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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1872)
LOCAL MATTERS. HitlHratlon Wwliiis t ror;lnSI on Snlnnlit'. it following rendu- US by U'le ejnph from Portland: POlrTLASUi June t. Tlic Kopuhli c ms of IhlsooOhty will bare a grand tonsil Hgtit protsesskw aiA meeting In ihi city, on sktimhvy eTeiiifflj mxt. to rejok'e over tlie glorious i.tory We imve in-t achieved in the. State to ratify the nominations of -the National lieniiblicui Convention. A cordial invitation is extended to the BeptibA .aiis of your comity and tln.nighout i be State, to participate. T'lease ex tent the invitation. Arrangements liave been made with tlie Oregon A t alifornia It. IL, Oregon & Central U. H., and V, T. (d.l to carry pa-H-iim-r at half rate. ,t. s. Mccormick, J. X. 1)01. I'll. 0. X. DKXXV. r.KroKTij'. A the poll-books w ill not lie opened until to-day Friday) and the vote of tlii; county eai'$ed, w e are only able to gke Teporied nin joiitie. Burnett is claimed to li;iv. carried Linn county by fioni i'i) to 2 ; Shaw leads Humphrey 1 0 1 ptcs; the Deiiiocratie i.e'i-lalive tiekot i claimed by -JlMt majority; tho balance ot the ueraocmtic tieitet npiwt) elected by uwjorities raugkig from 140 to SSL The olliciai vole, which He will publlh next week, may make a different showing u to the wajorrtle, but that we are beat, and batllj'heat, there i- no denying. We oiily hoie that the newly elected officers will so conduct the cotnitybuslneM asloeattse the people no rearet for their seknilon. Qciet. The election in this munic ipality, on Monday last, passed off v. ry quietly hardly a riliie disturbed the severe quiet of the day. Tho nearest approach to a breeze was w hen Ml anti-Tandy Iietuocrttt told a pro-Tandy Democrat that he was a -linking liar; but as the latter gentle man seemed to acknowledge the com by immediately shutting bis rattle Imx and going home, we arc really unable to record any of tlie usual oc currences on 'lection day. Vat ai-e mc eoniiu' to! Xkw fitltc We are Indebted to ,f. 1.. Peters, 599 Broadway. New Vwk for the follow ing new pieces of music: IiarHng, weep no more: Only for yon: Dflnt forget to write to me. darling; ruder the walnut live ; We won't have the farm; Stars of 'lie Summer night; Sensation waltz: Freddie's galop; Awakening of tlie bird; Drops of dew. Mr. Peters iwll send all of the above music to any j address, on receipt of 30.1s in the dune number of r?'t:' Mustml M nth-, Tiiosk L.x us. Amoiig the tlrst acts of the next Legislature, will be I bo repeal of the obnoxiotu Litigant 1 law and Swamp Land swindle. The l.ock an.1 Dam Swindle Company w ill lie compelled to fini-li up their job a closcly and in as complete a manner us the contract grran out by ft Demo cratic Legislature will allow. It is to the interest of the State that this im provement shall bo completed, and in a substantial manner, and lis: Repub lican Legislature elect will see to it that they are so completed. Wooi' UotiSBUOUi M.viiAZiNi: Fur June, still keep, up its reputation ; i-1 ne cneaiiesouoiiai-jjei u. m , world. Its popularity is extending and widening every day. 'J'lie pulj- hers offer great mdiicenieiits to per- I w ho will get u:i clubs. ue of i - . . .. the prizes offered is a Xo. 1 organ, price $125, for one hundred and twenty-live subscribers. Here is a chance tor a Sunday School or church lo get a fine organ for nothing. To those wishing to raise cJobs for the magazine, the May and June numbers will be hnruistted free. Address S. S. , IVood & Co., Xewburg, X. Y. fl t v lEsrtmt-H IV iiyiv I no- oiipi-- ' get'e and accommodating citizen, Mr. A. X. Arnold, has shown a conimend n'llfc taste and enterprise by having a new Express Wagon fixed up in the most approved style. The baly is jointed black with lettering in gold on tlie sides, while tlie remainder of the vehicle is red, striped with black. Bully for Arnold. C0AKOK ok FiiiM. 'lite style of the Second Assistant, A. X. Arnold ; Sce lste firm ot W. H. McFarland Co ! retarj', A. F. Wheeler: Treasurer, d filers in stoves, tinware, force and j Henry Myers. 1 ft pumps, etc., corner Washington and Frst streets, Alljany, has been j ACCIDENT. A little son of Mr. changed to M. M. narvey 4 Co., Hart, agent lor O. & C. R. R. at this a d ii3w additions made to the 1 ulace, fell and ran the line of a fork stock. Call and sec tlie new stock. . ! ..r....A, We lwve receiyea this valuable 1 . -w V, i.i .i MitBII rui.WTAllV w ork for 1872, UtaAi from (be press of Ceo. P. Rowell ft Co., Advertising Agents, (ew Tok, It is especially valuable tabwe m". who should not fliU to ordef a copy. m i. PKaWAjV-pr. Ballsid, of Istbo HDK m lp cHy on Thorsday. itr from Wnllsbl.rif, W. T. ) ... ...... 11 .ui.-i.i .nil v to, lots. Vwtm ym mvK, h ,ve jn. learned that a IflBUf man bv fjh nam.. of MnrUn Fox (I billete Ms name is Marian), fetter live idohi ionrmiHS irom a-oiriMViiK' m yntrr comity, dfeuj fionnrie effects of a wound reivivcd from u shot -gnu load ed with buckshot. It appear; thai sniiK- ten or twelve il.iys sine be. witb -nme companion, were iv on the i bead of tlie VsHt looking for water, and. lieeetii'lng tired, art down to ret Ion tlie brow of a precipitous blurt". ; The oung man was in to&BUige of a '. shot -gun. which had been laid dow n ! carelessly, w hen one of the boys rolled ' a totie off the bluff or iriwnntaln, whlcli, coining hi .ontait with the h.ininicr of the gnu explinled it. tN whole charge entering the leg of young Fox. .shattering and hwecuting I it in a terrible manner. It seemsthat. I owing to some mi-mndei staiidhig. the I b-g wa not ampiitsteil till four or five .lays ntier (lie aci-iOeut, wljcn It b;al become so moitilied that he survived the oneratlo:) only pome four or live I day-. The.-e an- the facts as near n 1 j can learn theni, as (he xechiont ovtur- red some clghtct'U milej from this I place, yoUM 'I'ruly. Wm'. X. SMI WI. Wi ATinai RiKxnin May lusl,kuit by J-li For the . Smith : month of May Mom. Vn. Ml. Tne. Wllir. Will 1 M R) 7.1 CI clear n M sn 111 7 c n 3 m S N .VI el li 4 II 5-s 4 4? n .1 III ra M Si el llfrst. - 41 M :V 55 c II 7 4.1 .15 .54 5a s li g 57 Ci II C2 .' n I II H N S3 ci itr 1.1 50 tt 5g 57 e ii 11 4S 5S M c II 1-2 41 72 hi 5S c 11 IS 4(1 5S Bl" 51 s un it M 5 H 55 lnv 13 4il fid I'J 50 ,1 n lii 50 Cll 71 IS c n 17 7 71 17 c ii IS il 7i IU 13 I- s W m l-J M :i e li in 44 71 IH im e " 21 47 7a 72 ltd r n ii 54 si 73 00 e i! ,VI CiS (il 55 B 21 54 Ut .' S s s 2i M j 5S s s 2i 47 f.s M 00 el n 2" 5i I'S OH ,-s c sw t II US III ,-,! ci lllVst i 51 7u 61 (3 ci n sn 5i iw 57 M r nir si 5i OH a :l c n Mean temperature for tho aiontb, ss ile- recs. In'lK'sr lemjieiatnre on ine .21. (Si ; lowest on the 4th, 47. Highest temper alius; mirtnjt the iuontli,on Ihfi tSd.ftl; lowest en the 5ili, in. Clear days l i. cloinly 0, shOM-cryi, mini. Wtn'l wulh 4 tttiyS, nortliwcal 9, -smihwcst ltnorth it. M vjoitinus.--The whole Rep iMi ean ticket ill this city. With the excep tion of II. M Brown, candidate for Sheriff, got away with good majorities, dipt. X. B. Humphrey, candidate tor Prosetsitlng attorney, led off w ith 120 majority, followed by Rev. S. O. Ir vine, candidate for County .lodge, with 00. Jo-, ft. Wilson counted up 40. For tlie Legislature, X. II. Cr.iuor led the Democratic ticket, baviiig 210 votes while the avenge was but 20 : M.C. Owirge, on the Republican tick et, bad 251 votes, while the average was 247. The vote show s a good work- ing Republican majority in tiii duct of thirty. pre- PAtsiTt Accident. Wm. Morgan, ngetl about 20 years, youngest son of Miller Morgan, who resides at Saddle Butte in this county, on Thursday morning, was thrown from a horse, and one of his legs broken between the knee and ankle, the lione protrud ing through tlie skin. The accident was caused bv the breaking of the bridle. We are unable to sav wbeth- er amputation will be necessary, as the physlelm lias not returned as we goto press. Rkad This. Mrs. Brldgefnrmcr ill. srioint itliolion fo llo- f:i-r. thnt , . . ,..., ,.,,. ,,,. ,i. .in: I - (iii.i,,ii- in i in-,- .mi in i -ii-i n ji 1 millinery goods, lists, bonnets, etc., and to do this, will sell her entire-stock of late style goals at cost. Here is a chance for bargains that our lady read ers will not fail to seize upon. Go at once, if vou wish the lir-t sav. Attention. The stockholders of the Albany & Santlam Canal and Ditch Coinpiny, are requested to meet at the Court House, on Saturday, June Stli, 1S72, at 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of effecting an org.miBi tion -electing officers, etc. By order of tlie Incorporators. Fikkukn'8 Flection. Following Is the list of officers elected at the regular, meeting (June 4th; of tlie Al bany Fire Company Xo. 1. for the ensuing year : Foreman. Joseph We1 lier; First Assistant, Win. Rielit. r; Into bb hip on Tuesday. In tlie at- i temnt to mill it out, tlie tine broke in ! tlJliln TV .Innes was called in. ' iF. -n. "",(, ,""7 " and succeeded In cutting It ont, and j the little rooster is all right at pros-. ent Seeks ade. We are under obliga tions to the friends who executed, such iwect music under our window Tues day morning. Many (tank for remem bering IM. New To-lAY.-Secisml of Mr. J. I I lt...,..i. .,!!., n,.., ....i.e. .1 , . Mm. either by note or I wok neco,,,,,. ocorae forward and make immediate Wmeihf. Notes ami arcoms wwmii Hie nanna or Messrs. i!eaiii, ; """nil !v in.. m,, . ! wboni iwymeiiN shou'.l be m:ul. stiiamii:i!i;ii. For a basket of huge lame stmwlierries. the tir-t oftlie sea -on. we are Itidebtetl to Mr. John Miilanl. They were luscious, smotb er.1 in cream, and we bow onr ac knowli dginents to Mr. Millard for bis Mndlv reineiiibrauce of iw. Cl.AlMi V.-Onrt.Vmiity Clerk. A. '. Innes, R.q., bands the tollowhig lignres as the claimed Uanneratle majoritle? in this county: Ilurnett, J-"7; SIihtv, 1S4 ; Legislative ticket, 224.,ior. Wie Rev. D. s. Oaks will preaeli at the Baptist church on Sunday next, morning and evening. A general invitation i extended. lb v. .Mr, Babeock, Prnteitiuit E)l copal Church, will preach at the Court House on Sunday, .tune Mtii, at I o'clock P. if. All are invited. Cn;.Ui .- Mr. J, 'A. Ci'ou-e, know- ing our made u wenknesj for a elgar, a present, the other day, of a box of as good cigars as we ever flop ped a lip over. Of course we shall reinemlier him kindly, you bet. Ir H. -The friends of Mr. ('hrlsto ipbcr Starr will la pained to learn of ! his death, which occurred at hi. resi : deuce lit or near Scio. on the 5th. lie i leaves n w ife and several mourn hi- early decease, child en ti , PnEcrXCT OniCEits. Following n lined gentlemen were elected in I Albany precinct, all Republicans : Ju ! ticcs of the Peace. Messrs. M. 1,. Car- others and Q. W, Vernon ; CoustaWes, jM.ST'. Ceo. Weller and ICIias Fan ning. Tme General Rem i t. 1 lore's how the eletSlon foots up from latest advices : Jackson county elects two Republi cans to the Legislature, certain, and in all probability the tbirtl ii Heeled. Douglas sends three members and one Senator, with the probabilities in favor of the election ot the Joint Sena tor. Lane sends three members and the Senator. Benton sends two members. Polk sends three members, With a good show for Senator. Marion sends her full quota of five members, Clackamas gets away with three 'members and the Senator. Yamhill puts up two members mid the Senator. Multnomah has no trouble whatever in electing four members and a Sena tor. Washington keeps up her reputation with (wo members and a Senator. Other portions of the State are re ported to foot up : Grant, two members; Wasco, one member and the Senator : Clsttop. one member and the Joint member for Tillamook and Clatsop, mid also the joint member for Coo- and Curry. Portlier returns are likely to in crease rather than diminish the Repub lican majority in the Legislature, and while we are absolutely aistirwl of ft good, healthy working majority in the House, we. confidently lielievo there w ill be a tvo-thMs majority. How 's that for high ! Tlie Senate 1 ours by at least one vote, and furtlicr returns may give us three majority. While we feel deeply humiliated over the fact that, through bad man agement, Linn county bits thrown her vote against us, we rejoice that better counsels and wiser beads prepared the way for victory in otler parts of the State. Vi e may tie compelled to burn powder, yet, over the result. Markets. Xo change prices. We .plot : Butter Per pound 20c. Kggs Per dozen 2(1 c25t Bacon Side, buying. 12,'c: sel-1 ling It.:. Shoulders, buying. Kjc; sel- ling Ijjtjj. Hams, buying, 18cj sel-' ling. 1 Be!" Chiekens From $2 50 to $i) T do i en. Wheat Millers paying 75c bush-, el. Unts Mill nuotwl at .We f tinsuei. ' Business tolerable fair. Weather I pleasant. L'rojis look splendid. Kx(!tTisiON. To-morrow a number 1 of onr voumr tnlks to IVterson's oiom joutig ioiks go to itoi-ous Butttt on a pleasure excursion. County Covbt In session Tliurs (tiy. ! MarioxCoi stv. We have not yet received the olliciai vote, but have enough to know that Wilson's majori- V will lie aliont 830. All tlie other ! wiiiliilates on the Kepublicm ticket. wJth tw ewjeptwi of'j. j, Mnrphf, who was riitiniitir for county clerk. were elected. Murphy was beaten by a considerable majority. In walking always turn your Utei outward, ami your thoughts inward. The former w ill prevent you from fall ing Into cellars, and tlie latter from fall ing Into Iniquity, t, ! ... . . ... ... . .'v. ii , i .iil.l-. I rMioiii.i Hi"; union Warmer i topfftaW i" " ' '"'LSJL the VorIw p ,, ,vv,i Iqrlmpov , " V J .. . , . . , r.l -1 I - 0:1 omoiiu- in- ,-no " out anv approval. The man who In ttwlueed it I an tm : tli"' men w ho voted for it are pcheiulnjj BrltMl agents, and lire iwh wlio sav Ibis Is not the case are liars and liorsc thieves. I judge th ll on the average, every maul woman and child in America uses a ton of gnann a year in )ine shape or other, wlietber as the tanner in New York. Louisiana. Col orndn. I'odtink, etc.. in agriculture or a Charles A, Dana, lor editorial arris eles. We tliu-eon-nine. In round tig' ures, 10,000.000 of loiw annally. The arbitrary and revolutionary Act which I veto to-day would thin Impose a lax of f4.OOO.QO0 a year on our people. With what effect'? It would not stim ulate the production of American gu ano. American bird-could not win pete with (lie pauper labor of birds in liiMs'ineli anil j)rleit-rtdilen Central America. I am not quite mire as tfl what I mean or w in it Is not so. or what i-i which, but the man who -peak oonlijiry i; a hell-hound and I ill od by Itml'h go!d. II. C. A lb" following iwem was rocentlv ioiiihi piuiiin ion tree oij wreeiey s fiirili, it i- slipjioscil to have been writ- ' tell by that gentleman. 1( certainly ' has tlu HoratViin jingle : An elephant s;ii in a swallow's nest, I irinkiug a cup of tea. And watching il delicate hell I bat sang From I lie top of a neighboring tree, j i The I!iisoii Ti'irilrr'ti poel has not I 1 niiisid In vain on the situation, and 1 adds to the general filial the following etlort : UH, WATTS ON THE CINCINNATI NOM INEE. How doth the I usy Horace G. i Improve each shining hour : j And look for office ev. ry day In everv party's bower. How sKililully he build- his sells, ; How neat he spreads the snip: Anil when pig iron will not avail Takes five trade as bis hope. The Oakland A'eiM tells this story, as illustrating the cheerful alacrity with which the Democracy take to Greeley i A party of miners Inhabit ing a cabin agreed that tlie worst grumbler in the crowd should do the cooking. A cross-grained old cuss had officiated it long time, but grow ing tired of his office, belaid out to disturb tlie general satisfaction which seemed to prevail among '.ne others, I and by provoking sonic complaint se cure a successor. So he mixed npn , butch of dough, half flour and half salt, baked It, and set the bread on the table. One rusty old fellow seined a biscuit, bit out a mouthful, and af ter pausing a little and making a hid eous iriinace, observed: "Well! if Ithslahrt thed dest. saltiest bread I '.vcr did -trike lad fP ; 1 nl llutuyh ."' : A leading Democrat hi Hie West is a little doubtful about going Greeley, and expresses himself thus : "I would ' -loop a great way to conquer; but to 1 -foop so tar ami get licked utter all, wouldn't be agreeable." Fi need to leave the Ti'ibiim' easy chair Giveley retires to his bucolic lair, Laying aside his wrath-dispensing I ' pen, To vent his curses on the festive hen, ' Who. after all he can do or say, I Declines to lay a dozen eggs a day ' To feed on faro checks the lambkin lean That it may thrive and "gambol on the green" To pluck bis geoe and leave them but a "feather" That they, consistently, may "Hock together" To graft the peach tree with Italian bet I That "peach and honey" may lo sought With ease ' To milk with patient band the gentle steer. ! And while lib. leisure cursing lager tiecr To feed bltnself on mo-t nutritious meat. j Obtaining thus a broader "country neat" In short, to give full rein to all bis fancies, Lest elsewhere he should ruin liberal j chances. Here Is a letter that some unprin cipled people say Mr. Greeley w rote : "I understand you sell large quanti ties nfhults and IllltS, and that the lat ter are of a superior quality. If you i w ill send me a bushel or two of your (jest nuts hi time for spring planting. I will by return mail tell you what I know about '"'s, which is a good Ideal. Truly. IT. GK" I One of the comjiositors in his office market m'"t ,0 Mr. Oreeley to ask his Influence for an appointment at Wash ington. Said Mr. Greeley:" ' in you j saw wood?" "Yes. sir." "Then stay i awav from Washington." Good eiiongh ndvlee. Derlians, but onr friend in the composing room now tenders to Mf. Oreeley the .'tdvi.te to "stay away tVom Wii-hingtnn." no matter whether he can raw wood or not. Still the trouble exists as to which is the proper color for Greeley bats, The great agriculturist is truly the philoamher of UM yin The Louisville CCHiHm Jmnwd , s,g- I nilieantly remarks : "The gray-jackel who is not tor Horace (.reelcv d serves a straight-jacket." I. m-iey contemplates a grand piili-, ., ' .. n I .... IW-IIgm II lll.p. Ill" IS yOlllj; IM, ' as a mmi-iu and next fall will come down nqimh. f ireeley hutter"is od'ered to the j public by a Kansas ( ilv exoeer. who takes that delicate way' of intimating that it is not strong. A careful review of tlie one hundred mil forty odd (ierman papers pub lished in the I'liited States, show that Iishe.1 in the I'liited States, only two weeklies ami four out of the lifty dailies have thus far given in their adhesion to tlie Cincinnati ticket. (Jiveley jives it as his deliberate opinion tllrT cube roots ought to lie watered frequently, lircelejr flpj wrote an article head ed "Michael .ngelo." but the plrnter set it np "Wicked Angels," whereupon Horace (b-d the optus 0r every typo hit;brto!ltow. -riiri'ttntlrt Author. i VU'irt ill Ilic Massnchn .. .. ., ... . in..... : 52 fcts eonflueineiit helms written of ' tl moeHqnMitaBd remHlek. mi ,KWk" , jIUi :,,i i foi o me extract. , i n. .-banter on the Resttrnwioil, .... i'ivcs liiii a pariiai ioe,i oi i,in,-oi beantiftil iK'H-skctches il contains ; The daw ning of the third day after Hu, i-i-iii-iiivi.m was looked for with Crtvnt an.1 huneliil solicitude by the apostles, lite lime iiraggcu siowiy nud heavily as iliey wutehnl for the lx-t projiheey of Christ i "After three days I shall rise again." Twice had the sun gnneilown on earth, ami all as vel was qnirl as (he sepulchre. Death held Its scepter over the son of Cod. Slid and silent the hours w ore on : the Kontitn guaitls slid stood by lin ir posts while the IIUHIII glfftmwl on their helmets and on their sp. ai -, The eiieuiies of Christ ekltiteiliu (heir succes; the hearts of biJ wlloWei's w ere -iiiil, in despondency itmt sorrow, ail unconscious ot the angclstif Heaven lioveri ig near lo hchoM lite approach ing event. At length the morning star, risini in the east announced ihc npi roach of liglit. Tlie third day be gan to dawn upon the woiid, when, mi a sudden Ihc csrlh trembled to its renter, the powers of Heaven were shaken, and an angel of God descend ed to tlie holy sepulclier. The guards shrank back in terror at his presence, and fell prostrate totlx; ground. "His countenance was like lightning, his raiment was white as .snow." He rolled away the stone from the door and sal upon it. But who is this 'hat conies from the tomb, from the bed of death he thai is so glorious in his ap pearance, walking in the greatness oi his strength i It is ihy Prince, oh, Zion ! Chris tian.' It Is your Lord who rises from the grave a conqueror, to meet the morning's resurrection. He returns from the world of spirits, brl'ighig salvation to the sons of men. Never did (he returning sun usher In n day so glorious. Lei it be proclaimed the jubilee of tlie universe ; let the earth and that is within It, nil nations and all people shout lor joy! Ye clouds w ith jarring thunders, ye inuring bil lows, lend your voices! Wake ye soaring throngs and feathered warb lers, whose glittering wings lire tip ped with gold : tune your voices to unite wiili the angelic hosts in a sub lime 11 'sauna to the Highest! Swell the inspiring theme, until Heaven's inch echoes back the sound Hosanun in tlie highest. iitHuaoi'N. If your nclghbo's hens an: trouble some, and steal across ihe way, don't let your angry pis-ions li e; fix a place for 'em lo lay." The only nnmsoment of the citizens of Oilhoiiii, Ga., is that ot tying tin ware to the tails of the village dogs. The dog; are so well trained that when ever one of them sees an DJSter can in tlie street lie backs up and waits tor some one to tie it oil. A testhnnplal to the skill of a chiro podist, publi-hed in an Kugltsb paper, testifies that "four or five years ngo lie suc.vssfnlly extracted several corns from my feet without iialu, n nlo , member of my family, which have not I returned since that time." A venerable country gentleman in I I'ittshut'g. said to a news hoy Ihe other I day. "Boy, I want to go to the Mos J nongtihela bouse.' "'ery well ' it 1 plied the boy, "you may go if you'll j promise not to lie gone long." An exchange says a "inn piito is a ! public singer, who draws well, but ! falls to give perfect satisfaction." Still ! be never fails to "make bis mark." Hr. Hall savs that lor a period of a month before marriage, and after ttcntli. men regard their wives as an gels. A disgusted yonlh in Nnslivllle ad vertlses Ids girl as ii liar, because ulie broke the engagement. It is a curious tact that while the imu are permitted to go lii the way tbey are '''. tlieWfes are expected to eo in Ihe way tliev an1 tiilih A celebrated clergyman once said that be had found more bail in good people, and more good in bad iieojjlc than lie ever expected. "I yielded to bis earnest pcrsmt sinus," as tin' young widow said, alter angling two years to catch an old bachelor." "Why, my friend," said Roger, "I brought tlie suir to oblige you." "To nbllirc me. Indeed! BOW SO?" Why, toooiige you to pay. A female .In st ice oftlie Peace of Wy-1 nming has kept herself In pin money tor some time past y lining ner mis- liaud, in ever he committed a domestic con tempt of court . "Somebody wrote to II. O., says the Lowell t'nii'riiu; inquiring tlie liest method ot preserving farm tools. The philosopher advised tlie last loaf sugar, pound tor pound, and boll one hour." "H. O's recipe for preserving ieaeli es. Cut in strips not hi, than fifteen inches long; spread them out on tlie grass t bleach for three days, and linallv sprinkle with cinnamon, and i. !.. 1 ujLi i. All.ul ..ittl. mm-. tacK ill ;ui-llglll jars ntiv.i ,, .t.. ' dust." The ivopie of a vllln in Kansas, II 1 . . I. t.'.ll . 111 I hi. 1 I Ml' eaueu ..rassiiopjj.:r r...... .."i .,, , ul,m.j,, ., bnrb sounding. 1" II..I1.X ..J - .3 had it ehauged to hautrelle. IBB dwellew tlierefjout, unaccustomed to such outlandish apiH-llalions, eori-u)ie. tlie new name into '-Snow tail, and Hie village Is known only by that title. The humiliated villagers have just appealed to the Legislature to change the name or tliclr village back to Grasshopper Falls. . - i-i hi ' Our celestial chart Indicates that tlie comet which is to strike the earth at 5 o'clock August 12th, P. M., will col lide with our planet 9 degrees and 7 minutes west rf Mexico, and do no farther damage tlian to sink that em pire under tlie sea, with the" nortlienr end of South America, thus opening a channel for coramcroe. Jp HARRIED. In Uiia city, by liev. Gi Wi BhawV ' at u l L 'I.. i. i l i I KhT Hta ft? K. BroolJ of Llun coUnty. '"'"I'Him-ntii received. HottOWAVsOmMKNT.-Sorc miimi, uceis, &c., van u vnr wounds. ihewui.mal tivatiueiit a., iudieatnl by - wiwmw " inn,-... million, nootb the neighliorbig nerve-, cool the heal, d blwal, ami render the walery inchoroUs .li-chaii;e cousistci.i !n' healthy, liappilv, llolloway s Ointment accomplishes those ends Willi unfailing certainty. 23 cents per box or pot, WILLIAM DAVIOSOV IIEAI. ESTATE HEALER, SJ. 61 1'roul Mrivt, lorUiuid, Ur KRAI, ESTATE in IhlsCITYnml EAST' POItTI.AXII, tnilm iiio-i (leslmli!.. I.nn!. lies, isiiislsiiim of I.IJTH,HAl.E Ill.OI'lis, nil 1 BUX'KK, hoi hs mi I sloi:i: iilso, 1MI'HIIVEI KAIiMS cilltlviiti'il EAXIiS, lo. ai Hie STATE tor SALE, anil viiTnaWe tni- I in ALE piutsol REAL ESTATE, und oilier propcrlj . pprehttsed foreOrttisjiontltints, in iio-1 liml thrniiuhout ihe state mid TEttlll TORIES, wilh Ki'enl .nil' ninl on ihe iuut All! ANTAIIEiifS TERMS. ItOCSES anil STORES lon-i-l, t(A NE.niTIATEI'.ioi.K 'I.AIMSor Al.t HE -I'lIll'TlnNs PRdMPT'LV ( "!.!.' I 'TEli; mil n uqfianil El NAN l.VLluul EN('l lUSIXESistf-imsiictwl, ai;ents of tills urni e, m n ihr . r TIKSnn.I TOWN in Hie STATE, ill I'e O'lve lUwrlplions of i; l pftuPKH"n mi l forwurU Ihe Minve lu I'Ae nhovc lid dii'ss. SPECIALTIES t Dri'K- Trlnuuiiiast. An extensive va fiety of silk, satin, cotton fltul woolen Uitsti'fi)iiittags, nil. nys in store. Illations. I II! haud. ut low tUitti, -t styles constantly on MiNcellmu'ous. Lluhiffs mid findings of nil jri-.nles ninl qualities, 11 full iissoil in.'iit, JACONETS. MiSl.INS. ESI BROIDERIES. i'lAI'EI! LINEN. Kill AMI ALL OTH Ell VAUIETIES or HJ.OVES, IlutfE, Ell'., AT PHIWE WT. MRS. II. U. OODLKY. Alhnny, JIav2t, l-TJ. DK. V.VV DES IIEBtill'M InfaHtble 1'orm S'KMp. Its vnluefit'lt'uinvbiK masses oferntlitie from tlie sotnp,e!i a-el bowels of ehiiitisni. even where noaun do no: exist, (uniiol ! lOO lliilllTllji' l. Eevernnd A,'iie. ll-i-sor,-Is-'o-ninu- lie- billlntel In thepreseu stomach or ijowels, ar. tin- I:. 1110 to III 1111 I f.W knot, ii live fail a pronuclei com'se ci The Worutremeillt. rmvo lit cure when all other tx-nie Hi esM-.-Eally in chiKIivn. Eoi-snlclq- A. CSrof tiers ,v Co.. hoi and rptnll ilrnjufsis, Alliaiiy, . One irSlitt ierl)'t.-. . Prks v ItlS'll .1. WIIEIXEII, MSi;!, ORECiiOX, Forwarding: & Cammissioii Merchant. .'itt forlIiesn!eofllieeelt;t)rafe;l I: l WACOM, and nil kinds of .VGHIITI.TI II- ai. .maciiim:i;v. ConsltfniiHmtii soli.-in-.l. TilU'N I.i ITS. in tin-town of Sliedd, for side. (Sew Ti-Ia . ATTENTION. rpn E CStlKItHIIINKf) IIKKEIIV l.'E 1 on I lies: n a. I lM-isiri- u ini uil' i l,i'iii-i I .- Illileoteit l. OMR, elllMJl' by note or boot, account, fbiiitiike iiniaettiilo pnvtncrrl l. Ileaeli, Mouti'ttli ,V ( o..ut City Mill-. Allm. iiy,IllWliosoliand lie has left his InmiUs, nice- mill nil necouiiK .1. .11. UEACII. Allmny, .lime 7, HH-I ) FHrmerfi, Tnke otlrt. HAVrSC I'lsiMSEH OK MY INTEI! est in tlie Froiiina IViuttlioiise.iind le luit anXtoni inclose unaiiinv ImsIncsH in tllll! eon licit ii in IHMEI'I A'rtM.V. iMpeet liillyciill Ibentti'iillon ol all nltoun. in nr-riili-s, eilher liy note or iMio'-i lU'Coiuit. imd pnHllun'itr attention Iscatl.1 1 to voiu-sacIv Alt'Ot'.V'i'. 1'iensi' i-eliiiii Ibem :u onee. ortlH'y wall bo clwivisl iiuiitnsl von in ne I . M. CAItTWlttUIIT. Albany, May 1, l,s7M'.ll FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION ro bk oivkh by the CITIZEXS OF ALBAXV, at the i.ixx roi vrv :FAIR GROUNDS! OIIDER Of KKIM ISKi : The ni-oo'sslon will N tonne Int'.lo'eloi l; A. X., Ill front of I bo Court House, in tlio I'ollnwtnK order : Niitioinil Colors. Allium- Brass llnnit. OKATOli Or THE HAY. (0. C Curl, Es, , ot Sii'ciii.) ltfwI)RK OF mt IIM'I. VKATION, (Cntit. N. II. Iliuinilni'y. Allmnv Eliv Iii'twrtmeul iin foil nnlfovui1. "The Vut'iotis Siimlii,- Hchonis, lliyittsl (HitwU iiiiil'Cill.i'iis. I'pon iirrlvlnjr ut tlie Fair OromiilH, tin, rJoe'j.nitlnrt of InJepeudoiice will lie remt liy Ciipt. N. B. IlulUllliroy, mi l mi oilll ion dellvoml by (' II- I'tul, Esq., of Nulcni, after which ihe f.niivuieM oi the Any, ron Wl.iHOl'M.Hie In I lie hivilion, llunclng, Crnqtntt, IIuhu Itii.ll, etc., will fnitiinenee, nrisi OTUnr, anil no nni -e-i-iK una, nniiikeiiiiess, nr disorderly conduct will bo tolerated on tho Kilii'i; rounds. AdmtaHlon lo the Urouiidn Free, RiTrrHlimeiilN on Ibis FnlrUroiiml. On the Klflh mid 8tth ln,vsor Julv, n finmeof liWlwill bo competed for, accord. nlt 111 prii-jmnilnn, 65" A cordial in ioilion is .Mended lo MOTIC'E.-t'iirtlmwIiii well) (Hiciipyliu land in Hie "Grand linndn mid iMr. lie servos," In Ihe stale ofOnwui, In the yearn WW-'ii, ninl had to ftlsind.m Hie smiie in consequence of Hiilil llcKcrvcs IihvIiik been sulected by tho V. H. for tlie KvtlUiuient of the Ibwuo Itivor Indlmis, will iiliiksc send their addresses, for ftirt her eorreepondenc. to B. W, ItUWHlf AN, AttT. QX 1., mm