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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1872)
. I'OUEIUX SEWS. It is reported that tlio the Cabi net in 'iain lias drculd on a separation of Clmreli :u:l Slatv. Etse Frederic l'ery, Marshal of France, liel on tlte "20tlt inst., in l'aris, aged sixty-eight years. (il.nlstone recently Hated that the result of the labors of the GeiW- vatribinal would have no effect whatever on the question of the Canadian loan and San Juan bound- ary. ThcAoW' Genteau Gasettt says that German iniluei ce will bo felt in the election of the next Pope. In a collision at Juesoy, France, on the Orleans railroad,, I tine 10th, thirty were injured and several killed. The Pope has addressed a letter to Autonelli, deploring the ap rt aching enforcement of the law suppressing convents in Ita'y as a violation of international law. lie says that the constant or-mncli-menta of the Government of Italy on the rights of the Church violate morality and justice, and only a re- iardfor the highest interests pre- vents the head of the Church from having Rome. A conflict Itclwcen the Holy free and the Italian Gov ernment is inevitable a. d a recon ciliation impossible. The Pope cannot submit to such usurpations, and requests Antonc'li to protest against them to foreign jK'wers. General Tuculs ami Captain Averona were execute on the 15th at Port an Prince, A Geneva special of the 22d, says : that the American counsel have gone to Paris and will return with tlieir families to Geneva. Kvery- thing betokens a lor.g stay of tbe Knglisliawl American reniwenta- lives at Geneva. i Mail advices'froni MoUerev to , . . , . ,, I the tftJi report that General lrev-: iu'o had exacted another forced loan. ! and all foreigners unable or mavill-! ing to nay Lave to work on the fortifications. The American C'on- il protested vainly on Iwhalfofthe ... ,r ;' i c. . . 'IT ... k .,-u.ivr. x or niercaitile houtcsare all elosctl,auu . tlir eilv iw;soiits : aeii ..I' iWiln. lion. C'elxillos' Government forces have ccenpied Mierand Gamargo. I lie attair ot lr Howard has been officially arranged by Minister Sickles and .cenor Jlartcnos, Minis ter of Foreign Atlairs, Spain. The American Government waives the iinestion of the c'aim of Dr. How- B1U UVJ . v ii : v I ...ii v i ' . . 1 1 1 . 1 i Journals ol Madrid, Spain, deny i that the Government has requsted the recall ot Minister Sickles. ! . j i:.vstkiw ! i Farbcra ol seventeen hundred j simps in New York struck, June 2-lth, forretluced hours of labor, ' from 7 A. M. to 8 I', if., with an , ' hour for dinner. 1 welve hundred nhops acceded Jo the demand at erm A strike among the different or-, caiiizatioiis was imminent in lies. ; ZS,: SHHi IHHI ton ou the 24th uist. j President Grant was to be pres- ent at the L'ostou Jubilee on the I 25th. At a meeting ol iamuiany, New York, on the 21th, Horatio hey awor was made .Sachem, I.-.-: 1 ... ,.. yf a ,Tto no 1 - 1 William M. Gwin, JdS.iou vu T.An t ' W&tti&rflftSPWl ni u , a x . 1 cv, oLui iv j x II. T. i:iure2ar,l. Alexander 11. 1 ' . I will C!4.i.uikt9 at I'altinwo aiul prepai" ti ifenme tl -eir plaow sttthc k.a, 1 -it r 11 t 7 r,.:aH , the loledo Blade says the jai who.aV sixty miu pics in au Lour, ! ctigs ii, thirty mitintcs, aiidThe other ptf&rnien of woiSt'rous fita of deglutition, are all thrown ii:ihc Jjile by the fhwnraU' Tmit ee, j r!:o "1 as just five months w.whicb tj swallow ti c uttraroseif twentv yean!" " to lroUbie Mure .-or to CtMttl Sel ei:ck as United States Minister to Fnglanl. A .strawberry has teen raised in ; Raleigh, North Carolina, that Weighed an onnco and a quarter, j ; The hauaita ripens in 1 h rida j every mouth in ti e year. Kansas Ci'y, Mo , Time-. In Chains .limiting MiHtafM. There is :i farm 1 milis from Arab! which liidnefS ami owe. alien two i i i Station, over I rrow and ter . ror are" brooding, fir in one of ti e rooms of the home are two stive!; men heavily iroi.ed and plained to ti e th:r. j Th y Bfo gjj&fcg there for a must U'nildc'iwriatfv to take pos- i session of them, ami after putting ' them to u torture a thomaud time.- worse than that of the InquiMtiou, ' to destroy their lives. When a mail dog, hilled fiy Campbell, at Lilx rty, was oii its de- stroyii.u mission throughout the Avni.try, seveial days ago, these two men crossed it- path, ami received its terrbVe hire. The mad-sto'e was applied, but, feaniTgand doubt-' ing its eilieaey, they are prepared for the tearful ordeal of an attack I ofhydi'ophobin. Not knowing at i what hour the fell destroyer might ! make its a.;vami.v, and fearing tor the safety of their wives, little j ones and, they heavy irons maile for the iui-e, ana bound themselves w securely that it would require almost the strength of Sampson t'i break their fasten ings. 'I heir hands are sechrely manacled, a strong iron "hand is locked aromd their waist, and to this band is a wo'ded heavy chain, one end of which is fastened to a heavy ring bolt in the tioer and there they stand waiting. Waiting tor the dread approach of the awful maddening stupor that aunoiu cos the t jv ot nuison I vtirongb the blood and the brain ; j waiting tor the stupor from which j they will revive by the quick and j siulileii twitching ot the miifcles ' .leailly pains in the bead and body, ami LmriiH"' tve-iialls, while iiois- onons frolli wi I gather at the; mouth. 'I hey will be seized by an j iucontrollable longing to bite, to ! tear, to destroy. 1 he stupor gone t,K.y wi ,n; itWl,Kj ; guai liijg, growliu". howling, tor-1 tured deiiions pressing hard upon i their fastenings, savagely upon all round thrin, the ties of hive, of kWui .,e hiimmoi.- ,,i,i;i,t,i .,, ... ,t,..:. ,ui....;.i;,. ;..! ! , :, . u"'v,-" . "':' j , iu.rr.uie ! uisioiis oi imtli, I clan king awl rattling their chains ill order to free themselves from re- I siraint, auu w tin oni one inotigni, .... i .. ..t i . . . .i .- .i. one desire to kill ami destroy to rend with teeth and nails every: living thing, and after this, with, hot. ccoreliintt eves strained and twisted bark ui their sockets, and 1 hhxl and fbam from their parchel hps. to ihe to (he amid the eon-1 vulsive agonies and tortures of hv ! . . .-. ; (lrounooia, worse, even, it is saui, ; t,m" tlw l'ai"s 1:t"" m I 'l'l.'a I. t iluun ,,C..I.,..nn men are waning lor, ami inera is terror in every breath they draw. .4 Little elildren with saddened ffees, '"und'e and caress them with increased love, tlr the dreaded late of their dear fathers has lieen whis- pered in their cms. Fond wives and mothers, with tearful eyes and faltering hearts, tenderly care lbr them, and see that every want is m "'f huf ma(,t' hgl.t as lve and sympathy can ren- jcl. iu 7'iC luveil ones ,irc j,! waiti g, watchiug, not knowing the hour when they will be drawn out !Jl lf m ot twofn0" wh?Wi Jf? t.. .1 : Z" ' ZSZ: ' ilr icticii uiav soon i insia t aeain. JUHin I II:' 1,1 I ..l;r:il .111 O. u-Wss m been mauilbteil, and the time hiu already passed in ,,5c,'th 'iisc'r,!? aW?.Ul inns aner me pusop, nas lieen 111 fnsetl injtotlie blood the friends are very hopeltil that the mad-stone! lias proveil eueettve, but the men! declare they will wear their irons several davs m. ?o ftamtm thev .,! lurking witlU til ii.yoi. ... " ' -' ' Eooi-eo lin;, A ..touching in- r Z.I '.A iTf' It llLIE'l fltl.ll 1 LI l it lk.,1 h : If asked liira it Ins house had not been s ifutbed during the war. Thefarmtr ! replied that it hail. 11 1," said tlC j 8trai.ger,'"was oneot that riiaraud-1 ig party that djd it. 1 toi-fca lit-, tlersijver locket." ."That locket," -5,i!.l llia fV 1 fin jJa : ,).- rawu unrii ivi, .vami 1 child.'V"Ilereitis, repliM the .stransicr visibly atieeled. 'lam; ! rich ; let me make resutution ; here are fjft for your little row." lie gave Urn Jamicr a IN UHi 'tm re ceive.1 ioD hi cJiange, He then wnmg Uie jarmer' haiid warmly, and lufti 7'he lariner liBi rinou driwl Lia tears and loaded hit riwtr pn. The 6P Lilt was bad. .-v. 1872. 1872. SOMISTIIIIVC!- NEW TJE217J2 WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Reaping Machines, POH THE COMIMi HARVEST. C. B. COM STOCK & CO., SPRINCViLLE & ALBANY, OREGON, S!e Ageutu for Oregon & fVuaiilngton Territory. , W. S. NEWBURY, Trnvrllug A Ui'iicrnl Apiii, AIJIASY, OIIKOOX. 'piXEMJ JIOTI.Y IIH'ITAK 3HACIIIXEN AHK SOW IS UEXKRAI. 1. n-f in Raw), I'rn-es! Atwtoln, Bavaria, Fmmv,S;iiii, Knslniiita-i'l North nutl Somii Atiipriot, hi ltn-t llirotutioat iltu wltJlt ittvhtaH rnrli. mvl liir inrii HWHi lel tl,- I'lHS'r PRi:.nil'.4H at eve,".' trial, Im li isi Ifuitiw ami Ami-fin,. MtWtMHe WnrM Kuirnt t'uri- i;i li;T, sisiw whWh Htttv uutny valua'ilu KqiRIVtKainif ltttVC '.m il it IiUm. T13.0 One & Tiro-Horse ItouMe liar Mo'dtrs, nevcrrioj. rvuiv tw WOXDKK F TUB AUK for S:ivugtlt, Ik-aut v, ( iwt'i ami Mvin.m v irn.ii: t. T3E3HE3 S KLF -li AII1 REAPER, Mti Mow In .Vttaclitilt'tit, ls tltt! most i-ctnrli''i' a'l ilwIraWf re.iiK-r. ,.tinr l.t Enroll' of an 1 Isa i.'Wll'IJ-.TK REAI'EB ami KCONt'LCTE MoWEH, urtnts I wo a-inw.r marliltli-K W3E3 oXiAxaa: FOR THE WOOD'S n, r Tli.-.t tlicvnri' Ihr EltiHTEST Mi A FT. tin- t;fl('KEST mil BEST MOTION. in writ m tbe HOST ll( IIAI1I.K. Tlint ilirv Iravr ilw IH'MiLKH IN THE IIET SUAlE,unaarc tin- EASIEST HA.Nl'-LEb ofanv Miiinninl llrnliliia Mttclilnu clthrr in Euroja) or Aliirritit. 13?" We Warrant Hie WotJ ntavltincs to lie a S3?" Rtppi'seiiScd. Jt J til' A ftlllasaortment of EXTRAS contantlj kejit at allottr ABCticie. WE ALSO HAVE THE AdENCV OK THE HAINES' HEADERS, whit Hi.- WOOD IMPltOYK.IKVr, t lileh renders It one of the BEST IIEA1' Elis rv.anf. It ym hny Ucft'ter, I ari yon gl 'in- H.U5EN with Wootls Lite Im proieiue!itn, aslhry wereoiiiy a'tUed in 1ST1. SEJSD FOR Al'iany, May 3d, lSTJ-S", Yie or ih?o nmi The vote ft Conijn-iwman in 10 and w!tn ,lM1BflJm u-w. is act Ineonipari. son in the fohowin? lahki IH70. f f naSer....44" niaj. niaj. "mTm iu" 'w SM SI'S l.1 .... 4 KB 711 Til 3 in m iki it Sol 3iJ 271 33 7") SOU 271 1 Ii2 13'. 1-18.... 13 7,'ti Kill Sfltt l.ll .... 372 3U" Stfl 4 771 ft'.l !WI 2Vi St 130 M 31 821 m Wi 73 I, 1'Jri 'Ji 1,179 .... 2.1 i,m m i,mo mi Mil tusi i,wi sat asi to i .81 : ! (M 31 . ... sol ass aw .... 1 7.i 411 8 511.... Ins 3 4S 51 ... . 32 ifl 5sa m wi ii - ai9 6C1 m II. WS 13,103 1217 1,S! l,ft-3 SIS SW Sffiil fiirn - '.V.'.'uw 'i0',,u,,,,'Jl - Oooichvi. .7M i.nmt.... aas .'iopi!;iioK I nn., 717 ...inn a, i Marion. I,.t7l Miilt'nlil,41i! folk.... m Tllla'mU 61 l'niatil!ii2J7 Union. ..Wa Wasco... 341 WashV" -ll Yamhill. 'M .M.ijorii'es SHW TO-DAY. 10 T) TIKKEMS FOIl tlENTS' " T I'loihinanillient'sFiiniishlii'jdoo lf of nil ilesiriliilous. He Inn aim a lnr'.. Mock of Boj-iCCfolhlng, Hats, Slilrts. etc.. whith he is selling vei7 low. 43-1 F"" .,i...L"'.'- Il'.jlr:;, I.lirien lr" slr,'c,M , pBOI'EB FT KVIIlXt; rott.1ifAr.r. 1 an I s.'r Tuit.'II's larie .siork of t'ar )ii'iH.tllWoir, B!lit'l, lings, cfi , HrhicTi jut i4 Haifbi vm y h. niHi4 ( i 1 . ' f.. J...., .. '.V;.." . ' WWmmmmm suit you; : fw 1 , il l I ff , 'Mlttttt I sfixSk of Atrled 'Mt'rriuniiai ",,, , M. . ,. A ?aiii . . ,fm.u riEKE tvukeix PAVSTiuiimin rVuiif" 'XT?-V"' Fitl'ii h$mwW$.i t Wjlk ,-,, pHJrsIciAW AND SOROEON, auiakv. hbwhW. I rtTCK -HOfrTlf SIDE FIRST 8THEK1', J np-sralrs, In J. M. Itneli stoRMnauf . IlesldP! "SneiMwl MftfW, soitfh of the OKtwrltM niiiiihguse;'',' ; ' ' "! ' JfV . W. ttAffiHH, W. ., jQMtvlan ,in1 Surgeon, ALB.VXV, OiTKOfl!. ; 1 WCK m VWH K.WI.OF TEt-Jif n omee, on irit Knwi. , ,.it m 4t Mr- a- iimaueiiuin 1. 1872. Now - Uttiml Jointed Flexible. -J DliSCHlPTIVi: HOOK. r f ir i nnnn o "tlTE llEii EEAVE TO CAM. THE AT V hMil ton of i he pillule to our large an ! w.-.l selected stork of I 11A? Till A V I Pj l ltilViV.lj MERCHANDISE conawliiftof Iheluteil an:t most fin iliilr si vli'sof DRESS GOODS! l,At'j:'S,!.l-i, KIUWiA KMHIIOIDKRV and Taney Notions. In llio OenUeiiien's Department weotTi rllm lnlest, stvles in ruiTHINT,, tltelieit in -MIKKVKAK. Ihenolihi est TIES and SCARFS, lite nliwl GLOVES and liATSTI.KTS, and the "ton" In HOOTS MIOKS, while our SI1.K IIATN are all the rage. Wekecpeoastantlr on band a full a ortineut of SHOT G-XJUTS, SHW-tfHTrlfif,' UtrS-lX'BKS, I'OWII-lf, KLAsKs, SIIOT-nEI.W, 1'UWllKII. SHOT, CAPS, iSsat, riH?th!tfe in thti hnnU'r'nilne. Our B I Mirrors & Picture Frames ! 1 i uhraecallskesandstylvA. Inllivllnvof ; Crocker)', lasaiv:re, Fruii .furs, POCKET WftMffli lffeitY, ! Vobnceo, liOnlCKilC ,H;.s3", & wwtn .". lv a a a : "Jmnr "ttW 'ympft our sloek is fuli and complelo. asrMu KjXAJtiii: tiwi,jt-a ronterN Biiniltaiir, rim SI., Albany. f. C. nABPER & CO. tin KEW TO-BAY. v. J. mii.ixk, Surveyor & Civil Engiqrcr, IS I'nEPAttE!) TO TO SI !Yi:yi;;i:i 1 BiHttnwrlns. Otilcwsoili ItwtBjinnii, tuwtiteti pintmjl attention Will IwWtM. IJi- -i !-ii - 'fansorft, Linn .nun'y. Oiv. eatii l'i'-!"Mkr h lt!: i-- Ail'nnv. 3$3t h vi; Atii'Bn VAW.V to firK : fiK'llitk'aforill-siHtnslur 'it'4 lUilixlit- ! md tiealllt-tflviiiii lieverare, i".; whuM ; announce it, our torni'T piti'iv: alt 1 1 lie . intii.ii-gttuomlly,lIia' wonre fully jauparod j ; from one of iho eh'sanl Tul'i'i Arctic FoJintaSns, , tn.snpply soda ol tin 1kh( quality in Mt limiir t (paintltios toull who may favor us wUhnenll- BOTTLED SODA ! ' AND Si i r iss ci p 3? 1 Ha ! WILL, ln niNt; the SPKING mid SUM RISE. It drlivcriHl to faiiillirs ottlrring throttglt imt tlir ril v. kn-.-.s, , Siiilirl t IJlirml Knlrx. A. CABOTHEKS & CO., 4eoi!i!u- Hiiinca lira Iris, frnm d in n frt. mt, niailr li- "aller A. Won.!, nt Hoe-irk Kails. M. V.. witlt all hi- lniirovetnettSs, an 1 liavin:; also iloane's I'a'rnt A Ijustnlile Ilrel. t-i-" No oilier Healers laive these lin nrovenienls. Take none lail the Hainr's j imptuvetl tlrii'lers nin.le liy Woo l. Kvhst'ira TliPeslicr, a . improvnl, is tlir eerfeetion of the ' Thrt-siilmc Mai liltie. Wi' have lliein IVom .11 io in inch, with new fi-rl ta'ile, law i slev, doable fan, rVva'or. ilouiilr di ! eluii'iri', 'Me., lnivle rs;'cially for ih.i wants of ihtseoast,afieryettr.s or Hitaty, ii has arealereleattinjf eajmelly than tuiv oilier, ; atttl Is every way rri l'ret. fdr So oilier , machine has t'V.'reltialtt! I the "K'.i.ssvH" ; none cm vxlv ii. I ICJEAOWFI.T, A X)., Soil Kneirisfo. I AtrlllMiu3 THE NEW FAM11.V SEWiNC MACHINE, WITH ATTACH-HESTS im A 1. 1. Si 1 S D S O t W O it It , m i uUt w "Wta (a' in the household, a- , -iiown I iy the ranl'lly Inentilnu s;i:,. lilts . KW FAMILY MAI TUNE t ttlpa hle of a ranice anil variety of ivork such as j was oin-e thoit'lit imiM'..iMe to ierfoi'ui hy niaehlnery, We claim ant! ran show ! thai il Is iheelieiux'st, most Iwamil'ul, ite! li'iitely, nieely n t.lusteil. eirsilv opmtail, an-l smoothly" running of all the Family gewln Marliiiies. It to ivinark ! able not only for the ran;rr aiet variety rl ! its .sewing, hu a'so for tlir viil'letyail I'lllf i fereut kinds of textmv irlileh Awlil aey i with rquHl fiwuiiy anil oerfeciaii, usIuk j silk twist, lliion irr eotlofi ihrral, tine or ! coarse, making the luterlorlii il-rliiiilli'-j stit'.h, alike on lioth shirs of itiefahrlc I sewn. Tim.-:, heaver .lo!h.or UaUlier, uiav he sewn Willi ffmi Mrt'irth ao'l ttiilfonti I By iff siitiji ; aniljltwi iiainitnl, tfiis wil I ling ami never-wearying liistrnmeiit nmv oe anjusTou lor line w ork on gnttae or gos samer tissue, or the t uskiug i tarlalan, or mlHIitur, oralmiwt any oilier wort whirl) ilclleate Hegel's havu been known to pur form. ... Apply to h, ii. t'L 4rinox, ACE.NT FOl! UX' COl'.NTV, I.I.ItAMl s, OHIUO.V. Also at "tiic Pmg Store of A. OABOTII KltS & C )., Alliany, Dbvoii. May 3, IsT'iiSi (6 REWARD , FOB AS ,, . Incorablc Case! X DR. LS KICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM I Aft'r tea vror:!' trlr.leaUiisrpr.Et hen proven ltft;!t!ui wUy curRtive in nnrtciucltFii tf dl'asejiriajunaa tyncdMal RctiUcs- ' era a lacanibK ,i t ... .,. .,; .i,!.,!),. "-. Dr. Ltj Bichaa'a G0L6EH BALSAM Kd curcH ChaaercH first ami Rc-contl !t(?r b, Son ( t n cpMMK fti.nt: l)i:icis?il H;il;,, mil nil prtmrjtlclsisei ih diaowalraowaaa 8yphii:3. ttko, 5 pa hfct. tle.ortwiijrW. D.L'sRi3h3a,s GrjLGII BALS1K Ko.2 etuMiTerttwy, MoKurUl, Syrlillitle hi ri nso. Usui, T.ilrn 1 1 t'i : Bom x. fcarki ! ihV k. 1 1, antod Hid Tiir l, fiyiihililio Kiitt, ttmns naif) iterttd c .hi BUfairii if He lie i , tin 1 i fina IhttSBtim I..,: ir ilj pr't: ? i wr tviftlfi . r tro. t, r til Be. w Ihmi EBHPIBSa! it ii i no, i i a . . ir i,c uonwMfUM nrl. httis, Osaral. anl rfetai'. fj Cltt dis:CTJj"!nc-iii TVon-JIti) tr lttl BkRbto'iGllLIiiFiSJtMlf!- J .-tlW1f!'(rt!i Sid intfi-flrr- tTtnmnua nt i t.ijji, I:i:!namr.tiry I !, '.Stratur,. tifll;diiiii.'H IM T.ldiiiU ilid KWAi Me , 3I.Mprrbll.' I A! n Ipatj f- r JJ3. it I ICJTAPIJCOI Dm JjitarijaUuA jad tsfrj. u-., 1 a s, j tie. A i.i r hd'.k', XyAaujlw nfiii.u,' C,ma.u p'.t H'ifialvlj rourid MTrfn. On W I'd f pr!"-. llaif fflifllr '' h i anil 1 1 Hi st ict t: ?.r B0lrvfct r.m . . r au'.rwW fipfta VM Tri-,lrWifi (. ,Vir.ll mid rtrtnil linipifliln HuH C.iemtstK, H V. err. ( Iny k Smiwiuo 8tria, orn 1 ra, : , Csl, SPKI.TAULES. WOXKY CAIV SOT iSi'V IT, FOrt EIGHT 13 PRICELESS 1 But the DlimicinI t-iir(nl, 1t!H nrrat'rve it, rv. NOW OUTER a to the pn'jlii' .whii It Is nronoiuiie 1 W' Hm linul rrielinttcl iiinli'tBIW 1I tint rM to N' I he miwl iwWwt, mil uin:, an I tidal !n'l lo tlir httitmn vyv rvrr knmvn. Thrv an' ttronntl niiitvrt'iii'iitvn mltn'rvUInn, al one own iiMiMtUiirini'y, ia N".r Karen, ami ur-i - fimsi nti'Uri tltitl tin- tow or rrntiT nl the Irtisromt'stlliv-'tlj in lront if lite rjr, pro luria-; a 1I.EA1I AM) 11VI IST YIMOS A In the liaininl, lunllhy (dssht, an l ere vein lint nil i)ii)ik'iwint si'iisnion-, -ni-li a Vtlonin'rla llll'l wav rilmr of slalit. iliz.l n, .. eir., ixvniiar In till t: lir- In uw. Tlir-:- :;:-,-arc htftlttilhetfliv I t'roin tn! totti' rr s;nl K'blries mel1cl Ui;.?iitlter, an I 1 1, 'rive ihi'ii'nHittr,-IiatiHi!il,"on flernuttt ir thi'lr ItaMaessan t kirHIiant'y. Tlteyai'u nioutiloJ In tlir ihir.-i iiianner, At onv o n man nliirtorv, hi ail MtyU'.-int' miltl, silver. i stci-i, rntilier, ami shell fntmes, nt' I lie lie4 qiinlilv, Tlirir iliti-eiility .an nut lie nr I a-s(.,, an 1 1 !n llnisli Issn. Ii as will anil I tlir lii'i-l liHtlitiiiiis. None 5eniiliie tinleM i b.nrinii not- ti-.t'.l.--iiiarl,, stqnipe.1 on every tVaine. t Kn'r stir l.ty : Ik- prinririil ojitieiatii. Mil I j.)-i'lrr-. i liio'i.'lir'.il llir mn!ry. Mattlfc j lartnivl ly ,1. E. Sintneer A Co., nraetirul , ontlrittns, New lork. For stile otilv lv TITI'H ItliOTHEtiS ' I IK-uletsi in watches, cliH-lts, jrwclrj, silver j ware, etc., Alimtty, t irron. i Eitleredat'eonliiiH lonetof Conjjfresa, In ! the vea r WIS, lv.l E. Sneneer A Co., in ilio elerk's ofnee ol Hie )I.Krlet Court of (In, I'nito'l S'ates.for the Southern listrirt of New Voile. 50V3 .S.,Slh FAt TUKV. l!l l.'.DKKS, ATTKXTIOX1 s.Vsif, BLIND, AM) DOOli FACTOK V . s. 11. Al.TIUA'SK. t. I'. BlfKWta W. KKW III St. ALTIIOI SK & CO., I.J on Mreet, on Hit- Itiver Hunk, ALI'.ANV, OBBUUX. Keep on hand a f ill assorl men t, and ara prepamd to IT'RNISn TO ORliKlt, Door, SasJi. Bliiid.i, and Moldings, Sneli ns j IHOWS, I'A.VKI., IIAXJI A flEtTIOS tout, Of all sirs. wixnow AVI) DOOB FHAKiEfi Flooring;, SUIiilif, - All I All other kind of HuiMlug Matcrinl. A I. so: PItEPARKI) TO DO Mll.l. 'V work, furnish shaker fans, tgza- slwkers, suclloii fan-, driving pulleys of any kind, at our laetory on Lyon street 4on Hie river hank), next below Markhani! wnrrhotise. ALTH.Jl'SK A W. Allmny, I'eb. 10. Witj-U JAUliM L. t OWA Y, (SueiWor of A. Cmrnii A; Co.! Lebanon, Oregon, - Hi a'er in iERlL MEiirn.VXDISE! ILL KEEP ALWAYS ON' HAND A fullstm'kof ,. lilltJt'KRIKS. ' J IIAliDWAlli:. H.iiTh i.-.lli K?, all for salr at the I.owest Prires for t'.t t A or Prtfit a nr. dir All persons owing A. Cowan A Co, can act tic by railing on meal. I.e'.nni.ii. vl JAMES L. COWAN. JVtw Barber Shop. yoTETIUS: HALE HACKENSTO has opened a new Rarlier shop on l irst street, thire disirs west of Conner's Hank, where he will ha please 1 to see nil persons nertim; his erv lees. Shaving, liairsjutting. sh impoolii?. etc, iloiut in the moil sittislaetory manner. Atoany, Kiibrtat' HVJivl TlTllrnTKTXrI HOLLOWAY'S tS,y Jl7si? Man Ms own Piiysician. a O AtTTiOlSr?' ? '';f!t: 'Wmanl Tr:Brit.Ir?tr3 IjIJ.i.s an, I OiNTMEXi' lfm tempted 'nut ri" 1 mri,-jiuiiiiutniif Umic'valu- ..I'.'di'ia'',. , . n.,ir i, rnamt.C mwI. (.. -oil mmelras " I'sUinI a ivw Triela .Mini," conit. .... ;!.'?!MtVfl',1'J,iSMf Vf wpent,with . 1 ..'if ,h Every bx of gen. t.l.'.WlT S T 1,1 all! OlNTMKST will J t .-. tii:i,i.,.Un) n on ni-o jfcauiaa "iHM-eit Pi., ftiln Prnprietori, "ifuMwi Ijiaa.NawYoilt Ji j ,8o ADt for lira IWdneeSwt1 V