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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1872)
A Very rmellml Hie following capital Mory i1,.i)t MiiTiv U told hv "one Lnnwi." ()nim- oVCtlsMll w .l..., . .fv' v.itVi 4 '.n-.ilin i 1 'nlli'lTi ed toUrag the Joewr a arw w - wo.sK ih! fixed upon a night for me i p.rrmanee ot tlie exploit. OM of iliifrfiminber. however, w.n Iroiihlei ith soiiK- coinpiim'tlod TllWnga, and . .... . .. ui.itin.r.. ;lllll 1111 SVUIC CVllH.II,i v, '"r. iniiuagerHownveytotiwwonm pn - fetr sffrna. It Is, tlierelnre. a impe iihnt a hint tlwt It would lie well lor , itf . ,!... t,.l( t. nctctltltiv liim to A-oiiiv tlie door of hi rarriaw- hmMK Instead of pavin-i any imh-ii to phi mwrestrdn, ttte loetr proiwlw nfoti the appoinU'd nijriit lo tlie ivirri-a-'c-hon-so and enMonocd hh jKirily peWl within the vehicle. In leM than an hour some lialf a doxeu yortna g n tleutei) eame to hij retreat ami tion-lv withdrew the wrriagi! into the rood. When thev were fairiv nut o( theColhigB piwlm-ts they began to joke freely w ith each other by name. One of them complained of I he Weight of the carriaue. and the other reuM '.' : KWll 1 hv swi'ai injj that It a heavy enonjj to have tin- old fellow lunn-If in it. For nearly a mile they proeeeileilalonsr the highway, and tlien fltrnck into the wooiK to tf COVet which they eoiu'lndi'd would effeelilally conceal the vehicle. lakinj; theniel'vc iuliuitely merry at t)K doctor's epnse. eon.ieclnring how a:ul wlien wmiid he fiml his OarHage, llicy at length n-ailaHl the .-it where they had resolved to leave it. -Inst as they were alwut to depart, hating miee more agreed tlwt "the carriage was heaw enough to have the old doc tor and all Ma trilie III it" they wer uirled by tlie sudilen dropping of one lie glass aoor pane ai. . u e. - known vuuv Ol uie nan iniu-en uien .iihlressed them : "So, so, young gin ilcincn you are going to leave me In the woods are yon? Surely as you Iwve brought uie hither for your own gratiflcatron, yon will not refuse to take me luck for mine. Come Messfk. . ami and -, hia-kle to, and let us retnm ; It's getting late." There m as no appeal ; for tlie window was raised, and tin? ooctor renmei iiisea. i aMn m;lnv , (Mr stllU, ,e.rWature. Almost Wltliout a word tlie dlsconitlted A(, lhliHIJ m the men who make, young gentlemen took theW places at break, and prevent our taws; who, fill the ile, at tlie back of the vehicle, and i m f ,nlJtt are rtfc7,cTi(y., pine espeditimvdy, if with less voice. I gud m bring disgrace on our tkmiocrat did they retrace their course. In at- fcj reptfollcan Institutions. Men nlio leuce tlwy draggeil the carriage to its i a) 10, wiu oU or (Io I)llf eonlroll wonted place, aial then retreated pre-, owl, apiietltes and pronensl cipifcitely to their rooms to dream ol t!(S ,H.r,i,t to ttn places of tru-t the account tla-y must render on tlie I wi,i,. .i,,... ,i1( ,,t - or reirnlate IllorrU". in:ii iiiej iiu n- doctor quietly vacated tlie carriage and went to his house wliere he relat ed the story to his family with much clee. He never called the heroes of lliat nocturnal expedition toan aeooimt nor was the carriage ever afterwards digged at night Into tlie woods. . - ... . Tbe PreaWmf mn Ht Aer fin. As to the of to (Jen. Grant's eourseon ,,blic affairs, we do not pro- fe to answer them imw ; we merely repeat wn- own opinion that In th laaiii his policy Is a sonial, wic and lienetldal one. A man of purer pri-1 vate life lliau General Grant never 00- i cujiiid the, Freskiential chair. Is it .iust is it worthy of the President's j position or of this great nation that ha should he called to account at any : moment by every disapMiinted oolee seeker whi) chooses to invent a new slander against him!1 We have replied ! lo tliese durges became, by constant rietitioti. they might have iuiiosed upon credulous minds. The more thor-! onghlytla-yaresilted, tlie more sliaine fnlTy false and malicious they will a- j par. We Indie ve that a majority of tin.' people look upon tliese calumnies , with indignation. They have made I i mi won I- of friends for tlie President among that ipiiet And thoughtful class oftbe coiuuiiiuity which rarely busies itself actively In "olities, lait which ad mires pluck apd silence in public men. it bich hates to sctr injustice done, and oicn .pw w 'r.r't " r nialamide a iHiblUjvpuUtioii by Oe- Janimg private ijhMdar tatwr n-jeili-d offltesa-kei ike the win ,,- which despises the onwards wIki iry to i.iators of ihe Sim, may do or say, tin great majority of the American lieole are lovers of fair play ; tliey dete-4 -iamlcrers and liars ; and tliey w ill hoiior General Graut all tlie more be cause he vies on steadily doing his work, in di-regard of the insults and t units of men wlai bate him because he will not yield to their demands. .W e l"nt TiiM.i. A Goop Moral Swcrm There w so ...uo, . ..L! 1.1. .1. ...1.1. -.1. to Ihe beauty and jnrnvrs of a mail as a good uaval character. It is wealth bis influence bis life. It signifies him in even' station, exalts him in ev ery coi.dition and glorities him in ev ery periwl of his lifc. 9hAi a clnrac lef is more to be desired than anything else on earth. It makes a man free ai.d Independent. Nservile crouching syeojiiiaut, no treada-rous Immicw .nkrT. ever bore sia-h a charac ter. Tlie pm joysof trnth aial rlglit- eousness lieversuruiglnsiicli persons. II using men nuiy anew now uiucii a ., , "M rf i,i . ii.. u., .. . ,i good wo, ', dipnly a al ev- vlwZmmL . t.irpnHMWs, evwi muiis iilte. nev- trMHumi wo non inein yieiumr 10 imnniuurewhieb destroy buly Judge (iliambers. of" the Belmont i VVIicn will that ei.e t'o i of Aine I rountv, Ohio. Couimou PleasOirt. Is 1 ealis be born who will not liave time an "nlil Uiclielor." At a isirtv in St. 1 1 "lake money, ami w bo will prefer l lalrsvllte, the otlier evening. i j-oung 'P ' lreilgiug to laiiUliiig bouses of lady was Ktanding in tlie draugbt. ! "'d n tlie shore? when the .Iislsre stermeil on and re-I luarkwl, -Miss , I will protect von fWuntlw ilnuiglit with my peMon." Hie replM. -fio you pronilse always t):iHbigiKirdiiiHlpri)teetnie?'''niniiigb la- proverbial gullantrj- be n'plieil "1 do."' Kxtendiug la-r lmml, she renmrk - ed : ".IikIw, yon will reeolect ibis is leap year.' 'nie.lmlge wasfora mo- inent nonplussed, lait riiuilly succeed - id in saying. "You must ask mv . . ... i i.-. i i.i I...... , .. luiMiier. u im-.mi iniiv is alive lie a goner, if not. lie Is sat!-. It If . corions feet atsaH a eerta n cuss ot beggar tlmt tliey general y .Hill tlie iloor bell liard enougli to lat-ak It, and when you go tothedoor. tliey lnlly I-e strength enough to f,cak above a whisper. Tliotwiperii'fliwelUthc pro-, poet of a new and inrporhuit Impulse i from a iiiite niiexnethsl source. wwmiwm I tt rn-i m ni'tn" i-v- 1 ...1 u i , i . . t , 1 i The f n-tu-li would ue ine mm i-"- onl.l r.rug tlieir snoniuers nr national health RM1 il1t they are i ,.;,!,. WV( al niaiiner. ami drink to more deeply man cut. liontitic nation, ami , .. I ....'. I .'..' I IDC IICOpiC IIHVC pi UIUIIMW I ' w" .,.,. ,.r. .i... 0O, Imw addressed titeimelrea to tfiesnhjeet with real anil practkaJ oariiestijcw. They nVe not ooiitcnt, like similar men rh other coiuitnes. with deddlng tlie iptestiou ol the good or ill elt'ecrs'of Intoxicating drink, hut rMhltnt'thb, tltey have ac tually "gone into" the temperance re form. The famous I'rench Artdemv Pf '" . Medicine lias discussed Hie subject m reieated report- bv leading members. Tlie n-siilt I- that it has Vesfud lii a coiil- niittee imWer to Me hi it- naiiie a ; ,.., , Tli.. ,t. ,1. Illllll Ill, ,,miii.ij. j inent is an exhibit of the disastrous physical eflecjs ot luternpetunce, -tai t iing enough, it i said, to make a ' Frenchman shrug lih shoulders in a new style. Halt a million copies are to be scattered over the repiihllc, and probably its circulation will reach ( mlllipua, before the agitation is over. I In the present saddened temper of the French, and their need of economical reform, it is to lie hoied that thi- no uible appeal w ill liave considerable ef foct, ft may prepare the way for the teniperaiiee opemtk--perfi!ips fir sihii as HiTe kept up Im retorm in y lsm ., A;,wrtj. K(. tlle pft. nn, - lt . i,JiU.rtt,M im li for Frenchmen. Dmuken legislator Tla1 shame ami disgrace of Govern- j ment State and national are drunk- ', en legislators. It is notorious lliat SO- j ! tier, temperate men an1 the exception i I amoiijr our iiMmlH-rs of Congress, and i I themselves! How prepostertnis! Is ! tliere cause for surprise at the predlc : tions so often expressed, that we our j American institutions are going to i tlie doir-? Can a drunken man pe f trusted' to navigate the ship of state , .,.i. h !,riiuv!tjihlv nm on llu nH;k w and strand his ship. i ami sink all who were so unfortunate wto)e witn im:, Am Vl.t e , !lml nl? r' . drunkards to ""r " h A 1 ''m' ! " ?L' 1 "1 i B" -TJ " -.V I'.""- Would we sutler our personal bnsincs: Interests to be thus jeoptmrteedP Woukl we employ forclerks, salesmen, lxsik-keen'rs, or caslders luthitiial or even occasional drunkards? If we did we should deserve the fate we courted or tempted. No. For our jieisonal conttdciitial srvants. we should take care that they wen- altogether tni-t-worthv iiihI sidf-sMiitmllliie. We sIhuiIiI nipiire them to Is- above suspi cion, and on tin! nrst (Ininken spree -oiilil throw tls'in out of place, not to Ije trusted more, until the evldewes of reform were nninisiakable. Citizanshave been crinilally careless. They have not atteialed to tlie selec- i tion'of tlie BHSt mks in the nation for the most iiniKirtanl am iiEspoNSi- ,.,,,. we might P f0 1 ;l. V.dauv Llv mentioned In ! f , inert. -Any attempt mi purely non 1 " ' ,.. , H , h iml'.k to ln their favor for it, I,. fc" , . i . .nl ., 1 4. ' IIM HVHUMn l "1.1 111 m.E OKKH KS IN THE NATION, ami Hence . our present disgraceful dilemma. I5nt,!XleMa' tlie snip or state ins not yeiionmiercu; she lias encountered llerce storms; has Urn ill imminent peril; on her beam ends; but by tlie lerupernnoe, inti'lli- ' ience, and ginnl management of some M , , iegMeeof(M h righted, ami rode out the , 6 , to sea with iinworth swimeii. We can liave tlie best as cheaply as the wor-t, and In the eial tlaiy prove inncli cheap er; for In tlie latter ease there will lie no plundering, stealing or robbing, ami we shall not live in tlie constant fir of shipwreck. "Weed them out." In all commu nities, in all societies, amongall Unties of men. there will be found moral dr- "rVI IV rvii. "VJ "'"-'i , am, -, lest tlwv choke or contaminate the true and pure. I'lien look out for tlie future, to see that on ly good men be chosen to represent us, make laws for us. and attend to (air public affairs. We want only trusty. tKirijxwttt: xiialJmul servants, and if we are wise we shall have them. Let no more drunkards, corruptlouists, public thieves, liliertbu's, or vagabonds disgrace us or our legislative lashes. rlmunlMjirM Jimruitl for JvtoWtry. AiiAssiz. Tliere is a story ot a j...i ,.i.i ii,. ... i, ipmwu ngiiv , mi ii,iii, iu ,, , greatf'nttlliro,W rH- winter's lect- 1W, w make more ,-.. ...s. ,b TJffltmM time to make I :.. ! "Do you allow nnvniliiillon to inin- i Wera!''' said a young lady lo sales-! ! man In a well known sewing machine j agency on VVasldngtln street. Boston, Uhe otlier day. wIhjiv sla1 Imd lieen I 1 Irving to ilrive a bargain. "Ob. yes always. An: you a minister's wife f ' Ofcv no. I'm not married," said the i 1 lady, bhishiug. Daughter tlK'n!1' "N'o." The salesman hinkcuniizlisl. i ..... . ..... i in entEisns to a tlMsilo'ienl stu- ! dent. llu i retluctioii as maile. A man arriving home at a late hour, ? HtUe wors.-fbr too much mZr bntless anU witless, was asked orhls lu.llguaiit spouse, "Wbere's vouV but and coaty" Set "cm my dear Jiic to I tlie Chicago sufferers." ntotM Mil Inimkr the Nan ! Scholar. 1. Who m Uie Gen. !: 20. 20. tirst drunkard? 3. Mho took the tirst temperance . h, k, U((lrilk wim, , 1ro :il : 4.) M I in., I,. til-LIJ I,. lllllU Will,' ' ;. ,,,,' IV... ouht we to make eoinpnnlotM of (Iriinkaidsl1 for. ! II.) S. run any dhinkanl enter the kingdom of be Veil f ;l Cor. tls 10.) li, Uie- tJoil uronomiefl anv wo upon the drunkards? (If. ft; 11, 10, Why hiisliepiwiwuicedhis woe? Is, 83 1, ft) 1 1 . Are dmnkardu likely to get rich? (Prov, SI : . 30. li. "What are the eoiHenuenccs of ,l..:..L - ii..r II 1-1 . 'II rv.." I 1Mb IK UV HIV H -fill If disregard this advice? I'rov. :!;. TJ.' 15, Is it wise to tamper with strong t'.rink? il'rov. 301 T. I I. What was the tirst temperance societv? -lei. 33: u-S. 17. What blessing did (iod pro nounce upon the tlrst temperance so ciety? Jer. IS, ID.) is. U teiituernuce a vice? i-'er. :t3 : is. it.) 11). When is temperance a vlrturei! -(Gal. :-. as 33.) 20. Tobacco and opium Were not I known when tlie Bible was written, so j that they are. not mentioned by name j in ihe Bible; but is there any thing in j the Uihle that covers all intemperate I habits? Horn. It ai.j Tempera n r Toal. I 'Hie Old and the Sew: May there I be milling but cold water between them, oman, tnc wst ,v;.ir. 01 ims iem- penmm age ; she is far more intisnlct ug and a tboiisaud-fold tkwer than riin jfny no vonim man lieeome wedded ' tn lii ciin: and tie who hasawife, way he never lick her (lienor.) Our Sokllers, w ho einptksl so nuuiy eiin-jslrrels, nny tliey never empty beer or whisky barrels never receive tlie .lire ol tlx. enemy in their faces never tall under the influence of jru; khot. A Satiosal PkoIMWTOST Law. W .vsiiiMiTox, .Ian. 1(1. In the Senate to-day Mr. Sumner ntVered a petition for a national prohihilory law and one asking an amendment to tlie Constitu tion to secure teuiiienilice. Mr. Scott presented a memorial for an amend ment to the constitution forbidding the election to ollice of persons addict- eil to drinking intoxicating liquors. Mr. Fentou presented a similar peti tion. A diguiticsl ami oonscqileiitial officer of the marine inrps was passing up Fulton street, when be was accosted by a brotlHT Officer, who, touching him lamiliarly on the shoulder, said: "Well, Broom, how are you?" "Ex cuse inc." was the haughty reply, ,-I wish you would remember that there is a handle to my name!" "Oh yes certainly. How are you. Broom handle?" Something like two hhudred ', tliousaiul co lies ot'tlie recent speech-1 es of Jessrs. Suinin?r, Schurz, Trumbull and other "rocalcitraiits," were sent into New Ilaniisliirv. Tliey were folded and carried i tlironoh the mails at Government At Wusliington the coininitlce on Ways and Means have agreed to reduce tlie duty on steel from 1 to 10 fit 1 cent, and on steel railway liars ora 1 cent to A revolt in the Missouri Peni tentiary was discovered and frus tinted on the 14th, without serious : result. A Bit f AnilCEroil Boys. "You ! are made to U' kind." says Horace ; Mann, "generous and magnanimous. If there is a Ury in the school who lias ! a club foot don't let him know that von ever saw it. If ihere is a boy with rag ged clothes, don't talk about nigs To I ga hearing. If tliere Is a lame boy, assign linn some sirt ol tla? game which dins not require muiiing. If there is a hungry one. give him a rtrt , of your iliuner. If there is a dull one. ; help him to get his lesson. If there is R bright one. be not envious of him : for if one boy is prowl of his talents, and another Is envious of them, there are two great wrong, and no more tal-1 j cuts than before. If a Larger or strong-! i ... , L. .i ., .?..i , s:.. e. uvi law miiwiwi ruu, suu lowrrj iut It, forgive him, and request the k"o punish himAll the scJkm.1 ; wil s um bv t ie r coiinteiianec how1 : n' ,.i. Old Bye Make a Npcmh. iH-er imii. i : 10 w. 11Y EDWARD CAKSWH.I.. I was made to be eaten Am) not to lie drank; To be threshed in a bam, Xot to soak iu a tank. I conn.' as a blessing When nut through a mill ; As a blight and a curse When run through a still. Make ine up into loaves. And your children are fed ; But if into a drink, I will Starve them Instead. Iu bread I'm a servant, The eater sliall rub: ; In drink I am Master, The drinker a fool. Then remember tlie warning, My strength I'll employ : If eaten, to strengthen ; If drank, to destroy. w-. Subscribe for the lU:t.tsiKK. " They Who Hare Nothing for Sale aire Farthest from Market " A. CAROTHERS L CO., WHO KNOW THIS TO BE TRL'K, Are nuw kcBpin-;, anil also coBlKiitljr ro ei'iviiig tilililkiiiii tu, The Largest Stock of Goods USUAL TO THEIR TRADE ABOVE PORTLAND, And AT SU H PllICES That Purchasers Shall be Satisfied. Besides a Large Stock of PATENT MEDICINES, Pain(s,DYe$tiiffs,and Oils, Thoy keep Yankee .lotion, Confeotlonery Finest Tobacc & Cigars WOSTElf HOLM'S CUT L EH SPICES, PERFUMER Y, (AU Un4a), TOILET SOAP, AND Everything m'AM.Y tlHTAINKD IN A SIBHTIA First dama DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. Ml ARTICLE HOLD Bat what is pi unrantecd To Be JUST A8 REPRESENTED. An Must "too Good. Arctic Sotle ? A.CAROTIIKR CO Sl'ttTACLKp. MOMBV CAN Wt III' V IT, FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! But Uie lll.iiuond Snertaele prerrve it. irK NOW ot'FKJt A RLAW TO TIIK if pu'ilie whleli h nvmmnaee1 by the lu, eelelii-Atea oplieialls of llu; wmiU to lie i he iwwt "ii'-. inn u nil. artUMal lielp lo the Itmnttn eye ever known. Tliey nir IteaiuM ineleroiirown RUfmrvtskw, it i Oar own iiiuiiutiuieiy, hi New Hutch, ami are ;io PmwtmettMl tliu Ihe pore or center ol" the lens eoioes directly in froul of llieeye, protlnvthw CUAU AXn SUM I Ml IMOV, As ill the natural, lienlttiy seitit.niKl pn1 ventUMUUl oopifHriioii riunsullotis, mten as ttllniiiiciTiiK and wavering ol slain, dizzi ness, elc, iR'uuliai' load oi hei-, in use. Tlmw RtoMesars luannfuuliinslfroui ml- nutu crystal fieobles ineltiRl loieiher, and ; denve i'heii'i)uuie,"l)iaiiioiid,"oii aeooont ' of their hardnossaudlirllllaney. Tlicyare mounted in tlie thirst manner, at our 'mm t iiiaiuil'iu toi y. In all styles of Kiid, silver, . steel, rubber, nnd shell (mint, of tlie best j nnajfty, Their durahlllty can not be Sur- i passiHl.andlhoir finish is such as will suit ihe inosl fastidious. None genuine miles- ; heartnxoar tradnmrk, o stampeii on every frame. 'orsale bv tlhi princiiHil opticians wild I JeweleiN, I liiDiiKiiont the country, Mumi fucimvd by. I. K. Spencer a Co., practical opliciaus. Sew York. Kor snle onlv by TfTVa KUvrTllEfis, lH-iilei-s in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, etc., Albany, Oregon. Knterufl luvonlhut to act of Oongrws, In lira year isiw, by J k. Spencer a Co., in ihe clerk's ollice of the District four! of the I'nited Slates, for I be Southern Histilcl of New York. 30vJ INSi haxci:. PACIFIC inn: AMD hakim: lsiltivo, COMPANY, SAS EHANliSf'O.CAU Total Aaaela Mow i,7,3a.63 J. HfXT WM.AI.VOKI). . A. J. R ALSTON. A.ll.VIIII) ..Presktent. . .Vice President. . .Secretary, ..Marine secretary. The lending fire and marine insurance I coiiiKinv on Ihisciiast. -o,obo depnslted in Oregon. Losses promptly and eipiilablv adjusted ; nnd Mld in gold com. LADD A TIIiTON, Gen. Agent. For Oregon and Washington Terry. I JOII. COWER, Agent, AI.RASV, OHUJOM. i A t'Attl). 'I'lIK NKW KXfiLANII Mt'Tt'AI. UtV. , 1 liiMirunee ('ollluny, of llostoil, Is Die only compiiny on ilouiif ouslness on Uus const Kovcrue'd by tlie MiiwuM-liimrtta Xou'lbrfeltiirv I.nw. This company was Incorporated A. I). ls.t"i, uiul lias uVvuiniilitteiJ assets of over 4taai.osai no. The following lapstil Kilieles have Iwen paid on this court, under this law: No. of Over due tit licv. time of death. lil.aVf 8 nun i 111'.'! 4 months. Amount i Insured, j .i,oon , lo.noti . s,iVi 3 months. 1.000 S9.1IM 10 (lavs. J,..0tl . 3i;,.vu 11 tnoatbi. :. i Hud Ihe above pollutes lieen in anyother '. roniiuii' tliey would liave lu'eu foi1eltl. j The above filets speak for themMlvet4, j and lo the wine nnd prudent fnrlher isnn iiivnt is unnecessary. KVKRSSIN MIOTU.KMISS;, lien. Agents. Sail Knoieisco. i L. FLINN, Local Agent, ALTIAS V, ORtSUOX, Fcb.-i'i. lS7l-iy 8 ASH FACTO KY. BUILDEB8, A'lT'EXTIOX! SASIf, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY. S. U. ALTIIOl'SK. J. V. B.U'Ka.NSTO. W. KETrHt'M. Airnoi si; Ac CO., Vyou Ktreet. on he River Bank, ALBANY, 0RKG0N, Keep un hand n full assirtnient, and nn rem'd lo Fl'RXLSH TO OKUKR, Door, Snail, BHihIs, nilliriKs, Such us nnd CHOWS. PASKI., BAND A KEtTIOS BOLD, flf all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOlt FRAMKS, Flooring, Mdlnir, Anil All other kin, ot BalldlnK Maerll . will A rani PREP ARKIl TO IH) MUX work. furiiU lml"'r fanfc aafiu TC"T-eb.w,na-U dry'g6oV). I., lllain. K.Youas. J.Bnrroas. BLAIN, YOUNG & CO., Wholeaalc and Retail DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. Agent for All Kind of AQRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS SEWf.VG MA MIXES', And the Celebrated Bain Wagon! BLAIN, YOUNG & CO., FIRE-PROOF BRICK. First Mrect, ALBANY, OREGO. I I :