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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
vwAitftrat. - S - FRIDAY JUNE 15, 1883 Randall claims the enUrs) Pennsyl. van la delegation. Cyclones never come wtvt of the Rocky Mountains. "in i . ' The Western towns which have not been cycloned will pi ease rise and be counted. What has Random done, that so many people should shoot at him. The Crar Is not so nervous as he was. The only really nervous per rons now are the Ohio Republicans. Democratic policy is to lessen tax ation and revise the ftrlff in the interest of American labor. Thurman and McDonald are the central figures in the Democratic canvass for the Presidential nomina tion. The strikes in the Pennsylvania coal fields and iron foundries teli whether protection benefits the laborer. The high tariff organs are red hot in their denunciation of Bismarck for excluding American pork from Get many. What is the matter with thorn ? Here comes ex-Senator Wicdom. who also thinks the Republican party is doomed to dissolution. An exchange alleges that aPenn sylvanian protectionist was terribly shocked when he went to chore h and heard the minister announce that sal vation was free. He hurried home and wrote a sharp letter to his Con gressman demandiogfin explanation why salvation had beea allotted to escape the tariff bill. An exchaage speaks of a ease of suspended animation. Theie is a lin gering remembrance in the minds of the public of a case of suspended animation, in which one Guiteau, a stalwart Re publican, figured conspicuously, but the "animation" did not last so long as the cas referred to by oar excha ng Good sense, and fair-dealing towards public interest, as well as the business interests of the country, require thit time should be given in which to fairly teat the practical workings of the tariff law passed by the last Congress. Hence we hope to see the Congress this Fall abstain from intermeddling with the subject. It will be observed that we have learned nothing yet through the tele graph concerning the details of the local elections in Virginia, although the election was held two weeks since. Kaster a papers, however, tell cf a de feat of the allied forces of Mabone and Republicans. The New York Sun says, in peak ing of Harvard' refusal to confer the degree of L L. D. upon Cor. Butler, that this is good for Butler and bad for Harvard College. Ilarvard could not in any other way have done ao well for him, or so ill for itself. An institution of learning which con feis its highest distinction on Rotter lord B. Hayee, only honors other men when it witholds from them the name fjrm of compliment. A STATU THAT SEVER BID A BEPl BLI CAS CeVEKXSHV An exchange has the following : Texas, the banner Democratic .State, is a fearful enmple Republican nes spa- j uw uuv iocr iu. in j exaa rneie are 200 miles of railway lines, growing two miles daily. Tax is thirty cents on each $1000. There ere 4,250,000 in the- State treasury. State bonds are worth 40 per cent, premium, and the debt of the state was reduced by that rare old genius, Governor Roberts, who doesn't believe in political thanksgiving dsye, 1.400,000 lsst year leaving a balance of Texas bonds outstanding, and held mainly by Texas schools and institutions of learning, of $1,000,000 five per cents. The State's taxable weabh has grown from $280,000,000 in 1877 to $410,000,000 in 1882. The free school fund will soon be 86, 301, 000. More than a million dollars were dispensed last year among free schools attended by 205,000 pnpil. A white and colored normal school provide hon.e-inadc teacher?. The TTuiversity of Texas has 1,000,000 acres of choice - - - J a. a r t -i land, and there is engrafted in the con stitution of Texas a provision enabling a poor man to invest $5000 in real estate and making it his homestead. It cannot be mortgaged or sold for debt, and only conveyed absolutely I y the joint deed of man and wife. A BOf CATION OF US KE.V VICTORIA. 1? uxors come from London to the effect that the Queen seriously contem plates abdicating the throne. The rea son given is the fas failing health, and unwillingness and sometimes inability to perform the functions of her high office. The Queen is understood to be a spiritualist of a mild type, believing that the spirit of her dead husband has often assisted ber in the performance of difficult public duties: Jt is believed thst the succession of the Prince of Wales as prince regent, would change the whole condition of English politics. Iwsu a mat lei tit' regret lisiftn l ire that the New Votk sun v, nut able to find more than one man whom it could urge upon the Democratic party as its presidential candidate, but more recently it has assumed a more moder ate, and displays a more literal spirit than formerly. It is of th opinion that if the delegation from Ohio in the Democrat io National Convention of 18&4 shall be solidly, unanimously, and earnestly in favor of. the nomination of Allen C. Thurmau as the candidate for President, Thurman-will he nominated. If the delegation from Indiana shall be solidly and zealously io favor of Joseph K. McDonald, he will U nomi nated. If the delegation from Illinois shall bs unanimously and earnestly in favor of nominating John McAuley Pilsner, he will be nominated. That is to say, if Ohio ia unanimous ly for Thurman, while Indiana and Illinois are not united in favor of Mc Donald and Palmer, Thurman will be the candidate ; if Indiana ia unanimous for McDonald, while Ohio snd Illinois are divided, then McDonald will be the candidate ; and if 1 ilinoU is unanimoua for Palmer, while Ohio and Indiana are divided, then Palmer will be the candi date. If either of these three men ia selected by the Convention as the candidate, he will surely be chosen in November, 1881, to be the President of the United Sterna. liut suppoaing that Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are each and si of them unanimoua in supporting respectively Thurman, McDonald, and Palmer in the National Convention, how will it stand then I The supposition is improbable. Such unanimity ia not to be expected. 1c ia not likely, asUhe case stands at present, that either of these great, central States will send a united delegation to the Convention. The Democracy cannot count upon such unity and harmony. Rut if the unexpected should hsppen, if Illinois should be all for Palmer, In diana all for McDonald, and Ohm all for Thurman, the people of the United States may heartily congratulate them selves on the surprising fact, and Le thankful that they are to have for four years so good a President ss that one of the three wbon the Convention shall finally prefer. Vet it is impossible to contemplate even such a beneficent result as this without the heartfelt wish that the reformer snd statesman of fleaeatone . r. I . Am ft! ill FriMkh and viirnmn hi.miuiI, lit' lead once more the array e! the I emo- cracy, and to revivo the I'nion with the inspiration ef Democratic ideas aa they are conceived by his profound, an- tiring, ar,d pertinacious genius ' ccikbag. scwa. Tlie ew York 0mltl predicts war between Trance and China. General and Mrs. Fremont have gone to New York City to live. Mrs. Fremont is in excellent health. v. a a . mm it IS Sain that ouler (Iih ei.i. feivice . , . rules female clerks wiil bi rxelm from poaitions in the depart men ta. The New York WMJ and Suu think the Republican nomination f r Govern or of Ohio 'Judge Forakei ) is rek one. A vigilence committee has been or ganized in Silverton, Colorado, to pro? text the city from fire mcendiaries and gamblers. W. J. tJatirie!, imitated for the in nr. j der of Clay Miih-r at Hot Lake, Union County, Oregon, on February Hi, IRS3, has beeu found guilty cf manNiaughter. Miss Edith Fiih, daughter of Kx Secrefary Hamilton Fish, was married a few days aince to Hugh Oliver Northcote, son of Sir SmfFoid Nertb- cote of Devonshire, England. Joseph Keppler, the great artist for Puck, hss been sued for damages for whipping a neighbors girl who was fighting his own. Cleveland, Ohio, has one church for every 1,400 inhabitants. That is noth ing. Oregon City has one saloon for every -200 inhabits;' with the China- i men thrown in. The result of a trip through Umatilla county by an Oftjomdn correHpondent demonstrates that the crop will be immense. The Held look like a solid wall of grain. Businessmen estimate the total amount for the county at 50,000 tons. W. B. As tor, the Republican mii lionair of New York City, will have a yacht constructed that will be 225 fee t in length, 21 feet C inches beam and have a depth of hold of 13 feet, will draw not less than 15 feet of water, and .wil1 bftve an en8n of Q0 hon power Jonathan Keeney, living near Pilot Rock, lost on Sunday night last, 300 wethers by piling up. On Monday night he lost 200 ewes in the same way. He waa preparing to shear them. The loss is quite heavy, amounting to nearly $1,200. A few days ago an Indian purchased 3,000 shingles from ITawn, Guyer k Co., proprietors of the Blue Mountain at Saw Mill, and carried them away on the back cf a cayose. Wasn't he a daisy with a big yellow spot in bin back 7 Work upon the Siskiyou tunnel is progressing rapidly. A large number of Chinamen passed through this week en route to the tunnel. Mr. John A. Halbert is still engaged in locating the road between Ashland and the Siskir yous. has Gen. Crook ho La been soouring the Sietra Msdre mountains in Mexico for the last two ttska in search of hoe tUeApaebe Indiana, has returned Safe and sound to a point in Arizona, bring lag about 200 of the host ilea which ho cantjured. The Illinois State board of agricul ture makes the following report as to the condition and prospects of the Win ter crop of the State on June 1 : Esti mated crop of the north division, 596,- 000 bushels ; central division, 8,891, 000; south division, 6,460,000; total, 15,937,000. The report of Msy 1 , asm mates the crop at 20,668,600. An immense indignation, anti-mo-nepoly meeting wss held at Stockton, Cel., June 9tb, to denounce the asm duct of Carienter and Humphrey, two of the railroad commissioners, in refus ing to reduce the freights and fares on railroads in that State, which they had promised to do in case they were elected. 4,000 leeple wero present. Crop reports, dsted June 1 , frcm .''. correspondents in Michigan, give the following percentages aa compared with last year : Wheat, in the southern four tiers of counties, , north f that, 8" ; oats, acreage, 90 ; condition, HI ; bariev, acreage, 9 ; condition, 92 ; apples, con dilion, 00 ; peaches, condition, 62. The estonatad wheat crop is 22.000.000 bushels, or nearly 10,000,000 shott ot the crop of 1882. Five young people were drowned in Utah take, near Henjamin, Utah Ter ritory, at about G o'clock laat evening (June 10.) Two were the children of Richard Yates, his oldest son and old est daughter, aged 18 and 1 2 years, al so a daughter of William Kddy, It re. old, a daughter of John Hawkins, 13 years oh!, and a daughter of Isaac Ream, 23 years old. All were residents of Benjamin. They were out in a boat with four others, when the boat began to leak, when all rushed to one side and tipped it over. One of the young men saved a little brother of U years, by pulling him on the boat The scene was witnessed by a msu named Shep hard, who, with greet exertion, tore another bat from its moorings, and hastened to the rescue, am! succeeded in saving the remsining four. All the bodies were recover d. At the Chriatadelpbisn meeting June 10th near Lafayette, Be v. L. T. Nich ols was shot by the sons (rumor says) of the late Frank Martin. Has mother of the boy who did the shooting has had much mental suiTering lately, in duced, it ia said, bv Nichols1 teschine. hv which reflection was oast upon the JL r.. .... - '; ., moinnrv nt tior Imtn Ii iiataairnl Vlfliulk J I 1.... "rv""J w "v mw ,v pro;ierty. Mrs. Martin went to the meeting on the 1 0th and her sous, Wd- tiam and James aged about if and :ti years, followed to take anr sway snd bring her home. Some of th brethren interfered. This enraged the Martins, and they, being powerful men, physical ly, knocked down those about them tight and left. Nichols ran, and was I Almost every dsy we see parties snot io the bank, the ball entering just from Kastern Oregon, and they re above the right hip and lodging against Pf vefy lilt,e SDOW ln th moant u i r.i lj iT ains, and the roads very good, the akin of the abdomen. It mar prove ' . m .. . r--i iJ 111 ! rteveral of our citlaons have gone pathies of the community. Suae think Nichols will not prosecute, but pwyi the role of a religious martyr. I OK EST ' ITEM Fureet Cove, June 7, 183. Editor Umncriuy Since writing my bst items for the Dr.JiooKAT I have made WoUur fJHf, I. T. a visit, and found timea tolervbiv good. The O. S. L. It. K. has almost complete I the grade from the month of Burnt River, to a point a few milva above Weizer City. Flour retailing at III per J5bl. ; bacon 20 (0 25 cts. per lb. , grain from 7 to 0 ctn. per lb. In this Valley grata of all kinds is on fk..i.i;n. n,t. ...1 l..u. .-1' at n eta., with a piospeot of still lower ' ratee before harvest. The fniit ctop win oe almost a total raiiure. nave m my orchard 150 apple and plum trees. Scarcely ary of the treea will boar fruit this year, and I think most of the or chards are iu about the name condition all over the Valley. All the peaches en Burnt river see blighted ; also in Boise Valley. The outlook for a good crop of ail kinds of grain in this Valley is very flattering, and the farmers feel very jubilant over, the prospect so for. Circuit Court is in session st Union, fill - - 1 n r . and there are a great many cases on the docket. The most complicated seems to be the Gabriel murder case, ;t waa a good deal of trouble to secure a jury. At last accounts last night the jury had been made up, and Gabriel was put on trial. The opinon with a good many is, that (jabriel will go to the penitentiary for five yesis, as it was nothing but, a low, drunken row. There j8 no doubt but Gabriel is a very bad man, but, J think in this case, it was dog eat dog, and ao far as I am concerned, they could eat each other up, if they would not plunge the county into debt for it. I think that that bottle of whisky wiil cost this county about three thousand dollars ; rather expensive whisky. The health of the people of this Val ley ia not very good, so f am in formed. There is considerable sickness about Union. One of the children of your correspondent has been very sick with something like the measles, although it may not be. The scarlet fever was very bad in Baker City a shott time sffo. Nfd. "Mrtfcer Straa' Worm Sprap " InfaUtble, tasteless, harmless, cathartic s for feverishnew, restlessness, worms, consti pation. 2, . a arrt. To all who are aufferuig from the errors and indiscretions Of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wilt send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Jxhajt, Station IX New Yoik City. LOCAL CORftESPO. wtaF. nnewsstiu.1 items Hrownsville, Or., June 12,. EJ. Democrat : Mr. Peter Ifume, our wort? by pet master, and bio family have bar u r light ly under the weather during i tin pwat week. I 'on aiders bin wool is coining i. to our mills. Prof. V. O. Brook closed his luheel laat Friday, and is now visiting f. ieuds in lien ton county. This week Mr. J. U. Arthurs and family start Kast of the Mount nine, where they may remain some t time, looking at the country ami uniting. North Brownsville hss no shoot fish er, borne competent gentleman who will attend to his business is n ended this way. The three excellent Sunday schools, respectfully under the auspices raf the ML I!., the Baptist and the PresUyteri an churches, am in a lloarishung condi tion. Is tint itenerant phf imtloyiat, Robot ts, a scientilio success f Mr. J. P. Oalbraith, aen'y. of the Ii. W. M. Oo., in in Portland on business. Messrs. Kirk, LVaue and tVoft. ex nct soon to dtitw thu trout out of the ifototna. John Werner ia in PorUsml. Mr, Thou. Kv has one of tin fluent thoroughbred New Jersey nulls in the Sum. Thin will be interesting news to all who aro interested in Hun stock. The DruocKAT's notice of the Stale Teachers Association wss appreciated by all. On last Sunday Brownsville nv en matte to the Sodaville camp meeting. On Isst Saturday Dr. Starr shook James Black's bed clothing until a nine and a half pound boy bouueed out. O. P. Coahow. Jr., is making a com plete success ot bis school. 1 . Bruaha, our enterprising paiuter, has lately ornamented some vehicles in a manner seldom surpassed. Miss Mary Coshow quit going to school, and is now teaching in the S via ville district. Ii. 1 1 u to von Lebanox, Or., June 12. ISM. Charley Harmon, our eccotnmoda- ; ting barber, has his shop beautifully inviting. I m.m a m a a a Mr. (iardner, of the photograph gallorv, leaves this morning for Ss. lem, where he wilt engage in tho same business. During his short stsy In Lebanon he has made many warm friends, who regret to son him leave. John Ralston and Klbert Keebler, f tb J"1: 1? ing the Grand Ixige at Portlu attend ortlund. I iiiui. t ..ti-. ... m. i..t ' m tural osUbllshment. which will )e three doors South of the poil office. J. H. Long and son left lt week , for lstern Oregon In sosrth of a ! nlock wrn, preparatory to settlement mis rail, jjinn couniy win ioee a solid Democrat Our merchants are ail doing a lively business ;couo try produce of all kind, except butter, command large prices. tho firemen's tournament. Last Saturday evening Mr. A- D. Leedy waa aeon riding aero the prairie at almost lightning wpoed, and the whole community was srouied to a terrible excitement. A later tele, gram shows thst an Angel came thst ! night and presented him with an ;tgnt poimd girl. The only mystery abeut It la. Ate says it is pretty. How can it bo pretty If it ia any kin to Abe ? Yol'no AutaifA- M AIUBISK1BI. ITEMS. ilarrieburg, Or., Juno 13, 1888. IaU. JJemnn-nl : Lawrence k Wt'iau are cloainp out th.e,r "!ock ol amoral nwcbadie at a low figure, at the Post Office. .Mr. J Lawrence design removing to the Sound on account of Mrs Law rence's health. Part of the stock of the hardware tirm of Miller It Funk has arrived and the store will open in a few days. The commencement exercises at the FJugcne University are going on this week. Crops snd gardens are needing ratn iu and around this locality very much. A young man came in from the coun try Monday, used very insulting lan guage to one in town, one in town put an eye 00 bim and at the same time made a lame wriat ; result blsck eye and fine of $G, other fine $10 ; question whe is to blame 1 We were glad to notice, in your last issue, your caution to correspondents about using personalities, etc., in corre spondence. We have noticed all along an im proved tone and expression in the psper and hope for the gentlemanly manner in which the editors desire to run the paper, it may gain a wider circulation as it justly mm its. Paw. TAKVEXTITtlBJ. Tangent, Or., June 1 2, 1 83. Udi. Democrat : As this place has no correspondent, I will try to interest your readers with a few items, which may prove of some interest. The Church at this place having become considerably dilapidated by the storms of the past, the people of this vicinity are now repairing and painting it, which will add greatly to the looks of our village. Mr. Witzel, who bought the Wright farm, la now rearranging his house preparatory to building a new addi tion to it, which wiil help the looks of the farm and also add to the appear ance of Tangent. Miss Lola Luper, who has been ly ing sick with typhoid fever for sever eral weeks, we are glad to know is getting better. Her many friends Ui onre iuorr 4'roni In this porilrn of ?tlo ..nun , look weft, but need twin l adly. The early sown grain prdmtscN an ahumi ant yield, uud witti but lltilo rsln. Grain which was noWn lite, h suiiw tog for rain, and will hardly Ik worth harvesting without ft. Oar llttlo vlllago is as qnlwl am one could wish. Tho peopss u!l wm to bo peace loving rltlsen. The school at tills plaeo Is prog, resslng finely, and two weeks more will bring tho exercises to n close. Tangent has a good school nnd justly deserves It, for tho people hsvo put forth an effort to make It such. They have as good a school building ss can bo found In any district In tho county outsldo of tho towns, and I believe it will compare favorably with them. If this finds its way to tho columns of your paper, pcrhtips I mny write flgalo. I rut. e e . . stvf.i i um: in Hweot Hotfie, Or., June i. I$t)& Etln. f)'mocml : Itumbaugh bought out Athott i. Col lweM's furniture store, ,( , and in tends to atari a tannery. Mr. I 1 1 pn Kiggi, I'.. 0. H used and Wlter liowa, aiariod io.4j.1v t r to purchase machinery for tin- c m. ii.' harvest. Mrs. .1. ('. Isnmner snd Mm .Joshes Nichols aro having the bsesJtjke. Mr. Joseph Biggs has a gate that i s greet improvement ovr the kinds usually found on tfi form ?.U snd see it. Mr. John Oillilaad baa easmpleted it briige across Wiley creek, and jt ia a splendid job. As Mr. (jilliland is our road supervisor, we expect .to receive an invitation to come our. n the road pretty soon. Mr. Kike Ackermati's family has been visiting friends in this vicinity. Tim Morris boys ate paying 917 pr head for good yearlings. )nn of our young meo has left uh, and there seems to be very few who know of his wheteabouts , but there is one at least, more favored thau the rest, who ia the iossessor of our absent one' profile, and as msny do not know of our friend's whereabouts, they hsvo at least seen his photo on exhibition to parties passing along the public road. Our school will be under the super vision of Miss Alexsnder. Mail semi-weekly ss nsasl. Orsin looks well. Health good in thix vicinity, with the exception of a fow casca of measles. Oi t Imiui n. NtOMTieSS Ol OMMM l t I . At a regular meeting ot f 'uvenani I.'Jge So. 12, 1 O O 1 hold June 1st, 1S&3, re ndu Uona were adopted In mecnorlam of the decease of our brother. Homer Iavis and tho same were ordered to-be printed in the papers, eta., but owing to the negli gee nt our Secretary it wan not ieae, bemw thiacsrd explaining the tardinea of Ute appearance of lb resolutions in pr ui Signed W J Uramwcll, J f MuCarlney, K 0 Hendee, committee. Wiiaaftaa, aa tbo supreme ruler ef the universe ban seen proper to remo ve fiwin our midst, our beloved brother, Ilomur l4vu, by the .hilly bands of death, I it Resolved, That while w bow our beads In submission to bis divine will we still acknowledge that iu tbo death of our te loved brother, this lodge tonne one its hi members ; his wife, a kind and loving husband ; his liUle son, a kind fsth-r and community at large, a useful Ulxen, Resolved, That the brotherhood extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wld ow and fatherless child of our decaasod brother and to his mourning relative; but while we sorrow' for the ootniniou- ship of our brother we nbonld remember that he baa a promise of a bright bmfloor tality beyond the grave. Resolved, That these resolutions ba prsad on the minutes 01 this lodge, a copy presented to the widow of our de eeeied brother snd that a conv es. h he furnished the "Disseminator" sud BTATC KtoitTB lo.Mo. UAr for publication W J I3R4M. ai r . K Nf , ' a 1 1 v 1 . , Committee. FraeresBBNe af Kxeretses rr smsaeae wee ta I krlstlaa Callege nt weutth. Sunday, .luno 17th, II a. m , Iiac-a laureate Sermon, President Van 8 oy, of Wlllammette University Tuesday, June lUth. 10 a, m , Annual Meeting ol the Heard of Trustees Tuesdsy evening, s p. m., Annual Reunion of Associate Alumni. Wednesday evening. June 20th Socio ty Entertainment. Thursday evening, June lilst. Grad uating Kxercises. ake( rieale at rv sill A grand basket picnic will be held at Corvallis on Friday of next week under the charge of the Firemen of that elty. The Fire Department challenges any ongino company in the State to tkrowlng water through 1230 feet of hose, to running 100 yards, standing jump and wrestling, "side holts." For the first tbey offer a prize of $30, and for each of the others $10. A calico ball is to be given iu the eveniug at Hamilton Hall. OesUl af r. V. Mulll sin. On tbo 8th inst., Judgo P. Ci Sullivan, while making an argument In Court in Colfax, W. T , fell In a fit and died abortly after. Judge Sullivan was well known in this state, having resided for some years at Dallas and we believe at Salem. He moved to Colfax about Ave years ago. mmm- Letter Us. The renewing ts the list of letters re 111 a I alnu In the Post Office. Albany, l.lnu county, Ore gon, Juno U, Ihki. Persons eadint tor thepu Istiers niUHt k ve the date on which tbsy wrc advertised. c.mi, 1) J Johnson, Minn Anna MuCUIri, H Stiilx r, , Rva Hall, O MHoe, Mr ChrUty eylmrn, J4hn (-') Wells, J4Muh l J. M. I II V I NO, P. M. H-Migll an Its) " Clears oat rats, mice, roaches, Hies, ants, bed -bags, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. l.c. Druggists. 18 A SURE rURE for ail c.&sasea of tha ...ur.cys and LIVER It has rpeolflo action ou this most important L orgsa, eosbUaa it to throw ofl lorpidltj sua insotion, stlmuUtinc the bwdthy seorsHon of the Bilo, ssd by ksspiagr tbs dowsU is itm condition, eCbcti&e itc rcuhwdiachsTgs. SalarSa If yo" reuafcringf from VI Cl ICt I ! mshuis.hsvoths oMUa, urs bilious, dyspoptio.crtonb' r.i, Ittdney Wort will s urslj mUovo :iJ Mil7 euro. Ia tha Spring- toelsatma th hytvrm, evurjr one should take a thjroug'i coutso ci it. Or SOLD B Y CWUCPBISTOw Price S t . I'M ISSSJ i. ..... nsrktl ! Wk.i v-..( jter hdahei, si the mini, at the warailouses, 0;. Oats go. j Beefon foot,0toOc I fn y - hilled, 1326 ft ton. I . !, 18 to 20, natter-L'5 to 80 ota per lb. 4fs 2'-' cenis per dSL Potatoes (loo per bnnhel. Pork -7 eta per lb. WalU-floporlb. lUcoo i haras, 14 to Ukr. shoulders, 10 to I sides, is u i . Laxdlfieperlb. Flour CJX) per bbl. Chickens 4. &0 par do, awigar Ian Praaelao 0, 12 Mill Feed-bran, 14.00 per ton. "nod i'ruJt sun dr1el apih " plums, Ha. machine rnred apples, S. " plums, Hi. KeaarssiM-r I It I. s If vou are sink Hon Hitters will Hiiiely aid Nature in maUm you well when all else falls. It you are costive or dyspepth-, or are euflerlsjr fhim any .iiM-r of the of the stomach or bowels, itls your own feslt if you re main til, for Hop Bitters ar a ov,.( remedy iu all such complaints. if you are waatlno Hurnv u-iih a.,., rm eUvldnev Iimh. Him ..ran,ti.. ih-nih this cnoin"i t. uud turn for a cute t flop Hitters If you are aJck with that terrible Miebnesa nervoueness, y;u will find 11 mum inUilead" n itw 0-0 of iio Btsters. 1 If you area frequenter, or a rsideat of a mlosmstii; dlstncr. hnrrieabf your system uaatiiHt the acuirKeof all coun ties malarial, epidemic, bilioua and intermittent JV vers- by tho Useof Hon 1'dtters. r Jfyou have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad hreath, pains and aches, and feel miserable ifeuerally. Hap Hitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health, and comfort In short they euro all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, Mvr, nerves, kidneys, bright' disease. $000 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. That poor, bedridden. Invalid wife, dster, mother, or daujrhtir. can be made th" picture of health, by few bottlesnf Hop Hitters, costiiia; but a trlff , Will you let them sufler ,- 11 iasj isoe Aeesi r 1 sad rr sale Ooo farm of .'J'JO acres very UsiraU. One farm of acns. ne tract of 1G3 acres of w,!d lasat Ono tract of MO acres. One tract of 70 acres. One tract of 1& screw, and other small tract. Will sell in lota to no it jmn hssscs. Will tradi fir othrr j.ropwty. fall at this office. "Ku.IinihII.j goi.k, cmnpl.:te curr, ao aanoytng kidney, bladJer and urinary diseases. Jtl. Ihagj;ist. COBS GERa MEDt THE GREAT AN RE c u a m a Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica, Lssssase, Sactacse. WmSSbTM. TaaSsscae. ur. ThrMi. aw 111 . e -!. smim. asm.. Srnl.l. MM. sa tL otsis sown t i .it i ma i nr. f it mi.. a. as.nt.KU m. Miunuai it BaMwnr.. S.r.s.4. WM. PFUNDF.Tt'S THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE. This LWsr sJ KWoey asfsj1 h ayv po,.oJr U4 S.n mora cttrM thsa sajr on the lciS. I 'usm Everybody UBci Hand those who try 11 on u it iVrtTiM for VM'jniirr' Si b- lli. .,v AMOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Sodaville Springs Mineral Water The wmleisiKiHxt taken plmtauro It. calllDK Ho aliontlon of the piihlin to Ihi most valuable mineral water anl thu rnul alirAollvo and actHallo SUMMER RESORT on the Pae'flo (aast. Th "trnt;vo prop erties, of tt)i valnabe SKsutare vom-iied for by hundroda of t ho beat eitfctua nr ths HlAlo ot Oregon. Following are tho oonstituents of thla water as ascertained hy an analysis by the class in Cbemistrv of the State Agricultural College at Corvallis : Carbonic acid,8ilioio acid, phosphoric acid, magnesium, chlo rine. iron, soda and poataaslum- An an alvsls by an eminent chemist of lioston also reveals the preaenco of iodine, hroniid and Utha. On ami aflorthe 10th of May A DAILY STAGE LINE will bo run from tha City of Albany, via Lebanon to Sodaville where thoso vain able Mineral Springs are locatcll. HEALTH AND PLEASURE SEEKERS will lind tbia resort the moat deaiiable pla-x) on the i'acirto Ooaat to apepd the warm Summer months. The ataga will leave Albany at 1 o'clock r. m., arrive at Lebanon at 4:30 snd at Sodaville at &:30 v. r., returning will leave Sodaville at 0 o'olock a, m., Leban on at 7 o'clock a. m ., at?d arrive at A I ban v at 10 a. it. 8. H. CLAUQHTON 'JIBkv -STjtWsWlBBmg. i I IXMJX THIS O. L. IRVING : hiCag' May 24th' 188a : ' aawL Salem Oregon. The new tying appartus will be furnished free to all purchasers of Deering Twine Binders for 1883. It is ft big improvement. WILLIA M DEERING. This new device does away with seventeen parts in the tying head and is guaranteed to be abso lutely perfect in its movements and cannot get out of adjustment. For full particulars call on Peters & Blain. Goto them for the APMr ; :xi iivr harrow flUmL ATVO ( TiOD CRT SHT Jf ssbbbbbbbbbbW I swaswawMfcff Tswawr J & JaBaCHsBBSBMsBPH r-saat, ay 'kV SSsV. " WJsa. V InaaWiaBaMaBBBV abev kav, JftBsasssW JolinK 4jlradwoIir SUm CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE- A Larg8 lssonnnent of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecfom of Coffee, Tea and Sugar. ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS Sl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. GOODS SOLO AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOOSE IN OREGON tiii: niRBEST 'i a it it i:t ruin: paid for Bemember! What I Say I Mean. Give Me a Call. HARRISBURCERS. - : io- ADOLPH SENDERS, Niinti wl. ..f.irii'.h SlPH-t iii u V It iiUl iir, Ilaui.t ur ( tor rz. - tt ivi. FIBST-CLASS STOCK; OF ' CLOTHINC,HATS.CAPS,CENTS FURNISHING GOODS FANCY GOODS, SHOES, CUTLERY, VALISES, TRUNKS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO, GICABJB, NOTIONS, AC. COM SOLD VKI'.Y LOW FOB CASH. F "Willert MAM F.UTrKEK OF CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES Second Street between Ferry and - - V aivliinirtona Everything is made of Eastern material, and every carriage and buggy will be GUARANTEED. N - REPAIRIMi, TRIMMING AND PAINTING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE, AUCTION SALE OF FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. We will soil at nubile auction on the steps in front of tha Court House, in Al- bany, on saturaay. June wn, at .ww o'olock p. in., tha lota and buildings situ ated on the northeast corner of First ami Baker streets, being ono band red and tblrtv-fourfeet on First Street and one hundred feet on Baker street. Also a vory dealrable little farm of aurea in Benton county, one and- a half miiea from Albany and on the stage rvsvl from Albany to Corvallia, and consisting of the W XA ofS K KfefSec 3, $h acres, apd lot 10 in Sec. 10. containing is.'.; acre, all iu Tp ll 8 R 4 W. Titles perfect. Torres of ssle, one tenth cash at tjme of sale, one teithon the first Hf July net snd balance at such time a may anii. purchas ers, from onp to tea years, with 1 uteres at ten per cent per annum, to be paid semi annually on the unpaid principal. IK KM' vi: i Bros., Gko. HrMPHRt.Y, Real Kitate Agents. Auctioneer. 44i3. Attministrators Notice. Notioe is hereby ah en to all persona having claims agaiut't tbo partnership aetata of W M Sherer and 1 id Sherr, (David Sherar, deceased) to present the same to w M Sharer at the otllce of the Hon R S Straban in Albany, oregou, the duly appointed administrator of the said partnership estate within six months frcua the date ot thla notioa. Dated thlsSth day oi'Jun, 1S83. W. M- MIKRRIt. AdniinWrator nfxsaid i-i-ie. HAL8EY HOUSE. Halsey Oregon. MR. W. E. CITHF.NS HAS TAKEN eharge of tbjs house. Oommoiiious sample rooms bave been prepared for commercial travelers, Bels good and clean. Good table. Board bv day or wek. Stage laavea daily for TimwnaAil e and Crawfordsville. 1 l WILLERT. Administrator's Notice. Notice I hereby given fen all ptraoni having claims against the estate of liar -vardShelton, late of Linneounty. Oregn, doooaaed, to present them wiib the piopor voik -heis, within aix mouths from tha data hereof, to tha undersigned Adminis trator of said estate at hie resident 7 mi'es southeast of Seio, in Linn con my. Oi, .!. Dated this i:th dav of June. Harykv ShKI.Iov. AdmiaiaUmtnr. Final Settlenient. Notice Is hereby given that the m, ler sined Admuiistratorof the estate of afar)' N S Mattoon, ileoaa4ei. has tiled in the omoe of the C.erkof Linn cottuty. Oregon, bis final aLOoout h- sueb adniinistrat r, ant? bv ordrr . .j the 4 -nut v ui t. of I. inn iHiuniv. tlreaou. Saturdav. July 7tb, tSJ. at the iiour of ten o'clock, a. h . nf said day, ia fixed by for hearing objtions. to said account and the settlement thereof. All persona interested in aaul estate are hereby notifies to appear and file his or her abjections to said final aocouut on or be 'ore said day. 1 Micd June 7th, ISS& U. IT. Mattwy-, Atiininiirator. L. IL Movtasttk, Att'y for Administrator. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDEKSUiSFD WJmHbX lt) inform the public tbst be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on mhen notice. All wora is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any sud all i ada of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oi ' gon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ai.-i resetting a specialty. Call and exam in- my prioes before purcbas lng elsewb! . aa 1 will not he uuderaohi. Shop on west side of Broadalbiu street, opposite tblegraph omoe. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. Wti have a 12 iuoii turbine water whel, hoing, io suleodid coadition, which w ill sell cheap.