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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1882)
0 f he getttgrxat. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1882 , . , ... .. Ml ' I ' I .! I I.T! IL ITEMS Reports of prematura apple drooping continue to come from many sections of the country. Should crops this year prove light, as now seems pfoVable, Great Britain will have endured seven successive bad harvests. imm. Fowls like cabbage in Winter. In fact, if they have the run of the cab bage patch in Summer there will be none left for Winter use. There is a general complaint of light crops of potatoes in western New Yoik, Poerseed and dry, hot weather are the causes. At this season meat farmers are feed ing their pigs less than they should. A little grain fed while pigs are run ning in clover will put on more flesh and fat than three times aa much grain fed in December. More sweet corn will be canned this year than ever before. There is a growing demand for it which win be in creased by the scarcity and high price of fruits. A factory in Wells, Me., expects to put up 000,000 cans thin If one wilt take trouble, says Mr. Ftdch, to count the rows of scales on a cock's leg, in front down to the first joint in the middle tee, he will find that there are seventeen, and that no matter what the length of the shank if, the number will be the same. Prussia has seven agricultural col leges, fifteen agricultural schools, eigh teen winter agricultural schools, twenty five farm schools, 253 country agricul tural schools and about forty special schools for gardening, etc., making 35 S agricultural schools. Crops of thirty-five to forty bushels of wheat per acre are common in wes tern New York this year. Such crops pay. The pries sever goes so low ss to make a large grain crop like this un profitable, though such may be the cate with hoed crops involving more labor. Peter Collet, chemist of the Depart ment of Agriculture, says that sorghum should not be ground for sugar er syrup until the seed is folly mature, and it is better several days after cut ting. To cut while the seed is in the dough scd grind immediately has ben generally recommended. The preservation of straw for feed iug purposes is very important. I is best secured at or immediate! after threshing time. The chaff especially of wheat straw, is must valuable and should, so far aa possible, be distribut ed through the stack. That which is left in rear of the straw carrier should be put under shelter, aa it rots easily. The late cultivation of corn is very important where the soil is infested with Canada thistles and quack grass. As the corn completely shades tbe ground, the weeds turn yellow and posh up weakly. A little care in re moving every sprout now will insure their entire destruction, which will be more than repaid in the next and suc ceeding crops. It is estimated that in making 100 pounds ef pork from corn we get $1.42 worth of man n re. This added to the price of tbe pork as it should be makes pig-feeding a profitable business at present prices of pork products. Much of the feed of a pig while growing1 may be less expensive material than corn. If fed on clover the coat is much less, and the manure is even more valuable. The London Live-Stock Journal presents an interesting, if not very ap petizin?, picture of the possibilities of oleomargarine, when it quotes a state ment that in one vear the fat has been extracted from HI tons of fish and tripe refuse, thirteen tons of cats und Keren tons of dogs, and suggests that the fat thus obtained is "just that identical aiimal oil which suits the pur r ose be j. ' of makers of oleomargarine. The action of plaster is so culiar that it can never be depended on ss a staph fertilizer. Still it is generally a ) Henetieial and cheap that U usually a IvisaUe to :ow it as an auxiliary at the rate of 100 pounds per acre on all broad leaved plants. It is supposed by some Mtitborities 'hat its main bene fit i derived from it falling iijon tbe leaf, while that which falls on tbe soil may prove t-jert. It u alni't uuiver rally helpful to clover. Tbe following hints are Useful to those engaged in varnishing carriage work; Body varnish brushe should not b3 used on carriage parts. Tbe varnish r oru shoul ! be earefully swept tie evening -ievbm to finishing. An e'en tew attire should l kpt in every vrt ih rmir. About 68c or 70" i mot favoreMe, a'l r Kings considered D) not on f'i- hftfch watr on 4re forf 'it- variiioh room, as the vapor r ajng therefrom in)' have, a deleteti- U -ffnCt ujxifl the Vr':f,h. Mss. T. G. Yeomans & S ma of Walworth, 1ST. Y , report a jiefd of 17.746 pounds and two ounces of milk in a year from a two-year-old Holstein beitW. In one week in November she produced -thirteen pounds and nine ounces, of batter ' oa dry filed. Ten wombs atW calving she produced eleven pounds aad three ounces of butter. In neither case was extra feed given. Sucb cows as thtS are wt 11 worth "fancy" prices, as they are really based on what the animals will I roduee in pr.jlit for their owners. W. B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KIN IIS. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Either "double barrel, "hot gun or three barrel two ahot and one ride. Also Sharps, Retnlngten, Ballard, Tluv nix, and Martin Magazine Rifles. Also a large stock of English, Herman and American breechdoadlngshot guns. Full stock of Revolvers, listols Cutlery, Fishing Tackle of all kinds, and Atuitin nitioa of all kinds. A full stock of Dav in Sewing Machines ik. kl ImII, ittafltat Alun full fctrvt'k IUP lTt 111 1 1 iv umi v. - - - ' ' of sewing machine needles of all kluds aud saahnli Isms nit I make a specialty or repairing fire-arm 1 I - - W 1. nu nwiug inmcuiut's. Remember that I canuot bo uudersold in (tie stale. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE ARE '"lb prepared as usual te fur nish storage and sacka on the most favors bid terms. K LIBERAL PREMIUM J. H. FOSTER & CO., Mammalia Mills. ISal ALBANY CITY FLOURING MILLS. We are prepared to furniah sacks and storage on the same terms as last year, and will pay the SAME PltEMIUiM. THOS. MONTEITH & SON. IUU CARPET. Aa I em prepared to d- weaving of carpei on anon notice. 1 oucit tbe patronage of the people of Albany and vicinity. Tboe bavins carpet to weave will please give me a call at my reeideuoe two clocks sooth of the East Albany school house, on Sixth treet. Mrs. W. h. Warmkr, H.YPIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE C0MP0U1TD. A Save Care far all FEMALE WEAK. NEftHEM, lacladlaa; Iacorrhrs, Ir ffntar and Painful .Venstruatlna, la9aassaation and rieeratlera af tbe Wank, Fleediec. PUO LAPHUM LTKRX, &e. tWUmmat to the taste, sflU-atioua arvl IrarolUtn hi IU effect. It U a creat help la preganey, and r t " pain oaring labor and at rtfaiar perluda. i-HTMCUss rut it ami ratsnuar. it mut CVFoa all WzAZjrnazs of the cearatie urgtna of either aez. It i aecotMl to no remedy that baa ever naa oaf ore tbe pabUe i at 4 fee ail Sim mm of too RMMRfRR It 1 the Crtatttt Ltmtd m U the Wort. C7TKIDXEY CO IT PI. A I?TM of Hither Sea Find Urea Belief la It. Use. LTDIA E. miOl tS pi BLOOD PrBITTEK wlil '.radirate ererr reacla-n of Hnmora (rota ihm B xxl, at the aanietim wtlf aire tone and rtrenatk t LUe ayrtcm. A lnarreUntti in resulta aa the Couiioind. ITTBorth the Compound and Dl -o4Pnrlf.f r are pre perrd at SS and SK Weatern Arrnne, Lynn, Kaaa. Prlre of either, fl. Six bottlee for ft The Compunad U aent by maO In the form of pills, or ef loarncea, on rereifa of price, at per box tor either. Mr-. Pink ham freely enswere all lettrre of Inquiry. Knrtoea 3 eat tamp. Send for pamphlet. JfaeMoa this Paper. ra-T-rnu E. Prnoux'i J rrw Pnxs enre rvnatipa t!.o. EUiOii.aridTi.rp:Uij of Uv I J i r. ataSS -3Ln by all DraafflXa.-l CD TUTT'S SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive. Fain In the Head, with a don sensation to the back part. Fain under the Shoulder blade, fullness alter eating, with a disin clination to exertion of Body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spiritt, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Disziness, Fluttering at tbe Heart, Bote before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right ere, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT8 PILLS are especially adapted to ucta eases, one dose effect each a change o (feeling aa to astonish the offerer. They Injurs te Araetlte, and caoae tbe bodyto lajfce n rkwB, ttaua tne system la TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obav Haie on WmitMw ehsaaed to a Oioarr Bi-ack by a alnle application of tbla Drx. It Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Drnfjisu, or sent by express on receipt of aT OFFICE, 5 nrRBAT ST., mr TOKK. (Sr. TCTTS SUCH, af TtlaaSli bawawttsa sa4 Gsesi Saaatfla will ka suilaS BB aa aaaUaaUaa. WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY OF GOODS IM THE U.S. AND CAM SELL YOU AMY ARTICLE FOB PERSONAL OR FAMILY IIS IM 1UV niliimn AT uum ten nniA. WHATEVER YOU WAST SEND FOR OUR CATA I LOGUe FREE) AND YOU WILL FIND IT THERE MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 329 WABASH AVENUE, OHIOAOO. 1 sXlWiali fwOMAN CANHOUXH OF WOtaAjA WTnlS THE M0 PC W PILLS NEW STORE. $30,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPENINC ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER OFFEREO FOR SALE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EYERYTHINC THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, A GREAT MANY OF OUR GOODS WERE PURCHASED IN NEW.YORK, CON SEQUENTLY TNEY ARE OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS NOT A SINCLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT OF DATE. S3r PERSONS RESIDING AT A DISTANCE CAN HAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS COODS AND TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OF EXPENSE. THE CLOTHINC IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF COODS EYER BROUGHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere. WE ALSO A Foil Line of BOOTS AD SHOES HATS AND CAPS, WE SHALL ONE PRICE WE INVITE ALL TO COME WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW IT. T ftlf( B 4 aW A aa a a a a a a a m aaaaaa a lata bba a si . & JKt tLSfc, ANU Wt WAfU YUU TU KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO rOWN DON T FORGET TO GIVE US A 3ER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. ALLEN 57 FIRST STREET, 1 NEW GOODS. OF NEW GOODS. MARTIN IN ALBANY. , Satins, etc. DEPARTMENT ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES THA KEEP 3ES DEC I 1 HAVE BUT FOR ALL. ANO SEE US. WE HAVE COODS THAt WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS ANy . a a mi a aa aaaa m mm. . CALL AND WHEN YOU DO SO REMt M 000DS - THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE & MARTIN BURKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. PARKER'S BALSAM. 'Hit el.'tant ilmiinf W btafcries by 1 1 to as wImiIibts uardlt, to any iimtUr nriicU, on fee- k ouitt of its superior .IfsnUntm ami pursy. II cotiliuti inalartuls unly iliac ars baiiaHclal ! lite sialp aiul Ima n! 4 way Color to Cnj or fttoi Hair Putirr'n Hair lUNntrt i lilt' iy tat(limctl aixl is wurraniaxl lo pravatii falling af lltalmtr an I to ra mi, m (landruiT ami iicltltig. lliacnic ft Co , N Y. 5' i 1 . ai IssfsM 1 1 Jrug. i aaaV li". FAHKER'S GINGER TONiC A laasriaUvt Health and ttrtsflk ftsatortr. If yoti ars a rarthaitk or farmer, worn out wkh overwork, er a nt'itiar tun ilirwn try family or hotue li' lil rtiitica try I'ANKra'a CtlNMtM 1'ONIC. If you ars a lawyer, t m or bu.lneM man hnualatl ky nwmal atrairtoraaxkHtacaraa, dont take isSaaicaitti n aianulaal, Ut I uas I'ar kr' iintn '1'otue Ifymihava Conautnplton. Dytprpaia, Khauras' I n i. k Ulnay t'ostpmiriU, or any oattadsf of ika lungs, ttotrtiKti. I iwata, UIoikI or nrrr.rsaKBh's (iiKiiaa 'i'tMtii'artrttreyou. It UihaOrrnia.i Illood i'ttruW and tht Sen ass turcit Cosfa Can Cvar Uud If v mi ssa ataatttp aw iy fmru ags, tUasipalion or any or iln-r anl r'liuin a ttinmlant laka Utauas 'I okk; at tniti it will m latsaaj amiUuki vki up fi m rn fi -t iuv t.ui will natar mtoatcais. It hat aavr.) huniltr U of Nvrt; it i:i .y ta yotirt. C A t TH Hi ' 11.1 ... .11 kMim., IMsi Ulaaw Taai la .II 1 1 t f Ik. K. .1 ,.4Ml In Iki.MU.u I I.MII..IT liar. at r. rnvniimft fi-tm aiM.. lira I f - t1i alalia ajsassai . X. T. Ma. a 1 aia,aiSaUrila Sraga. una at IAVBM aVtlM dollar sue. In ii h and laating fi . fiance lsaaSias thia rUhshtfut prrlums arariirtty fafSflsr. TSare Is aet alaf llae it. laatat osaa semis; r Ursa. CuLwoia and loi4i (U i .ry VMlia. Say Srasabt aa aW.r aa f'f aar" - .-. as aaS H mi afc. LASA.S aVw at'TISU IV SI7C. Fit ED WILLERT, CARRIACE AND WVCON MANVFACrrCJREK, Comer flocond and Ferry Him. Albany, Or i la nreuared Lo maniifartura rarriaoM and wagons at anon notice ana ox tne very DEMT M ATEltl II. He mskea the promlum carriages aud buggies of the mate. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK done at shortest notice ami in the moat SKILLFUL MANNER. Ilk work and material ! warranted to be ilrat-claaa. VKf To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND KgrStfULLY Those SntTeriig from Debility, Xervou Prottrntioa. Loos of Vitality, Sexnal lnflrmitif. Elf., Elf. rnvit ohtxr nrkd nioag iiavk ... a. 1 auSaains fraaaa lUliL AXV NKKVOVS "iiicmMiu (ahtskaaa aae caa BDajirslMai ih4r ailmanta aad aiseoaasfttliji traat Ibssa TV. gwaaral praUU aa aeS atsafciaatlr at U la. I ill Uiaaar cUiai of Uvubia U So, aad U BtUSt aa lafl ta law aaaerlallal, a by e4aoaUoa, Umg pne tlca. Ufrwuft k imig and ooaaaraSaaaal vaj oaia.1. la rx--l iu cure Uassn. dm. s. r Trx opamaal his nam patabraUd laaUtata la W9 far Uas faarpsas ml asTuseitir Uas aalistai Uaa eartaial ,a kunurabto arvl aStltfnl asset aad aarsast aad I rasHratlsn. and fur ar Sv yrara It aaa thr ftra rank not only Ua Usfa Coast but it Uv. dallltad arorte. 1 aaa aaarc Uaat brdwalUnar ma ao onlnrlttaa a aabjefl m Um astaj iaaaj rkM ajaaraut ita aba ars suaWias; Uaiasak brsjraaea, aad area br rarlanmis er aat ef fcwasrtsda. that a c-ua can bar bad, ars not only barrying- ihsaiasbsa far an omiRMrly grSa. bat firing assaal aoshaaaa sa ss asliariasssa aa fatars garnaansUaas, Is U graataa ineratUs U uartait tns U bs SUaaU traaadaess If utt ars aniffcriat frwm ntbl ! -aaes, , slight toaaw wham ar, iraaabtlng. palpt ha.a tarartacaad a. If BHiiasj aartunaat, ranaeas teas laiVun, ft via bo.. Sc., nr U yum aSsass area la Uss Might est asrUcutor )ou are Ing Irtrot Uv. Dread Ear as ef a Life. And abould not Kraltato to seek at ones health aad haai -trtaaa In a cura. CTaUOl UU4JU.vrCRD. fRgf MODERATE CtllUt I.T ATION BV t.ETKEIt OK OTtlERWISE rec. Exrlasl rl legetaWIe atesaeslles Caesf. -o- LiMaS'Yuu are aaesiUllr ttohle ta sugaring fruta narvloaa prusiraUon. all foar ascaJtar cm tSSIntsara aanmas ta their urgia aad haoca yonr auS.ruia; ara tarribli 0..rsasiiig or taasarsaaibh bees. The Doctor In bto rasaamhss and praetlre ef aervoaa troahtoa has asade year argaaiasUea a apaetoJatttdr and to thus amahied from bto axusri mas aad hnoarlbrs ta aid and sura roa In say af Vha Iroabtos, weakaeas, diatrsaslngaad sisgsnnag e whtr-h as s sex yea are liable. ar V.u wiu .gad la tha Poster a friend upon nooi you can rej.iy lor comiort, aid ami curs lr Veaag'a Franalo atesaeslles have at lataeu a reptitaUaa for sSartsaay ansqualsd ay any saaakine, or medical rrsecriptioa sacr ugcroal. They can be etnt by Basil ar express. Those uestrlns; parsons! care and atteatiea aaa oars all Pianary scoinmouaUoris furiuahcd. -O Letters. These wh can sot vistt ths city ran by glring taasr synipiom in tnsir oarn sy. i.ain advtos, and wbsn Sssirnt, trsaUaent at bvinc aiUi every aa- auraru'e in a curs. LETTER!) METI RNED UR DIJfTROYED. Address. Dr. J. C. l ot M.. U est leal lasUlate, Re. : stoekiaa at Ban rnuetoco, Esb. SI. 1N!C. NTISELL tOOOOPtonot 1.000 Oreaes. PIANOS "aaa MaJI Buy Maaabutawai. rora tJ3 to tl,SS0 Caab, Hrat.r IllO.tlB.Mla htalu(ua rtt AMI5ELL . BarkrIS S TARTLING D18COVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A t lot tm of yoeOtroi tmprodenoa esoaiag rrema furs Decay, Kiurress Debility, Lost bfaabood, ate., bsriag tried in rala every known remedy, has dhv coreml a simple asli cure, which he will scad FREE to bis faUow.suBerrrs, addresa J. H. KKBVBka. 43 avhatham nt., . Y. i 50o IXafirii ; . Aaaa r ar5 - r. O Le IMt-UMu'a .wllett RulaaMt Ne. 1 Curvs Cbutiosrs, bri and seuuiid slaves ; bors, on tha Ugs and Body ; syphlllU Catarrah, dis esrHxl bualp, and all prinuo foruia of thu dtaoasv I'rioo, a&.oo per iiotOe. Ee Klchau'a UnldJea KuIsmbi Na. Curss TsrUary. Morcurial, SypinlUic Rheumatism, Pains in tha Bonsa, Ulcsrated Throat, Syphilid Rash, LuinpN, etc., uU eradicates all disease, from ths lystem, whether oaused by bad treat mentor abuse of mereu.y, leaving the blood purr aud healthy. I' per Bottle. Ee Klrhait'a nldea Spanish Aotltletv for the euro of Oeuorrhcea, uicot, oU-. Prtos, f.&Oper Bottle. J?.1!.""'" e.We Maalali Injection, f?Th Zr mT,L M11! aulctures, Dtaeaw o! lilftti Bladdsr, etc. i'rics, gl.&O par fc Klcbau'a Golden ttlataieat for tht effective hosting of Syphilitic Sores and Eruo . tioaa Price, $1.00 per Bottle. Alas Agents for Ee Klehsa'a Gelden Plllg. for woakuess, loss of phyinosJ powers, and all (besets, arlsng from abuso and excess or over-work. Price. 3,00 per Box. Sent every where, C. O. D., igourely peeked pe nxpress. C V. RirHAROf at C. innts. 417 a ! Sansome atreet, Comer Clay, i an Prt etsoo, ( aJ. HAIR ReatorcithoToulhJul A flRCMQ a Mb GREAT INDUCEMENT! MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! Great Reductioos ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARCEST AND BEST IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming. KVERYHODY IJUVS Ol - A I BVKRYBODY HOmiA -PUOPHIliTOI or ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DKAI.KR8 IX Imported And Domestio Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candler; Nuts and Tropical Fruits, bany, ... Osr.ffoo. OKK DOOR BELOW AT THE OLD STAND, 73 FIRT rfTRKET, UAH ANSoLTMKNT O.' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, a say lasaaa m ttae alley. He a ao Imports and maoutaclurva Aa TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OP EVERT maSCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON UAXH, A FULL AiBORTMEiaVT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE COMPETITION. Repair work done at ritnH ta - 4'tarur M taaa. 1 1 i r if immi, amaS. hm nai i. . w tr is- um aa !-. Tf . t. m asaasMraa aasa. mm am t . . aa4 -taMMci 0Y KiNO S NCVr SYSTbM 1 1TTI D WITH COMBINATION BPCCVAC2.K8. THEY WILL CORRECT AID PSEStVf THE SM.KI. PEDLERCANNOT GET THESE COOD rua saic oxtr ar Cliareh Olrertary. Y. P. C. A. Meets at their rooms iu Fil ter's brick building oa aatarday evenings at 7 30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons st 4. busineaa raeetinga are bald on the even ing of ths second Monday ia each mouth. Everybody invited to attend. V. P. Cnrracn. Preachiag every Sabbath, st 11 a. at., and 7 r. at. by Kev. rm O. Ir rine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2.30 r. at Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvaXOKUcal Chi'Kcii. Preaciiiag on Sab bath at 11 a. at., and 7 J r. at. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Holleabaugh, pastor. CoMoagOATlOMALCliuacn. Services every -bUth at 11a. m. aod 8r.a. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. & CucRt ii, eormi. -Services 2nd aud 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul's M. K. Church, South, st 11 a. ai. Sabbath School at 10 A. at, sharp. Prayer meeting e.ury Thurs day eveung. Jos. Emery, ptor. M. E Curacn. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 7 r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs lay evening. I. LHllon, pastor. FaasBYTKaiAJf Cuuacu. Service every Sabbath morning and evsniasr in OoUese ChspeL Sunday School inuneriUtely ritcr the morning servioe. Prayer meeting every Thursday sveniug. Rev. Isaac U. Con lit pastor. EnscOPAL CncKcn. Services every Sua lay, morning st 11 s. in., evening st 7$ p. ui. Holy communion every Sunday morn ing at 0-45 a. m. Wednesday 7 30 p. in. Root. L. Stevens, paator. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturd.iy AT If urHsburg Urcgon, S. S.XH.A.IKT,Eilitor &. Propriett r. ' Terms $2.00 per annum. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the taateful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. Ia mar, who has uevor failed to please her outaternera. New Pall Circular Just isaned. Send for it Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, U:7U m Broadway, New V ,-k. YIXG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the best Washina- and Imni nor in AI. bane at lowest rAtaa. nonrmcta tnade for Chinese labor. rsttmrirv nn Waahlnirfnn street, opposite Marshari's Livery Stable' 18 tho TIME TO 2 "IT ! STOCK OF COODS COUNTY. the way for the GOE8 k JOSEPH, JOII ; ni'tfiOV STORK. ON WAX!) A.. FINE AN OJTEKH TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT Dk.K CALL AT 72 PTIW rTTHKET, ALBANY, ORKUON. reasonable figures. .a- i . w i ru uU wj ALBANY tar MARBLE WORKS, STAIUER BROS. - l'ropi: etois A I 111 W ASS.-'saW ts aaasaawaaa aw W aa asa v s MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AND Hi:ivrs i oives Execated in Itullan or Vermont Marble mut asaaaOa a tfsjaa, aa & , ; - Also, every variety tf cetuetery and other atuoe work done with neatuaHs and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from ail parts of this Suite aud Washington Territory. .jnT"Ali wori Wirraistoi. 17:42 rmWlOUNDRY HACilIE SHOP. ISTVBMMIIfl !Nr. By A. F. CHERRY, mtnated t corner ol First and Montgomery Mreoin, Albany. Oregnn. Having taken ehsrgeof the a hove nam Works, we are prepared to manufactory Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills Wood working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Uraas Castings of every desc ription. Machinery of all .kinds repaired. Sue clal attention giveu'to repairing farm a a ohinery. Pattern Muting dune In all Its fbima. lJllyi A. V. CHERRY A SON N EW PISH MARKET. 1.1 IBPaVsVaVsjafl " On corner oppesite Senders A Sternberg Will keep constantly on hand all kind of fraah and salt nsh sndoysiers thst the msrket affords. M. Htbb FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART. Real Estate Broker. ALBANY, OREGON The following is a partial llat : ITOacras osasBMla half miles wast o faitK' iit,OreK"ri,ard C mile from Altsanw W ar ros in cultivation : 40 acres mora n 1 put In culU ration easily; balanoe good timber and paetare land Hoi, riob black prairie, fiood house ami barn, good board woes, ail in good repair ; you hit orrha.H of 100 Ireaa; bjoikI we I and running at ream 0 aaa a B . -S a a a m 9 aaaaasaj aaw nu'. ; iL'fui rarri'roi, cnuri-li ari'i pot- oCQce ; jfood neighbofiaapd sod good sod. otj. Terms $30 per acre : $2,000 krwn. on easy terms. 2W acre on NariowGaaareroarl.1t mil from Albany anrl 5 mlloa from ivio. anrt ly4 nil lea from J ffrroon. I lb arna vood farming land, lb acrea in cultivation; re insifMler in Uuier and brush; boaae 18x21 with 10 foot walla, ell 10s28 ; grrod barn with 14 Toot aned en one side; Kord U-nr-Pn and water. Terms MOO if rroaaible. Kaiser tnao gset aeil will tak. r-sw oown, snu naianne on Z to 0 time, secured by mortgage. yjn IN arroa K ut a mile west of A i Iran v Vto mrrtm rn cult! ration end & a r and aati liniberyood woo J land; all under ieaoe, uoani ana ran. arue goei and bed ; about 7 acres In orchard, apples. rnrrawy itrmr; gmw wars m bushels per av re on average; gjod two atore frame holla-. ila-t rr.I. o r,. tuilt in IB73. and cal z Oik gxd barn. 2xM) and two abeda; well arranged for farm ntirnoaassi I rrme, fBOOO, 14 years time on a6ui0. 150 acres IX mflea west of Tsngant; 100 sin oakiTatkm; ail new itui m.. and ia good older; good two story hottest. roorua, nriy new ana in good oondi- MSM g"xi tiT.1 orebard, ISO pi am airpie orchard; in goo-1 order; plgsv tv ran hi iig a ater; 20 scree of gord timber; rarh, bUack soil and rery prorlietive. Pnoe fSSSO, Vt caab aod beiesoe on i me. 109 assaas esse aad a bait milea nortiaraaaa of Albany; lb mam in wheat, res In fair average, woodland; good land: nesu'v Pries tt acre; terms eaar. acres 1 mile enntbuaas of Sorts Srrringa ; fair farming ; email bouse; MX acaos fsooad. Will be sold in small tracu or all tofetber. good acbool, chorea, and post-office at Hodariile, aleo the hoda f-pringe Price SS per acre, easy terms. 80 acres 1 Jaj miles aixrre Oneatta, on TaV quina i!ay. known as too old abh yard. It bae a splendid frontage on tbe Bajr, and will be acid at fll pet acre. :00 scree, lying srrLl Hi f mile of Mob. me. ii. Benton uoonty. AJ.' unW feooe snd divided Into five fie Ida. Ail good farm land and half in grain. Good boose and barn, splendid water aod a fine orch ard. It ia one of tbe beat farms in bat section of tbe rslley. Price f2i per acre fiOOrj or $16(10 down aod balance on time 202)4 acres lying 5 miles north-east of liarruburg and 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under fence; ISO acres in culu eetleo, balance hi paetare. but most of it ran be put incuUiaatiofi. IU etorv boaae, barn, good water, etc, 1 mile to schocl. PrtC fiOOO, 123 seres lying 0 miles strath of Albany and 2 milea ram Tangent. 75 acres bs cultivation and ad under fenra, 25 scree more can be put into cultivation by oat lay of $ 100. House, bam, splendid aster. A fine young orchard. Prise, fJO per acre. S3 acres In Center Previect 3 miles from station on Narrow Oarage. 100 acres in rulUvalion. Good IX story boaae, atrd boaae, barn, and splendid water aud one orchard. All under f-ut-e. Price IS per acre. 240 arei !y ing aboat SO milea south- east of Albany. AU sorter ience, email . orcberd, no buiiditiga. 60 acre has been cultivated, but ft la ail now used as pao- tare. Priee $ 10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 milea from Brandon's station in Center Preeanot, all nosier fence. lvO acres ha eultivation. Large IX atory frame bouse, good barn, several outbuiidmgs, orchard and good water. Price, o per acre. QAQ atatea of land in Marion courtv, OUO L'a miies from Bcena Vista and aereu miles from Jefleraoa. SO acres In cultivation and balanoe L light brush aop timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mM within 2 miles. Enough wood eaa be sold at the pottery works at Boone Viato to pay for the farm. Cab on . II. &zit.VAKr,t Albany. A 3T06K BARCH LN E ASTERS OREGON. A stock raneh of 220 acres, with good outntde range, located near Bridge Creek, in Wasco county, together with about 25 hoi see, to exchange for land here in the Willamette Valley. Now, if jo i want to aeil yr farm and go into the snck boat, nans in Eastern Oregon, here ia a chance for yon. Call on or address C. II. Mtw art, Albany, O&egort. C c chbrrv ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY 6 PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) t Mackinists, lillwrights, and Iron FoiuiLlcn. WK II A VK OUR NEWSUOPS ALL couip:etd, and are now prepared to handle a 1 kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Meam Enginea, Grist sud Saw Mid Machinery, aud all kinds of Inm and Brass CastiugK. . rATTKKXS 5ltK 0 SHOBT XOTKSL Special attetiUon given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. sbap aa staker M. Office a LsuatWr Tarsi. Albany, (Jr., ihv. I, 1880. l&t a a I 1'urUauil, iU.ti.c Q K V.'EEK. sxj a Ujy st h u. rJv aaals. Olily OauS froa. Atttrra. Tats' a Co.. Auu;a,laa.s. Qf Br P. !s thr neorJc's nooaiAr remcth- U l arrs-.terl tn tpv ntistaetien, II -m want testfnaoaiala ca'i t the tcai We don't puhU-h tV.m. but retar yi to U.e deals! in4Jctriutuors. t iiaa uu stUal- 1 jr txntle ht httks tor SA. . . , . RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS03I 4 CO,, PROl'R'S. ? VjaWaMNL'Ma" nnre Jtr f - j NEW I'l.OCESS FLOCE. SL'PEJtlOK FOR r AMI LIES ai BAKgaa use. LEST ST0R1C-? 4CTL1T1E8. Highest. tftM.ato Cash for h--.t.WTaii afaeoal J6, UTT0. IHL1 i Asseots ALBANY i v