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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1877)
ALBANY, OREGON, FEB. 1877. THE COMMISSION AT WORK. '-"'111 trzriUtiJ'' . The counting ot tlie votes for, Presi dent sud Vice President commenced laet week. The States were taken al phabetically, commencing with " Ala Wma, and the voteot eacb announced until Florida was reached, when- objec tioca were made to counting the elec toral vote ot tbai State for- Hayes and Wlieeler,! when the Electoral Commis--i mob retired to take the objections under tdtisement. -So far as counted the vote was announced as - follows : Alabama, 10 votes for Tilden and Hendricks Ar- anas, 6 for Ttlden and 1 lend ricks; Col orado and California, 9 votes for Hayes ud Wheeler ; Delaware, 3 votes for Tilden and Hendricks giving . the lat ier sentlemeri 19 votes iu the electoral eollejje, while iYatWs and Wheeler have trat9. It is predicted that the commit em will decide the Florida matter to day, and Isepublicans are confident that the decision will be in favor of the ma jority of the .voters, of that State, which will be in favor ot the Republican can didates. Should this ' predict ion prove true, then the only fight the Democracy will make, we .think,, will .be oveia the thirteenth State, Louisiana: bnt as the facta are all in favor ot the Republicans the fight wiITbe a short oue, and Hayes and Wheeler will be awarded the elec toral vote ot the State, which elects .them to the positions for which they ! -were nominated. FIELD IN DISGRACE. The uew Democratic Congressman Field, who has made himself so conspic uous since lie became a member of that body, in being ready to do any dirty work required by Tilden, has at last gone so far in his extremo dirtiues and violation of all rules ot honor and de cency, as to call forth the reprimands of -even bis associate Democrat?. He is a member of the House committee on privileges, and he lias used his position iu garbling the testimony taken before the committee and getting the same published, without the consent of any -ot the committee, before tlie committee "had finished its work or had authorized any report whatever. It is pronounced the dirtiest trick ever before performed by any Congressman. Knott aud Sarks united with Lawrence in de inouncins; the' printing of the testimony as described, disclaiming all knowledge of bow or by whom done. Being thus deserted by bis party, friend, Field be came very much embarrassed, confessed he was guilty of the dirty trick, said he was sorry, and asked the forgiveness of the members of the committee. And he was not only forgiven, but Field was allowed the privilege of having the evi dence of the contemptible trick stricken from the record 1" Had a Republican 'been guilty of tuch a disgraceful trans action, he would have been kicked out t Congress and justly, too ! But yon are not to expect a very great amount f decency fronv a Tildcn member of -Congress! . THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH. A petition, ia being circulated in all j srU of the country, asking the General Government to purchase the telegraph -lines in the United States, and institute a postal telegraph system by which messages could be transmitted at a very low rate. There are many advantages which would accrue to the people through such a purchase. Telegraph ing would, then be a part ot the postal system ot tho country, and messages would he sent instead ot letters, by bus iness men, because the price would be reduced to a reasonable compensation for such service,. aud because a message would not only be much quicker but more certain of reaching its destination, A lt the possibilities and advantages ot telegraphy eannot be reached under its present status, as it is now simply au overgrown monopoly, putting tho ad vantage it 'bffara at such cxhorbitant rates that tXM masses of the people can. sot avail themselves of them. As we sea it at present, we are in favor, decid. Sly, of the) ' Government purchasing and taainUininjr the telegraph lines. r. VOLCANIC! ,'. ' Last Sunday night Mary's Peak, over In Benton county, gave a grand illumi nation. SJS, brilliant light was emitted irca the highest point on the Peak, plainly visible here, which burned prob b!j all sight. JVether.H was, sig nal light, or whether tl old mountain wa on i grand bust, we leave our Bea ton county friend to explain -we only know that it was a brilliant light, illu nuatin tb tops of the mountains all afOSKsd-it-: ' Th Presidenk issued a message on the Sd iust., favoring specie resumption. INTIMIDATION IN MISSISSIPPI. Since tho Senate comnaittee com- menced investieratinsr the manner in which the Presidential election was con ducted iu Mississippi, the people begin to see more clearly the reason why the "Tilden reformers," ever since that elec tion, have lied so wilfully and menda ciously, threatened and put on such war-like airs, and kept up so great a howl generally, charging frauds, etc., in regard to the electoral count in Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana. There was a cause, we say, for all this great expenditure of money and breath on the part of Tilden and his servants, which was not so apparent to the masses at the first blush, which the. testimony ta ken before the Senate committee has de veloped. The' testimony shows a sys tem ot rascality- in Mississippi on the part of tho Tilden Reformers"- that outdoes the intimidation, bulldozing, ballot-stuffing and murders ot the Til- denites in any of the other States, and the Democratic howls ot frauds in Lou isiana and Florida and South Carolina were raised and continued in the hope of drawing from 'public attention, and consequent investigation, tho "Re form mode of carrying Presidential elections in Mississippi.' The electoral vote of Mississippi (eight electors) was given to S. J. Tilden. We asserted then that the vote ot the State, on a fair count, without intimidation and fraud oil .the part of Democrats would bo given to Gov. Hayes, aud the evidence before the committee is overwhelming that this assertion was true ; and despite intimidation, bulldozing and murder, the State undoubtedly gavo a majority for Hayes, and, as the evidence abund antly proves, this majority was filched from him and the Republican, .party by a systematic robbing the ballot boxes ! The testimony shows that Democratic judges were furnished duplicate keys to the ballot-boxes, so that they might take out Republican ballots and in their stead place Democratic ballots ! The testimony ot Congressman Lynch con cerning the way in which the election in Mississippi was carried by the Demo crats, is abundantly corroborated by the sworn evidence of a Democratic officer, who was forced, however reluctantly, to give his evidence. We call special at tention to it as more work ot the "Re former." Here is the evidence : Washingtox, Feb. 3. Investiga tion into tho conduct of the late elec tion iu Mississippi was continued to-day before tho Senate committee on privi leges and elections. J. T. Lecoster pres. ident of the 1 lines county board of reg isters, who refused to testify before the committee yesterday, testified there was a conference of tho leading Democrats Of Hines county a short time before the election, at which it was proposed to furnish one of the Democratic judges of election at thq polling places with a duplicate key to the ballot-boxes. Wit ness furnished about 15 of these dupli cate keys to different men, all ot whom were while men, and he thinks Demo crats. He slipped a small parcel into the vest pocket of one ot tho judges, re marking as he did so : " Here is some thing which may be of use to yon." Did not tell them what use was to be made of them, but supposed tlicy were all smart enough to find ont how and tor what to use them. In answer to a question from Senator Teller, witness said : "I suppose my idea was that if there wero too many Republican votes in a ballot-box the key was to open the nx that the Republican votes might be taken out arf Democratic votes substi tuted iu their stead.'' Witness admitted the Republican judges ot election in Hinds county wero generally ignorant negroes, and it was easy to get them intoxicated. In the election lie admitted duplicate keys to the ballot-boxes were furnished to one of the Democratic judges in every poll ing precinct in the county. THE IDAHO MARRIAGE LAW. The new law governing the marriage contract in Idaho Territory is very lib eral indeed. It allows the marriages ot men at eighteen and women at sixteen, and of a still more tender age it parents concent. Anybody authorised to ad minister an oath can solemnize the mar riage ceremony, and for this purpose, or for taking evidence concerning a pro posed marriage, ministers,, are empow ered to administer oaths. If the cere mony is performed by any party claim ing to have authority, and it is after wards shown that the party had no such authority, the fraud shall not prevail, but the marriage stand good. The law further enacts that "marriaigesmust be solemnized, Authenticated and recorded, but failure so to do shall not invalidate any lawful marriage." This law makes marriage in Idaho "just as easy the Gretna Green of ardent lovers. THE OUTRAGES In .Mississippi, committed by the "Re formers," as shown up by the Senate committee, equal in atrocity and fiend i ibness the operations ot their Demo cratic brethren in Florida and' Louisi ana, There ; isn't a lingering doubt that Mississippi, without intimidation and Democratic bulldozing, is largely Republicau. IT WORRIES THEM. Tlie "Tilden Reformers," those Dem ocrats, you know, who hare been charg ing corruption and fraud 'npon the Re publican party, and howling with every breath for R-e-f-o-r-m (which simply, means, turn Republicans out of office, aud put Democrats in, and we'll show you how to steal), are very anxious to "explain what was done with the vast sums of money sent to Oregon to enable the Tilden "Reformers" to getaway with one elector. Bit the more Demo cratic journals explain the worse the matter looks. Tlie N. Y. World ex plains the use of $6,30Q but what be came of the balance of the money ? In addition to the $8,000 note, endorsed by R. R. Thompson and others, $15,000 was sent to Oregon, all to get Cronin a certificate. The cashier of Koountz Ss Bro's. bank testified that $8,000 was sent by draft, and Bellinger testified that he got "$7,300 in a package," from the express office, which corrobo rates Mr. Bush's statement. Now won't some of these honest "Reformers" tell us what become of the balance of the mouey unaccounted for the $9,000 ? NEWS FROM OCIIOCO. A private letter just received from Ochoco states that times were never harder nor monev scarcer. The winter has been a pleasant one, little snow and no very cold weather. Stock look well and there is plenty of good beef cattle. The Granger store has been sold to James Luckey. A party have gone in to the "silver soap" mines, taking a huge kettle probably going into the soap business. Prineville reported as prosperous, with two saloons, three stores and blacksmith shops, one planer, one grist mill, one boot and - shoe store, two hotels, feed stable, etc. A dancing school is in full blast. From two to three fights per week are recorded among the other pleasures. A good school with over one hundred scholars in attendance is one of the best features reported. A daughter of Dave Prine, aged thirteen, was buried on January 20th. Dick Miller's wife is dead died of consumption. James Cottrell pro poses to leave us in the spring lor old Missouri. On the 27th ult., 20 ruiles from Liukville, the snow was three inches deep, and on the 24th the ther mometer showed 17" below zero since that time the weather has been pleasant A gentleman from Oregon C-ity, a prac tical assayer. has been at work at the soap mines for some days, boring. He had reached and bored into the rock and was highly encouraged with the prospect. Enough silver had been se cured from the rock to make a small brick. Some were ardent believers in the richness of the soap, while others do not go a cent on it. THE GABBLE DISPATCH. The Gabble dispatch, which we pub lished last week (the authorship of which is now ascribed to Gov. Grover) has been deciphered by the Detroit Tribune. It reads as follows ; "1 shall decide every point in the case of the postoffice elector in favor ot the highest Democratic elector ami wil erant certificates accordingly. The rule r?1 tor the morning of the sixth in con sequence of confidential demonstration ? is absolutely perfect." A LARGE SHARK. A few days ago a mammoth shark came ashore a few miles south fif th Umpqna river. This huge fish meas ured thirty-five feet iu length, and all who saw it pronounced it a monster. A gentleman secured two wagon loads of liver out ot his sharkship, from which he expected to obtain at least five bar rels of oil. Everything on the Pacific coast seems to grow to enormous pro portions. Gov. Wells was before the Louisiana investigating ' committee on the 5th, when Field undertook the cross-examination. It was a warm occasion, and for once Fields more than found his match. Wells and Anderson have been kept confined in the dungeon, a place, according to James Wilson's statement, not fit for beasts to live in. The walls are damp and slimy, and water drips from the ceiling. This reminds one of Confederate times, when Anderson vllle and other death-holes were used by these same "Reformers." Ain't the "Tilden Reformers" crowding things a leetle to much. A special from Tucson, Arizona, says letters from Old Camp Crittenden, dated February 4th, give an account ot the killing ot ten men and the stealing of fifteen head of cattle by tho Apaches. A few days before a man had been wounded and several bead ot stock driven off, and that the whole neighbor hood was filled with armed ' Indians. The. -people . are . reported greatly dis couraged over their repeated losses. . The German i" Gazette says a re newal of the Franco-Prussian war n merely a question of time, INDIAN EIGHT. Gen. Miles' command met and fought hostile tribes of the Cheyennea and Ogallala Sioux, under Crazy Horse, in tlie valley of Tongue river below Hang ing Woman's creek, on the 1st, Sd, 7th and 8th of January, giving the Indian" good whipping, and succeeded in driving-' 4hem through the canyons of Wolf or Panther"' mountains. There were some. six hundred lodges, well sup plied with arms- and ammunition, but otherwise were in a destitute condition. Some of the Indians captured had their limbs frozen, and were Jiving oo horse meat. The command " were outnum bered two or three to one, but their loss was .but three killed and eight wound ed. The Indians lost heavily. The weather was severe, and the snow from one to three feet deep.' On the 1st inst, Harvey Kanoff shot and killed !"eott Osburn in Lane coun ty. Kanoff was living on a land claim which both parties claimed. Osburn came to the cabin which Kanoff had erected and in which he was residing, on the McKenzie above H inkle's fer. ry,and ordered-. Kanoff to leave, threat- euing to kill him if he did not go. Os burn commenced cutting down a tree standing near the cabin, avowed pur pose of felling it upon the house, when Kanoff shot Osburn, the shot taking ef fect just below the - nipple, from the ef- fect of which he died in four hours. Kanoff went immediately to Eugene City, gave himself up,' and upon pre liminary examination was hound ever in $2,500 to answer. - David Dudley Field has overreached himself again by, his "smartness." In questioning Littlefield (his own wit ness), he convicted him (Littlefield) of deliberate ! W hen I is atten tion was called to it he was greatly chagrined. Even Democrats are get. ting thoroughly disgusted with this bulldozing Tildenite. Official notice has been received that about one hundred renegade Sioux have crossed over into the British possessions. The English officers have notified them that nnless they intend to become per manent settlers they will be driven ont of tho country. The electoral commission has decided that it will not go behind, bnt will con fine its inquires to the evidence furn ished by the certificates of election, with this exception, that it will inquire ;nto the eligibility of electors. Republicans ore still jubilant and confident of secur ing Hayes, while Democrats are de spondent. GAMBLING ACT SUSTAINED. The gambling act passed by the !&t Oregon Legislature, has been fully sus tained by a recent decision of the State Supreme Conrt, the opinion being de livered by Judge Boise. The Weaf ern Shore has arrived safely at fori lown'eno, A railroad from San Mateo to Santa Crnz is being surveyed in California. Hlckox. a banker, l said to have 2.700 name of men who voted illegally at tlie late rrestoenuai election in an rancisco, The scarlet fever is very bad at Corne lius. They trade bacon for whUky at Corne lius. - DiHey's great cry now is "Jlurrah for the railroad I - The Stevens troupe hare left Baker City xor urant connty. The ItsmUw sadly announces that "Dal las has the munir?i " ' Wm. Shearer, ot Dil.'ey. has already sown nts spring wheat. Southern part of Cornelius Is being drained; thanks to Mr. Clark. Douglas county's State tax Is $13,323, $3,000 of which is unpaid.. Mr. Williams of Forest Grove killed a 976 pound steer a few 'days ag. Leonard LivermAre of Dallas killed nine coons lst week near Boyle lake. , The Odd Fellows it Eugene City had a very pleasant reunion xt the 31st ult. Colea valley. Donglas county, will pro duce 40.000 busbels of. wheat this season. The Hoson family are advertised to give an entertainment next week at Pendleton. Smith's loggers have 1.000,000 feet high and dry on the Luoklamutc near Buena Vista. . Wm. Pitcher of North Yaml)lll killed two panthers last week which had attacked his dogs. . . .; ... T. E. Towell ot Union comes to the front with a twenty months bog. weighing 69G pounds. . - y -t ' - Rev. Mr. Hnnsaker.baptised.slx persons In the river at MtMinnviHe last Sunday. One field In Northern Washington coun ty contained 19 Iambs with their throats cut by wolves, one ntgbt last week. The Indians on the Columbia between Celilo and White Bluffs are becoming very troublesome as cattle thievDS. A company has been organised at Oak land to prospect 1 in the vicinity of the Lucky Queen and Esther mines tor "pay Idgdirt." ;: : Clarence White loot part of one of his lingers in - the machinery of his lather's quart mill on Connor creek. Baker connty, Oregou. -h .r'-. ' A terrible rumor reaches us that the Cor nelius Academy Is haunted, started prob ably by the boys who love going anywhere but to school. A man named Welch, who keeps a saloon at Buena VUta, has been complained of by. some marrted -woman whose husbands' gamble there;-. There were no marriage licenses tatted hi Polk county during January. These mild Winters are playing the mischief with matrimony. . There were 159 deaths in San Francisco last week. - A petition Is being generally signed at Bnena Vista, Polk county, for the pardon of Sumner Smith, sent to the peolieutiary for burglary. John Day ot Tillamook" bad" his arm broken lart week by a rolling log. "Log rolling1' appears to be attended by as many difficulties In Tillamook as iu political cir cles. .- . - There was a great bustle on the floor of tlie skating rink at Baker City, but some thing a great deal worse, a Cove corrvs poudent writes, was left ou the floor of the ball room there. Judge Mason of Lake county was re cently arreted charged with accepting a bribe, but the accusation "couldn't hold water." - Condensed Lightning. Greeks in Turkey threaten an out break. - Montenegro and Serviawill probably make slight territorial concessions. Gen. Pera, who commanded the Lib erals at Co!i, in Northern South. Amer. ica, while diunk. gave his intoxicated soldiers five hours fieedt ra, during which they gave themselves up to the most horrible excesses. Iu the Louisiana examination Wells denied iu tolo everything asserted by Maddox. . Hie locomotive house of the Pennsyl vania railroad at Trenton was destroyed by fire on the 4th. Nicholas Owiugs lias been confirmed Secretary of Washington Territory.! The Dalles military reservation will probably be sold. Both Oregon Sena tors favor it. Conines will not abandon the Texas frontier. He opposes Diaz. Tlie Russian army has received or ders to cross the Prulh it the Porte con centrates troops ou the Dalraation fron tier. Evidence thus far given in the Mis sissippi election shows intimidation and all kinds of rascality on the part of the Tildenite. About 603 printers on public work have been thrown oul of employment on account of there being no appropria tion. Democrats are jubilant and Republi cans depressed because ot the probabili ty of the electoral tribunal going behind the certificates. THE CORSE TELEGRAMS.- Gen. John G. Corse was before the Senate committee on privileges aud elee tions on the 5th, when he admitted sending the following dispatches : Chicahov'Nov. 14. W. T. Pelton, Everett Hotel, N. Y. The general impression is that the Republicans will not allow I ttden to be connted out. We are prepared to resist any fraud. J. M. COIibhi. Chicago, Nov. 15. Perrv IT. Smith, New Orleans Tf the Louisiana electoral rote is rtolen from ns, we will eet ra'ifomia and Ore gon. We hare 160 000 ex-soldiers now enrolled and vast numbers of Republi cans with ns. btaud firm. J. CORSE. Chicago, (No Date ) Hon. J. M. Palmer, New Orleaiw Two hundred thousand ex-Union sol dier. embracine thousands who voted for Haves, will sustain you it Ti den is fraudulently counted out in Louisiana The end is n t yet. You have it. be hind you. CORSE AND CAMERON. Witness received the following: Nkw York, Nov. 21, 1876. Gen. J. M . Corse, Chicasto, I II. -It yon think it necessary yon can pay two hundred ana araw on me at signi. W. T. PELTON The above referred to the paying ot a bill for printing in the JUational Z?em ocrat, a German newspaper published at t'hicsgo. The following dispatches were ofiercd in evidence : W. T. Pelton, Everett House, New York Gen. Corse, of WiroonHn. as yon requested, desired me to say that we have ascertained an apprehension' that n effort wo"ld be made to defeat fiovernor Ti'den in case ot a ?"e etec tion, and that we are fuily prepared ivr such an emergency ..Over 100.0UU ex soldiers are enrolled in the North in hi behalf, aud from present indications, with that number, we can call to your aid a halt million, North aiwi South, provided the opposition undertake to deprive him of hia seat as Chief Magis trate. DANIEL CAMERON. Cameron is the private secretary of MoCormack, chairman of the Irifh Democratic committee. San FnANciaoo, Noy. IT. Hon, A, S, Hewitt, New York Sen ator Kelly ot Oregon is here. Tele, graph him to return there immediately. E. CASSERLY. Nkw York, Nov. 17. Hon. Jas. K. Kelly, San Franciso- Circumitaiice require yonr immediate return to Oregon to consult the Gover. nor, (Signed) A. S. HEWITT. No more testimony will be taken in connection with Oregon unless Senator Kernan shall desire to recall some of the witness? who; have previously" tes tified. Bemalnlng in the Post Office, Albanv. Linn county, . Oregou. Feb. 8th, -1877. Persons vallfng fbr these letter most give the date on which they were advertised, Anderson, .Faroes McClure. A J Berrigan, Michael Miller, Miss Maggie Barclay. Henry V Miller, Miss Martha Bryant, John Resor, EHsher S Coulus, Georgia 3 Savegw; Frank Forbes, L A 2 Voegt, August Kellev, J P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. POOR MEXICO 8 enjoying unusual "prosperity," as in stead of one, she has several insurrec tionary disturbances, and powder and steel are doing their best to depopulate and lay waste the country. New To-Day. OREGON , - FOR SOLID SHERRILL'S mou CULTIVATOR AND SEEDER. All Important Farts made of XStClT, ana Zmrahle as Iron can ho. AdjustaUe to any reoclrea Septh vhile lzx motion. Never Clogs or Cno&es on Stuonlo or "Traslxy" Ground. A rrangwl for tvro. three or four borses abreast l.ichreat Draft Machine In use. Covers and cuts all the trronnd. Broadc&rt Seeders will a;ralu, wet or dry. sow all avisula of EVERY MACHINE RANTED WAR I Mb Kvi-rt farmer toexamdne-nw Seeder and Cultivator before prehnlB(y an tCafttera Na cbioo. ror limner particulars aaartws JAMES 5I1ERR1UL, llarrlsbarg, Oregon. February 9, 18T7-2M 9 CIIAS. E. WOU EBTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LEANT. OREGOW. "ITTTLL Tiraetfce In all the Conrts In tbe State. VV office In Froajau's brick, over Podd's bajrdware store. 19v9 Wotioe. "VTOTICE is hi-reby (rlen toall persons whom. soever, not to purrliae or on i. Hun a Mrtaln ri niniiuAn' nAt ft of tt ftmonnt. Of f 77H 5(V exported Decemlwr I6tb, 1878, and due July Jt. mi, nv tne unnen!?neu to wia xiiirfj. as the rankers thereof hold vnild ciaims and set offs against tbe lioWer. Jobn I. Httrd. SETTLEME1K UAWSOS. rebruaryl, 1877-nWv FITtST ASSl'AL HASQTTEEADE BALL OIVEH T TEE HOSE COMPANIES, or THE ALBANY f IRE OEPARTM'NT AT THE PACIFIC OPERA HOUSE, ALBANY, "Wednesday Evening, Tot. 14, T7. FlttCES OF ADMI86IOW. Gents (masked! -. f2 00 Ladit-s (masked) trea Spectators 50 Specmtois wishlnjr to dance after tbe un- nuukinK 1 50 Xw Prizes will lo Awarded, Onp for tbe Lacliea and one for the Gentlemen. to be given to the persona who beet sustain tbe Programme, . Poors tmm at 7 o'clock. Grand March of masks at 9 o'clock. Un masking at 10:30 o'clock. MjTif!TO!e tickets for sale only at the Lect ieontitn Ciiir 8tore. Orders for hacks loft at tbe name placi will be promptly attended to Albany, Jan. 38, 1S77 n!8v9 FOR SALE ! ."Valuable Xiuilding- LOTS S XjOTS. I SUITABLE FOR Dwellings or Business Houses, SITUATED In lite business part of the city two lots, in block No. 9, in the cltT of Alos ny, Oregon, on the corner of Fcnr and Water streets, near tbe City Blflls, steamboat landing and o. ft u. K. H- Bize of lots : ;iO vtt on Ferry afreet I 132 H.; Ttnstr r, Wtth buildings thereon. ' ' InciuU-0 oa tlie premises for particnlars. 'i'HUti. J. SAKFOKP. Albany. Or., Jan. 6. 1877-18 v9 In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the connty of Linn. Uartle E. Baker, plaintiff, vs. Greenberry Ba ke t-, defomlunt. To Greenberrv Baker, tbe above-named de fendant : In the name of the elate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tli complaint ot the tove plaintiff In the above ent tiled Conrt, now on (lie with the Clerk of said Conrt, within tea days front the date of the Hervtce ot this summon upon you, if served In Linn countv, Oregon ; bat if served in any other county In the Statenf Orw;nn,then with in twenty days from ' n date of the service of this summons upon yon ; and If served by pub lication, then eta or before tbe flrt. daj of the next termof -aid Court, lo-wlt, March So 1877, and you are hereby not tiled that if you fall to appear and answer said complaint, aa hereby required, the plaint Iff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded and prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt : a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existlne between yon and plain, tiff, and the cnato ty of t he issue of "-Htd mani atje. HCMfHUEY & HEWITT. Attornevs for PPff. Pubhshed by order of R. P. BlJue. Judge of the Circuit Conrt of the State pt Qrecnn for the connty of Linn, on the 13ih day of Jan., 1S77. JanW77nlsv0w rI;n.h(inn. In tne Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Linn. Jonathan A. Prine (husband), .plaintiff, vs. Arizona M. Prlne (wife), defendant. To Arizona M. Prine, the above named de fendant: In the name of the 8tate of Oregon, im mmnl&lnt nf I ha mlmva namad nlalntilf in f the above entitled suit in the Court atove named, now on file in the offloe of the Clerk of said Court, on or before tla 1st day of the ne: regular torm of said Court f.r Linn County, to- wit. the second Unaduy of Hi-ch 1877, and yon are hereby noHned that If yon fail to api appear infant. ana answer siwu compiKinr, aa nerein seqni ltef demanded in bis complaint, which Is a dis solution of tho. marriage contract heretofore existing between you and plaintiff, and for a divorce from and for costs and-dubnrwemnnte of thlx suit, and that tliusnrntbono is published by order of Hun. R." P. BfclSE,".Jndne of said Court .made at Chambers In Salem this 39th day of Jan.. 1377. L. H. ilOSTAK YE. junS-'lTTnWvOvifi Attorney (or VIff. t he piamtin: win anpiy to t ne tourt for tne re C. A. PLTJTlliIESt, DRUGGIST, AXJ DEAX.U XW - Paints, OilsGiaS. E3T Prescriptions a Specialty."' - At tbe Old Stand, Flrot 8tl, near Waablastoa Albany, Jan. 12, 18T7-nl6v9 . FOR SALE I AVERY DESIRABLE business lot SSXlOO tH on the corner of Seeand end WaAlilng-ro streets, Albany. AJho, h.nj?ie. Boiler and &la ohinerv, tone! her with a lot of fnmil ore, 1mA dera, wheelbarrows, barrows, .Ac. Jte.. all to u sold off chtmp for caal. In conamamics of re moval on account, of aieknetix. fe.nqttlre on Um premHesof FCTSAM CO.. Albany, Jan. 19, 1877-nlT r DUSOUTI6X f f VABTMCaWBEl. THE CO-PAKTNEBSrnF betofowaarfslin'.' between Conrad Meyer and J. fafcsnaw . the firm name of Haver Fox, In the Grocery pay all demand against said flm upon nrtsta tat Ion. OONEAD METKK. Jan. is, l877.-lm J. fox. .Adjustable Spxisi 4 ' BABTUTFll PATENT, Juste SI, laTeV, -A- Luxurious X5cl t Wtth Only m Strndt SfMirasiHfcr - For tmrabimy, Cle&nltnass and Adjust: It Is Econemfcal Kekisclese TTe challenge cooat iii tsoit wfta any and every Otber. sprlnc; -BeC MKE AN Adjustable Spring Ee& on trial, tr desired, at tbe'iuajMtitotweevs risk, to be retum.ed in one week if not entirely satU faetory. - t kUCE9.t . oo l Two-lfalrnK .. oo Fall six. Blasle..... ,ee Proprtetex Ru4 IHsiitnlsm Comir ercuu-st SeJeaa, Ores;e nl3m3 r. at. WlSXIJfe, ASst All Latest and Moat KeHaMe In- . lormatlon alxnit llie BLACK niLLS. Northern Vyoulnr and the R-reat Indian War will alwat s be lewd In tbe . yi . Oldest Lamest, (.'neanest an tne mm ana ui rm.- CflETEKKK rilftPsK, PER In Wje- Establisnod In W6T. Dally, SI a WW 1TL month-- ta j ear. Weetly, WW 1 lift no. 1-0 mo. iliO 1 year. iJJMl 0 . sin ale copy, 10 of . -II. Glafckcv Pnbltner, Cbeycime, Wyow "Wo Have IT. TOIDID'S PRESSED TSSSA SAJTTA ; C3. Mountain Balis, THE BEST REMEDY IX TCU KOWX WORLD FOR COLDS, ' DISEASES OF THE THROAT AXU LVSGS, AXD FOR ASTHMA AXD KHEl ;H ATU1, Stlet'tctl and gathrrecl on t sp fd th Sierra XeTinav jjotxilikvv Tlie Itrai faawMl In the liortcr Kliinale. when dry. rait&te. titty per oit. ofreMtt or gold 4oU gat the properties of w hu-harr flinl:i;BiiJ lte:tliii. nni epeviaHx mt4 to lln wnnts oflh vrtrm in vase of X.nng dl. tiisc and KlwtmiHti&tn. ' 'Hie higli tfstiwafe whrrh the Spatifeh plniwl upon it on a-wint of lt rhwllriiial qiwlliie fc nwiiitest from tlie name they gare to h. Many yer ajro YerlMMiiita. r Herb trf the Sriiiit". The latlTe ot Southern Oregon ntitl Xtrt!er California tutve n.eJ it a Klieantalic reinetlv. 'l"hi white popnln'fmi In tlia re gion w here It grows Imve usd and prfa)!. it n antl lng meilirine. 'For time they called It Inng Weed; bnt gr valtwble tstlntoi.lals as to IU Tlrtnea. ia enrinf Rhenniat.fjm. When von open one of or package, keep it exclixktl IrotD tlie air a ninth . poRie. ' I hare aed it in my family for four pr five year, and regard it s one ot the best family medicines we ever iwed. A tinct ure U niaiiur:tctiiretl from it tu Cincinnati, and sold at 75 cents per onure. A arjl one of our ixck.-rres make efght omieea of fmcinre. Thkh U vrortH $5. The afcrub. from w hfi-h this Taltmhle medlcfne Is fcatfe cred. I oniy fntiiMi in a narrow belt f eonutrv hi Sonthem Oregou, and along fSm Sierra 3f eratla MnfHttams. and is sappoaed to have been gathered from Moiwit Gilead tliotisaiitls of years agov and the gn:n tnicted and sokf In Egypt and la Tirt be fore tbe Uaxn of bwiomoo. . . . -.. Teatimohlaff Dr. NU-klio, ot Eugene City, .y t Your Balm Is one of the beat preserved herbs I ever aw, and is worthy of a hlglier price than you put upon It." Rev. S. K. Rarmond, of Oakland, Ore gon, says : "I w ent to California to recov er from Consumption. The Doctors tlie re cave me no. and told me If I had mir fi iiMiTV 1 wished to see I had better go ana see them, as I could lve but a Huh while longer. On mv way to Oregon I corc nvtiued using Mou.Uln Blwl H helped tne; I continued Us use un(U it IW4 me of tlie dUcasc."' . Mr. W. T. Cwborne, of iigfne City, says "I know a young man wliaappeareti to be in the last stare of pousviuiuttoa, and by using Mountain Balm ar Yrrhns)n ta he became a healthy young iu," Joseph P. Moore, of MIWllW, Cal says 1 haye been acquainted wltl" sluiih kiiow u as YerhaMial fcr 0 years, and know it to be a very vsluuUle rnediciue, ' both for the J-nugs and Rticuuiatb-m. Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball A TVlton,'B) Bin ft h. ChI., says : "I have been acquaint? rd w ith the shrnb known aa Yerbaasnta. for many years aud know it to be a great Lung iaoJicinc., .. , , -' utmiun witn I ivo conUCTip:qjf Beached Rock Point, Jackson couuty, C)?., and wrh tiikeii down. took aoinotora fir MiHintalii Bnlni. and cliewetl tlia leaf piftra or less, and In four or five days it lean4 out my lungs handsomely, and 'I ff$wfla my'- -lonrney ;" and. now. Alter . rYera.l (uuuths, my lungs still sceni"wel. 'Y-- . . ... . A-BC. . f-For a)e at tho drug etorcs of Pell & rarTcr. and John I o?hay. ' 'v2 THE