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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1872)
VOL. IV ALBANY, OKEGOX, JULY 12, 1872. NO, 45. I'rBLisjrrn evkkt raniAY, By COLL. VAX CLEVIS, IK REGISTER BUILDINGS, Cornt Firry and I'lrd S'.rcrts. BUSINESS UAItns. JOHN CONNER, BANKING TEH MS One year six inniillis Bhitfle copies IN ADVANCE. Three dollars. Two dollars. Ten cents. ADVKRTISlXiS HATES. Transient advertisements, per square of ten lines or less, first Insertion &; eueh subsequent Insertion II. Uiwr alver tlseincnis linerled on the most liberal terms. Office, AMIA.YY, OREUO. JOtlWOfK, Having received new type, stock of col ored inks, cards, a liordun jobber, etc., we arc prepared to execute all kinds of print ing In a hotter manner, and fifty per cent phcuncr than ever before offered In Has city, Agents lor the Ulrjrlsler. Tito follow inaptitit lemon arc authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, niiverllsliijr, etc., for Hie Kkuistkb: Hiram smith, HarrlstmrK. . P. Tompkins, flnrrlslnirg, I'olcr llnnic. Ilrownsville. W. It. liirk, Brownsville. .1. IS. Irvine. Seio. T. II. licynolds, Salem. L. 1. Fisher, San l'rancisco. 1. P. Porter, She Id's Station. Fletcher A Wells. Uiunia Vista, Polk Co Chas. Ntckell, Jacksonville. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check ill iftht. Interest allowed mi time deposits in coin. Kxihaime on Portland, Sun Francisco, and Sow Vork, for mic at lowest rates. Coiled ionsiiiRdeand promptly reunited. Notes to II, W. Corhctt, llcnfy Fnilin-, W.S.hW. Hanking hours from s A. M. lot i Albany, Feb. 1. 1S71-!!2J MARBLE WOliKS. BUSINKS8 CARDS. To tho Citizens of Brownsville ami Vicinity. T H K rXDKltsiONKIi WOCI.I) AX x. nonnccthut ilieyaroIX'DEPK.VPKNT AXD1HATES for flio purchase of all the W OOL tlicy can Ret, for which they will pay the Uigbcst market Prit-ti hi Cash or (ion-Is. Also, thev have a full stock of h . E II A I H K It II A Ml I s r. on hand, which they offer at lowest rates forCASHot PRODUCE. KIRK, IIFMK A CO. P. S. fail on us before Hosing- lor jour Weill. Brownsville, March jg, "Miopia BUDIHIA. ttio f lowing sketch of the history and teach tigs of this great, reformer ot Brahmlnlsm, and founder of one ot t he most widely extended religious ot the Kast is from n lecture recently deliveied in New York : The story of Buddha's earir life and eonveivion has been many titm told. 1 lie date oMns ,j,th seems to have been almut 557 It. C. and the otilina- Y snwnww gives aiiont 80 vein- msregarded caste. It was disregard ing It utterly, and at such tiawrds, Hurt Knddha made war against it. i rarticaily he Ignored it, ami receiv ed Ins disciples from all castes alike. nouiii woman also lie received? In! ine deep degradation of Oriental women's lives they hardly dared ask it; but it was asked, and they too were admitted as deselplcs. When Unddlut, after long years, re- i" ins w eoimrrr iirwl . M. MOSKOE & STAMPER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Sloitca, FRIXKS.SX WARMET, ALBANY, OHEHON, J. It. HFJIHON, : : 1'romrletor, GA1S, AT THIS OLD PLACE OX Front street, nronosws in ftic i&i, ..n who apply wit h all kinds of MEATS, at i he owest market rates. By strict attention to business he holies to give general snlis. lactlon to all who may favor him with a WltiMxJHfc1 "l:i,'l''t P'k e raid for 1 "I Lllti. j. it. Behrok. nsovl the duration of Ills life. 1 lis real i ,lls ow" FWlW. be foutid that his name was GtintaitW, or Sakva-inun'i ! yn"l$ wife '"oll"til step bv step, M you please to select between two I , n I'WSS i 'be liml put on the hnmly names; he was also called Sid- i S i li6 lie m d N0 dareha, "heby 10I tlie end 1 ae- !! , , ,the Mme simplicity ot t i t n ii i i !' in.. " ii 9m th BiMldta. "TheKnlighlen ed. He wars King's son, mired in the raldt of Iristiry. At v he was eonsecrated as Primi. Boynl, by the iwuringof water on his'd was mariiiif. 1 BU8TNES8 UAADS. J. II. MITl 111 .1. W. IK U'H. MITCHELL & DOLI'Il, Altorueys and t'oiiiiselors ai Law, OOLICITOUSIX CILWCEKY AXDPIiOC- tors ill admiralty. OlflM over I be old ost ofllci', Front street, Portland, Orason. Ivl I. C. POWELL. 1.. FLKX. j POWELL & I'LBXN, j J AltorucyN anil t'uuniielors nt l.;ns, i XII Sol.ll'lTOlis IX CI1AXCE11V (L. ! J F'linn no'itrv lmhtie). Allmnv. ori'L'on. i l ollectionsan l (onveyalieos pn'iuiptlv at tended to. ' 1 California, Executed in Vermont Marble. and Italian SALEM, OREGON. ItHAXCII KII01 AT AI.1IAM . .V. II. CBAKCIi. S. n. Ill MPllllKV. Kotary 1'ulillc. CRAXOR & IIC3IPBHEV, Attorneys and Counsellor!! nt Law, ALBANY, OltEUOX. Office in Pnrrisb brick, up stairs. 5v4 EO. W. CiKAl, 0. 1). H., t HADI ATE OF CINCIN VI nati Dental College, makes t$v 'rat X tran-t hn nrwiil Stoics i f Plat- fir Ar I fltinl T1h. lllwi. tloos all work in the line of his iii-oftisslnn in tlu lit and most approved method, and at as reasonable rales as ran bo bad elsewhere. Nitrons Oxide, administered lor the lflin less extraction of teeth If desired, Omeelh 1'urrish Prick bioeki up stairs. Residence Hrstbon.nesouth of Oongreatlonul church, fronting on cottrl House block. j7i-ls W. . JOKES, M. D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSIHAN. ' DOW. M. II. CBASB. BOW & CRAXE, Dealers in BooIk, Khoes, mid Eindic! AMIAXY, OKtXilON, INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE 1 public to their full stock of the latest styles in gentlemen's and youth's iKmts, shoes, gaiters, Oxford ties, etc.. etc.. as well as to the very 'kllost lliiiif; out in Hie line of Indies' anil misses' gailcrs, lialninrals. wpun ues, .Miioinette DUSKtns, and SETTLEMIRE'S KCRSERV, Six .lilies Nouiii of Albany, Linn Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. T SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL I X!rsons desiring to pnrelinse fruit trees to call and examine my stock, which is comjKisodof the largest and licst scleotlon in the Stale, consisting of apples, pears cherries, plum-, prunes, gmnes. hlaekber! nes cm-rums and i-osi.h. Also, black and white walnut, KngUatt walnut, htoltory. IS111H. ledbuil. honev Iiu.iij f. and a uumlior of olfier varieties of trees and plants too numerous in mention, all of ntiiixu mc iiui'ri' i in low lilies .. , HKNllY W. SETTLEMIllI Dee. L, ls7tHj PETERS, Carriages MAM FAI-rt HEK OF ins, Of Every Description, ALHAXV, ORE0.. many oilier new and fn-hiouabli1 just received at the Citv BihK Store teles. which mm tliey will sell as rapidly as Ihey can find ptircntiscrs who wish Ursf-Class goods at the most reasonable rales. They resiwct fully Invito you to come and 'see their stink. Boots, shoes,etc, made or repaired to order, and all work wurraHtut. CITY BOOT STORE, FIRST STREET, First 4mr West or Register Ilulld'a;. Iiv3 MANUFACTURES uud all styles of TO ORDER ANY FFICE ox FIRST f west of liroadalbin, in Burkl: STREET, ONE door 1. ill Itlll'L li irl twn stor ones tup stairs!, over (ieo. Turrell's store. lltsiDKNrK First hnne west of the ilelho list chuivh, Alliany.Or. lev LE ITIX JIIEKS' SPHBlirCAI FLUMES, And (aeurrnl Kill Miirliinery. CITY MAKKKT, FIRST STREET, AI.HAX V, OREUWX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, 1IILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON if stantly on hand a full supply of AM, HUSKS OF MEATS), Which will be of the very best quality. Thehlghesi nwrkctprieoiiaidforbeevik nogs and sheep. Third door west of F'crrv, on south side of First si reet. ,). L. HARRIS. Albany, Dec. 11, 1S71-UV4 Wagon, Carriageii, ISat-ks, e at as reasonnble rales as the use of g()d mnteriul and llrst-class work will ius t il y. J Itepnirlng neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. Shop on Ferry befwacn First and Second streets. v.'.m. peters. Albany, Jim- to, 1x72-83 DR. VAX.CLEVE'S J. F. BACK EXSTO, Agent, 61M Albany, Oregon. K. 8. DI'lllilS. IV. 11. M'i't LLOCIf. x. s. m Rois & co., TT AVE ON HANI) AND CONSTANTLY 11 recutvlng a Urge stock of Uroccrie nnil Provisions, Wood and w illow ware, tobacco, cigars, confectionery, Yankee notions, etc., etc., wholes-lie and retail, at lowest rates. Opposite It. c. Hill A Son's drug store, AHsiny, Oregon. ;a 4 i J. W. Van Ien Bcrt!i m. ., wnun doctor, SALEM : : : OREGOX. MY long experlenco In disensns caused by WORMS, inniiot be 8rpawd hv any physleian in Europe or the t nlted states, onice rooms, Xos. 38 and 311 over the Post .Office. Consultations and cxninlnallons free of diary". vtnaoniB Albany Collegiate Institute, ALBANY, ORXOOX. ALRAW ROOK NTORE. ICistabllslied In IKSO. ; TInS KSTITI-TIOS WI LL REOPEN ON t JL Monilay, September 4, 187 1. with a t'iirns D : nt teachers capable and earnest. Insirnc Hon will 1k( thorough and pmctiral. and the system of order unsurpassed. Forpar i ticularsaddiuss 11 1.' U'IIII1I.'Y t r 1 ....... EAI.Elt IN EVFIfv vniiwr or Or .. v u AJlVl ' 11.,-,-iiiiiicoiis uouks, sonooi HOOK E. A. Frcciland, I TEIHXE RBUl'MTOR. rpiIE MERITS OF Tills INSTKCMENT A eonslsl prlueiintllv in the support it gives to the abdomen and spine. The belt is broad, supported bv snsiiendcra rasslna oM'rnie snoui,iers, ami kept in shape bv self-geneiuuiixUaiviuiicPltttBs,whlcliglve a pleasant current. IheRegulalorisalso (jalmnie; its Cup iindNozzlesnreinaileof Silver; itsSNnn of Copper and Zinc, is hollow, that Injccl ions may be thrnwitHirough lt,orlntothe neck pt 1 he I terns. It can Ik so regulated hr Its thumb-screw ,is lo meet any inal-msl. Hon ot the Ctertis. and is nneipialled la meeting any form of female disease. Price, .i. Patented August lis, S7L bv w.h. Vaiit'leve, Centralln, Illinois. Territory for Sale, or will receive Royally for mnnulhctiiro. For State or Territorial rights to nmnu. fnelure and sell on the Paelflc Const, uiiplv to t DLL. VAX CLEVE, Albany, Oregon, Albany. blank Isxiks, statlonerv. to oMcrat short nnlk-e Albany, Dee. :t, is7i. Books iniimrled The Eyes' The Ears' TI R.L - TCRX1XU mm I AM PREPARED TO HO ALT, RIVTlfi I of turning; keep on band nntl make to order rawhlde-betionicd chairs a, 1 fl'if? wlieels. Shop nar the "Mino 1 ".' ? . J0UX METLEit Albany, X'ov. g, lans-i IZ A LB AX V BATH HOI 8E. riHIK V N DERKltJ NED WOCI.l) UK 1 sicctfully inform ihei iilrensof nmn, and vicinity that he has taken charge of , n . 1 in, .mi, y Kci'iiinir clean rooms and isiylng strict attention to busl less expects to still all those who nmv fa vor him Hllh their laitronnge. Havlint bttwtofon- iirricd on nothing but Flrttttlium Hnlr Rreatilne Raloona, He expects to give entire satisfaction to all. Children's and ladles' hair neatly cut and shampooed, Sept. l'J-yS J0SF.Pn WEBBER. PURS! FURS ! TORS! THE intJIIEST PMcis PAID IX' CASH ftrlll k Inds of I I Kv hv lll.AIN. YOUNG & CO. Atony, Feb. 9, 7Ntf DR. T. L. GOLDEX, J Oenllsl nnd Anrlst, Albnny, Orcgnii. DR. fi.OI.DKN IS A son of the noted old opthalinic doctor, S. 0. Colden. Dr. (Joldcn has had experience in treating the various diseases to Which thccvcfintlenrni' hh,1 f.i.. ! eontldent ot giving entire satisfaction to I those who may pliuwtheiusclves under his I grf- April is, till. , DR. E. O. SjilTJiTDlJXTIST, Has 1.1 H ATED IN Aly linny, and is now ready ; to wait on the citizens or AI ! Innyand vlcinily.wilha new j invention In denial work, n mnsM-i j i supiMirtlng the plato to the month without : COVOl'Inif tlW urlu. . nwr i . .' i Those wishiuir nrtlil..l.,i ... V' od In cull .wl i-'.. ... . U. Also, plates mended, whether puriiuiiv broken or divided. Treth, extracted wR ?. put pain, onice over Tnrrcll's store. All work warranted. 7v4 KTotioo. aREfiON CALIFORNIA RAILROAD I OUIIVIUV.IjiiiiI lleinil' I , Oregon, April 6, 1871 -Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will lie instituted against any an I every person w ho trespasses upon any Railroad Ijind, ovcuttiiiL'nnilii.ninvtmf i ;,?,,., i. . !iytoANDhPAlllCl2.0 All vacant Land In odd nnmticred m Hons, whether surveyed or unsurveyod, within a distune of llilrtv miles from the line 01 the road, belongs to the Coniimnv M , , ! MiXIRES, 32vl;f )jlmi Ajgcnt. Muc uarewas taken to keep from him all psBnfui 4 m e ml that ignorance of aorroW is bliss ; but one dav he &&V. U'lwitt t,-.i-- "nvinjr. an oai man, tor rite first time 111 his lite : U hen he understood that to this complexion we must all come jit last, he began to think life was a burden and not a boon, and he went home sad of heart. Again he saw a sick ninn suffering under some loath some disease, and on a third occasion he saw a corpse. The profound im pression eacn 01 these sights produced iiMn his mind made the king, his lamer, very anxious, and he caused an Immense guard (o lie set round the palace to keep away till unpleasant uojcv i-. inn uiey (iki not keep out ; moiih, or ascetic, when one dav the 1 1 nice was walking in the irrounds. rroin (bat moment he resolved to uevote unwell to a religious life. He had himself driven about to all the places wherein he had formerly sought lis pleasures. Silently he was tkf(ttj leave of tliein. News wiM brought to bun that the princess, his wife, had borne him a son. -That b a new and strong tie for mc to break," was us comment. In the night, before he left the palace, he wont "to the apart ment of 1. 1., ,,.ir ,pi. .. : "",uc. mc young mother a.v asleep, her arm ov er the head ot bercbild. "Jnorder to see my child," thought the Prince, "1 nint remove the. mother's arm; both will wake, and my resolution will vanish." So be turned awac from tbo ilimot.. hold, shut (he door,' and left the rial. ace. He would not even ImiL- 1.-I..1.- am it as he rude away in H e nimn num. it. B Ins servants, he sent back his horse and his garments, putting on from that time, the dress of a reeltise : mil refusing all ftre Iwtter than the Coarse tow I ord'marHv friven to hAi He was not Vet tree.' however rrorq I he yoke of the great Branilnlcal church In which he had been reared. He went to a great Brahmin teacher, learned what he taught, and went away disappointed. lie sought anoth er with the same result, with live ot ins fellow-.sindent.s be tried life of tiseetism, with severe pent! n 0 s. After six years he renounced this life so ut terly that his fellow students lost faith in him as a reprobate. It was tho turning point of his life ; nnd at this tune the great central principles which Buddhists call (he "Four Oreat Truths," or "The Wheel of the Law," were revealed to him. The first great Strut. 1. l. ,...!.! . r cinicnee 01 pain. The second IS the source of pain imrcm lated. desires. The third is the fes trnetlon of pain, or the control ot these desires. Tlio fonrtli is tlie means to destroy bah), that is. virtue. Ihc Law of BufWlia is said to revolve incessantly j this endless wheel, al ways presenting sncoesslveiy these four points to the contemplation of the faithful. etpi mens slaves, IIw ihey Khnve In China. A man who has been shaved In Chi na says that the barber first stropped the razor on his leg and then did the shaving without any lather. The cus tomer remonstrated but was told that lather was entirely useless and had tendency to make the hair stiff and trngh and was therefore never used by persons who had any knowledge of (lie face ami its appendage-. After the beard bad been taken off and it was done in a very shoit time the barber took a long, sharp. , needle shaped spoon and began to explore lib customer's cars. He brought up from numerous little crevices bits of wax and dirt that had been accumulating since his childhood. The barber sud denly tw isted his subject's neck to one side in such a manner that It cracked as if the vertebras hat) been dislocated. .irM ....11, .a BgjnpsWonss and not their I alarmed for the safety of his mjek. Airs. Leonoweus. who iml i "All ihrbt " ,,,ii,,i n. .,.. ; C ' m..u ,.'113,11, me no hurt von:" anil he ivnitlniierl lo jerk and twist (he neck until St was food and clothing. " lierever iinddhisni has spread, it lias elevated the condition of woman : thus certifies Bishop Blgandet, and adds that iheir nosiiioo in it......... 1. mil Mam is one of almost complete jqnaitty with man ; that, they are they are alr .- f . .i , 7 "wJ2?-w ,,, lm- ruya, paniee or s am, aim rtrnlwn !.. ...I T.,..... . . ' ...... ..,. .,,; , ulll,.r r,.'isiern cotmiries, 1.... ... .... 10.11 Hie Jill! ( 1 st. vntMrn are superior to any other women ot the East j are moral, modest, and sell devoted. A Massachusetts UIionI glory. A correspondent at Monson, skepti cal as to the supernatural appearances has been quietly investigating the cir cumstances attendim? the hn ment at thai iflace. and has solved the mystery to his mil satisfaction. The story, as he tells it, is that a very young man became eu ainpred, last summer, of a tactaatiiur niaiden, i-esldlntt about a mile from the village, and ;is acciHtomeQ to call upon her several limes a week. An older brother, finding that the yoiithlul Romeo was causing some gossip by his frequent attentions, rc so.visl to slop them, and Id! iin ik. plan ot frightening him in the guise ot a ghost. Knowing that the Iml was courageous, however, he -appeared" first to the family. By strapping a broom .i-vii iiis uacK, wun tbo bushy part proiei titiL' over his l.en.1 1, c if i" " . . .. i-iivi.v. limy miiinT us an oiu woman s (llsi rag. He (lien fell to beating the back, breast, arms and sides with his fists ami pnmmelcd the muscles until they burly glowed with the beating thej had received. He tlicn dashed a buck et of eolil water over tho man, dried Hie Skill ulth towels .in1 .In,.!,,.! that his work Was done. cents. Price two ii'-guiseii ins hciffht. and hv means of a big black dress, presented in the night the appearance of a wo man about six feet and eight inches ta l. llius tttired, he secreted him self in the new church, nnd when his victim Kiuic along, pounced upon him anil chased him home, where he ar med brtmthhMS ,,;,(, wli- : cident produced miieli ev..!tom....t t,. the community, hut the intrepid lio- "t "ooiinayc(i nv ghosts, StenUfllst y coiitlnued Ids visits lo tint object ot mi .uiccuous, fin, leaven ot fear was working, however, and, about a week later, the -ghost" accosted and chased a man on his way to the quar ry, at early daybreak, after which the UHHI Inhabitants of Monson were so wrougnc up ti,at even men were afraid to venture out at night, except 111 bands. Ijnt 0Ve still eowiuered ica r. the youngster continued his trl- neeiwy nips, until one night, while returning home, the fi ighlfif? ghost ot " bom he had heard so much confront ed nun at a one v Fnpor-Iiaiigiiig,Calcciiilninr, Decorating, &o. I? M. WADSWORTH will give prompt . attention to all orders for Panor. imaging, Ciilccmtnlng, Decorating, ,.' llliscllvor V chlltv. All rlr i.u j In the latest style, iii the liest iiiam'ier, and ' " noes. inters left at i iirnltiirn Warcnsims of Chas. Mcaley will rewlve prompt attention. v(i METROPOLIS II O T K L . Corner Front and Salmon Sis., PORTLAND, OREGON. This new and elegant hotel, w ith New Furniture Throughout, Is now OPES TO THE irnu'. Ilnlh for tlie nrromuaodnllou Of UllfeNtM. When these great truths were re vealed to liuatama.the perfect science broke over him ; he became the Budd ha. I hen -all the fives ot ten thou sand worlds, shot out branches laden W".h IT.'.I aml to J'lie finest sort of lilhes bloomed spontaneously. Mimic mnveie appi'ared like an immense garden covered with flowers. Kivers .suspended their course; (he blind recovered their sight ; the deaf could heir, anil the lame could walk irceiv. met! It was the ln.nit ..r jsimiina acquired an unspeakable firm ness, a perfect purity of exemption from all passions, an unalterable yearning and a strong feeling of ten der compassion toward all beings. He began then to preach, but soon found that his work was not to he a religions one only, but a great social reform always. The great oriental system of castes was against him, with us rooi in tiie cstaoiisheil religion, and its ramifications readied every act of iu. cor instance, (he lowest, of castes, the t handalas, were forced to live far from all dwellings of other men, to lie executioners and grave diggers, to wear tlie dress of condemn ed criminals, to cat only from broken ves-eis. 1 ne distinction was to en dure eternally : and hv no series ot H-ajiswigratioiw couki ' 1 tic soul of a (.'liandnm be reborn into a higher suite. 0 mt. in tlin ni.kil 11... I "m lire mot impulse was to run, but the ghost ran too ; lie walked, and the gbo-t assumed' a measured tread and continued uncomfortably near; he slackened his pace and 'the dreaded being stalked past him, and remained before him or behind him until he reached home, frightened nearly to death. Jhe ii'liiwr-nei-sAn.ii.... i.,."..i.. accomplished his purpose, then-alter kept his own counsel and retired from the business, but the terrified people ot the town saw a spectre in every bush, and I he ghost was reported ii, hall a dozen places after he had finally disappeared from view. The new church was watched for many a night; the wood were searched bv bands ot men, vrno took care to keep together; one man was so nervous as to short himself while in search ot the ghost ; and deadly fear tor a time held the whole community .Spring He'd Jfr- pMi'ikll), KIcanor Kirk tells a beauttful little maiicm 01 me uite Col. Fisk, which she vouches for as true in every pnrtie nlar. j In passing out of his opera house last Winter, Col Flsk was ac costed by a very lieautinil young girl apparently about seventeen. She was plainly, but tastefully dressed, and ap peared very earnest in her desire to bo allowed a few minutes conversation Her story was quietly told: "I have failed in everything I have Undertaken, in earning my own living. My father is itttcrly helpless. I must take care ofhini. To do this I must have mon ey. I am beautiful-that I know as wen as you do." "Hell.'' volunteer ed the colonel, "and von wish to spec ulate upon these personal charms:-' 'I want, money, Mr. I'isk, for my fa ther," replied she. "Tell me," con tinued this strange man, "and tell me the truth tire you a good girl ?" "Yes, sir," sobbed the child. -And would yon rather continue one?" he asked again, -oh Mr. Kisk. of course I would!" she replied, bursting into tears. "Well, then." said In. thullv and with strong feeling, "for God's sake keep so. Jim Fisk Is a prettv rough hoy, but h mm hurt a hair of woman's heml get, and he never will ; and more than that, little girl, it shall never lie said of him, when lie has passed in bis cIiccks and stands liefore the judgement sent, that that he h.n ever so much as winked at the ruin of any girl. I will help your father, if. you will promise me that you will never try this dodge again with any body; ami I want voti to lie solemn about it as if you stood in the presence of yonr God." The promise was giv en, the father was taken care of until his death, and the girl was educated for a music teacher, and is now sue-, cessfttlly employed. A Porcine Traveler. a novel episode occurred to a passenger train on Hie Lake Shore and Michigan .Southern railway from Cleveland to Toledo. A short distance bcrond Xorwalk a large hog was wabbling about on the track, entirely umiiintL till of the approach of (lie train. As the emriuc struck him be slid mi th pilot, and landed safely upon the plat form just in front of the boiler. ii hen the next station was reached us porcine majesty was found stand ing upon the platform, apparently tin injured, and seeming lo enjoy the lux- oi.v.oi a --(tend ncai r 1 e. As t Gosditios or Bev. Peter Crt- WltlGHT, D. D.-A correspondent writing from Pleasant Plains, San gamon county, under date of tlie Sth instant, says : "This place is iottmate iv connected with the name of ihe Bev. Peter Oartwright, vhoe resi dence is only about three-fourths of a mile from ihe pleasant village, The venerable man is still living, but in a very feeble condition, and Ins death at any time would not surprise his friends. The family ot this aged pioneer of tho Methodist church are in receipt of let ters almost everv day from various portions of the country, the writers of which are anxious to learn of the state of tlie health of this good old man who now only recognizes bis friends at in tervals. No hope is entertained of his recovery, lie was born September 1st., 17815, in Amherst count v. Vlr. gtoia. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Come nnd See Vs. It is almost impossible for us to conceive the social range which Budd ha traversed when he stepped down from the nalaoesod became a mendi cant, ami the companion of mendi cants. If tlie religion in which he had been reared should in the end prove irue, ne nan commenced a crime so stupendous that he would beoome at his next transmigration only the vilest insect, ami forfeit tlie benefit olgood ac- iioiisncciiinuitiieinor minions 01 years. I. ...a. 1 1.,,.. L . spiritual 1 si red to the temporal and danger Incurred by him who nuiium 11 dm in nis pocket, be was allowed to remain in his position. When the train reached Toledo, forty miles distant, he was still them sti,.L- ing to his post, with all the ten.a, itr of uissamanca -on the burning deck." As the etigiite was to Tctttrn to Cleveland with the afternoon train the plucky passenger was not disturbed, and he seemed determined to ride as long as he was permitted lo do so. Another conductor brought him back to where he belonged, when lie was KiKeu on unharmed, having ridden ninety-five miles over the Sttnt r a locomotive, at the rate of thirty miles an hour. He departed with a grunt of satisfaction. What the sav.-CoI. r. spent the winter in Louisville, Ken tucky. A friend of his went to visit him. ".Some Sunday," says the Col onel, "I want you to listen to our church Mis here. There's lour of them. Each sounds out its own do- nom uunioiiai call. There's the Epis copal; Hint's a heavy, deep-toned so norous bell. Now see if time dou"t ring out -Pastollc succession ! Pos tolie succession f 'PostoilcsnwessiOB ! Then the o.M Presbyterian Hat's would hardly have been tlie fide H.i S.108t deep sounding, and says: to dump him off miles from home ITi 1 mVM,"0U 1 YM nml damna- A bright litte girl at Milton, Wis consin, having been desired to write a IJeath by public execution was Hon," presented the T following to he nothing, shame notli Ing, torture noth- teaelr' "Bad chiklreii Tfti on in church when they ought to be iion: eternal ihiinnatloii I Tim fist i quicker a short snappy hell and that says rapidly Clonic up and be dipped! Come 1111 and lie iH.,,.l' Come up and be dip)ied! Cut tho Mcthodistthat.s a crowner-it talks Pjitr-Rnnm for ail 1 Ktwm for all ! Boom lor all!" Afcwlays since one of our popir tar attorneys calieil upon another "ember of the profession, and askwt W. 1 he hiwyer to whom the oucs, U ll n i ui ''"'""y P IWW for Hi ug w hat 1 know." Tlie Question. Irani his pocket, handed it to the oth, irt "ml 'H me all1 ..WW. S11U. ;iw me the change." il'crc is coifing ujt,, thc pahnin Mock Turtle connubial affection before roianany-Hwowtiiow, m