ne nss tnor.ea.aa I n mm home to tnt the obligations that we should bare .huwd. WKTMIt IBOIT SKaTEtf- Five men and three boy. obstructed the sidewalk in front of a Nassau street .girlisaav mmm.A a. at VT r '"" ww ,wre'M." inB ",w ,or a m tbe window was a blue silk pyramid with the top cut off. At the corners of tbe top four glistening skates stood oa their toes, snd were joiner! tgether by s blue ribbon st tbe top, snd a tiny silver skate scarf pin waa on tho knot of ribbon. On tbe r ., sides of tbo pyramid were stiver plated r y I .aaiee, anu on tne S'or 01 the window around the pyramid tbe abiuiag curves of steel projected like raya frosa a light. Above them sll waa a single skate bus- penovu nv tavtsioie .oris. mere might be a market for it if the Chicago t s s a Wa stotiea about the feet of St. L iuh maidens were true. Tbe skate was twenty-three inches long. "Skating is nnlike any other rport," aid tbe desler. "The boy is undecided rhetber he will take skate, jig sai or a nrintins uress until th morcurv (, n I s token lot across ;be street makes ut a a. .a . hm mind for him. Men who skate de net think about it. Or do not act on their thoughts till they the ice Then they hut ry srAimd here and bny a pair, if tbe old ones in the garret do a v not suit or cannot be found." "How many ot them have hurried tround hwm on , hugv Amy WM ked I hm i "Enough to leavi souuu. mat whk j tUy fr gkafing. Most of ibem bin ricBd tUl FTow hig-h V 1 1 i.KitfKt dollars for the eleantlv ula- a0(1 fini8hej American dub skate, 6 for s pair rjnisbnd in a superior gfc , $5 for the same thin- Io polished and Wued tteI aixty MnU for th6 e0TBrrJen, cheap wood 1tA malleable iron Bffir They MrH a)1 wartn Lhftir - Th ar, the best investment a non m.t,, TF t.h MsnSsaa ,v of men's breeches is to buckle at the knee, skating ia the exercise to enable the slender to make a respectable showing on the street." 'How many people in the country Mm to hold Bimillir opiu,on. 1" was --t-j It.8 hard to jj -eye M an aver. gof 20,000 pairs of tbe '.lub skates 50 qqq of the ohMper kind We 0e flrrj)i There ar u defterg in every oity. If you tell hew many men and boys and girls are to be found in that region of ice, I might give a guess. On the cheaper kind the wood foot rests break, the straps break or wear out, the runners work loose. One or two long seasons will nse tbem up. The steel faced, lapwelded runnors of the best, with steel sole and heel damps, 8tsnd anything." rat NO 24 "Hkstes sie all rockers nowsdsys. Vou can't which you can slop yourself by digging ho htol into the ice," said the sales man to a customer. "Then I'll have ou make dip s pair,' . O . mm was tne reply. want my bay to hsve ss good skates as I bad." "Not many customer, are as psrticu I ..... s a .s a sass iar ss tast' said tbe dealer. "He is wrong, too. Ibe rounding runner is tbe best every wsy. S m people went solid runners. Some want ankle sop- porters of various kinds. H une would like to hsve a fur lined shoe with a runner en the sole. They can got any thing tbey want if tbey bavo tbe meney to psy for it." m-m-m W.4SMISI.TOS LI.TH.K (Frost oar rSg alar eror'micfit.) Washixotox, Dec. 20th, 1883. Republican Senators1 feel better now since they have cleared tbo Sen ate tr&ces of their faithful efficient Democratic Incumbent", and filled the f daces with Inexperienced Kepub- lean. Yes. they lied a right to do t Might has ever been right accor- lingto their record.- But let us bear nothing mf,ro about civil ser vice reform from Republican head quarters. Lees tbao a year ;:go that side of the Senate chamber was reso nant with the eloquence ef civil rer vice reform principal, and the first opportunity afforded to show "reason lor tho faith that was in It", It suc cumbed to tbe pressure of parly greed. As it Is proven, it was too much to expect tbat tho Itepubi iran majority ia the Senate would have hesitated to seize upon the few re malaleg salaried offices, within such tempting reach, but for consistency's exke, et least, something better of them, was hoped. They hold tbat the Democrats will do likewise when tbey get control of tbe Government In tbe next Administration. They have not hesitated to set a defiant, pernicious example, and In the light f Republican precedent, and of their boasted adherence to civil service re form principle a few concessions to the syatem they ho warmly espoused a few months since, would have given tbem a more creditable place upon tbe record. During tbe election of the new Sen a's officers tbe caucus programmes of both parties were carried out. -Tbo ss - divsion wa. upon strict party Hoes, Messers Mabone and Riddleberger voting with the Republican.". It bad bee noised abroad there would be an acrlsnonius debate over tho4wholesaIe displacement of the old efficient oft in antic! pa' loci of such a dlacnvden the galleries were filled, tbo floor of tba Senate enlivened by Members of the Houe, ex-Senators aud distlrfguishei visitors, among the latter Governor Butler of Massachus etts. Tho only Democrats who com m.nted upon tho action of the major ity, however, were Senators Pendle ton, Beck, and Siulsbury i and Sen ator Sherman was the only Republic an spokesman. Seuators Beck and Saulahury taunted the Republicans with repudiation of their civil sorvice reform eloquence, and as the election proceeded, Senatoi Pendleton moved toatrike out tho names successively of ea.'h Republican nominee, and in sert those of the present incumbents, as an expression of opposition to ch-tnge, confidence iu the Old offi cecs. C mgros will adjourn early and long fir the holiday vacation, most probably from Monday Dec. 24tb. to Mondny Jan. 7th.. Though an attempt was made in the House to defeat so long an adjournment as an unwarranted delay In the transaction of public businoss. Little eiso will be done In the House ou Monday, but the appointment of the committees, which Speaker Carlisle expects to have ready for announcement by noon of that day. Turning from politics I will tell something about two distinguished Englishmen Washington has had within her gates this week. Matthew Arnold, the lecturer, 'poet, and critic and Langtry, who lived , while here in her private palace cur, shunted on a side track near the railroad sta tion. The Lill ie has rather improved In acting since her previous engage ment here, and is affecting sedate ness and quiet tastes by her exclusive mode of life. One day, however, she appeared in tbe Senator's gallery of theSenate chamber, where Senator Bayard of Delaware j.ined her and escorted I her through tbe Capitol Several hundred gazers followed her movements and Langtry was evident ly pleased with her distinguished es cort, and the attention she attract ed. Mathew Arnold lectured in the Congregational church, on the sub ject of literature and science, to an audience of Statesmen, Supreme Court Justices, journalists, politicians, dillitantl and women. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, Commissioner ef Agri- culture Loriog and Congressman Wil- .$TATE INCUTS BE ftfWMT. "as the larseat rlrraUi ryji; 'a swaie ewtessie srrasilasO. assf tiM-rcfWre Is the THE BEST iDTEBTimiB lEJIlX notices IS mi. ,i u". aiesrsrisr X-tWOl iiee'r1 'asslesit sdv StE! qur for (b art m . 9 Per touara r, u . Pr qnsrs far each H Hares for obr nown on spplkatles. liam Wither Thi t,-, r , L..., . V . troductol tbe stranger bat street of worn on tbe House committees lulled him to write a note of the iaof moment, and tbo forma U- if ucvsivea on secretory Chandler who; di charged tbe pert la an auk. ward and un felicitous manner. Mr. Arnold, in fuIJ evening dress came f.rward bowing, and smiling and "aU his theme woe mora suited to un acedemic or schooiasUc andienos than one gathered lo a great uotitieal center. The lecture wax an answer from a man of letters t a the cfaarn that ancient and modern literature enters too largely into modern educa. tin, to t;.e oxdoolow of modern scienees. The Itvinr was in thought and simple and forcible l expression, tut the effect of tbe effort was seriously Impaired by vll- ainous elocutior. The stupendous works erected by the early Peruvian., wbi-b bsve recently found by travellers, must give us oigb opinion of the state of civilixa- lUft Which .Xia(d im u iuai cvuuir several hundred years sgo. Tbe large fjUswWe, the building of reservoir, by the erection of dsns, tho cartful cultivation of the land snd tbe manifold osea abicb tbey found for their pro ducts, all tend to prove tost ancient Pern waa in almost every respect tar wperior to the Peru of tbe present dsy. Dr. Lsdell baa discovered tbat prus sio scid i. an antidote to poisoning with strychnine. Medical men will be cautious in using it, however, aa the prnseic scid, to bo of any nse, most bo given in doses which would bo fatal under any other circa rastsneee. Recently some value bis i imtnts in photographing the larynx and soft palate at the isstant of singine have been made. A powerful electric right was thrown into tbe throat, too subject then ssng s note, and tbe actual posi tion cf the vocal ligaments, uvula, etc was photographed instantaneously. THE 6REAT EMMA REMEDY FOR PAIN. RHEl'MATISM, Neuralgia. Scistios. nrrr com i mt ill soiasraoi Ta sasat alt SBJwrai eXaaarr rr'qMpsH OUPIPOksj OAfis&irtd ea STlld OLLHVHiVO S.H3AV sisaj sstnoq n 'It soft tiiiiSSstiri rrs Xq ffssj Bbs Cllal ' OQ f JsXy q f -jfj aa amau tnjsis etrt jo aisis atof po. poosq Bsadaxioa so aood ssasy tr p 'nrf9a ro t'J l'S tl ft geuj n otatsis qt I'HW pus qasnooM sen jo Pcjq tn suasuasiJis pa. Xtl! 1 s pus poofq nnssiusa jo ssbbIbsi fsBie asssssarp ;o area svi r. trmsvs vssrvg t.niy jo arrjqvtdaps mjjss1 evt saoal iprsa 'aafjoa reo o Saissoe iriasissau ifma qi jo no mq aevawai aaoqv qx sa-U. d 1 Xnantaw soa poo ep isss sMnsnnaa JWa(t Strfdoq 'oiu jtuuC t wsmf aaaqi sid r -wuioq oas avvt ' u pasa lua 'sVp wu!i eiqi ao nyma si sjoos I 'paaiiap aaaa satpupsaa paaajq aaaq qorqat Vnisvavrsvg qt jo sssi awrt o sarasai saasri assnxus I pars 'JsSaam jnw js4 pajpuaq a feaj I nsaswoxs aoa r trtuo 'pasoMasf ipssuf sjwssai isususl iw pnv -suseut earn aart aq pajsa pare qoretsa m -prsaMasp apt. p nonwivui jo suSys rs pare 'psaaw. asaa tajnj po jatej aqi awn asoajs mpr ug qt aoa taooir. paaojd AK "-rapJOP pa an l l tpr trsaeq t irau jsjouoi uj iu; pns -sssaa aosno atnrai jo onatiasqn jq vrimvavtavg s.aaav io aarsa aqi SoLaeas "aaop oaj rsep pooS a tanaAa Xra par. 4aaod sA.-epa4d tni fqtnoa rvqxrsta pare qoretao aiaaa. a asoj jaiajpt T a i -assqji jaao Sunnoja inn jraaq liaareaa pinoa i jstti ii dsiiatn) os paujaq poa qSra iqxjoa om paqati q!qa sqit aui Airepeasa Junoajra aonv Satnau iqcuoitooaea uoui qiia pamaost sea I jauja awi : oecwiiaaf) Sjq V as ay o -p -ssssafg SS31 l W 'u ajg UIS WQ tH : saaonoj tat wjiJAi raoo ssaaidag V4ia.wnaaas.fs M jo 'tpu At aSpnp taasjnta at en a .laqioaq pan saox. K I AjnoMfas -Ca auaotni-nasa 'spu Al M 'X aaa .sax, -30N3ia3dX3 Final Settlement. S'otic is herebv sivan that tse I cd baa file. I their final account as trt tors of the estate ef Russet Alford,aeaa- eu, m iuo .H.iuosj Vouri, m Aaaa oaaatj, Oregon, and by order ef said Ceart, Tass da? tbe 8th day ef Jaanary. Its, at ts hoar of on. c-'eleck, p. ss., ef said day Ipa been set for hearing ef said fiaai mesas at. A ay parson interested ia said estate is hereby notified te fit. his or Ser kjattas to said account aad the settlement thereof oa or before aaid day. Dated Dec. 7th, 1883. B.N. "EaJSW, Mjgjrrsu J. ALreasw Ltuwbeoe, TTTininnTnuTiiasi. SOK TMSaT, oromr. awvevjaaa. a b4 sll ssksv bosWy ssSjas BSfsM SBBPSBSJ