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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1872)
.urn pMN'Tixn. THE ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND PAST FOWEK AD IIAXD P li E S S K 8, Latest .iikI ino-t Desirable style or Printing Material, I s undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO CO FOB Wlaai you vvlsh Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why particularize, when it is gen erally adUiowledged that we are our it When It comes under the lied of To convince yonrself of the ti-utli of Uic above statements, you have ' ooly (o call (or semi a liand ac companied by three stamps to pay return postage) when we will astonish yon with . ttettpactry of the Reg ister office for doing Colokbd or Plain work, ami the re markable ele gance exhib ited by the Boss in Oorrallng the stamps for the same uen finished. When you liave blz" In our line, call. A hint to the sufficient is wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to t hat effect. YSTERS, SARDINES. RED lIKHIUNti, FriiMig, DRUGS, RtC. GEO. P. SETTLEMIEK, DRUGGIST, accessor to D, W, Wnkcilcid), IMrrlsUN UniIiIiiiK,Flrt Street, j ALBANY, OBLCON'. dealer tit DRUGS AND M El k '1 X F.S. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, ETC. All articles wnrrniitcl imrc, nnd of the IhhI itnnlity. I'livsklnns preserlTitloiis carefully com oouHded. Alliony, (X'l. 17, lsixitf STOVES, ETC. 91. M. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. II. M'i'AKI. AND ft CO.J Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force ami SA(i Pump, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow "Waxo, . iniisr. ivn.MMii.xu hakuwaici: I Tin, Copper nnd Sheet Iron Ware. fiARUEST KNfK IX THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40v! FIU1T TKEES. Fruit Trees, iirapc VIiick, Ac. npiIB I'MlKltSlUXKD INVITES THE 1 attention of the p ibHe lo hts large and complete stock of AIM'J.K. I'K r I'lXM. I'HERKV and other TRKKs. Also, (iRAI'K VI Efl-hott in the State: Ornatnentiil Tivos, shrulis, I'lants, Cur rants, (iisiselH'rrif s, Slrawlierrles, Hoses, rnhllusund lltill which will Ik' sold lis low us llrst-vlass utock enn he utforded. Nov.iMlvl J. A. MILLARD. HARDWARE, W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In NIICIJF AXD HEAVY HARD WAR. E , Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, ni'lIiDEBST IIAKMWAUE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK nnd ELU Hl'BN, IIK KOHY & OAK KPOKEN, HI4HOKY AXtH, Hardwood Lumber, cut Una, Hfcafto, Nn, Ac., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which am now offered to the puis lie at low rates. As we make the business a specially, we can nnd will keep a hotter assortment, ut lower prices, than any house lu this city. W. II. RUIN t CO., Montellli flre-proof hrlek. First street. Albany, June U, 1872-41 v4 Wlllawelte Transportation Ckmpany X IjROM AND AFTER DATE, UNTIL ' furtlier notlw, the Company will dls iwtoh a boat front Albany to Corvallkion TiifsMtaj and Friday f EMh Week. Aim, will dispatch a heat from Albany for Portland and Intermediate places on same days, leaving Conmtock ft Co.'s wharf. Far at Redae4 Rate a. J. . BILES, Doe. M, 1871-14 Aent. i turns. ETC. Murder in Albuny ASN i:VKIJ VKTIIKKX KNOWN, AM) no ihrcnicii'.ii of it til present. Dcaih II Is a thing with It sometime mtisf in full evcrynon utid daughter of the human rnm Hyi and yet, At the ".Bid-day, of your life, it d butane lays his vlio ttaiwli i iiimn you, lliere is si III "n liitlm m (.ileal, j ly w hich you may he restored to lierfcct . Ilea 11 h, ami prolong your duygtOU UlirocU- , lous extent. How ? By calling on . C. HIM, & SOS, Willi n prescription, where you can have , it niurnonndod hv one experienced in tliat part Iwliir line. Am, constantly on hand a K'Hi'l ii.siriiiii'iit of fn'sli . ilrngs, patoii! ; tne licincs, ( in inii als, piints. oils," dye-' stmts, trusses, etc. Agents for the Cilebrnti'd I'uk Weed Itcuictly, or, oivou Rheumatic Cure; Dr. I). Jayno ! Sou ." ini' lirinos. etc. Science's I'usiiive anil Xcimtive INrtvdcrs j kept hi stock. Also ngenu tor the Home Shuttle RcWlag Machine, i One of the most useful pieces, of household lurililuivi I'.vlulit. I oil ami ovniiilni. n.c. hill & son. Albany, Jtwe to, jmovs KOUNDBY. ALBAXY FOUXDHY And Machine H h o j , A. F.CilliBBi: Proprietor, ALBANY, 0BE00X, Maiinfa((ur?H Steam Engini, ; Flour ami Saw iiil M(K'Jlil. crj', WOOD WOBKINO And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of WOX A'1 BKASS ASTIMiK. PartU'tilnr attention vaid loreptvjrinn nil kinds of iiiiiehiiicrv. ll;i MISCELLANEOUS. . WKSTLAKB. ('. 71. MMCSUN WESTLAKE & SIMPSON, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ! ALBANY, OREGON, Have constantly on hand n large and vari ed assortment of Agricultural Machinery, which they offer on tbe most reasonable terms. Also, on band tbe celebrated MitcM Wagon, Light ami heavy, Advance made on Uraln, Wool, and other approved merchandise consign ed for sale hero, or for shipment to Port land or San Knmeisco. GRAIN and WOOL Taken in store, or purchased at the high est market price. WOOL S WOOL ! WOOL ft 00,000 pounds of Wool ! For which we will mnko litimnl advances, and pay I be highest market price In cash. WESTLAKE SIMPSON. Albany, March M M SAN FRANCISCO- AGRICULTI In the Field Again. TREAD WELL & CO. with the old itandur I HARVESTING MACHINES w pnptilur with nil t'u!ltoniiii farmers, with nil tin i liiii.roviimi.tH i.ihI many iiow ont-s for ifu- harvest of "2. The WoodN Irixo Mower nnil Wood's Improvt'd Sell Itnbe Kenpers. These tnaehines arc indisptilatily TIIK HKV1' l MIL WORLII. Asu Imrvesler. the Wood s Improveil Prize Mower is confessedly witnoiii an equal yel iM'I'ore the country. These luti chluas liave btnn impnived unee ilrst In troduced, until they lire now almost en tirely n neit iiiHi'-hlne, They arc made liy Walter A. Wood .the largest tnatttt fucturw of FaiiitlnK Uacbtpery in the w.irld1- a nuin who keeps 'up tith the times,"dlld who now builds and sells over t'-f.V-live IS. ons , ut of the World's l'r7r Mowers iiiinuiillv. It led the world at I he Paris Exposition, and has found no : peer since. The Wood's Improved Prize Mower is j esis'cially adopted 10 Oregon. It has a folding' or jointed linr with linnd lev i ,-r, tuo WtieftlH, sprlm.' seitt.and isinade I almost entirely of mnllenlile iron, bard wood and Htecl. It Islieiivy. Ktronuaml durable, mid though coinpaet atidpowcr i fill, is of lighterdrafl than the other niti I ehines of eiiinil weight. II is every vixy ,ust the Mower for Oregon, as every : Yui'incrwillsavwhohusonc. And llspriee 1 (jisiil Is from 11 to .'.i leisthan Isaskedfor nn interior machine. Farmers, will you ! pay that did'erence? luveHtiKlite Iteiore ! yoil huv, and see tf you are gettinft any i t hing for t hat jun-fil- lor fi in pro lit, I as no Miiivereosti. Biore to build than ilis's i Wood's. Send fora pamphlet laifoiM buy, ; u'i.. "HUJ' II1C Ht'sl." Iluy the W noil's Iiniiroved I'rixe. Mower I We olfer also! lie GENUINE HAINE'S HEADERS, from 10 to I! feet cut, improved by Walter A. Wood, having not only a the' udviuif iitfesoftheoid Illinois machine, but Wooit'a tmprovementa, and also noniie'ii AdliiNt able Reel. f:-ir Xo other Header has these improve inents.atid no other imriies --ell them. They are made cspeciiillv for lids coast, by Wood, ut Hoosick Fall, S'. Y. Thr Kirby Sclfitnkc Reaper and Mower, Tliosc machines nre too well known to need deserlnt Ion. Also the "Kill HV I 'I.IP PKB MHWEH" price 7."i the cheaxtt)t and for many purposes the best In the market, "The Hendley" Is the perfection of the Portable Engine. As u Threshing Engine they have long led all others, until now scarcely uny oilier is to lie found. Taken with the Russell's Thresher, ilMriEOVEDj t bey make the most complete set of t liresh ing machinery in the world. "The Ifus seli," as improved, cannot he eiualled in the country. We arc sole agents for the sole of these celebrated thtvshcrsjind have had them buUt expressly for this const. Ask any farmer who bus n ltnssctl Thresh er, wiiiu lie I imiks ot li. ; , Mrt'oruilrk's Kr.iorr. Jone s Plow Wacom, Homier Trucks, Mussel 1 mm Planet Horse Powrrti, Hay Frosaei, Forka, Nrytboa, Hnathea, Cnltlvatora, e., Ac, Ac. Stndebakcr Farm Wagon, Ithaca Hone Rake, A new lot of several car kinds, just receiv ed; with alsoevery description of Farming Implements anifa fresh stock of HARDWARE, KOPB, Nan, WINING GOODS, nUBSNl aad FARMER'S MACHXNBRT & FINDIMOS. GaTPIeaac send for circulars and prices. TREADWELL CO., Head ofFront St. t Fraaolaro. C. R. CoBMtock as Co., Agenta, ALBANY, OBBUON. April IMSmt II. 8. RAIL! TrhWeeklr gtace Line ! rlK VNDEHSKiJiED is now running a tri-wM'klv stage from Lelimion to Al bany, carrying the V. & Mails, leaving ilMnon every Monday, Wcdncsdny and Friday mornings, and retunilng, leave Albany at i o'clock 1'. M. of said days. Passengers called form any jmrt of the city. All orders should tm left at the St. i lmrk's Hotel, Albany, for inswngers or freight for Lebanon. Packages and light freight punctually aouvereaat low mm. ah ousimw en trusted to me wlU be promptly at tended to. W. B. 1IONACA. Lebanon, Feb. M, 7i-i4vt TLANK PEKIW, MORVGAtiKS, ETC., I on hand latent styles -and for sale low, ut this offlce. ALL SIZES JfvN run ' vi 6iT Suliscriliers timlins an X nfter their names a re Informed that theirsnliscript ion expire with Unit numlier.undthey are in vited to lviiew it. Terms -Mperannuui, iDadvanee; slxmonths,; thiw months, '(&fT Uml tenders received at mr from suliscrils'rs in tlie fctstern Htates. Officers Elect. F'ollowlug are the aatnea of the wiocessnil l'titriarehs w ho were elected to run Orgeaim En campuictlt, N'o. ", I. (. 0. V., on Fri day evening last, for the entitling term: J. W. Williams, Chief P.; J. V. Back eirttOW, High 1'.; Fred. (inf. S. W.; V. s. Newberry, S.; K. Baltnwrab, T.i M. C. Oeorgp, J. W. Tlte new ofBcera will be installed on the even ing of July 12th, 12, by Boss Btln soo, offialcin. Still Coming. We are Infonncd that a number of fast horses have been entered, within the past few days, at the Fairgrounds, for the races on the. 5th nnd Oth, nnd that more are expect ed. A the day approaches the inter est increases, and the indications now nre lluil a very full turn out will be hud on those day, and tlmt the fun will be last and turiou. Pise CinthiaES. We arc njpiin laid under obligations to Mr. .lames, Pinhysoii, for several gallons of large, luscious clierrles. Mr. Piniaygon has tbe reputation of raking the largest and finest flavored cherries in the county, and we know him to be one of the largest hearted and inot liberal men in Oregon. He never fails to re member the printer. May bis shadow never grow lea?. Business Men. See new card of Messrs Kirk. Hume A Co., Browns ville. These gentlemen have added to (heir tine stock of general merchan dise, and now have a house full of the latest and most genteel styles in dry goods, boots, shoes,- bats, caps, ftney goods, as well as fresh groceries, bard ware, notions etc. Always up to the times, fair nnd honorable dealers, it is no wonder they are constantly widen ing and extending their circle of cus tomers. Visit their store wlien you wish to purchase. Tight Mokkt Market. The gen eral complaint is that money has not been so scarce and hard to obtain for years. In our case "tight" doesn't j politeness of Rev. W. A. Finley, w begin to express it ; but then we nre nre in receipt of the catalogue of Cor In hopes this "stringency" will lie fol- ( vallis College for 1S71-72, which show lowed soon by a "looseness" that will ! tbe Institution to be in a highly pros- enable all to feel of a piece now and then. NEW. At Geo. Turrell's the com munity will Hud an excellent assort ment of goods, the latest styles lu clothing, rich dress goods nnd trim mings tor the ladies, a line assortment of hardware, fresh groceries, etc., which he will exchange for produce or cash nt low rates. Corner First and Broadalbln streets. Cask's Political Chart fob 1872. This is a large, neatly printed map, in colors, giving tlie vote in cadi Stntc, for President nnd Vice Presi dent, lor the Inst fifty years; nlso, showing the. vote of each State for Governor and other State officers; the political classification of State Legis latures; the names of the present Governor and capital of each State and Territory ; number of population as shown by census of 1S70; salaries of Governors, nnd when their terms expire; times of State elections, and when each Legislature convenes; pop ulation of the United Stntes from 1790 tolK70; leading agricultural produc tions of each State and Territory; pop ulation ol every principal city in each State and Territory, together with other valuable information. It is a man that everybody wants, cmbody- lug a vast amount of Information both Interesting and useful. The map is for sale oy Mr. r.. . rurnom, in tne Post Office, at the low price of 1 30. Secure one and be happy. Olobiols Raw. The long looked for rain commenced fidllng on Thurs day night of last week, and continued, with Intervals, through Friday ami Saturday. Tlie ralnfiill is of Immense value to the people of the Willamette valley, and the fear of a failure in the wlieat crop Is a thing of tlie past. 1 - GOKE to the Bay. Our junior ed itor, accompanied by his family, start ed for Taqulna Bay, the first of the week, to enjoy for a brief span the in vigorating zephyrs that come laden w ith health across old ocean's bosom. We wish them all the pleasures such a trip can give. Albany, Junk 28, 1872.-Tuken from my residence, a picture likeness of myself. Was In a black gutta per clia case, seven by five Inches, with representation of cannon on both skies. The ease cost. $4. Any per son leavine it at the Rlgisteb office. with Information as to wlio took It, will be well paid for their trouble. 2w. FKKELING CHOATTS. Ball. A ball will be given at Par rish Hall on Thursday evening, .luly ; 4th, where those Inclined can spend a , merry evening. Tickets, 2 00. wkatiiku RucoKD-For the month ot June Inst, kept by J. R. Smith : Mae Morn. fCn. Kit. Tmp. Wthr. 1f& 1 U 70 70 88 clear n S M tit M fli c ri S 60 m IB 71 e li 4 117 71 70 87 c ri 5 84 7i 70 m c ti 8 Sb 70 88 64 n 7 62 till 71 64 c it 8 M 79 80 71 C It 9 68 83 80 71 c n 10 0) 80 78 71 e n 11 50 Hi 70 67 c n 11 38 80 78 72 c n 1.1 50 82 76 72 c n II M 68 80 80 el south) li .14 70 68 64 el n H M 70 84 62 el 17 .12 88 61 60 el II 18 54 61 84 80 el sw III .14 72 70 81 c n 20 80 7:1 72 61 c n 21 88 88 7,1 72 C n 22 5.1 81 72 70 c It H .13 71 74 66 c n 24 53 71 6.S 04 el H .10 76 64 611 el s 2it 27 06 F3 62 a h 27 54 72 63 63 el aw 28 53 BO 5.S 57 r n 211 54 58 59 67 r 3J .13 80 .19 57 el li Mean temperature for the month, 81 d irrces. Hixhest teiuts'niture nn the 3d and tfth, 78; lowest on the 28,291 hand 3utli, 57. Iliifbeiitteinix'nitiuv dnrhiK the mnntli, on IheSdund Jlit. 88; lowest onthelltli nd 19th, so. (Tear dnvs 18. cloudy 9, showery I, iiiln 2. Wind north 21 days, sotitlii, southwest 4. One Beau. Mr. ('lenient returned from the mountains, a day or two since, with n barrel of trout. He re ports that Jerry Winter killed a big brown bear, weighing some six hnt dred iiotinds, a day or two before he left the party. Clem, returns to the hunting grounds next week. LlTRBAHY ExElinsi:.s0f Albany Collegiate Institute transpired on Fri day evening last. The house whs crowded, and the performance throughout gave marked satisfaction. The Recitation by Miss Llbble Hal brook was especially well done, as Warf the Oration by .1. Torrence Tate. Shot. On Saturday alternoon two men "fell out about quarreling," in Front of Cannon's livery stable. Dur ing the "jaw." a pistol accidentally exploded in the breeches pocket of one of the men, producing quite a scare among those assembled then and lliere. Xo serious damage was done. The light didn't come off. Ciihistian t'oi.i.Eia: Located at Monmouth, Oregon, under the care of President L. F. Campbell. Is one of the largest attended institutions of learning in the State, and seems to im gaining rapidly in popularity and use fulness. Cokvallis College. Through the porous condition Tin-: Place. Blaiu, Young & Co. have received lots ot new goods this week. Dolly Vardens, and all other new styles, and more coming In time for the Fourth. Consult your own In terest and go and see them. BmciiT and Haul v. All those go ing on the excursion Thursday, should be nt the depot bright and early, on the morning of that dny, as the train will have quick dispatch. Blacrbkukiks Are as plentiful up could be desired, and within sight, al most, of First street. Parties cross the river daily to reach tbe huge patch es to lie found in sight of the landing, in Benton count v. BrsiXESs Still lags. Wheat all sold, wool crop ditto. Principal busine-si now Is swapping knives, nnd getting up new "sells." Weathkb. As we go to press tbe sky overhead Is bright, the air Imliny no dust and everything is lovely, etc. Kntlbpbisk. .Steamboats still vMr our wharf, although the river is wry low. Festival. On Tuesday eveninir j tlie Literary I'nlon of Albany Col lege, gave a 6trawbcry festival. If was extensively patronized. Bobn. At Peoiia, July 1st, tlie wife of R. S. Slianklin gave birth to trip letsall girls. How's that for high I EARLY. We Issue on Wednesday this week, to enable all hands to filly enjoy the glorious Fourth. - - On Friday. Regular traiusto Oak land on the fifth Friday. Vacation. Public selwol adjourn ed until September. Financial.--(iuld In New York, 1134. Legal tenders 8$89c. The San Francisco steamei Is ex pectod at Portland on Sunday night, MAKKKr8.-Nothliig special to re port. Product:. Butter Is quoted at ISc per pound ; eggs, 82c per dozen. HARKIKU. i In this cltv, June 30th, 1872, at tlie residence of tlie bride's brother bv Rev. C. W. Sliaw, Rev. J. W. Vaii Cleveand Miss Belle Gird-all of Al- hany, Oregon. They have our blessing. Bargains. For banralns In irii. Ing material, call at this office lurnn dtataly. ;