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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1882)
f he gcmoctat. Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or. i nd-class mat! matter FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1882 STEWART & OHAMBFRT.ATy, THE 4T HOME AID ABROAD- Ciieaa tenight. F. M. French, Jeweller. Harvest is abaat svsr. Raad tea aaw a IrertUeaieote. Mara yen takaa year vaoatiwu. Ilia Legislate re meet s a at Monday K. R. Ssipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. A tremendous rush at wheat this week. Go to tha siroua to-night. It is trst-class. Tha fall trsds ia bag toning Uvsly aad our merchants look ssuoh better ikaa aiaal. Go to Montague's at Lebanon, far bar gains. lo yoa one far tka paper yaar ara reed- tag. Ala Mania kaa aar tkaaka far a suecnlsul Hoa kt C Osorgs rataraad to Oragoa last by tk Northern Peeiae. a i mi . u t. .j i... tt Tu-day afternoon th. noted rough, --ZT'Za ' Johnny Patty, wea.rreetad by Marabel " rTT" 1 . IT. v. t a , wv, wain lu vrau Fel lew's T mb pie. over Laagdoa's DrugStere. It ia a bod praotioo far baya to go iato tbo cupola af tba Court Roaaa with lighted cigarettes. Sana too works vara karaad ia Portland Ta day saoraiug ; loot, OJO.aoo ; insurance, $10,000. Talk about it baiag hot in this locality. it 114 ia Th uvuJUoo of Tn Daaocaaf is staadily Insreer ;our, u4 Is the blt of say sepsr in th Stu ou Bids of Portend, saskins It tha east msdiun to edirer ii ia So kdmtiMMiiU srt ran after Ulr Uout u All up Mo sdrsrttossssots srs laser .tresofcbsrie. X advertissnaeate ars aoublsd ap. Donny for aaaaulting Wru oigt, propria- tor of tba saloon an Parry at root . He takaa beforo Recorder Hentou and triad tba same afternoon, tka trial occupying two or thraa koura, and alicitlng consider able intaraat aa Patty, although having Iumii uonnaciad with Suenv unhte and brails, baa boon dealt with vary gently by tbo strong arm of the law. Tha evidence af tba proeeo'Ukm brought out tba facta I q w ia PriaeviUe they have kad that Patty, TJ Auaeuey, wno waa reteaeeu i only tka day previous from the peniten tiary .and one or two etbere, wore ia Mr Voigt'a aaloon, playing card when they - a, a I I ww VMIMIIIi prepeeed to play tor money, aar v oigi. tapped up and laid them that it w against tba ru'ee to gamble ia bta saloon, Potty iaaieted that be didn't run bis oarda. After some dispute be brought tha matter tA a .Umax t seMkiow Mr Vol at with a ia the volley lately was eeeeod aad aa the mi J J Is fork of eutrth Tke ky tree ia Attention is called to tka aaw ad McCartney. Tkey are live koala1 eot for net next Taaaday, tka Ittk. AU chair la tha face, and as tba latter started be promptly en band. to defend himself be bit bim on ktttMtkU wish e crib bare board. Mr Vni a nisssrfail ia wrenchiaa this from hia band and than threw him to callage should Oscar Bteuat km sold hia etere to Mr Ehuey, lately proprietor of the photograph gallery aaxt to Mcllwaia'a, Plush ia all colors at Meatstth k Soiteo- sor. He waa generous enough to ealybaeh,a ia three equalities, alee brocaded aad pJata velvets. Oh a rich. The Dalles pa per peak Tory highly af lerasan's circus vkiak exhibited ia that city mat week. Tba ladies delight ia (a winter wraps at ft boitenhach '. They ao jaat hAlst nlae be tba throat unlit case, aitboogb be bad plenty of poor tuultiao to punish b'm severely- It i ,.inH tb Piiy beared like a bey to be let up. The dafenaa of oeuree bad a different baiag omlma-l that Volgt did that Arm atriklag, but tbl. .Ttdemtly did not f Zm 3 have ntuca wetgnt, tor rspawiwi facta were against tba Judgment of tba court dollars ard ooets. aad i defendant. The sea a fine of tea Uet way. f o. TMsslaa aftoruoea lUt excite ment over tha Patty fight ha not b sua toeocl whan a runaway occurred a iiinrt tha aublia attention. Mr Edward Waidan, hvlag? noraaa tha river, had hta team beaded towards Poateria wereboaae. aad waa "aaxt" ii tholtae. when they auddenly backed between two other team, and turn lag started dowa Firat at rent at a terrible a ho rseeivod this waak from tke west aa hnprored rolaery, which tkey wiU place in their mill. The Presbyterian Charok new bogiaa to up ia good shape. It will make a very pearaaee wkee fiaiahe-1. aolhag far 7a aad a prosai 2h ead bather 95: Otherwise tke market is tke aasee as last week. member that afuf oati A J soh ia tbo plaoe to bay year grocertoa. abotr etook is always froah aad fim universal mtiffaetion. Tka Siaoad AdreatisU are ktidtag ITamHoa, Tkay kovt ' flee largo teat aad attract very good aedi raeaivuig goods ky at ask oa tke road. aoveitiea of All an ft Martta are rate af epeed, although the wagon waa vry full of wbeaL At Par.T ntrewt they eh.rtedikeireoqree toward tha aouth, and by the mflueace nf Andy Hunt were I What a raah af castoaser to Otto Pose laducad ta make the ciNlt, attbaugh It Qoadi at toft ia kat ia tke amttar. Wedge was a close call for Laagdoa'a weat I youreeU into the crowd gad age a hat Coll aad examine all the new wladow; but In ardor U da it tkey were! gains they are. etUag okliged to leave tha wheat on tha side- We are requested to etate ky a eertaia walk, having heard, wa aaderatan4 that young lady teat a marriage us bigb lire iivdss Co were oavlnsr 85c far it. abaat to take place ia this eitv. SuWeonbo Tke ware a wax overturned, somewhat far tbo ueaocaar. to the detriment of lb lp bofda by Bofore parehasief year aletkiag wait the time the horaaa had turned veet o j aatil ie aoe Ua Marti s aow stock Second etreet at Daaaahi A Woadin'a farulture ate re. Here they were about exhausted and by tne eaaietaece of two r tnree stepped in their foolish career. Qaeofthe horses waa alightly hurt, bat fbf damage forf Winder waa Uvaly smgli. and best selected iteok of general merchan dise ever brought to tbia city. Everybody is invited to examine and judge for thn selves. Mentetth A Saitsnbaoh. If yen expect to go to house k o pi sj. or want to fit ap any more rooms, or anything of that kind, by all means attend the auction at tka Sk Charles Hotel at 10 o'clock next Tuesday. All ths furniture will bo sold; Mrs. lleuks card ia aaotber column. ffe hare received in all colors, a full I ins of watered satins, in spsnish patterns, ths latest novelty; also surah satiu, surah silk, brocaded wiks and satina, plain silha ang aatina, ths largest aad most varied stock in tke oity. Mouteith ft Hsitenbaoh. Conrad Meyer continues to keep up the pleodid reputation bo has obtained for keeping a nrat-clasa atock of groceries, al ways reliable and sure to give satisfaction, lis now has the best baker in the valley, and his broads and cakes are not equalled in the city. The largest aad must oomilote stock of school hooks ia the city can be obtained at hi W. Laagde ft Go's, Selected with a view of mestingftbs demands of students, ther is no trouble in obtaining whatever is needed. Be sure and call on this firm, corner of First and Ferry Streets. There is no foolishaeas about Kux acUiag oat at oust the old stock of Pos, ileum ft Co. He baa purcnaeed th satire stock and wtl bring oa aa asw goods. If yoa want bar gains, give him a call He has gone back to Saa Francisco and Ala Harris has com. plate control of the business. Gee Hug lander will mors bis barber shop ia a abort time to Judge Strahan a buildiag opposite the Revere Hons. He proposes to atake it tke best shop south of Portland, and will pat ia his bath tabs, with ksato' for one, so that warm baths can be be 1 at any time. Either ia one ot our 8. or soon other city's S. a. oe July 4th s young lady teacher asked a scholar what the golden test was. Tke scholar getting th text mi ted ep with tke subject of the leeson. sa'd "Ons thing thou lackeat, tke rich young men'' The 1. teacher blushsd. Stepping into tbo store of IgnsU For a few days ago wo noticed e very magnificent wedding present received by himself and wife from May A Seeders, af Herrisburg It is a gold lined silver berry dish fashioned to represent a Venetian gondola, and is tke prettiest tbiag of tke kind we have ever Charley Watts rataraad the first of the week from his trip to tke moon tales J M Meyer and J P Oelbreith, of Brownsville, called aa as tka first af tke week. Mr Wm Nswkouss aad wife have return sd home from quit a sojourn in Washing ton Territory. Miss Ross Daanala left for Halsey last Saturday, where she has been the guest of Rev T W Wilson. Mrs Russell lift this week for Ths Dalles, ld I in where shs wUl visit a few weeks with br ner provided for us and our friends by 111... I. JI.J ll... All...,, I , M',I I, , J , : a VHS ISSIW Wl tllf nitmu ii in' m MUOLtTIOt PASSED fit MO 9 s. At tha regular meet tug of linn Bn glne Company No. 2, held at tbtdr new hall last Monday evening, tha follow ing resolutions were duly pasaed. It waa moved that they be published In the city papers and n copy furnlttlipd the Ladles' Coffee Club : Whxkeas. The dedication of our gas hall au the 18th at' July wt made a grand success by thu mugailtceiit sou, Foster Russell. Mrs Duncan Meatoith, of this sity, is visiting with bar parents, Mr aad Mrs S B Story, in Rest Portland. Mrs Dr Meastoa, of WaiUk erg, W. T., s dangktcr of Mr Vm Cannon af tkis county, is visiting frisnds in this city. Hon Allan Parker kas boou in the city this weak, on bis way to Salem, to attoud the legislature which meets aaxt Moaday. Mr K J Farlow aad wife, woo were in this city recently, have returned to Ashland, We uu deraUud tbstMr F will est as dspety shsrtS ia that eeanty. Mr J D Hampton died at (J jebeo, Laos oeuaty on Aug, IVth, agod 7i. A sea of bis was in this oity from Priuevuie last Saturday oa kls way kosae to aoe kira but did not bear of his death autil be resulted this city. Rev I Ddloa left lent Fridey for Seattle, where he will reside ia tke fntars, having been placed there by tbo conference which met hut week. It hi witk considerable re grot that we see him leave ear city, for fsw ministers are mere universally beloved by their ooug rogation. Last Miadiy eveoing we were eoaewhat irprieed to am Prof. A. M. Matteoa of tke Col legs, step from the sera aooompaaisd by a fiea yoaag lady, kat an introduction to 'my wife" ospleiaed it alt Tbo Professor ha I only foUwCeJ the e tain pie of several others here, ead lactase of eoming back from his east era trip alone, did much better, and brought a most estimahts wife witk Tba geological le aaplealkl formation af for the study as It baa already da , l .1.1.. k. ia vatooea soTerai npewie oi ikely aomoUmo to prove of considerable nim and at read v is beins: need by our -a. .niM-i ' WUU in Me. Vraak --w ..r. i ths Itevk of Fox, beam k Co., at W OOUs IDS v mm wwm ww - w - t ehown two kinds which ha to making hx m to astonish ail wb eaM- aad latest ftylesj ; they wUJ srrjra pa few days. The greater part of tke grain ii this eoanty has been threshed aad lest Monday several threshing parties were paid of, and had a good time ia town. Cedar flat ia tkis eoanty kas been born- 4 rPJ the laet two Wf kavf hat hgard the fsioant of matained bv settlers. Ceaterv ill, a place of only three or fear hundred us 17000 scho well be emulated by Vow is the time to get el merchandise. Otto Fox is closing eat I ty. S bedding a PartWi UoMn Bel. Huh ma a a i es v - w tnia ensorpriao migat good use of. If yea would like a splendid excel of fine fresh oysters go to dm Medy'e. Re has sasaa el tke very beet, and tke time to eat them is when they first seme amend. A toxbiae water wheel for site at this of fice ; a 12 iaoh wheel, ia splendid ooadttioa; will be sold ohoae. Alee 40 feet of 1 inch taken from the ground it can M vat wjtn .hefting aud abaat 12 feet of 1 f inch shaft tae seme laarn miu wuiv, www with but anon ba'dena and beoomaa vary durable. There ia aaly one other atone ia One which wee su omitted to Philadelphia chemiot pjooaoneed granitic eaad stone. It be carved into any shape, and la parties lsxiv valuable for rustic work, being worked into different forms of wood aa .mtnnl aa the wood Use f . When first tba United States which can be put ta eama usee, and that is ths Be lford oolitic, which hi pronounced Inferior to this Tbo t her is tha green granite, pen sesiag wonderful firmneee aad aotioeablo tor tba amoothness with wbioh it can be poll hod. Both atones are quarried on the Savtlam. gms left is. X. Beam, knag a resident of this eoanty, ietmrtcd from thi city lent Wsdesedsy where he enter 'temporarily the vbohjsaJf establishment of FWieohnea, Mayor 4 0a hfr. Baam cams to this county and located as Brownsville in lfi. bet removed to Albany aad began basin for himself ia 1871. Sine that time his bostnea career kaa been very successful. He is a live, energetic, enterprising man, and his depart ure will be quite a loss to our city, ffhile hay he kas been very active ia public mat tars. Ha has held the positions of Couoy Ctera, 1 Herman. Proeideat and Secretary of Albany logins Co No 1, Agent of Wells, Fargo k Co, and has several times held high positions in the aoe rot orders of ear city. He will be miisd very muca here and will be quit a 'valuable addition to Portions business eiroles. May good fortaae attend him wherever b A Tall Affair Mr. F. W Orover reeidmg about a mile east of BrqwnsvH'e baa a quarter of au fcgraofoorj) mr?pbno hiMqr. Wsl M to open the eyes of the Albany napan ho wrapped up a couple of si ilk a sent tham hare by one of tha tallest men be could find, Jim Qllmour. Strange to any tba stalks did not quarrel at all, hut reeob ed hare In safety, and one oj tharn au yean its b4 in, Cqr nctqaj : br ig feet a.nd 3 iaaha lqn, af tha vV mj H ir laowe snaoht, a Hnisu ourn, n-.t import" ei iato America eig ii. y iiir . .go The seed wm aow a ory lata, not .wng plaoed in tae g- .tuu l til along ta J 4 is, en that tha corn is not yat developed bad It neon iat ww loncer it wou:cj no gonbtbave eo unite I 4rk bean sulk As it i We have to jump to reach the low est ear. Tha field is said to look like a e small forest. Cp to Ume of going to press 240,000 bushels of wheat had been delivered at the) warehouse ia this city. The price paid baa f jJlen sightly alaee last week Vm Wan bob's steam thresher, has thresh ed eight bushels of wheat Ut ft minute an trial, going at tka same rate fur several minutes, bat of eon roe not all day, nee lor aa hear. Those interested should read tka card of Otto Fag ia another column. He wants all hi debtors to acme to the front and pay ap, as he must settle ap km business hare im mediately. Fred Reis is fitting ap ia fins style bis saloon ia the Revere House, making it by far tke neatest Uqaer establishment ia the city. The M cores are doing th job, aad noma people think tkey fan advertise enough in a day to last tbcos a yaar. It can no mare h none than yen can eat enough m a day to Ut s j ear. t is the ateftdy ad r ertuang that esaaftx. (Jle. Joe' is ft grandfather now. Mia Al Church gave birth to a fin 10-lb girl last Monday. We kava't seen tke fatfter or mother since the event, bat tkey cant b utqsh happier than "graadpap." iosum yaar wheat against loss by fire. W arshoeeoi will barn gad tkis is tke only safe way to protect your property. Tke ewt is very nominal. Call os C H Stewart, wn represents some fimt-cleee eompauim. Parmers. sell earns of year wheat, take ths money and ge to the old store of Pox, Beam A Co. aad lay la goods sufficient to hurt yoa a year or so. Yea never aeain will get snch bargains as Otto Fox hi offering. Mr D P Poo to, st Sodevillc is fixing things np in big styls at hia hotel ia that place. He now has a fine $200 organ for the ac commodation Of qef M.' ftp p ftS wgll pro. pared to aeco.ntn 4to L, girders as ay pUse in ths county. Capt leaning loot a locket from hi eatcS chaiqa (w days age aa1 will reward any oao wno etl return it. Qq ana side ef it wnf a height boad the ether aid. is blood stone, and ths locaot ooqtainnd S uietre e f his wie. Hoe-guis direct fr,g Jf-w Vrk will arrive on every steatner for Alien A Marti a. Heineutber they will sail yoa better goods for bms money than guy itore in Albany. r r e.a a .-Mm won t uqy sail ana winter atooka ftfttil yon egaegine their new good,. The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will give a Lawn Social at tke residence J. W. Altboues on Monday svsaiag Sep ifith An admittance foe of S3 seat will be eharg ed at the gate. Refreshment free. All are cordially invited to attend. Arrived Oar fall stock nf fall winter goods, comprising the largest The poopls of Waterloo feel very much agrtoved over the fadare of tbo Coenty ionrt to order e bridge built ncroos the Santiam at that point. It is a good point for a bridge, aa high water would never af fect it, ami the bridge would accommodate a Urge community. We are lorry the pro eH faded. It pays to eicertiee. Last Taeelay Al Carey fonnd a pocket book rontaiaiag valu able noteg ss 1 coueidrble money. Wed aesday morniog he brought aa a lverttse sseat ef it to tke people's paper, the Psuo CftftT. A little after noon, Mr J as Elder, tke knew of It, knowing that all losses, stc.. were advertised ia this paper, called sad received his ewe. hie was th bapptmt man in th state. When yen want beer to drink ge to tke Star Brewery, tke leading brewery to the valley, and yea may eept tu apea getting ss good a beverage as i manufactured m tke State. It is becoming more popular in this city every day, being a favorite witV beer dnahera. Uerotaua, Yankee and Irishmen, all go to the Star Brewery for their sad eajey the hospitality of Mr Bellengcr. say yog propose to tmdf where yee saa get a first- clam article at a reasonable price. That ia right Mr Carpenter, sad ws admire year jsdgmeot in selecting C B Moatagae'e of Lebanon, as such a place H does indeed keep s good steak of good, and sells for year advantage as well aa bis own. Tea should net only go thsre your If If bat send all of ycqr friend, a, your sisters aad yaar cousin and yur Moclea, Peered Meyer has secured the eslehratod log Pew- for sale. It is obtealee a wonderful reputation, the number of nasoticitcd teeti monial received being very large. Several who have tried it is this city pronounce it ahead of all others. The games of parties who hare tried it can bo obtained by call ing on sir Meyer. Another tndueeeneat is tke fact that the powder, eitkoagh Utter, is considerably cheaper thwi ether no dors, It U s feet not knows by many tbst Ur Frank Weed, of this oity, ha tb only mar ble turning machine on the Pacific Ct. By it marbU ia turned into various sbspes with woaderfdl ease. Mr Weeds taraer bfing rgn by WSf pfiwec, one ef tap ?ncrk wheel being need, fhe anxohiaec are used a great deal ia tke hsws establishments ef the oast aad the wonder is that tkay have neverbeeo introduced on this coast before, particularly whoa theit nssfalnsm is con sidered. We clip the following from the Harris, burg DiMtminator in reference to our new druggists, Smith A McCartney : "Mr Henry McCartney baa exchanged bis durg store ia thi place fer the drne store of McCoy k Ktlert of Albsay. Mr McCartney and his brokar-iolaw Mr Damon Smith Will gq teT'A'l'Uny apd fgq h toas there le pawnambip, whils Mr McCoy will take the store has, We are sorry to loss ear old Messrs McCartney and Smith, but wish them success wherever tl,y go." Mr L Hondo , in the company of John 8obmeer, left for Ptioevitlo tbit week. Mr Senders will remain there two months to assist in arranging ths husinsss of ths new firm, L 8udrs 4 Co. Psepls rmidicg in the vicinity of Princville will find jt to Jhsir interest tu sail on this firm and their large sad excel I t stock. They lp-nd en oh'MM'iu good bargain and t,.,y i. lj iipju liin i.dorivy of the members of th firm- L Sender the ssnisr msmbcr sf the firm ha done hustneaa in this end anu au joining counties lor twenty years or mors and is favorably known and highly spoken of by his many frieuda Two weeks ago after a great meital effort we succeeded in Composing a stanza about the racn(...holy d,yij, tu whiah was ths lias rwwh cucu qieacooui o'e,ots in bloom," suinei'iirt'f we uever hufore aaw ia a news- pip r. 0 icarbitacooqv was good ! and ap plio to plauU generally of the melon and cucurqber kiqd, W were eorqswhat mor- tifid, to ae the same thing is our worthy exciisngs the hViqtou LnJer, the very next weed, in the sanis IgqgMage exocpt that the ahofe boeutifal word had been iiiardered by being called oucun.bertaceous. 'Tis ever thus that groat poets are robbed of their effort. On hut Saturday Mis DoUie Hook left for Marian county, where eke will teeek tke coming fall aad winter. Fridey evening the Ladies' Bead sad several ethers of Miss PI sub's mare intimate friends surprised her at her home, whom a very enjoyable even tag. we understand, was speak Tke fact that two nswly mirneft ecu pies were pres ent le good evidence that time could not have dragged very slowly. Mr D O Waldraa th epeeiai authorised agent of tka Saa Francisco Wasp, wee ia tke city Saturday, aad remained her several Sours undisturbed except by quite a aum her of oar eitisoos who insisted oo sebeertb iag fer tkat excellent paper, the only illus trated newspaper weat of Chicago, (t keep ap with tke tisAss, giving illustrations ol latest eeeets ia life, homer ous and otherwise, id is one ef tke liveliest paper ia the United States, being foe tke Pacific Coast what Pmck is fer tke Allan tic Coast. L B Slain aad wife, and 8 I Young and wife, and son, Pereie, arrived borne from their trip to Saa Freacioee, ymterday noon, much pleased witk their stay ia that city Tkey were accompanied home by Mrs John Barrows and dasghter, Kile, who will re main here twft or thro meats, visiting their relatives and many friends. It is seven year etnss they made Haa Frsacisoo their borne, aad nearly three since they have visited Albany. Tkey are receiv ing a warm wslssms from everybody. Coffee Club, and WiixatAft, Tha flremci of the other Cnmpanlea In Albany and various frieuds from other cl the gave tislhelr aid aad all Joined lu Kuri rivalry la making iko arratigmeut of itmt ftftspioleus occasion ft pleasure to all While ethera contributed articles f permanent value to our Company nnd our hall. Therefore, faterrv, 1st, That spealal thtnks are due end are hereby tsndered to Hi. ladlea ef tha Coffee Club for their bountiful dinner, f r their prtvldlag fer so large s number every necessary and luxury, fer the beauty end teste with whleh it was sei ved, and forllieir thoughtful kind noes in pto'ldlug cool and refreehiag lemonade and giving It freely to all Areolae in the bvat and dust of our s tresis during our drill etvr clses. Jtuolvfd, That we ftlfto tender oaf thanks to Ilia ladles' fer the "Hauner'' preeenled to eur Company, that we will bear them with pride In nll'our nubile parades and that we will grate fully remember tho Inlr donors by whoae skill rbey were wrought. ?ro'.f. 3rd. That our thanks ere due aud are hereby tendered (o Mr. Max Stoker, our city artist, Ur ki splendid contribution to the mural deuoratioa ef our hall. The large and beautiful painting from hlsskhlrd brush, shows st Its top our national emblem the Aaasrican Kagle spreading iter protect- lug wlagaover the firemen's ha. a. then the date of ear organization and dedica tion lu letters or raid en beautiful ban ara an either side, and In I he ml Jet two firemen's bane's Joined weho. cure always may be In ever lasting frleadohlp. (Iso. W. Quay, JaY Bl.aie, P. M. Hatsjom., Oosnmltfcn Albany, Or., Sept. 4th, laH2 Mot (teelnc Oat. Bet raz ( bmp Fki.uiw Cmzxifs ! The text ea which I would speak to dsy Is In tho I rumor Lai word of CottfacluB, the great iilnese philonnpher. "The Keat le the CbeapeBl." My sermon you will find hi me next cnluuio. ('emawrelal- 'I he wheat crap le extraordinarily large not only In Linn county but throughout tho wbolo Mssxtbwent. The present price will not raise much, end fsrmers bsd tet ter not hold too long. Produce of sll kinds wll; bring high prtsowjhl winter, potatoes particularly, ffey Is ssld to be weine now, and prices will at least not fall. a fiivs, alasftxr. Win i , i je-r bnehel. Ot3o0 " l ) j r lb. lUeif -on foot, 6c. Wool 20c, I-1. -ir . per bbl. Hay baled, 12(10 per UaB. I'wao, 10 to 12. Potatoes 76o per bushl. BsaUr 9k to 30 ctn nor U,. Kggi-'Ji' , ceuu per doe. Poik-ficte ier lb. Veal 6c per lb. lUcons-bauis, 14 to lou. eliouldere, 10 to Ida, aides. 1 to I V. Uilod Fruit - sun dried sjplo, 6u ' " pluuns, So. uiaidilue cured applee, Kc. " plums, 10. Chlckcos-8.00 per BOB. Sugar San Kmnclao 0, lie, Mill l'oed-hrsn, loooj- r ton, shorte, lo. middling, SI IP obope, 00 ALL THE WORLD KNOWS That In buying Clothing mor. f ban In any other class ,f gruKH The Best Is Ike Cheapest. It If gratifying for roe to be ntdo to announce to my patron, and the hath-ES&-' " hM ,w", "v and pride rn GIVE MORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY th" other house In this line af bualneea, I have thU year axllpand all former efforts, and am better prepared than ever to offer tngrrgatleaaJ tnerl. ADMcIiwnlt, doe-an't njamaasj to sit Idly by and aoe all the cuabom go ins to i Fri(l Vru, 1. . Sft MM mmm t. I .ft- mm . t si ' lotnrini wtiicn are rinsing out. ilc is putting up a large brisk addition to tils already mammoth buck buildiug and reeeleea new goods by almost .wry steamer, which be wauta every on- ta nee. Although he ha knocked prices down lower than a. r bfftjro and is sol I lag cheaper than any ore eW, he says hodeesu't wish It uedsrata d that he Is deal a g out Ho to allll doing well enough tosult himself, aad who else should bvo ftftythmg to say ut It Ha haa an enormous stock of can i, end eur rrftdcra ean flud at his establish mental meet anything they want Pe sides tins we ere snM-M-d the prlesft wlltsult them. Tbs choir u( th Cwngrtgtiunal Cbnrcb. will give thnr concert, to tbe Clisrcb un L hoj.. loth, nt H o'clock. Tlis following prograiC wdl be rendered. ( !horu. Piano Solo, Miss Kile Harris, v.lo, Mrs. K. W. Lauag4esi rndn, Prof. bans. -b, Mis Umi'y Turr- II. I'uett, Miaa A.Urith't BftsJ Mr A HUiger Iostrumootal duett, M, h. asajejaag and Miaa K. flsrns golo. Miss Annie Pone't lhiett, l'rd Itobb and Mr. lUymond. hVdn, Miss Asnis Gritsa. llano Soto. Miss M genders. Sola, Mrs. E W. leg ion. Chorus A lmi-iwt. '0- children hslf prue. epartaseal rtpaaea. Lent Saturday erentng a Aght tonk place about twelve e "clock be: wren two members of No. I ereftuitlag la n draw battle. Doth were taken before the Recorder Manday morning aad on wf them flaed. Hilt Miller, ef No IT a, returned to the elty last SJ'tMrday after ft few weeks trip through the eouoty la charge nf acett k Murr la' steam engins. I.ouis Cnmpeftu wan sleeted a mem bar of tba "Hooks ' last Friday even leg. Dune, hi oeteltb, nf No Pa k lied . deer oa his reseat trip to the metlQ tftlng Ala Msrrls, ef Ne. l a. wen In lie btianvllle laet week, end waa la carriage with Waldon tbe Worn maa, wb-p ana of tbs wheels broke aad threw them and tbe driver to tbe ground at the horse heels. Thar beg a a kick ng, and Ala came wltbla aa inch of a a4 Rsukftwaj last dabbeth while WmUrtt Mode was returning b nw froftl tho carnp meeting at ftob. rt' Undgv. hi teem became fnglnenod and ran away. In tbe course el lie 2 mluute race a wl.rsrj ef tha buggy was caught la that nf an other wagon, and tntii completely off. thru leg klr. MvGee vioenf)y to the ground and Injuring I tn In a Beeen manner. It was theugi.t at ft ret tlind It would prove fatal; but will ftnt Dr Dedd. of this city, waa Bent for, and drees til hie wound lu a carrful tutu- aer. Cue of hie ears was cut psrt'y aft. and his-ealebftdiy brMlftmt, hut fortu-! afttely oa boaee w. rc hruken and Durable, V rk' JL0 O K K I Jit. I o E H Than fttn aikott hy lnfrhr houses far cheup and ill merle good-, f have n omplHe aaxrtment In every departineot, ami am not afraid to ahow good and compare prir, a'itH anyrioyfy. Dont Wait for aaotheriuvHeUou, lake the first opportunity aadOjH fl Ecipectfully. L. E. BLAIN, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OR. AUCTION SALE. I shall sell my entire ' STOCK OF FIRM TIKI: ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1882 AT IO O'CLOCK A. M. 1 n Consisting of BED ROOM SUITS, The w fraud little chlut ef Ural .M ftaT -a . i x . t . B s sr. e a as Mara, wuo raaiue oa tuo ainwniiie place, dieil last Wednesday evening. The family have all been elck with tbe measles, but were all rcoverlnj( With the fici-ption of the iu thrr and this one child, hire. Marks was au ftecear piirbed a d reanaoied lady, I a tbe prime of life and ueerujneas ami her lean will be deeply f lt- She Icarre a large fam ilv of children, seme of them suite I BSMg. Thry will eadly miaa tbe kind and tender mother a care Mr Marks will lists the sympathy of the entire community In this duuble bereave- mt.t - '.'r r mU0f, The Prlnuftof ramadiee for rbeumatiam hi at. Jaeohe Oil Wo have eeen it u led end great results accomplished. -"Huntington (Ind ) Democrat." IS rtere u . At preaent there are a nuuiW. r uf flrmaaelllua out their stock and retir ing from huslaeas. The old oastomors eftheeellrms will naturally bln lo look around fr new placss to dn their trading. To all audi we will say that they can not do better than call on the old and reliable linn of nders k Bt.irh. nc abia tn null tm.iiur Imm I Hlernbenr where thev OIHV tft to ear nnaxlfi out all right clathes. After Jfo. 2 s eleotlan ftlunday even- lag, Kervman Haffman turaad tha nea lis of his aoda fouatala an the bars Belagclear beaUtn he succeeded flad enually as good acoomruodfttlous iug tbe hares hoofs aad came aad aa raaaoaable prices as they have with only some dirty baJ herstetore. lum muer this k; u go to this reliable arm Uir your oou'a. smut ad completely delugei then with soda sjmlt0 t McCartusy of lUirishnrjr. water Jobu Knacb, an athletic member nf tbe H I L Co., rem em be re I the Dbmo ciut offlee lent Tuaeday by preneatlng us with some fine Bartiett pears, wbleb oagbt toenthif biaa to epsgb tha geld an ladder Bonatlnaa. At the me lag of Una Kuglna Co., Having diapneed wf ear butues te Mesrs all ns la Ccaoral a gverteace. I'eroalng a recent copy of tbe Chicago "Ttinee. 'Meonaerved the foliowrtDK state ment from Ueul. Lelb of ibe Chicago 'Dumocrai:" St. Jacoba Oil, is the reme dy for rheumatism aud neuralgia, without any manner or doubt- aud peoplo who atf- for iioai toe i itiMise tuh'. to be made a -quanito' I with that faot. Whenever 1 hadoccaslun to use th- Oil I found It all tte proprlouir i c'.aiui for it. WASH STANDS, CENTER TABLES, CHAIRS, dec, &c. I" S DUNNING- tnteresUas. Tbo "cml Weekly L Oiegoolan," with picturca ol IV n 1 leton, Onterville. VVe-lon, Umatilla Cily, Buho City, Pilot Ko -k an i Hoppnor, to any sdJreaa thre mouth's (1 I sis months $1.73 ; twelve months, $3- i"i copy of paper and picture, 25 oents. The nM auJ trut dcacrlpthm ofUmullla county the Braai wheat and sheep coin try -over written A .Id rest lit. un-Koiiiau Publishing Co i'.-n 1 ei ii, I'mstllla couritT.Orason. these knowing themselves indebted tu rill please call and settls immediately. McCoy ft. Klvcbt, aeaht Kntry neeftkeepln. The following bill wnt seat to a titer ohaut in this ity, and although it ap- No 2. held last Monday eve Inn the fel- aears lueiirrtct It is not. We hhnll le lowing oflRoera were duly elected : W H feott, President ; Uaorge Hoebated ler, Heeerdmg Heeretnry ; A C Lay too, financial Secretary ; J W B.aln, T. eas ursr; J N Hoffman, P reman ; B LampiusB, 1st Assistant ; R 1) Murray, twi As Istatit. glad te eaptalu It satistaetorily, thai is If he ba i.ot aee i it elucidated August 81. B. A ,lir., to II. B . To 2 tin pail S 00 wood do 1.00 1 wooden do 1.00 S0qiAWDPSnV3Q:UL 'mm Miss Tina Mouteith but been visiting in OorveJats this week. Miss Bessie Turrsl bti been visiting in s a a r Baisss tnu wees. Mrs Invi PTes returned las F.iday from a fsw months trip ta Canada. Mr L Senders aud Jeanny Sobxneer left for Prtnsvills the first of the week. mm- m m i" dent et It. Diabetes, Brlgbt'a Disease, Kidney, Urinary or Liver Complaints cannot ba contracted by you or your family if Hop Bitters ara used, and If yon already bare any of these diseases Hop Bitters is tha enly medicine that will positively cure you. Don't forget this, and don't get some puffed up stuff that will only harm you. Wealfcee, summary uf Msteorulefty for Aug. 1882. from observstmn taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon by John Brigge Km. HigSest Bar, 30 02 ; lowest W W ; mean 28.78, Highest Temperature, W ) lowest 44 ; mean 64,71. Prevailing winds N. Maa Velocity feres 8. Total rainfall daring menth 04 Number of days on wbioh Q or nnre sale Ml?. Number of day of oloadinass average scale of 10 1. Frost on the morning 23th. "Do not graap at tba shadow and loa tbe sabetanoe " Kidney-Wort is able to oonvert you from a shadow of your former self into tbe substance of established heal'h. Said a sun rer from kidney troub le when anked to try Kidney-Wort for a remedy. "I'll try It, hot It will be my laat doee" It cured aim and now he recommend i it te nil. If you have dis ordarad kidnsys don't fall te try It. Total i 1.00 Nothing so sisspie and perfect for color ing aa the Diamond Dyes. For carpet rsgs better and ohaaper than any other dya-atuffs. VAJtMKktn lsa Mt.UK. LAD.ES EMP0RIUM I RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE LADIES OF ALBANY AND VICINI TY THAT I HAVE JUST OPENED A COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF LACES. EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN AND MER INO UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, BUCK INGS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, LACE HSSUIS, AND SCARFS, INFAKT ROBES AND DRESSES, CORSETS. HO SIERY. SEWING SILK ANO COTTON, ZEPHYR, CARO BOARDS, BEADS SATCHELS AND PUftSES, CELLULOID NOVELTIES, BUTTONS. ETC.. ETC. THIS STORE Wl .1 BE DEVOTED EX CLUSIVELY TQ THE LOOSES' TRADE. RESPECTFULLY, $10,000 WORTH OF GENERAL MERCHNDISE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. Save your money and come prepared for tbe day. I will nimBieore ?!iing at auction Momlay, September 11, lH2i it li oYlodk, In Pnrnsb' Brick Building, corner First and Ferry Slav, lhany, Oregon, the entire atoek nf general merchandise owned by Mr. N. KelUdty, and continue the name every day until the entire atock is div sjooinI of SAMUEL COHEN, Auctioneer. X. O. DIC ana leaaesl the Ktaapaon Wareaanamn nasi entirely nvnrivnaileel it. p.aclug II 1 Canal eoadltlon, an that he ia prepared In alare era fat Willi perl ret anfrty . tie will nb n amy tfcn HIGHEST MARKET PRICE far wheat, wsreheuse. Tho.e wUklna: aneka ean hnve'.thetu by enlliag at tl How msuy husheis wdl oats have you raised this vaert Uow uuich oavo you pailf to thresh, harvest and drsw to warehouse? How much time has it taken to prepare the land, and how much use of your land have they cheated you out of? Taken all togeth er you will Bind, they have cost yon mro than oaeof the Brush Fanning mills manufactured by Jaa Brush a &., . AHaoy Oregon, th. ase of wbioh will soon rid you fruui all fou seed. Lydla K. Plnkham's VegeUbls Com pound cures all female com plaluta l.y re- movlag the cause. Kattrely aatlsfaclwr)- Lad tee wishing a perfum oiiiitiuing novelty, and excellanoo tin t l lorevton Cologne entirely satisfactory. Bhthly Ksteensae. Tbe youthful oolor an 1 a rich lustre are restored to faded or gray balr by tbe uae of Parker's Hair Balam, a dressing highly esteemed fer Its perfumepurity. Amman s 00114(1 Hyrup cures colds coughs, bronchitis and consumption,, CROUP, WHOOPDfQ C0U3H and Bron diitis immsdiately relieve l by Shiloh's Ouvs. J. M. NolaN Bsseea aar frew the far Irs' Stare ir-ra'aael Mecaaa CREAT CURE KIONIVS. 'BbaumaUl BOWELS. ha acrid noise su dartre wai THOUSANDS worn mh or una isaa qolskly rsUsvsd, 1 PERFBOTLY CURED eareearrs.1 n .BranaaaTt,r MAUKIED. MAlTOON BAILEV. On Ang. S, 1882, at Marietta, Ouio, Prof. A. M. Mattcoh of AHwnv, Or. and i'lst Albkrtua Bailky, of Marietta. The Professor and his accomplished wife have our heartio3t contrV.ul it, ons, and we wish them a cup completely full ot life' happiness. J DONACA'S STORE AT Sweet Home. Wmiu a full atock of Grooerte", Drusa, Medicines, Liquor-, and everything that mountain aaoursiouuaa require, at pin very reasonable In coaneotlon with the store a featl sUble. where horasa will be fed hay and oeia over Blent ier ou oeois. noreeaone feeato grain, xs cema. In going up toiue moumarns jmm rreeetae creea uemm ouuuug j mi ai.d sUble. - - taal Summons. 1 FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home! Parties going up in the mountains are -.ereby notified that they will not here sfter be ones palled to pay exteriKmate rates for horse leed at Buck head lo Sweet Home Valley I have opened up afeert stable and have reduced the reuse te a Igure so low that all ean afford it. Olvs .ueafalr patronage and thus preveut a return to tba old extortionate rata. GEO HOWELL. 8tf. In the Cirtnk Conrt 0 th Stnt 0 Or-u-. for tkt coealy y Lium. Edith Smith, Piaiutifl, TB George V. amith Doit. Tjfcrjt A '9mUk, the aneec-aeawd lu the name of the State of Oreaea, you are hereby required to appear and answer the cam plain 1 af the plaintiff, filed against yon hi the above-enthied suit in the above named Court, oa. or before, tbe ttrat day of tbe aaxt regular term of said Court, to wit: Oa, or before, tho 23rd day of Octo ber, max ; and, ii yon fail so to answer, far want UMieor tae piaintur win apply to tae Court for tha relief demanCed therm, to wlt: for the diaaolution af tha bonds of matrimony aow existing between plaintiff and defendant ; that plaintiff have the ears, custody and control of tae minor children Jeeaup smith, William Smith and Frank Smith and for the casts sad dixburs -menu of this anit to be taxed again the defendant. This summons is published br order of the Hon. R. P. Seine, Judge of said Court, dated at Salem, Oregon, September 8th, WxATHKB)aD A Black BftrKR, Attorneys fer Pleia iff. THE CURRAN DRIER. FRUIT Parties who have purohaaed the Curran Fruit Drier, and have tbe brick on the (round, should send na word immediate It aad we will ga out and set up tha ma chine. Tothe public at huge we wish to aay that those who have been totting tbh drier during the present season aay tha' It given the beat of eatief action, rkdng more work with a smaller quanUiy of irood than any other machine In uae. D B;MoKiTn Co, Final Settlement. Notice is hereby gives that the under aigned administrator of the euu r tl n Hptrrleck deceased bas file I his final ac count as such administrator in the Count v Court, of Una oeuaty, Oregon, aud by or der ef said Court, Saturda y, the 7th day uf Jotebtr, 1 882 at the hour 'of nine o'clock a. m. f said day is set for bearion ohjee tions to said account aad the settlement thereof. Any person interested in ss at setate ia hereby notified to ap ear aad ft.. hia or her ot jeotiooe to mid at-voutit arnl 'Ha eettlemeat thereof ou or before said day. A. Z. Saa as, Admlnrstrstor True happiness is derived from the nan of Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Peo ple who have tried It never give it up, ba it cause they want tc remain happy.