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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1872)
LOCAL MATTERS. Kaiiroad M atters. Work on the That Sack or Fi.oiu. We are in- A CiiaxoK ros tiijj Worst.. Joe 0. 6k C. Railroad is steadily progress-1 debtwl to the Mean. Klkins Bros., of Teal i- liorrified. indeed tlie English big, and tlie track 1 iradually length- Lebanon Flouring .Mill-, (bra sack of language (alb In Words to express hb srKAKtN't 1'oN'i'iiiT. Una. Joseph (.;. Wilson, Republican candidate for Migraw, and lbm. John Burnett, licmocralic candidate fur Cotigress will address the cttbeus of (Ms city this Friday evening at the Court House, o,i political matters It i Hoped that a genets) attendance "ill ' t tlie two cmtdluatee ibr Congres sional honor". piling and stretching out toward tlie i their custom-made floor a very siipe t'alifornia line. The mails and pas- rlor article, a brand that We can hear sengers are now carried by rail thirty j tily recommend. We have taken oc mllea beyond Eugene City, and before easlon to mention this mill enterprise many weeks the shrill whistle of the Jon one or move occasions In tliese col locomotive will awaken the citizens of imius, ami are pleased to chronicle the Oakland sixty mites from Eugene to i fact that the mill, after a two week's a full realization of the fact that they mu, has given the highest satisfaction, are in the enjoyment of railroad fccili- The mill I- entirely now. i- furnished us (oi vn k.;i i m i, t o.v In pursuance of tlie action of tlie A. VITMII.IK, (.rami Oi'emv;. On next Monday Mr-. II. D. Godley will open her new block of spring and slimmer millinery, jjj glials h.u-. bonnets, etc. She hi - tlie largest and i'-t selected as sortment of goods in her line ever I atghi to this olty, and among tliem - ;ue rich and rare uoveltiw that can not fail to please her but) customers. A general Invitation i- extended to the ladles of Albany and vicinity t" call at her establishment on Monday next, and carefully examine the rich and varied assortment she bits secured to meet their wants at this sca.-on of the year. She has the very latest styles in trimmings, ote.. warranting C ,tire satlsftctlotl to all w ho favor her v thou1 orders. Precinct Mr.ritNi;. The Repuhli i nof Albany precinct met In con- ition mi last Saturday afternoon, at the Court House. Mr. .la-. Flnlaysou w elected Chairman, and Messrs, V in. Miller and I'rof. Sncs. Nevreta ries. Following are tile delegates j elected to the Cfatuty Convention, which convenes :it H A. M. to-mor-' r: John Oaliter, Geo. P. Settlemler, Walter Ketchum. ' !' Dawson, l. M. lluuupsou. Charley ilea ley. Win. M Hi r. & t'roman, M. C. George and i J. c. Powell. A Precinct ExceiUlve i 'm u.::' ', consisting of C. Mealey, i ime- Fiiilaysou and Coll. Van Cleve, w.ere appointetl. The precinct nomi- i ..imi- were: For .lu-iiee of the I ice. M. L. Carotliers and ;. W. ' rnon. For Constables, Geo. Welter ii . I Ellas Fanning, ties. It is confidently asserted thai before Winter -d ill set In, the road will be completed and the trains nut nlng daily to a point sixty miles south of Oakland, There will (hen he com pleted and in running order some two hundred and titty miles of road. There will then remain probably mi mure than seventy-five miles to com plete the road to th&Califomla line, Should as much e icrgy ! shown by the Company tout l olling tile Califor-j n!a einl of (he iwiil as at this, next Summer will witness a con tittotis line of railway connecting Portland, Or., with Sacrament i, California. C' M'NTV ' W EXTK 'S. The ReiMtb- llcaii County Conveurioti unit- to-nienl morrow, at II o'clock A. M.. r", r lite Ttlrr purpose of nominating candidates tin w ith two rim of stone and a chopper, tin' necessary power for running W hich is furnished bv a 5 Much l.i tl'el wheel. Gkn. K. h. ApH.Eoate. We see that tin- gentleman, having been re ijnested to address the people of Eu gene mi i be prteut political duration, will hold forth in the Court House there to-morrow night, There arc few men better qualified to show up the "possum-" at (bis tini,. than the General, and we hope that he mnj be secured for an address in this city at an early dav. ..... .i . , .. , ,, , . ,l . awrni tear oi nwi nnim mm ryra.ii-, n,.ptliiiican Central Committee of cal monopolist. Bon. Ilnlladav the j ,. , ,, , ,, man who is denopnlaling the State""' l'"-M mmty rnrwaHiiur . nnmmi.!(.inl, Mannkn.ri rltv, hy build- """""" 11 " ne tieiu in Hie Coiut 1 ul ""'"uiauuiumioijiuu t'ltilbuaiili House In Albany, on j . Aweiit fVtrtli.-.ii!.'.ri In . , i, !,n,t.-,i isain Siilnniny, April aoth, Ma, , VAGOS, ttll-I nil kiiutx i.f .VOJIK'CJ.TCK- at in oVhxk A. M., for the thriW-1 HMMiBSwi. pose of noini'tathig the following can-1 Omtimmeiits watrltat. didates lor comity officers, to-Wlt:! HW WW, hi die town of Shodil, tor Five Kemtseiimtlves. 1 Countv .Imh'e, I mie iOoitiinlsaiolier I Cli ik. 1 sherllf 1 'JVeasiirer, I Scliool Superintendent. 1 ' Assessor. 1 Surveyor, iiml 1 Coroner, and for Hie appointment of a Countv i Central Committee, and for the trans action of such other budnesss as may conic before the Convention. and nol-oninS its pro-peri lug two lines oi railroad up the Wil lamette villi y. and running a line of steamboats up the Willamette river we u l.e i- so fearful that Holladay will grind our people into powder un der (ib oppressive monopoly heel, that he mines up here Into I. inn county and rtks our people to give htm, ('of. toe Teal, drover's big lujnn, a cliamv in become a griiiding monojioHst nbo. lie naivelv. and with child-like sim plicity, (isks "in people to promise him. oil condition that he Ihii-hcs the nil it i iregou i ity. a uioiiopiy ,,i the i iiepul at their ii-tial places of votin several ureciucts, on Satllf oini.e' tr.nie on tne it inainctle riv er! lie reasons tlius: I, ,foe Teal. ,!!i: i I leiu.'rrit ; a monopoly in tlie hands ol a lleuiocrat or IVmoerats. all right: tlierefore give me the mon opoly of the river, and I'll plav Ben lloliaday ot'll ; tllell I'll play big, I'll be a grinding monopolist ; hut as it will lie a inonopuly run In the Interest of a Democrat, ol course there can Ik1 no objection, Us Democracy only ob jects to monopoly when in' the hands of the Radicals. Ni:w ADvEirrlsKJifijCT. We call rcial ,'lttentloil to the new adverti-e- m this i-ue of Mr. George . lie (as we elsewhere sfafel i splendid outfit of an kinds, 'ari- bv COS. I In' snc- puhlicflii party hi these nouil i 'u put in the ii lie active, ble men who id the party's a lag hope of i the various county on ' cess or defeat of the U in I. inn county lutligs nations. Should the i Held by the Convent zealous, honest and cap ill iwrf for their own success then there Is success, lint they must be true men. men tint hive a clear record, men that hive been (run to the party through thick and thin these are tlie men who cm win. and these only. Let the Convention look to it Hint such, and such only, are nominated) and all will he well. owns Them. It Is asserted Democrats in this city that -foe Teal owns the Democratic I.egidative tick et of, I. inn county that he carries their votes in bis breeches Docket. eties. styles anil prices of l;o,U iVum I " '' """ unpen mat it our t icmocratic snk tlresses to shoe-strings, trm dix'ss coat to a toothplckros w ell a grocerles, hardware, wooden ware, carpets, oil cloths, curtains, etc., at very low rates, If von want bariaiius in good goods, go to Turrell's, i menus worn, I nei-i-t in tollowin.r the example -( t them by their Democratic brethrettspf the last Legislature, tliey would at least have exercised a little tmon sense and Judgment as to their purciinscr. But it seems there's no accounting for tastes! leans are ivotiested to meet in their IV. the bith daV of April. !s72, for-the pur pose "t cnoosiiig delegates to represent them in the County Convention. The several precincts will be entitled io delegates in such Countv Convention as follows! Albany io Peoria 4 Selo 3 lrownsvll!e 5 Orleans 3 Brush reek I Waterloo j lcbauou , 4 t enter ; Santiani 1 llarrisbtirg :i Syracusn., i Sweel Home 1 Franklin Unite 1 Total number delegates 42 ,1 WILLIAM DAVIB80K, 1.KAI, CSTATK IlKAI.ER, Xo. front Mrcel, PordMHl, Or. K19 ii estate in tiiucrrv 4h.i k - c I POB'fb IN II, in the iii,i-i ile-hiilile timil, I ties, txHIsfslliw of LOTS, ITAI.F Itl.iH Ks and Hlsa Kn nivl'&KHmul sTotjifl; au, mnijbvmi t akms, nii vntulwe ut- cnltlvntol EAXlis, iiRHteJ in all purtsof the STATU for SALE. j KKAJ. estati:. met other pronrh. I pnreliiiseiHiir(-(n'iesMiinteii!s. in t hi-. TT'V and IHrnibhoill the s'l'ATK and TKIIKI : TORIKA u itli itmu mre mid on the luosl ADVAXTAtiEOt S TERMS. KlJI'SES hihI TOR KM leiiseil. Low ; NEHOTIATKII.HiWj'LAlMSOr- M.I hi SI BHTIOSS I'IMWTI.V . ,11.1.1m 11 1 nnrt n fenenil KIN AM' ami A1.1.M I n,, iot intiiN'teien. AUKXTSof this OfTIOR, t.i nil IlieCl TIESainl Towns , tt. STVTE. re. wive descrfntloiis ot FARM t'ltill'KRTV iwict foranl the wine to tlie hIhjvc ml lre,. -wV3 r. HACKKXSTO, chr. c. Committee, GorxG Kast. Our old friend and eilcw-cltiaeu Mr. P. V. Spink, ac ( ' innnied by his little boy, starts for old Vermont next week, on a visit to ttifj old homestead. Mr. N. Wright. I t e of the firm of AltllOUSe A 1 o., of t '- city, at tlie same time, goes to Illinois. Mr. Bit h and wife, of I'enn syivauta, who have been spending tlie Winter here with friends, gi on the s.;i- train, for their home in old Peilll- ivanli, accoinpauied by Mrs. Mc ( rmick, of tlii- county. Messrs. C and Merril. the former late in tlie employ of the O.AC. Railroad Co.. and the latter tor some moi tlis past clerking tor VI, II. Kuhu A Co., re turn to the Ka-t in a few days. We wish tbein all a pleasant journey, and h '.i tint all of them will find it to 1.1 ir interest to retmn to 1 ivgsi. An Ikvitatios. Having returned from San Francisco viiih a splendid assortment ol choice millinery, ele gant hats, flowers, fringes trimmings, and an oinlle" variety of tasty goods de1uand.1l by tlie ladies of this vicini ty. Mrs. Bridgeflirmer takes the earli est opportunity of inviting the ladies to-call and see for themselves, as -he feels confident tint, after examining the piality. style and prices of her new goods, -he will secure their patronage. The ladies, of course, will not bp slow to accept the invitation. Remember the place Frst street, below Brottlal-biu. Chance of Firm. Mr. X S. D11 Boise, grocer, on tir-i street west of the Bank, has sold a half Interest in his thriving business to Mr. 1'. II. M'Culloch, an active young man of tine business qualifications, and we expeet the business hereafter to he pushed witli vigor. Success to tlie new til in. a L. Cheadle, Bap, leaves us for ju get Sound, where he proposes to take up Ills residence. Mr. Cheadle Is an energetic, honest, ami capable busi ness man. and while we are sorry to lose him. we congratulate the Sounders on securing so good a man as a citizen. Thanks. We are indebted to A. W. Sweeney for a copy of lev, the M iKrvllitiieotet. All unsophisticated constituent from West train In lately called on "Memorial Address of the Life and his member of Congress in Washing- Character of Ahmlmm f n.e.,l,. ,w '"ii. who. accotihng to custom, sliook livered liefore both Nouses of ( gres. on the 12th ot February, 18,1(1, by Flon. Oporjre Bancroft one ot tin SEW TO-DAY. SPllTNCi GOODS ! most, perfect liuignnne. thiti" in tlie Bngllsli A Bid TllIST.. The Oood Templars of this city propose to have a big time on the evening ot tlie 6th of May. at their hall. The entertainment will consist of charades, tableaux, dia logues, declamations recitations cal and instrumental music, etc. the entertainment is given to enable the Lodge" to purchase a new organ, Extension Taulks. Charles Mea ley has just finished a new lot of neat, Strang and handy extension tables and they are just as pretty as pinks. Charley is constantly manufacturing new styles of furniture, cabinet ware, softs, chairs, and an endless variety of Useful and ornamental leters needed in the hoiiies of our citizens. On and see them, and you wouldn't lie with out them. Prices very low. Otui Fellows' Celf-bratiox. The Oild Fellows of fills citv have ac cepted an invitation to celebrate the coining anniversary (27th lust.) nt Aurora. The fare for the round trip will lie ;!. Trains will arrive at Au rora at 0.3.1 A. M.; returning leave at :i,30 IV M.. giving aboat six hours in which to "celebrate." Failed to Reach him in Time, It is to lie regretted that the ilemijoii of whisky, sent up from Portland for foe Teal, filled to reach her early enough for him to "till up" his keg before making bis big sjieecb Wednes day night. This accounts for bis fail ure as a speeclllst, an admission fee of tiftv cents will ! Pathfinder. This noted animal, a French Morgan, owned by Mr. Put. j Smith, is now at the stables ,.f Messrs. Marshall & Schlosser in this citv. ! v0 ivhere all lovers of fine stock can sec ' mu-ic. etc. As ,1 ,,.,,; i.i,., ,. . u, ..... season liere and at Corvallls. Path-1 I'mder is a Weil-muscled, ttiiedookhiit The contemplated picnic of the Al bany Fire Company will transpire at the Linn County Fair 0 rounds an excellent place. ' him warmly by ihe baud and said. ,,, "Come up to the Capitol while we are 1:1 session, and I II give you a sent on the floor of the Ihm-c." "Wall. no. I thank you," -aid the constituent, poor a I am 1 always manage to have a cheer to set on at home, and I hain't come to Washington to set on the floor." A story is told of a soldier who was frozen in Siberia. His last remark was, "It is ex ." He then froze as still' as marble. In the summer of N0 some physicians found him, after having lain frozen tor one hundred ami fifteen years. They gradually thawed him. and upon animation being restor ed hi' concluded his sentence with 'eecdingly cold." The other evening a gentleman acci dentally gave a boot-hlackn live-dollar piece, mistaking it in the dusk for a cent, 1 he hoc discovered the error at : once, and what did the noble little tel- I low do;' Ouietlv put it in his pocket I and-siav not liiug ? No; spurred hv a I impulse, he called all his comrades and ! Htssto, in parbconMst of : generously spent everv penny of it in peanut-and leillOll-beer. SPBIXU 4 9CMMBII DRESS HOOPS, A teacher in an Illinois school dls- simiin'i. simwh1 ' trict received the following excuse one j latest styles.) 1 i nv from an 1111 i;uatit natron : "miss : ,',""- 1 iiii.ukkns SPRING 0001)8! j GEORGE TURRELL HAS JtT RETfltNEIi FROM SAN FruncHcn, wiili n hirite nn I exfenlvo IKldlllon lo llUstld'l,, which lie is now sel ; 1 ins; at the LOWEST PRtCES! variety.) 111 i.. April 1.1. s,-j. ,mu i want vontosiiieflv nnderslanil Kl. IIeiiisteh: Tlie Republicans that you bant boss of my ( 'hildren 11 if of Orleans 1'ivcinet held their nrimarv ! von keap inarm tor lien late you Will meeting on the 1.1th hist., In accord-1 S4 K',' Slice witli the call of the County Coin- j m M,i ,. ! LADIES I Ho-ieiv. LADIES' (iEXTS' 4 CHII.DRKNS' Km moves, .white, black A colorMl u nenu not timiK ee are fee bant Wee liv inn free cluirgetl at the door, be expected. -V big time may ,li horse, sixteen hand- high, and Weigh- m it tee. 1". M. Pvinehart. ,Tohll Itlevetis. .fas. McCoy and C. P. Hogne wereelectisl lug from 1,280 to 1,300 pounds. He delegates to represent Orleans in the -Mr A ' oau'I.ete Stock. Mosrs. Rulm i$ '". Iiavu opened an immense stock el goods in their line, embracing ninny novelties entirely new In this market. In tlie lino of wagon timber their - !, i-very lull; in iron and steel they hi ve a larger assortment than ev er: in tlie line of Caroeufer's and I I is a giMl trotter, having made his Ceo. Tuirell, ra"e Here a chance for I door west of 'hose who wish to improve their stuck "f. has receiv- ; 01 norses mat suomu not ne overtooK- ' etl If enls vnrtr ltt,lu Ia l'.u.,l and rear a line, thoroughbred animal, than it does aCayuse; and the blooded FtSK SliOWIM at the brick store, secom Broadalbiu on First ntn ed anil oiened as complete and ele gant an assortment of dry gmsls as is to lie found in the citv. All the latest. styles in ladies dress goods, clothing, ""'mal commands a big price in any , ,, , , , ' .. , market. Look to vour interests in etc.. ere.. : ve tn in. luriuil ,.n Ms ... .. J 1 ' " tins niatrer. shelves, which can he obtained for! A storekeanei-nt Onhiec. Mleh.. .hnsl tools they have added cash or produce at living rates. Ifc Pi:i:.-onai,. The wife of S, Banni ing a plip which habitually upset tin features-some of tlie invites n t examine bis stocknd ' is rapidly recovering her usual health. 1 1".'1." f'w '". rem ol the store. , in,, in, 1 I , , 1 ,l. - I,,,-," 111 J!,- - 1,1 linces. i its a now . ..1... r. coining ( oimty Convention. John McCoy, Eso,., was nominated f a- Justice of the Peace, and John Tethero for Constable, of our Precinc', and we intend to give them, and the republican ticket stntight through, a good round hundred votes next dune. Yours Truly. II. ksmith's 11.1:1V new handsomest looking saws. etc.. we have ever lieheld : their assortment of (able cntleiy is large and of tlie best make; in pocket cutlery they have the very l--t eier brought to this 11Y, rllet: then they have what they term kitchen saw- ju-t tlie handiest (hiogs in tlie world to have in the bouse : and swinging baskets for moss r i s. etc.: an entire new thing in the way "fa gate latch : linen, cotton and iiilk fishing lines, am splendid tl-biug tackle; gun and pistol cartrlges, and Iiunthig paraphmnatin ; sausage cut ters : new thing in axos. callisl the Kureka a full assortment : and a hundred other tilings tliiit -Imtihl lie seen to be appreciated. A call at their establishment will give you some idea of tlie extent and variety of the go"l- they offer for saUfc all at the lowest cash rates. A LAKl.E ASSORTMENT OF Trimmiii&s, Friau:es & Embroidery. Internal Revexie. Thus. M. Oa pain: a o again. Last weeK the animal again spilled the paint, and. observing that is one of the first educators ! mrtvr "?r Wp11 1,1 vva,","'T j .1 i ,i-i, niiei , 1 1 ii- ui .cue poi1 l ii""eii 111- i own nose in the mixture, and ran howl- fhos. M. c.ale. U. S. Assessor for iiurout thehackwav. arsons the Second Division in the Di-trict of Oregon, shone in on us once or twice Methuselah died of liver complaint. Lot's wife of salt liienm. Absalom fella victim to liairy-sipehis. Oollah died of the stone. Hainan of the drop sy. N'ebuchadnezzar of too much veg etable diet, leaving Mrs. X. a grass widow. A Nashvillhin who went to sere nade her and was driven up a tree by her pa's boli-fiilled brindle bull-dog, has written a poem to bis .folia, 111 which he advises her to sleep sweet ly. "Aye," says he, in a sudden burst of fury: "And if you never wake until My sot guitar you hear. Von 11 shnnlxir till old Gabriel's horn Shall break your sleep, my dear." John Bitnyau, troubled with corns, took his pin grimly and progressed, ! All or which he Is offering at cxeecdhi Desdemona also took a pillow, Hamp- low mtiw. UKTrsr a inivr CLOTHING I OKJITV A BOYV HATS mid CAM, HARDWARE ! tn eiitin, new stIK'k.) floot mid Nhoeis, Knsketii and Woodenware, ftp., Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Prof. d. L. (lllbert, late of Oakland. I lr.. arrived in this citv on Weilue- . '.. 1 . n. i,cvcni)c Assessor. . ., ,. .n ne ,1110 remain 111 cms city miring j j t,(, Stato tlie next week, fir the purpose of making assessments. All Who have business with bin, will find ' 0 s, ,. m0HO6 m A gentleman in a Xew England mu at the Post 1 mice. It will save .1 , ... ; town Mineii ms sixtn wtte. Miortly "- alter the tuueral lie met tlie minister teutioii to hi- duties, and is proving a who officiated, and offered him a $.1 N'o. 1 olli.ti- 'Tienhack save , ,1,1., ..,!. re 1. i.... ,..: .. trim , j, I t,',,,iut ,1 ,..i,, .. ...a 1 " .....,.v .... ., j,.,, iiil,-i,:-ic,i will reinemher this, and call early. gomer was s,. piueii out 01 a nallonn. duliiis Ca-sai was (s; killed in war. .fohultodgersdled of an overdone steak. Romeo died of heart disease, (iovern-1 or HofTuian dyed his mustache. A Oalftsblirg farmer, whose jx-w j rent was raised to exclaimed: ! "Great Omsar, here's a nice state of af- j fairs the fiospcl gnhig up anil pork going down. vVhat's to become of us?" A man is in no dimmer as lomras he Tile minister declined to , talks love: hut when be writes it, be is 1 TO THE LAIUKS A ( ALL IS ESI'LVIAL LV BKL'OMJIKNDKD. e-iTParlles fnmtuhliur, I xx our utrue stock of loiitd call iiul Carpets, Hxisbi, OIL CLOTHS, BLlOS, CURTAINS, ETC. A Pair Price. Mr. (. W. Oeorge, of Iebanon, last week sold bis farm, lving aUiiit one mile from that villa" May Festival. Our fire boys arc makiii!! HiTanitements to have a rrand e. imo ,n c..,. .1.... aI r r ;.,. 41.) (u. ; :,. v .,.., ,M, ... ....... ... ,w, T' .' ". v 'lii. ill,: 1,11111 well improved, and contained some four hundred acres. Thirty dollars an acre is a very fair price for land in Whitney has been selected as the ora ; tor of tlie day. lted shirts will coin , maud a premium on the fourth. i take it. savins be was not accustomed . to accept pay lor such serv ices. The gentleman coolly replied, ".f 11st us you say ; hut lliat's what I've been in the habit of paying." that vltitlltv. Son. Farmixo Implements. Bead the new advertisement of Treadwell & (Jo.. Sau Francisco, elsewhere. Thev Witty but severe Madame Bollver having tried in vain to get juiy for Mine cravats which a young fop had ..I.t ..I 1..... ... I.. ... . !.. I. .. , I.I A. A Carotliers & Co. will soon 1 ,.. .F- . ., , , . 10 mis -1,1c: 111 iwo dozen lancv lieu- arrangements complete lor satin polh-emen, 2tM) franc (hrnlsliiug our citizens with bottled I do you mean? What are satin nolice- men? a-keii the dandy. "Your cra vats, for they takea thief bv the throat Impalinghimselfonblsowupot-liooks. lioi.i.o way's Pills and ointment. ! ,,,jajist nun: inid ror vamt For Scurvy Leprosy, ami cutaneous j rrodwe. uiirivaiiisi. 111 ises tliev are plan's where tbe-c maladies are pn'V illent, the cures are marvellous, for the expulsion of pimples, blotches, Ac., they arc unparalleled, and as a cosmetic the Ointment stands nue ti mil led, Soid cwrywhcif. 2.5 cents "What pLi box or jiot. pRECrect S'OMtXATioxs. We con gratulate the precinct meeting of last Savirkiy on the gHKl selection ( I wishing to purchase can make their I m , de in the nominations tor Justices j choice. Look it over carefully. of the IVace and ( onsUblc. kuch iuhJ all "f tlie gentlemen selected are sisla of their own manufacturing. These gentlemen are among our most .mer u i.arge variety 01 . enter,,rLsing merdmuts, ml deserve farm machinery for .sale, and those ! JM,.W1 ,.. i1,.,1i1.,l.....i,:.1 ..... Bmi.wn, ; ,,1 1 1, villi. IOIi e.ery morning. DR. VAX IIKS HEUUtrN InfttlllMe Worm Syrup. A young man employed in the Xeuia (0.) powder mills went to Springfield to spend the today, get .1 1 1... j. 1 . .. u 1 v . n . c,,,. i.. Af....i.i "iiiiik. overslept mms-ii am missed DR. Pi.i-mjieh.-A circular front the!, . , . , f. ' "r',,nf the train oil Monday morning. Had iu.,v .nu.Tr.. i ,.uroiiiers ix lie Kent soIkt am lieen at work no The "SixnEii", a supply of the , Willamette I niversitv of , Salem, in-1 ell qualified to fill the po-itious for! w ailj tK; m nvit)H to Monday niornlng, his fragmentary re- nhldi thev a-k the suffrages of this I l' nof " PPOutment ofo. P. ,., ,,, ex.l)i)t, j mains might have been gathered tin in ' 5. . . .. S. Plmnmer. M I).. Professor of the . .... . a . .. a market laisket after the exnlnslui. 1 iiw :n.o 1 1 e eciei no e-i v ce Tin u, n r.-r ci as; m..,, ... .... . ... . .,..1.. ,n...i,n h I 8Weuoe H.vgienne in that institu- uoo. .u inner or more competent svuioi i 1.1 1 kal. ine list 01 prcini- (.,., man for tlie chair could not have lieen I urns to be awardtsl at tlie next annual ! (elected, and we congratulate the UnP l''al"' of the I.hin County Aerlcnltural 1 . .Tl'? "'."S st''" tt tlie Saudwlch Jt?j'olving upon them. It is not safe, however, to take this as ! a precedent tor getting drunk on S1111- I.ehanox Delegation Tlie Delegate-! to the Kepubllcan County Con tention to-mwrow, from I,ebanon, are James Marks, J, W Oeorge, J. R. (Smith and S. II. Claughton, A belt r selection could not have been wade. Habkangie. Col. Joe TeaJ. tlie wan who lei HNlW Wood" h bis pants, lmnfpta U M Court ous Wednesday irigfit. versity 011 its sneeess in securing the services of Dr. Plummer. VVEAHtEii-For the 1 t er part of the week lias b en si p rb, ami our tanners are putting in every minute of time. A very large area will be seeded to. wheat this season it is be lieved much larger tjifin. lu any previ ous year.. Association, is now in the bauds 0! the Islanders is announced. It is a mi Iriiur iiluml tin, I..IY l, l,ia, ,.lu.., fl.a printers, and will appear In these col- i knee. The present (Uslilon Is a red umus next iwck. string below the knee. By the way, We understaud tliat tlie Journeymen New ItEniESENTATivE Ei.tCTEU. j tailors in the Sandwich Islauds do not On H'eilnesitii- o,,,i., . iv 1 strike tor waires as much as once in " ' wv R Uiv tu " T .il, 1 .... " " '"V'v mwcireuji Jiepres'iiiaiivn ... ,1... V -.1 ... ) MIC own 1 .OUtre 1. I). 11. r .. Wllieh 1 never Wni.w a elntr. meets May 17th, by Albanv Iswlge wliatsiunevcr, U) takeliyderfoby after in piw: 01 jot, tnjgmmn, re tiH'yiiau neen tnoriMigiuy vnccinitieo sigimU i Wit, bncksliot.-Wir. Uoostv Delivered to nuy irtof(uwn. OEORGE TURRELL, Slv4 rinsr St.. ALIIANV I.lie Woor I'riiw 3VT O -W EHS! i.(ki I VKUV, sold Yearly. ,-silooo Madehv Wnller A. WOrtd, jtho tinrwt iiiuiiiifiu'iiin roriiiniitiiit niAi lilnery In Hie iwrlill with I'olilliiK lr, IWO wheels, mid is value h, removing mnssPHof ci ii.lllle , U tap 1 mimnen e ts. It luil Hi. wor Wut ... ' " , ,,,. tb t"rls Kxposllion. loi'l has lonml no fmni tlie si, , much nml bowels of efilWirn, w (.. i)mj)icl ami powerfnl, anil even where worms 1I0 not estst.cmmol be m-a tlie mwhiiie ror this coast, every too hlahlv ' tmateil i tonner will say who Imx one. icw nni wimeiBn. ,. , J li-Kverj' nnuhlne lsKUiimnteeliisrei. Eevi'i aml AK"e. lViSKHislieenmlna o- , n,.,,,, gtay the l'st. Uuy n,u WoodSi htlftftted hy I he imweneii of worms in Iho ; lniprovnl l'rize Mower. 80I1I by stomael, or bowels. , .norelUbotav. m pS, n tmitmeli'l eonrse of oIUHk and fever. April 19-Xliii3 Tlie worm remedies have tieen known to . , cure when all other remedies Imve lulled, j OenulllV HiiIiivm especially In children;. Hindnrs. Ironi 10 to l.i foot cut, made by in, , A. !i,iolhens o.,wnniefiiuo , .,";..VT' " : UWllitS. ime Dollar uuruOtUO' ,.,i r...o .IniwUtai. Aliwnv, nr. rnee iiorr. rou tiir Ai i-xiTt:n. Kneedy relief and care for Chronic Ills. with all his linDrovvnientl, and bavlnir ulao lHsoie's rnleni Adjiislable Beel. . WTNoother Heaileia have tbeae lm. provements. Take none but ibit llaiueV iiuproveii iieuiirrs niieie ny Vnou,. RuMCliV 'rhrosbvr, eases by 1 he new and KlentWctrottUnent , as tamroved, is the pcrf.Tllyn of the s ..metlced by Threshing Machine. We liavu tlieni.fniin as praaicoioj I M to l Fneh, with new feed table lafw! Itr. Alfwrll. .'nhoe, double Ian. elevator, double ,11s. CBBO Iiilmmtors-, ronmilllng and Onendtiiff of Ainrtinunis, corner m iiumaiiu mwra 8trc:s, . PORTLAall, UHKUOR No charge for eonimllntlon. Terms of inlm.nt rw!wubh)i t'aniphleoiiwnt etu., inftdeoi)eclttll lor the wauls cnasf, after years ol sludv. II Inn greater cleaning cttimulty than any other, and is every way perns, tin Xo oilier machine lus ever equalled the "ItnMull" : nonin excel It. THKAUWKM. Al