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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT mm KMOCftAT Baa far awBCtil rare slsil at ear aaasr r ISSUKD EVKRV FRIDAY ffer State aetata mi Ersv4. aaa tfs t rasre e B-if A3VtlflHG M CUM STITKs & NI ITIXW. Maw KuiiMKut-.u trmmi Kaiiataaa sWasUslhia Mrrrl. TKRMS Or SUBSCRIPTION iujU e v , pr j r, iti al vam-r ....... Sial 0 o . rr fmmr. at SfMi sf year. SO 3 aufts oopj , my Mnut. t M atttfts sopy, tSrsr sasaMa 7 Sttf 10 IMtOKESSlONAL CARDS. U FMSN. . CHAMMntLAIN. KM NX & t HAMBKKLA1X, ATTORNEY AT IsAW, Albany, Oregon. 0imr in Porter's Brick Block.-Sj)s v45nl8tr. R. 8. 5TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. TTMJ. PRACTICE IN ALT, THK T? tour's oT-toiani. Will aivel apodal auemrou in rxil lections and probate matter. ome in Foster' new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTOKNKY at j.avv. Notary Public. litany. Office upstair, over John Brims More, rifosnr J. K. WEATHERTORD, 0OTA8Y pl'mmc.) iTTOKNRY AT UW, AIUIXT. ORC. Vril.L PRXCTK.K IS AU.THE-Ot?RTSOFTHl tf sti' Seagal auantt,si ytvt I asaaateMSJBI probate miiU' asTOaVs in OOU Fallaws TmfJs. (144 j. c. fowkia. w. k. mltku POWELL St BILYfiU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ii rhaneery, A LB4MY. ... OKRUOM. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. pTUfflne in Foster's Bri.-k.-sWg; vMulfsf. E. R. SKIPWOUTH, a r roa f. 1 ia ot y lor at law avd KOTABY Ft BUM . WILT, practice in all courts of the State ji.ll business in trusted to me prompt ly attended to. Of,-, ;m O TooWa Block, Brnmltlbin Str, 4."iy I A ,-.,.,.., J. Jo WHITNEY, Attorney AM Counsellor At La? -AXD- Vofary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. w-Office in OToole's Block. LEWIS STWSOHS I.I VERY AMD FEED 8TABLK. First class vehicles, fine horses, god feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charge. Give them a call, debtee near Revere House. yl. E. W. LAMGDON & CO., DRlCCIsJT. -Rocks, stationery and Toilet Artkles, A Large Stock and Ixw Fricea. CITT DEUQ STORE, ty 4 LB ATT. BBCCBM. FOSHAY & MASON, VeOLSLAtt ASS RETAIL Druggists and Booksellers, A I. M AMY, ARE609. TMhiltf REVERE NOOSE, Csssass Hr.t east Ell wrtk Alkaav. Breesa Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Tliia u w Holl 1, fitted op in flrst class sty Is. Tables npfHUxi with the beat the market afford. Spring IWs is every Ross. A SanuJs K for Osa nurdal Travelers. DANNALH & WOODIN M i T I.K AMP BSALBft U , FURNITURE i BEDDING. Ceraev Ferry and ttnat sM recta. A LB AMY, - - OREGON. i dan j I T. J.STITBS. at toknk at lawi Notary Public. Ofli in Statks Riohts Drbocra-w J. A. DAVIS, M. D.9 Physician and Surgeon 8CIO - - - OREGON. Aloany Bath House. 'pUS UNDKKSI'. NED WOULD RESPECT JL fully i aform the eititem of Albany aad ri eioity tkat I kavetskso ebargs f tkis KstablUb utm, sod, by keeping eleaa rooms and payia arict attention to business, expeett i tail al tnoie who may faror ua with their patronage Having heretofore osrried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons eipceta to giro entire ctitfaetion to al fOrO'ldies end Ladist' Hair neatly ea haapoosd JOS WEBBER. AIJ3ANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBA MY OR. Th Third Tern begiDS or Thurs day, February 1st, 1883. For particulars concerning the conrss of study and tb pries oi tuition, apply to BET. E1BEBT . '0DIT. Prc.Mirsi. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOS, IAX5VW & CO., PROMTS. SEW PROCIES.H FLOCK SCPEHIOR FOB FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. highest ; Price in Cash for A V heat ALBANY OR, VOL, XVIII. .1 ONES Breeder him! Shipper ! PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KFITHSBI R. - - - ILLINOIS. Mv breeding stork is rfrtMtered in the Central Poland China Rrrord. Stork for sale fit rasonabi rates- Thtse hotfs are tleseend ants from Hie boat herd in ludiana anil Illinois, are quiet, docile, easy la t ted and splendid mothers, ureter t received by W. S FLETCHER ShedtlH, Or. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Conference Bates. Tickets sold f Bad from bJI parts of Europe, to avnd IVbbb ll Ktnts Bt OTBCBB, sI'mmI i ti(ton, ska and XoMtavaa at greatly redneed and lowest poaelbte rate over the fbllowlac line. ; orth taerman Loyd Wl'shlp To. Ilanibartx Atneriean Paefcei to. White Kta Ui Bteaaaahlp Ca. Red Ni ar Ubb Mteamahip t o. American Liae H team whip Ob. Apply hy peraea ar By letter ta 0L0END0RFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, ACENTS. Ma. 10. WBBhlBCtBB At.. National Bank Baildfaff. PORTLAND - - P. O. he. AM. ORKfiON. EDWARD EVERETT. Sire! bv PuUmlth, bv Pathfinder, first dam by Vermont, aire of Ladr Faustina, (zax ;j Ella Lewis, (2:27 :) Parrot. ) Will mehe the eeaaon of 1883. Monday and Tuosdays of each week at Maedtl'i, station; Wedneadaya and Thuradajs at home. Sand Ridar, and Fridays and Saturdays at Lebanon. Kdwant Kvcrett la a dark bar, 14', hands hurh, weighs 13.") pounds, vrrv strlish and fnll of speed. $1(1 to iuviirv. Address McKatttKT Bboa., Albany Or. KELLY, ENCLAND & CO, or - vi.r.v, OR. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always on band the bast quality of their own make of FOUR SPRING WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. All made ont of the beat second growth Hickory, and warranted. v,'. IT. Ooltra, in Albany, handles the BTrk of the above firm. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OP PUBLIC LETTINOS SO LICITED. Plana and specifications tarnished on abort notice. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AMD HOYIMCS 11 A MOM, organ h and fnrniture a apeeialty. All hauling within the elty promptly attended ta. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -AND Notary Public. Will practice' in all the Court in (his State. 10.',. First St., Portland, Oregon. (With Curti a Oibba.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, wtiluh are always kept in good condition, aad hair cut in the very best style. SAN WA VINC Has the oldest established snd best cioducted LAUNDRY In Albany, snd his washing arid ironing nfff.-r (aila Vt rive aatisifaetian. And pnivtsion store, t'liina and .lafjoneae irood, fine tea, tana Contractor for (Tliina labor, Next Ut City Hank. heng rmdT BtHt washing and ironing in tne city. No. 1), Kllsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. HI88 EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINK MIL LI NERY GOODS. OPPOSITE .REVERE HOUSE. '83 1 GUiHD COMBIHATIOH '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only $4.50. Two papres for litUe more than the price of one. By paying us E5.50 jou will receive for one year your bums psper with the "Courier-Journal," the representative newspaper of tbe Sooth, Democratic and for a tariff for revenue only, and trie best.bdgh esi aiai ablest family weekly in tbs United State, sew hw desire to examine a sample copy of tbe nurier-Journal" can do ho at tbia office. PHENIXINUIBANCE COMPANY OP BWHKIYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882.... Premium income.. $3,20526 'iwi,m Safe, reliable and qoivk to pay in case of lose. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, u POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tblsnowdsr n. r rartr. A marvel . I purity Strength and ShoMsessuaas. M-.rr r.-.,u..iiu. il lhaii tha ordinary kind, and cannot ts M in ossisSttkHi srU tbs tssHttuds n low taai, .h..-t srrih, alum i.r pBssji fMtsfsra. MaM niy Is can. R..l busissjfsjssss Vo. M Wall-a.. N. V. r LYDIA Es PI NIC HAM'S vso;: " i.r, compound. Bsrai i .. rsssiairssasasasasassl Wa nm seeMsasateaaeeasd A -4trir fur nmtm. a-at- fcjr a Waaiss. I'r,,.jrt J I ,... las BsasSl sw- tl Hm ( thw ss ' BsSarja tV t r - IV- dnS f mn:. In. i-nvl' p .til k tissssia-lassBS sSaeBsff Ms ' . ti t atii. iH'Wf ti i:Wl toltMP STV.M. J (i4 It. nS v ill Mitj l m- 4.. r'.prtna nj . -.suarrtwaa. fsT" i'jitua tf. it .st r,eBe N FmH i 11 rsi mm (atsua v. Sat-tl i . a i i jv Ii r tor iti asfi st. sad i -gjr, . ua of ias aiusasrh. TSat f- .fsj f art s -a laeits. seA svi ba-a.-.lss. at atJT i ra . a r u 11 . Ear A , r aT ai wiser rs . i ' r ItSsr ass aSa jissseasi ' nrgn A. aS TBIA E. n.VKBtts r: i e ' Et MiFlta sivt Sv smS awi i siss i r pail I is ' ' .- . v.' BsBSssaasassats . j '41aiiei s na4 eaSBeadsn wsrs a Lt . a.-, i r. " eaacr.B- aWKf4 irt.ti. mu m ik hm sr r a o stfa-si st-s, -a - -n ui pnt, $x it u. tar aitssr. Mr. J. i"i : sr M-ntl Musd a sli Bu;n i.tswa svad ta aaaras. s esetr s .-4 sMaiii ltou. B rt'OrnA v s ss4aurssi', W - t-i sr.i, br all Mr iUl. nl 01 I to S OlATSSV aaafiaM ova. lunv lsrta a hstoral eotur. arts liitariiufoul, Hnta uy oruaemia. or si-ot irer. oiar"tri rti. arEtcts.a. ataatv sr.. vx.rx torx. Wr. VttTh al 11 tt r.t.. ,i, . ' ..ui aaS a sjeaaa aaaasss not auis aaa .. .tt DR. D. B. RICE. Physician and Surgeon. HAS KRTUKNKJ to this city and resumed pne--tioe. OBoe in new teles vfdi ofhiw, I TMile'a Kuihlines, Broadalbin street, between r'irt and Sec ond strMet. Albany, Or., Wov. g, 1882. aBjesjsaje HbTI txf arc alwayao fE mmmwSSwJKZM the lookout lor re to lncreae their arsTiff, ami in time lierysue ties remain in povsrty. We otter great ebanee lo ni fcamoney. want many umsi, wissen, txiyfianU g Is to work for ua right in their own loiaitttsa. Any one can do the work properly from the firm atari. Tbe business will pay mors than ten times ordinary wages. Kxjienaive outfit fumiahed free. No one who engay-ea laila to make money rapidly. You ran ile vo eyom wind lime to the work, or only your is. tars Bsawaav full baWauSbSi I all Uiat is naeded nt five. AOtirfv- aiiaaws A. Lo., Portland, Xlaine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, . f 10,000,000 Capital paid up 0,fKKl,00fl None. This company has the Urgent Eaid up capital of mpany doing tislnetas in the United States. Insurants) accepteo by Robt. A. Fosttb, i au yaasavA i m TUTTS TORPID LIVER. Iossof Apootrte, Bowels costive. Pain n eadwnh a desonsMiofl t sock riaoncdaii- rttmt orh n rbaii( Tutr'ssNsse ffjfaa r ufffcrr'- h MrfoBwysB' caasaafaasasss1" i Tirrnc u aw Ave iWTT fmni v la O sa r Rata OB (Atane-I Iii.a'K iy usiiijtiratH'trf-uJ Agt of Albany. aflgjpawasa awsja A seek made at home by the in raa M dfi diiMtriouH. Beet buxinenx now be . tore tbe public, t'aplul not needed. We will atar you. Men. women, boys and girla wanted every where to work for ua.. Now ia the time. Vou can worst in spare time, or givs your whole Una to the business. No otner buaineaa will pay you nearly as well. Na one can fail to make enorinoua pay, by en gaging at once, r'oatly outfit terma frse. Money mads fast, easily , and honorably. AddreeaTai r. it Co., Anrusta, Maine. SAM COHEN Keeps tbe best brands of im pedal and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AMD BEST BRANDS OF TOBAfiCO, POOMET-KNIYES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in tha city. I w ill also sell real estate, raoroha.idise household goods, etc., at auction for any one iu tl.e eltyor county Stora opposite Revere Heuse, Albany, Or. Oi' SAM COHEN. A 14) A NY, OREGON, FRIDAY, ilUNE n tsMIM. IBs i r r I I ft. li'roiu our Itayular ('rrnKMisMt.i Wamhinuton, May M, iNH.n. NutwithstHn'Jinir tlio fact tluu Washiugton hits been desrrlml this wpek by tha Administration, (hhlp of stale sails smoothly on. RevetaI of the GtMoot oAicers ro SEeking recrEstlon, fiihlng. or nitrntlinx In dutios elsewhere, and othfr tefpra panlel president Arthur to Nw York to n'tr.l the cercmonii's of ihe ..n. Ing of the Kist Ulvi r ..rid. Tho Prealdent haa lean sick since lie Ml thbi city, and Imb ed Bet Kcncral health h poor in siileofhi4 weli.fed apptsjirarif'. fo hnf. s under (he irksome cs res of ortVe, and loti;s f.r rtlease from bU wearing rrsrponalMtK Ubs, Ills Intiioate friends -jiy he is not a ntndidale fur re election, and would under no rirciimstmiee- f tn f n b PreMidenf. Tho MsaoiMllot. f test lei who have for years lanm iuriiing the pntriotii underttikinir 'r ri'kt.iriiisf hicI earing for the home of tfnfB Washinfjlon were on W'rdtit -liy rrjQTEyed from this city to Mount Vernon, where they held their annuil cnunail. Slnne 1873 Ihe endowment fuiMl of this enterprise has grown Irotn l ,000 to 128,01)0, which i- judiciously Invested by tha sMetatf'a tredsurer. Kaeh state through represents! ivn Udies takes some one rom of the v.merMe mansion under Its patron ige, so fr Mi the num'ajr ofrm will allow, and restore and furnishes it in style as uearly contemporaneous with Wdehlngton's time as possible, and In many cjes the original furniture has been secured and replaced. The bedroom in which WdhingUn died is under the patronago of Virginia ladli -, aud the lad 00 whleh be dixd has been restored to it by Oiloncl Isr, son of General Bohfrt K. The room in which Martha Wash, i uk ton spent the Sast eighteen months of her life In afflicted retirement ii the e-peci d chargo of Wisconsin New York has the banquet room ; Massachusetts library. Saulh f'rolina has railed futxls for furnish ing the family dining room precisely as it was originally, and Alahams, Florid, North Carolina, and Georgia ea-h hasitsspecid work. Tmo bbw ciation convenes in what is known as the "Kiver Room." the trust rJ Ptnn?lvani. The tedioas Sar R .utn Trial ap p roaches its end. CMbbqI Ingrsi4l is making ihr closing argument I r the de.'en s, and the ease is likely io be given to the jury the fir week In June. The trial has been largely attended this week. Dvery morning ha-fore the opening hour the court h;is been p u ked, I idis f.rojing full lislt nf the nudiefK'e. The defendants do not attend often, but the "defense I elie-," as thy are cilleil, the wive-, sisters, auois, and cousins, of the Hccosetl come regularly to their re aervedaeats. Oa Wednesday n ven triloquist hid sime fun bv playing his tricks In different parts of the room. Sdvera! times the Judge com. Misruled silence in imperative tone, but the offender eluded suspicion. Newspaper writers continue to harp on what they call the enormous, out- rapeous expenno the Coverument i below put to In the prosecution of the Star Route conspirator. The Gov ernment has been accused of spendlag more money In the trial thin the total amount stolen by the defendants. The fact id the fee paid the jurors has been fixed by law, and aro (he same in the Star Unite cases as In r all other criminal cases, while the pay of the Government counsel does not approach the amounts lleged by newspapers. The estimate made by the Poet Office Department Is that the amount of the stealing approximate. $4,000,000, and the cost to the Government in trying (bo cases will scarcely exceed $1,000,000. Monday afternoon the President appointed Walter Kvan.s, of Louis ville, Ky., Commissioner of Internal Revenue, vice General Ratim. He is a lawyer, u Republican, and a favorite of Post Master tjenera! Greshain. Mr. Lyman, the chief examiner of tbo civil service commission, has freely expressed himself as opposed to the employment of females in ! he Departments. Many women who now hold Government positions as well as those who wish to apply for places, stand somewhat in awe of him, and fear his influence may be exerted against them, and unfair discriminations made in examinations and reports of the commissioner. Post Master General Greshara has signified his intention of miking a number of changes in Hie cleric tl force of the Post Offhe Dpsrtmeat before the end of the present fiscal year. He prop Dees to remove some of the older employee, and fill their places with younger and more vigor ous men. In cases where the old clerks can perform light, easy work, they will probably lie retained at re duced eateries1. MNOJBJBJMCsSEfPO! MEWS IVHHIir Aerate if 'eiMs Mfhfs sold for Ils is light in Cahforois, Uiit alfalfa is rxprctrtl to n(pl v Lha delieiency. A ysclit club I'.r strain yaoht owners has lieen ineerrauaie' under the title of the Amstifan Varlir (1nb. The rfeent -arede nf rolored troopa In f'jarlrsoj was enlivened by a whist linj accon:;Minnu'nt irt ."dHlof the mei . New Yotk city is enjoying a imoin in lUte's, Altawar the town Mis Mossoma ae selling for flr een" a hoech. It is reportad the Marquis of Iwirisdown" Is to sie-isswl ids Marquis nf Lirne m ivernoi general if Canada Iowa and Illinois refairt, jaior corn prnsM d. In Home l'Kslifies the corn is ratting in tha gCOBBff, and eonsidra ble replanting isarcaswsry. riorida erjacts eight r ar 'nt. more oranftir tola year than last. These or anges are snsror in quality, n I will ia BeleBmed in leereaassrj anaaUtlea, A CaifsSaa t'o.ianlate is lo ) Bss)s ItaBed in Nest Voi U eity, OBlag to i he reei-'it dnunhfisu..n in o'Msitii.n to .e Chinese. t.'itv of K hlihatf V .1.. jr.O) ),. ismi. Qaa'fr pay f aiaeipal or i n r . utrens riorte1 dsra'a end aWj the cretlitors to do th"ir wotst. In a Maine f.eshet s hog swum three mil, and was found iadostitonslf tooting where hf Ismh'd. Prompt and l, .h.m-tii tike. Serious frstels am rMjitrl in eosi ti' f with land preemption ia ')ore do. and the Ss-rrsrr nf the Interior aska ib rvunmnrfmr-M if anits against the offirsdrs. ivernor rsfeBl Kale, of New Hsmp sh're, has " r-.basr f ir $7o,iMi f.rtv aioe trset i.f Isad at Poioi. Sim!.-v. and wl spend j4tM),iMtO in leiibirng s S-ire-mer reairnce there. The Franciiisc bill in 'aiiaila projsav ssj by Sr John A. MavbnsM ineludea oninarrird women snd widows fir the f ill frsnchits snd on Is- tee rms as man. The spu!ati-if 1st H w V k iy ban doubled six iin-s ai'bm a-tfi aar Jf 'loubling 'i' "i m'-mit oire r ri f av enteen 'ar. hi nthrr wi.ftU, the New Vork. fto.d-V is aSt f...,r toua-a kstaaaa the N'. w V ..W .i .-.( ago. Tim cihiI of the pr . -ed 'ur eans a'-r.iss Kl'ilids is esljUte I ar Sl'.i I Mill, (Hft. snd twice that auto l .i width, and the total coat from the Mis sissippi st aleeit4l0.ISSI.tNMI. The ship cansl aardti tbe peninsula is ssuiineted ti coat a Ju.f 100,1)00. The truest single sal- nf mules ever made in the l'nited Stales took plane at Oduuib.ii, Tenn.. May II. The pur chaser was W. Ii. lctonard, who iaid gc a head f ir 1 ".' sniroa's, making sn aggregate of $2.C7.". They are for use upon sugsr plantations, and will be taken ii Miiaiana in August next. The law in Mtine forbidding the tjking of trout leas than live inches long it msking trout stori s unusually large. Ao,srently n-me less than a f.iot. long hare laen caught this season in that State. Mr. Ktstmanofthe New York I've stock market purchaser) .2G head of J cattle for exjtort, st a coat of t6Jf to $7.2."i per HK), otitgide figures rej'Ottad fvr twenty-five MaaserhosetiH steers, 18CI pounds average. London TmU "In tle wjrst dais of R inifl the complaint wss that the Roman grandees sdmittrd gladiators to their feasts. Not many years sgo many a Britiidi rtobJettmn was proud of being numbered stnong the friends of a prize fighter, end noasdsys jockey n!ui to be the rage.'' It is a ipieation with sums AV -it ,-r .i fi mrs wlirther I hey ar really prolil ting by robbing their lend f fvrtility, snd selling enormous mpH ut present low ratos. AVnen this fertility is g me it will be a slow and expensive process to replace it, as Kastr n fermets are learning to their cwf. Col. Poudinot of the ( Mierokees says that therw is n job lief ire the Indian Council aj Tablrqnah to le.ise f.(K)f),0tK acres nf thn Is-st land in the Tnrritory to the StMinlard Oil Company f r ('ve jt( years at tl'JO.OOO h year, privilege of tenewa!, which means a perpniaiMl ksse. The trecfc Is valuer! at $10,000,000. England has from 11,000 to 12,000 cases of foot-and-mouth dineene, which was into England from Prance. The importation of cattle from Kraace has been prohi'uted, as importations from America will lie if more stringent measures bo not tuken to prevent the landing of diHesne on our shores, or tbs shipment of our csttlo under circum stances where they will be xnosed to infection. "The best advice way come too late." Said a sufferer from Kidney troubles, when asked to try Kidney-Wort. ' I'll try it but it will be my Wat dostv" fbe man got well and is now recommending the remedy to all sufferers. In this case good advice csme just iu time to save tbe wan. 15, 188?1. BOB TBE -rSISKTlI t.K SEWS. ' A genuine, true blue speckled tront, thirty inches in length was raptuffd H i he Deschutes liver last week. Tho iih was on exhibition at M'twanl A (laid win's drug store. An accident bapsned on the range the first pat t of the .aeek that almost cost t be life of one of the rode boya Walter Hooderly, son of J. 11. S. unlet -y nf this plao whita riding after aajfe tie waa thrown fmaa bis horse, ot rather the horse tell npn him, and violent itijtirtea were sustained by the voting aan. Or. Sites attended to hi wants, ami sn ultimate reeoeeey it prubable. Hheatina is in full Mat mob, a- d from reliable sources we learn tkat tba spring clip will he eery .large. Many thousand abeep are scatter a! over the range in f 'rook OMOjaft, and constitute a great pstt of its wealth. A f er tba e'leep are bmn thes; are then driven 1 1 summer range near the mountains. I'u leas something BBSMBteJ should happen the grain rieJd of Oehoeo and neighlariag valleea will w mnch larger this season than ever liefoie. The ex tra amount i f rainfall this apt tng he given all vegetation a 'st that it has not had fir years, snd with another nice shower or two the upland fields will make immense return. Perbspe no other plaee in the eta ta esn favorably compare with the De cku'es In meeting the a!ueet unlimited demands of sportsmen and pleasure aeekere. Tak it from its source, where it rushes f mm thai eternal SOOWS af the Caaeades, to the rnoo'b where it empties into rhe sshjaahfe, there is BOi a single mile . t rs BBfffti hst is not brimf ul nf romantic acetery. Volumes miht lea wi' ten about las aribl Vasauty, and vet not half be told. Its waters are fii lv alive with trout of variooa kinds, while deer, antelope and moun tain abeep graze njn its banks. Bate, of cattle f rr the ast week have bm. mainU to California huvera, I. N. Castle it Co. being the purchasers, and , include the tol lowing bands : be lUckleman's band of 24HJ head, herf and stock cattle at V per bead, and Jim M.lliortt's stock ami lasef cattle. I nrns,rinE aeut ttQOhead. at t2'J. Mack lemaa's ai fie are aaid to be the I t-st average baud or. the range. TLeae """ -wmary, areavner near m strl. wi'lof oanraeUrunonthersnge!rrelW,UMl hfMin1 here. nlv the ready lef being taken SUI SS HfjoiBMl !rrk e-mnty rtmng sramethinr, immeme in this branch of tlif stofk hoaineee tin sprint, but many li indred head ar vt in tha hands of the a'ockr lisera. rraaasALa Morere, tbe French tenor, went mad over his pet hobby, whistling. This ought to be a trrribiV warning to "Yankee Doodle." Tbe grave af I.inlon SejsHen, wboan taeorgiaaa eoneider an abler man than hia brother Alexander H., :a marked only by a mount) of jasmines and roses. lennyaon was recently even a c ptioo by to. Dean of V,s.tmineter. Tliis ta an indication thar he will not, like Byron, be d-nie I . la.t recaptio. . 1 . t I .... ..... ... I lie iukooi Arirvii naa is- rnrrsj a Urge hnnu n tha iirorhborbao.1 ut - Kuntainebleau, where tie intenda to risss ma siiroiBrr. t h unisr na win 1 T eacafa. Scott free from the e np.a.lon. af PriH . sr . i i :n S. R. Riggs, having made a careful study of the mythology of the Dakou Indiana, concludes that there . : IT " - ... . !. .,7 . k.iL.raka'be b,oubt ,at w,r Wktr- is much in it to warrant a belief that ...p. . . ,. tbaae aborigines have a European origin. Lord Lorn, (says tbe L union Daily T'lfp-oph) baa done bia work wall io tbe lominion, and there ia fair reason to presume that the qualities be haa displayed would enable him to' rule India with credit to himself and advan tage to tbe empire. Moreover, it would be fortunate in man; way a were a daaghter of Queen Victoria to visit ti e Kist. and preside over G iverument House. Mr. Judah P. Cmjamin, now seventy-two years old, stands tut walks at erect as a man of half bis age. He ia apf lee. than medium height, well pro- portioned, and bas a tine, interesting, but not noticeably stronu face. He - - , a dresses piaia'y in black with no jewelry save a seal ring and scarf pin. It's ao ill wind that blows no one good. If there had been no rebellion in this eonntrv be would never have been a rich London lawyer. A granger whose name is B b Shield, Waa mowing the grass in his field, By a snake he eras bitten. And he bas just written, nOi t i rv:i i . i. u i-.i " "OS, iiauuua vu so mo uiw ucaicu, A lame Chinaman on tba Pacific, Gf pains and aches was prolific; He limped all around, Uatit be bad found St. Jaceba Oil, tbe great specific. PlgrFss', Irilliant and fashionable are the Diamoad Dye colors. One paokage colors I to 4 I be of good. 10 cnta for any color. NO 46 I I BUM a 9 SITs Olive r l! freezes at a fefoperalara ofriC. The number of portrnThws in Ilia United Slates, eichraive of those established within the present nnVdaf year, Is 40,231. Sir John LnhWk is of the opinion that tome nf tha very lowest animals not only netVeive crdors, teat have preferences 10 regard to their. It appears that lire leaf ef a plant can irunaform into tiaefttl work as much aa forty per cent nf tha solar energy it receive srd anaorls. Tha bat "Hubbe" ar "tmrlo batte" Is first mentioned in England In con nection with hurling, io a bonk ph. Ilshed during tha reign of Queen Ellrabetb. Tha natives of Madagascar are afraid of tha A ye-A ye, tha insert Bating ape, ami dare not kid it uulese they now the charm to dlsurru I. In cooseitienee It Is quite fearlssas sg ma. Tba form of ieldiog Bp a bride to her brdegrtauu In caaiseqoeri-.-H o' an attack was prasservat in Ireland up to the early part of the mat century, and In Wales it wasa ruefiNtiary for tha friends of the t ride aad groins to Hat on hrs back, the bride aaount. od behind her nearest kinamar , who find with her while a pretended quar. rat want aa between the two parties, to ha pursued and captured when the race had been protracted antil both hides had had enough oi it. flera are e Bie curiooa items In tl a East India census retorna Io the North western proviacas aad Oude, the bsmira. the lowest of tha castes, outnumber the Brahaaias by 7,000,- 000, and there are io tbaae proviocee 1 . i na MMa a aaa kii,i at.i. us s -' -w w-s. s swss ts w a sr w u saaaaaaa biub aa aa . a sasar s . - -ww'- sv f "ar- i neaieri oy incantation, o gamwers , i n . . . -7. mZ 7 f 0 1 snake charmers, UIO aastch mak- . ... ' 4 pjete, 10.000 singers and dancers, 4 story tellers and 7 thieves, i The cultivators of the soil number fultiVBtora of the aotl number , "ir00. the l-ind holders 1 ,000, an4 money lenders nearlj 4t,00f. j twury manuscript la M 'nTavln ,h V ' form,f fur ttl 1r- t ti .. i. a .1 " ,VJW " rrt IB IBB COBSX. ti0 of lh M rieiM l-0rary, of tha T - P"J w I mU f r,W4 dn,m belJ , master. Another cat shows a large a aye e . m 1 near atanamg on lie neau, a rat w- a a a a a a mm a I ouoiy out seen noway, wnne raw have the courage to attempt tha -education of tbe aavage arute. S.IH ! another cut snowe a bear harnessed, mvrm a to kaow tbst taey thus and driven by a monkey aatrida its Maie the hold whioh the jpfsam haggV hack. or has town the neotala bv thos iinlrHis A firmer came into a grocery etor e Uie other day. and exhibited- to the eyea of an a latino crow I ao eaormoua egg. about air inches long, which ha j . . , . , . ... vowed to ha, been laid by aae af bt. . as a aa. sas i lum ne ned .t pacaeu id eowoa, mn4 wolldt a!U)W .n to liU it for fear of break tag the ph T& 9XmmitMd it wilb th. ' . , , man, wa : "renew : t re mm. some- I .. . . ... tliini in he etre line that ail inaat . that.' t . ... , - "I II bet yon bve dollars vou bsven 't, , c,mnlrymmn 1 cited. Take it up," rophed the grocery- msn. and. eoina behind the counter. wi.. rwafwiiiN, a . that will heat I gneas," aaid be, reaching oat lor tbe stakes. Hold on there,'' aaid tbe farmer ; "let's see yon beat it," aad he handed fa. s. . 1 Tt i iii A uioin. grocer. iaa letter oem ow hia hand for it, but dropped it in .tir- prise oa tbe counter, where it broke two aeuM plats and a platter. 1 1 w. of aolid iron painted white. "."time t was tutaic they re usrnetioo cute," mnttere I the farmer, as he iiook eted ths stakes sad lit oat, "but 'taint no use buck in' against tha sole! facta," . - a ssaassa .s s Frederick Al. Shaw, who liree tb. life ef a hermit in the mouiitaina near L Angeles, California, tried about ten years a 40 to found a colony of vege tarians, but was unsuccessful. After this be became misanthropic until Mar garet Lirey Wright, of New Jersey agreed to marry bim. Wben ahe ar rived at her future borne her husband waa clothed only ia a cap and shirt, but was induced to don a pair of pantaloon, in her honor. She stood hia noa sense for about two year., and then folded her drapery like the Arab, and si ently stole away. Her eccentric heabsnd i. a relative of the late Chief Justice Shaw. It ia a pity that a few threads of the wiae Judg'e mantle did not fall upon him. Mass- rsr raaaaraa. My husband had drunken habile W could oot overcome uutsU Parker's Gin ger Tonic took away bia thirst for sttm uiaute, restored kit energy of mind and gave him strength to attend to buei- j neee Cinfcianati Lady. tertMe ia I - I am (as 15 os sit Jiae- reaunar Iim-sI uotieaa lore ur H rr 1II IBJII alhf ttaassent advertierei.o $1 OS I M BfSaBB aw fNB fjf I MHWitei, ai.i 60 tsmta pec sqnara far aassn sabeeqo ni JaBaBBBBT advswtasraasate u si'e kDOWfroMpIieatkm, JOUAB Bg acfjf E . Hoa. Oeorae W Jalwa'a terr.ble of Cart Schorr in the Sun as f.ulowa : Mf have known that rsHway kinits did poreha- vir eer rices, snd that they fund them an exceedingly profit a Lb- invest meet u timr interests. Von have teen pre eminently faithful to them. When I BBade a paaassf nirasSDn to too in the Set Ik Americnn litmi$m, I did not dream that, the asfcjiieiatratton of vot.r dejar -meat had been ao thiiroaghlv bad. If at aav moment sow seem fo1 are ewerv fd freaa yoar perfect UrfUr ro rhesv rsares'Tatieas tow atawaed f..r ir. as promptly, and by such unequiror-ei eeie of f delity aa to remove all poBsibls ground of suspicion Tur deenflea I them has bad a quality of reHgion. (t ia tree yoa have never been wanting in tba profaning. Von always mini-vred in rohas of dignity and decener and moral feeitaga. Ia yoar adn.i-i-rn-Uon vou have bean iwauv aaeeasa-follv - soger cos. ted im (he externals id" y..r peeitioB. Yon have, in met, spfasarwl remarkably well aa a mahr ,4 Have' admioJfBVBtion which yon aidvl in in fiieJ&xg upon the aaatairy, hwc 1 am anaOdaat that an Secretary .f the itssW ioe aiaear she arsnwftzatioB of tb- IwpnrV meat, aeve JaeoK THarras paae, bee )shs ao bo roughly reeves nt to' bio treat as yourself. Be made the department bureau in SBi vke treaeoa, while yon ably made it a feswtar to the railways. This fan did splendidly, aad for row facts which justify my atatamma rhe country is Indebted to yon for a licking my article in the Sortk Atmrirn aV nVuc.and that prompting me to lay thean before the asople. Tby form a fiart only of your record. Wnt they are sn..te eofticient ta snip ni Jt yonr diatoia aad cover you with shame. " s-bm iv I - l m. t.i:- .a i in dm rwwiv to wuiiaa. ees . ' e , aball mVe no f-irther it'uopt bi defend wvm isnow usviacv. Tar. siltieat thiag wbirh tbeo.., of Harvard Cotlege he v. e,ar bee,, kaosm to do, waa, wWt they decK'ed a few days esaoa ky a vote of ehen .a, fl. not to confer the rlewrssa of I. L D. upon Cos-. Butler. It will be rw- ed that it baa )a-ee the coaton rn overseers of Harvard, for manv ; yeasa, tn eoBfer tbia ssxerwe u,sm the iovr.ora of that State. The only re son why tnev bow vmlsre their Wg eirf.Wtahed coarom i. beeause thev bnt BnUera Mklru.a. ... i f- HotiW joib'l; im m,king fvmrf w.r . . - - mhnmm ln Maeoaetta, j u ibm lncttrimt tbe ditMaleafrure of aaauvi ftb f Hvnhnfa' in that Stata Thrv s e e s him. Ooveraor Batlaw haa bram n -tar viewed about the mattes, aad stsiobg osber things he givea Harvard br f I- Uwinw ghastly have-thrnat "Having received from mora than ' tB dtre? lhmt rana, aecauee oi n appreciation ar i(ltulion Jtmir. 1 J m mWwmr, fir which wmaideratioe thus beawssl opon me I frai tha dar.W reDJ.litv, tbe net ot' Hrvti wouIW a 1 .a a a v ar -vid nothtag f ae and .Ivfew I AA KaBA . 1 I r . . .J .. - . rilT", , t. - e I " WVM,M " all this that u :M L . D,,UBr " uut Hi on i he hip. Geafijuf, N. H., July U, 1 87 Gcvrs Whoever van are. 1 don't j , . j tb Ird snd M I - - asa .t.. .l- I w w w watldof ado Iterated medicines there ia . . one compotrBd Ibat pro es anil does all it .dveaea ta , nd more. Four j VMrt I had alight b vf lay, j w6ich nBOarved to ,Mcn mn stJ0t t-0Jt th least rxcitrtsseat would make I ,,1 ,he aie. Laat May I iQilnead to trv Ho . Bitter. I une.1 Ue. but did no. a .ay change s anotW ,lid M easeee mv aarvea tha'. bV are now aa ateadv aa thee ever ' It used to take both bands to write, hot naa my good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture aa honest and good an ar ticle aa yon do, you will accumulate an honest fortuae, and confer the greatest bleasing on yonr fellow -men that was ever conferred 00 mankind. TIM BCRf'H. Henry werd Bsecher's tamil? and friends are planning to make his seven tieth birthday, on the 24th wietatit, memorable. Go the O'h of July next, be leaves for the Pacific oaet. H will lecture in California, Oregon and Wash ington tertitoiy, and visit hia son, Her bert Foots Baseher, who haa a reeideace at Seattle, W. T. There i. a little granddaughter there whom Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beeqher have never seen. Foote Beecher ia eaataia of steamer on Puget 800 d, io the am ploy of the Oregon Railway aad Navigation Com pany. Civ aa "Oar family physician gave op our child to die, wrote Henry Kneo, Esq., of VarUht, Waepea, Co., Tenn. "It bad tits. Samawimsn Nwrvlm has cured ibechildY' $1.5.