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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1882)
lite gcmoftat. FRfDAY .... MARCH S, 1882 0. H- STEWAET Kdttor find Proprietor. o. a r. it. it. time tahi.k. Albany Mtotlon. UlPAsTTI ltfi r TK-sl. Ml XOkTH. Al.BANV FXPRKSS Depart at ImUOBT TRAINS " " . .;o A. M. s ix) A. M. 11:45 A. M 12.-05 P. M. 11:45 A. V 12:05 H M. 3 -o P. M. 8:55 P. M MAIL TRAIN !! at I' ! M' OtTIT I Arrives at ) l earn MAIL THUS nuciotrr train AUIANY KXMtKSI Arrhrsast Alt Trains dally, exeepl saw say. NonrR. On and after this date regular t ioketa will be sold at our ticket oil W for following points on Columbia river: Upper jeade.H, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla aud Ainsworth. Wnx. D. Ricb, Freight and Ticket Agent . C. R. V.. Co. Albany. June lSih. TXT d V A T W tvix on flW- at Oo. A XL AO r aVt JDtOt P. Rowrll A CVa NnwauMr catfadia UUVJ bo Ad vartuiui; Hurrat HOME ABROAD. It ia now lent. How tutieh do yuu fast ? F" M. French, jeweller. 'To-night's the night.' I'otatoca aro Mi rated at GO cant. Conrad Meyer, the leaJiu g baker. K. K. Skip worth, lawyer, Albany. Or. Wood ia t von dollars a cord at Weston. T'aa Supreme Court meets in Saleui next Monday. Kasneralda" ia to be played in Salem this evening. A $73,000 City Hall is soon to be built ia Portland. tor. Dunaway is lecturing on "Women ad Um Law." Show your ealora, but dou't shew them on your nose. Work on the Uradwaul brick Las to take a rvst during the rain. Several families of emigrants are now in thia loeality hantiar farms. Albany Eagine Co. No. 1, held s tegular monthly meeting last night. lire id i tha staff of life particularly when yoa get it of Conrad Meyer. CcsideraMe atato and general uews will be found a j ths first page. M ?;. te loin in i ui'! or large quantities Call on C. U. Stewart. Corrosssoadears should be scat in by Wednesday to insare publication. Tha mrury went down to 3 1 degress be lew zero ia Spragee rirer valley. That was a fine rain bow Tuesday- A rain forbidding low-down rain bow. Ban t forget the open temperance meet ing tbia evening good program. Tas oS Bs ofDrTWHirru is with E VT Langdoa in the Odd Fellow Temple. Yen can got delicious soar krout at Hyde's grocery for 25 cents per gallon. The Bradley crowd have been disgrscisg the Portland courts with their prescaee. Oil Flax seed A nise let for sale by A l-'i.iphrey, at his farm ia Center Precinct. Dr. O. Wdlis Price, dentin, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Ptummar' Drog Store. Remember the lecture by KoY F P Barry, of Salaiu. at tli-j teinperanM meeting ta:s evening. Yen can't mike the drummer believe that he is not the most virtaaas individaal ia existence. Ths quition ia rajari t bailding Linn K igtSM C. Ka, 2, an enjiaa house is being agitated. fatten nsi a new display of pictures la front oi his gallery w aih speaks wall for his ariutic ability. H H Gilfrey his another little girl in Lis la-nily back at Washington. It happened oa Monday of this week. The Salem Flouring Mills Compaay will ereet this aummer a ware'iousi with a eipanty for 3X),000 bushels. Ths entertainment by the ladies of the Congregational Church next Tuts lay even ing will bo wJPth attending. The first consignment of new ap.-iag goods for the Fanners' and Mechanics' Strre will arnrs about tho loth insr. Whit i glrij.ii lot of jokes, conundrums and stories the drummer aow hs in stock to rale the ear of the merchant. Raw. Mr. Black will preach in the Baptist ch ireh on next Saturday at 2 o'clock, p. m., a id on Sabbath at 11 o'clock, a. m. Queen Esther is being played by a aim p my of Independence musicians, and is to be re idered ia Cervallis in a short time. Total dapravity goes with everything huma i. The man who has never uttered an nntrath may lie at the point of death. Georg- Washington never told a lie, but it mut be remembered that he entered politic w-ien the coaatry was very new. The oversowing of the water in the ditch this week, has been a j.e A argument ia favor of lowering tho bottom of that institution. Ther i will be over $o ,!') paid out by the different agricultural soeities in the State this year, ai prize) for horao racing. Eememler that Conrad Meyer has the best aul most complete stock of oreekery ware in the eity. Ge there for your feeds. An swHaage tells of a protracted dance that latte l from Monday night till Friday nig'it. Willow Creek must be a light-toed place. Circuit Court will convene in this city on the 13th of thia month one ween, from next Monday. The docket will be extremely light. Ala Harm is still prepared te issue poli cies in the North Westeou Marriage Insur ance Company, the mast popular company on the coast. O B Haigiit, at tho Central Market, wants to buy dressed hogs an I will pay a high price in cash for them. Bring some ia to him and see. a Chief Engineer tJirly!c, of Corvallis, took tv Albany firemen, who attended Mr. Ken's fuuoral, to the Oecideatal and gave Bsm a dinner. W We should not salTer from a Cough, when ft tew doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will cure. Time, money, c mf-.rt, health, all are saved by it. Wanted 30 d izjn chickens, for whfah the highoat market price will be paid in cash by Frank Dinnals, at the furniture store of J iracs Dannals. The number of miles of railroad to be constructed between RoseWg and Red ding Is 310. 143 of it is in Oregon and 170 in California. There ia considerable excitement in Van- oouver W T ever the alleged discovery of goia, but bow it will pan out is a question tor tne iuture. Efforts are Leing made to tecure the par don of E J Ankeny, who was sent from this pern- tentiary, for larceny. Hon. D P Thompson is on the incoming steamer, and now a large number of people will watch to see what he bss done fer Oregon, or rather Portlaad. Examine into the workings ef the Mar riage Insurance Company of whloh Ala Har ris is agent and you will fiud it to be the best paying investment out. Kvory young mau who ever expects to get mart ied should take oal a policy with Ala Harris in the North Western Marriage Insurance Company. Nera McCrary, of Salem, aged hkont was poisoned Wednesday by the taking of strychnine from a bettle by accident. Site died at 7 o'clock. We learn that F A Watts, Baq , baa moved down from Junction to Msadd'a and entered iuto partnership in tho inoroantile business with the Davis Bio'a A large amount ef land is being cleared n this locality this winter. Chinese laborers can be had in abunlanoe, and our farmers are making goad use of them. The covered bridge at Silverton was tarried away by the high water on Wednesday. It has eaeaed immense exeitmont in that place, as the river about evenly dlvidea it. The Teltfram came te hand Monday noon with two pages of cuts of East Portland residences and places ef business, which ahow that place off to good advantage Members ef tbe ladis Aid Society are hereby notified that there will be a meeting of this Society at the residence of John Irving on Thursday afternoon of next week. The mail route (rem Reseburg te Redding has been contracted to 0. J. Salisbsry for $4$, 230. The present contractors get about $S0,t00 and many think they are none to well paid. A great deal of wood is new being hsuled iato town and ao!J. The troes are K.aght near the city, and then cat up and brought in. H affords a living for quite a number ef men. Tuesday the ateamer .1. A, J. f Vy made the trip from Harrisburg to Portland in I J hours and 30 minutes This hat been ae eompliaaed but once before in tbe history of the Ueper Willamette. The recent high water haa damagvd the railroad at New Era, just above Uock Is land. The river haa undermined a part of the track, and no train has parsed thit point aiuce Tuesday evouing. If yen haven't examiuel the paintuu efthe Golden Gate on McCoy and Ellert's prescription case veu should do so. It waa executed by Max Stecker and is a fin" pi ace ef artistic work. A young man, ef Duulaa ceuatv, named CiifT Drinker, getting too much perpetua motion and electricity iu his system has been sent to the insane asylum to cure huu of his bobbies. Hew the average candidate Iougeth for C'jurt week : The geuvlemsn hailing frcen the rural districts will do well to bring a b y-guard with him if he wants any peace while he sojourns in Albany. Odd Fellows had a fine time putting throu& some ucw recruit at Ridgcly cam :m!l) at I.-lanoa last Wednoaday evening. Tbirtee.i of our citizeus went to assist in tbe iaiatien. Any persons wishing to bat, sell, or ex c'sange milk cows, beef cattle, fat or stock saeep, fat or stock bogs, will find it to their alvantage to call on John Elder, at Jason Wheeler's ia Albany, Or. Ia Walla Walla squirrel scalps are worth 3 cents a piece, that amount being paid by the county for every one kroaght in. They are ef soch valae that they are considered legal tender in the saloon. A boom of logs must have bursted at Corvallis last Monday night, for oa Tuesday a large number of legs passed this city. Ssvaral men added considerably to their financial receipts by catching them. If you want to bay any paro bees, Ar itmi of the celebrated Linrstrotb bee hives, call on W C Doherty, in this eity He wants to ge out ef tbe business and will sell for less than eust. Read his adv. Tbe Willamette river is beginsirg to Worn. Yestesday morning it was only eleven feet below the mark reached Last year As the mountains are fall of soft snow there is no telling how much water we may have. Some of our citizsns who wsnt mere In surance on their lives are talking of organ izing a Council of the order of Chosen Friends in Albany. It is a good order, in several res pec U we thing sarpasiug tho A O U W. Oar city limit met hire bean extended wonderfully te take iu Corvallis. Same ef the firemen Sunday morning objected to going so far out ia the suburbs and as a consequence Wells warehouse burned com pletely down. Mr. Moses, whom wo sneatioued but week as being a candidate ferSchool Commissioner, is running for County S-iperinteidcnS of Public Instruction. B j ir this iu mind and any favors shown will be highly ap preciated by him. The "fieotl gates of heaven" opened up last Monday and even genuine Webfeet would pronounce this week's weather ex tremely "juicy." It will make the farmer rejoice, for he wonld rather have the rain now than in Apirl. Daring the month of January 20 vessels were cleared from Astoria for Europe with wheat and flour. The value and quantity of wheat was 871,931 -bushels stnounting to $342,623, The flour consisted of 33,913 barrels valued at $163,337. The number of eattle owned ia the state of Oregon is estimated at 269,412, value, 12,771,040 ; numbsr of horses and mules, 114,024. value, $4,631,352; number of sheep, 854.750, value, $1,401,887 ; number of swine, 85,218, value $193,816. An Eastern State has done away with the marriage liceass on tbe ground thit it dis courages heme industry. Perhaps it wonld be a good thing here as we have maay young men who would like to get married if they could afford the two dollars. It looka now as if the celebrated Jaw-suit to settl the ownership of the Santiam Canal would be continued over from the next term ef Court, as it will be almost impassi ble to complete the taking of testimony in time to present it at the March term. Saturday's TcUyram has a picture of the man who is expeeted to have the distin guished honor of hanging Oniteau . His name is Chas. Henry, aad he was a person al friend of Garfield, being appelated by him Marhal ef the District of Columbia. A petition was presented t j the Common Council ef Salem asking -that the license for tbe sale ef liquor be' fixed at $1000 and $500 ; but the Committee, to whom it was referred reported against it ; but stated that they would favor a license of $400 or $500. At the Reading Room entertainment te be given en the 17th and 18th ef March, Miss Luse will read five selections each evening, all of which will be new. Beaide this, among other things, will be some first class music, our leading talent having been engaged. j, We are requested to state by tbe com city, a number ef months ago, to the BsnsasssssassswasawaBiss I saiiteo having charge of the reading rooms that tho papers aro arranged as they wish them to remain, to that when they are read it would bo au accommodation if they were returned to the position in which thoy wore found. Mr. Jas. Dodge, nf Hubbard Station is receiving freo notices of a Valentino in tho shape of a two-wueUs eld baby, which he found on tho porch of his residence on tho 14th oi February. He took it in, and as ho had no ohihlreti, it la said that he will pro bably keep it A country editor says it hta agitated his curiosity to find out why n woman will spend ai weoks putting scollop etj tho bottom of her drt'i.i. thit uobady but horaelf will get a glimpse of, and th n run anent tho neighborhood iu an old dirty wr pp r without any belt, and ewry other button burst IT. A correspondeiil writing ut fro it Pooria, Llun county, says thnt place la b elly in need of a store, An active buiinnss invi will find this au excellent point for a stool of general merchandise. Peoii. while it U off the railroad, hi goo I sTater transporta tion and is surrounded by a rich a.M t. iiltnr si section. S'las sfanf. A disciple of BlaoWstjno took the atatuios of Oregon to a read in j; club the other nfght instead of Shakespeare ; and now tho qne tion is whether it was aleent mimUdnosa or Cupid that otuld mike a prs.-n fjinistakt such a work aa an Oregon Co io fe - no. s n't lime a production as The Polk county flfsjajajr ( Last wu Six es a graphic account of s horriM RcrfW, in which a uuu waa ahot in the he I with a bottle, and found iusemibl in the ermw. After paying a tiue of $o be was set at liberty. Such ' herrihlj honor" happm in thia city every few da), and uevi cause tho leaat excitement. If you hear a m nVi i o las trct tl.a! sounds like distant thuu-lor or an Iowa hurricane, get behind a Umn peat or dodge into a store quick. It's I.ylft Ku-o on a velocipode, aud a- bo is jnat learning to manipulate it ths machine is a Uttia ui. . r tain in iU iiior-mnts. Grant is miv a retirvd sjsbjm rl .f thc Atncrican Army, bat Kd K linger never retires frosn his persutent curM of dealing out a syctb i.laisff U -r. lie pr-.j . that if hsrd work Mad ltd t a'.'.eulioo to hi business will keo4! roputat on of Mae Brewery, beer it ahall nevci fll 1-rlwW it's present high pojiti bjbj iu Um etnnat...u wf the peopie. Al Swarta cauu down fruSU Fish lake bast week and gvo ui a cdl l.t tslsrsklsjf, Ue siys that in tn IVh l..ko lawn t'.. '' is nine and lata fetst deep esj summit r.b it I'il f.-. I ao.l m HaeJ Is snoUta paas about ."0 fovt di p It l.a I rtn s . iug eo.itimioualy up th. rv f..r . t .1 wrt. aud a warm ram wo i! I b-tr it oat in a hurry. Dave Baker was trod , -.t-r,. . et -I iag cloth out of Chas DenU U tad-.r klaop. IIewasluul ovjr to ewit ti..f tbe grand jnry. aud aa IsS Caanlsl asrt furaiah the bon is l.o i now i.i j I'bcr. bn i - very crtai:.. an 1 that u if be II 14 SJ K-0 t tie emtentiry aej fcudi l '.im oy a wm a a SI aauucei a-aiast lum. u-li. r :oit up our eonrta. The BUckatonc S c. T.sday eveiiiu-- in a wa.'.n d-'a1. j do id- women should nt nnva tbe tight al fran chise. The following q-uwsti sn esj p. . .", for debaie teit Tue.liy r.vcn:ag. "ile solved that Wealth has atfrcaW tefJaceee than literature in nineldiSg s ictety. " Aa election of ofiseers was had. reselling as tsi lews: Pres. J. 0. Mamo; Vice Pre, O. 11 Irvine; S-xnUr. H C. Ument. aw a i" . riaw.e,f. ir asuver. aon-ls us irom Camp Creek, by A. llueiilemao, au old m-n !. hhilu im ir. him, i l l;,'iC ,' 1111,7 ... ns oarewr nj ucang ajsewecl ts twseeua in i Of the ... 1 . r U'f . I - ll.f.i . - n nattS ' - - . . -. - . . ' ' u . Prof. Ifarley still has faita i,i tktm s Iv.r wdls, or "s.iap bo!o." and tsaOshl lbt sen.e proceaa will yet be diaeuvetil armek will make lbs working of ;htm reuiuncratirc, Alt wti-i want to a?- tl.j silver p'.ck ca sa by cilliug ar our It ia very dottbiful waetti-- I: ,a . c'.o.k ling'a appointment tr. the .sspremo C ut Bsacb will uiet the spurovi! f the ixopl:. It is certain tlmagk that C. I: ileoiae;aes Style of doing ImsssSSM is senrtisti ' ly every bedy, and it hes bren the aaeoM of giving bim tbe lead iu tho trade at UUd n aud vicn.ty He ia t u'.iU .d to great Bipdit for what be has dene for the people of Lin" couuty, aud bis large bosiae testinss to the rnsuuer in which he ia appreciated. Vfe a'aaowlede ths rec-i;t f the Mutstl PjafVeM pab'uahe I i.y Wiley 1'.. Aher, of Perrtlsnd, which is a lr :t k i credit ts tbe ptibliaber. it was a coin pained by three pieces of caus, ol a high tone, each ef which are poll shav by Mr, Alien One "Speak to Mother Kindlj," wordi and muaic by Chas. K. Bray, ia dedicitcd to Miss Minnie Allison, of this city. Another by tbe same author is entitled "I Heard an Aagel Voioe !.-.t Night." The third wards by Edgar Pawaett and music by K. Oeok is entitled "Censtaucy. " They aro all feed, and should be in tbe bands of all musicians. Iu the .Salem SMeumat oi Wednesday ap pears a challenge over tho signatnic .f W If. Andsrsos, offering te match his dog Joe sgainat Wat Monteitha dog Frit, or any other dog, for $000, and telling bim t ant up or sbnt up; but he is carefnl to a id that "all birds are to U hunted." Mr. A. was in Jbe city awhile ago when Watt offered te match Ftitz against Joe as the best eduoetcd dog and be sticks to that offer. lie wishes ns to state that he bad nothing to do with the putting of tho item in the Albany cor. respeiidenco if the HtaUtmin wbieb iliew out th ; ehalL a .e Mr. John Poic'i, who W toatart a niraery here, will take possession of Mr. Millard's place ia the outskirts of the city, tho first of next week, whon ho will begin business ia earned, lie propeses to keep a complete stock of all kiuds of shrubs, plants, trees, no were, etc., and big laige experience in the business will insure your getting jnat what you nceil. He also propeaea to make a apeeialty of arranging and putting lawns, yarda and gardens in eplendid condition, and has already hsxl several contracts to do the same. In those cases where he has per formed suck work he has given complete satisfaction. You should have vour vard full ef shrubs and flowers, and Mr. Roach is just ths man to attoud to tbe business for yeu. Tf. understands the business in every detail and is prompt, reliable aud thorough in wbst he does. Now is tho time to begin these things. Either speak to Mr. Roach persenelly, or aline through tbe lWt office will receive immediate attention. Sunday morning about half past two the stillness of might waa broken by tbe clanging of the ire bell, which brought all good flrsmsu to their feet end on tbe streets iu short meter. Sueh was tbo depth of tha mud and the wetness of tbe atmosphere that there were few who did not wish they had never seen such a thing as a fire engine. Their anxiety though over the prespeets of a hard and muddy tag was completely dis palled, when they get a good glimpse of the sssBSssssaaaaslsWSSsassssaSaaas ill i mi light which marked the soono of the confla gration. U was a number of miles to the west ; but when first seen it flashed up so suddenly that it looked aa if it were some whrro ia tbo nnhurbs of tho eity, and so tho night-watch did nU wait to survey the dis tanoe before ringln-r th boll. When i t wai ascertained, uftcrwarils that it was at Cor vallit. nil tho firemen fait thoir importance in being enlloil up fora4lro At a rival eity ten miles atvay nnd wore uuboiindrd in lavishiugtheir praises on the watohtnui fr the alaorily with which hng .t these oat mm : ii tan ikicm ti Mr. I, F.Ik iui of t.uhan tii. tie city Tuesday. Mr, W. a Kirk, of Brownsville VI- ! 1 1 tho city last Eiidny, Dr. Davis, of llarrisbur:. was i.i th cit tho first of th" week. Mr. A If Potorsnn, 1. b .nioi's din!!, r was in th" oily Tnesday la.t. Mrs Dr. Savsgr, ,f riul -y , hat be B :iling frieCldl in thii eity. Capt N. H. HaMphrsr, rWsWfsVsd home from Portland last Saturday. Wo ar glad to see Mtu Nannv aain .ifter a sioliijsi of several wei-'as. Mi.i Kutivi Carlyle, of Corvallis, i it it Isagthe Mua s Manslield in this sity. ReSA Ceorg') Waggoner, of Corvsllif, came down n the ". -tlou''' last Friday. J V Raabarst, tast . one of Corvallis most eminent lawyer, was in b ify Tnes- lay. J. C. Hamilton it iu the employment of the 0 Q It Compiny, nail I pstad at Portlaml. Mr. aa.lM.n Vf, II. fi.nlon. cf IU'. . .. were i i AH .i v - .is week eisitina the r ri-lali. . Uapt i'a Humphrey. wi in the cits Friday, and wsnt down to PorfJand eej the iio.m train of thit clay. DO Ctacfce, Beej . ti.n ..ty. .onJu-ted thu MaMassfsj at-rvn-e ut the fiim-r' nf the late Geo I Wren, at CoearsJJj. O !' TosBpklaS, of Ilarrisbur . his l-n down bt ro this week Wo areola iu see tl.s h i h.- .p.l, h a luij ravsd. Moa Ainii I'oWoM, who hsd ln oou- Ism i to !, r fwr some tin;.' by i. lins, ws out the flrt v too vi Ssj . Mis. Jaa, Fa.hajand aiis !.. Fa Itu I Mr.c up from I'ortlaud on Thareday ef last uwi. an-1 viHitc4. :.t Mr Conner s until Isyt M. inlay. lirk Btlyt-u, v.i.ol.a her . o.lioel at .. SJM f. r aevtraj day, with imltifarious colds, t jo , sv . - i . t Ike etreet Ti.iu.-.'y Lis'.. ra May, a little .'. year ol.l iUi;btcr o( Win. P. I'avin. s, diel on thi fith of IWI rusry. Will is Mfl Ii vutj , ' i J fti Ig, in I'm stills o lasts. J-. Hyde, lately of C Iswadsa, hai h.- n iaffM city, with a view to bating, be, sTfll pr.bahi J go Is) Vta.hiu.-t.oi r. rul ..y HI a short ttisve. Walter Tar rail is th Steamer t o'...a. '. wbi.-h left Sau F. iois o TursJiy and wid pr:,a!.J arnv isj AlU.ay to dnf ,r s morrow. John i.ood. ac'ore4 man won KafJ a lar ber al-.op in this city s-rt-rel yesrs ago, is now in the sunn b isines al ReJtff City, fie owned while here the celebrated ra e horse. "I ioek." I Ki. tie, fore. i!y . f thi fity Iui psichaard iKo ktl. Iu tt .iff -V , i - . t.i I - '.I I ' I nscry Co. at Basj Fran .. ,. and is now b-r,l ; at work agMi.. A,Wsy w;Ubuyue atjMI perfowry. i Eagetie Uuchaiiaii. an ssU rcanUut of this citj and very fassrnbly known all over this upper cuutry laM IwesUsstsJ nssd Brill enter L. . . . . . . lf.r.i ..... A ....... ......I... .... ....... ... , with .i j-sra. 1. loi :.i aa ! f avauah. Wait tfaBa iTliifassseo, Walt.r KotekMOW.s at l'ittia.d laot week attending '.be raee'.n. ef the ats than I -e'l-i Cwuimiitce, and repr 1 1. t Oid I. mi. in good shape. We UsS i.rd :'.', -fi i..;'i. in ;. it'ug i. an home. A ttaMtJaOOAJi got in f.olu hta aiv:k Ml b .. R .stern th-egon last Tuesday ev. uio- Ho u lo, km,; La c ikd hearty and says every one ts getting -I-uig well over th-r He will r. t.-iiiu hers a uiouth or So. BOO John li, Waldo, AasMtiate Justice of the Supreme Couit, wio on a. .snt d sick nesa has karen unable to stt sd court, is new AW kk unproved nnd will probaMy he able to rCSSSaM hla rc&t oil tbe bench at (be Com incueciiK nt of the March tenn, BssjKe- jAOaV day. Th ; irs of the .Suto are making a mistake in MfMf that the late 00 1. Wren waa Chief f.uiun r of the Corvallis Pire Otpartmeut at the tun? of bis death ; be hald that p a.tiou two or three years ao. Mr I) Carlyle now OCCOplee tkad pea.'.. a. TJ Baford, Bet , of Corvallis, pnaaed tbrougs thia city list i'rtday on his way heme from the meetiujr of i'tn Republic. in Statu Ctfutral Committee. Tore is "dead act" on having McKlroy, of CorvalJ.s, eOOsi nata-d for State School S.iiierintendeut. The Holland Club met St the pleasant of Mr. h. K. biain last tlomlsy nigh, where they enjoyed more than sn or liuarily good time. They should bo un der great obligations for good advico fr m their hoit. There is no danger that they will neglect Faust or skip Worili. A Tetnperanee ( all. A I.HAN v, Kob. '2lh, 1HH1. To nil TtmpMM06 Wofkmtt esad 0rjnix' turn in Linn Couiitif : Tho undersigned Committee, appointed by tho Rlue Ribbon Club of Albany to eecuro tho organization of n "Temperanoo Cnlon" for I, Inn County, do hereby ap point Tuesday, Ma rob Mth, lKgg, at 7 o'clock, r. m , as tho tlm, and the roonaa efthe Rlue Ribbon Club, Albany, as the place of meeting for that purpose, We earnestly hopo that the Commttteen a- polnteil by the various organizations in the County will not lail to bo on baud nt that limn. Every true Tom peranee man can afford to sacrilloo tho time noeevuiry to attend Uiis mooting Kach Tom pera nee organization in earnestly requested to send at leant Aye inombor.s to ho present in this Convention. T. P. Hack m:.maj, G. W ilnav, K. F. Sox, V . B. Scott, Ti. K. Ho AIM, Committee. (iiulirineil. Hon. J. F. Watb aya the "Statea man," waacouflrmed by tho Cnitod titca Senate on Fehruray Oth. It waa nu re ported in tho dispatches, and seino thought there wan something wrong whi h caused tho delay, hut Huoh was not tho case. His nomination by the President was promptly cot? firmed by the State. Judge Watson lean able lawyor, and will make an excellent U. S. distriot attorney. President Arthur made a good selection. Standard. Iran I AKMICUS AMI LA1MK- IKG M EK TO THE FBOKT. At a legulur nircliii;: of Grand I'ralrlo A ntl Monopoly Leajjuu, belli on Feb. 1MJ, tin fulhiwing nsoliilluii W.ia ml njil. d i"!r Tli'ii nil nuiiUA in on of thi Toinpi iniii-, Atlttaf00Opy GiAaRoSojIotlvs, Ol bottl DolitlOll BUf tlen tlireiibcuit Islnti ('"Tily, 1st un I re RsHwby N pi Mtf I l i Blftt nt (Jruml I'rnlrin ktohnol H Mffsy'i aUtsl OrsMlff Hall Ni. ii). on Ttniroj ,v Mnroil Btlt, i ut ID o'oloflh a. m I i r ! is if Itiftoti biketi irtH fWlod N. I t ym'. ttsa t.lllins sffstsVI foftf JasC .yl., WnO WM kiUestat Cmterville n .. t.i. . , , i ... . "'i '" ci' of l . luiiirv, lt,n Svll known in this con .ty, r.n 1 I th t N taasj v., Up tbo fell . wing ao onnt ..f bjg .bat.'i frOW tbe Wes'oa . i h r and repu'.'i i it CsBTWariLtl , Feb I ;ih, 1 OxTi.Kajx In Jusi vt nnd rate. - to tli - dsmdsvnd tasahntf b. th irnrld tii i ihsUateUr nftboilvliif, i arrttoywu the full puilliM.lars of tlij milrtk r sfhlvh took plan- bore on It,, ftjhliikt Ii tweeti tho lumntl fttad 1 ! M . th in; an eyo witness tn the tavj HiTU r. I -H fieglu at tii very llrst Jim ' yb , at In vh mo l fauiiiiat Jy known, hud not bfsjti In town ov.r lw hours. hl uoii to ii.-o 1 mi Mtloon, estllsHI tho hoy up nr. I in mod them, set lei I liln tat t f nd win In m acl o'golnt: 1'fnw.iy whim Swnggarl req'ioNtml hi ii (o pltv pftker iciijark ing that whllo Jim synja;n, hi b;mh ff Wls. Cny 1 had wan mt-i ni ni y Tom him Md be Wignrlj want...; ftebnneetowln it from Jim. Jiai a - eepte. Ul(. i-lnl!s:i;' rouiieatlng '; gatrttoslst fair, iayluf In a JsjOttlar way, If the came Uom not e fu r nnd h ,u ir.- we will h.avo i ''. idaaa l uri.-i on the billiard '' TWl remirU Was tab. u us n jeao l.y all the byninJld en. rin play otfxn, pen Hwnggirt, hla brother Idnk, nnd their br.uln r-ia haw, . liu.h mid Mux C.yl- tahlns; part. After Ihe ur'-" hn. run some tlni'-. Jim Coylo lonimr, nud tin- P g gsitH nnd Hush v. 1 1 1 n I live, Jim C.yio 1UU thr faille, Haying i! nt l o had !o. 4 I the money he mm aithhlm, whh h wiih bftwt "on .'.o and J Mi, Coyloturn "i and walked lwr I tho hack end it tne aniooo, ir w bis pistol forge 4 , :nilioe unify r-volvor n.a .- I the llrct finger : bis right hard ihrou h Ihe gtstrd, cud h gan whirlln- it no-,, - hie iead swL,'?nrt n . d to slop a he might A' id ntally ,.i S -.r-i It an limit ')iiim (i;ir Covle s.l f Hd lioi wis's t hurt anyone, s-he has) OtblOgl ngaliiHlany u. In Hie h u md that ll.iTu Wn no danger, ntid .In.iod toward thed or ns if t. . o ;t Of tbo aolOOO, lie bt his ;dsto fall nnd strike Um rbor in mm b o mannor a to l - uarg'll. Hwng.:n p umj i,.rt'i p ntel, pit ked il Up .and icinv- I : n.-k ' U ml-M-d Atid vtteudod h-tU ban I. .as If reaching icr Ibo p - As .;- ftH Jnmp-d book he fl I, U10 ba taking evoct la tb e rbood (nlailld nl eem (.. ,x-i ! note ihv fu;" r and etepj.ed r j ,v ..-oart with l th hand . xt. n : I up sronj waggart n brother bj f his llroo bsd driwn end DOOkCal ploVd at Cn bi' .. ... . . ' . a l ttl-M .in 1 tfcofrior. oatmlnst ilayU and flrorl sill-' .ng blmoitsassnt InaUutly Um cmv . ; WAsaajock inr.n nun r. la! I. on. , i a. a a aa . . I nriu leasing m, j mm . lamillee of I saMttliO and .V t . , , it.ea He wan k ow n ette of ihe ' I libera., win.!,, ,..!. m . i ;,: !: mnnlty amJ loovoa la, , most eomni of friond to Ml urn bis end fall . ; sad a If air ha" caused gre.-.t .irl'em-ii'. but f k- c ,'iiM te i ,i dt'pneltrnn no thOMrl nffrend an! eill.-u to kl the la tsthe Itooourso JlMC'twIe was a s ile man AOOOt y'a s o i. Toors Truly. (;. a. en si a treat Or ii . Ill, -! u.s.'Nei whh-n ,. od I.' r o be Ihe A. Ilarl.'i iiish, ofCuinp Cieh. Wns ne - ,r ef . splendid rokastOOO uhlch eouuty.earrlw.l hare iaat TWOtsMy even IrstUlvntJoq eouldiauk amen.- Ibo very log. Ue'ioya tbo wtntor h Ahemi oaoristlswees Ivteo OHavMOIae r. : Tho Kat his locality and tkO tom flf ttook has bonn ; Mi ; : ... , -i ;. ., i , .... light. Catlle hnyi r have Ix-en r.' mj i. in Ivaatern '.re.'iu loj about t- .. i and havo pttrohoaed near'y al! the xtosk overlhrre, I--in? & Ryan, of I'b. .-nno. have putrhnv4i io.OOO head of caUb-, and WJ0 head of Mtldle horses fir th i-.' thalr vacnern. Threes or lasjl otlict Arms aro alto pt. i liT-inv -toek, nnd the dWaMM 1 bOMg M l.vely, pftMe am ajood. Veil lings are worth gOj ; ', f 1 1 ; two year old , $'', and tiireo-yeot and up. f'-'O. TOO herds Wtll start east atout the Srol f M n Opea 'J-r'rn ; of V r I Tho tVet epeW Meeting of Ihe Women f'htiatian 'iniM ian Cn on Will bo bold Ihla(KrbUy') oveotmr, whsM tbo follow rttag exe!lent prOgrOOl svill AO ren b red, Introd jcto-y RoM i k M rn M J. Townaon 1 . Kaaay Workings of tho W ('. T, C tlisM Mary QAAtOA Rocltatlon "Tho POttfty He Mi tinl to Hive" Mian Vcta Mason. Flutoand Organ Duet-Dr. Q W. Price and Mias KtJ OOMMW. Address Rev. F. P. Barry, of fMrOtts. Muaic OollogO Hand. aTrngotOM begin at 7tm A oodiootlon will lrtAken up. A Kplendbl loop A bort time ngo wo received it box of -o.ip from the Navy Soap Company of 5an Francisco, with the request that wo give it n trial. Hcdng ono r that party generally alluded to aa "the giuat unwashed,'' wo did not take tho offer a an i inn It. The lotfl wa havo Iried iu tho prlntln g ofQoe, and our family Iiah tried it ut heme. It gives com plete Hatinfactimi aa a kitchen ami laundry sonp and makes the hamla ol the "devil" look unclean n a now pin. The grocer wiie deals iu it wi.l have a run as soon as tho merits of tlte soap are known. Ilnnil Toiirniitueul. Thcro will a hand tournament held at MeMinnville under tho nunpiccs of the Brass Hand of that plare, on thelTdli and 120th days of Mny, 18S2. Th ro will bo two prizes competed for; onu of $100 for first grade, and 000 of 460 for second grade banc'.a. Tko "Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, DuUna, Aurora and Kast Portland bands are c?nsed as No, 1 grRde ; but any hand may compete for the first prize. All bauds in the State may onter except tho Northwest ern band of I'ortlaud or tho profession al bands. Whoat 2s worth 75)i con la in tho ware house and 78M at tho mills, nigher prices i ban this have been paid during tho past week for special lots: I'lstP. AT4 ORV tIMH. The i i ,i i, ,ih ITnrebnnse lluraei! TVren Klllnl. P. Laxl Mabhtttl tnoniln;;, obout O eoooki un nlurni of fir w..-. giv n here In Albany, hut mi tlin Aronton rMshlnj; etlt tbty -oon atneit.viHed lirat tba flrMPfOi ITrt.-l;, wlioli wis in (T.r, i ar- iTAft not in tho Hiy. A votf brlltiiat light wo bifitng in tho smhi wi, oiid iimiiy wort tbosfcijjec' ta rot M to ayhort lh- Mm wa- tocoiod In Hi IBOf ling thi niyah ry wa mjIvivI wbsr A (IlenotCh waa rrcvnd by Chief Wobborfrom Cblff C irlib.,of Corvlll, -: v I rijj tni Hi? news that '.ho Mammoth . nn-UoMM a In thoitolty had boon burn ed (.1 1 !io k round that morolng The to 'tram nltO gfl AOtttMMl tho r.i etdontol killing ofOoO r- Wren, while doln,; duty hi ii tUoMsMa FIm pirlleubirs of btadooih MO nliout en fodown : The sWftMboOM ami ' !ovnd iibont sit f '. mi tbo groao(,Mi4 woMtmrtifhindod by 0 Oblowolk, oror wblok (ho roof pre je t- 'i. i "in ifv was w itie uppnr i . i i iM. . . . lory, Mid tho llamet eproad alone; the ronf. A i. nmb' i of firemen worn en iragod In ranylug sO'ik Out of the hw.r story lo the sidewalk nnd throw iotr thvin t. the cr oud, while others raujrht them a ul eril d them to a dletOOOO. WJnly Mr. Wren, Joh" ihabora ui i i;. a. Ifttnor worosrtotln en the aldowalk. th i fln burned the rafi.os in two, nnd tin. roof slid down )',. i and Mllnor JtiMpod from the plotlbrm and eeooped, but Wreu wax eovgiit i" lor it, mi l blf bwtd and ehoas ororo r-.i , :iv emdnd. hllllm; bim lAHtant .. gome ono who w the au- oldont ruehfl I in at the ImimottK x' of his own life and reseu-d tin. lu.dv - from tho lis. lies bi fsr It was Snroixf to any tXtOlit. Mr. W. v. as botwrou '.".and 00 yen. a of n-e. and lasawsse a ;.nd aovc-rul ( bi.dr.-u to mourn his !f. orgOOimsJ tht Corvallis p'lre Department and boa been pn.mlnent- '.iino Ii i 1 1 ii the poaithia of Chief Boglne i. nnd It will be u kmg lime Immm CorvoJlii flnde a Mna ayho will v.i i ibjo to hor In s many re lticl m was nur fHeMl licoro P. vVtsh The fu took plooe on Toeedoy roMwoow, eomfnt7tod by the Ma onoMid nreme n. A delegation of AsMMsfg llreinno nnd Mrmmi i from Al bMl . attenJsd. The Mutninolh Wiinneusn waa oorood by "Ret,' Welle, AMI wnf valned t AUOUt SIO.O'IO, It was insured for . 1 N000 In the Connecticut nud J COO in Ihe BeoHleli Union nnd Na tl oal a d W nlao uuishrstaad the MAOblmKy uudancLs were all fully . ! Abotlt l&.AOfl haanliels .r lira aa a w 1 1 sai saw wi s sss as " o urin ' F farmer .J; ri tualue.I in thwWMOh u--. nud ooueiderabla of U WAA in-.rod ;.r..bAbly about ..-hi AMattla, M the- I ft , rial, I.ondo'i, North em I Quooth mm s.o .e 1 1 ,. ,'s r',.,1, 1 f idaV lilif I t MA 1' f Wmm 00 ManJo. ',1 iaOewwssttefr Mr. 1 )mnH ugsitnr rang a,; iu a meet l til a .a . ... vy in n want into tuo bsmrto if a., i-.-.u.. I'.aU t,1 JJo xXu u.r by tts . oi rue is i i.o ir 'oa KV w. ra inme, 1'rfc.vj and Porter teemed . ir-airol (, l v ,tr ri u," TTLJLhlJ ' J - w un ,ia,ii'ri nil aiyio. II C. CIcestenl'o eonu we a sswad. . ;.:, Maiy liv.i.e'e undition of "ivt nr and Ti.i.Ik " oompletely -urwd tho y o!.-iK' m. n ' thlr held: of kissing i i ..,s .u wn-'N. 'I al lrrs l y J Hi kleimn, 1.,., wM elahoioto fsnd centuinod uiu. goxl nofoto. MUa I Bnrl Know sstnsj -VeSIerry Uirde'1 in a '. : II roeolved UM as "' .,! ith ill auioul i f tnUeellan he uniul nater.. Tne Ueanfifnl WIltMnseiie I nii l-.-autiful stream ba-ecu on n boot LhlA Wook, CAeMsJ-hy warm rains in the oirtuutA'ns. Oa Sabbath I; stcw.1 7 let l . nd Ji.u h.-a above h.vv uat-r mirk t fi o'ejook m;mi Monday nt the h ur, 10 It. S :noh-.-; Tuosday 31 f: - Inofcoje; WodneottAy, ib ft. 4 , .rhe; rhni iv, 1 ; ft. -I Inches, nud n ll bAsi tnOMd coiJt-r And mopped roiaino on, Wednaeifey it waa suppoaeel Un. v..i c M-ou!d rotsOh iublgheol stage Ob U midnight Inst uigt,t. ii would :nck alimit M feet of rooehjng Rx high I point of la i season 4 JUsregallesu;! tsSMMOa More than ordinary pains have been to uiako lite next aoriable and en tertainment to be given by the iadioe of Ibo f onirrogatlouiil chureh n sucoeaa. It will lake place on Tuesday evening of next week, March 7tb, lVSa. The ad mission fee will ho 'Jo couta for all ever ten years. No c illeollon will ba taken up and rofrotfhuaon's will hi served froe to all. Following ia tbe program to he ren dered : Rocitalion -Miaa Elrle George. Song -Mr. 1. H. Raymoud. Rocitalion Miss Maud Heuderaon. Soaig -MUs Annto Powell. Reading -Miss Maggie Foster. Duet Mr. Cbamborlum and gUilger. : f 'ml llerlbse;. Mr. Notice U hereby given to ths legal voters ofSeliool District No. ."i, of Linn county, Orog n that the annual school Kioeting for said dial irtet will ba held at tho Central Sehool House, to begin at ths hour of 2 o'clock r. m., eu tbo 13th day of March lfi82 and continues until 6 o'clock r. jt. of said day for tho purposo of electing oue Director te servo said district for three years and a Merit to serve ons year. J. H. RfTRK IIAUT, School Clork. Albany, March 1st, 182. Patriarchs are horoby nollflod that there will boa called inotting of tho Orgeana Kncampraeut, No. 5, I, O. O. P., on Satur day evening, March 4th, 1882, at 7 o'clock, r, M., for the purpose of conferring the O. II. degree nnd other important business. All Patriarchs in good standing a-e re (inosted to bo prtwont. J. A. Davis, C. P. 'Money is tho rout of all evil." Impure - blood is tlm root oi all disease. With a tnllo ol one root, buy King of tho Rlood, I which contains roots, and root out the other luot See advertisement. A SI'Ai; M 1IOOI. EaHiniTfOi. WtULM Btatiow, Feb. 28tb. ElUor f)mo9Tit : Our school closed on Friday hut and on tsM evi-ning of that djr nn ox bihition wa hnt by thn pupil", Mfidor I ho liMi'-igennunt rf lln- tdisr, n uliir 0 dasridod a icofsss. If. iriMt fsj of ih)cl.nii.i 'one, (-HSuy dialogueM, iniiH'f, rte , mi ! j-siti i iti l in by the foliuwini? pr-isanm : Until M thorn, Mutid l'ryant, uonrj UsotTipro, C'jra lirynsat, ll-rnaic5 litikrr. I r&ali F.iymit, Proddtei ToOlUnson, ClarottOf! Mi'lur, Flora ilvnli, slsVOOb llickir, rtbbio llrvHiit, Ada Ilyn'.i, ftoo Ihvatit, linooln Viudcidoo), BmOaO ryals RJ lliibir Kant 10 Bryant, Ale-Tfiorji, Keary (V.tiT, wn, .Vliiler, Jaa torn IsnOOO, Win Tunilirmofi, I.ivil Viinir jioni, Jr.f fjoorgo Milh-r. Mollio ilahi win and A vrrl I OndOTttel. Hi ftideia :in r.'iiili.r i si.rci a-1 li eliifiiaf w. ru . a as irmd' r- ! by ItUm ThoWliWOO, Annie Oreen end Etiffoa TbbmpeiMs Httl boo. K very tbini j nss- I il r.i elv and it let trr achonl nxhibi' i uti in muV pari i.-.ilar we think Ims eserOr bsaro woeai ia Oto gon. J ii U In A :;enl T tlr Ttmpt rwene If r,'.r bim f'oim'y The vail-., rctaporonee awgooizetftme Of I. .n. Coim'y h.aviiio asrOMptfy renp ssjsj el kvOOf rcj to nj.oiiit onfor with un in reg(Mid to'.ke WAnn- i.Atbij of A "Tinporarvi t'nlon " in County, wj rnoke this .ij.-..-.,I t tbe Ui nd i of Temionafof. lo ivi uiieralo itO ii s wiihaut fail, li is not he object of lbs friends of (ills ra .voineul to form a separate TemjM-r toco ii'-kol at thia time; bttt on tlieotbes- hand onr aim haa been, and aball he,, te indue voters to labor in tkeir rewjx'ilvM j, ii, -a j.ariies with a lew of swuriuji the iiouiliiaiious and election ef only eoin petent Temperance nun. This ' oininiUoe is (tailed to meet March 14th, :-:, at 7 o c'.o :k V. M., at the rronia of tbe BtssO r.lljbon Club, at Albanj, toeontlnue the will nf the oonveation. W hopetbst all Tempers line workers will :o operate eith us, and eepecially dowe Iik to meet every membor ef esicb corn nnlteo appointed. Let us show our faith by our workn, . burdens us with enormous tases, murders our fiienda and starve tl-e orphan. Let us net fail lo improve this opportunity to aaeiet la bsnisljins ii frtm our fair land. T. P. IlACKLauan-, O. W. UstaT, K. V Sox, W. K.hi rt, I.. V. IU.AIN, Com milt es. ... ..i tMasjMsJ. The annual sfmsil mwllu; of tbo lax (asyera of hoal Iut. N ,',,1nn county, rren will h ' I in tho Court Home of eaid county on Man Jay the ftfe day of Msrwh, m n ?:."' o Ira k r. v. ftjrthe piirfoae of hearing the report of tl Ib.srd of IMreet rs an I tbe Clerk, nnd fjr lu jcirp ii of voting n tho quesuion o b kvingatax f r the aiipport of the Mcboole f i tin- eiinaing yar, and foi ibe trannac '.ion nf any other i.uenaa that ui ny come larfero .).. insesin. Itv older of the It Mr 1 o ;.; rn J. II Hi r.ii mart. C!erk. n .ol .iu.l fch e Mere H tv.og ad-b-d Monai'. 'y to my bo t nnd ahOA ah-; and seuifl another bn:M ing tor thai p irprw aion i l ahaii lu Uu fi Uirc i n ieavor MOBOM a moi complete and bortr lo su.;k of U,: and sIk-i ' I ban I.i- . .or kepi in ihi place. I u.rx-t from tbe inani:fatur. era for AWak and uti at prh-.a that w ill de- ty iHiinja- illon ami will AiwayN Iry a:d ImApgeo M nf MAfh : no traah. We ahraya aim to rtjmsjnn i N jut as near wbat lb f Mom oor JosfaWAOM and espesttoaMt will admit. Unrest F Yuejoo. AHKU 4 lAttfiU Saur.ic; 11 Young ho-s the Climax Seed Whisat cloaric-r wi:h zinc hurdle, made ex proesly for cleaning ated O boat aud tak ing out v. ild oats. Guaranteed to be eual to auy lu the mark. I , and iu koiu reaps-te mperioi. A trial ia solicited by tlnete wihin; a good cleaner. Terms roaaoiiable. I.edtAW LUt. Tlo IOiiSKt( Ik the ,! .( oi re, .,at ,iai( III Hi I'.wl niee. NHuny. L4flO eouii'.t . r- Cn, Mauli -.'Let. !".' rUHol-s rHlllllfc'io ll.eae ) Uera u.tiM thi ll,. dan-oil wbtCli l t wire aUVerua.Hi. Buck Ollle, i Tara, Mul.cra l It. Di k Mrs !.' niltv Mi. Lilhc Machus Mrs PWat, Tbonipaon Ji.t(h X, ThnmaoB 0 P. H RAVMOKD, P. M. Hobi;,eU M SKII.OHd IWtlH ail Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a irn&raiitsa. It cures eouaumptiun. CROUP, WHOOPINU COUGH and Uroncbitis inuntdiately relieved by Shilob's Cure. KUBmfUUS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilob's Cure ii ths remedy lor you. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shilob's Vital Lz or is guaranteed to cure 3 on. For lamo Rack, Side or Cheat use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents. For salo by L'.isliay and Mason. Albany ; P. A. Rampy, Harris bury. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so 1; nick h cured by Shilob's Cure. We guarsn tee it For aale by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; R. A. Rampy, Harrisburg. t AT AU RAH CURED, health aud sweet br, a t b aecurred by Shilob's Ca tarrah Heme dy Prico 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER is what yoa need for Constipation, IjOss of Appetite Duzineas and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. WREN- CURR1E. At the residence ef the bride's psrents near Sbedd Station, en Tbursdsy, March 2, 1882 by Rev, A. M. Aeheson, Mr. Waltkk Wiu.v and Misa Makv CrRRiK--all of IaiOA Ceunty. Roth parties aro well known in Albany, whero they have ftmunierable friends who will be glad to hear of the happy event. We extend onr heartiest congratulations, and wish the nowly married couple along life as happy as the bird that bears their name DlltBV CALDWELL. On the 23rd of February. 188!, at Cleveland, Deuflaa county, Kllkn, wife of W. K. Caldwell, aged 39 years, 5 months and 20 days. Summona. In the t'imit Court the. 8t"U tf Oregon for th County of Linn H. I. Arehilnald PlainlilT vs. A. D, M . hael and Marftaret K MrMieheel Ida wife Iernno'anta. To A. D. McMMwl nni Aitr,nrH F. . !! MicAarl thf afove nawvd l, ! n.t. f If THK M AM F OF THKSTAM: of M. OHICOOS, you and each of you sr iseMpy auiniuoi'f and rorpiireil to bo and appear in the e1ove name I'trurt nnd anuw . corn plaint of Hie plainlilf in tl n at'v- eiitiifen Knit on fil" aiSn'. yon ili.-i !;rk of Kat'l (,'oiirt by Hie iir-f il..y of ties next regular term f eaid ooi t, afUr Ibo jmhli'-stioji of UiIm muiu uiods for sis weeks huimossI vely, to wit Too iciUr Mar -i 1 ono ' -.a! 'onr: to he nKun and bnld on ii..- w . on, J A4on day in Marck, 1H-', in Linn Couaily Oie tten, or judsjmeut for want cf an answer Mill io taken aasuet yu ; and ym are hereby uotilled that if you fail to appear and answer tbo complaint of tbe plaiutifT btreiu an above re iui red tbo plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief demand rxMfiihe 'wmplalnt in this anit to-wit : fliat the ljurt order and riVcrio that tbe ruorliraea In the "omplnint 6.fw; eaecutosj by A. I. M .-Mieliael aud Alar Arl IJ. M "Michael bin wife on ihe f lowicg doat-nbed premasea to-wit : Ihe eisst had of soctiou fourteen hi 'lowubip fourtsVeH S.utli of IlanKe f ,ur Wet safttaO WiManiettsi Meridian In Lion (Vmnty Oregon, ooutniuiusj ssx-ure lh I cyme ut of the several notes aud the hi leroat IbAr'rou as In Uie aid eomplainl ttereiu mentioned and set forth be foreclosed and that aaid inorlgae.J ;.reo: :. . ho sold to aatinfy and ; the anion ni a d .e on tbe debui ae..-oroi tlaoeby and tke cost of tbU suit, u, wi; -the sum of 5J71U 00 with I mere r ihotOOO ;;t tsVj rate of cue per cent per mntitb a. Ilowa to-ssit : itiiert on lio tin-read from i'ecembor lata JDTtf on fhVbQli tborf from June let, f990 fOaWOet on la0.fsa thereof from Ix-.-.n.i i 1st, Jk.aii,lnleret on inereof from iHxvmOti leih, lOTII. and ihe furtbe-r aum r.r yoyoio with in tercet ihereon at th. of u-.o per "-f. per am, m, from le iiober lei, '.'. and u. funtwr asinu of sX'l '.no Costa aa attorney a Oass and thai i-i-i t'efend attta , u atnl - .-rv nsrson elamiiiA l'J through oi under them or cither of them he foreclosed and barred from ciaimina; auy. rijjhl title or Interest in, or hen upon aaid preutbairs or any part thereof, end that the pUint'tT have and re- over judkiuntnt eaaiasltueaaid defendant A. D. McMb-bael for Ihe auiu of li,:.i, and interest ttiereon as hcre.uiforc set forth, including tMT.oO riaaa attornnyw fees and for the eoste and dtaburaemaniH of triis suit to be taxftd. Tnis Summons is puMiabed by order of iiea. K. I'Mi dae, JiuJkw of aaid Court n t ie .STatk KfiilT bi:'n i ,r six Uffeeive weeks, which order bears dale January 17, JKHat, r.l.M .V flAMIiKRI.AI. AUy's for Via. ujw nirrau abe tttna. it will bo apparent to any eua who will eiArniue a solid gold watch, tak-at aaieio from the necessary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large pro portion of tne precious metal uses! la uesded only to stilTeR and hold the en graved portions In place, nod supply tke necessary solidity ana stiesgtb. The surplus gold ia r-Jtually oeesiTesas ofar oa uti ity and tract y aro con earnest InJaaOes llosw' I'ate-nt tssild Watch Canes, this waato of preuioua cecal la overcome, and tbe same Mild ity aud strength p reduced at from one third to one-half of the Uaual coat of ad id cosom. This process It of tbo moot elrsple nature, oa fll-wa : a plate ol nickle oompokltion metal eapavtiaJly adapted lo the purpose, baa two piotee of seslld gold ssr'dercd one on esxch aide. The three ore then passed between polished steel roller', atd tbe result is a si rip of hea . y plated oompoeitloH, from which tl.- cars, hacks, e at roe, BHel. efh( are cut aud t hapt-d by sui table die and formers. The gold In tbeoecaeeo Is aufiiulently thick to ad mi: of all kinds of chasi sg. engraving and eunmelilng ; tbe eiiproed easea i.avc been carried until wuro prfeaslly em-tb by lime avnd ho WitkoaA re moving Lbe uold. This it the ouly eoeo wiude w i:h two platen of solid gold aud warranted speeial eertificato. lor -o. by alt Jewelera. Ask for i,:ti':rAtcd CaUlegur, aud lo aee wr- atd BCMti: iWos V, Hi!. The following uatemejil of Wiiiiam J. Congiilin, of iN.u?rvir., Maas., i vi r--tuarkahle that we Ixg to ask for it iho at ten:ion of our readers. Ho ways : ! Iho fall of tH7 I was taken witn a viulrut iileedir.? of tho lunaTs fcjUowod by aawvcao csni:!i. 1 soon began to l os my atjsu.o ii I fi'-s . ; as mi wr.:: it u ametnat emild not leave ru vised. In the summer of le.77 I waa admitted to thol 'ily Hoepiial. While there iho doctora aaid I had a ho.e i mv left lunar as bin aa a half dollar. X expended over a hundred dollars in doc - ura ant mediciuea. I waa so tar gone a: one time a ropor wcut around thai I was deed. I gave up kope, but a friend told me of lr. Win. Hall s Balaam for tbo unca. I laneteed at inv friends, think inir that my case was incurable, but I got lot tlo to satisfy them, when lo my sur uriaeand gratitb-ation, I eommenoed lo feel bttcr. My hone, once dead, began to revive, and to-day I feel in better spirits than I havo the paei three year. I wnre this bopmir you win puoiisn it. no hal every ono alTlicteal with ULawaiod l.unirs will be induced to lake lr. W m. ltsllTa Italaam for the lungs, and be con vinced that consutnritien can he cured. I lie rn takri two botllp.a and cau Doilielv say that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since anv Kicknew Mv couch lias almost en tire I v disappeared and I shall soon be ab to go to work." Sold t y di Fyu-t-. Notice of Pinal Account TkTOTICK Is hereby given to all whom isl it mav concern thai the uudersisrned. executor of the last will and teaiaiuent of James A. Porter, deceased, haa tiled his account for final settlement in the County Court for Lion County, Stale of Oregon, aud tbe Court bas set the 7tn day ot March, 1882, at the hour of one o'cleck. p. in., for tbe hearing of objections, if any, 10 said aooount, and tbe final neuloment of said estate. T. L. PORTER, Executor WteJherford A Blackburn, .ttys for Ex. 1 Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals for the construction of I. O. O. F. brick buildings at Harrisburg, will be received up to March 13,at 3 o'clock p. m. Committee reserve the rlgbt to reject any and all bids. For plans and specification! apply to Coiuntiiteo. J. P. SoHOoutsn, W. J. Rkaowjclu, Ia, Do ITU LAS, Building Cou mittee. BICliLLVH ABM( .1 AAIAB. Tho best salve iu the world for cats, binia ee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblain, corns and all kiuds of skin eruptlona Thi save is guar anteed to give perfect stisfsotioa in every case or money refunded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Foshay snd Mason, wholesale agta ; D Moore. Seio ; D Foley, Lebanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Redpath and Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Calbreath, Duena Vista ; 0 Cornelius, Turner ; R A Rampy, Harrisburg ; Starr and Blakely, browns villa. I'm h tic. J. A. Gross, proprietor of the dope hotel, keeps one of the best pab'le hoases intheStato. His reoms are kept scrupu lously neat and clean, and ou bis tables can be f".od the best food tbe market af fords. Parties going off on the morning train can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before the train leaves. Here after the hotel will be kept open all night or convenience of the public.