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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
05hia! Ooaaty Pap8r, Kiit m1 at th Pst Offle at Albany, Or. a Mcond cUm mail matter. tUD A" JtftfE 15, 183 01 It AafctT, 1 allnsri u c tli I)i s vi s duly an thorised agents to rwe-ive or money for the same : Harrisburg Brownsville Halsev Shedd'a Sci ,r(Vr.UI Sam Msy O. I. oshaw . . T. U Port . . . P. A. Wat . W. K. Kely Sk A. lhAsaey. Addttiouut l.oml ou Sasl i - se ' " HOUWM. HI 41 At twenty minutes rest Ave Monday morning a fire was discovered iu the un occupied house of Mr Nimrod Price, on the corner of Lyon ami Third street. The t. re bell an immediately rung. As a few of ou r -itieiiM were already up the engim nd truck were conveyed to tbe place of the tire in quick time, a ml soon No had s Htreem aa the !, follow. e i immediately after hy another from No. f I'. As the ti'Mi ws feisty deluged m I h w ter III fire wa extins nUhK I, proKahV nt-wn 'tain vr lin." done hy than ev emoiin. A H oVInek in th foreooo ne John ltartM wm atred, charge I with having set dre to the Wutl ting, Harris i man about titty. He oaine to the city about -seven week ego, end until about a weak previous to his arrest had laveu working for Cherry A Parks. He is said to have ieena good machinist, hut drank hard, and we understand was discharged. While working be boards J at different tiaes, but upon quitting the foundry it ia tint known where he stopped, at least in his exmintion held before E R Ski worth sq., Monday afternoon he introduced no evidence to prove hit whereabouts nights. The evidence introduced to prove that he had slept in the building and set fire to it was circumstantial. How strong it was is a matter we have nothing to do with now. He was held in the anna of f 13) to await the a-rtion of the Grand Jury. Last Friday night, at about two o'ciock in the morning, the family of Drury Hodges, living ia Benton cetinty, arm- the river, were taken with ratios i n their stomachs, and all began vomit ing; Dr ilicc.of this city. was immedi ately sent for, when on examination he discovered that they had been poison ed. They were all brought out in good onditinn, and will probably not feel the effects of it. These poisoned were Mr. and Mr?. Hodges and three others, It seem? that those poisoned were the j -only ones who ate of some meat on the ! table, so that it was surmised that it j mast be in some way from that. It was ' ascertained that some rat poison had j been left in a room in whica the meat -was placed, aud the only way to ac count for the poison was by aananasshns that rats had conveyed It in some way to tho iftfa Last Saturday forenoon Watt .Mnn teith ami Francis Pfeifer were tak t g a ride for pleasure beyond tho i spot They had one borne and a single seated sulky between them. One of I h lines broke, the horse hawked and then the ) other line broke ; then thecayuse brJte into a run. The boys succeeded In extricating themselves from the sulky, and were wn left in the dust behind the speeding horse, which in short epaceof time bad reached the lievere Housh, where it turned to the left. In front of Jjaugdoa'a the sulky was run into by the lamp-post, breaking the 2las out of the poet and the thills out of the sulky an well aa making it hot for the springs. The horse, new at liberty ran bae' down First street, where he was firjd'y caught. sunduj al rt4av:ilr. last Sunday, we have it reported on good authority, there were nearly two thousand people at Sodavide. Many went from this city. Nearly every private team, as well as every livery team, being used to convey oor citizens to this favorite resort. The nominal attraction was the camp meeting, the real one wa-t the fine weather, the &da water and the desre to take a little recreation. The sp.-iogs were crowded so that by night not a drop of i be famous mineral water could be obtain od. .The drive from here to Soda v ills is one of the pleasantist in the State and no doubt in time will become famous for its heanti'tt! -scenery. fssyessj st anno VMgss Ti-t S in lay afternoon s ooncsrc was given st Sand Ridge School House, which i hone who attended from this city pro nounced a success and a very pleasant affair. MrTI, Diut'cr. for some time has heen holding s singing school at that place, and this concert was given as the closing exercises of it fur the summer. There were two or three solos, besides numerous choir songs, all well rendered. MeKnirfht Brothers furnished the mudc, which U spoken of as being extra. Late UrU it 1) B Rice sn l family left f r the Coast yesterday, to he gone a few weeks. Jiev 8 C Adams, of Salem, will preach at the Y. P. C. A. Hall next Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. Tne first of the week Mr. Baal Buchner, living the other side of Miller's Strtion had his left leg broken. A team ot horses ran away, and Mr. Buchner in trying to stop them was run juto, by them, thrown violent ly to the ground, causing the fracture of the limb. He was brought to this city when Irvine and Dodd set the broken limn in a skilful manner. Frfh eMttf r leC-nman( 2. Those who wish to embrace all ef the privileges open to them on the approaching Independence day, will not forest to call at Mrs Saltmarsb's Store on First St where all day long, the above mentioned nooljug refreshment will be provided hy the ' Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church, farmers, Take Xotlee, Cherry & Patkea have made a reduction on repairing farm implements and machin ery, and are doing splendid work. They carry a full Une of extras for ail kinds ot farm machinery. Bring in your old machin ery and get it repaired in season. NOME AMD ABROAD. We nsi rer Iteea aa1 Cat a Pew. r M French, jeweler, lea 1 csat a pound at Hoffman A Joseph 'a A B Mollwaio U treating his atone tu a coat of paint Mr WO Palmer has opened a law office at McMinnviUs. Camp meeting at Sodaville will continue over next Sabbath. , Oae dollar spectacles only 23 cents at Nolan s farewell sale Mies Mary Smeat died very suddenly at Qorvsllis last Sunday. Hie Northern Pacific will be completed hy about September 1. Big bargains for men, worn so and children this month only at Nolan 'a ho pair boys shoea worth 81.30 etdy 79 cents at Nolan's farewell sale. Linen ulster, dusters and straw goods less than cost at Nolan's farewell sale. A box of acme pens at this office, quill cting with fountain qualities for $1.50. The Common Council met Tuesday even ing and adjourned till this (Friday) evening. The new McMinnville College was dedica ted last Tuesday with imposing ceremonies. The commencement exercises of the State l' ui varsity at K tgsn ikA plaoe last Tues day. Id default of hail -lohn Harris, hsld un the charge of thing the lioe bouse is iu the ieai. A though futits may fait. bldt berries were uev r s u i ru better, JI through the couui. Nom, I .Aim uk 4 t'o., have just received iniite a tutity of wheat from Bueua Vista for their indU. We are requested to announce that the camp meeting at SedavUle will hm continued ever next Sunday. The V C T U Convention of Oregon and Washington Territory meets in Purtlssd to day and to-morrow. The Tuesday morning fire was exttsgaiak ed by a couple of ear bravest women, Mrs B W Cusdiff and Mrs I Fox. The Court House was beautifully decors ted at the meetings of the W. C. T. C. with bouquets, panel, vase sad otherwise. A man named Murray, net a citista of Albany, was in the calaboose the first of the week for being drunk and disorderly. Positively the Inst month for bargains at Nolan's, all goods will be pack ed and ship ped immediately after the Fourth of July. Tuesday night there were three tires fat Portland in the space of two hoars. The damage done will amount to about $12,090. Soda, both from Waterloo and VodaviUs, at Hoffman t Joseph's, at reduced rates, just bottled and put up with the greatest care. Lswt Sunday at Corvalbs Mrs Kelly, in going down the front steps of a rssiJsnus in that city, fell and broke en of her wrists in a had manner. Oar fellow townsman Daniel I-eedy has been quite sick during the week, but his many friend will be glad to know that he getting batter. Harrisbarg peoplo should remember that thJ W4Bt anything ia the sanananTf ha, of candies, nuts, etc, the place to get it is at Wright k Hyde's Ve see it announced that Stephen J Chad 1 wins has assumed editorial control ot the s1n' M; T"lh the fall r abuodati We wish .V.ephen and abundant success. it is to be hoped the ladies Coffee Club has not gene back on the tirswiin. At the Last few tires the coffee ban failed to put ia aa appearance. Why is this ? A treat improvement in the Stndebaker wagon is a hollow iron axle, which makes the wagon lighter anil easier running, end at the same time much stronger. A panoramic view show was given at Shedd's last week. We understand the at- was so small tnat it took a tele scope to pick out the audience. Several mountain trout sent to this city by Nat Bed pa to. of Jefferson, were greatly en joyed by several friends, die OebOk'S k i be ing well represented in the reset. Rev S C Irvine, ef this city delivers aa address before Monmouth Joljege next Mon day evening, and during the Commence ment exercises, Mr C E Wwlvevten, a poem. Allen k Martin keep constantly on hand an endless variety of corsets. The "ever lasting," "unbreakable" and "corduroy," the three beat corsets made, always ia stock. During the hut year there have been tea fire alarms in this city, but, we believe, the only buildings to burn down were the ease on the corner of Washington and First Streets. The Dr. vi or rat office is being surprised with several costs ef paint, sometaiog ft has needed for years. It will present ns tine appearance as any office in the North West. Call and see it. The piece pf hind in the bend below Ya quina, sold by Irs Miller to Messrs. S E Young, L E Blaia. and others in the valley, is being surveyed and bud offinte nice build ing lots. Pout. Thei-e will be a gaaae of ball this (Friday) afternoon, at 2:30, en Monteith's Put, be tween the nine to play the Corvallis team on the Fourth, and a picked nine. A good game ia looked for. At the meeting of the Knights of Pythias, at The Dalles, it was decided to bold the next meeting of the Knights at Albany, bet no date was set for the meeting, probably about a year from now. Hear ye, 0 ye mountains, and give ear 0 ye valleys foe Conrad Meyer keeps the best quality of crockery ware, including jars, jugs, churns, erocka, ail of which be will sail on reasonable term. Wright k Hyde, st Harrisburg,, keep one of the best stocks of groceries end provis ions to bf found n that city. Their goods are always fresh, they give good measure and sell at reasonable prices. Ws are requested to call attention again to the S. S. Convention to be held in this city on Tuesday of next week, June 19. Ev ery body in the county should assist in mak ing the convention a success. Kev L T S'ichels was shot at McMinn ville hurt Sunday by two Martin brothers, but nothing serious occurred front the shoot ing. The sympathy ef the community seems to be with the Martin's. We are anxious to have, our subscribers remember that wood en subscription will be very acceptable. A subscription bill is as honest as any other, and deserves being paid with as much promptness. A man in the smoking car on the 0. k C the other day was seen smoking a cigar with wonderful aatufaetioa aud ejaculating to himself. Jt was ascertained that be bad bought it of Wright k Hyde, at Harrisburg. We are requested to announce that the Tune apportionment of public school funds for the county, has been made by Supt. Moses. District Clerks will hnd the war rants in the bands of the County Treasurer. Received this week at Samuel E Young's, new prints, nankeens, Bates' checks, seer suckers, cretonnes, piques, lawns, lacs buntings, blue polka dots, and novelties in summer dress goods too nustejous to mention. Mr. A. Wheeler of this city sheared the won! from one ef his Spanish merino bucks a few days since. The neeee wee of seven month's growth and weighed 223, pounds. Mr. Mihseler proposes to make wool produc ing pay. We propose to keep oar readers posted on all improvements going en whioh ws can squuit close enough to observe, sod will say that a bars is being constructed baok nf ths Revere House, ens story high and a boat 150 by 200. It is no mistake, Will Bros., st their gen era) 8. M. agency, have few lag machines that are shssd of all others ; ths Ilnyal St John will ssw straight forward, saay, noise less, and will net teat threds, turn ft any way yea want. Among other places which a ill celebrate the 4th will be Newport, on the Y equina. A big time is momised. Competiton be twee n these two places to see which has the grandest time, it i thought will not sh'eot the celebration at Albany. Ia another column will be found a fall re part of the Pioneers' Coavsatieu, with tks constitution complete. Oor readers should oat this nut sad preserve it, ss it will be valuable in the future, when the subject is reverted to or at another ineotiug The Collage closed last Tuesday (or the Summer. The nroepeots are that the next tsrm will be tho meet presjierens in the hsy tory of the college. The very beat feoiity will be obtained, and everything will he done to bung shoot the ui ve of lb t ullege. We have rwoaived Iroto Mr A I. Sisw k hi, Printers, Sehm, Oregon, a eayj ot the "lAsf. ol Premismeof the Oregos. Stale Fair (or the year IntO, to bo held Monday . Sept, 17tb, ItttS, sod to continue sis days. Tea vavrk is natly printed and speaks well for the vsnckmanabipof Mrs A I. tiuaon A Son. It ia reported that John 1. Sullivaa will visit Oregon in n short time. As Sullivan has ths reputation of being n shoulder hitter it behooves newspapers not te get his ire raised, so we have nothing to say against his coming to Oregon, and shall maks It s point to be at the wharf to greet the olo hey. K D MoKee, of Portland, has bea engaged to deliver the 4th nf July oration in this city. Mi. McKee, is one of the wittiest nasi snoot hriUiaat talkers of Portland. Ha is n bnsinsss man, not n lawyer, nor n stste osVoial, nor even n politician, but neverthe less is s fine talker awl will give our itieos a treat oa thia occasion. Ths W C T 17 meets at the Y P C A Hsll oa Tuesday, Jens 19, at 3 o'clock P M. Subject of the monthly Bible reading is 'Rosa, ' Members and all friends of the work are invited. On account of the State Convention, the Young People's mooting will be postponed until farther notice Mis J Town-end, Pres., Mrs C Turrsll. aWy. Pstrenirs home industries. Mr Fred Wil lert makes superior carriages and baggies, ef the very best material, and in a nisnnnr which .insures their lasting a long time,. When you get anything of him you know what yea are getting, and in the long run yea nave money, for bis carriaaes end bug gins are intended to wear. Ry all mesne support oar home menu factor is. The Masonic Grand laidga of the state of Oregon, which has been in session tbu eiocted the following oflioer for the ing year i Crand Master. W 1' Wright, nf Union-; Deputy Grand Maeur, I P Musee, of Albany ; senior grand warden, J. C. Fnl lerton, Uoeebnrg ; junior grand wardes, A. Nssbbnrg, Empire City ; grand treasurer, Jacob Mayer. Portland ; grand secretary, F. J. Behest k, Sake. We have heard W horses running awsy, as well as elephants, women sad children, nut newer until Wednesday evening did we ever near ef seen s thing happening to a Hook and ladder Co. In drilling that even ing Rescues got scared either at the Salem contest or something eke, sad r a suing at fall speed, tan into the lamp post ea the corner of First nnd Broadelbin Streets sad knocked the hunp nnd glass completely off! the peat. Damage, noeainal. I eater day monuns aeent bfty of our citizens. firemen included sailed on the Imtbl, under the genial care of Cent Smith, for ths State Firemen's Toaraassent, at ftalem. They took with them the Hook A Ladder truck, intending te have Albany represented in some way at tho tournament, though not extensively. As the contests wore finished at the time ef going to press we will not be able to give the result W MMl 1 -a I touxnaanetft until next week. A crisp bank bill, fresh ns tbe morning dew, came, into ear possession but Saturday. As it was a stranger to an ws eyed it pretty closely, whan to our surprise, we read on it, "Ths First Xsstoaal Bank of Albany, Or.," and noticed that it was aigned. "John Che ner, Pres. ; H. F. Mereill, fWy." Wo hesitated no longer to give the necessary' change, for it carried on its' face reliability. We will tske these bills at par on subscrip tion and up to say amount, ns they represent ! one of the most solid banks in the State. .Saturday was the first day on which they hnd been issued, hut now ws may expect te see them floating nil over the Northwest Messrs Foehay k Mason, of this city have pinned on oar table the May number of The Maga-Jt of American Wttory, edited hy Mrs Martha J. Lamb, and published by the Historical Publication Co., New York. It is printed in tbe highest style o Abe art. the paper fine snd heavy, with substantial paper coy ars. The first article, "Wall Street ia History," is a most interesting one and is well worthy of perusal by all who de light to compare the peat with the present. "John Howard Payne, tbe Actor" will chal lenge the attention nf those who admire thestri.; scoomolishweni. "President BochoiibD Vindicated," will be read with frefb, tutsans i nearest ly tboss who bsvs aa uuselueh desire to see unvarnished facts of history placed before the reading public Call at Fosbay k, Mason's snd gst a copy of this most excellent publication. 4 isjeressfnl nbsef lfe aauji nations in tbe public schools are being held tbs week, and on Tuesday of next week the schools will close for the aummer vacation, and give the children a rest which they ho doubt need. Tbe but school year has been a successful one. Prof. Bohb, who has been so ably assisted by Misses Kane, Sparks and Turrell in the Central, and Misses Alexander aud Alllaea io the Ward schools, is entitled to considerable praise for tbe excellent con dition In whieh he has placed the schools, and aa well all tbe teachers for the great advancement made by the pupile in tbe different departments. Certainly our schools have been fortunate during the past year In having an excellent corps of instructors. It might be hoped that un der such favorable advantages, so far as teachers are concerned, we might also have a respectable Central school building te be la keeping with these things, and while we would like to be able to see one at the beginning of tbe next term, let ue hepe something will be dene before an other year has elapsed. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Sheriff Humphrey has been in Portland this week. .fas. Conner, of Portland, was ia the city ever Sunday. Wallace Mauxsy, of Newport, was in the oity last Friday. Dr Dsardorff and wife, of Jefferson, were in Albany last Tuesday. CaptK J fanning left fur Astoiis, on business, last Wsdnssduy, Ws received a friendly call Wednesday from our friend J D Urpwsr. Mayor Chapman and wife, nf Portland, are ruitiosting st Sodeville. Mr J H Danisl, of ths Musiu Store, hsa been io Solo for n week past. Mr Staver, of Staver k Walksr, of Port land, was ia Albany Wednesday- Mr Steve Deokard, ef Walla Walla, has been iu the oity visiting fronds for several days. Mrs Kb Mm ill. of Astoria, is visiting her parent, Mr and Mrs J F Hnckensto, m this oity. Mr Uu. Currts, traveling for Staver k Walker, of Portland, was in Albany last Saturday. W H llarr and fsmily are rtisthating at lwer S.kI. where they will remain two or three weshs. Mrs W K Cannon weut te Portland yen. teiday aa n delegate .to tho W. ('. T. I . Mrs I. B Ulan aot Mrs Dr Milter went to I an a a rasa a a.a .a as I ' ruami i nuraoay as .i.iko..i to trie ansae W, 1'. T. I. (1 1' uay returued fro.n Weehiagton I . rnt..ry last Friday. He thiol m of Inesssag atSpoksne Falls. Damon Smith, ef tbe Ur n of Smith A MvCartuey, of thi ty. is ovr in tbe Sound ounnsrv this week. Mr I Hdyeu. ! Sdh. waa io the oity Saturday, wbn be made the Dsaors.ti office a pleaaaat call. Mrs John Morgsn frwmeely of this city, but now of Newport, squirts Bsy, is visit, ing friends in ths oity. Mr Alfred Hoi man, ef the OrwoonaM, passed through the city last Tuesday, whither ws know not. J F McCartney oa of Harriannrg's solid men waa in the city Inst Monday on his way to look np the S eand country. Dr J I. Hdl left Wednesday for east of the maeutaius to sen hew his sto- k waa pros psring, nnd will return in a few deya Mr W Skipwerth who has been attending Willamette Cni vsrsi'y at Salem, is sisiting with his brother, K H Skipwortb, Fn, Dr. Hyde, ef S m. waa in Albany tbs first of the week. We understand he is wretiwg with good success at that place. Cans Pierce, of Indupundence was ia tbe city last Wednesday, and wont to Sslem with ths firemen Thursday morning an the nnelL Mr J P fUckeasto returned from the I'mpqua country last Friday, where be had good success. He hss since left for op the t 'olumbte. Hen Ceo K rnamberlsin, Hon J K Weaih erford and I. C. Marshall ars dehsgatee to the Crmnd Inigs from Bt. John's Chsrter in this city. Miss Met 'ornardt , who has bad ohargs of tbe preparat ory department in the collsgf durmg the last yssr, returned heme Iset Wednesdsy last Saturday John fToffinsn nf ths Sedn works and Wm Miller went to Waterloo east brought back with them a wagon load of the water st that place. Mr Stephens, a brother of Itev R L Stephana, arrived in this citv the first of the week fmm tbe K iat. nnd will remain here i sesisting his hrotbr a tbs W terloo saw mill. Mrs Wm LeaeiM and aad Frank, will lenes in s few daye fne OakUnd. 1.. sad will be followed by Mr lsvitt in a few months. They intent ma'.ing that their fufnra homo. Hon .1 H Slater ami daughter. TVT ! . Kugene to be present st ths esoreia tl Mtste t'niveraity. at which Mr. M's son rredoated with hnonr. Messrs. John Ilriggs, F. W I.aagdon and It A Foster, delegate to the Crand I.tdge nf Masons, and D P Mason, member thereof, left for Portland Monday morning to attend th ntentteg of the .rand Indge this week. I IM'atin. fnM..!. f All..... ... tm t .... t. n . , ' . . . r . , al .ew see e at a. a o wesw oisf " s'iv aw oesi . earn s sense nwe i raves u g in nenanern ' an lorn ia lately muen to tbe benefit of his health. After visiting with his boys in K is tern Oregon, he will return to California. A Utt ESTABMaemi St. Yesterday a mechanical eyed member of tbe Democrat firm beppsnsd in at tbe ma chine shops nnd foundry nf Cherry k Parses, nnd was struck at ths wonderful progress they have been mnking, net only in improve ments, but in increase nf business. Their business has grown st audh n rate lately that they have been compelled to invest in considerable new machinery, and a few days t ago received the bear, large planer, outside ef Portland in tbe Northwest, ami a large sod complete Iron lathe, besides other tools, the-' equipments for doing every k inn et work" as complete ss those ot say shops on the Coast. A fact. Ia a few days they will begin working all night so great ia the rush of business. A fsw days ago they finished two more Urge iron fronts for Kugsne City, making six in all constructed for that city within a few weeks. They hsvs also jnst built a tins machine for tho Kogene flouring mills, which is pronounced a first-class jab, else an engine for Templsten Bros., at Browns ville, to' be used in their hop yard, and have several other engines to be bndt ns soon as possible. Besides these thsy have received the contracts for making two double circular saw mills, in the building of whioh they are becoming the lending saw mill men of the Northwest. Mr. Cherry gives his personal attention to the work and watches every stroke till the work leaves ths shop, insuring a finished job. Their ratchet head blocks taks well with mill men and they are receiving good orders for them. If Oregon people with to learn that Albany hss at lesst one live establish ment they should call on Cherry k Parkes. Here Hagsns Arrived. Peters A Blain havs lately received a very complete, line of the famous Studebaker wagons, of which they have had oh a Urge sale during this year. They are of all sizes, and already have such a reputation for durability, that thsy need no resom men tation at our hands, they also havs a good line of spring wagons, which every one should call and see before purchasing. . e BasTele Pitts f arm gagtaes. Samuel E. Young received one of these engines this week, which is superior to any ia the market, and any one wanting ta buy afsad farm etfgine should see the Pitta be foie nuyin ;. 'j r .Iff JBL'Ji!.J LINN COUNTY PIONEERS moi i t sot arn gTaUJ taTir MKnf iwt:. as Hundred and Twenty New Added M ISM list. Pursuant to adjourninst the Oregon Pioneer Society of Linn county, met t the Court House, Friday, June th at i o'clock p. m, President M. Payne In the chair. The minutes of the former meet ing were read and approved. The obalr anaouttced that the roll ol membership might bo signed by all qualified persons who desired to do so, whereupon the fol lowing persons signed their names and were udutltted to be members of the As soclstKfn : I'M ,Wle fsrry J d Uurnett U A : MOI rJ X nihnmir 'Sf Ssiwty J t'sr a D Oueor iMraMnbaU WUmu UUrrtet Mtllsr jMrs AfMvtis I !.,i a t i uiii ! a u hi Nye III V I M A M n. i'ij 1 1. fin.., rrot Urn J riiilieU IUM Jf W N Mill., li W l-i-,-. I li l-,.-ii Il Uril l(.rfii i Jara i.i.. im1iii I SSdlSS Umiu J..I0. v, nsast et ) ,n,,,,k I- li f H-gtxmt (i ratiUb i-1 Mrs Mary J Oai K.trt ivntui... Mrs leaden kira J rtVaetree Win Mkap I..I..H MeXelt losepli :rl Nswtun CrsbO-ee Mrs Meret'st Uore a H uattfto lli(alrU K0t M'"ri. I tkm M I Ml II A uts ISO Mr Kllaa U liir MrU a n li i Uy uuwt W K Kirk O r" I'reStr JsssssH Here Ms narSkan ! nUnrt.- J.Mrllll Ml Wll i,,U ' h ( i wm luuetMi Jmtte Mil 1 1., 1 1 J.fln. o HoO Mrs eaoth M Ml -' BriS'gf.riii i 1 H.I.V-.H Mmmrl K (sol i. M llushM S A Ituebra JlUH-tl VM.i. .. C II lllU. .nry t'url 0 I. Curl Wsi JuSn Mitmii A M ShelloM Mr K K lium J MOwn MrsW M Cannon A L nrteaaSirsssr Mrs ManLi rer.e Mrs t. W UUu. Hgasa stowetuo tUnrv Cyrus mwum ilwueSO" Jess UUkiii Mi Mi hsd l rll J W i ... tmrmh a oi" Vim U.i 4nii naiisiu Mm i.miIhii it.iir PmSSSII II.h,.,u Mrs bsshn ll-iuoon ! srs lui'iii .. s a M i. ....... Ursaaoiii SweW arm K ; imtum ... Ktiw W I' A i. ...... . t.lWi i artsr J u i. , . Jmmm WmKUamM Jwrin ragaa Jtis aonSrf"!. J.nm Shtoia. ovwres t rust ilrs geUter fsr-. i lb Ursy J-lni A ;r.f..i .; 'MrsSW 1 1. .m.,.-... Mr tmino M nam I MS X wr.h Swnh Hi Muurfc Mrs Jana tWt.rfi i sveU nay in M rea tie v it.i ..i Mrs trnhmli Wlil. lOOSJ Cot K A rsrker Ymi U ai.,;Oi Urn s A ! MM Ot'Kl'i OsOftrr h r Asaarw.u Tbechair appointed 1 P Poller Aaaietant Secretary. Oa taotiort tho i cretnry rend tbs oon atitutiou or the Oregon S'a'e Pioneers As sookUion. t? If Mattoon chairman of the on io it tee on constitution then rsftotted the fid lowing constitution which on motion wss a lopte I by sections and than aa a hole I voanTtrvTioM. Art f . Nsnte nnd object. Her. I. The ntms of thi eae-iety ahall lie tbei'rogon Pioneers Society of f.ian OQSMs SBC Tho objexs. of thia e-viay shall be the coibscuon aud awsswvarhm of such Motorics, nod biographic' ! t relative to the early settlement . f irrowun, and eapecially of Idon cooot v. way las ot value ; sn l nlao the ssnirWidkew and toanl femsttost of sorial ami vneroo frelings snd aympothlea amoo it nteSMtsSrs, Art. II. OAeore and t hair iu' lea Hav. I. 1 bo otU'er of 1 1 wi - . . v ehsll coualat of a Pro-i lent . a Vent nftMSwMtt; a Necretarv and Aaanaant Ke rotarv. and a Ireewurnr, nil of whom Miail -t-i ' annuaiiy, ami vis vi . i nev tieii servo until their .ii'.--..rH - o i t and have laltea than plmvsa. Nr Tbe Proaident, or wU.o hia eu Is vacant, tbo Vine Prtcndeni, ahaii ar- j form the several duties us laitv dv.,lviu , upon presiding off) -wrs lu cse off.r . mentary rulings, t'ushing's Manual stiall be tbe authority. Htr. !). The Men rata rv shall perfoim the uanal dutiewofauch ofnr ; draw orders no tbo Trseauier ( laaue certitlcateo nf memherahip: snd irform such special duties as ths society may require or him. Her -. 4. The Treasurer abet I take charge I r fl , . . , oi an money reooieeu aou pay nut tne Mania nn the order of LliaSwrmtrv nenokf. d a. id order U oounterHigne-l hy the end report at each annual j meeting. He shall give Mich bonds aa ' may be required ny tbe Society. Bsc 6. The nrocen of the society shall, together, nonstiuite an Fjienutive Beard, three of whom shall ha a iiorum for bend neon, who ahall arrange program, secure speakers, end make ether nnoessary ar rangement for the annual mwetlnew ; furnish the rtaoded stationery and irmldon uis of the society and its officers : Miiper- intend tbe printing ordered bv the so-iet: autharise the Meoretery to issue ordars on the Treasurer to cover all snch expanses ; fill vacancies, if nny, until the neat meat Ing of tbe society ; nnd do any other norceesary businewa, when tbe Madefy is not la sessioti. In case leas than a quorum exist in eonaeqiienee of death er any other cause, the remaining officer may hit each vacancy pro tern. Art. III. Membership and dues. Sac 1. Any person who wss a resident of Oregon on or prior to Denetnber 1st, 1H.'2, or such Inter date as the Stale Pion eers Society may have adopted, and is, at the time of joining this society a resident of Unn county, msy become a member of thin eociety by signing the constitution nnd the mam members paying into lu treaaury the sum ef fifty cents eaoh ; and tbeennunl dues theteufter nbell be f ifty cent lor each male member. 8kg. g. persons otherwise eligible but living in counties of Oregon where there are nn Pioneers' Society msy bono me members of this society upon tbe aenie terms as citlaens of Linn county. Rao. S. The Secretary may at any time enroll eny eligible person as a ineeslief of thia society and issus certificates iisn tbe payment of the required due. Art IV. Annual meeting. Sac . The annus! meeting of l he society shall be held on tbe iirst Thursday : in Juno. The plant aad duration of the annual meeting, as well aa the hour oi meeting, may be determined hy tbe Exe cutive Board according to the program they may be able to present. Art. V. Amendment. Htc. l. Amendments may be made to this constitution at any annual meeting by a vote of two thirda of the members present. On motion the Association proceeded to elect officers fur tbe ensuing year, On motion the temporary officers to-wit ; m Payne, President ; D P Porter, Vice Presi dent i I) Mansfield, .Secretary ; W M Ketohum, Treaaorer, be declared the of ficers for tbe ensuing year. A communication from tbe committee of srr ingenieou on Fourth of July at Albany was read, inviting this society to attend the coming oeleb ration and on motion It waa accepted, On motion adjourned. spring Wagsas. If you want a good Spring Wagon, covered or uncovered, buy tbo Racine, with patent wrought iron corner, metal catted posts Improved i t t and Hm bands on hubs (no loos not bauds or cracked hubs.) Patent wliiffletrees, Irons bold the singletree right to place and cannot strain or bend alagletree bolts. The wrought iron fears where used are spoken of as beiug the best Im provement made for a medium priced wagon- For terms and prices see SaMrKb E. Youxo. 1 sP S sls4B e lot st Hoffman A Joseph's at one cent per eunl. Cheap enough for everybody. MISSES WILLARO AND GORDON. Tkff a. , fir. a reejrttea la l4Mt Tuesday was a great day In this city for the temperance people of Albany nod Unn county. Tbe mere snnounoo- j nient that Francis R Wilier I. President of the National WCTIJ was to ok at the t'ourt House on tbe evening f that day, was sufficient to fill tbe larue !ooM room full to overflowing, of the Imst people of I Ami county, for many came from as far as llalsey, Soto, etc, to bear the diatin gulshed lady. The meeting was called to order hy Hie Presideut , Mrs J II Townsetid. Home ex cel ent musk wss rendered by a choir uuder the leadership of Prof Kohh. A iHertp'ure lesson wan read by Kev J W Harris and prayer was offered by Kev f II Condit. After an Introductory address by the President, Mies Wlilsrd mopped for ward nnd spoke li a clear distinct vonw aud a wonderful sweetness of tone for nearly an bpur, holding tho lare audience with a power no', often exhibited. Miss Willerd is eminently a oonversatlansllst and In addressing her audiem s talks in su easy, familiar way, which would show liar to bo tbe friend of every one present, j lier ubjet si- woman aud borne. By word picture and argument, she nUwi the powr "( training at home, oi inculcat ing temperance Into the aelnd from ohlhf hood, of tho groat ahem lht lesoher, the doctor, the inluletar, tlu eMtSW, too, hsv to sienU for teuiHuau'S, wbi.-b i be too oftAfi lot pan. The world wut tia aiiii'UHl snd public opinion es'aShvh ml hv liesrlnnine wi'h tbo young-, and i Hen Istck theao of hy prohibition laws, ho drew glowiiis; pletetaes of the cruasd, i nou wliich ahs receive I in.ira' ion to wcnfkf though not ill tba.ii. Ho pture of home whh a saloon o-poito and a church on one side and aohool house on tbe other waa a striking one It is im possible in tbe small npson w bsve to give even sn outline of her words. Cnongh that the barge sudien'se ws weuilerfully imprssssd by her add re snd listened to her rsmnrks with nn attention so', often For the benint of tbe eewhsna we will say that Misa Wil lard Is forty four years of sge. Her hietory I too wsll known to used re" iawlng. it I Lti r. i v ' VfMnTtMss At thrre o'clock in ths sfiarnoou pre vious to the above, a sneotlug of tbe Chil li rena' Temperance Cnion wse held at tbeeaaae plnce, when Miss ;rdon de livered one of the moat iMnuiilnl talks to children we ever board. We ha e ebeerv. l that all nowapsper. head their artkuoa with Mlae Willard'a name a 'one, hut ws place both at tho top, hwlnftVhtg Miss Oor tlon is eutit sd to tn honor. 1 here were about three bundrol children present and they lieteited to Miss Oordou almost ea tranced w ith her beautlul at Lents, and striking Ulustratiotis. With a prompt ness surprising they answered nor joes Uoos almost in unison nnd observed order net common among such a larew number. After a couple stories that brought mere aad laughs niternatety she produced two vials, one filled with sloobol, the other with water both looking exac''y alike. aTho asked how sho oul J find out which waa which. One said taste theio, another smell thorn, but she would not do thsns. After telling of many wny a by which she right tind out, all snowing tbe evil influ oo.w of the beverage, she unk the vials and poured some of the contents In two ; auco diheo, then ligh'ing two matches I a. a a a , m tiroppro one in earn, une on rat up into s bright name, snd nahlng which that ws there was age general response, "Aio.hol. However used, she said, "It burns." Wad needs y morning both ladies gave , . . aa Lm a . wo . ... a . l a laiK at tne our. riotase, ami at noon left on the train for Eugene, leaving an Impression behind them which will take a loa time to obliterate. . - -o Mf iitH rati tat roiaiii - Of ail homlays the 4th ia most universal ly observed in the t'uited States, sad we ars glad that so complete arri gemsnts are being made for its celebration m Albany. Peopis ars coming here (torn eves plaoe in the county, but in order to prrasut a line appearance m thst iUy yonng oe, nbl men and boy. should call on I. F. Blata sad . . ! . k. 1 i a .fc t . .1 ! get simu auiveoie ciouiiog lor me fncaaioo. He baa ewi id the leet ami meet tasty suite in the Valley, ami in erdet to throw in hia mite towards making the rolebratton cceaa, will sell them at the most bio price for which they can be ob. tamed sny where, and will givs joo s quality nf good unsurpassed. Ilemember this snd we will havs ths biggest 4th in Albany et witnessed hers. a ALtnw Tuesdsy et .1 o'clock in tbe nfternoou the fire bells rang, but before the firemen had gone more than a few blouks a bait was ordered. A tire hat. started in a bouse in tbe western part of the city, back of Judge Strahen's residence, but a pall of water put it out. What was the cause of it is not known, but lha circumstances point strongly toward a young man, of heretofore excellent reputation, living on Sixth street, who Is known to have been prowling around barns at 4 o'clock on tbe morulng of that day, ss tbe riginntor of A. Startling alcever. Physicians am often startled hy remark able diaooverlea. Tho fact that Dr. Kin'. New Dienoveryfbr Consumption and all Throat aad Lung diseases is daily cu ius patients that they have given up te die, is startling them to realise tbelr sense ef du ty, and examine into tbe merits of this wonderful disooverv ; resulting in hun dreds of our boat Physicians uing it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at Fosbay A Mason's Drugstore. Regulsreis fl.00. arict: All jteraons Indebted to W H Scott will please come forward and nettle with him at once, as he expects to leave Albany in a few weeks snd wishes to settle his sffairs first. If not attended to the so counts wilt be plsoed in the bends of sn attorney for collection. He-or his agent may be fotind at his old stand. s- Tbe last laa Come round snd look through my stock, if there is suything to suit I wilt sell it less than cost in order te save freight and pack ing. I havs quite a stock on hand yet ds sirabls goods for Summer wesr for ladies' and gents', boys', girls' snd children. Tell all your friends to corns soon, aad be sure not to forget your pocket-book. J. M. NoLAV, as us user Samuel K. Young has a good line of sumnter dresi grods,. lu silks, nuns veiling, sateens seersuckers, ging hams, etc, etc. Give him a call as you are sura to get tho worth of your . money tveess ttnaevr- jpeagBeesa COUNTY COURT. tske Yeraw In War. Hablaa n Lennters. (L rfian, iudfsj i fsem aad I ft Cfsypist,gssnsd i i Is the matter of the petition of Thos Me- Use et si for IseMlsO of county road, ths petition ws resd, and Alex Brandon, A W Ktansid and Frank Troutman were apeiut ed reviewers. Tbe petition of A H Miller et si for rbangs of coouty rosd was granted. P Kraig, apt Puvd Dist ?, reeigrel, aid D H H irris appointed. K f Moyer, Snpt Brownsville Widgo re- ' ported, report accepted ami ordered that 1 warrant be drswn. Ordered that warrant lor tiT.O'., rebate of taxes lis drawn in fvor of M W ilkins k ioaa, r riaima of Coroner in n . nf ledy ' Willis Knighten. allowed. Fees in Htete vs Andrew snd Mary Miller slhwsd. In State vs If Oraaaw i-outiooed. Application nf M Vbeeen. Sort rosd Dist. 40. for chsnge nf hwondery diami-sed. Pass in cae of I n-.- lUeaford, mvane, al lowed. II SrfJoioier, aoet fled ft, allowed Mm b-et of lumber. Jno VI Smith, Mit Inst 4.',, allowed 100 feat id Inmber. Chat Hecklemen, fees as jmtor tl00. 'ootiooed. Pronneilion ef tin) Kowoll for gseping P Potter snd I Hutohina rejwed. Ordered tht s iffi :oor. wood fee pur mewed f'Mrsssat fou it Hones sml jail for tho en suing yer. Apphaen oi Rnj. Jehnson in iniuc Lata id W R HondVrxiu dejallol. John l in ... S.t But '26, allowwl 14. UTS) fwt d Imiier, and tty'r N Payne, Snpt let in. allowed plow. R I. dtrony, hVsfl lht n. slhiwsd IK) feet of lumber. Ordered that snfttnent money ht appre priated to co istrui t sewor C, hst drey aloag the Conrt Haass hlnah. Jadgo Plinn A ikaaaiiesioner lm t .'nJ-r with "ity C.einoil. Bridges, no pt iht allows. t lumber and spikes. fees ia State tshaa Brswer aha wed ; also in Stats vs Janes Kates, also ia Mte vs kobt 'armieal ; sto is ftrsie vs Vam Mc- Kinnon. A C Mcbristnan. Snpt Diet 4. allowed I ViO feet of ram her aaxl sees per. Action npon petition ef John Cu aimers snd ethers for bridge across the Knotiam st Mehsms postponed until the local too of ths bridge can as inepected, and 'ommiasioav srs I seat and t'lsypeul appointed te view the location. P P DsVooey allowed TAf) feet of lumbrf for Diet u. Ths proposition of Wm McKianoa for d f . . e sssptsg paupers, SAceptwu in relet we to tease Hutebins and Pardon Potter, allow anon to be by week , no further allow sees te be a-ede to parties who hav herctofots kept thorn. Heary F reek sea, Snpt IKst 17. allowed 'JTMQ fsotaf lamber swd spikes. la applicatiowa ot Ceo Bark hart and Jna A Crawford tor redanteoa of txte, aiVrwed and ordered that warrant he drawn for UMMiat lea proprtiu paid the htata. Orderwl that warrant for t'JO be drawn ia favor d Jos IdMae fr e-os Jewett aa imlig. eat psrssn. Bill of J H Wolhtca for Weeping Miller n pas per, disaUowtd, Fees ia Htata vs F. M Boobs allowed. Ordered that Oso ftowcU ha paid the nam oig2 60 for bearding, lodging and taking care of Sarah Ana Clark, upon the petatioa 0f t' B Montagu. The Clerk waa ordered to correct ths re cord nf the boundary ef road Ihst 40. Bill of Julint firadsrahl for apiksw for Dist 7 allowed. Ordered that Mrs East take Cose children to their mother at Kugeoe, st county's ex panse, no mors money te be paid for their support. . aiLU ai Lowao. Kam'l Cowan, to S K Oaaa. tin, eipsasss burial L K lganlt J I. Wallace, Lsepiog j t has Miilsr. lt : H Keykewdall. keesang putter, $U0 ; A I) i.rtloer, t49.j0 hoarding Ben Hnlromb, s pauper : Craft A Theme- I .... .... mm . a. . . son, clothing ana nat for tl Havia, f l 7o ; : s K Youn, - raper, f la ; Stites Nutiiag, ; paldiahieg Treassrer's notice, $1 ; J W rVvaot, tocatieg bridge, $15 ; 8 K Young, plow and scraper. $42 ; C W Watts, print ing, ; Morgan A Deadntor, 2000 feet lumber, I8 ; J W Oneway, 121.00 ; Gbpa A Bishop, spikes, $1.20 ; J M Irving, po. -sge. $13 7 : Owe W Wheeler, lumber, $IO.Oo ; Ceo Humphrey,, sundry fees, $4t, &4 KoonU eV I June, noise, $41.10 : J J Dorris, lobor sad material en K inter bridge, $25.90 ; C H Stewart, faea, 4JI So ; I. Kline, salary 2 mea. $1.10 ; I H Clay pool, $U : $12. Jno loom. $C.20 : Ceo Humphrey ew SJaele St ere. J II Daniel has opened a music stare at I.angdon's drug store aud will sell the Mathush"k piano, probably the best constructed in the market, aud the fcihoninger Cymbal la organ, one of tho best organs, and getting them direct from manuta Kurers will sail them a bottom rates. Those dc-iriu ; first class, reliable instruments will do well to call and eoe Mr Daniel before purohsa ng. e we i Ha ed. Ladies ! Allen A Martin wish to sal your atteution to, their full stock nf dress goods. In all the spriug styles and new shades. They will always lie pleased to show their stoek, whether you purchase r not. At Allen A Martha's is the place to dud boot, an 1 shoes in any quality von wish, and at any price, (rood goods in this line will ho sold cheaper thsn st sny store In the valley snd no old stock to work off. 'reefc lUk Fresh flsh can be had every moron g at Myden Fish Market, one dooi east J Tweed ale's Stove aad Tin store. Allen A Martin have just received from New York s large stoek of laces. Call an d see them and enquire prices. Taa. If taxes on dogs axe not paid before the 1st of August, tbe additional sum of It cents will be added. Take warning. W1LBURN-DAVIS. - On Wsdnesm r morning. Jane IS, 1C83, st the resides i e of J H Davidson, in Albany, by E R Sk'f worth, Esq., Mr Eui IfiLBcas and Miss Ella Davis both of Albany. TO THE FARMERS. We have many irwjoiriee ftota f areas end others nbsut erop propet in tawaat ties other than their own. , In order that we may he able to give a full ieiem of the rendition of tne crops in all pettof ib county, we have prepared tbe hdinwin questions whim, we dent re our fvrmer frionda to answer in detail. He wonM ilka to have a letter from every noigbiavi -hid in tboeonntjr. The answer rooy -given by wrttagdewn the nbmtier nf ssk-Ii quest km an are have numbered them, nnd then write tbe answer to each que hoi opposite Its aomber. We will sneno a fir t report ia one lawoe of tho lr.mmcnr of Jnae 20 Hence those who sevtd io sn swore will plsaae send them hy Juno 1 . We hope oor friends will make inqnr.e among their noighoors upow too psint cottUiaerl in tne abov e qweothm and than answer each question separaialy. The following Is the 1 let of qneationa : '. Will the Man h -mm ns Coring wheat be exr-ol'ent, good, er inferWw r . Will the April sowing le eseJient, good, or Lnmrier 7 3. Will tho Mav sawing ho xcei;et good, or inferior 7 4. Is there any Fall sown grain, snd w'ul it he e ScSd lent, good, or inferior o Whet proportion of the srrrwe of whoni ia March sowing 7 n. What proportion i April anwing 7 7. What proportion t May sowing 7 a. How dot the nnveaew sown to we- ; thia year ceenpare w nb tho acreage anwn to wheat last year 7 ft. la hay crop oxonllent, go J, or inf rior iff. Is hop crop excellent, good, or ,u :, riot t II. How does aKTeaew oomfsare with last year? vi Will petsinss n ezceUowt, gi. or tuforior 7 13 Mew djpes nerwsgs cons pare with hi 14. What is the prospect for apple ? In. VS hat Is the pros pest for peaow 7 la. Wbat t the pevjapect for plume? IT. Will gsrden crops tea exesdient. g ad, nr inferior f tt each pereeo who answer tho sb n g questions dh ne la a spirn of eawdor: re membering, that wn'i I it i rmr Ironat that we have a country thai prodacw never faffing crops, yea, our crps are some' tames short. Im. ue have ins condition of tbe as they are sawner gorai or nml- ' . - ante isiara mrM.Lt erctaaa sraoa. Im every woman and child in Unn aa I Bwstnn noanttes torn oat nod oelehmse. And it in well oa each eneawioae to haeo aomotaing npeesal to rejoice aver. Ami let every person rejoice bsoanss no or ne oaa hay better dry roods, doth hag, boot nnd shoos, 'hats caps, etc , ec , frosn sixes at njturi v thsn elsewhere, sod for Jens m wssry . go and investigate, buy, and ha happv. Tbe audience st the- meet ug Kriany night nan email, ajad aa the eaker said, vaw acaltering. Hohnal Huper intsmsJeat P. A. Mnoan delivered tho ad dreae, whioh was one ot the ptiewt an well as ioetroetire which we have h:arl. Instead of showing what inu-ro peram-e waa doing he ahowssl wbat Umrnrranro waa acoonrdsshing. A pmliibitioniet, be waa not in invar of making 'he Hani blow until public opin ion spake no emphatically in favor nf it thai it wrouhl be enforrod. as loo haaty legislation ia apt to cause a react nm. It was to bo regretted that more tVOfW not present to hear the add rasa. Following is a Hat of the newly leeted ofhoer- iu Wi Ham tie f.otlgo A. O H W : H Allen Master Workman A D Barker -Fore mas F M Weetfall Ovrrseer A C Lsy tour Hocsartbsr. L M art mReoe Ivor. A B Woodin Financier. Frel firat Cuide.. 8 T Rose-1 osido ITniehmw -. 1. Cam peau Outside Wwtciinaan K Miller Trustee. IrT W Harris Medioai i: tarn in r. We want stuck hand, grain forms and all kinds of lands to sell to em migrant that are constantly arriving here iu osn-h of bouses. We have made arrwugtnu. in- m Portland and an Kramn -o hy whn-u of perons that want to tmy land in t be. art of Oregon will be Jent to us. lyou dweire your laod sold soon and on good trm call on or send for blank cwotrec, bwoe scriptiona. Bcukhart Brow , Heal Estate and Loan A garni. "Alhaitv r New goods just received at Aden A M st ub's, Albany. Or. Tneir esses e jammed lull of now goods of all dUcriptvur., eiso jetnnie.i full of new customer. There is no ne of talking good goods and low prioes wilt wia. Yoa have got to give the peofd i eiil tor having gaud common sense. They will bay goods where thsy one buy tho heat goods for tbe least money, that is the reason Alien A Martin's trade ia iucreaeing so fast, A lieu k Martin pay the bigbeet pi tc lor produce ef all hind. riesadac. Mew spring goods in man's sad boye' clothing st Allen A Mania V Tneir mock is very complete snd they marts every man happy whore price and quality is concerned. John Scbmeor has just arrived from Prineville with a lot of fine young bono which he oilers for sale. Parties wanting to purchase should call at the grocery store of Fred Mullerin thia citv. Kid is tho rose, So is hia anas. Prom drinking tea much Ky-er. To change that noes To white from raee, Use Pfundsr's Pari tier, THE PERMANENT CONSTIPATION. jro UFQR THE PERwUNENT CtttE 6M CONSTI jj