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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1877)
VOLUME IX. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND- Exchange Office, ALBA3TY, OltEfciON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits In coin. Kulianan on Portland, Sun Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rate. Coileet ions made and nromptJv remitted. Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. '' Ranking hoars from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871--22v3 II. J. BOIGIITOX, 31. !., GKADl'ATE OF THE I'XIVKRSnT Medical College of New York, late member of Bellevien H .spitalModical Col lege, New York. Okfice In A. Carothers & Co.'s drug store. Albany, Oregon. iTpiZOOTlCS DISTAXtED. THE nAT TEAM STILL, I.IVES, NI IS FLOURISHING LIKE A fJRKESJ i. bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance of I he same, the RAY TEAM will always bo ready, and easily fonnd, to do anv hauling within tho city limits, for a reasonnhle compensation. BiJiP ell very orJools M Specialty. r A.N. ARNOLD. 20v5 Pronrietor. JOHN SCHMEER, ( DEALER IS Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. UAS jitst open e ins new grocer -IX establishment on corner of Ellsworth and Vii-st straits, with a fresh stock ot irroceries, Provision, Candies, Cigars, To- DHcco, etc. to wuicii uo invites mo attcn tion of our cituwiis. In connection with the store lie will keep isaicery, ann win always nave on nana a lull supply or trcau bread, crackers, Jtc. Call and see me. JOHN SCIIMEEHT' ALBANY FOUNDRY Aud I sxcliij. e Shop, A.F. CIlERISY Proprietor, ALBANY, .OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Satv Mill Macliin cry, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL R5ACHINERY, And all kincis of IROX AXD BaU.SS CASTI'V(;S. Particular attention paid torejiairingall Kinmoi macninery. - iva Hartoer Oliop ! L. 13. -ROYAL UA9 OPENED a Earlier Shon on First street II one door.weot of Thompson Irvings har ness shoo, where ne will be pleased to meet all who wish work in his line. Thankful for past jratronasre, he honest by close attention to busi ness to merit a continuance 01 inesunie. Mill Keep constantly on liana a full supply of Perfumery And Hair Oils, the best assortment In town. Come and see in e. Allany, Or., February 25, 187G-23V8 S. C. STO.E, 31. !., Physician and Surgeon, BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. OFFIC T At the Drug Store. 27 v 8 Bath Houss & Barber 31. 5p. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD EX.3'. ILT fully thank the citizens of Alban at I li inltr for the liberal patronage bestow i or, him for the past seven years, and hope f I '.hi future a con tin nation of their fa vor4. X tin aooora mediation of transient customer friends In the armer part of town, he 1 i pen 3 log d a neat little shop next door to Tay.o Saloon, where a good workman will a. ,.b n auwndanee to wait spot patrons. Doc. 11. 2871. JOE WE3 ZB. J. l. MCFARLAND WM. MORGAN. MOBGAX Sc IflcFARLAXO, REAL ESTATE AGENCY M AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Jteat Door to Wells, Fargo & Co'n Express Olee, Albany, Oregon. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH EMI grants and others good bargains in farms a-nd small homestead in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in valoa and size to suit pur chasers. Also, city property, both improved and un Imnroved. Renting farms and ctt.y property, and collec tions of all kinds, promptly attended to. Onr facilities for advertising will enable ua to do more for our patrons thai any other Xsreney in the State in our Ifne. We also pay special attention to the employ ment ana labor exchange department. Albany, May lilt. Raising and Moving Buildings. WE THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO announce to the citizens of Albany and surrounding country that, having supplier! our selves with the neeeswtry machinery for rais ing and removing bnildiirgs. we are ready at all times to receive orders for Birch- work, which we will do in short or ter at lowest rates. We guarantee entire satisfaction la all work under taken by us. Orders left art the Register officer promptly attentedto. Apply to. ' Alba, BANTT, ALLEN it CO. Or., April -23. 1H75. 8sv7 $999 Cant be made bv every agent every month In the business we inmisrr, but those Wiling to work nil I eusilv earn a riAwm lnl. Jars a lhy light in their own localities. Have no room to explain hero. Business pleasant and honorable". Women, and boys and girls do as well as nieny. We will furnish you a com plete Outfit free. The business pays better titan anything else. We will Is'ar cxixMise of start fog ou. Particulars free. Wrile and pee. Farmers and meelmnics, I heir sons and tlaugh kbs and all classes in need of paying work at lionnev should write l us st (. the work at m-c Now is the Mm. fcu"l delav. Andrews 'I'bve & Co.-Agu-ttt, Mnlirr.. '.uSDvlkV SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in - DRY GOODS, ; CLOTHING, GROCERIES, U BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. , Terms : - - Oaslx. ir20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington and First Htn., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PRO PR I ETO RS. ITonse newly furnished tlirougliotit. The best the market all'ords always on the table. Free t'oaeh, to and from the House. . Livery tFeecL Stable roilSET. IVASiaXCTOS A FIRST 6TS., AAS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CAKRIAOES, BUGGIKS, HACKS & SADDLE horses to let on reasonable terras. Jloi-e Lxartled hy tlio day or week. I will have some of t he jrayest riys ever turn ed out of a liverv stable in Alony. grir IlKAKK"antl cai'riAjfcs furnished for fu nerals. Give me a call when vou want to ride. ans. Marshall. Alb.'.nv .Marcii 10, 1S72jv8 HOISTS, nil Kizes and deserin- lious. A: general SHELF 11ARD-4 V.lli a lull and complete as sortment. , . . Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Ilose. Tin. . ; Coppp, Ziio ana Slieet Iron, Thcr Goldsmith Range, THE BEST MADE. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in thocitj-. Keeps all kinds of OILS & WHITE LEAD. The Finest & Purest Liquors Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses. CifRepnirinar done neatly, at short notice, and WABBANTED. J. GRADWOnL. First street, Albany, Oregon. n27v8 THE ART PKIntVATIVE. Printing by Iianil. Printing by stenra. Prinling from iypo. Or from llocks by the ream. Printing in black. Printing in tvbit. Printing in color-, Ot sombre or bright. Prinling tor merchant. And I.iikI agent.', too ; Prin' ing lor any. Who have printing to do. Printing for b.inkcrs, Ok-rks, anclionc'rs. Printing for druggist.. For dealers iu wares. Printing for dm pcr3. ! L" . .11 Who want printing done. And will come and sec "COLL." Printing of jwmphlcU, Or-bigger Ixjoks. too ; In tact, there nre few- things But what vc can do. Printing of placards, t lrlnting or Dills, Printtng of carte-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels, ' ' All coior3 or nse, sirs, 1 Kspecially lit for Webfoot prod;iccrsj Printing of tortus iV AH sorts you can get r I Jogal, commercial, ' Or "House to be let. " Printing done quickly, lioiu. fclyliM) or neat. At the Register Printing-oHoe, Corner ot First aud; Ferry Street. PKOMPX Dcllverr, at Living i. utaics. IIA VTNG bought out t he dellvsrv baniiMss ot Mr. Lewis Stimson, I beg leave loannomice to tnc citizens and bnwiTess men of Albanv. that Z have on the st reets an express and Job wagon and will be happy to serve all wlM may give sue u. can. All orders will be ta'Citantlv Bttiimled tn at reasonable rates. Orders may be left at the Dmg Store of Bell A Parker. VTRCaL PARKER. BOOK STORE JtXO. FOSIIAY, f"EALKR IN MISTT-XLANEOliS BOOK' Hchool Books, Blank Books, Stationery anuv Articles. A -. 3 Hooks importHl loonlcv. at shorlcsl possible notice.. , vl00 MEDIC AE. 4, C W. VIt,COX, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Dr. E. II. GriffinFirst street, Albany, Oregon. &fChronic diseases a specialty. 2jv8 JT. S. CALLAWAY, M, AFTER A PRACTICE OF MEDICINE 50U fwenty-eisrlit yenrs. In the stales of Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, has peraianentiv located In Albany, Oregon. OFFICE At Dr. Piuni mer's Drug Stoi-e. RKIDENCE Corner of Montgomery and Eighth streets, northeast of railroad depot. fvtni503 jr. xxxsEir hill, m. .,' - OFFICE Xt Bell & Parker's new dmg store. RESIDENCE Second Btreet, between raU road and Montgomery. , -ri . 8-44 LEGAL. W. G. PIPER, : .. - . F. M. MIT.LER, Notary Public. PIPER. & HILLEB, Attorneys at Law, AlTsany, Oregon. s Office In Parrlshi Brk-k, first door on the rlltt, nit-Mtairs. WILL PRACTICE in the diaorcnt courts of the State. Special attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to our care, and prompt returns made. tif In vestigation of Titles, Conveyancing, and all Probate Mat ters carefully and punctually attended to. nl3va 1. K. X. KLAt liltt ItX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE. LINN CO., OGN. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVES TO ALL 2'.v a business. J. C. rOTVElX. I. FLtNN. POWELL & FLJXX, Attorneys & Coranatellora st Xjkw and So licitors iu tliancery, Albany, Oreeron. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. 1-6 MISCELLANEOUS. Pictures and Picture Frames. E. 13. JPURTDOr Would announce to the citizens of Albany nnd vieimtv,that he ts prepttred to furnil. ai) Rinds Pict nra f mined, and old frames renatred lit hi oftice on First street, orm door wsst of Brotidalbin, and tenve your ortin , (I.ATE OF mClITGAXl! Ir?T-oliMnt: Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Doeskins. Casstmcrcs Vesfines. ctc.,& lai-aer jin-IJbetiee .stocSe than ever before brought to thijnarket. . Cuts and maiies toorder all styles of Clothing for men and boys, at reasonable rates, guaran teeing sati f:ction. Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O. Smith. 2."v8 JJotico HFizrez-tx'o,. THE METZLER CHAIR Tins 15 TO INFORM THE PCBLIC THAT no chair goes from my lactory withoui inv name npon it. All others'are false imitations and should be so regarded. All persons are hereby warned against .Attempting any suet imposition upon my customers. J. M. METZLER. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1870. EVERYBODY BUYS THEM. HAVING JLfiT RECEIVED A LARGE PHlP. mcnt of thecelcbrated new style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL, direct from the fnetory, am now offering extra inducements to the farmers of Oregon. Most of the best fitrmers In the Slate are now using them. Saving seed and an Increased yield of grain is the result of drilling. Can be used equally well as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL lias been greatly improved for this year. Warerooms at my Blacksmith Shop, cornerof Second and Ellsworth streets, Albany, Oregon. FRANK WOOD. March 3t, 1376-38 ' : FOR , . ' - BLANK DEEDS, Neatly executed, Call at the. .Register Office S12 m day at home. Agentswnntcd. Onttit Atcrmsfree. TRCE &CO., Augusta.Mo. STERLINGS' EXPRESS ' ' FROM ' . . ' MPI ItE,'.Cl'T Y 0 . -VIA- GARDINER AND SCOTTSBDRG, Connecting- with Wel"a, Fargo Sc Co.'s Kxirens vrnio i smiiioU) vn H02TTAT3 ' ak& TUUIISPATS, returning on ; j ? . . TQTSSSA7S I and F2UDATS. All Bnninetw Entrusted to my Care Promptly- Attended To. Patronage of the Fu'blic Solicitol. J AS. 'A. STKKLTXG. Dec 8, I87G-iiIlv Attention, Fruit Grower rpiIE DTRECTORfS OF THE ALDEX FEL1T JL Co. beg to announce that they will pot the Factory in operation as soon as Fruit and Veg etables are ready for iisej.and will pay cash for the same when delivered. Ro-mui will be furnished to all for the ournose of bringing their fruit to the factory. Fruit should db mcac irom we iras ana not bruised. . ' . Parties having plnms should he r-articular In gather tbem before they neconae fo rive. ALLEN PARKER, A. N. ABSOID, ! President. berets rv. Albany. July 2, ls7-8iii I ALBANY, pREGQN FEBRUARY 2, 1877. JOHMliRIGGS TAKE8 THIS OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM his friends and'the public generallv. that NEW BUSSS HOUSE, on t"he old stand net door to P. C. Harper A ( where can be found as great an assortment i as lai-go a slock of . . Stoves and .Ranges as can le found in any one' house this side of LOW -A.-;-, IIMCE. . AJUSO- Castlron, Bract alunamelcd ' In great variety. Also, Tin, ' ' ' Sheet Iron,4, Galvanized Iron,, . '.nd r ' . Coppcrwnre, alwaT on hand, and tujide to order, AT LIV ING RATES. T - Y CDzxIX on Albany, October 23, 1375-5 vS : ... A..;-- i .. .... - CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Pall as Winter Styles. ON HAND! CONSTANTLY RECEIV'NG AT. In Fromaii'g 'cw nSoclt, FIEST STREET, ALBANY. LATEST STYLES U CLOTHING AND. Genllemen'i Underwear - BOOTS, UMBRELLAS, OVERSHOES, 3?ECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES, ETC. Extra Sizes of Clotb,tr.g a Specialty. tS? Orders taken for Clothing, ShirtSj- Ac, and KITS VA1UIA.NTU). A fair share of custom respectfully solicited. I.. E. KIAI.. Albany, Oregon, Xoveuibor Si, l7S-v9 Incorjiorated Feb. 4, 1875. Capital. $30,00p. GRANGE XTITIOUT STORE ! Corner First and Washington streets, Alfoaxiyv : Oi-egon. Prcsitlc-Jit, S. A. DAWSON. Superintendent, A. J. JOIIXSOX DIOEl)0in: A. H. IOOXKY, M. MILLER, J. III.KVIX., J. .. K(:n, S. AOSi, .. A. IIUADM, I S. A. ItAHMI.N. ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS ! Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Farm InVpIcments and ; Maclilner y, &c. &c. Also, buy and sell on commission all kinds of Goods, Marketable Produce, &o. Dec 21, 1875-14 V8m6 - ALBANY GaMegftato last itate ALBAXY, : OREGOX. npiTE FALL TERM of this intifntion will X liegin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1876, with the following Faculty of Instruction : Rev. n. W. STRATTON, A. M., President, and Professor of Mental and Moral Science Rev. L. J POWELL, A. M., Professor ot Math ematics and Natural Sciences. -. II. H. HEWITT, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages. Miss MARLV TRVINE, Teacher of Primary Department. Miss ELVA BREVMAX, Teacher of instru mental Music D. B. RICK, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene, Culcndur : , First Term begins Septomlier 1, 1876. Second Term begins No vein ber 13. 1876.' , .,, Third Term begins January 29. 1877. s Fourth Term begins April, 1877. Vacat ion of one week during the Holidays. Closing exercises-of the school year, June 15, 187. Bates of TitlWon t PKisrBY Depaktment, perterra.. ...... $5 00 Com mow English Bra$chs, per term.. 8 00 IUoufr Bhanchks, including Propartito-' ry Latin and Greek.... .1100 Collegiate, including Higher Latin and Greek, Advanced Mathematics, and Mental and Moral faiences, per term..; 13 00 French and German, each, extra 3 00 Instrumental Music... . ...11 00 Use of Piano - 3 on Incidentals... ......i... . 60 Tuition in all eases required in advance. Punctual attendance, neatness, tiroiiiptness and gcntlMnntitv nnd hvlvlikc deportment will be expected Iroin nil who'inav l)ccuici.ieinrici s of the schofil. - ' J... J. POWELL. L E. Mni 'Jt mm nnTii MUTUAL XIFEfASSOCIATIOA, Portland,' Oregon. Capital, $100,000?. Gold Coin BasiJ ; . eoi-porated 1874.- 1. WASSEBMAN, President. E. Ql'At KENBVSII, Tlee Pre. . W. WAKEFIELD, Secretary. : W. S UDD, Treoisnrer. W. f. EFFIXUER, Attorney. HALL & TCSTIX, Special AgcntH, Albany, Oregon. decl3nl2v Furniture Hooms. TP. S. I XJTVTS"IIVO, Begs leave to announce to the citizens of this city and surrounding country, that he has open ed n large stock of r u x-i-irxrin? u xt-E z in the building lately occupied by Dr. Plum mer's drug store, on First street, where can be had. on most reasonable terms, 1'arlor Sets, ' Bedroom Suits, . i Sofas, , ' :f . Lounges, j -Lasy Chairs, Center Tables, Whatnots, Desks, Book-catcn, Sales,' . , Wardrobes, and In fact everything else needed to . CJO TO llOt'SLKLLPJLXU. My goods are well made and of the very , Latest and Handsomest Styles. PRICES WXr DOWN. e3?FCRNlTCRE manufactured to order, at short notice. . c r tfci?"Furnitnre repaired and put in good shape on short notice. Give me a call. F. S. DCXXIXC. Albany, Nov. 26, 1875 10v8 i Prof. Gt. Newell. A , TEACHER OF THE - Harmony. ThoronEh-liass and Sinsing, Special attention given to VOICE CULTURE, HAVING concluded to make ALBANY my permanent residence, all who desire a thorough knowledge of BIwtie can now have an opportunity. PIANOS AXD "OltGAXS Tvxxiecl nxid Repaired Leave yonr address at Mr. Fosliav'smusicand book store, or at Mr. Harris music store, and I will call at your residence. Albany, August 4, 1876-45 Ladies' Variety Emporium. IIS. Xvl7J. HTDE IVEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND German Zephyr, Canvas, Thread, Pins, Needles, Buttons, Heal Hair SicitcA es and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped Goods, tc, &c, &e. - Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's , ; Health Corset ! ' Child's Waist ! and Madam Foye's " Coi'set Skirt Siaprxx'tex. CST'French 'tamping done to order. 133jTBroadalbin St., opposite Post OmceJ39v THE ESEMY OF. DISEASE ! THE FOE ! OF PAIN To IVIjiri and. 33east M THE URANU OU ' - LINIMENT. wittfn uah errooD rnr. tkkt or 49 teaks. . There Is no sore it will not heal, no lame ness It will not cure, no aehe, no Diii. that afflict the human body, or the borly of a norse or otner amnestic animal, that ooes not. Vlflfl to Its IrtflTin tnlliift ; A hstlA costine25c. 50cj or $1 00, has ottcn saved the life of a hntnan being, and restored to life and usefulness many a valuable horse. Rheumatism, Burns Scalds, Bruises, Certs, Frost-bites, Swellings, Contracted Cords, Pain in the Rack ' I.nnrhn Intt.'n Chilblains, Strains, Sprains. Stiff Joints, Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds, FOB A!tIM AIJI. IT WII.I, :f nT Spavin. Galls and Sores, tyvvinny, Rmir Bone, Windjrnlls, Big Head. Poll Evil, Humors and Sores. Lameness. StrcUinin. Scratches, Distemper .Stiffiess, Strains Soreness, Open Sores 2&t8 DISMOIXTIO ; OF r COrAttTNEISMIII'. THE copartnershin neretofore existing be tween John Hurd and G. F. Hett letneir, un der the name of Hurd A ScttJemeir, is diusolv. ed. All accounts dne tho late firm must be paid to Sctttemeir A Dawson, who alone arc autnoF Ized to collect and receipt for the same. , o. v. m;t-ii.emkjr, ;. v, DAWSON . December 1. lS70-nJ.ini I iriPiflr i LOCAL MATTERS. HANGED EOS 3IUHDEII; On the afternoon of Friday last Jan. 20th), William K.ty Xeil was lianged for the murder of Seth W. Hayes, an old and highly respected citizen of Ilalsey, In this county committed on. Wednesday, ; No vember 1st, 187G less than three months Everything had been done by the relatives and friends of the doomed man to secure from the Governor a commuta tion of the death sentence, ' but the dread morning broke only toassuie Neil that tor him there was no hope of an extension ot life on this fair earth beyond tlie time set for bis execution. - ;.. ' ...-!. i-About T o'clock a. itof Friday, hrthe" eonnty jail, the prisouer partook of the sacrament of the Lord's supper; adminis tered by Eev. Roberet L. Stevens, pastor of the Episcopal Church, Mrs. McMeekln, annt of tite doomed man, also partaking with him. For some time previous the ministers and christians generally had been frequent visitors to Neil's cell, where they had prayed and exhorted him ' to make preparation for the'luture ; and in bis last ! hours he professed to feel that his eins had been forgiven, that he had made his peace with God, and was not afraid to die. TOE GALLOWS had been erected in the rear or west side of the Jail, the platform being seven or eight feet high and probably ten feet square, some eight feet above which was the cross beam from which was suspended tho rope that was to perform Its part in the dread' ful tragedy about to be enacted to appease ouendeu justice. . j 1 i m CURIOSITY. J : ' ; Long before the hour sctfor the execution, hundreds of people were congregated in and around the jail-yard to Witness the sud- uen taking off of a man in the prime of manhood. A great portion ot the specta tors were men, but there were a Jew women who had the nerve and took a deep interest in the matter about to be consum mated. , , 4: THE PRISONER. The prisoner, accompanied by his spirit ual adviser, Bev. Robert Stevens, and Rev. S. G. Irvine, D.D., pastor of the TJ. P. Church, escorted by Sheriff HeiTen and deputy, appeared nnd mounted the plat form promptly on time. The prisoner, up to the time of leaving the jail and mount in jT jthe s!affiidr alf lio.iph waring- rm1r seeuied calm auSf resigned ; but after" get ting upon the platform, where a chair was furnished him in whieh to set for a few brief moments, his strength seemed to de sert; him, and thenceforward he acted as if stnpcfiod from the action of some powerful narcotic. ; ON THE TLATFORM. Upon the platform, in addition to those already mentioned, we noticed City Re corder Montanye ; S. B.- Eakin, sheriff of Lane eonnty ; Sol. King, sheriff, and J.M. Hamilton, deputy, of Benton county ; Drs. O. P. S. Plummer and J. L. . Hill, of this city. Rev. Robert L. Stevens then offered a short prayer, asking God's mercy upon the prisoner, ; , - ., , Before mounting the platform, Neil bad disclaimed any intention of attempting a speech ; but after prayer had been offered, lie signified his desire to speak to the peo ple. Agreeable to this request, assisted by the Sheriff and deputy, Neil approached the south side of the platform, and in a slow, hesitating, and at times inaudible voice, which became less audible and more hesitating as lie proceeded, delivered the following ADDRESS ' Ladies atid Gentlemen : I am to be exe cuted. I want you to listen to me. I liave Deetr improperly conducted. I ain't 1 am t I feel I'm innocent of the charge nre, oi aiiytmtig proved against me. I was justifiable in what I did, I ain't I ain't 1 ain't guilty. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that ho saves me now. 1 am ready to go now. I am. I did not do this mmtfcr of which I am charged now. I am going to say what I think. . . r. The prisoner then moved slowly back to (tie center of the platform and was placed in the chair, when the black cap was drawn over his face and the rope adjusted about his neck. Everything being ready, the prisoner arose from the chair, exclaimed : "God help me I" the trap-door fell, and Neil was launched into eternity. JUSTICE SATISFIED. The rope, being new, gave more than was expected, and the toes of Nell touched the ground ; tlie Sheriff and assistants took up the rope at onee, and made it fast. Seven initiates after the fatal dropi physicians, after examination, found the poise had ceased beating; at tho expira tion of ten minnte-s life, was prononnccd extinct. " ' ' Tho Sheriff and deputy were calm and cool in the dlscliarge of their unwelcome doty.' "." , ' The body has been forwarded to Califor nia, the residence of deceased's parents, a casket for the body and money tor the ex pense having been forwarded to this eity. Trm Ektimond Range. The Richmond, range is King among cooking stoves, and no mistake. It Is f ht most complete, best furnished, economical stove in tho world, certainly. Every one who gets no 1 these stores likes rt, and speaks well of it It economises fuel, is a splendid baker, and looks well in kitchen or parlor. Call in at W. II. MuFarland and secure a Richmond Range, and you'll never regret it t 1 Election at Wheeler's For a fair election and sin honest count, goto W heel er's, at Sltcdd. -I NO. Id. ? TJLS FISHER'S WLVSl. Koarcd the wild swelling billows, Out on the lonesome sea; : -Up sprang the pearl clear foam caps, Chasing the wind in glee; ' While the pray skies awtencholy, ' Low in their mockery bent. Like tlie dismal drapery ot funeral . Or coffin cerement. ,Ut Light gleamed from the Saber's cottage. Streamed through the lonely Bight, Crimsoned the weary woman, Watching there pale and white. Listening the loud winds scrcsmljig. Praying the vengeful waves To guide lii in in through the darkness In from the sea's black graves. ' m : Over the mountain of billows - -1 Struggled the fisher's boat, .With never a hand to gblde ber Never an oar to Host. Down in tite shell-paved temples Naiads his. vigils to keep 1 Sleepeth the bold fisher sailor, - . " Low in tho balls of the deep. ' Woman, extinguish the watch Are I - Give to thy strained ear rest - Once there is op in Heaven, - . Doeth all for the best I Lie down on thy wretched pillow. Ask for the dream rod's siieil ' Far down in the sea thy hasbeno - Sleepeth soundly and well I V - Arm Dislocated. Early Monday morning as our worthy fellow-citizen. Dr. Wm. Lister, started from his residence oa Sixth and Srosdarbin streets for his place of business on First street, he met wiia aa accident that will probably prevent him from attending to business for some .days. As he stepped from the head of the stair leading down from the front porch of his residence, his foot slipped and he was pre cipitated headlong, falling opon his Bands, and with such force that his right shoulder Has dislocated. Dr. Plumper wis called in and gave the necessary attention to the sufferer. Tlie Dr. had been so unfortunate as to break "his right arm several years ago, and at the same time dislocate It at the shoulder.. : .1 . Sterling's Extriss. A note from. Mr. Jan. A. Sterling informs us tliat during the winter his Express from Drain's Station to Scottsburg will make semi-weekly trips, leaving urn in s on Monday and Thursday of each week, returning on Tuesday and Friday- Every attention will be given to the comfort of those patronizing this line. See ad. on first page. ; ' ; The petition asking for a change ct the present mail route from Scio to Marion, 5?Aa, Eoodjaeai-jrf-fijellng. Th. peti tioners ask that the route be chanced td Jefferson instead of Marlon . It the peo ple of Scio and vicinity are better suited witu 1110 route as n 1 why meddle with it? A range that meets every requirement and satisfies every demand made npon it the Richmond Range. It lias no eqoal among stove or ranges. The only place to get one is at W. II. McFarland's, next to the Bank. . - Miss Ada Mendenhall, daughter of John and Kate Mendenhall, formerly residents ot this city, was rmtted' In marriage to Carlton Price, on Friday last, at the Tay lor street M. E. Church, Portland. We send our congratulations. A fine lot of varied styles and kinds of furniture at F. S. Danning's, for sale way down. And Mr. Donning is one of the most accommodating boys in the business. too. The College Missive for January has been received, it is to be vnblished monthlv nereaiter uy toe uoiiero improvement so ciety, Mansfield & Monteith, printers. Several quarrels and one or more fight on Friday last. . y " LOStT- BEWA1B, , Strayed from the subscriber, about lour months since, a young cow, a boot soar years old, light red iu color; ends of horns come close together In front of face ; In good condition when last seen; Said ant inal was formerly owned by Prof. Sox, of this city, who purchased her ot Mr. John Isom. A liberal reward will be gifen to any one giving information so that I cats obtain her " - "" 1 j CflAS. BOCKOARDES. Albany, Or.. Dec. 8, 1870. - I always did, love to gaze on tLe children in their sports," said Potter, a he pensively contemplated a crowd of urchins j "I am carried hack to." Jast then the baseball came over hi way and tried to get into his vest pocket and double him up. When ha breath came back lie shouted" , "Yea roang rag amnffin, yon, if I catch you playing ball on the street again I'll get the police after yon." - - . Ministers will bare tbeir little joke like other people. . "Come over and -preach for me to night," said a Chicago divine to a cleri cal friend whom he met on the street not many days since. - "I can't to-night," was the reply. "I'm almost down sick with the head ache." - ' "Well," Jrolly observed the oUiefy "I guess you can do it, for if you preach as you usually do yon won't have to use your head any." ..., f Tbey have introduced a new sport iff Xew Brunswick. A trained moos i trotting there in publie with great toc eess.' A lew days ago he made 8 ha!. mile in 1:10, and he is matched to make , his mile iu 20. Those who ! have tried it, say fcat kissing is like a sewuig-macbinc, becaaser it Beams good, j : "A miifitard planter is a warm personal friend f