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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1882)
FRIDAY MARCH 1882 Connecticut established the first ag ricultural experiment station in America, Poland China pigs are being sect from Illinois to Germany for brcedirg purposes lloaf and hnrn skavins contain more than twenty-five times as much nitrogen as is contained in average stablo manure. Sheep fed on dry feed are frequent ly troubled with sore lips. An appli cation of sulphur aed lard onco er twico will generally effect a cure. Cork trees are being successfully raised in Georgia. The cork on some specimens planted there is already thick enough for use. Itissupposod these trees can be successfully raised in most of the Seuthern States. It requires about 5000 young iih to stock a pond of ono acre in extent Of fish weighing from one to two pounds 1000 to the acre is a liberal estimate and those will require arti ficial feeding unless the poad la very rich jaith food producing vegetation. Potato floer, or the dried pulp oi the potato, is attaining great impor tance in the arts. It is stated that in Lancashire, Eagland, 20,000 tons of it are sold annually, and it brings at present in Liverpool about double as much in the market as wheat flour. It is used for sizing and other manu factoring purpose. It is estimated that, with abundaut fodder, a medium-sized animal will produce in a year the following amounts of manure : Horse, exclu sive ef toss during work, nine toas ox or cow, ten to twelve tons ; sheep (October to May) three-quart erj cf a Un. and a hoe ouo and a quarter to two tons. Many a dairymen practice milking their cows steadily without aliowing their animals to go dry. They feed heavily on corn meal and oil cake un til the milk fails, when the cow is re placed by a fresh one. A dairyman who keeps 150 cows says such a prac tice is more profitable than to lete the time between their going dry and coming in. Be careful about permitting cattle to urioK irom eitcnes or irom pools in which they are accustomed te stand, or in which their droppings are deposited. Such im pare water is not only liable to iajure the health of the stock, but is also a fruitful cause of malarial and typhoid fever among those who use milk praduc from cows thus watered. The general food cf ftfce Nor-AcUns ii rye-hread, Tniflc nr.d eheeee. As particular luxury p9::inta eat "sharke," which are thin slices of salt hung meat, dried iu the wind, hut this indulgence in animal food is very rare indeed. A commin treat on high days and holy days consists of a thick hasty-pudding or porridge of oatmeal or rye meal, seasoned by two or three pickled herrings or sail ed mackerel. The quality of stabic-uanure da- iends upon tho quantity and quality of the feeding-studs used, and on the amount of milk or other products ob tai nod from the animal-?. As a rule, hut a smdl proportion of the manur ial elements of the food are perma nently retained in the body or exe ereiea as, etc., while tne ro mainder passes inta the manure. As a consequence, the richer ihe feed the richer the manure. Good feeding pays not only through increased pro duction by the animals, but through me improved quality or the manure as well. The keeping of young cattle at pasture until the ground is covered with snow is an unprofitable practice. Unless they are carefully looked after and fed, they will come to tho barn in poorer condition than if brought In by the first of November. The loss by late pasturing, however, does not end with the cattle eating off all of the grass after it has done growing. Another difficulty arises as the roots are left so much exposed to the sud den changes of Winter that the grass will start late in the Spring and will not fully recover during the entire subsequent evening. Under drains were used by the Ro mans and constructed of wood. Ev en brush dnins have been made in vari( u parts of England. Ther :agU drainage never came into practice until about the middle of the present century, through the exertions of Mr. Smith of Doanstono asd fur a time Htone was the principal material used in their construction. They were either thrown in proraiscously or laid out in throats or channels. When tiles or pipes came Into use stones were laid around them, tut it is found tat less soil percolates into the file when the earth Is close around it. The following is given as an excel lent method ot plucking poultry : Hang the t'ovt 1 by the feet with a light cord : then with a smile knife give one cut across the upper jaw opposite the corners of the mouth ; after the blood has stopped running a stream, place the point of a knife in the upper part of the mouth, run the blade on Into the back part oi the head, which will cause a twitch ing of the rnu-cles. Immediately following this operation is the proper time for plucking the fowl, as every feather yields as If by magic, and there is no danger of tearing the most tender chick. The Champion Frail Drier. Having now ebtaiaed complete con trol of this celebrate d fruit drier, I am prepared to sell county and State rights on reasonable terms. Call on or ad dress me at Albany, Oregon. Wl. (J. DOHKK1Y. ii.ttsoiis Stanley, the expleror, has not been heRrd from for two years. Queen Victoria has bad thljefetwo grand-children, 1 went six of whom art now living. The Emperor William enteredThe army as lieutenant when ho was not quite ten years old. In most of the larger towns of Gsrraauy art classes have been estab lished for mechanics,- and are largely attended. There Is ! periodical called the New Moon In Eug land, the contribu tors te which aro inmates of lunatic asylums. Early in March Qaetn Victoria Will pay an UUOIIlCiai VIS1I lo mo LUfintUent. She will again travel in 90gnito,to avoid ceremouial reccp- tlon. Prince Leopold of Great llritian, the young man who is about to he married teone of the prettiest or Ger man princesses, it new twenty -tight years old. Mr. John Hill, a recent lecturo at ITackensack, N. J., sal a tuai among the sights he saw In England were tbe graves ef tho graud fathers ef Abraham Liucoln and John YFilkea Booth in the same graveyard. It was in 1814 that Morse opened his first telegraph line from Washing ton to Baltimore. Ttvday tneie is a complete net-woik of telegraph wires ever tho globe, with a total length ef nearly 4,000,000 miles. The new Chinese Minister at Washington Kl fend of society, and is freqaently seen at the day receptions of tho Cabinet ladis and families of senators, attended by the interpreter and his American secretary. The tastes of tbo Pope are so sim pie that five dollars a day cover the expenses of bis pereonai nousekeep iur. He dines alone, attended ny m m a . one servant. His twaiui is raiting, and he is troubled by insomnia. No sras and no petroleum are used in the roval palace at Berlin. Instead are lamps and siearine candies. Eight hundred "of the latter are nigh'ly hurni'd. seventv five of them in tho apartments of the empress. "WLat is love!' a:k every bodj ad sotcebodv replies: "It ix a !.; : that you don't wui another follow feo! ing around her." Nothing male en so much :oir.c m ncketr waasnwita i:u inr." in :M..oi a man who insists on talking hen ! hts nothing to ear. -Too much aWrld in his bnaleaai was the csmment of a western news paper on the ileath uf a brewer wh was drowned ia a tank of Li om Wer. A Western debatiu wcieiy i nei ing itse'f up to wreatln with th . ques tion: 4When a woman am) : . c meet, which is the moat fright ueci A Chinaman thtn dKcrthisa trial in oar eoirtt: Ou nu i ettonft another talkt all the time, rnd twelve wi-c m.n c mlenm the man wlo hs not said ; word." A womtu hu .- v. -t'nl thai in man break their hfart5 it i nil the tame as when a lohetot hrt-aks mn of its claws another uproutinc fn ) iui mediately growing in its place. The most remarkable case on recutd is that of the Yankee BOOp uiun, who, in a violent atorm at tea, savfd him self lrom dath by taking a cake t f hif own Soap and washing himHelf Mshure. "Don't waatn your time clipp ug off the branches," n-.i I a woodman to his son, "but ly your axe a: th ro .t of the tree." And the joung man went out and laid his axe at the root ef the tree, like a good and dutiful son and then went fishing. Trulr, there is nothing so beautiful as filial ohedience' "Nothing," said an impatient hus band, "so reminds me ofBa'aam and hia asa, as two women topping ia shurch and obstructing the way, to in dulge in their ererhming talk." "But you forget, my dear," returned the wife, weekly, "thai it was the angel who stopped tho way, and Balaam and hia ass who complained of it." - ..... MISTOBHML. -K top's faMes were written about 5Gi B. C. The speaking trumpet is suM to have beea invented by Alexander the Great. The first admit al of England was Richard de Lacr, appointed by Hentv III. in 1223. The Christians of Kgjpt burnt butter iastead ef oil iu their lamp, in the third century. It was not till after the ninth century, that copyists began to leave spaces be tween words in wiitinp. The revenue of the 1 90 abbeys which were dissolved at the Reformation amount'! toorer 000,000. Caligula, not satUaed with building skips of cedar with sterns inlaid with geins, had a pearl collar made for hia favorite horse. By a statute of George I., buttons covered with cloth were prohibited, that the manufacture of metal buttons might be encomaged. c-oasrwrriox ikkb. An old physician, retired from ac tive practice, haviag had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for general Debility and all nervous uomplalnts, after having thoroughly tested4its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make known to his suffering fellows. The recipe with full particulars, directions for prepa aation and use, and all necessary ad vice and instructions for. successful treatment at your own home, will be received by you by return mail, free of charge by addressing with stamp or stamped self-addressed envelepo to DR. M. E. BELL, 161 IT. CALVEET ST. BALTIMORE, Md. $1509 I1 'ear can e eaaily made aUhotne working for E. G. Hideout & Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yor. Send for their catalogue and full pffctxulfaTa hurra tllrrrfarr. Y. f. V. A. Meet at tluiir room in Fos ter's brick building M Wctlacailay ovcititigt at 7:.K) o'clock, Aim oit Habtmth afternoon at 4b Bimo&am faceting! are hold on tho ovao ing of tbadaapnil Monday in each month. Kvcrylnxiy'timtod to attnl. U. P. CiienoH.--l'roachingov-ryjjhbath, at 1 1 a. m. , and 7 r. m. by Hov. fiT Q. It- vine, I. I. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M. Prayer meeting ovory I huraday ovonuig. KvANOKucAt, OmxmaL Preaehlel ea Sab- hath at 11a. M., and 7 J r. M. Sahlmth School 12:15. Pravcr mooting tjvory Thurs day evening. W. ( Kaiitucr, pastor. lNmiite).vrioNAi.Ciiuitcii. Sorvioos ovory Sabbath at 11a. U. and 8 t M. S.ibbath Sohool at '2 'M). Prayer mooting M l'huniday evening of each week. J. V. Harris, pastor. M. R Csvam. SevnL -Scrvioca every Sabbath aft Bl Paul's M. U. Church, Smith, at 11 A. M. and Ik r. M. Sabbath BcOOOt at 12 r. m. Prayer mooting every Thurs day evenng. M. l. Miller, pastor. M. V.. t'Hinuil. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. ami 71 r. m. Sonjr service in tho evening before sermon. Sabbath Solmol tt '2 :i0 i M. Prayer meeting every I hurs lay owning. 1. Ihllou, pastor. PnnaiiY i kiu an t'm uon.- 8orio every Sabbath morning and evening in College l'hacl. Sunday Schoid immediately rftertne morning service. Prayer meeting every 1 huradny vvtuiug. Kv. Iaao II. I -oi lit pastor. Krivorw. CatCRi i. Services every Sua- dsy, moruing at 11 a. in., eveaiug at 7 J p. m. rioly coinuiuuton eyery Sunday morn ing aft MB a. m. Wrdnesdny 7 S p. m. IIoLt. I., yterens, pastor. FARMS FOB SALE wr CLA1B H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The fuliowing a partial lli : 170a-re a t rwl a J alt mile w-4 ot Tangent, Ortf"M,aitd miifruii Allany. M arrcn In cultivation ; 40 MM more au be put iu cultivation ea-oly; balance gool timber ami pant tiro laiut. Sil, rich bia-k nrairto. tiooli hoUM aul barn, k 1 board ienw. all In ckI repair : vouuic orchanl of 100 troo; good we. I and running trmui for stock ; fcood school, rhun-h and puet oftlce ; good neighborhood and kk1 umA cty. lerini ao aoro ; l'.wio down, rent on easy teriua. '.MOacrwoit Nariow t i mjjn road.t I tniSA from Albany and ' uitio frotu . l, nnd 7X milee Irom JefloroOSV IIS crt oi fartnimc land, "i aoro in cultsvatioe; n maunder in timer rjj bsuti:; bonae . v xj, with lii fo,t a all", ell "ji ; kI barn 'lx'M aith U fixH ued cn oii side; uod !.: and water. Tf nm ftJ.iOO caatt dowu if ioaMiblo. Kathrr than Ml sell altl Uku f-juoo doa it, and t:alan on to 3 yearn time, secured by tuortiraKc. 190 acre f mile WOaft of Albany; loo acre iu ooithraiftofi and fa aetM oaJi and aih thutKr,i,ofd v. I lanl;all umlr fence, board ami rail, some y, 1 and l bad ; about 7 aura in orctiarJ, apples, uioaily ian-; riI mi; J0 bmthelt a hoax per acre on average good two story frame Louse. pUMrred, I rooms, built M 1S73, and -oat t- Kood laru. Sx40 and two abed; well arranged for farm pprcN. Terms, iJOO, '2 yiara lime on J 150 acrea V,i tnika went of Tangent; 100 ivcraa in cultivation; all new land, clean and in good order; good two story house, S rooms, nearly MS and In good condi tion: good new barn 30x3; Itoo young orchard, K0 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fcmw in yootl order, plen ty ranning water; 'J) a'r of goid limtwr, ri'U, block soil and very productive. Price HBs H caah and balance on t'uio. 109 acrea .ne and a ba!t miles northesvit of Albany; IA acrss in wheat, rest in fair avoroccf wool!and; good land; neatly fenced. Pries f -' acre; terms easy. 500 acrei 1 mile southeast oi Koda Springs; fair fannin ; smalt house; 200 acre fence I. Will Ije sold in small tracts or all together: nl school, church and KMt ottUm at !iodaviile, also tho boda Spring, l'ri-o j per acre; easy terms. 103 acres lying 3 milea above LelainfMi on the ulanou Mountain roau. no iit cea or improvements. 1" or ') ncr" tim ber, baiauce rich iralriu laud. Price $13 per acre. 80 acres 1 14 milea atove Oneatta, on Ya quiua I '.ay. known aa the old shipyard. It has a splendid frontage on the Hay, and wi'l bo acid alfll pcracre. 107 acres lying be.Iow &od within i rnilea of la-banon, all under fenoe. 35 acres in cultivation, and tlie remainder lain timber atid bcooh. liox house, r, story, 2 rooms biow and one above fiaru, not very kooJ. Good well ; recall orcliard. Crosa fencea to the amount of 5000 rails. Sulllcient ord wood can be cut and floated to Albany from this place by only a few laborers to pay for it iu tao years. Only milo rroin canal. I'oaseas ion Riven by Ihe 15th of October. The land is rich and will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. ISi acroa, lying 0 miles due east of liar, risbiny. A good ouo storied box house, 2 rooms, barn, 20x22. The land has heretofore been ued as a rasturo. but can all a put into cultivation. No grubbing requirad. IX miles from school. Terms flo per acre, j ,'cs(hvii, balance al most any lengtli of time sevurcd by mort gage 200 acres, lying wli hi milo of Mon roe. In lienton courity. Al. under fence and divided into rive fields. All good farm land and half in grain. Hood house and barn, splendid walor and a tine orch ard. It ia r a i of the best farms in that section of the yalley. Price $25 per acre $1000 or $1500 down and balance- on time '2Q214 acres lying 5 miles north-east of jrlarrtabttrg and 1 mile oast of Muddy Station all under fence; 180 acres In culti vation, balance In pasture, but most of it can be put in cultivation. l4 story house, barn, good water, etc., 1 mile to achoei. Price $O0O, 123 acres lying 0 miles south of Albany and 2 milea from Tangent 75 acres in cultivation and all under fence, 25 acres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of $100., barn, splendid water. A line young orchard, Price, $30 per acre. 483 acre in Center Precinct 3 milea from atstion on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation, (iood VA alory house, rocd house, bam, and aplondld water and nne orchard. All undor fence. Prico $15 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. Alt under ienco, amall orchard, no buildings; 50 acres has been cultivated, but it is all now used as pas ture. Prico $10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence. 100 acres In cultivation. Large VA story frame house, good barn, several outbuildings, orcliard and good water. Price, $20 per acre. 125 acres, lying 4 miles north of Albany. 100 under fence and in cultivation, Fair house, good barn and good water. Land raises from 25 to 30 bushels of wheat pr acre. Price, $3,500. Will take $1500 down, and oalance on time. Q"kQ acres of land iu Marion county, yUO 14 miles from Buena Vista and seven miles from Jeilersou. 80 acres in cultivation and balance v light brush and timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 miles. Enough wood can be sold at the pottery works at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C. tl.' Stewart, at Albany , HARRY WATER'S In Chsedli Building, opposite Graf A Fromtn's, All kinds of pare winea and liquoia for f a'0- A pleasunt, coay pla to spend a few hours. Call often and fer'&f your friend?. ?! 1 1 9 J ForOiv All of ucr nooountfl t'j vanco, will 1 1 OSIOAQO v Tho OVLV n.'zcd ac a Amsrloan J tropoUl n o' Ita telgr pi, WOBl ' ' - Press, bt fio'.i a'J I a, riyr. C Im 1 cown free ft without feet PI.TJ'i EO and ?- i . I riu'-.'rk . i i; ttom j re c v a3 no ' i , 1 1 iY U . - Si a i . pect in u SB n M AT T1IK STAND. 73 J iitT ST It RET, HAS ON MAN!) A FINK AN ANS iltTM i'.NT 07 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, n wn Iioum Iu the ' allc). II- a so Imports and uaatfttifstcturea TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF KVKHY nWCHHTIOX IN STOCK oil To ORDER. Al-SO, HE K Kid's OX HAND, A rVLL AJBOKTMRKTOV GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ma. oi which bi omnia to tiik public at phicw, that nan COHPKTTTION. ( ALL Al 7J PXS8T STHKKT, ALBANY, OltJflOoN. Repair work done at viSn2ft CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN BAIT.W V V 1. OLiir asvyf :tisrai,r:: m-r l.ol if i u ' sad heata m.. LEADING RAILWAY WKST Ail S0RTHWE5T, fi It Wtm SlIoKT. t-l Uf. arvl S.vrR Hit ta.n COUNCIL BLUFFS - AXD- Chicago, Milwaukee Anal aTTfrtnU KAKT, suHi m NUcant ralla, r 1...W. I' Iphla, u-tn, Wa.alagton. Balllmrr, r.u--barg. Huairral. Troa, 1 tr-.ii. I It- vela ed it CvtiaH) tlltif ihu Uiin. ,tt the till. - sna NrUi Wutimi ami Um 0 !' K)' iS;-t In.iu, ar rt.a ai and uaa Uk aatia -ntl X'nUxt Dspsi, At CltMT" rVtm omitoL'U'ifta r hiaija with the I Mi r .iU,ro, MkliHfsa (.'aatral, tultinwr ai. 1 OMa Ft. a'ayrur ai4 ftkiilrui1!, sad 1 lilcau anl (.ruiiil Trutik lUllruatla, aaJ Uw l.aukL ami I'ati IUnik m ita. Pnlrano Palare Drawin: Room Can Are nin 'eiall thrmisth t'alna l iliU nl III the l. V KO.VM brlw.wu COI St II BLI lS tll MM .'., I'liuti alik-h l tun lh elol.ratt PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Inalat un Ticket Amenta aeilintf yi HiketavU Ihla ruad. Kxaji.tiw ur Ti- keta, a.i.1 rrfMi t jr II Umx m not read o.r the CIiIcjo and N.rU Woalern liallaay. U you Um lwt trv.-liii" av .inirv.UH .Ti. nu Will l.'iv v.ur n, krU by till IMMSaW AM1 WltX TAKK Nll.VK (XniKK. All Uekat StfotiUMll ti.ot . bf tt,U tin. Mtut: hi .uirr. .'ml V. r. and tea l Slaaa'r, Ulraao EASTWARD. W1 FRED WILLERT, CARRIACE AND WVCON HIANtTFACTLREK, Corner Second ami Ferry Vis. AMiany.Or Is prepared to iiiaiiufactiiro ('itri iseM ami wagons at .ihurt ootico and of the very BEST MATERIAL. Ho makes the premium oarriuges ami buggioa of the State. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK done at shortest notice and in the most SKILLFUL MANNER. Ills work and material is be first-class. warranted to '2 tf Guardian's Sale. NOTICE is horeby given that the un dersigned, guardian of Thos. K. Yan- tis. Anna Yantia and Mary Yantis, pursu ant to an 'or dm- of the (,'ounty Court of i .in n Co., Oregon, made and entered of record at the February term thereof, A. I)., 1882, wjaptoll at public auc tion at tho Court icne door, in aaid count v. on Saturday, the 25th day of March, A.J)., 1882, at tho hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, all the right, titleand intorest of the aaid Thomas R. Yantia, Anna Yantis and Mary Yantis, minora, the same being one-eighth undivided interest of said mi nora, in ami to the following described real properly, viz : The north half of the south west quarter of section twenty-six (26). and the north kalf of the south-east quarter, and the east half of the south west quarter of section twenty-seven (27) in Tp. 128. of R. 4, weat of the Willam ette Meridian, ia Linn County, Oregon, and containing 210 aerea. Also the north half of the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-six (20), and the north half of the south hail or tug south east quarter of eection twenty-seven (27) in aaid Tp. 12 8. of R. 4, west of the Wil lamette meridian, in Linn County, Ore gon, and containing 80 acres, to tho high eat bidder. Terms of Sale Cash in hand on the aid day of sale. JOHN A. McBRlDE, . Guardian. Powell A Biljeu, Attys. 30w4 A 1 . . i lews a n JT ji w . .J hi m mummi ry Subscriber. p - j tl cir aubpcriptlpn , ai I one year in ad '8G criptlon to tbe ' v. cvory wlioro recog il tbe cuiromonU cf ' iova c:tnong tho rao i . ! rt sNewa.raper. the 'patobnn of the lalTelegramo ; pi ' it to ei:po al) no i Meal sV -:. ., i r. 1 ;.LEoh;tc!y I tV. i fu'katBCDC?, : r v ral COM- i bin : intercut, h y. , Art, In- It rki t. Quota . rarpae3od ALFAM- who .in- reasonable figures. NEW YORK 8H0PPINC! Kvfrylstvlv dAllKlite4l with the Ustofnl nn. I l-aiillfiil olertioua niaU by Mrs. lai mar, who has never failed lo ftleaae htr 'iMoniera. Now Kali Ciroular Just Issued. .-.:! f.r it. Addreas MRS. BLLXH I.AM A K. NEW BARBER SHOP ! .!. If. BURLBS, Frop'r. a QOOD SKA FOAM SHAMPOO Mail J Willi earlt shave. I'rlrfwt for slaving ! and iiairruMini same as usual. Kooma j "Im McllWAiu'a ature. ;;.( STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A v.oiim ef yauthiul luiprudenca catuloa rrrnav lure Isxay. Nenruea DeUUtjr. Ismi Manhmal. tl, l.i a? trad In vain oery kaowa rsntedy, hae .tiav OVSfSfl a mmtl cuf . ahirh ha will amwt KHKS in i.u frlk.uflrtra. addreaa J. II. 43 t Ualluuu M., N. V. Final Settlement. VJOTICK I lj the un the . : .! of TOTlfK IS HKRKnV OIVKN THAT ndcrslKned, Aiminittrator of W. 11. M. Kniirht. da. VI. has itleu his linal account as snub aUuilnistra. tor, lu tho County Court of Linn County, 0l6gn, and by order of sa d court, Halu'r day, the 11th day of March, 1882. at the hour or oviook, a. m , of said uay, has Ween hot for the hearing of objections to said account and the settlement tueroof. Any paraon I uteres tad in aaid estate is horoby noticed to appear and file his or her objections to aaid final account on or beforo said day. V. II. MoKNIOHT, Jm, Adininlstralor. Ooo K. Chamlterlaiu, Ally f.r Adinr. 3H Notice of Settlement of Pinal Account. Notice ia hereby given that the un dersfgiied, Wm. kinder, adainlatraiar of the oatata of (iee. B. Pollurd, de ceased, has filed his linal account for settlement of aaid estate In taecoenty court of Mnn county. Oregon, and said court has appointed Tueaday, the 7lh day of March, 18&2, at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon ot said day, for the hearing of objections to snld ac count, if any (here be, and for settle ment thereof. WM. KINDER, Administrator. Albany, Feb'y 1st, 18S2. J7 Notice of Appointment of Executors. KOTICKia hereby given that the under signcd havo this day been appointed execu tors of'the last will and testament of I. M. Cooper deceased, by the County Court in and for tho County of Linn , State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said citato will present them properly verified to one of the executors within six months of this day. Dated Feb., 2nd., 1882. 0. W. Coons, U. F. 1'CRIHIM, Executors. Wcatherford &. Blackburn, Atbys for ox. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed Adinistrator of the estate of Archi bald M, Jones deoeased has filed his final ac count for final settlement in tho matter of said estate, in the County Court for Linn oounty Oregon, and on Saturday the 11th aay of March A. D. 1882 at the hour ef 10 o'clock in forenoon of said day kas been set by said Court for the hearing of objections to said account and for the final settlement of said estate. R. A. Irvinb. Administrator, Strahau and Bilyeu, atty's. NEW PISH MAR KET. On corner opposite Senders Sternberg. Will koap constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt fish and oysters that the market affords. M. Hydk, GREAT INDUCEMENTS MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON IS the TIME TO Hvmi RetlnffioiiK FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of the way for Golden time coming. EVERYBODY JlfJVW !' EVKRYBODY ' O-OICS AWAY HAPPY HOFFMAN pRoritu ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ANI DRALKRfl IN- Importcd and Domestic Cigars, TobaccoM, GroccrictJ, ''jovisions, Candicf. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. ONK IXOll BKI.OW JOHN BniOOS' STOKE. 3j I When you need anytnine: in Gent'e Furn ishing Goods come and anything in White Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, ieclwear, Braces, Suspenders, Overshirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and gez our prices. Largest stock in the city. It ia ill i ' r it- i -i ; -" - ' :i-.l 1- w I - ". 11HD : iTVi.n with com:i;xatio! 7r:rrA 1HEY WILL CORRECT PSKVS T?:E i.lCI. PEDLERCANNOT CHT TfftBSB COODi ma B4I r. uvit m McOOY DRUGGISTS )(KALEKSIK( DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, ETC Ooinplealo stot'k oft'ainls, OI a, Glavs, also a full line of Stttionery. Solo a i the celebrated machine oil Skldgatd. Krum.m's Blork, Albany, Oregon. FbysiolanHTrcacripliona'aarMKilaUr, and none but the purest and freefceal driifs in couipouiuliug them, at lU'asonable prics. MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB H. STEWART. SSJBJBSSJBJ " l H The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will puohaae Plununer dried fruit at full mai ket prices ; Will send a competent person to aevise fruit growers as to cultiwstion of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at mode rate prioea ; Will sell Plummer Driers thrcaisch Linn, Beaton and Lane counties. Ijetten to be sent to Corvallis Jri'" Com pany, Corvallis, Bonton County, uregon, WALLI8 KaSII, President. jAaJJM Rkapuan, Soc'y. January 1, 180 24w6 t the & J0MKPII, (.; seo us. Don't buy- Shirts, Co 1 cicoShir ts,! b -aSa ' BLLBRT, ""i CHEMISTS, TO LOAN RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0M & CO., PROMTS. HEW PROCESS 1 I.u! I: iTIIIOR FOR FAMII.ll AMi nAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY - 5iyi - OR. OB.ffa.BarM. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHXRRT & 1'AHKE.S, (8nrro7arra to C. C. Chorrj.) Machinists, Killwrighta, am! Irm WKJIAVKOUK K1WIS0PI ALL couiplrUi, and r iovr irerr to I. u.'lh? a:i kiorla of heavy work. Vf will Tiiannfa'ttiro Msatu KiiHin'ia, Orial and Maw Mill A!.i-bi ik ry, ana all kinds of Iron ami Draaa Casting. Npwlal alUntion V rairin(r all .U( of in;t':iiiri.r'.-. Um 1 i!uiif. lure l!a lmprord I hurry A White rain linil,r. Uop on Ralr H. OiUrr n l.nmhnr Tnl. AXbaftQrn icc. i, io. jstr ALBANY FOUNDRY I.S t Ai;i 1KIII I) ZH6S. I. A. !'. GHRRBY; affllld at oainrrof Kirxt an 1 Monton.tty stro-t, A'Aanv, HavidgiaJ ail trv of I n, al,',ve nanaxl Vork-,v. e arn iri:iareJ Ut inRnifa'4ui a Hf am Y.ui'WA. J.v tn-1 Iitli. Woad worlunfi Maehlaii , Prnmem, lna ami llraaji 'ailnff,s of every ties nj.uon. IsTaaflluary Of all Jkfcsalg r-a!r'l. Sf--lal s:;rm..ii 'ven to nj'airinj; farm ic lilnry. I(lrru tSablas dnr la r.ll Im Trtc. MUlyl A. P. CIIKBRT at 809, -0-mr. Rroarliiif, lii-MhirUr. tThH- i. . : '. : ily. Wm I nmair n ''irflira. Pork n h in x . t o : m i ijr a at by e ; i .h. i . . iJt- l ,r.i..' -i-.:tf nC ft liOBV. msm ff IMC t--ntl om tbeOxjgea liufii" at. IddrcK ' trcprirtra .i" t. If! til . .r.Mr-rt, Pit Ha., nh, or ii. u i ::.v. -vine i-ti4orj. , .'....(... . . . :. m t'mU wiw'itmm -T-t m 3k4 - If 7rB i t ;-o. j d v D. K. & C0 Eetxcit, Kici. ALBANY COLLEGIATE IHSTtTOTJS A LLC A S t aU. Tii.- TMriT.'nn v. ill op?n nWftsn? iny. I'obrnnn l-t, I8S2. IW I ---i-ilrrtiDTftrsi'ij the eratM at ata aa 1 : i.t s. oBlT. FrcaUral. .iJIIW' y : ll I . k aM faa:h a-i ilsnr aa-t k-vc aa4 -i! ii'.-u-.r. it!rt-t lnr.!. TbW tsMlliasiil it.-k... - t.r. u-i mn alsn be aasaflttail, sSssaal ittn.. L ..." ) tts4 r" n. t'v an.l nr. rw-i- -nr i - i . . -nifl'ili'. v. . i n;pon A!Kir.y, lr. To the Uofortflttte! LU GIBECH S DiifMiry. 5t . l t- 'rue iJ tniucr H oial Streat, ban i-raaciaM. Mid Sraiinal IHscosca. -u.a - t r .t .. . S.lrrt. saua . atuliial Hriitoos sM !o bj arsssss, i im plo ! tare ami ! --f :ui !".v.l nin Tutiv 1 cuml. KaasMk aattasWaaai li.uU m lailluoUl apoa him. Ihi IsM-tar ha trsvrU-4 extnaiTcJy u Eurij , cud itu t thitoU).ltl llc various ;- i tala tht-tv, uluaiiiii.u a j;r.t iJ:d -f aluatle minA-li-n, uhicli l.e iscrtnpctrnl la Impart to th in iiyiil -.1 !: . :. . i'lL UlUUilN Uiil iruVc no unlcs lie t-flt -i a r.inv. Fvnmua at a iHant KK ( I Rl U AT MotlK. All KMBsaanlaai s atrictly oxk&tlcntljl. Vu l i lie lHt Uiv lK.-tr. SnJ Uu Jollar lor l'ni-Vn uf mctllfinr. lVrsotia ritinc hataw It-t.r aili j'ttui-e alate Uuc ra::t: t!r tcr they t tliii aihinis. :iunt in. lLi... i- i italilc. iM .t writaL AaVbM MiSL J. t. OIBOON, Box 1 : . feaa 1'nuv-iato. Hall ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OKSGOK. MRS. T. HOIS, --- rroprietai. TliiH House 1 U:i th iron;h!y n-imvt:td fro:-i top lo la.Uoin, and U now in svlctu'.Ul ''',fw tlie trrtaiiii'j'iit tl travcDcra. Thw laKB is sniffl ed with tvcitl!hjr thu ! r k.t a!f..nU. fcunple (or coRUiLrvUl men. ('orvsllLo. "an.u nod llnllaa ttSCC O U. r. rtasfsf v SO. 11 KEAIvNY ST. Trcat-i all Chruntr and jmtI:1 iiUrnKe. Who may be mnrwwman i boh tiik eflcts of yotitl.fttt fy.Ues or Niisurwtinav, wBl 0i well to avail tlieinselve vt this, thegreatest boOR , ver laid at the altar ot sutTcrin;. hv.iKtnitjr. fin. S TIN SKY will $rusrJU e V forfeit $SOG or e-r uam: Soininale wt-akn or private diaca.c of any land or uaraciw SJMoh he undertakes and full? to cure. H1DDUX1GED XKM. There are many at the agw of thirty-lH o4o $ vty wljo are troubled with W-o frequent eracuall of thy blad der, often actvsnipanied by a slight sutArvinK or burning sensatiuti, and a weakening of tlie sytttoiu iu a manner the patient cannotitceouiit fur. On eraaniiuiiig the urinarv deposita a ropy sediment will utton be found uid aoinetunes .uiall partiUus of a)huu-n will appear, .r the color will be of a thin uulfcadl h'jr, again eaan ixi; to a ditrk and torpid ucaraae. Thcr are mauy xuh wito die of tlus dimsulty inora-it t,i li e lauae, whiih is the second stage of acniinal weukne.v. ;n. s. wtll truarastee s perfect cure in ail such s, and liealth restoration of the genito-uritiuy trM3. OVncs Hoi w -10 to 4 and t to 9. t SkSSB 10 toll a. M. CouaulUtUou irce. Tii surtaAyauiutaoi aad advice, $5. a Tor irivmte diijie "f short stanuiitr full (vuro of uifttlioin e aultaneiA for a cure, w-tth U iotr-uoj., V ill be seat to any addruu ttt reoaipt ot ylu 00. ftilssalsaVliiiiii DR. KPIXXEY ati (O., 7 No. U Kuru) la, fan Fmnciaeo, C. r THxi?BT. AM: v.. . , 4s.Al.D ltC, v